
OrganoidDB is an integrated organoid resource of transcriptomic data. We analyzed the raw data through a standard pipeline, and present the data on this user-friendly web application.

Currently, OrganoidDB contains 12,902 and 3,307 human and mouse organoid samples (involving 172 organoid types, e.g. colon, liver, brain), respectively, from GEO and ArrayExpress. Other types of samples, including primary tissues, cell lines, xenografts and patient-derived organoids are also integrated to enable comparisons to be made with organoids. As a result, 1,012 comparison and development datasets are organized, including 104 scRNAseq datasets. The raw data were then cleaned and analyzed through a standard pipeline and the integrated data were presented on our user-friendly web application.



The “general” mode, provides search for an overview of a gene expression across different organoids compared with other types of cell culture and primary tissue.

general tab img

1) The expandable help section under each mode describes the input parameters. 2) Under options, you can choose to search among human and mouse samples as well as bulk RNA and single-cell samples



general gene info img general overview img

Organoid Comparison

“Organoid comparison” mode, shows comparison of gene expressions, pathways and cell type compositions in organoid samples to those in tissue, cell line, xenografts, etc, and compare organoids from different derivation sources or different protocols.

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In comparison search, you can choose to 1) search by gene or search by organoid. When searching by gene, you will be able to 2) select a comparison type and its related comparison data sets to display. And 3) filter your search by fold change and P-value.



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Organoid Development

“Organoid development” mode, allows finding of development-correlated genes by calculating correlation of gene expression as organoid cultures develop over time.

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For development searches, you can filter results by gene expression correlation with development time and P-value.



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Organoid Specificity

This mode will help identification of organoid specific genes in various organoid types. Organoid specificity was measured through comparison between the given organoid type and the remaining organoid types using differential expression analysis. Fold change and P-value were used to estimate the organoid specificity.



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Tissue Specificity

This mode will help identification of tissue specific genes in various tissue types. Tissue specificity was measured through comparison between the given tissue type and the remaining tissue types using differential expression analysis. Fold change and P-value were used to estimate the tissue specificity.



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Correlation Analysis

“Correlation analysis”, study gene-gene correlation across organoids or tissues.

correlation tab help img

In correlation search, you can 1) search for similar genes or compare two genes. In both modes, you can 2) select to see correlation of your genes of interest across organoid samples as well as tissue samples



correlation results table img correlation analysis img


Users can browse through organoid datasets and samples using 1) filters such as organoid types, study types, and data types. 2) clicking the dataset ID will lead to a detailed information page showing corresponding organoid culture information, differential genes, enriched functions/pathways, differential cell type markers, cell clustering, marker genes when available.

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Detailed information page

The detailed information page contains the available organoid culture information, differential genes, enriched functions/pathways, differential cell type markers when available. Besides the overall analysis, the single-cell cluster analysis will generate the cell clustering plot with cell type annotation when available, cluster marker genes and differential genes in clusters.

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DB Statistics

Displays sample statistics of our database.

Statistics img



Users were invited to fill a questionnaire to evaluate OrganoidDB on this page, which will help us to improve the use of OrganoidDB. The questionnaire collects information on the following: user intention, user satisfaction, platform usability, platform usefulness and platform ease of use. Users can give a short description of how they intend to use our platform and give a rating of whether they are successful in completing their tasks. In addition, users can also describe in detail their suggestions for OrganoidDB.

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With the increase in organoid research, users are also encouraged to submit their own research data that meets the OrganoidDB data collation standards for future integration. Users can submit their name, e-mail(Required fields), and institution, as well as data source information such as GEO accession, link to the data source along with metadata describing the submission, including Orgnaoid Type, Organism, OrganoidDB will review the submission and automatically inform the submitter when their submission is included in the database.

Submit img
  • Please feel free to contact Professor Jianbo Pan with respect to any details pertaining to OrganoidDB
  • >Address :

    Center for Novel Target and Therapeutic Intervention, Institute of Life Sciences, Chongqing Medical University,

    No. 1 Yixueyuan Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing, 400016, P. R. China.

  • >Email :