DDPD00006 Bivalirudin 2180.2853 C98H138N24O33 CC[C@H](C)[C@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CCC(O)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CCC(O)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CC=CC=C1)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(O)=O)NC(=O)CNC(=O)[C@H](CC(N)=O)NC(=O)CNC(=O)CNC(=O)CNC(=O)CNC(=O)[C@@H]1CCCN1C(=O)[C@H](CCCNC(N)=N)NC(=O)[C@@H]1CCCN1C(=O)[C@H](N)CC1=CC=CC=C1)C(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C(=O)N[C@@H](CCC(O)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCC(O)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC1=CC=C(O)C=C1)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C(O)=O DB00006 16129704 59173 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/bivalirudin.html 10482069 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.204 L/h/kg 3.4 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.204 L/h/kg 3.4 ml/min/kg mild renal function; DRUGBANK 0.162 L/h/kg 2.7 ml/min/kg moderate renal function; DRUGBANK 0.168 L/h/kg 2.8 ml/min/kg severe renal function; DRUGBANK 0.06 L/h/kg 1.0 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 0.486 L/h/kg 8.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.2 L/kg 0.2 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.27 L/kg 0.27 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.416666666666667 h 25 min normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.95 h 57.0 min severe renal function; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5 h DRUGBANK 0.42 h 0.42 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 42.0 mg/kg/day 1.75 mg/kg/h intravenous infusion, iv in drop Angiomax bivalirudin PDR 42.0 mg/kg/day 1.75 mg/kg/hour intravenous infusion, iv in drop Angiomax bivalirudin PDR DDPD00007 Leuprolide 1209.3983 C59H84N16O12 CCNC(=O)[C@@H]1CCCN1C(=O)[C@H](CCCNC(N)=N)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(C)C)NC(=O)[C@@H](CC(C)C)NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CC=C(O)C=C1)NC(=O)[C@H](CO)NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CNC2=C1C=CC=C2)NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CNC=N1)NC(=O)[C@@H]1CCC(=O)N1 DB00007 6427 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/leuprolide.html 571356 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 108.3 ng/ml 4.6-212 ng/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4-5 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 672.0 h 4 week intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 7.95 L/h 7.6-8.3 L/h Average clearance; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.12 L/h/kg 2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 27.0 L 27.0 L Steady state volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.38 L/kg 0.38 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.0 h ~3 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 2.9 h 2.9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 % <5 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 5.0 % <5 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 46.0 % 43-49 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD00014 Goserelin 1269.4105 C59H84N18O14 CC(C)C[C@H](NC(=O)[C@@H](COC(C)(C)C)NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CC=C(O)C=C1)NC(=O)[C@H](CO)NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CNC2=CC=CC=C12)NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CN=CN1)NC(=O)[C@@H]1CCC(=O)N1)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCN=C(N)N)C(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C(=O)NNC(N)=O DB00014 5311128 5523 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/goserelin.html 4470656 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 7.26 L/h 121±42.4 ml/min DRUGBANK 44.1 L 44.1±13.6 L subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4-5 h DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % Urinary excretion; subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 27.3 % 27.3 % DRUGBANK 3.6 mg 3.6 mg subcutaneous injection, SC q4w Zoladex Implant 3.6 mg goserelin acetate PDR 10.8 mg 10.8 mg subcutaneous injection, SC; every 3 months Zoladex Implant 3.6 mg goserelin acetate PDR 3.6 mg 3.6 mg subcutaneous injection, SC q4w Zoladex Implant 3.6 mg goserelin acetate PDR 3.6 mg 3.6 mg subcutaneous injection, SC q4w Zoladex Implant 3.6 mg goserelin acetate PDR 10.8 mg 10.8 mg subcutaneous injection, SC; every 3 months Zoladex Implant 3.6 mg goserelin acetate PDR 3.6 mg 3.6 mg subcutaneous injection, SC q4w Zoladex Implant 3.6 mg goserelin acetate PDR DDPD00027 Gramicidin D 1811.253 C96H135N19O16 CC(C)C[C@@H](NC(=O)CNC(=O)[C@@H](NC=O)C(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@H](C)C(=O)N[C@H](C(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@H](C(C)C)C(=O)N[C@H](C(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC1=CNC2=C1C=CC=C2)C(=O)N[C@H](CC(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC1=CNC2=C1C=CC=C2)C(=O)N[C@H](CC(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC1=CNC2=C1C=CC=C2)C(=O)N[C@H](CC(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC1=CNC2=C1C=CC=C2)C(=O)NCCO DB00027 45267103 24623445 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00035 Desmopressin 1069.22 C46H64N14O12S2 NC(=O)CC[C@@H]1NC(=O)[C@H](CC2=CC=CC=C2)NC(=O)[C@H](CC2=CC=C(O)C=C2)NC(=O)CCSSC[C@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CC(N)=O)NC1=O)C(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C(=O)N[C@H](CCCNC(N)=N)C(=O)NCC(N)=O DB00035 4450 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/desmopressin.html 4470602 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.7 % 3.3-4.1 % inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 0.12 % 0.08-0.16 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.004 ng/ml 4.00±3.85 pg/ml inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 0.00911 ng/ml 9.11±6.90 pg/ml inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 0.25 h 0.25 h inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.75 h inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0.0 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 0.084 L/h/kg 1.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.26 L/kg 0.2–0.32 L/kg PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.3 L/kg 0.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.8 h 2.8 h terminal half-life; inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3.0 h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 9.0 h 9.0 h severe renal function; DRUGBANK 2.555 h 2-3.11 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1e-06 mg/kg/dayay 0.3 ug/kg/10M intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 95.0 % ~95 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 17.3 % 17.3±1.5 % plasma proteins; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD00050 Cetrorelix 1431.038 C70H92ClN17O14 CC(C)C[C@H](NC(=O)[C@@H](CCCNC(N)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CC=C(O)C=C1)NC(=O)[C@H](CO)NC(=O)[C@@H](CC1=CN=CC=C1)NC(=O)[C@@H](CC1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1)NC(=O)[C@@H](CC1=CC2=CC=CC=C2C=C1)NC(C)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCNC(N)=N)C(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C(=O)N[C@H](C)C(N)=O DB00050 25074887 59224 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cetrorelix-acetate.html 10482082 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 85.0 % 85.0 % subcutaneous injection, SC;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 0.0768 L/h/kg 1.28 ml/min/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; normal,healthy;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 0.072 L/h/kg 1.2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.16 L/kg 1.16 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.39 L/kg 0.39 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 62.8 h ~62.8 h DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 86.0 % 86 % DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Cetrotide cetrorelix acetate PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Cetrotide cetrorelix acetate PDR DDPD00067 Vasopressin 2140.46 C92H130N28O24S4 NCCCCC(NC(=O)C1CCCN1C(=O)C1CSSCC(N)C(=O)NC(CC2=CC=C(O)C=C2)C(=O)NC(CC2=CC=CC=C2)C(=O)NC(CCC(N)=O)C(=O)NC(CC(N)=O)C(=O)N1)C(=O)NCC(N)=O.NC1CSSCC(NC(=O)C(CC(N)=O)NC(=O)C(CCC(N)=O)NC(=O)C(CC2=CC=CC=C2)NC(=O)C(CC2=CC=C(O)C=C2)NC1=O)C(=O)N1CCCC1C(=O)NC(CCCN=C(N)N)C(=O)NCC(N)=O DB00067 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/vasopressin.html 10152658 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.25 h 10-20 min DRUGBANK 1.0 % 1 % DRUGBANK DDPD00080 Daptomycin 1620.693 C72H101N17O26 CCCCCCCCCC(=O)N[C@@H](CC1=CNC2=C1C=CC=C2)C(=O)N[C@H](CC(N)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(O)=O)C(=O)N[C@H]1[C@@H](C)OC(=O)[C@H](CC(=O)C2=CC=CC=C2N)NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@@H](CO)NC(=O)CNC(=O)[C@H](CC(O)=O)NC(=O)[C@@H](C)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(O)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CCCN)NC(=O)CNC1=O)[C@H](C)CC(O)=O DB00080 16134395 600103 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/daptomycin.html 10200644 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 99000.0 ng/ml 99±12 mcg/ml intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 48.0 h 48 h DRUGBANK 0.0084 L/h/kg 0.14±0.01 ml/min/kg RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.0096 L/h/kg 0.16 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.1 L/kg 0.1 L/kg normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 0.096 L/kg 0.096±0.009 L/kg RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.088 L/kg 0.088 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.5 h 8-9 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 28.0 h 28 h elimination half-life; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; DRUGBANK 7.8 h 7.8±1.0 h severe renal function &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 8.1 h 8.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 78.0 % ~78 % Urinary excretion; normal,healthy; renal insufficiency &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 5.7 % 5.7 % Faeces excretion; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 47.0 % 47±12 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 91.5 % 90-93 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 92.0 % 92 % DRUGBANK DDPD00091 Cyclosporine 1202.635 C62H111N11O12 CC[C@@H]1NC(=O)[C@H]([C@H](O)[C@H](C)C\C=C\C)N(C)C(=O)[C@H](C(C)C)N(C)C(=O)[C@H](CC(C)C)N(C)C(=O)[C@H](CC(C)C)N(C)C(=O)[C@@H](C)NC(=O)[C@H](C)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(C)C)N(C)C(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CC(C)C)N(C)C(=O)CN(C)C1=O)C(C)C DB00091 T3D3498 5284373 4031 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cyclosporine-drops.html 4447449 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 38.7 % 38.7 % Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 38.7 % 38.7 % Liquid; DRUGBANK 28.0 % 28±18 % PO, oral; Drug form; renal transplant; DRUGBANK 1101.0 ng/ml 1101±570 ng/ml PO, oral; Drug form; renal transplant; DRUGBANK 1333.0 ng/ml 1333±469 ng/ml PO, oral; Drug form; renal transplant; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.9 h 1.8-4.0 h PO, oral; Drug form; renal transplant; DRUGBANK 1.75 h 1.5-2 h PO, oral; Drug form; renal transplant; DRUGBANK 1.69 L/h/kg 0.38-3 L/h/kg DRUGBANK 22.5 L/h ~22.5 L/h Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 0.342 L/h/kg 5.7(0.6-24) ml/min/kg renal transplant; patients; hydrolysis; Children &#8593; ;Elderly &#8595; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.45 L/h/kg 7.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.0 L/kg 4.0-8 L/kg DRUGBANK 4.5 L/kg 4.5(0.12-15.5) L/kg renal transplant; patients; Children &#8593; ;Elderly &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 3.3 L/kg 3.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 19.0 h ~19(10-27) h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 10.7 h 10.7(4.3-53) h renal transplant; patients; Children &#8595; ;Age &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 7.3 h 7.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1480.0 mg/kg 1480.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2329.0 mg/kg 2329.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1480.0 mg/kg 1480.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/kg >1000 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 148.0 mg/kg 148.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 104.0 mg/kg 104.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 46.0 mg/kg 46.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; rabbit; DRUGBANK 12.0 mg/kg 12.0 mg/kg human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.5 % 3-6 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % Bile excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % serum albumin; DRUGBANK 34.0 % ~34 % DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93±2 % DRUGBANK 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Gengraf Capsules cyclosporine PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Gengraf Capsules cyclosporine PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Gengraf Capsules cyclosporine PDR DDPD00104 Octreotide 1019.25 C49H66N10O10S2 [H][C@]1(NC(=O)[C@H](CCCCN)NC(=O)[C@@H](CC2=CNC3=C2C=CC=C3)NC(=O)[C@H](CC2=CC=CC=C2)NC(=O)[C@H](CSSC[C@H](NC1=O)C(=O)N[C@H](CO)[C@@H](C)O)NC(=O)[C@H](N)CC1=CC=CC=C1)[C@@H](C)O DB00104 448601 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/octreotide.html 395352 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 2.5 ng/ml 2.5 ng/ml Capsule, PO, Oral; acromegaly; DRUGBANK 5.3 ng/ml 5.3 ng/ml Capsule, PO, Oral; acromegaly; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 2.085 h 1.67-2.5 h Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 8.5 L/h 7.0-10 L/h DRUGBANK 0.1428 L/h/kg 2.38 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 13.6 L 13.6 L normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 24.25 L 18.1-30.4 L intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.19 L/kg 0.19 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.2 h 0.2 h elimination half-life; subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.3-2.7 h elimination half-life; PO, oral; subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 1.54166666666667 h 72-113 min elimination half-life; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.7 h 1.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 32.0 % 32 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 32.0 % ~32 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 65.0 % ~65 % DRUGBANK 0.24 mg/kg/day 10 mcg/kg/hour intravenous infusion, iv in drop Sandostatin octreotide acetate PDR 0.04 mg/kg/day 40 mcg/kg/day subcutaneous injection, SC;intravenous injection, IV; Sandostatin octreotide acetate PDR 0.015 mg/kg/day 15 mcg/kg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Sandostatin octreotide acetate PDR 0.015 mg/kg/day 15 mcg/kg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Sandostatin octreotide acetate PDR 0.24 mg/kg/day 10 mcg/kg/h intravenous infusion, iv in drop Sandostatin octreotide acetate PDR 0.04 mg/kg/day 40 mcg/kg/day subcutaneous injection, SC;intravenous injection, IV; Sandostatin octreotide acetate PDR 0.24 mg/kg/day 10 mcg/kg/hour intravenous infusion, iv in drop Sandostatin octreotide acetate PDR 0.04 mg/kg/day 40 mcg/kg/day subcutaneous injection, SC;intravenous injection, IV; Sandostatin octreotide acetate PDR DDPD00106 Abarelix 1416.09 C72H95ClN14O14 CC(C)C[C@H](NC(=O)[C@@H](CC(N)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CC=C(O)C=C1)N(C)C(=O)[C@H](CO)NC(=O)[C@@H](CC1=CN=CC=C1)NC(=O)[C@@H](CC1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1)NC(=O)[C@@H](CC1=CC2=C(C=CC=C2)C=C1)NC(C)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCCNC(C)C)C(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C(=O)N[C@H](C)C(N)=O DB00106 16131215 337298 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/abarelix.html 10482301 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 43.4 ng/ml 43.4 ng/ml IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 72.0 h 72 h IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 316.8 h 13.2±3.2 day DRUGBANK 97.5 % 96-99 % DRUGBANK DDPD00114 Pyridoxal phosphate 247.1419 C8H10NO6P CC1=NC=C(COP(O)(O)=O)C(C=O)=C1O DB00114 1051 18405 1022 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00115 Cyanocobalamin 1355.3652 C63H88CoN14O14P C[C@H](CNC(=O)CC[C@]1(C)[C@@H](CC(N)=O)[C@H]2N=C1\C(C)=C1/N=C(/C=C3\N=C(\C(\C)=C4\[C@@H](CCC(N)=O)[C@](C)(CC(N)=O)[C@@]2(C)N4[Co+]C#N)[C@@](C)(CC(N)=O)[C@@H]3CCC(N)=O)C(C)(C)[C@@H]1CCC(N)=O)OP([O-])(=O)O[C@@H]1[C@@H](CO)O[C@@H]([C@@H]1O)N1C=NC2=C1C=C(C)C(C)=C2 DB00115 T3D0673 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/pdfs/ATSDR MRLs - May 2021 - H.pdf 70678590 17439 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cyanocobalamin-b12.html 21864832 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 144.0 h ~6 day DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg 5000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 8000.0 mg/kg >8000 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1e-07 mg/L 0.0001 mg/m3 inhalation, IH; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 0.01 mg/kg/day 0.01 mg/kg/day PO, oral; DRUGBANK DDPD00118 Ademetionine 398.44 C15H22N6O5S C[S+](CC[C@H](N)C([O-])=O)C[C@H]1O[C@H]([C@H](O)[C@@H]1O)N1C=NC2=C1N=CN=C2N DB00118 T3D4456 34755 67040 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/s-adenosylmethionine.html 31982 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50.0 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK DDPD00119 Pyruvic acid 88.0621 C3H4O3 CC(=O)C(O)=O DB00119 T3D4325 1060 32816 1031 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00120 Phenylalanine 165.1891 C9H11NO2 N[C@@H](CC1=CC=CC=C1)C(O)=O DB00120 T3D4366 6140 17295 5910 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00121 Biotin 244.311 C10H16N2O3S [H][C@]12CS[C@@H](CCCCC(O)=O)[C@@]1([H])NC(=O)N2 DB00121 T3D2690 171548 15956 http://www.drugs.com/cons/biotin.html 149962 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50.0 % DRUGBANK DDPD00122 Choline 104.1708 C5H14NO C[N+](C)(C)CCO DB00122 305 15354 299 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3400.0 mg/kg 3400.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD00123 L-Lysine 146.1876 C6H14N2O2 NCCCC[C@H](N)C(O)=O DB00123 5962 18019 5747 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00126 Ascorbic acid 176.1241 C6H8O6 [H][C@@]1(OC(=O)C(O)=C1O)[C@@H](O)CO DB00126 54670067 29073 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ascorbic-acid.html 10189562 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 80.0 % 70-90 % DRUGBANK 0.063 L/h/kg 1.05 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.35 L/kg 0.35 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 384.0 h 16 day DRUGBANK 3.4 h 3.4 h DRUGBANK 11.4 h 11.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25 % DRUGBANK DDPD00128 Aspartic acid 133.1027 C4H7NO4 N[C@@H](CC(O)=O)C(O)=O DB00128 5960 17053 5745 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5000 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD00129 Ornithine 132.161 C5H12N2O2 NCCC[C@H](N)C(O)=O DB00129 6262 15729 6026 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 10000.0 mg/kg 10000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD00130 L-Glutamine 146.1445 C5H10N2O3 N[C@@H](CCC(N)=O)C(O)=O DB00130 T3D4319 5961 58359 5746 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 0.2 L/kg 200.0 ml/kg intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK DDPD00131 Adenosine phosphate 347.2212 C10H14N5O7P NC1=C2N=CN([C@@H]3O[C@H](COP(O)(O)=O)[C@@H](O)[C@H]3O)C2=NC=N1 DB00131 6083 16027 5858 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00132 alpha-Linolenic acid 278.4296 C18H30O2 CC\C=C/C\C=C/C\C=C/CCCCCCCC(O)=O DB00132 T3D4812 5280934 27432 4444437 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00134 Methionine 149.211 C5H11NO2S CSCC[C@H](N)C(O)=O DB00134 T3D4328 6137 16643 5907 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00135 Tyrosine 181.1885 C9H11NO3 N[C@@H](CC1=CC=C(O)C=C1)C(O)=O DB00135 T3D4371 6057 58315 5833 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5510.0 mg/kg 5510.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5110.0 mg/kg 5110.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD00136 Calcitriol 416.6365 C27H44O3 C[C@H](CCCC(C)(C)O)[C@@]1([H])CC[C@@]2([H])\C(CCC[C@]12C)=C\C=C1\C[C@@H](O)C[C@H](O)C1=C DB00136 T3D2692 5280453 17823 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/calcitriol.html 4444108 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 70.6 % 70.6±5.8 % PO, oral; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 72.2 % 72.2±4.8 % PO, oral; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; Male, men; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 61.0 % ~61 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 67.0 % ~67 % Intraperitoneal, IP; DRUGBANK 0.06 ng/ml 60.0±4.4 pg/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 0.09 ng/ml ~90 pg/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.105 ng/ml ~105 pg/ml Intraperitoneal, IP; DRUGBANK 0.46 ng/ml ~460 pg/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 3-6 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 3-6 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h Intraperitoneal, IP; DRUGBANK 1.41 L/h 23.5±4.34 ml/min Total clearance; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.606 L/h 10.1±1.35 ml/min Total clearance; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.0153 L/h/kg 15.3 ml/h/kg pediatric patients; DRUGBANK 0.0258 L/h/kg 0.43±0.04 ml/min/kg young; patients; DRUGBANK 0.0186 L/h/kg 0.31 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.49 L/kg 0.49±0.14 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.27 L/kg 0.27±0.06 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.25 L/kg 0.25 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.5 h 5-8 h elimination half-life; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 16.5 h 16.5±3.1 h young; peritoneal dialysis; Children &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 6.5 h 5-8 h normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 27.0 h 27±12 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 77760.0 h 2-16 year Children; DRUGBANK 11.0 h 11 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 620.0 mg/kg 620.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5.0 mg/kg >5 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.62 mg/kg 620.0 ug/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5.0 mg/kg >5 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 27.0 % ~27 % Faeces excretion; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 7.0 % ~7 % Urinary excretion; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 16.0 % 16 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 49.0 % 49 % Faeces excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 10.0 % <10 % Urinary excretion; young; peritoneal dialysis; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.9 % ~99.9 % DRUGBANK 99.9 % 99.9 % young; peritoneal dialysis; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 28571.4285714286 mg/day 200 g/week skin/dermal Vectical calcitriol PDR 28571.4285714286 mg/day 200 g/week skin/dermal Vectical calcitriol PDR 0.00025 mg/day 0.25 mcg/day PO, oral Vectical calcitriol PDR DDPD00137 Lutein 568.886 C40H56O2 C\C(\C=C\C=C(/C)\C=C\[C@H]1C(C)=C[C@H](O)CC1(C)C)=C/C=C/C=C(\C)/C=C/C=C(\C)/C=C/C1=C(C)C[C@@H](O)CC1(C)C DB00137 5281243 28838 4444655 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00138 Cystine 240.3 C6H12N2O4S2 N[C@@H](CSSC[C@H](N)C(O)=O)C(O)=O DB00138 67678 16283 60997 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00139 Succinic acid 118.088 C4H6O4 OC(=O)CCC(O)=O DB00139 T3D4453 1110 15741 1078 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2260.0 mg/kg 2260.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2260.0 mg/kg 2260.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD00140 Riboflavin 376.3639 C17H20N4O6 CC1=C(C)C=C2N(C[C@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H](O)CO)C3=NC(=O)NC(=O)C3=NC2=C1 DB00140 T3D4817 493570 17015 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/riboflavin.html 431981 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.25 h 66-84 min DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % DRUGBANK DDPD00141 N-Acetylglucosamine 221.2078 C8H15NO6 [H]C(=O)[C@H](NC(C)=O)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H](O)CO DB00141 1738118 17411 1376695 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4170.0 mg/kg 4170.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD00142 Glutamic acid 147.1293 C5H9NO4 N[C@@H](CCC(O)=O)C(O)=O DB00142 T3D4296 33032 16015 30572 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00143 Glutathione 307.323 C10H17N3O6S N[C@@H](CCC(=O)N[C@@H](CS)C(=O)NCC(O)=O)C(O)=O DB00143 T3D4352 124886 16856 111188 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg 5000.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 4020.0 mg/kg 4020.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg 5000.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; rabbit; DRUGBANK 4000.0 mg/kg 4000.0 mg/kg IM,intramuscular injection; mouse; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg 5000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 4020.0 mg/kg 4020.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg 5000.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; rabbit; DRUGBANK 4000.0 mg/kg 4000.0 mg/kg IM,intramuscular injection; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD00144 Phosphatidyl serine 385.3041 C13H24NO10P CCCC(=O)O[C@H](COC(=O)CC)COP(O)(=O)OC[C@H](N)C(O)=O DB00144 6323481 84519 7826046 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5 g/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2 g/kg rabbit; DRUGBANK DDPD00145 Glycine 75.0666 C2H5NO2 NCC(O)=O DB00145 T3D4318 750 15428 730 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7930.0 mg/kg 7930.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5200.0 mg/kg 5200.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2600.0 mg/kg 2600.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 4920.0 mg/kg 4920.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 7930.0 mg/kg 7930.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5200.0 mg/kg 5200.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2600.0 mg/kg 2600.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 4920.0 mg/kg 4920.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD00146 Calcifediol 400.6371 C27H44O2 C[C@H](CCCC(C)(C)O)[C@@]1([H])CC[C@@]2([H])\C(CCC[C@]12C)=C\C=C1\C[C@@H](O)CCC1=C DB00146 T3D2694 5283731 17933 4446820 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 288.0 h 288 h DRUGBANK 0.06 mg/day 60 mcg/day PO, oral Rayaldee calcifediol PDR 0.06 mg/day 60 mcg/day PO, oral Rayaldee calcifediol PDR DDPD00148 Creatine 131.1332 C4H9N3O2 CN(CC(O)=O)C(N)=N DB00148 T3D4290 586 16919 http://www.drugs.com/creatine.html 566 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h DRUGBANK DDPD00150 Tryptophan 204.2252 C11H12N2O2 N[C@@H](CC1=CNC2=C1C=CC=C2)C(O)=O DB00150 T3D4369 6305 16828 6066 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 16000.0 mg/kg >16 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD00151 Cysteine 121.158 C3H7NO2S N[C@@H](CS)C(O)=O DB00151 T3D4156 5862 17561 5653 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00152 Thiamine 265.355 C12H17N4OS CC1=C(CCO)SC=[N+]1CC1=CN=C(C)N=C1N DB00152 T3D2696 1130 18385 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/thiamine.html 1098 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 8224.0 mg/kg 8224.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 3710.0 mg/kg 3710.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 8224.0 mg/kg 8224.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 3710.0 mg/kg 3710.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 92.0 % 90-94 % DRUGBANK DDPD00153 Ergocalciferol 396.6484 C28H44O CC(C)[C@@H](C)\C=C\[C@@H](C)[C@@]1([H])CC[C@@]2([H])\C(CCC[C@]12C)=C\C=C1\C[C@@H](O)CCC1=C DB00153 T3D2697 5280793 28934 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ergocalciferol.html 4444351 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 36.0 h 1-2 day DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/kg 10.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 23.7 mg/kg 23.7 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/kg 10.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.1 mg/day 100 mcg/day PO, oral Drisdol ergocalciferol PDR 4000.0 International Units/day 4000 International Units/day PO, oral Drisdol ergocalciferol PDR 0.1 mg/day 100 mcg/day PO, oral Drisdol ergocalciferol PDR 4000.0 units/day 4000 International Units/day PO, oral Drisdol ergocalciferol PDR 0.1 mg/day 100 mcg/day PO, oral Drisdol ergocalciferol PDR 4000.0 International Units/day 4000 International Units/day PO, oral Drisdol ergocalciferol PDR 0.1 mg/day 100 mcg/day PO, oral Drisdol ergocalciferol PDR 4000.0 InternationaL Units/day 4000 InternationaL Units/day PO, oral Drisdol ergocalciferol PDR 0.075 mg/day 75 mcg/day PO, oral Drisdol ergocalciferol PDR 3000.0 InternationaL Units/day 3000 InternationaL Units/day PO, oral Drisdol ergocalciferol PDR 0.0625 mg/day 62.5 mcg/day PO, oral Drisdol ergocalciferol PDR 2500.0 InternationaL Units/day 2500 InternationaL Units/day PO, oral Drisdol ergocalciferol PDR 0.0375 mg/day 37.5 mcg/day PO, oral Drisdol ergocalciferol PDR 1500.0 International Units/day 1500 International Units/day PO, oral Drisdol ergocalciferol PDR 0.025 mg/day 25 mcg/day PO, oral Drisdol ergocalciferol PDR 1000.0 International Units/day 1000 International Units/day PO, oral Drisdol ergocalciferol PDR DDPD00155 Citrulline 175.1857 C6H13N3O3 N[C@@H](CCCNC(N)=O)C(O)=O DB00155 T3D4295 9750 16349 9367 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00156 Threonine 119.1192 C4H9NO3 C[C@@H](O)[C@H](N)C(O)=O DB00156 T3D4368 6288 16857 6051 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00157 NADH 665.441 C21H29N7O14P2 NC(=O)C1=CN(C=CC1)[C@@H]1O[C@H](CO[P@](O)(=O)O[P@](O)(=O)OC[C@H]2O[C@H]([C@H](O)[C@@H]2O)N2C=NC3=C(N)N=CN=C23)[C@@H](O)[C@H]1O DB00157 439153 16908 388299 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00158 Folic acid 441.3975 C19H19N7O6 NC1=NC(=O)C2=NC(CNC3=CC=C(C=C3)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCC(O)=O)C(O)=O)=CN=C2N1 DB00158 T3D2698 6037 27470 http://www.drugs.com/folic_acid.html 5815 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.12 L/h/kg 52 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 9.7 L/kg 9.7 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.6 h 2.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 85.0 mg/kg 85.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 120.0 mg/kg 120.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; guinea pigs; DRUGBANK 239.0 mg/kg 239.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 500.0 mg/kg 500.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 410.0 mg/kg 410.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; rabbit; DRUGBANK 85.0 mg/kg 85.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 120.0 mg/kg 120.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; guinea pigs; DRUGBANK 239.0 mg/kg 239.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 500.0 mg/kg 500.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 410.0 mg/kg 410.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; rabbit; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ≤90 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 0.8 mg/day 0.8 mg/day PO, oral Folic Acid Tablets folic acid PDR 1.0 mg/day 1 mg/day PO, oral Folic Acid Tablets folic acid PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral Folic Acid Tablets folic acid PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Folic Acid Tablets folic acid PDR 0.6 mg/day 0.6 mg/day PO, oral Folic Acid Tablets folic acid PDR 0.4 mg/day 0.4 mg/day PO, oral Folic Acid Tablets folic acid PDR 0.3 mg/day 0.3 mg/day PO, oral Folic Acid Tablets folic acid PDR 1.0 mg/day 1 mg/day PO, oral Folic Acid Tablets folic acid PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral Folic Acid Tablets folic acid PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Folic Acid Tablets folic acid PDR DDPD00159 Icosapent 302.451 C20H30O2 CC\C=C/C\C=C/C\C=C/C\C=C/C\C=C/CCCC(O)=O DB00159 446284 28364 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/epa-fish-oil.html 393682 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00161 Valine 117.1463 C5H11NO2 CC(C)[C@H](N)C(O)=O DB00161 T3D4370 6287 16414 6050 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00162 Vitamin A 286.4516 C20H30O C\C(=C/CO)\C=C\C=C(/C)\C=C\C1=C(C)CCCC1(C)C DB00162 T3D2699 445354 17336 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/vitamin-a.html 393012 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.9 h DRUGBANK 5.0 % <5 % DRUGBANK 2.8 mg/day 2800 mcg/day PO, oral Aquasol A vitamin A palmitate PDR 9333.0 International Units/day 9333 International Units/day PO, oral Aquasol A vitamin A palmitate PDR 1.7 mg/day 1700 mcg/day PO, oral Aquasol A vitamin A palmitate PDR 5667.0 International Units/day 5667 International Units/day PO, oral Aquasol A vitamin A palmitate PDR 3.0 mg/day 3000 mcg/day PO, oral Aquasol A vitamin A palmitate PDR 10000.0 units/day 10000 International Units/day PO, oral Aquasol A vitamin A palmitate PDR 3.0 mg/day 3000 mcg/day PO, oral Aquasol A vitamin A palmitate PDR 10000.0 International Units/day 10000 International Units/day PO, oral Aquasol A vitamin A palmitate PDR 2.8 mg/day 2800 mcg/day PO, oral Aquasol A vitamin A palmitate PDR 9333.0 International Units/day 9333 International Units/day PO, oral Aquasol A vitamin A palmitate PDR 1.7 mg/day 1700 mcg/day PO, oral Aquasol A vitamin A palmitate PDR 5667.0 InternationaL Units/day 5667 InternationaL Units/day PO, oral Aquasol A vitamin A palmitate PDR 0.9 mg/day 900 mcg/day PO, oral Aquasol A vitamin A palmitate PDR 3000.0 InternationaL Units/day 3000 InternationaL Units/day PO, oral Aquasol A vitamin A palmitate PDR 0.6 mg/day 600 mcg/day PO, oral Aquasol A vitamin A palmitate PDR 2000.0 InternationaL Units/day 2000 InternationaL Units/day PO, oral Aquasol A vitamin A palmitate PDR 0.6 mg/day 600 mcg/day PO, oral Aquasol A vitamin A palmitate PDR 2000.0 International Units/day 2000 International Units/day PO, oral Aquasol A vitamin A palmitate PDR DDPD00163 Vitamin E 430.7061 C29H50O2 CC(C)CCC[C@@H](C)CCC[C@@H](C)CCC[C@]1(C)CCC2=C(O1)C(C)=C(C)C(O)=C2C DB00163 T3D2700 14985 18145 http://www.drugs.com/vitamin_e.html 14265 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 21.5 % 10-33 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 36.0 % 36.0 % PO, oral; Derivative; DRUGBANK 9.0 % 9.0 % PO, oral; Derivative; DRUGBANK 9.7 h 9.7 h PO, oral; Derivative; DRUGBANK 2.4 h 2.4 h PO, oral; Derivative; DRUGBANK 0.0065 L/h/kg 6.5 ml/h/kg IM,intramuscular injection; Prem, premature; DRUGBANK 0.41 L/kg 0.41 L/kg IM,intramuscular injection; Prem, premature; DRUGBANK 44.0 h 44 h IM,intramuscular injection; Prem, premature; DRUGBANK 0.2 h 12 min intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK DDPD00165 Pyridoxine 169.1778 C8H11NO3 CC1=C(O)C(CO)=C(CO)C=N1 DB00165 T3D2701 1054 16709 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/pyridoxine-vitamin-b6-extended-release-tablets.html 1025 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.5 h 5.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 420.0 h 15-20 day adults; DRUGBANK 4000.0 mg/kg 4.0 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 4000.0 mg/kg 4.0 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Pyridoxine Hydrochloride pyridoxine hydrochloride PDR 70.0 mg/kg/dose 70 mg/kg/dose Pyridoxine Hydrochloride pyridoxine hydrochloride PDR 5000.0 mg/dose 5 g/dose Pyridoxine Hydrochloride pyridoxine hydrochloride PDR 20000.0 mg 20 g Pyridoxine Hydrochloride pyridoxine hydrochloride PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Pyridoxine Hydrochloride pyridoxine hydrochloride PDR 70.0 mg/kg/dose 70 mg/kg/dose Pyridoxine Hydrochloride pyridoxine hydrochloride PDR 5000.0 mg/dose 5 g/dose Pyridoxine Hydrochloride pyridoxine hydrochloride PDR 20000.0 mg 20 g Pyridoxine Hydrochloride pyridoxine hydrochloride PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Pyridoxine Hydrochloride pyridoxine hydrochloride PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Pyridoxine Hydrochloride pyridoxine hydrochloride PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Pyridoxine Hydrochloride pyridoxine hydrochloride PDR 70.0 mg/kg/dose 70 mg/kg/dose Pyridoxine Hydrochloride pyridoxine hydrochloride PDR 5.0 g/dose 5 g/dose Pyridoxine Hydrochloride pyridoxine hydrochloride PDR 20.0 g 20 g Pyridoxine Hydrochloride pyridoxine hydrochloride PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Pyridoxine Hydrochloride pyridoxine hydrochloride PDR 70.0 mg/kg/dose 70 mg/kg/dose Pyridoxine Hydrochloride pyridoxine hydrochloride PDR 5.0 g/dose 5 g/dose Pyridoxine Hydrochloride pyridoxine hydrochloride PDR 20.0 g 20 g Pyridoxine Hydrochloride pyridoxine hydrochloride PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Pyridoxine Hydrochloride pyridoxine hydrochloride PDR 500.0 mg 500 mg IM,intramuscular injection Pyridoxine Hydrochloride pyridoxine hydrochloride PDR 70.0 mg/kg/dose 70 mg/kg/dose Pyridoxine Hydrochloride pyridoxine hydrochloride PDR 5.0 g/dose 5 g/dose Pyridoxine Hydrochloride pyridoxine hydrochloride PDR 20.0 g 20 g Pyridoxine Hydrochloride pyridoxine hydrochloride PDR 500.0 mg 500 mg intravenous injection, IV Pyridoxine Hydrochloride pyridoxine hydrochloride PDR 70.0 mg/kg/dose 70 mg/kg/dose Pyridoxine Hydrochloride pyridoxine hydrochloride PDR 5.0 g/dose 5 g/dose Pyridoxine Hydrochloride pyridoxine hydrochloride PDR 20000.0 mg 20 g Pyridoxine Hydrochloride pyridoxine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00166 Lipoic acid 206.326 C8H14O2S2 OC(=O)CCCC[C@@H]1CCSS1 DB00166 T3D2702 6112 30314 5886 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.69 L/h/kg 11.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.804 L/h/kg 13.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.1 L/kg 0.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.11 L/kg 0.11 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.21 h 0.21 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.21 h 0.21 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD00169 Cholecalciferol 384.6377 C27H44O CC(C)CCC[C@@H](C)[C@@]1([H])CC[C@@]2([H])\C(CCC[C@]12C)=C\C=C1\C[C@@H](O)CCC1=C DB00169 T3D2703 5280795 28940 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/cholecalciferol.html 4444353 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.104166666666667 L/h ~2.5 L/day Average clearance; organ transplants; patients; DRUGBANK 237.0 L ~237 L Average volume of distribution; renal transplant; patients; DRUGBANK 1200.0 h ~50 day DRUGBANK 65.0 % 50-80 % DRUGBANK DDPD00170 Menadione 172.18 C11H8O2 CC1=CC(=O)C2=CC=CC=C2C1=O DB00170 T3D2704 4055 28869 3915 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 45.0 % 10-80 % DRUGBANK DDPD00173 Adenine 135.1267 C5H5N5 NC1=C2NC=NC2=NC=N1 DB00173 T3D4279 190 16708 185 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00174 Asparagine 132.1179 C4H8N2O3 N[C@@H](CC(N)=O)C(O)=O DB00174 T3D4362 6267 58048 6031 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00175 Pravastatin 424.5277 C23H36O7 [H][C@]12[C@H](C[C@H](O)C=C1C=C[C@H](C)[C@@H]2CC[C@@H](O)C[C@@H](O)CC(O)=O)OC(=O)[C@@H](C)CC DB00175 54687 63618 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/pravastatin.html 49398 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 75.0 ng.h/ml 60-90 mcg.h/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 17.0 % 17.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 18.0 % 18±8 % Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 42.5 ng/ml 30-55 mcg/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 33.0 ng/ml 28-38 ng/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1.25 h 1-1.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.2 h 1-1.4 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 0.594 L/h/kg 6.3-13.5 ml/min/kg adults; DRUGBANK 450.0 L/h 4.0-11 L/min Children; DRUGBANK 0.81 L/h/kg 13.5±2.4 ml/min/kg Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.5 L/kg 0.5 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.034 L/kg 31-37 mL/kg Steady state volume of distribution; Children; DRUGBANK 0.46 L/kg 0.46±0.04 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1.8 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 0.8 h 0.8±0.2 h DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1.8±0.8 h PO, oral; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Age &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 8939.0 mg/kg 8939.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 70.0 % ~70 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 20.0 % ~20 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 47.0 % ~47 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 53.0 % 53 % Bile excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 47.0 % 47±7 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~43-48 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 45.5 % 43-48 % DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Pravastatin Sodium pravastatin sodium PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Pravastatin Sodium pravastatin sodium PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Pravastatin Sodium pravastatin sodium PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Pravastatin Sodium pravastatin sodium PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Pravastatin Sodium pravastatin sodium PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Pravastatin Sodium pravastatin sodium PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Pravastatin Sodium pravastatin sodium PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Pravastatin Sodium pravastatin sodium PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Pravastatin Sodium pravastatin sodium PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Pravastatin Sodium pravastatin sodium PDR DDPD00176 Fluvoxamine 318.34 C15H21F3N2O2 COCCCC\C(=N/OCCN)C1=CC=C(C=C1)C(F)(F)F DB00176 T3D2705 3404 5138 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/fluvoxamine.html 4481878 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 53.0 % 53.0 % DRUGBANK 1.917 L/h/kg 31.95 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 25.0 L/kg 25.0 L/kg DRUGBANK 23.5 L/kg 23.5 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 15.6 h 15.6 h DRUGBANK 12.5 h 12.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 94.0 % 94 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.0 % ~2 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~77-80 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD00177 Valsartan 435.5188 C24H29N5O3 CCCCC(=O)N(CC1=CC=C(C=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1C1=NNN=N1)[C@@H](C(C)C)C(O)=O DB00177 60846 9927 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/valsartan.html 54833 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 23.0 % 23±7 % PO, oral; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1600.0 ng/ml 1.6±0.6 mcg/ml Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 4-6 h Oral single dose; patients; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2(1.5-3) h Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 9.0 % 9 % Liver metabolism; Drug form; DRUGBANK 2.0 L/h ~2 L/h Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.62 L/h 0.62 L/h Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.0294 L/h/kg 0.49±0.09 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; adults; Male, men; Elderly &#8595; ;hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.0294 L/h/kg 0.49 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 17.0 L 17.0 L Steady state volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.23 L/kg 0.23±0.09 L/kg normal,healthy; adults; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.22 L/kg 0.22 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.0 h ~6 h intravenous injection, IV; elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 9.4 h 9.4±3.8 h normal,healthy; adults; Male, men; Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 9.5 h 9.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg ~>2000 mg/kg intragastric; DRUGBANK 83.0 % ~83 % Faeces excretion; Liquid; DRUGBANK 13.0 % ~13 % Urinary excretion; Liquid; DRUGBANK 29.0 % 29±5.8 % Urinary excretion; adults; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % adults; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.7 mg/kg/day 2.7 mg/kg/day PO, oral Valsartan valsartan PDR 160.0 mg/day 160 mg/day PO, oral Valsartan valsartan PDR 320.0 mg/day 320 mg/day PO, oral Valsartan valsartan PDR 320.0 mg/day 320 mg/day PO, oral Valsartan valsartan PDR 2.7 mg/kg/day 2.7 mg/kg/day PO, oral Valsartan valsartan PDR 160.0 mg/day 160 mg/day PO, oral Valsartan valsartan PDR 320.0 mg/day 320 mg/day PO, oral Valsartan valsartan PDR DDPD00178 Ramipril 416.5106 C23H32N2O5 [H][C@@]12CCC[C@]1([H])N([C@@H](C2)C(O)=O)C(=O)[C@H](C)N[C@@H](CCC1=CC=CC=C1)C(=O)OCC DB00178 5362129 8774 http://www.drugs.com/ramipril.html 4514937 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 55.0 % 50-60 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 28.0 % 28.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 44.0 % 44.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 28.0 % 28.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 48.0 % 48.0 % PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 43.3 ng/ml 43.3±10.2 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 24.1 ng/ml 24.1±5.6 ng/ml PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 1.2 h 1.2±0.3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3.0±0.7 h PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 75.0 % 75.0 % Liver metabolism; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 1.46705202312139 L/h/m2 7.2-77.4 ml/min/1.73m2 DRUGBANK 4.125 L/h 10.7-126.8 ml/min Renal clearance; normal,healthy; Geriatric; DRUGBANK 1.38 L/h/kg 23.0 ml/min/kg PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 13.5 h 9-18 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 50.0 h >50 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 15.0 h 13-17 h DRUGBANK 31.5 h 27-36 h DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5±2 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 13.5 h 9-18 h elimination half-life; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 120.0 h ~120 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 10000.0 mg/kg 10.0 g/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 10500.0 mg/kg 10.5 g/kg mouse; DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/kg 1.0 g/kg dog; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 2.0 % <2 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 2.0 % <2 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 13.0 % 13±6 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 73.0 % 73 % DRUGBANK 73.0 % 73±2 % PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 56.0 % 56±2 % PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 6.0 mg/m2/day 6 mg/m2/day PO, oral Altace ramipril PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Altace ramipril PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Altace ramipril PDR 6.0 mg/m2/day 6 mg/m2/day PO, oral Altace ramipril PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Altace ramipril PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Altace ramipril PDR DDPD00179 Masoprocol 302.3649 C18H22O4 C[C@@H](CC1=CC(O)=C(O)C=C1)[C@H](C)CC1=CC(O)=C(O)C=C1 DB00179 T3D4813 71398 73468 64490 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.5 % <1-2 % DRUGBANK DDPD00180 Flunisolide 434.4977 C24H31FO6 [H][C@@]12C[C@@]3([H])[C@]4([H])C[C@H](F)C5=CC(=O)C=C[C@]5(C)[C@@]4([H])[C@@H](O)C[C@]3(C)[C@@]1(OC(C)(C)O2)C(=O)CO DB00180 82153 5106 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/flunisolide-spray.html 74144 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.57 L/h/kg 9.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.08 L/kg 1.08 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1.8 h DRUGBANK 1.68 h 1.68 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 40.0 % ~40 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.64 mg/day 640 mcg/day inhalation, IH Aerospan flunisolide PDR 100.0 mcg/nostril/day 100 mcg/nostril/day nasal spray Aerospan flunisolide PDR 0.32 mg/day 320 mcg/day inhalation, IH Aerospan flunisolide PDR 100.0 mcg/nostril/day 100 mcg/nostril/day nasal spray Aerospan flunisolide PDR 0.64 mg/day 640 mcg/day inhalation, IH Aerospan flunisolide PDR 200.0 mcg/nostriL/day 200 mcg/nostriL/day nasal spray Aerospan flunisolide PDR 0.64 mg/day 640 mcg/day inhalation, IH Aerospan flunisolide PDR 200.0 mcg/nostril/day 200 mcg/nostril/day nasal spray Aerospan flunisolide PDR 0.64 mg/day 640 mcg/day inhalation, IH Aerospan flunisolide PDR 100.0 mcg/nostril/day 100 mcg/nostril/day nasal spray Aerospan flunisolide PDR 0.64 mg/day 640 mcg/day inhalation, IH Aerospan flunisolide PDR 0.2 mg/day 200 mcg/nostril/day nasal spray Aerospan flunisolide PDR DDPD00181 Baclofen 213.661 C10H12ClNO2 NCC(CC(O)=O)C1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1 DB00181 T3D2554 2284 2972 http://www.drugs.com/baclofen.html 2197 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; increasing doses; increasing doses &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 70.0 % >70 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 160.0 ng/ml 160±49 ng/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1.0(0.5-4) h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 15.0 % 15 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 85 % Renal metabolism; Urinary excretion; Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 10.8 L/h 180.0 ml/min Total clearance; DRUGBANK 6.18 L/h 103.0 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.1632 L/h/kg 2.72±0.93 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; Rectal Administration; normal,healthy; Male, men; adults; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.102 L/h/kg 1.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 59.0 L 59.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.813 L/kg 0.81±0.12 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; Rectal Administration; normal,healthy; Male, men; adults; DRUGBANK 0.65 L/kg 0.65 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.5 h ~5.5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 3.75 h 3.75±0.96 h normal,healthy; adults; Male, men; DRUGBANK 5.24 h 5.24 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 145.0 mg/kg 145.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 45.0 mg/kg 45.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 78.0 mg/kg 78.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 75.0 % 70-80 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 69.0 % 69±14 % Urinary excretion; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30 % DRUGBANK 31.0 % 31±11 % adults; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Baclofen baclofen PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Baclofen baclofen PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Baclofen baclofen PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Baclofen baclofen PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Baclofen baclofen PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Baclofen baclofen PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Baclofen baclofen PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Baclofen baclofen PDR DDPD00182 Amphetamine 135.2062 C9H13N CC(N)CC1=CC=CC=C1 DB00182 T3D2706 3007 132233 http://www.drugs.com/amphetamine.html 13852819 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 75.0 % >75 % PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.7 L/h/kg 0.7 L/h/kg DRUGBANK 0.4 L/h/kg 0.4 L/h/kg RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 4.0 L/kg 4.0 L/kg DRUGBANK 10.0 h 9-11 h Raceme D; DRUGBANK 12.5 h 11-14 h Raceme L; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 7 h acidity; DRUGBANK 34.0 h 34 h alkalinity; DRUGBANK 180.0 mg/kg 180.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Urine alkaline &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 40.0 % ~40 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; Urine alkaline &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % DRUGBANK 18.8 mg/day 18.8 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Evekeo amphetamine sulfate PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day Liquid Evekeo amphetamine sulfate PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Evekeo amphetamine sulfate PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Evekeo amphetamine sulfate PDR 12.5 mg/day 12.5 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Evekeo amphetamine sulfate PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Evekeo amphetamine sulfate PDR 12.5 mg/day 12.5 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Evekeo amphetamine sulfate PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day Liquid Evekeo amphetamine sulfate PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Evekeo amphetamine sulfate PDR 12.5 mg/day 12.5 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Evekeo amphetamine sulfate PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Evekeo amphetamine sulfate PDR DDPD00183 Pentagastrin 767.9 C37H49N7O9S CSCC[C@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CNC2=C1C=CC=C2)NC(=O)CCNC(=O)OC(C)(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(O)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC1=CC=CC=C1)C(N)=O DB00183 9853654 31974 8029364 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.166666666666667 h <=10 min DRUGBANK DDPD00184 Nicotine 162.2316 C10H14N2 CN1CCC[C@H]1C1=CN=CC=C1 DB00184 T3D0799 89594 17688 http://www.drugs.com/nicotine.html 80863 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 72.0 L/h 1.2 L/min adults; normal,healthy; Somking; DRUGBANK 1.08 L/h/kg 18 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.5 L/kg 2.0-3 L/kg DRUGBANK 2.6 L/kg 2.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 1-3 h DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 24.0 mg/kg 24.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 140.0 mg/kg 140.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 25.0 mg/kg 25.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5.9 mg/kg 5900.0 ug/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 2.8 mg/kg 2.8 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 24.0 mg/kg 24.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 10.0 % ~10 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 5.0 % <5 % DRUGBANK 24.0 pieces/day 24 pieces/day PO, oral Nicotrol NS nicotine PDR 21.0 mg/day 21 mg/day skin/dermal Nicotrol NS nicotine PDR 20.0 Lozenges/day 20 Lozenges/day PO, oral Nicotrol NS nicotine PDR 40.0 sprays/day 40 sprays/day nasal spray Nicotrol NS nicotine PDR 64.0 mg/day 64 mg/day inhalation, IH Nicotrol NS nicotine PDR 24.0 pieces/day 24 pieces/day PO, oral Nicotrol NS nicotine PDR 21.0 mg/day 21 mg/day skin/dermal Nicotrol NS nicotine PDR 14.0 mg/day 14 mg/day skin/dermal Nicotrol NS nicotine PDR 24.0 pieces/day 24 pieces/day PO, oral Nicotrol NS nicotine PDR 21.0 mg/day 21 mg/day skin/dermal Nicotrol NS nicotine PDR 20.0 lozenges/day 20 lozenges/day PO, oral Nicotrol NS nicotine PDR 40.0 sprays/day 40 sprays/day nasal spray Nicotrol NS nicotine PDR 64.0 mg/day 64 mg/day inhalation, IH Nicotrol NS nicotine PDR DDPD00185 Cevimeline 199.313 C10H17NOS CC1O[C@@]2(CS1)CN1CCC2CC1 DB00185 25137844 3568 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cevimeline.html 21864737 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.75 h 1.5-2 h DRUGBANK 44.5 % 44.5 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 22.3 % 22.3 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 4.0 % 4 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 6.0 L/kg 6.0 L/kg DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5±1 h DRUGBANK 84.0 % 84 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 20.0 % <20 % DRUGBANK 90.0 mg/day 90 mg/day PO, oral Evoxac cevimeline hydrochloride PDR 90.0 mg/day 90 mg/day PO, oral Evoxac cevimeline hydrochloride PDR DDPD00186 Lorazepam 321.158 C15H10Cl2N2O2 OC1N=C(C2=CC=CC=C2Cl)C2=C(NC1=O)C=CC(Cl)=C2 DB00186 T3D4585 3958 6539 http://www.drugs.com/lorazepam.html 3821 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93±10 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 48.0 ng/ml 48.0 ng/ml IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 28.0 ng/ml ~28 ng/ml PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 30.0 ng/ml ~30 ng/ml IM,intramuscular injection; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 75.0 ng/ml ~75 ng/ml intravenous injection, IV; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.375 h 0.25-0.5 h IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.2-2.6 h PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.2 h 1.2 h IM,intramuscular injection; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.348 L/h/kg 5.8 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 0.066 L/h/kg 1.1±0.4 ml/min/kg metabolism of ugt; Elderly &#8594; ;metastatic prostate cancer &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8593; ;Burn &#8593; ;Somking &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.06 L/h/kg 1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.3 L/kg 1.3 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.3 L/kg 1.3±0.2 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; Elderly &#8594; ;metastatic prostate cancer &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8593; ;Burn &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.3 L/kg 1.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 14.0 h 14 h parenteral administration; DRUGBANK 14.0 h 14±5 h Neonates &#8593; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;CPBS &#8594; ;acute viral hepatitis AVH &#8594; ;Burn &#8595; ;Age &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 17.0 h 17 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1850.0 mg/kg 1850.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1850.0 mg/kg 1850.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 3178.0 mg/kg 3178.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 88.0 % 88 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 7.0 % 7 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.3 % 0.3 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 85 % DRUGBANK 91.0 % 91±2 % Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;Burn &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Ativan Tablets lorazepam PDR 4.0 mg/day 4 mg/day PO, oral Ativan Tablets lorazepam PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Ativan Tablets lorazepam PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Ativan Tablets lorazepam PDR 4.0 mg/day 4 mg/day PO, oral Ativan Tablets lorazepam PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Ativan Tablets lorazepam PDR DDPD00187 Esmolol 295.374 C16H25NO4 COC(=O)CCC1=CC=C(OCC(O)CNC(C)C)C=C1 DB00187 59768 88206 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/esmolol.html 53916 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0833333333333333 h 5.0 min DRUGBANK 20.0 L/h/kg 20.0 L/kg/h Male, men; DRUGBANK 17.4 L/h/kg 290 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.2 L/kg 1.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.0333333333333333 h ~2 min rapid distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 0.15 h ~9 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 3.7 h ~3.7 h elimination half-life; Metabolite; DRUGBANK 0.15 h 0.15 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 % <2 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 55.0 % 55 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 mg/kg/dose 1000 mcg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Brevibloc esmolol hydrochloride PDR 1440.0 mg/kg/day 1000 mcg/kg/minute intravenous infusion, iv in drop Brevibloc esmolol hydrochloride PDR 500.0 mcg/kg/dose 500 mcg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Brevibloc esmolol hydrochloride PDR 288.0 mg/kg/day 200 mcg/kg/min intravenous infusion, iv in drop Brevibloc esmolol hydrochloride PDR 432.0 mg/kg/day 300 mcg/kg/min intravenous infusion, iv in drop Brevibloc esmolol hydrochloride PDR 1.0 mg/kg/dose 1000 mcg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Brevibloc esmolol hydrochloride PDR 1440.0 mg/kg/day 1000 mcg/kg/minute intravenous infusion, iv in drop Brevibloc esmolol hydrochloride PDR 500.0 mcg/kg/dose 500 mcg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Brevibloc esmolol hydrochloride PDR 288.0 mg/kg/day 200 mcg/kg/minute intravenous infusion, iv in drop Brevibloc esmolol hydrochloride PDR 432.0 mg/kg/day 300 mcg/kg/minute intravenous infusion, iv in drop Brevibloc esmolol hydrochloride PDR 1.0 mg/kg/dose 1000 mcg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Brevibloc esmolol hydrochloride PDR 1440.0 mg/kg/day 1000 mcg/kg/min intravenous infusion, iv in drop Brevibloc esmolol hydrochloride PDR 500.0 mcg/kg/dose 500 mcg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Brevibloc esmolol hydrochloride PDR 720.0 mg/kg/day 500 mcg/kg/minute intravenous infusion, iv in drop Brevibloc esmolol hydrochloride PDR DDPD00188 Bortezomib 384.237 C19H25BN4O4 CC(C)C[C@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CC=CC=C1)NC(=O)C1=CN=CC=N1)B(O)O DB00188 387447 52717 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/bortezomib.html 343402 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 57.0 ng/ml 57.0 ng/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 112.0 ng/ml 112.0 ng/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 86.5 ng/ml 67-106 ng/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 104.5 ng/ml 89-120 ng/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 102.0 L/h 102.0 L/h Average clearance; DRUGBANK 112.0 L/h 112.0 L/h Average clearance; DRUGBANK 15.0 L/h 15.0 L/h Average clearance; DRUGBANK 32.0 L/h 32.0 L/h Average clearance; DRUGBANK 1.14 L/h/kg 19 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1191.0 L/m2 498-1884 L/m2 Average volume of distribution; multiple myeloma; patients; DRUGBANK 10.0 L/kg 10 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 116.5 h 40-193 h elimination half-life; Multiple dose; DRUGBANK 92.0 h 76-108 h Multiple dose; DRUGBANK 18.0 h 18 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.357142857142857 mg/kg/day 5.0 mg/kg/14D mouse; DRUGBANK 0.133333333333333 mg/kg/day 1.6 mg/kg/12D mouse; DRUGBANK 83.0 % ~83 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.3 mg/m2/dose 1.3 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV;subcutaneous injection, SC; Velcade bortezomib PDR 1.6 mg/m2/dose 1.6 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV Velcade bortezomib PDR 1.3 mg/m2/dose 1.3 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV;subcutaneous injection, SC; Velcade bortezomib PDR 1.6 mg/m2/dose 1.6 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV Velcade bortezomib PDR DDPD00189 Ethchlorvynol 144.6 C7H9ClO CCC(O)(\C=C\Cl)C#C DB00189 T3D2708 5281077 4882 http://www.drugs.com/cons/ethchlorvynol.html 4444534 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 15.0 h ~10-20 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 60.5 h 21-100 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 42.5 % 35-50 % DRUGBANK DDPD00190 Carbidopa 226.2292 C10H14N2O4 C[C@@](CC1=CC(O)=C(O)C=C1)(NN)C(O)=O DB00190 34359 39585 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/carbidopa.html 31640 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 55.0 % 40-70 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 321.333333333333 ng.h/ml 19.28 mcg.min/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 58.0 % 58.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 85.0 ng/ml 0.085 mcg/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 165.0 ng/ml 165±77 ng/ml PO, oral; Drug form; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 81.0 ng/ml 81±28 ng/ml PO, oral; Drug form; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.38333333333333 h 143 min PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.1 h 2.1±1.0 h PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 51.7 L/h 51.7 L/h DRUGBANK 1.08 L/h/kg 18±7 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 3.6 L/kg 3.6 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.78333333333333 h ~107 min DRUGBANK 2.0 h ~2 h normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 4810.0 mg/kg 4810.0 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % Urinary excretion; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.3 % 5.3±2.1 % Urinary excretion; adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 76.0 % 76 % DRUGBANK 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Lodosyn carbidopa PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Lodosyn carbidopa PDR DDPD00191 Phentermine 149.2328 C10H15N CC(C)(N)CC1=CC=CC=C1 DB00191 T3D2709 4771 8080 http://www.drugs.com/phentermine.html 4607 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.0 % 6.0 % DRUGBANK 8.79 L/h 8.79 L/h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 59.0 L/kg 5.0 L/kg DRUGBANK 20.0 h ~20 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 7.5 h 7-8 h elimination half-life; Uric acid; DRUGBANK 151.0 mg/kg 151.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 17.5 mg/kg 15-20 mg/kg monkey; DRUGBANK 75.0 % ~70-80 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 17.5 % 17.5 % DRUGBANK 37.5 mg/day 37.5 mg/day PO, oral Lomaira phentermine hydrochloride PDR 37.5 mg/day 37.5 mg/day PO, oral Lomaira phentermine hydrochloride PDR 37.5 mg/day 37.5 mg/day PO, oral Lomaira phentermine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00192 Indecainide 308.4174 C20H24N2O CC(C)NCCCC1(C(N)=O)C2=CC=CC=C2C2=CC=CC=C12 DB00192 52195 135314 47194 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/kg 100.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; young; adults; mouse; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD00193 Tramadol 263.3752 C16H25NO2 COC1=CC=CC(=C1)[C@@]1(O)CCCC[C@@H]1CN(C)C DB00193 T3D2575 33741 75725 http://www.drugs.com/tramadol.html 31105 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 75.0 % 75.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 77.0 % 77.0 % Rectal Administration; DRUGBANK 72.5 % 70-75 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 300.0 ng/ml 300.0 ug/L Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 348.0 ng/ml 348.0 ug/L Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 166.0 ng/ml 166.0 ug/L IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 294.0 ng/ml 294.0 ug/L Rectal Administration; DRUGBANK 592.0 ng/ml 592±178 ng/ml Tablet, PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 110.0 ng/ml 110±32 ng/ml Tablet, PO, oral; Active metabolite; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.75 h 1.6-1.9 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.75 h IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 3.3 h 3.3 h Rectal Administration; DRUGBANK 2.3 h 2.3±1.4 h Tablet, PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 2.4 h 2.4±1.1 h Tablet, PO, oral; Active metabolite; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 48.0 h 2.0 day Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 92.5 % 90-95 % Liver metabolism; Caucasian; DRUGBANK 7.5 % 5-10 % Liver metabolism; poor metabolizers, PM; DRUGBANK 0.2238 L/h/kg 3.73 ml/min/kg RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; patients; DRUGBANK 0.51 L/h/kg 8.5 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 0.48 L/h/kg 8(6-12) ml/min/kg hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.39 L/h/kg 6.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.75 L/kg 2.6-2.9 L/kg DRUGBANK 306.0 L 306.0 L Total volume of distribution; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 203.0 L 203.0 L Total volume of distribution; parenteral administration; DRUGBANK 2.7 L/kg 2.7(2.3-3.9) L/kg DRUGBANK 2.8 L/kg 2.8 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.5 h 5-6 h DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8 h Metabolite; DRUGBANK 5.5 h 5.5(4.5-7.5) h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;chronic liver disease &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 5.8 h 5.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 350.0 mg/kg 350.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 325.0 mg/kg 300-350 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 30.0 % ~30 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 10-30 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 20.0 % ~20 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % DRUGBANK 0.0 0 Ultram ER tramadol hydrochloride PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Ultram ER tramadol hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Ultram ER tramadol hydrochloride PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Ultram ER tramadol hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Ultram ER tramadol hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Ultram ER tramadol hydrochloride PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Ultram ER tramadol hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg 300 mg PO, oral Ultram ER tramadol hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Ultram ER tramadol hydrochloride PDR 0.0 0 Ultram ER tramadol hydrochloride PDR DDPD00194 Vidarabine 267.2413 C10H13N5O4 NC1=NC=NC2=C1N=CN2[C@@H]1O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O DB00194 21704 45327 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/vidarabine-ophthalmic.html 20400 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5020.0 mg/kg >5020 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 31.0 % 24-38 % DRUGBANK DDPD00195 Betaxolol 307.4278 C18H29NO3 CC(C)NCC(O)COC1=CC=C(CCOCC2CC2)C=C1 DB00195 2369 3082 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/betaxolol-drops.html 2279 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 89.0 % >89 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 85 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 0.204 L/h/kg 3.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.8 L/kg 4.8 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 18.0 h 14-22 h DRUGBANK 17.0 h 17 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 375.0 mg/kg 350-400 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 920.0 mg/kg 860-980 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % DRUGBANK 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Betoptic S betaxolol hydrochloride PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Betoptic S betaxolol hydrochloride PDR 4.0 drop/day 4 drop/day ophthalmic administration Betoptic S betaxolol hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Betoptic S betaxolol hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Betoptic S betaxolol hydrochloride PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Betoptic S betaxolol hydrochloride PDR 4.0 drop/day 4 drop/day ophthalmic administration Betoptic S betaxolol hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Betoptic S betaxolol hydrochloride PDR DDPD00196 Fluconazole 306.2708 C13H12F2N6O OC(CN1C=NC=N1)(CN1C=NC=N1)C1=C(F)C=C(F)C=C1 DB00196 T3D2711 3365 46081 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/fluconazole.html 3248 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 20.3 null 20.3 null PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 10600.0 ng/ml 10.6±0.4 mcg/ml PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h PO, oral; patients; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 1.7-4.3 h PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 180.0 h 5-10 day Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 6.5 % 6.5 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 2.0 % 2 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.0138 L/h/kg 0.23 ml/min/kg Average clearance; adults; DRUGBANK 1.17 L/h 19.5±4.7 ml/min Total clearance; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.882 L/h 14.7±3.7 ml/min Renal clearance; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.0162 L/h/kg 0.27±0.07 ml/min/kg Neonates &#8594; ;Prem, premature &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;AIDS,HIV &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.0186 L/h/kg 0.31 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 39.0 L 39.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.6 L/kg 0.60±0.11 L/kg Neonates &#8593; ;Prem, premature &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.75 L/kg 0.75 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 30.0 h ~30(20-50) h elimination half-life; PO, oral; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 32.0 h 32±5 h Prem, premature &#8593; ;Children &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 30.0 h 30 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1271.0 mg/kg 1271.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 93.3 % 93.3 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~80 % Urinary excretion; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 75.0 % 75±9 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 11.5 % 11-12 % DRUGBANK 11.0 % 11±1 % DRUGBANK 12.0 mg/kg/day 12 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Diflucan fluconazole PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Diflucan fluconazole PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Diflucan fluconazole PDR 12.0 mg/kg/day 12 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Diflucan fluconazole PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Diflucan fluconazole PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Diflucan fluconazole PDR 12.0 mg/kg/day 12 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Diflucan fluconazole PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Diflucan fluconazole PDR 12.0 mg/kg/day 12 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Diflucan fluconazole PDR 12.0 mg/kg/day 12 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Diflucan fluconazole PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Diflucan fluconazole PDR 12.0 mg/kg/day 12 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Diflucan fluconazole PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Diflucan fluconazole PDR DDPD00197 Troglitazone 441.54 C24H27NO5S CC1=C(C)C2=C(CCC(C)(COC3=CC=C(CC4SC(=O)NC4=O)C=C3)O2)C(C)=C1O DB00197 T3D4789 5591 9753 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/troglitazone.html 5389 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 23.0 h 16-30 h DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % DRUGBANK DDPD00198 Oseltamivir 312.4045 C16H28N2O4 CCOC(=O)C1=C[C@@H](OC(CC)CC)[C@H](NC(C)=O)[C@@H](N)C1 DB00198 65028 7798 http://www.drugs.com/oseltamivir.html 58540 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 112.0 ng.h/ml 112.0 ng.h/ml Capsule, PO, Oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2719.0 ng.h/ml 2719.0 ng.h/ml Capsule, PO, Oral; food; Active metabolite; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 75.0 % >75 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 65.0 ng/ml 65.0 ng/ml Capsule, PO, Oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 348.0 ng/ml 348.0 ng/ml Capsule, PO, Oral; food; Active metabolite; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 18.8 L/h 18.8 L/h Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 24.5 L ~23-26 L Average volume of distribution; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 1-3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 6-10 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 20.0 % <20 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 42.0 % 42 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 75.0 mg 75 mg PO, oral bid Tamiflu oseltamivir phosphate PDR 60.0 mg 60 mg PO, oral bid Tamiflu oseltamivir phosphate PDR 45.0 mg 45 mg PO, oral bid Tamiflu oseltamivir phosphate PDR 30.0 mg 30 mg PO, oral bid Tamiflu oseltamivir phosphate PDR 75.0 mg 75 mg PO, oral bid Tamiflu oseltamivir phosphate PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Tamiflu oseltamivir phosphate PDR 75.0 mg 75 mg PO, oral bid Tamiflu oseltamivir phosphate PDR 75.0 mg 75 mg PO, oral bid Tamiflu oseltamivir phosphate PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/dose PO, oral bid Tamiflu oseltamivir phosphate PDR 7.0 mg/kg/day 3.5 mg/kg/dose PO, oral bid Tamiflu oseltamivir phosphate PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/dose PO, oral bid Tamiflu oseltamivir phosphate PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/dose PO, oral bid Tamiflu oseltamivir phosphate PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/dose PO, oral bid Tamiflu oseltamivir phosphate PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/dose PO, oral bid Tamiflu oseltamivir phosphate PDR 3.0 mg/kg/day 1.5 mg/kg/dose PO, oral bid Tamiflu oseltamivir phosphate PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 1 mg/kg/dose PO, oral bid Tamiflu oseltamivir phosphate PDR DDPD00199 Erythromycin 733.9268 C37H67NO13 CC[C@H]1OC(=O)[C@H](C)[C@@H](O[C@H]2C[C@@](C)(OC)[C@@H](O)[C@H](C)O2)[C@H](C)[C@@H](O[C@@H]2O[C@H](C)C[C@@H]([C@H]2O)N(C)C)[C@](C)(O)C[C@@H](C)C(=O)[C@H](C)[C@@H](O)[C@]1(C)O DB00199 T3D4764 12560 42355 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/erythromycin-ointment.html 12041 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7300.0 ng.h/ml 7.3±3.9 mg.h/l PO, oral; DRUGBANK 31.5 % 18-45 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 35.0 % 35±25 % DRUGBANK 1.8 ng/ml 1.8 mcg/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2200.0 ng/ml 0.9-3.5 mcg/ml PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 950.0 ng/ml 0.5-1.4 mcg/ml Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.2 h 1.2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2.1-3.9 h PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.53 L/h/kg 0.53±0.13 l/h/kg intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 42.2 L/h 42.2±10.1 L/h Hepatitis, Hep; patients; Hepatitis, Hep &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 113.2 L/h 113.2±44.2 L/h normal,healthy; patients; DRUGBANK 0.546 L/h/kg 9.1±4.1 ml/min/kg hydrolysis; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.336 L/h/kg 5.6 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.78 L/kg 0.78±0.44 L/kg RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.95 L/kg 0.95 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5 h elimination half-life; PO, oral; different study; DRUGBANK 2.75 h 2.4-3.1 h elimination half-life; PO, oral; different study; DRUGBANK 1.6 h 1.6±0.7 h Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 9272.0 mg/kg 9272.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5.0 % <5 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 12.0 % 12±7 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 80-90 % DRUGBANK 84.0 % 84±3 % RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 50.0 mg/kg/day 50 mg/kg/day PO, oral Erythrocin Stearate erythromycin stearate PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day PO, oral Erythrocin Stearate erythromycin stearate PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Erythrocin Stearate erythromycin stearate PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Erythrocin Stearate erythromycin stearate PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Erythrocin Stearate erythromycin stearate PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Erythrocin Stearate erythromycin stearate PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Erythrocin Stearate erythromycin stearate PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Erythrocin Stearate erythromycin stearate PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Erythrocin Stearate erythromycin stearate PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day intravenous injection, IV Erythrocin Stearate erythromycin stearate PDR 50.0 mg/kg/day 50 mg/kg/day PO, oral Erythrocin Stearate erythromycin stearate PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day PO, oral Erythrocin Stearate erythromycin stearate PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Erythrocin Stearate erythromycin stearate PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Erythrocin Stearate erythromycin stearate PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Erythrocin Stearate erythromycin stearate PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Erythrocin Stearate erythromycin stearate PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Erythrocin Stearate erythromycin stearate PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Erythrocin Stearate erythromycin stearate PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Erythrocin Stearate erythromycin stearate PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day intravenous injection, IV Erythrocin Stearate erythromycin stearate PDR 50.0 mg/kg/day 50 mg/kg/day PO, oral Erythrocin Stearate erythromycin stearate PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day PO, oral Erythrocin Stearate erythromycin stearate PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Erythrocin Stearate erythromycin stearate PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Erythrocin Stearate erythromycin stearate PDR 50.0 mg/kg/day 50 mg/kg/day PO, oral Erythrocin Stearate erythromycin stearate PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Erythrocin Stearate erythromycin stearate PDR DDPD00200 Hydroxocobalamin 1346.3551 C62H89CoN13O15P [N+]1=2[Co-3]345([N+]6=C7[C@H]([C@@](CC(=O)N)(C)[C@@]6([C@@]6(N3C(=C(C)C3=[N+]4C(C(C)(C)[C@@H]3CCC(=O)N)=CC3=[N+]5C(=C7C)[C@@](CC(=O)N)([C@@H]3CCC(=O)N)C)[C@@](C)([C@H]6CC(=O)N)CCC(NC[C@@H](C)OP(=O)(O[C@@H]3[C@H](O[C@H](N(C4=CC(=C(C=C14)C)C)C=2)[C@@H]3O)CO)[O-])=O)[H])C)CCC(=O)N)O[H] DB00200 T3D0677 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/pdfs/ATSDR MRLs - May 2021 - H.pdf 70678542 27786 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/hydroxocobalamin.html 21403074 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 144.0 h ~6 day DRUGBANK 50.0 ml/kg >50 mL/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 1e-07 mg/L 0.0001 mg/m3 inhalation, IH; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 0.01 mg/kg/day 0.01 mg/kg/day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % high protein binding; DRUGBANK DDPD00201 Caffeine 194.1906 C8H10N4O2 CN1C=NC2=C1C(=O)N(C)C(=O)N2C DB00201 T3D2712 2519 27732 http://www.drugs.com/caffeine.html 2424 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; adults; adults &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 8000.0 ng/ml 6-10 mg/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.25 h 0.5-2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.078 L/h/kg 1.3 ml/min/kg Average clearance; DRUGBANK 0.084 L/h/kg 1.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.85 L/kg 0.8-0.9 L/kg Average volume of distribution; Infants; DRUGBANK 0.6 L/kg 0.6 L/kg Average volume of distribution; adults; DRUGBANK 0.63 L/kg 0.63 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 h ~5 h Children; Adolescents; DRUGBANK 2.5 h ~2.5 h Somking; DRUGBANK 20.0 h >20 h Preg, pregnant; DRUGBANK 8.0 h ~8 h Neonates; DRUGBANK 100.0 h 100 h Prem, premature; hepatopathy,LD &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 4.9 h 4.9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 192.0 mg/kg 192.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 127.0 mg/kg 127.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1.25 % 0.5-2 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 23.0 % 10-36 % DRUGBANK 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Caffeine Citrate caffeine citrate PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Caffeine Citrate caffeine citrate PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Caffeine Citrate caffeine citrate PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Caffeine Citrate caffeine citrate PDR 3.75 mg/kg/day 3.75 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Caffeine Citrate caffeine citrate PDR 3.75 mg/kg/day 3.75 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Caffeine Citrate caffeine citrate PDR DDPD00202 Succinylcholine 290.399 C14H30N2O4 C[N+](C)(C)CCOC(=O)CCC(=O)OCC[N+](C)(C)C DB00202 5314 45652 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/succinylcholine.html 5123 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 10.0 % ~10 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.5 mg/kg/dose 1.5 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Quelicin succinylcholine chloride PDR 4.0 mg/kg/dose 4 mg/kg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Quelicin succinylcholine chloride PDR 150.0 mg/dose 150 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Quelicin succinylcholine chloride PDR 2.0 mg/kg/dose 2 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Quelicin succinylcholine chloride PDR 4.0 mg/kg/dose 4 mg/kg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Quelicin succinylcholine chloride PDR 1.5 mg/kg 1.5 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Quelicin succinylcholine chloride PDR 150.0 mg 150 mg IM,intramuscular injection Quelicin succinylcholine chloride PDR 1.5 mg/kg/dose 1.5 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Quelicin succinylcholine chloride PDR 4.0 mg/kg/dose 4 mg/kg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Quelicin succinylcholine chloride PDR 150.0 mg/dose 150 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Quelicin succinylcholine chloride PDR 1.5 mg/kg 1.5 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Quelicin succinylcholine chloride PDR 150.0 mg 150 mg IM,intramuscular injection Quelicin succinylcholine chloride PDR 2.0 mg/kg/dose 2 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Quelicin succinylcholine chloride PDR 4.0 mg/kg/dose 4 mg/kg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Quelicin succinylcholine chloride PDR 4.0 mg/kg/dose 4 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Quelicin succinylcholine chloride PDR 5.0 mg/kg/dose 5 mg/kg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Quelicin succinylcholine chloride PDR 4.0 mg/kg/dose 4 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Quelicin succinylcholine chloride PDR DDPD00203 Sildenafil 474.576 C22H30N6O4S CCCC1=NN(C)C2=C1N=C(NC2=O)C1=CC(=CC=C1OCC)S(=O)(=O)N1CCN(C)CC1 DB00203 5212 9139 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/sildenafil.html 5023 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 41.0 % ~41 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 44.0 % 25-63 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 58.63 % 58.63 % Oral multiple dose; hypertension; increasing doses; hypertension &#8593; ;increasing doses &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 38.0 % 38.0 % DRUGBANK 212.0 ng/ml 212±59 ng/ml DRUGBANK 1.25 h 0.5-2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.2 h 1.2±0.3 h DRUGBANK 41.0 L/h 41.0 L/h Total clearance; DRUGBANK 0.36 L/h/kg 6.0±1.1 ml/min/kg hydrolysis; hydrolysis; normal,healthy; Male, men; Elderly &#8595; ;hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.54 L/h/kg 9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 105.0 L ~105 L Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 1.2 L/kg 1.2±0.3 L/kg hydrolysis; hydrolysis; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 1.36 L/kg 1.36 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.0 h ~3-5 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 2.4 h 2.4±1.0 h Male, men; DRUGBANK 2.2 h 2.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~80 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 13.0 % ~13 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % Urinary excretion; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 96.0 % 96 % Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 mg 20 mg PO, oral tid Revatio sildenafil PDR 10.0 mg 10 mg PO, oral tid Revatio sildenafil PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Revatio sildenafil PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Revatio sildenafil PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Revatio sildenafil PDR 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day PO, oral Revatio sildenafil PDR 20.0 mg 20 mg PO, oral tid Revatio sildenafil PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Revatio sildenafil PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Revatio sildenafil PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Revatio sildenafil PDR 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day PO, oral Revatio sildenafil PDR 3.0 mg/kg/day 1 mg/kg/dose PO, oral q8h Revatio sildenafil PDR 3.0 mg/kg/day 1 mg/kg/dose PO, oral q8h Revatio sildenafil PDR 0.4 mg/kg/dose 0.4 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Revatio sildenafil PDR 0.00279166666666667 mg/kg/day 0.067 mg/kg/hour intravenous infusion, iv in drop Revatio sildenafil PDR DDPD00204 Dofetilide 441.565 C19H27N3O5S2 CN(CCOC1=CC=C(NS(C)(=O)=O)C=C1)CCC1=CC=C(NS(C)(=O)=O)C=C1 DB00204 71329 4681 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/dofetilide.html 64435 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % food &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 96.0 % 96(83-108) % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.3 ng/ml 2.3±1.1 ng/ml Oral single dose; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.75 h 1-2.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.3138 L/h/kg 5.23±0.30 ml/min/kg hydrolysis; normal,healthy; adults; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.312 L/h/kg 5.2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.0 L/kg 3.0 L/kg DRUGBANK 3.44 L/kg 3.44±0.25 L/kg hydrolysis; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 3.3 L/kg 3.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.0 h 10 h DRUGBANK 7.5 h 7.5±0.4 h normal,healthy; Male, men;  Female, women; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 8.1 h 8.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 52.0 % 52±2 % Urinary excretion; adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 65.0 % 60-70 % DRUGBANK 60.0 % 64 % Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 mg/day 1000 mcg/day PO, oral Tikosyn dofetilide PDR 1.0 mg/day 1000 mcg/day PO, oral Tikosyn dofetilide PDR DDPD00205 Pyrimethamine 248.711 C12H13ClN4 CCC1=C(C(N)=NC(N)=N1)C1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1 DB00205 T3D4779 4993 8673 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/pyrimethamine.html 4819 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.0 h 2-6 h DRUGBANK 0.00312 L/h/kg 0.052 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.43 L/kg 0.43 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 96.0 h 96 h DRUGBANK 140.0 h 140 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 87.0 % 87 % DRUGBANK 1.0 mg/kg/day 1 mg/kg/day Daraprim pyrimethamine PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day Daraprim pyrimethamine PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day Daraprim pyrimethamine PDR 75.0 mg/day 75 mg/day PO, oral Daraprim pyrimethamine PDR 75.0 mg/day 75 mg/day PO, oral Daraprim pyrimethamine PDR 75.0 mg/day 75 mg/day PO, oral Daraprim pyrimethamine PDR 1.0 mg/kg/day 1 mg/kg/day Daraprim pyrimethamine PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day Daraprim pyrimethamine PDR 1.0 mg/kg/day 1 mg/kg/day Daraprim pyrimethamine PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day Daraprim pyrimethamine PDR DDPD00206 Reserpine 608.6787 C33H40N2O9 [H][C@]12C[C@@H](OC(=O)C3=CC(OC)=C(OC)C(OC)=C3)[C@H](OC)[C@@H](C(=O)OC)[C@@]1([H])C[C@@]1([H])N(CCC3=C1NC1=C3C=CC(OC)=C1)C2 DB00206 T3D2713 5770 28487 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/reserpine.html 5566 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 420.0 mg/kg 420.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 44.0 mg/kg 44.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 15.0 mg/kg 15.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 200.0 mg/kg 200.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 52.0 mg/kg 52.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 7.0 mg/kg 7.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; rabbit; DRUGBANK 420.0 mg/kg 420.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 44.0 mg/kg 44.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; parenteral administration; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 15.0 mg/kg 15.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; parenteral administration; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 200.0 mg/kg 200.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 52.0 mg/kg 52.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; parenteral administration; mouse; DRUGBANK 7.0 mg/kg 7.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; parenteral administration; rabbit; DRUGBANK 62.0 % 62 % DRUGBANK 0.5 mg/day 0.5 mg/day PO, oral Reserpine reserpine PDR 1.0 mg/day 1 mg/day PO, oral Reserpine reserpine PDR 0.25 mg/day 0.25 mg/day PO, oral Reserpine reserpine PDR DDPD00207 Azithromycin 748.9845 C38H72N2O12 CC[C@H]1OC(=O)[C@H](C)[C@@H](O[C@H]2C[C@@](C)(OC)[C@@H](O)[C@H](C)O2)[C@H](C)[C@@H](O[C@@H]2O[C@H](C)C[C@@H]([C@H]2O)N(C)C)[C@](C)(O)C[C@@H](C)CN(C)[C@H](C)[C@@H](O)[C@]1(C)O DB00207 447043 2955 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/azithromycin-drops.html 10482163 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 37.0 % 37.0 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 34.0 % 34±19 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 400.0 ng/ml 0.4 mcg/ml PO, oral; adults; patients; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h PO, oral; adults; patients; DRUGBANK 37.8 L/h 630.0 ml/min Plasma clearance; PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.54 L/h/kg 9.0 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 0.6 L/h/kg 10 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 31.1 L/kg 31.1 L/kg Steady state volume of distribution; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 31.0 L/kg 31.0 L/kg DRUGBANK 33.0 L/kg 33 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 68.0 h 68 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 40.0 h 40.0 h Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 68.0 h 68±8 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 69.0 h 69 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 6.0 % ~6 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 12.0 % 12 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 51.0 % 51 % human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.0 % 7 % human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 28.5 % 7-50 % DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % DRUGBANK 12.0 % 12 % DRUGBANK 12.0 mg/kg/day 12 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 30.0 mg/kg 30 mg/kg PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 60.0 mg/kg 60 mg/kg PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 30.0 mg/kg 30 mg/kg PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 60.0 mg/kg 60 mg/kg PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 500.0 mg/dose 500 mg/dose PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 1500.0 mg/dose 1.5 g/dose PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 2000.0 mg/dose 2 g/dose PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 500.0 mg/dose 500 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 500.0 mg/day 500 mg/day PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 2000.0 mg/dose 2 g/dose PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 500.0 mg/day 500 mg/day intravenous infusion, iv in drop Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 500.0 mg/day 500 mg/day PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 2000.0 mg/dose 2 g/dose PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 500.0 mg/day 500 mg/day intravenous infusion, iv in drop Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 12.0 mg/kg/day 12 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 30.0 mg/kg/dose 30 mg/kg/dose PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 1200.0 mg/kg 1200 mg/kg PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 60.0 mg/kg 60 mg/kg PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 500.0 mg/dose 500 mg/dose PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 1500.0 mg/dose 1.5 g/dose PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 2000.0 mg/dose 2 g/dose PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 500.0 mg/dose 500 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 500.0 mg/day 500 mg/day PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 2.0 g/dose 2 g/dose PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 500.0 mg/day 500 mg/day intravenous infusion, iv in drop Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 30.0 mg/kg 30 mg/kg PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 60.0 mg/kg 60 mg/kg PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zithromax 250 mg and 500 mg Tablets and Oral Suspension azithromycin PDR DDPD00208 Ticlopidine 263.786 C14H14ClNS ClC1=CC=CC=C1CN1CCC2=C(C1)C=CS2 DB00208 5472 9588 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ticlopidine.html 5273 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 80.0 % >80 % PO, oral; food; food &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 7.9 h ~7.9 h Single dose; adults; DRUGBANK 12.6 h 12.6 h Single dose; Elderly; DRUGBANK 96.0 h ~4 day adults; DRUGBANK 120.0 h ~5 day Elderly; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 23.0 % 23 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 15.0 % ≤15 % DRUGBANK 500.0 mg/day 500 mg/day PO, oral Ticlopidine Hydrochloride ticlopidine hydrochloride PDR 500.0 mg/day 500 mg/day PO, oral Ticlopidine Hydrochloride ticlopidine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00209 Trospium 392.518 C25H30NO3 [H][C@]12CC[C@]([H])(C[C@@H](C1)OC(=O)C(O)(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1)[N+]21CCCC1 DB00209 5284632 145791 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/trospium.html 10482307 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 9.6 % 9.6 % DRUGBANK 29.07 L/h 29.07 L/h Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.834 L/h/kg 13.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 395.0 L 395±140 L DRUGBANK 5.1 L/kg 5.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 h 20 h DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 85.2 % 85.2 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5.8 % 5.8 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 67.5 % 50-85 % DRUGBANK 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Trospium Chloride Tablets trospium chloride PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Trospium Chloride Tablets trospium chloride PDR DDPD00210 Adapalene 412.5201 C28H28O3 COC1=C(C=C(C=C1)C1=CC2=C(C=C1)C=C(C=C2)C(O)=O)C12CC3CC(CC(C3)C1)C2 DB00210 T3D4673 60164 31174 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/adapalene-cream.html 54244 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 8.37 ng.h/ml 8.37±8.46 ng.h/ml skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 0.553 ng/ml 0.553±0.466 ng/ml skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 17.2 h 17.2±10.2(7-51) h elimination half-life; ointment; gel; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5000 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 10.0 ml/kg >10 mL/kg PO, oral; mouse; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 75.0 % ~75 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK DDPD00211 Midodrine 254.2823 C12H18N2O4 COC1=CC(C(O)CNC(=O)CN)=C(OC)C=C1 DB00211 4195 6933 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/midodrine.html 4050 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93.0 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 23.1 L/h 385.0 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 1.674 L/h/kg 27.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.67 L/kg 0.67 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.5 h ~3-4 h Metabolite; DRUGBANK 0.6 h 0.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/kg ~30-50 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 675.0 mg/kg ~675 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 142.5 mg/kg ~125-160 mg/kg PO, oral; dog; DRUGBANK DDPD00213 Pantoprazole 383.37 C16H15F2N3O4S COC1=C(OC)C(CS(=O)C2=NC3=C(N2)C=C(OC(F)F)C=C3)=NC=C1 DB00213 4679 7915 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/pantoprazole.html 4517 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5000.0 ng.h/ml 5.0 ug.h/ml Oral single dose; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 77.0 % 77.0 % PO, oral; increasing dosing frequency; increasing dosing frequency &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2.5 ng/ml ~2.5 ug/L Oral single dose; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h PO, oral; increasing dosing frequency; increasing dosing frequency &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h Oral single dose; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 10.8 L/h 7.6-14.0 L/h Total clearance; intravenous injection, IV; extensive metabolizers, EM; adults; gaining weight &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 2.4 L/h 2.4 L/h gastroesophageal reflux disease; Children; DRUGBANK 0.132 L/h/kg 2.2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 17.3 L 11-23.6 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.17 L/kg 0.17 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 h ~1 h DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 747.0 mg/kg 747.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 71.0 % ~71 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 18.0 % 18 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 98.0 % ~98 % DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Protonix Delayed Release Oral Suspension and Tablets pantoprazole sodium PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Protonix Delayed Release Oral Suspension and Tablets pantoprazole sodium PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Protonix Delayed Release Oral Suspension and Tablets pantoprazole sodium PDR 2.5 mg/kg/day 2.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Protonix Delayed Release Oral Suspension and Tablets pantoprazole sodium PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Protonix Delayed Release Oral Suspension and Tablets pantoprazole sodium PDR 2.5 mg/kg/day 2.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Protonix Delayed Release Oral Suspension and Tablets pantoprazole sodium PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Protonix Delayed Release Oral Suspension and Tablets pantoprazole sodium PDR 160.0 mg/day 160 mg/day PO, oral Protonix Delayed Release Oral Suspension and Tablets pantoprazole sodium PDR 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Protonix Delayed Release Oral Suspension and Tablets pantoprazole sodium PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Protonix Delayed Release Oral Suspension and Tablets pantoprazole sodium PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Protonix Delayed Release Oral Suspension and Tablets pantoprazole sodium PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Protonix Delayed Release Oral Suspension and Tablets pantoprazole sodium PDR 2.5 mg/kg/day 2.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Protonix Delayed Release Oral Suspension and Tablets pantoprazole sodium PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Protonix Delayed Release Oral Suspension and Tablets pantoprazole sodium PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Protonix Delayed Release Oral Suspension and Tablets pantoprazole sodium PDR 160.0 mg/day 160 mg/day PO, oral Protonix Delayed Release Oral Suspension and Tablets pantoprazole sodium PDR 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Protonix Delayed Release Oral Suspension and Tablets pantoprazole sodium PDR 1.2 mg/kg/day 1.2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Protonix Delayed Release Oral Suspension and Tablets pantoprazole sodium PDR 1.2 mg/kg/day 1.2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Protonix Delayed Release Oral Suspension and Tablets pantoprazole sodium PDR DDPD00214 Torasemide 348.42 C16H20N4O3S CC(C)NC(=O)NS(=O)(=O)C1=C(NC2=CC=CC(C)=C2)C=CN=C1 DB00214 41781 9637 38123 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 80.0 % >80 % DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % Liver metabolism; Inactive metabolite; DRUGBANK 9.0 % 9 % DRUGBANK 11.0 % 11 % DRUGBANK 0.2 L/kg 0.2 L/kg DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5 h DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg 5.0 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 75.0 % 70-80 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 25.0 % 20-30 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Demadex torsemide PDR 200.0 mg 200 mg PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Demadex torsemide PDR 40.0 mg 40 mg PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Demadex torsemide PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Demadex torsemide PDR 200.0 mg 200 mg PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Demadex torsemide PDR 40.0 mg 40 mg PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Demadex torsemide PDR DDPD00215 Citalopram 324.3919 C20H21FN2O CN(C)CCCC1(OCC2=C1C=CC(=C2)C#N)C1=CC=C(F)C=C1 DB00215 T3D2715 2771 77397 http://www.drugs.com/citalopram.html 2669 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80.0 % Oral single dose; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80±13 % PO, oral; Drug form; DRUGBANK 50.0 ng/ml 50±9 ng/ml Oral single dose; Drug form; DRUGBANK 21.0 ng/ml 21±4 ng/ml Oral single dose; Drug form; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h Oral single dose; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4-5 h Oral single dose; Drug form; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4-5 h Oral single dose; Drug form; DRUGBANK 19.8 L/h 330.0 ml/min Total clearance; DRUGBANK 0.258 L/h/kg 4.3±1.2 ml/min/kg hydrolysis; Elderly &#8595; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.528 L/h/kg 8.8±3.2 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; hydrolysis; Elderly &#8595; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.258 L/h/kg 4.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.0 L/kg 12.0 L/kg DRUGBANK 12.3 L/kg 12.3±2.3 L/kg DRUGBANK 15.4 L/kg 15.4±2.4 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 12.0 L/kg 12 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 35.0 h ~35 h DRUGBANK 33.0 h 33±4 h Raceme D/L; CYP2C19; chronic liver disease &#8593; ;moderate renal function &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 22.0 h 22±6 h CYP2C19; chronic liver disease &#8593; ;moderate renal function &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 33.0 h 33 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 56.0 mg/kg 56.0 mg/kg PO, oral; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 179.0 mg/kg 179.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 17.5 % 12-23 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 10.5 % 10.5±1.4 % Urinary excretion; Raceme D/L; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 8.0 % 8 % Urinary excretion; Raceme D; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % Raceme D/L; DRUGBANK 56.0 % 56 % Raceme D; DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Celexa citalopram hydrobromide PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Celexa citalopram hydrobromide PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Celexa citalopram hydrobromide PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Celexa citalopram hydrobromide PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Celexa citalopram hydrobromide PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Celexa citalopram hydrobromide PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Celexa citalopram hydrobromide PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Celexa citalopram hydrobromide PDR DDPD00216 Eletriptan 382.519 C22H26N2O2S CN1CCC[C@@H]1CC1=CNC2=C1C=C(CCS(=O)(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1)C=C2 DB00216 77993 50922 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/eletriptan.html 70379 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.9 L/h 3.9 L/h Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.318 L/h/kg 5.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 138.0 L 138.0 L DRUGBANK 1.6 L/kg 1.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.0 h ~4 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 4.2 h 4.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 85.0 % ~85 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD00217 Bethanidine 177.2462 C10H15N3 CN\C(NCC1=CC=CC=C1)=N/C DB00217 2368 37937 2278 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 9.0 h 9(7-11) h DRUGBANK DDPD00218 Moxifloxacin 401.4314 C21H24FN3O4 [H][C@]12CN(C[C@@]1([H])NCCC2)C1=C(F)C=C2C(=O)C(=CN(C3CC3)C2=C1OC)C(O)=O DB00218 152946 63611 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/moxifloxacin-drops.html 134802 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 86.0 % 86±1 % PO, oral; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2500.0 ng/ml 2.5±1.3 mcg/ml Oral single dose; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2.0(0.5-6.0) h Oral single dose; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 52.0 % 52 % PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 38.0 % 38 % PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 14.0 % 14 % PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 12.0 L/h 12±2 L/h DRUGBANK 0.1362 L/h/kg 2.27±0.24 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; adults; Male, men; metabolism of ugt; hydrolysis; DRUGBANK 0.144 L/h/kg 2.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.2 L/kg 1.7-2.7 L/kg DRUGBANK 2.05 L/kg 2.05±1.15 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.4 L/kg 1.4 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 13.55 h 11.5-15.6 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 15.4 h 15.4±1.2 h normal,healthy; adults; Male, men; DRUGBANK 8.2 h 8.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 % ~20 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 25.0 % ~25 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 21.9 % 21.9±3.6 % Urinary excretion; adults; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % Plasma Concentration &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 39.4 % 39.4±2.4 % adults; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day ophthalmic administration Vigamox moxifloxacin hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Vigamox moxifloxacin hydrochloride PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Vigamox moxifloxacin hydrochloride PDR 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day ophthalmic administration Vigamox moxifloxacin hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Vigamox moxifloxacin hydrochloride PDR 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day ophthalmic administration Vigamox moxifloxacin hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Vigamox moxifloxacin hydrochloride PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Vigamox moxifloxacin hydrochloride PDR 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day ophthalmic administration Vigamox moxifloxacin hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Vigamox moxifloxacin hydrochloride PDR 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day ophthalmic administration Vigamox moxifloxacin hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Vigamox moxifloxacin hydrochloride PDR 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day ophthalmic administration Vigamox moxifloxacin hydrochloride PDR 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day ophthalmic administration Vigamox moxifloxacin hydrochloride PDR DDPD00219 Oxyphenonium 348.4996 C21H34NO3 CC[N+](C)(CC)CCOC(=O)C(O)(C1CCCCC1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00219 5749 94329 5547 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93 % DRUGBANK DDPD00220 Nelfinavir 567.782 C32H45N3O4S [H][C@@]12CCCC[C@]1([H])CN(C[C@@H](O)[C@H](CSC1=CC=CC=C1)NC(=O)C1=C(C)C(O)=CC=C1)[C@@H](C2)C(=O)NC(C)(C)C DB00220 64143 7496 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/nelfinavir.html 57718 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % 20-80 % PO, oral; food; AIDS,HIV; DRUGBANK 3200.0 ng/ml 3.2±1.2 mcg/ml adults; AIDS,HIV; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3.0±1.1 h adults; AIDS,HIV; DRUGBANK 0.72 L/h/kg 12.0±7.2 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; normal,healthy; patients; Children &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 4.5 L/kg 2.0-7 L/kg DRUGBANK 4.5 L/kg 2-7 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; normal,healthy; patients; DRUGBANK 4.25 h 3.5-5 h DRUGBANK 4.0 h 3-5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 87.0 % 87 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.5 % 1-2 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 22.0 % 22 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.5 % 1-2 % Urinary excretion; normal,healthy; AIDS,HIV; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % DRUGBANK 98.5 % 98-99 % normal,healthy; AIDS,HIV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 110.0 mg/kg/day 110 mg/kg/day PO, oral Viracept nelfinavir mesylate PDR 2500.0 mg/day 2500 mg/day PO, oral Viracept nelfinavir mesylate PDR 2500.0 mg/day 2500 mg/day PO, oral Viracept nelfinavir mesylate PDR 2500.0 mg/day 2500 mg/day PO, oral Viracept nelfinavir mesylate PDR 2500.0 mg/day 2500 mg/day PO, oral Viracept nelfinavir mesylate PDR DDPD00221 Isoetharine 239.3107 C13H21NO3 CCC(NC(C)C)C(O)C1=CC(O)=C(O)C=C1 DB00221 3762 6005 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/isoetharine-inhalation.html 3630 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00222 Glimepiride 490.62 C24H34N4O5S CCC1=C(C)CN(C(=O)NCCC2=CC=C(C=C2)S(=O)(=O)NC(=O)N[C@H]2CC[C@H](C)CC2)C1=O DB00222 3476 5383 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/glimepiride.html 16740595 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 359.0 ng/ml 359±98 ng/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h Oral single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h Oral multiple dose; diabetes; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 3.126 L/h 52.1±16.0 ml/min Total clearance; DRUGBANK 2.91 L/h 48.5±29.3 ml/min Total clearance; Oral single dose; diabetes; patients; DRUGBANK 3.162 L/h 52.7±40.3 ml/min Total clearance; Oral multiple dose; diabetes; patients; DRUGBANK 2.868 L/h 47.8 ml/min Total clearance; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.0372 L/h/kg 0.62±0.26 ml/min/kg severe renal function &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.03 L/h/kg 0.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.8 L 8.8 L intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.18 L/kg 0.18 L/kg severe renal function &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.19 L/kg 0.19 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.5 h ~5-8 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 3.4 h 3.4±2.0 h normal,healthy; Male, men; moderate renal function &#8594; ;severe renal function &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 10.0 h 10 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10000.0 mg/kg >10000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3950.0 mg/kg 3950.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 60.0 % ~60 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 40.0 % ~40 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.5 % <0.5 % Urinary excretion; Male, men; normal,healthy; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.5 % >99.5 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 99.5 % >99.5 % Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.0 mg/day 8 mg/day PO, oral Amaryl glimepiride PDR 8.0 mg/day 8 mg/day PO, oral Amaryl glimepiride PDR 8.0 mg/day 8 mg/day PO, oral Amaryl glimepiride PDR 8.0 mg/day 8 mg/day PO, oral Amaryl glimepiride PDR DDPD00223 Diflorasone 410.4515 C22H28F2O5 [H][C@@]12C[C@H](C)[C@](O)(C(=O)CO)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1(F)[C@@]2([H])C[C@H](F)C2=CC(=O)C=C[C@]12C DB00223 71415 59750 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/diflorasone-diacetate-cream.html 64505 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1428.57142857 mg/day 10 g/week skin/dermal ApexiCon E diflorasone diacetate PDR 7142.85714285714 mg/day 50 g/week skin/dermal ApexiCon E diflorasone diacetate PDR 7142.85714285714 mg/day 50 g/week skin/dermal ApexiCon E diflorasone diacetate PDR 7142.85714285714 mg/day 50 g/week skin/dermal ApexiCon E diflorasone diacetate PDR DDPD00224 Indinavir 613.7895 C36H47N5O4 CC(C)(C)NC(=O)[C@@H]1CN(CC2=CN=CC=C2)CCN1C[C@@H](O)C[C@@H](CC1=CC=CC=C1)C(=O)N[C@@H]1[C@H](O)CC2=CC=CC=C12 DB00224 5362440 44032 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/indinavir.html 4515036 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.08 L/h/kg 18 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.82 L/kg 0.82 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1.8±0.4 h DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 % <20 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % DRUGBANK 2400.0 mg/day 2400 mg/day PO, oral Crixivan indinavir sulfate PDR 2400.0 mg/day 2400 mg/day PO, oral Crixivan indinavir sulfate PDR 2400.0 mg/day 2400 mg/day PO, oral Crixivan indinavir sulfate PDR DDPD00225 Gadodiamide 573.66 C16H26GdN5O8 O=C1[O-][Gd+3]234567[O]=C(C[N]2(CC[N]3(CC([O-]4)=O)CC[N]5(CC(=[O]6)NC)CC(=O)[O-]7)C1)NC DB00225 24847884 37333 135661 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.102 L/h/kg 1.7 ml/min/kg Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.108 L/h/kg 1.8 ml/min/kg Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.1074 L/h/kg 1.79 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.2 L/kg 200±61 mL/kg DRUGBANK 0.2 L/kg 0.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.0616666666666667 h 3.7±2.7 min distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 1.29666666666667 h 77.8±16 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 1.46 h 1.46 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD00226 Guanadrel 213.2768 C10H19N3O2 NC(N)=NCC1COC2(CCCCC2)O1 DB00226 38521 5555 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/guanadrel.html 35305 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 10.0 h 10 h DRUGBANK 20.0 % ~20 % DRUGBANK DDPD00227 Lovastatin 404.5396 C24H36O5 [H][C@]12[C@H](C[C@@H](C)C=C1C=C[C@H](C)[C@@H]2CC[C@@H]1C[C@@H](O)CC(=O)O1)OC(=O)[C@@H](C)CC DB00227 T3D4787 53232 40303 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/lovastatin.html 48085 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 33.5 ng.h/ml 14-53 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5.0 % ≤5 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.013 ng/ml 3.013 ng/ml DRUGBANK 2.535 ng/ml 1.04-4.03 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 41.0 ngEq/ml 41±6 ngEq/ml PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 50.0 ngEq/ml 50±8 ngEq/ml PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 3.36 h 3.36 h DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2.0±0.9 h PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 3.1 h 3.1±2.9 h PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 0.678 L/h/kg 4.3-18.3 ml/min/kg hydrolysis; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 13.37 h 13.37 h DRUGBANK 1.85 h 0.7-3 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 1-4 h DRUGBANK 15000.0 mg/m2 >15 g/m2 DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/kg >1000 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Male, men; DRUGBANK 83.0 % 83 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Male, men; DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 95.0 % >95 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 95.0 % >95 % DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Altoprev lovastatin PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Altoprev lovastatin PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Altoprev lovastatin PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Altoprev lovastatin PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Altoprev lovastatin PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Altoprev lovastatin PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Altoprev lovastatin PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Altoprev lovastatin PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Altoprev lovastatin PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Altoprev lovastatin PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Altoprev lovastatin PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Altoprev lovastatin PDR DDPD00228 Enflurane 184.492 C3H2ClF5O FC(F)OC(F)(F)C(F)Cl DB00228 T3D2717 3226 4792 3113 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.5 % 2-5 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 9.0 % 9 % Liver metabolism; different study; DRUGBANK 4666.66666666667 mg/kg/h 14000.0 ppm/3h DRUGBANK 5.4 ml/kg 5.4 ml/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD00229 Cefotiam 525.628 C18H23N9O4S3 [H][C@]12SCC(CSC3=NN=NN3CCN(C)C)=C(N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)CC1=CSC(N)=N1)C(O)=O DB00229 43708 355510 39831 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60.0 % IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 0.348 L/h/kg 5.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.26 L/kg 0.26 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 h ~1 h DRUGBANK 0.84 h 0.84 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % DRUGBANK DDPD00230 Pregabalin 159.2261 C8H17NO2 CC(C)C[C@H](CN)CC(O)=O DB00230 5486971 64356 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/pregabalin.html 4589156 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % PO, oral; increasing doses; increasing doses &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h PO, oral; increasing dosing frequency; increasing dosing frequency &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h PO, oral; food; food &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 36.0 h 24-48 h Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 2.0 % <2 % DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 4.437 L/h 67-80.9 ml/min Renal clearance; normal,healthy; young; DRUGBANK 0.5 L/kg ~0.5 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.3 h 6.3 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day PO, oral Lyrica CR pregabalin PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Lyrica CR pregabalin PDR 14.0 mg/kg/day 14 mg/kg/day PO, oral Lyrica CR pregabalin PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Lyrica CR pregabalin PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Lyrica CR pregabalin PDR 450.0 mg/day 450 mg/day PO, oral Lyrica CR pregabalin PDR 330.0 mg/day 330 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Lyrica CR pregabalin PDR 660.0 mg/day 660 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Lyrica CR pregabalin PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Lyrica CR pregabalin PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day PO, oral Lyrica CR pregabalin PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Lyrica CR pregabalin PDR 14.0 mg/kg/day 14 mg/kg/day PO, oral Lyrica CR pregabalin PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Lyrica CR pregabalin PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Lyrica CR pregabalin PDR 450.0 mg/day 450 mg/day PO, oral Lyrica CR pregabalin PDR 330.0 mg/day 330 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Lyrica CR pregabalin PDR 660.0 mg/day 660 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Lyrica CR pregabalin PDR 14.0 mg/kg/day 14 mg/kg/day PO, oral Lyrica CR pregabalin PDR DDPD00231 Temazepam 300.74 C16H13ClN2O2 CN1C2=C(C=C(Cl)C=C2)C(=NC(O)C1=O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00231 T3D2719 5391 9435 http://www.drugs.com/temazepam.html 5198 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 95.0 % 90-100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 824.0 ng/ml 666-982 ng/ml DRUGBANK 865.0 ng/ml 865.0 ng/ml DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.4 h 1.2-1.6 h DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h DRUGBANK 6.5 % 5-8 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 0.0618 L/h/kg 1.03 ml/min/kg Total clearance; DRUGBANK 1.86 L/h/kg 31.0 ml/min/kg Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 1.4 L/kg 1.3-1.5 L/kg DRUGBANK 55.5 L/kg 43-68 L/kg Total volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 9.0 h 9(3.5-18) h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 1963.0 mg/kg 1963.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1833.0 mg/kg 1833.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2400.0 mg/kg >2400 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 80-90 % Urinary excretion; Single dose; DRUGBANK 8.0 % 3-13 % Faeces excretion; Single dose; DRUGBANK 2.0 % <2 % Urinary excretion; Single dose; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 96.0 % ~96 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Restoril temazepam PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Restoril temazepam PDR DDPD00233 Aminosalicylic acid 153.1354 C7H7NO3 NC1=CC(O)=C(C=C1)C(O)=O DB00233 4649 27565 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/aminosalicylic-acid-controlled-release-granules-packet.html 4488 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.558 L/h/kg 9.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.33 L/kg 0.33 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.61 h 0.61 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4000.0 mg/kg 4.0 g/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 3650.0 mg/kg 3650.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 55.0 % 50-60 % DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/kg/day 300 mg/kg/day PO, oral Paser aminosalicylic acid PDR 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day PO, oral Paser aminosalicylic acid PDR 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day PO, oral Paser aminosalicylic acid PDR 300.0 mg/kg/day 300 mg/kg/day PO, oral Paser aminosalicylic acid PDR 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day PO, oral Paser aminosalicylic acid PDR 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day PO, oral Paser aminosalicylic acid PDR 300.0 mg/kg/day 300 mg/kg/day PO, oral Paser aminosalicylic acid PDR DDPD00234 Reboxetine 313.397 C19H23NO3 [H][C@@](OC1=CC=CC=C1OCC)(C1=CC=CC=C1)[C@@]1([H])CNCCO1 DB00234 T3D2720 127151 135342 112870 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0492 L/h/kg 0.82 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.65 L/kg 0.65 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.5 h 12.5 h DRUGBANK 10.0 h 10 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % DRUGBANK DDPD00235 Milrinone 211.2194 C12H9N3O CC1=C(C=C(C#N)C(=O)N1)C1=CC=NC=C1 DB00235 4197 50693 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/milrinone.html 4052 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 92.0 % 92.0 % PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.13 L/h/kg 0.13 L/kg/h intravenous injection, IV; heart disease; patients; DRUGBANK 0.14 L/h/kg 0.14 L/kg/h intravenous injection, IV; heart disease; patients; DRUGBANK 0.372 L/h/kg 6.2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.38 L 0.38 L intravenous injection, IV; heart disease; DRUGBANK 0.45 L 0.45 L intravenous injection, IV; heart disease; DRUGBANK 0.25 L/kg 0.25 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.3 h 2.3 h DRUGBANK 0.8 h 0.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.3 mg/L 0.3 mg/L Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 75.0 % 70-80 % DRUGBANK 1.08 mg/kg/day 0.75 mcg/kg/minute intravenous infusion, iv in drop Milrinone Lactate milrinone lactate PDR 1.08 mg/kg/day 0.75 mcg/kg/min intravenous infusion, iv in drop Milrinone Lactate milrinone lactate PDR 1.08 mg/kg/day 0.75 mcg/kg/minute intravenous infusion, iv in drop Milrinone Lactate milrinone lactate PDR 1.08 mg/kg/day 0.75 mcg/kg/minute intravenous infusion, iv in drop Milrinone Lactate milrinone lactate PDR 1.08 mg/kg/day 0.75 mcg/kg/min intravenous infusion, iv in drop Milrinone Lactate milrinone lactate PDR 1.08 mg/kg/day 0.75 mcg/kg/minute intravenous infusion, iv in drop Milrinone Lactate milrinone lactate PDR DDPD00236 Pipobroman 356.054 C10H16Br2N2O2 BrCCC(=O)N1CCN(CC1)C(=O)CCBr DB00236 4842 8242 4676 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00237 Butabarbital 212.2456 C10H16N2O3 CCC(C)C1(CC)C(=O)NC(=O)NC1=O DB00237 T3D2721 2479 3228 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/butabarbital.html 2385 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 h 100 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 4.0 % 3-5 % Urinary excretion; dog; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 6.0 mg/kg/dose 6 mg/kg/dose PO, oral Butisol Sodium butabarbital sodium PDR 100.0 mg/dose 100 mg/dose PO, oral Butisol Sodium butabarbital sodium PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Butisol Sodium butabarbital sodium PDR 6.0 mg/kg/dose 6 mg/kg/dose PO, oral Butisol Sodium butabarbital sodium PDR 100.0 mg/dose 100 mg/dose PO, oral Butisol Sodium butabarbital sodium PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Butisol Sodium butabarbital sodium PDR 6.0 mg/kg/dose 6 mg/kg/dose PO, oral Butisol Sodium butabarbital sodium PDR DDPD00238 Nevirapine 266.2979 C15H14N4O CC1=C2NC(=O)C3=C(N=CC=C3)N(C3CC3)C2=NC=C1 DB00238 4463 63613 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/nevirapine.html 4308 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % PO, oral; normal,healthy; AIDS,HIV; DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93±9 % normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 91.0 % 91±8 % normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93±9 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2000.0 ng/ml 2±0.4 mcg/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2000.0 ng/ml 2±0.4 mcg/ml Oral single dose; adults; AIDS,HIV; DRUGBANK 4500.0 ng/ml 4.5±1.9 mcg/ml Oral multiple dose; adults; AIDS,HIV; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h DRUGBANK 0.03 L/h/kg 0.23-0.77 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; Single dose; DRUGBANK 0.0534 L/h/kg 0.89 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; Multiple dose; Children &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.018 L/h/kg 0.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.21 L/kg 1.21±0.09 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 1.2 L/kg 1.2±0.09 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.2 L/kg 1.2 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.3 L/kg 1.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 45.0 h 45 h DRUGBANK 45.0 h 45.0 h Single dose; DRUGBANK 30.0 h 25-35 h Multiple dose; DRUGBANK 53.0 h 53 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.0 % <3 % Urinary excretion; adults; normal,healthy; AIDS,HIV; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % adults; normal,healthy; AIDS,HIV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/m2/day 300 mg/m2/day PO, oral Viramune XR nevirapine PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Viramune XR nevirapine PDR 300.0 mg/m2/day 300 mg/m2/day PO, oral Viramune XR nevirapine PDR 400.0 mg/m2/day 400 mg/m2/day PO, oral Viramune XR nevirapine PDR 300.0 mg/m2/day 300 mg/m2/day PO, oral Viramune XR nevirapine PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Viramune XR nevirapine PDR 400.0 mg/m2/day 400 mg/m2/day PO, oral Viramune XR nevirapine PDR 300.0 mg/m2/day 300 mg/m2/day PO, oral Viramune XR nevirapine PDR 400.0 mg/m2/day 400 mg/m2/day PO, oral Viramune XR nevirapine PDR 300.0 mg/m2/day 300 mg/m2/day PO, oral Viramune XR nevirapine PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Viramune XR nevirapine PDR 300.0 mg/m2/day 300 mg/m2/day PO, oral Viramune XR nevirapine PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Viramune XR nevirapine PDR 300.0 mg/m2/day 300 mg/m2/day PO, oral Viramune XR nevirapine PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Viramune XR nevirapine PDR 12.0 mg/kg/day 12 mg/kg/day PO, oral Viramune XR nevirapine PDR 300.0 mg/m2/day 300 mg/m2/day PO, oral Viramune XR nevirapine PDR 12.0 mg/kg/day 12 mg/kg/day PO, oral Viramune XR nevirapine PDR 300.0 mg/m2/day 300 mg/m2/day PO, oral Viramune XR nevirapine PDR 12.0 mg/kg/day 12 mg/kg/day PO, oral Viramune XR nevirapine PDR 8.0 mg/day 8 mg/day PO, oral Viramune XR nevirapine PDR 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day PO, oral Viramune XR nevirapine PDR 12.0 mg/kg/day 12 mg/kg/day PO, oral Viramune XR nevirapine PDR 8.0 mg/kg/day 8 mg/kg/day PO, oral Viramune XR nevirapine PDR DDPD00239 Oxiconazole 429.12 C18H13Cl4N3O ClC1=CC(Cl)=C(CO\N=C(/CN2C=CN=C2)C2=CC=C(Cl)C=C2Cl)C=C1 DB00239 T3D2722 5353853 7825 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/oxiconazole-cream.html 4510239 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.0 application/day 2 application/day Oxistat oxiconazole nitrate PDR 2.0 application/day 2 application/day Oxistat oxiconazole nitrate PDR 2.0 application/day 2 application/day Oxistat oxiconazole nitrate PDR 2.0 application/day 2 application/day Oxistat oxiconazole nitrate PDR DDPD00240 Alclometasone 408.916 C22H29ClO5 [H][C@@]12C[C@@H](C)[C@](O)(C(=O)CO)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])[C@H](Cl)CC2=CC(=O)C=C[C@]12C DB00240 5311000 53776 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/alclometasone-cream.html 4470541 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00241 Butalbital 224.2563 C11H16N2O3 CC(C)CC1(CC=C)C(=O)NC(=O)NC1=O DB00241 2481 102524 2387 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2100.0 ng/ml 2.1 mg/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.0 h ~2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 0.8 L/kg ~0.8 L/kg DRUGBANK 35.0 h ~35 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 61.0 h 61(35-88) h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; Drug combination; DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/kg 400.0 mg/kg PO, oral;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 160.0 mg/kg 160.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 73.5 % 59-88 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 3.6 % ~3.6 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 45.0 % 45 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; DRUGBANK DDPD00242 Cladribine 285.687 C10H12ClN5O3 NC1=C2N=CN([C@H]3C[C@H](O)[C@@H](CO)O3)C2=NC(Cl)=N1 DB00242 T3D4774 20279 567361 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cladribine.html 19105 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 41.0 % 34-48 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.978 L/h/kg 978±422 ml/h/kg DRUGBANK 0.84 L/h/kg 14 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.5 L/kg 4.5±2.8 L/kg hematologic malignancies; patients; DRUGBANK 9.0 L/kg 9.0 L/kg DRUGBANK 7.7 L/kg 7.7 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.4 h 5.4 h DRUGBANK 16.0 h 16 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % DRUGBANK 0.09 mg/kg/day 0.09 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cladribine cladribine PDR 3.5 mg/kg 3.5 mg/kg PO, oral; in 2 years Cladribine cladribine PDR 0.09 mg/kg/day 0.09 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cladribine cladribine PDR 3.5 mg/kg 3.5 mg/kg PO, oral; in 2 years Cladribine cladribine PDR DDPD00243 Ranolazine 427.5365 C24H33N3O4 COC1=CC=CC=C1OCC(O)CN1CCN(CC(=O)NC2=C(C)C=CC=C2C)CC1 DB00243 56959 87690 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ranolazine.html 51354 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 76.0 % 76.0 % Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 3-5 h DRUGBANK 72.0 h <3 day DRUGBANK 45.0 L/h 45.0 L/h Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 0.57 L/h/kg 9.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 53.2 L 53.2 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 132.5 L 85-180 L Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 1.2 L/kg 1.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 7 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 980.0 mg/kg 980.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 75.0 % ~75 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 25.0 % ~25 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 5.0 % ~5 % Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 62.0 % ~62 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day PO, oral Ranexa ranolazine PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day PO, oral Ranexa ranolazine PDR DDPD00244 Mesalazine 153.1354 C7H7NO3 NC1=CC(C(O)=O)=C(O)C=C1 DB00244 4075 6775 3933 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 25.0 % 20-30 % Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~80 % Liquid; DRUGBANK 2.05 L/h 2.05 L/h Renal clearance; fasting; young; DRUGBANK 2.085 L/h 2.04-2.13 L/h Renal clearance; fasting; Elderly; DRUGBANK 0.2 L/kg ~0.2 L/kg Steady state volume of distribution; adults; DRUGBANK 9.5 h 7-12 h elimination half-life; PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 17.5 h 12-23 h elimination half-life; PO, oral; extended release formulation; Active metabolite; Metabolite; DRUGBANK 3370.0 mg/kg 3370.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 2800.0 mg/kg 2800.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5 g/kg skin/dermal; rabbit; DRUGBANK 8.0 % <8 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; extended release formulation; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 43.0 % ~43 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 44.0 mg/kg/day 44 mg/kg/day PO, oral Canasa mesalamine PDR 2400.0 mg/day 2.4 g/day PO, oral Canasa mesalamine PDR 61.0 mg/kg/day 61 mg/kg/day PO, oral Canasa mesalamine PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Canasa mesalamine PDR 71.0 mg/kg/day 71 mg/kg/day PO, oral Canasa mesalamine PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1.2 g/day PO, oral Canasa mesalamine PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day Rectal Administration Canasa mesalamine PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1.5 g/day Rectal Administration Canasa mesalamine PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1.5 g/day Capsule, PO, Oral Canasa mesalamine PDR 2400.0 mg/day 2.4 g/day Tablet,PO,oral;Capsule, PO, Oral; Canasa mesalamine PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day Capsule, PO, Oral Canasa mesalamine PDR 4800.0 mg/day 4.8 g/day Tablet,PO,oral Canasa mesalamine PDR 44.0 mg/kg/day 44 mg/kg/day PO, oral Canasa mesalamine PDR 2400.0 mg/day 2.4 g/day PO, oral Canasa mesalamine PDR 61.0 mg/kg/day 61 mg/kg/day PO, oral Canasa mesalamine PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Canasa mesalamine PDR 71.0 mg/kg/day 71 mg/kg/day PO, oral Canasa mesalamine PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1.2 g/day PO, oral Canasa mesalamine PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day Rectal Administration Canasa mesalamine PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1.5 g/day Rectal Administration Canasa mesalamine PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1.5 g/day Capsule, PO, Oral Canasa mesalamine PDR 2400.0 mg/day 2.4 g/day Tablet,PO,oral;Capsule, PO, Oral; Canasa mesalamine PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day Capsule, PO, Oral Canasa mesalamine PDR 4800.0 mg/day 4.8 g/day Tablet,PO,oral Canasa mesalamine PDR DDPD00245 Benzatropine 307.4293 C21H25NO [H][C@]12CC[C@]([H])(C[C@@]([H])(C1)OC(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1)N2C DB00245 T3D2724 1201549 3048 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/benztropine.html 16736541 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 29.0 % 29.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.5 ng/ml 2.5 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 7 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 21.0 L/kg 12.0-30 L/kg DRUGBANK 36.0 h ~36 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 940.0 mg/kg 940.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 0.05 mg/kg/dose 0.05 mg/kg/dose PO, oral;IM,intramuscular injection;intravenous injection, IV; Benztropine Mesylate benztropine mesylate PDR 1.0 mg/dose 1 mg/dose PO, oral;IM,intramuscular injection;intravenous injection, IV; Benztropine Mesylate benztropine mesylate PDR 8.0 mg/day 8 mg/day PO, oral;IM,intramuscular injection;intravenous injection, IV; Benztropine Mesylate benztropine mesylate PDR 0.05 mg/kg/dose 0.05 mg/kg/dose PO, oral;IM,intramuscular injection;intravenous injection, IV; Benztropine Mesylate benztropine mesylate PDR 8.0 mg/day 8 mg/day PO, oral;IM,intramuscular injection;intravenous injection, IV; Benztropine Mesylate benztropine mesylate PDR 8.0 mg/day 8 mg/day PO, oral;IM,intramuscular injection;intravenous injection, IV; Benztropine Mesylate benztropine mesylate PDR 0.0 0 Benztropine Mesylate benztropine mesylate PDR DDPD00246 Ziprasidone 412.936 C21H21ClN4OS ClC1=C(CCN2CCN(CC2)C2=NSC3=CC=CC=C23)C=C2CC(=O)NC2=C1 DB00246 60854 10119 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ziprasidone.html 54841 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60.0 % DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % PO, oral; food; food &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 59.0 % 59.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 68.0 ng/ml 68±20 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 156.0 ng/ml 156.0 ng/ml DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4±1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.7 h 0.7 h DRUGBANK 0.45 L/h/kg 7.5 ml/min/kg Average clearance; DRUGBANK 0.702 L/h/kg 11.7 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 0.306 L/h/kg 5.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.5 L/kg 1.5 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 2.3 L/kg 2.3 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.0 L/kg 1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.5 h 6-7 h DRUGBANK 2.9 h 2.9 h Elderly &#8593; ;food &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 3.1 h 3.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 4.0 % <4 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 99.9 % 99.9±0.08 % DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Geodon (ziprasidone hydrochloride); (ziprasidone mesylate) PDR 10.0 mg/dose 10 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Geodon (ziprasidone hydrochloride); (ziprasidone mesylate) PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Geodon (ziprasidone hydrochloride); (ziprasidone mesylate) PDR 160.0 mg/day 160 mg/day PO, oral Geodon (ziprasidone hydrochloride); (ziprasidone mesylate) PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day IM,intramuscular injection Geodon (ziprasidone hydrochloride); (ziprasidone mesylate) PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Geodon (ziprasidone hydrochloride); (ziprasidone mesylate) PDR 20.0 mg/dose 20 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Geodon (ziprasidone hydrochloride); (ziprasidone mesylate) PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Geodon (ziprasidone hydrochloride); (ziprasidone mesylate) PDR 10.0 mg/dose 10 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Geodon (ziprasidone hydrochloride); (ziprasidone mesylate) PDR 160.0 mg/day 160 mg/day PO, oral Geodon (ziprasidone hydrochloride); (ziprasidone mesylate) PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day IM,intramuscular injection Geodon (ziprasidone hydrochloride); (ziprasidone mesylate) PDR DDPD00247 Methysergide 353.458 C21H27N3O2 [H][C@@]12CC3=CN(C)C4=C3C(=CC=C4)C1=C[C@H](CN2C)C(=O)NC(CC)CO DB00247 T3D2726 6540428 584020 5022813 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00248 Cabergoline 451.6043 C26H37N5O2 [H][C@@]12CC3=CNC4=CC=CC(=C34)[C@@]1([H])C[C@H](CN2CC=C)C(=O)N(CCCN(C)C)C(=O)NCC DB00248 T3D2727 54746 3286 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cabergoline.html 49452 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.0 % 4-6 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 0.48 L/h 0.008 L/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 192.0 L/h 3.2 L/min Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 66.0 h 63-69 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 20.0 % ~20 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 60.0 % ~60 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.0 % <4 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 41.0 % 40-42 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; Plasma Concentration &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.0 mg 1 mg PO, oral biw Cabergoline cabergoline PDR 1.0 mg 1 mg PO, oral biw Cabergoline cabergoline PDR DDPD00249 Idoxuridine 354.0985 C9H11IN2O5 OC[C@H]1O[C@H](C[C@@H]1O)N1C=C(I)C(=O)NC1=O DB00249 5905 147675 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/idoxuridine-ophthalmic.html 5694 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3080.0 mg/kg 3080.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD00250 Dapsone 248.301 C12H12N2O2S NC1=CC=C(C=C1)S(=O)(=O)C1=CC=C(N)C=C1 DB00250 T3D2482 2955 4325 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/dapsone.html 2849 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 75.0 % 70-80 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93±8 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 75.0 % 70-80 % PO, oral; leprosy; leprosy &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 1600.0 ng/ml 1.6±0.4 mcg/ml Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 3300.0 ng/ml 3.3 mcg/ml Oral multiple dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.1 h 2.1±0.8 h Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.036 L/h/kg 0.60±0.17 ml/min/kg Neonates &#8593; ;Children &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.0288 L/h/kg 0.48 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 L/kg 1.0±0.1 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.83 L/kg 0.83 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 28.0 h 28(10-50) h DRUGBANK 22.4 h 22.4±5.6 h Children &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 22.0 h 22 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 496.0 mg/kg 496.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 10.0 % 5-15 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 70-90 % DRUGBANK 73.0 % 73±1 % RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2.0 application/day 2 application/day gel Dapsone dapsone PDR 1.0 application/day 1 application/day gel Dapsone dapsone PDR 1.0 application/day 1 application/day gel Dapsone dapsone PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Dapsone dapsone PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Dapsone dapsone PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Dapsone dapsone PDR 2.0 appLication/day 2 appLication/day gel Dapsone dapsone PDR 1.0 appLication/day 1 appLication/day gel Dapsone dapsone PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Dapsone dapsone PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Dapsone dapsone PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Dapsone dapsone PDR 2.0 application/day 2 application/day gel Dapsone dapsone PDR 1.0 application/day 1 application/day gel Dapsone dapsone PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Dapsone dapsone PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Dapsone dapsone PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Dapsone dapsone PDR 2.0 application/day 2 application/day gel Dapsone dapsone PDR 1.0 application/day 1 application/day gel Dapsone dapsone PDR DDPD00251 Terconazole 532.462 C26H31Cl2N5O3 CC(C)N1CCN(CC1)C1=CC=C(OC[C@H]2CO[C@@](CN3C=NC=N3)(O2)C2=C(Cl)C=C(Cl)C=C2)C=C1 DB00251 441383 82980 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/terconazole-cream.html 390122 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6.5 % 5-8 % Vaginal Administration; hysterectomized; DRUGBANK 14.0 % 12-16 % Vaginal Administration; tubal ligations; DRUGBANK 6.9 h 6.9(4.0-11.3) h DRUGBANK 1741.0 mg/kg 1741.0 mg/kg PO, oral; male rat; DRUGBANK 849.0 mg/kg 849.0 mg/kg PO, oral; female rat; DRUGBANK 44.0 % 32-56 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 49.5 % 47-52 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 94.9 % 94.9 % DRUGBANK DDPD00252 Phenytoin 252.268 C15H12N2O2 O=C1NC(=O)C(N1)(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00252 T3D2728 1775 8107 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/phenytoin.html 1710 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90±3 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 675.0 ng/ml 0-5(27%) mcg/ml Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 2250.0 ng/ml 5-10(30%) mcg/ml Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 4350.0 ng/ml 10-20(29%) mcg/ml Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 2500.0 ng/ml 20-30(10%) mcg/ml Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 2.25 h 1.5-3 h PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 4-12 h PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 7.5 h 3-12 h Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 0.245833333333333 mg/h/kg 5.9±1.2 mg/kg/day Children &#8593; ;Elderly &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 5.7 mg/L 5.7±2.9 mg/L Children &#8595; ;Elderly &#8594; ;Prem, premature &#8595; ;Asian &#8595; ;acute viral hepatitis AVH &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;nephritic syndrome &#8593; ;hyperthyroid, HTh &#8594; ;LTh hypothyroid &#8594; ;Somking &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.0222 L/h/kg 0.37 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.75 L/kg 0.75 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.64 L/kg 0.64±0.04 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; Neonates &#8593; ;acute viral hepatitis AVH &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;hyperthyroid, HTh &#8594; ;LTh hypothyroid &#8594; ;nephritic syndrome &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.43 L/kg 0.43 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 22.0 h 22(7-42) h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 12.5 h 10-15 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 15.0 h 6-24 h Prem, premature &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;acute viral hepatitis AVH &#8594; ;LTh hypothyroid &#8594; ;Somking &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 16.8 h 16.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 150.0 mg/kg 150.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1635.0 mg/kg 1635.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3.0 % ~1-5 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 2.0 % 2±8 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % DRUGBANK 89.0 % 89±23 % Neonates &#8595; ;Preg, pregnant &#8595; ;Elderly &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;hypoalbuminemia Alb &#8595; ;acute viral hepatitis AVH &#8595; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8595; ;nephritic syndrome &#8595; ;Burn &#8595; ;Obesity &#8594; ;Somking &#8594; ; DRUGBANK DDPD00253 Medrysone 344.4877 C22H32O3 [H][C@@]12CC[C@H](C(C)=O)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])C[C@H](C)C2=CC(=O)CC[C@]12C DB00253 247839 34829 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/medrysone-ophthalmic.html 216968 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00254 Doxycycline 444.4346 C22H24N2O8 [H][C@@]12[C@@H](C)C3=CC=CC(O)=C3C(=O)C1=C(O)[C@]1(O)C(=O)C(C(N)=O)=C(O)[C@@H](N(C)C)[C@]1([H])[C@H]2O DB00254 T3D3950 54671203 50845 http://www.drugs.com/doxycycline.html 10469369 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2600.0 ng/ml 2.6 mcg/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1850.0 ng/ml 1.7-2 mcg/ml PO, oral; adults; DRUGBANK 2800.0 ng/ml 2.8 mcg/ml adults; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h PO, oral; adults; DRUGBANK 4.5 L/h ~75 ml/min normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.0318 L/h/kg 0.53±0.18 ml/min/kg Elderly &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;HL,hyperlipoproteinemia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.0276 L/h/kg 0.46 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.7 L/kg 0.7 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.75 L/kg 0.75±0.32 L/kg Elderly &#8595; ;HL,hyperlipoproteinemia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.69 L/kg 0.69 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 16.33 h 16.33±4.53 h DRUGBANK 16.0 h 16±6 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;HL,hyperlipoproteinemia &#8594; ;Age &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 14.0 h 14 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 262.0 mg/kg 262.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 40-60 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 41.0 % 41±19 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % DRUGBANK 88.0 % 88±5 % RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Oracea doxycycline PDR 600.0 mg 600 mg PO, oral Oracea doxycycline PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Oracea doxycycline PDR 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day PO, oral Oracea doxycycline PDR 720.0 mg 720 mg PO, oral Oracea doxycycline PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Oracea doxycycline PDR 4.4 mg/kg/day 4.4 mg/kg/day PO, oral Oracea doxycycline PDR 4.4 mg/kg/day 4.4 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Oracea doxycycline PDR 5.3 mg/kg/day 5.3 mg/kg/day PO, oral Oracea doxycycline PDR 4.4 mg/kg/day 4.4 mg/kg/day PO, oral Oracea doxycycline PDR 4.4 mg/kg/day 4.4 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Oracea doxycycline PDR 5.3 mg/kg/day 5.3 mg/kg/day PO, oral Oracea doxycycline PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Oracea doxycycline PDR 600.0 mg 600 mg PO, oral Oracea doxycycline PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Oracea doxycycline PDR 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day PO, oral Oracea doxycycline PDR 720.0 mg 720 mg PO, oral Oracea doxycycline PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Oracea doxycycline PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Oracea doxycycline PDR 600.0 mg 600 mg PO, oral Oracea doxycycline PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Oracea doxycycline PDR 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day PO, oral Oracea doxycycline PDR 720.0 mg 720 mg PO, oral Oracea doxycycline PDR 4.4 mg/kg/day 4.4 mg/kg/day PO, oral Oracea doxycycline PDR 4.4 mg/kg/day 4.4 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Oracea doxycycline PDR 5.3 mg/kg/day 5.3 mg/kg/day PO, oral Oracea doxycycline PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Oracea doxycycline PDR 600.0 mg 600 mg PO, oral Oracea doxycycline PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Oracea doxycycline PDR 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day PO, oral Oracea doxycycline PDR 720.0 mg 720 mg PO, oral Oracea doxycycline PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Oracea doxycycline PDR 4.4 mg/kg/day 4.4 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Oracea doxycycline PDR 4.4 mg/kg/day 4.4 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Oracea doxycycline PDR DDPD00255 Diethylstilbestrol 268.356 C18H20O2 CC\C(=C(\CC)C1=CC=C(O)C=C1)C1=CC=C(O)C=C1 DB00255 T3D4744 3054 41922 395306 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00256 Lymecycline 602.6328 C29H38N4O10 [H][C@@]12C[C@@]3([H])C(C(=O)C4=C(O)C=CC=C4[C@@]3(C)O)=C(O)[C@]1(O)C(=O)C(C(=O)NCNCCCC[C@H](N)C(O)=O)=C(O)[C@H]2N(C)C DB00256 T3D3952 54707177 59040 20121315 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 77.5 % 77-78 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 21900.0 ng.h/ml 21.9±4.3 mg.h/l PO, oral; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2100.0 ng/ml 2.1 mg/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.5 L/kg 1.3-1.7 L/kg DRUGBANK 8.0 h ~8 h DRUGBANK 3200.0 mg/kg 3200.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD00257 Clotrimazole 344.837 C22H17ClN2 ClC1=CC=CC=C1C(N1C=CN=C1)(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00257 T3D2729 2812 3764 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/clotrimazole.html 2710 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 708.0 mg/kg 708.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 445.0 mg/kg 445.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 761.0 mg/kg 761.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 108.0 mg/kg 108.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % DRUGBANK DDPD00258 Calcium acetate 158.166 C4H6CaO4 [Ca++].CC([O-])=O.CC([O-])=O DB00258 6116 3310 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/calcium-acetate.html 5890 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40.0 % PO, oral; food; food &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 4280.0 mg/kg 4280.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 200.0 mg/kg/dose 200 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV PhosLo calcium acetate PDR 3000.0 mg/dose 3 g/dose intravenous injection, IV PhosLo calcium acetate PDR 80.0 mg/kg/day 80 mg/kg/day PO, oral PhosLo calcium acetate PDR 3000.0 mg/dose 3 g/dose intravenous injection, IV PhosLo calcium acetate PDR 200.0 mg/kg/dose 200 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV PhosLo calcium acetate PDR 3000.0 mg/dose 3 g/dose intravenous injection, IV PhosLo calcium acetate PDR 80.0 mg/kg/day 80 mg/kg/day PO, oral PhosLo calcium acetate PDR 3.0 g/dose 3 g/dose intravenous injection, IV PhosLo calcium acetate PDR 200.0 mg/kg/dose 200 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV PhosLo calcium acetate PDR 80.0 mg/kg/day 80 mg/kg/day PO, oral PhosLo calcium acetate PDR 200.0 mg/kg/dose 200 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV PhosLo calcium acetate PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day PO, oral PhosLo calcium acetate PDR 2000.0 mg 2000 mg Calcium Acetate calcium acetate PDR 12.0 dose 12 dose Tablet,PO,oral;Capsule, PO, Oral; Calcium Acetate calcium acetate PDR 60.0 ml/day 60 ml/day PO, oral Calcium Acetate calcium acetate PDR 2000.0 mg 2000 mg Calcium Acetate calcium acetate PDR 12.0 dose 12 dose Tablet,PO,oral;Capsule, PO, Oral; Calcium Acetate calcium acetate PDR 60.0 ml/day 60 ml/day PO, oral Calcium Acetate calcium acetate PDR 2000.0 mg 2000 mg Calcium Acetate calcium acetate PDR 12.0 dose 12 dose Tablet,PO,oral;Capsule, PO, Oral; Calcium Acetate calcium acetate PDR 60.0 ml/day 60 ml/day PO, oral Calcium Acetate calcium acetate PDR 2000.0 mg 2000 mg Calcium Acetate calcium acetate PDR 12.0 dose 12 dose Tablet,PO,oral;Capsule, PO, Oral; Calcium Acetate calcium acetate PDR 60.0 ml/day 60 ml/day PO, oral Calcium Acetate calcium acetate PDR 2000.0 mg 2000 mg Calcium Acetate calcium acetate PDR 60.0 ml/day 60 ml/day PO, oral Calcium Acetate calcium acetate PDR DDPD00259 Sulfanilamide 172.205 C6H8N2O2S NC1=CC=C(C=C1)S(N)(=O)=O DB00259 5333 45373 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/sulfanilamide.html 5142 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3700.0 mg/kg 3700.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 621.0 mg/kg 621.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 1300.0 mg/kg 1300.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 2.0 appLicatorfuL/day 2 appLicatorfuL/day Vaginal Administration AVC sulfanilamide PDR 2.0 suppositories/day 2 suppositories/day Vaginal Administration AVC sulfanilamide PDR 2.0 applicatorful/day 2 applicatorful/day Vaginal Administration AVC sulfanilamide PDR 2.0 suppositories/day 2 suppositories/day Vaginal Administration AVC sulfanilamide PDR DDPD00260 Cycloserine 102.0919 C3H6N2O2 N[C@@H]1CONC1=O DB00260 6234 40009 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cycloserine.html 5998 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 80.0 % 70-90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 10.0 h 10 h patients; normal renal function; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 5290.0 mg/kg 5290.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD00261 Anagrelide 256.088 C10H7Cl2N3O ClC1=CC=C2N=C3NC(=O)CN3CC2=C1Cl DB00261 2182 142290 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/anagrelide.html 2097 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 70.0 % ~70 % PO, oral; food; food &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; food; food &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.5 h ~1.5 h DRUGBANK 2.5 h ~2.5 h DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/kg >1500 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2500.0 mg/kg >2500 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 2.5 mg/dose 2.5 mg/dose PO, oral Agrylin anagrelide hydrochloride PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Agrylin anagrelide hydrochloride PDR 2.5 mg/dose 2.5 mg/dose PO, oral Agrylin anagrelide hydrochloride PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Agrylin anagrelide hydrochloride PDR 2.5 mg/dose 2.5 mg/dose PO, oral Agrylin anagrelide hydrochloride PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Agrylin anagrelide hydrochloride PDR 2.5 mg/dose 2.5 mg/dose PO, oral Agrylin anagrelide hydrochloride PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Agrylin anagrelide hydrochloride PDR DDPD00262 Carmustine 214.05 C5H9Cl2N3O2 ClCCNC(=O)N(CCCl)N=O DB00262 T3D4681 2578 3423 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/carmustine.html 2480 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 16.5 % 5-28 % DRUGBANK 0.375 h 15-30 min DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/kg 20.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 45.0 mg/kg 45.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/kg 20.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 45.0 mg/kg 45.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 65.0 % ~60-70 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 10.0 % ~10 % lung excretion; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % DRUGBANK 200.0 mg/m2 200 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV; nan q6w Gliadel carmustine PDR 300.0 mg/m2 300 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Gliadel carmustine PDR 61.6 mg 61.6 mg implanted intracranially Gliadel carmustine PDR 200.0 mg/m2 200 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV; nan q6w Gliadel carmustine PDR 300.0 mg/m2 300 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Gliadel carmustine PDR 61.6 mg 61.6 mg implanted intracranially Gliadel carmustine PDR DDPD00263 Sulfisoxazole 267.304 C11H13N3O3S CC1=NOC(NS(=O)(=O)C2=CC=C(N)C=C2)=C1C DB00263 5344 102484 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/sulfisoxazole-ophthalmic.html 5151 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.018 L/h/kg 0.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.17 L/kg 0.17 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.4 h 7.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6800.0 mg/kg 6800.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK DDPD00264 Metoprolol 267.3639 C15H25NO3 COCCC1=CC=C(OCC(O)CNC(C)C)C=C1 DB00264 4171 6904 http://www.drugs.com/metoprolol.html 4027 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 38.0 % 38±14 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 99.0 ng/ml 99±53 ng/ml PO, oral; extensive metabolizers, EM; DRUGBANK 262.0 ng/ml 262±29 ng/ml PO, oral; poor metabolizers, PM; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.42 h 0.42 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 2.0 h ~2 h PO, oral; extensive metabolizers, EM; DRUGBANK 3.0 h ~3 h PO, oral; poor metabolizers, PM; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 48.0 L/h 0.8 L/min normal,healthy; patients; DRUGBANK 36.6 L/h 0.61 L/min Hepatitis, Hep; patients; DRUGBANK 0.9 L/h/kg 15±3 ml/min/kg hydrolysis;  Female, women &#8595; ;Elderly &#8594; ;Preg, pregnant &#8593; ;hyperthyroid, HTh &#8593; ;Somking &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.78 L/h/kg 13 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.2 L/kg 4.2 L/kg DRUGBANK 4.2 L/kg 4.2±0.7 L/kg  Female, women &#8595; ;Preg, pregnant &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 3.1 L/kg 3.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 h ~3-7 h immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 3.2 h 3.2±0.2 h Preg, pregnant &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;Obesity &#8593; ;hyperthyroid, HTh &#8594; ;Age &#8594; ;Somking &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 3.6 h 3.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3880.0 mg/kg 3090-4670 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5.0 % <5 % Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10±3 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 11.0 % ~11 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 11.0 % 11±1 % Preg, pregnant &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Lopressor Tablets metoprolol tartrate PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day Tablet,PO,oral Lopressor Tablets metoprolol tartrate PDR 2.4 mg/kg/day 2.4 mg/kg/day PO, oral Lopressor Tablets metoprolol tartrate PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day Tablet,PO,oral Lopressor Tablets metoprolol tartrate PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Lopressor Tablets metoprolol tartrate PDR 2.4 mg/kg/day 2.4 mg/kg/day PO, oral Lopressor Tablets metoprolol tartrate PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Lopressor Tablets metoprolol tartrate PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Lopressor Tablets metoprolol tartrate PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Lopressor Tablets metoprolol tartrate PDR 450.0 mg/day 450 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Lopressor Tablets metoprolol tartrate PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Lopressor Tablets metoprolol tartrate PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day Tablet,PO,oral Lopressor Tablets metoprolol tartrate PDR 2.4 mg/kg/day 2.4 mg/kg/day PO, oral Lopressor Tablets metoprolol tartrate PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Lopressor Tablets metoprolol tartrate PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Lopressor Tablets metoprolol tartrate PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Lopressor Tablets metoprolol tartrate PDR 450.0 mg/day 450 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Lopressor Tablets metoprolol tartrate PDR DDPD00265 Crotamiton 203.2802 C13H17NO CCN(C(=O)C=CC)C1=CC=CC=C1C DB00265 2883 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/crotamiton-cream.html 599515 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10.0 % DRUGBANK 1.0 application/day 1 application/day Eurax crotamiton PDR 1.0 appLication/day 1 appLication/day Eurax crotamiton PDR 1.0 appLication/day 1 appLication/day Eurax crotamiton PDR 1.0 application/day 1 application/day Eurax crotamiton PDR 1.0 application/day 1 application/day Eurax crotamiton PDR 1.0 application/day 1 application/day Eurax crotamiton PDR 1.0 appLication/day 1 appLication/day Eurax crotamiton PDR DDPD00266 Dicoumarol 336.295 C19H12O6 OC1=C(CC2=C(O)C3=C(OC2=O)C=CC=C3)C(=O)OC2=C1C=CC=C2 DB00266 T3D3735 54676038 4513 10183330 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 233.0 mg/kg 233.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 250.0 mg/kg 250.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 233.0 mg/kg 233.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 250.0 mg/kg 250.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD00267 Cefmenoxime 511.558 C16H17N9O5S3 [H][C@]12SCC(CSC3=NN=NN3C)=C(N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)C(=N/OC)\C1=CSC(N)=N1)C(O)=O DB00267 9570757 55490 7845223 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % DRUGBANK 0.219 L/h/kg 3.65 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.2 L/kg 0.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h DRUGBANK 0.89 h 0.89 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 50-70 % DRUGBANK DDPD00268 Ropinirole 260.3746 C16H24N2O CCCN(CCC)CCC1=C2CC(=O)NC2=CC=C1 DB00268 T3D2731 5095 8888 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ropinirole.html 4916 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % 45-55 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % PO, oral; extended release formulation; extended release formulation &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 55.0 % 55.0 % PO, oral; Parkinson; DRUGBANK 7.4 ng/ml 7.4(2.4-13) ng/ml PO, oral; Parkinson; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 3.5-4.5 h PO, oral; high-fat meal; high-fat meal &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1.0(0.5-6.0) h PO, oral; Parkinson; DRUGBANK 47.0 L/h 47.0 L/h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.672 L/h/kg 11.2±5.0 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; PO, oral; Parkinson; Male, men;  Female, women; patients; hydrolysis; Elderly &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.8 L/h/kg 30 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.5 L/kg 7.5 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 7.5 L/kg 7.5±2.4 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; PO, oral; Parkinson; Male, men;  Female, women; patients; hydrolysis; DRUGBANK 7.7 L/kg 7.7 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.0 h ~6 h DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6.0 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 88.0 % >88 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 10.0 % <10 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 10.0 % <10 % Urinary excretion; Parkinson; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 40.0 % ~40 % Parkinson; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 24.0 mg/day 24 mg/day PO, oral Requip ropinirole PDR 24.0 mg/day 24 mg/day PO, oral Requip ropinirole PDR DDPD00270 Isradipine 371.3871 C19H21N3O5 COC(=O)C1=C(C)NC(C)=C(C1C1=CC=CC2=NON=C12)C(=O)OC(C)C DB00270 3784 6073 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/isradipine.html 3652 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 92.5 % 90-95 % DRUGBANK 19.5 % 15-24 % DRUGBANK 1.56 L/h/kg 26 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.5 L/kg 1.5 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8 h DRUGBANK 3.3 h 3.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 62.5 % ~60-65 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 27.5 % 25-30 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % DRUGBANK 0.8 mg/kg/day 0.8 mg/kg/day PO, oral Isradipine isradipine PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Isradipine isradipine PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Isradipine isradipine PDR 0.8 mg/kg/day 0.8 mg/kg/day PO, oral Isradipine isradipine PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Isradipine isradipine PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Isradipine isradipine PDR 0.27 mg/kg/day 0.27 mg/kg/day Isradipine isradipine PDR 0.27 mg/kg/day 0.27 mg/kg/day Isradipine isradipine PDR DDPD00271 Diatrizoate 613.9136 C11H9I3N2O4 CC(=O)NC1=C(I)C(C(O)=O)=C(I)C(NC(C)=O)=C1I DB00271 2140 53691 2055 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00272 Betazole 111.1451 C5H9N3 NCCC1=CC=NN1 DB00272 7741 59170 7455 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % DRUGBANK DDPD00273 Topiramate 339.362 C12H21NO8S [H][C@@]12CO[C@@]3(COS(N)(=O)=O)OC(C)(C)O[C@@]3([H])[C@]1([H])OC(C)(C)O2 DB00273 T3D2733 5284627 63631 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/topiramate.html 4447672 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80.0 % Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 70.0 % ≥70 % PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; epilepsy; DRUGBANK 15215.0 ng/ml 1.73-28.7 ug/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5500.0 ng/ml 5.5±0.6 mcg/ml PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; epilepsy; DRUGBANK 3.05 h 1.8-4.3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.7 h 1.7±0.6 h PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; epilepsy; DRUGBANK 96.0 h 4.0 day PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.74 L/h 22-36 ml/min Plasma clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.05 L/h 17-18 ml/min Renal clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.5 L/h ~20-30 ml/min Plasma clearance; PO, oral; adults; DRUGBANK 0.0246 L/h/kg 0.31-0.51 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; PO, oral; normal,healthy; Male, men; patients; Children &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.0162 L/h/kg 0.27 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.7 L/kg 0.6-0.8 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.7 L/kg 0.6-0.8 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; PO, oral; normal,healthy; Male, men; patients; DRUGBANK 0.8 L/kg 0.8 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 21.0 h 19-23 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 13.5 h 12-15 h enzyme-inducers; DRUGBANK 21.0 h 19-23 h moderate renal function; severe renal function; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 34.8 h 34.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/kg >1500 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 75.0 % ~70-80 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 83.5 % 70-97 % Urinary excretion; adults; normal,healthy; epilepsy; human, homo sapiens; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 13.0 % 9-17 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 28.0 % 15-41 % DRUGBANK 15.0 % 13-17 % adults; normal,healthy; epilepsy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Trokendi XR topiramate PDR 9.0 mg/kg/day 9 mg/kg/day PO, oral Trokendi XR topiramate PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Trokendi XR topiramate PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Trokendi XR topiramate PDR 9.0 mg/kg/day 9 mg/kg/day PO, oral Trokendi XR topiramate PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Trokendi XR topiramate PDR 9.0 mg/kg/day 9 mg/kg/day PO, oral Trokendi XR topiramate PDR 350.0 mg/day 350 mg/day PO, oral Trokendi XR topiramate PDR 9.0 mg/kg/day 9 mg/kg/day PO, oral Trokendi XR topiramate PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Trokendi XR topiramate PDR 9.0 mg/kg/day 9 mg/kg/day PO, oral Trokendi XR topiramate PDR 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day PO, oral Trokendi XR topiramate PDR 9.0 mg/kg/day 9 mg/kg/day PO, oral Trokendi XR topiramate PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Trokendi XR topiramate PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Trokendi XR topiramate PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Trokendi XR topiramate PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Trokendi XR topiramate PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Trokendi XR topiramate PDR 9.0 mg/kg/day 9 mg/kg/day PO, oral Trokendi XR topiramate PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Trokendi XR topiramate PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Trokendi XR topiramate PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Trokendi XR topiramate PDR DDPD00274 Cefmetazole 471.534 C15H17N7O5S3 [H][C@]12SCC(CSC3=NN=NN3C)=C(N1C(=O)[C@]2(NC(=O)CSCC#N)OC)C(O)=O DB00274 42008 3489 38311 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % DRUGBANK 0.09 L/h/kg 1.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.13 L/kg 0.13 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.50±0.14 h DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3204.0 mg/kg 3204.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD00275 Olmesartan 446.5016 C24H26N6O3 CCCC1=NC(=C(N1CC1=CC=C(C=C1)C1=C(C=CC=C1)C1=NN=NN1)C(O)=O)C(C)(C)O DB00275 158781 48416 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/olmesartan.html 139674 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 10750.0 ng.h/ml 1.6-19.9 mg.h/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.5 % 4.5 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1160.0 ng/ml 0.22-2.1 mg/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 1-3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.3 L/h 1.3 L/h Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.6 L/h 0.6 L/h Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.0174 L/h/kg 0.29 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 17.0 L 17.0 L DRUGBANK 12.5 h 10-15 h elimination half-life; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 10.8 h 10.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/kg >1500 mg/kg dog; DRUGBANK 13.0 % ~10-16 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Benicar olmesartan medoxomil PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Benicar olmesartan medoxomil PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Benicar olmesartan medoxomil PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Benicar olmesartan medoxomil PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Benicar olmesartan medoxomil PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Benicar olmesartan medoxomil PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Benicar olmesartan medoxomil PDR DDPD00276 Amsacrine 393.459 C21H19N3O3S COC1=C(NC2=C3C=CC=CC3=NC3=CC=CC=C23)C=CC(NS(C)(=O)=O)=C1 DB00276 T3D4674 2179 2687 2094 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.258 L/h/kg 4.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.6 L/kg 1.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.5 h 8-9 h DRUGBANK 4.7 h 4.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 96-98 % DRUGBANK DDPD00277 Theophylline 180.164 C7H8N4O2 CN1C2=C(NC=N2)C(=O)N(C)C1=O DB00277 T3D4780 2153 28177 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/theophylline.html 2068 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 96.0 % 96±8 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 7900.0 ng/ml 7.9±0.6 mcg/ml PO, oral; Drug form; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 15000.0 ng/ml 15±2.8 mcg/ml PO, oral; Drug form; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 14000.0 ng/ml 14±3.7 mcg/ml PO, oral; Drug form; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.5 h ~1.5 h PO, oral; Drug form; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 11.5 h 11.5±7.5 h PO, oral; Drug form; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 11.3 h 11.3±4.8 h PO, oral; Drug form; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 6.0 % 6 % DRUGBANK 0.0279 L/h/kg 0.29-0.64 ml/kg/min Prem, premature; Neonates; DRUGBANK 0.078 L/h/kg 0.9-1.7 ml/kg/min Children; DRUGBANK 0.039 L/h/kg 0.65 ml/kg/min adults; DRUGBANK 0.0246 L/h/kg 0.41 ml/kg/min Elderly; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.0198 L/h/kg 0.33 ml/kg/min lung disease; DRUGBANK 0.0324 L/h/kg 0.54 ml/kg/min Geriatric; COPD, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; DRUGBANK 0.0288 L/h/kg 0.48 ml/kg/min COPD, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CP,cor pulmonale; DRUGBANK 0.075 L/h/kg 1.25 ml/kg/min Cystic fibrosis; DRUGBANK 0.0198 L/h/kg 0.31-0.35 ml/kg/min Hepatitis, Hep; DRUGBANK 0.039 L/h/kg 0.65 ml/kg/min cholestasis; DRUGBANK 0.0282 L/h/kg 0.47 ml/kg/min Sepsis; multi-organ failure; DRUGBANK 0.0228 L/h/kg 0.38 ml/kg/min LTh hypothyroid; DRUGBANK 0.048 L/h/kg 0.8 ml/kg/min hyperthyroid, HTh; DRUGBANK 0.039 L/h/kg 0.65±0.20 ml/min/kg Neonates &#8595; ;Prem, premature &#8595; ;Children &#8593; ;Elderly &#8594; ;Preg, pregnant &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;CP,cor pulmonale &#8595; ;congestive heart disease &#8595; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8595; ;LTh hypothyroid &#8595; ;Obesity &#8595; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8593; ;hyperthyroid, HTh &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;COPD, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease &#8594; ;Somking &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.0516 L/h/kg 0.86 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.5 L/kg 0.3-0.7 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.5 L/kg 0.50±0.16 L/kg Elderly &#8594; ;Preg, pregnant &#8594; ;Prem, premature &#8593; ;Obesity &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;hyperthyroid, HTh &#8594; ;LTh hypothyroid &#8594; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.51 L/kg 0.51 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8 h DRUGBANK 9.0 h 9.0±2.1 h Prem, premature &#8593; ;Neonates &#8593; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8595; ;hyperthyroid, HTh &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;congestive heart disease &#8593; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8593; ;CP,cor pulmonale &#8593; ;LTh hypothyroid &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Somking &#8595; ;Age &#8594; ;normal BMI &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 7.2 h 7.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % Urinary excretion; Neonates; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 10.0 % ~10 % Urinary excretion; Infants; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 10.0 % ~10 % Urinary excretion; adults; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 18.0 % 18±3 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; Neonates &#8593; ;Prem, premature &#8593; ;Elderly &#8594; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % DRUGBANK 56.0 % 56±4 % Elderly &#8595; ;Neonates &#8595; ;Preg, pregnant &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;Obesity &#8595; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Elixophyllin theophylline anhydrous PDR 16.0 mg/kg/day 16 mg/kg/day PO, oral Elixophyllin theophylline anhydrous PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Elixophyllin theophylline anhydrous PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Elixophyllin theophylline anhydrous PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Elixophyllin theophylline anhydrous PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Elixophyllin theophylline anhydrous PDR 16.0 mg/kg/day 16 mg/kg/day PO, oral Elixophyllin theophylline anhydrous PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Elixophyllin theophylline anhydrous PDR DDPD00278 Argatroban 508.64 C23H36N6O5S C[C@@H]1CCN([C@H](C1)C(O)=O)C(=O)[C@H](CCCNC(N)=N)NS(=O)(=O)C1=CC=CC2=C1NCC(C)C2 DB00278 152951 94385 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/argatroban.html 83702 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 5.1 L/h/kg 5.1 L/kg/h intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 0.3 L/h/kg 5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.174 L/kg 174.0 ml/kg DRUGBANK 12.18 L 12.18 L adults; DRUGBANK 0.17 L/kg 0.17 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 39-51 min DRUGBANK 0.4 h 0.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 65.0 % 65 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 22.0 % 22 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 54.0 % 54 % DRUGBANK DDPD00279 Liothyronine 650.9735 C15H12I3NO4 N[C@@H](CC1=CC(I)=C(OC2=CC(I)=C(O)C=C2)C(I)=C1)C(O)=O DB00279 T3D4759 5920 18258 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/liothyronine.html 5707 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 47.42 ng.h/ml 4742.0 ng.h/dl Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 34600.0 ng/ml 346.0 ng/dl Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 0.15 L/kg 0.1-0.2 L/kg DRUGBANK 36.0 h 1-2 day DRUGBANK 4540.0 mg/kg >4540 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 99.7 % ~99.7 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 0.1 mg/day 100 mcg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Cytomel liothyronine sodium PDR 0.1 mg/day 100 mcg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Cytomel liothyronine sodium PDR 0.1 mg/day 100 mcg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Cytomel liothyronine sodium PDR 0.1 mg/day 100 mcg/day PO, oral Cytomel liothyronine sodium PDR DDPD00280 Disopyramide 339.4745 C21H29N3O CC(C)N(CCC(C(N)=O)(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=NC=CC=C1)C(C)C DB00280 3114 4657 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/disopyramide.html 3002 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % DRUGBANK 0.054 L/h/kg 0.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.52 L/kg 0.52 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.7 h 6.7(4-10) h DRUGBANK 7.0 h 7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 580.0 mg/kg 580.0 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % Urinary excretion; Male, men; normal,healthy; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 57.5 % 50-65 % DRUGBANK 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Norpace/Norpace CR disopyramide phosphate PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral Norpace/Norpace CR disopyramide phosphate PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Norpace/Norpace CR disopyramide phosphate PDR 1600.0 mg/day 1600 mg/day PO, oral Norpace/Norpace CR disopyramide phosphate PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Norpace/Norpace CR disopyramide phosphate PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day PO, oral Norpace/Norpace CR disopyramide phosphate PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Norpace/Norpace CR disopyramide phosphate PDR 1600.0 mg/day 1600 mg/day PO, oral Norpace/Norpace CR disopyramide phosphate PDR DDPD00281 Lidocaine 234.3373 C14H22N2O CCN(CC)CC(=O)NC1=C(C)C=CC=C1C DB00281 T3D2735 3676 6456 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/lidocaine-gel.html 3548 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % parenteral administration; DRUGBANK 35.0 % 35.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 35.0 % 35±11 % parenteral administration; DRUGBANK 3500.0 ng/ml 2-5 mcg/ml DRUGBANK 38.4 L/h 0.64±0.18 L/min Average clearance; intravenous injection, IV; adults; DRUGBANK 0.552 L/h/kg 9.2±2.4 ml/min/kg hydrolysis; Neonates &#8594; ;Elderly &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;acute viral hepatitis AVH &#8594; ;Obesity &#8595; ;congestive heart disease &#8595; ;CPBS &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.96 L/h/kg 16 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.1 L/kg 0.7-1.5 L/kg the more highly perfused &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.1 L/kg 1.1±0.4 L/kg Neonates &#8593; ;Elderly &#8594; ;congestive heart disease &#8595; ;CPBS &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Obesity &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.8 L/kg 1.8 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.75 h 1.5-2 h elimination half-life; intravenous injection, IV; hepatopathy,LD &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 3.0 h >3 h hepatopathy,LD; DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1.8±0.4 h Neonates &#8593; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;Obesity &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;CPBS &#8594; ;congestive heart disease &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.6 h 1.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 459.0 mg/kg 459(346-773) mg/kg food; female rat; DRUGBANK 214.0 mg/kg 214(159-324) mg/kg fasting; female rat; DRUGBANK 459.0 mg/kg 459(346-773) mg/kg PO, oral; food; female rat; DRUGBANK 214.0 mg/kg 214(159-324) mg/kg PO, oral; fasting; female rat; DRUGBANK 5.0 % <5 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 2.0 % 2±1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; Neonates &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 70.0 % ~60-80 % DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70±5 % Neonates &#8595; ;Elderly &#8593; ;Children &#8594; ;myocardial infarction &#8593; ;CPBS &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;nephritic syndrome &#8594; ;Somking &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.0 mg/kg 1 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Lidocaine Cream lidocaine PDR 100.0 mg 100 mg intravenous injection, IV Lidocaine Cream lidocaine PDR 3.0 mg/kg 3 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Lidocaine Cream lidocaine PDR 72.0 mg/kg/day 50 mcg/kg/minute intravenous infusion, iv in drop Lidocaine Cream lidocaine PDR 2.0 mg/kg 2 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Lidocaine Cream lidocaine PDR 144.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/hour intravenous infusion, iv in drop Lidocaine Cream lidocaine PDR 100.0 mg/dose 100 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Lidocaine Cream lidocaine PDR 300.0 mg 300 mg intravenous injection, IV Lidocaine Cream lidocaine PDR 1.5 mg/kg/dose 1.5 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Lidocaine Cream lidocaine PDR 3.0 mg/kg 3 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Lidocaine Cream lidocaine PDR 5760.0 mg/day 4 mg/minute intravenous infusion, iv in drop Lidocaine Cream lidocaine PDR 72.0 mg/kg/day 50 mcg/kg/minute intravenous infusion, iv in drop Lidocaine Cream lidocaine PDR 100.0 mg/dose 100 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Lidocaine Cream lidocaine PDR 300.0 mg 300 mg intravenous injection, IV Lidocaine Cream lidocaine PDR 1.5 mg/kg/dose 1.5 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Lidocaine Cream lidocaine PDR 3.0 mg/kg 3 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Lidocaine Cream lidocaine PDR 0.00277777777777778 mg/day 4 mg/minute intravenous infusion, iv in drop Lidocaine Cream lidocaine PDR 72.0 mg/kg/day 50 mcg/kg/minute intravenous infusion, iv in drop Lidocaine Cream lidocaine PDR 1.0 mg/kg 1 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Lidocaine Cream lidocaine PDR 100.0 mg 100 mg intravenous injection, IV Lidocaine Cream lidocaine PDR 3.0 mg/kg 3 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Lidocaine Cream lidocaine PDR 72.0 mg/kg/day 50 mcg/kg/min intravenous infusion, iv in drop Lidocaine Cream lidocaine PDR 2.0 mg/kg 2 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Lidocaine Cream lidocaine PDR 144.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/h intravenous infusion, iv in drop Lidocaine Cream lidocaine PDR 1.0 mg/kg 1 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Lidocaine Cream lidocaine PDR 3.0 mg/kg 3 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Lidocaine Cream lidocaine PDR 72.0 mg/kg/day 50 mcg/kg/minute intravenous infusion, iv in drop Lidocaine Cream lidocaine PDR 2.0 mg/kg 2 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Lidocaine Cream lidocaine PDR 0.25 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/hour intravenous infusion, iv in drop Lidocaine Cream lidocaine PDR DDPD00282 Pamidronic acid 235.0695 C3H11NO7P2 NCCC(O)(P(O)(O)=O)P(O)(O)=O DB00282 T3D2665 4674 7903 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/pamidronate.html 4512 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 10200.0 ng.h/ml 10.2±6.95 ug.h/ml normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 7305.0 ng.h/ml 10.7-3.91 ug.h/ml mild renal function; DRUGBANK 10100.0 ng.h/ml 10.1±3.38 ug.h/ml moderate renal function; DRUGBANK 34000.0 ng.h/ml 34.0±8.37 ug.h/ml severe renal function; DRUGBANK 1920.0 ng/ml 1.92±1.08 ug/ml normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1860.0 ng/ml 1.86±0.50 ug/ml mild renal function; DRUGBANK 1840.0 ng/ml 1.84±0.58 ug/ml moderate renal function; DRUGBANK 1930.0 ng/ml 1.93±0.53 ug/ml severe renal function; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h mild renal function; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h moderate renal function; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h severe renal function; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 6.42 L/h 107±50 ml/min Average clearance; DRUGBANK 2.94 L/h 49±28 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 28.0 h 28±7 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 46.0 % 46±16 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 54.0 % ~54 % DRUGBANK 90.0 mg/dose 90 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Pamidronate Disodium pamidronate disodium PDR 90.0 mg/dose 90 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Pamidronate Disodium pamidronate disodium PDR DDPD00283 Clemastine 343.89 C21H26ClNO CN1CCC[C@@H]1CCO[C@](C)(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1 DB00283 26987 3738 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/clemastine.html 25129 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3550.0 mg/kg 3550.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 730.0 mg/kg 730.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 8.04 mg/day 8.04 mg/day PO, oral Tavist Allergy clemastine fumarate PDR 6.0 mg/day 6 mg/day PO, oral Tavist Allergy clemastine fumarate PDR 8.04 mg/day 8.04 mg/day PO, oral Tavist Allergy clemastine fumarate PDR 6.0 mg/day 6 mg/day PO, oral Tavist Allergy clemastine fumarate PDR 8.04 mg/day 8.04 mg/day PO, oral Tavist Allergy clemastine fumarate PDR 6.0 mg/day 6 mg/day PO, oral Tavist Allergy clemastine fumarate PDR 0.0 0 Tavist Allergy clemastine fumarate PDR DDPD00284 Acarbose 645.608 C25H43NO18 [H]C(=O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@]([H])(O[C@@]1([H])O[C@H](CO)[C@@]([H])(O[C@H]2O[C@H](C)[C@@H](N[C@@]3([H])C=C(CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]3O)[C@H](O)[C@H]2O)[C@H](O)[C@H]1O)[C@H](O)CO DB00284 9811704 2376 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/acarbose.html 23264314 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.0 % <2 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.132 L/h/kg 2.2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.32 L/kg 0.32 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.7 h 2.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Precose acarbose PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Precose acarbose PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Precose acarbose PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Precose acarbose PDR DDPD00285 Venlafaxine 277.4018 C17H27NO2 COC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(CN(C)C)C1(O)CCCCC1 DB00285 T3D2736 5656 9943 http://www.drugs.com/venlafaxine.html 5454 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 92.0 % 92.0 % Oral single dose; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 45.0 % 45.0 % Oral single dose; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 27.5 % 10-45 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 167.0 ng/ml 167±55 ng/ml PO, oral; immediate release formulation; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 397.0 ng/ml 397±81 ng/ml PO, oral; Active metabolite; immediate release formulation; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2.0±0.4 h PO, oral; immediate release formulation; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.8 h 2.8±0.8 h PO, oral; Active metabolite; immediate release formulation; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 5.5 h 5.5 h PO, oral; extended release formulation; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 9.0 h 9 h PO, oral; Active metabolite; extended release formulation; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 72.0 h 3.0 day DRUGBANK 1.3 L/h/kg 1.3±0.6 L/h/kg Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.4 L/h/kg 0.4±0.2 L/h/kg Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 1.32 L/h/kg 22±10 ml/min/kg apparent clearance;  Female, women &#8594; ;Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.84 L/h/kg 14 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.5 L/kg 7.5±3.7 L/kg DRUGBANK 5.7 L/kg 5.7±1.8 L/kg DRUGBANK 7.5 L/kg 7.5±3.7 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution;  Female, women &#8594; ;Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 4.4 L/kg 4.4 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5 h DRUGBANK 4.9 h 4.9±2.4 h  Female, women &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Age &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 10.3 h 10.3±54.3 h  Female, women &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Age &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 48.0 % ~48 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 4.6 % 4.6±3 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 29.0 % 29±7 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 27.0 % 27±2 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 27.0 % 27±2 % DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30±12 % Metabolite; DRUGBANK 112.5 mg/day 112.5 mg/day PO, oral Venlafaxine Tablets venlafaxine hydrochloride PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Venlafaxine Tablets venlafaxine hydrochloride PDR 225.0 mg/day 225 mg/day PO, oral Venlafaxine Tablets venlafaxine hydrochloride PDR 225.0 mg/day 225 mg/day PO, oral Venlafaxine Tablets venlafaxine hydrochloride PDR 375.0 mg/day 375 mg/day PO, oral Venlafaxine Tablets venlafaxine hydrochloride PDR 225.0 mg/day 225 mg/day Venlafaxine Tablets venlafaxine hydrochloride PDR 112.5 mg/day 112.5 mg/day PO, oral Venlafaxine Tablets venlafaxine hydrochloride PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Venlafaxine Tablets venlafaxine hydrochloride PDR 225.0 mg/day 225 mg/day PO, oral Venlafaxine Tablets venlafaxine hydrochloride PDR 225.0 mg/day 225 mg/day PO, oral Venlafaxine Tablets venlafaxine hydrochloride PDR 375.0 mg/day 375 mg/day PO, oral Venlafaxine Tablets venlafaxine hydrochloride PDR 225.0 mg/day 225 mg/day Venlafaxine Tablets venlafaxine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00286 Conjugated estrogens N.A. N.A. CC12CCC3C(C1CCC2=O)CCC4=C3C=CC(=C4)OS(=O)(=O)[O-].[Na+] DB00286 45357473 8389 https://www.drugs.com/cdi/conjugated-estrogens.html 9532 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 35.0 ng.h/ml 35.0 ng.h/ml Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 2.6 ng/ml 2.6 ng/ml Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 7 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 615.0 L/m2 ~615 L/m2 DRUGBANK 17.0 h 17 h DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 65.0 % ~50-80 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD00287 Travoprost 500.5477 C26H35F3O6 CC(C)OC(=O)CCC\C=C/C[C@H]1[C@@H](O)C[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1\C=C\[C@@H](O)COC1=CC=CC(=C1)C(F)(F)F DB00287 5282226 746859 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/travoprost-drops.html 4445407 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.025 ng/ml <25 pg/ml ophthalmic administration; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h ophthalmic administration; DRUGBANK 2.6 L/kg 2.6 L/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.75 h ~45(17-86) min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 61.0 % 61 % Bile excretion; subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 34.0 % 34 % Urinary excretion; subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD00288 Amcinonide 502.5717 C28H35FO7 [H][C@@]12C[C@H]3OC4(CCCC4)O[C@@]3(C(=O)COC(C)=O)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1(F)[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)C=C[C@]12C DB00288 443958 31199 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/amcinonide-cream.html 392009 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.0 application/day 3 application/day skin/dermal Amcinonide Lotion amcinonide PDR 3.0 appLication/day 3 appLication/day skin/dermal Amcinonide Lotion amcinonide PDR 3.0 application/day 3 application/day skin/dermal Amcinonide Lotion amcinonide PDR 3.0 application/day 3 application/day skin/dermal Amcinonide Lotion amcinonide PDR DDPD00289 Atomoxetine 255.3547 C17H21NO CNCC[C@@H](OC1=CC=CC=C1C)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00289 T3D2737 54841 127342 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/atomoxetine.html 49516 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2000.0 ng.h/ml 2.0 mcg.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 63.0 % 63.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 94.0 % 94.0 % PO, oral; high-fat meal; high-fat meal &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 63.0 % 63.0 % PO, oral; extensive metabolizers, EM; DRUGBANK 94.0 % 94.0 % PO, oral; poor metabolizers, PM; DRUGBANK 350.0 ng/ml 350.0 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 160.0 ng/ml 160.0 ng/ml PO, oral; extensive metabolizers, EM; DRUGBANK 915.0 ng/ml 915.0 ng/ml PO, oral; poor metabolizers, PM; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2.0 h PO, oral; poor metabolizers, PM; extensive metabolizers, EM; DRUGBANK 0.47 L/h/kg 0.27-0.67 L/h/kg DRUGBANK 0.372 L/h/kg 6.2 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; at steady state; hydrolysis; extensive metabolizers, EM; hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.036 L/h/kg 0.6 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; at steady state; hydrolysis; poor metabolizers, PM; DRUGBANK 0.558 L/h/kg 9.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.1 L/kg 1.6-2.6 L/kg PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.85 L/kg ~0.85 L/kg Steady state volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 2.3 L/kg 2.3 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; at steady state; hydrolysis; extensive metabolizers, EM; DRUGBANK 1.1 L/kg 1.1 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; at steady state; hydrolysis; poor metabolizers, PM; DRUGBANK 0.85 L/kg 0.85 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.3 h 3-5.6 h CYP2D6 genetic polymorphisms; DRUGBANK 5.3 h 5.3 h extensive metabolizers, EM; at steady state; DRUGBANK 20.0 h 20.0 h poor metabolizers, PM; at steady state; DRUGBANK 5.2 h 5.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 80.0 % >80 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 17.0 % <17 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 3.0 % <3 % Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.5 % 1-2 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 98.7 % 98.7 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 96.2 % ~96.2 % DRUGBANK 98.7 % 98.7±0.3 % DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Strattera atomoxetine PDR 1.4 mg/kg/day 1.4 mg/kg/day PO, oral Strattera atomoxetine PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Strattera atomoxetine PDR 1.4 mg/kg/day 1.4 mg/day/kg PO, oral Strattera atomoxetine PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Strattera atomoxetine PDR DDPD00290 Bleomycin 1415.552 C55H84N17O21S3 [H][C@](C)(NC(=O)[C@@]([H])(NC(=O)C1=NC(=NC(N)=C1C)[C@H](CC(N)=O)NC[C@H](N)C(N)=O)[C@@]([H])(OC1OC(CO)C(O)C(O)C1OC1OC(CO)C(O)C(OC(N)=O)C1O)C1=CNC=N1)[C@@H](O)[C@H](C)C(=O)N[C@]([H])(C(=O)NCCC1=NC(=CS1)C1=NC(=CS1)C(=O)NCCC[S+](C)C)[C@@]([H])(C)O DB00290 T3D2738 5360373 22907 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/bleomycin.html 4514492 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 45.0 % 45.0 % DRUGBANK 0.0756 L/h/kg 1.26 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.43 L/kg 0.43 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.91666666666667 h 115 min DRUGBANK 3.9 h 3.9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 % 1 % DRUGBANK 400.0 units 400 units intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Bleomycin bleomycin sulfate PDR 400.0 units 400 units intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Bleomycin bleomycin sulfate PDR 400.0 units 400 units intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Bleomycin bleomycin sulfate PDR DDPD00291 Chlorambucil 304.212 C14H19Cl2NO2 OC(=O)CCCC1=CC=C(C=C1)N(CCCl)CCCl DB00291 T3D4684 2708 28830 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/chlorambucil.html 2607 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.168 L/h/kg 2.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.26 L/kg 0.26 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % DRUGBANK DDPD00292 Etomidate 244.289 C14H16N2O2 CCOC(=O)C1=CN=CN1[C@H](C)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00292 667484 4910 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/etomidate.html 580864 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.78 L/h/kg 13 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.7 L/kg 2.7 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.25 h 75 min DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 75.0 % ~75 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 76.0 % 76 % DRUGBANK DDPD00293 Raltitrexed 458.488 C21H22N4O6S CN(CC1=CC2=C(NC(C)=NC2=O)C=C1)C1=CC=C(S1)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCC(O)=O)C(O)=O DB00293 104758 5847 94568 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.054 L/h/kg 0.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.57 L/kg 6.57 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 198.0 h 198 h DRUGBANK 140.0 h 140 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 93.0 % >93 % DRUGBANK DDPD00294 Etonogestrel 324.4565 C22H28O2 [H][C@@]12CC[C@@](O)(C#C)[C@@]1(CC)CC(=C)[C@]1([H])[C@@]3([H])CCC(=O)C=C3CC[C@@]21[H] DB00294 6917715 50777 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/etonogestrel-implant.html 5292944 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 82.0 % 82.0 % subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 7.5 L/h 7.5 L/h DRUGBANK 0.12 L/h/kg 2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 201.0 L 201.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 2.87 L/kg 2.87 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 25.0 h 25 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 25.0 h 25 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 97.5 % 96-99 % DRUGBANK 68.0 mg/dose 68 mg/dose subdermal implant; every 3 years Nexplanon etonogestrel PDR 68.0 mg/dose 68 mg/dose subdermal implant; every 3 years Nexplanon etonogestrel PDR DDPD00295 Morphine 285.3377 C17H19NO3 [H][C@@]12OC3=C(O)C=CC4=C3[C@@]11CCN(C)[C@]([H])(C4)[C@]1([H])C=C[C@@H]2O DB00295 T3D2740 5288826 17303 http://www.drugs.com/morphine.html 4450907 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 73.4742775 ng.h/ml 225-290 nmol.h/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 80-100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 24.0 % 24±12 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 80.7505691 ng/ml 283.0 nmol/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 70.0 ng/ml ~70 ng/ml IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 10.0 ng/ml 10.0 ng/ml PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 7.4 ng/ml 7.4 ng/ml PO, oral; Sustained Release formulation; DRUGBANK 300.0 ng/ml 200-400 ng/ml DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.25 h 0.2-0.3 h IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 0.5-1.5 h PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 5.5 h 3-8 h PO, oral; Sustained Release formulation; DRUGBANK 36.0 h 24-48 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % DRUGBANK 96.0 L/h 1600.0 ml/min intravenous injection, IV; subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 1.44 L/h/kg 24±10 ml/min/kg Elderly &#8594; ;Children &#8594; ;Neonates &#8595; ;Prem, premature &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;Burn &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 1.56 L/h/kg 26 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.31 L/kg 5.31 L/kg DRUGBANK 3.61 L/kg 3.61 L/kg DRUGBANK 3.3 L/kg 3.3±0.9 L/kg Neonates &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 2.3 L/kg 2.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.9±0.5 h Children &#8594; ;Neonates &#8593; ;Prem, premature &#8593; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4.0±1.5 h Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 50.0 h 50±37 h DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.78 mg/L 0.78 ug/ml Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.98 mg/L 0.98 ug/ml  Female, women; DRUGBANK 461.0 mg/kg 461.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 600.0 mg/kg 600.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 8.5 % 7-10 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 6.0 % 2-10 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 4.0 % 4±5 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 14.0 % 14±7 % Urinary excretion; IM,intramuscular injection; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 35.0 % 35 % DRUGBANK 35.0 % 35±2 % acute viral hepatitis AVH &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;hypoalbuminemia Alb &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.2 mg/kg/dose 0.2 mg/kg/dose PO, oral Duramorph morphine sulfate PDR 4.0 mg/dose 4 mg/dose PO, oral Duramorph morphine sulfate PDR 0.8 mg/kg/day 0.8 mg/kg/day PO, oral Duramorph morphine sulfate PDR 16.0 mg/day 16 mg/day PO, oral Duramorph morphine sulfate PDR 1600.0 mg/day 1600 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Duramorph morphine sulfate PDR 15.0 mg/dose 15 mg/dose epidural administration Duramorph morphine sulfate PDR 6.0 mg/dose 6 mg/dose PO, oral Duramorph morphine sulfate PDR 24.0 mg/day 24 mg/day PO, oral Duramorph morphine sulfate PDR 4.0 mg/dose 4 mg/dose PO, oral Duramorph morphine sulfate PDR 16.0 mg/day 16 mg/day PO, oral Duramorph morphine sulfate PDR 0.2 mg/kg/dose 0.2 mg/kg/dose PO, oral Duramorph morphine sulfate PDR 4.0 mg/dose 4 mg/dose PO, oral Duramorph morphine sulfate PDR 0.8 mg/kg/day 0.8 mg/kg/day PO, oral Duramorph morphine sulfate PDR 16.0 mg/day 16 mg/day PO, oral Duramorph morphine sulfate PDR 1600.0 mg/day 1600 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Duramorph morphine sulfate PDR 15.0 mg/dose 15 mg/dose epidural administration Duramorph morphine sulfate PDR 6.0 mg/dose 6 mg/dose PO, oral Duramorph morphine sulfate PDR 24.0 mg/day 24 mg/day PO, oral Duramorph morphine sulfate PDR 4.0 mg/dose 4 mg/dose PO, oral Duramorph morphine sulfate PDR 16.0 mg/day 16 mg/day PO, oral Duramorph morphine sulfate PDR DDPD00296 Ropivacaine 274.4011 C17H26N2O CCCN1CCCC[C@H]1C(=O)NC1=C(C)C=CC=C1C DB00296 T3D2741 175805 8890 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ropivacaine.html 153165 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 92.5 % 87-98 % epidural administration; DRUGBANK 1100.0 ng/ml 1.1±0.2 mcg/ml DRUGBANK 2300.0 ng/ml 2.3±0.8 mcg/ml skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 0.7 h 0.7±0.2 h DRUGBANK 0.9 h 0.9±0.4 h skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 23.22 L/h 387±107 ml/min DRUGBANK 432.0 L/h 7.2±1.6 L/min Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.378 L/h/kg 5.5-7.1 ml/min/kg Average clearance; DRUGBANK 0.33 L/h/kg 5.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.7 L/kg 0.54-0.86 L/kg Average volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.75 L/kg 0.75 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.2 h ~4.2 h DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1.6-2.0 h different study; DRUGBANK 5.5 h 4-7 h epidural administration; IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 2.2 h 2.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 86.0 % 86 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.0 % 1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 94.0 % 94 % DRUGBANK 92.0 % 90-94 % DRUGBANK DDPD00297 Bupivacaine 288.4277 C18H28N2O CCCCN1CCCCC1C(=O)NC1=C(C)C=CC=C1C DB00297 T3D2742 2474 77431 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/bupivacaine-solution.html 2380 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 800.0 ng/ml 0.8 mcg/ml epidural administration; adults; patients; DRUGBANK 0.335 h 0.17-0.5 h epidural administration; adults; patients; DRUGBANK 0.426 L/h/kg 7.1±2.8 ml/min/kg Total clearance; normal,healthy; Male, men; Children &#8593; ;Elderly &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.258 L/h/kg 4.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.9 L/kg 0.9±0.4 L/kg Steady state volume of distribution; normal,healthy; Male, men; Children &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.84 L/kg 0.84 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.7 h 2.7 h adults; DRUGBANK 8.1 h 8.1 h Neonates; DRUGBANK 2.4 h 2.4±1.2 h Children &#8594; ;Age &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 3.1 h 3.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.0 mg/kg 6-8 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; monkey; DRUGBANK 41.5 mg/kg 38-45 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; monkey; DRUGBANK 7.0 mg/kg 6-8 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 46.0 mg/kg 38-54 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 6.0 % 6 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 2.0 % 2±2 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95±1 % Neonates &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 266.0 mg 266 mg Transdermal preparations Exparel bupivacaine liposome PDR 133.0 mg 133 mg epidural administration Exparel bupivacaine liposome PDR 266.0 mg 266 mg Transdermal preparations Exparel bupivacaine liposome PDR 133.0 mg 133 mg epidural administration Exparel bupivacaine liposome PDR 175.0 mg/dose 175 mg/dose Marcaine Spinal bupivacaine hydrochloride PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day Marcaine Spinal bupivacaine hydrochloride PDR 90.0 mg/procedure 90 mg/procedure Marcaine Spinal bupivacaine hydrochloride PDR 75.0 mg 75 mg Marcaine Spinal bupivacaine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00298 Dapiprazole 325.4512 C19H27N5 CC1=CC=CC=C1N1CCN(CCC2=NN=C3CCCCN23)CC1 DB00298 3033538 51066 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/dapiprazole.html 2298190 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1644.5 mg/kg 1189-2100 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; Rattus, Rat; rabbit; DRUGBANK DDPD00299 Penciclovir 253.2578 C10H15N5O3 NC1=NC(=O)C2=C(N1)N(CCC(CO)CO)C=N2 DB00299 4725 7956 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/penciclovir.html 4563 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.504 L/h/kg 8.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.1 L/kg 1.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h DRUGBANK 2.1 h 2.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 % <20 % DRUGBANK DDPD00300 Tenofovir disoproxil 519.448 C19H30N5O10P [H][C@@](C)(CN1C=NC2=C(N)N=CN=C12)OCP(=O)(OCOC(=O)OC(C)C)OCOC(=O)OC(C)C DB00300 5481350 63717 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/tenofovir.html 4587262 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3320.0 ng.h/ml 3.32±1.37 ug.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 330.0 ng/ml 0.33±0.12 ug/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 18.0 L/h ~300 ml/min Total clearance; DRUGBANK 12.6 L/h 210.0 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 1.3 L/kg 1.3±0.6 L/kg at steady state; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.2 L/kg 1.2±0.4 L/kg at steady state; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 17.0 h ~17 h terminal half-life; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 76.0 % ~72-80 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.7 % <0.7 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.2 % <7.2 % high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.0 mg/kg/day 8 mg/kg/day PO, oral Viread tenofovir disoproxil fumarate PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Viread tenofovir disoproxil fumarate PDR 8.0 mg/kg/day 8 mg/kg/day PO, oral Viread tenofovir disoproxil fumarate PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Viread tenofovir disoproxil fumarate PDR 8.0 mg/kg/day 8 mg/kg/day PO, oral Viread tenofovir disoproxil fumarate PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Viread tenofovir disoproxil fumarate PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Viread tenofovir disoproxil fumarate PDR DDPD00301 Flucloxacillin 453.872 C19H17ClFN3O5S [H][C@]12SC(C)(C)[C@@H](N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)C1=C(C)ON=C1C1=C(Cl)C=CC=C1F)C(O)=O DB00301 21319 5098 20037 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 60.0 % 50-70 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.144 L/h/kg 2.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.19 L/kg 0.19 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.875 h 0.75-1 h DRUGBANK 1.4 h 1.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD00302 Tranexamic acid 157.2102 C8H15NO2 NC[C@H]1CC[C@@H](CC1)C(O)=O DB00302 5526 48669 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/tranexamic-acid.html 10482000 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 40.0 % 30-50 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5.0 % <5 % DRUGBANK 6.78 L/h 110-116 ml/min DRUGBANK 0.144 L/h/kg 2.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.5 L 9-12.0 L DRUGBANK 0.38 L/kg 0.38 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 2.3 h 2.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10000.0 mg/kg 10.0 g/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 3.0 % ~3 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 3900.0 mg/day 3900 mg/day PO, oral Lysteda tranexamic acid PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Lysteda tranexamic acid PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Lysteda tranexamic acid PDR 3900.0 mg/day 3900 mg/day PO, oral Lysteda tranexamic acid PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Lysteda tranexamic acid PDR 3900.0 mg/day 3900 mg/day PO, oral Lysteda tranexamic acid PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Lysteda tranexamic acid PDR 3900.0 mg/day 3900 mg/day PO, oral Lysteda tranexamic acid PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Lysteda tranexamic acid PDR DDPD00303 Ertapenem 475.515 C22H25N3O7S [H][C@]12[C@@H](C)C(S[C@]3([H])CN[C@@]([H])(C3)C(=O)NC3=CC=CC(=C3)C(O)=O)=C(N1C(=O)[C@]2([H])[C@@H](C)O)C(O)=O DB00303 150610 404903 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ertapenem.html 132758 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 92.0 % 92.0 % IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 77.0 % 77.0 % IM,intramuscular injection; Male, men; DRUGBANK 1.8 L/h 1.8 L/h DRUGBANK 0.027 L/h/kg 0.45 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.12 L/kg 0.12 L/kg adults; DRUGBANK 0.18 L/kg 0.16-0.2 L/kg pediatric patients; DRUGBANK 0.12 L/kg 0.12 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.0 h ~4 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 3.8 h 3.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 38.0 % ~38 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 95.0 % ~95 % DRUGBANK 85.0 % ~85 % DRUGBANK 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Invanz ertapenem PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Invanz ertapenem PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Invanz ertapenem PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Invanz ertapenem PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Invanz ertapenem PDR 1.0 g/day 1 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Invanz ertapenem PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Invanz ertapenem PDR DDPD00304 Desogestrel 310.473 C22H30O [H][C@@]12CC[C@@](O)(C#C)[C@@]1(CC)CC(=C)[C@]1([H])[C@@]3([H])CCCC=C3CC[C@@]21[H] DB00304 40973 4453 37400 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3000.0 ng.h/ml 3000.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 60-80 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.0 ng/ml 2.0 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.12 L/h/kg 2.0 ml/min/kg Total clearance; DRUGBANK 1.5 L/kg 1.5 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 30.0 h 30 h terminal half-life; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 85.0 % ~85 % DRUGBANK 97.0 % ~96-98 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD00305 Mitomycin 334.3272 C15H18N4O5 [H][C@]12CN3C4=C([C@@H](COC(N)=O)[C@@]3(OC)[C@@]1([H])N2)C(=O)C(N)=C(C)C4=O DB00305 T3D2743 5746 27504 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/mitomycin.html 5544 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.466666666666667 h 8-48 min DRUGBANK 23.0 mg/kg 23.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 30.0 mg/kg 30.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 23.0 mg/kg 23.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 30.0 mg/kg 30.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 10.0 % ~10 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/m2 20 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Mitomycin mitomycin PDR 60.0 mg 60 mg Mitomycin mitomycin PDR 15.0 ml 15 mL Mitomycin mitomycin PDR 20.0 mg/m2 20 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Mitomycin mitomycin PDR 60.0 mg 60 mg Mitomycin mitomycin PDR 15.0 ml 15 ml Mitomycin mitomycin PDR DDPD00306 Talbutal 224.2563 C11H16N2O3 CCC(C)C1(CC=C)C(=O)NC(=O)NC1=O DB00306 8275 134923 7976 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00307 Bexarotene 348.4779 C24H28O2 CC1=CC2=C(C=C1C(=C)C1=CC=C(C=C1)C(O)=O)C(C)(C)CCC2(C)C DB00307 82146 50859 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/bexarotene.html 74139 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.0 h 7 h DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/m2/day 400 mg/m2/day PO, oral Targretin Capsules bexarotene PDR 1.0 appLication 1 appLication gel qid Targretin Capsules bexarotene PDR 400.0 mg/m2/day 400 mg/m2/day Capsule, PO, Oral Targretin Capsules bexarotene PDR 1.0 application 1 application gel qid Targretin Capsules bexarotene PDR DDPD00308 Ibutilide 384.576 C20H36N2O3S CCCCCCCN(CC)CCCC(O)C1=CC=C(NS(C)(=O)=O)C=C1 DB00308 60753 5856 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ibutilide.html 54755 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.74 L/h/kg 29.0 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 1.56 L/h/kg 26 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 11.0 L/kg 11.0 L/kg DRUGBANK 12.0 L/kg 12 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6(2-12) h DRUGBANK 7.0 h 7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 50.0 mg/kg >50 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 82.0 % ~82 % Urinary excretion; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 19.0 % ~19 % Faeces excretion; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.0 % ~7 % Urinary excretion; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % DRUGBANK 2.0 mg 2 mg intravenous injection, IV Corvert ibutilide fumarate PDR 2.0 mg 2 mg intravenous injection, IV Corvert ibutilide fumarate PDR DDPD00309 Vindesine 753.941 C43H55N5O7 [H][C@@]12N3CC[C@@]11C4=CC(=C(OC)C=C4N(C)[C@@]1([H])[C@](O)([C@H](O)[C@]2(CC)C=CC3)C(N)=O)[C@]1(C[C@@]2([H])CN(C[C@](O)(CC)C2)CCC2=C1NC1=C2C=CC=C1)C(=O)OC DB00309 T3D2479 40839 36373 9818189 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.132 L/h/kg 2.2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 L/kg 5 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 24.0 h 24 h DRUGBANK 35.0 h 35 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.0 mg/kg 4.0 mg/kg mouse; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 65-75 % DRUGBANK DDPD00310 Chlorthalidone 338.766 C14H11ClN2O4S NS(=O)(=O)C1=C(Cl)C=CC(=C1)C1(O)NC(=O)C2=CC=CC=C12 DB00310 2732 3654 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/chlorthalidone.html 2631 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 64.0 % 64±10 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3700.0 ng/ml 3.7±0.9 mcg/ml Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 13.8 h 13.8±6.3 h Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.0024 L/h/kg 0.04±0.01 ml/min/kg Elderly &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.09 L/h/kg 1.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.14 L/kg 0.14±0.07 L/kg DRUGBANK 3.9 L/kg 3.9 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 45.0 h 40-50 h DRUGBANK 47.0 h 47±22 h Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 36.0 h 36 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 65.0 % 65±9 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 75.0 % ~75 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 58.0 % 58 % DRUGBANK 75.0 % 75±1 % DRUGBANK 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Chlorthalidone chlorthalidone PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Chlorthalidone chlorthalidone PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Chlorthalidone chlorthalidone PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Chlorthalidone chlorthalidone PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Chlorthalidone chlorthalidone PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Chlorthalidone chlorthalidone PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Chlorthalidone chlorthalidone PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Chlorthalidone chlorthalidone PDR DDPD00312 Pentobarbital 226.2722 C11H18N2O3 CCCC(C)C1(CC)C(=O)NC(=O)NC1=O DB00312 T3D2745 4737 7983 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/pentobarbital.html 4575 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0282 L/h/kg 0.47 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.91 L/kg 0.91 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 27.5 h 5-50 h DRUGBANK 22.0 h 22 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 37.5 % ~25-50 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 6.0 mg/kg/dose 6 mg/kg/dose IM,intramuscular injection;intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral; Nembutal pentobarbital sodium PDR 100.0 mg/dose 100 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection;intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral; Nembutal pentobarbital sodium PDR 6.0 mg/kg/dose 6 mg/kg/dose IM,intramuscular injection;intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral; Nembutal pentobarbital sodium PDR 100.0 mg/dose 100 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection;intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral; Nembutal pentobarbital sodium PDR 6.0 mg/kg/dose 6 mg/kg/dose IM,intramuscular injection;intravenous injection, IV; Nembutal pentobarbital sodium PDR 8.0 mg/kg/dose 8 mg/kg/dose PO, oral Nembutal pentobarbital sodium PDR 100.0 mg/dose 100 mg/dose PO, oral Nembutal pentobarbital sodium PDR 6.0 mg/kg/dose 6 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Nembutal pentobarbital sodium PDR DDPD00313 Valproic acid 144.2114 C8H16O2 CCCC(CCC)C(O)=O DB00313 T3D2558 3121 39867 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/valproate.html 3009 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; extended release formulation; extended release formulation &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100±10 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 34000.0 ng/ml 34±8 mcg/ml Capsule, PO, Oral; Drug form; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h Tablet, PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8 h Tablet, PO, oral; extended release formulation; food; food &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 4.05 h 3.3-4.8 h Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 1-4 h Capsule, PO, Oral; Drug form; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 10.5 h 7-14 h Capsule, PO, Oral; Drug form; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 0.56 L/h/m2 0.56 L/h/m2 DRUGBANK 0.0066 L/h/kg 0.11±0.02 ml/min/kg Multiple dose; Children &#8593; ;Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.0096 L/h/kg 0.16 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.35838150289017 L/m2 11.0 l/1.73m2 DRUGBANK 0.22 L/kg 0.22±0.07 L/kg Neonates &#8593; ;Children &#8594; ;Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.14 L/kg 0.14 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 16.0 h 13-19 h DRUGBANK 14.0 h 14±3 h Multiple dose; Neonates &#8593; ;Children &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ;normal BMI &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 9.8 h 9.8±2.6 h Single dose; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1098.0 mg/kg 1098.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 670.0 mg/kg 670.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1098.0 mg/kg 1098.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 670.0 mg/kg 670.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3.0 % <3 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.8 % 1.8±2.4 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10 % DRUGBANK 18.5 % 18.5 % DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93±1 % Preg, pregnant &#8595; ;Elderly &#8595; ;Neonates &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;Burn &#8595; ;hypoalbuminemia Alb &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Depakote Tablets divalproex sodium PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Depakote Tablets divalproex sodium PDR 1000.0 mg/kg/day 1000 mg/kg/day PO, oral Depakote Tablets divalproex sodium PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day PO, oral Depakote Tablets divalproex sodium PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Depakote Tablets divalproex sodium PDR 1000.0 mg/kg/day 1000 mg/kg/day PO, oral Depakote Tablets divalproex sodium PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Depakote Tablets divalproex sodium PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Depakote Tablets divalproex sodium PDR 1000.0 mg/kg/day 1000 mg/kg/day PO, oral Depakote Tablets divalproex sodium PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day PO, oral Depakote Tablets divalproex sodium PDR DDPD00314 Capreomycin 1321.4123 C50H88N28O15 [H][C@@]1(CCN=C(N)N1)[C@]1([H])NC(=O)\C(NC(=O)[C@H](CNC(=O)C[C@@H](N)CCCN)NC(=O)[C@H](C)NC(=O)[C@@H](N)CNC1=O)=C/NC(N)=O.[H][C@@]1(CCN=C(N)N1)[C@]1([H])NC(=O)\C(NC(=O)[C@H](CNC(=O)C[C@@H](N)CCCN)NC(=O)[C@H](CO)NC(=O)[C@@H](N)CNC1=O)=C/NC(N)=O DB00314 3000502 3371 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/capreomycin.html 2272094 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 514.0 mg/kg 514.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 52.0 % 52 % Urinary excretion; IM,intramuscular injection; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Capastat Sulfate capreomycin sulfate PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Capastat Sulfate capreomycin sulfate PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; qd Capastat Sulfate capreomycin sulfate PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; qd Capastat Sulfate capreomycin sulfate PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Capastat Sulfate capreomycin sulfate PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Capastat Sulfate capreomycin sulfate PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; qd Capastat Sulfate capreomycin sulfate PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; qd Capastat Sulfate capreomycin sulfate PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Capastat Sulfate capreomycin sulfate PDR DDPD00315 Zolmitriptan 287.3568 C16H21N3O2 CN(C)CCC1=CNC2=CC=C(C[C@H]3COC(=O)N3)C=C12 DB00315 T3D2748 60857 10124 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/zolmitriptan.html 54844 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 129100.0 ng.h/ml 84.4-173.8 ug.h/ml Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 40.0 % ~40 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 40.8 % 40.8 % inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 20.6 ng/ml 16-25.2 ng/ml Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h Tablet, PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 1.89 L/h/kg 31.5 ml/min/kg Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.554 L/h/kg 25.9 ml/min/kg inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 0.402 L/h/kg 6.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.7 L/kg 7-8.4 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.8 L/kg 1.8 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.0 h ~3 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 3.5 h ~3.5 h Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 3.6 h 3.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 65.0 % ~65 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 30.0 % ~30 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 25.0 % ~25 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 5.0 mg/dose 5 mg/dose intranasal Zomig Nasal Spray zolmitriptan PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day intranasal Zomig Nasal Spray zolmitriptan PDR 5.0 mg/dose 5 mg/dose PO, oral;intranasal; Zomig Nasal Spray zolmitriptan PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral;intranasal; Zomig Nasal Spray zolmitriptan PDR 5.0 mg/dose 5 mg/dose intranasal Zomig Nasal Spray zolmitriptan PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day intranasal Zomig Nasal Spray zolmitriptan PDR 5.0 mg/dose 5 mg/dose PO, oral;intranasal; Zomig Nasal Spray zolmitriptan PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral;intranasal; Zomig Nasal Spray zolmitriptan PDR DDPD00316 Acetaminophen 151.1626 C8H9NO2 CC(=O)NC1=CC=C(O)C=C1 DB00316 T3D2571 1983 46195 http://www.drugs.com/acetaminophen.html 1906 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 88.0 % 88.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 88.0 % 88±15 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 20000.0 ng/ml 20 ug/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h Rectal Administration; DRUGBANK 0.865 h 0.33-1.4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.27 L/h/kg 0.27 L/h/kg intravenous injection, IV; adults; DRUGBANK 0.34 L/h/kg 0.34 L/h/kg intravenous injection, IV; Children; DRUGBANK 0.3 L/h/kg 5.0±1.4 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; adults; Children &#8594; ;Elderly &#8594; ;Preg, pregnant &#8593; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8595; ;Obesity &#8593; ;hyperthyroid, HTh &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.3 L/h/kg 5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.9 L/kg 0.9 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.95 L/kg 0.95±0.12 L/kg normal,healthy; adults; Children &#8594; ;Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8594; ;hyperthyroid, HTh &#8594; ;LTh hypothyroid &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.0 L/kg 1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h intravenous injection, IV; adults; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 4-8 h hepatopathy,LD; overdose; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2.0±0.4 h Children &#8594; ;Neonates &#8593; ;Preg, pregnant &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Obesity &#8594; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8593; ;hyperthyroid, HTh &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 338.0 mg/kg 338.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1944.0 mg/kg 1944.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 338.0 mg/kg 338.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1944.0 mg/kg 1944.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % DRUGBANK 3.0 % 3±1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; Neonates &#8594; ;Children &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 17.5 % 10-25 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 20.0 % <20 % DRUGBANK 4000.0 mg/day 4000 mg/day PO, oral;Rectal Administration; Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 750.0 mg/dose 750 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 75.0 mg/kg/day 75 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 3750.0 mg/day 3750 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 75.0 mg/kg/day 75 mg/kg/day PO, oral Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4000 mg/day PO, oral Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 1000.0 mg/dose 1000 mg/dose Rectal Administration Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day Rectal Administration Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4000 mg/day Rectal Administration Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 750.0 mg/dose 750 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 75.0 mg/kg/day 75 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 3750.0 mg/day 3750 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 75.0 mg/kg/day 75 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 3750.0 mg/day 3750 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day Rectal Administration Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4000 mg/day Rectal Administration Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 75.0 mg/kg/day 75 mg/kg/day PO, oral Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day Rectal Administration Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4000 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV;Rectal Administration; Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 1300.0 mg/dose 1300 mg/dose PO, oral Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4000 mg/day PO, oral qd Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4000 mg/day PO, oral;Rectal Administration;intravenous injection, IV; Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 75.0 mg/kg/day 75 mg/kg/day PO, oral Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4000 mg/day PO, oral Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 1000.0 mg/dose 1000 mg/dose Rectal Administration Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day Rectal Administration Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4000 mg/day Rectal Administration Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4000 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 75.0 mg/kg/day 75 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 3750.0 mg/day 3750 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day Rectal Administration Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4000 mg/day Rectal Administration Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4000 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV;Rectal Administration; Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 1300.0 mg/dose 1300 mg/dose PO, oral Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4000 mg/day PO, oral qd Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 75.0 mg/kg/day 75 mg/kg/day PO, oral qd Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 75.0 mg/kg/day 75 mg/kg/day Rectal Administration qd Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV qd Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 90.0 mg/kg/day 90 mg/kg/day PO, oral Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 90.0 mg/kg/day 90 mg/kg/day Rectal Administration Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 50.0 mg/kg/day 50 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day PO, oral Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day Rectal Administration Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 50.0 mg/kg/day 50 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day PO, oral Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day Rectal Administration Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 50.0 mg/kg/day 50 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral;Rectal Administration; Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR 22.5 mg/kg/day 22.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Ofirmev acetaminophen PDR DDPD00317 Gefitinib 446.902 C22H24ClFN4O3 COC1=C(OCCCN2CCOCC2)C=C2C(NC3=CC(Cl)=C(F)C=C3)=NC=NC2=C1 DB00317 123631 49668 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/gefitinib.html 110217 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 341.0 ng/ml 341±208 ng/ml PO, oral; tumor; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 3-7 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5(3-7) h PO, oral; tumor; DRUGBANK 35.7 L/h 595.0 ml/min intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.438 L/h/kg 7.3(2.8-21) ml/min/kg hydrolysis; tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 0.72 L/h/kg 12 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1400.0 L 1400.0 L intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 20.0 L/kg 20(12-39) L/kg hydrolysis; tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 23.0 L/kg 23 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 48.0 h 48 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 48.0 h 48(10-136) h DRUGBANK 34.0 h 34 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 86.0 % 86 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; tumor; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % Plasma Concentration &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % tumor; DRUGBANK 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day PO, oral Iressa gefitinib PDR 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day PO, oral Iressa gefitinib PDR DDPD00318 Codeine 299.3642 C18H21NO3 [H][C@]12C=C[C@H](O)[C@@H]3OC4=C5C(C[C@H]1N(C)CC[C@@]235)=CC=C4OC DB00318 T3D2749 5284371 16714 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/codeine-phosphate-soluble-tablets.html 4447447 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50±7 % PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 149.0 ng/ml 149±60 ng/ml PO, oral; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 3.8 ng/ml 3.8±2.4 ng/ml PO, oral; Active metabolite; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1.0±0.5 h PO, oral; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1.0±0.4 h PO, oral; Active metabolite; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 120.0 h 5.0 day DRUGBANK 75.0 % 70-80 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 10.98 L/h 183±59 ml/min RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.66 L/h/kg 11±2 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; hydrolysis; DRUGBANK 0.9 L/h/kg 15 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.5 L/kg ~3-6.0 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 2.6 L/kg 2.6±0.3 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; hydrolysis; DRUGBANK 3.5 L/kg 3.5 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.0 h ~3 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 3.0 h ~3 h elimination half-life; Metabolite; DRUGBANK 2.9 h 2.9±0.7 h DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 427.0 mg/kg 427.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 10.0 % ~10 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 16.0 % 7-25 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 7.0 % 7 % DRUGBANK 1.0 mg/kg/dose 1 mg/kg/dose Codeine Sulfate Tablets codeine sulfate PDR 60.0 mg/dose 60 mg/dose Codeine Sulfate Tablets codeine sulfate PDR 0.0 0 Codeine Sulfate Tablets codeine sulfate PDR 60.0 mg/dose 60 mg/dose PO, oral Codeine Sulfate Tablets codeine sulfate PDR 360.0 mg/day 360 mg/day PO, oral Codeine Sulfate Tablets codeine sulfate PDR 1.0 mg/kg/dose 1 mg/kg/dose Codeine Sulfate Tablets codeine sulfate PDR 60.0 mg/dose 60 mg/dose Codeine Sulfate Tablets codeine sulfate PDR 60.0 mg/dose 60 mg/dose PO, oral Codeine Sulfate Tablets codeine sulfate PDR 360.0 mg/day 360 mg/day PO, oral Codeine Sulfate Tablets codeine sulfate PDR 0.0 0 Codeine Sulfate Tablets codeine sulfate PDR DDPD00319 Piperacillin 517.555 C23H27N5O7S [H][C@]12SC(C)(C)[C@@H](N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)[C@H](NC(=O)N1CCN(CC)C(=O)C1=O)C1=CC=CC=C1)C(O)=O DB00319 43672 8232 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/piperacillin.html 39798 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.2485549132948 L/h/m2 31-41 ml/min/1.73m2 DRUGBANK 4.92485549132948 L/h/m2 124-160 ml/min/1.73m2 pediatric patients; DRUGBANK 0.24 L/h/kg 4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.101 L/kg 101.0 mL/kg intravenous injection, IV; Neonates; DRUGBANK 0.27 L/kg 0.27 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.9 h 36-72 min DRUGBANK 0.96 h 0.96 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD00320 Dihydroergotamine 583.6774 C33H37N5O5 [H][C@@]12CCCN1C(=O)[C@H](CC1=CC=CC=C1)N1C(=O)[C@](C)(NC(=O)[C@H]3CN(C)[C@]4([H])CC5=CNC6=CC=CC(=C56)[C@@]4([H])C3)O[C@@]21O DB00320 T3D2750 10531 4562 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/dihydroergotamine.html 10091 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 L/h 1.5 L/min DRUGBANK 0.9042 L/h/kg 15.07 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 800.0 L 800.0 L DRUGBANK 0.33 L/kg 0.33 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 9.0 h 9 h DRUGBANK 0.55 h 0.55 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.5 % 6-7 % Urinary excretion; IM,intramuscular injection; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 0.5 mg/dose 0.5 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection bid D.H.E 45 dihydroergotamine mesylate PDR 0.25 mg/dose 0.25 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV bid D.H.E 45 dihydroergotamine mesylate PDR 0.14285714 mg/day 1 mg/week D.H.E 45 dihydroergotamine mesylate PDR 0.0 0 D.H.E 45 dihydroergotamine mesylate PDR 1.0 mg/dose 1 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; D.H.E 45 dihydroergotamine mesylate PDR 3.0 mg/day 3 mg/day IM,intramuscular injection D.H.E 45 dihydroergotamine mesylate PDR 2.0 mg/day 2 mg/day intravenous injection, IV D.H.E 45 dihydroergotamine mesylate PDR 0.857142857142857 mg/day 6 mg/week D.H.E 45 dihydroergotamine mesylate PDR 0.5 mg/dose 0.5 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection bid D.H.E 45 dihydroergotamine mesylate PDR 0.25 mg/dose 0.25 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV bid D.H.E 45 dihydroergotamine mesylate PDR 0.142857142857143 mg/day 1 mg/week D.H.E 45 dihydroergotamine mesylate PDR 1.0 mg/dose 1 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; D.H.E 45 dihydroergotamine mesylate PDR 3.0 mg/day 3 mg/day IM,intramuscular injection D.H.E 45 dihydroergotamine mesylate PDR 2.0 mg/day 2 mg/day intravenous injection, IV D.H.E 45 dihydroergotamine mesylate PDR 0.857142857142857 mg/day 6 mg/week D.H.E 45 dihydroergotamine mesylate PDR DDPD00321 Amitriptyline 277.4033 C20H23N CN(C)CCC=C1C2=CC=CC=C2CCC2=CC=CC=C12 DB00321 T3D2480 2160 2666 http://www.drugs.com/amitriptyline.html 2075 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 48.0 % 48±11 % PO, oral; Elderly &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 64.0 ng/ml 64±35 ng/ml adults; DRUGBANK 3.6 h 3.6±1.4 h adults; DRUGBANK 39.24 L/h 39.24±10.18 L/h Average clearance; DRUGBANK 0.69 L/h/kg 11.5±3.4 ml/min/kg Total clearance; Elderly &#8594; ;Somking &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.366 L/h/kg 6.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1221.0 L 1221±280 L Apparent volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 15.0 L/kg 15±3 L/kg Steady state volume of distribution; Elderly &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 8.7 L/kg 8.7 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 24.65 h 24.65±6.31(16.49-40.36) h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 504.0 h 21±5 day Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 17.0 h 17 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 350.0 mg/kg 350.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 4.167 mg/kg 4167.0 ug/kg PO, oral; Children; DRUGBANK 0.714 mg/kg/day 714.0 ug/kg/1D PO, oral; Male, men; DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/kg 10.0 mg/kg PO, oral;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 2.0 % ~2 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 2.0 % <2 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % DRUGBANK 94.8 % 94.8±0.8 % Elderly &#8594; ;HL,hyperlipoproteinemia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Amitriptyline Hydrochloride amitriptyline hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Amitriptyline Hydrochloride amitriptyline hydrochloride PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Amitriptyline Hydrochloride amitriptyline hydrochloride PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Amitriptyline Hydrochloride amitriptyline hydrochloride PDR DDPD00322 Floxuridine 246.1924 C9H11FN2O5 OC[C@H]1O[C@H](C[C@@H]1O)N1C=C(F)C(=O)NC1=O DB00322 5790 60761 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/floxuridine.html 5586 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 215.0 mg/kg 215.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.6 mg/kg/day 0.6 mg/kg/day intra-arterial infusion Floxuridine floxuridine PDR 0.6 mg/kg/day 0.6 mg/kg/day intra-arterial infusion Floxuridine floxuridine PDR DDPD00323 Tolcapone 273.2408 C14H11NO5 CC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(=O)C1=CC(=C(O)C(O)=C1)[N+]([O-])=O DB00323 T3D2751 4659569 63630 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/tolcapone.html 3848682 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 65.0 % 65.0 % DRUGBANK 7.0 L/h 7.0 L/h DRUGBANK 0.114 L/h/kg 1.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 9.0 L 9.0 L DRUGBANK 0.12 L/kg 0.12 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.75 h 2-3.5 h DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1600.0 mg/kg 1600.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1600.0 mg/kg 1600.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.5 % 0.5 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.9 % >99.9 % DRUGBANK 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Tasmar tolcapone PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Tasmar tolcapone PDR DDPD00324 Fluorometholone 376.4617 C22H29FO4 [H][C@@]12CC[C@](O)(C(C)=O)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1(F)[C@@]2([H])C[C@H](C)C2=CC(=O)C=C[C@]12C DB00324 9878 31625 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/fluorometholone.html 9494 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 234.0 mg/kg 234.0 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD00325 Nitroprusside 215.938 C5FeN6O O=N[Fe--](C#N)(C#N)(C#N)(C#N)C#N DB00325 T3D0768 11963622 7596 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/nitroprusside.html 21607452 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0333333333333333 h ~2 min DRUGBANK 2.8 mg/kg 2.8 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; rabbit; DRUGBANK 5.0 mg/kg 5.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; dog; DRUGBANK 8.4 mg/kg 8.4 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 11.2 mg/kg 11.2 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 14.4 mg/kg/day 10 mcg/kg/minute intravenous injection, IV Nipride RTU sodium nitroprusside PDR 14.4 mg/kg/day 10 mcg/kg/min intravenous injection, IV Nipride RTU sodium nitroprusside PDR 14.4 mg/kg/day 10 mcg/kg/minute intravenous injection, IV Nipride RTU sodium nitroprusside PDR 14.4 mg/kg/day 10 mcg/kg/minute intravenous injection, IV Nipride RTU sodium nitroprusside PDR 14.4 mg/kg/day 10 mcg/kg/min intravenous injection, IV Nipride RTU sodium nitroprusside PDR 14.4 mg/kg/day 10 mcg/kg/minute intravenous injection, IV Nipride RTU sodium nitroprusside PDR DDPD00327 Hydromorphone 285.3377 C17H19NO3 [H][C@@]12OC3=C(O)C=CC4=C3[C@@]11CCN(C)[C@]([H])(C4)[C@]1([H])CCC2=O DB00327 T3D2752 5284570 5790 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/hydromorphone.html 4447624 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 34.0 ng.h/ml 34.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 78.0 % 78.0 % parenteral administration; DRUGBANK 42.0 % 42±23 % PO, oral; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~80 % subcutaneous injection, SC; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.0 null ~0 null parenteral administration; DRUGBANK 11.8 ng/ml 11.8±2.6 ng/ml PO, oral; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 242.0 ng/ml 242.0 ng/ml intravenous injection, IV; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.5-1 h PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 9.0 h >9 h PO, oral; extended release formulation; extended release formulation &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1±0.2 h PO, oral; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 62.0 % 62 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 6.342 L/h 105.7 ml/min Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 117.6 L/h 1.96 L/min Total clearance; DRUGBANK 0.876 L/h/kg 14.6±7.6 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 1.68 L/h/kg 28 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.0 L/kg 4.0 L/kg DRUGBANK 2.9 L/kg 2.90±1.31 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 4.3 L/kg 4.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 11.5 h 8-15 h extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 2.4 h 2.4±0.6 h normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 2.3 h 2.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 104.0 mg/kg 104.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 84.0 mg/kg 84.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 6.0 % 6 % Urinary excretion; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 13.5 % ~8-19 % DRUGBANK 7.1 % 7.1 % Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD00328 Indomethacin 357.788 C19H16ClNO4 COC1=CC2=C(C=C1)N(C(=O)C1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1)C(C)=C2CC(O)=O DB00328 T3D2753 3715 49662 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/indomethacin.html 3584 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 80-90 % Rectal Administration; DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1540.0 ng/ml 1.54±0.76 ug/ml DRUGBANK 2650.0 ng/ml 2.65±1.03 ug/ml DRUGBANK 4920.0 ng/ml 4.92±1.88 ug/ml DRUGBANK 2400.0 ng/ml ~2.4 mcg/ml Oral single dose; food; DRUGBANK 1.4 h 0.9±0.4-1.5±0.8 h PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 1.3 h ~1.3 h Oral single dose; food; DRUGBANK 0.105 L/h/kg 1-2.5 ml/kg/min Plasma clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.084 L/h/kg 1.4±0.2 ml/min/kg Neonates &#8595; ;Elderly &#8595; ;Prem, premature &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.078 L/h/kg 1.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.955 L/kg 0.34-1.57 L/kg PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; Rectal Administration; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.29 L/kg 0.29±0.04 L/kg Elderly &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.096 L/kg 0.096 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 6.9 h 2.6-11.2 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 4.5 h ~4.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 20.0 h ~20 h elimination half-life; intravenous injection, IV; Neonates; DRUGBANK 15.0 h 15 h Infants; weighing more than 1000g; DRUGBANK 21.0 h 21 h Infants; weighing less than 1000g; DRUGBANK 2.4 h 2.4±0.2 h Neonates &#8593; ;Prem, premature &#8593; ;rheumatoid arthritis &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.4 h 1.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.42 mg/kg 2.42 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 13.0 mg/kg 13.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 50.0 mg/kg 50.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 12.0 mg/kg 12.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 50.0 mg/kg 50.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 12.0 mg/kg 12.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 60.0 % ~60 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 33.0 % 33 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 15.0 % 15±8 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 94.5 % 90-99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % Neonates &#8594; ;hypoalbuminemia Alb &#8594; ;AIDS,HIV &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day Capsule, PO, Oral;Liquid; Indocin Oral Suspension indomethacin PDR 0.0 0 Indocin Oral Suspension indomethacin PDR 175.0 mg/day 175 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral;Liquid; Indocin Oral Suspension indomethacin PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral;Liquid; Indocin Oral Suspension indomethacin PDR 120.0 mg 120 mg Capsule, PO, Oral Indocin Oral Suspension indomethacin PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Indocin Oral Suspension indomethacin PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Indocin Oral Suspension indomethacin PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day Capsule, PO, Oral;Liquid; Indocin Oral Suspension indomethacin PDR 175.0 mg/day 175 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral;Liquid; Indocin Oral Suspension indomethacin PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral;Liquid; Indocin Oral Suspension indomethacin PDR 120.0 mg 120 mg Capsule, PO, Oral Indocin Oral Suspension indomethacin PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Indocin Oral Suspension indomethacin PDR 0.25 mg/kg 0.25 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Indocin Oral Suspension indomethacin PDR 0.2 mg/kg 0.2 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Indocin Oral Suspension indomethacin PDR DDPD00330 Ethambutol 204.3098 C10H24N2O2 CC[C@@H](CO)NCCN[C@@H](CC)CO DB00330 14052 4877 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ethambutol.html 13433 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 77.5 % 75-80 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 77.0 % 77±8 % DRUGBANK 3500.0 ng/ml 2-5 mcg/ml DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h Oral single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 15.0 % 15 % Liver metabolism; Inactive metabolite; DRUGBANK 0.516 L/h/kg 8.6±0.8 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 0.6 L/h/kg 10 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.6 L/kg 1.6±0.2 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.7 L/kg 1.7 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h gastroesophageal reflux disease; normal renal function; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8 h gastroesophageal reflux disease; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; DRUGBANK 3.1 h 3.1±0.4 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 3.1 h 3.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 21.0 % 20-22 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 79.0 % 79±3 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 25.0 % 20-30 % DRUGBANK 18.0 % 6-30 % DRUGBANK 25.0 mg/kg/day 25 mg/kg/dose PO, oral qd Myambutol ethambutol hydrochloride PDR 2500.0 mg 2.5 g PO, oral qd Myambutol ethambutol hydrochloride PDR 14.2857142857143 mg/kg/day 50 mg/kg/dose PO, oral biw Myambutol ethambutol hydrochloride PDR 4000.0 mg 4 g PO, oral biw Myambutol ethambutol hydrochloride PDR 25.0 mg/kg/day 25 mg/kg/dose PO, oral qd Myambutol ethambutol hydrochloride PDR 2500.0 mg 2.5 g PO, oral qd Myambutol ethambutol hydrochloride PDR 50.0 mg/kg/dose 50 mg/kg/dose PO, oral biw Myambutol ethambutol hydrochloride PDR 4000.0 mg 4 g PO, oral biw Myambutol ethambutol hydrochloride PDR 30.0 mg/kg/dose 30 mg/kg/dose PO, oral tiw Myambutol ethambutol hydrochloride PDR 2400.0 mg 2.4 g PO, oral tiw Myambutol ethambutol hydrochloride PDR 25.0 mg/kg/dose 25 mg/kg/dose PO, oral qd Myambutol ethambutol hydrochloride PDR 2500.0 mg 2.5 g PO, oral qd Myambutol ethambutol hydrochloride PDR 50.0 mg/kg/dose 50 mg/kg/dose PO, oral biw Myambutol ethambutol hydrochloride PDR 1142.85714285714 mg 4 g PO, oral biw Myambutol ethambutol hydrochloride PDR 30.0 mg/kg/dose 30 mg/kg/dose PO, oral tiw Myambutol ethambutol hydrochloride PDR 2400.0 mg 2.4 g PO, oral tiw Myambutol ethambutol hydrochloride PDR 25.0 mg/kg 25 mg/kg PO, oral qd Myambutol ethambutol hydrochloride PDR 2.5 g 2.5 g PO, oral qd Myambutol ethambutol hydrochloride PDR 25.0 mg/kg/day 25 mg/kg/dose PO, oral qd Myambutol ethambutol hydrochloride PDR 2500.0 mg 2.5 g PO, oral qd Myambutol ethambutol hydrochloride PDR 14.2857142857143 mg/kg/day 50 mg/kg/dose PO, oral biw Myambutol ethambutol hydrochloride PDR 4000.0 mg 4 g PO, oral biw Myambutol ethambutol hydrochloride PDR 12.8571428571429 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/dose PO, oral tiw Myambutol ethambutol hydrochloride PDR 2400.0 mg 2.4 g PO, oral tiw Myambutol ethambutol hydrochloride PDR DDPD00331 Metformin 129.1636 C4H11N5 CN(C)C(=N)NC(N)=N DB00331 T3D3522 4091 6801 http://www.drugs.com/metformin.html 3949 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 55.0 % 50-60 % Tablet, PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 52.0 % 52±5(40-55) % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1600.0 ng/ml 1.6±0.2 mcg/ml Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2050.0 ng/ml 1.0-3.1 mcg/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 7(4-8) h PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.9±0.4 h Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 1.5-3.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 36.0 h 24-48 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 0.492 L/h/kg 6.3-10.1 ml/min/kg Elderly &#8595; ;mild renal function &#8595; ;moderate renal function &#8595; ;severe renal function &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.444 L/h/kg 7.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 654.0 L 654±358 L Apparent volume of distribution; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.25 L/kg 0.9-3.94 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.64 L/kg 0.64 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.2 h 6.2 h DRUGBANK 17.6 h 17.6 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 1.74 h 1.74±0.20(1.5-4.5) h mild renal function &#8593; ;moderate renal function &#8593; ;severe renal function &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.7 h 1.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/kg 1.0 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 500.0 mg/kg 500.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/kg 300.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1450.0 mg/kg 1450.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 420.0 mg/kg 420.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 225.0 mg/kg 225.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 350.0 mg/kg 350.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 99.9 % 99.9±0.5 % Urinary excretion; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 89.5 % 79-100 % Urinary excretion; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral;Liquid; Riomet metformin hydrochloride PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day Liquid Riomet metformin hydrochloride PDR 2550.0 mg/day 2550 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral;Liquid; Riomet metformin hydrochloride PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day Liquid Riomet metformin hydrochloride PDR 2250.0 mg/day 2250 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Riomet metformin hydrochloride PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral;Liquid; Riomet metformin hydrochloride PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day Liquid Riomet metformin hydrochloride PDR 2550.0 mg/day 2550 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral;Liquid; Riomet metformin hydrochloride PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day Liquid Riomet metformin hydrochloride PDR 2250.0 mg/day 2250 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Riomet metformin hydrochloride PDR DDPD00332 Ipratropium 332.463 C20H30NO3 [H][C@]12CC[C@]([H])(C[C@@H](C1)OC(=O)C(CO)C1=CC=CC=C1)[N+]2(C)C(C)C DB00332 657308 46659 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/ipratropium-nasal.html 19962157 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.0 % 2.0 % PO, oral; inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h PO, oral; inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 10.0 % ~10 % gastrointestinal tract; DRUGBANK 138.0 L/h 2.3 L/min Average clearance; DRUGBANK 54.0 L/h 0.9 L/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 1.884 L/h/kg 31.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.6 L/kg 4.6 L/kg DRUGBANK 5.1 L/kg 5.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.6 h ~1.6 h DRUGBANK 1.64 h 1.64 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/kg 1500.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~80-100 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 20.0 % <20 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 4.5 % 0-9 % DRUGBANK 0.672 mg/day 672 mcg/day intranasal Atrovent Nasal Spray 0.03% ipratropium bromide PDR 12.0 puffs/day 12 puffs/day inhalation, IH Atrovent Nasal Spray 0.03% ipratropium bromide PDR 4.0 dose/day 4 dose/day inhalation, IH Atrovent Nasal Spray 0.03% ipratropium bromide PDR 2.0 mg/day 2000 mcg/day inhalation, IH Atrovent Nasal Spray 0.03% ipratropium bromide PDR 0.504 mg/day 504 mcg/day intranasal Atrovent Nasal Spray 0.03% ipratropium bromide PDR 0.672 mg/day 672 mcg/day intranasal Atrovent Nasal Spray 0.03% ipratropium bromide PDR 12.0 puffs/day 12 puffs/day inhalation, IH Atrovent Nasal Spray 0.03% ipratropium bromide PDR 0.204 mg/day 204 mcg/day inhalation, IH Atrovent Nasal Spray 0.03% ipratropium bromide PDR 4.0 dose/day 4 dose/day inhalation, IH Atrovent Nasal Spray 0.03% ipratropium bromide PDR 2.0 mg/day 2000 mcg/day inhalation, IH Atrovent Nasal Spray 0.03% ipratropium bromide PDR 0.672 mg/day 672 mcg/day intranasal Atrovent Nasal Spray 0.03% ipratropium bromide PDR 12.0 puffs/day 12 puffs/day inhalation, IH Atrovent Nasal Spray 0.03% ipratropium bromide PDR 4.0 dose/day 4 dose/day inhalation, IH Atrovent Nasal Spray 0.03% ipratropium bromide PDR 2.0 mg/day 2000 mcg/day inhalation, IH Atrovent Nasal Spray 0.03% ipratropium bromide PDR 0.672 mg/day 672 mcg/day intranasal Atrovent Nasal Spray 0.03% ipratropium bromide PDR 12.0 puffs/day 12 puffs/day inhalation, IH Atrovent Nasal Spray 0.03% ipratropium bromide PDR 0.204 mg/day 204 mcg/day inhalation, IH Atrovent Nasal Spray 0.03% ipratropium bromide PDR 4.0 dose/day 4 dose/day inhalation, IH Atrovent Nasal Spray 0.03% ipratropium bromide PDR 2.0 mg/day 2000 mcg/day inhalation, IH Atrovent Nasal Spray 0.03% ipratropium bromide PDR DDPD00333 Methadone 309.4452 C21H27NO CCC(=O)C(CC(C)N(C)C)(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00333 T3D2676 4095 6807 http://www.drugs.com/methadone.html 3953 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 68.0 % 36-100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 92.0 % 92±21 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 689.5 ng/ml 124-1255 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 524.5 ng/ml 69-980 ng/ml PO, oral; patients; DRUGBANK 500.0 ng/ml 450-550 ng/ml intravenous injection, IV; patients; DRUGBANK 4.25 h 1-7.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.0 h ~3 h PO, oral; patients; DRUGBANK 3.0 h ~3 h intravenous injection, IV; patients; DRUGBANK 63.7 L/h 1.4-126 L/h DRUGBANK 0.102 L/h/kg 1.7±0.9 ml/min/kg Children &#8593; ;Burn &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.102 L/h/kg 1.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 329.5 L 189-470 L DRUGBANK 3.6 L/kg 3.6±1.2 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 4.4 L/kg 4.4 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 33.0 h 7-59 h DRUGBANK 27.0 h 27±12 h Children &#8595; ;Burn &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 31.0 h 31 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 24.0 % 24±10 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 87.5 % 85-90 % DRUGBANK 89.0 % 89±2.9 % DRUGBANK DDPD00334 Olanzapine 312.432 C17H20N4S CN1CCN(CC1)C1=NC2=CC=CC=C2NC2=C1C=C(C)S2 DB00334 T3D2754 4585 7735 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/olanzapine.html 10442212 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 333.0 ng.h/ml 333.0 ng.h/ml DRUGBANK 60.0 % ~60 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 156.9 ng/ml 156.9 ng/ml PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 12.9 ng/ml 12.9±7.5 ng/ml Oral single dose; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6 h PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 6.1 h 6.1±1.9 h Oral single dose; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % Liver metabolism; Inactive metabolite; DRUGBANK 27.2 L/h 25-29.4 L/h DRUGBANK 0.372 L/h/kg 6.2±2.9 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; Male, men;  Female, women; schizophrenia; Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1000.0 L 1000.0 L DRUGBANK 16.4 L/kg 16.4±5.1 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; Male, men;  Female, women; schizophrenia; DRUGBANK 30.0 h 30(21-54) h DRUGBANK 33.1 h 33.1±10.3 h Male, men;  Female, women; schizophrenia; patients; Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 53.0 % ~53 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 30.0 % ~30 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 7.0 % 7 % Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 7.3 % 7.3 % Urinary excretion; schizophrenia; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 93.0 % ~93 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93 % schizophrenia; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day PO, oral Zyprexa olanzapine PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Zyprexa olanzapine PDR 1.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Zyprexa olanzapine PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral;IM,intramuscular injection; Zyprexa olanzapine PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral;IM,intramuscular injection; Zyprexa olanzapine PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Zyprexa olanzapine PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day IM,intramuscular injection Zyprexa olanzapine PDR 21.4285714285714 mg/day 300 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection q2w Zyprexa olanzapine PDR 14.4642857142857 mg/day 405 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection q4w Zyprexa olanzapine PDR 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day PO, oral Zyprexa olanzapine PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Zyprexa olanzapine PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral;IM,intramuscular injection; Zyprexa olanzapine PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Zyprexa olanzapine PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day IM,intramuscular injection Zyprexa olanzapine PDR 21.4285714285714 mg/dose 300 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection q2w Zyprexa olanzapine PDR 14.4642857142857 mg/dose 405 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection q4w Zyprexa olanzapine PDR DDPD00335 Atenolol 266.3361 C14H22N2O3 CC(C)NCC(O)COC1=CC=C(CC(N)=O)C=C1 DB00335 T3D3480 2249 2904 http://www.drugs.com/atenolol.html 2162 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 58.0 % 58±16 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 280.0 ng/ml 0.28±0.09 mcg/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 3.3 h 3.3±1.3 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 11.5 % 10-13 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 8.208 L/h 97.3-176.3 ml/min Total clearance; DRUGBANK 7.89 L/h 95-168 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.144 L/h/kg 2.4±0.3 ml/min/kg Elderly &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.15 L/h/kg 2.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 88.15 L 63.8-112.5 L Total volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 1.3 L/kg 1.3±0.5 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.95 L/kg 0.95 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.5 h 6-7 h DRUGBANK 6.1 h 6.1±2.0 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 6.1 h 6.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg 2.0 g/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 57.0 mg/kg 57.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 134.0 mg/kg 134.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/kg 400.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg 2.0 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 77.0 mg/kg 77.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 600.0 mg/kg 600.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 50.0 mg/kg 50.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; rabbit; DRUGBANK 2500.0 mg/kg 2000-3000 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 85 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10 % Faeces excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 94.0 % 94±8 % Urinary excretion; Raceme D/L; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 11.0 % 6-16 % DRUGBANK 5.0 % <5 % DRUGBANK 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Tenormin atenolol PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Tenormin atenolol PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Tenormin atenolol PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Tenormin atenolol PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Tenormin atenolol PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Tenormin atenolol PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Tenormin atenolol PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Tenormin atenolol PDR DDPD00336 Nitrofural 198.1362 C6H6N4O4 NC(=O)N\N=C\C1=CC=C(O1)[N+]([O-])=O DB00336 T3D4752 5447130 http://www.drugs.com/cons/nitrofurazone-topical.html 4566720 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5 h DRUGBANK 590.0 mg/kg 590.0 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 590.0 mg/kg 590.0 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD00337 Pimecrolimus 810.46 C43H68ClNO11 [H][C@]1(CC[C@H](Cl)[C@@H](C1)OC)\C=C(/C)[C@@]1([H])OC(=O)[C@]2([H])CCCCN2C(=O)C(=O)[C@]2(O)O[C@@]([H])([C@H](C[C@H]2C)OC)[C@H](C[C@@H](C)C\C(C)=C\[C@@H](CC)C(=O)C[C@H](O)[C@H]1C)OC DB00337 6509979 135888 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/pimecrolimus.html 21111755 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 80.5 % 74-87 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; DRUGBANK 2.0 application/day 2 application/day skin/dermal Elidel pimecrolimus PDR 2.0 appLication/day 2 appLication/day skin/dermal Elidel pimecrolimus PDR 2.0 application/day 2 application/day skin/dermal Elidel pimecrolimus PDR 2.0 application/day 2 application/day skin/dermal Elidel pimecrolimus PDR DDPD00338 Omeprazole 345.416 C17H19N3O3S COC1=CC2=C(C=C1)N=C(N2)S(=O)CC1=NC=C(C)C(OC)=C1C DB00338 T3D3524 4594 77260 http://www.drugs.com/omeprazole.html 4433 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 35.0 % 30-40 % DRUGBANK 2.0 h 0.5-3.5 h DRUGBANK 33.0 L/h 500-600 ml/min normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 15.0 L/h 250.0 ml/min Plasma clearance; Geriatric; DRUGBANK 4.2 L/h 70.0 ml/min Plasma clearance; hepatopathy,LD; DRUGBANK 0.504 L/h/kg 8.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.3 L/kg ~0.3 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.24 L/kg 0.24 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.5-1 h normal,healthy; extended release formulation; Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 3.0 h ~3 h hepatopathy,LD; DRUGBANK 0.58 h 0.58 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4000.0 mg/kg 4000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 2210.0 mg/kg 2210.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 95.0 % ~95 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Prilosec Delayed Release Capsules and Oral Suspension (omeprazole); (omeprazole magnesium) PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Prilosec Delayed Release Capsules and Oral Suspension (omeprazole); (omeprazole magnesium) PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Prilosec Delayed Release Capsules and Oral Suspension (omeprazole); (omeprazole magnesium) PDR 3.3 mg/kg/day 3.3 mg/kg/day PO, oral Prilosec Delayed Release Capsules and Oral Suspension (omeprazole); (omeprazole magnesium) PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Prilosec Delayed Release Capsules and Oral Suspension (omeprazole); (omeprazole magnesium) PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral Prilosec Delayed Release Capsules and Oral Suspension (omeprazole); (omeprazole magnesium) PDR 3.3 mg/kg/day 3.3 mg/kg/day PO, oral Prilosec Delayed Release Capsules and Oral Suspension (omeprazole); (omeprazole magnesium) PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Prilosec Delayed Release Capsules and Oral Suspension (omeprazole); (omeprazole magnesium) PDR 160.0 mg/day 160 mg/day PO, oral Prilosec Delayed Release Capsules and Oral Suspension (omeprazole); (omeprazole magnesium) PDR 360.0 mg/day 360 mg/day PO, oral Prilosec Delayed Release Capsules and Oral Suspension (omeprazole); (omeprazole magnesium) PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Prilosec Delayed Release Capsules and Oral Suspension (omeprazole); (omeprazole magnesium) PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Prilosec Delayed Release Capsules and Oral Suspension (omeprazole); (omeprazole magnesium) PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Prilosec Delayed Release Capsules and Oral Suspension (omeprazole); (omeprazole magnesium) PDR 160.0 mg/day 160 mg/day PO, oral Prilosec Delayed Release Capsules and Oral Suspension (omeprazole); (omeprazole magnesium) PDR 360.0 mg/day 360 mg/day PO, oral Prilosec Delayed Release Capsules and Oral Suspension (omeprazole); (omeprazole magnesium) PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Prilosec Delayed Release Capsules and Oral Suspension (omeprazole); (omeprazole magnesium) PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Prilosec Delayed Release Capsules and Oral Suspension (omeprazole); (omeprazole magnesium) PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral Prilosec Delayed Release Capsules and Oral Suspension (omeprazole); (omeprazole magnesium) PDR 1.5 mg/day 1.5 mg/day PO, oral Prilosec Delayed Release Capsules and Oral Suspension (omeprazole); (omeprazole magnesium) PDR 2.5 mg/day 2.5 mg/day PO, oral Prilosec Delayed Release Capsules and Oral Suspension (omeprazole); (omeprazole magnesium) PDR 1.5 mg/day 1.5 mg/day PO, oral Prilosec Delayed Release Capsules and Oral Suspension (omeprazole); (omeprazole magnesium) PDR 0.7 mg/kg/day 0.7 mg/kg/day PO, oral Prilosec Delayed Release Capsules and Oral Suspension (omeprazole); (omeprazole magnesium) PDR 1.5 mg/kg/day 1.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Prilosec Delayed Release Capsules and Oral Suspension (omeprazole); (omeprazole magnesium) PDR DDPD00339 Pyrazinamide 123.1127 C5H5N3O NC(=O)C1=NC=CN=C1 DB00339 1046 45285 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/pyrazinamide.html 1017 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 35000.0 ng/ml 35(19-103) mcg/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.066 L/h/kg 1.1(0.2-2.3) ml/min/kg apparent clearance; tuberculosis; Male, men;  Female, women; adults; Children &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.57 L/kg 0.57(0.13-1.04) L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; tuberculosis; Male, men;  Female, women; adults; DRUGBANK 9.5 h 9-10 h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6(2-23) h Children &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 70.0 % ~70 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 9.0 % 4-14 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; adults; tuberculosis; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 10.0 % ~10 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10 % DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/dose PO, oral; 5 days/week qd Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 2000.0 mg/dose 2 g/dose PO, oral; 5 days/week qd Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 21.4285714285714 mg/kg/day 50 mg/kg/dose PO, oral; 3 days/week biw Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 3000.0 mg/dose 3 g/dose PO, oral; 3 days/week Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 4000.0 mg/dose 4 g/dose PO, oral biw Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/dose PO, oral qd Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 3000.0 mg/dose 3 g/dose PO, oral qd Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 75.0 mg/kg/dose 75 mg/kg/dose PO, oral biw Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 2000.0 mg 2 g PO, oral; 5 days/week qd Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 3000.0 mg 3 g PO, oral; 3 days/week Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 4000.0 mg 4 g PO, oral biw Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 1500.0 mg 1.5 g PO, oral; 5 days/week qd Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 2500.0 mg 2.5 g PO, oral; 3 days/week Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 3000.0 mg 3 g PO, oral biw Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 1000.0 mg 1 g PO, oral; 5 days/week qd Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 1500.0 mg 1.5 g PO, oral; 3 days/week Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 2000.0 mg 2 g PO, oral biw Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 40.0 mg/kg/dose 40 mg/kg/dose PO, oral; 5 days/week qd Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 2000.0 mg/dose 2 g/dose PO, oral; 5 days/week qd Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 50.0 mg/kg/dose 50 mg/kg/dose PO, oral; 3 days/week biw Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 1285.71428571429 mg/dose 3 g/dose PO, oral; 3 days/week Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 1142.85714285714 mg/dose 4 g/dose PO, oral biw Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 30.0 mg/kg/dose 30 mg/kg/dose PO, oral qd Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3 g/dose PO, oral qd Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 75.0 mg/kg/dose 75 mg/kg/dose PO, oral biw Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 2000.0 mg 2 g PO, oral; 5 days/week qd Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 3000.0 mg 3 g PO, oral Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 4000.0 mg 4 g PO, oral biw Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 1500.0 mg 1.5 g PO, oral; 5 days/week qd Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 2500.0 mg 2.5 g PO, oral Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 3000.0 mg 3 g PO, oral biw Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 1000.0 mg 1 g PO, oral; 5 days/week qd Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 1500.0 mg 1.5 g PO, oral Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 2000.0 mg 2 g PO, oral biw Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/dose PO, oral; 5 days/week qd Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 2.0 g/dose 2 g/dose PO, oral; 5 days/week qd Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 50.0 mg/kg/dose 50 mg/kg/dose PO, oral; 3 days/week biw Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 3.0 g/dose 3 g/dose PO, oral; 3 days/week Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR 4.0 g/dose 4 g/dose PO, oral biw Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide PDR DDPD00340 Metixene 309.468 C20H23NS CN1CCCC(CC2C3=CC=CC=C3SC3=CC=CC=C23)C1 DB00340 T3D2755 4167 51024 4023 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00341 Cetirizine 388.888 C21H25ClN2O3 OC(=O)COCCN1CCN(CC1)C(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1 DB00341 T3D2756 2678 3561 http://www.drugs.com/cetirizine-hcl.html 2577 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 70.0 % >70 % DRUGBANK 311.0 ng/ml 311.0 ng/ml Tablet, PO, oral; Capsule, PO, Oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 313.0 ng/ml 313±45 ng/ml Oral single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.9 h 0.9±0.2 h Oral single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 3.18 L/h ~53 ml/min Total clearance; Renal metabolism; DRUGBANK 0.0444 L/h/kg 0.74±0.19 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; normal,healthy; Male, men;  Female, women; Children &#8593; ;Elderly &#8595; ;hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.44 L/kg 0.44±0.19 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.58 L/kg 0.58±0.16 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; normal,healthy; Male, men;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 8.3 h 8.3 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 9.42 h 9.42±2.4 h normal,healthy; Male, men;  Female, women; Children &#8595; ;chronic liver disease &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 365.0 mg/kg 365.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 50.0 mg/kg 50.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.1 mg/kg 0.1 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 77.5 % 70-85 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 11.5 % 10-13 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 70.9 % 70.9±7.8 % Urinary excretion; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 98.8 % 98.8±0.8 % normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Cetirizine Hydrochloride Tablets cetirizine hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Cetirizine Hydrochloride Tablets cetirizine hydrochloride PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral Cetirizine Hydrochloride Tablets cetirizine hydrochloride PDR 2.5 mg/day 2.5 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Cetirizine Hydrochloride Tablets cetirizine hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Cetirizine Hydrochloride Tablets cetirizine hydrochloride PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral Cetirizine Hydrochloride Tablets cetirizine hydrochloride PDR 0.25 mg/kg 0.25 mg/kg PO, oral bid Cetirizine Hydrochloride Tablets cetirizine hydrochloride PDR 2.5 mg/day 2.5 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Cetirizine Hydrochloride Tablets cetirizine hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Cetirizine Hydrochloride Tablets cetirizine hydrochloride PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral Cetirizine Hydrochloride Tablets cetirizine hydrochloride PDR 0.25 mg/kg 0.25 mg/kg PO, oral bid Cetirizine Hydrochloride Tablets cetirizine hydrochloride PDR 2.5 mg/day 2.5 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Cetirizine Hydrochloride Tablets cetirizine hydrochloride PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Cetirizine Hydrochloride Tablets cetirizine hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Cetirizine Hydrochloride Tablets cetirizine hydrochloride PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Cetirizine Hydrochloride Tablets cetirizine hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Cetirizine Hydrochloride Tablets cetirizine hydrochloride PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Cetirizine Hydrochloride Tablets cetirizine hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Cetirizine Hydrochloride Tablets cetirizine hydrochloride PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral Cetirizine Hydrochloride Tablets cetirizine hydrochloride PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Cetirizine Hydrochloride Tablets cetirizine hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Cetirizine Hydrochloride Tablets cetirizine hydrochloride PDR 2.5 mg/day 2.5 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Cetirizine Hydrochloride Tablets cetirizine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00342 Terfenadine 471.6734 C32H41NO2 CC(C)(C)C1=CC=C(C=C1)C(O)CCCN1CCC(CC1)C(O)(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00342 T3D2757 5405 9453 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/terfenadine.html 5212 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 70.0 % >70 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5 h DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg 5.0 g/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg 5000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70 % DRUGBANK DDPD00343 Diltiazem 414.518 C22H26N2O4S COC1=CC=C(C=C1)[C@@H]1SC2=C(C=CC=C2)N(CCN(C)C)C(=O)[C@@H]1OC(C)=O DB00343 T3D2758 39186 101278 http://www.drugs.com/diltiazem.html 35850 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40(24-74) % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 38.0 % 38±11 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 151.0 ng/ml 151±46 ng/ml Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 14.5 h 11-18 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4.0±0.4 h Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 65.0 L/h ~65 L/h Total clearance; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 48.0 L/h 48.0 L/h Total clearance; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.708 L/h/kg 11.8±2.2 ml/min/kg Multiple dose; Elderly &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.78 L/h/kg 13 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 305.0 L ~305 L Apparent volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 3.3 L/kg 3.3±1.2 L/kg Elderly &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 4.1 L/kg 4.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.75 h ~3.0-4.5 h elimination half-life; Oral single dose; Oral multiple dose; hepatopathy,LD &#8593; ;increasing doses &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 7.5 h 6-9 h elimination half-life; Single dose; Multiple dose; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 3.4 h 3.4 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 4.4 h 4.4±1.3 h PO, oral; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Age &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 9.0 h 9±2 h Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 7.5 h 7.5±1 h Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 5.6 h 5.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 577.5 mg/kg 415-740 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 685.0 mg/kg 560-810 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 50.0 mg/kg >50 mg/kg PO, oral; dog; DRUGBANK 60.0 mg/kg 60.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 38.0 mg/kg 38.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 740.0 mg/kg 740.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 3.0 % 2-4 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 4.0 % <4 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 75.0 % ~70-80 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 40.0 % ~40 % DRUGBANK 30.0 % ~30 % DRUGBANK 78.0 % 78±3 % DRUGBANK 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cardizem CD diltiazem hydrochloride PDR 360.0 mg/day 360 mg/day PO, oral Cardizem CD diltiazem hydrochloride PDR 480.0 mg/day 480 mg/day PO, oral Cardizem CD diltiazem hydrochloride PDR 540.0 mg/day 540 mg/day PO, oral qd Cardizem CD diltiazem hydrochloride PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cardizem CD diltiazem hydrochloride PDR 360.0 mg/day 360 mg/day PO, oral Cardizem CD diltiazem hydrochloride PDR 480.0 mg/day 480 mg/day PO, oral Cardizem CD diltiazem hydrochloride PDR 540.0 mg/day 540 mg/day PO, oral qd Cardizem CD diltiazem hydrochloride PDR DDPD00344 Protriptyline 263.3767 C19H21N CNCCCC1C2=CC=CC=C2C=CC2=CC=CC=C12 DB00344 T3D2759 4976 8597 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/protriptyline.html 4805 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD00345 Aminohippuric acid 194.1873 C9H10N2O3 NC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(=O)NCC(O)=O DB00345 2148 104011 2063 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7220.0 mg/kg 7.22 g/kg intravenous injection, IV; female mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD00346 Alfuzosin 389.4488 C19H27N5O4 COC1=CC2=C(C=C1OC)C(N)=NC(=N2)N(C)CCCNC(=O)C1CCCO1 DB00346 2092 51141 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/alfuzosin.html 2008 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % <50 % PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 0.354 L/h/kg 5.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.2 L/kg 3.2 L/kg normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 1.5 L/kg 1.5 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.0 h 10 h DRUGBANK 4.8 h 4.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 69.0 % 69 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 24.0 % 24 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 86.0 % 82-90 % DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Uroxatral alfuzosin hydrochloride PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Uroxatral alfuzosin hydrochloride PDR DDPD00347 Trimethadione 143.1406 C6H9NO3 CN1C(=O)OC(C)(C)C1=O DB00347 T3D2760 5576 9727 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/trimethadione.html 5374 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % DRUGBANK DDPD00348 Nitisinone 329.2281 C14H10F3NO5 [O-][N+](=O)C1=C(C=CC(=C1)C(F)(F)F)C(=O)C1C(=O)CCCC1=O DB00348 115355 50378 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/nitisinone.html 103195 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 54.0 h ~54 h DRUGBANK 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Orfadin nitisinone PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Orfadin nitisinone PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Orfadin nitisinone PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Orfadin nitisinone PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Orfadin nitisinone PDR DDPD00349 Clobazam 300.74 C16H13ClN2O2 CN1C2=C(C=C(Cl)C=C2)N(C2=CC=CC=C2)C(=O)CC1=O DB00349 T3D4564 2789 31413 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/clobazam.html 2687 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 87.0 % 87.0 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 1-3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.49 L/h ~2.49 L/h DRUGBANK 100.0 L 100.0 L DRUGBANK 32.0 h 32 h elimination half-life; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 57.0 h 57 h epilepsy &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 94.0 % ~94 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 80-90 % DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Sympazan clobazam PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Sympazan clobazam PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Sympazan clobazam PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Sympazan clobazam PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Sympazan clobazam PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Sympazan clobazam PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Sympazan clobazam PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Sympazan clobazam PDR DDPD00350 Minoxidil 209.2483 C9H15N5O NC1=CC(=NC(N)=[N+]1[O-])N1CCCCC1 DB00350 4201 6942 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/minoxidil.html 10438564 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90.0 % PO, oral; Male, men; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % DRUGBANK 0.69 L/h/kg 11.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.9 L/kg 0.9 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.2 h 4.2 h DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2406.5 mg/kg 1321-3492 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2552.0 mg/kg 2456-2648 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Minoxidil minoxidil PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Minoxidil minoxidil PDR 2.0 ml/day 2 ml/day skin/dermal Minoxidil minoxidil PDR 1.0 capfuL/day 1 capfuL/day skin/dermal Minoxidil minoxidil PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Minoxidil minoxidil PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Minoxidil minoxidil PDR 2.0 ml/day 2 ml/day skin/dermal Minoxidil minoxidil PDR 1.0 capful/day 1 capful/day skin/dermal Minoxidil minoxidil PDR DDPD00351 Megestrol acetate 384.516 C24H32O4 [H][C@@]12CC[C@](OC(C)=O)(C(C)=O)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])C=C(C)C2=CC(=O)CC[C@]12C DB00351 11683 6723 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/megestrol.html 11192 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6.5 % 5-8 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 34.0 h 34 h DRUGBANK 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day Liquid Megestrol Acetate megestrol acetate PDR 625.0 mg/day 625 mg/day Liquid Megestrol Acetate megestrol acetate PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day Liquid Megestrol Acetate megestrol acetate PDR 625.0 mg/day 625 mg/day Liquid Megestrol Acetate megestrol acetate PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day Liquid Megestrol Acetate megestrol acetate PDR 625.0 mg/day 625 mg/day Liquid Megestrol Acetate megestrol acetate PDR DDPD00352 Tioguanine 167.192 C5H5N5S NC1=NC(=S)C2=C(N1)N=CN2 DB00352 T3D4770 2723601 9555 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/thioguanine.html 2005804 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30(14-46) % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.133333333333333 h 80(25-240) min elimination half-life; Single dose; DRUGBANK 160.0 mg/kg 160.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 160.0 mg/kg 160.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD00353 Methylergometrine 339.4314 C20H25N3O2 [H][C@@]12CC3=CNC4=CC=CC(=C34)C1=C[C@H](CN2C)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC)CO DB00353 T3D3686 8226 92607 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/methylergonovine.html 7933 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 78.0 % 78.0 % IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 0.4308 L/h/kg 7.18 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 56.1 L 56.1 L DRUGBANK 0.96 L/kg 0.96 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.39 h 3.39 h DRUGBANK 1.85 h 1.85 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.8 mg/day 0.8 mg/day PO, oral; up to 7 days Methylergonovine Maleate Injection methylergonovine maleate PDR 0.8 mg/day 0.8 mg/day PO, oral; up to 7 days Methylergonovine Maleate Injection methylergonovine maleate PDR DDPD00354 Buclizine 433.028 C28H33ClN2 CC(C)(C)C1=CC=C(CN2CCN(CC2)C(C2=CC=CC=C2)C2=CC=C(Cl)C=C2)C=C1 DB00354 6729 3205 6473 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00355 Aztreonam 435.433 C13H17N5O8S2 C[C@H]1[C@H](NC(=O)C(=N/OC(C)(C)C(=O)O)\C2=CSC([NH3+])=N2)C(=O)N1S([O-])(=O)=O DB00355 9568617 161680 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/aztreonam.html 4674940 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 16.0 % 16 % Liver metabolism; Inactive metabolite; DRUGBANK 5460.0 L/h 91.0 L/min normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.09 L/h/kg 1.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.6 L 12.6 L DRUGBANK 0.18 L/kg 0.18 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.7 h 1.7(1.5-2.0) h elimination half-life; normal renal function; dose &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 5.35 h 4.7-6 h Elderly; patients; DRUGBANK 2.1 h 2.1 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; patients; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 56.0 % 56 % dose &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 39.5 % 36-43 % renal insufficiency; DRUGBANK 120.0 mg/kg/day 120 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cayston aztreonam PDR 8000.0 mg/day 8 g/day intravenous injection, IV Cayston aztreonam PDR 300.0 mg/kg/day 300 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cayston aztreonam PDR 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day intravenous injection, IV Cayston aztreonam PDR 120.0 mg/kg/day 120 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cayston aztreonam PDR 300.0 mg/kg/day 300 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cayston aztreonam PDR 225.0 mg/day 225 mg/day skin/dermal Cayston aztreonam PDR 225.0 mg/day 225 mg/day skin/dermal Cayston aztreonam PDR 8000.0 mg/day 8 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Cayston aztreonam PDR 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day intravenous injection, IV Cayston aztreonam PDR 225.0 mg/day 225 mg/day skin/dermal Cayston aztreonam PDR 120.0 mg/kg/day 120 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cayston aztreonam PDR 8000.0 mg/day 8 g/day intravenous injection, IV Cayston aztreonam PDR 300.0 mg/kg/day 300 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cayston aztreonam PDR 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day intravenous injection, IV Cayston aztreonam PDR 225.0 mg/day 225 mg/day skin/dermal Cayston aztreonam PDR 8000.0 mg/day 8 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Cayston aztreonam PDR 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day intravenous injection, IV Cayston aztreonam PDR 120.0 mg/kg/day 120 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cayston aztreonam PDR 300.0 mg/kg/day 300 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cayston aztreonam PDR 120.0 mg/kg/day 120 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cayston aztreonam PDR 300.0 mg/kg/day 300 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cayston aztreonam PDR 120.0 mg/kg/day 120 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cayston aztreonam PDR 90.0 mg/kg/day 90 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cayston aztreonam PDR 90.0 mg/kg/day 90 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cayston aztreonam PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cayston aztreonam PDR DDPD00356 Chlorzoxazone 169.565 C7H4ClNO2 ClC1=CC2=C(OC(=O)N2)C=C1 DB00356 2733 3655 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/chlorzoxazone.html 2632 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 440.0 mg/kg 440.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 763.0 mg/kg 763.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 15.5 % 13-18 % DRUGBANK 3000.0 mg/day 3000 mg/day PO, oral Lorzone chlorzoxazone PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3000 mg/day PO, oral Lorzone chlorzoxazone PDR DDPD00357 Aminoglutethimide 232.2783 C13H16N2O2 CCC1(CCC(=O)NC1=O)C1=CC=C(N)C=C1 DB00357 T3D4806 2145 2654 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/aminoglutethimide.html 2060 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 44.0 % 34-54 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 12.5 h 12.5±1.6 h DRUGBANK 1800.0 mg/kg 1800.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/kg >100 mg/kg PO, oral; dog; DRUGBANK 156.0 mg/kg 156.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/kg >100 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; dog; DRUGBANK 1800.0 mg/kg 1800.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/kg >100 mg/kg PO, oral; dog; DRUGBANK 156.0 mg/kg 156.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/kg >100 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; dog; DRUGBANK 44.0 % 34-54 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 23.0 % 21-25 % DRUGBANK DDPD00358 Mefloquine 378.3122 C17H16F6N2O OC(C1CCCCN1)C1=CC(=NC2=C1C=CC=C2C(F)(F)F)C(F)(F)F DB00358 4046 63681 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/mefloquine.html 3906 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 910.0 ng/ml 800-1020 ng/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 420.0 ng/ml 420±141 ng/ml Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 13.3 h 7-19.6 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12±8 h Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 1.8 L/h 30.0 ml/min DRUGBANK 0.0258 L/h/kg 0.43±0.14 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; Children &#8594; ;Preg, pregnant &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 20.0 L/kg 20.0 L/kg normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 19.0 L/kg 19±6 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 504.0 h 2-4 week DRUGBANK 480.0 h 20±4 day Preg, pregnant &#8595; ;Children &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 880.0 mg/kg 880.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 9.0 % ~9 % Urinary excretion; at steady state; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % DRUGBANK 98.2 % 98.2 % DRUGBANK 1250.0 mg 1250 mg PO, oral Mefloquine Hydrochloride mefloquine hydrochloride PDR 250.0 mg 250 mg PO, oral qw Mefloquine Hydrochloride mefloquine hydrochloride PDR 187.5 mg 187.5 mg PO, oral qw Mefloquine Hydrochloride mefloquine hydrochloride PDR 125.0 mg 125 mg PO, oral qw Mefloquine Hydrochloride mefloquine hydrochloride PDR 62.5 mg 62.5 mg PO, oral qw Mefloquine Hydrochloride mefloquine hydrochloride PDR 22.5 mg/kg 22.5 mg/kg PO, oral Mefloquine Hydrochloride mefloquine hydrochloride PDR 22.5 mg/kg 22.5 mg/kg PO, oral Mefloquine Hydrochloride mefloquine hydrochloride PDR 22.5 mg/kg 22.5 mg/kg PO, oral Mefloquine Hydrochloride mefloquine hydrochloride PDR 22.5 mg/kg 22.5 mg/kg PO, oral Mefloquine Hydrochloride mefloquine hydrochloride PDR 1250.0 mg 1250 mg PO, oral Mefloquine Hydrochloride mefloquine hydrochloride PDR 250.0 mg 250 mg PO, oral qw Mefloquine Hydrochloride mefloquine hydrochloride PDR 1250.0 mg 1250 mg PO, oral Mefloquine Hydrochloride mefloquine hydrochloride PDR 250.0 mg 250 mg PO, oral qw Mefloquine Hydrochloride mefloquine hydrochloride PDR 187.5 mg 187.5 mg PO, oral qw Mefloquine Hydrochloride mefloquine hydrochloride PDR 22.5 mg/kg 22.5 mg/kg PO, oral Mefloquine Hydrochloride mefloquine hydrochloride PDR 22.5 mg/kg 22.5 mg/kg PO, oral Mefloquine Hydrochloride mefloquine hydrochloride PDR 1250.0 mg 1250 mg PO, oral Mefloquine Hydrochloride mefloquine hydrochloride PDR 250.0 mg 250 mg PO, oral qw Mefloquine Hydrochloride mefloquine hydrochloride PDR 5.0 mg/kg/dose 5 mg/kg/dose PO, oral qw Mefloquine Hydrochloride mefloquine hydrochloride PDR 22.5 mg/kg 22.5 mg/kg PO, oral Mefloquine Hydrochloride mefloquine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00359 Sulfadiazine 250.277 C10H10N4O2S NC1=CC=C(C=C1)S(=O)(=O)NC1=NC=CC=N1 DB00359 5215 9328 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/sulfadiazine.html 5026 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.033 L/h/kg 0.55 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.29 L/kg 0.29 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/kg 1500.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD00360 Sapropterin 241.2471 C9H15N5O3 [H][C@@]1(CNC2=C(N1)C(=O)NC(N)=N2)[C@@H](O)[C@H](C)O DB00360 44257 59560 40270 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day Kuvan sapropterin dihydrochloride PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day Kuvan sapropterin dihydrochloride PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day Kuvan sapropterin dihydrochloride PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day Kuvan sapropterin dihydrochloride PDR DDPD00361 Vinorelbine 778.947 C45H54N4O8 [H][C@@]12N(C)C3=CC(OC)=C(C=C3[C@@]11CCN3CC=C[C@](CC)([C@@]13[H])[C@@]([H])(OC(C)=O)[C@]2(O)C(=O)OC)[C@]1(C[C@@]2([H])CN(CC(CC)=C2)CC2=C1NC1=CC=CC=C21)C(=O)OC DB00361 44424639 480999 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/vinorelbine.html 4470974 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 27.0 % 27±12 % Liquid; DRUGBANK 114.0 ng/ml 114±43 ng/ml DRUGBANK 1130.0 ng/ml 1130±636 ng/ml DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5±1.0 h DRUGBANK 0.775 L/kg 0.29-1.26 L/kg Plasma clearance; patients; DRUGBANK 1.26 L/h/kg 21±7 ml/min/kg hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 1.2 L/h/kg 20 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 32.75 L/kg 25.4-40.1 L/kg Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 76.0 L/kg 76±41 L/kg DRUGBANK 23.0 L/kg 23 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 35.65 h 27.7-43.6 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 42.0 h 42±21 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 26.0 h 26 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 18.0 % ~18 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 46.0 % ~46 % Faeces excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 20.0 % <20 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 45.0 % 30-60 % Faeces excretion; intravenous injection, IV; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 11.0 % 11 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 80-90 % DRUGBANK 87.0 % 87(80-91) % DRUGBANK 30.0 mg/m2 30 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Navelbine vinorelbine tartrate PDR 30.0 mg/m2 30 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Navelbine vinorelbine tartrate PDR DDPD00362 Anidulafungin 1140.2369 C58H73N7O17 [H][C@]1(NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@@H]2C[C@@H](O)CN2C(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@H](C[C@@H](O)[C@@H](O)NC(=O)[C@@H]2[C@@H](O)[C@@H](C)CN2C1=O)NC(=O)C1=CC=C(C=C1)C1=CC=C(C=C1)C1=CC=C(OCCCCC)C=C1)[C@@H](C)O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)C1=CC=C(O)C=C1)[C@@H](C)O DB00362 T3D2763 166548 55346 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/anidulafungin.html 145752 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 L/h 1.0 L/h DRUGBANK 0.0126 L/h/kg 0.21 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 40.0 L 30-50 L DRUGBANK 0.57 L/kg 0.57 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 45.0 h 40-50 h DRUGBANK 40.0 h 40 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 84.0 % 84 % DRUGBANK 3.0 mg/kg 3 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Eraxis anidulafungin PDR 200.0 mg/dose 200 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Eraxis anidulafungin PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Eraxis anidulafungin PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Eraxis anidulafungin PDR 3.0 mg/kg 3 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Eraxis anidulafungin PDR 200.0 mg/dose 200 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Eraxis anidulafungin PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Eraxis anidulafungin PDR DDPD00363 Clozapine 326.823 C18H19ClN4 CN1CCN(CC1)C1=NC2=CC(Cl)=CC=C2NC2=CC=CC=C12 DB00363 T3D2764 2818 3766 http://www.drugs.com/clozapine.html 10442628 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % DRUGBANK 55.0 % 55±12 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 546.0 ng/ml 546±307 ng/ml Tablet, PO, oral; adults; DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.9±0.8 h Tablet, PO, oral; adults; DRUGBANK 0.366 L/h/kg 6.1±1.6 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 0.15 L/h/kg 2.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.4 L/kg 5.4±3.5 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.6 L/kg 1.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8(4-12) h DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12±4 h DRUGBANK 10.0 h 10 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 30.0 % ~30 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % DRUGBANK 95.0 % >95 % DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Clozaril clozapine PDR 900.0 mg/day 900 mg/day PO, oral Clozaril clozapine PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Clozaril clozapine PDR 900.0 mg/day 900 mg/day PO, oral Clozaril clozapine PDR DDPD00364 Sucralfate 1558.67 C12H35Al9O55S8 O.O[Al](O)O.O[Al](O)OS(=O)(=O)OC[C@H]1O[C@@](COS(=O)(=O)O[Al](O)O)(O[C@H]2O[C@H](COS(=O)(=O)O[Al](O)O)[C@@H](OS(=O)(=O)O[Al](O)O)[C@H](OS(=O)(=O)O[Al](O)O)[C@H]2OS(=O)(=O)O[Al](O)O)[C@@H](OS(=O)(=O)O[Al](O)O)[C@@H]1OS(=O)(=O)O[Al](O)O DB00364 70789197 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/sucralfate.html 32701653 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.009 % 0.001-0.017 % PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 13.0 h 6-20 h elimination half-life; animals; DRUGBANK 80.0 mg/kg/day 80 mg/kg/day PO, oral Carafate Tablets sucralfate PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day PO, oral Carafate Tablets sucralfate PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Carafate Tablets sucralfate PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Carafate Tablets sucralfate PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Carafate Tablets sucralfate PDR DDPD00365 Grepafloxacin 359.3947 C19H22FN3O3 CC1CN(CCN1)C1=C(F)C(C)=C2C(=O)C(=CN(C3CC3)C2=C1)C(O)=O DB00365 72474 5543 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/grepafloxacin.html 65391 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.354 L/h/kg 5.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 15.0 h 15±3 h DRUGBANK 9.2 h 9.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % DRUGBANK DDPD00366 Doxylamine 270.3694 C17H22N2O CN(C)CCOC(C)(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=N1 DB00366 3162 51380 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/doxylamine.html 3050 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 10.0 h 10 h DRUGBANK DDPD00367 Levonorgestrel 312.4458 C21H28O2 [H][C@@]12CC[C@@](O)(C#C)[C@@]1(CC)CC[C@]1([H])[C@@]3([H])CCC(=O)C=C3CC[C@@]21[H] DB00367 T3D4749 13109 6443 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/levonorgestrel.html 12560 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 360.1 ng.h/ml 360.1 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 202.69 ng.h/ml 197.28-208.1 ng.h/ml PO, oral; Obesity; Obesity &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 16.2 ng/ml 16.2 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 10.5 ng/ml 10.5 ng/ml PO, oral; Obesity; Obesity &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 60.0 h 2-3 day subdermal implant; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h PO, oral; Obesity; Obesity &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 4.8 L/h 4.8 L/h normal,healthy;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 8.105 L/h 7.70-8.51 L/h Obesity; patients; DRUGBANK 7.06 L/h 7.06 L/h Average clearance; DRUGBANK 0.108 L/h/kg 1.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 162.2 L 162.2 L Steady state volume of distribution; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 435.55 L 404.7-466.4 L Steady state volume of distribution; Obesity; DRUGBANK 260.0 L 260.0 L Average volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 1.8 L/kg 1.8 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 1.5 L/kg 1.5 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 40.0 h 20-60 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 29.7 h 29.7 h elimination half-life;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 43.7 h 41.0-46.4 h elimination half-life; BMI over;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 24.4 h 24.4 h elimination half-life; patients; DRUGBANK 9.4 h 9.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 45.0 % ~45 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 32.0 % ~32 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 98.25 % 97.5-99 % DRUGBANK DDPD00368 Norepinephrine 169.1778 C8H11NO3 NC[C@H](O)C1=CC(O)=C(O)C=C1 DB00368 T3D4154 439260 18357 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/norepinephrine.html 388394 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.88 mg/kg/day 2 mcg/kg/minute intravenous infusion, iv in drop Levophed norepinephrine bitartrate PDR 43.2 mg/day 30 mcg/min intravenous infusion, iv in drop Levophed norepinephrine bitartrate PDR 4.752 mg/kg/day 3.3 mcg/kg/min intravenous infusion, iv in drop Levophed norepinephrine bitartrate PDR 2.88 mg/kg/day 2 mcg/kg/minute intravenous infusion, iv in drop Levophed norepinephrine bitartrate PDR 43.2 mg/day 30 mcg/minute intravenous infusion, iv in drop Levophed norepinephrine bitartrate PDR 4.752 mg/kg/day 3.3 mcg/kg/minute intravenous infusion, iv in drop Levophed norepinephrine bitartrate PDR 2.88 mg/kg/day 2 mcg/kg/min intravenous infusion, iv in drop Levophed norepinephrine bitartrate PDR 2.88 mg/kg/day 2 mcg/kg/minute intravenous infusion, iv in drop Levophed norepinephrine bitartrate PDR DDPD00369 Cidofovir 279.187 C8H14N3O6P NC1=NC(=O)N(C[C@@H](CO)OCP(O)(O)=O)C=C1 DB00369 60613 3696 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cidofovir.html 54636 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98±10 % subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 5.0 % <5 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 19600.0 ng/ml 19.6±7.2 mcg/ml DRUGBANK 6.20809248554913 L/h/m2 179±23.1 ml/min/1.73m2 DRUGBANK 0.126 L/h/kg 2.1±0.6 ml/min/kg AIDS,HIV; positive for CMV; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.15 L/h/kg 2.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.537 L/kg 537±126 mL/kg DRUGBANK 0.41 L/kg 410±102 mL/kg DRUGBANK 0.36 L/kg 0.36±0.13 L/kg AIDS,HIV; positive for CMV; DRUGBANK 0.49 L/kg 0.49 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.8 h 2.4-3.2 h DRUGBANK 2.3 h 2.3±0.5 h AIDS,HIV; positive for CMV; patients; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 2.6 h 2.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 70.1 % 70.1±21.4 % Urinary excretion; AIDS,HIV; positive for CMV; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 6.0 % 6 % DRUGBANK 6.0 % <6 % AIDS,HIV; positive for CMV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.714285714285714 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/week intravenous injection, IV Vistide cidofovir PDR 0.714285714285714 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/week intravenous injection, IV Vistide cidofovir PDR DDPD00370 Mirtazapine 265.3529 C17H19N3 CN1CCN2C(C1)C1=CC=CC=C1CC1=C2N=CC=C1 DB00370 T3D2767 4205 6950 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/mirtazapine.html 4060 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50.0 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50±10 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 41.8 ng/ml 41.8±7.7 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5±0.7 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 120.0 h 5.0 day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 31.0 L/h 31.0 L/h Total clearance; intravenous injection, IV; Male, men; hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;Age &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.5472 L/h/kg 9.12±1.14 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; adults; hydrolysis; hydrolysis; hydrolysis; hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ;moderate renal function &#8595; ;severe renal function &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.48 L/h/kg 8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 107.0 L 107±42 L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.5 L/kg 4.5±1.7 L/kg normal,healthy; adults; hydrolysis; hydrolysis; hydrolysis; DRUGBANK 4.2 L/kg 4.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 30.0 h 20-40 h DRUGBANK 16.3 h 16.3±4.6 h chronic liver disease &#8593; ;moderate renal function &#8593; ;severe renal function &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 15.0 h 15 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 830.0 mg/kg 830.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Male, men; mouse; DRUGBANK 660.0 mg/kg 600-720 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 405.0 mg/kg 320-490 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 75.0 % 75 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 15.0 % 15 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 85.0 % ~85 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 85 % adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 45.0 mg/day 45 mg/day PO, oral Mirtazapine mirtazapine PDR 45.0 mg/day 45 mg/day PO, oral Mirtazapine mirtazapine PDR DDPD00371 Meprobamate 218.2502 C9H18N2O4 CCCC(C)(COC(N)=O)COC(N)=O DB00371 4064 6761 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/meprobamate.html 3924 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.036 L/h/kg 0.6 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.7 L/kg 0.7 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.0 h ~10 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 14.0 h 14 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD00372 Thiethylperazine 399.616 C22H29N3S2 CCSC1=CC2=C(SC3=CC=CC=C3N2CCCN2CCN(C)CC2)C=C1 DB00372 5440 9544 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/thiethylperazine.html 5245 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % DRUGBANK DDPD00373 Timolol 316.42 C13H24N4O3S [H][C@](O)(CNC(C)(C)C)COC1=NSN=C1N1CCOCC1 DB00373 33624 9599 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/timolol-drops.html 31013 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.78 ng.h/ml 4.78 ng.h/ml ophthalmic administration; DRUGBANK 6.46 ng.h/ml 6.46 ng.h/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 78.0 % 78.0±24.5 % ophthalmic administration; different study; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60.0 % ophthalmic administration; different study; DRUGBANK 61.0 % 61±6 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.14 ng/ml 1.14 ng/ml ophthalmic administration; DRUGBANK 61.0 ng/ml 61±39 ng/ml PO, oral; extensive metabolizers, EM; DRUGBANK 114.0 ng/ml 114±21 ng/ml PO, oral; poor metabolizers, PM; DRUGBANK 0.25 h 0.25 h ophthalmic administration; DRUGBANK 1.2 h 1.2±0.4 h PO, oral; extensive metabolizers, EM; DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1.8±0.8 h PO, oral; poor metabolizers, PM; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 33.42 L/h 557±61 ml/min Plasma clearance; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 45.09 L/h 751.5±90.6 ml/min Total clearance; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 5.832 L/h 97.2±10.1 ml/min Renal clearance; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.462 L/h/kg 7.7±1.2 ml/min/kg hydrolysis; DRUGBANK 0.51 L/h/kg 8.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.5 L/kg 1.3-1.7 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.7 L/kg 1.7±0.2 L/kg hydrolysis; DRUGBANK 1.5 L/kg 1.5 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.9 h 2.9±0.3 h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.7 h 2.7±0.5 h CYP2D6 genetic polymorphisms; DRUGBANK 7.5 h 7.5±3.0 h poor metabolizers, PM; hydrolysis; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.7 h 3.7±1.7 h extensive metabolizers, EM; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.2 h 2.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1028.0 mg/kg 1028.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1137.0 mg/kg 1137.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 8.0 % 8±4 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 10.0 % ~10 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 10.0 % <10 % DRUGBANK 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration bid Betimol timolol PDR 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration Betimol timolol PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Betimol timolol PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Betimol timolol PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Betimol timolol PDR 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration bid Betimol timolol PDR 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration Betimol timolol PDR 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration bid Betimol timolol PDR 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration Betimol timolol PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Betimol timolol PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Betimol timolol PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Betimol timolol PDR 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration bid Betimol timolol PDR 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration Betimol timolol PDR DDPD00374 Treprostinil 390.5131 C23H34O5 [H][C@]12C[C@@H](O)[C@H](CC[C@@H](O)CCCCC)[C@@]1([H])CC1=C(C2)C(OCC(O)=O)=CC=C1 DB00374 6918140 50861 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/treprostinil-inhalation-solution.html 5293353 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 0.642 L/h/kg 10.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.2 L/kg 0.2 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.23 L/kg 0.23 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.0 h ~2-4 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 0.566666666666667 h 34 min elimination half-life; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 1.41666666666667 h 85 min elimination half-life; subcutaneous infusion; DRUGBANK 0.82 h 0.82 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 91.0 % ~91 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.4176 mg/kg/day 290 ng/kg/min parenteral administration Remodulin treprostinil PDR 9.0 breaths 9 breaths inhalation, IH qid Remodulin treprostinil PDR 21.0 mg 21 mg Tablet,PO,oral bid Remodulin treprostinil PDR 0.00029 mg/kg/day 290 ng/kg/min parenteral administration Remodulin treprostinil PDR 8.6e-05 mg/kg/day 86 ng/kg/min intravenous injection, IV Remodulin treprostinil PDR 0.004176 mg/kg/day 290 ng/kg/min parenteral administration Remodulin treprostinil PDR 9.0 breaths 9 breaths inhalation, IH qid Remodulin treprostinil PDR 21.0 mg 21 mg Tablet,PO,oral bid Remodulin treprostinil PDR DDPD00375 Colestipol N.A. N.A. C1C(O1)CCl.C(CNCCNCCNCCN)N DB00375 62816 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/colestipol.html 56550 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/kg >1000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 15000.0 mg/day 15 g/day PO, oral Colestid Granules colestipol hydrochloride PDR 30000.0 mg/day 30 g/day PO, oral Colestid Granules colestipol hydrochloride PDR 16000.0 mg/day 16 g/day Tablet,PO,oral Colestid Granules colestipol hydrochloride PDR 15000.0 mg/day 15 g/day PO, oral Colestid Granules colestipol hydrochloride PDR 30000.0 mg/day 30 g/day PO, oral Colestid Granules colestipol hydrochloride PDR 16000.0 mg/day 16 g/day Tablet,PO,oral Colestid Granules colestipol hydrochloride PDR DDPD00376 Trihexyphenidyl 301.4662 C20H31NO OC(CCN1CCCCC1)(C1CCCCC1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00376 T3D2770 5572 9720 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/trihexyphenidyl.html 5371 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.7 h 3.3-4.1 h DRUGBANK DDPD00377 Palonosetron 296.414 C19H24N2O [H][C@]12CCCC3=C1C(=CC=C3)C(=O)N(C2)[C@@H]1CN2CCC1CC2 DB00377 6337614 85161 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/palonosetron.html 4892289 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 0.16 L/h/kg 160±35 ml/h/kg DRUGBANK 0.156 L/h/kg 2.6 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.3 L/kg 8.3 ± 2.5 L/kg DRUGBANK 6.3 L/kg 6.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 40.0 h ~40 h DRUGBANK 39.0 h 39 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.0 % ~8 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 62.0 % 62 % DRUGBANK 1.5 mg/dose 1.5 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Aloxi palonosetron hydrochloride PDR 0.02 mg/kg/dose 20 mcg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Aloxi palonosetron hydrochloride PDR 0.25 mg/dose 0.25 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Aloxi palonosetron hydrochloride PDR 0.5 mg/dose 0.5 mg/dose PO, oral Aloxi palonosetron hydrochloride PDR 1.5 mg/dose 1.5 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Aloxi palonosetron hydrochloride PDR 0.02 mg/kg/dose 20 mcg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Aloxi palonosetron hydrochloride PDR 0.25 mg/dose 0.25 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Aloxi palonosetron hydrochloride PDR 0.5 mg/dose 0.5 mg/dose PO, oral Aloxi palonosetron hydrochloride PDR 0.02 mg/kg/dose 20 mcg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Aloxi palonosetron hydrochloride PDR DDPD00378 Dydrogesterone 312.4458 C21H28O2 [H][C@@]12CC[C@H](C(C)=O)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])C=CC2=CC(=O)CC[C@@]12C DB00378 9051 31527 8699 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 28.0 % 28.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 5-7 h DRUGBANK 15.5 h 14-17 h DRUGBANK 4640.0 mg/kg 4640.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD00379 Mexiletine 179.2588 C11H17NO CC(N)COC1=C(C)C=CC=C1C DB00379 4178 6916 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/mexiletine.html 4034 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 85 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 0.498 L/h/kg 8.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.0 L/lg 5-7.0 L/lg DRUGBANK 5.9 L/kg 5.9 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 11.0 h 10-12 h DRUGBANK 9.9 h 9.9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.0 % ~10 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 55.0 % 50-60 % DRUGBANK 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Mexiletine Hydrochloride mexiletine hydrochloride PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Mexiletine Hydrochloride mexiletine hydrochloride PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Mexiletine Hydrochloride mexiletine hydrochloride PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Mexiletine Hydrochloride mexiletine hydrochloride PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Mexiletine Hydrochloride mexiletine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00380 Dexrazoxane 268.2691 C11H16N4O4 C[C@@H](CN1CC(=O)NC(=O)C1)N1CC(=O)NC(=O)C1 DB00380 T3D2771 71384 50223 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/dexrazoxane.html 64479 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 7.88 L/h/m2 7.88 L/h/m2 DRUGBANK 6.25 L/h/m2 6.25 L/h/m2 DRUGBANK 0.186 L/h/kg 3.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 15.8 L/m2 9-22.6 L/m2 DRUGBANK 0.55 L/kg 0.55 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 500.0 mg/kg 500.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg 2.0 g/kg intravenous injection, IV; dog; DRUGBANK 500.0 mg/kg 500.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg 2.0 g/kg intravenous injection, IV; dog; DRUGBANK 42.0 % 42 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 2.0 % <2 % DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/m2 1000 mg/m2 Zinecard dexrazoxane PDR 2000.0 mg 2000 mg Zinecard dexrazoxane PDR 1000.0 mg/m2 1000 mg/m2 Zinecard dexrazoxane PDR 2000.0 mg 2000 mg Zinecard dexrazoxane PDR DDPD00381 Amlodipine 408.876 C20H25ClN2O5 CCOC(=O)C1=C(COCCN)NC(C)=C(C1C1=CC=CC=C1Cl)C(=O)OC DB00381 2162 2668 http://www.drugs.com/amlodipine.html 2077 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 77.0 % 64-90 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 74.0 % 74±17 % PO, oral; Elderly &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 18.1 ng/ml 18.1±7.1 ng/ml PO, oral; Male, men; adults; Elderly &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 9.0 h 6-12 h PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 6.7 h 5.4-8.0 h PO, oral; Male, men; adults; DRUGBANK 180.0 h 7-8 day PO, oral; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % Liver metabolism; Inactive metabolite; DRUGBANK 55.0 % 55 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.42 L/h/kg 7±1.3 ml/min/kg Total clearance; normal,healthy; Geriatric &#8595; ;Age &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.354 L/h/kg 5.9±1.5 ml/min/kg Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.42 L/h/kg 7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 21.0 L/kg 21.0 L/kg DRUGBANK 16.0 L/kg 16±4 L/kg Elderly &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 17.0 L/kg 17 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 40.0 h 30-50 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 39.0 h 39±8 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 34.0 h 34 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 37.0 mg/kg 37.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 98.0 % ~98 % DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93±1 % Elderly &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral Norvasc amlodipine besylate PDR 0.6 mg/kg/day 0.6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Norvasc amlodipine besylate PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Norvasc amlodipine besylate PDR 0.6 mg/kg/day 0.6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Norvasc amlodipine besylate PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Norvasc amlodipine besylate PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Norvasc amlodipine besylate PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral Norvasc amlodipine besylate PDR 0.6 mg/kg/day 0.6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Norvasc amlodipine besylate PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Norvasc amlodipine besylate PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Norvasc amlodipine besylate PDR DDPD00382 Tacrine 198.2637 C13H14N2 NC1=C2CCCCC2=NC2=CC=CC=C12 DB00382 T3D2772 1935 45980 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/tacrine.html 1859 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 17.0 % 17.0 % DRUGBANK 3.36 L/h/kg 56 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 349.0 L 349±193 L DRUGBANK 11.0 L/kg 11 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h DRUGBANK 3.3 h 3.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/kg 40.0 mg/kg Oral single dose; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 55.0 % 55 % DRUGBANK DDPD00383 Oxyphencyclimine 344.4479 C20H28N2O3 CN1CCCN=C1COC(=O)C(O)(C1CCCCC1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00383 4642 7868 4481 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00384 Triamterene 253.2626 C12H11N7 NC1=NC(N)=C2N=C(C(N)=NC2=N1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00384 5546 9671 http://www.drugs.com/triamterene.html 5345 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 148.7 ng.h/ml 148.7 ng.h/ml Oral single dose; Male, men; fasting; DRUGBANK 52.0 % 52.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 86.84 % 86.84 % combination drug use; DRUGBANK 51.0 % 51±18 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 46.4 ng/ml 46.4 ng/ml Oral single dose; Male, men; fasting; DRUGBANK 26.4 ng/ml 26.4±17.7 ng/ml Oral single dose; fasting; young; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 779.0 ng/ml 779±310 ng/ml Oral single dose; Active metabolite; fasting; young; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 84.0 ng/ml 84±91 ng/ml Oral single dose; Elderly; DRUGBANK 526.0 ng/ml 526±388 ng/ml Oral single dose; Active metabolite; Elderly; DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1 h Oral single dose; Male, men; fasting; DRUGBANK 2.9 h 2.9±1.6 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.1 h 4.1±2.0 h PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 270.0 L/h 4.5 L/min Plasma clearance; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.22 L/kg 0.22 L/kg Renal clearance; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 3.78 L/h/kg 63±20 ml/min/kg Elderly &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 3.78 L/h/kg 63 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.49 L/kg 1.49 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.11 L/kg 0.11 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 13.4 L/kg 13.4±4.9 L/kg DRUGBANK 13.0 L/kg 13 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.75 h 1.5-2 h DRUGBANK 4.25 h 255±42 min terminal half-life; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 3.13333333333333 h 188±70 min terminal half-life; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 4.2 h 4.2±0.7 h DRUGBANK 3.1 h 3.1±1.2 h Metabolite; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 4.3 h 4.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/kg 400.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 332.5 mg/kg 285-380 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 50.0 % <50 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 20.0 % ~20 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 52.0 % 52±10 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 67.0 % 67 % DRUGBANK 61.0 % 61±2 % HL,hyperlipoproteinemia &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;hypoalbuminemia Alb &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Dyrenium triamterene PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Dyrenium triamterene PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Dyrenium triamterene PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Dyrenium triamterene PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Dyrenium triamterene PDR DDPD00385 Valrubicin 723.651 C34H36F3NO13 [H][C@@]1(C[C@@](O)(CC2=C(O)C3=C(C(O)=C12)C(=O)C1=C(OC)C=CC=C1C3=O)C(=O)COC(=O)CCCC)O[C@H]1C[C@H](NC(=O)C(F)(F)F)[C@H](O)[C@H](C)O1 DB00385 454216 135876 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/valrubicin.html 399974 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % DRUGBANK 800.0 mg 800 mg intravesically Valstar valrubicin PDR 800.0 mg 800 mg intravesically Valstar valrubicin PDR DDPD00387 Procyclidine 287.4397 C19H29NO OC(CCN1CCCC1)(C1CCCCC1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00387 T3D2773 4919 8448 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/procyclidine.html 4750 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0516 L/h/kg 0.86 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.74 L/kg 0.74 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 60.0 mg/kg 60.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 60.0 mg/kg 60.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % DRUGBANK DDPD00388 Phenylephrine 167.205 C9H13NO2 CNC[C@H](O)C1=CC(O)=CC=C1 DB00388 6041 8093 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/phenylephrine-solution.html 5818 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 38.0 % 38.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 126.0 L/h 2100.0 ml/min Average clearance; DRUGBANK 340.0 L 340.0 L DRUGBANK 0.0833333333333333 h 5 min effective half-life; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h elimination half-life; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 86.0 % 86 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Vazculep phenylephrine hydrochloride PDR 3.0 sprays/drops/nostril 3 sprays/drops/nostril nasal spray Vazculep phenylephrine hydrochloride PDR 1.0 drop/dose 1 drop/dose ophthalmic administration Vazculep phenylephrine hydrochloride PDR 4.0 application/day 4 application/day skin ointment Vazculep phenylephrine hydrochloride PDR 4.0 suppositories/day 4 suppositories/day Rectal Administration Vazculep phenylephrine hydrochloride PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Vazculep phenylephrine hydrochloride PDR 3.0 sprays/drops/nostril 3 sprays/drops/nostril nasal spray Vazculep phenylephrine hydrochloride PDR 1.0 drop/dose 1 drop/dose ophthalmic administration Vazculep phenylephrine hydrochloride PDR 4.0 application/day 4 application/day skin ointment Vazculep phenylephrine hydrochloride PDR 4.0 suppositories/day 4 suppositories/day Rectal Administration Vazculep phenylephrine hydrochloride PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Vazculep phenylephrine hydrochloride PDR 3.0 sprays/drops/nostril 3 sprays/drops/nostril nasal spray Vazculep phenylephrine hydrochloride PDR 1.0 drop/dose 1 drop/dose ophthalmic administration Vazculep phenylephrine hydrochloride PDR 4.0 application/day 4 application/day skin ointment Vazculep phenylephrine hydrochloride PDR 4.0 suppositories/day 4 suppositories/day Rectal Administration Vazculep phenylephrine hydrochloride PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Vazculep phenylephrine hydrochloride PDR 3.0 sprays/drops/nostriL 3 sprays/drops/nostriL nasal spray Vazculep phenylephrine hydrochloride PDR 1.0 drop/dose 1 drop/dose ophthalmic administration Vazculep phenylephrine hydrochloride PDR 4.0 appLication/day 4 appLication/day skin ointment Vazculep phenylephrine hydrochloride PDR 4.0 suppositories/day 4 suppositories/day Rectal Administration Vazculep phenylephrine hydrochloride PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Vazculep phenylephrine hydrochloride PDR 3.0 sprays/drops/nostriL 3 sprays/drops/nostriL nasal spray Vazculep phenylephrine hydrochloride PDR 1.0 drop/dose 1 drop/dose skin ointment Vazculep phenylephrine hydrochloride PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Vazculep phenylephrine hydrochloride PDR 3.0 drop/nostriL 3 drop/nostriL nasal spray Vazculep phenylephrine hydrochloride PDR 1.0 drop/dose 1 drop/dose ophthalmic administration Vazculep phenylephrine hydrochloride PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Vazculep phenylephrine hydrochloride PDR 3.0 drop/nostriL 3 drop/nostriL nasal spray Vazculep phenylephrine hydrochloride PDR 1.0 drop/dose 1 drop/dose ophthalmic administration Vazculep phenylephrine hydrochloride PDR 1.0 drop/dose 1 drop/dose ophthalmic administration Vazculep phenylephrine hydrochloride PDR 1.0 drop/dose 1 drop/dose ophthalmic administration Vazculep phenylephrine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00389 Carbimazole 186.232 C7H10N2O2S CCOC(=O)N1C=CN(C)C1=S DB00389 31072 617099 28829 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 26.5 % ~25-28 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 85 % DRUGBANK DDPD00390 Digoxin 780.9385 C41H64O14 [H][C@]12CC[C@]3([H])[C@]([H])(C[C@@H](O)[C@]4(C)[C@H](CC[C@]34O)C3=CC(=O)OC3)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@H](C2)O[C@H]1C[C@H](O)[C@H](O[C@H]2C[C@H](O)[C@H](O[C@H]3C[C@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](C)O3)[C@@H](C)O2)[C@@H](C)O1 DB00390 T3D2670 2724385 4551 http://www.drugs.com/digoxin.html 2006532 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 75.0 % 70-80 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 12.5 ng/ml 12.5±2.38 ng/ml combination drug use; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 50-90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70±13 % DRUGBANK 1.32 ng/ml 1.32±0.18 ng/ml combination drug use; DRUGBANK 1.4 ng/ml 1.4±0.7 ng/ml PO, oral; heart failure; DRUGBANK 3.7 ng/ml 3.7±1.0 ng/ml PO, oral; heart failure; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h combination drug use; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 1-3 h PO, oral; heart failure; DRUGBANK 13.0 % 13 % DRUGBANK 3.05202312138728 L/h/m2 88±44 ml/min/1.73m2 Average clearance; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.83815028901734 L/h/m2 53.0 ml/min/1.73m2 Average clearance; intravenous injection, IV; Elderly; DRUGBANK 2.87861271676301 L/h/m2 83.0 ml/min/1.73m2 Average clearance; intravenous injection, IV; young; DRUGBANK 0.102 L/h/kg 1.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 487.5 L 475-500 L Apparent volume of distribution; Age &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 4.1 L/kg 4.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 42.0 h 1.5-2 day normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 102.0 h 3.5-5 day patients; DRUGBANK 39.0 h 39±13 h hyperthyroid, HTh &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;congestive heart disease &#8593; ;LTh hypothyroid &#8593; ;Obesity &#8594; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 38.0 h 38 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 28.27 mg/kg 28270.0 ug/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 7.8 mg/kg 7.8 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 0.1 mg/kg 100.0 ug/kg PO, oral; human, homo sapiens;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 0.075 mg/kg 75.0 ug/kg PO, oral; human, homo sapiens; Male, men; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 50-70 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60±11 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 25.0 % ~25 % DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25±5 % RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK DDPD00391 Sulpiride 341.426 C15H23N3O4S CCN1CCCC1CNC(=O)C1=C(OC)C=CC(=C1)S(N)(=O)=O DB00391 5355 32168 5162 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 30.0 % 25-35 % DRUGBANK 0.114 L/h/kg 1.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.94 L/kg 0.94 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 6-8 h DRUGBANK 6.5 h 6.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD00392 Profenamine 312.472 C19H24N2S CCN(CC)C(C)CN1C2=CC=CC=C2SC2=CC=CC=C12 DB00392 3290 313639 3174 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93 % DRUGBANK DDPD00393 Nimodipine 418.4403 C21H26N2O7 COCCOC(=O)C1=C(C)NC(C)=C(C1C1=CC(=CC=C1)[N+]([O-])=O)C(=O)OC(C)C DB00393 4497 7575 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/nimodipine.html 4341 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 16.5 % 3-30 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.9 L/h/kg 15 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.1 L/kg 1.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.35 h 1.7-9 h DRUGBANK 1.3 h 1.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Nimodipine nimodipine PDR 48.0 mg/day 48 mg/day PO, oral Nimodipine nimodipine PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Nimodipine nimodipine PDR 360.0 mg/day 360 mg/day PO, oral Nimodipine nimodipine PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Nimodipine nimodipine PDR 48.0 mg/day 48 mg/day PO, oral Nimodipine nimodipine PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Nimodipine nimodipine PDR 360.0 mg/day 360 mg/day PO, oral Nimodipine nimodipine PDR DDPD00394 Beclomethasone dipropionate 521.042 C28H37ClO7 [H][C@@]12C[C@H](C)[C@](OC(=O)CC)(C(=O)COC(=O)CC)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1(Cl)[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)C=C[C@]12C DB00394 21700 3002 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/beclomethasone-spray.html 20396 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6.66 ng.h/ml 6660.0 pg.h/ml PO, oral; different study; DRUGBANK 6.185 ng.h/ml 6185.0 pg.h/ml different study; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 10.158 ng.h/ml 10158.0 pg.h/ml PO, oral; different study; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 3.66 ng.h/ml 3660.0 pg.h/ml inhalation, IH; different study; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 41.0 % 41.0 % PO, oral; different study; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 44.0 % 44.0 % inhalation, IH; different study; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 0.088 ng/ml 88.0 pg/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 35.356 ng/ml 35356.0 pg/ml PO, oral; different study; DRUGBANK 1.419 ng/ml 1419.0 pg/ml Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 2.633 ng/ml 2633.0 pg/ml different study; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 0.703 ng/ml 703.0 pg/ml PO, oral; different study; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 0.31 ng/ml 310.0 pg/ml inhalation, IH; different study; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.2 h 0.2 h PO, oral; different study; DRUGBANK 0.7 h 0.7 h Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 0.2 h 0.2 h different study; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h PO, oral; different study; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 150.0 L/h 150.0 L/h DRUGBANK 120.0 L/h 120.0 L/h DRUGBANK 2.16 L/h/kg 36 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 L 20.0 L Steady state volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 424.0 L 424.0 L Steady state volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.29 L/kg 0.29 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 2.7 h 2.7 h DRUGBANK 8.8 h 8.8 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5.7 h 5.7 h intranasal; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3750.0 mg/kg 3750.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 10.0 % <10 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.64 mg/day 640 mcg/day inhalation, IH Beconase AQ beclomethasone dipropionate monohydrate PDR 0.336 mg/day 336 mcg/day nasal spray Beconase AQ beclomethasone dipropionate monohydrate PDR 0.32 mg/day 320 mcg/day nasal spray Beconase AQ beclomethasone dipropionate monohydrate PDR 0.16 mg/day 160 mcg/day inhalation, IH Beconase AQ beclomethasone dipropionate monohydrate PDR 0.336 mg/day 336 mcg/day nasal spray Beconase AQ beclomethasone dipropionate monohydrate PDR 0.08 mg/day 80 mcg/day nasal spray Beconase AQ beclomethasone dipropionate monohydrate PDR 0.16 mg/day 160 mcg/day inhalation, IH Beconase AQ beclomethasone dipropionate monohydrate PDR 0.08 mg/day 80 mcg/day nasal spray Beconase AQ beclomethasone dipropionate monohydrate PDR 0.64 mg/day 640 mcg/day inhalation, IH Beconase AQ beclomethasone dipropionate monohydrate PDR 0.336 mg/day 336 mcg/day nasal spray Beconase AQ beclomethasone dipropionate monohydrate PDR 0.32 mg/day 320 mcg/day nasal spray Beconase AQ beclomethasone dipropionate monohydrate PDR 0.64 mg/day 640 mcg/day inhalation, IH Beconase AQ beclomethasone dipropionate monohydrate PDR 0.336 mg/day 336 mcg/day nasal spray Beconase AQ beclomethasone dipropionate monohydrate PDR 0.32 mg/day 320 mcg/day nasal spray Beconase AQ beclomethasone dipropionate monohydrate PDR 0.64 mg/day 640 mcg/day inhalation, IH Beconase AQ beclomethasone dipropionate monohydrate PDR 0.336 mg/day 336 mcg/day nasal spray Beconase AQ beclomethasone dipropionate monohydrate PDR 0.32 mg/day 320 mcg/day nasal spray Beconase AQ beclomethasone dipropionate monohydrate PDR DDPD00395 Carisoprodol 260.33 C12H24N2O4 CCCC(C)(COC(N)=O)COC(=O)NC(C)C DB00395 T3D3491 2576 3419 http://www.drugs.com/carisoprodol.html 2478 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.75 h 1.5-2 h high-fat meal; high-fat meal &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 39.52 L/h 39.52±16.83 L/h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.115 L/kg 0.93-1.3 L/kg DRUGBANK 2.0 h ~2 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 450.0 mg/kg 450.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1320.0 mg/kg 1320.0 mg/kg intragastric; DRUGBANK 165.0 mg/kg 165.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 980.0 mg/kg 980.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 2340.0 mg/kg 2340.0 mg/kg intragastric; DRUGBANK 124.0 mg/kg 124.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; rabbit; DRUGBANK 60.0 % ~60 % DRUGBANK 1400.0 mg/day 1400 mg/day PO, oral Soma carisoprodol PDR 1400.0 mg/day 1400 mg/day PO, oral Soma carisoprodol PDR 1400.0 mg/day 1400 mg/day PO, oral Soma carisoprodol PDR DDPD00396 Progesterone 314.4617 C21H30O2 [H][C@@]12CC[C@H](C(C)=O)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)CC[C@]12C DB00396 5994 17026 http://www.drugs.com/progesterone.html 5773 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.0 ng/ml 7.0 ng/ml IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 28.0 ng/ml 28.0 ng/ml IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 50.0 ng/ml 50.0 ng/ml IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8 h IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 106.0 L/h 106±15 L/h IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 1367.0 L/h 1367±348 L/h Vaginal Administration; DRUGBANK 37.5 h ~25-50 h distribution half-life; gel; DRUGBANK 0.208333333333333 h 5-20 min elimination half-life; gel; DRUGBANK 0.0833333333333333 h ~5 min elimination half-life; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 327.0 mg/kg 327.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 97.5 % 96-99 % DRUGBANK 52.0 % 50-54 % DRUGBANK DDPD00397 Phenylpropanolamine 151.209 C9H13NO [H][C@@](C)(N)[C@]([H])(O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00397 26934 80680 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/phenylpropanolamine.html 9875 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.75 h 2.1-3.4 h DRUGBANK 1490.0 mg/kg 1490.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD00398 Sorafenib 464.825 C21H16ClF3N4O3 CNC(=O)C1=NC=CC(OC2=CC=C(NC(=O)NC3=CC(=C(Cl)C=C3)C(F)(F)F)C=C2)=C1 DB00398 T3D3533 216239 50924 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/sorafenib.html 187440 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 12.5 % 9-16 % DRUGBANK 36.5 h 25-48 h DRUGBANK 77.0 % 77 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 19.0 % 19 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 99.5 % 99.5 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Nexavar sorafenib PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Nexavar sorafenib PDR DDPD00399 Zoledronic acid 272.0896 C5H10N2O7P2 OC(CN1C=CN=C1)(P(O)(O)=O)P(O)(O)=O DB00399 T3D2669 68740 46557 61986 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 788.0 ng.h/ml 788±181 ng.h/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 917.0 ng.h/ml 917±226 ng.h/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 370.0 ng/ml 370±78.5 ng/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 471.0 ng/ml 471±76.1 ng/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.317 h 0.317±0.014 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.368 h 0.368±0.005 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 3.7 L/h 3.7±2.0 L/h Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.132 L/h/kg 2.2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.6 L/kg 0.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 146.0 h 146 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 11.0 h 11 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 39.0 % 39±16 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 38.0 % 23-53 % DRUGBANK 4.0 mg/dose 4 mg/dose intravenous infusion, iv in drop Reclast zoledronic acid PDR 5.0 mg/dose 5 mg/dose intravenous infusion, iv in drop Reclast zoledronic acid PDR 4.0 mg/dose 4 mg/dose intravenous infusion, iv in drop Reclast zoledronic acid PDR 5.0 mg/dose 5 mg/dose intravenous infusion, iv in drop Reclast zoledronic acid PDR DDPD00400 Griseofulvin 352.766 C17H17ClO6 COC1=CC(OC)=C(Cl)C2=C1C(=O)[C@]1(O2)[C@H](C)CC(=O)C=C1OC DB00400 T3D4696 441140 27779 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/griseofulvin-microsize.html 389934 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 47.5 % 25-70 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 15.0 h 9-21 h DRUGBANK 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Griseofulvin Oral Suspension griseofulvin PDR 750.0 mg/day 750 mg/day PO, oral Griseofulvin Oral Suspension griseofulvin PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral Griseofulvin Oral Suspension griseofulvin PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day PO, oral Griseofulvin Oral Suspension griseofulvin PDR 750.0 mg/day 750 mg/day PO, oral Griseofulvin Oral Suspension griseofulvin PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day PO, oral Griseofulvin Oral Suspension griseofulvin PDR 750.0 mg/day 750 mg/day PO, oral Griseofulvin Oral Suspension griseofulvin PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day PO, oral Griseofulvin Oral Suspension griseofulvin PDR 750.0 mg/day 750 mg/day PO, oral Griseofulvin Oral Suspension griseofulvin PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day PO, oral Griseofulvin Oral Suspension griseofulvin PDR DDPD00401 Nisoldipine 388.4144 C20H24N2O6 COC(=O)C1=C(C)NC(C)=C(C1C1=CC=CC=C1[N+]([O-])=O)C(=O)OCC(C)C DB00401 4499 76917 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/nisoldipine-extended-release-tablets.html 4343 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5.0 % DRUGBANK 0.9 L/h/kg 15 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.5 L/kg 5.5 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 9.5 h 7-12 h DRUGBANK 11.0 h 11 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % DRUGBANK 34.0 mg/day 34 mg/day PO, oral Sular nisoldipine PDR 34.0 mg/day 34 mg/day PO, oral Sular nisoldipine PDR DDPD00402 Eszopiclone 388.808 C17H17ClN6O3 CN1CCN(CC1)C(=O)O[C@@H]1N(C(=O)C2=NC=CN=C12)C1=NC=C(Cl)C=C1 DB00402 T3D4552 969472 53760 839530 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 278.0 ng.h/ml 278.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 36.0 h 24-48 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 11.04 L/h 184.0 ml/min Average clearance; normal,healthy; young; DRUGBANK 89.9 L 89.9 L DRUGBANK 6.1 h 6.1 h normal,healthy; patients; hepatopathy,LD &#8593; ;Elderly &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 980.0 mg/kg 980.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3200.0 mg/kg 3200.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 10.0 % ~10 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 55.5 % 52-59 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 3.0 mg/day 3 mg/day PO, oral Lunesta eszopiclone PDR 2.0 mg/day 2 mg/day PO, oral Lunesta eszopiclone PDR DDPD00403 Ceruletide 1352.405 C58H73N13O21S2 [H][C@](NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CC=C(OS(O)(=O)=O)C=C1)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(O)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CCC(N)=O)NC(=O)[C@@H]1CCC(=O)N1)([C@@H](C)O)C(=O)NCC(=O)N[C@@H](CC1=CNC2=CC=CC=C12)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCSC)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(O)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC1=CC=CC=C1)C(N)=O DB00403 16129675 59219 10481982 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00404 Alprazolam 308.765 C17H13ClN4 CC1=NN=C2CN=C(C3=CC=CC=C3)C3=C(C=CC(Cl)=C3)N12 DB00404 T3D2777 2118 2611 http://www.drugs.com/alprazolam.html 2034 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 87.5 % 84-91 % Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 88.0 % 88±16 % PO, oral; adults; DRUGBANK 17.0 ng/ml 12-22 mcg/L Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 21.0 ng/ml 21(15-32) ng/ml PO, oral; adults; DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1.8 h Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5(0.5-3.0) h PO, oral; adults; DRUGBANK 0.054 L/h/kg 0.90±0.21 ml/min/kg Total clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.1278 L/h/kg 2.13±0.54 ml/min/kg Total clearance; PO, oral; enzyme-inducers; DRUGBANK 0.066 L/h/kg 0.70-1.5 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 0.0444 L/h/kg 0.74±0.14 ml/min/kg hydrolysis; Male, men; Elderly &#8595; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8595; ;Obesity &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.0444 L/h/kg 0.74 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.05 L/kg 0.8-1.3 L/kg PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.72 L/kg 0.72±0.12 L/kg Elderly &#8594; ;Obesity &#8594; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.8 L/kg 0.8 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 11.2 h 11.2 h normal,healthy; patients; Asian &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 16.3 h 16.3 h Elderly; DRUGBANK 35.55 h 5.8-65.3 h alcoholic liver disease; patients; DRUGBANK 25.15 h 9.9-40.4 h Obesity; patients; DRUGBANK 12.5 h 9-16 h different study; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12±2 h Male, men; Obesity &#8593; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12±2 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1251.0 mg/kg 331-2171 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1020.0 mg/kg 1020.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~80 % DRUGBANK 71.0 % 71±3 % Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;Obesity &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.06 mg/kg/day 0.06 mg/kg/day PO, oral Xanax alprazolam PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Xanax alprazolam PDR 0.06 mg/kg/day 0.06 mg/kg/day PO, oral Xanax alprazolam PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Xanax alprazolam PDR DDPD00405 Dexbrompheniramine 319.239 C16H19BrN2 CN(C)CC[C@@H](C1=CC=C(Br)C=C1)C1=CC=CC=N1 DB00405 16960 59269 16068 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 25.0 h 25 h DRUGBANK DDPD00406 Gentian violet cation 372.5258 C25H30N3 CN(C)C1=CC=C(C=C1)C(C1=CC=C(C=C1)N(C)C)=C1C=CC(C=C1)=[N+](C)C DB00406 T3D4821 3468 77181 http://www.drugs.com/cons/gentian-violet-topical.html 3349 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 420.0 mg/kg 420.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 420.0 mg/kg 420.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD00408 Loxapine 327.808 C18H18ClN3O CN1CCN(CC1)C1=NC2=CC=CC=C2OC2=C1C=C(Cl)C=C2 DB00408 T3D2779 3964 50841 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/loxapine.html 3827 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 33.0 % 33.0 % IM,intramuscular injection; Male, men; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 65.0 mg/kg 65.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 65.0 mg/kg 65.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Loxapine loxapine PDR 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day PO, oral Loxapine loxapine PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day inhalation, IH qd Loxapine loxapine PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Loxapine loxapine PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Loxapine loxapine PDR 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day PO, oral Loxapine loxapine PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day inhalation, IH qd Loxapine loxapine PDR DDPD00409 Remoxipride 371.269 C16H23BrN2O3 CCN1CCC[C@H]1CNC(=O)C1=C(OC)C=CC(Br)=C1OC DB00409 54477 92948 49195 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90.0 % DRUGBANK 0.102 L/h/kg 1.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.65 L/kg 0.65 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.5 h 4-7 h DRUGBANK 5.5 h 5.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 93.5 % 89-98 % DRUGBANK DDPD00410 Mupirocin 500.6222 C26H44O9 C[C@H](O)[C@H](C)[C@@H]1O[C@H]1C[C@H]1CO[C@@H](C\C(C)=C\C(=O)OCCCCCCCCC(O)=O)[C@H](O)[C@@H]1O DB00410 446596 7025 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/mupirocin-cream.html 393914 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.5 h ~20-40 min elimination half-life; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.916666666666667 h ~30-80 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg 5000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 95.0 % >95 % DRUGBANK 5.0 days 5 days nasal spray bid Bactroban Cream mupirocin calcium PDR 5.0 days 5 days nasal spray bid Bactroban Cream mupirocin calcium PDR 5.0 days 5 days nasal spray bid Bactroban Cream mupirocin calcium PDR 5.0 days 5 days nasal spray bid Bactroban Cream mupirocin calcium PDR DDPD00411 Carbamoylcholine 147.1955 C6H15N2O2 C[N+](C)(C)CCOC(N)=O DB00411 5831 3385 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/carbachol-drops.html 2454 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 15.0 mg/kg 15.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/kg 40.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.5 ml/dose 0.5 ml/dose ophthalmic administration Miostat carbachol PDR 6.0 drop/day 6 drop/day ophthalmic administration Miostat carbachol PDR 0.5 ml/dose 0.5 ml/dose ophthalmic administration Miostat carbachol PDR 6.0 drop/day 6 drop/day ophthalmic administration Miostat carbachol PDR DDPD00412 Rosiglitazone 357.427 C18H19N3O3S CN(CCOC1=CC=C(CC2SC(=O)NC2=O)C=C1)C1=CC=CC=N1 DB00412 77999 50122 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/rosiglitazone.html 70383 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99.0 % DRUGBANK 598.0 ng/ml 598±117 ng/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.75 h 2.75 h PO, oral; food; food &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1.0 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 3.03 L/h 3.03±0.87 L/h Total clearance; PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 2.89 L/h 2.89±0.71 L/h Total clearance; PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 2.85 L/h 2.85±0.69 L/h Total clearance; PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 2.97 L/h 2.97±0.81 L/h Total clearance; PO, oral; food; DRUGBANK 3.15 L/h 3.15 L/h Average clearance; pediatric patients; DRUGBANK 0.0408 L/h/kg 0.68±0.16 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; type 2 diabetes; Male, men;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 0.0294 L/h/kg 0.49 ml/min/kg Average clearance; hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.039 L/h/kg 0.65 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 17.6 L 17.6 L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 13.5 L 13.5 L pediatric patients; DRUGBANK 0.25 L/kg 0.25±0.08 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; type 2 diabetes; Male, men;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 0.21 L/kg 0.21 L/kg Average volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.2 L/kg 0.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h Oral single dose; dose &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h PO, oral; chronic liver disease &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 3.9 h 3.9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 64.0 % ~64 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 23.0 % ~23 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % Urinary excretion; type 2 diabetes; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.8 % 99.8 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 99.8 % 99.8 % type 2 diabetes; human, homo sapiens; hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 8.0 mg/day 8 mg/day PO, oral Avandia rosiglitazone maleate PDR 8.0 mg/day 8 mg/day PO, oral Avandia rosiglitazone maleate PDR 8.0 mg/day 8 mg/day PO, oral Avandia rosiglitazone maleate PDR 8.0 mg/day 8 mg/day PO, oral Avandia rosiglitazone maleate PDR DDPD00413 Pramipexole 211.327 C10H17N3S CCCN[C@H]1CCC2=C(C1)SC(N)=N2 DB00413 T3D2783 119570 8356 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/pramipexole.html 106770 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.6 ng/ml 1.6±0.23 ng/ml PO, oral; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.1 ng/ml 2.1±0.25 ng/ml PO, oral;  Female, women; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % DRUGBANK 24.0 L/h 400.0 ml/min DRUGBANK 0.492 L/h/kg 8.2±1.4 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; normal,healthy; Male, men;  Female, women; Elderly &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;Parkinson &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.432 L/h/kg 7.2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 500.0 L ~500 L DRUGBANK 7.3 L/kg 7.3±1.7 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; normal,healthy; Male, men;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 7.0 L/kg 7 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.25 h ~8.5-12 h DRUGBANK 11.6 h 11.6±2.57 h normal,healthy; adults; Male, men;  Female, women; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 12.4 h 12.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 800.0 mg/kg >800 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % Urinary excretion; adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 15.0 % ~15 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 15.0 % 15 % adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.5 mg/day 4.5 mg/day PO, oral Mirapex pramipexole dihydrochloride PDR 4.5 mg/day 4.5 mg/day PO, oral Mirapex pramipexole dihydrochloride PDR DDPD00414 Acetohexamide 324.395 C15H20N2O4S CC(=O)C1=CC=C(C=C1)S(=O)(=O)NC(=O)NC1CCCCC1 DB00414 1989 28052 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/acetohexamide.html 1912 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.3 h 1.3 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 5.5 h ~5-6 h Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg 5.0 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2500.0 mg/kg >2500 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % DRUGBANK DDPD00415 Ampicillin 349.405 C16H19N3O4S [H][C@]12SC(C)(C)[C@@H](N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)[C@H](N)C1=CC=CC=C1)C(O)=O DB00415 6249 28971 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ampicillin.html 6013 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.168 L/h/kg 2.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.22 L/kg 0.22 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.4 h 1.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day PO, oral Ampicillin Capsules and Oral Suspension ampicillin trihydrate PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Ampicillin Capsules and Oral Suspension ampicillin trihydrate PDR 200.0 mg/kg/day 200 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Ampicillin Capsules and Oral Suspension ampicillin trihydrate PDR 400.0 mg/kg/day 400 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Ampicillin Capsules and Oral Suspension ampicillin trihydrate PDR 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day intravenous injection, IV Ampicillin Capsules and Oral Suspension ampicillin trihydrate PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Ampicillin Capsules and Oral Suspension ampicillin trihydrate PDR 200.0 mg/kg/day 200 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Ampicillin Capsules and Oral Suspension ampicillin trihydrate PDR 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Ampicillin Capsules and Oral Suspension ampicillin trihydrate PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day PO, oral Ampicillin Capsules and Oral Suspension ampicillin trihydrate PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Ampicillin Capsules and Oral Suspension ampicillin trihydrate PDR 200.0 mg/kg/day 200 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Ampicillin Capsules and Oral Suspension ampicillin trihydrate PDR 400.0 mg/kg/day 400 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Ampicillin Capsules and Oral Suspension ampicillin trihydrate PDR 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day intravenous injection, IV Ampicillin Capsules and Oral Suspension ampicillin trihydrate PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Ampicillin Capsules and Oral Suspension ampicillin trihydrate PDR 200.0 mg/kg/day 200 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Ampicillin Capsules and Oral Suspension ampicillin trihydrate PDR 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Ampicillin Capsules and Oral Suspension ampicillin trihydrate PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day PO, oral Ampicillin Capsules and Oral Suspension ampicillin trihydrate PDR 200.0 mg/kg/day 200 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Ampicillin Capsules and Oral Suspension ampicillin trihydrate PDR 400.0 mg/kg/day 400 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Ampicillin Capsules and Oral Suspension ampicillin trihydrate PDR 150.0 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Ampicillin Capsules and Oral Suspension ampicillin trihydrate PDR 300.0 mg/kg/day 300 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Ampicillin Capsules and Oral Suspension ampicillin trihydrate PDR 150.0 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Ampicillin Capsules and Oral Suspension ampicillin trihydrate PDR 300.0 mg/kg/day 300 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Ampicillin Capsules and Oral Suspension ampicillin trihydrate PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Ampicillin Capsules and Oral Suspension ampicillin trihydrate PDR 300.0 mg/kg/day 300 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Ampicillin Capsules and Oral Suspension ampicillin trihydrate PDR DDPD00416 Metocurine iodide 906.6279 C40H48I2N2O6 [I-].[I-].[H][C@@]12CC3=CC=C(OC4=C5C(CC[N+](C)(C)[C@]5([H])CC5=CC(OC6=C(OC)C=C(CC[N+]1(C)C)C2=C6)=C(OC)C=C5)=CC(OC)=C4OC)C=C3 DB00416 24244 6901 22666 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h DRUGBANK 35.0 % 35 % DRUGBANK DDPD00417 Phenoxymethylpenicillin 350.39 C16H18N2O5S [H][C@]12SC(C)(C)[C@@H](N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)COC1=CC=CC=C1)C(O)=O DB00417 6869 27446 http://www.drugs.com/penicillin.html 6607 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 42.5 % 25-60 % DRUGBANK 450.0 ng/ml 200-700 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4000.0 ng/ml 3-5 ug/ml DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.5-1 h DRUGBANK 52.5 % 35-70 % Inactive metabolite; Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.408 L/h/kg 6.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 35.4 L 35.4 L at steady state; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.41 L/kg 0.41 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.5 h ~30 min PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; DRUGBANK 0.84 h 0.84 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1040.0 mg/kg >1040 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25 % Urinary excretion; Infants; Children; renal insufficiency &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 65.0 % ~50-80 % plasma proteins; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Penicillin V Potassium penicillin V potassium PDR 75.0 mg/kg/day 75 mg/kg/day PO, oral Penicillin V Potassium penicillin V potassium PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Penicillin V Potassium penicillin V potassium PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Penicillin V Potassium penicillin V potassium PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Penicillin V Potassium penicillin V potassium PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Penicillin V Potassium penicillin V potassium PDR 75.0 mg/kg/day 75 mg/kg/day PO, oral Penicillin V Potassium penicillin V potassium PDR 75.0 mg/kg/day 75 mg/kg/day PO, oral Penicillin V Potassium penicillin V potassium PDR DDPD00418 Secobarbital 238.2829 C12H18N2O3 CCCC(C)C1(CC=C)C(=O)NC(=O)NC1=O DB00418 T3D2784 5193 9073 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/secobarbital.html 5005 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Seconal Sodium secobarbital sodium PDR 100.0 mg 100 mg PO, oral Seconal Sodium secobarbital sodium PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Seconal Sodium secobarbital sodium PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Seconal Sodium secobarbital sodium PDR 100.0 mg 100 mg PO, oral Seconal Sodium secobarbital sodium PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Seconal Sodium secobarbital sodium PDR DDPD00419 Miglustat 219.278 C10H21NO4 CCCCN1C[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]1CO DB00419 51634 50381 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/miglustat.html 46764 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 6.5 h ~6-7 h effective half-life; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Zavesca miglustat PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Zavesca miglustat PDR DDPD00420 Promazine 284.419 C17H20N2S CN(C)CCCN1C2=CC=CC=C2SC2=CC=CC=C12 DB00420 T3D2565 4926 8459 4757 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.84 L/h/kg 14 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.1 L/kg 8.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.9 h 7.9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 140.0 mg/kg 140.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 94.0 % 94 % DRUGBANK DDPD00421 Spironolactone 416.573 C24H32O4S [H][C@@]12CC[C@@]3(CCC(=O)O3)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])[C@@]([H])(CC2=CC(=O)CC[C@]12C)SC(C)=O DB00421 T3D4753 5833 9241 http://www.drugs.com/spironolactone.html 5628 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2103.0 ng.h/ml 2103.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4544.0 ng.h/ml 4544.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; food; food &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 95.4 % 95.4 % PO, oral; food; food &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 209.0 ng/ml 209.0 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 301.0 ng/ml 301.0 ng/ml PO, oral; food; food &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 185.0 ng/ml 185±51 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 231.0 ng/ml 231±49 ng/ml PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 571.0 ng/ml 571±74 ng/ml PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 202.0 ng/ml 202±54 ng/ml PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 2.6 h 2.6 h DRUGBANK 4.3 h 4.3 h Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 2.28 h 2.28 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.05 h 3.05 h PO, oral; food; food &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1.0 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.9 h 2.9±0.6 h PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1.8±0.5 h PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 3.1 h 3.1±0.9 h PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 5.58 L/h/kg 93.0 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 10.0 L/kg 10.0 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 1.4 h 1.4 h DRUGBANK 1.3 h 1.3±0.3 h Oral single dose; chronic liver disease &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 11.2 h 11.2±2.3 h Active metabolite; Oral single dose; chronic liver disease &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 2.8 h 2.8±0.4 h Active metabolite; Oral single dose; chronic liver disease &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 10.1 h 10.1±2.3 h Active metabolite; Oral single dose; chronic liver disease &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/kg >1 g/kg PO, oral; mouse; Rattus, Rat; rabbit; DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/kg >1000 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; Rattus, Rat; rabbit; DRUGBANK 49.0 % 42-56 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 14.4 % 14.2-14.6 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % DRUGBANK 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day PO, oral CaroSpir carospir PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral CaroSpir carospir PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral CaroSpir carospir PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day PO, oral CaroSpir carospir PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral CaroSpir carospir PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral CaroSpir carospir PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day PO, oral CaroSpir carospir PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day PO, oral CaroSpir carospir PDR DDPD00422 Methylphenidate 233.3062 C14H19NO2 COC(=O)C(C1CCCCN1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00422 T3D2786 4158 84276 http://www.drugs.com/methylphenidate.html 4015 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 85.95 ng.h/ml 50.4-121.5 ng.h/ml Children; Drug form; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30(11-52) % Tablet, PO, oral; immediate release formulation; Drug form; DRUGBANK 22.0 % 22±8 % PO, oral; Raceme D; DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5±3 % PO, oral; Raceme L; DRUGBANK 10.5 ng/ml 6-15 ng/ml Children; Drug form; DRUGBANK 7.8 ng/ml 7.8 ng/ml PO, oral; Children; Drug form; DRUGBANK 10.8 ng/ml 10.8 ng/ml PO, oral; adults; Drug form; DRUGBANK 18.0 ng/ml 18±4.3 ng/ml Oral single dose; Raceme D; DRUGBANK 3.0 ng/ml 3.0±0.9 ng/ml Oral single dose; Raceme L; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 6-10 h PO, oral; Drug form; DRUGBANK 8.75 h 8.1-9.4 h Children; Drug form; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 1-3 h PO, oral; Drug form; DRUGBANK 2.4 h 2.4±0.8 h Oral single dose; Raceme D; DRUGBANK 2.1 h 2.1±0.6 h Oral single dose; Raceme L; DRUGBANK 10.2 L/h/kg 10.2 L/h/kg Average clearance; PO, oral; Children; adults; DRUGBANK 0.565 L/h/kg 0.565 L/h/kg Average clearance; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 0.402 L/h/kg 6.7±2.0 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; adults; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.72 L/h/kg 12±4.7 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; adults; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.5652 L/h/kg 9.42 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 L/kg ~20 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; Children; DRUGBANK 2.23 L/kg 2.23 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 2.7 L/kg 2.7±1.1 L/kg normal,healthy; adults; Male, men; DRUGBANK 1.8 L/kg 1.8±0.9 L/kg normal,healthy; adults; Male, men; DRUGBANK 2.2 L/kg 2.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.5 h ~3.5 h adults; DRUGBANK 2.4 h 2.4 h elimination half-life; Children; DRUGBANK 2.1 h 2.1 h elimination half-life; adults; DRUGBANK 2.4 h 2.4 h elimination half-life; Children; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 2.1 h 2.1 h elimination half-life; adults; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6.0±1.7 h Raceme D; DRUGBANK 2.2 h 2.2 h DRUGBANK 3.6 h 3.6±1.1 h Raceme D/L; DRUGBANK 4.8 h 4.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 190.0 mg/kg 190.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 190.0 mg/kg 190.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 87.5 % 78-97 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 2.0 % 1-3 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.3 % 1.3±0.5 % Urinary excretion; Raceme D; adults; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.6 % 0.6±0.3 % Urinary excretion; Raceme D/L; adults; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 15.0 % 15±5 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 15.5 % 15-16 % Raceme D; Raceme D/L; DRUGBANK 85.0 mg/day 85 mg/day PO, oral Ritalin LA methylphenidate hydrochloride PDR 54.0 mg/day 54 mg/day PO, oral Ritalin LA methylphenidate hydrochloride PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Ritalin LA methylphenidate hydrochloride PDR 51.8 mg/day 51.8 mg/day PO, oral Ritalin LA methylphenidate hydrochloride PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Ritalin LA methylphenidate hydrochloride PDR 80.0 mg/day 30 mg/9-hour Transdermal preparations Ritalin LA methylphenidate hydrochloride PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Ritalin LA methylphenidate hydrochloride PDR 104.0 mg/day 104 mg/day PO, oral Ritalin LA methylphenidate hydrochloride PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Ritalin LA methylphenidate hydrochloride PDR 72.0 mg/day 72 mg/day PO, oral Ritalin LA methylphenidate hydrochloride PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Ritalin LA methylphenidate hydrochloride PDR 85.0 mg/day 85 mg/day PO, oral Ritalin LA methylphenidate hydrochloride PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Ritalin LA methylphenidate hydrochloride PDR 72.0 mg/day 72 mg/day PO, oral Ritalin LA methylphenidate hydrochloride PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Ritalin LA methylphenidate hydrochloride PDR 51.8 mg/day 51.8 mg/day PO, oral Ritalin LA methylphenidate hydrochloride PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Ritalin LA methylphenidate hydrochloride PDR 0.138888888888889 mg/day 30 mg/9-hour Transdermal preparations Ritalin LA methylphenidate hydrochloride PDR 104.0 mg/day 104 mg/day PO, oral Ritalin LA methylphenidate hydrochloride PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Ritalin LA methylphenidate hydrochloride PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Ritalin LA methylphenidate hydrochloride PDR DDPD00423 Methocarbamol 241.2405 C11H15NO5 COC1=C(OCC(O)COC(N)=O)C=CC=C1 DB00423 4107 77498 http://www.drugs.com/methocarbamol.html 3964 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 52500.0 ng.h/ml 52.5 mg.h/l normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 87100.0 ng.h/ml 87.1 mg.h/l DRUGBANK 21300.0 ng/ml 21.3 mg/L normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 28700.0 ng/ml 28.7 mg/L DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1 h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1 h DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h different study; DRUGBANK 0.5 L/h/kg 0.2-0.8 L/h/kg DRUGBANK 0.7285 L/kg 515-942 mL/kg horse; at steady state; DRUGBANK 1.14 h 1.14 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.24 h 1.24 h elimination half-life; renal insufficiency; DRUGBANK 1.875 h 1.6-2.15 h DRUGBANK 3576.2 mg/kg 3576.2 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 88.85 % 88.85 % Urinary excretion; dog; DRUGBANK 2.14 % 2.14 % Faeces excretion; dog; DRUGBANK 88.5 % 84.5-92.5 % Urinary excretion; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 6.65 % 0-13.3 % Faeces excretion; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 46-50 % normal,healthy; patients; DRUGBANK 48.1 % 47.3-48.9 % DRUGBANK DDPD00424 Hyoscyamine 289.3694 C17H23NO3 CN1[C@H]2CC[C@@H]1C[C@@H](C2)OC(=O)[C@H](CO)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00424 T3D3096 154417 17486 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/hyoscyamine.html 10246417 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.75 h 2-3.5 h DRUGBANK 95.0 mg/kg 95.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % DRUGBANK 4.0 tablets/day 4 tablets/day Tablet,PO,oral Levsin Tablets hyoscyamine sulfate PDR 1.5 mg/day 1.5 mg/day PO, oral Levsin Tablets hyoscyamine sulfate PDR 2.0 tablets/day 2 tablets/day Tablet,PO,oral Levsin Tablets hyoscyamine sulfate PDR 0.75 mg/day 0.75 mg/day PO, oral Levsin Tablets hyoscyamine sulfate PDR 0.005 mg/kg/dose 5 mcg/kg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC;IM,intramuscular injection;intravenous infusion, iv in drop; Levsin Tablets hyoscyamine sulfate PDR 2.0 tablets/day 2 tablets/day Tablet,PO,oral Levsin Tablets hyoscyamine sulfate PDR 0.563 mg/day 0.563 mg/day Liquid Levsin Tablets hyoscyamine sulfate PDR 0.75 mg/day 0.75 mg/day PO, oral Levsin Tablets hyoscyamine sulfate PDR 0.005 mg/kg/dose 5 mcg/kg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC;IM,intramuscular injection;intravenous infusion, iv in drop; Levsin Tablets hyoscyamine sulfate PDR 2.0 tablets/day 2 tablets/day Tablet,PO,oral Levsin Tablets hyoscyamine sulfate PDR 0.375 mg/day 0.375 mg/day Liquid Levsin Tablets hyoscyamine sulfate PDR 0.75 mg/day 0.75 mg/day PO, oral Levsin Tablets hyoscyamine sulfate PDR 0.005 mg/kg/dose 5 mcg/kg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC;IM,intramuscular injection;intravenous infusion, iv in drop; Levsin Tablets hyoscyamine sulfate PDR 2.0 tablets/day 2 tablets/day Tablet,PO,oral Levsin Tablets hyoscyamine sulfate PDR 0.188 mg/day 0.188 mg/day Liquid Levsin Tablets hyoscyamine sulfate PDR 0.75 mg/day 0.75 mg/day PO, oral Levsin Tablets hyoscyamine sulfate PDR 0.005 mg/kg/dose 5 mcg/kg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC;IM,intramuscular injection;intravenous infusion, iv in drop; Levsin Tablets hyoscyamine sulfate PDR 48.0 drop/day 48 drop/day Liquid Levsin Tablets hyoscyamine sulfate PDR 36.0 drop/day 36 drop/day Liquid Levsin Tablets hyoscyamine sulfate PDR 30.0 drop/day 30 drop/day Liquid Levsin Tablets hyoscyamine sulfate PDR 24.0 drop/day 24 drop/day Liquid Levsin Tablets hyoscyamine sulfate PDR 4.0 tabLets/day 4 tabLets/day Tablet,PO,oral Levsin Tablets hyoscyamine sulfate PDR 1.5 mg/day 1.5 mg/day PO, oral Levsin Tablets hyoscyamine sulfate PDR 4.0 tablets/day 4 tablets/day Tablet,PO,oral Levsin Tablets hyoscyamine sulfate PDR 1.5 mg/day 1.5 mg/day PO, oral Levsin Tablets hyoscyamine sulfate PDR 4.0 tablets/day 4 tablets/day Tablet,PO,oral Levsin Tablets hyoscyamine sulfate PDR 1.5 mg/day 1.5 mg/day PO, oral Levsin Tablets hyoscyamine sulfate PDR 48.0 drop/day 48 drop/day Liquid Levsin Tablets hyoscyamine sulfate PDR 36.0 drop/day 36 drop/day Liquid Levsin Tablets hyoscyamine sulfate PDR 30.0 drop/day 30 drop/day Liquid Levsin Tablets hyoscyamine sulfate PDR 24.0 drop/day 24 drop/day Liquid Levsin Tablets hyoscyamine sulfate PDR DDPD00425 Zolpidem 307.3895 C19H21N3O CN(C)C(=O)CC1=C(N=C2C=CC(C)=CN12)C1=CC=C(C)C=C1 DB00425 T3D2787 5732 10125 http://www.drugs.com/zolpidem.html 5530 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 72.0 % 72±7 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 59.0 ng/ml 59.0 ng/ml DRUGBANK 121.0 ng/ml 121.0 ng/ml DRUGBANK 107.5 ng/ml 76-139 ng/ml Oral single dose; adults; young; DRUGBANK 1.6 h 1.6 h DRUGBANK 1.6 h 1.6 h DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1.0-2.6 h Oral single dose; adults; young; DRUGBANK 0.0153 L/h/kg 0.24-0.27 ml/min/kg Total clearance; DRUGBANK 0.27 L/h/kg 4.5±0.7 ml/min/kg hydrolysis; Children &#8593; ;Elderly &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.258 L/h/kg 4.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.61 L/kg 0.54-0.68 L/kg human, homo sapiens; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.68 L/kg 0.68±0.06 L/kg RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.54 L/kg 0.54 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.6 h 2.6 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.9±0.2 h Children &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.7 h 1.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 695.0 mg/kg 695.0 mg/kg PO, oral; male rat; DRUGBANK 695.0 mg/kg 695.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 92.5 % 92.5±0.1 % DRUGBANK 92.0 % 92 % RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Edluar zolpidem tartrate PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day sublingual spray Edluar zolpidem tartrate PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Edluar zolpidem tartrate PDR 12.5 mg/day 12.5 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Edluar zolpidem tartrate PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day sublingual Edluar zolpidem tartrate PDR 1.75 mg /night 1.75 mg /night sublingual Edluar zolpidem tartrate PDR 3.5 mg /night 3.5 mg /night sublingual Edluar zolpidem tartrate PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Edluar zolpidem tartrate PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day sublingual spray Edluar zolpidem tartrate PDR 6.25 mg/day 6.25 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Edluar zolpidem tartrate PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day sublingual Edluar zolpidem tartrate PDR 1.75 mg/day 1.75 mg/night sublingual Edluar zolpidem tartrate PDR DDPD00426 Famciclovir 321.3318 C14H19N5O4 CC(=O)OCC(CCN1C=NC2=CN=C(N)N=C12)COC(C)=O DB00426 3324 4974 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/famciclovir.html 3207 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 77.0 % 77.0 % DRUGBANK 36.6 L/h 36.6±6.3 L/h DRUGBANK 0.48 L/h/kg 0.48±0.09 L/h/kg DRUGBANK 1.08 L/kg 1.08±0.17 L/kg normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 10.0 h 10 h DRUGBANK 22.5 % 20-25 % DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day PO, oral Famvir famciclovir PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1500 mg/day PO, oral Famvir famciclovir PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day PO, oral Famvir famciclovir PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1500 mg/day PO, oral Famvir famciclovir PDR DDPD00427 Triprolidine 278.3914 C19H22N2 CC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(=C/CN1CCCC1)\C1=CC=CC=N1 DB00427 5282443 84116 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/triprolidine-suspension.html 4445597 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.0 h 4-6 h DRUGBANK DDPD00428 Streptozocin 265.2206 C8H15N3O7 CN(N=O)C(=O)N[C@H]1[C@@H](O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O DB00428 T3D2788 29327 9288 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/streptozocin.html 27273 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 21.0 % 17-25 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.166666666666667 h 5-15 min DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/m2/dose 1500 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV Zanosar streptozocin PDR 1500.0 mg/m2/dose 1500 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV Zanosar streptozocin PDR 1500.0 mg/m2/dose 1500 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV Zanosar streptozocin PDR 1500.0 mg/m2/dose 1500 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV Zanosar streptozocin PDR DDPD00429 Carboprost tromethamine 489.6426 C25H47NO8 OCC([NH3+])(CO)CO.CCCCC[C@@](O)(C)\C=C\[C@H]1[C@@H](O)C[C@H](O)[C@@H]1C\C=C/CCCC(=O)[O-] DB00429 45266502 3404 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/carboprost.html 4444531 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 12.0 mg 12 mg IM,intramuscular injection Hemabate carboprost tromethamine PDR 2.0 mg 2 mg IM,intramuscular injection Hemabate carboprost tromethamine PDR DDPD00430 Cefpiramide 612.637 C25H24N8O7S2 [H][C@]12SCC(CSC3=NN=NN3C)=C(N1C(=O)[C@@]2([H])NC(=O)[C@H](NC(=O)C1=C(O)C=C(C)N=C1)C1=CC=C(O)C=C1)C(O)=O DB00430 636405 59213 552192 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0288 L/h/kg 0.48 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.15 L/kg 0.15 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.44 h 4.44 h DRUGBANK 5.4 h 5.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD00431 Lindane 290.83 C6H6Cl6 Cl[C@H]1[C@H](Cl)[C@@H](Cl)[C@@H](Cl)[C@H](Cl)[C@H]1Cl DB00431 T3D0032 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/pdfs/ATSDR MRLs - May 2021 - H.pdf 727 32888 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/lindane-lotion.html 10481896 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 28.0 ng/ml 28.0 ng/ml skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6 h skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 18.0 h 18 h DRUGBANK 139.0 mg/kg 88-190 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 750.0 mg/kg 500-1000 mg/kg skin/dermal; Isomers; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/kg 300.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; Isomers; mouse; DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/kg 400.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; Isomers; guinea pigs; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/kg 300.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; Isomers; rabbit; DRUGBANK 139.0 mg/kg 88-190 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 750.0 mg/kg 500-1000 mg/kg skin/dermal; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/kg 300.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; mouse; DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/kg 400.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; guinea pigs; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/kg 300.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; rabbit; DRUGBANK 76.0 mg/kg 76.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 50.0 mg/kg 50.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; rabbit; DRUGBANK 125.0 mg/kg 125.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 0.003 mg/kg/day 0.003 mg/kg/day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1e-05 mg/kg/day 1e-05 mg/kg/day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.003 mg/kg/day 0.003 mg/kg/day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1e-05 mg/kg/day 1e-05 mg/kg/day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 91.0 % 91 % DRUGBANK 60.0 ml 60 ml skin/dermal Lindane Lotion lindane PDR 0.0 0 skin/dermal Lindane Lotion lindane PDR 60.0 ml 60 ml skin/dermal Lindane Lotion lindane PDR 0.0 0 skin/dermal Lindane Lotion lindane PDR 60.0 ml 60 ml skin/dermal Lindane Lotion lindane PDR 0.0 0 skin/dermal Lindane Lotion lindane PDR 0.0 0 Lindane Lotion lindane PDR DDPD00432 Trifluridine 296.1999 C10H11F3N2O5 OC[C@H]1O[C@H](C[C@@H]1O)N1C=C(C(=O)NC1=O)C(F)(F)F DB00432 6256 75179 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/trifluridine-drops.html 6020 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 57.0 % >57 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 10.5 L/h 10.5 L/h Total clearance; PO, oral; tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 21.0 L 21.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 0.25 h 12-18 min intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 1.4 h 1.4 h elimination half-life; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 2.1 h 2.1 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 2946.0 mg/kg 2946.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 4379.0 mg/kg >4379 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 55.0 % ~55 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 1.5 % 1.5 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 96.0 % >96 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 9.0 drop/day 9 drop/day ophthalmic administration Viroptic trifluridine PDR 9.0 drop/day 9 drop/day ophthalmic administration Viroptic trifluridine PDR 9.0 drop/day 9 drop/day ophthalmic administration Viroptic trifluridine PDR 9.0 drop/day 9 drop/day ophthalmic administration Viroptic trifluridine PDR DDPD00433 Prochlorperazine 373.943 C20H24ClN3S CN1CCN(CCCN2C3=CC=CC=C3SC3=C2C=C(Cl)C=C3)CC1 DB00433 T3D2789 4917 8435 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/prochlorperazine.html 4748 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 12.5 % 12.5 % DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5 h DRUGBANK 168.0 h 7 day Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 0.98 L/h/kg ~0.98 L/h/kg Plasma clearance; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.0236 L/h 23.6 ml/h Renal clearance; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.96 L/h/kg 16 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1401.0 L 1401.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1548.0 L 1548.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 22.0 L/kg 22 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 9.0 h 9 h elimination half-life; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8 h elimination half-life; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 9.0 h 9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 750.0 mg/kg 750.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/kg 400.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral;Rectal Administration; Prochlorperazine Maleate prochlorperazine maleate PDR 25.0 mg/day 25 mg/day PO, oral Prochlorperazine Maleate prochlorperazine maleate PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral;Rectal Administration; Prochlorperazine Maleate prochlorperazine maleate PDR 25.0 mg/day 25 mg/day PO, oral Prochlorperazine Maleate prochlorperazine maleate PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral;Rectal Administration; Prochlorperazine Maleate prochlorperazine maleate PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Prochlorperazine Maleate prochlorperazine maleate PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral;Rectal Administration; Prochlorperazine Maleate prochlorperazine maleate PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Prochlorperazine Maleate prochlorperazine maleate PDR 7.5 mg/day 7.5 mg/day PO, oral;Rectal Administration; Prochlorperazine Maleate prochlorperazine maleate PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Prochlorperazine Maleate prochlorperazine maleate PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day Rectal Administration Prochlorperazine Maleate prochlorperazine maleate PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Prochlorperazine Maleate prochlorperazine maleate PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day IM,intramuscular injection Prochlorperazine Maleate prochlorperazine maleate PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day Rectal Administration Prochlorperazine Maleate prochlorperazine maleate PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Prochlorperazine Maleate prochlorperazine maleate PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day IM,intramuscular injection Prochlorperazine Maleate prochlorperazine maleate PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day Rectal Administration Prochlorperazine Maleate prochlorperazine maleate PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Prochlorperazine Maleate prochlorperazine maleate PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day IM,intramuscular injection Prochlorperazine Maleate prochlorperazine maleate PDR DDPD00434 Cyproheptadine 287.3981 C21H21N CN1CCC(CC1)=C1C2=CC=CC=C2C=CC2=CC=CC=C12 DB00434 T3D2790 2913 4046 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cyproheptadine.html 2810 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 11.0 % 2-20 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 40.0 % >40 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 97.5 % 96-99 % DRUGBANK 16.0 mg/day 16 mg/day PO, oral Cyproheptadine Hydrochloride Syrup cyproheptadine hydrochloride PDR 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day PO, oral Cyproheptadine Hydrochloride Syrup cyproheptadine hydrochloride PDR 0.5 mg/kg/day 0.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cyproheptadine Hydrochloride Syrup cyproheptadine hydrochloride PDR 32.0 mg/day 32 mg/day PO, oral Cyproheptadine Hydrochloride Syrup cyproheptadine hydrochloride PDR 0.5 mg/kg/day 0.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cyproheptadine Hydrochloride Syrup cyproheptadine hydrochloride PDR 32.0 mg/day 32 mg/day PO, oral Cyproheptadine Hydrochloride Syrup cyproheptadine hydrochloride PDR 16.0 mg/day 16 mg/day PO, oral Cyproheptadine Hydrochloride Syrup cyproheptadine hydrochloride PDR 0.5 mg/kg/day 0.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cyproheptadine Hydrochloride Syrup cyproheptadine hydrochloride PDR 32.0 mg/day 32 mg/day PO, oral Cyproheptadine Hydrochloride Syrup cyproheptadine hydrochloride PDR 0.0 0 Cyproheptadine Hydrochloride Syrup cyproheptadine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00435 Nitric Oxide 30.0061 NO [N]=O DB00435 145068 16480 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/nitric-oxide-inhalation-gas.html 127983 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.00111111111111111 h 2-6 second DRUGBANK DDPD00436 Bendroflumethiazide 421.415 C15H14F3N3O4S2 NS(=O)(=O)C1=CC2=C(NC(CC3=CC=CC=C3)NS2(=O)=O)C=C1C(F)(F)F DB00436 2315 3013 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/bendroflumethiazide.html 2225 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 8.5 h 8.5 h at steady state; DRUGBANK 96.0 % 96 % DRUGBANK DDPD00437 Allopurinol 136.1115 C5H4N4O OC1=NC=NC2=C1C=NN2 DB00437 T3D3477 2094 40279 http://www.drugs.com/allopurinol.html 2010 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90.0 % DRUGBANK 53.0 % 53±13 % DRUGBANK 3000.0 ng/ml 3.0 mcg/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1400.0 ng/ml 1.4±0.5 mcg/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 6400.0 ng/ml 6.4±0.8 mcg/ml Oral single dose; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 1.5-4.5 h DRUGBANK 1.7 h 1.7±1.0 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 4.1 h 4.1±1.4 h Oral single dose; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 0.594 L/h/kg 9.9±2.4 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; Male, men;  Female, women; Elderly &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.66 L/h/kg 11 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.87 L/kg 0.87±0.13 L/kg normal,healthy; Male, men;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 0.58 L/kg 0.58 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 1.2 h 1.2±0.3 h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 24.0 h 24±4.5 h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.8 h 0.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 78.0 mg/kg 78.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 214.0 mg/kg 214.0 mg/kg mouse; DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/kg 10.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/kg 100.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~80 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 20.0 % ~20 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 12.0 % 12 % Urinary excretion; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Zyloprim allopurinol PDR 300.0 mg/dose 300 mg/dose PO, oral Zyloprim allopurinol PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Zyloprim allopurinol PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Zyloprim allopurinol PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Zyloprim allopurinol PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Zyloprim allopurinol PDR 300.0 mg/dose 300 mg/dose PO, oral Zyloprim allopurinol PDR DDPD00438 Ceftazidime 546.576 C22H22N6O7S2 [O-]C(=O)C1=C(CS[C@]2([H])[C@H](NC(=O)C(=N/OC(C)(C)C(O)=O)\C3=CSC(N)=N3)C(=O)N12)C[N+]1=CC=CC=C1 DB00438 5481173 3508 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ceftazidime.html 4587145 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 91.0 % 91.0 % IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 34000.0 ng/ml 29-39 mcg/ml IM,intramuscular injection; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 132500.0 ng/ml 119-146 mcg/ml intravenous injection, IV; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 0.7-1.3 h IM,intramuscular injection; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 6.9 L/h 115.0 ml/min DRUGBANK 0.144 L/h/kg 2.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.23 L/kg 0.23±0.02 L/kg Elderly &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ;Burn &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.31 L/kg 0.31 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.9 h ~1.9 h intravenous injection, IV; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.6 h 1.6±0.1 h Prem, premature &#8593; ;Neonates &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 84.0 % 84±4 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 10.0 % <10 % DRUGBANK 21.0 % 21±6 % DRUGBANK 150.0 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Tazicef ceftazidime PDR 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Tazicef ceftazidime PDR 400.0 mg/kg/day 400 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Tazicef ceftazidime PDR 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Tazicef ceftazidime PDR 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Tazicef ceftazidime PDR 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Tazicef ceftazidime PDR 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Tazicef ceftazidime PDR 400.0 mg/kg/day 400 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Tazicef ceftazidime PDR 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Tazicef ceftazidime PDR 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Tazicef ceftazidime PDR 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Tazicef ceftazidime PDR 150.0 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Tazicef ceftazidime PDR 400.0 mg/kg/day 400 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Tazicef ceftazidime PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Tazicef ceftazidime PDR 150.0 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Tazicef ceftazidime PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Tazicef ceftazidime PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Tazicef ceftazidime PDR 150.0 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Tazicef ceftazidime PDR DDPD00439 Cerivastatin 459.5503 C26H34FNO5 COCC1=C(C2=CC=C(F)C=C2)C(\C=C\[C@@H](O)C[C@@H](O)CC(O)=O)=C(C(C)C)N=C1C(C)C DB00439 446156 3558 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/cerivastatin.html 393588 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60(39-101) % DRUGBANK 0.174 L/h/kg 2.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.33 L/kg 0.33 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % DRUGBANK DDPD00440 Trimethoprim 290.3177 C14H18N4O3 COC1=CC(CC2=CN=C(N)N=C2N)=CC(OC)=C1OC DB00440 5578 45924 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/trimethoprim.html 5376 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 30000.0 ng.h/ml 30.0 mg.h/l Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 63.0 % >63 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1000.0 ng/ml 1.0 ug/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 2000.0 ng/ml 2.0 ug/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1200.0 ng/ml 1.2 mcg/ml Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 1-4 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 2-8 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2.0 h Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 72.0 h 3.0 day Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 65.0 % 65 % DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25 % DRUGBANK 4.29 L/h 51.7-91.3 ml/min DRUGBANK 0.114 L/h/kg 1.9±0.3 ml/min/kg Children &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.126 L/h/kg 2.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.6 L/kg 1.6±0.2 L/kg Neonates &#8593; ;Children &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.5 L/kg 1.5 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 9.0 h 8-10 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 10.0 h 10±2 h Children &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8595; ;normal BMI &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 9.6 h 9.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2764.0 mg/kg 2764.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 5300.0 mg/kg >5300 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 55.0 % 50-60 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~80 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 63.0 % 63±10 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 44.0 % 44 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 37.0 % 37±5 % RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;hypoalbuminemia Alb &#8594; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day PO, oral Trimethoprim trimethoprim PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Trimethoprim trimethoprim PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Trimethoprim trimethoprim PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Trimethoprim trimethoprim PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Trimethoprim trimethoprim PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Trimethoprim trimethoprim PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Trimethoprim trimethoprim PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Trimethoprim trimethoprim PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Trimethoprim trimethoprim PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day PO, oral Trimethoprim trimethoprim PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Trimethoprim trimethoprim PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Trimethoprim trimethoprim PDR DDPD00441 Gemcitabine 263.1981 C9H11F2N3O4 NC1=NC(=O)N(C=C1)[C@@H]1O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)C1(F)F DB00441 60750 175901 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/gemcitabine.html 54753 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7080028.89 ng/ml 26.9±9 mM intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 83.95 L/h/m2 75.7-92.2 L/h/m2 Male, men; adults; DRUGBANK 47.9 L/h/m2 40.7-55.1 L/h/m2 Male, men; Elderly; DRUGBANK 63.2 L/h/m2 57-69.4 L/h/m2  Female, women; adults; DRUGBANK 36.1 L/h/m2 30.7-41.5 L/h/m2  Female, women; Elderly; DRUGBANK 2.268 L/h/kg 37.8±19.4 ml/min/kg Elderly &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 1.92 L/h/kg 32 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 50.0 L/m2 50.0 L/m2 intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 370.0 L/m2 370.0 L/m2 intravenous infusion, IV in drop; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 1.4 L/kg 1.4±1.3 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.5 L/kg 1.5 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.13333333333333 h 42-94 min DRUGBANK 7.35833333333333 h 245-638 min DRUGBANK 0.63 h 0.63±0.48 h Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 500.0 mg/kg 500.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 92-98 % DRUGBANK 10.0 % <10 % Urinary excretion; leukemia; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 10.0 % <10 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % leukemia; DRUGBANK 1250.0 mg/m2 1250 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV qw Gemzar gemcitabine PDR 1250.0 mg/m2 1250 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV qw Gemzar gemcitabine PDR DDPD00442 Entecavir 277.2792 C12H15N5O3 NC1=NC(=O)C2=C(N1)N(C=N2)[C@H]1C[C@H](O)[C@@H](CO)C1=C DB00442 153941 473990 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/entecavir.html 135679 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 h 0.5-1.5 h PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 22.992 L/h 383.2±101.8 ml/min Renal clearance; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 11.874 L/h 197.9±78.1 ml/min Renal clearance; mild renal function; DRUGBANK 8.136 L/h 135.6±31.6 ml/min Renal clearance; moderate renal function; DRUGBANK 2.418 L/h 40.3±10.1 ml/min Renal clearance; severe renal function; DRUGBANK 35.286 L/h 588.1±153.7 ml/min Total clearance; PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 18.552 L/h 309.2±62.6 ml/min Total clearance; PO, oral; mild renal function; DRUGBANK 13.578 L/h 226.3±60.1 ml/min Total clearance; PO, oral; moderate renal function; DRUGBANK 6.036 L/h 100.6±29.1 ml/min Total clearance; PO, oral; severe renal function; DRUGBANK 3.036 L/h 50.6±16.5 ml/min Total clearance; PO, oral; severe renal function; DRUGBANK 2.142 L/h 35.7±19.6 ml/min Total clearance; PO, oral; severe renal function; DRUGBANK 2.30833333333333 h 128-149 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 15.0 h 15 h Metabolite; DRUGBANK 13.0 % ~13 % high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 mg/day 1 mg/day PO, oral Baraclude entecavir PDR 0.9 mg/day 0.9 mg/day Liquid Baraclude entecavir PDR 0.8 mg/day 0.8 mg/day Liquid Baraclude entecavir PDR 0.7 mg/day 0.7 mg/day Liquid Baraclude entecavir PDR 0.6 mg/day 0.6 mg/day Liquid Baraclude entecavir PDR 0.5 mg/day 0.5 mg/day Liquid Baraclude entecavir PDR 0.4 mg/day 0.4 mg/day Liquid Baraclude entecavir PDR 0.3 mg/day 0.3 mg/day Liquid Baraclude entecavir PDR 1.0 mg/day 1 mg/day PO, oral Baraclude entecavir PDR 1.0 mg/day 1 mg/day PO, oral Baraclude entecavir PDR 1.0 mg/day 1 mg/day PO, oral Baraclude entecavir PDR 0.9 mg/day 0.9 mg/day Liquid Baraclude entecavir PDR 0.8 mg/day 0.8 mg/day Liquid Baraclude entecavir PDR 1.0 mg/day 1 mg/day PO, oral Baraclude entecavir PDR DDPD00443 Betamethasone 392.4611 C22H29FO5 [H][C@@]12C[C@H](C)[C@](O)(C(=O)CO)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1(F)[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)C=C[C@]12C DB00443 9782 3077 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/betamethasone.html 9399 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6.466 L/h 6466±805 ml/h Total clearance; IM,intramuscular injection;  Female, women; young; DRUGBANK 0.168 L/h/kg 2.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 94.584 L 94584±23539 mL IM,intramuscular injection; Single dose;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 1.3 L/kg 1.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.2 h 10.2±2.5 h Asian;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 5.6 h 5.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD00444 Teniposide 656.654 C32H32O13S [H][C@]12COC(=O)[C@]1([H])[C@H](C1=CC(OC)=C(O)C(OC)=C1)C1=C(C=C3OCOC3=C1)[C@H]2O[C@]1([H])O[C@]2([H])CO[C@H](O[C@@]2([H])[C@H](O)[C@H]1O)C1=CC=CS1 DB00444 T3D4715 452548 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/teniposide.html 398606 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.618 L/h/m2 10.3 ml/min/m2 DRUGBANK 0.0114 L/h/kg 0.19 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.41 L/kg 0.41 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5 h DRUGBANK 16.0 h 16 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 % 0-10 % DRUGBANK 250.0 mg/m2/dose 250 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV qw Teniposide teniposide PDR 165.0 mg/m2/dose 165 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV biw Teniposide teniposide PDR 250.0 mg/m2/dose 250 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV qw Teniposide teniposide PDR 165.0 mg/m2/dose 165 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV biw Teniposide teniposide PDR 250.0 mg/m2/dose 250 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV qw Teniposide teniposide PDR 165.0 mg/m2/dose 165 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV biw Teniposide teniposide PDR 250.0 mg/m2/dose 250 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV qw Teniposide teniposide PDR 165.0 mg/m2/dose 165 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV biw Teniposide teniposide PDR DDPD00445 Epirubicin 543.5193 C27H29NO11 COC1=CC=CC2=C1C(=O)C1=C(O)C3=C(C[C@](O)(C[C@@H]3O[C@H]3C[C@H](N)[C@@H](O)[C@H](C)O3)C(=O)CO)C(O)=C1C2=O DB00445 T3D2791 41867 47898 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/epirubicin.html 38201 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % DRUGBANK 65.0 L/h 65±8 L/h intravenous injection, IV; tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 83.0 L/h 83±14 L/h intravenous injection, IV; tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 65.0 L/h 65±13 L/h intravenous injection, IV; tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 69.0 L/h 69±13 L/h intravenous injection, IV; tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 1.2 L/h/kg 20 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 21.0 L/kg 21±2 L/kg DRUGBANK 27.0 L/kg 27±11 L/kg DRUGBANK 23.0 L/kg 23±7 L/kg DRUGBANK 21.0 L/kg 21±7 L/kg DRUGBANK 45.0 L/kg 45 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.05 h 3 min distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 33.0 h 33 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 36.0 h 36 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 77.0 % 77 % DRUGBANK 120.0 mg/m2/dose 120 mg/m2/dose Ellence epirubicin hydrochloride PDR 120.0 mg/m2 /dose 120 mg/m2 /dose Ellence epirubicin hydrochloride PDR DDPD00446 Chloramphenicol 323.129 C11H12Cl2N2O5 OC[C@@H](NC(=O)C(Cl)Cl)[C@H](O)C1=CC=C(C=C1)[N+]([O-])=O DB00446 T3D3954 5959 17698 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/chloramphenicol-ophthalmic.html 5744 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70.0 % IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % Liver metabolism; Inactive metabolite; DRUGBANK 0.144 L/h/kg 2.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.94 L/kg 0.94 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 1.5-3.5 h normal renal function; normal hepatic function; adults; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; patients; DRUGBANK 8.1 h 4.6-11.6 h severe hepatic impairment; patients; DRUGBANK 4.75 h 3-6.5 h Infants; Children; DRUGBANK 24.0 h >=24 h Neonates; gaining weight &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 4.6 h 4.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/kg 1500.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 2500.0 mg/kg 2500.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/kg 1500.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 2500.0 mg/kg 2500.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 55.0 % 50-60 % plasma proteins; adults; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 32.0 % 32 % plasma proteins; Prem, premature; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD00447 Loracarbef 349.769 C16H16ClN3O4 N[C@@H](C(=O)N[C@H]1[C@H]2CCC(Cl)=C(N2C1=O)C(O)=O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00447 5284585 47544 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/loracarbef.html 4447635 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h DRUGBANK 5.6 h ~5.6 h elimination half-life; moderate renal function; DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25 % DRUGBANK DDPD00448 Lansoprazole 369.361 C16H14F3N3O2S CC1=C(OCC(F)(F)F)C=CN=C1CS(=O)C1=NC2=CC=CC=C2N1 DB00448 3883 6375 http://www.drugs.com/lansoprazole.html 3746 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 85.0 % 80-90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 81.0 % 81±22 % PO, oral; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 248.0 ng/ml 248±140 ng/ml Oral single dose; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.7 h 1.7 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.3 h 1.3±0.6 h Oral single dose; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 30.0 L/h 400-600 ml/min DRUGBANK 0.3738 L/h/kg 6.23±1.60 ml/min/kg Elderly &#8595; ;severe hepatic impairment &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.264 L/h/kg 4.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.4 L/kg 0.4 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.35 L/kg 0.35±0.05 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.28 L/kg 0.28 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 h <=2 h DRUGBANK 0.9 h 0.9±0.44 h normal,healthy; Male, men; chronic liver disease &#8593; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 18.5 % 14-23 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; adults; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Prevacid lansoprazole PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Prevacid lansoprazole PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Prevacid lansoprazole PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Prevacid lansoprazole PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Prevacid lansoprazole PDR 2.5 mg/kg/day 2.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Prevacid lansoprazole PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Prevacid lansoprazole PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Prevacid lansoprazole PDR 90.0 mg/day 90 mg/day PO, oral Prevacid lansoprazole PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Prevacid lansoprazole PDR 180.0 mg/day 180 mg/day PO, oral Prevacid lansoprazole PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Prevacid lansoprazole PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Prevacid lansoprazole PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Prevacid lansoprazole PDR 90.0 mg/day 90 mg/day PO, oral Prevacid lansoprazole PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Prevacid lansoprazole PDR 180.0 mg/day 180 mg/day PO, oral Prevacid lansoprazole PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day Prevacid lansoprazole PDR 1.5 mg/kg/day 1.5 mg/kg/day Prevacid lansoprazole PDR DDPD00449 Dipivefrin 351.4373 C19H29NO5 CNCC(O)C1=CC(OC(=O)C(C)(C)C)=C(OC(=O)C(C)(C)C)C=C1 DB00449 3105 4646 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/dipivefrin.html 2994 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 183.0 mg/kg 183.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD00450 Droperidol 379.4274 C22H22FN3O2 FC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(=O)CCCN1CCC(=CC1)N1C(=O)NC2=CC=CC=C12 DB00450 3168 4717 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/droperidol.html 3056 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 0.5352 L/h/kg 8.92 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.41 L/kg 1.41 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.0233333333333333 h 1.4±0.5 min rapid distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 0.238333333333333 h 14.3±6.5 min rapid distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 2.23333333333333 h 134±13 min elimination half-life; adults; patients &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.69166666666667 h 101.5±26.4 min Children; DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 31.5 mg/kg 20-43 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 30.0 mg/kg 30.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 25.0 mg/kg 25.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; dog; DRUGBANK 12.0 mg/kg 11-13 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; rabbit; DRUGBANK 195.0 mg/kg 195 mg/kg IM,intramuscular injection; mouse; DRUGBANK 107.0 mg/kg 104-110 mg/kg IM,intramuscular injection; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 97.0 mg/kg 97 mg/kg IM,intramuscular injection; rabbit; DRUGBANK 200.0 mg/kg 200 mg/kg IM,intramuscular injection; guinea pigs; DRUGBANK 0.1 mg/kg 0.1 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Droperidol droperidol PDR 2.5 mg/dose 2.5 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Droperidol droperidol PDR 2.5 mg/dose 2.5 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Droperidol droperidol PDR 2.5 mg/dose 2.5 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Droperidol droperidol PDR DDPD00451 Levothyroxine 776.87 C15H11I4NO4 N[C@@H](CC1=CC(I)=C(OC2=CC(I)=C(O)C(I)=C2)C(I)=C1)C(O)=O DB00451 5819 18332 http://www.drugs.com/levothyroxine.html 5614 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 60.0 % 40-80 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 156.0 h 6-7 day DRUGBANK 36.0 h 1-2 day DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/kg 20.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % Faeces excretion; Age &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 0.1 mg/day 100 mcg/day PO, oral Thyrolar liotrix (T3;T4) PDR 0.025 mg/day 25 mcg/day PO, oral Thyrolar liotrix (T3;T4) PDR 0.1 mg/day 100 mcg/day PO, oral Thyrolar liotrix (T3;T4) PDR 0.025 mg/day 25 mcg/day PO, oral Thyrolar liotrix (T3;T4) PDR 0.1 mg/day 100 mcg/day PO, oral Thyrolar liotrix (T3;T4) PDR 0.025 mg/day 25 mcg/day PO, oral Thyrolar liotrix (T3;T4) PDR 0.2 mg/day 200 mcg/day PO, oral Tirosint levothyroxine sodium PDR 0.3 mg/day 300 mcg/day PO, oral Tirosint levothyroxine sodium PDR 0.2 mg/day 200 mcg/day PO, oral Tirosint levothyroxine sodium PDR 0.3 mg/day 300 mcg/day PO, oral Tirosint levothyroxine sodium PDR 0.2 mg/day 200 mcg/day PO, oral Tirosint levothyroxine sodium PDR 0.3 mg/day 300 mcg/day PO, oral Tirosint levothyroxine sodium PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Armour Thyroid thyroid PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Armour Thyroid thyroid PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Armour Thyroid thyroid PDR DDPD00452 Framycetin 614.6437 C23H46N6O13 NC[C@@H]1O[C@H](O[C@@H]2[C@@H](CO)O[C@@H](O[C@@H]3[C@@H](O)[C@H](N)C[C@H](N)[C@H]3O[C@H]3O[C@H](CN)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]3N)[C@@H]2O)[C@H](N)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O DB00452 8378 7508 8075 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00454 Meperidine 247.3327 C15H21NO2 CCOC(=O)C1(CCN(C)CC1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00454 T3D2795 4058 6754 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/meperidine.html 3918 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 55.0 % 50-60 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 80-90 % PO, oral; Hepatitis, Hep; Hepatitis, Hep &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 27.5 % 25-30 % parenteral administration; DRUGBANK 82.5 % 80-85 % IM,intramuscular injection; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 52.0 % 52±3 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 700.0 ng/ml ~0.7 mcg/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 670.0 ng/ml 0.67 mcg/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.0 h <1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.02 L/h/kg 17±5 ml/min/kg Neonates &#8595; ;Prem, premature &#8595; ;Elderly &#8594; ;Preg, pregnant &#8594; ;acute viral hepatitis AVH &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;Somking &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.294 L/h/kg 4.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.4 L/kg 4.4±0.9 L/kg Elderly &#8593; ;Preg, pregnant &#8594; ;Prem, premature &#8593; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2.3 L/kg 2.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.108333333333333 h 2-11 min distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 3-5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 9.0 h 7-11 h hepatopathy,LD; patients; DRUGBANK 3.2 h 3.2±0.8 h Prem, premature &#8593; ;Neonates &#8593; ;Preg, pregnant &#8594; ;acute viral hepatitis AVH &#8593; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 7.9 h 7.9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 % ~5 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 5.0 % ~5(1-25) % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 60-80 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 58.0 % 58±9 % Elderly &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.8 mg/kg/dose 1.8 mg/kg/dose PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Meperidine Hydrochloride Injection Solution meperidine hydrochloride PDR 150.0 mg/dose 150 mg/dose PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Meperidine Hydrochloride Injection Solution meperidine hydrochloride PDR 2.2 mg/kg/dose 2.2 mg/kg/dose IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Meperidine Hydrochloride Injection Solution meperidine hydrochloride PDR 100.0 mg/kg/dose 100 mg/kg/dose IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Meperidine Hydrochloride Injection Solution meperidine hydrochloride PDR 150.0 mg/dose 150 mg/dose PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Meperidine Hydrochloride Injection Solution meperidine hydrochloride PDR 100.0 mg/dose 100 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Meperidine Hydrochloride Injection Solution meperidine hydrochloride PDR 1.8 mg/kg/dose 1.8 mg/kg/dose PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Meperidine Hydrochloride Injection Solution meperidine hydrochloride PDR 150.0 mg/dose 150 mg/dose PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Meperidine Hydrochloride Injection Solution meperidine hydrochloride PDR 2.2 mg/kg/dose 2.2 mg/kg/dose IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Meperidine Hydrochloride Injection Solution meperidine hydrochloride PDR 100.0 mg/kg/dose 100 mg/kg/dose IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Meperidine Hydrochloride Injection Solution meperidine hydrochloride PDR 150.0 mg/dose 150 mg/dose PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Meperidine Hydrochloride Injection Solution meperidine hydrochloride PDR 100.0 mg/dose 100 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Meperidine Hydrochloride Injection Solution meperidine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00455 Loratadine 382.883 C22H23ClN2O2 CCOC(=O)N1CCC(CC1)=C1C2=C(CCC3=C1N=CC=C3)C=C(Cl)C=C2 DB00455 T3D2796 3957 6538 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/loratadine.html 3820 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6.14 ng.h/ml 6.14 ng.h/ml PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 49.1 ng.h/ml 49.1 ng.h/ml DRUGBANK 49.1 ng.h/ml 49.1 ng.h/ml immediate release formulation; Derivative; DRUGBANK 48.4 ng.h/ml 48.4 ng.h/ml Derivative; DRUGBANK 2.56 ng/ml 2.56 ng/ml PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 3.72 ng/ml 3.72 ng/ml DRUGBANK 3.72 ng/ml 3.72 ng/ml immediate release formulation; Derivative; DRUGBANK 3.66 ng/ml 3.66 ng/ml Derivative; DRUGBANK 3.4 ng/ml 3.4±3.4 ng/ml PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 4.1 ng/ml 4.1±2.6 ng/ml PO, oral; Active metabolite; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 4.0 ng/ml 4.0±2.1 ng/ml PO, oral; Active metabolite; Drug form; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.0 ng/ml 2.0±0.6 ng/ml PO, oral; Active metabolite; Drug form; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 1.14 h 1.14 h PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 1.97 h 1.97 h DRUGBANK 1.97 h 1.97 h immediate release formulation; Derivative; DRUGBANK 1.97 h 1.97 h Derivative; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2.0±0 h PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.6 h 2.6±2.9 h PO, oral; Active metabolite; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 3.2 h 3.2±1.8 h PO, oral; Active metabolite; Drug form; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 4.8 h 4.8±1.9 h PO, oral; Active metabolite; Drug form; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 12.0 L/h/kg 12.0 L/h/kg Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 9.0 L/h/kg 9.0 L/h/kg Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 8.52 L/h/kg 142±57 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.96 L/h/kg 14-18 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 120.0 L/kg 120.0 L/kg DRUGBANK 120.0 L/kg 120±80 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 26.0 L/kg 26.0 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 10.0 h ~10 h DRUGBANK 20.0 h 20 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8±6 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;chronic liver disease &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 22.5 h 21-24 h Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 42.0 % 42 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 98.0 % 97-99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % DRUGBANK 84.5 % 82-87 % Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Claritin loratadine PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Claritin loratadine PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Claritin loratadine PDR DDPD00456 Cefalotin 396.438 C16H16N2O6S2 [H][C@@]1(NC(=O)CC2=CC=CS2)C(=O)N2C(C(O)=O)=C(COC(C)=O)CS[C@]12[H] DB00456 6024 124991 5802 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 62.5 % 50-75 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 30 min DRUGBANK 4000.0 mg/kg 4000.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 72.5 % 65-80 % DRUGBANK DDPD00457 Prazosin 383.4011 C19H21N5O4 COC1=C(OC)C=C2C(N)=NC(=NC2=C1)N1CCN(CC1)C(=O)C1=CC=CO1 DB00457 4893 8364 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/prazosin.html 4724 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 68.0 % 68±17 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 36.0 ng/ml 36±17 ng/ml Oral single dose; hypertension; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.2 h 2.2±1.1 h Oral single dose; hypertension; DRUGBANK 0.18 L/h/kg 3.0±0.3 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; adults; Preg, pregnant &#8595; ;congestive heart disease &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.282 L/h/kg 4.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.6 L/kg ~0.6 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.6 L/kg 0.60±0.13 L/kg normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 0.73 L/kg 0.73 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.5 h ~2-3 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 2.9 h 2.9±0.8 h Preg, pregnant &#8593; ;congestive heart disease &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1950.0 mg/kg 1950.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 102.0 mg/kg 102.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.285 mg/kg 285.0 ug/kg PO, oral; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.01 mg/kg 10.0 ug/kg PO, oral;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 4.0 % <4 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % DRUGBANK 85.0 % ~80-90 % DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95±1 % Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;hypoalbuminemia Alb &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;congestive heart disease &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Minipress prazosin hydrochloride PDR 0.4 mg/kg/day 400 mcg/kg/day PO, oral Minipress prazosin hydrochloride PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Minipress prazosin hydrochloride PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Minipress prazosin hydrochloride PDR 9.0 mg/day 9 mg/day PO, oral Minipress prazosin hydrochloride PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Minipress prazosin hydrochloride PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Minipress prazosin hydrochloride PDR 9.0 mg/day 9 mg/day PO, oral Minipress prazosin hydrochloride PDR DDPD00458 Imipramine 280.4073 C19H24N2 CN(C)CCCN1C2=CC=CC=C2CCC2=CC=CC=C12 DB00458 T3D2797 3696 47499 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/imipramine.html 3568 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 95.0 % >95 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 53.0 % 29-77 % DRUGBANK 42.0 % 42±3 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 200.0 ng/ml 200±137 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 2-6 h DRUGBANK 4.0 h 2-6 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 L/h/kg 1.0 L/h/kg Average clearance; DRUGBANK 1.8 L/h/kg 1.8 L/h/kg Average clearance; DRUGBANK 0.78 L/h/kg 13±1.7 ml/min/kg Children &#8594; ;Elderly &#8595; ;Somking &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.78 L/h/kg 13 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 15.0 L/kg 10-20.0 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 18.0 L/kg 18±2 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; Children &#8594; ;Elderly &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 12.0 L/kg 12 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12 h DRUGBANK 22.5 h 22.5 h DRUGBANK 16.0 h 16±1.3 h Children &#8594; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 16.0 h 16 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 518.5 mg/kg 355-682 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2.0 % <2 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 78.0 % 60-96 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 90.1 % 90.1±1.4 % Elderly &#8594; ;HL,hyperlipoproteinemia &#8593; ;myocardial infarction &#8593; ;Burn &#8593; ;rheumatoid arthritis &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2.5 mg/kg/day 2.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Tofranil Tablets imipramine hydrochloride PDR 75.0 mg/day 75 mg/day PO, oral Tofranil Tablets imipramine hydrochloride PDR 2.5 mg/kg/day 2.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Tofranil Tablets imipramine hydrochloride PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Tofranil Tablets imipramine hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Tofranil Tablets imipramine hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Tofranil Tablets imipramine hydrochloride PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Tofranil Tablets imipramine hydrochloride PDR 75.0 mg/day 75 mg/day PO, oral Tofranil Tablets imipramine hydrochloride PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Tofranil Tablets imipramine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00459 Acitretin 326.4293 C21H26O3 COC1=C(C)C(C)=C(\C=C\C(\C)=C\C=C\C(\C)=C\C(O)=O)C(C)=C1 DB00459 5284513 50173 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/acitretin.html 4447573 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 72.0 % 72(47-109) % Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 49.0 h 49(33-96) h DRUGBANK 4000.0 mg/kg >4000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 34.5 % 16-53 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 44.0 % 34-54 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 99.9 % >99.9 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Soriatane acitretin PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Soriatane acitretin PDR DDPD00460 Verteporfin 718.7942 C41H42N4O8 COC(=O)CCC1=C2NC(\C=C3/N=C(/C=C4\N\C(=C/C5=N/C(=C\2)/C(CCC(O)=O)=C5C)C(C=C)=C4C)C2=CC=C([C@@H](C(=O)OC)[C@@]32C)C(=O)OC)=C1C DB00460 5362420 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/verteporfin.html 4515032 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.5 h ~5-6 h elimination half-life; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 6.6 h ~6-7.2 h mild hepatic impairment; DRUGBANK 0.01 % <0.01 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 6.0 mg/m2 6 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Visudyne verteporfin PDR 6.0 mg/m2 6 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Visudyne verteporfin PDR DDPD00461 Nabumetone 228.2863 C15H16O2 COC1=CC2=C(C=C1)C=C(CCC(C)=O)C=C2 DB00461 4409 7443 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/nabumetone.html 4256 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.0 h 3-11 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 10.5 h 9-12 h PO, oral; different study; DRUGBANK 1.5 L/h 20-30 ml/min DRUGBANK 53.0 L 53.0 L DRUGBANK 24.0 h 24(19-36) h DRUGBANK 4290.0 mg/kg 4290.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 2380.0 mg/kg 2380.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 3880.0 mg/kg 3880.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1520.0 mg/kg 1520.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 10000.0 mg/kg >10 g/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3200.0 mg/kg 3200.0 mg/kg PO, oral; monkey; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % <99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD00462 Methscopolamine bromide 398.291 C18H24BrNO4 [Br-].[H][C@]12C[C@@H](C[C@@]([H])(C3OC13)[N+]2(C)C)OC(=O)[C@H](CO)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00462 23724781 61276 10481908 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 17.5 % 10-25 % DRUGBANK DDPD00464 Sodium tetradecyl sulfate 316.43 C14H29NaO4S [Na+].CCCCC(CC)CCC(CC(C)C)OS([O-])(=O)=O DB00464 T3D4742 23665772 75273 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/sodium-tetradecyl-sulfate.html 8440 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1250.0 mg/kg 1250.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3.0 ml/kg 3.0 ml/kg skin/dermal; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1250.0 mg/kg 1250.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3.0 ml/kg 3.0 ml/kg skin/dermal; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 10.0 ml/dose 10 ml/dose Sotradecol sodium tetradecyl sulfate PDR 10.0 ml/dose 10 ml/dose Sotradecol sodium tetradecyl sulfate PDR DDPD00465 Ketorolac 255.2686 C15H13NO3 OC(=O)C1CCN2C1=CC=C2C(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00465 3826 76223 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ketorolac-drops.html 3694 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100±20 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2600.0 ng/ml 2.2-3.0 mcg/ml IM,intramuscular injection; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 850.0 ng/ml 0.8-0.9 mcg/ml PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.665 h 0.33-1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.67-0.83 h IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.7-0.8 h IM,intramuscular injection; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.6 h 0.3-0.9 h PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.029 L/h/kg 0.021-0.037 L/h/kg DRUGBANK 0.03 L/h/kg 0.50±0.15 ml/min/kg Elderly &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.021 L/h/kg 0.35 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.25 L/kg 0.25 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.5 L/kg 0.50±0.15 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.11 L/kg 0.11 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.5 h ~2.5 h Optical rotation S; DRUGBANK 5.0 h ~5 h Optical rotation R; DRUGBANK 5.3 h 5.3±1.2 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 5.1 h 5.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 55.2 % 55.2 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 7.5 % 5-10 % Urinary excretion; Raceme D/L; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 99.2 % 99.2±0.1 % Raceme D/L; DRUGBANK 30.0 mg 30 mg intravenous injection, IV Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 60.0 mg 60 mg IM,intramuscular injection Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 15.0 mg 15 mg intravenous injection, IV Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 30.0 mg 30 mg IM,intramuscular injection Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 0.5 mg/kg/dose 0.5 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 15.0 mg/dose 15 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 1.0 mg/kg/dose 1 mg/kg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 30.0 mg/dose 30 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 1.5 mg/kg/day 0.5 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; qid Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 30.0 mg/dose 30 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; qid Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 0.75 mg/kg/day 0.25 mg/kg/dose PO, oral qid Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 10.0 mg/dose 10 mg/dose PO, oral qid Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 15.0 mg/dose 15 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 30.0 mg/dose 30 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 63.0 mg/day 63 mg/day intranasal Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 30.0 mg/dose 30 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 60.0 mg/dose 60 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 126.0 mg/day 126 mg/day intranasal Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 15.0 mg/dose 15 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 30.0 mg/dose 30 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 63.0 mg/day 63 mg/day intranasal Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 0.5 mg/kg/dose 0.5 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 15.0 mg/dose 15 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 1.0 mg/kg/dose 1 mg/kg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 30.0 mg/dose 30 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 0.5 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; qid Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 120.0 mg/day 30 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; qid Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 1.0 mg/kg/day 0.25 mg/kg/dose PO, oral qid Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 40.0 mg/day 10 mg/dose PO, oral qid Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 0.5 mg/kg/dose 0.5 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 1.0 mg/kg/dose 1 mg/kg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 0.5 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; qid Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 120.0 mg/day 30 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; qid Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 1.0 mg/kg/day 0.25 mg/kg/dose PO, oral qid Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 40.0 mg/day 10 mg/dose PO, oral qid Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 0.5 mg/kg/dose 0.5 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 1.0 mg/kg/dose 1 mg/kg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 0.5 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; qid Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 0.5 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV qid Acular ketorolac tromethamine PDR DDPD00467 Enoxacin 320.3189 C15H17FN4O3 CCN1C=C(C(O)=O)C(=O)C2=CC(F)=C(N=C12)N1CCNCC1 DB00467 3229 157175 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/enoxacin.html 3116 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.324 L/h/kg 5.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 L/kg 2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 3-6 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 5.1 h 5.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 40.0 % ~40 % plasma proteins; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 14.0 % ~14 % plasma proteins; renal insufficiency; DRUGBANK DDPD00468 Quinine 324.4168 C20H24N2O2 [H][C@]1(C[C@@H]2CC[N@]1C[C@@H]2C=C)[C@H](O)C1=CC=NC2=CC=C(OC)C=C12 DB00468 T3D2800 3034034 15854 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/quinine.html 84989 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 82.0 % 76-88 % DRUGBANK 76.0 % 76±11 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 11000.0 ng/ml 11±2 mcg/ml intravenous injection, IV; adults; malaria; DRUGBANK 8350.0 ng/ml 7.3-9.4 mcg/ml PO, oral; adults; malaria; DRUGBANK 9050.0 ng/ml 8.7-9.4 mcg/ml intravenous injection, IV; Children; malaria; DRUGBANK 7300.0 ng/ml 7.3±1.1 mcg/ml PO, oral; Children; malaria; DRUGBANK 5.95 h 3.5-8.4 h PO, oral; Children; adults; malaria; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 0.07 L/h/kg 0.07 L/h/kg normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.19 L/h/kg 0.19 L/h/kg malaria; patients; DRUGBANK 18.4 L/h 18.4 L/h normal,healthy; adults; increasing doses; DRUGBANK 11.8 L/h 11.8 L/h normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 0.06 L/h/kg 0.06 L/h/kg Total clearance; PO, oral; Elderly; DRUGBANK 0.114 L/h/kg 1.9±0.5 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 0.069 L/h/kg 0.9-1.4 ml/min/kg malaria; adults; DRUGBANK 0.054 L/h/kg 0.4-1.4 ml/min/kg malaria; Children; Elderly &#8595; ;Preg, pregnant &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Somking &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.114 L/h/kg 1.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.43 L/kg 1.43±0.18 L/kg normal,healthy; Children; DRUGBANK 0.87 L/kg 0.87±0.12 L/kg malaria; pediatric patients; DRUGBANK 4.8 L/kg 2.5-7.1 L/kg Oral single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.8 L/kg 1.8±0.4 L/kg normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 1.35 L/kg 1.0-1.7 L/kg malaria; adults; DRUGBANK 1.45 L/kg 1.2-1.7 L/kg malaria; Children; Preg, pregnant &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.8 L/kg 1.8 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 18.0 h ~18 h DRUGBANK 11.0 h 11±2 h normal,healthy; adults; Hepatitis, Hep &#8593; ;Somking &#8595; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 14.5 h 11-18 h malaria; adults; Preg, pregnant &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8593; ;Somking &#8595; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 14.0 h 12-16 h malaria; Children; Hepatitis, Hep &#8593; ;Somking &#8595; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 11.0 h 11 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 % ~20 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 16.0 % 12-20 % Urinary excretion; adults; normal,healthy; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 33.0 % 33±18 % Urinary excretion; adults; malaria; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 70.0 % ~70 % DRUGBANK 87.5 % ~85-90 % adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Neonates &#8595; ;Preg, pregnant &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 94.0 % 93-95 % adults; malaria; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day PO, oral Qualaquin quinine sulfate PDR 1944.0 mg/day 1944 mg/day PO, oral Qualaquin quinine sulfate PDR 1944.0 mg/day 1944 mg/day PO, oral Qualaquin quinine sulfate PDR 1944.0 mg/day 1944 mg/day PO, oral Qualaquin quinine sulfate PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day PO, oral Qualaquin quinine sulfate PDR 1944.0 mg/day 1944 mg/day PO, oral Qualaquin quinine sulfate PDR 1944.0 mg/day 1944 mg/day PO, oral Qualaquin quinine sulfate PDR DDPD00469 Tenoxicam 337.37 C13H11N3O4S2 CN1C(C(=O)NC2=CC=CC=N2)=C(O)C2=C(C=CS2)S1(=O)=O DB00469 54677971 32192 10442339 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % DRUGBANK 0.0018 L/h/kg 0.03 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.19 L/kg 0.19 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 72.0 h 72(59-74) h DRUGBANK 67.0 h 67 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % DRUGBANK DDPD00470 Dronabinol 314.4617 C21H30O2 [H][C@@]12C=C(C)CC[C@@]1([H])C(C)(C)OC1=C2C(O)=CC(CCCCC)=C1 DB00470 T3D2801 16078 66964 15266 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 92.5 % 90-95 % Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 15.0 % 10-20 % Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1.32 ng/ml 1.32 ng/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 0.2 L/h/kg 0.2 L/h/kg Average clearance; DRUGBANK 10.0 L/kg 10.0 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 30.5 h 25-36 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 97.0 % ~97 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 60.0 mg/m2/day 15 mg/m2/dose PO, oral q6h-q4h Marinol dronabinol PDR 50.4 mg/m2/day 12.6 mg/m2/dose PO, oral q6h-q4h Marinol dronabinol PDR 10.0 mg 10 mg PO, oral bid Marinol dronabinol PDR 16.8 mg/day 16.8 mg/day PO, oral Marinol dronabinol PDR 15.0 mg/m2/dose 15 mg/m2/dose Capsule, PO, Oral q6h-q4h Marinol dronabinol PDR 12.6 mg/m2/dose 12.6 mg/m2/dose Liquid q6h-q4h Marinol dronabinol PDR 10.0 mg 10 mg Capsule, PO, Oral bid Marinol dronabinol PDR 16.8 mg/day 16.8 mg/day Liquid Marinol dronabinol PDR DDPD00471 Montelukast 586.183 C35H36ClNO3S OC(=O)CC1(CC1)CS[C@H](CCC1=CC=CC=C1C(O)(C)C)C1=CC=CC(\C=C\C2=NC3=C(C=CC(Cl)=C3)C=C2)=C1 DB00471 5281040 50730 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/montelukast.html 4444507 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 64.0 % 64.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 62.0 % 62.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 542.0 ng/ml 542±173 ng/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3.0±1.0 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 2.7 L/h 45.0 ml/min Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.042 L/h/kg 0.70±0.17 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; adults; Children &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.0408 L/h/kg 0.68 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 9.5 L 8.0-11 L Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.15 L/kg 0.15±0.02 L/kg normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 0.15 L/kg 0.15 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.1 h 2.7-5.5 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; young; adults; DRUGBANK 4.9 h 4.9±0.6 h Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;mild hepatic impairment &#8593; ;moderate hepatic impairment &#8593; ;severe hepatic impairment &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5000 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 0.2 % <0.2 % Urinary excretion; adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral Singulair montelukast sodium PDR 4.0 mg/day 4 mg/day PO, oral Singulair montelukast sodium PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Singulair montelukast sodium PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Singulair montelukast sodium PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral Singulair montelukast sodium PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Singulair montelukast sodium PDR 4.0 mg/day 4 mg/day PO, oral Singulair montelukast sodium PDR DDPD00472 Fluoxetine 309.3261 C17H18F3NO CNCCC(OC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(F)(F)F)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00472 T3D2802 3386 86990 http://www.drugs.com/fluoxetine.html 3269 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % <90 % DRUGBANK 11.754 ng/ml 11.754 ng/ml DRUGBANK 365.5 ng/ml 200-531 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 284.0 ng/ml 103-465 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 6-8 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.576 L/h/kg 9.6 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; patients; DRUGBANK 0.576 L/h/kg 9.6±6.9 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; Drug combination; hydrolysis; Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Obesity &#8594; ;increasing doses &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 31.0 L/kg 20-42 L/kg DRUGBANK 35.0 L/kg 35±21 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 48.0 h 1-3 day elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 120.0 h 4-6 day elimination half-life; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 240.0 h 4-16 day elimination half-life; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 53.0 h 53±41 h Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Obesity &#8594; ;increasing doses &#8593; ;Age &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 284.0 mg/kg 284.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 2.5 % <2.5 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 94.0 % ~94 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 94.0 % 94 % Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Fluoxetine Tablets fluoxetine hydrochloride PDR 0.6 mg/kg/day 0.6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Fluoxetine Tablets fluoxetine hydrochloride PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Fluoxetine Tablets fluoxetine hydrochloride PDR 0.5 mg/kg/day 0.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Fluoxetine Tablets fluoxetine hydrochloride PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Fluoxetine Tablets fluoxetine hydrochloride PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral qd Fluoxetine Tablets fluoxetine hydrochloride PDR 12.8571428571429 mg/day 90 mg/week PO, oral qw Fluoxetine Tablets fluoxetine hydrochloride PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Fluoxetine Tablets fluoxetine hydrochloride PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral qd Fluoxetine Tablets fluoxetine hydrochloride PDR 12.8571428571429 mg/day 90 mg/week PO, oral qw Fluoxetine Tablets fluoxetine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00473 Hexylcaine 261.3593 C16H23NO2 CC(CNC1CCCCC1)OC(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00473 10770 34791 10315 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.166666666666667 h <10 min DRUGBANK DDPD00474 Methohexital 262.3043 C14H18N2O3 CCC#CC(C)C1(CC=C)C(=O)NC(=O)N(C)C1=O DB00474 T3D2803 9034 102216 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/methohexital.html 8683 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 17.0 % 17.0 % DRUGBANK 0.72 L/h/kg 12 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.1 L/kg 1.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.0933333333333333 h 5.6±2.7 min DRUGBANK 1.6 h 1.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 73.0 % 73 % DRUGBANK DDPD00475 Chlordiazepoxide 299.755 C16H14ClN3O CNC1=NC2=C(C=C(Cl)C=C2)C(C2=CC=CC=C2)=[N+]([O-])C1 DB00475 T3D2804 2712 3611 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/chlordiazepoxide.html 10248513 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0222 L/h/kg 0.37 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.25 L/kg 0.25 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 36.0 h 24-48 h DRUGBANK 8.3 h 8.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 537.0 mg/kg 537.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 537.0 mg/kg 537.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1.5 % 1-2 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK DDPD00476 Duloxetine 297.415 C18H19NOS CNCC[C@H](OC1=CC=CC2=CC=CC=C12)C1=CC=CS1 DB00476 T3D2805 60835 36795 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/duloxetine-delayed-release-capsules.html 54822 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50(30-80) % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 9.0 h 9 h food; food &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 85.5 L/h 57-114 L/h DRUGBANK 0.5142 L/h/kg 8.57 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1710.0 L 1620-1800 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12(8-17) h DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 491.0 mg/kg 491.0 mg/kg PO, oral; male rat; DRUGBANK 279.0 mg/kg 279.0 mg/kg PO, oral; female rat; DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Cymbalta duloxetine PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Cymbalta duloxetine PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Cymbalta duloxetine PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Cymbalta duloxetine PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Cymbalta duloxetine PDR DDPD00477 Chlorpromazine 318.864 C17H19ClN2S CN(C)CCCN1C2=CC=CC=C2SC2=C1C=C(Cl)C=C2 DB00477 T3D2806 2726 3647 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/chlorpromazine.html 2625 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 32.0 % 32±19 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 87.5 ng/ml 25-150 ng/ml PO, oral; adults; patients; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 1-4 h PO, oral; adults; patients; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 37.0 % 37 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.516 L/h/kg 8.6±2.9 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; IM,intramuscular injection; Children &#8595; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.96 L/h/kg 16 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 L/kg 20.0 L/kg DRUGBANK 21.0 L/kg 21±9 L/kg IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 10.0 L/kg 10 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 30.0 h ~30 h DRUGBANK 30.0 h 30±7 h DRUGBANK 25.0 h 25±15 h terminal half-life; IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 11.0 h 11 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 37.0 % ~37 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 96.5 % 95-98 % RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 75.0 mg/day 75 mg/day IM,intramuscular injection Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride Injection chlorpromazine hydrochloride PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride Injection chlorpromazine hydrochloride PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day IM,intramuscular injection Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride Injection chlorpromazine hydrochloride PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride Injection chlorpromazine hydrochloride PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride Injection chlorpromazine hydrochloride PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day PO, oral Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride Injection chlorpromazine hydrochloride PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride Injection chlorpromazine hydrochloride PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day PO, oral Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride Injection chlorpromazine hydrochloride PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride Injection chlorpromazine hydrochloride PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day IM,intramuscular injection Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride Injection chlorpromazine hydrochloride PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride Injection chlorpromazine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00478 Rimantadine 179.3018 C12H21N CC(N)C12CC3CC(CC(C3)C1)C2 DB00478 5071 94440 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/rimantadine.html 4893 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 25.0 % <25 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 27.5 h 25-30 h young; adults; DRUGBANK 32.0 h ~32 h Elderly; DRUGBANK 32.0 h ~32 h chronic liver disease; patients; DRUGBANK 25.5 h ~13-38 h Children; DRUGBANK 640.0 mg/kg 640.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 25.0 % <25 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Flumadine rimantadine hydrochloride PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Flumadine rimantadine hydrochloride PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Flumadine rimantadine hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Flumadine rimantadine hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Flumadine rimantadine hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Flumadine rimantadine hydrochloride PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Flumadine rimantadine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00479 Amikacin 585.6025 C22H43N5O13 NCC[C@H](O)C(=O)N[C@@H]1C[C@H](N)[C@@H](O[C@H]2O[C@H](CN)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]2O)[C@H](O)[C@H]1O[C@H]1O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H](N)[C@H]1O DB00479 37768 2637 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/amikacin.html 34635 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 21000.0 ng/ml 17-25 mcg/ml normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 38000.0 ng/ml 38.0 mcg/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 26000.0 ng/ml 26±4 mcg/ml intravenous infusion, IV in drop; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; DRUGBANK 1.375 h 0.75-2 h normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 6.0 L/h 100.0 ml/min Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 5.64 L/h 94.0 ml/min Renal clearance; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.078 L/h/kg 1.3±0.6 ml/min/kg Obesity &#8595; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.066 L/h/kg 1.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 24.0 L 24.0 L normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.27 L/kg 0.27±0.06 L/kg Neonates &#8593; ;Children &#8594; ;Elderly &#8594; ;Obesity &#8595; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.16 L/kg 0.16 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h elimination half-life; adults; normal renal function; DRUGBANK 58.0 h 30-86 h elimination half-life; adults; severe renal function; DRUGBANK 2.3 h 2.3±0.4 h Children &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Obesity &#8594; ;Burn &#8594; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2.4 h 2.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6000.0 mg/kg 6000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 96.0 % 94-98 % Urinary excretion; adults; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 10.0 % ≤10 % DRUGBANK 4.0 % 4±8 % DRUGBANK 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Arikayce amikacin liposome PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1.5 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Arikayce amikacin liposome PDR 22.5 mg/kg/day 22.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Arikayce amikacin liposome PDR 35.0 mg/kg/day 35 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Arikayce amikacin liposome PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Arikayce amikacin liposome PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1.5 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Arikayce amikacin liposome PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Arikayce amikacin liposome PDR 35.0 mg/kg/day 35 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Arikayce amikacin liposome PDR 590.0 mg/day 590 mg/day inhalation, IH Arikayce amikacin liposome PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Arikayce amikacin liposome PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1.5 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Arikayce amikacin liposome PDR 22.5 mg/kg/day 22.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Arikayce amikacin liposome PDR 35.0 mg/kg/day 35 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Arikayce amikacin liposome PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Arikayce amikacin liposome PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1.5 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Arikayce amikacin liposome PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Arikayce amikacin liposome PDR 35.0 mg/kg/day 35 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Arikayce amikacin liposome PDR 590.0 mg/day 590 mg/day inhalation, IH Arikayce amikacin liposome PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Arikayce amikacin liposome PDR 22.5 mg/kg/day 22.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Arikayce amikacin liposome PDR 35.0 mg/kg/day 35 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Arikayce amikacin liposome PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Arikayce amikacin liposome PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; qd Arikayce amikacin liposome PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; qd Arikayce amikacin liposome PDR 16.5 mg/kg/dose 16.5 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; qd Arikayce amikacin liposome PDR DDPD00480 Lenalidomide 259.2606 C13H13N3O3 NC1=CC=CC2=C1CN(C1CCC(=O)NC1=O)C2=O DB00480 216326 63791 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/lenalidomide.html 187515 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0625 h 0.625-1.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 3-5 h multiple myeloma; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 3-5 h Myelodysplastic syndromes; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.0 % 4 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30 % DRUGBANK 25.0 mg/day 25 mg/day PO, oral Revlimid lenalidomide PDR 25.0 mg/day 25 mg/day PO, oral Revlimid lenalidomide PDR DDPD00481 Raloxifene 473.583 C28H27NO4S OC1=CC=C(C=C1)C1=C(C(=O)C2=CC=C(OCCN3CCCCC3)C=C2)C2=C(S1)C=C(O)C=C2 DB00481 5035 8772 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/raloxifene.html 4859 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 27.2 ng.h/ml 27.2 ng.h/ml Oral single dose; postmenopausal women; DRUGBANK 24.2 ng.h/ml 24.2 ng.h/ml Oral multiple dose; postmenopausal women; DRUGBANK 27.2 ng.h/ml 27.2 ng.h/ml Oral single dose; postmenopausal women; high-fat meal &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 24.2 ng.h/ml 24.2 ng.h/ml Oral multiple dose; postmenopausal women; high-fat meal &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 2.0 % 2.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.0 % 2.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.5 ng/ml 0.5 ng/ml Oral single dose; postmenopausal women; DRUGBANK 1.36 ng/ml 1.36 ng/ml Oral multiple dose; postmenopausal women; DRUGBANK 0.64 ng/ml 0.64 ng/ml Oral single dose; postmenopausal women; high-fat meal &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.7408 ng/ml 1.7408 ng/ml Oral multiple dose; postmenopausal women; high-fat meal &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.5 ng/ml 0.5±0.3 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 27.7 h 27.7 h Oral single dose; postmenopausal women; DRUGBANK 32.5 h 32.5 h Oral multiple dose; postmenopausal women; DRUGBANK 32.132 h 32.132 h Oral single dose; postmenopausal women; high-fat meal &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 37.7 h 37.7 h Oral multiple dose; postmenopausal women; high-fat meal &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6.0 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 44.1 L/h/kg 44.1 L/h/kg Total clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 50.0 L/h/kg 40-60 L/h/kg Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 47.4 L/h/kg 47.4 L/h/kg Average clearance; Oral multiple dose; normal,healthy; postmenopausal women; hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 44.1 L/h/kg 735±338 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; PO, oral; postmenopausal women; metabolism of ugt; Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.648 L/h/kg 10.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2348.0 L/kg 2348.0 L/kg Oral single dose; postmenopausal women; DRUGBANK 2853.0 L/kg 2853.0 L/kg Oral multiple dose; postmenopausal women; DRUGBANK 2348.0 L/kg 2348±1220 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; PO, oral; postmenopausal women; metabolism of ugt; DRUGBANK 7.5 L/kg 7.5 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 29.5 h 27-32 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 28.0 h 28(11-273) h postmenopausal women; DRUGBANK 12.1 h 12.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.2 % <0.2 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.2 % <0.2 % Urinary excretion; postmenopausal women; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 95.0 % ~95 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 95.0 % >95 % postmenopausal women; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Evista raloxifene hydrochloride PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Evista raloxifene hydrochloride PDR DDPD00482 Celecoxib 381.372 C17H14F3N3O2S CC1=CC=C(C=C1)C1=CC(=NN1C1=CC=C(C=C1)S(N)(=O)=O)C(F)(F)F DB00482 T3D4771 2662 41423 http://www.drugs.com/celecoxib.html 2562 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 705.0 ng/ml 705.0 ng/ml DRUGBANK 705000.0 ng/ml 705±268 mcg/ml Oral single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 2.8 h 2.8±1.0 h Oral single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 120.0 h 5.0 day Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 27.7 L/h 27.7 L/h Total clearance; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.396 L/h/kg 6.60±1.85 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; CYP2D6 genetic polymorphisms; normal,healthy; Elderly &#8595; ;hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 429.0 L 429.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; at steady state; DRUGBANK 455.0 L 455±166 L DRUGBANK 6.12 L/kg 6.12±2.08 L/kg CYP2D6 genetic polymorphisms; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 11.0 h ~11 h effective half-life; Single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 11.2 h 11.2±3.47 h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 5.71 mg/kg 5.71 mg/kg PO, oral; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 57.0 % ~57 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.0 % <3 % Urinary excretion; Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 3.0 % <3 % Urinary excretion; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % DRUGBANK 97.0 % ~97 % normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Celebrex celecoxib PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Celebrex celecoxib PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Celebrex celecoxib PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Celebrex celecoxib PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Celebrex celecoxib PDR DDPD00483 Gallamine triethiodide 891.5291 C30H60I3N3O3 [I-].[I-].[I-].CC[N+](CC)(CC)CCOC1=CC=CC(OCC[N+](CC)(CC)CC)=C1OCC[N+](CC)(CC)CC DB00483 6172 5937 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0906 L/h/kg 1.51 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.27 L/kg 0.27 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.52 h 2.52 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD00484 Brimonidine 292.135 C11H10BrN5 BrC1=C(NC2=NCCN2)C=CC2=NC=CN=C12 DB00484 T3D3487 2435 3175 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/brimonidine.html 2341 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.417 ng.h/ml 417±264 pg.h/ml skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 0.046 ng/ml 46±62 pg/ml skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 1-4 h ophthalmic administration; DRUGBANK 3.0 h ~3 h elimination half-life; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 50.0 mg/kg 50.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/kg 100.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 50.0 mg/kg 50.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/kg 100.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 74.0 % 74 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day ophthalmic administration Brimonidine Tartrate brimonidine tartrate PDR 4.0 drop/day 4 drop/day ophthalmic administration Brimonidine Tartrate brimonidine tartrate PDR 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day ophthalmic administration Brimonidine Tartrate brimonidine tartrate PDR 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day ophthalmic administration Brimonidine Tartrate brimonidine tartrate PDR 4.0 drop/day 4 drop/day ophthalmic administration Brimonidine Tartrate brimonidine tartrate PDR 1.0 appLication/day 1 appLication/day skin/dermal Brimonidine Tartrate brimonidine tartrate PDR 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day ophthalmic administration Brimonidine Tartrate brimonidine tartrate PDR 4.0 drop/day 4 drop/day ophthalmic administration Brimonidine Tartrate brimonidine tartrate PDR 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day ophthalmic administration Brimonidine Tartrate brimonidine tartrate PDR 4.0 drop/day 4 drop/day ophthalmic administration Brimonidine Tartrate brimonidine tartrate PDR 1.0 application/day 1 application/day skin/dermal Brimonidine Tartrate brimonidine tartrate PDR DDPD00485 Dicloxacillin 470.326 C19H17Cl2N3O5S [H][C@]12SC(C)(C)[C@@H](N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)C1=C(C)ON=C1C1=C(Cl)C=CC=C1Cl)C(O)=O DB00485 18381 4511 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/dicloxacillin.html 17358 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 67.5 % 50-85 % DRUGBANK 69000.0 ng/ml 47-91 mcg/ml PO, oral; fasting; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.25 h 1-1.5 h PO, oral; food; food &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 1.05 h 0.5-1.6 h PO, oral; fasting; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.096 L/h/kg 1.6±0.3 ml/min/kg Renal clearance; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.12 L/h/kg 2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.086 L/kg 0.086±0.017 L/kg RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.11 L/kg 0.11 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.7 h ~0.7 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 0.7 h 0.70±0.07 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.88 h 0.88 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3579.0 mg/kg 3579.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60±7 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 95.8 % 95.8±0.2 % Elderly &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Dicloxacillin Sodium dicloxacillin sodium PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Dicloxacillin Sodium dicloxacillin sodium PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Dicloxacillin Sodium dicloxacillin sodium PDR DDPD00486 Nabilone 372.5408 C24H36O3 [H][C@@]12CC(=O)CC[C@@]1([H])C(C)(C)OC1=CC(=CC(O)=C21)C(C)(C)CCCCCC DB00486 5284592 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/nabilone.html 4447641 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.0 ng/ml ~2 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 12.5 L/kg 12.5 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 35.0 h 35 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 67.0 % ~67 % Faeces excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 22.0 % ~22 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 60.0 % ~60 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 24.0 % ~24 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.0 mg/day 3 mg/day PO, oral Cesamet nabilone PDR 2.0 mg/day 2 mg/day PO, oral Cesamet nabilone PDR 1.0 mg/day 1 mg/day PO, oral Cesamet nabilone PDR 6.0 mg/day 6 mg/day PO, oral Cesamet nabilone PDR 3.0 mg/day 3 mg/day PO, oral Cesamet nabilone PDR 6.0 mg/day 6 mg/day PO, oral Cesamet nabilone PDR DDPD00487 Pefloxacin 333.3574 C17H20FN3O3 CCN1C=C(C(O)=O)C(=O)C2=CC(F)=C(C=C12)N1CCN(C)CC1 DB00487 51081 50199 46291 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.12 L/h/kg 2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.5 L/kg 1.5 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.6 h 8.6 h DRUGBANK 11.0 h 11 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 25.0 % 20-30 % DRUGBANK DDPD00488 Altretamine 210.2794 C9H18N6 CN(C)C1=NC(=NC(=N1)N(C)C)N(C)C DB00488 2123 24564 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/altretamine.html 2038 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.45 h 4.7-10.2 h DRUGBANK 94.0 % 94 % DRUGBANK 260.0 mg/m2/day 260 mg/m2/day PO, oral Hexalen altretamine PDR DDPD00489 Sotalol 272.364 C12H20N2O3S CC(C)NCC(O)C1=CC=C(NS(C)(=O)=O)C=C1 DB00489 5253 63622 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/sotalol.html 5063 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 18.0 % <18 % PO, oral; food; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 90-100 % DRUGBANK 6.25 null 6.25±2.19 null PO, oral; food; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 6.78 L/h 6.78±2.72 L/h Plasma clearance; normal,healthy; patients; DRUGBANK 4.99 L/h 4.99±1.43 L/h Renal clearance; normal,healthy; patients; DRUGBANK 2.74 L/h 2.74±0.53 L/h Plasma clearance; moderate renal function; patients; DRUGBANK 2.0 L/h 2.00±0.67 L/h Renal clearance; moderate renal function; patients; DRUGBANK 1.56 L/h 1.56±0.44 L/h Plasma clearance; severe renal function; patients; DRUGBANK 0.65 L/h 0.65±0.31 L/h Renal clearance; severe renal function; patients; DRUGBANK 0.65 L/h 0.65±0.20 L/h Plasma clearance; renal insufficiency; patients; DRUGBANK 0.27 L/h 0.27±0.13 L/h Renal clearance; renal insufficiency; patients; DRUGBANK 0.12 L/h/kg 2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.8 L/kg 1.2-2.4 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 1.3 L/kg 1.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 15.0 h 10-20 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; patients; DRUGBANK 17.5 h 17.5±0.97 h normal renal function; patients; DRUGBANK 22.7 h 22.7±6.4 h mild renal function; moderate renal function; patients; DRUGBANK 64.0 h 64±27.2 h severe renal function; patients; DRUGBANK 97.9 h 97.9±57.3 h renal insufficiency; DRUGBANK 6.3 h 6.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3450.0 mg/kg 3450.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 680.0 mg/kg 680.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2600.0 mg/kg 2600.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 670.0 mg/kg 670.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 80-90 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 180.0 mg/m2/day 180 mg/m2/day PO, oral Betapace/Betapace AF sotalol hydrochloride PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day PO, oral Betapace/Betapace AF sotalol hydrochloride PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day PO, oral Betapace/Betapace AF sotalol hydrochloride PDR 320.0 mg/day 320 mg/day PO, oral Betapace/Betapace AF sotalol hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Betapace/Betapace AF sotalol hydrochloride PDR 640.0 mg/day 640 mg/day PO, oral Betapace/Betapace AF sotalol hydrochloride PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Betapace/Betapace AF sotalol hydrochloride PDR 180.0 mg/m2/day 180 mg/m2/day PO, oral Betapace/Betapace AF sotalol hydrochloride PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day PO, oral Betapace/Betapace AF sotalol hydrochloride PDR 320.0 mg/day 320 mg/day PO, oral Betapace/Betapace AF sotalol hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Betapace/Betapace AF sotalol hydrochloride PDR 640.0 mg/day 640 mg/day PO, oral Betapace/Betapace AF sotalol hydrochloride PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Betapace/Betapace AF sotalol hydrochloride PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day PO, oral Betapace/Betapace AF sotalol hydrochloride PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day PO, oral Betapace/Betapace AF sotalol hydrochloride PDR DDPD00490 Buspirone 385.5031 C21H31N5O2 O=C1CC2(CCCC2)CC(=O)N1CCCCN1CCN(CC1)C1=NC=CC=N1 DB00490 T3D2807 2477 3223 http://www.drugs.com/buspirone.html 2383 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.9 % 3.9±4.3 % PO, oral; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 3.5 ng/ml 1-6 ng/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1.66 ng/ml 1.66±0.21 ng/ml Oral single dose; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.085 h 0.67-1.5 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 0.71 h 0.71±0.06 h Oral single dose; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.7 L/h/kg 1.7 L/h/kg Total clearance; DRUGBANK 1.698 L/h/kg 28.3±10.3 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; hydrolysis; normal,healthy; Male, men; adults; Hepatitis, Hep &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 5.31 L/kg 5.3 L/kg DRUGBANK 5.3 L/kg 5.3±2.6 L/kg hydrolysis; normal,healthy; Male, men; adults; DRUGBANK 2.5 h ~2-3 h elimination half-life; Single dose; DRUGBANK 2.4 h 2.4±1.1 h normal,healthy; adults;  Female, women; Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 196.0 mg/kg 196.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 655.0 mg/kg 655.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 586.0 mg/kg 586.0 mg/kg PO, oral; dog; DRUGBANK 356.0 mg/kg 356.0 mg/kg PO, oral; monkey; DRUGBANK 136.0 mg/kg 136.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 146.0 mg/kg 146.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 136.0 mg/kg 136.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 46.0 % ~29-63 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 28.0 % ~18-38 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 0.1 % <0.1 % Urinary excretion; adults; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 86.0 % ~86 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; DRUGBANK 95.0 % >95 % adults; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Buspirone Hydrochloride Tablets, USP, 7.5 mg buspirone hydrochloride PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Buspirone Hydrochloride Tablets, USP, 7.5 mg buspirone hydrochloride PDR DDPD00491 Miglitol 207.2243 C8H17NO5 OCCN1C[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]1CO DB00491 441314 6935 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/miglitol.html 390074 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 50-70 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % human, homo sapiens; animals; DRUGBANK 0.102 L/h/kg 1.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.18 L/kg 0.18 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.28 L/kg 0.28 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 h ~2 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 2.3 h 2.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.0 % 4 % DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Glyset miglitol PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Glyset miglitol PDR DDPD00492 Fosinopril 563.672 C30H46NO7P CCC(=O)O[C@@H](O[P@](=O)(CCCCC1=CC=CC=C1)CC(=O)N1C[C@@H](C[C@H]1C(O)=O)C1CCCCC1)C(C)C DB00492 55891 5163 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/fosinopril.html 23089342 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 36.0 % 36.0 % DRUGBANK 1.98 L/h 26-39 ml/min normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12 h DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Fosinopril Sodium fosinopril sodium PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Fosinopril Sodium fosinopril sodium PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Fosinopril Sodium fosinopril sodium PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Fosinopril Sodium fosinopril sodium PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Fosinopril Sodium fosinopril sodium PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Fosinopril Sodium fosinopril sodium PDR DDPD00493 Cefotaxime 455.465 C16H17N5O7S2 [H][C@]12SCC(COC(C)=O)=C(N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)C(=N/OC)\C1=CSC(N)=N1)C(O)=O DB00493 5742673 204928 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cefotaxime.html 4674877 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 28.0 % 20-36 % Renal metabolism; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 15-25 % Renal metabolism; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 0.162 L/h/kg 2.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.19 L/kg 0.19 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 h ~1 h DRUGBANK 1.2 h 1.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20000.0 mg/kg >20000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 7000.0 mg/kg >7000 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 28.0 % ~20-36 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Claforan cefotaxime PDR 180.0 mg/kg/day 180 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Claforan cefotaxime PDR 300.0 mg/kg/day 300 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Claforan cefotaxime PDR 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Claforan cefotaxime PDR 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Claforan cefotaxime PDR 12.0 12 Claforan cefotaxime PDR 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Claforan cefotaxime PDR 180.0 mg/kg/day 180 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Claforan cefotaxime PDR 300.0 mg/kg/day 300 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Claforan cefotaxime PDR 150.0 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Claforan cefotaxime PDR 200.0 mg/kg/day 200 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Claforan cefotaxime PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Claforan cefotaxime PDR 150.0 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Claforan cefotaxime PDR DDPD00494 Entacapone 305.286 C14H15N3O5 CCN(CC)C(=O)C(=C\C1=CC(=C(O)C(O)=C1)[N+]([O-])=O)\C#N DB00494 T3D2808 5281081 4798 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/entacapone.html 4444537 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 35.0 % 35.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 42.0 % 42±9 % PO, oral; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 4300.0 ng/ml 4.3±2.0 mcg/ml PO, oral; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.8 h 0.8±0.2 h PO, oral; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 34.8 L/h 850.0 ml/min DRUGBANK 0.618 L/h/kg 10.3±1.74 ml/min/kg Bile excretion; normal,healthy; Male, men; hepatopathy,LD &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.72 L/h/kg 12 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 L 20.0 L DRUGBANK 0.4 L/kg 0.40±0.16 L/kg Bile excretion; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.27 L/kg 0.27 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.55 h 0.4-0.7 h DRUGBANK 0.28 h 0.28±0.06 h distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 2.9 h 2.9±2.0 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 2.4 h 2.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.0 % <10 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % Urinary excretion; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1600.0 mg/day 1600 mg/day PO, oral Comtan entacapone PDR 1600.0 mg/day 1600 mg/day PO, oral Comtan entacapone PDR DDPD00495 Zidovudine 267.2413 C10H13N5O4 CC1=CN([C@H]2C[C@H](N=[N+]=[N-])[C@@H](CO)O2)C(=O)NC1=O DB00495 T3D4720 35370 10110 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/zidovudine.html 32555 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 65.0 % 65(52-75) % DRUGBANK 89.0 % 89.0 % PO, oral; Neonates; DRUGBANK 65.0 % 65.0 % PO, oral; Children; DRUGBANK 63.0 % 63±10 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2600.0 ng/ml 2.6 mcg/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1600.0 ng/ml 1.6 mcg/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.5-1 h PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.65 L/h/kg 0.65±0.29 L/h/kg AIDS,HIV; Neonates; DRUGBANK 1.14 L/h/kg 1.14±0.24 L/h/kg AIDS,HIV; Infants; DRUGBANK 1.85 L/h/kg 1.85±0.47 L/h/kg AIDS,HIV; Infants; DRUGBANK 1.56 L/h/kg 26±6 ml/min/kg Neonates &#8595; ;Children &#8594; ;Preg, pregnant &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 1.5 L/h/kg 25 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.6 L/kg 1.6±0.6 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; AIDS,HIV; patients; DRUGBANK 1.4 L/kg 1.4±0.4 L/kg Children &#8594; ;Preg, pregnant &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 1.8 L/kg 1.8 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1(0.5-2.9) h elimination half-life; AIDS,HIV; patients; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1±0.2 h Preg, pregnant &#8594; ;Neonates &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.3 h 1.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3084.0 mg/kg 3084.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 3084.0 mg/kg 3084.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 29.0 % ~29 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 18.0 % 18±5 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 34.0 % 30-38 % DRUGBANK 25.0 % <25 % DRUGBANK 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 480.0 mg/m2/day 480 mg/m2/day PO, oral Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 480.0 mg/m2/day 480 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 18.0 mg/kg/day 18 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 480.0 mg/m2/day 480 mg/m2/day PO, oral Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 480.0 mg/m2/day 480 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 24.0 mg/kg/day 24 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 480.0 mg/m2/day 480 mg/m2/day PO, oral Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 480.0 mg/m2/day 480 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 600.0 mg 600 mg PO, oral Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 480.0 mg/m2/day 480 mg/m2/day PO, oral Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 480.0 mg/m2/day 480 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 18.0 mg/kg/day 18 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 480.0 mg/m2/day 480 mg/m2/day PO, oral Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 480.0 mg/m2/day 480 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 18.0 mg/kg/day 18 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 480.0 mg/m2/day 480 mg/m2/day PO, oral Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 480.0 mg/m2/day 480 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 24.0 mg/kg/day 24 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 480.0 mg/m2/day 480 mg/m2/day PO, oral Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 480.0 mg/m2/day 480 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 8.0 mg/kg/day 8 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 3.0 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 4.6 mg/kg/day 4.6 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 3.0 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zidovudine zidovudine PDR 4.6 mg/kg/day 4.6 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Zidovudine zidovudine PDR DDPD00496 Darifenacin 426.55 C28H30N2O2 NC(=O)C([C@@H]1CCN(CCC2=CC3=C(OCC3)C=C2)C1)(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00496 T3D3499 444031 391960 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/darifenacin-extended-release-tablets.html 392054 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 15.0 % 15.0 % Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 19.0 % 19.0 % Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 40.0 L/h 40.0 L/h extensive metabolizers, EM; DRUGBANK 32.0 L/h 32.0 L/h poor metabolizers, PM; DRUGBANK 0.72 L/h/kg 12 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 163.0 L 163.0 L DRUGBANK 2.6 L/kg 2.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 16.0 h ~13-19 h elimination half-life; inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 3.6 h 3.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 98.0 % ~98 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Enablex darifenacin PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Enablex darifenacin PDR DDPD00497 Oxycodone 315.3636 C18H21NO4 COC1=C2O[C@H]3C(=O)CC[C@@]4(O)[C@H]5CC(C=C1)=C2[C@@]34CCN5C DB00497 T3D2809 5284603 7852 http://www.drugs.com/oxycodone.html 4447649 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 135.0 ng.h/ml 135.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; patients; DRUGBANK 73.5 % 60-87 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 73.5 % 60-87 % PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 42.0 % 42±7 % PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 11.5 ng/ml 11.5 ng/ml PO, oral; patients; DRUGBANK 15.1 ng/ml 15.1±4.7 ng/ml PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 15.5 ng/ml 15.5±4.5 ng/ml PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 5.11 h 5.11 h PO, oral; patients; DRUGBANK 3.2 h 3.2±2.2 h PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 1.6 h 1.6±0.8 h PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 0.084 L/h 1.4 ml/min Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.744 L/h/kg 12.4(9.2-15.4) ml/min/kg hydrolysis; normal,healthy; Male, men;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 0.366 L/h/kg 6.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.6 L/kg 2.6 L/kg DRUGBANK 2.0 L/kg 2.0(1.1-2.9) L/kg hydrolysis; normal,healthy; Male, men;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 2.5 L/kg 2.5 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.2 h 3.2 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4.5 h extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 5.8 h 5.8 h DRUGBANK 8.8 h 8.8 h DRUGBANK 9.0 h 9 h DRUGBANK 2.6 h 2.6(2.1-3.1) h DRUGBANK 5.0 h ~5 h extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 5.5 h 5.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 320.0 mg/kg 320.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 426.0 mg/kg 426.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 0.14 mg/kg 0.14 mg/kg PO, oral; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.53 mg/kg 1.53 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 45.0 % 45 % DRUGBANK 45.0 % 45 % normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 288.0 mg/day 288 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Roxicodone oxycodone hydrochloride PDR 320.0 mg/day 320 mg/day PO, oral Roxicodone oxycodone hydrochloride PDR 288.0 mg/day 288 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Roxicodone oxycodone hydrochloride PDR 320.0 mg/day 320 mg/day PO, oral Roxicodone oxycodone hydrochloride PDR DDPD00498 Phenindione 222.2387 C15H10O2 O=C1C(C(=O)C2=CC=CC=C12)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00498 T3D3107 4760 8066 4596 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.5 h 5-10 h DRUGBANK 175.0 mg/kg 175.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 163.0 mg/kg 163.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 175.0 mg/kg 175.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 163.0 mg/kg 163.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 88.0 % 88 % DRUGBANK DDPD00499 Flutamide 276.2118 C11H11F3N2O3 CC(C)C(=O)NC1=CC(=C(C=C1)[N+]([O-])=O)C(F)(F)F DB00499 T3D4768 3397 5132 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/flutamide.html 3280 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % DRUGBANK 110.0 ng/ml 0.11±0.21 mcg/ml PO, oral; Elderly; DRUGBANK 1600.0 ng/ml 1.6±0.59 mcg/ml PO, oral; Active metabolite; Elderly; DRUGBANK 1.3 h 1.3±0.7 h PO, oral; Elderly; DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.9±0.6 h PO, oral; Active metabolite; Elderly; DRUGBANK 16.8 L/h/kg 280.0 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; PO, oral; Male, men; Elderly; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 6.0 h ~6 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 7.8 h 7.8 h terminal half-life; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 8.1 h 8.1 h terminal half-life; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.2 % 4.2 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Elderly; Male, men; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 94-96 % DRUGBANK 95.0 % 94-96 % Elderly; Male, men; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 93.0 % 92-94 % Metabolite; Elderly; Male, men; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 750.0 mg/day 750 mg/day PO, oral Flutamide flutamide PDR 750.0 mg/day 750 mg/day PO, oral Flutamide flutamide PDR DDPD00500 Tolmetin 257.2845 C15H15NO3 CN1C(CC(O)=O)=CC=C1C(=O)C1=CC=C(C)C=C1 DB00500 5509 71941 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/tolmetin.html 5308 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.5-1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 5.0 h ~5 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day Tablet,PO,oral Tolmetin 600mg Tablets tolmetin sodium PDR 1800.0 mg/day 1800 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Tolmetin 600mg Tablets tolmetin sodium PDR 1800.0 mg/day 1800 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Tolmetin 600mg Tablets tolmetin sodium PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day Tablet,PO,oral Tolmetin 600mg Tablets tolmetin sodium PDR 1800.0 mg/day 1800 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Tolmetin 600mg Tablets tolmetin sodium PDR 1800.0 mg/day 1800 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Tolmetin 600mg Tablets tolmetin sodium PDR DDPD00501 Cimetidine 252.339 C10H16N6S CN\C(NCCSCC1=C(C)NC=N1)=N\C#N DB00501 T3D2810 2756 3699 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cimetidine.html 2654 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 65.0 % 60-70 % DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60±23 % PO, oral; peptic ulcer disease; DRUGBANK 2500.0 ng/ml 2-3 mcg/ml Oral single dose; fasting; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 0.5-1.5 h Oral single dose; fasting; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.498 L/h/kg 8.3±2.0 ml/min/kg Elderly &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8594; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8593; ;Burn &#8593; ;Ulcer &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.486 L/h/kg 8.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 L/kg 1.0±0.2 L/kg Hepatitis, Hep &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Burn &#8594; ;Ulcer &#8594; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.2 L/kg 1.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2.0±0.3 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Ulcer &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ;Burn &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 2.2 h 2.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 62.0 % 62±20 % Urinary excretion; peptic ulcer disease; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 17.5 % 15-20 % DRUGBANK 19.0 % 19(13-25) % peptic ulcer disease; DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Cimetidine Tablets cimetidine PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Cimetidine Tablets cimetidine PDR 1600.0 mg/day 1600 mg/day PO, oral Cimetidine Tablets cimetidine PDR 2400.0 mg/day 2400 mg/day PO, oral Cimetidine Tablets cimetidine PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cimetidine Tablets cimetidine PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Cimetidine Tablets cimetidine PDR 1600.0 mg/day 1600 mg/day PO, oral Cimetidine Tablets cimetidine PDR 2400.0 mg/day 2400 mg/day PO, oral Cimetidine Tablets cimetidine PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Cimetidine Tablets cimetidine PDR 1600.0 mg/day 1600 mg/day PO, oral Cimetidine Tablets cimetidine PDR 2400.0 mg/day 2400 mg/day PO, oral Cimetidine Tablets cimetidine PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Cimetidine Tablets cimetidine PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Cimetidine Tablets cimetidine PDR DDPD00502 Haloperidol 375.864 C21H23ClFNO2 OC1(CCN(CCCC(=O)C2=CC=C(F)C=C2)CC1)C1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1 DB00502 T3D2576 3559 5613 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/haloperidol.html 3438 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 43730.0 ng.h/ml 43.73(14.89-120.96) ug.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 57.5 % 40-75 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60±18 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 22.0 ng/ml 22±18 ng/ml IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 9.2 ng/ml 9.2±4.4 ng/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 3.9 h 1.7-6.1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.333333333333333 h 20 min IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 0.563333333333333 h 33.8 min IM,intramuscular injection; schizophrenia; DRUGBANK 0.6 h 0.6±0.1 h IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 1.7 h 1.7±3.2 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1.0 % 1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.549 L/h/kg 0.39-0.708 L/h/kg Plasma clearance; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 141.65 L/h 141.65 L/h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.2 L/h/kg 0.9-1.5 L/h/kg extravascular administration; poor metabolizers, PM &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.708 L/h/kg 11.8±2.9 ml/min/kg Children &#8593; ;Elderly &#8595; ;Somking &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.468 L/h/kg 7.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 15.6 L/kg 9.5-21.7 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 18.0 L/kg 18±7 L/kg DRUGBANK 17.0 L/kg 17 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 25.6 h 14.5-36.7 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 20.7 h 20.7 h IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 18.0 h 18±5 h Children &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 67.0 h 67±51 h DRUGBANK 70.0 h 70 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 35.0 h 35 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 71.0 mg/kg 71.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 128.0 mg/kg 128.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 71.0 mg/kg 71.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 90.0 mg/kg 90.0 mg/kg PO, oral; dog; DRUGBANK 165.0 mg/kg 165.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 30.0 % ~30 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1.0 % 1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 92.0 % 92±2 % Elderly &#8594; ;Children &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.15 mg/kg/day 0.15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Haloperidol Oral Solution haloperidol PDR 6.0 mg/day 6 mg/day PO, oral Haloperidol Oral Solution haloperidol PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Haloperidol Oral Solution haloperidol PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Haloperidol Oral Solution haloperidol PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day IM,intramuscular injection Haloperidol Oral Solution haloperidol PDR 15.0 mg/day 450 mg/month IM,intramuscular injection Haloperidol Oral Solution haloperidol PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Haloperidol Oral Solution haloperidol PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Haloperidol Oral Solution haloperidol PDR 0.15 mg/kg/day 0.15 mg/day/kg PO, oral Haloperidol Oral Solution haloperidol PDR 6.0 mg/day 6 mg/day PO, oral Haloperidol Oral Solution haloperidol PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day Liquid Haloperidol Oral Solution haloperidol PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day IM,intramuscular injection Haloperidol Oral Solution haloperidol PDR 15.0 mg/day 450 mg/month IM,intramuscular injection Haloperidol Oral Solution haloperidol PDR DDPD00503 Ritonavir 720.944 C37H48N6O5S2 CC(C)[C@H](NC(=O)N(C)CC1=CSC(=N1)C(C)C)C(=O)N[C@H](C[C@H](O)[C@H](CC1=CC=CC=C1)NC(=O)OCC1=CN=CS1)CC1=CC=CC=C1 DB00503 392622 45409 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ritonavir.html 347980 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 11000.0 ng/ml 11±4 mcg/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 8.8 L/h 8.8±3.2 L/h Total clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.1 L/h <0.1 L/h DRUGBANK 0.072 L/h/kg 1.2±0.4 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; Single dose; hydrolysis; DRUGBANK 0.126 L/h/kg 2.1±0.8 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; Multiple dose; hydrolysis; Children &#8593; ;hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.41 L/kg 0.41±0.25 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.41 L/kg 0.41±0.25 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; Single dose; hydrolysis; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 3-5 h DRUGBANK 4.0 h 3-5 h PO, oral; moderate renal function &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 2500.0 mg/kg >2500 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 11.3 % ~11.3±2.3 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 86.4 % 86.4±2.9 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 3.5 % 3.5±1.8 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 98.5 % ~98-99 % DRUGBANK 98.5 % 98-99 % DRUGBANK 800.0 mg/m2/day 800 mg/m2/day PO, oral Norvir Capsules ritonavir PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Norvir Capsules ritonavir PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Norvir Capsules ritonavir PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Norvir Capsules ritonavir PDR 800.0 mg/m2/day 800 mg/m2/day PO, oral Norvir Capsules ritonavir PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Norvir Capsules ritonavir PDR 800.0 mg/m2/day 800 mg/m2/day PO, oral Norvir Capsules ritonavir PDR DDPD00504 Levallorphan 283.4079 C19H25NO [H][C@@]12CCCC[C@@]11CCN(CC=C)[C@@H]2CC2=C1C=C(O)C=C2 DB00504 5359371 6431 10481920 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h DRUGBANK 109.0 mg/kg 109±4 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD00507 Nitazoxanide 307.282 C12H9N3O5S CC(=O)OC1=CC=CC=C1C(=O)NC1=NC=C(S1)[N+]([O-])=O DB00507 41684 94807 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/nitazoxanide.html 38037 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.3 h 7.3 h DRUGBANK 10000.0 mg/kg >10000 mg/kg PO, oral; dog; rodents; DRUGBANK 66.7 % ~66.7 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 33.3 % ~33.3 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Alinia nitazoxanide PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Alinia nitazoxanide PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Alinia nitazoxanide PDR 4000.0 mg/dose 4000 mg/dose Tablet,PO,oral Alinia nitazoxanide PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Alinia nitazoxanide PDR DDPD00508 Triflupromazine 352.417 C18H19F3N2S CN(C)CCCN1C2=CC=CC=C2SC2=C1C=C(C=C2)C(F)(F)F DB00508 T3D2813 5568 9711 5367 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % DRUGBANK DDPD00509 Dextrothyroxine 776.87 C15H11I4NO4 N[C@H](CC1=CC(I)=C(OC2=CC(I)=C(O)C(I)=C2)C(I)=C1)C(O)=O DB00509 8730 30659 8402 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00511 Acetyldigitoxin 806.9757 C43H66O14 [H][C@@]1(CC[C@]2(O)[C@]3([H])CC[C@]4([H])C[C@H](CC[C@]4(C)[C@@]3([H])CC[C@]12C)O[C@H]1C[C@H](O)[C@H](O[C@H]2C[C@H](O)[C@H](O[C@H]3C[C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](C)O3)[C@@H](C)O2)[C@@H](C)O1)C1=CC(=O)OC1 DB00511 5284512 53773 4447572 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 70.0 % 60-80 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 7.8 mg/kg 7.8 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD00512 Vancomycin 1449.254 C66H75Cl2N9O24 CN[C@H](CC(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@H]1[C@H](O)C2=CC=C(OC3=C(O[C@@H]4O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]4O[C@H]4C[C@](C)(N)[C@H](O)[C@H](C)O4)C4=CC(=C3)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CC(N)=O)NC1=O)C(=O)N[C@@H]1C3=CC(=C(O)C=C3)C3=C(O)C=C(O)C=C3[C@H](NC(=O)[C@@H](NC1=O)[C@H](O)C1=CC(Cl)=C(O4)C=C1)C(O)=O)C(Cl)=C2 DB00512 T3D3543 14969 28001 http://www.drugs.com/vancomycin.html 14253 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 60.0 % ~60 % DRUGBANK 48500.0 ng/ml 18.5(15-25) mcg/ml intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 48500.0 ng/ml 18.5(15-25) mcg/ml intravenous infusion, IV in drop; staphylococcal infections; streptococcal infections; DRUGBANK 77.5 % 75-80 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.058 L/h/kg 0.058 L/kg/h Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.078 L/h/kg 1.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.7 L/kg 0.4-1 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.39 L/kg 0.39±0.06 L/kg Obesity &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;CPBS &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.54 L/kg 0.54 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.0 h ~6(4-11) h normal renal function; patients; DRUGBANK 180.0 h 7.5 day elimination half-life; anephric; patients; DRUGBANK 5.6 h 5.6±1.8 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Obesity &#8595; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 6.5 h 6.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg 5000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 319.0 mg/kg 319.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/kg 400.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg 5000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 319.0 mg/kg 319.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/kg 400.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 77.5 % ~75-80 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 79.0 % 79±11 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30±11 % RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Vancomycin Hydrochloride for Injection vancomycin hydrochloride PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Vancomycin Hydrochloride for Injection vancomycin hydrochloride PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Vancomycin Hydrochloride for Injection vancomycin hydrochloride PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Vancomycin Hydrochloride for Injection vancomycin hydrochloride PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Vancomycin Hydrochloride for Injection vancomycin hydrochloride PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Vancomycin Hydrochloride for Injection vancomycin hydrochloride PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Vancomycin Hydrochloride for Injection vancomycin hydrochloride PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Vancomycin Hydrochloride for Injection vancomycin hydrochloride PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Vancomycin Hydrochloride for Injection vancomycin hydrochloride PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Vancomycin Hydrochloride for Injection vancomycin hydrochloride PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Vancomycin Hydrochloride for Injection vancomycin hydrochloride PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Vancomycin Hydrochloride for Injection vancomycin hydrochloride PDR DDPD00513 Aminocaproic acid 131.1729 C6H13NO2 NCCCCCC(O)=O DB00513 564 57826 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/aminocaproic-acid.html 548 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 65.0 % 65 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 11.0 % 11 % DRUGBANK 10.14 L/h 169.0 ml/min DRUGBANK 23.1 L 23.1±6.6 L DRUGBANK 2.0 h ~2 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 3000.0 mg/kg 3.0 g/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 12000.0 mg/kg 12.0 g/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 3200.0 mg/kg 3.2 g/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 16400.0 mg/kg 16.4 g/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 30000.0 mg/day 30 g/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Amicar aminocaproic acid PDR 36000.0 mg/day 36 g/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Amicar aminocaproic acid PDR 30000.0 mg/day 30 g/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Amicar aminocaproic acid PDR 36000.0 mg/day 36 g/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Amicar aminocaproic acid PDR DDPD00514 Dextromethorphan 271.404 C18H25NO [H][C@]12CCCC[C@]11CCN(C)[C@H]2CC2=C1C=C(OC)C=C2 DB00514 T3D2815 5360696 4470 http://www.drugs.com/dextromethorphan.html 13109865 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 17.8 ng.h/ml 17.8 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.9 ng/ml 2.9 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5.2 ng/ml 5.2±1.8 ng/ml PO, oral; poor metabolizers, PM; DRUGBANK 33.0 ng/ml 33±8.2 ng/ml PO, oral; extensive metabolizers, EM; DRUGBANK 879.0 ng/ml 879±60 ng/ml PO, oral; Drug form; poor metabolizers, PM; DRUGBANK 2.86 h 2.86 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.25 h 2-2.5 h DRUGBANK 94.5 L/h/kg 1575±658 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; PO, oral; extensive metabolizers, EM; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.234 L/h/kg ~3.9±1.4 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; PO, oral; poor metabolizers, PM; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 3-6 h DRUGBANK 3.4 h 3.4±0.5 h extensive metabolizers, EM; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 29.5 h 29.5±8.4 h poor metabolizers, PM; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 165.0 mg/kg 165.0 mg/kg mouse; DRUGBANK 350.0 mg/kg 350.0 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.19 % 0.19±0.21 % Urinary excretion; adults; normal,healthy; extensive metabolizers, EM; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 11.1 % 11.1±3 % Urinary excretion; adults; normal,healthy; poor metabolizers, PM; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 65.0 % 60-70 % DRUGBANK 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Children's Robitussin dextromethorphan hydrobromide PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Children's Robitussin dextromethorphan hydrobromide PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Children's Robitussin dextromethorphan hydrobromide PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Children's Robitussin dextromethorphan hydrobromide PDR 960.0 mg/day 960 mg/day PO, oral Children's Robitussin dextromethorphan hydrobromide PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Children's Robitussin dextromethorphan hydrobromide PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Children's Robitussin dextromethorphan hydrobromide PDR 960.0 mg/day 960 mg/day PO, oral Children's Robitussin dextromethorphan hydrobromide PDR DDPD00515 Cisplatin 300.05 Cl2H6N2Pt [H][N]([H])([H])[Pt](Cl)(Cl)[N]([H])([H])[H] DB00515 T3D4686 2767 27899 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cisplatin.html 76401 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3400.0 ng/ml 3.4±1.1 mcg/ml ovarian cancer; DRUGBANK 1000.0 ng/ml 1.0±0.4 mcg/ml ovarian cancer; DRUGBANK 15.5 L/h/m2 15-16 L/h/m2 Total clearance; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 3.72 L/h/m2 62.0 ml/min/m2 Renal clearance; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 3.0 L/h/m2 50.0 ml/min/m2 Renal clearance; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 0.378 L/h/kg 6.3±1.2 ml/min/kg ovarian cancer; patients; DRUGBANK 11.5 L/m2 11-12.0 L/m2 at steady state; DRUGBANK 0.28 L/kg 0.28±0.07 L/kg ovarian cancer; patients; DRUGBANK 0.416666666666667 h 20-30 min DRUGBANK 0.5 h 30 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 120.0 h >=5 day plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 0.53 h 0.53±0.10 h DRUGBANK 2.3 % 2.3±9 % Urinary excretion; ovarian cancer; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % plasma proteins; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/m^2 40 mg/m^2 intravenous injection, IV Cisplatin cisplatin PDR 100.0 mg/m2 100 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Cisplatin cisplatin PDR 40.0 mg/m2 40 mg/m^2 intravenous injection, IV Cisplatin cisplatin PDR 100.0 mg/m2 100 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Cisplatin cisplatin PDR DDPD00517 Anisotropine methylbromide 362.345 C17H32BrNO2 [Br-].CCCC(CCC)C(=O)O[C@H]1CC2CCC(C1)[N+]2(C)C DB00517 21867154 2739 10611962 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 17.5 % 10-25 % DRUGBANK DDPD00518 Albendazole 265.331 C12H15N3O2S CCCSC1=CC2=C(C=C1)N=C(NC(=O)OC)N2 DB00518 T3D3476 2082 16664 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/albendazole.html 1998 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1150.0 ng/ml 0.50-1.8 mcg/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.236 L/h/kg 10.5-30.7 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; Male, men;  Female, women; adults; DRUGBANK 10.0 h 8-12 h elimination half-life; Single dose; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8(6-15) h DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/kg 1500.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; adults; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70 % PO, oral; adults; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Albenza albendazole PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Albenza albendazole PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Albenza albendazole PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Albenza albendazole PDR 3200.0 mg/day 3200 mg/day PO, oral Albenza albendazole PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Albenza albendazole PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Albenza albendazole PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Albenza albendazole PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Albenza albendazole PDR DDPD00519 Trandolapril 430.5372 C24H34N2O5 [H][C@@]12C[C@H](N(C(=O)[C@H](C)N[C@@H](CCC3=CC=CC=C3)C(=O)OCC)[C@@]1([H])CCCC2)C(O)=O DB00519 5484727 9649 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/trandolapril.html 4588590 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~40-60 % DRUGBANK 9.0 % 4-14 % DRUGBANK 52.0 L/h 52.0 L/h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.75 L/h/kg 12.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 18.0 L 18.0 L DRUGBANK 0.25 L/kg 0.25 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 10.0 h 10 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 20.0 h 16-24 h effective half-life; DRUGBANK 0.26 h 0.26 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4875.0 mg/kg 4875.0 mg/kg PO, oral; female mouse; DRUGBANK 3990.0 mg/kg 3990.0 mg/kg PO, oral; male mouse; DRUGBANK 66.0 % ~66 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 33.0 % ~33 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~80 % Plasma Concentration &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 8.0 mg/day 8 mg/day PO, oral Mavik trandolapril PDR 4.0 mg/day 4 mg/day PO, oral Mavik trandolapril PDR 8.0 mg/day 8 mg/day PO, oral Mavik trandolapril PDR 4.0 mg/day 4 mg/day PO, oral Mavik trandolapril PDR DDPD00520 Caspofungin 1093.3131 C52H88N10O15 CCC(C)CC(C)CCCCCCCCC(=O)N[C@H]1C[C@@H](O)[C@@H](NCCN)NC(=O)[C@@H]2[C@@H](O)CCN2C(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@@H]2C[C@@H](O)CN2C(=O)[C@@H](NC1=O)[C@@H](C)O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)C1=CC=C(O)C=C1)[C@H](O)CCN DB00520 3035406 474180 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/caspofungin.html 17277006 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 8700.0 ng/ml 8.7(7.9-9.6) mcg/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.72 L/h 12.0 ml/min intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.0096 L/h/kg 0.16(0.14-0.18) ml/min/kg hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.0084 L/h/kg 0.14 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.12 L/kg 0.12 L/kg Total volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.13 L/kg 0.13 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.0 h 9-11 h DRUGBANK 9.6 h 9.6±0.8 h DRUGBANK 25.0 h >25 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 27.0 h 27 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 35.0 % 35 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 41.0 % 41 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 2.0 % ~2 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % DRUGBANK 96.5 % 96.5 % DRUGBANK 70.0 mg/m2/day 70 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Cancidas caspofungin acetate PDR 70.0 mg/day 70 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Cancidas caspofungin acetate PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Cancidas caspofungin acetate PDR 70.0 mg/m2/day 70 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Cancidas caspofungin acetate PDR 70.0 mg/day 70 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Cancidas caspofungin acetate PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Cancidas caspofungin acetate PDR 70.0 mg/m2/day 70 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Cancidas caspofungin acetate PDR 25.0 mg/m2/day 25 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Cancidas caspofungin acetate PDR 25.0 mg/m2/day 25 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Cancidas caspofungin acetate PDR DDPD00521 Carteolol 292.3734 C16H24N2O3 CC(C)(C)NCC(O)COC1=CC=CC2=C1CCC(=O)N2 DB00521 2583 3437 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/carteolol-drops.html 2485 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.606 L/h/kg 10.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.7 h 4.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Carteolol Hydrochloride carteolol hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Carteolol Hydrochloride carteolol hydrochloride PDR DDPD00523 Alitretinoin 300.4351 C20H28O2 C\C(\C=C\C1=C(C)CCCC1(C)C)=C\C=C\C(\C)=C\C(O)=O DB00523 449171 50648 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/alitretinoin.html 395778 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.0 appLications/Lesion/day 4 appLications/Lesion/day skin/dermal Panretin alitretinoin PDR 4.0 applications/lesion/day 4 applications/lesion/day skin/dermal Panretin alitretinoin PDR DDPD00524 Metolazone 365.835 C16H16ClN3O3S CC1NC2=CC(Cl)=C(C=C2C(=O)N1C1=CC=CC=C1C)S(N)(=O)=O DB00524 4170 64354 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/metolazone.html 4026 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % DRUGBANK 52.5 % 10-95 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.084 L/h/kg 1.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.6 L/kg 1.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 14.0 h ~14 h DRUGBANK 20.0 h 20 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 50-70 % serum albumin; DRUGBANK 33.0 % ≤33 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 0.4 mg/kg/day 0.4 mg/kg/day PO, oral Metolazone metolazone PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral Metolazone metolazone PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Metolazone metolazone PDR 150.0 mg 150 mg PO, oral Metolazone metolazone PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral Metolazone metolazone PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Metolazone metolazone PDR 150.0 mg 150 mg PO, oral Metolazone metolazone PDR DDPD00525 Tolnaftate 307.409 C19H17NOS CN(C(=S)OC1=CC2=CC=CC=C2C=C1)C1=CC=CC(C)=C1 DB00525 5510 9620 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/tolnaftate-cream.html 5309 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 891.0 mg/kg 891.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD00526 Oxaliplatin 397.294 C8H14N2O4Pt [H][N]1([H])[C@@H]2CCCC[C@H]2[N]([H])([H])[Pt]11OC(=O)C(=O)O1 DB00526 T3D2674 6857599 31941 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/oxaliplatin.html 8062727 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 814.0 ng/ml 0.814 mcg/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.33 mg Pt/ml 0.33(0.28-0.38) mg Pt/ml intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 0.008 mg Pt/ml 0.008(0.004-0.014) mg Pt/ml intravenous infusion, IV in drop; Derivative; DRUGBANK 13.5 L/h 10.0-17 L/h Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 2.94 L/h/kg 49(41-64) ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 0.006 L/h/kg 0.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 440.0 L 440.0 L intravenous injection, IV; Single dose; DRUGBANK 1.5 L/kg 1.5(1.1-2.1) L/kg DRUGBANK 0.5 L/kg 0.5 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.43 h 0.43 h distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 16.8 h 16.8 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 391.0 h 391 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 0.32 h 0.32(0.27-0.46) h distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 17.0 h 17 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 391.0 h 391 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 58.92 h 58.92 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 54.0 % ~54 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 2.0 % ~2 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % DRUGBANK 130.0 mg/m2 130 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Eloxatin oxaliplatin PDR 130.0 mg/m2 130 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Eloxatin oxaliplatin PDR DDPD00527 Cinchocaine 343.4632 C20H29N3O2 CCCCOC1=NC2=CC=CC=C2C(=C1)C(=O)NCCN(CC)CC DB00527 3025 247956 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/dibucaine-ointment.html 2917 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 27.0 mg/kg 27.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD00528 Lercanidipine 611.7272 C36H41N3O6 COC(=O)C1=C(C)NC(C)=C(C1C1=CC(=CC=C1)[N+]([O-])=O)C(=O)OC(C)(C)CN(C)CCC(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00528 65866 135930 59276 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00529 Foscarnet 126.0053 CH3O5P OC(=O)P(O)(O)=O DB00529 3415 127780 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/foscarnet.html 3297 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 17.0 % 12-22 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 9.0 % 9±2 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 10836455.8 ng/ml 86±36 mM PO, oral; severe renal function; AIDS,HIV; DRUGBANK 1.4 h 1.4±0.6 h PO, oral; severe renal function; AIDS,HIV; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 0.1278 L/h/kg 2.13±0.71 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; patients; DRUGBANK 4.08 L/h/kg 68±8 ml/min/kg mild renal function; DRUGBANK 2.04 L/h/kg 34±9 ml/min/kg moderate renal function; DRUGBANK 1.2 L/h/kg 20±4 ml/min/kg severe renal function; DRUGBANK 0.0984 L/h/kg 1.6±0.2 ml/min/kg moderate renal function &#8595; ;severe renal function &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.126 L/h/kg 2.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.35 L/kg 0.35 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.5 L/kg 0.5 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.05 h 3.3-6.8 h DRUGBANK 5.7 h 5.7±0.2 h moderate renal function; severe renal function; DRUGBANK 4.7 h 4.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95±5 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 15.5 % 14-17 % DRUGBANK 15.5 % 14-17 % DRUGBANK 180.0 mg/kg/day 180 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Foscavir foscarnet sodium PDR 180.0 mg/kg/day 180 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Foscavir foscarnet sodium PDR 180.0 mg/kg/day 180 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Foscavir foscarnet sodium PDR 180.0 mg/kg/day 180 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Foscavir foscarnet sodium PDR 180.0 mg/kg/day 180 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Foscavir foscarnet sodium PDR DDPD00530 Erlotinib 393.4357 C22H23N3O4 COCCOC1=CC2=C(C=C1OCCOC)C(NC1=CC(=CC=C1)C#C)=NC=N2 DB00530 176870 114785 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/erlotinib.html 154044 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % PO, oral; food; food &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.1014 L/h/kg 1.69 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 232.0 L 232.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.77 L/kg 0.77 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 36.2 h 36.2 h DRUGBANK 6.5 h 6.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 83.0 % 83 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 8.0 % 8 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 % 1 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.3 % 0.3 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93 % DRUGBANK 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Tarceva erlotinib PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Tarceva erlotinib PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Tarceva erlotinib PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Tarceva erlotinib PDR DDPD00531 Cyclophosphamide 261.086 C7H15Cl2N2O2P ClCCN(CCCl)P1(=O)NCCCO1 DB00531 T3D4688 2907 4027 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cyclophosphamide.html 2804 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 74.0 % 74±22 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 31591406.0 ng/ml 121±21 mM intravenous injection, IV; breast cancer; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 63.0 L/kg 63±7.6 L/kg Total clearance; DRUGBANK 0.078 L/h/kg 1.3±0.5 ml/min/kg Children &#8593; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.066 L/h/kg 1.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 40.0 L 30-50 L DRUGBANK 0.78 L/kg 0.78±0.57 L/kg Children &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.73 L/kg 0.73 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.5 h 3-12 h DRUGBANK 7.5 h 7.5±4.0 h Children &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 15.0 % 10-20 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 6.5 % 6.5±4.3 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % dose &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 13.0 % 13 % DRUGBANK 50.0 mg/kg 50 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Cyclophosphamide Tablets cyclophosphamide PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cyclophosphamide Tablets cyclophosphamide PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cyclophosphamide Tablets cyclophosphamide PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cyclophosphamide Tablets cyclophosphamide PDR 2300.0 mg/m2/day 2.3 g/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Cyclophosphamide Tablets cyclophosphamide PDR 80.0 mg/kg/day 80 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cyclophosphamide Tablets cyclophosphamide PDR 50.0 mg/m2/day 50 mg/m2/day PO, oral q2w Cyclophosphamide Tablets cyclophosphamide PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cyclophosphamide Tablets cyclophosphamide PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cyclophosphamide Tablets cyclophosphamide PDR 2.3 g/m2/day 2.3 g/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Cyclophosphamide Tablets cyclophosphamide PDR 80.0 mg/kg/day 80 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cyclophosphamide Tablets cyclophosphamide PDR 50.0 mg/m2/day 50 mg/m2/day PO, oral q2w Cyclophosphamide Tablets cyclophosphamide PDR DDPD00532 Mephenytoin 218.2518 C12H14N2O2 CCC1(NC(=O)N(C)C1=O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00532 4060 6757 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/mephenytoin.html 3920 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.4 L/kg 1.4 L/kg DRUGBANK 7.0 h ~7 h DRUGBANK DDPD00533 Rofecoxib 314.356 C17H14O4S CS(=O)(=O)C1=CC=C(C=C1)C1=C(C(=O)OC1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00533 5090 8887 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/rofecoxib.html 4911 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 64.8 % 64.8 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.12 L/h/kg 2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.3 L/kg 1.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 17.0 h 17 h DRUGBANK 7.5 h 7.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 87.0 % 87 % DRUGBANK DDPD00534 Chlormerodrin 367.2 C5H11ClHgN2O2 COC(CNC(N)=O)C[Hg]Cl DB00534 25210 59445 2615 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00535 Cefdinir 395.414 C14H13N5O5S2 [H][C@]12SCC(C=C)=C(N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)C(=N/O)\C1=CSC(N)=N1)C(O)=O DB00535 6915944 3485 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cefdinir.html 5291705 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7050.0 ng.h/ml 7.05 ug.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 11000.0 ng.h/ml 11.0 ug.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 18.5 % 16-21 % Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25 % Liquid; DRUGBANK 18.5 % 16-21 % Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25.0 % Liquid; DRUGBANK 1600.0 ng/ml 1.6 ug/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2870.0 ng/ml 2.87 ug/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2900.0 ng/ml 2.9±1.0 mcg/ml Capsule, PO, Oral; adults; DRUGBANK 3900.0 ng/ml 3.9±0.6 mcg/ml Capsule, PO, Oral; Children; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3±0.7 h Capsule, PO, Oral; adults; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2±0.4 h Capsule, PO, Oral; Children; DRUGBANK 0.12 L/h/kg 2.0±1.0 ml/min/kg Renal clearance; normal,healthy; adults; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.78 L/h/kg 11-15 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 0.35 L/kg 0.35 L/kg Average volume of distribution; adults; DRUGBANK 0.67 L/kg 0.67 L/kg Average volume of distribution; Children; DRUGBANK 1.825 L/kg 1.56-2.09 L/kg adults; DRUGBANK 1.85 L/kg 1.6-2.1 L/kg Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 1.7 h ~1.7 h elimination half-life; adults; DRUGBANK 1.35 h 1.2-1.5 h elimination half-life; Children; normal,healthy; Infants; DRUGBANK 1.45 h 1.4-1.5 h DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 18.4 % ~18.4 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; renal insufficiency &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 18.0 % 13-23 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 65.0 % ~60-70 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 89.0 % 89 % RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 72.5 % 71-74 % peritoneal dialysis; DRUGBANK 14.0 mg/kg/day 14 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cefdinir Capsules cefdinir PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Cefdinir Capsules cefdinir PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Cefdinir Capsules cefdinir PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Cefdinir Capsules cefdinir PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Cefdinir Capsules cefdinir PDR 14.0 mg/kg/day 14 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cefdinir Capsules cefdinir PDR 14.0 mg/kg/day 14 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cefdinir Capsules cefdinir PDR DDPD00536 Guanidine 59.0705 CH5N3 NC(N)=N DB00536 T3D4172 3520 42820 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/guanidine.html 3400 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 7.5 h 7-8 h DRUGBANK 475.0 mg/kg 475.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 475.0 mg/kg 475.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 35.0 mg/kg/day 35 mg/kg/day PO, oral Guanidine Hydrochloride guanidine hydrochloride PDR 35.0 mg/kg/day 35 mg/kg/day PO, oral Guanidine Hydrochloride guanidine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00537 Ciprofloxacin 331.3415 C17H18FN3O3 OC(=O)C1=CN(C2CC2)C2=CC(N3CCNCC3)=C(F)C=C2C1=O DB00537 T3D3495 2764 100241 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ciprofloxacin-drops.html 2662 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1013000000.0 ng.h/ml 1.013 kg.h/L DRUGBANK 75.0 % 70-80 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70 % PO, oral; different study; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60±12 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 940.0 ng/ml 0.94 mg/L DRUGBANK 2500.0 ng/ml 2.5±1.1 mcg/ml PO, oral; chronic bronchitis; DRUGBANK 0.81 h 0.81 h DRUGBANK 0.6 h 0.6±0.2 h PO, oral; chronic bronchitis; DRUGBANK 5.5 % 3-8 % DRUGBANK 0.3048 L/h/kg 5.08 ml/min/kg Renal clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.5772 L/h/kg 9.62 ml/min/kg Average clearance; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.2652 L/h/kg 4.42 ml/min/kg Renal clearance; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.3126 L/h/kg 5.21 ml/min/kg Plasma clearance; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.456 L/h/kg 7.6±0.8 ml/min/kg Elderly &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.498 L/h/kg 8.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.161 L/kg 0.161 L/kg DRUGBANK 2.52 L/kg 2.00-3.04 L/kg Total volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 2.2 L/kg 2.2±0.4 L/kg Elderly &#8595; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2.1 L/kg 2.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.71 h 4.71 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.65 h 3.65 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h DRUGBANK 3.3 h 3.3±0.4 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8595; ;Age &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 3.8 h 3.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 45.0 % 45 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 62.0 % 62 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50±5 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 20-40 % DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % DRUGBANK 45.0 mg/kg/day 45 mg/kg/day PO, oral Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1.5 g/day PO, oral Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1.2 g/day intravenous injection, IV Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 1.0 mg/ear/day 1 mg/ear/day intraaural administration Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 12.0 mg/ear 12 mg/ear intraaural administration Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 120.0 drop/day 120 drop/day ophthalmic administration Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 45.0 mg/kg/day 45 mg/kg/day PO, oral Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 1.0 mg/ear/day 1 mg/ear/day intraaural administration Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 12.0 mg/ear 12 mg/ear intraaural administration Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 120.0 drop/day 120 drop/day ophthalmic administration Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1.5 g/day PO, oral Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day PO, oral Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1.2 g/day intravenous injection, IV Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 1.0 mg/ear/day 1 mg/ear/day intraaural administration Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 12.0 mg/ear 12 mg/ear intraaural administration Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 120.0 drop/day 120 drop/day ophthalmic administration Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 45.0 mg/kg/day 45 mg/kg/day PO, oral Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1.5 g/day PO, oral Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1.2 g/day intravenous injection, IV Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 1.0 mg/day 1 mg/ear/day intraaural administration Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 12.0 mg 12 mg/ear intraaural administration Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 120.0 drop/day 120 drop/day ophthalmic administration Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1.5 g/day PO, oral Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day PO, oral Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1.2 g/day intravenous injection, IV Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 1.0 mg/ear/day 1 mg/ear/day intraaural administration Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 12.0 mg/ear 12 mg/ear intraaural administration Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 120.0 drop/day 120 drop/day ophthalmic administration Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 45.0 mg/kg/day 45 mg/kg/day PO, oral Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 120.0 drop/day 120 drop/day ophthalmic administration Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 12.0 mg/ear 12 mg/ear intraaural administration Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 45.0 mg/kg/day 45 mg/kg/day PO, oral Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 120.0 drop/day 120 drop/day ophthalmic administration Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 45.0 mg/kg/day 45 mg/kg/day PO, oral Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR 120.0 drop/day 120 drop/day ophthalmic administration Ciloxan Ointment ciprofloxacin hydrochloride PDR DDPD00538 Gadoversetamide 661.76 C20H34GdN5O10 [Gd+3].COCCNC(=O)CN(CCN(CCN(CC([O-])=O)CC(=O)NCCOC)CC([O-])=O)CC([O-])=O DB00538 444013 31644 392041 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.072 L/h/kg 72±16.3 ml/h/kg normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.072 L/h/kg 1.2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.162 L/kg 162±25 ml/kg normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.16 L/kg 0.16 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.221666666666667 h 13.3±6.8 min distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 1.72666666666667 h 103.6±19.5 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 1.7 h 1.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 93.5 % ~93.5 % Urinary excretion; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; DRUGBANK 95.8 % ~95.8 % Urinary excretion; patients; DRUGBANK 0.2 ml/kg/dose 0.2 ml/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Optimark gadoversetamide PDR 0.1 mmoL/kg/dose 0.1 mmoL/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Optimark gadoversetamide PDR 0.2 ml/kg/dose 0.2 ml/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Optimark gadoversetamide PDR 0.1 mmol/kg/dose 0.1 mmol/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Optimark gadoversetamide PDR DDPD00539 Toremifene 405.96 C26H28ClNO CN(C)CCOC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(=C(\CCCl)C1=CC=CC=C1)\C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00539 3005573 9635 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/toremifene.html 2275722 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1200.0 ng/ml 1.1-1.3 mcg/ml PO, oral; adults; breast cancer; DRUGBANK 4250.0 ng/ml 2.7-5.8 mcg/ml PO, oral; adults; breast cancer; DRUGBANK 2.25 h 1.5-3 h PO, oral; adults; breast cancer; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 3-6 h PO, oral; adults; breast cancer; DRUGBANK 2.0 L/h 5.0 L/h DRUGBANK 2.6 L/h/m2 2.6±1.2 L/h/m2 apparent clearance; PO, oral; Male, men;  Female, women; patients;  Female, women; hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 580.0 L 580.0 L DRUGBANK 479.0 L/m2 479±154 L/m2 Apparent volume of distribution; PO, oral; Male, men;  Female, women; patients;  Female, women; Elderly &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 120.0 h 5 day DRUGBANK 148.0 h 148±53 h PO, oral; chronic liver disease &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 504.0 h 504±578 h PO, oral; Metabolite; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % Urinary excretion; adults; Male, men;  Female, women;  Female, women; breast cancer; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 92.0 % 92 % DRUGBANK 2.0 % 2 % DRUGBANK 99.7 % 99.7 % adults; normal,healthy;  Female, women; breast cancer; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Fareston toremifene citrate PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Fareston toremifene citrate PDR DDPD00540 Nortriptyline 263.3767 C19H21N CNCCC=C1C2=CC=CC=C2CCC2=CC=CC=C12 DB00540 T3D2818 4543 7640 http://www.drugs.com/nortriptyline.html 4384 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 65.0 % 45-85 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 51.0 % 51±5 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 36345984.6 ng/ml 138(40-350) mM PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 7.75 h 7-8.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 8.5 h 7-10 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 54.0 L/h 54.0 L/h Plasma clearance; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 30.6 L/h 30.6±6.9 L/h Average clearance; DRUGBANK 0.432 L/h/kg 7.2±1.8 ml/min/kg hydrolysis; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;inflammation &#8595; ;Somking &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.6 L/h/kg 10 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1633.0 L 1633±268 L Apparent volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 18.0 L/kg 18±4 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 22.0 L/kg 22 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 26.0 h ~26(16-38) h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 39.0 h ~39 h different study; DRUGBANK 31.0 h 31±13 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 30.0 h 30 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 405.0 mg/kg 405.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 33.0 % ~33 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 2.0 % 2 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 2.0 % 2±1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 93.0 % ~93 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 92.0 % 92±2 % HL,hyperlipoproteinemia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Nortriptyline Hydrochloride Oral Solution nortriptyline hydrochloride PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Nortriptyline Hydrochloride Oral Solution nortriptyline hydrochloride PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Nortriptyline Hydrochloride Oral Solution nortriptyline hydrochloride PDR DDPD00541 Vincristine 824.972 C46H56N4O10 [H][C@@]12N3CC[C@@]11C4=C(C=C(OC)C(=C4)[C@]4(C[C@H]5C[N@](C[C@](O)(CC)C5)CCC5=C4NC4=CC=CC=C54)C(=O)OC)N(C=O)[C@@]1([H])[C@](O)([C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@]2(CC)C=CC3)C(=O)OC DB00541 T3D4016 5978 28445 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/vincristine.html 4535015 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 278.42805 ng/ml ~250-425 nM intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 4.92 L/h/m2 4.92±3.01 L/h/m2 tumor; patients; Male, men;  Female, women; Bile excretion; hydrolysis; Children &#8594; ;hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.12 L/h/kg 2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 96.6 L/m2 96.6±55.7 L/m2 tumor; patients; Male, men;  Female, women; Bile excretion; hydrolysis; DRUGBANK 2.4 L/kg 2.4 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.0833333333333333 h 5 min distribution half-life; intravenous injection, IV; tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 2.3 h 2.3 h elimination half-life; intravenous injection, IV; tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 85.0 h 85 h terminal half-life; intravenous injection, IV; tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 87.0 h 19-155 h terminal half-life; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 22.6 h 22.6±16.7 h chronic liver disease &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 85.0 h ~85±69 h DRUGBANK 23.0 h 23 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1300.0 mg/kg 1300.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5.2 mg/kg 5.2 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 1300.0 mg/kg 1300.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5.2 mg/kg 5.2 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 15.0 % 10-20 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 15.0 % 10-20 % Urinary excretion; adults; tumor; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 75.0 % ~75 % DRUGBANK 2.25 mg/m2 2.25 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV qw Marqibo vincristine sulfate liposome PDR 2.25 mg/m2 2.25 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV qw Marqibo vincristine sulfate liposome PDR 2.0 mg/m2 2 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV qw Vincristine Sulfate vincristine sulfate PDR 1.4 mg/m2 1.4 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV qw Vincristine Sulfate vincristine sulfate PDR 2.0 mg/m2 2 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV qw Vincristine Sulfate vincristine sulfate PDR 1.4 mg/m2 1.4 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV qw Vincristine Sulfate vincristine sulfate PDR 2.0 mg/m2/week 2 mg/m2/week intravenous injection, IV qw Vincristine Sulfate vincristine sulfate PDR 0.00714285714285714 mg/kg/day 0.05 mg/kg/week intravenous injection, IV qw Vincristine Sulfate vincristine sulfate PDR DDPD00542 Benazepril 424.4895 C24H28N2O5 [H][C@@]1(CCC2=CC=CC=C2N(CC(O)=O)C1=O)N[C@@H](CCC1=CC=CC=C1)C(=O)OCC DB00542 5362124 3011 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/benazepril.html 4514935 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.5 % 3-4 % PO, oral; horse; DRUGBANK 37.0 % 37 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 18.0 % ≥18 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 127.34685 ng/ml ~300 nM Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 212.24475 ng/ml ~500 nM Oral single dose; Active metabolite; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.5-1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h PO, oral; different study; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.5-1.0 h Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.25 h 1-1.5 h Oral single dose; Active metabolite; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 129.0 L 129±30.0 L DRUGBANK 0.021 L/h/kg 0.3-0.4 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 203.0 L 203±69.9 L DRUGBANK 0.12 L/kg 0.12 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 2.7 h 2.7±8.5 h DRUGBANK 22.3 h 22.3±9.2 h Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 10.5 h 10-11 h DRUGBANK 0.7 h 0.7 h Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 10.5 h 10-11 h Active metabolite; Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 22.0 h ~22 h terminal half-life; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 11.5 % ~11-12 % Bile excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 18.0 % 18 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 96.7 % 96.7 % DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % Unchanged drug; Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 0.6 mg/kg/day 0.6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Lotensin benazepril hydrochloride PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Lotensin benazepril hydrochloride PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Lotensin benazepril hydrochloride PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Lotensin benazepril hydrochloride PDR 0.6 mg/kg/day 0.6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Lotensin benazepril hydrochloride PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Lotensin benazepril hydrochloride PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Lotensin benazepril hydrochloride PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Lotensin benazepril hydrochloride PDR DDPD00543 Amoxapine 313.781 C17H16ClN3O ClC1=CC2=C(OC3=CC=CC=C3N=C2N2CCNCC2)C=C1 DB00543 T3D2819 2170 2675 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/amoxapine.html 2085 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1.2 h 1-2 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8 h DRUGBANK 64.5 % 60-69 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 5.0 % <5 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Amoxapine amoxapine PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Amoxapine amoxapine PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Amoxapine amoxapine PDR DDPD00544 Fluorouracil 130.0772 C4H3FN2O2 FC1=CNC(=O)NC1=O DB00544 T3D4776 3385 46345 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/fluorouracil.html 3268 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 64.0 % 28-100 % DRUGBANK 28.0 % 28(0-80) % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1456864.64 ng/ml 11.2 mM intravenous infusion, IV in drop; tumor; DRUGBANK 0.96 L/h/kg 16±7 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 1.56 L/h/kg 26 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.25 L/kg 0.25±0.12 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.23 L/kg 0.23 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.25 h 10-20 min DRUGBANK 0.183333333333333 h 11±4 min DRUGBANK 20.0 h ~20 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 0.12 h 0.12 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 230.0 mg/kg 230.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 230.0 mg/kg 230.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 13.5 % 7-20 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 10.0 % <10 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 10.0 % 8-12 % DRUGBANK 10.0 % 8-12 % DRUGBANK 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Fluoroplex fluorouracil PDR 22.5 mg/kg 22.5 mg/kg Fluoroplex fluorouracil PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Fluoroplex fluorouracil PDR 22.5 mg/kg 22.5 mg/kg Fluoroplex fluorouracil PDR DDPD00545 Pyridostigmine 181.2117 C9H13N2O2 CN(C)C(=O)OC1=C[N+](C)=CC=C1 DB00545 T3D2820 4991 8665 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/pyridostigmine.html 4817 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.6 % 7.6±2.4 % DRUGBANK 0.576 L/h/kg 9.6 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.1 L/kg 1.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 60.0 mg/dose 60 mg/dose PO, oral Regonol pyridostigmine bromide PDR 1.0 mg/kg/dose 1 mg/kg/dose PO, oral Regonol pyridostigmine bromide PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Regonol pyridostigmine bromide PDR 7.0 mg/kg/day 7 mg/kg/day PO, oral Regonol pyridostigmine bromide PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1500 mg/day PO, oral Regonol pyridostigmine bromide PDR 1080.0 mg/day 1080 mg/day PO, oral Regonol pyridostigmine bromide PDR 180.0 mg/day 180 mg/day PO, oral Regonol pyridostigmine bromide PDR 0.25 mg/kg/dose 0.25 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV; on days 1, 3, and 5 Regonol pyridostigmine bromide PDR 60.0 mg/dose 60 mg/dose PO, oral Regonol pyridostigmine bromide PDR 1.0 mg/kg/dose 1 mg/kg/dose PO, oral Regonol pyridostigmine bromide PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Regonol pyridostigmine bromide PDR 7.0 mg/kg/day 7 mg/kg/day PO, oral Regonol pyridostigmine bromide PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1500 mg/day PO, oral Regonol pyridostigmine bromide PDR 1080.0 mg/day 1080 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Regonol pyridostigmine bromide PDR 180.0 mg/day 180 mg/day PO, oral Regonol pyridostigmine bromide PDR 0.25 mg/kg/dose 0.25 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Regonol pyridostigmine bromide PDR 1.0 mg/kg/dose 1 mg/kg/dose PO, oral Regonol pyridostigmine bromide PDR 7.0 mg/kg/day 7 mg/kg/day PO, oral Regonol pyridostigmine bromide PDR 1.0 mg/kg/dose 1 mg/kg/dose PO, oral Regonol pyridostigmine bromide PDR 7.0 mg/kg/day 7 mg/kg/day PO, oral Regonol pyridostigmine bromide PDR DDPD00547 Desoximetasone 376.4617 C22H29FO4 [H][C@@]12C[C@@H](C)[C@H](C(=O)CO)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1(F)[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)C=C[C@]12C DB00547 5311067 691037 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/desoximetasone-cream.html 4470604 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 15.0 h 15±2 h DRUGBANK 17.0 h 17±2 h DRUGBANK 4.1 % 4.1±2.3 % Urinary excretion; Male, men; DRUGBANK 1.1 % 1.1±0.6 % Faeces excretion; Male, men; DRUGBANK DDPD00548 Azelaic acid 188.2209 C9H16O4 OC(=O)CCCCCCCC(O)=O DB00548 T3D4799 2266 48131 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/azelaic-acid-cream.html 2179 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.0 % 4 % DRUGBANK 0.75 h ~45 min PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12 h skin/dermal; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD00549 Zafirlukast 575.675 C31H33N3O6S COC1=CC(=CC=C1CC1=CN(C)C2=C1C=C(NC(=O)OC1CCCC1)C=C2)C(=O)NS(=O)(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1C DB00549 5717 10100 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/zafirlukast.html 5515 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 20.0 L/h 20.0 L/h Total clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 10.3 L/h 9.2-11.4 L/h Children; DRUGBANK 70.0 L 70.0 L DRUGBANK 10.0 h 10 h DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Accolate zafirlukast PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Accolate zafirlukast PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Accolate zafirlukast PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Accolate zafirlukast PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Accolate zafirlukast PDR DDPD00550 Propylthiouracil 170.232 C7H10N2OS CCCC1=CC(=O)NC(=S)N1 DB00550 T3D4712 657298 8502 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/propylthiouracil.html 571424 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.186 L/h/kg 3.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.34 L/kg 0.34 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h DRUGBANK 1.3 h 1.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1250.0 mg/kg 1250.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1250.0 mg/kg 1250.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 35.0 % ~35 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 82.0 % 82 % DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Propylthiouracil propylthiouracil PDR 7.0 mg/kg/day 7 mg/kg/day PO, oral Propylthiouracil propylthiouracil PDR 900.0 mg/day 900 mg/day PO, oral Propylthiouracil propylthiouracil PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1.2 g/day PO, oral Propylthiouracil propylthiouracil PDR 900.0 mg/day 900 mg/day PO, oral Propylthiouracil propylthiouracil PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1.2 g/day PO, oral Propylthiouracil propylthiouracil PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Propylthiouracil propylthiouracil PDR 7.0 mg/kg/day 7 mg/kg/day PO, oral Propylthiouracil propylthiouracil PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Propylthiouracil propylthiouracil PDR 7.0 mg/kg/day 7 mg/kg/day PO, oral Propylthiouracil propylthiouracil PDR DDPD00551 Acetohydroxamic acid 75.0666 C2H5NO2 CC(=O)NO DB00551 1990 49029 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/acetohydroxamic-acid.html 1913 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % 35-65 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 7.5 h 5-10 h patients; normal renal function; DRUGBANK 4800.0 mg/kg 4.8 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Lithostat acetohydroxamic acid PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1.5 g/day PO, oral Lithostat acetohydroxamic acid PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1.5 g/day PO, oral Lithostat acetohydroxamic acid PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Lithostat acetohydroxamic acid PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1.5 g/day PO, oral Lithostat acetohydroxamic acid PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1.5 g/day PO, oral Lithostat acetohydroxamic acid PDR DDPD00552 Pentostatin 268.2691 C11H16N4O4 OC[C@H]1O[C@H](C[C@@H]1O)N1C=NC2=C1N=CNC[C@H]2O DB00552 T3D2822 439693 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/pentostatin.html 388759 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.08 L/h/m2 68.0 ml/min/m2 DRUGBANK 0.0978 L/h/kg 1.63 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.59 L/kg 0.59 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.7 h 5.7(2.6-16 h DRUGBANK 5.3 h 5.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 128.0 mg/kg 128.0 mg/kg mouse; DRUGBANK 128.0 mg/kg 128.0 mg/kg mouse; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % Urinary excretion; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.0 % 4 % DRUGBANK 4.0 mg/m2 4 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV qow Nipent pentostatin PDR 4.0 mg/m2 4 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV qow Nipent pentostatin PDR DDPD00553 Methoxsalen 216.192 C12H8O4 COC1=C2OC(=O)C=CC2=CC2=C1OC=C2 DB00553 T3D0836 4114 18358 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/methoxsalen-hard-gelatin-capsules.html 3971 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.0 h ~2 h DRUGBANK 95.0 % ~95 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.0 0 Oxsoralen methoxsalen PDR 0.6 mg/kg 0.6 mg/kg PO, oral qod Oxsoralen methoxsalen PDR 20.0 mg 20 mg PO, oral qod Oxsoralen methoxsalen PDR 30.0 mg 30 mg PO, oral qod Oxsoralen methoxsalen PDR 40.0 mg 40 mg PO, oral qod Oxsoralen methoxsalen PDR 50.0 mg 50 mg PO, oral qod Oxsoralen methoxsalen PDR 60.0 mg 60 mg PO, oral qod Oxsoralen methoxsalen PDR 70.0 mg 70 mg PO, oral qod Oxsoralen methoxsalen PDR 80.0 mg 80 mg Capsule, PO, Oral qod Oxsoralen methoxsalen PDR 0.0 0 Oxsoralen methoxsalen PDR 0.6 mg/kg 0.6 mg/kg PO, oral qod Oxsoralen methoxsalen PDR 20.0 mg 20 mg PO, oral qod Oxsoralen methoxsalen PDR 30.0 mg 30 mg PO, oral qod Oxsoralen methoxsalen PDR 40.0 mg 40 mg PO, oral qod Oxsoralen methoxsalen PDR 50.0 mg 50 mg PO, oral qod Oxsoralen methoxsalen PDR 60.0 mg 60 mg PO, oral qod Oxsoralen methoxsalen PDR 70.0 mg 70 mg PO, oral qod Oxsoralen methoxsalen PDR 80.0 mg 80 mg Capsule, PO, Oral qod Oxsoralen methoxsalen PDR DDPD00554 Piroxicam 331.346 C15H13N3O4S CN1C(C(=O)NC2=NC=CC=C2)=C(O)C2=C(C=CC=C2)S1(=O)=O DB00554 54676228 8249 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/piroxicam.html 10442653 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.14 L/kg 0.14 L/kg DRUGBANK 58.0 h 30-86 h DRUGBANK 5.0 % ~5 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Feldene piroxicam PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Feldene piroxicam PDR DDPD00555 Lamotrigine 256.091 C9H7Cl2N5 NC1=NC(N)=C(N=N1)C1=C(Cl)C(Cl)=CC=C1 DB00555 T3D2570 3878 6367 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/lamotrigine.html 3741 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 98.0 % ~98 % DRUGBANK 97.6 % 97.6±4.8 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2500.0 ng/ml 2.5±0.4 mcg/ml Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 3.1 h 1.4-4.8 h DRUGBANK 2.2 h 2.2±1.2 h Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 76.0 % 76 % DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10 % DRUGBANK 14.0 % 14 % DRUGBANK 0.0417 L/h/kg 0.18-1.21 ml/min/kg Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.0264 L/h/kg 0.44 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.0297 L/h/kg 0.38-0.61 ml/min/kg hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 1.1 L/kg 0.9-1.3 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.035 L/kg 0.87-1.2 L/kg DRUGBANK 36.5 h 14-59 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 29.5 h 24-35 h moderate hepatic impairment &#8593; ;severe hepatic impairment &#8593; ;severe renal function &#8593; ;enzyme-inducers &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 205.0 mg/kg 205.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 245.0 mg/kg 245.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 250.0 mg/kg 250.0 mg/kg mouse; DRUGBANK 250.0 mg/kg 250.0 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 640.0 mg/kg >640 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 640.0 mg/kg >640 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 94.0 % ~94 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.0 % ~2 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10 % Urinary excretion; adults; normal,healthy; epilepsy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 55.0 % 55 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 56.0 % 56 % adults; normal,healthy; epilepsy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Lamictal lamotrigine PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Lamictal lamotrigine PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Lamictal lamotrigine PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Lamictal lamotrigine PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Lamictal lamotrigine PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Lamictal lamotrigine PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Lamictal lamotrigine PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Lamictal lamotrigine PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Lamictal lamotrigine PDR DDPD00556 Perflutren 188.0193 C3F8 FC(F)(F)C(F)(F)C(F)(F)F DB00556 6432 31980 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/perflutren-lipid-microspheres.html 6192 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 35.4426 L/h/kg 590.71 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.6 L/kg 1.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.0316666666666667 h 1.9 min DRUGBANK 0.02 h 0.02 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.0 microL/kg 10 microL/kg intravenous injection, IV Definity perflutren lipid microsphere PDR 1.3 ml 1.3 ml intravenous infusion, iv in drop Definity perflutren lipid microsphere PDR 10.0 microL/kg 10 microL/kg intravenous injection, IV Definity perflutren lipid microsphere PDR 1.3 ml 1.3 ml intravenous infusion, iv in drop Definity perflutren lipid microsphere PDR DDPD00557 Hydroxyzine 374.904 C21H27ClN2O2 OCCOCCN1CCN(CC1)C(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1 DB00557 T3D2823 3658 5818 http://www.drugs.com/hydroxyzine.html 3531 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 72.0 ng/ml 72±11 ng/ml PO, oral; Elderly; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 47.0 ng/ml 47±17 ng/ml PO, oral; Children; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.1 h 2.1±0.4 h PO, oral; Elderly; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2.0±0.9 h PO, oral; Children; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 52.5 % 45-60 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.866 L/h/kg 31.1±11.1 ml/min/kg Children; DRUGBANK 0.588 L/h/kg 9.8±3.3 ml/min/kg adults; DRUGBANK 0.588 L/h/kg 9.8±3.3 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.92 L/h/kg 32±11 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 16.0 L/kg 16.0±3.0 L/kg Average volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 16.0 L/kg 16±3 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 19.0 L/kg 19±9 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 20.0 h ~20(14-25) h adults; DRUGBANK 7.1 h ~7.1 h Children; DRUGBANK 29.0 h 29 h elimination half-life; Elderly; hepatopathy,LD &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 20.0 h 20±4 h adults; PO, oral; chronic liver disease &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 7.1 h 7.1±2.3 h Children; PO, oral; chronic liver disease &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 840.0 mg/kg 840.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/kg 400.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Vistaril hydroxyzine pamoate PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Vistaril hydroxyzine pamoate PDR 1.1 mg/kg/dose 1.1 mg/kg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Vistaril hydroxyzine pamoate PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Vistaril hydroxyzine pamoate PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Vistaril hydroxyzine pamoate PDR 1.1 mg/kg/dose 1.1 mg/kg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Vistaril hydroxyzine pamoate PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Vistaril hydroxyzine pamoate PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day IM,intramuscular injection Vistaril hydroxyzine pamoate PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Vistaril hydroxyzine pamoate PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Vistaril hydroxyzine pamoate PDR 1.1 mg/kg/dose 1.1 mg/kg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Vistaril hydroxyzine pamoate PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Vistaril hydroxyzine pamoate PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day IM,intramuscular injection Vistaril hydroxyzine pamoate PDR DDPD00558 Zanamivir 332.3098 C12H20N4O7 [H][C@]1(OC(=C[C@H](N=C(N)N)[C@H]1NC(C)=O)C(O)=O)[C@H](O)[C@H](O)CO DB00558 60855 50663 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/zanamivir.html 54842 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.0 % 2 % DRUGBANK 10.5 % 4-17 % inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 6.7 L/h 2.5-10.9 L/h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5.3 L/h 5.3 L/h intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.7 L/h 2.7 L/h intravenous injection, IV; mild renal function; moderate renal function; patients; DRUGBANK 0.8 L/h 0.8 L/h intravenous injection, IV; severe renal function; patients; DRUGBANK 0.096 L/h/kg 1.6 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.23 L/kg 0.23 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.8 h 2.5-5.1 h DRUGBANK 1.7 h 1.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.0 % <10 % DRUGBANK 10.0 mg 10 mg inhalation, IH q2d Relenza zanamivir PDR 12.0 mg/kg 12 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV q2d Relenza zanamivir PDR 600.0 mg/dose 600 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV q2d Relenza zanamivir PDR 10.0 mg 10 mg inhalation, IH; for 5 days q2d Relenza zanamivir PDR 7.0 mg/kg/day 14 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV q2d Relenza zanamivir PDR 7.0 mg/kg/day 14 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV q2d Relenza zanamivir PDR 10.0 mg 10 mg inhalation, IH q2d Relenza zanamivir PDR 600.0 mg 600 mg intravenous injection, IV q2d Relenza zanamivir PDR 10.0 mg 10 mg inhalation, IH q2d Relenza zanamivir PDR 12.0 mg/kg/dose 12 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV q2d Relenza zanamivir PDR 600.0 mg/dose 600 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV q2d Relenza zanamivir PDR 10.0 mg 10 mg inhalation, IH q2d Relenza zanamivir PDR 600.0 mg 600 mg intravenous injection, IV q2d Relenza zanamivir PDR 7.0 mg/kg/day 14 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV q2d Relenza zanamivir PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 12 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV q2d Relenza zanamivir PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV q2d Relenza zanamivir PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 8 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV q2d Relenza zanamivir PDR DDPD00559 Bosentan 551.614 C27H29N5O6S COC1=CC=CC=C1OC1=C(NS(=O)(=O)C2=CC=C(C=C2)C(C)(C)C)N=C(N=C1OCCO)C1=NC=CC=N1 DB00559 104865 51450 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/bosentan.html 94651 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 4.0 L/h 4.0 L/h pulmonary arterial hypertension; patients; DRUGBANK 0.126 L/h/kg 2.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 18.0 L 18.0 L DRUGBANK 0.29 L/kg 0.29 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 h ~5 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 4.1 h 4.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 98.0 % >98 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 128.0 mg/day 128 mg/day PO, oral Tracleer bosentan PDR 96.0 mg/day 96 mg/day PO, oral Tracleer bosentan PDR 64.0 mg/day 64 mg/day PO, oral Tracleer bosentan PDR 32.0 mg/day 32 mg/day PO, oral Tracleer bosentan PDR 62.5 mg/day 62.5 mg/day PO, oral Tracleer bosentan PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day PO, oral Tracleer bosentan PDR 31.25 mg/day 31.25 mg/day PO, oral Tracleer bosentan PDR 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day PO, oral Tracleer bosentan PDR 125.0 mg/day 125 mg/day PO, oral Tracleer bosentan PDR 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day PO, oral Tracleer bosentan PDR 125.0 mg/day 125 mg/day PO, oral Tracleer bosentan PDR 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day PO, oral Tracleer bosentan PDR 125.0 mg/day 125 mg/day PO, oral Tracleer bosentan PDR 62.5 mg/day 62.5 mg/day PO, oral Tracleer bosentan PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day PO, oral Tracleer bosentan PDR 31.25 mg/day 31.25 mg/day PO, oral Tracleer bosentan PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Tracleer bosentan PDR DDPD00560 Tigecycline 585.6487 C29H39N5O8 [H][C@@]12CC3=C(C(O)=C(NC(=O)CNC(C)(C)C)C=C3N(C)C)C(=O)C1=C(O)[C@]1(O)C(=O)C(C(N)=O)=C(O)[C@@H](N(C)C)[C@]1([H])C2 DB00560 54686904 149836 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/tigecycline.html 10482314 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.228 L/h/kg 3.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.0 L/kg 12 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 35.0 h 27-43 h DRUGBANK 48.0 h 48 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 71-89 % DRUGBANK 50.0 mg 50 mg intravenous injection, IV bid Tygacil tigecycline PDR 2.4 mg/kg/day 1.2 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV bid Tygacil tigecycline PDR 50.0 mg/dose 50 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV bid Tygacil tigecycline PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Tygacil tigecycline PDR 50.0 mg 50 mg intravenous injection, IV bid Tygacil tigecycline PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Tygacil tigecycline PDR DDPD00561 Doxapram 378.5072 C24H30N2O2 CCN1CC(CCN2CCOCC2)C(C1=O)(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00561 3156 681848 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/doxapram.html 3044 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.318 L/h/kg 5.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.2 L/kg 1.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.1 h 4.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 75.0 mg/kg ~75 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 60.0 mg/kg 40-80 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; dog; cat; DRUGBANK DDPD00562 Benzthiazide 431.937 C15H14ClN3O4S3 NS(=O)(=O)C1=CC2=C(C=C1Cl)N=C(CSCC1=CC=CC=C1)NS2(=O)=O DB00562 T3D2825 2343 3047 2253 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30 % DRUGBANK DDPD00563 Methotrexate 454.4393 C20H22N8O5 CN(CC1=CN=C2N=C(N)N=C(N)C2=N1)C1=CC=C(C=C1)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCC(O)=O)C(O)=O DB00563 T3D2486 126941 44185 http://www.drugs.com/methotrexate.html 112728 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 77.0 % 64-90 % DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70±27 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 499883.23 ng/ml 1.1±0.2 mM subcutaneous injection, SC; patients; DRUGBANK 30901872.4 ng/ml 37-99 mM intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h DRUGBANK 0.9 h 0.9±0.2 h subcutaneous injection, SC; patients; DRUGBANK 0.126 L/h/kg 2.1±0.8 ml/min/kg Children &#8593; ;Children &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;rheumatoid arthritis &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.126 L/h/kg 2.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 L/kg 1.0 L/kg Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.55 L/kg 0.55±0.19 L/kg Children &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.43 L/kg 0.43 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.5 h 3-10 h adults; increasing doses; DRUGBANK 11.5 h 8-15 h adults; increasing doses; DRUGBANK 3.25 h 0.7-5.8 h terminal half-life; Acute leukaemia; Children; patients; DRUGBANK 1.6 h 0.9-2.3 h juvenile idiopathic arthritis; Children; gastroesophageal reflux disease; DRUGBANK 7.2 h 7.2±2.1 h rheumatoid arthritis &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 52.0 h 52 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 3.9 h 3.9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 135.0 mg/kg 135.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 146.0 mg/kg 146.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 43.0 mg/kg 43.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 80.0 % >80 % Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 81.0 % 81±9 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 50.25 % 46.5-54 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 46.0 % 46±11 % DRUGBANK 4.28571428 mg/day 30 mg/week PO, oral Methotrexate Tablets methotrexate PDR 2.85714285 mg/day 20 mg/week PO, oral Methotrexate Tablets methotrexate PDR 15.0 mg 15 mg Methotrexate Tablets methotrexate PDR 30.0 mg/m2 30 mg/m2 Methotrexate Tablets methotrexate PDR 490.0 mg/m2 490 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Methotrexate Tablets methotrexate PDR 1950.0 mg/m2 1950 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Methotrexate Tablets methotrexate PDR 4.28571428571429 mg/day 30 mg/week PO, oral Methotrexate Tablets methotrexate PDR 2.85714285714286 mg/day 20 mg/week PO, oral Methotrexate Tablets methotrexate PDR 15.0 mg 15 mg Methotrexate Tablets methotrexate PDR 30.0 mg/m2 30 mg/m2 Methotrexate Tablets methotrexate PDR 490.0 mg/m2 490 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Methotrexate Tablets methotrexate PDR 1950.0 mg/m2 1950 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Methotrexate Tablets methotrexate PDR DDPD00564 Carbamazepine 236.2686 C15H12N2O NC(=O)N1C2=CC=CC=C2C=CC2=CC=CC=C12 DB00564 T3D2826 2554 3387 http://www.drugs.com/carbamazepine.html 2457 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 80.0 % 75-85 % DRUGBANK 70.0 % >70 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1900.0 ng/ml 1.9±0.3 mcg/ml PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 11000.0 ng/ml 11.0±2.5 mcg/ml Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 9300.0 ng/ml 9.3(2-18) mcg/ml PO, oral; immediate release formulation; adults; epilepsy; DRUGBANK 19.0 h 19±7 h PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 5.9 h 5.9±1.8 h Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 4-8 h PO, oral; immediate release formulation; adults; epilepsy; DRUGBANK 1.5 L/h 25±5 ml/min Total clearance; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 4.8 L/h 80±30 ml/min Total clearance; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 0.9 L/h/kg 13±0.5 ml/min/kg Children &#8594; ;Elderly &#8594; ;Preg, pregnant &#8593; ;Somking &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.05 L/kg 0.7-1.4 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.4 L/kg 1.4±0.4 L/kg Neonates &#8594; ;Children &#8594; ;Elderly &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 37.5 h 35-40 h Single dose; elimination half-life; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 14.5 h 12-17 h Multiple dose; DRUGBANK 31.9 h 27-36.8 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 15.0 h 15±5 h Oral multiple dose; Children &#8594; ;Neonates &#8594; ;Age &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1957.0 mg/kg 1957.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 72.0 % 72 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 28.0 % 28 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 77.5 % 75-80 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 74.0 % 74±3 % Preg, pregnant &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Epitol carbamazepine PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Epitol carbamazepine PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Epitol carbamazepine PDR 1600.0 mg/day 1600 mg/day PO, oral Epitol carbamazepine PDR 1120.0 mg/day 1120 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Epitol carbamazepine PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Epitol carbamazepine PDR 1600.0 mg/day 1600 mg/day PO, oral Epitol carbamazepine PDR 1120.0 mg/day 1120 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Epitol carbamazepine PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Epitol carbamazepine PDR 35.0 mg/kg/day 35 mg/kg/day Tablet,PO,oral Epitol carbamazepine PDR 35.0 mg/kg/day 35 mg/kg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Epitol carbamazepine PDR DDPD00565 Cisatracurium 929.16 C53H72N2O12 COC1=CC2=C(C=C1OC)[C@@H](CC1=CC(OC)=C(OC)C=C1)[N@@+](C)(CCC(=O)OCCCCCOC(=O)CC[N@@+]1(C)CCC3=C(C=C(OC)C(OC)=C3)[C@H]1CC1=CC(OC)=C(OC)C=C1)CC2 DB00565 62886 140621 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cisatracurium.html 56615 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.324 L/h/kg 5.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.14 L/kg 0.14 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.366666666666667 h 22 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 0.42 h 0.42 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD00566 Succimer 182.21 C4H6O4S2 OC(=O)[C@@H](S)[C@@H](S)C(O)=O DB00566 2724354 63623 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/succimer.html 2006502 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 48.0 h 48 h DRUGBANK 5011.0 mg/kg >5011 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 500.0 mg/dose 500 mg/dose PO, oral Chemet succimer PDR 400.0 mg/dose 400 mg/dose PO, oral Chemet succimer PDR 300.0 mg/dose 300 mg/dose PO, oral Chemet succimer PDR 200.0 mg/dose 200 mg/dose PO, oral Chemet succimer PDR 100.0 mg/dose 100 mg/dose PO, oral Chemet succimer PDR 500.0 mg/dose 500 mg/dose PO, oral Chemet succimer PDR 500.0 mg/dose 500 mg/dose PO, oral Chemet succimer PDR 400.0 mg/dose 400 mg/dose PO, oral Chemet succimer PDR 300.0 mg/dose 300 mg/dose PO, oral Chemet succimer PDR 200.0 mg/dose 200 mg/dose PO, oral Chemet succimer PDR 100.0 mg/dose 100 mg/dose PO, oral Chemet succimer PDR DDPD00567 Cephalexin 347.389 C16H17N3O4S [H][C@]12SCC(C)=C(N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)[C@H](N)C1=CC=CC=C1)C(O)=O DB00567 27447 3534 http://www.drugs.com/cephalexin.html 25541 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90±9 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 7700.0 ng/ml 7.7 mcg/ml DRUGBANK 12300.0 ng/ml 12.3 mcg/ml DRUGBANK 28000.0 ng/ml 28±6.4 mcg/ml Oral single dose; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.4 h 1.4±0.8 h Oral single dose; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 22.56 L/h 376.0 ml/min DRUGBANK 0.258 L/h/kg 4.3±1.1 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; adults; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.234 L/h/kg 3.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.5 L 5.2-5.8 L DRUGBANK 0.26 L/kg 0.26±0.03 L/kg normal,healthy; adults; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.21 L/kg 0.21 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.825 h 49.5 min fasting; DRUGBANK 1.275 h 76.5 min food; DRUGBANK 0.9 h 0.90±0.18 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.57 h 0.57 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 91.0 % 91±18 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 12.5 % 10-15 % DRUGBANK 14.0 % 14±3 % DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day PO, oral Keflex cephalexin PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Keflex cephalexin PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Keflex cephalexin PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day PO, oral Keflex cephalexin PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Keflex cephalexin PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Keflex cephalexin PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day PO, oral Keflex cephalexin PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Keflex cephalexin PDR DDPD00568 Cinnarizine 368.5139 C26H28N2 C(C=CC1=CC=CC=C1)N1CCN(CC1)C(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00568 2761 31403 1264793 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00569 Fondaparinux 1508.263 C31H53N3O49S8 CO[C@H]1O[C@H](COS(O)(=O)=O)[C@@H](O[C@@H]2O[C@H]([C@@H](O[C@H]3O[C@H](COS(O)(=O)=O)[C@@H](O[C@@H]4O[C@@H]([C@@H](O[C@H]5O[C@H](COS(O)(=O)=O)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]5NS(O)(=O)=O)[C@H](O)[C@H]4O)C(O)=O)[C@H](OS(O)(=O)=O)[C@H]3NS(O)(=O)=O)[C@H](O)[C@H]2OS(O)(=O)=O)C(O)=O)[C@H](O)[C@H]1NS(O)(=O)=O DB00569 49852292 61033 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/fondaparinux.html 4445600 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 0.0042 L/h/kg 0.07 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 9.0 L 7.0-11 L normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 19.0 h 17-21 h DRUGBANK 19.3 h 19.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 94.0 % 94 % high protein binding; DRUGBANK 2.5 mg/day 2.5 mg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Arixtra fondaparinux sodium PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Arixtra fondaparinux sodium PDR 2.5 mg/day 2.5 mg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Arixtra fondaparinux sodium PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Arixtra fondaparinux sodium PDR DDPD00570 Vinblastine 810.9741 C46H58N4O9 [H][C@@]12N(C)C3=CC(OC)=C(C=C3[C@@]11CCN3CC=C[C@@](CC)([C@@H](OC(C)=O)[C@]2(O)C(=O)OC)[C@@]13[H])[C@]1(C[C@@]2([H])CN(C[C@](O)(CC)C2)CCC2=C1NC1=C2C=CC=C1)C(=O)OC DB00570 T3D4017 13342 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/vinblastine.html 12773 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.186 L/h/kg 3.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 28.0 L/kg 28 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.583333333333333 h 35 min distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 0.883333333333333 h 53 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 19.0 h 19 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 67.0 h 67 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 423.0 mg/kg 423.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 305.0 mg/kg 305.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 423.0 mg/kg 423.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 305.0 mg/kg 305.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 98.5 % 98-99 % DRUGBANK 12.5 mg/m2/day 12.5 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV qw Vinblastine Sulfate vinblastine sulfate PDR 18.5 mg/m2 18.5 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV q2w Vinblastine Sulfate vinblastine sulfate PDR 12.5 mg/m2/day 12.5 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV qw Vinblastine Sulfate vinblastine sulfate PDR 18.5 mg/m2 18.5 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV q2w Vinblastine Sulfate vinblastine sulfate PDR DDPD00571 Propranolol 259.3434 C16H21NO2 CC(C)NCC(O)COC1=CC=CC2=C1C=CC=C2 DB00571 4946 8499 http://www.drugs.com/propranolol.html 4777 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 26.0 % 26±10 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 18.0 ng/ml 18±15 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 52.0 ng/ml 52±51 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 121.0 ng/ml 121±98 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 245.0 ng/ml 245±110 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 49.0 ng/ml 49±8 ng/ml Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 37.0 ng/ml 37±9 ng/ml Oral single dose; Active metabolite; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2(1-4) h PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1.0 h Oral single dose; Active metabolite; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 3.0 L/h/kg 2.7-3.3 L/h/kg Infants; normal BMI &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 48.6 L/h 810.0 ml/min hypertension; adults; DRUGBANK 0.96 L/h/kg 16±5 ml/min/kg  Female, women &#8595; ;Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Obesity &#8595; ;hyperthyroid, HTh &#8593; ;Somking &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.72 L/h/kg 12 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.0 L/kg 4.0 L/kg DRUGBANK 4.3 L/kg 4.3±0.6 L/kg  Female, women &#8594; ;Elderly &#8594; ;Preg, pregnant &#8594; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8593; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;hyperthyroid, HTh &#8593; ;Crohn &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Obesity &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 3.1 L/kg 3.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.0 h ~8 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 3-6 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 3.9 h 3.9±0.4 h  Female, women &#8595; ;Preg, pregnant &#8594; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;Obesity &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Age &#8594; ;Somking &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 3.4 h 3.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 91.0 % 91 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.5 % <0.5 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % DRUGBANK 87.0 % 87±6 % Preg, pregnant &#8593; ; Female, women &#8594; ;Elderly &#8594; ;inflammation &#8593; ;Crohn &#8593; ;Obesity &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 0.25 mg/kg/dose 0.25 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 3.0 mg/dose 3 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 8.0 mg/kg/day 8 mg/kg/day PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 640.0 mg/day 640 mg/day PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 0.25 mg/kg/dose 0.25 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 3.0 mg/dose 3 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 8.0 mg/kg/day 8 mg/kg/day PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 640.0 mg/day 640 mg/day PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 160.0 mg/day 160 mg/day PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 320.0 mg/day 320 mg/day PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 640.0 mg/day 640 mg/day PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 0.25 mg/kg/dose 0.25 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 3.0 mg/dose 3 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 8.0 mg/kg/day 8 mg/kg/day PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 640.0 mg/day 640 mg/day PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 160.0 mg/day 160 mg/day PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 320.0 mg/day 320 mg/day PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 640.0 mg/day 640 mg/day PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 3.4 mg/kg/day 3.4 mg/kg/day PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 16.0 mg/kg/day 16 mg/kg/day PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 0.15 mg/kg/dose 0.15 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 1.0 mg/dose 1 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 3.5 mg/kg/dose 3.5 mg/kg/dose PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 16.0 mg/kg/day 16 mg/kg/day PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 0.15 mg/kg/dose 0.15 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 1.0 mg/dose 1 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 3.5 mg/kg/dose 3.5 mg/kg/dose PO, oral Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR 0.12 mg/kg/dose 0.12 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Propranolol Hydrochloride Tablets propranolol hydrochloride PDR DDPD00572 Atropine 289.3694 C17H23NO3 CN1[C@H]2CC[C@@H]1C[C@@H](C2)OC(=O)C(CO)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00572 174174 78734 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/atropine-drops.html 10194105 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.6 ng/ml 2.6±0.5 ng/ml IM,intramuscular injection; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.15 h 0.15±0.04 h IM,intramuscular injection; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 31.5 % 13-50 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.48 L/h/kg 8±4 ml/min/kg Elderly &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.456 L/h/kg 7.6 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 L/kg 2.0±1.1 L/kg Children &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 3.3 L/kg 3.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3±0.9 h Male, men; DRUGBANK 2.3 h 2.3±0.9 h  Female, women; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5±1.5 h Children &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 4.1 h 4.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 75.0 mg/kg 75.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 31.5 % 13-50 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 57.0 % 57±8 % Urinary excretion; Raceme D/L; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 18.0 % 14-22 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 18.0 % 14-22 % Elderly &#8594; ; DRUGBANK DDPD00573 Fenoprofen 242.2699 C15H14O3 CC(C(O)=O)C1=CC(OC2=CC=CC=C2)=CC=C1 DB00573 3342 5004 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/fenoprofen.html 3225 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50000.0 ng/ml 50.0 mcg/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.036 L/h/kg 0.6 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.1 L/kg 0.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.0 h ~3 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 2.24 h 2.24 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % DRUGBANK 3200.0 mg/day 3200 mg/day PO, oral Nalfon fenoprofen calcium PDR 3200.0 mg/day 3200 mg/day PO, oral Nalfon fenoprofen calcium PDR DDPD00574 Fenfluramine 231.2573 C12H16F3N CCNC(C)CC1=CC=CC(=C1)C(F)(F)F DB00574 3337 5000 3220 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1390.0 ng.h/ml 1390.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; Children; DRUGBANK 71.0 % 68-74 % DRUGBANK 68.0 ng/ml 68.0 ng/ml PO, oral; Children; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4-5 h DRUGBANK 24.8 L/h 24.8 L/h Average clearance; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 11.9 L/kg 11.9 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 20.0 h 20 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; rheumatoid arthritis; DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 5.0 % <5 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 25.0 % <25 % Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % plasma proteins; Plasma Concentration &#8594; ; DRUGBANK DDPD00575 Clonidine 230.094 C9H9Cl2N3 ClC1=CC=CC(Cl)=C1NC1=NCCN1 DB00575 T3D2829 2803 46632 http://www.drugs.com/clonidine.html 2701 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.60678 ng.h/ml 5606.78 pg.h/ml Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 71.0 % 55-87 % Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60.0 % Transdermal preparations; DRUGBANK 0.40072 ng/ml 400.72 pg/ml Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.8 ng/ml 0.8 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.35 ng/ml 0.3-0.4 ng/ml Transdermal preparations; DRUGBANK 1.25 h 1-1.5 h PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2.0 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 72.0 h 72.0 h Transdermal preparations; DRUGBANK 50.0 % <50 % Liver metabolism; Inactive metabolite; DRUGBANK 0.186 L/h/kg 1.9-4.3 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 0.186 L/h/kg 3.1±1.2 ml/min/kg RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.24 L/h/kg 4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.1 L/kg 2.1±0.4 L/kg DRUGBANK 2.1 L/kg 2.1±0.4 L/kg DRUGBANK 3.3 L/kg 3.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 30 min elimination half-life; IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 14.5 h 6-23 h DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12±7 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 7.6 h 7.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 125.0 mg/kg 125.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 150.0 mg/kg 150.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 30.0 mg/kg 30.0 mg/kg PO, oral; dog; DRUGBANK 0.07 mg/kg 70.0 ug/kg Children; DRUGBANK 0.126 mg/kg 126.0 ug/kg  Female, women; DRUGBANK 0.069 mg/kg 69.0 ug/kg Male, men; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 62.0 % 62±11 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 20-40 % DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % DRUGBANK 0.4 mg/day 0.4 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Catapres clonidine hydrochloride PDR 2.4 mg/day 2.4 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Catapres clonidine hydrochloride PDR 0.4 mg/day 0.4 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Catapres clonidine hydrochloride PDR 0.9 mg/day 0.9 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Catapres clonidine hydrochloride PDR 0.9 mg/day 0.9 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Catapres clonidine hydrochloride PDR 2.4 mg/day 2.4 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Catapres clonidine hydrochloride PDR 2.0 patches/week 2 patches/week Transdermal preparations Catapres clonidine hydrochloride PDR 0.6 mg/day 0.6 mg/day Transdermal preparations Catapres clonidine hydrochloride PDR 0.96 mg/day 40 mcg/h epidural administration Catapres clonidine hydrochloride PDR 0.4 mg/day 0.4 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Catapres clonidine hydrochloride PDR 2.4 mg/day 2.4 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Catapres clonidine hydrochloride PDR 2.4 mg/day 2.4 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Catapres clonidine hydrochloride PDR 2.0 patches/week 2 patches/week Transdermal preparations Catapres clonidine hydrochloride PDR 0.6 mg/day 0.6 mg/day Transdermal preparations Catapres clonidine hydrochloride PDR 0.96 mg/day 40 mcg/hour epidural administration Catapres clonidine hydrochloride PDR 0.004 mg/kg 4 mcg/kg PO, oral Catapres clonidine hydrochloride PDR 0.012 mg/kg/day 12 mcg/kg/day PO, oral Catapres clonidine hydrochloride PDR 0.012 mg/kg/day 12 mcg/kg/day PO, oral Catapres clonidine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00576 Sulfamethizole 270.331 C9H10N4O2S2 CC1=NN=C(NS(=O)(=O)C2=CC=C(N)C=C2)S1 DB00576 5328 9331 5137 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.5 h 3-8 h DRUGBANK 98.5 % 98-99 % DRUGBANK DDPD00577 Valaciclovir 324.3357 C13H20N6O4 CC(C)[C@H](N)C(=O)OCCOCN1C=NC2=C1NC(N)=NC2=O DB00577 T3D3542 60773 35854 http://www.drugs.com/valacyclovir.html 54770 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 54.5 % 54.5±9.1 % Oral single dose; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 54.5 % 54.5±9.1 % intravenous injection, IV; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 54.0 % 54(42-73) % PO, oral; Drug form; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 560.0 ng/ml ≤0.56 mcg/ml Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 4800.0 ng/ml 4.8±1.5 mcg/ml Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.9±0.6 h Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 15.3 L/h ~255±86 ml/min normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.34 L/kg 1.34±0.65 L/kg immunocompromised; pediatric patients; DRUGBANK 2.9 h 2.5-3.3 h elimination half-life; normal renal function; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5±0.3 h Metabolite; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 903.5 mg/kg 903.5 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 46.0 % 46 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 47.0 % 47 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 44.0 % 44±10 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 15.7 % 13.5-17.9 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 15.7 % 13.5-17.9 % adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 27.5 % 22-33 % Metabolite; adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Valtrex valacyclovir hydrochloride PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day PO, oral Valtrex valacyclovir hydrochloride PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3 g/day PO, oral Valtrex valacyclovir hydrochloride PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Valtrex valacyclovir hydrochloride PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Valtrex valacyclovir hydrochloride PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Valtrex valacyclovir hydrochloride PDR DDPD00578 Carbenicillin 378.4 C17H18N2O6S [H][C@]12SC(C)(C)[C@@H](N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)C(C(O)=O)C1=CC=CC=C1)C(O)=O DB00578 20824 3393 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/carbenicillin-indanyl.html 19599 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 35.0 % 30-40 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.114 L/h/kg 1.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.17 L/kg 0.17 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3600.0 mg/kg 3600.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg 2000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 500.0 mg/kg 500.0 mg/kg PO, oral; dog; DRUGBANK 45.0 % 30-60 % DRUGBANK DDPD00579 Mazindol 284.74 C16H13ClN2O OC1(N2CCN=C2C2=CC=CC=C12)C1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1 DB00579 T3D2830 4020 6702 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/mazindol.html 3880 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 11.5 h 10-13 h DRUGBANK DDPD00580 Valdecoxib 314.359 C16H14N2O3S CC1=C(C(=NO1)C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=C(C=C1)S(N)(=O)=O DB00580 119607 63634 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/valdecoxib.html 106796 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 83.0 % 83 % DRUGBANK 6.0 L/h 6.0 L/h Total clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.5 L/h 6.0-7 L/h patients; DRUGBANK 0.084 L/h/kg 1.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 86.0 L 86.0 L DRUGBANK 0.75 L/kg 0.75 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 9.5 h 8-11 h DRUGBANK 7.4 h 7.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 % <5 % Urinary excretion; Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % DRUGBANK DDPD00581 Lactulose 342.2965 C12H22O11 OC[C@H]1O[C@](O)(CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O[C@@H]1O[C@H](CO)[C@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]1O DB00581 11333 6359 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/lactulose-crystals.html 10856 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.0 % 3 % DRUGBANK 48.8 ml/kg 48.8 mL/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 30.0 ml/kg >30 mL/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD00582 Voriconazole 349.3105 C16H14F3N5O C[C@@H](C1=NC=NC=C1F)[C@](O)(CN1C=NC=N1)C1=C(F)C=C(F)C=C1 DB00582 71616 10023 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/voriconazole.html 64684 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 96.0 % 96 % DRUGBANK 96.0 % 96.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2356.0 ng/ml 2356.0 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3621.0 ng/ml 3621.0 ng/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.228 L/h/kg 3.8 ml/min/kg at steady state; hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.498 L/h/kg 8.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.6 L/kg 4.6 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.6 L/kg 1.6 L/kg at steady state; DRUGBANK 2.2 L/kg 2.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.7 h 6.7 h DRUGBANK 5.6 h 5.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 % <2 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 2.0 % <2 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 58.0 % 58 % DRUGBANK 58.0 % 58 % DRUGBANK 12.0 mg/kg/day 12 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV VFEND voriconazole PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral VFEND voriconazole PDR 18.0 mg/kg/day 18 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral; VFEND voriconazole PDR 700.0 mg/day 700 mg/day PO, oral VFEND voriconazole PDR 18.0 mg/kg/day 18 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral; VFEND voriconazole PDR 700.0 mg/day 700 mg/day PO, oral VFEND voriconazole PDR 18.0 mg/kg/day 18 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral; VFEND voriconazole PDR 12.0 mg/kg/day 12 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV VFEND voriconazole PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral VFEND voriconazole PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral VFEND voriconazole PDR 12.0 mg/kg/day 12 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV VFEND voriconazole PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral VFEND voriconazole PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral VFEND voriconazole PDR 12.0 mg/kg/day 12 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV VFEND voriconazole PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral VFEND voriconazole PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral VFEND voriconazole PDR 12.0 mg/kg/day 12 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV VFEND voriconazole PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral VFEND voriconazole PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral VFEND voriconazole PDR 12.0 mg/kg/day 12 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV VFEND voriconazole PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral VFEND voriconazole PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral VFEND voriconazole PDR 18.0 mg/kg/day 18 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV VFEND voriconazole PDR 18.0 mg/kg/day 18 mg/kg/day PO, oral VFEND voriconazole PDR 700.0 mg/day 700 mg/day PO, oral VFEND voriconazole PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral VFEND voriconazole PDR 12.0 mg/kg/day 12 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV VFEND voriconazole PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral VFEND voriconazole PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral VFEND voriconazole PDR 12.0 mg/kg/day 12 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV VFEND voriconazole PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral VFEND voriconazole PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral VFEND voriconazole PDR 18.0 mg/kg/day 18 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral; VFEND voriconazole PDR 18.0 mg/kg/day 18 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV VFEND voriconazole PDR 8.0 mg/kg/day 8 mg/kg/day PO, oral VFEND voriconazole PDR DDPD00583 Levocarnitine 161.1989 C7H15NO3 C[N+](C)(C)C[C@H](O)CC([O-])=O DB00583 T3D2832 10917 16347 10455 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 15.0 % 15 % Tablet, PO, oral; Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 3.3 h 3.3 h Tablet, PO, oral; Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 4.0 L/h 4.0 L/h Total clearance; DRUGBANK 29.0 L 29.0±7.1 L Steady state volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 17.4 h 17.4 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 8000.0 mg/kg 8.0 g/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 73.1 % 73.1±16 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 3000.0 mg/day 3 g/day PO, oral Carnitor Oral Solution, Tablets, and SF Sugar-Free Oral Solution levocarnitine PDR 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day PO, oral Carnitor Oral Solution, Tablets, and SF Sugar-Free Oral Solution levocarnitine PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3 g/day PO, oral Carnitor Oral Solution, Tablets, and SF Sugar-Free Oral Solution levocarnitine PDR 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day PO, oral Carnitor Oral Solution, Tablets, and SF Sugar-Free Oral Solution levocarnitine PDR DDPD00584 Enalapril 376.4467 C20H28N2O5 CCOC(=O)[C@H](CCC1=CC=CC=C1)N[C@@H](C)C(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C(O)=O DB00584 5388962 4784 http://www.drugs.com/enalapril.html 4534998 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 41.0 % 41±15 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 69.0 ng/ml 69±37 ng/ml PO, oral; young; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3.0±1.6 h PO, oral; young; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 96.0 h 4 day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % DRUGBANK 9.48 L/h ~158±47 ml/min Renal clearance; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.294 L/h/kg 4.9±1.5 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; Oral multiple dose;  Female, women &#8594; ;Neonates &#8595; ;Children &#8593; ;Elderly &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;congestive heart disease &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 1.7 L/kg 1.7±0.7 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 36.5 h 35-38 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 12.5 h 11-14 h effective half-life; Multiple dose; DRUGBANK 11.0 h 11.0 h at steady state; Multiple dose; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 61.0 % ~61 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 33.0 % ~33 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 88.0 % 88±7 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; Unchanged drug; Hepatitis, Hep &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 50.0 % <50 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 55.0 % 50-60 % DRUGBANK DDPD00585 Nizatidine 331.45 C12H21N5O2S2 CNC(NCCSCC1=CSC(CN(C)C)=N1)=C[N+]([O-])=O DB00585 3033637 7601 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/nizatidine.html 4356 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 70.0 % >70 % DRUGBANK 7.0 % <7 % Liver metabolism; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 50.0 L/h 40-60 L/h DRUGBANK 10.5 L/h 7.0-14 L/h renal insufficiency; patients; DRUGBANK 0.588 L/h/kg 9.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.15 L/kg 0.8-1.5 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.0 L/kg 1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 301.0 mg/kg 301.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 35.0 % 35 % DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Nizatidine Capsules nizatidine PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Nizatidine Capsules nizatidine PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Nizatidine Capsules nizatidine PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Nizatidine Capsules nizatidine PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Nizatidine Capsules nizatidine PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Nizatidine Capsules nizatidine PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day PO, oral Nizatidine Capsules nizatidine PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day PO, oral Nizatidine Capsules nizatidine PDR DDPD00586 Diclofenac 296.149 C14H11Cl2NO2 OC(=O)CC1=CC=CC=C1NC1=C(Cl)C=CC=C1Cl DB00586 T3D4729 3033 47381 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/diclofenac-drops.html 2925 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 54.0 % 54±2 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2000.0 ng/ml 2.0(1.4-3.0) mcg/ml Tablet, PO, oral; extended release formulation; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 420.0 ng/ml 0.42±0.17 mcg/ml Tablet, PO, oral; Sustained Release formulation; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.42 h 0.17-0.67 h Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 1.75 h 1.5-2 h Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 7.25 h 2.5-12 h PO, oral; food; food &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5(1.0-4.5) h Tablet, PO, oral; extended release formulation; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 5.3 h 5.3±1.5 h Tablet, PO, oral; Sustained Release formulation; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 16.0 L/h 16.0 L/h Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.252 L/h/kg 4.2±0.9 ml/min/kg Urinary excretion; Bile excretion; Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;rheumatoid arthritis &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.21 L/h/kg 3.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.15 L/kg 0.1-0.2 L/kg Total volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.17 L/kg 0.17±0.11 L/kg rheumatoid arthritis &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.22 L/kg 0.22 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 h ~2 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 29.4 h 25.8-33 h Metabolite; DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1±0.2 h rheumatoid arthritis &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.4 h 1.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 390.0 mg/kg 390.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 65.0 % 60-70 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.7 % >99.7 % DRUGBANK 99.5 % >99.5 % DRUGBANK 2.0 patches/day 2 patches/day skin/dermal Zipsor diclofenac potassium PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Zipsor diclofenac potassium PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Zipsor diclofenac potassium PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Zipsor diclofenac potassium PDR 125.0 mg/day 125 mg/day PO, oral Zipsor diclofenac potassium PDR 32000.0 mg/day 32 g/day gel Zipsor diclofenac potassium PDR 16000.0 mg/day 16 g/day gel Zipsor diclofenac potassium PDR 8000.0 mg/day 8 g/day gel Zipsor diclofenac potassium PDR 160.0 drops/knee/day 160 drops/knee/day skin/dermal Zipsor diclofenac potassium PDR 2.0 patches/day 2 patches/day skin/dermal Zipsor diclofenac potassium PDR 2.0 patches/day 2 patches/day skin/dermal Zipsor diclofenac potassium PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Zipsor diclofenac potassium PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Zipsor diclofenac potassium PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Zipsor diclofenac potassium PDR 125.0 mg/day 125 mg/day PO, oral Zipsor diclofenac potassium PDR 32000.0 mg/day 32 g/day gel Zipsor diclofenac potassium PDR 16000.0 mg/day 16 g/day gel Zipsor diclofenac potassium PDR 8000.0 mg/day 8 g/day gel Zipsor diclofenac potassium PDR 160.0 drops/knee/day 160 drops/knee/day skin/dermal Zipsor diclofenac potassium PDR 2.0 patches/day 2 patches/day skin/dermal Zipsor diclofenac potassium PDR DDPD00588 Fluticasone propionate 500.571 C25H31F3O5S [H][C@@]12C[C@@H](C)[C@](OC(=O)CC)(C(=O)SCF)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1(F)[C@@]2([H])C[C@H](F)C2=CC(=O)C=C[C@]12C DB00588 444036 31441 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/fluticasone-furoate-spray.html 392059 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.0 % <2 % inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 9.0 % 9 % inhalation, IH; Caucasian; Male, men; DRUGBANK 62.34 L/h 1093.0 ml/min DRUGBANK 63.9 L/h 63.9 L/h intravenous injection, IV; Caucasian; Male, men; DRUGBANK 1.02 L/h/kg 17 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.2 L/kg 4.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 557.0 L 557.0 L at steady state; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; Caucasian; Male, men; DRUGBANK 3.6 L/kg 3.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.8 h 7.8 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 14.0 h 14 h intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; Caucasian; Male, men; DRUGBANK 10.8 h 10.8 h inhalation, IH; normal,healthy; Caucasian; Male, men; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 % <5 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % DRUGBANK 91.0 % 91 % nasal spray; DRUGBANK 2.0 application/day 2 application/day skin ointment bid Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 1.0 application/day 1 application/day skin/dermal Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 0.11 mg/day 110 mcg/day nasal spray Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 0.2 mg/day 200 mcg/day nasal spray Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 2.0 mg/day 2000 mcg/day inhalation, IH Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 0.464 mg/day 464 mcg/day inhalation, IH Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 0.2 mg/day 200 mcg/day inhalation, IH Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 1.76 mg/day 1760 mcg/day inhalation, IH Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 2.0 application/day 2 application/day skin ointment bid Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 1.0 application/day 1 application/day skin/dermal Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 0.11 mg/day 110 mcg/day nasal spray Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 0.2 mg/day 200 mcg/day nasal spray Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 0.744 mg/day 744 mcg/day nasal spray Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 2.0 mg/day 2000 mcg/day inhalation, IH Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 0.464 mg/day 464 mcg/day inhalation, IH Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 0.2 mg/day 200 mcg/day inhalation, IH Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 1.76 mg/day 1760 mcg/day inhalation, IH Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 2.0 application/day 2 application/day skin ointment bid Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 1.0 application/day 1 application/day skin/dermal Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 0.11 mg/day 110 mcg/day nasal spray Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 0.2 mg/day 200 mcg/day nasal spray Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 0.744 mg/day 744 mcg/day nasal spray Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 2.0 mg/day 2000 mcg/day inhalation, IH Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 0.464 mg/day 464 mcg/day inhalation, IH Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 0.2 mg/day 200 mcg/day inhalation, IH Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 1.76 mg/day 1760 mcg/day inhalation, IH Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 2.0 appLication/day 2 appLication/day skin ointment bid Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 1.0 appLication/day 1 appLication/day skin/dermal Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 0.11 mg/day 110 mcg/day nasal spray Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 0.2 mg/day 200 mcg/day nasal spray Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 2.0 mg/day 2000 mcg/day inhalation, IH Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 0.464 mg/day 464 mcg/day inhalation, IH Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 0.2 mg/day 200 mcg/day inhalation, IH Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 1.76 mg/day 1760 mcg/day inhalation, IH Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 2.0 appLication/day 2 appLication/day skin ointment bid Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 1.0 appLication/day 1 appLication/day skin/dermal Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 0.055 mg/day 55 mcg/day nasal spray Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 0.2 mg/day 200 mcg/day nasal spray Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 0.2 mg/day 200 mcg/day inhalation, IH Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 0.4 mg/day 400 mcg/day inhalation, IH Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 0.176 mg/day 176 mcg/day inhalation, IH Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 0.352 mg/day 352 mcg/day inhalation, IH Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 0.05 mg/day 50 mcg/day inhalation, IH Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 2.0 appLication/day 2 appLication/day skin ointment bid Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 1.0 appLication/day 1 appLication/day skin/dermal Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 0.055 mg/day 55 mcg/day nasal spray Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 0.2 mg/day 200 mcg/day nasal spray Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 0.2 mg/day 200 mcg/day inhalation, IH Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 400.0 400 inhalation, IH Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 0.176 mg/day 176 mcg/day inhalation, IH Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 0.352 mg/day 352 mcg/day inhalation, IH Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 2.0 appLication/day 2 appLication/day skin ointment bid Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 1.0 appLication/day 1 appLication/day skin/dermal Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 0.055 mg/day 55 mcg/day nasal spray Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 2.0 appLication/day 2 appLication/day skin ointment bid Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 1.0 appLication/day 1 appLication/day skin/dermal Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 2.0 application/day 2 application/day skin ointment bid Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR 1.0 application/day 1 application/day skin/dermal Cutivate Lotion fluticasone propionate PDR DDPD00589 Lisuride 338.4466 C20H26N4O [H][C@@]12CC3=CNC4=CC=CC(=C34)C1=C[C@@H](CN2C)NC(=O)N(CC)CC DB00589 28864 51164 26847 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.798 L/h/kg 13.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.73 L/kg 1.73 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 15.0 % ~15 % DRUGBANK DDPD00590 Doxazosin 451.4751 C23H25N5O5 COC1=C(OC)C=C2C(N)=NC(=NC2=C1)N1CCN(CC1)C(=O)C1COC2=CC=CC=C2O1 DB00590 3157 4708 http://www.drugs.com/doxazosin.html 3045 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 65.0 % 60-70 % DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h DRUGBANK 0.09 L/h/kg ~1-2 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 0.096 L/h/kg 1.6 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.45 L/kg 1.0-1.9 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.3 L/kg 1.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.5 h 9-12 h elimination half-life; different study; DRUGBANK 22.0 h 22 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 10.0 h 10 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/kg >1000 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 63.0 % 63 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 9.0 % ~9 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 5.0 % ~5 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 98.0 % ~98 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 16.0 mg/day 16 mg/day PO, oral Cardura doxazosin mesylate PDR 8.0 mg/day 8 mg/day PO, oral Cardura doxazosin mesylate PDR 16.0 mg/day 16 mg/day PO, oral Cardura doxazosin mesylate PDR 8.0 mg/day 8 mg/day PO, oral Cardura doxazosin mesylate PDR DDPD00591 Fluocinolone acetonide 452.4882 C24H30F2O6 [H][C@@]12C[C@@]3([H])[C@]4([H])C[C@H](F)C5=CC(=O)C=C[C@]5(C)[C@@]4(F)[C@@H](O)C[C@]3(C)[C@@]1(OC(C)(C)O2)C(=O)CO DB00591 6215 31623 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/fluocinolone-acetonide-implant.html 5980 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.3-1.7 h DRUGBANK 4.0 application/day 4 application/day Retisert fluocinolone acetonide PDR 2.0 application/day 2 application/day Retisert fluocinolone acetonide PDR 4.0 application/day 4 application/day skin/dermal Retisert fluocinolone acetonide PDR 3.0 application/day 3 application/day skin/dermal Retisert fluocinolone acetonide PDR 30.0 ml/day 30 ml/day skin/dermal Retisert fluocinolone acetonide PDR 1.0 implant/30 months 1 implant/30 months subdermal implant Retisert fluocinolone acetonide PDR 1.0 implant/30 months 1 implant/30 months subdermal implant Retisert fluocinolone acetonide PDR 4.0 application/day 4 application/day skin/dermal Retisert fluocinolone acetonide PDR 3.0 application/day 3 application/day skin/dermal Retisert fluocinolone acetonide PDR 1.0 ounce/day 1 ounce/day skin/dermal Retisert fluocinolone acetonide PDR 30.0 ml/day 30 ml/day skin/dermal Retisert fluocinolone acetonide PDR 1.0 implant/30 months 1 implant/30 months subdermal implant Retisert fluocinolone acetonide PDR 1.0 implant/30 months 1 implant/30 months subdermal implant Retisert fluocinolone acetonide PDR 4.0 appLication/day 4 appLication/day Retisert fluocinolone acetonide PDR 2.0 appLication/day 2 appLication/day Retisert fluocinolone acetonide PDR 2.0 appLication/day 2 appLication/day Retisert fluocinolone acetonide PDR DDPD00592 Piperazine 86.1356 C4H10N2 C1CNCCN1 DB00592 4837 28568 http://www.drugs.com/cons/piperazine.html 13835459 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg 5.0 g/kg PO, oral; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 65.0 % 60-70 % DRUGBANK DDPD00593 Ethosuximide 141.1677 C7H11NO2 CCC1(C)CC(=O)NC1=O DB00593 T3D2834 3291 4887 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ethosuximide.html 3175 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 53.0 h 53 h DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/day 1.5 g/day PO, oral Zarontin Oral Solution ethosuximide PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1.5 g/day PO, oral Zarontin Oral Solution ethosuximide PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1.5 g/day PO, oral Zarontin Oral Solution ethosuximide PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1.5 g/day PO, oral Zarontin Oral Solution ethosuximide PDR DDPD00594 Amiloride 229.627 C6H8ClN7O NC(=N)NC(=O)C1=NC(Cl)=C(N)N=C1N DB00594 16231 2639 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/amiloride.html 15403 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 7.5 h 6-9 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 56.0 mg/kg 56.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 60.5 mg/kg 36-85 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 40.0 % ~40 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 0.625 mg/kg/day 0.625 mg/kg/day PO, oral Midamor amiloride hydrochloride PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Midamor amiloride hydrochloride PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Midamor amiloride hydrochloride PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Midamor amiloride hydrochloride PDR 0.625 mg/kg/day 0.625 mg/kg/day PO, oral Midamor amiloride hydrochloride PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Midamor amiloride hydrochloride PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Midamor amiloride hydrochloride PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Midamor amiloride hydrochloride PDR DDPD00595 Oxytetracycline 460.434 C22H24N2O9 [H][C@@]12[C@@H](O)[C@@]3([H])C(C(=O)C4=C(C=CC=C4O)[C@@]3(C)O)=C(O)[C@]1(O)C(=O)C(C(N)=O)=C(O)[C@H]2N(C)C DB00595 T3D3953 54675779 27701 10482174 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.12 L/h/kg 2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.7 L/kg 1.7 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.0 h 10 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD00596 Ulobetasol 428.9 C22H27ClF2O4 [H][C@@]12C[C@H](C)[C@](O)(C(=O)CCl)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1(F)[C@@]2([H])C[C@H](F)C2=CC(=O)C=C[C@]12C DB00596 5311167 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/halobetasol-cream.html 4470691 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7142.85714285 mg/day 50 g/week Bryhali halobetasol propionate PDR 7142.85714285714 mg/day 50 g/week skin/dermal Bryhali halobetasol propionate PDR 7142.85714285714 mg/day 50 g/week skin/dermal Bryhali halobetasol propionate PDR 7142.85714285714 mg/day 50 g/week skin/dermal Bryhali halobetasol propionate PDR DDPD00597 Gadoteridol 558.68 C17H29GdN4O7 [Gd+3].CC(O)CN1CCN(CC([O-])=O)CCN(CC([O-])=O)CCN(CC([O-])=O)CC1 DB00597 60714 31643 54719 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.09 L/h/kg 1.50±0.35 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 0.0846 L/h/kg 1.41±0.33 ml/min/kg Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.09 L/h/kg 1.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.204 L/kg 204±58 mL/kg DRUGBANK 0.2 L/kg 0.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.2 h 12 min distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 1.66666666666667 h 100 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 1.6 h 1.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 94.4 % 94.4±4.8 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD00598 Labetalol 328.4055 C19H24N2O3 CC(CCC1=CC=CC=C1)NCC(O)C1=CC(C(N)=O)=C(O)C=C1 DB00598 T3D3517 3869 6343 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/labetalol.html 3734 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 48.5 % 11-86 % PO, oral; Age; food; Age &#8593; ;food &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.665 h 0.33-1 h DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h DRUGBANK 90.0 L/h ~1500 ml/min Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 66.0 L/h 1100.0 ml/min Total clearance; DRUGBANK 1.38 L/h/kg 23 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 805.0 L 805.0 L patients; DRUGBANK 467.5 L 188-747 L hypertension; patients; DRUGBANK 4.8 L/kg 4.8 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.9 h 1.7-6.1 h DRUGBANK 4.4 h 4.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 600.0 mg/kg 600.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 55.0 mg/kg 50-60 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 66.0 mg/kg 66.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; parenteral administration; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 57.5 % 55-60 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 19.5 % 12-27 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % DRUGBANK 1.0 mg/kg/dose 1 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Labetalol Hydrochloride Injection labetalol hydrochloride PDR 40.0 mg/dose 40 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Labetalol Hydrochloride Injection labetalol hydrochloride PDR 72.0 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/hour intravenous infusion, iv in drop Labetalol Hydrochloride Injection labetalol hydrochloride PDR 2400.0 mg/day 2400 mg/day PO, oral Labetalol Hydrochloride Injection labetalol hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Labetalol Hydrochloride Injection labetalol hydrochloride PDR 1.0 mg/kg/dose 1 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Labetalol Hydrochloride Injection labetalol hydrochloride PDR 40.0 mg/dose 40 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Labetalol Hydrochloride Injection labetalol hydrochloride PDR 0.125 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/hour intravenous infusion, iv in drop Labetalol Hydrochloride Injection labetalol hydrochloride PDR 2400.0 mg/day 2400 mg/day PO, oral Labetalol Hydrochloride Injection labetalol hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Labetalol Hydrochloride Injection labetalol hydrochloride PDR DDPD00599 Thiopental 242.338 C11H18N2O2S CCCC(C)C1(CC)C(=O)NC(=S)NC1=O DB00599 T3D2835 3000715 102166 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/thiopental.html 2272258 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.492 L/h/kg 8.2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.2 L/kg 1.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.5 h 3-8 h DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 50.6 mg/kg 50.6 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~80 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD00600 Monobenzone 200.2332 C13H12O2 OC1=CC=C(OCC2=CC=CC=C2)C=C1 DB00600 7638 34380 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/monobenzone-topical.html 7356 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00601 Linezolid 337.3461 C16H20FN3O4 CC(=O)NC[C@H]1CN(C(=O)O1)C1=CC(F)=C(C=C1)N1CCOCC1 DB00601 T3D2675 441401 63607 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/linezolid.html 390139 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 16000.0 ng/ml 16±4 mcg/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 15000.0 ng/ml 15±3 mcg/ml intravenous injection, IV; gram-positive infection; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.4 h 1.4±0.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.126 L/h/kg 2.1±0.8 ml/min/kg Children &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.108 L/h/kg 1.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 45.0 L 40-50 L normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 0.64 L/kg 0.57-0.71 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.58 L/kg 0.58 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 4.5-5.5 h DRUGBANK 5.2 h 5.2±1.7 h Children &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 35.0 % 35 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 31.0 % 31 % DRUGBANK 31.0 % 31 % DRUGBANK 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Zyvox linezolid PDR 10.0 mg/kg 10 mg/kg PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; q8h Zyvox linezolid PDR 600.0 mg 600 mg PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; q8h Zyvox linezolid PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Zyvox linezolid PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Zyvox linezolid PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Zyvox linezolid PDR 10.0 mg/kg 10 mg/kg PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; q8h Zyvox linezolid PDR 10.0 mg/kg 10 mg/kg PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; q8h Zyvox linezolid PDR DDPD00602 Ivermectin 1736.1589 C95H146O28 CO[C@H]1C[C@@H](O[C@@H](C)[C@@H]1O)O[C@H]1[C@H](C)O[C@H](C[C@@H]1OC)O[C@H]1[C@@H](C)\C=C\C=C2/CO[C@@H]3[C@H](O)C(C)=C[C@@H](C(=O)O[C@H]4C[C@@H](C\C=C1/C)O[C@@]1(CC[C@H](C)[C@@H](C(C)C)O1)C4)[C@]23O.CC[C@@H](C)[C@H]1O[C@@]2(CC[C@@H]1C)O[C@@H]1C\C=C(C)\[C@@H](O[C@@H]3O[C@@H](C)[C@H](O[C@@H]4O[C@@H](C)[C@H](O)[C@@H](OC)C4)[C@@H](OC)C3)[C@@H](C)\C=C\C=C3/CO[C@@H]4[C@H](O)C(C)=C[C@@H](C(=O)O[C@@H](C1)C2)[C@]34O DB00602 T3D4996 46936176 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ivermectin.html 30776735 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 38.2 ng/ml 38.2±5.8 ng/ml onchocerciasis; DRUGBANK 4.7 h 4.7±0.5 h onchocerciasis; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.1236 L/h/kg 2.06±0.81 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 3.25 L/kg 3-3.5 L/kg DRUGBANK 2.06 L/kg 2.06±0.81 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 16.0 h 16 h DRUGBANK 25.0 h 22-28 h different study; DRUGBANK 56.5 h 56.5±7.5 h terminal half-life; Male, men;  Female, women; patients; onchocerciasis; DRUGBANK 29.5 mg/kg 29.5 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/kg 10.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 29.5 mg/kg 29.5 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/kg 10.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 29.5 mg/kg 29.5 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/kg 10.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; onchocerciasis; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93 % DRUGBANK 93.1 % 93.1±0.2 % onchocerciasis; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.0 oz/topical application 4 oz/topical application skin/dermal Sklice ivermectin PDR 4.0 oz/topical application 4 oz/topical application skin/dermal Sklice ivermectin PDR 0.175 mg/kg 175 mcg/kg PO, oral Sklice ivermectin PDR 0.4 mg/kg 400 mcg/kg PO, oral Sklice ivermectin PDR 4.0 oz/topicaL appLication 4 oz/topicaL appLication skin/dermal Sklice ivermectin PDR 175.0 mcg/kg/dose 175 mcg/kg/dose PO, oral Sklice ivermectin PDR 4.0 oz/topical application 4 oz/topical application skin/dermal Sklice ivermectin PDR 0.175 mg/kg/dose 175 mcg/kg/dose PO, oral Sklice ivermectin PDR 4.0 oz/topical application 4 oz/topical application skin/dermal Sklice ivermectin PDR 175.0 mcg/kg/dose 175 mcg/kg/dose PO, oral Sklice ivermectin PDR 4.0 oz/topicaL appLication 4 oz/topicaL appLication skin/dermal Sklice ivermectin PDR DDPD00603 Medroxyprogesterone acetate 386.5244 C24H34O4 [H][C@@]12CC[C@](OC(C)=O)(C(C)=O)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])C[C@H](C)C2=CC(=O)CC[C@]12C DB00603 T3D4730 6279 6716 http://www.drugs.com/medroxyprogesterone.html 6043 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 487.8904239 ng.h/ml 543.4-1981.1 nmol.h/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 756.783853248 ng.h/ml 81.58±27.64 nmol.day/L IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 670.326075456 ng.h/ml 72.26±38.73 nmol.day/L subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 88.900612 ng/ml 145-315 nmol/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 40.7783242 ng/ml 33-178 nmol/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.812799436 ng/ml 4.69±1.52 nmol/L IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 1.480388452 ng/ml 3.83±1.56 nmol/L subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 1-3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 1.5-3.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 114.0 h 4.75±2.09 day IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 156.48 h 6.52±2.07 day subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 0.9125 L/h/kg 21.9±4.3 L/kg/day Average clearance; DRUGBANK 62.5 L/h 1600-4000 L/day Average clearance; patients; DRUGBANK 20.0 L 20±3 L DRUGBANK 0.375 h 15-30 min distribution half-life; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 50.0 h 40-60 h elimination half-life; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 20.64 h 0.86±0.30 day distribution half-life; IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 576.72 h 24.03±21.74 day elimination half-life; IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 25.2 h 1.05±0.56 day distribution half-life; subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 741.6 h 30.90±15.11 day elimination half-life; subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 6400.0 mg/kg >6400 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 16000.0 mg/kg >16 g/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 900.0 mg/kg >900 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/kg >1500 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 900.0 mg/kg >900 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/kg >1500 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 86.0 % 86 % DRUGBANK DDPD00604 Cisapride 465.945 C23H29ClFN3O4 CO[C@H]1CN(CCCOC2=CC=C(F)C=C2)CC[C@H]1NC(=O)C1=CC(Cl)=C(N)C=C1OC DB00604 T3D2836 6917698 3720 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/cisapride.html 5292927 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 37.5 % 35-40 % DRUGBANK 0.09 L/h/kg 1.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.2 L/kg 1.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 9.0 h 6-12 h DRUGBANK 11.7 h 11.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 97.5 % 97.5 % DRUGBANK DDPD00605 Sulindac 356.411 C20H17FO3S CC1=C(CC(O)=O)C2=CC(F)=CC=C2\C1=C/C1=CC=C(C=C1)S(C)=O DB00605 1548887 9352 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/sulindac.html 1265915 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.0872 L/h 68.12±27.56 ml/min Renal clearance; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 7.8 h 7.8 h DRUGBANK 16.4 h 16.4 h DRUGBANK 264.0 mg/kg 264.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 93.0 % ~93 % human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Sulindac sulindac PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Sulindac sulindac PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Sulindac sulindac PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Sulindac sulindac PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Sulindac sulindac PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Sulindac sulindac PDR DDPD00606 Cyclothiazide 389.878 C14H16ClN3O4S2 NS(=O)(=O)C1=C(Cl)C=C2NC(NS(=O)(=O)C2=C1)C1CC2CC1C=C2 DB00606 2910 31448 2807 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 10000.0 mg/kg >10000 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 4000.0 mg/kg >4000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD00607 Nafcillin 414.475 C21H22N2O5S [H][C@]12SC(C)(C)[C@@H](N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)C1=C(OCC)C=CC2=CC=CC=C12)C(O)=O DB00607 8982 7447 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/nafcillin.html 8634 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 30000.0 ng/ml 30.0 ug/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.0833333333333333 h 5 min intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 30.0 % <30 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 0.198 L/h/kg 3.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.22 L/kg 0.22 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.783333333333333 h 33-61 min elimination half-life; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.7 h 0.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/kg >1000 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 89.9 % 89.9±1.5 % DRUGBANK 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day IM,intramuscular injection Nafcillin nafcillin PDR 200.0 mg/kg/day 200 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Nafcillin nafcillin PDR 50.0 mg/kg/day 50 mg/kg/day IM,intramuscular injection Nafcillin nafcillin PDR 200.0 mg/kg/day 200 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Nafcillin nafcillin PDR 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Nafcillin nafcillin PDR 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Nafcillin nafcillin PDR 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Nafcillin nafcillin PDR 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day IM,intramuscular injection Nafcillin nafcillin PDR 200.0 mg/kg/day 200 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Nafcillin nafcillin PDR 50.0 mg/kg/day 50 mg/kg/day IM,intramuscular injection Nafcillin nafcillin PDR 200.0 mg/kg/day 200 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Nafcillin nafcillin PDR 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Nafcillin nafcillin PDR 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Nafcillin nafcillin PDR 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Nafcillin nafcillin PDR 50.0 mg/kg/day 50 mg/kg/day IM,intramuscular injection Nafcillin nafcillin PDR 200.0 mg/kg/day 200 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Nafcillin nafcillin PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day IM,intramuscular injection Nafcillin nafcillin PDR 200.0 mg/kg/day 200 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Nafcillin nafcillin PDR 150.0 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Nafcillin nafcillin PDR 150.0 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Nafcillin nafcillin PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Nafcillin nafcillin PDR DDPD00608 Chloroquine 319.872 C18H26ClN3 CCN(CC)CCCC(C)NC1=CC=NC2=CC(Cl)=CC=C12 DB00608 T3D2561 2719 3638 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/chloroquine.html 2618 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 77.0 % 52-102 % Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 90.5 % 67-114 % Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~80 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 975.0 ng/ml 650-1300 ug/L intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 96.5 ng/ml 65-128 ug/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 76.0 ng/ml 76±14 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 268.5 ng/ml 57-480 ng/ml IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 837.0 ng/ml 837±248 ng/ml adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.6 h 3.6±2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.25 h 0.25 h IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 0.675 L/h/kg 0.35-1 L/h/kg Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.501 L/h/kg 3.7-13 ml/min/kg Average clearance; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.246 L/h/kg 4.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 500.0 L/kg 200-800 L/kg DRUGBANK 196.5 L/kg 132-261 L/kg Average volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 140.0 L/kg 140 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 960.0 h 20-60 day DRUGBANK 408.0 h 10-24 day intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 984.0 h 41±14 day DRUGBANK 360.0 h 15±6 day Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 570.0 h 570 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 55.0 % 52-58 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 46-74 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 66.6 % 66.6±3.3 % Optical rotation S; DRUGBANK 42.7 % 42.7±2.1 % Optical rotation R; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 16.6 mg/kg 16.6 mg/kg PO, oral Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 10.0 mg/kg/dose 10 mg base/kg/dose PO, oral Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 1000.0 mg 1000 mg PO, oral Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 600.0 mg base 600 mg base PO, oral Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 41.5 mg/kg 41.5 mg/kg PO, oral; in 48 hours Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 25.0 mg/kg 25 mg/kg base PO, oral; in 48 hours Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 2500.0 mg 2.5 g PO, oral; in 48 hours Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 1500.0 mg base 1.5 g base PO, oral; in 48 hours Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 1.18571428 mg/kg/day 8.3 mg/kg/week PO, oral Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 0.7142857 mg/kg/day 5 mg base/kg/week PO, oral Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 71.42857142 mg/day 500 mg/week PO, oral Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 0.14285714 mg/day 300 mg base/week PO, oral Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 1000.0 mg/dose 1000 mg/dose PO, oral Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 600.0 mg base/dose 600 mg base/dose PO, oral Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 2500.0 mg 2.5 g PO, oral; in 48 hours Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 1.5 g base 1.5 g base PO, oral; in 48 hours Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 71.4285714285714 mg/day 500 mg/week PO, oral Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 300.0 mg base/week 300 mg base/week PO, oral Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 600.0 mg base/day 600 mg base/day PO, oral Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 16.6 mg/kg 16.6 mg/kg PO, oral Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 10.0 mg base/kg/dose 10 mg base/kg/dose PO, oral Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 1000.0 mg 1000 mg PO, oral Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 600.0 mg base 600 mg base PO, oral Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 41.5 mg/kg 41.5 mg/kg PO, oral; in 48 hours Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 25.0 mg/kg base 25 mg/kg base PO, oral; in 48 hours Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 1250.0 mg/day 2.5 g PO, oral; in 48 hours Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 750.0 mg base/day 1.5 g base PO, oral; in 48 hours Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 1.18571428571429 mg/kg/day 8.3 mg/kg/week PO, oral Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 0.714285714285714 mg base/kg/day 5 mg base/kg/week PO, oral Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 71.4285714285714 mg/day 500 mg/week PO, oral Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 300.0 mg base/week 300 mg base/week PO, oral Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 1000.0 mg/dose 1000 mg/dose PO, oral Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 600.0 mg base/dose 600 mg base/dose PO, oral Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 2500.0 mg 2.5 g PO, oral; in 48 hours Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 1.5 g base 1.5 g base PO, oral; in 48 hours Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 71.4285714285714 mg/day 500 mg/week PO, oral Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 300.0 mg base/week 300 mg base/week PO, oral Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 600.0 mg base/day 600 mg base/day PO, oral Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 16.6 mg/kg 16.6 mg/kg PO, oral Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 10.0 mg base/kg/dose 10 mg base/kg/dose PO, oral Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 41.5 mg/kg 41.5 mg/kg PO, oral; in 48 hours Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 25.0 mg/kg base 25 mg/kg base PO, oral; in 48 hours Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 1.18571428571429 mg/kg/day 8.3 mg/kg/week PO, oral Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR 5.0 mg base/kg/week 5 mg base/kg/week PO, oral Chloroquine Phosphate chloroquine phosphate PDR DDPD00609 Ethionamide 166.243 C8H10N2S CCC1=NC=CC(=C1)C(N)=S DB00609 2761171 4885 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ethionamide.html 2041901 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % DRUGBANK 93.5 L 93.5 L normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h DRUGBANK 30.0 % ~30 % DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral Trecator ethionamide PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day PO, oral Trecator ethionamide PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day PO, oral Trecator ethionamide PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral Trecator ethionamide PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day PO, oral Trecator ethionamide PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day PO, oral Trecator ethionamide PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral Trecator ethionamide PDR DDPD00610 Metaraminol 167.205 C9H13NO2 C[C@H](N)[C@H](O)C1=CC(O)=CC=C1 DB00610 5906 6794 5695 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 240.0 mg/kg 240.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 99.0 mg/kg 99.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 45.0 % 45 % DRUGBANK DDPD00611 Butorphanol 327.4605 C21H29NO2 [H][C@@]12CC3=C(C=C(O)C=C3)[C@]3(CCCC[C@@]13O)CCN2CC1CCC1 DB00611 T3D2837 6916249 3242 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/butorphanol-solution.html 16735714 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 65.0 % 60-70 % IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 11.0 % 5-17 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70±20 % nasal spray; DRUGBANK 1.4 ng/ml 1.4±0.6 ng/ml nasal spray; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 20-40 min IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 0.38 h 0.38(0.25-1) h nasal spray; DRUGBANK 99.0 L/h 99±23 L/h intravenous injection, IV; young; DRUGBANK 82.0 L/h 82±21 L/h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 2.4 L/h/kg 40±10 ml/min/kg PO, oral; hydrolysis; normal,healthy; Male, men;  Female, women; adults; Elderly &#8594; ;hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 2.46 L/h/kg 41 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 603.0 L 305-901 L DRUGBANK 12.0 L/kg 12±4 L/kg PO, oral; hydrolysis; normal,healthy; Male, men;  Female, women; adults; hepatopathy,LD &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 12.0 L/kg 12 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 18.0 h ~18 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 36.0 h ~36 h elimination half-life; moderate renal function; patients; DRUGBANK 54.0 h ~54 h elimination half-life; intravenous injection, IV; hepatopathy,LD; patients; DRUGBANK 4.8 h 4.8±1.6 h normal,healthy; adults; Male, men;  Female, women; chronic liver disease &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 4.8 h 4.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.9 % 1.9±1.5 % Urinary excretion; adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~80 % DRUGBANK 81.5 % 80-83 % adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD00612 Bisoprolol 325.443 C18H31NO4 CC(C)NCC(O)COC1=CC=C(COCCOC(C)C)C=C1 DB00612 2405 3127 http://www.drugs.com/bisoprolol.html 2312 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 642870000000.0 ng.h/ml 642.87 g.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 64.0 ng/ml 64±21 ng/ml Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 120.0 h 5.0 day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % Inactive metabolite; DRUGBANK 14.2 L/h 14.2 L/h Total clearance; normal,healthy; patients; DRUGBANK 7.8 L/h 7.8 L/h Total clearance; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; patients; hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.222 L/h/kg 3.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.5 L/kg 3.5 L/kg DRUGBANK 230.0 L/kg 230.0 L/kg Average volume of distribution; heart disease; patients; DRUGBANK 2.4 L/kg 2.4 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 11.0 h 10-12 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 10.0 h ~10 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; patients; DRUGBANK 18.5 h 18.5 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; DRUGBANK 10.0 h 10 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 730.0 mg/kg 730.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 2.0 % <2 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 30.0 % ~30 % DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Zebeta bisoprolol fumarate PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Zebeta bisoprolol fumarate PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Zebeta bisoprolol fumarate PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Zebeta bisoprolol fumarate PDR DDPD00613 Amodiaquine 355.861 C20H22ClN3O CCN(CC)CC1=C(O)C=CC(NC2=C3C=CC(Cl)=CC3=NC=C2)=C1 DB00613 2165 2674 2080 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 13.02 L/h/kg 217 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 17.4 L/kg 17.4 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.0866666666666667 h 5.2±1.7(0.4-5.5) min DRUGBANK 2.1 h 2.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 225.0 mg/kg 225.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 550.0 mg/kg 550.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD00615 Rifabutin 847.0047 C46H62N4O11 CO[C@H]1\C=C\O[C@@]2(C)OC3=C(C2=O)C2=C(C(O)=C3C)C(=O)C(NC(=O)\C(C)=C/C=C/[C@H](C)[C@H](O)[C@@H](C)[C@@H](O)[C@@H](C)[C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@@H]1C)=C1NC3(CCN(CC3)CC(C)C)N=C21 DB00615 T3D2838 6323490 45367 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/rifabutin.html 10482168 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.69 L/h/kg 0.69±0.32 L/h/kg DRUGBANK 0.144 L/h/kg 2.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 9.3 L/kg 9.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 45.0 h 45±17 h DRUGBANK 37.0 h 37 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4800.0 mg/kg 4.8 g/kg male mouse; DRUGBANK 4800.0 mg/kg 4.8 g/kg male mouse; DRUGBANK 53.0 % 53 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 30.0 % ~30 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 85 % DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral Mycobutin rifabutin PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Mycobutin rifabutin PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Mycobutin rifabutin PDR 450.0 mg/day 450 mg/day PO, oral Mycobutin rifabutin PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Mycobutin rifabutin PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Mycobutin rifabutin PDR 450.0 mg/day 450 mg/day PO, oral Mycobutin rifabutin PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral Mycobutin rifabutin PDR DDPD00617 Paramethadione 157.1671 C7H11NO3 CCC1(C)OC(=O)N(C)C1=O DB00617 T3D2839 8280 7921 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/paramethadione.html 7979 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 18.0 h 12-24 h DRUGBANK DDPD00618 Demeclocycline 464.853 C21H21ClN2O8 [H][C@]12C[C@@]3([H])[C@H](N(C)C)C(O)=C(C(N)=O)C(=O)[C@@]3(O)C(O)=C1C(=O)C1=C([C@H]2O)C(Cl)=CC=C1O DB00618 T3D3951 54680690 4392 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/demeclocycline.html 10482117 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.21387283236994 L/h/m2 35.0 ml/min/1.73m2 Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 13.5 h 10-17 h DRUGBANK 2372.0 mg/kg 2372.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2372.0 mg/kg 2372.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 45.5 % 41-50 % DRUGBANK 1200.0 mg/day 1.2 g/day PO, oral Demeclocycline Hydrochloride demeclocycline hydrochloride PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1.2 g/day PO, oral Demeclocycline Hydrochloride demeclocycline hydrochloride PDR DDPD00619 Imatinib 493.6027 C29H31N7O CN1CCN(CC2=CC=C(C=C2)C(=O)NC2=CC(NC3=NC=CC(=N3)C3=CN=CC=C3)=C(C)C=C2)CC1 DB00619 5291 45783 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/imatinib.html 5101 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98(87-111) % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2600.0 ng/ml 2.6±0.8 mcg/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h DRUGBANK 3.3 h 3.3±1.1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 11.0 L/h 8.0-14 L/h Gastrointestinal stromal tumor; Chronic myelogenous leukemia; patients; gaining weight &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.198 L/h/kg 3.3±1.2 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 0.198 L/h/kg 3.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.2 L/kg 6.2±2.2 L/kg DRUGBANK 3.9 L/kg 3.9 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 18.0 h 18 h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 40.0 h 40 h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 22.0 h 22±4 h DRUGBANK 22.0 h 22 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 68.0 % 68 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 13.0 % 13 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 5 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % DRUGBANK 340.0 mg/m2/day 340 mg/m2/day PO, oral Imatinib Mesylate imatinib mesylate PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Imatinib Mesylate imatinib mesylate PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Imatinib Mesylate imatinib mesylate PDR 340.0 mg/m2/day 340 mg/m2/day PO, oral Imatinib Mesylate imatinib mesylate PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Imatinib Mesylate imatinib mesylate PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Imatinib Mesylate imatinib mesylate PDR DDPD00620 Triamcinolone 394.4339 C21H27FO6 [H][C@@]12C[C@@H](O)[C@](O)(C(=O)CO)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1(F)[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)C=C[C@]12C DB00620 T3D4756 31307 9667 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/triamcinolone-spray.html 29046 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 36.0 ng.h/ml 36.0±6.2 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 57.7 ng.h/ml 57.7 ng.h/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 5.12 ng.h/ml 5.12 ng.h/ml inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 32.7 ng.h/ml 32.7±9.9 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25 % inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 5.23 ng/ml 5.23±0.84 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.92 ng/ml 0.92 ng/ml inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 5.33 ng/ml 5.33±1.55 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.24 h 2.24±0.78 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.74 h 1.74 h inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 1.86 h 1.86±0.47 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 28.6 L/h 28.6±5.6 L/h DRUGBANK 0.57 L/h 0.57 L/h Average clearance; DRUGBANK 34.4 L/h 34.4±10.6 L/h Average clearance; DRUGBANK 115.2 L 115.2±10 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 1.96 L/kg 1.96 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 119.7 L 119.7±33.14 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 2.7 h 2.7 h DRUGBANK 2.4 h 2.4 h elimination half-life; inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 2.8 h 2.8 h DRUGBANK 13.1 mg/kg 13100.0 ug/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 132.0 mg/kg 132.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 1451.0 mg/kg 1451.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2168.0 mg/kg 2168.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 105.0 mg/kg 105.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 500.0 mg/kg >500 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 20.0 % ~20 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 98.0 % ~98 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD00621 Oxandrolone 306.4397 C19H30O3 [H][C@@]12CC[C@](C)(O)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CC[C@@]2([H])CC(=O)OC[C@]12C DB00621 5878 7820 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/oxandrolone.html 5667 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.55 h 0.55 h distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 9.0 h 9 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5000 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; dog; DRUGBANK DDPD00622 Nicardipine 479.525 C26H29N3O6 COC(=O)C1=C(C)NC(C)=C(C1C1=CC(=CC=C1)[N+]([O-])=O)C(=O)OCCN(C)CC1=CC=CC=C1 DB00622 4474 7550 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/nicardipine.html 4319 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % DRUGBANK 35.0 % 35 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.4 L/h/kg 0.4 L/h/kg intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 0.66 L/h/kg 11 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.3 L/kg 8.3 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.0 L/kg 1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.6 h 8.6 h DRUGBANK 4.1 h 4.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 184.0 mg/kg 184.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 322.0 mg/kg 322.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 95.0 % >95 % DRUGBANK 14.4 mg/kg/day 10 mcg/kg/minute intravenous injection, IV Nicardipine Hydrochloride Capsules nicardipine hydrochloride PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Nicardipine Hydrochloride Capsules nicardipine hydrochloride PDR 360.0 mg/day 15 mg/h intravenous injection, IV; up to 15 minutes Nicardipine Hydrochloride Capsules nicardipine hydrochloride PDR 14.4 mg/kg/day 10 mcg/kg/minute intravenous injection, IV Nicardipine Hydrochloride Capsules nicardipine hydrochloride PDR 90.0 mg/day 90 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Nicardipine Hydrochloride Capsules nicardipine hydrochloride PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Nicardipine Hydrochloride Capsules nicardipine hydrochloride PDR 360.0 mg/day 15 mg/hour intravenous injection, IV; up to 15 minutes Nicardipine Hydrochloride Capsules nicardipine hydrochloride PDR 14.4 mg/kg/day 10 mcg/kg/min intravenous injection, IV Nicardipine Hydrochloride Capsules nicardipine hydrochloride PDR 4.32 mg/kg/day 3 mcg/kg/minute intravenous injection, IV Nicardipine Hydrochloride Capsules nicardipine hydrochloride PDR 8.64 mg/kg/day 6 mcg/kg/minute intravenous injection, IV Nicardipine Hydrochloride Capsules nicardipine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00623 Fluphenazine 437.522 C22H26F3N3OS OCCN1CCN(CCCN2C3=CC=CC=C3SC3=C2C=C(C=C3)C(F)(F)F)CC1 DB00623 T3D2840 3372 5123 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/fluphenazine.html 3255 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.7 % 2.7(1.7-4.5) % PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 3.4 % 3.4(2.5-5.0) % IM,intramuscular injection; subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 2.3 ng/ml 2.3±2.1 ng/ml PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 1.3 ng/ml 1.3 ng/ml IM,intramuscular injection; Drug form; DRUGBANK 1.1 ng/ml 1.1 ng/ml IM,intramuscular injection; Drug form; DRUGBANK 2.8 h 2.8±2.1 h PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 36.0 h 24-48 h IM,intramuscular injection; Drug form; DRUGBANK 60.0 h 48-72 h IM,intramuscular injection; Drug form; DRUGBANK 0.6 L/h/kg 10±7 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 0.582 L/h/kg 9.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 11.0 L/kg 11±10 L/kg normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 2.9 L/kg 2.9 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12±4 h DRUGBANK 14.4 h 14.4±7.8 h PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 20.3 h 20.3±7.9 h PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 12.3 h 12.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % Urinary excretion; adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Fluphenazine Decanoate fluphenazine decanoate PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Fluphenazine Decanoate fluphenazine decanoate PDR 100.0 mg/dose 100 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC;IM,intramuscular injection; Fluphenazine Decanoate fluphenazine decanoate PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day IM,intramuscular injection Fluphenazine Decanoate fluphenazine decanoate PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Fluphenazine Decanoate fluphenazine decanoate PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Fluphenazine Decanoate fluphenazine decanoate PDR 100.0 mg/dose 100 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC;IM,intramuscular injection; Fluphenazine Decanoate fluphenazine decanoate PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day IM,intramuscular injection Fluphenazine Decanoate fluphenazine decanoate PDR DDPD00624 Testosterone 288.4244 C19H28O2 C[C@]12CC[C@H]3[C@@H](CCC4=CC(=O)CC[C@]34C)[C@@H]1CC[C@@H]2O DB00624 T3D4283 6013 17347 5791 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 104.25 ng.h/ml 10425±5521 ng.h/dl DRUGBANK 10.0 % ~10 % DRUGBANK 57300.0 ng/ml 573±284 ng/dl DRUGBANK 33.8333333333333 L/h 812±64 L/day Average clearance; adults; Male, men; DRUGBANK 1.47 L/h/kg 24.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 80.36 L 80.36±24.51 L Elderly; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.35 L/kg 0.35 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.916666666666667 h 10-100 min DRUGBANK 0.17 h 0.17 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 6.0 % 6 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD00625 Efavirenz 315.675 C14H9ClF3NO2 FC(F)(F)[C@]1(OC(=O)NC2=C1C=C(Cl)C=C2)C#CC1CC1 DB00625 64139 119486 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/efavirenz.html 57715 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4000.0 ng/ml 4.0±1.7 mcg/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.1 h 4.1±1.7 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.186 L/h/kg 3.1±1.2 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; PO, oral; Children &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 47.5 h 40-55 h DRUGBANK 64.0 h 52-76 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 47.5 h 40-55 h Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; AIDS,HIV; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.625 % 99.5-99.75 % DRUGBANK 99.625 % 99.5-99.75 % AIDS,HIV; DRUGBANK 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Sustiva efavirenz PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Sustiva efavirenz PDR 350.0 mg/day 350 mg/day PO, oral Sustiva efavirenz PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Sustiva efavirenz PDR 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day PO, oral Sustiva efavirenz PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Sustiva efavirenz PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Sustiva efavirenz PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Sustiva efavirenz PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Sustiva efavirenz PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Sustiva efavirenz PDR 350.0 mg/day 350 mg/day PO, oral Sustiva efavirenz PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Sustiva efavirenz PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Sustiva efavirenz PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Sustiva efavirenz PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Sustiva efavirenz PDR DDPD00626 Bacitracin 1422.693 C66H103N17O16S CC[C@H](C)[C@H](N)C1=N[C@@H](CS1)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C(=O)N[C@H](CCC(O)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H]([C@@H](C)CC)C(=O)N[C@H]1CCCCNC(=O)[C@H](CC(N)=O)NC(=O)[C@@H](CC(O)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CC2=CNC=N2)NC(=O)[C@@H](CC2=CC=CC=C2)NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@@H](CCCN)NC1=O)[C@@H](C)CC DB00626 10909430 35862 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/bacitracin-ointment.html 9084687 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 11.64 L/h 105-283 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 9.54 L/h 159.0 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 87.0 % 87 % Urinary excretion; IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 1200.0 units/kg/day 1200 units/kg/day IM,intramuscular injection Bacitracin Injection bacitracin PDR 100000.0 units/day 100000 units/day IM,intramuscular injection Bacitracin Injection bacitracin PDR 25000.0 units/dose 25000 units/dose IM,intramuscular injection Bacitracin Injection bacitracin PDR 1200.0 units/kg/day 1200 units/kg/day IM,intramuscular injection Bacitracin Injection bacitracin PDR 0.0 0 IM,intramuscular injection Bacitracin Injection bacitracin PDR 100000.0 units/day 100000 units/day IM,intramuscular injection Bacitracin Injection bacitracin PDR 25000.0 units/dose 25000 units/dose IM,intramuscular injection Bacitracin Injection bacitracin PDR 1000.0 units/kg/day 1000 units/kg/day IM,intramuscular injection Bacitracin Injection bacitracin PDR 900.0 units/kg/day 900 units/kg/day IM,intramuscular injection Bacitracin Injection bacitracin PDR DDPD00627 Niacin 123.1094 C6H5NO2 OC(=O)C1=CN=CC=C1 DB00627 T3D2841 938 15940 http://www.drugs.com/niacin.html 913 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1440.0 ng.h/ml 1.44 ug.h/ml PO, oral; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; DRUGBANK 6660.0 ng.h/ml 6.66 ug.h/ml PO, oral; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; DRUGBANK 12410.0 ng.h/ml 12.41 ug.h/ml PO, oral; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; DRUGBANK 60.0 ng/ml 0.06 ug/ml PO, oral; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; DRUGBANK 2420.0 ng/ml 2.42 ug/ml PO, oral; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; DRUGBANK 4220.0 ng/ml 4.22 ug/ml PO, oral; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; DRUGBANK 600.0 ng/ml 0.6 mcg/ml PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 15500.0 ng/ml 15.5 mcg/ml PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h PO, oral; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h PO, oral; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4-5 h PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 0.876 L/h/kg 14.6±5.0 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 0.9 h 0.9 h DRUGBANK 1.3 h 1.3 h DRUGBANK 4.3 h 4.3 h DRUGBANK 0.2 h ~0.15-0.25 h intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 3720.0 mg/kg 3720.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 4550.0 mg/kg 4550.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 7000.0 mg/kg 7000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg 2000.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 7000.0 mg/kg 7000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 730.0 mg/kg 730.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3500.0 mg/kg 3500.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 12.0 % 12 % Urinary excretion; Oral multiple dose; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 3000.0 mg/day 3 g/day PO, oral Niaspan niacin PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1.5 g/day PO, oral Niaspan niacin PDR 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day PO, oral Niaspan niacin PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Niaspan niacin PDR 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day PO, oral Niaspan niacin PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Niaspan niacin PDR 3.0 g/day 3 g/day PO, oral Niaspan niacin PDR 1.5 g/day 1.5 g/day PO, oral Niaspan niacin PDR DDPD00628 Clorazepic acid 314.723 C16H11ClN2O3 OC(=O)C1N=C(C2=CC=CC=C2)C2=C(NC1=O)C=CC(Cl)=C2 DB00628 T3D2842 2809 3761 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/clorazepate.html 2707 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 91.0 % 91 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 91.0 % 91±6 % PO, oral; Drug form; DRUGBANK 275.0 ng/ml 275±27 ng/ml IM,intramuscular injection; Drug form; DRUGBANK 0.72 h 0.72±0.01 h IM,intramuscular injection; Drug form; DRUGBANK 0.0102 L/h/kg 0.17±0.02 ml/min/kg Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8595; ;Obesity &#8595; ;Somking &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.24 L/kg 1.24±0.09 L/kg Elderly &#8594; ;Obesity &#8593; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 48.0 h ~2 day elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 45.0 h ~40-50 h DRUGBANK 93.0 h 93±11 h intravenous injection, IV; Preg, pregnant &#8593; ;Obesity &#8593; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8595; ;Age &#8593; ;Somking &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 1320.0 mg/kg 1320.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1600.0 mg/kg >1600 mg/kg PO, oral; monkey; DRUGBANK 1320.0 mg/kg 1320.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1600.0 mg/kg >1600 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 97.5 % 97-98 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 97.5 % 97.5 % Elderly &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;Obesity &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Tranxene clorazepate dipotassium PDR 60.0 mg/kg 60 mg/kg PO, oral Tranxene clorazepate dipotassium PDR 90.0 mg/kg 90 mg/kg PO, oral Tranxene clorazepate dipotassium PDR 60.0 mg/kg 60 mg/kg PO, oral Tranxene clorazepate dipotassium PDR 90.0 mg/kg 90 mg/kg PO, oral Tranxene clorazepate dipotassium PDR 60.0 mg/kg 60 mg/kg PO, oral Tranxene clorazepate dipotassium PDR 90.0 mg/kg 90 mg/kg PO, oral Tranxene clorazepate dipotassium PDR DDPD00629 Guanabenz 231.082 C8H8Cl2N4 NC(N)=NN=CC1=C(Cl)C=CC=C1Cl DB00629 3517 5553 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/guanabenz.html 4642445 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 75.0 % 75 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6 h DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % DRUGBANK DDPD00630 Alendronic acid 249.096 C4H13NO7P2 NCCCC(O)(P(O)(O)=O)P(O)(O)=O DB00630 T3D2666 2088 2567 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/alendronate.html 2004 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.64 % 0.64 % PO, oral;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 0.59 % 0.59 % PO, oral; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.384 % 0.384 % PO, oral;  Female, women; food; food &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.354 % 0.354 % PO, oral; Male, men; food; food &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.7 % <0.7 % intravenous injection, IV; postmenopausal women; food &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 275.0 ng/ml ~275 ng/ml postmenopausal women; DRUGBANK 6.7 ng/ml <5-8.4 ng/ml PO, oral; postmenopausal women; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2.0 h postmenopausal women; DRUGBANK 4.26 L/h 71.0 ml/min DRUGBANK 0.0666 L/h/kg 1.11(1.00-1.22) ml/min/kg RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 28.0 L 28.0 L DRUGBANK 0.44 L/kg 0.44(0.34-0.55) L/kg DRUGBANK 86400.0 h >10 year terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 1.0 h ~1.0 h normal,healthy; postmenopausal women; DRUGBANK 102816.0 h ~11.9 year DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 44.9 % 44.9±9.3 % Urinary excretion; postmenopausal women; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 78.0 % 78 % DRUGBANK 78.0 % 78 % postmenopausal women; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Binosto alendronate sodium PDR 10.0 mg/day 70 mg/week PO, oral Binosto alendronate sodium PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Binosto alendronate sodium PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Binosto alendronate sodium PDR 10.0 mg/day 70 mg/week PO, oral Binosto alendronate sodium PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Binosto alendronate sodium PDR DDPD00631 Clofarabine 303.677 C10H11ClFN5O3 [H][C@]1(F)[C@H](O)[C@@H](CO)O[C@H]1N1C=NC2=C(N)N=C(Cl)N=C12 DB00631 119182 681569 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/clofarabine.html 106472 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 28.8 L/h/m2 28.8 L/h/m2 Children; Adolescents; Acute leukaemia; DRUGBANK 0.462 L/h/kg 7.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 172.0 L/m2 172.0 L/m2 DRUGBANK 1.75 L/kg 1.75 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.2 h 5.2 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 54.5 % 49-60 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 47.0 % 47 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 52.0 mg/m2/day 52 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Clolar clofarabine PDR 52.0 mg/m2/day 52 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Clolar clofarabine PDR DDPD00632 Docosanol 326.6 C22H46O CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCO DB00632 12620 31000 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/docosanol.html 12100 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.0 application/day 5 application/day skin/dermal Abreva docosanol PDR 5.0 appLication/day 5 appLication/day skin/dermal Abreva docosanol PDR 5.0 application/day 5 application/day skin/dermal Abreva docosanol PDR 5.0 application/day 5 application/day skin/dermal Abreva docosanol PDR DDPD00633 Dexmedetomidine 200.2795 C13H16N2 C[C@H](C1=CNC=N1)C1=C(C)C(C)=CC=C1 DB00633 5311068 4466 4470605 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 39.0 L/h 39.0 L/h intravenous infusion, IV in drop; normal,healthy; rheumatoid arthritis; DRUGBANK 0.66 L/h/kg 11 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 118.0 L 118.0 L DRUGBANK 1.6 L/kg 1.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h DRUGBANK 2.2 h 2.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 4.0 % 4 % Faeces excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 94.0 % 94 % DRUGBANK 0.001 mg/kg 1 mcg/kg intravenous injection, IV Precedex dexmedetomidine hydrochloride PDR 0.06 mg/kg/day 2.5 mcg/kg/hour intravenous injection, IV Precedex dexmedetomidine hydrochloride PDR 0.0204 mg/kg/day 0.85 mcg/kg/hour intravenous infusion, iv in drop Precedex dexmedetomidine hydrochloride PDR 0.001 mg/day 1 mcg/kg intravenous injection, IV Precedex dexmedetomidine hydrochloride PDR 0.0025 mg/kg/day 2.5 mcg/kg/hour intravenous injection, IV Precedex dexmedetomidine hydrochloride PDR 0.00085 mg/kg/day 0.85 mcg/kg/hour intravenous infusion, iv in drop Precedex dexmedetomidine hydrochloride PDR 0.001 mg/kg 1 mcg/kg intravenous injection, IV Precedex dexmedetomidine hydrochloride PDR 0.06 mg/kg/day 2.5 mcg/kg/h intravenous injection, IV Precedex dexmedetomidine hydrochloride PDR 0.0204 mg/kg/day 0.85 mcg/kg/h intravenous infusion, iv in drop Precedex dexmedetomidine hydrochloride PDR 0.0005 mg/kg 0.5 mcg/kg intravenous injection, IV Precedex dexmedetomidine hydrochloride PDR 0.048 mg/kg/day 2 mcg/kg/hour intravenous infusion, iv in drop Precedex dexmedetomidine hydrochloride PDR 0.0005 mg/kg 0.5 mcg/kg intravenous injection, IV Precedex dexmedetomidine hydrochloride PDR 0.048 mg/kg/day 2 mcg/kg/hour intravenous infusion, iv in drop Precedex dexmedetomidine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00634 Sulfacetamide 214.242 C8H10N2O3S CC(=O)NS(=O)(=O)C1=CC=C(N)C=C1 DB00634 5320 63845 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/sulfacetamide-drops.html 5129 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 9.9 h 7-12.8 h DRUGBANK 16500.0 mg/kg 16500.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD00635 Prednisone 358.4281 C21H26O5 [H][C@@]12CC[C@](O)(C(=O)CO)[C@@]1(C)CC(=O)[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)C=C[C@]12C DB00635 T3D4710 5865 8382 http://www.drugs.com/prednisone.html 5656 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 572.0 mg.min/1.73m2 572.0 mg.min/1.73m2 PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1034.0 mg.min/1.73m2 1034.0 mg.min/1.73m2 PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2271.0 mg.min/1.73m2 2271.0 mg.min/1.73m2 DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80±11 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 71.5 ng/ml 62-81 ng/ml Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 218.5 ng/ml 198-239 ng/ml Oral single dose; Active metabolite; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.25 h 6-6.5 h PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 2.6 h 2.1-3.1 h Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.2-2.6 h Oral single dose; Active metabolite; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.066 L/h/kg 0.066±0.12 L/h/kg Average clearance; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 0.15 L/h/kg 0.15 L/h/kg Average clearance; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 0.216 L/h/kg 3.6±0.8 ml/min/kg Hepatitis, Hep &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.15 L/h/kg 2.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 29.3 L 29.3 L DRUGBANK 44.2 L 44.2 L DRUGBANK 0.97 L/kg 0.97±0.11 L/kg Hepatitis, Hep &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.57 L/kg 0.57 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h immediate release formulation; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h immediate release formulation; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 3.6 h 3.6±0.4 h Hepatitis, Hep &#8594; ;Somking &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2.9 h 2.9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.0 % 3±2 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; hyperthyroid, HTh &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 50.0 % <50 % DRUGBANK 75.0 % 75±2 % DRUGBANK DDPD00636 Clofibrate 242.699 C12H15ClO3 CCOC(=O)C(C)(C)OC1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1 DB00636 T3D4784 2796 3750 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/clofibrate.html 2694 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % DRUGBANK 24.5 h 18-22(14-35) h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1220.0 mg/kg 1220.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1370.0 mg/kg 1370.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 940.0 mg/kg 940.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1220.0 mg/kg 1220.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1370.0 mg/kg 1370.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 940.0 mg/kg 940.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 96.0 % 95-97 % DRUGBANK DDPD00637 Astemizole 458.5703 C28H31FN4O COC1=CC=C(CCN2CCC(CC2)NC2=NC3=CC=CC=C3N2CC2=CC=C(F)C=C2)C=C1 DB00637 T3D2844 2247 2896 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/astemizole.html 2160 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % Liver metabolism; Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 24.0 h 1 day DRUGBANK 2052.0 mg/kg 2052.0 mg/kg mouse; DRUGBANK 2052.0 mg/kg 2052.0 mg/kg mouse; DRUGBANK 96.7 % 96.7 % DRUGBANK DDPD00638 Inulin 6179.3581 C228H382O191 OC[C@H]1O[C@@](CO)(OC[C@@]2(OC[C@@]3(OC[C@@]4(OC[C@@]5(OC[C@@]6(OC[C@@]7(OC[C@@]8(OC[C@@]9(OC[C@@]%10(OC[C@@]%11(OC[C@@]%12(OC[C@@]%13(OC[C@@]%14(OC[C@@]%15(OC[C@@]%16(OC[C@@]%17(OC[C@@]%18(OC[C@@]%19(OC[C@@]%20(OC[C@@]%21(OC[C@@]%22(OC[C@@]%23(OC[C@@]%24(OC[C@@]%25(OC[C@@]%26(OC[C@@]%27(OC[C@@]%28(OC[C@@]%29(OC[C@@]%30(OC[C@@]%31(OC[C@@]%32(OC[C@@]%33(OC[C@@]%34(OC[C@@]%35(OC[C@@]%36(OC[C@@]%37(O[C@H]%38O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]%38O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]%37O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]%36O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]%35O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]%34O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]%33O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]%32O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]%31O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]%30O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]%29O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]%28O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]%27O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]%26O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]%25O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]%24O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]%23O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]%22O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]%21O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]%20O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]%19O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]%18O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]%17O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]%16O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]%15O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]%14O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]%13O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]%12O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]%11O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]%10O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]9O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]8O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]7O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]6O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]5O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]4O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]3O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]2O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O DB00638 24763 15443 http://www.drugs.com/cons/inulin-intravenous.html 23149 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h DRUGBANK DDPD00639 Butoconazole 411.776 C19H17Cl3N2S ClC1=CC=C(CCC(CN2C=CN=C2)SC2=C(Cl)C=CC=C2Cl)C=C1 DB00639 47472 3240 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/butoconazole-cream.html 43192 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.7 % 1.7(1.3-2.2) % Vaginal Administration; DRUGBANK 1720.0 mg/kg 1720.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD00640 Adenosine 267.2413 C10H13N5O4 NC1=C2N=CN([C@@H]3O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H]3O)C2=NC=N1 DB00640 T3D4275 60961 16335 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/adenosine.html 54923 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.00277777777777778 h <10 second DRUGBANK 12.0 mg/dose 12 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Adenocard adenosine PDR 30.0 mg/dose 30 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Adenocard adenosine PDR 0.3 mg/kg/dose 0.3 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Adenocard adenosine PDR 12.0 mg/dose 12 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Adenocard adenosine PDR 12.0 mg/dose 12 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Adenocard adenosine PDR 30.0 mg/dose 30 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Adenocard adenosine PDR 12.0 mg/dose 12 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Adenocard adenosine PDR 30.0 mg/dose 30 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Adenocard adenosine PDR 0.3 mg/kg/dose 0.3 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Adenocard adenosine PDR 12.0 mg/dose 12 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Adenocard adenosine PDR 0.3 mg/kg/dose 0.3 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Adenocard adenosine PDR 12.0 mg/dose 12 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Adenocard adenosine PDR 0.3 mg/kg/dose 0.3 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Adenocard adenosine PDR 12.0 mg/dose 12 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Adenocard adenosine PDR 30.0 mg/dose 30 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Adenocard adenosine PDR DDPD00641 Simvastatin 418.5662 C25H38O5 [H][C@]12[C@H](C[C@@H](C)C=C1C=C[C@H](C)[C@@H]2CC[C@@H]1C[C@@H](O)CC(=O)O1)OC(=O)C(C)(C)CC DB00641 T3D4788 54454 9150 http://www.drugs.com/simvastatin.html 49179 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 40.32 ng.h/ml 40.32 ug.h/L DRUGBANK 5.0 % ≤5 % DRUGBANK 9.83 ng/ml 9.83 ug/L DRUGBANK 46.0 ngEq/ml 46±20 ngEq/ml PO, oral; Active metabolite; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 56.0 ngEq/ml 56±25 ngEq/ml PO, oral; Active metabolite; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.44 h 1.44 h DRUGBANK 1.4 h 1.4±1.0 h PO, oral; Active metabolite; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.4 h 1.4±1.0 h PO, oral; Active metabolite; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.456 L/h/kg 7.6 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 4.85 h 4.85 h DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h DRUGBANK 13.0 % 13 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Male, men; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Male, men; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 95.0 % ~95 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 94.0 % 94 % DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Zocor simvastatin PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Zocor simvastatin PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Zocor simvastatin PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Zocor simvastatin PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Zocor simvastatin PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Zocor simvastatin PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Zocor simvastatin PDR DDPD00642 Pemetrexed 427.4106 C20H21N5O6 NC1=NC(=O)C2=C(NC=C2CCC2=CC=C(C=C2)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCC(O)=O)C(O)=O)N1 DB00642 446556 63616 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/pemetrexed.html 393879 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.508 L/h 91.8 ml/min intravenous infusion, IV in drop; tumor; patients; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.078 L/h/kg 1.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 16.1 L 16.1 L DRUGBANK 0.15 L/kg 0.15 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5 h DRUGBANK 1.85 h 1.85 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 70-90 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 81.0 % 81 % DRUGBANK 500.0 mg/m2 500 mg/m2 intravenous infusion, iv in drop q3w Alimta pemetrexed disodium PDR 500.0 mg/m2 500 mg/m2 intravenous infusion, iv in drop q3w Alimta pemetrexed disodium PDR DDPD00643 Mebendazole 295.2927 C16H13N3O3 COC(=O)NC1=NC2=C(N1)C=C(C=C2)C(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00643 4030 6704 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/mebendazole.html 3890 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.5 % 5-10 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.9 L/h/kg 15 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.2 L/kg 1.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.75 null 2.5-5.5(2.5-9) null normal hepatic function; DRUGBANK 35.0 h ~35 h hepatopathy,LD; DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 620.0 mg/kg 620.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 2.0 % ~2 % Urinary excretion; Male, men; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 98.0 % ~98 % Faeces excretion; Male, men; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 92.5 % 90-95 % DRUGBANK 500.0 mg/day 500 mg/day PO, oral Emverm mebendazole PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Emverm mebendazole PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Emverm mebendazole PDR 500.0 mg/day 500 mg/day PO, oral Emverm mebendazole PDR 500.0 mg/day 500 mg/day PO, oral Emverm mebendazole PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral; 3-day regimen Emverm mebendazole PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Emverm mebendazole PDR 500.0 mg/day 500 mg/day PO, oral Emverm mebendazole PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Emverm mebendazole PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Emverm mebendazole PDR 500.0 mg/day 500 mg/day PO, oral Emverm mebendazole PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral; 3-day regimen Emverm mebendazole PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Emverm mebendazole PDR DDPD00644 Gonadorelin 1182.2901 C55H75N17O13 CC(C)CC(NC(=O)CNC(=O)C(CC1=CC=C(O)C=C1)NC(=O)C(CO)NC(=O)C(CC1=CNC2=CC=CC=C12)NC(=O)C(CC1=CN=CN1)NC(=O)C1CCC(=O)N1)C(=O)NC(CCCN=C(N)N)C(=O)N1CCCC1C(=O)NCC(N)=O DB00644 36523 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/gonadorelin.html 33562 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.1 h 2-10 min distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 0.416666666666667 h 10-40 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 3000.0 mg/kg >3000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD00645 Dyclonine 289.4125 C18H27NO2 CCCCOC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(=O)CCN1CCCCC1 DB00645 3180 4724 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/dyclonine-lozenges.html 3068 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.75 h ~30-60 min DRUGBANK DDPD00646 Nystatin 926.107 C47H75NO17 C[C@H]1O[C@H](OC2CC3O[C@@](O)(CC(O)C3C(O)=O)CC(O)C(O)CCC(O)CC(O)CC(O)CC(=O)O[C@@H](C)[C@H](C)[C@H](O)[C@@H](C)\C=C\C=C\CC\C=C\C=C\C=C\C=C\2)[C@@H](O)[C@@H](N)[C@@H]1O DB00646 T3D2847 11953884 473992 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/nystatin.html 10468627 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % DRUGBANK 10000.0 mg/kg 10.0 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2400000.0 units/day 2400000 units/day PO, oral Nystatin Tablets nystatin PDR 2400000.0 units/day 2400000 units/day PO, oral Nystatin Tablets nystatin PDR 100000.0 units/day 100000 units/day Vaginal Administration Nystatin Tablets nystatin PDR 2400000.0 units/day 2400000 units/day PO, oral Nystatin Tablets nystatin PDR 2400000.0 units/day 2400000 units/day PO, oral Nystatin Tablets nystatin PDR 100000.0 units/day 100000 units/day Vaginal Administration Nystatin Tablets nystatin PDR 800000.0 units/day 800000 units/day PO, oral Nystatin Tablets nystatin PDR 800000.0 units/day 800000 units/day PO, oral Nystatin Tablets nystatin PDR 400000.0 units/day 400000 units/day PO, oral Nystatin Tablets nystatin PDR DDPD00647 Dextropropoxyphene 339.4712 C22H29NO2 CCC(=O)O[C@@](CC1=CC=CC=C1)([C@H](C)CN(C)C)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00647 T3D2848 10100 51173 http://www.drugs.com/propoxyphene.html 9696 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.156 L/h 2.6 ml/min DRUGBANK 16.0 L/kg 16.0 L/kg DRUGBANK 9.0 h 6-12 h DRUGBANK 230.0 mg/kg 230.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 230.0 mg/kg 230.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 22.5 % ~20-25 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD00648 Mitotane 320.041 C14H10Cl4 ClC(Cl)C(C1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1Cl DB00648 T3D0151 4211 6954 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/mitotane.html 4066 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2124.0 h 18-159 day DRUGBANK 113.0 mg/kg 113.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 9.0 % 1-17 % Bile excretion; DRUGBANK 6.0 % 6 % DRUGBANK DDPD00649 Stavudine 224.2133 C10H12N2O4 CC1=CN([C@@H]2O[C@H](CO)C=C2)C(=O)NC1=O DB00649 T3D4772 18283 63581 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/stavudine.html 17270 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 86.0 % 68-104 % DRUGBANK 16.32 L/h 272.0 ml/min PO, oral; normal,healthy; rheumatoid arthritis; DRUGBANK 35.64 L/h 594±164 ml/min intravenous infusion, IV in drop; AIDS,HIV; adults; pediatric patients; DRUGBANK 0.585 L/h 9.75±3.76 ml/min intravenous infusion, IV in drop; AIDS,HIV; pediatric patients; DRUGBANK 0.492 L/h/kg 8.2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 46.0 L 46±21 L DRUGBANK 0.67 L/kg 0.67 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.15 h 0.8-1.5 h adults; DRUGBANK 1.4 h 1.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Zerit stavudine PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Zerit stavudine PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zerit stavudine PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Zerit stavudine PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Zerit stavudine PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Zerit stavudine PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Zerit stavudine PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zerit stavudine PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Zerit stavudine PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Zerit stavudine PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day Liquid Zerit stavudine PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day Liquid Zerit stavudine PDR 1.0 mg/kg/day 1 mg/kg/day Liquid Zerit stavudine PDR DDPD00650 Leucovorin 473.446 C20H23N7O7 [H]C(=O)N1C(CNC2=CC=C(C=C2)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCC(O)=O)C(O)=O)CNC2=C1C(=O)NC(N)=N2 DB00650 T3D2849 6006 15640 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/leucovorin.html 5784 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % DRUGBANK 75.0 % 75 % DRUGBANK 37.0 % 37 % DRUGBANK 6.2 h 6.2 h DRUGBANK 8000.0 mg/kg >8000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 8000.0 mg/kg >8000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 15.0 % ~15 % DRUGBANK DDPD00651 Dyphylline 254.2426 C10H14N4O4 CN1C2=C(N(CC(O)CO)C=N2)C(=O)N(C)C1=O DB00651 3182 4728 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/dyphylline.html 3070 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2(1.8-2.1) h DRUGBANK 1954.0 mg/kg 1954.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 88.0 % ~88 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 84.0 % 84 % DRUGBANK DDPD00652 Pentazocine 285.4238 C19H27NO C[C@H]1[C@H]2CC3=CC=C(O)C=C3[C@]1(C)CCN2CC=C(C)C DB00652 T3D2850 441278 7982 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/pentazocine.html 390041 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.38 L/h/kg 23 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.4 L/kg 3.4 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.5 mg/kg 0.5 mg/kg IM,intramuscular injection Talwin pentazocine PDR 30.0 mg 30 mg IM,intramuscular injection Talwin pentazocine PDR 360.0 mg/day 360 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Talwin pentazocine PDR 30.0 mg/dose 30 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Talwin pentazocine PDR 60.0 mg/dose 60 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Talwin pentazocine PDR 360.0 mg/day 360 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Talwin pentazocine PDR 30.0 mg/dose 30 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Talwin pentazocine PDR 60.0 mg/dose 60 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Talwin pentazocine PDR 0.5 mg/kg 0.5 mg/kg IM,intramuscular injection Talwin pentazocine PDR 30.0 mg 30 mg IM,intramuscular injection Talwin pentazocine PDR 360.0 mg/day 360 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Talwin pentazocine PDR 30.0 mg/dose 30 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Talwin pentazocine PDR 60.0 mg/dose 60 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Talwin pentazocine PDR DDPD00653 Magnesium sulfate 120.368 MgO4S [Mg++].[O-]S([O-])(=O)=O DB00653 T3D2851 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/pdfs/ATSDR MRLs - May 2021 - H.pdf 24083 32599 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/magnesium-sulfate.html 22515 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 43.2 h 43.2 h Neonates; DRUGBANK 1200.0 mg/kg 1200.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1200.0 mg/kg 1200.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; parenteral administration; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3.5 mg/L 3.5 mmol/l DRUGBANK 27.5 % 25-30 % DRUGBANK DDPD00654 Latanoprost 432.5928 C26H40O5 CC(C)OC(=O)CCC\C=C/C[C@H]1[C@@H](O)C[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1CC[C@@H](O)CCC1=CC=CC=C1 DB00654 5311221 6384 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/latanoprost-drops.html 4470740 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.053 ng/ml 53.0 pg/ml ophthalmic administration; DRUGBANK 0.0833333333333333 h 5 min ophthalmic administration; DRUGBANK 0.42 L/h/kg 7.0 ml/min/kg Total clearance; DRUGBANK 0.402 L/h/kg 6.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.16 L/kg 0.16±0.02 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.283333333333333 h ~17 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 2.5 h ~2-3 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 0.28 h 0.28 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 50.0 mg/kg >50 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 88.0 % ~88 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 15.0 % ~15 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration Xalatan latanoprost PDR 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration Xalatan latanoprost PDR DDPD00655 Estrone 270.3661 C18H22O2 [H][C@@]12CCC(=O)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@]1([H])C3=C(CC[C@@]21[H])C=C(O)C=C3 DB00655 T3D4746 5870 17263 5660 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 43.0 % 43 % DRUGBANK 19.0 h 19 h DRUGBANK 95.0 % >95 % DRUGBANK DDPD00656 Trazodone 371.864 C19H22ClN5O ClC1=CC=CC(=C1)N1CCN(CCCN2N=C3C=CC=CN3C2=O)CC1 DB00656 T3D2852 5533 9654 http://www.drugs.com/trazodone.html 5332 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 18193.0 ng.h/ml 18193.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 77.0 % 63-91 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 81.0 % 81±6 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1470.0 ng/ml 1.47±0.16 mcg/ml PO, oral; food; food &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 1880.0 ng/ml 1.88±0.42 mcg/ml PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 1500.0 ng/ml 1.5±0.2 mcg/ml Capsule, PO, Oral; food; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2.0±1.5 h Capsule, PO, Oral; food; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 5.1 L/h 5.1 L/h Total clearance; Elderly; fasting; DRUGBANK 5.3 L/h 5.3±0.9 L/h Total clearance; normal,healthy; patients; DRUGBANK 0.126 L/h/kg 2.1±0.1 ml/min/kg hydrolysis; Elderly &#8595; ;Obesity &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.084 L/h/kg 1.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.84 L/kg 0.84±0.16 L/kg Single dose; DRUGBANK 0.655 L/kg 0.47-0.84 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.0 L/kg 1.0±0.1 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; hydrolysis; Elderly &#8593; ;Obesity &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.52 L/kg 0.52 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6 h elimination half-life; young; DRUGBANK 13.6 h 13.6 h elimination half-life; Elderly; DRUGBANK 7.3 h 7.3±0.8 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; Single dose; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 3-6 h distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 5-9 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 5.9 h 5.9±0.4 h Obesity &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 7.3 h 7.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 690.0 mg/kg 690.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 96.0 mg/kg 96.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 65.0 % ~60-70 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 19.0 % 9-29 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 92.0 % 89-95 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93 % DRUGBANK 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Trazodone Hydrochloride trazodone hydrochloride PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Trazodone Hydrochloride trazodone hydrochloride PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Trazodone Hydrochloride trazodone hydrochloride PDR 375.0 mg/day 375 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Trazodone Hydrochloride trazodone hydrochloride PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Trazodone Hydrochloride trazodone hydrochloride PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Trazodone Hydrochloride trazodone hydrochloride PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Trazodone Hydrochloride trazodone hydrochloride PDR 375.0 mg/day 375 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Trazodone Hydrochloride trazodone hydrochloride PDR DDPD00657 Mecamylamine 167.2911 C11H21N CNC1(C)C2CCC(C2)C1(C)C DB00657 4032 6706 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/mecamylamine.html 3892 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % DRUGBANK DDPD00658 Sevelamer 149.619 C6H12ClNO NCC=C.ClCC1CO1 DB00658 3085017 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/sevelamer.html 2341997 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 14000.0 mg/day 14 g/day PO, oral Renagel sevelamer hydrochloride PDR 13000.0 mg/day 13 g/day PO, oral Renagel sevelamer hydrochloride PDR 14000.0 mg/day 14 g/day PO, oral Renagel sevelamer hydrochloride PDR 14000.0 mg/day 14 g/day PO, oral Renagel sevelamer hydrochloride PDR 13000.0 mg/day 13 g/day PO, oral Renagel sevelamer hydrochloride PDR 14000.0 mg/day 14 g/day PO, oral Renagel sevelamer hydrochloride PDR DDPD00659 Acamprosate 181.21 C5H11NO4S CC(=O)NCCCS(O)(=O)=O DB00659 T3D2853 71158 51041 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/acamprosate.html 64300 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 11.0 % 11 % PO, oral; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 0.225 L/h/kg 3.75 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 90.5 L 72-109 L DRUGBANK 0.3 L/kg 0.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 26.5 h 20-33 h DRUGBANK 3.2 h 3.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD00660 Metaxalone 221.2524 C12H15NO3 CC1=CC(OCC2CNC(=O)O2)=CC(C)=C1 DB00660 15459 6797 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/metaxalone.html 14709 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1700.0 ng/ml 1.7 mcg/ml Oral single dose; fasting; DRUGBANK 4900.0 ng/ml 4.9 mcg/ml Oral single dose; food; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3.0±1.2 h Oral single dose; fasting; DRUGBANK 4.9 h 4.9±2.3 h Oral single dose; food; DRUGBANK 68.0 L/h 68±50 L/h Tablet, PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 66.0 L/h 66±51 L/h Tablet, PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 0.84 L/h/kg 14±7 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 800.0 L 800.0 L DRUGBANK 9.2 h 9.2±4.8 h DRUGBANK 9.2 h 9.2±4.8 h fasting; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.4 h 2.4±1.2 h food; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 775.0 mg/kg 775.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1690.0 mg/kg 1690.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 3200.0 mg/day 3200 mg/day PO, oral Skelaxin metaxalone PDR 3200.0 mg/day 3200 mg/day PO, oral Skelaxin metaxalone PDR DDPD00661 Verapamil 454.6016 C27H38N2O4 COC1=C(OC)C=C(CCN(C)CCCC(C#N)(C(C)C)C2=CC(OC)=C(OC)C=C2)C=C1 DB00661 T3D3544 2520 77733 http://www.drugs.com/verapamil.html 2425 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1037.0 ng.h/ml 1037.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; Optical rotation R; DRUGBANK 195.0 ng.h/ml 195.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; Optical rotation S; DRUGBANK 25.0 % 20-30 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 22.0 % 22±8 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 35.0 % 35±13 % sublingual; DRUGBANK 262.5 ng/ml 125-400 ng/ml PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 77.8 ng/ml 77.8 ng/ml PO, oral; Optical rotation R; DRUGBANK 16.8 ng/ml 16.8 ng/ml PO, oral; Optical rotation S; DRUGBANK 272.0 ng/ml 272.0 ng/ml Tablet, PO, oral; immediate release formulation; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 141.5 ng/ml 118-165 ng/ml Tablet, PO, oral; extended release formulation; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 8.5 h 6-11 h PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1 h Tablet, PO, oral; immediate release formulation; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 6.65 h 5.6-7.7 h Tablet, PO, oral; extended release formulation; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 20.4 L/h ~340 ml/min Total clearance; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 39.84 L/h ~664 ml/min Total clearance; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 60.42 L/h ~1007 ml/min Total clearance; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 328.86 L/h ~5481 ml/min Total clearance; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 39.06 L/h ~651 ml/min Total clearance; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 171.3 L/h ~2855 ml/min Total clearance; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 0.9 L/h/kg 15±6 ml/min/kg hydrolysis; hydrolysis; Children &#8594; ;Elderly &#8593; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;Obesity &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Attenuated Total Reflectance &#8593; ;Attenuated Total Reflectance &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.08 L/h/kg 18 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 300.0 L ~300 L DRUGBANK 500.0 L 500.0 L DRUGBANK 5.0 L/kg 5.0±2.1 L/kg Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Obesity &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 3.7 L/kg 3.7 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.1 h 2.8-7.4 h elimination half-life; immediate release formulation; Single dose; DRUGBANK 8.25 h 4.5-12.0 h Multiple dose; DRUGBANK 15.0 h 14-16 h elimination half-life; hepatic insufficiency; DRUGBANK 20.0 h ~20 h Elderly; DRUGBANK 0.0666666666666667 h ~4 min rapid distribution half-life; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 2-5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4.0±1.5 h Children &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;Obesity &#8593; ;atrial fibrillation &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 2.8 h 2.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 150.0 mg/kg 150.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 163.0 mg/kg 163.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 8.0 mg/kg 8.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 14.4 mg/kg 14.4 mg/kg PO, oral;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 3.429 mg/kg 3.429 mg/kg PO, oral; Male, men; DRUGBANK 3.5 % ~3-4 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 3.0 % <3 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 94.0 % 94 % Optical rotation R; DRUGBANK 88.0 % 88 % Optical rotation S; DRUGBANK 92.0 % 92 % Optical rotation R; DRUGBANK 86.0 % 86 % Optical rotation S; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90±2 % Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;atrial fibrillation &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 8.0 mg/kg/day 8 mg/kg/day PO, oral Calan SR verapamil hydrochloride PDR 480.0 mg/day 480 mg/day PO, oral Calan SR verapamil hydrochloride PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Calan SR verapamil hydrochloride PDR 540.0 mg/day 540 mg/day PO, oral Calan SR verapamil hydrochloride PDR 8.0 mg/kg/day 8 mg/kg/day PO, oral Calan SR verapamil hydrochloride PDR 480.0 mg/day 480 mg/day PO, oral Calan SR verapamil hydrochloride PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Calan SR verapamil hydrochloride PDR 540.0 mg/day 540 mg/day PO, oral Calan SR verapamil hydrochloride PDR DDPD00662 Trimethobenzamide 388.4574 C21H28N2O5 COC1=CC(=CC(OC)=C1OC)C(=O)NCC1=CC=C(OCCN(C)C)C=C1 DB00662 5577 27796 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/trimethobenzamide.html 5375 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 8.0 h 7-9 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 1600.0 mg/kg 1600.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 40.0 % 30-50 % Urinary excretion; Single dose; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral;Rectal Administration; Tigan Capsules trimethobenzamide hydrochloride PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day Capsule, PO, Oral;Rectal Administration; Tigan Capsules trimethobenzamide hydrochloride PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Tigan Capsules trimethobenzamide hydrochloride PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day Rectal Administration Tigan Capsules trimethobenzamide hydrochloride PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Tigan Capsules trimethobenzamide hydrochloride PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day IM,intramuscular injection;Rectal Administration; Tigan Capsules trimethobenzamide hydrochloride PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral;Rectal Administration; Tigan Capsules trimethobenzamide hydrochloride PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Tigan Capsules trimethobenzamide hydrochloride PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day IM,intramuscular injection;Rectal Administration; Tigan Capsules trimethobenzamide hydrochloride PDR DDPD00663 Flumethasone 410.458 C22H28F2O5 [H][C@@]12C[C@@H](C)[C@](O)(C(=O)CO)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1(F)[C@@]2([H])C[C@H](F)C2=CC(=O)C=C[C@]12C DB00663 16490 34764 15632 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00664 Sulfametopyrazine 280.303 C11H12N4O3S COC1=NC=CN=C1NS(=O)(=O)C1=CC=C(N)C=C1 DB00664 9047 32162 8695 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00665 Nilutamide 317.2207 C12H10F3N3O4 CC1(C)NC(=O)N(C1=O)C1=CC(=C(C=C1)[N+]([O-])=O)C(F)(F)F DB00665 T3D4783 4493 7573 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/nilutamide.html 4337 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % DRUGBANK 2.0 % <2 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 48.55 h 38.0-59.1 h DRUGBANK 2.0 % <2 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Nilandron nilutamide PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Nilandron nilutamide PDR DDPD00666 Nafarelin 1322.496 C66H83N17O13 CC(C)C[C@H](NC(=O)[C@@H](CC1=CC2=C(C=CC=C2)C=C1)NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CC=C(O)C=C1)NC(=O)[C@H](CO)NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CNC2=CC=CC=C12)NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CNC=N1)NC(=O)[C@@H]1CCC(=O)N1)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCNC(N)=N)C(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C(=O)NCC(N)=O DB00666 T3D2855 25077405 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/nafarelin.html 10482014 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.8 % 2.8(1.2-5.6) % inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 0.0432 L/h/kg 0.72 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.14 L/kg 0.14 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % DRUGBANK 1.8 mg/day 1800 mcg/day intranasal Synarel nafarelin acetate PDR 0.4 mg/day 400 mcg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Synarel nafarelin acetate PDR 0.8 mg/day 800 mcg/day intranasal Synarel nafarelin acetate PDR 1.8 mg/day 1800 mcg/day intranasal Synarel nafarelin acetate PDR DDPD00668 Epinephrine 183.2044 C9H13NO3 CNC[C@H](O)C1=CC(O)=C(O)C=C1 DB00668 5816 28918 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/epinephrine-ophthalmic.html 5611 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0416666666666667 h ~2-3 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 62.0 mg/kg 62.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.01 mg/kg/dose 0.01 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 1.0 mg/dose 1 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.1 mg/kg/dose 0.1 mg/kg/dose EI Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 2.5 mg/dose 2.5 mg/dose EI Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.01 mg/kg/dose 0.01 mg/kg/dose Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.5 mg/dose 0.5 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 1.0 mg/dose 1 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.5 ml/dose 0.5 ml/dose Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.01 mg/kg/dose 0.01 mg/kg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.5 mg/dose 0.5 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 8.0 oral inhalations/day 8 oral inhalations/day inhalation, IH Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.01 mg/kg/dose 0.01 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 1.0 mg/dose 1 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.1 mg/kg/dose 0.1 mg/kg/dose EI Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 2.5 mg/dose 2.5 mg/dose EI Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.01 mg/kg/dose 0.01 mg/kg/dose Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.5 mg/dose 0.5 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 1.0 mg/dose 1 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.5 ml/dose 0.5 ml/dose Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.01 mg/kg/dose 0.01 mg/kg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.5 mg/dose 0.5 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.01 mg/kg/dose 0.01 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 1.0 mg/dose 1 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.1 mg/kg/dose 0.1 mg/kg/dose EI Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 2.5 mg/dose 2.5 mg/dose EI Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.01 mg/kg/dose 0.01 mg/kg/dose Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.5 mg/dose 0.5 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 1.0 mg/dose 1 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.5 ml/dose 0.5 ml/dose Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.01 mg/kg/dose 0.01 mg/kg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.5 mg/dose 0.5 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.01 mg/kg/dose 0.01 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IO; Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 1.0 mg/dose 1 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IO; Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.1 mg/kg/dose 0.1 mg/kg/dose EI Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 2.5 mg/dose 2.5 mg/dose EI Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.01 mg/kg/dose 0.01 mg/kg/dose Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.5 mg/dose 0.5 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 1.0 mg/dose 1 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.01 mg/kg/dose 0.01 mg/kg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.5 mg/dose 0.5 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 8.0 oral inhalations/day 8 oral inhalations/day inhalation, IH Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.01 mg/kg/dose 0.01 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IO; Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 1.0 mg/dose 1 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IO; Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.1 mg/kg/dose 0.1 mg/kg/dose EI Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 2.5 mg/dose 2.5 mg/dose EI Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.01 mg/kg/dose 0.01 mg/kg/dose Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.5 mg/dose 0.5 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 1.0 mg/dose 1 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.5 ml/dose 0.5 ml/dose Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.01 mg/kg/dose 0.01 mg/kg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.5 mg/dose 0.5 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.03 mg/kg/dose 0.03 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR 0.1 mg/kg/dose 0.1 mg/kg/dose ET Adrenaclick epinephrine PDR DDPD00669 Sumatriptan 295.4 C14H21N3O2S CNS(=O)(=O)CC1=CC=C2NC=C(CCN(C)C)C2=C1 DB00669 T3D2856 5358 10650 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/sumatriptan.html 5165 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 9.0 ng.h/ml 9(7.5-10.9) ng.h/ml subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 8.7 ng.h/ml 8.7(6.1-12.5) ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 7.4 ng.h/ml 7.4(5-10.8) ng.h/ml inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 14.6 ng.h/ml 14.6(11.3-18.8) ng.h/ml Rectal Administration; DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 14.3 % 14.3(11.4-17.9) % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 15.8 % 15.8(12.6-19.8) % inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 19.2 % 19.2(15.3-24.1) % Rectal Administration; DRUGBANK 14.0 % 14±5 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97±16 % subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 69.5 ng/ml 69.5(62.8-76.9) ng/ml subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 16.5 ng/ml 16.5(13.5-20.1) ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 12.9 ng/ml 12.9(10.5-15.9) ng/ml inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 22.9 ng/ml 22.9(18.4-28.6) ng/ml Rectal Administration; DRUGBANK 54.0 ng/ml 54(27-137) ng/ml Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 72.0 ng/ml 72(55-108) ng/ml adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.17 h 0.17(0.08-0.33) h subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5(0.5-2) h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5(0.25-3) h inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1(0.75-3) h Rectal Administration; DRUGBANK 1.5 h ~1.5 h Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.2 h 0.2(0.1-0.3) h adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.0132 L/h 0.22(0.19-0.25) ml/min subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 0.0105 L/h 0.14-0.21 ml/min PO, oral; Rectal Administration; DRUGBANK 0.0129 L/h 0.18-0.25 ml/min IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 72.0 L/h ~1200 ml/min Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 1.32 L/h/kg 22±5.4 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 1.14 L/h/kg 19 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 50.0 L 50±8 L subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 2.0 L/kg 2.0±0.34 L/kg normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 1.7 L/kg 1.7 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.9 h subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 1.85 h 1.7-2.0 h subcutaneous injection, SC; 95%CI; DRUGBANK 1.7 h 1.7 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.65 h 1.4-1.9 h PO, oral; 95%CI; DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1.8 h Rectal Administration; DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.6-2.2 h Rectal Administration; 95%CI; DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1.8 h DRUGBANK 1.85 h 1.7-2.0 h 95%CI; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1.0±0.3 h DRUGBANK 2.0 h ~2 h subcutaneous injection, SC; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.7 h 1.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 40.0 % ~40 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 24.0 % 24±4 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 22.0 % 22±4 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 17.5 % 14-21 % DRUGBANK 17.5 % 14-21 % DRUGBANK 6.0 mg/dose 6 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC Imitrex Injection sumatriptan succinate PDR 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Imitrex Injection sumatriptan succinate PDR 3.0 mg/dose 3 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC Imitrex Injection sumatriptan succinate PDR 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Imitrex Injection sumatriptan succinate PDR 100.0 mg/dose 100 mg/dose PO, oral Imitrex Injection sumatriptan succinate PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Imitrex Injection sumatriptan succinate PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day intranasal Imitrex Injection sumatriptan succinate PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day intranasal Imitrex Injection sumatriptan succinate PDR 44.0 mg/day 44 mg/day intranasal Imitrex Injection sumatriptan succinate PDR 6.0 mg/dose 6 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC Imitrex Injection sumatriptan succinate PDR 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Imitrex Injection sumatriptan succinate PDR 3.0 mg/dose 3 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC Imitrex Injection sumatriptan succinate PDR 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Imitrex Injection sumatriptan succinate PDR 100.0 mg/dose 100 mg/dose PO, oral Imitrex Injection sumatriptan succinate PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Imitrex Injection sumatriptan succinate PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day intranasal Imitrex Injection sumatriptan succinate PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day intranasal Imitrex Injection sumatriptan succinate PDR 44.0 mg/day 44 mg/day intranasal Imitrex Injection sumatriptan succinate PDR DDPD00670 Pirenzepine 351.4023 C19H21N5O2 CN1CCN(CC(=O)N2C3=CC=CC=C3C(=O)NC3=C2N=CC=C3)CC1 DB00670 4848 8247 4682 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.1662 L/h/kg 2.77 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.71 L/kg 1.71 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 11.1 h 11.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD00671 Cefixime 453.45 C16H15N5O7S2 [H][C@]12SCC(C=C)=C(N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)C(=N/OCC(O)=O)\C1=CSC(N)=N1)C(O)=O DB00671 5362065 472657 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cefixime.html 4514923 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 45.0 % 40-50 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 47.0 % 47±15 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2300.0 ng/ml 1.7-2.9 mcg/ml Capsule, PO, Oral; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h Capsule, PO, Oral; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.078 L/h/kg 1.3±0.2 ml/min/kg RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.06 L/h/kg 1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.3 L/kg 0.30±0.03 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.24 L/kg 0.24 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h DRUGBANK 11.5 h 11.5 h severe renal function; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3.0±0.4 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 3.2 h 3.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 41.0 % 41±7 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 65.0 % 65 % DRUGBANK 67.0 % 67±1 % DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Suprax cefixime PDR 8.0 mg/kg/day 8 mg/kg/day PO, oral Suprax cefixime PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Suprax cefixime PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Suprax cefixime PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Suprax cefixime PDR 8.0 mg/kg/day 8 mg/kg/day PO, oral Suprax cefixime PDR 8.0 mg/kg/day 8 mg/kg/day PO, oral Suprax cefixime PDR DDPD00672 Chlorpropamide 276.74 C10H13ClN2O3S CCCNC(=O)NS(=O)(=O)C1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1 DB00672 2727 3650 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/chlorpropamide.html 2626 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 0.0027 L/h/kg 0.045 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.19 L/kg 0.19 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 36.0 h ~36(25-60) h DRUGBANK 46.0 h 46 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 580.0 mg/kg 580.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 80-90 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 750.0 mg/day 750 mg/day PO, oral Chlorpropamide chlorpropamide PDR DDPD00673 Aprepitant 534.4267 C23H21F7N4O3 C[C@@H](O[C@H]1OCCN(CC2=NNC(=O)N2)[C@H]1C1=CC=C(F)C=C1)C1=CC(=CC(=C1)C(F)(F)F)C(F)(F)F DB00673 6918365 499361 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/aprepitant.html 5293568 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 62.5 % 60-65 % DRUGBANK 62.5 % 60-65 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1600.0 ng/ml 1.6 mcg/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4.0 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 4.56 L/h 62-90 ml/min Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.0654 L/h/kg 0.89-1.29 ml/min/kg hydrolysis; DRUGBANK 0.06 L/h/kg 1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 70.0 L 70.0 L DRUGBANK 1.0 L/kg 1.0 L/kg hydrolysis; DRUGBANK 0.94 L/kg 0.94 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 11.0 h 9-13 h DRUGBANK 11.0 h 9-13 h DRUGBANK 13.0 h 13 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 95.0 % >95 % DRUGBANK 95.0 % >95 % DRUGBANK DDPD00674 Galantamine 287.3535 C17H21NO3 [H][C@]12C[C@@H](O)C=C[C@]11CCN(C)CC3=C1C(O2)=C(OC)C=C3 DB00674 T3D2857 9651 42944 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/galantamine.html 9272 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 95.0 % 90-100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100(91-110) % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 96.0 ng/ml 96±29 ng/ml PO, oral; Elderly; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.6 h 2.6±1.0 h PO, oral; Elderly; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 75.0 % 75 % DRUGBANK 3.9 L/h ~65 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 18.0 L/h ~300 ml/min Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.342 L/h/kg 5.7(5.0-6.3) ml/min/kg hydrolysis; hydrolysis; metabolism of ugt; hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 175.0 L 175.0 L Average volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 2.6 L/kg 2.6(2.4-2.9) L/kg DRUGBANK 7.0 h ~7 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 5.7 h 5.7(5.2-6.3) h DRUGBANK 75.0 mg/kg 75.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Components; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 75.0 mg/kg 75.0 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 95.0 % ~95 % Urinary excretion; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 5.0 % ~5 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 30.4 % 30.4 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20(18-22) % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 18.0 % 18 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 18.0 % 18 % DRUGBANK 24.0 mg/day 24 mg/day PO, oral Razadyne galantamine hydrobromide PDR 24.0 mg/day 24 mg/day PO, oral Razadyne galantamine hydrobromide PDR DDPD00675 Tamoxifen 371.5146 C26H29NO CC\C(=C(/C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=C(OCCN(C)C)C=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00675 T3D4714 2733526 41774 http://www.drugs.com/tamoxifen.html 2015313 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 40.0 ng/ml 40.0 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 15.0 ng/ml 15.0 ng/ml PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 120.0 ng/ml 120(67-183) ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5(3-7) h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 11.34 L/h 189.0 ml/min postmenopausal women; DRUGBANK 0.084 L/h/kg 1.4 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; hydrolysis; DRUGBANK 55.0 L/kg ~50-60 L/kg DRUGBANK 55.0 L/kg 50-60 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 144.0 h 5-7 day elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 336.0 h ~14 day DRUGBANK 180.0 h 4-11 day at steady state; DRUGBANK 26.7 % 26.7 % Urinary excretion; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 24.7 % 24.7 % Faeces excretion; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 98.0 % >98 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 98.0 % >98 % DRUGBANK 1.0 mg/kg/day 1 mg/kg/day PO, oral qd Soltamox tamoxifen citrate PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral qd Soltamox tamoxifen citrate PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral bid Soltamox tamoxifen citrate PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Soltamox tamoxifen citrate PDR 80.0 mg/m2 80 mg/m2 PO, oral Soltamox tamoxifen citrate PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral qd Soltamox tamoxifen citrate PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral bid Soltamox tamoxifen citrate PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Soltamox tamoxifen citrate PDR 80.0 mg/m2 80 mg/m2 PO, oral Soltamox tamoxifen citrate PDR 1.0 mg/kg/day 1 mg/kg/day PO, oral qd Soltamox tamoxifen citrate PDR DDPD00676 Benzyl benzoate 212.2439 C14H12O2 O=C(OCC1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00676 2345 41237 http://www.drugs.com/cons/benzyl-benzoate-topical.html 13856959 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1680.0 mg/kg 1680.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 4000.0 mg/kg 4000.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; rabbit; DRUGBANK DDPD00677 Isoflurophate 184.1457 C6H14FO3P CC(C)OP(F)(=O)OC(C)C DB00677 5936 17941 5723 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00678 Losartan 422.911 C22H23ClN6O CCCCC1=NC(Cl)=C(CO)N1CC1=CC=C(C=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1C1=NNN=N1 DB00678 3961 6541 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/losartan.html 3824 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 33.0 % 33 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 35.8 % 35.8±15.5 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 225.0 ng/ml 200-250 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 296.0 ng/ml 296±217 ng/ml Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 249.0 ng/ml 249±74 ng/ml Active metabolite; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1.0±0.5 h Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 4.1 h 4.1±1.6 h Active metabolite; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 36.0 L/h 600.0 ml/min Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 4.5 L/h 75.0 ml/min Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 3.0 L/h 50.0 ml/min Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 1.5 L/h 25.0 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.486 L/h/kg 8.1±1.8 ml/min/kg hydrolysis; normal,healthy; Male, men; mild hepatic impairment &#8595; ;moderate hepatic impairment &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.492 L/h/kg 8.2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 34.4 L 34.4±17.9 L DRUGBANK 10.3 L 10.3±1.1 L DRUGBANK 0.45 L/kg 0.45±0.24 L/kg hydrolysis; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.37 L/kg 0.37 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 1.5-2.5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 7.5 h 6-9 h Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5±1.0 h normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 5.4 h 5.4±2.3 h normal,healthy; Male, men; Active metabolite; Metabolite; DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/kg 1000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg 2000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.714285714285714 mg/kg/day 10.0 mg/kg/2W human, homo sapiens; Male, men; DRUGBANK 1.0 mg/kg/day 1.0 mg/kg/1D human, homo sapiens;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 35.0 % 35 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 45.0 % 45 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % Faeces excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 4.0 % 4 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 12.0 % 12±2.8 % Urinary excretion; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 98.7 % 98.6-98.8 % DRUGBANK 98.7 % 98.7 % Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 99.8 % 99.8 % Active metabolite; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.4 mg/kg/day 1.4 mg/kg/day PO, oral Losartan Potassium losartan potassium PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Losartan Potassium losartan potassium PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Losartan Potassium losartan potassium PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Losartan Potassium losartan potassium PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Losartan Potassium losartan potassium PDR DDPD00679 Thioridazine 370.575 C21H26N2S2 CSC1=CC2=C(SC3=CC=CC=C3N2CCC2CCCCN2C)C=C1 DB00679 T3D2858 5452 9566 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/thioridazine.html 5253 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % DRUGBANK 23.0 h 21-25 h DRUGBANK 995.0 mg/kg 956-1034 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 995.0 mg/kg 956-1034 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % DRUGBANK 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Thioridazine Hydrochloride thioridazine hydrochloride PDR 3.0 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/day PO, oral Thioridazine Hydrochloride thioridazine hydrochloride PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Thioridazine Hydrochloride thioridazine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00680 Moricizine 427.517 C22H25N3O4S CCOC(=O)NC1=CC2=C(SC3=CC=CC=C3N2C(=O)CCN2CCOCC2)C=C1 DB00680 34633 6997 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/moricizine.html 31872 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % DRUGBANK 38.0 % 38 % DRUGBANK 300.0 L 300.0 L DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2(1.5-3.5) h DRUGBANK 56.0 % ~56 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 39.0 % ~39 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 95.0 % ~95 % DRUGBANK DDPD00681 Amphotericin B 924.079 C47H73NO17 [H][C@]12C[C@@H](O[C@@H]3O[C@H](C)[C@@H](O)[C@H](N)[C@@H]3O)\C=C\C=C\C=C\C=C\C=C\C=C\C=C\[C@H](C)[C@@H](O)[C@@H](C)[C@H](C)OC(=O)C[C@H](O)C[C@H](O)CC[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)C[C@H](O)C[C@](O)(C[C@H](O)[C@H]1C(O)=O)O2 DB00681 5280965 2682 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/amphotericin-b.html 10237579 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 5.0 % <5 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1200.0 ng/ml 1.2±0.33 mcg/ml intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 1700.0 ng/ml 1.7±0.8 ug/ml intravenous infusion, IV in drop; Drug form; DRUGBANK 83000.0 ng/ml 83±35 ug/ml intravenous infusion, IV in drop; Drug form; DRUGBANK 0.039 L/h/kg 39±22 ml/h/kg intravenous infusion, IV in drop; febrile neutropenic cancer; bone marrow transplant; DRUGBANK 0.017 L/h/kg 17±6 ml/h/kg intravenous infusion, IV in drop; febrile neutropenic cancer; bone marrow transplant; DRUGBANK 0.051 L/h/kg 51±44 ml/h/kg intravenous infusion, IV in drop; febrile neutropenic cancer; bone marrow transplant; DRUGBANK 0.022 L/h/kg 22±15 ml/h/kg intravenous infusion, IV in drop; febrile neutropenic cancer; bone marrow transplant; DRUGBANK 0.021 L/h/kg 21±14 ml/h/kg intravenous infusion, IV in drop; febrile neutropenic cancer; bone marrow transplant; DRUGBANK 0.011 L/h/kg 11±6 ml/h/kg intravenous infusion, IV in drop; febrile neutropenic cancer; bone marrow transplant; DRUGBANK 0.0276 L/h/kg 0.46±0.20 ml/min/kg Children; Prem, premature &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.0102 L/h/kg 0.17 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.76 L/kg 0.76±0.52 L/kg Total volume of distribution; increasing doses &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.62 L/kg 0.62 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 360.0 h ~15 day elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 24.0 h ~24 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 18.0 h 18±7 h Multiple dose; DRUGBANK 40.0 h 40 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3.5 % 2-5 % Urinary excretion; Capsule, PO, Oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV AmBisome amphotericin B liposome PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV AmBisome amphotericin B liposome PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV AmBisome amphotericin B liposome PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV AmBisome amphotericin B liposome PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV AmBisome amphotericin B liposome PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV AmBisome amphotericin B liposome PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV AmBisome amphotericin B liposome PDR 7.0 mg/kg/day 7 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV AmBisome amphotericin B liposome PDR 1.25 mg/kg/day 1.25 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Amphotericin B amphotericin B PDR 1.25 mg/kg/day 1.25 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Amphotericin B amphotericin B PDR 1.25 mg/kg/day 1.25 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Amphotericin B amphotericin B PDR DDPD00682 Warfarin 308.3279 C19H16O4 CC(=O)CC(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=C(O)C2=C(OC1=O)C=CC=C2 DB00682 T3D2567 54678486 87732 http://www.drugs.com/warfarin.html 10442445 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93±8 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 900.0 ng/ml 0.9±0.4 mcg/ml PO, oral; Optical rotation R; patients; DRUGBANK 500.0 ng/ml 0.5±0.2 mcg/ml PO, oral; Optical rotation S; patients; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.0 h <4 h PO, oral; patients; DRUGBANK 0.00255 L/h/kg 0.020-0.065 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 0.0027 L/h/kg 0.045±0.024 ml/min/kg Elderly &#8594; ;acute viral hepatitis AVH &#8594; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.0033 L/h/kg 0.055 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.14 L/kg 0.14 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.14 L/kg 0.14±0.06 L/kg Elderly &#8594; ;acute viral hepatitis AVH &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.13 L/kg 0.13 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 63.0 h 37-89 h Optical rotation R; DRUGBANK 32.0 h 21-43 h Optical rotation S; DRUGBANK 37.0 h 37±15 h acute viral hepatitis AVH &#8594; ;Age &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 43.0 h 43±14 h Optical rotation R; DRUGBANK 32.0 h 32±12 h Optical rotation S; DRUGBANK 29.0 h 29 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.0 mg/kg 3.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 165.0 mg/kg 165.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 750.0 mg/kg 750.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 1.6 mg/kg 1.6 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 320.0 mg/kg 320.0 mg/kg inhalation, IH; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1400.0 mg/kg 1400.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 800.0 mg/kg 800.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 1.0 mg/kg 1.0 mg/kg PO, oral; pig; DRUGBANK 3.0 mg/kg 3.0 mg/kg PO, oral; dog; DRUGBANK 6.0 mg/kg 6.0 mg/kg PO, oral; cat; DRUGBANK 942.0 mg/kg 942.0 mg/kg PO, oral; chicken; DRUGBANK 180.0 mg/kg 180.0 mg/kg PO, oral; guinea pigs; DRUGBANK 374.0 mg/kg 374.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 2.0 % <2 % Urinary excretion; Raceme D/L; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99±1 % Preg, pregnant &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK DDPD00683 Midazolam 325.767 C18H13ClFN3 CC1=NC=C2CN=C(C3=CC=CC=C3F)C3=C(C=CC(Cl)=C3)N12 DB00683 T3D2859 4192 6931 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/midazolam.html 4047 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 45.0 % 40-50 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 36.0 % 36 % pediatric patients; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % Rectal Administration; DRUGBANK 56.0 % 55-57 % inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 44.0 % 44±17 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 90.0 ng/ml 90.0 ng/ml IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 78.0 ng/ml 78±27 ng/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 113.0 ng/ml 113±16 ng/ml DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h Rectal Administration; DRUGBANK 0.19 h 10.2-12.6 min inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 0.67 h 0.67±0.45 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 22.038 L/h/kg 367.3±73.5 ml/min/kg Total clearance; IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 0.395 L/h/kg 0.25-0.54 L/h/kg Total clearance; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.396 L/h/kg 6.6±1.8 ml/min/kg hydrolysis; Neonates &#8595; ;Children &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Obesity &#8594; ;Somking &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.318 L/h/kg 5.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.72 L/kg 1.24-2.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; pediatric patients;  Female, women &#8593; ;Elderly &#8593; ;Obesity &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 2.05 L/kg 1-3.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 2.117 L/kg 2117±845.1 ml/kg Average volume of distribution; IM,intramuscular injection; Single dose; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 1.1 L/kg 1.1±0.6 L/kg Neonates &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;Obesity &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.1 L/kg 1.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3(1.8-6.4) h intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 4.2 h 4.2 h elimination half-life; IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.9±0.6 h Obesity &#8593; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ;Somking &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 3.1 h 3.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 215.0 mg/kg 215.0 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 825.0 mg/kg 825.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.5 % <0.5 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % plasma proteins; adults; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % Elderly &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;Somking &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.0 mg/kg 1 mg/kg PO, oral Midazolam Hydrochloride Syrup midazolam hydrochloride PDR 20.0 mg/dose 20 mg/dose PO, oral Midazolam Hydrochloride Syrup midazolam hydrochloride PDR 0.4 mg/kg 0.4 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Midazolam Hydrochloride Syrup midazolam hydrochloride PDR 10.0 mg 10 mg intravenous injection, IV Midazolam Hydrochloride Syrup midazolam hydrochloride PDR 10.0 mg/dose 10 mg/dose nasal spray Midazolam Hydrochloride Syrup midazolam hydrochloride PDR 1.0 mg/kg 1 mg/kg PO, oral Midazolam Hydrochloride Syrup midazolam hydrochloride PDR 20.0 mg/dose 20 mg/dose PO, oral Midazolam Hydrochloride Syrup midazolam hydrochloride PDR 0.4 mg/kg 0.4 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Midazolam Hydrochloride Syrup midazolam hydrochloride PDR 10.0 mg 10 mg intravenous injection, IV Midazolam Hydrochloride Syrup midazolam hydrochloride PDR 1.0 mg/kg 1 mg/kg PO, oral Midazolam Hydrochloride Syrup midazolam hydrochloride PDR 20.0 mg/dose 20 mg/dose PO, oral Midazolam Hydrochloride Syrup midazolam hydrochloride PDR 0.6 mg/kg 0.6 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Midazolam Hydrochloride Syrup midazolam hydrochloride PDR 6.0 mg 6 mg intravenous injection, IV Midazolam Hydrochloride Syrup midazolam hydrochloride PDR 10.0 mg/dose 10 mg/dose nasal spray Midazolam Hydrochloride Syrup midazolam hydrochloride PDR 1.0 mg/kg 1 mg/kg PO, oral Midazolam Hydrochloride Syrup midazolam hydrochloride PDR 20.0 mg/dose 20 mg/dose PO, oral Midazolam Hydrochloride Syrup midazolam hydrochloride PDR 5.0 mg 5 mg intravenous injection, IV Midazolam Hydrochloride Syrup midazolam hydrochloride PDR 10.0 mg/dose 10 mg/dose nasal spray Midazolam Hydrochloride Syrup midazolam hydrochloride PDR 10.0 mg/dose 10 mg/dose nasal spray Midazolam Hydrochloride Syrup midazolam hydrochloride PDR 1.0 mg/kg 1 mg/kg PO, oral Midazolam Hydrochloride Syrup midazolam hydrochloride PDR 20.0 mg/dose 20 mg/dose PO, oral Midazolam Hydrochloride Syrup midazolam hydrochloride PDR 0.6 mg/kg 0.6 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Midazolam Hydrochloride Syrup midazolam hydrochloride PDR 6.0 mg 6 mg intravenous injection, IV Midazolam Hydrochloride Syrup midazolam hydrochloride PDR DDPD00684 Tobramycin 467.5145 C18H37N5O9 NC[C@H]1O[C@H](O[C@@H]2[C@@H](N)C[C@@H](N)[C@H](O[C@H]3O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H](N)[C@H]3O)[C@H]2O)[C@H](N)C[C@@H]1O DB00684 36294 28864 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/tobramycin-drops.html 33377 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.096 L/h/kg 1.6 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.23 L/kg 0.23 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 h ~2 h elimination half-life; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 441.0 mg/kg 441.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Tobrex Ophthalmic Solution tobramycin PDR 48.0 drop/day 48 drop/day ophthalmic administration Tobrex Ophthalmic Solution tobramycin PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day inhalation, IH Tobrex Ophthalmic Solution tobramycin PDR 224.0 mg/day 224 mg/day inhalation, IH Tobrex Ophthalmic Solution tobramycin PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Tobrex Ophthalmic Solution tobramycin PDR 48.0 drop/day 48 drop/day ophthalmic administration Tobrex Ophthalmic Solution tobramycin PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Tobrex Ophthalmic Solution tobramycin PDR 48.0 drop/day 48 drop/day ophthalmic administration Tobrex Ophthalmic Solution tobramycin PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day inhalation, IH Tobrex Ophthalmic Solution tobramycin PDR 224.0 mg/day 224 mg/day inhalation, IH Tobrex Ophthalmic Solution tobramycin PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Tobrex Ophthalmic Solution tobramycin PDR 48.0 drop/day 48 drop/day ophthalmic administration Tobrex Ophthalmic Solution tobramycin PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day inhalation, IH Tobrex Ophthalmic Solution tobramycin PDR 224.0 mg/day 224 mg/day inhalation, IH Tobrex Ophthalmic Solution tobramycin PDR 7.5 mg/kg/day 7.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Tobrex Ophthalmic Solution tobramycin PDR 48.0 drop/day 48 drop/day ophthalmic administration Tobrex Ophthalmic Solution tobramycin PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day inhalation, IH Tobrex Ophthalmic Solution tobramycin PDR 224.0 mg/day 224 mg/day inhalation, IH Tobrex Ophthalmic Solution tobramycin PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Tobrex Ophthalmic Solution tobramycin PDR 48.0 drop/day 48 drop/day ophthalmic administration Tobrex Ophthalmic Solution tobramycin PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Tobrex Ophthalmic Solution tobramycin PDR 7.5 mg/kg/day 7.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Tobrex Ophthalmic Solution tobramycin PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Tobrex Ophthalmic Solution tobramycin PDR DDPD00685 Trovafloxacin 416.36 C20H15F3N4O3 [H][C@@]12CN(C[C@]1([H])[C@H]2N)C1=NC2=C(C=C1F)C(=O)C(=CN2C1=C(F)C=C(F)C=C1)C(O)=O DB00685 62959 9763 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/trovafloxacin.html 16736478 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 88.0 % 88 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 13.0 % 13 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 9.0 % 9 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 0.084 L/h/kg 1.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.3 L/kg 1.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.65 h 9.1-12.2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 11.05 h 9.4-12.7 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 11.0 h 11 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 43.0 % 43 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 6.0 % 6 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 76.0 % ~76 % plasma proteins; Plasma Concentration &#8594; ; DRUGBANK DDPD00686 Pentosan polysulfate 602.497 C10H18O21S4 O[C@@H]1CO[C@@H](O[C@@H]2CO[C@@H](O)[C@H](OS(O)(=O)=O)[C@H]2OS(O)(=O)=O)[C@H](OS(O)(=O)=O)[C@H]1OS(O)(=O)=O DB00686 37720 34595 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.8 h 4.8 h DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Elmiron pentosan polysulfate sodium PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Elmiron pentosan polysulfate sodium PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Elmiron pentosan polysulfate sodium PDR DDPD00687 Fludrocortisone 380.4504 C21H29FO5 [H][C@@]12CC[C@](O)(C(=O)CO)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1(F)[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)CC[C@]12C DB00687 31378 50885 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/fludrocortisone.html 29111 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.145 ng.h/ml 1.22-3.07 ug.h/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.1006 ng/ml 0.0012-0.2 ug/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.25 h 0.5-2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.48 L/h 0.48 L/h Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 82.5 L 80-85 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 2.25 h 1-3.5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 27.0 h 18-36 h DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/kg >1 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~80 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 20.0 % ~20 % Bile excretion; Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 75.0 % 70-80 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 0.3 mg/day 0.3 mg/day PO, oral Fludrocortisone Acetate fludrocortisone acetate PDR 0.2 mg/day 0.2 mg/day PO, oral Fludrocortisone Acetate fludrocortisone acetate PDR 0.2 mg/day 0.2 mg/day PO, oral Fludrocortisone Acetate fludrocortisone acetate PDR 0.2 mg/day 0.2 mg/day PO, oral Fludrocortisone Acetate fludrocortisone acetate PDR 0.3 mg/day 0.3 mg/day PO, oral Fludrocortisone Acetate fludrocortisone acetate PDR DDPD00688 Mycophenolate mofetil 433.4947 C23H31NO7 COC1=C(C\C=C(/C)CCC(=O)OCCN2CCOCC2)C(O)=C2C(=O)OCC2=C1C DB00688 5281078 8764 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/mycophenolate-mofetil.html 4444535 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 63900.0 ng.h/ml 63.9±16.2 ug.h/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 65300.0 ng.h/ml 65.3±35.4 ug.h/ml PO, oral; renal transplant; DRUGBANK 94.0 % 94 % Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 24500.0 ng/ml 24.5±9.5 ug/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 24100.0 ng/ml 24.1±12.1 ug/ml PO, oral; renal transplant; DRUGBANK 1.25 h 1-1.5 h PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 11.58 L/h 193.0 ml/min Plasma clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 10.62 L/h 177±31 ml/min Plasma clearance; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 3.9 L/kg 3.6-4.2 L/kg DRUGBANK 17.9 h 17.9±6.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 16.6 h 16.6±5.8 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 250.0 mg/kg 250.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 4000.0 mg/kg >4000 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 6.0 % 6 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD00689 Cephaloglycin 405.425 C18H19N3O6S [H][C@]12SCC(COC(C)=O)=C(N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)[C@H](N)C1=CC=CC=C1)C(O)=O DB00689 19150 34613 18069 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00690 Flurazepam 387.878 C21H23ClFN3O CCN(CC)CCN1C2=C(C=C(Cl)C=C2)C(=NCC1=O)C1=CC=CC=C1F DB00690 T3D2860 3393 5128 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/flurazepam.html 3276 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.3 h 2.3 h DRUGBANK 73.5 h 47-100 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 83.0 % 83 % DRUGBANK 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral; hs Flurazepam Hydrochloride flurazepam hydrochloride PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral; hs Flurazepam Hydrochloride flurazepam hydrochloride PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral hs Flurazepam Hydrochloride flurazepam hydrochloride PDR DDPD00691 Moexipril 498.5681 C27H34N2O7 CCOC(=O)[C@H](CCC1=CC=CC=C1)N[C@@H](C)C(=O)N1CC2=CC(OC)=C(OC)C=C2C[C@H]1C(O)=O DB00691 91270 6960 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/moexipril.html 82418 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 13.0 % 13 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 26.46 L/h 441.0 ml/min DRUGBANK 183.0 L 183.0 L DRUGBANK 1.0 h ~1 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 5.5 h 2-9 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % DRUGBANK DDPD00692 Phentolamine 281.3523 C17H19N3O CC1=CC=C(C=C1)N(CC1=NCCN1)C1=CC(O)=CC=C1 DB00692 5775 8081 http://www.drugs.com/cons/phentolamine-injection.html 5571 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.52 L/h/kg 42 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.316666666666667 h 19 min DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 11.5 % 10-13 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK DDPD00693 Fluorescein 332.3063 C20H12O5 OC1=CC=C2C(OC3=CC(O)=CC=C3C22OC(=O)C3=C2C=CC=C3)=C1 DB00693 T3D4808 16850 31624 15968 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.105 L/h/kg 1.75 ml/min/kg Renal clearance; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.09 L/h/kg 1.5 ml/min/kg Total clearance; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.078 L/h/kg 1.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.5 L/kg 0.5 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.14 L/kg 0.14 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.6 h 1.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 85 % DRUGBANK DDPD00694 Daunorubicin 527.5199 C27H29NO10 COC1=CC=CC2=C1C(=O)C1=C(O)C3=C(C[C@](O)(C[C@@H]3O[C@H]3C[C@H](N)[C@H](O)[C@H](C)O3)C(C)=O)C(O)=C1C2=O DB00694 T3D2861 30323 41977 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/daunorubicin.html 28163 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.8542 L/h/kg 47.57 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 32.05 L/kg 32.05 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 18.5 h 18.5 h DRUGBANK 14.24 h 14.24 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/kg 20.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 13.0 mg/kg 13.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/kg 20.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 13.0 mg/kg 13.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % Bile excretion; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % DRUGBANK 25.0 mg/m2 25 mg/m2 Daunorubicin Hydrochloride daunorubicin hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg/m2 300 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Daunorubicin Hydrochloride daunorubicin hydrochloride PDR 0.14285714 mg/kg/day 1 mg/kg/week intravenous injection, IV Daunorubicin Hydrochloride daunorubicin hydrochloride PDR 10.0 mg/kg/dose 10 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Daunorubicin Hydrochloride daunorubicin hydrochloride PDR 45.0 mg/m2 45 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Daunorubicin Hydrochloride daunorubicin hydrochloride PDR 90.0 mg/m2 90 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Daunorubicin Hydrochloride daunorubicin hydrochloride PDR 500.0 mg/m2 500 mg/m2 Daunorubicin Hydrochloride daunorubicin hydrochloride PDR 400.0 mg/m2 400 mg/m2 Daunorubicin Hydrochloride daunorubicin hydrochloride PDR 25.0 mg/m2/day 25 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Daunorubicin Hydrochloride daunorubicin hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg/m2 300 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Daunorubicin Hydrochloride daunorubicin hydrochloride PDR 45.0 mg/m2 45 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Daunorubicin Hydrochloride daunorubicin hydrochloride PDR 90.0 mg/m2 90 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Daunorubicin Hydrochloride daunorubicin hydrochloride PDR 500.0 mg/m2 500 mg/m2 Daunorubicin Hydrochloride daunorubicin hydrochloride PDR 400.0 mg/m2 400 mg/m2 Daunorubicin Hydrochloride daunorubicin hydrochloride PDR 0.142857142857143 mg/kg/day 1 mg/kg/week intravenous injection, IV Daunorubicin Hydrochloride daunorubicin hydrochloride PDR 10.0 mg/kg/dose 10 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Daunorubicin Hydrochloride daunorubicin hydrochloride PDR DDPD00695 Furosemide 330.744 C12H11ClN2O5S NS(=O)(=O)C1=C(Cl)C=C(NCC2=CC=CO2)C(=C1)C(O)=O DB00695 3440 47426 http://www.drugs.com/furosemide.html 3322 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % 10-90 % PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 64.0 % 64 % Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 71.0 % 71±35(43-73) % PO, oral; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1700.0 ng/ml 1.7±0.9 mcg/ml Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.4 h 1.4±0.8 h Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 85 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.0738 L/h/kg 1.23 ml/min/kg Plasma clearance; intravenous injection, IV; heart disease; patients; DRUGBANK 0.1404 L/h/kg 2.34 ml/min/kg Plasma clearance; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.135 L/h/kg 1.5-3.0 ml/min/kg Neonates &#8595; ;Elderly &#8595; ;Prem, premature &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8593; ;congestive heart disease &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.096 L/h/kg 1.6 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.181 L/kg 0.181 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.14 L/kg 0.14 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; heart disease; patients; DRUGBANK 0.13 L/kg 0.09-0.17 L/kg Neonates &#8593; ;Prem, premature &#8593; ;Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;congestive heart disease &#8594; ;nephritic syndrome &#8593; ;Somking &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.12 L/kg 0.12 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4.5 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 2.0 h ~2 h terminal half-life; parenteral administration; DRUGBANK 24.0 h 24 h terminal half-life; severe renal failure; DRUGBANK 1.3 h 1.3±0.8(0.5-2.0) h normal,healthy; Male, men; Prem, premature &#8593; ;Neonates &#8593; ;mild renal function &#8593; ;congestive heart disease &#8593; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;nephritic syndrome &#8594; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2600.0 mg/kg 2600.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 800.0 mg/kg 800.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 4600.0 mg/kg 4600.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 6.25 mg/kg 6250.0 ug/kg  Female, women; DRUGBANK 43.0 % ~43 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 71.0 % 71±10 % Urinary excretion; adults; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; Elderly &#8594; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 65.0 % 50-80 % Urinary excretion; adults; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 95.0 % ~91-99 % normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 97.5 % 96-99 % adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 98.6 % 98.6±0.4 % adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Elderly &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;nephritic syndrome &#8595; ;hypoalbuminemia Alb &#8595; ;congestive heart disease &#8594; ;Somking &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 6.0 mg/kg/dose 6 mg/kg/dose PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Furosemide Injection furosemide PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Furosemide Injection furosemide PDR 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day intravenous injection, IV Furosemide Injection furosemide PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Furosemide Injection furosemide PDR 6.0 mg/kg/dose 6 mg/kg/dose PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Furosemide Injection furosemide PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Furosemide Injection furosemide PDR 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day intravenous injection, IV Furosemide Injection furosemide PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Furosemide Injection furosemide PDR 6.0 mg/kg/dose 6 mg/kg/dose PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Furosemide Injection furosemide PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/dose/day intravenous injection, IV bid Furosemide Injection furosemide PDR 1.0 mg/kg/dose/day 1 mg/kg/dose/day intravenous injection, IV Furosemide Injection furosemide PDR DDPD00696 Ergotamine 581.6615 C33H35N5O5 [H][C@@]12CCCN1C(=O)[C@H](CC1=CC=CC=C1)N1C(=O)[C@](C)(NC(=O)[C@H]3CN(C)[C@]4([H])CC5=CNC6=CC=CC(=C56)C4=C3)O[C@@]21O DB00696 T3D2460 8223 64318 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ergotamine.html 7930 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % Bile excretion; DRUGBANK 0.9 L/h/kg 15 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.6 L/kg 3.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h DRUGBANK 2.1 h 2.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 62.0 mg/kg 62.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3.0 mg/day 3 mg/day sublingual Ergomar ergotamine tartrate PDR 6.0 mg/day 6 mg/day sublingual Ergomar ergotamine tartrate PDR 1.42857142857143 mg/day 10 mg/week sublingual Ergomar ergotamine tartrate PDR 3.0 mg/day 3 mg/day sublingual Ergomar ergotamine tartrate PDR 6.0 mg/day 6 mg/day sublingual Ergomar ergotamine tartrate PDR 1.42857142857143 mg/day 10 mg/week sublingual Ergomar ergotamine tartrate PDR DDPD00697 Tizanidine 253.711 C9H8ClN5S ClC1=C(NC2=NCCN2)C2=NSN=C2C=C1 DB00697 T3D2862 5487 63629 http://www.drugs.com/tizanidine.html 5287 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 0.66 L/h/kg 11 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.4 L/kg 2.4 L/kg Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 2.4 L/kg 2.4 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.5 h ~2.5 h DRUGBANK 2.4 h 2.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 414.0 mg/kg 414.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 282.0 mg/kg 282.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 235.0 mg/kg 235.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 30.0 % ~30 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 36.0 mg/day 36 mg/day PO, oral Tizanidine tizanidine PDR 36.0 mg/day 36 mg/day PO, oral Tizanidine tizanidine PDR DDPD00698 Nitrofurantoin 238.159 C8H6N4O5 [O-][N+](=O)C1=CC=C(O1)\C=N\N1CC(=O)NC1=O DB00698 T3D2679 6604200 71415 http://www.drugs.com/nitrofurantoin.html 5036498 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2315.0 ng.h/ml 2.21-2.42 mg.h/l DRUGBANK 41.55 % 38.8-44.3 % DRUGBANK 87.0 % 87±13 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 919.0 ng/ml 0.875-0.963 mg/L DRUGBANK 428.0 ng/ml 428±146 ng/ml fasting; adults; normal,healthy; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2.3 h 2.3±1.4 h fasting; adults; normal,healthy; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.3 % 0.8-1.8 % DRUGBANK 18.05 L/h 16.7-19.4 L/h DRUGBANK 0.594 L/h/kg 9.9±0.9 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; adults; Urine alkaline &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.582 L/h/kg 9.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.46 L/kg 0.46 L/kg dog; DRUGBANK 0.58 L/kg 0.58±0.12 L/kg normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 0.57 L/kg 0.57 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.72-0.78 h DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1.0±0.2 h Urine alkaline &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.97 h 0.97 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 38.5 % 27-50 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 47.0 % 47±13 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 62.0 % 62±4 % DRUGBANK DDPD00699 Nicergoline 484.386 C24H26BrN3O3 [H][C@@]12CC3=CN(C)C4=CC=CC(=C34)[C@]1(C[C@@H](COC(=O)C1=CN=CC(Br)=C1)CN2C)OC DB00699 34040 31902 31373 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00700 Eplerenone 414.4914 C24H30O6 [H][C@@]12CC[C@@]3(CCC(=O)O3)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H]1O[C@@]11[C@@]2([H])[C@@H](CC2=CC(=O)CC[C@]12C)C(=O)OC DB00700 443872 31547 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/eplerenone.html 10203511 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1000.0 ng/ml 1.0±0.3 mcg/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1.8±0.7 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 10.0 L/h 10.0 L/h Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.144 L/h/kg 2.4 ml/min/kg hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ;congestive heart disease &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 66.5 L 43-90 L DRUGBANK 0.95 L/kg 0.6-1.3 L/kg DRUGBANK 5.0 h 4-6 h DRUGBANK 5.0 h 4-6 h DRUGBANK 7.0 % 7 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % DRUGBANK 46.5 % 33-60 % normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Inspra eplerenone PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Inspra eplerenone PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Inspra eplerenone PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Inspra eplerenone PDR DDPD00701 Amprenavir 505.627 C25H35N3O6S CC(C)CN(C[C@@H](O)[C@H](CC1=CC=CC=C1)NC(=O)O[C@H]1CCOC1)S(=O)(=O)C1=CC=C(N)C=C1 DB00701 T3D2863 65016 40050 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/amprenavir.html 58532 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h Oral single dose; AIDS,HIV; DRUGBANK 8.85 h 7.1-10.6 h DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % DRUGBANK DDPD00703 Methazolamide 236.26 C5H8N4O3S2 CN1N=C(SC1=NC(C)=O)S(N)(=O)=O DB00703 4100 6822 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/methazolamide.html 10438315 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 20.0 L 17-23 L DRUGBANK 14.0 h 14 h DRUGBANK 55.0 % 55 % DRUGBANK DDPD00704 Naltrexone 341.4009 C20H23NO4 [H][C@@]12OC3=C(O)C=CC4=C3[C@@]11CCN(CC3CC3)[C@]([H])(C4)[C@]1(O)CCC2=O DB00704 T3D2864 5360515 7465 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/naltrexone.html 4514524 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 22.5 % 5-40 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 210.0 L/h ~3.5 L/min intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 3.42 L/h/kg 57 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1350.0 L 1350.0 L intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 7.6 L/kg 7.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h DRUGBANK 13.0 h 13 h DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1325.0 mg/kg 1100-1550 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1450.0 mg/kg 1450.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1490.0 mg/kg 1490.0 mg/kg PO, oral; guinea pigs; DRUGBANK 1325.0 mg/kg 1100-1550 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1450.0 mg/kg 1450.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1490.0 mg/kg 1490.0 mg/kg PO, oral; guinea pigs; DRUGBANK 66.0 % 53-79 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 2.0 % <2 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 21.0 % 21 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Vivitrol naltrexone PDR 380.0 mg/dose 380 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Vivitrol naltrexone PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Vivitrol naltrexone PDR 380.0 mg/dose 380 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Vivitrol naltrexone PDR DDPD00705 Delavirdine 456.561 C22H28N6O3S CC(C)NC1=C(N=CC=C1)N1CCN(CC1)C(=O)C1=CC2=C(N1)C=CC(NS(C)(=O)=O)=C2 DB00705 5625 119573 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/delavirdine.html 5423 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.8 h 5.8 h DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % DRUGBANK 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Rescriptor delavirdine mesylate PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Rescriptor delavirdine mesylate PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Rescriptor delavirdine mesylate PDR DDPD00706 Tamsulosin 408.512 C20H28N2O5S CCOC1=CC=CC=C1OCCN[C@H](C)CC1=CC(=C(OC)C=C1)S(N)(=O)=O DB00706 129211 9398 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/tamsulosin.html 114457 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 175.0 ng.h/ml 151-199 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 498.5 ng.h/ml 440-557 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % PO, oral; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 4.2 ng/ml 3.1-5.3 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.05 ng/ml 2.5-3.6 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 16.0 ng/ml 16±5 ng/ml Oral single dose; extended release formulation; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4-5 h PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 6.5 h 6-7 h PO, oral; food; DRUGBANK 5.3 h 5.3±0.7 h Oral single dose; extended release formulation; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.88 L/h 2.88 L/h DRUGBANK 0.0372 L/h/kg 0.62±0.31 ml/min/kg normal,healthy;  Female, women; hydrolysis; hydrolysis; Elderly &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.0372 L/h/kg 0.62 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 16.0 L 16.0 L intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.2 L/kg 0.20±0.06 L/kg normal,healthy;  Female, women; hydrolysis; hydrolysis; DRUGBANK 0.21 L/kg 0.21 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 14.9 h 14.9±3.9 h fasting; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 5-7 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 11.0 h 9-13 h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 14.5 h 14-15 h patients; DRUGBANK 6.8 h 6.8±3.5 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 14.5 h ~14-15 h PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 6.8 h 6.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 650.0 mg/kg 650.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 76.0 % 76 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 21.0 % 21 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 12.7 % 12.7±3 % Urinary excretion; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 96.5 % 94-99 % DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99±1 % Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.8 mg/day 0.8 mg/day PO, oral Flomax tamsulosin hydrochloride PDR 0.8 mg/day 0.8 mg/day PO, oral Flomax tamsulosin hydrochloride PDR DDPD00707 Porfimer sodium N.A. N.A. CCC1=C(C2=CC3=NC(=CC4=C(C(=C(N4)C=C5C(=C(C(=N5)C=C1N2)C)C(C)O)C)CCC(=O)O)C(=C3C)CCC(=O)O)C.[Na+] DB00707 137321858 60652 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/porfimer.html 10482043 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 11.982 L/h 199.7±56.9 ml/min Oral single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.49 L/kg 0.49±0.28 L/kg tumor; patients; Male, men; DRUGBANK 231.0 h 10-452 h DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % DRUGBANK 2.0 mg/kg 2 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Photofrin porfimer sodium PDR 2.0 mg/kg 2 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Photofrin porfimer sodium PDR DDPD00708 Sufentanil 386.551 C22H30N2O2S CCC(=O)N(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1(COC)CCN(CCC2=CC=CS2)CC1 DB00708 T3D2865 41693 9316 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/sufentanil.html 38043 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 52.0 % 52 % DRUGBANK 35.0 % 35 % DRUGBANK 0.075 ng/ml 0.05-0.1 ng/ml epidural administration; DRUGBANK 55020.0 L/h 917.0 L/min Plasma clearance; intravenous injection, IV; Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.9 L/h/kg 15 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 14.0 L 14.0 L Total volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 350.0 L ~350 L at steady state; DRUGBANK 9.4 L/kg 9.4 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.73333333333333 h 164 min elimination half-life; intravenous injection, IV; adults; DRUGBANK 1.61666666666667 h 97±42 min elimination half-life; Infants; Children; DRUGBANK 7.23333333333333 h 434±160 min elimination half-life; Neonates; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 6-10 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 18.0 h 18 h terminal half-life; Multiple dose; DRUGBANK 14.0 h 14 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 18.7 mg/kg 18.7 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 18.7 mg/kg 18.7 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~80 % DRUGBANK 2.0 % 2 % Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93 % plasma proteins; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 91.0 % 91 % plasma proteins;  Female, women; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 79.0 % 79 % plasma proteins; Neonates; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD00709 Lamivudine 229.256 C8H11N3O3S NC1=NC(=O)N(C=C1)[C@@H]1CS[C@H](CO)O1 DB00709 60825 63577 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/lamivudine.html 54812 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 86.0 % 86±16 % Tablet, PO, oral; AIDS,HIV; DRUGBANK 87.0 % 87±13 % Capsule, PO, Oral; AIDS,HIV; DRUGBANK 86.0 % 86±17 % PO, oral; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1500.0 ng/ml 1.5±0.5 mcg/ml PO, oral; AIDS,HIV; DRUGBANK 1000.0 ng/ml 1.0(0.86-1.2) mcg/ml Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 0.5-1.5 h Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 11.982 L/h 199.7±56.9 ml/min Renal clearance; PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 16.824 L/h 280.4±75.2 ml/min Renal clearance; intravenous injection, IV; AIDS,HIV; patients; DRUGBANK 23.91 L/h 398.5±69.1 ml/min Total clearance; AIDS,HIV; patients; DRUGBANK 0.297 L/h/kg 4.95±0.75 ml/min/kg Children &#8593; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.288 L/h/kg 4.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.3 L/kg 1.3±0.4 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; gaining weight &#8594; ;increasing doses &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.3 L/kg 1.30±0.36 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.3 L/kg 1.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 5-7 h normal,healthy; patients; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 5-7 h HBV-infected; patients; DRUGBANK 9.11 h 9.11±5.09 h Children &#8595; ;moderate renal function &#8593; ;severe renal function &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 9.1 h 9.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 67.0 % 49-85 % Urinary excretion; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 36.0 % <36 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 36.0 % <36 % Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day PO, oral Epivir-HBV lamivudine PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Epivir-HBV lamivudine PDR 8.0 mg/kg/day 8 mg/kg/day PO, oral Epivir-HBV lamivudine PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Epivir-HBV lamivudine PDR 3.0 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/day PO, oral Epivir-HBV lamivudine PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Epivir-HBV lamivudine PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day PO, oral Epivir-HBV lamivudine PDR 8.0 mg/kg/day 8 mg/kg/day PO, oral Epivir-HBV lamivudine PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Epivir-HBV lamivudine PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Epivir-HBV lamivudine PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Epivir-HBV lamivudine PDR 3.0 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/day PO, oral Epivir-HBV lamivudine PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Epivir-HBV lamivudine PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Epivir-HBV lamivudine PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Epivir-HBV lamivudine PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day PO, oral Epivir-HBV lamivudine PDR 8.0 mg/kg/day 8 mg/kg/day PO, oral Epivir-HBV lamivudine PDR 8.0 mg/kg/day 8 mg/kg/day PO, oral Epivir-HBV lamivudine PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day PO, oral Epivir-HBV lamivudine PDR DDPD00710 Ibandronate 319.2289 C9H23NO7P2 CCCCCN(C)CCC(O)(P(O)(O)=O)P(O)(O)=O DB00710 T3D2667 60852 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ibandronate.html 54839 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 316.0 ng.h/ml 316.0 ng.h/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 518.0 ng.h/ml 518.0 ng.h/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 908.0 ng.h/ml 908.0 ng.h/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.63 % 0.63 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.1 ng/ml 4.1±2.6 ng/ml PO, oral; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1±0.6 h PO, oral; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 7.32 L/h 84-160 ml/min DRUGBANK 229.0 L 90-368 L Apparent volume of distribution; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 103.0 L 103.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; osteopenia; postmenopausal women; DRUGBANK 97.0 h 37-157 h postmenopausal women; DRUGBANK 811.0 mg/kg 811.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 92.6 % 85.7-99.5 % DRUGBANK 86.0 % 86 % DRUGBANK 2.5 mg/day 2.5 mg/day PO, oral q3m Boniva Tablets ibandronate sodium PDR 5.0 mg/day 150 mg/month PO, oral q3m Boniva Tablets ibandronate sodium PDR 3.0 mg 3 mg intravenous injection, IV q3m Boniva Tablets ibandronate sodium PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Boniva Tablets ibandronate sodium PDR 6.0 mg/dose 6 mg/dose intravenous infusion, iv in drop Boniva Tablets ibandronate sodium PDR 2.5 mg/day 2.5 mg/day PO, oral q3m Boniva Tablets ibandronate sodium PDR 5.0 mg/day 150 mg/month PO, oral q3m Boniva Tablets ibandronate sodium PDR 3.0 mg 3 mg intravenous injection, IV q3m Boniva Tablets ibandronate sodium PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Boniva Tablets ibandronate sodium PDR 6.0 mg/dose 6 mg/dose intravenous infusion, iv in drop Boniva Tablets ibandronate sodium PDR DDPD00711 Diethylcarbamazine 199.2932 C10H21N3O CCN(CC)C(=O)N1CCN(C)CC1 DB00711 3052 4527 2944 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 8.0 h ~8 h DRUGBANK 1400.0 mg/kg 1400.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 660.0 mg/kg 660.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD00712 Flurbiprofen 244.2609 C15H13FO2 CC(C(O)=O)C1=CC(F)=C(C=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00712 T3D2866 3394 5130 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/flurbiprofen-drops.html 3277 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.25 h 0.5-4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 14.0 L 14.0 L normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 12.0 L 12.0 L Arthritis; Geriatric; DRUGBANK 10.0 L 10.0 L severe renal function; patients; DRUGBANK 14.0 L 14.0 L Hepatitis, Hep; patients; DRUGBANK 0.12 L/kg 0.12 L/kg DRUGBANK 4.7 h 4.7 h Optical rotation R; DRUGBANK 5.7 h 5.7 h Optical rotation S; DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/kg 10.0 mg/kg PO, oral; dog; DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/kg 10.0 mg/kg PO, oral; dog; DRUGBANK 70.0 % ~70 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 3.0 % <3 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Ocufen flurbiprofen sodium PDR 100.0 mg/dose 100 mg/dose PO, oral Ocufen flurbiprofen sodium PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Ocufen flurbiprofen sodium PDR 100.0 mg/dose 100 mg/dose PO, oral Ocufen flurbiprofen sodium PDR DDPD00713 Oxacillin 401.436 C19H19N3O5S [H][C@]12SC(C)(C)[C@@H](N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)C1=C(C)ON=C1C1=CC=CC=C1)C(O)=O DB00713 6196 7809 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/oxacillin.html 5961 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.378 L/h/kg 6.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.19 L/kg 0.19 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.416666666666667 h 20-30 min DRUGBANK 0.7 h 0.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 94.2 % 94.2±2.1 % DRUGBANK 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Oxacillin oxacillin PDR 200.0 mg/kg/day 200 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Oxacillin oxacillin PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Oxacillin oxacillin PDR 200.0 mg/kg/day 200 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Oxacillin oxacillin PDR 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Oxacillin oxacillin PDR 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Oxacillin oxacillin PDR 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Oxacillin oxacillin PDR 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Oxacillin oxacillin PDR 200.0 mg/kg/day 200 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Oxacillin oxacillin PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Oxacillin oxacillin PDR 200.0 mg/kg/day 200 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Oxacillin oxacillin PDR 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Oxacillin oxacillin PDR 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Oxacillin oxacillin PDR 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Oxacillin oxacillin PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Oxacillin oxacillin PDR 200.0 mg/kg/day 200 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Oxacillin oxacillin PDR 25.0 mg/kg/day 25 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Oxacillin oxacillin PDR 200.0 mg/kg/day 200 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Oxacillin oxacillin PDR 150.0 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Oxacillin oxacillin PDR 150.0 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Oxacillin oxacillin PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Oxacillin oxacillin PDR DDPD00714 Apomorphine 267.3224 C17H17NO2 [H][C@]12CC3=C(C(O)=C(O)C=C3)C3=CC=CC(CCN1C)=C23 DB00714 T3D2867 6005 48538 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/apomorphine.html 5783 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.25 h 10-20 min DRUGBANK 1440.0 L/h 1440.0 L/h sublingual; DRUGBANK 223.0 L/h 223.0 L/h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 2.4 L/h/kg 40 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 263.5 L 123-404 L Apparent volume of distribution; subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 3630.0 L 3630.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; sublingual; DRUGBANK 1.6 L/kg 1.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.7 h 1.7 h elimination half-life; Intraperitoneal, IP; DRUGBANK 0.833333333333333 h 50 min elimination half-life; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.68 h 0.68 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.145 mg/kg 145.0 ug/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 160.39344 mg/kg 0.6 mmole/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 99.9 % 99.9 % human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.6 ml/dose 0.6 ml/dose subcutaneous injection, SC Apokyn apomorphine hydrochloride PDR 6.0 mg/dose 6 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC Apokyn apomorphine hydrochloride PDR 2.0 ml/day 2 ml/day subcutaneous injection, SC Apokyn apomorphine hydrochloride PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Apokyn apomorphine hydrochloride PDR 30.0 mg/dose 30 mg/dose sublingual Apokyn apomorphine hydrochloride PDR 5.0 dose/day 5 dose/day sublingual Apokyn apomorphine hydrochloride PDR 0.6 ml/dose 0.6 ml/dose subcutaneous injection, SC Apokyn apomorphine hydrochloride PDR 6.0 mg/dose 6 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC Apokyn apomorphine hydrochloride PDR 2.0 ml/day 2 ml/day subcutaneous injection, SC Apokyn apomorphine hydrochloride PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Apokyn apomorphine hydrochloride PDR 30.0 mg/dose 30 mg/dose sublingual Apokyn apomorphine hydrochloride PDR 5.0 dose/day 5 dose/day sublingual Apokyn apomorphine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00715 Paroxetine 329.3654 C19H20FNO3 FC1=CC=C(C=C1)[C@@H]1CCNC[C@H]1COC1=CC2=C(OCO2)C=C1 DB00715 T3D2868 43815 7936 http://www.drugs.com/paroxetine.html 39888 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 574.0 ng.h/ml 574.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1053.0 ng.h/ml 1053.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; moderate renal function; DRUGBANK 45.0 % 30-60 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 42.817502 ng/ml ~130 nM PO, oral; extensive metabolizers, EM; DRUGBANK 72.460388 ng/ml ~220 nM PO, oral; poor metabolizers, PM; DRUGBANK 4.3 h 4.3(2-8) h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5.2 h 5.2±0.5 h PO, oral; adults; DRUGBANK 252.0 h 7-14 day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 167.0 L/h 167.0 L/h Total clearance; PO, oral; Liver metabolism; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.516 L/h/kg 8.6±3.2 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; hydrolysis; Elderly &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 1.08 L/h/kg 18 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 17.0 L/kg 17±10 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 18.0 L/kg 18 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 21.0 h ~21 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 17.3 h 17.3 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; young; DRUGBANK 60.0 h 1-4 day different study; DRUGBANK 17.0 h 17±3 h Multiple dose; extensive metabolizers, EM; Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 41.0 h 41±8 h Multiple dose; poor metabolizers, PM; Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 13.0 h 13 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 350.0 mg/kg 350.0 mg/kg mouse; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 500.0 mg/kg 500.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 64.0 % ~64 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 36.0 % ~36 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.0 % 3 % Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 2.0 % <2 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % DRUGBANK 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Pexeva paroxetine mesylate PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Pexeva paroxetine mesylate PDR 75.0 mg/day 75 mg/day PO, oral Pexeva paroxetine mesylate PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Pexeva paroxetine mesylate PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Pexeva paroxetine mesylate PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Pexeva paroxetine mesylate PDR DDPD00716 Nedocromil 371.3408 C19H17NO7 CCCC1=C2N(CC)C(=CC(=O)C2=CC2=C1OC(=CC2=O)C(O)=O)C(O)=O DB00716 50294 7492 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/nedocromil-drops.html 45608 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.612 L/h/kg 10.2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.43 L/kg 0.43 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.3 h ~3.3 h DRUGBANK 0.9 h 0.9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 3 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 89.0 % ~89 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.0 sprays/day 8 sprays/day inhalation, IH Alocril nedocromil sodium PDR 14.0 mg/day 14 mg/day inhalation, IH Alocril nedocromil sodium PDR 8.0 sprays/day 8 sprays/day inhalation, IH Alocril nedocromil sodium PDR 14.0 mg/day 14 mg/day inhalation, IH Alocril nedocromil sodium PDR 8.0 sprays/day 8 sprays/day inhalation, IH Alocril nedocromil sodium PDR 14.0 mg/day 14 mg/day inhalation, IH Alocril nedocromil sodium PDR 8.0 sprays/day 8 sprays/day inhalation, IH Alocril nedocromil sodium PDR 14.0 mg/day 14 mg/day inhalation, IH Alocril nedocromil sodium PDR DDPD00717 Norethisterone 298.4192 C20H26O2 [H][C@@]12CC[C@@](O)(C#C)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@]1([H])[C@@]3([H])CCC(=O)C=C3CC[C@@]21[H] DB00717 T3D4745 6230 7627 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/norethindrone.html 5994 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 33.5 ng.h/ml 30-37 ng.h/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 64.0 % 64 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.375 ng/ml 5.39-7.36 ng/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 0.8385 ng/ml 617-1060 pg/ml skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 24.0 h 24 h skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 0.4 L/h/kg 0.4 L/h/kg Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 77.0 L/h ~73-81 L/h Total clearance; DRUGBANK 4.0 L/kg ~4 L/kg DRUGBANK 9.0 h 8-10 h DRUGBANK 6000.0 mg/kg 6.0 g/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 42.0 mg/kg 42.0 mg/kg human, homo sapiens;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 50.0 % >50 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 20-40 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 61.0 % 61 % DRUGBANK DDPD00718 Adefovir dipivoxil 501.4705 C20H32N5O8P CC(C)(C)C(=O)OCOP(=O)(COCCN1C=NC2=C(N)N=CN=C12)OCOC(=O)C(C)(C)C DB00718 60871 31175 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/adefovir.html 54855 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 220.0 ng.h/ml 220±70 ng.h/ml Oral single dose; Hepatitis, Hep; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 59.0 % 59 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 18.4 ng/ml 18.4±6.26 ng/ml Oral single dose; Hepatitis, Hep; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2.29 h 0.58-4 h Oral single dose; Hepatitis, Hep; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 45.0 % 45 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 28.14 L/h 469±99.0 ml/min normal,healthy; patients; DRUGBANK 21.36 L/h 356±85.6 ml/min mild renal function; patients; DRUGBANK 14.22 L/h 237±118 ml/min moderate renal function; patients; DRUGBANK 5.502 L/h 91.7±51.3 ml/min severe renal function; patients; DRUGBANK 0.392 L/kg 392±75 mL/kg at steady state; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.352 L/kg 352±9 mL/kg at steady state; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 7.48 h 7.48±1.65 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 4.0 % 4 % DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Hepsera adefovir dipivoxil PDR 0.25 mg/kg/day 0.25 mg/kg/day PO, oral Hepsera adefovir dipivoxil PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Hepsera adefovir dipivoxil PDR 0.3 mg/kg/day 0.3 mg/kg/day PO, oral Hepsera adefovir dipivoxil PDR 10.0 mg/kg 10 mg/kg PO, oral Hepsera adefovir dipivoxil PDR 10.0 mg/kg 10 mg/kg PO, oral Hepsera adefovir dipivoxil PDR 10.0 mg/kg 10 mg/kg PO, oral Hepsera adefovir dipivoxil PDR DDPD00719 Azatadine 290.4021 C20H22N2 CN1CCC(CC1)=C1C2=CC=CC=C2CCC2=C1N=CC=C2 DB00719 19861 2946 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/azatadine.html 18709 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1700.0 mg/kg >1700 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 600.0 mg/kg >600 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD00720 Clodronic acid 244.892 CH4Cl2O6P2 OP(O)(=O)C(Cl)(Cl)P(O)(O)=O DB00720 T3D2663 25419 110423 23731 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 44200.0 ng.h/ml 44.2 mg.h/l intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 47500.0 ng.h/ml 47.5 mg.h/l IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 1.5 % 1-2 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 16100.0 ng/ml 16.1 mg/L intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 12800.0 ng/ml 12.8 mg/L IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.4 L/h ~90 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 5.6 h 5.6 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 36.0 % 36 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD00721 Procaine 236.3101 C13H20N2O2 CCN(CC)CCOC(=O)C1=CC=C(N)C=C1 DB00721 T3D2869 4914 8430 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/procaine.html 4745 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25(6-60) % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 58.0 ng/ml 58.0 ng/ml PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 6-8 h PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.128333333333333 h 7.7 min DRUGBANK 350.0 mg/kg 350.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD00722 Lisinopril 405.4879 C21H31N3O5 NCCCC[C@H](N[C@@H](CCC1=CC=CC=C1)C(O)=O)C(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C(O)=O DB00722 5362119 43755 http://www.drugs.com/lisinopril.html 4514933 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25±20 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 50.0 ng/ml 50(6.4-343) ng/ml PO, oral; adults; hypertension; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; DRUGBANK 608231.85 ng/ml 1-2 mM Oral single dose; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 385213.505 ng/ml 0.7-1.2 mM extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 7.0 h ~7 h PO, oral; adults; hypertension; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; DRUGBANK 1.75 h 0.5-3 h Oral single dose; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 2-6 h extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 10.0 L/h 10.0 L/h Children; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 7.26 L/h 121.0 ml/min Renal clearance; normal,healthy; adults; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.252 L/h/kg 4.2±2.2 ml/min/kg apparent clearance;  Female, women &#8594; ;Elderly &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;congestive heart disease &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.072 L/h/kg 1.2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 124.0 L 124.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 2.4 L/kg 2.4±1.4 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; Elderly &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.89 L/kg 0.89 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.6 h 12.6 h effective half-life; DRUGBANK 46.7 h 46.7 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12.0 h effective half-life; at steady state; Multiple dose; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 30.0 h 30.0 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 42.0 h 42 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8500.0 mg/kg >8500 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 9100.0 mg/kg >9100 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 94.0 % 88-100 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95±15 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 0.6 mg/kg/day 0.6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Qbrelis lisinopril PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Qbrelis lisinopril PDR 0.6 mg/kg/day 0.6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Qbrelis lisinopril PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Qbrelis lisinopril PDR 0.6 mg/kg/day 0.6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Qbrelis lisinopril PDR 0.185 mg/kg/day 0.185 mg/kg/day PO, oral Qbrelis lisinopril PDR 0.36 mg/kg/day 0.36 mg/kg/day PO, oral Qbrelis lisinopril PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Qbrelis lisinopril PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Qbrelis lisinopril PDR 0.6 mg/kg/day 0.6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Qbrelis lisinopril PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Qbrelis lisinopril PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Qbrelis lisinopril PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Qbrelis lisinopril PDR 0.36 mg/kg/day 0.36 mg/kg/day PO, oral Qbrelis lisinopril PDR DDPD00723 Methoxamine 211.2576 C11H17NO3 COC1=CC(C(O)C(C)N)=C(OC)C=C1 DB00723 6082 6839 5857 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00724 Imiquimod 240.3036 C14H16N4 CC(C)CN1C=NC2=C1C1=C(C=CC=C1)N=C2N DB00724 57469 36704 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/imiquimod.html 51809 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 20.0 h 20 h skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 2.0 packets/application 2 packets/application skin ointment Aldara imiquimod PDR 25.0 mg 25 mg skin ointment Aldara imiquimod PDR 1.0 packets/application 1 packets/application skin ointment Aldara imiquimod PDR 9.4 mg 9.4 mg skin ointment Aldara imiquimod PDR 1.0 pump actuation/application 1 pump actuation/application skin ointment Aldara imiquimod PDR 8.8 mg 8.8 mg skin ointment Aldara imiquimod PDR 2.0 packets/appLication 2 packets/appLication skin ointment Aldara imiquimod PDR 25.0 mg 25 mg skin ointment Aldara imiquimod PDR 2.0 packets/appLication 2 packets/appLication skin ointment Aldara imiquimod PDR 18.8 mg 18.8 mg skin ointment Aldara imiquimod PDR 2.0 pump actuation/appLication 2 pump actuation/appLication skin ointment Aldara imiquimod PDR 17.6 mg 17.6 mg skin ointment Aldara imiquimod PDR 2.0 packets/appLication 2 packets/appLication skin ointment Aldara imiquimod PDR 12.5 mg 12.5 mg skin ointment Aldara imiquimod PDR 2.0 packets/application 2 packets/application skin ointment Aldara imiquimod PDR 25.0 mg 25 mg skin ointment Aldara imiquimod PDR 1.0 packets/application 1 packets/application skin ointment Aldara imiquimod PDR 9.4 mg 9.4 mg skin ointment Aldara imiquimod PDR 1.0 pump actuation/application 1 pump actuation/application skin ointment Aldara imiquimod PDR 8.8 mg 8.8 mg skin ointment Aldara imiquimod PDR 2.0 packets/application 2 packets/application skin ointment Aldara imiquimod PDR 25.0 mg 25 mg skin ointment Aldara imiquimod PDR 2.0 packets/application 2 packets/application skin ointment Aldara imiquimod PDR 18.8 mg 18.8 mg skin ointment Aldara imiquimod PDR 2.0 pump actuation/application 2 pump actuation/application skin ointment Aldara imiquimod PDR 17.6 mg 17.6 mg skin ointment Aldara imiquimod PDR 2.0 packets/application 2 packets/application skin ointment Aldara imiquimod PDR 12.5 mg 12.5 mg skin ointment Aldara imiquimod PDR DDPD00725 Homatropine methylbromide 370.281 C17H24BrNO3 [Br-].C[N+]1(C)C2CCC1CC(C2)OC(=O)C(O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00725 6646 50373 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/homatropine-drops.html 6394 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00726 Trimipramine 294.4338 C20H26N2 CC(CN(C)C)CN1C2=CC=CC=C2CCC2=CC=CC=C12 DB00726 T3D2870 5584 9738 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/trimipramine.html 5382 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.96 L/h/kg 16 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 16.0 L/kg 16 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 14.5 h 11-18 h DRUGBANK 23.0 h 23 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 94.5 % 93-96 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Surmontil trimipramine maleate PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Surmontil trimipramine maleate PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Surmontil trimipramine maleate PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Surmontil trimipramine maleate PDR DDPD00727 Nitroglycerin 227.0865 C3H5N3O9 [O-][N+](=O)OCC(CO[N+]([O-])=O)O[N+]([O-])=O DB00727 4510 28787 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/nitroglycerin.html 4354 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % sublingual; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 38.0 % 38±26 % sublingual; DRUGBANK 72.0 % 72±20 % skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 2.56 ng/ml 2.56 ng/ml sublingual; DRUGBANK 2.1 ng/ml 2.1 ng/ml sublingual; DRUGBANK 1.9 ng/ml 1.9±1.6 ng/ml sublingual; DRUGBANK 3.4 ng/ml 3.4±1.7 ng/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.0733333333333333 h 4.4 min sublingual; DRUGBANK 0.12 h 7.2 min sublingual; DRUGBANK 0.09 h 0.09±0.03 h sublingual; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2.0 h Transdermal preparations; DRUGBANK 60.0 L/h/kg 1.0 L/kg/min intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1314.0 L/h 21.9 L/min sublingual; heart disease; DRUGBANK 11.7 L/h/kg 195±86 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 11.658 L/h/kg 194.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.61 L/kg 3.0 L/kg DRUGBANK 3.3 L/kg 3.3±1.2 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 0.0466666666666667 h 2.8±0.9 min elimination half-life; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.1 h ~6 min elimination half-life; Intraperitoneal, IP; DRUGBANK 0.483333333333333 h 32-26 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 0.0383333333333333 h 2.3±0.6 min DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 105.0 mg/kg 105.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 23.2 mg/kg 23.2 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 60.0 % ~60 % DRUGBANK 5.0 mcg/kg/min 5 mcg/kg/min Nitroglycerin in 5% Dextrose nitroglycerin PDR 20.0 mcg/kg/min 20 mcg/kg/min intravenous injection, IV Nitroglycerin in 5% Dextrose nitroglycerin PDR DDPD00728 Rocuronium 529.7742 C32H53N2O4 [H][C@@]12C[C@@H]([C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CC[C@@]2([H])C[C@H](O)[C@H](C[C@]12C)N1CCOCC1)[N+]1(CC=C)CCCC1 DB00728 441290 8884 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/rocuronium.html 390053 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1100.0 ng/ml 0.8-1.4 mcg/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.25 L/h/kg 0.25 L/kg/h adults; DRUGBANK 0.21 L/h/kg 0.21 L/kg/h Elderly; DRUGBANK 0.16 L/h/kg 0.16 L/kg/h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.13 L/h/kg 0.13 L/kg/h organ transplants; DRUGBANK 0.13 L/h/kg 0.13 L/kg/h hepatopathy,LD; DRUGBANK 0.35 L/h/kg 0.35±0.08 L/kg/h pediatric patients; Infants; DRUGBANK 0.38 L/h/kg 0.32-0.44 L/kg/h pediatric patients; Children; DRUGBANK 0.255 L/h/kg 3.3-5.2 ml/min/kg Average clearance; Bile excretion; Children &#8593; ;hepatopathy,LD &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.222 L/h/kg 3.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.3 L/kg 0.3 L/kg Infants; DRUGBANK 0.235 L/kg 0.21-0.26 L/kg Children; DRUGBANK 0.25 L/kg 0.19-0.31 L/kg Average volume of distribution; Bile excretion; hepatopathy,LD &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.21 L/kg 0.21 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.025 h 1-2 min rapid distribution half-life; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.266666666666667 h 14-18 min rapid distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 0.291666666666667 h ~15-20 min hepatopathy,LD; DRUGBANK 1.7 h 1.2-2.2 h different study; Children &#8595; ;chronic liver disease &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.6 h 1.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 17.0 % 12-22 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 30.0 % ~30 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25 % DRUGBANK DDPD00730 Thiabendazole 201.248 C10H7N3S N1C2=CC=CC=C2N=C1C1=CSC=N1 DB00730 T3D3931 5430 45979 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/thiabendazole.html 5237 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 1.2 h 1.2(0.9-2) h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.2 h 1.2(0.9-2) h anephric; DRUGBANK 1.7 h 1.7(1.4-2) h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.7 h 1.7(1.4-2) h anephric; DRUGBANK 3600.0 mg/kg 3.6 g/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 3100.0 mg/kg 3.1 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3800.0 mg/kg 3.8 g/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 3600.0 mg/kg 3.6 g/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 3100.0 mg/kg 3.1 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3800.0 mg/kg 3.8 g/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK DDPD00731 Nateglinide 317.429 C19H27NO3 CC(C)[C@H]1CC[C@@H](CC1)C(=O)N[C@H](CC1=CC=CC=C1)C(O)=O DB00731 5311309 31897 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/nateglinide.html 10482084 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 73.0 % 73 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.108 L/h/kg 1.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.0 L 10.0 L normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.15 L/kg 0.15 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 83.0 % 83 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % DRUGBANK 360.0 mg/day 360 mg/day PO, oral Starlix nateglinide PDR 360.0 mg/day 360 mg/day PO, oral Starlix nateglinide PDR DDPD00732 Atracurium besylate 1243.49 C65H82N2O18S2 [O-]S(=O)(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1.[O-]S(=O)(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1.COC1=CC2=C(C=C1OC)C(CC1=CC(OC)=C(OC)C=C1)[N+](C)(CCC(=O)OCCCCCOC(=O)CC[N+]1(C)CCC3=C(C=C(OC)C(OC)=C3)C1CC1=CC(OC)=C(OC)C=C1)CC2 DB00732 47320 2915 43068 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.333333333333333 h ~20 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK DDPD00733 Pralidoxime 137.1592 C7H9N2O C[N+]1=C(\C=N\O)C=CC=C1 DB00733 5353894 8354 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/pralidoxime-injection.html 5193737 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.54 L/h/kg 9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.8 L/kg 0.8 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.25833333333333 h 74-77 min DRUGBANK 1.4 h 1.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 50.0 mg/kg/dose 50 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Protopam Chloride pralidoxime chloride PDR 2000.0 mg/dose 2 g/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Protopam Chloride pralidoxime chloride PDR 2000.0 mg/dose 2 g/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Protopam Chloride pralidoxime chloride PDR 50.0 mg/kg/dose 50 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Protopam Chloride pralidoxime chloride PDR 2000.0 mg/dose 2 g/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Protopam Chloride pralidoxime chloride PDR 2.0 g/dose 2 g/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Protopam Chloride pralidoxime chloride PDR DDPD00734 Risperidone 410.4845 C23H27FN4O2 CC1=C(CCN2CCC(CC2)C2=NOC3=C2C=CC(F)=C3)C(=O)N2CCCCC2=N1 DB00734 T3D2871 5073 8871 http://www.drugs.com/risperidone.html 4895 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 66.0 % 66±28 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 103.0 % 103±13 % IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 10.0 ng/ml 10.0 ng/ml PO, oral; schizophrenia; DRUGBANK 45.0 ng/ml 45.0 ng/ml PO, oral; Active metabolite; schizophrenia; DRUGBANK 1.0 h ~1 h PO, oral; schizophrenia; DRUGBANK 2.22 L/h 15-59 ml/min Renal clearance; Elderly; Renal metabolism; Age &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.324 L/h/kg 5.4±1.4 ml/min/kg hydrolysis; Elderly &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.324 L/h/kg 5.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.5 L/kg ~1.0-2.0 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.1 L/kg 1.1±0.2 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.1 L/kg 1.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h extensive metabolizers, EM; DRUGBANK 20.0 h 20 h poor metabolizers, PM; DRUGBANK 3.2 h 3.2±0.8 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 20.0 h 20±3 h Active metabolite; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 3.2 h 3.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 57.7 mg/kg 57.7 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 34.0 mg/kg 34.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 82.1 mg/kg 82.1 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 3.0 % 3±2 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 88.0 % 88 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 89.0 % 89 % Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 6.0 mg/day 6 mg/day PO, oral Risperdal Consta risperidone PDR 3.0 mg/day 3 mg/day PO, oral Risperdal Consta risperidone PDR 0.06 mg/kg/day 0.06 mg/kg/day PO, oral Risperdal Consta risperidone PDR 3.0 mg/day 3 mg/day PO, oral Risperdal Consta risperidone PDR 0.06 mg/kg/day 0.06 mg/kg/day PO, oral Risperdal Consta risperidone PDR 16.0 mg/day 16 mg/day PO, oral Risperdal Consta risperidone PDR 6.0 mg/day 6 mg/day PO, oral Risperdal Consta risperidone PDR 3.57142857142857 mg/day 50 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection q2w Risperdal Consta risperidone PDR 4.0 mg/day 120 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC; once monthly Risperdal Consta risperidone PDR 6.0 mg/day 6 mg/day PO, oral Risperdal Consta risperidone PDR 3.0 mg/day 3 mg/day PO, oral Risperdal Consta risperidone PDR 0.06 mg/kg/day 0.06 mg/kg/day PO, oral Risperdal Consta risperidone PDR 16.0 mg/day 16 mg/day PO, oral Risperdal Consta risperidone PDR 6.0 mg/day 6 mg/day PO, oral Risperdal Consta risperidone PDR 3.57142857142857 mg/day 50 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection q2w Risperdal Consta risperidone PDR 40.0 mg/day 120 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC; nan qm Risperdal Consta risperidone PDR DDPD00735 Naftifine 287.3981 C21H21N CN(CC=CC1=CC=CC=C1)CC1=CC=CC2=CC=CC=C12 DB00735 73342 7451 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/naftifine-cream.html 43344 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 60.0 h ~2-3 day skin/dermal; DRUGBANK DDPD00736 Esomeprazole 345.416 C17H19N3O3S COC1=CC2=C(NC(=N2)[S@@](=O)CC2=NC=C(C)C(OC)=C2C)C=C1 DB00736 T3D2873 9568614 50275 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/esomeprazole.html 7843323 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3868.6592 ng.h/ml 11.2 umol.h/L Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 1492.19712 ng.h/ml 4.32 umol.h/L Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 64.0 % 64 % Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 89.0 % 89(81-98) % PO, oral; Optical rotation S; DRUGBANK 53.0 % 53±29 % PO, oral; Raceme D/L; DRUGBANK 1554372.0 ng/ml 4.5(3.8-5.7) mM PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 234882.88 ng/ml 0.68±0.43 mM PO, oral; normal,healthy; extensive metabolizers, EM; DRUGBANK 1208956.0 ng/ml 3.5±1.4 mM PO, oral; normal,healthy; poor metabolizers, PM; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5(1.3-1.7) h PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.0 h ~1 h PO, oral; normal,healthy; extensive metabolizers, EM; DRUGBANK 3.5 h ~3-4 h PO, oral; normal,healthy; poor metabolizers, PM; DRUGBANK 0.246 L/h/kg 4.1(3.3-5.0) ml/min/kg RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.45 L/h/kg 7.5±2.7 ml/min/kg RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.231 L/h/kg 3.85 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 16.0 L 16.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.25 L/kg 0.25(0.23-0.27) L/kg DRUGBANK 0.34 L/kg 0.34±0.09 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.2 L/kg 0.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.25 h 1-1.5 h DRUGBANK 0.9 h 0.9(0.7-1.0) h DRUGBANK 0.7 h 0.7±0.5 h sever hepatic insufficiency &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.83 h 0.83 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Optical rotation S; Raceme D/L; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 96.0 % 95-97 % Optical rotation S; Raceme D/L; DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 3.3 mg/kg/day 3.3 mg/kg/day PO, oral Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 3.3 mg/kg/day 3.3 mg/kg/day PO, oral Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 3.3 mg/kg/day 3.3 mg/kg/day PO, oral Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 80.0 mg/dose 80 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day PO, oral Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 80.0 mg/dose 80 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day PO, oral Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 1.33 mg/kg/day 1.33 mg/kg/day PO, oral Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 0.5 mg/kg/day 0.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 0.5 mg/kg/day 0.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 0.5 mg/kg/day 0.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 2.5 mg/day 2.5 mg/day PO, oral Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 0.5 mg/kg/day 0.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR 0.5 mg/kg/day 0.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Nexium I.V. esomeprazole sodium PDR DDPD00737 Meclizine 390.948 C25H27ClN2 CC1=CC(CN2CCN(CC2)C(C2=CC=CC=C2)C2=CC=C(Cl)C=C2)=CC=C1 DB00737 T3D2874 4034 6709 http://www.drugs.com/meclizine.html 3894 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3(1.5-6) h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5.5 h ~5-6 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 1600.0 mg/kg 1600.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 625.0 mg/kg 625.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 1600.0 mg/kg 1600.0 mg/kg PO, oral; DRUGBANK 659.0 mg/kg 659.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; DRUGBANK 800.0 mg/kg 800.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Antivert meclizine hydrochloride PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Antivert meclizine hydrochloride PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Antivert meclizine hydrochloride PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Antivert meclizine hydrochloride PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Antivert meclizine hydrochloride PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Antivert meclizine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00738 Pentamidine 340.4195 C19H24N4O2 NC(=N)C1=CC=C(OCCCCCOC2=CC=C(C=C2)C(N)=N)C=C1 DB00738 T3D3526 4735 45081 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/pentamidine.html 4573 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.44 L/h/kg 74 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 53.0 L/kg 53 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 11.15 h 9.1-13.2 h DRUGBANK 25.0 h 25 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 69.0 % 69 % DRUGBANK 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; NebuPent pentamidine isethionate PDR 300.0 mg/dose 300 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; q4w NebuPent pentamidine isethionate PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; NebuPent pentamidine isethionate PDR 300.0 mg/dose 300 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; q4w NebuPent pentamidine isethionate PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; NebuPent pentamidine isethionate PDR 10.7142857142857 mg/day 300 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; q4w NebuPent pentamidine isethionate PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; NebuPent pentamidine isethionate PDR 300.0 mg/dose 300 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; q4w NebuPent pentamidine isethionate PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; NebuPent pentamidine isethionate PDR 300.0 mg/dose 300 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; q4w NebuPent pentamidine isethionate PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; NebuPent pentamidine isethionate PDR 10.7142857142857 mg/dose 300 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; q4w NebuPent pentamidine isethionate PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; NebuPent pentamidine isethionate PDR DDPD00739 Hetacillin 389.469 C19H23N3O4S [H][C@]12SC(C)(C)[C@@H](N1C(=O)[C@H]2N1C(=O)[C@H](NC1(C)C)C1=CC=CC=C1)C(O)=O DB00739 443387 5683 391616 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00740 Riluzole 234.198 C8H5F3N2OS NC1=NC2=C(S1)C=C(OC(F)(F)F)C=C2 DB00740 T3D2875 5070 8863 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/riluzole.html 4892 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 64.0 % 64(30-100) % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 173.0 ng/ml 173±72 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.8 h 0.8±0.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.33 L/h/kg 5.5±0.9 ml/min/kg hydrolysis; hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.678 L/h/kg 11.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.4 L/kg 3.4±0.6 L/kg hydrolysis; DRUGBANK 3.5 L/kg 3.5 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12 h elimination half-life; skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 14.0 h 14±6 h DRUGBANK 85.0 mg/kg 85.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 34.5 mg/kg 34.5 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 45.0 mg/kg 45.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 21.0 mg/kg 21.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 96.0 % 96 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Rilutek riluzole PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Rilutek riluzole PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Rilutek riluzole PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Rilutek riluzole PDR DDPD00741 Hydrocortisone 362.4599 C21H30O5 [H][C@@]12CC[C@](O)(C(=O)CO)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)CC[C@]12C DB00741 5754 17650 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/hydrocortisone.html 5551 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 32.849740737 ng.h/ml 90.63 nmol.h/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 72.16576609 ng.h/ml 199.1 nmol.h/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1163.0 ng.h/ml 1163±277 ng.h/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 11.5 % 4-19 % skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 50.2 % 50.2 % Rectal Administration; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 81.0 % 81 % Rectal Administration; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 11.848814131 ng/ml 32.69 nmol/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 25.665785519 ng/ml 70.81 nmol/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 24.0 h 24 h skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 12.85 L/h 12.85 L/h Average clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 18.2 L/h 18.2±4.2 L/h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.342 L/h/kg 5.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 39.82 L 39.82 L Total volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 474.38 L 474.38 L Total volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.38 L/kg 0.38 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.15 h 2.15 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.39 h 1.39 h DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.9±0.4 h terminal half-life; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.6 h 1.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 90.1 % 90.1 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 56.2 % 56.2 % DRUGBANK DDPD00742 Mannitol 182.1718 C6H14O6 OC[C@@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H](O)CO DB00742 6251 16899 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/mannitol.html 6015 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.0 % 7 % Rectal Administration; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; DRUGBANK 0.072 L/h/kg 1.2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.24 L/kg 0.24 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.66666666666667 h 100 min DRUGBANK 4.7 h 4.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1700.0 mg/kg 1700.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD00743 Gadobenic acid 667.73 C22H28GdN3O11 [Gd+3].OC(=O)CN(CCN(CCN(CC([O-])=O)CC([O-])=O)CC([O-])=O)C(COCC1=CC=CC=C1)C(O)=O DB00743 131704172 94843 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 0.093 L/h/kg 0.093±0.010 l/h/kg intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h DRUGBANK 87.0 % 78-96 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.2 ml/kg/dose 0.2 ml/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Multihance Injection Vials gadobenate dimeglumine PDR 0.1 mmol/kg/dose 0.1 mmol/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Multihance Injection Vials gadobenate dimeglumine PDR 0.2 ml/kg/dose 0.2 ml/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Multihance Injection Vials gadobenate dimeglumine PDR 0.1 mmoL/kg/dose 0.1 mmoL/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Multihance Injection Vials gadobenate dimeglumine PDR 0.2 ml/kg/dose 0.2 mL/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Multihance Injection Vials gadobenate dimeglumine PDR 0.1 mmol/kg/dose 0.1 mmol/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Multihance Injection Vials gadobenate dimeglumine PDR 0.2 ml/kg/dose 0.2 ml/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Multihance Injection Vials gadobenate dimeglumine PDR 0.1 mmol/kg/dose 0.1 mmol/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Multihance Injection Vials gadobenate dimeglumine PDR 0.2 ml/kg/dose 0.2 ml/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Multihance Injection Vials gadobenate dimeglumine PDR 0.1 mmoL/kg/dose 0.1 mmoL/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Multihance Injection Vials gadobenate dimeglumine PDR 0.2 ml/kg/dose 0.2 ml/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Multihance Injection Vials gadobenate dimeglumine PDR 0.1 mmol/kg/dose 0.1 mmol/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Multihance Injection Vials gadobenate dimeglumine PDR DDPD00744 Zileuton 236.29 C11H12N2O2S CC(N(O)C(N)=O)C1=CC2=CC=CC=C2S1 DB00744 60490 10112 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/zileuton.html 54531 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % DRUGBANK 0.42 L/h/kg 7.0 ml/min/kg Total clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.2 L/kg 1.2 L/kg DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h DRUGBANK 0.5 % <0.5 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 2400.0 mg/day 2400 mg/day PO, oral Zyflo zileuton PDR 2400.0 mg/day 2400 mg/day PO, oral Zyflo zileuton PDR 2400.0 mg/day 2400 mg/day PO, oral Zyflo zileuton PDR 2400.0 mg/day 2400 mg/day PO, oral Zyflo zileuton PDR DDPD00745 Modafinil 273.35 C15H15NO2S NC(=O)CS(=O)C(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00745 T3D2876 4236 77585 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/modafinil.html 4088 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.9 L/kg 0.9 L/kg DRUGBANK 119.0 h 23-215 h DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Provigil modafinil PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Provigil modafinil PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Provigil modafinil PDR DDPD00746 Deferoxamine 560.684 C25H48N6O8 CC(=O)N(O)CCCCCNC(=O)CCC(=O)N(O)CCCCCNC(=O)CCC(=O)N(O)CCCCCN DB00746 2973 4356 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/deferoxamine.html 2867 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6 h terminal half-life; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 340.0 mg/kg 340.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 520.0 mg/kg 520.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 600.0 mg/kg 600.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; rabbit; DRUGBANK 1600.0 mg/kg 1600.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/kg >1000 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3000.0 mg/kg >3000 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/kg >1000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 10.0 % <10 % high protein binding; DRUGBANK DDPD00747 Scopolamine 303.3529 C17H21NO4 CN1[C@H]2C[C@@H](C[C@@H]1[C@H]1O[C@@H]21)OC(=O)[C@H](CO)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00747 T3D2877 3000322 16794 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/scopolamine-drops.html 10194106 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 30.0 % 10-50 % DRUGBANK 0.96 L/h/kg 16 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.1 L/kg 3.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4.5 h DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.0 % >10 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.6 mg/dose 0.6 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC;intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Scopolamine scopolamine PDR 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day Vaginal Administration Scopolamine scopolamine PDR 0.3 mg/dose 0.3 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC;intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Scopolamine scopolamine PDR 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day Vaginal Administration Scopolamine scopolamine PDR 0.15 mg/dose 0.15 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC;intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Scopolamine scopolamine PDR 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day Vaginal Administration Scopolamine scopolamine PDR 2.4 mg/dose 2.4 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC;intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Scopolamine scopolamine PDR 8.0 drop/day 8 drop/day Vaginal Administration Scopolamine scopolamine PDR 1.0 patch/dose 1 patch/dose Transdermal preparations q3d Scopolamine scopolamine PDR 0.6 mg/dose 0.6 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC;intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Scopolamine scopolamine PDR 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day Vaginal Administration Scopolamine scopolamine PDR 2.4 mg/dose 2.4 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC;intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Scopolamine scopolamine PDR 8.0 drop/day 8 drop/day Vaginal Administration Scopolamine scopolamine PDR 1.0 patch/dose 1 patch/dose Transdermal preparations q3d Scopolamine scopolamine PDR 0.15 mg/dose 0.15 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC;intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Scopolamine scopolamine PDR 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day Vaginal Administration Scopolamine scopolamine PDR DDPD00748 Carbinoxamine 290.788 C16H19ClN2O CN(C)CCOC(C1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1)C1=CC=CC=N1 DB00748 T3D4553 2564 3398 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/carbinoxamine-maleate.html 2466 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 15.0 h 10-20 h DRUGBANK 32.0 mg/day 32 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Carbinoxamine Maleate carbinoxamine maleate PDR 32.0 mg/day 32 mg/day Liquid Carbinoxamine Maleate carbinoxamine maleate PDR 32.0 mg/day 32 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Carbinoxamine Maleate carbinoxamine maleate PDR 32.0 mg/day 32 mg/day Liquid Carbinoxamine Maleate carbinoxamine maleate PDR 24.0 mg/day 24 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Carbinoxamine Maleate carbinoxamine maleate PDR 32.0 mg/day 32 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Carbinoxamine Maleate carbinoxamine maleate PDR 32.0 mg/day 32 mg/day Liquid Carbinoxamine Maleate carbinoxamine maleate PDR 24.0 mg/day 24 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Carbinoxamine Maleate carbinoxamine maleate PDR DDPD00749 Etodolac 287.3535 C17H21NO3 CCC1=C2NC3=C(CCOC3(CC)CC(O)=O)C2=CC=C1 DB00749 3308 4909 http://www.drugs.com/etodolac.html 3192 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 80.0 % >80 % Tablet, PO, oral; Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 % 1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 13.0 % 13 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 16.0 % 16 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 2.946 L/h/kg 49.1 ml/min/kg Total clearance; PO, oral; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 2.964 L/h/kg 49.4 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 2.142 L/h/kg 35.7 ml/min/kg normal,healthy;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 2.742 L/h/kg 45.7 ml/min/kg Elderly; DRUGBANK 3.498 L/h/kg 58.3 ml/min/kg RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; DRUGBANK 2.52 L/h/kg 42.0 ml/min/kg hepatopathy,LD; DRUGBANK 0.39 L/kg 390.0 mL/kg DRUGBANK 7.3 h 7.3±4 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 0.71 h 0.71±0.5 h distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 16.0 % 16 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 72.0 % 72 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % ~1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Etodolac Capsules and Tablets etodolac PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Etodolac Capsules and Tablets etodolac PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Etodolac Capsules and Tablets etodolac PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Etodolac Capsules and Tablets etodolac PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Etodolac Capsules and Tablets etodolac PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Etodolac Capsules and Tablets etodolac PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Etodolac Capsules and Tablets etodolac PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Etodolac Capsules and Tablets etodolac PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Etodolac Capsules and Tablets etodolac PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Etodolac Capsules and Tablets etodolac PDR DDPD00750 Prilocaine 220.3107 C13H20N2O CCCNC(C)C(=O)NC1=CC=CC=C1C DB00750 4906 8404 4737 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.74 L/h/kg 29 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.7 L/kg 3.7 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % DRUGBANK DDPD00751 Epinastine 249.3104 C16H15N3 NC1=NCC2N1C1=CC=CC=C1CC1=CC=CC=C21 DB00751 3241 51032 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/epinastine.html 3128 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % DRUGBANK 10.0 % <10 % DRUGBANK 56.0 L/h 56.0 L/h allergic conjunctivitis; patients; ophthalmic administration; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12 h DRUGBANK 64.0 % 64 % DRUGBANK 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Elestat epinastine hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Elestat epinastine hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Elestat epinastine hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Elestat epinastine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00752 Tranylcypromine 133.194 C9H11N NC1CC1C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00752 T3D2881 5530 131512 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/tranylcypromine.html 5329 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.4 L/kg 1.1-5.7 L/kg DRUGBANK 2.35 h 1.5-3.2 h normal renal function; normal hepatic function; patients; DRUGBANK DDPD00753 Isoflurane 184.492 C3H2ClF5O FC(F)OC(Cl)C(F)(F)F DB00753 T3D2882 3763 6015 3631 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00754 Ethotoin 204.2252 C11H12N2O2 CCN1C(=O)NC(C1=O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00754 T3D2883 3292 4888 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ethotoin.html 3176 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6.0 h 3-9 h DRUGBANK DDPD00755 Tretinoin 300.442 C20H28O2 C\C(\C=C\C1=C(C)CCCC1(C)C)=C/C=C/C(/C)=C/C(O)=O DB00755 T3D2884 5538 15367 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/tretinoin.html 392618 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 16.0 % 1-31 % skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 1.25 h 0.5-2 h DRUGBANK 95.0 % >95 % DRUGBANK 45.0 mg/m2/day 45 mg/m2/day PO, oral Avita Cream tretinoin PDR 45.0 mg/m2/day 45 mg/m2/day PO, oral Avita Cream tretinoin PDR 45.0 mg/m2/day 45 mg/m2/day PO, oral Avita Cream tretinoin PDR 45.0 mg/m2/day 45 mg/m2/day PO, oral Avita Cream tretinoin PDR DDPD00756 Hexachlorophene 406.904 C13H6Cl6O2 OC1=C(CC2=C(O)C(Cl)=CC(Cl)=C2Cl)C(Cl)=C(Cl)C=C1Cl DB00756 3598 5693 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/hexachlorophene.html 3472 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 92.0 % 92 % DRUGBANK DDPD00757 Dolasetron 324.38 C19H20N2O3 [H][C@@]1(C[C@@]2([H])C[C@]3([H])C[C@@]([H])(C1)N2CC3=O)OC(=O)C1=CNC2=C1C=CC=C2 DB00757 3033818 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/dolasetron.html 30845229 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.564 L/h/kg 9.4 ml/min/kg Total clearance; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 10.8 L/h/kg 180 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.8 L/kg 5.8 L/kg adults; DRUGBANK 2.0 L/kg 2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.1 h 8.1 h DRUGBANK 0.13 h 0.13 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 73.0 % 69-77 % DRUGBANK 1.8 mg/kg 1.8 mg/kg PO, oral Anzemet Injection dolasetron mesylate PDR 100.0 mg/dose 100 mg/dose PO, oral Anzemet Injection dolasetron mesylate PDR 0.35 mg/kg 0.35 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Anzemet Injection dolasetron mesylate PDR 12.5 mg/dose 12.5 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Anzemet Injection dolasetron mesylate PDR 100.0 mg/dose 100 mg/dose PO, oral Anzemet Injection dolasetron mesylate PDR 12.5 mg/dose 12.5 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Anzemet Injection dolasetron mesylate PDR 1.8 mg/kg 1.8 mg/kg PO, oral Anzemet Injection dolasetron mesylate PDR 100.0 mg/dose 100 mg/dose PO, oral Anzemet Injection dolasetron mesylate PDR 0.35 mg/kg 0.35 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Anzemet Injection dolasetron mesylate PDR 12.5 mg/dose 12.5 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Anzemet Injection dolasetron mesylate PDR 100.0 mg/dose 100 mg/dose PO, oral Anzemet Injection dolasetron mesylate PDR 12.5 mg/dose 12.5 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Anzemet Injection dolasetron mesylate PDR DDPD00758 Clopidogrel 321.822 C16H16ClNO2S [H][C@@](N1CCC2=C(C1)C=CS2)(C(=O)OC)C1=CC=CC=C1Cl DB00758 60606 37941 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/clopidogrel.html 54632 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 45.1 ng.h/ml 45.1±16.2 ng.h/ml PO, oral; poor metabolizers, PM; DRUGBANK 104.3 ng.h/ml 104.3±57.3 ng.h/ml PO, oral; high-fat meal; DRUGBANK 2.01 ng/ml 2.01±2.0 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 31.3 ng/ml 31.3±13 ng/ml PO, oral; poor metabolizers, PM; DRUGBANK 60.8 ng/ml 60.8±34.3 ng/ml PO, oral; high-fat meal; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.5-1 h PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 1.4 h 1.40±1.07 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 80-90 % Liver metabolism; PO, oral; Inactive metabolite; DRUGBANK 18960.0 L/h 18960±15890 L/h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 16980.0 L/h 16980±10410 L/h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.419 L/h/kg 23.65 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 39240.0 L 39240±33520 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 2.01 L/kg 2.01 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.0 h ~6 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.5 h ~30 min Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 5.06 h 5.06 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 46.0 % 46 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 78.25 % 71-85.5 % cow; DRUGBANK 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Plavix clopidogrel bisulfate PDR 75.0 mg/day 75 mg/day PO, oral Plavix clopidogrel bisulfate PDR 0.2 mg/kg/day 0.2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Plavix clopidogrel bisulfate PDR 75.0 mg/day 75 mg/day PO, oral Plavix clopidogrel bisulfate PDR 600.0 mg 600 mg PO, oral Plavix clopidogrel bisulfate PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Plavix clopidogrel bisulfate PDR 75.0 mg/day 75 mg/day PO, oral Plavix clopidogrel bisulfate PDR 75.0 mg/day 75 mg/day PO, oral Plavix clopidogrel bisulfate PDR 600.0 mg 600 mg PO, oral Plavix clopidogrel bisulfate PDR 0.2 mg/kg/day 0.2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Plavix clopidogrel bisulfate PDR 0.2 mg/kg/day 0.2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Plavix clopidogrel bisulfate PDR DDPD00759 Tetracycline 444.4346 C22H24N2O8 [H][C@@]12C[C@@]3([H])C(=C(O)[C@]1(O)C(=O)C(C(N)=O)=C(O)[C@H]2N(C)C)C(=O)C1=C(O)C=CC=C1[C@@]3(C)O DB00759 T3D3955 54675776 27902 http://www.drugs.com/tetracycline.html 10257122 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 40.0 % <40 % IM,intramuscular injection; fasting; adults; DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % intravenous injection, IV; fasting; adults; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 60-80 % PO, oral; fasting; adults; DRUGBANK 77.0 % 77.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2300.0 ng/ml 2.3±0.2 mcg/ml PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 16400.0 ng/ml 16.4±1.2 mcg/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4.0 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 0.1002 L/h/kg 1.67±0.24 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 0.09 L/h/kg 1.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.5 L/kg 1.5±0.1 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 1.2 L/kg 1.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 9.0 h 6-12 h DRUGBANK 10.6 h 10.6±1.5 h DRUGBANK 9.4 h 9.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 808.0 mg/kg 808.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 808.0 mg/kg 808.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 58.0 % 58±8 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 43.5 % 20-67 % DRUGBANK 65.0 % 65±3 % DRUGBANK 50.0 mg/kg/day 50 mg/kg/day PO, oral Tetracycline Hydrochloride Capsules tetracycline hydrochloride PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Tetracycline Hydrochloride Capsules tetracycline hydrochloride PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Tetracycline Hydrochloride Capsules tetracycline hydrochloride PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Tetracycline Hydrochloride Capsules tetracycline hydrochloride PDR 50.0 mg/kg/day 50 mg/kg/day PO, oral Tetracycline Hydrochloride Capsules tetracycline hydrochloride PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Tetracycline Hydrochloride Capsules tetracycline hydrochloride PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Tetracycline Hydrochloride Capsules tetracycline hydrochloride PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Tetracycline Hydrochloride Capsules tetracycline hydrochloride PDR DDPD00760 Meropenem 383.463 C17H25N3O5S [H][C@]1([C@@H](C)O)C(=O)N2C(C(O)=O)=C(S[C@@H]3CN[C@@H](C3)C(=O)N(C)C)[C@H](C)[C@]12[H] DB00760 441130 43968 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/meropenem.html 389924 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.234 L/h/kg 3.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.3 L/kg 0.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 h ~1 h Children; Adolescents; adults; DRUGBANK 1.5 h ~1.5 h Infants; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 70.0 % ~70 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 2.0 % ~2 % DRUGBANK 120.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV q8h Merrem meropenem PDR 2000.0 mg 2 g intravenous injection, IV q8h Merrem meropenem PDR 1000.0 mg 1 g intravenous injection, IV q8h Merrem meropenem PDR 2000.0 mg 2 g intravenous injection, IV q8h Merrem meropenem PDR 40.0 mg/kg/dose 40 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV q8h Merrem meropenem PDR 6000.0 mg 2 g intravenous injection, IV q8h Merrem meropenem PDR 1000.0 mg 1 g intravenous injection, IV q8h Merrem meropenem PDR 2000.0 mg 2 g intravenous injection, IV q8h Merrem meropenem PDR 120.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV q8h Merrem meropenem PDR 90.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV q8h Merrem meropenem PDR 120.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV q8h Merrem meropenem PDR 90.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV q8h Merrem meropenem PDR 120.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV q8h Merrem meropenem PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV q8h Merrem meropenem PDR 120.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV q8h Merrem meropenem PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV q8h Merrem meropenem PDR 120.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV q8h Merrem meropenem PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV q12h Merrem meropenem PDR 120.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV q8h Merrem meropenem PDR DDPD00761 Potassium chloride 74.551 ClK [Cl-].[K+] DB00761 T3D4731 4873 32588 http://www.drugs.com/potassium_chloride.html 4707 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.0 tabLets/day 2 tabLets/day PO, oral K-Tab potassium chloride PDR 2.0 tablets/day 2 tablets/day PO, oral K-Tab potassium chloride PDR DDPD00762 Irinotecan 586.678 C33H38N4O6 CCC1=C2CN3C(=CC4=C(COC(=O)[C@]4(O)CC)C3=O)C2=NC2=CC=C(OC(=O)N3CCC(CC3)N3CCCCC3)C=C12 DB00762 60838 80630 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/irinotecan.html 54825 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 10200.0 ng.h/ml 10200.0 ng.h/ml tumor; DRUGBANK 20604.0 ng.h/ml 20604.0 ng.h/ml tumor; DRUGBANK 1660.0 ng/ml 1660.0 ng/ml tumor; DRUGBANK 3392.0 ng/ml 3392.0 ng/ml tumor; DRUGBANK 1700.0 ng/ml 1.7±0.8 mcg/ml intravenous infusion, IV in drop; solid tumors; DRUGBANK 26.0 ng/ml 26±12 ng/ml intravenous infusion, IV in drop; Active metabolite; solid tumors; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h intravenous infusion, IV in drop; solid tumors; DRUGBANK 1.0 h ≤1 h intravenous infusion, IV in drop; Active metabolite; solid tumors; DRUGBANK 13.3 L/h/m2 13.3 L/h/m2 tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 13.9 L/h/m2 13.9 L/h/m2 tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 14.8 L/h/m2 14.8±4 L/h/m2 DRUGBANK 0.42 L/h/kg 7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 110.0 L/m2 110.0 L/m2 tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 234.0 L/m2 234.0 L/m2 tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 150.0 L/m2 150±49 L/m2 DRUGBANK 3.5 L/kg 3.5 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 9.0 h ~6-12 h DRUGBANK 15.0 h 10-20 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 10.8 h 10.8±0.5 h DRUGBANK 10.4 h 10.4±3.1 h Male, men;  Female, women; patients; malignant solid tumors; DRUGBANK 9.0 h 9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 16.7 % 16.7±1 % Urinary excretion; malignant solid tumors; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 49.0 % 30-68 % DRUGBANK 49.0 % 30-68 % malignant solid tumors; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % Active metabolite; malignant solid tumors; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 16.6666666666667 mg/m2/day 350 mg/m2/3 weeks intravenous injection, IV Camptosar irinotecan hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg/m2 300 mg/m2 Camptosar irinotecan hydrochloride PDR 17.8571428571429 mg/m2/day 125 mg/m2/week intravenous injection, IV Camptosar irinotecan hydrochloride PDR 12.8571428571429 mg/m2/day 180 mg/m2/2 weeks intravenous injection, IV Camptosar irinotecan hydrochloride PDR 17.8571428571429 mg/m2/day 125 mg/m2/week intravenous injection, IV Camptosar irinotecan hydrochloride PDR 350.0 mg/m2/dose 350 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV q3w Camptosar irinotecan hydrochloride PDR 125.0 mg/m2/week 125 mg/m2/week intravenous injection, IV Camptosar irinotecan hydrochloride PDR 180.0 mg/m2/dose 180 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV qw Camptosar irinotecan hydrochloride PDR 125.0 mg/m2/week 125 mg/m2/week intravenous injection, IV Camptosar irinotecan hydrochloride PDR 70.0 mg/m2 70 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV q2w Onivyde irinotecan liposome PDR 70.0 mg/m2 70 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV q2w Onivyde irinotecan liposome PDR DDPD00763 Methimazole 114.169 C4H6N2S CN1C=CNC1=S DB00763 1349907 50673 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/methimazole.html 1131173 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.125 h 0.25-4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5.7 L/h 5.7 L/h intravenous injection, IV; Single dose; DRUGBANK 3.49 L/h 3.49 L/h moderate hepatic impairment; patients; hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.84 L/h 0.84 L/h severe hepatic impairment; patients; hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.222 L/h/kg 3.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 L ~20 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.86 L/kg 0.86 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.17 h 0.17 h distribution half-life; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;hyperthyroid, HTh &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 5.3 h 5.3 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 16.41 h ~16.41 h DRUGBANK 7.1 h 7.1 h mild hepatic impairment; DRUGBANK 22.1 h 22.1 h severe hepatic impairment; DRUGBANK 2.4 h 2.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2250.0 mg/kg 2250.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3.0 % ~3 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 9.5 % 7-12 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % DRUGBANK 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Tapazole methimazole PDR 1.0 mg/kg/day 1 mg/kg/day PO, oral Tapazole methimazole PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Tapazole methimazole PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Tapazole methimazole PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Tapazole methimazole PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Tapazole methimazole PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Tapazole methimazole PDR 1.0 mg/kg/day 1 mg/kg/day PO, oral Tapazole methimazole PDR DDPD00765 Metyrosine 195.2151 C10H13NO3 C[C@](N)(CC1=CC=C(O)C=C1)C(O)=O DB00765 441350 6912 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/metyrosine.html 390103 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % DRUGBANK 3.55 h 3.4-3.7 h DRUGBANK 442.0 mg/kg 442.0 mg/kg mouse; DRUGBANK 752.0 mg/kg 752.0 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Demser metyrosine PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Demser metyrosine PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Demser metyrosine PDR DDPD00766 Clavulanic acid 199.1608 C8H9NO5 [H][C@@]12CC(=O)N1[C@@H](C(O)=O)\C(O2)=C\CO DB00766 5280980 48947 4444466 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 73.0 % 73 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 64.0 % 64 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2098.0 ng/ml 2.098±0.441 mcg/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.042 h 1.042±0.8 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.335 h 0.67-2 h PO, oral; different study; DRUGBANK 15.6 % 15.6 % DRUGBANK 8.8 % 8.8 % DRUGBANK 12.6 L/h 0.21 L/min normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.174285714285714 L/h/kg 12.2 L/h/70kg Average clearance; DRUGBANK 0.186 L/h/kg 3.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.0 L 12.0 L normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.22 L/kg 0.22 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.125 h 45-90 min DRUGBANK 0.8 h 0.8 h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.9 h 0.9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; adults; rodents; DRUGBANK 8.0 % 8 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 52.5 % ~40-65 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 25.0 % ~25 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD00768 Olopatadine 337.4122 C21H23NO3 CN(C)CC\C=C1\C2=CC=CC=C2COC2=C1C=C(CC(O)=O)C=C2 DB00768 T3D2886 5281071 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/olopatadine-spray.html 4444528 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 9.7 ng.h/ml 9.7±4.4 ng.h/ml ophthalmic administration; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 66.0 ng.h/ml 66±26.8 ng.h/ml inhalation, IH; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 78.0 ng.h/ml 78.0±13.9 ng.h/ml inhalation, IH; allergic rhinitis; DRUGBANK 57.0 % 57 % inhalation, IH; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.6 ng/ml 1.6±0.9 ng/ml ophthalmic administration; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 6.0 ng/ml 6.0±8.99 ng/ml inhalation, IH; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 23.3 ng/ml 23.3±6.2 ng/ml inhalation, IH; allergic rhinitis; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h ophthalmic administration; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.5-1 h inhalation, IH; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.125 h 0.25-2 h inhalation, IH; allergic rhinitis; DRUGBANK 23.45 L/h 23.45 L/h Average clearance; PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 133.83 L 133.83 L normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 3.4 h 3.4±1.2 h elimination half-life; ophthalmic administration; DRUGBANK 10.0 h 8-12 h elimination half-life; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1150.0 mg/kg >1150 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 3870.0 mg/kg >3870 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/kg 20.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.1 mg/kg 0.1 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 70.0 % ~70 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 17.0 % ~17 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 55.0 % ~55 % human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Patanol olopatadine hydrochloride PDR 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration Patanol olopatadine hydrochloride PDR 4.0 sprays/day 4 sprays/day nasal spray Patanol olopatadine hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Patanol olopatadine hydrochloride PDR 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration Patanol olopatadine hydrochloride PDR 2.0 sprays/day 2 sprays/day nasal spray Patanol olopatadine hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Patanol olopatadine hydrochloride PDR 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration Patanol olopatadine hydrochloride PDR 2.0 sprays/day 2 sprays/day nasal spray Patanol olopatadine hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Patanol olopatadine hydrochloride PDR 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration Patanol olopatadine hydrochloride PDR 4.0 sprays/day 4 sprays/day nasal spray Patanol olopatadine hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Patanol olopatadine hydrochloride PDR 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration Patanol olopatadine hydrochloride PDR 4.0 sprays/day 4 sprays/day nasal spray Patanol olopatadine hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Patanol olopatadine hydrochloride PDR 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration Patanol olopatadine hydrochloride PDR 4.0 sprays/day 4 sprays/day nasal spray Patanol olopatadine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00769 Hydrocortamate 475.6175 C27H41NO6 [H][C@@]12CC[C@](O)(C(=O)COC(=O)CN(CC)CC)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)CC[C@]12C DB00769 84088 50851 75860 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00770 Alprostadil 354.487 C20H34O5 CCCCC[C@H](O)\C=C\[C@H]1[C@H](O)CC(=O)[C@@H]1CCCCCCC(O)=O DB00770 149351 15544 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/alprostadil.html 4444306 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % lung metabolism; DRUGBANK 2.724 L/h/kg 45.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.4 L/kg 2.4 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.125 h 5-10 min Single dose; normal,healthy; adults; Neonates; DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 186.0 mg/kg 186.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 228.0 mg/kg 228.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 81.0 % 81 % DRUGBANK 0.576 mg/kg/day 0.4 mcg/kg/minute intravenous injection, IV Prostin VR Pediatric alprostadil PDR DDPD00771 Clidinium 352.4467 C22H26NO3 C[N@@+]12CC[C@@H](CC1)C(C2)OC(=O)C(O)(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00771 2784 3743 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/clidinium.html 26330531 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00772 Malathion 330.358 C10H19O6PS2 CCOC(=O)CC(SP(=S)(OC)OC)C(=O)OCC DB00772 T3D3870 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/pdfs/ATSDR MRLs - May 2021 - H.pdf 4004 141474 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/malathion.html 3864 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 8.0 % 8 % skin/dermal; skin disease; skin disease &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 16.0 h 8-24 h DRUGBANK 5500.0 mg/kg 1000->10000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 4000.0 mg/kg >4000 mg/kg skin/dermal; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5500.0 mg/kg 1000-10000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 4000.0 mg/kg >4000 mg/kg skin/dermal; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.0002 mg/L 0.2 mg/m3 inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 2e-05 mg/L 0.02 mg/m3 inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 0.02 mg/kg/day 0.02 mg/kg/day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.02 mg/kg/day 0.02 mg/kg/day PO, oral; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK DDPD00773 Etoposide 588.5566 C29H32O13 [H][C@]12COC(=O)[C@]1([H])[C@H](C1=CC(OC)=C(O)C(OC)=C1)C1=CC3=C(OCO3)C=C1[C@H]2O[C@@H]1O[C@]2([H])CO[C@@H](C)O[C@@]2([H])[C@H](O)[C@H]1O DB00773 T3D4695 36462 4911 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/etoposide.html 33510 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50(25-75) % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 52.0 % 52±17 % PO, oral; increasing doses &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 2700.0 ng/ml 2.7 mcg/ml intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 4700.0 ng/ml 4.7 mcg/ml intravenous infusion, IV in drop; hematological toxicity; DRUGBANK 1.25 h 1-1.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.3 h 1.3 h DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 2.43 L/h 33 - 48 ml/min Total clearance; intravenous injection, IV; adults; DRUGBANK 0.51 L/h/m2 7.0-10 ml/min/m2 Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.0408 L/h/kg 0.68±0.23 ml/min/kg hydrolysis; Children &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.03 L/h/kg 0.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 23.5 L 18-29 L at steady state; DRUGBANK 0.36 L/kg 0.36±0.15 L/kg Children &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.18 L/kg 0.18 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.5 h 4-11 h DRUGBANK 8.1 h 8.1±4.3 h Children &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 5.7 h 5.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 44.0 % 44 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 56.0 % 56 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 35.0 % 35±5 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % DRUGBANK 96.0 % 96±0.4 % hypoalbuminemia Alb &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 150.0 mg/m2/day 150 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Toposar etoposide PDR 200.0 mg/m2/day 200 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Toposar etoposide PDR 100.0 mg/m2/day 100 mg/m2/day PO, oral Toposar etoposide PDR 200.0 mg/m2/day 200 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Toposar etoposide PDR 200.0 mg/m2/day 200 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Toposar etoposide PDR 100.0 mg/m2/day 100 mg/m2/day PO, oral Toposar etoposide PDR 120.0 mg/m2/day 120 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Toposar etoposide PDR DDPD00774 Hydroflumethiazide 331.292 C8H8F3N3O4S2 NS(=O)(=O)C1=CC2=C(NCNS2(=O)=O)C=C1C(F)(F)F DB00774 3647 5784 3521 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.582 L/h/kg 9.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.2 L/kg 2.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 h ~2 h distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 17.0 h ~17 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 5.2 h 5.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 74.0 % 74 % DRUGBANK DDPD00775 Tirofiban 440.597 C22H36N2O5S CCCCS(=O)(=O)N[C@@H](CC1=CC=C(OCCCCC2CCNCC2)C=C1)C(O)=O DB00775 60947 9605 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/tirofiban.html 54912 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 16.62 L/h 213-314 ml/min normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 12.57 L/h 152-267 ml/min coronary artery disease; patients; DRUGBANK 0.18 L/h/kg 3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 32.0 L 22-42 L DRUGBANK 0.34 L/kg 0.34 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h DRUGBANK 1.6 h 1.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 65.0 % ~65 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 25.0 % ~25 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 65.0 % 65 % DRUGBANK 0.025 mg/kg 25 mcg/kg intravenous injection, IV Aggrastat tirofiban hydrochloride PDR 0.216 mg/kg/day 0.15 mcg/kg/min intravenous infusion, iv in drop; up to 18 hours Aggrastat tirofiban hydrochloride PDR 25.0 mcg/kg 25 mcg/kg intravenous injection, IV Aggrastat tirofiban hydrochloride PDR 0.216 mg/kg/day 0.15 mcg/kg/minute intravenous infusion, iv in drop; up to 18 hours Aggrastat tirofiban hydrochloride PDR DDPD00776 Oxcarbazepine 252.268 C15H12N2O2 NC(=O)N1C2=CC=CC=C2CC(=O)C2=C1C=CC=C2 DB00776 T3D2887 34312 7824 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/oxcarbazepine.html 31608 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 34.0 ng/ml 34.0 umol/L Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 8500.0 ng/ml 8.5±2.0 mcg/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4.5 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 60.0 h 2-3 day Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 84.9 L/h ~84.9 L/h Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 2.0 L/h 2.0 L/h Plasma clearance; Renal metabolism; DRUGBANK 4.044 L/h/kg 67.4 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; metabolism of ugt; DRUGBANK 49.0 L 49.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 23.6 L 23.6 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 31.7 L 31.7 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 2.0 h ~2 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 9.0 h ~9 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 2.0 h ~2 h normal,healthy; adults; Male, men; DRUGBANK 11.5 h 8-15 h Active metabolite; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1240.0 mg/kg 1240.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mammals; DRUGBANK 73.0 mg/kg 73.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Children; DRUGBANK 95.0 % >95 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.0 % 4 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; adults; Male, men; normal,healthy; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 27.0 % 27 % Urinary excretion; adults; Male, men; normal,healthy; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 45.0 % 45 % Active metabolite; adults; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day PO, oral Trileptal oxcarbazepine PDR 2400.0 mg/day 2400 mg/day PO, oral Trileptal oxcarbazepine PDR 2400.0 mg/day 2400 mg/day PO, oral Trileptal oxcarbazepine PDR 2400.0 mg/day 2400 mg/day PO, oral Trileptal oxcarbazepine PDR DDPD00777 Propiomazine 340.482 C20H24N2OS CCC(=O)C1=CC2=C(SC3=CC=CC=C3N2CC(C)N(C)C)C=C1 DB00777 T3D2888 4940 8491 4771 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 81.0 % 81 % DRUGBANK DDPD00778 Roxithromycin 837.0465 C41H76N2O15 CC[C@H]1OC(=O)[C@H](C)[C@@H](O[C@H]2C[C@@](C)(OC)[C@@H](O)[C@H](C)O2)[C@H](C)[C@@H](O[C@@H]2O[C@H](C)C[C@@H]([C@H]2O)N(C)C)[C@](C)(O)C[C@@H](C)C(=NOCOCCOC)[C@H](C)[C@@H](O)[C@]1(C)O DB00778 6915744 48935 5291557 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12 h DRUGBANK 96.0 % 96 % DRUGBANK DDPD00779 Nalidixic acid 232.2353 C12H12N2O3 CCN1C=C(C(O)=O)C(=O)C2=C1N=C(C)C=C2 DB00779 4421 100147 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/nalidixic-acid.html 4268 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 96.0 % 96 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30 % Liver metabolism; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1.1-2.5 h normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 21.0 h 21 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; patients; DRUGBANK 1160.0 mg/kg 1160.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 572.0 mg/kg 572.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 4.0 % ~4 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93 % DRUGBANK DDPD00780 Phenelzine 136.1943 C8H12N2 NNCCC1=CC=CC=C1 DB00780 T3D2889 3675 8060 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/phenelzine.html 3547 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 19.8 ng/ml 19.8 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.716666666666667 h 43 min PO, oral; DRUGBANK 11.6 h 11.6 h human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 90.0 mg/day 90 mg/day PO, oral Nardil phenelzine sulfate PDR 90.0 mg/day 90 mg/day PO, oral Nardil phenelzine sulfate PDR DDPD00781 Polymyxin B 1203.499 C56H98N16O13 [H][C@]1(NC(=O)[C@H](CCN)NC(=O)[C@H](CCN)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(C)C)NC(=O)[C@@H](CC2=CC=CC=C2)NC(=O)[C@@H](CCN)NC(=O)[C@H](CCNC1=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CCN)NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CCN)NC(=O)CCCCC(C)CC)[C@@H](C)O)[C@@H](C)O DB00781 T3D3529 25045120 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 2.435 L/h 2.37-2.5 L/h DRUGBANK 40.75 L 34.3-47.2 L DRUGBANK 10.25 h 9-11.5 h DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6 h different study; DRUGBANK 60.0 h 48-72 h different study; renal insufficiency; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 85.5 % 79-92 % DRUGBANK 25000.0 units/kg/day 25000 units/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Polymyxin B polymyxin B sulfate PDR 30000.0 units/kg/day 30000 units/kg/day IM,intramuscular injection Polymyxin B polymyxin B sulfate PDR 100000.0 units/day 100000 units/day ophthalmic administration Polymyxin B polymyxin B sulfate PDR 50000.0 units/day 50000 units/day intrathecal administration Polymyxin B polymyxin B sulfate PDR 25000.0 units/kg/day 25000 units/kg/day ophthalmic administration;total systemic; Polymyxin B polymyxin B sulfate PDR 25000.0 units/kg/day 25000 units/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Polymyxin B polymyxin B sulfate PDR 30000.0 units/kg/day 30000 units/kg/day IM,intramuscular injection Polymyxin B polymyxin B sulfate PDR 100000.0 units/day 100000 units/day ophthalmic administration Polymyxin B polymyxin B sulfate PDR 20000.0 units/day 20000 units/day intrathecal administration Polymyxin B polymyxin B sulfate PDR 25000.0 units/kg/day 25000 units/kg/day ophthalmic administration;total systemic; Polymyxin B polymyxin B sulfate PDR 25000.0 units/kg/day 25000 units/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Polymyxin B polymyxin B sulfate PDR 30000.0 units/kg/day 30000 units/kg/day IM,intramuscular injection Polymyxin B polymyxin B sulfate PDR 100000.0 units/day 100000 units/day ophthalmic administration Polymyxin B polymyxin B sulfate PDR 50000.0 units/day 50000 units/day intrathecal administration Polymyxin B polymyxin B sulfate PDR 25000.0 units/kg/day 25000 units/kg/day ophthalmic administration;total systemic; Polymyxin B polymyxin B sulfate PDR 25000.0 units/kg/day 25000 units/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Polymyxin B polymyxin B sulfate PDR 30000.0 units/kg/day 30000 units/kg/day IM,intramuscular injection Polymyxin B polymyxin B sulfate PDR 100000.0 units/day 100000 units/day ophthalmic administration Polymyxin B polymyxin B sulfate PDR 50000.0 units/day 50000 units/day intrathecal administration Polymyxin B polymyxin B sulfate PDR 25000.0 units/kg/day 25000 units/kg/day ophthalmic administration;total systemic; Polymyxin B polymyxin B sulfate PDR 25000.0 units/kg/day 25000 units/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Polymyxin B polymyxin B sulfate PDR 30000.0 units/kg/day 30000 units/kg/day IM,intramuscular injection Polymyxin B polymyxin B sulfate PDR 100000.0 units/day 100000 units/day ophthalmic administration Polymyxin B polymyxin B sulfate PDR 50000.0 units/day 50000 units/day intrathecal administration Polymyxin B polymyxin B sulfate PDR 25000.0 units/kg/day 25000 units/kg/day ophthalmic administration;total systemic; Polymyxin B polymyxin B sulfate PDR 40000.0 units/kg/day 40000 units/kg/day IM,intramuscular injection;intravenous injection, IV; Polymyxin B polymyxin B sulfate PDR 20000.0 units/day 20000 units/day intrathecal administration Polymyxin B polymyxin B sulfate PDR 100000.0 units/day 100000 units/day ophthalmic administration Polymyxin B polymyxin B sulfate PDR 25000.0 units/kg/day 25000 units/kg/day ophthalmic administration;total systemic; Polymyxin B polymyxin B sulfate PDR 45000.0 units/kg/day 45000 units/kg/day IM,intramuscular injection Polymyxin B polymyxin B sulfate PDR DDPD00782 Propantheline 368.4892 C23H30NO3 CC(C)[N+](C)(CCOC(=O)C1C2=CC=CC=C2OC2=CC=CC=C12)C(C)C DB00782 4934 8481 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/propantheline.html 4765 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 70.0 % ~70 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD00783 Estradiol 272.382 C18H24O2 [H][C@@]12CC[C@H](O)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@]1([H])C3=C(CC[C@@]21[H])C=C(O)C=C3 DB00783 T3D4668 5757 16469 http://www.drugs.com/estradiol.html 5554 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.471 ng.h/ml 471.0 pg.h/ml skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 0.231 ng.h/ml 231±285 pg.h/ml Vaginal Administration; DRUGBANK 6.0 % 2-10 % Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 40.0 % >40 % Transdermal preparations; DRUGBANK 0.174 ng/ml 174.0 pg/ml Transdermal preparations; DRUGBANK 0.054 ng/ml 54.0 pg/ml skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 0.063 ng/ml 63.0 pg/ml Vaginal Administration; DRUGBANK 0.0128 ng/ml 12.8±16.6 pg/ml Vaginal Administration; DRUGBANK 20.0 h 20 h skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.5-1 h Vaginal Administration; DRUGBANK 8.5 h 8.5±6.2 h Vaginal Administration; DRUGBANK 180.0 h 7-8 day skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 1.794 L/h/kg 29.9±15.5 ml/min/kg PO, oral; postmenopausal women; DRUGBANK 0.078 L/h/kg 1.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.8 L/h/kg 30 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.2 L/kg 1.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.5 h 1-12 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.5 h 1-12 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 16.9 h 16.9±6.0 h elimination half-life; postmenopausal women; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.4575 h 27.45±5.65 min elimination half-life; postmenopausal women; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.7 h 1.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 960.0 mg/kg 960.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1.0 mg/kg/day 21.0 mg/kg/21D  Female, women; DRUGBANK 95.0 % >95 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 95.0 % <95 % DRUGBANK DDPD00784 Mefenamic acid 241.2851 C15H15NO2 CC1=C(C)C(NC2=CC=CC=C2C(O)=O)=CC=C1 DB00784 4044 6717 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/mefenamic-acid.html 3904 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 21.23 L/h 21.23 L/h PO, oral; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 1.06 L/kg 1.06 L/kg normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h DRUGBANK 740.0 mg/kg 740.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % DRUGBANK 1250.0 mg/day 1250 mg/day PO, oral Ponstel mefenamic acid PDR 1250.0 mg/day 1250 mg/day PO, oral Ponstel mefenamic acid PDR 1250.0 mg/day 1250 mg/day PO, oral Ponstel mefenamic acid PDR DDPD00787 Acyclovir 225.2046 C8H11N5O3 NC1=NC(=O)C2=C(N1)N(COCCO)C=N2 DB00787 2022 2453 http://www.drugs.com/acyclovir.html 1945 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.71 % <0.02-9.4 % skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 3029.55 ng.h/ml 2956.6-3102.5 ng.h/ml DRUGBANK 15.0 % 10-20 % PO, oral; increasing doses; food; increasing doses &#8593; ;food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 22.5 % 15-30 % PO, oral; increasing doses &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 625.1 ng/ml 593.7-656.5 ng/ml DRUGBANK 1002160.47 ng/ml 3.5-5.4 mM Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1±0.4 h DRUGBANK 1.75 h 1.5-2 h Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 15.0 % <15 % DRUGBANK 1.0 % 1 % DRUGBANK 8.60115606936416 L/h/m2 248.0 ml/min/1.73m2 Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 4.23121387283237 L/h/m2 122.0 ml/min/1.73m2 Total clearance; Neonates; DRUGBANK 0.282 L/h/kg 4.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.6 L/kg 0.6 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.69 L/kg 0.69±0.19 L/kg Neonates &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.71 L/kg 0.71 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 h ~5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 2.6 h 2.6 h Children; DRUGBANK 2.4 h 2.4±0.7 h Neonates &#8593; ;Children &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.1 % <0.1 % lung excretion; DRUGBANK 2.0 % <2 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 91.0 % 90-92 % Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 75.0 % 75±10 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 21.0 % 9-33 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 15.0 % 15±4 % DRUGBANK 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Zovirax Ointment acyclovir PDR 45.0 mg/kg/day 45 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Zovirax Ointment acyclovir PDR 80.0 mg/kg/day 80 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zovirax Ointment acyclovir PDR 3200.0 mg/day 3200 mg/day PO, oral Zovirax Ointment acyclovir PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4000 mg/day Zovirax Ointment acyclovir PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Zovirax Ointment acyclovir PDR 80.0 mg/kg/day 80 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zovirax Ointment acyclovir PDR 3200.0 mg/day 3200 mg/day PO, oral Zovirax Ointment acyclovir PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Zovirax Ointment acyclovir PDR 80.0 mg/kg/day 80 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zovirax Ointment acyclovir PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Zovirax Ointment acyclovir PDR 45.0 mg/kg/day 45 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Zovirax Ointment acyclovir PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4000 mg/day PO, oral Zovirax Ointment acyclovir PDR 50.0 mg/dose 50 mg/dose buccal tablets Zovirax Ointment acyclovir PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Zovirax Ointment acyclovir PDR 45.0 mg/kg/day 45 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Zovirax Ointment acyclovir PDR 80.0 mg/kg/day 80 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zovirax Ointment acyclovir PDR 3200.0 mg/day 3200 mg/day PO, oral Zovirax Ointment acyclovir PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4000 mg/day Zovirax Ointment acyclovir PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Zovirax Ointment acyclovir PDR 45.0 mg/kg/day 45 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Zovirax Ointment acyclovir PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4000 mg/day PO, oral Zovirax Ointment acyclovir PDR 50.0 mg/dose 50 mg/dose buccal tablets Zovirax Ointment acyclovir PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Zovirax Ointment acyclovir PDR 80.0 mg/kg/day 80 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zovirax Ointment acyclovir PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Zovirax Ointment acyclovir PDR 900.0 mg/m2/day 900 mg/m2/day PO, oral Zovirax Ointment acyclovir PDR DDPD00788 Naproxen 230.2592 C14H14O3 COC1=CC2=C(C=C1)C=C(C=C2)[C@H](C)C(O)=O DB00788 156391 7476 http://www.drugs.com/naproxen.html 137720 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % PO, oral; Rectal Administration; DRUGBANK 1446000.0 ng.h/ml 1446.0 mcg.h/ml PO, oral; Rectal Administration; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 1448000.0 ng.h/ml 1448.0 mcg.h/ml PO, oral; Rectal Administration; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 845000.0 ng.h/ml 845.0 mcg.h/ml PO, oral; Derivative; DRUGBANK 767000.0 ng.h/ml 767.0 mcg.h/ml PO, oral; Rectal Administration; different study; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99.0 % DRUGBANK 95700.0 ng/ml 94-97.4 mcg/ml PO, oral; Rectal Administration; DRUGBANK 37.0 null 37.0 null Tablet, PO, oral; immediate release formulation; adults; DRUGBANK 94.0 null 94.0 null Tablet, PO, oral; extended release formulation; adults; DRUGBANK 55000.0 ng/ml 55±14 mcg/ml Liquid; Children; patients; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h PO, oral; Rectal Administration; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h PO, oral; Rectal Administration; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5 h PO, oral; Rectal Administration; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h PO, oral; Derivative; DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.9 h PO, oral; Rectal Administration; different study; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5 h combination drug use; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; Derivative; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h Tablet, PO, oral; immediate release formulation; adults; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5.0 h Tablet, PO, oral; extended release formulation; adults; DRUGBANK 2.2 h 2.2±2.1 h Liquid; Children; patients; DRUGBANK 0.0078 L/h/kg 0.13 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 0.0078 L/h/kg 0.13±0.02 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; hydrolysis; hydrolysis; Children &#8594; ;Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;rheumatoid arthritis &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.0042 L/h/kg 0.07 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.16 L/kg 0.16 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.16 L/kg 0.16±0.02 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; hydrolysis; hydrolysis; Elderly &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;rheumatoid arthritis &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.09 L/kg 0.09 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 14.5 h 12-17 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 14.0 h 14±1 h Children &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;rheumatoid arthritis &#8594; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 16.63 h 16.63 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 95.0 % ~95 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5.0 % <5 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5.5 % 5-6 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % DRUGBANK 99.7 % 99.7±0.1 % Elderly &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;rheumatoid arthritis &#8595; ;hypoalbuminemia Alb &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral Anaprox/EC-Naprosyn/Naprosyn (naproxen); (naproxen sodium) PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Anaprox/EC-Naprosyn/Naprosyn (naproxen); (naproxen sodium) PDR 660.0 mg/day 660 mg/day PO, oral Anaprox/EC-Naprosyn/Naprosyn (naproxen); (naproxen sodium) PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral Anaprox/EC-Naprosyn/Naprosyn (naproxen); (naproxen sodium) PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Anaprox/EC-Naprosyn/Naprosyn (naproxen); (naproxen sodium) PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1500 mg/day PO, oral Anaprox/EC-Naprosyn/Naprosyn (naproxen); (naproxen sodium) PDR 1650.0 mg/day 1650 mg/day PO, oral Anaprox/EC-Naprosyn/Naprosyn (naproxen); (naproxen sodium) PDR 660.0 mg/day 660 mg/day PO, oral Anaprox/EC-Naprosyn/Naprosyn (naproxen); (naproxen sodium) PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1500 mg/day PO, oral Anaprox/EC-Naprosyn/Naprosyn (naproxen); (naproxen sodium) PDR 1650.0 mg/day 1650 mg/day PO, oral Anaprox/EC-Naprosyn/Naprosyn (naproxen); (naproxen sodium) PDR 660.0 mg/day 660 mg/day PO, oral Anaprox/EC-Naprosyn/Naprosyn (naproxen); (naproxen sodium) PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1500 mg/day PO, oral Anaprox/EC-Naprosyn/Naprosyn (naproxen); (naproxen sodium) PDR 1650.0 mg/day 1650 mg/day PO, oral Anaprox/EC-Naprosyn/Naprosyn (naproxen); (naproxen sodium) PDR 660.0 mg/day 660 mg/day PO, oral Anaprox/EC-Naprosyn/Naprosyn (naproxen); (naproxen sodium) PDR DDPD00789 Gadopentetic acid 547.58 C14H20GdN3O10 [Gd+3].OC(=O)CN(CCN(CCN(CC(O)=O)CC([O-])=O)CC([O-])=O)CC([O-])=O DB00789 55466 35778 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/gadopentetate-dimeglumine.html 138549 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.1164 L/h/kg 1.94±0.28 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.266 L/kg 266±43 mL/kg DRUGBANK 0.2 h 12 min distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 1.66666666666667 h 100 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 83.0 % 83±14 % DRUGBANK 91.0 % 91±13 % DRUGBANK 0.2 ml/kg 0.2 ml/kg intravenous injection, IV Magnevist Injection gadopentetate dimeglumine PDR 0.1 mmol/kg 0.1 mmol/kg intravenous injection, IV Magnevist Injection gadopentetate dimeglumine PDR 0.2 ml/kg 0.2 ml/kg intravenous injection, IV Magnevist Injection gadopentetate dimeglumine PDR 0.1 mmoL/kg 0.1 mmoL/kg intravenous injection, IV Magnevist Injection gadopentetate dimeglumine PDR 0.2 ml/kg 0.2 mL/kg intravenous injection, IV Magnevist Injection gadopentetate dimeglumine PDR 0.1 mmol/kg 0.1 mmol/kg intravenous injection, IV Magnevist Injection gadopentetate dimeglumine PDR 0.2 ml/kg 0.2 ml/kg intravenous injection, IV Magnevist Injection gadopentetate dimeglumine PDR 0.1 mmol/kg 0.1 mmol/kg intravenous injection, IV Magnevist Injection gadopentetate dimeglumine PDR DDPD00790 Perindopril 368.4678 C19H32N2O5 [H][C@]12C[C@H](N(C(=O)[C@H](C)N[C@@H](CCC)C(=O)OCC)[C@@]1([H])CCCC2)C(O)=O DB00790 107807 8024 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/perindopril.html 96956 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 70.0 % 65-75 % food; food &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.5 % 1-12 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 17.43 L/h 219-362 ml/min PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.2 h 1.2 h DRUGBANK 75.0 h 30-120 h DRUGBANK 8.0 % 4-12 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 15.0 % 10-20 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD00791 Uracil mustard 252.098 C8H11Cl2N3O2 ClCCN(CCCl)C1=CNC(=O)NC1=O DB00791 T3D4718 6194 9884 5959 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % DRUGBANK DDPD00792 Tripelennamine 255.358 C16H21N3 CN(C)CCN(CC1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=N1 DB00792 5587 9741 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/tripelennamine.html 5385 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00793 Haloprogin 361.391 C9H4Cl3IO ClC1=CC(Cl)=C(Cl)C=C1OCC#CI DB00793 3561 5614 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/haloprogin-topical.html 3440 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00794 Primidone 218.2518 C12H14N2O2 CCC1(C(=O)NCNC1=O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00794 4909 8412 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/primidone.html 4740 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2700.0 ng/ml 2.7±0.4 ug/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.75 h 0.5-7 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1.8 L/h 30.0 ml/min DRUGBANK 0.65 L/kg 0.5-0.8 L/kg DRUGBANK 14.5 h 7-22 h adults; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 5-11 h Children; DRUGBANK 44.0 h 8-80 h Neonates; DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/kg 1500.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 280.0 mg/kg 280.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 240.0 mg/kg 240.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 332.0 mg/kg 332.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 76.75 % 72.9-80.6 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 12.24 % 10.78-13.7 % DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day PO, oral Mysoline primidone PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day PO, oral Mysoline primidone PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day PO, oral Mysoline primidone PDR 25.0 mg/kg/day 25 mg/kg/day PO, oral Mysoline primidone PDR 1000.0 mg/kg/day 1000 mg/kg/day PO, oral Mysoline primidone PDR 25.0 mg/kg/day 25 mg/kg/day PO, oral Mysoline primidone PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day PO, oral Mysoline primidone PDR DDPD00795 Sulfasalazine 398.393 C18H14N4O5S OC(=O)C1=CC(=CC=C1O)\N=N\C1=CC=C(C=C1)S(=O)(=O)NC1=NC=CC=C1 DB00795 T3D2892 5359476 9334 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/sulfasalazine.html 10605946 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 L/h 1.0 L/h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.0156 L/h/kg 0.26 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.5 L 7.5±1.6 L DRUGBANK 0.11 L/kg 0.11 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.5 h 5-10 h DRUGBANK 7.6 h 7.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day PO, oral Azulfidine EN-tabs sulfasalazine PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Azulfidine EN-tabs sulfasalazine PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day PO, oral Azulfidine EN-tabs sulfasalazine PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Azulfidine EN-tabs sulfasalazine PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Azulfidine EN-tabs sulfasalazine PDR 50.0 mg/kg/day 50 mg/kg/day PO, oral Azulfidine EN-tabs sulfasalazine PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Azulfidine EN-tabs sulfasalazine PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3 g/day PO, oral Azulfidine EN-tabs sulfasalazine PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day PO, oral Azulfidine EN-tabs sulfasalazine PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Azulfidine EN-tabs sulfasalazine PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day PO, oral Azulfidine EN-tabs sulfasalazine PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Azulfidine EN-tabs sulfasalazine PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Azulfidine EN-tabs sulfasalazine PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3 g/day PO, oral Azulfidine EN-tabs sulfasalazine PDR DDPD00796 Candesartan cilexetil 610.671 C33H34N6O6 CCOC1=NC2=C(N1CC1=CC=C(C=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1C1=NN=NN1)C(=CC=C2)C(=O)OC(C)OC(=O)OC1CCCCC1 DB00796 2540 3348 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/candesartan.html 2444 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 15.0 % 15 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0222 L/h/kg 0.37 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 0.13 L/kg 0.13 L/kg DRUGBANK 9.0 h ~9 h DRUGBANK 26.0 % ~26 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 32.0 mg/day 32 mg/day PO, oral Atacand candesartan cilexetil PDR 16.0 mg/day 16 mg/day PO, oral Atacand candesartan cilexetil PDR 0.4 mg/kg/day 0.4 mg/kg/day PO, oral Atacand candesartan cilexetil PDR 32.0 mg/day 32 mg/day PO, oral Atacand candesartan cilexetil PDR 32.0 mg/day 32 mg/day PO, oral Atacand candesartan cilexetil PDR 16.0 mg/day 16 mg/day PO, oral Atacand candesartan cilexetil PDR 32.0 mg/day 32 mg/day PO, oral Atacand candesartan cilexetil PDR DDPD00797 Tolazoline 160.2157 C10H12N2 C(C1=NCCN1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00797 5504 28502 5303 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.5-1 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK DDPD00798 Gentamicin 477.5954 C21H43N5O7 CNC(C)C1CCC(N)C(OC2C(N)CC(N)C(OC3OCC(C)(O)C(NC)C3O)C2O)O1 DB00798 3467 17833 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/gentamicin-drops.html 3348 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 5000.0 ng/ml 5.0±0.4 mcg/ml intravenous injection, IV; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 4900.0 ng/ml 4.9±0.5 mcg/ml intravenous infusion, IV in drop; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.525 h 0.3-0.75 h intravenous injection, IV; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1.0 h intravenous infusion, IV in drop; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.06 L/h/kg 1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.31 L/kg 0.31±0.10 L/kg Neonates &#8593; ;Children &#8594; ;Elderly &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Obesity &#8595; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.33 L/kg 0.33 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.27 h 3-3½ h Infants; DRUGBANK 2.24 h h Neonates; Prem, premature; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h DRUGBANK 53.0 h 53±25 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 4.7 h 4.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 52.0 mg/kg 52.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 96.0 mg/kg 96.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 15.0 % 0-30 % DRUGBANK 10.0 % <10 % DRUGBANK 7.5 mg/kg/day 7.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Gentamicin Sulfate Ointment gentamicin sulfate PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Gentamicin Sulfate Ointment gentamicin sulfate PDR 7.0 mg/kg/day 7 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Gentamicin Sulfate Ointment gentamicin sulfate PDR 7.5 mg/kg/day 7.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Gentamicin Sulfate Ointment gentamicin sulfate PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Gentamicin Sulfate Ointment gentamicin sulfate PDR 7.0 mg/kg/day 7 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Gentamicin Sulfate Ointment gentamicin sulfate PDR 7.5 mg/kg/day 7.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Gentamicin Sulfate Ointment gentamicin sulfate PDR 7.5 mg/kg/day 7.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Gentamicin Sulfate Ointment gentamicin sulfate PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; qd Gentamicin Sulfate Ointment gentamicin sulfate PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; q2d Gentamicin Sulfate Ointment gentamicin sulfate PDR 4.5 mg/kg/day 4.5 mg/kg/dose/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; qd Gentamicin Sulfate Ointment gentamicin sulfate PDR 7.5 mg/kg/day 7.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Gentamicin Injection 40 mg/mL gentamicin sulfate PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Gentamicin Injection 40 mg/mL gentamicin sulfate PDR 7.0 mg/kg/day 7 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Gentamicin Injection 40 mg/mL gentamicin sulfate PDR 7.5 mg/kg/day 7.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Gentamicin Injection 40 mg/mL gentamicin sulfate PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Gentamicin Injection 40 mg/mL gentamicin sulfate PDR 7.0 mg/kg/day 7 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Gentamicin Injection 40 mg/mL gentamicin sulfate PDR 7.5 mg/kg/day 7.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Gentamicin Injection 40 mg/mL gentamicin sulfate PDR 7.5 mg/kg/day 7.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Gentamicin Injection 40 mg/mL gentamicin sulfate PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; qd Gentamicin Injection 40 mg/mL gentamicin sulfate PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; q2d Gentamicin Injection 40 mg/mL gentamicin sulfate PDR 4.5 mg/kg/day 4.5 mg/kg/dose/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; qd Gentamicin Injection 40 mg/mL gentamicin sulfate PDR 7.5 mg/kg/day 7.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Gentamicin Injection 10 mg/mL gentamicin sulfate PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Gentamicin Injection 10 mg/mL gentamicin sulfate PDR 7.0 mg/kg/day 7 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Gentamicin Injection 10 mg/mL gentamicin sulfate PDR 7.5 mg/kg/day 7.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Gentamicin Injection 10 mg/mL gentamicin sulfate PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Gentamicin Injection 10 mg/mL gentamicin sulfate PDR 7.0 mg/kg/day 7 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Gentamicin Injection 10 mg/mL gentamicin sulfate PDR 7.5 mg/kg/day 7.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Gentamicin Injection 10 mg/mL gentamicin sulfate PDR 7.5 mg/kg/day 7.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Gentamicin Injection 10 mg/mL gentamicin sulfate PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; qd Gentamicin Injection 10 mg/mL gentamicin sulfate PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; q2d Gentamicin Injection 10 mg/mL gentamicin sulfate PDR 4.5 mg/kg/day 4.5 mg/kg/dose/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; qd Gentamicin Injection 10 mg/mL gentamicin sulfate PDR DDPD00799 Tazarotene 351.462 C21H21NO2S CCOC(=O)C1=CN=C(C=C1)C#CC1=CC2=C(SCCC2(C)C)C=C1 DB00799 5381 32184 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/tazarotene-cream.html 5188 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.232 L/h/kg 37.2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.55 L/kg 3.55 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 18.0 h ~18 h normal,healthy; patients; DRUGBANK 18.0 h ~18 h hyperthyroid; patients; DRUGBANK 6.22 h 6.22 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 1.0 application/day 1 application/day skin/dermal qd Avage tazarotene PDR 1.0 application/day 1 application/day skin/dermal qd Avage tazarotene PDR 1.0 appLication/day 1 appLication/day skin/dermal qd Avage tazarotene PDR 1.0 application/day 1 application/day skin/dermal qd Avage tazarotene PDR 1.0 application/day 1 application/day skin/dermal qd Avage tazarotene PDR 1.0 application/day 1 application/day skin/dermal qd Avage tazarotene PDR DDPD00800 Fenoldopam 305.756 C16H16ClNO3 OC1=CC=C(C=C1)C1CNCCC2=C(Cl)C(O)=C(O)C=C12 DB00800 3341 5002 3224 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.49 L/h/kg 41.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.5 L/kg 0.5 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.0833333333333333 h ~5 min elimination half-life; mild hypertensives; mild hepatic impairment; Metabolite; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 10.0 % ~10 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 4.0 % 4 % Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.8 mcg/kg/min 0.8 mcg/kg/min intravenous infusion, iv in drop Corlopam fenoldopam mesylate PDR 2.304 mg/kg/day 1.6 mcg/kg/min intravenous infusion, iv in drop Corlopam fenoldopam mesylate PDR 1.152 mg/kg/day 0.8 mcg/kg/min intravenous infusion, iv in drop Corlopam fenoldopam mesylate PDR 2.304 mg/kg/day 1.6 mcg/kg/min intravenous infusion, iv in drop Corlopam fenoldopam mesylate PDR DDPD00801 Halazepam 352.738 C17H12ClF3N2O FC(F)(F)CN1C2=C(C=C(Cl)C=C2)C(=NCC1=O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00801 T3D2893 31640 5603 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/halazepam.html 29343 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00802 Alfentanil 416.5172 C21H32N6O3 CCN1N=NN(CCN2CCC(COC)(CC2)N(C(=O)CC)C2=CC=CC=C2)C1=O DB00802 T3D2894 51263 2569 46451 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 150.0 ng/ml 100-200 ng/ml DRUGBANK 325.0 ng/ml 310-340 ng/ml DRUGBANK 0.3 L/h/kg 5.0 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 0.402 L/h/kg 6.7±2.4 ml/min/kg hydrolysis; Elderly &#8595; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8595; ;CPBS &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.234 L/h/kg 3.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.57 L/kg 0.4-1 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.8 L/kg 0.8±0.3 L/kg Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8595; ;CPBS &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.45 L/kg 0.45 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.675 h 90-111 min DRUGBANK 1.6 h 1.6±0.2 h Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;CPBS &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.6 h 1.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 % 1 % Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 92.0 % 92 % DRUGBANK 92.0 % 92±2 % Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ; DRUGBANK DDPD00803 Colistin 1155.455 C52H98N16O13 CCC(C)CCCC(=O)N[C@@H](CCN)C(=O)N[C@@H]([C@@H](C)O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCN)C(=O)N[C@H]1CCNC(=O)C(NC(=O)[C@@H](CCN)NC(=O)[C@H](CCN)NC(=O)[C@@H](CC(C)C)NC(=O)[C@@H](CC(C)C)NC(=O)[C@H](CCN)NC1=O)[C@@H](C)O DB00803 131704173 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5 h DRUGBANK 5450.0 mg/kg 5450.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD00804 Dicyclomine 309.4867 C19H35NO2 CCN(CC)CCOC(=O)C1(CCCCC1)C1CCCCC1 DB00804 3042 4514 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/dicyclomine.html 2934 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.25 h 1-1.5 h DRUGBANK 3.65 L/kg 3.65 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.8 h ~1.8 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 625.0 mg/kg 625.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 79.5 % 79.5 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 8.4 % 8.4 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Bentyl dicyclomine hydrochloride PDR 160.0 mg/day 160 mg/day PO, oral Bentyl dicyclomine hydrochloride PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day IM,intramuscular injection Bentyl dicyclomine hydrochloride PDR 160.0 mg/day 160 mg/day PO, oral Bentyl dicyclomine hydrochloride PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Bentyl dicyclomine hydrochloride PDR 160.0 mg/day 160 mg/day PO, oral Bentyl dicyclomine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00805 Minaprine 298.3828 C17H22N4O CC1=CC(=NN=C1NCCN1CCOCC1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00805 4199 51038 4054 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00806 Pentoxifylline 278.307 C13H18N4O3 CN1C=NC2=C1C(=O)N(CCCCC(C)=O)C(=O)N2C DB00806 4740 7986 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/pentoxifylline.html 4578 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.34 L/h/kg 39 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.8 L/kg 1.8 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.6 h 0.4-0.8 h DRUGBANK 1.2 h 1.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1385.0 mg/kg 1385.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70 % DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral Pentoxifylline pentoxifylline PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Pentoxifylline pentoxifylline PDR 2400.0 mg/day 2400 mg/day PO, oral Pentoxifylline pentoxifylline PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Pentoxifylline pentoxifylline PDR 2400.0 mg/day 2400 mg/day PO, oral Pentoxifylline pentoxifylline PDR DDPD00807 Proparacaine 294.3892 C16H26N2O3 CCCOC1=C(N)C=C(C=C1)C(=O)OCCN(CC)CC DB00807 T3D2896 4935 8485 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/proparacaine-drops.html 4766 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00808 Indapamide 365.835 C16H16ClN3O3S CC1CC2=CC=CC=C2N1NC(=O)C1=CC(=C(Cl)C=C1)S(N)(=O)=O DB00808 3702 5893 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/indapamide.html 3574 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2950.0 ng.h/ml 2.95 ug.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 363.0 ng/ml 363.0 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.3 h 2.3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.1026 L/h 1.71 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 1.302 L/h 20-23.4 ml/min Total clearance; DRUGBANK 42.5 L 25-60 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 15.95 h 13.9-18 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 65.0 % 60-70 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 19.5 % 16-23 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 77.5 % ~76-79 % DRUGBANK 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral Indapamide indapamide PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral Indapamide indapamide PDR DDPD00809 Tropicamide 284.3529 C17H20N2O2 CCN(CC1=CC=NC=C1)C(=O)C(CO)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00809 5593 9757 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/tropicamide.html 5391 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 45.0 % 45 % DRUGBANK 5.0 drop/day 5 drop/day ophthalmic administration Mydriacyl tropicamide PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Mydriacyl tropicamide PDR 5.0 drop/day 5 drop/day ophthalmic administration Mydriacyl tropicamide PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Mydriacyl tropicamide PDR 5.0 drop/day 5 drop/day ophthalmic administration Mydriacyl tropicamide PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Mydriacyl tropicamide PDR 5.0 drop/day 5 drop/day ophthalmic administration Mydriacyl tropicamide PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Mydriacyl tropicamide PDR DDPD00810 Biperiden 311.4611 C21H29NO OC(CCN1CCCCC1)(C1CC2CC1C=C2)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00810 T3D2897 2381 3112 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/biperiden.html 2289 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 87.0 % 87 % DRUGBANK 0.72 L/h/kg 12 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.0 L/kg 12 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 24.0 h 24 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 760.0 mg/kg 760.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 760.0 mg/kg 760.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % DRUGBANK DDPD00811 Ribavirin 244.2047 C8H12N4O5 NC(=O)C1=NN(C=N1)[C@@H]1O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H]1O DB00811 37542 63580 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ribavirin.html 34439 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 64.0 % 64 % Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 45.0 % 45±5 % PO, oral; Male, men; AIDS,HIV; DRUGBANK 3687490.97 ng/ml 15.1±12.8 mM PO, oral; adults; HCV-positive; DRUGBANK 2710672.17 ng/ml 11.1±1.2 mM Capsule, PO, Oral; adults; AIDS,HIV; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3±1.8 h PO, oral; adults; HCV-positive; DRUGBANK 26.0 L/h 26.0 L/h Total clearance; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 0.3 L/h/kg 5.0±1.0 ml/min/kg asymptomatic HIV-positive; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.312 L/h/kg 5.2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 9.3 L/kg 9.3±1.5 L/kg asymptomatic HIV-positive; Male, men; DRUGBANK 14.0 L/kg 14 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 145.0 h ~120-170 h terminal half-life; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 28.0 h 28±7 h Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 150.0 h 150±5 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 45.0 h 45 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2700.0 mg/kg 2700.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1300.0 mg/kg 1300.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 61.0 % ~61 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 12.0 % ~12 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 17.0 % 17 % PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 35.0 % 35±8 % Urinary excretion; Male, men; asymptomatic HIV-positive; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % Male, men; asymptomatic HIV-positive; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD00812 Phenylbutazone 308.3743 C19H20N2O2 CCCCC1C(=O)N(N(C1=O)C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00812 4781 48574 4617 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 238.0 mg/kg 238.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 781.0 mg/kg 781.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 245.0 mg/kg 245.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 375.0 mg/kg 375.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD00813 Fentanyl 336.4705 C22H28N2O CCC(=O)N(C1CCN(CCC2=CC=CC=C2)CC1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00813 T3D2898 3345 119915 http://www.drugs.com/fentanyl.html 3228 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.86666666666667 ng.h/ml 172±96 ng.min/ml Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 25.1333333333333 ng.h/ml 1508±1360 ng.min/ml Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.25 ng.h/ml 1.25±0.67 ng.h/ml sublingual; DRUGBANK 10.38 ng.h/ml 10.38±3.70 ng.h/ml sublingual; increasing doses; increasing doses &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.42 ng.h/ml 0.42±0.35 ng.h/ml Transdermal preparations; DRUGBANK 3.772 ng.h/ml 3772.0 pg.h/ml nasal spray; DRUGBANK 3.772 ng.h/ml 3772.0 pg.h/ml DRUGBANK 54.0 % 54 % sublingual; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 65.0 % 65 % buccal; DRUGBANK 76.0 % 76 % sublingual; DRUGBANK 82.0 % 82 % nasal spray; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % buccal; DRUGBANK 0.4 ng/ml 0.4±0.1 ng/ml Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.2 ng/ml 0.20±0.06 ng/ml sublingual; DRUGBANK 1.61 ng/ml 1.61±0.60 ng/ml sublingual; increasing doses; increasing doses &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.24 ng/ml 0.24±0.20 ng/ml Transdermal preparations; DRUGBANK 0.815 ng/ml 815±301 pg/ml nasal spray; DRUGBANK 0.815 ng/ml 815±301 pg/ml DRUGBANK 0.8 ng/ml 0.8±0.3 ng/ml buccal; DRUGBANK 1.4 ng/ml 1.4±0.5 ng/ml Transdermal preparations; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 20-40 min Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.97 h 0.69-1.25 h sublingual; increasing doses; increasing doses &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 3.6 h 3.6±1.3 h Transdermal preparations; DRUGBANK 1.0 h <1 h nasal spray; DRUGBANK 1.0 h <1 h DRUGBANK 0.4 h 0.4(0.3-6) h buccal; DRUGBANK 35.0 h 35±15 h Transdermal preparations; DRUGBANK 0.5 L/h/kg 0.5(0.3-0.7) L/h/kg Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 51.0 L/h 27-75 L/h intravenous injection, IV; patients; DRUGBANK 41.5 L/h 3-80 L/h hepatopathy,LD; DRUGBANK 54.0 L/h 30-78 L/h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; DRUGBANK 0.78 L/h/kg 13±2 ml/min/kg hydrolysis; Neonates &#8595; ;Children &#8595; ;Elderly &#8595; ;Prem, premature &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.282 L/h/kg 4.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.5 L/kg 3.0-8 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 25.4 L/kg 25.4 L/kg PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.4 L/kg 0.8-8 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; hepatopathy,LD; patients; DRUGBANK 4.0 L/kg 4.0±0.4 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.89 L/kg 0.89 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 7 h DRUGBANK 8.5 h 5-12 h sublingual; DRUGBANK 3.7 h 3.7±0.4 h Prem, premature &#8593; ;Children &#8594; ;CPBS &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.91 mg/kg 2.91 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 18.0 mg/kg 18.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 368.0 mg/kg 368.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 3.1 mg/kg 3.1 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.03 mg/kg 0.03 mg/kg monkey; DRUGBANK 75.0 % 75 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 9.0 % 9 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 5.3 % <5.3 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.09 % 0.09 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 8.0 % 8 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 82.5 % 80-85 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 77.9 % 77.9±1.1 % human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.0 % 12±5.4 % human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 84.0 % 84±2 % DRUGBANK 4.0 dose/day 4 dose/day Transdermal preparations Abstral fentanyl PDR 800.0 mcg/dose 800 mcg/dose Abstral fentanyl PDR 2.0 dose 2 dose Abstral fentanyl PDR 4.0 treated episodes/day 4 treated episodes/day Abstral fentanyl PDR 800.0 mcg/dose 800 mcg/dose inhalation, IH Abstral fentanyl PDR 4.0 dose/day 4 dose/day inhalation, IH Abstral fentanyl PDR 40.0 mcg/dose 40 mcg/dose Abstral fentanyl PDR 80.0 dose/day 80 dose/day Abstral fentanyl PDR 4.0 units/day 4 units/day Transdermal preparations Abstral fentanyl PDR 4.0 dose/day 4 dose/day Transdermal preparations Abstral fentanyl PDR 800.0 mcg/dose 800 mcg/dose Abstral fentanyl PDR 2.0 dose 2 dose Abstral fentanyl PDR 4.0 treated episodes/day 4 treated episodes/day Abstral fentanyl PDR 800.0 mcg/dose 800 mcg/dose inhalation, IH Abstral fentanyl PDR 4.0 dose/day 4 dose/day inhalation, IH Abstral fentanyl PDR 40.0 mcg/dose 40 mcg/dose Abstral fentanyl PDR 80.0 dose/day 80 dose/day Abstral fentanyl PDR DDPD00814 Meloxicam 351.401 C14H13N3O4S2 CN1C(C(=O)NC2=NC=C(C)S2)=C(O)C2=C(C=CC=C2)S1(=O)=O DB00814 T3D2899 54677470 6741 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/meloxicam.html 10442740 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 89.0 % 89 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1900.0 ng/ml 1.9±0.6 mcg/ml Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 5.5 h 5-6 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 5-9 h Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % DRUGBANK 0.45 L/h 0.42–0.48 L/h Total clearance; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 0.48 L/h 7.0-9 ml/min Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.0066 L/h/kg 0.10-0.12 ml/min/kg hydrolysis; hydrolysis; Male, men;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 0.0072 L/h/kg 0.12 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.5 L 10.0-15 L DRUGBANK 0.155 L/kg 0.15-0.16 L/kg hydrolysis; hydrolysis; Male, men;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 0.15 L/kg 0.15 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 h ~20 h DRUGBANK 16.5 h 15-18 h Male, men;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 18.0 h 18 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 98.0 mg/kg 98.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 84.0 mg/kg 84.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 470.0 mg/kg 470.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 320.0 mg/kg 320.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 0.25 % <0.25 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.6 % ~1.6 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.4 % ~99.4 % DRUGBANK 99.4 % ~99.4 % human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.125 mg/kg/day 0.125 mg/kg/day Tablet,PO,oral;Liquid; Mobic meloxicam PDR 7.5 mg/day 7.5 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral;Liquid; Mobic meloxicam PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral;Liquid; Mobic meloxicam PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Mobic meloxicam PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Mobic meloxicam PDR 0.125 mg/kg/day 0.125 mg/kg/day Tablet,PO,oral;Liquid; Mobic meloxicam PDR 7.5 mg/day 7.5 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral;Liquid; Mobic meloxicam PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral;Liquid; Mobic meloxicam PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Mobic meloxicam PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Mobic meloxicam PDR DDPD00816 Orciprenaline 211.2576 C11H17NO3 CC(C)NCC(O)C1=CC(O)=CC(O)=C1 DB00816 4086 83329 3944 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6 h DRUGBANK 42.0 mg/kg 42.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Metaproterenol Sulfate Syrup metaproterenol sulfate PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Metaproterenol Sulfate Syrup metaproterenol sulfate PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Metaproterenol Sulfate Syrup metaproterenol sulfate PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Metaproterenol Sulfate Syrup metaproterenol sulfate PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Metaproterenol Sulfate Syrup metaproterenol sulfate PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Metaproterenol Sulfate Syrup metaproterenol sulfate PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Metaproterenol Sulfate Syrup metaproterenol sulfate PDR DDPD00817 Rosoxacin 294.3047 C17H14N2O3 CCN1C=C(C(O)=O)C(=O)C2=C1C=C(C=C2)C1=CC=NC=C1 DB00817 287180 131715 253208 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00818 Propofol 178.2707 C12H18O CC(C)C1=CC=CC(C(C)C)=C1O DB00818 T3D2900 4943 44915 http://www.drugs.com/propofol.html 4774 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3500.0 ng/ml 3.5±0.06 mcg/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1100.0 ng/ml 1.1±0.4 mcg/ml PO, oral; patients; DRUGBANK 2.19 L/h/kg 23-50 ml/kg/min DRUGBANK 150.0 L/h 1.6-3.4 L/min adults; DRUGBANK 1.62 L/h/kg 27±5 ml/min/kg surgery; normal,healthy; metabolism of ugt; Children &#8593; ;Elderly &#8595; ;hepatopathy,LD &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2.16 L/h/kg 36 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 60.0 L/kg 60.0 L/kg normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 1.7 L/kg 1.7±0.7 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; surgery; normal,healthy; metabolism of ugt; Children &#8593; ;Elderly &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 4.7 L/kg 4.7 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.0941666666666667 h 1.8-9.5 min distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 0.758333333333333 h 21-70 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 16.25 h 1.5-31 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5±1.2 h DRUGBANK 3.2 h 3.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 53.0 mg/kg 53.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 42.0 mg/kg 42.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1230.0 mg/kg 1230.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 600.0 mg/kg 600.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 53.0 mg/kg 53.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 42.0 mg/kg 42.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1230.0 mg/kg 1230.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 600.0 mg/kg 600.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 95-99 % DRUGBANK 98.55 % 98.3-98.8 % DRUGBANK DDPD00819 Acetazolamide 222.245 C4H6N4O3S2 CC(=O)NC1=NN=C(S1)S(N)(=O)=O DB00819 1986 27690 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/acetazolamide.html 1909 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.039 L/h/kg 0.65 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.37 L/kg 0.37 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 3-9 h DRUGBANK 13.0 h 13 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day PO, oral Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral; Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day PO, oral Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 7.5 mg/kg/day 7.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 750.0 mg/day 750 mg/day PO, oral Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day PO, oral Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day PO, oral Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day PO, oral Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral; Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day PO, oral Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 7.5 mg/kg/day 7.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 750.0 mg/day 750 mg/day PO, oral Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day PO, oral Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day PO, oral Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral; Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4000 mg/day PO, oral Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day PO, oral Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral; Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral; Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day PO, oral Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 7.5 mg/kg/day 7.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 750.0 mg/day 750 mg/day PO, oral Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day PO, oral Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day PO, oral Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral; Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4000 mg/day PO, oral Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day PO, oral Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral; Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 7.5 mg/kg/day 7.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day PO, oral Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral; Diamox Sequels acetazolamide PDR DDPD00820 Tadalafil 389.404 C22H19N3O4 [H][C@]12CC3=C(NC4=CC=CC=C34)[C@H](N1C(=O)CN(C)C2=O)C1=CC2=C(OCO2)C=C1 DB00820 110635 71940 http://www.drugs.com/tadalafil.html 99301 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 378.0 ng/ml 378.0 ng/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2(0.5-6) h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2.0 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 2.5 L/h 2.5 L/h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0354 L/h/kg 0.59 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; hydrolysis; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 63.0 L 63.0 L DRUGBANK 0.89 L/kg 0.89 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; hydrolysis; DRUGBANK 17.5 h 17.5 h DRUGBANK 17.5 h 17.5 h DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg 2000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 61.0 % ~61 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 36.0 % ~36 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 94.0 % 94 % DRUGBANK 94.0 % 94 % DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Adcirca tadalafil PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral qd Adcirca tadalafil PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Adcirca tadalafil PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral qd Adcirca tadalafil PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Adcirca tadalafil PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral qd Adcirca tadalafil PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Adcirca tadalafil PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral qd Adcirca tadalafil PDR DDPD00821 Carprofen 273.714 C15H12ClNO2 CC(C(O)=O)C1=CC2=C(C=C1)C1=C(N2)C=CC(Cl)=C1 DB00821 2581 364453 2483 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0306 L/h/kg 0.51 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.22 L/kg 0.22 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.0 h ~8(4.5-9.8) h dog; DRUGBANK 9.9 h 9.9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 282.0 mg/kg 282.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 149.0 mg/kg 149.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % DRUGBANK DDPD00822 Disulfiram 296.539 C10H20N2S4 CCN(CC)C(=S)SSC(=S)N(CC)CC DB00822 T3D2557 3117 4659 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/disulfiram.html 3005 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 85.0 % 80-90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 8600.0 mg/kg 8.6 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 8600.0 mg/kg 8.6 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD00823 Ethynodiol diacetate 384.5085 C24H32O4 [H][C@@]12CC[C@@](OC(C)=O)(C#C)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@]1([H])[C@@]3([H])CC[C@H](OC(C)=O)C=C3CC[C@@]21[H] DB00823 9270 31580 8913 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 67.5 % 50-85 % DRUGBANK DDPD00824 Enprofylline 194.1906 C8H10N4O2 CCCN1C2=C(NC=N2)C(=O)NC1=O DB00824 1676 126237 1613 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.24 L/h/kg 4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.63 L/kg 0.63 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.9 h DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 49.0 % 49 % DRUGBANK DDPD00825 Levomenthol 156.269 C10H20O CC(C)[C@@H]1CC[C@@H](C)C[C@H]1O DB00825 T3D3224 16666 15409 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/menthol-cream.html 15803 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2900.0 mg/kg 2900.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3100.0 mg/kg 3100.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 5001.0 mg/kg 5001.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; rabbit; DRUGBANK 2900.0 mg/kg 2900.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3100.0 mg/kg 3100.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 5001.0 mg/kg 5001.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; rabbit; DRUGBANK 10001.0 mg/kg 10001.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD00826 Natamycin 665.733 C33H47NO13 [H][C@@]12C[C@H](O)C[C@]3(O)C[C@H](O)[C@@H](C(O)=O)[C@]([H])(C[C@@H](O[C@]4([H])O[C@H](C)[C@@H](O)[C@H](N)[C@@H]4O)\C=C\C=C\C=C\C=C\C[C@@H](C)OC(=O)\C=C\[C@@]1([H])O2)O3 DB00826 5284447 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/natamycin.html 10468784 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 24.0 drop/day 24 drop/day ophthalmic administration Natacyn natamycin PDR 24.0 drop/day 24 drop/day ophthalmic administration Natacyn natamycin PDR DDPD00827 Cinoxacin 262.2182 C12H10N2O5 CCN1N=C(C(O)=O)C(=O)C2=CC3=C(OCO3)C=C12 DB00827 2762 3716 http://www.drugs.com/cons/cinoxacin.html 2660 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 35.0 % 30-40 % Liver metabolism; Inactive metabolite; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 10.0 h >10 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; DRUGBANK 3610.0 mg/kg 3610.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1380.0 mg/kg 1380.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 860.0 mg/kg 860.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2330.0 mg/kg 2330.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 900.0 mg/kg 900.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 850.0 mg/kg 850.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 60-80 % DRUGBANK DDPD00828 Fosfomycin 138.059 C3H7O4P C[C@@H]1O[C@@H]1P(O)(O)=O DB00828 446987 28915 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/fosfomycin.html 394204 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 37.0 % 37 % PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30 % PO, oral; food; food &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 16.9 L/h 16.9±3.5 L/h DRUGBANK 0.12 L/h/kg 2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 136.1 L 136.1±44.1 L DRUGBANK 0.32 L/kg 0.32 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.7 h 5.7±2.8 h DRUGBANK 40.0 h 40 h elimination half-life; anuric; patients; DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5 g/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 3000.0 mg/dose 3 g/dose PO, oral Monurol fosfomycin tromethamine PDR 3.0 g/dose 3 g/dose PO, oral Monurol fosfomycin tromethamine PDR DDPD00829 Diazepam 284.74 C16H13ClN2O CN1C2=C(C=C(Cl)C=C2)C(=NCC1=O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00829 T3D2903 3016 49575 http://www.drugs.com/diazepam.html 2908 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100±14 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90.0 % Rectal Administration; DRUGBANK 317.0 ng/ml 317±27 ng/ml Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 400.0 ng/ml ~400 ng/ml Rectal Administration; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 450.0 ng/ml 400-500 ng/ml adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.25 h 1-1.5(0.25-2.5) h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h PO, oral; food; food &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.3 h 1.3±0.2 h Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h Rectal Administration; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.5 L/h 20-30 ml/min young; adults; DRUGBANK 0.0228 L/h/kg 0.38±0.06 ml/min/kg Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;hyperthyroid, HTh &#8594; ;hypoalbuminemia &#8593; ;Somking &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.0228 L/h/kg 0.38 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.9 L/kg 0.8-1 L/kg at steady state; normal,healthy; young; Male, men; DRUGBANK 1.1 L/kg 1.1±0.3 L/kg Elderly &#8593; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;hyperthyroid, HTh &#8594; ;hypoalbuminemia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.0 L/kg 1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 36.0 h 1-2 day elimination half-life; Neonates &#8593; ;Elderly &#8593; ;hepatopathy,LD &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 84.0 h 2-5 day DRUGBANK 43.0 h 43±13 h Active metabolite; Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;hyperthyroid, HTh &#8594; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 42.0 h 42 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1200.0 mg/kg 1200.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/kg 1000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; dog; DRUGBANK 700.0 mg/kg 700.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 98.5 % 98-99 % DRUGBANK 98.7 % 98.7±0.2 % Preg, pregnant &#8595; ;Neonates &#8595; ;Elderly &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;nephritic syndrome &#8595; ;hypoalbuminemia Alb &#8595; ;Burn &#8595; ;hyperthyroid, HTh &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.6 mg/kg 0.6 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV tid Valium diazepam PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Valium diazepam PDR 0.6 mg/kg 0.6 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV tid Valium diazepam PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Valium diazepam PDR DDPD00830 Phenmetrazine 177.2429 C11H15NO CC1NCCOC1C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00830 T3D2904 4762 8067 4598 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 23.5 h 16-31 h DRUGBANK 17.5 mg/kg 15-20 mg/kg adults; monkey; DRUGBANK 5.0 mg/kg 5.0 mg/kg young; monkey; DRUGBANK 17.5 mg/kg 15-20 mg/kg adults; monkey; DRUGBANK 5.0 mg/kg 5.0 mg/kg young; monkey; DRUGBANK DDPD00831 Trifluoperazine 407.496 C21H24F3N3S CN1CCN(CCCN2C3=CC=CC=C3SC3=C2C=C(C=C3)C(F)(F)F)CC1 DB00831 T3D2905 5566 45951 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/trifluoperazine.html 5365 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 15.0 h 10-20 h DRUGBANK 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Trifluoperazine Hydrochloride trifluoperazine hydrochloride PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Trifluoperazine Hydrochloride trifluoperazine hydrochloride PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Trifluoperazine Hydrochloride trifluoperazine hydrochloride PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Trifluoperazine Hydrochloride trifluoperazine hydrochloride PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Trifluoperazine Hydrochloride trifluoperazine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00832 Phensuximide 189.2105 C11H11NO2 CN1C(=O)CC(C1=O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00832 6839 8079 6578 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % DRUGBANK 21.0 % 21 % DRUGBANK DDPD00833 Cefaclor 367.807 C15H14ClN3O4S [H][C@]12SCC(Cl)=C(N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)[C@H](N)C1=CC=CC=C1)C(O)=O DB00833 51039 3478 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cefaclor.html 46260 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 72.5 % 60-85 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.6-0.9 h DRUGBANK 72.5 % ~60-85 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 72.5 % ~60-85 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 23.5 % 23.5 % DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cefaclor Extended-Release Tablets cefaclor PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day intravenous injection, IV Cefaclor Extended-Release Tablets cefaclor PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1.5 g/day Capsule, PO, Oral Cefaclor Extended-Release Tablets cefaclor PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1.5 g/day Liquid Cefaclor Extended-Release Tablets cefaclor PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day Tablet,PO,oral Cefaclor Extended-Release Tablets cefaclor PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cefaclor Extended-Release Tablets cefaclor PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day PO, oral Cefaclor Extended-Release Tablets cefaclor PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day PO, oral Cefaclor Extended-Release Tablets cefaclor PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cefaclor Extended-Release Tablets cefaclor PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day PO, oral Cefaclor Extended-Release Tablets cefaclor PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1.5 g/day Capsule, PO, Oral Cefaclor Extended-Release Tablets cefaclor PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1.5 g/day Liquid Cefaclor Extended-Release Tablets cefaclor PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day Tablet,PO,oral Cefaclor Extended-Release Tablets cefaclor PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day Liquid Cefaclor Extended-Release Tablets cefaclor PDR DDPD00834 Mifepristone 429.5937 C29H35NO2 [H][C@@]12CC[C@@](O)(C#CC)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](C1=CC=C(C=C1)N(C)C)C1=C3CCC(=O)C=C3CC[C@@]21[H] DB00834 T3D2907 55245 50692 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/mifepristone.html 49889 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 69.0 % 69 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.03 L/h/kg 0.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.45 L/kg 0.45 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 18.0 h 18 h DRUGBANK 16.6 h 16.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 83.0 % 83 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 9.0 % 9 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 200.0 mg/dose 200 mg/dose Korlym mifepristone PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Korlym mifepristone PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral Korlym mifepristone PDR DDPD00835 Brompheniramine 319.239 C16H19BrN2 CN(C)CCC(C1=CC=C(Br)C=C1)C1=CC=CC=N1 DB00835 T3D4554 6834 3183 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/brompheniramine-12-hour-sustained-release-tablets.html 6573 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 318.0 mg/kg 318.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 318.0 mg/kg 318.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD00836 Loperamide 477.038 C29H33ClN2O2 CN(C)C(=O)C(CCN1CCC(O)(CC1)C1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1)(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00836 3955 6532 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/loperamide.html 3818 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 10.8 h 10.8(9.1-14.4) h DRUGBANK 105.0 mg/kg 105.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % DRUGBANK 8.0 mg/day 8 mg/day PO, oral Loperamide Hydrochloride Capsules loperamide hydrochloride PDR 16.0 mg/day 16 mg/day PO, oral Loperamide Hydrochloride Capsules loperamide hydrochloride PDR 6.0 mg/day 6 mg/day PO, oral Loperamide Hydrochloride Capsules loperamide hydrochloride PDR 4.0 mg/day 4 mg/day PO, oral Loperamide Hydrochloride Capsules loperamide hydrochloride PDR 3.0 mg/day 3 mg/day PO, oral Loperamide Hydrochloride Capsules loperamide hydrochloride PDR 8.0 mg/day 8 mg/day PO, oral Loperamide Hydrochloride Capsules loperamide hydrochloride PDR 16.0 mg/day 16 mg/day PO, oral Loperamide Hydrochloride Capsules loperamide hydrochloride PDR 8.0 mg/day 8 mg/day PO, oral Loperamide Hydrochloride Capsules loperamide hydrochloride PDR 16.0 mg/day 16 mg/day PO, oral Loperamide Hydrochloride Capsules loperamide hydrochloride PDR 8.0 mg/day 8 mg/day PO, oral Loperamide Hydrochloride Capsules loperamide hydrochloride PDR 16.0 mg/day 16 mg/day PO, oral Loperamide Hydrochloride Capsules loperamide hydrochloride PDR 0.0 0 Loperamide Hydrochloride Capsules loperamide hydrochloride PDR 0.0 0 Loperamide Hydrochloride Capsules loperamide hydrochloride PDR DDPD00838 Clocortolone 410.907 C22H28ClFO4 [H][C@@]12C[C@@H](C)[C@H](C(=O)CO)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1(Cl)[C@@]2([H])C[C@H](F)C2=CC(=O)C=C[C@]12C DB00838 5311052 59582 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/clocortolone.html 4470589 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.0 application/day 3 application/day skin/dermal Cloderm clocortolone pivalate PDR 3.0 application/day 3 application/day skin/dermal Cloderm clocortolone pivalate PDR 3.0 application/day 3 application/day skin/dermal Cloderm clocortolone pivalate PDR DDPD00839 Tolazamide 311.4 C14H21N3O3S CC1=CC=C(C=C1)S(=O)(=O)NC(=O)NN1CCCCCC1 DB00839 T3D4765 5503 9613 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/tolazamide.html 5302 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.0 h 7 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Tolazamide tolazamide PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral qd Tolazamide tolazamide PDR DDPD00840 Hydroxypropyl cellulose N.A. N.A. CC(COCC1C(C(C(C(O1)OC2C(OC(C(C2OCC(C)O)OCC(C)O)OCC(C)O)COCC(C)O)OCC(C)O)OCC(C)O)OCC(C)O)O DB00840 71306830 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/artificial-tear-insert.html -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 10200.0 mg/kg 10200.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD00841 Dobutamine 301.3801 C18H23NO3 CC(CCC1=CC=C(O)C=C1)NCCC1=CC(O)=C(O)C=C1 DB00841 36811 4670 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/dobutamine.html 33786 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6.9 L/h/kg 115 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.0333333333333333 h 2 min DRUGBANK 28.8 mg/kg/day 20 mcg/kg/minute intravenous infusion, iv in drop Dobutamine Hydrochloride in 5% Dextrose dobutamine hydrochloride PDR 57.6 mg/kg/day 40 mcg/kg/minute intravenous infusion, iv in drop; rarely Dobutamine Hydrochloride in 5% Dextrose dobutamine hydrochloride PDR 28.8 mg/kg/day 20 mcg/kg/min intravenous infusion, iv in drop Dobutamine Hydrochloride in 5% Dextrose dobutamine hydrochloride PDR 57.6 mg/kg/day 40 mcg/kg/min intravenous infusion, iv in drop; rarely Dobutamine Hydrochloride in 5% Dextrose dobutamine hydrochloride PDR 28.8 mg/kg/day 20 mcg/kg/minute intravenous infusion, iv in drop Dobutamine Hydrochloride in 5% Dextrose dobutamine hydrochloride PDR 57.6 mg/kg/day 40 mcg/kg/minute intravenous infusion, iv in drop; rarely Dobutamine Hydrochloride in 5% Dextrose dobutamine hydrochloride PDR 28.8 mg/kg/day 20 mcg/kg/minute intravenous infusion, iv in drop Dobutamine Hydrochloride in 5% Dextrose dobutamine hydrochloride PDR 57.6 mg/kg/day 40 mcg/kg/minute intravenous infusion, iv in drop; rarely Dobutamine Hydrochloride in 5% Dextrose dobutamine hydrochloride PDR 28.8 mg/kg/day 20 mcg/kg/min intravenous infusion, iv in drop Dobutamine Hydrochloride in 5% Dextrose dobutamine hydrochloride PDR 57.6 mg/kg/day 40 mcg/kg/min intravenous infusion, iv in drop; rarely Dobutamine Hydrochloride in 5% Dextrose dobutamine hydrochloride PDR 28.8 mg/kg/day 20 mcg/kg/minute intravenous infusion, iv in drop Dobutamine Hydrochloride in 5% Dextrose dobutamine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00842 Oxazepam 286.713 C15H11ClN2O2 OC1N=C(C2=CC=CC=C2)C2=C(NC1=O)C=CC(Cl)=C2 DB00842 T3D2909 4616 7823 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/oxazepam.html 4455 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 450000000.0 ng/ml 450.0 mg/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.066 L/h/kg 1.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.59 L/kg 0.59 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.2 h 8.2 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 6.7 h 6.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8000.0 mg/kg >8000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1540.0 mg/kg 1540.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 21.0 % ~21 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 89.0 % ~89 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 1.0 mg/kg/day 1 mg/kg/day PO, oral Oxazepam oxazepam PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Oxazepam oxazepam PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Oxazepam oxazepam PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Oxazepam oxazepam PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Oxazepam oxazepam PDR DDPD00843 Donepezil 379.492 C24H29NO3 COC1=C(OC)C=C2C(=O)C(CC3CCN(CC4=CC=CC=C4)CC3)CC2=C1 DB00843 T3D2910 3152 53289 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/donepezil.html 3040 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 223.63 ng.h/ml 221.9-225.36 ng.h/ml Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 8.34 ng/ml 8.34 ng/ml Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 30.8 ng/ml 30.8±4.2 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.1 h 4.1±1.5 h PO, oral; different study; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 432.0 h 15-21 day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.16 L/h/kg 0.13-0.19 L/h/kg Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.11 L/h/kg 0.110±0.02 L/h/kg Plasma clearance; normal,healthy; patients; Hepatitis, Hep &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.174 L/h/kg 2.90±0.74 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; PO, oral; hydrolysis; hydrolysis; metabolism of ugt; young; adults; Male, men;  Female, women; hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 11.8 L/kg 11.8 ± 1.7 L/kg DRUGBANK 11.6 L/kg 11.6 ± 1.91 L/kg DRUGBANK 14.0 L/kg 12-16.0 L/kg at steady state; DRUGBANK 14.0 L/kg 14.0±2.42 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; PO, oral; hydrolysis; hydrolysis; metabolism of ugt; young; adults; Male, men;  Female, women; Elderly &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 70.0 h ~70 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 81.5 h 81.5±22 h DRUGBANK 59.7 h 59.7±16.1 h young; normal,healthy; Male, men;  Female, women; PO, oral; Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 32.6 mg/kg 32.6 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 57.0 % 57 % Urinary excretion; adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % Faeces excretion; adults; normal,healthy; guinea pigs; DRUGBANK 10.6 % 10.6±2.7 % Urinary excretion; adults; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 96.0 % 96 % DRUGBANK 75.0 % ~75 % DRUGBANK 21.0 % ~21 % DRUGBANK 92.6 % 92.6±0.9 % young; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 23.0 mg/day 23 mg/day PO, oral Aricept donepezil hydrochloride PDR 23.0 mg/day 23 mg/day PO, oral Aricept donepezil hydrochloride PDR DDPD00844 Nalbuphine 357.4434 C21H27NO4 O[C@H]1CC[C@@]2(O)[C@H]3CC4=CC=C(O)C5=C4[C@@]2(CCN3CC2CCC2)[C@H]1O5 DB00844 T3D2911 5311304 7454 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/nalbuphine.html 4470813 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 81.0 % 81 % IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 83.0 % 83 % IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 79.0 % 79 % subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 76.0 % 76 % subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 1.32 L/h/kg 22 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.6 L/kg 4.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 h ~5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 3.7 h 3.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1100.0 mg/kg 1100.0 mg/kg PO, oral; dog; DRUGBANK 1100.0 mg/kg 1100.0 mg/kg PO, oral; dog; DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/dose 20 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Nalbuphine Hydrochloride nalbuphine hydrochloride PDR 160.0 mg/day 160 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Nalbuphine Hydrochloride nalbuphine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00845 Clofazimine 473.396 C27H22Cl2N4 CC(C)N=C1C=C2N(C3=CC=C(Cl)C=C3)C3=C(C=CC=C3)N=C2C=C1NC1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1 DB00845 2794 3749 http://www.drugs.com/cons/clofazimine.html 2692 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 53.5 % 45-62 % PO, oral; leprosy; DRUGBANK 410.0 ng/ml 0.41 mg/L PO, oral; food; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8 h PO, oral; food; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12 h PO, oral; fasting; fasting &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 600.0 h ~25 day elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 8400.0 mg/kg 8400.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5000 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK DDPD00846 Flurandrenolide 436.5136 C24H33FO6 CC1(C)O[C@@H]2C[C@H]3[C@@H]4C[C@H](F)C5=CC(=O)CC[C@]5(C)[C@H]4[C@@H](O)C[C@]3(C)[C@@]2(O1)C(=O)CO DB00846 15209 5127 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/flurandrenolide-cream.html 14475 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.0 application/day 3 application/day skin/dermal Cordran Lotion flurandrenolide PDR 3.0 application/day 3 application/day skin/dermal Cordran Lotion flurandrenolide PDR 3.0 application/day 3 application/day skin/dermal Cordran Lotion flurandrenolide PDR DDPD00847 Cysteamine 77.149 C2H7NS NCCS DB00847 6058 17141 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cysteamine.html 5834 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.4 h 1.4 h DRUGBANK 72.0 L/h ~1.2 L/min Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 156.0 L 156.0 L DRUGBANK 52.0 % 52 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 1950.0 mg/m2/day 1.95 g/m2/day PO, oral Cystagon cysteamine bitartrate PDR 1.0 drop/eye/hour 1 drop/eye/hour ophthalmic administration Cystagon cysteamine bitartrate PDR 1950.0 mg/m2/day 1.95 g/m2/day PO, oral Cystagon cysteamine bitartrate PDR 1.0 drop/eye/h 1 drop/eye/h ophthalmic administration Cystagon cysteamine bitartrate PDR 1950.0 mg/m2/day 1.95 g/m2/day PO, oral Cystagon cysteamine bitartrate PDR 1.0 drop/hour 1 drop/eye/hour ophthalmic administration Cystagon cysteamine bitartrate PDR 1.95 g/m2/day 1.95 g/m2/day PO, oral Cystagon cysteamine bitartrate PDR 1.0 drop/eye/hour 1 drop/eye/hour ophthalmic administration Cystagon cysteamine bitartrate PDR 1950.0 mg/m2/day 1.95 g/m2/day PO, oral Cystagon cysteamine bitartrate PDR 1.0 drop/eye/h 1 drop/eye/h ophthalmic administration; during waking hours Cystagon cysteamine bitartrate PDR DDPD00848 Levamisole 204.291 C11H12N2S C1CN2C[C@@H](N=C2S1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00848 26879 6432 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/levamisole.html 25037 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.0 h 4.4-5.6 h DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/kg 40.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; pig; DRUGBANK 180.0 mg/kg 180.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 22.5 % 20-25 % DRUGBANK DDPD00849 Methylphenobarbital 246.2619 C13H14N2O3 CCC1(C(=O)NC(=O)N(C)C1=O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00849 8271 6758 7972 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 75.0 % 75 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 34.0 h 34(11-67) h DRUGBANK 73.0 % 70-76 % DRUGBANK DDPD00850 Perphenazine 403.969 C21H26ClN3OS OCCN1CCN(CCCN2C3=CC=CC=C3SC3=C2C=C(Cl)C=C3)CC1 DB00850 T3D2913 4748 8028 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/perphenazine.html 4586 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.62 L/h/kg 27 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 18.0 L/kg 18 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 14.0 h 8-12(8-20) h DRUGBANK 9.4 h 9.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 318.0 mg/kg 318.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 64.0 mg/kg 64.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 318.0 mg/kg 318.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 64.0 mg/kg 64.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 24.0 mg/day 24 mg/day PO, oral Perphenazine perphenazine PDR 64.0 mg/day 64 mg/day PO, oral Perphenazine perphenazine PDR 24.0 mg/day 24 mg/day PO, oral Perphenazine perphenazine PDR 64.0 mg/day 64 mg/day PO, oral Perphenazine perphenazine PDR 24.0 mg/day 24 mg/day PO, oral Perphenazine perphenazine PDR 64.0 mg/day 64 mg/day PO, oral Perphenazine perphenazine PDR 24.0 mg/day 24 mg/day PO, oral Perphenazine perphenazine PDR 64.0 mg/day 64 mg/day PO, oral Perphenazine perphenazine PDR DDPD00851 Dacarbazine 182.187 C6H10N6O CN(C)\N=N\C1=C(N=CN1)C(N)=O DB00851 T3D4689 5351166 4305 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/dacarbazine.html 10481959 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.156 L/h/kg 2.6 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.2 L/kg 1.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5 h DRUGBANK 6.2 h 6.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 350.0 mg/kg 350.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 350.0 mg/kg 350.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 5.0 % <5 % DRUGBANK 375.0 mg/m2/dose 375 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV Dacarbazine dacarbazine PDR 900.0 mg/m2/dose 900 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV Dacarbazine dacarbazine PDR 1000.0 mg/m2/dose 1000 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV Dacarbazine dacarbazine PDR 375.0 mg/m2/dose 375 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV Dacarbazine dacarbazine PDR 900.0 mg/m2/dose 900 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV Dacarbazine dacarbazine PDR 1000.0 mg/m2/dose 1000 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV Dacarbazine dacarbazine PDR DDPD00852 Pseudoephedrine 165.2322 C10H15NO CN[C@@H](C)[C@@H](O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00852 T3D4555 7028 51209 http://www.drugs.com/pseudoephedrine.html 6761 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6862.0 ng.h/ml 6862.0±334.1 ng.h/ml PO, oral; food; DRUGBANK 7535.1 ng.h/ml 7535.1±333.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 246.3 null 246.3±10.5 null PO, oral; DRUGBANK 246.3 ng/ml 246.3±10.5 ng/ml PO, oral; food; DRUGBANK 272.5 ng/ml 272.5±13.4 ng/ml PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 268.5 ng/ml 177-360 ng/ml Oral single dose; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 289.5 ng/ml 265-314 ng/ml Oral single dose; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 6.6 h 6.60±1.38 h PO, oral; food; DRUGBANK 11.87 h 11.87±0.72 h PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 1.7 h 1.4-2 h Oral single dose; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 4.95 h 3.8-6.1 h Oral single dose; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Inactive metabolite; DRUGBANK 0.354 L/h/kg 5.9±1.7 ml/min/kg PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.4398 L/h/kg 7.33 ml/min/kg hydrolysis; DRUGBANK 2.95 L/kg 2.6-3.3 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 3.075 L/kg 2.64-3.51 L/kg DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 6.15 h 4.3-8 h PO, oral; Urine alkaline &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 2206.0 mg/kg 2206.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 726.0 mg/kg 726.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 65.0 % 55-75 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 69.5 % 43-96 % Urinary excretion; adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 6.6 % 6.6±0.4 % Raceme L; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 22.5 % 22.5±3.2 % Raceme L; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.7 % 6.7±1.2 % Raceme D; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 25.4 % 25.4±3.9 % Raceme D; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day PO, oral Children's Sudafed Non-Drowsy pseudoephedrine hydrochloride PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Children's Sudafed Non-Drowsy pseudoephedrine hydrochloride PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Children's Sudafed Non-Drowsy pseudoephedrine hydrochloride PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Children's Sudafed Non-Drowsy pseudoephedrine hydrochloride PDR 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day PO, oral Children's Sudafed Non-Drowsy pseudoephedrine hydrochloride PDR 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day PO, oral Children's Sudafed Non-Drowsy pseudoephedrine hydrochloride PDR 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day PO, oral Children's Sudafed Non-Drowsy pseudoephedrine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00853 Temozolomide 194.1508 C6H6N6O2 CN1N=NC2=C(N=CN2C1=O)C(N)=O DB00853 5394 72564 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/temozolomide.html 5201 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5.5 L/h/m2 5.5 L/h/m2 DRUGBANK 0.216 L/h/kg 3.6 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.4 L/kg 0.4 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.5 L/kg 0.5 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.8 h ~1.8 h DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 37.7 % 37.7 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.8 % 0.8 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 15.0 % 15 % DRUGBANK 75.0 mg/m2/day 75 mg/m2/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Temodar temozolomide PDR 200.0 mg/m2/day 200 mg/m2/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Temodar temozolomide PDR 200.0 mg/m2/day 200 mg/m2/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Temodar temozolomide PDR 75.0 mg/m2/day 75 mg/m2/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Temodar temozolomide PDR 200.0 mg/m2/day 200 mg/m2/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Temodar temozolomide PDR 200.0 mg/m2/day 200 mg/m2/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Temodar temozolomide PDR DDPD00854 Levorphanol 257.3706 C17H23NO [H][C@@]12CCCC[C@@]11CCN(C)[C@@H]2CC2=C1C=C(O)C=C2 DB00854 T3D2914 5359272 6444 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/levorphanol.html 16736212 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.94 L/h/kg 0.78-7.1 L/kg/h DRUGBANK 0.942 L/h/kg 15.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 11.5 L/kg 10.0-13 L/kg DRUGBANK 11.5 L/kg 11.5 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 13.5 h 11-16 h DRUGBANK 13.5 h 13.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 150.0 mg/kg 150.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 150.0 mg/kg 150.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % DRUGBANK DDPD00855 Aminolevulinic acid 131.1299 C5H9NO3 NCC(=O)CCC(O)=O DB00855 T3D4273 137 17549 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/aminolevulinic-acid-solution.html 134 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 55.0 % 50-60 % DRUGBANK 0.1128 L/h/kg 1.88 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.12 L/kg 0.12 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.7 h 0.7±0.18 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.83 h 0.83±0.05 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.83 h 0.83 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/kg 20 mg/kg Liquid Levulan aminolevulinic acid hydrochloride PDR 1.0 appLication 1 appLication skin/dermal; nan q8w Levulan aminolevulinic acid hydrochloride PDR 20.0 cm2/dose 20 cm2/dose gel Levulan aminolevulinic acid hydrochloride PDR 2000.0 mg 2 g gel Levulan aminolevulinic acid hydrochloride PDR 20.0 mg/kg 20 mg/kg Liquid Levulan aminolevulinic acid hydrochloride PDR 1.0 application 1 application skin/dermal; nan q8w Levulan aminolevulinic acid hydrochloride PDR 20.0 cm2/dose 20 cm2/dose gel Levulan aminolevulinic acid hydrochloride PDR 2000.0 mg 2 g gel Levulan aminolevulinic acid hydrochloride PDR DDPD00856 Chlorphenesin 202.635 C9H11ClO3 OCC(O)COC1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1 DB00856 7697 3642 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/chlorphenesin.html 7411 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % DRUGBANK 3.65 h 2.3-5 h DRUGBANK DDPD00857 Terbinafine 291.4299 C21H25N CN(C\C=C\C#CC(C)(C)C)CC1=CC=CC2=CC=CC=C12 DB00857 1549008 9448 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/terbinafine.html 1266005 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70 % DRUGBANK 4560.0 ng.h/ml 4.56 ug.h/ml DRUGBANK 11593.0 ng/cm2/h 9694-13492 ng/cm2/h skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % DRUGBANK 1000.0 ng/ml 1.0 ug/ml DRUGBANK 999.0 ng/cm2 949-1049 ng/cm2 skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h DRUGBANK 1.11 L/h/kg 1.11 L/h/kg Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 16.6 L/kg 16.6 L/kg at steady state; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 36.0 h ~36 h effective half-life; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 300.0 h 200-400 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2 g/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; mouse; DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~80 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 20.0 % ~20 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day PO, oral Lamisil Granules terbinafine hydrochloride PDR 187.5 mg/day 187.5 mg/day PO, oral Lamisil Granules terbinafine hydrochloride PDR 125.0 mg/day 125 mg/day PO, oral Lamisil Granules terbinafine hydrochloride PDR 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day PO, oral Lamisil Granules terbinafine hydrochloride PDR 500.0 mg/day 500 mg/day PO, oral Lamisil Granules terbinafine hydrochloride PDR 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day PO, oral Lamisil Granules terbinafine hydrochloride PDR 187.5 mg/day 187.5 mg/day PO, oral Lamisil Granules terbinafine hydrochloride PDR 125.0 mg/day 125 mg/day PO, oral Lamisil Granules terbinafine hydrochloride PDR 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day PO, oral Lamisil Granules terbinafine hydrochloride PDR 500.0 mg/day 500 mg/day PO, oral Lamisil Granules terbinafine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00859 Penicillamine 149.211 C5H11NO2S [H][C@](N)(C(O)=O)C(C)(C)S DB00859 5852 7959 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/penicillamine.html 5643 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.639 L/h/kg 10.65 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.26 L/kg 1.26 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h DRUGBANK 3.04 h 3.04 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 mg/kg/day 210.0 mg/kg/6W  Female, women; DRUGBANK 80.0 % >80 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day PO, oral Depen penicillamine PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1.5 g/day PO, oral Depen penicillamine PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Depen penicillamine PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day PO, oral Depen penicillamine PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Depen penicillamine PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1.5 g/day PO, oral Depen penicillamine PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day PO, oral Depen penicillamine PDR 5000.0 mg/day 5 g/day PO, oral Depen penicillamine PDR 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day qd Depen penicillamine PDR 625.0 mg/day 625 mg/day PO, oral Depen penicillamine PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day PO, oral Depen penicillamine PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1.5 g/day PO, oral Depen penicillamine PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Depen penicillamine PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day PO, oral Depen penicillamine PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Depen penicillamine PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1.5 g/day PO, oral Depen penicillamine PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day PO, oral Depen penicillamine PDR 5000.0 mg/day 5 g/day PO, oral Depen penicillamine PDR DDPD00860 Prednisolone 360.444 C21H28O5 [H][C@@]12CC[C@](O)(C(=O)CO)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)C=C[C@]12C DB00860 5755 8378 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/prednisolone-acetate-drops.html 5552 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 82.0 % 82±13 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 728.0 ng/ml 113-1343 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 458.0 ng/ml 458±150 ng/ml PO, oral; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1-2.6 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5±0.5 h PO, oral; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.09 L/h/kg 0.09 L/h/kg DRUGBANK 0.12 L/h/kg 0.12 L/h/kg DRUGBANK 0.06 L/h/kg 1.0±0.16 ml/min/kg Elderly &#8595; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;hyperthyroid, HTh &#8594; ;nephritic syndrome &#8594; ;chronic respiratory insufficiency &#8594; ;Cushing's Disease &#8594; ;Somking &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.174 L/h/kg 2.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 29.3 L 29.3 L DRUGBANK 44.2 L 44.2 L DRUGBANK 0.42 L/kg 0.42±0.11 L/kg Elderly &#8595; ;Obesity &#8595; ;hyperthyroid, HTh &#8595; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8594; ;Cushing's Disease &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;chronic respiratory insufficiency &#8594; ;nephritic syndrome &#8594; ;increasing doses &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.86 L/kg 0.86 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.8 h 2.1-3.5 h elimination half-life; Children &#8595; ;hepatopathy,LD &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 2.2 h 2.2±0.5 h Hepatitis, Hep &#8594; ;Cushing's Disease &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;chronic respiratory insufficiency &#8594; ;nephritic syndrome &#8594; ;hyperthyroid, HTh &#8595; ;Somking &#8594; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 3.4 h 3.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg 2.0 g/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 65.0 mg/kg 65.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 147.0 mg/kg 147.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3500.0 mg/kg >3500 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 1680.0 mg/kg 1680.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 0.642857142857143 mg/kg/day 9.0 mg/kg/2W PO, oral; Male, men; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.07692307692308 mg/kg/day 14.0 mg/kg/13D PO, oral;  Female, women; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 98.0 % >98 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 26.0 % 26±9 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; Elderly &#8595; ;hyperthyroid, HTh &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 78.0 % 65-91 % normal,healthy; patients; DRUGBANK 92.5 % 90-95 % Elderly &#8595; ;hypoalbuminemia Alb &#8595; ;nephritic syndrome &#8595; ;hyperthyroid, HTh &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 70.0 % ~70 % DRUGBANK DDPD00861 Diflunisal 250.1976 C13H8F2O3 OC(=O)C1=C(O)C=CC(=C1)C1=C(F)C=C(F)C=C1 DB00861 T3D2918 3059 39669 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/diflunisal.html 2951 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 80-90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 0.006 L/h/kg 0.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.097 L/kg 0.097 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.0 h 8-12 h DRUGBANK 10.0 h 10 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 392.0 mg/kg 392.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 439.0 mg/kg 439.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 603.0 mg/kg 603.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 392.0 mg/kg 392.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 439.0 mg/kg 439.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 603.0 mg/kg 603.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 98.5 % 98-99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/day 1500 mg/day PO, oral Diflunisal Tablets diflunisal PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1500 mg/day PO, oral Diflunisal Tablets diflunisal PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1500 mg/day PO, oral Diflunisal Tablets diflunisal PDR DDPD00862 Vardenafil 488.603 C23H32N6O4S CCCC1=NC(C)=C2N1NC(=NC2=O)C1=C(OCC)C=CC(=C1)S(=O)(=O)N1CCN(CC)CC1 DB00862 110634 46295 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/vardenafil.html 99300 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 15.0 % ~15 % DRUGBANK 56.0 L/h 56.0 L/h DRUGBANK 0.78 L/h/kg 13 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 208.0 L 208.0 L DRUGBANK 3.0 L/kg 3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4-5 h DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 93.0 % ~91-95 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.0 % ~2-6 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Staxyn vardenafil hydrochloride PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Staxyn vardenafil hydrochloride PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Staxyn vardenafil hydrochloride PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Staxyn vardenafil hydrochloride PDR DDPD00863 Ranitidine 314.4 C13H22N4O3S CNC(NCCSCC1=CC=C(CN(C)C)O1)=C[N+]([O-])=O DB00863 3001055 92246 http://www.drugs.com/ranitidine.html 4863 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2488.6 ng.h/ml 2488.6 ng.h/ml PO, oral; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 55.0 % 50-60 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 52.0 % 52±11 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 462.0 ng/ml 462±54 ng/ml Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 1-3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.83 h 2.83 h PO, oral; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.1 h 2.1±0.31 h Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 4.0 % 4 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % 1 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % 1 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 24.6 L/h 410.0 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 36.0 L/h ~600 ml/min Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.624 L/h/kg 10.4±1.1 ml/min/kg Elderly &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.576 L/h/kg 9.6 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.4 L/kg ~1.4 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.3 L/kg 1.3±0.4 L/kg Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Burn &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.2 L/kg 1.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.75 h ~2.5-3 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h elimination half-life; patients; DRUGBANK 2.1 h 2.1±0.2 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;Burn &#8594; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 2.1 h 2.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 77.0 mg/kg 77.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 83.0 mg/kg 83.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 30.0 % ~30 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 69.0 % 69±6 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 15.0 % ~15 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 15.0 % 15±3 % DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zantac Injection ranitidine hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Zantac Injection ranitidine hydrochloride PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Zantac Injection ranitidine hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Zantac Injection ranitidine hydrochloride PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Zantac Injection ranitidine hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Zantac Injection ranitidine hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Zantac Injection ranitidine hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Zantac Injection ranitidine hydrochloride PDR 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day PO, oral Zantac Injection ranitidine hydrochloride PDR 5280.0 mg/day 220 mg/h intravenous injection, IV Zantac Injection ranitidine hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Zantac Injection ranitidine hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Zantac Injection ranitidine hydrochloride PDR 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day PO, oral Zantac Injection ranitidine hydrochloride PDR 9.16666666666667 mg/day 220 mg/hour intravenous injection, IV Zantac Injection ranitidine hydrochloride PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zantac Injection ranitidine hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Zantac Injection ranitidine hydrochloride PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Zantac Injection ranitidine hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Zantac Injection ranitidine hydrochloride PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Zantac Injection ranitidine hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Zantac Injection ranitidine hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Zantac Injection ranitidine hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Zantac Injection ranitidine hydrochloride PDR 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day PO, oral Zantac Injection ranitidine hydrochloride PDR 5280.0 mg/day 220 mg/hour intravenous injection, IV Zantac Injection ranitidine hydrochloride PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zantac Injection ranitidine hydrochloride PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Zantac Injection ranitidine hydrochloride PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Zantac Injection ranitidine hydrochloride PDR 8.0 mg/kg/day 8 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zantac Injection ranitidine hydrochloride PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zantac Injection ranitidine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00864 Tacrolimus 804.0182 C44H69NO12 CO[C@@H]1C[C@@H](CC[C@H]1O)\C=C(/C)[C@H]1OC(=O)[C@@H]2CCCCN2C(=O)C(=O)[C@]2(O)O[C@@H]([C@H](C[C@H]2C)OC)[C@H](C[C@@H](C)C\C(C)=C\[C@@H](CC=C)C(=O)C[C@H](O)[C@H]1C)OC DB00864 T3D4732 445643 61049 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/tacrolimus.html 393220 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 17.0 % 17±10 % PO, oral; adults; renal transplant; DRUGBANK 22.0 % 22±6 % PO, oral; adults; liver transplant; DRUGBANK 18.0 % 18±5 % PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 31.0 % 31±24 % PO, oral; Children; DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25±10 % DRUGBANK 31.2 ng/ml 31.2±10.1 ng/ml Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.4 h 1.4±0.5 h Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.04 L/h/kg 0.04 L/h/kg intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.172 L/h/kg 0.172±0.088 L/h/kg PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.083 L/h/kg 0.083 L/h/kg intravenous injection, IV; renal transplant; patients; adults; DRUGBANK 0.053 L/h/kg 0.053 L/h/kg intravenous injection, IV; liver transplant; patients; adults; DRUGBANK 0.051 L/h/kg 0.051 L/h/kg intravenous injection, IV; heart transplant; patients; adults; DRUGBANK 0.138 L/h/kg 0.138±0.071 L/h/kg liver transplant; pediatric patients; DRUGBANK 0.12 L/h/kg 0.12±0.04 L/h/kg renal transplant; pediatric patients; DRUGBANK 0.038 L/h/kg 0.038±0.014 L/h/kg intravenous injection, IV; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; patients; DRUGBANK 0.042 L/h/kg 0.042±0.02 L/h/kg intravenous injection, IV; mild hepatic impairment; DRUGBANK 0.034 L/h/kg 0.034±0.019 L/h/kg PO, oral; mild hepatic impairment; DRUGBANK 0.017 L/h/kg 0.017±0.013 L/h/kg intravenous injection, IV; severe hepatic impairment; DRUGBANK 0.016 L/h/kg 0.016±0.011 L/h/kg PO, oral; severe hepatic impairment; DRUGBANK 0.054 L/h/kg 0.90±0.29 ml/min/kg liver transplant; patients; hydrolysis; Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.042 L/h/kg 0.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.6 L/kg 2.6±2.1 L/kg liver transplant; pediatric patients; DRUGBANK 1.07 L/kg 1.07±0.20 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; patients; DRUGBANK 3.1 L/kg 3.1±1.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; mild hepatic impairment; patients; DRUGBANK 3.7 L/kg 3.7±4.7 L/kg PO, oral; mild hepatic impairment; patients; DRUGBANK 3.9 L/kg 3.9±1.0 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; severe hepatic impairment; patients; DRUGBANK 3.1 L/kg 3.1±3.4 L/kg PO, oral; severe hepatic impairment; patients; DRUGBANK 0.91 L/kg 0.91±0.29 L/kg liver transplant; patients; Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;renal transplant &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.2 L/kg 1.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 35.0 h 35 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 19.0 h 19 h elimination half-life; renal transplant; patients; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12 h elimination half-life; liver transplant; patients; DRUGBANK 24.0 h 24 h elimination half-life; heart transplant; patients; DRUGBANK 11.5 h 11.5±3.8 h elimination half-life; pediatric patients; liver transplant; DRUGBANK 10.2 h 10.2±5.0(3.4-25) h elimination half-life; pediatric patients; renal transplant; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12±5 h liver transplant; patients; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 26.0 h 26 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 164.0 mg/kg 134-194 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 164.0 mg/kg 134-194 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 92.6 % 92.6±30.7 % Faeces excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 2.3 % 2.3±1.1 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % ~99 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 87.0 % 75-99 % liver transplant; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 application/day 2 application/day skin/dermal Prograf tacrolimus PDR 2.0 appLication/day 2 appLication/day skin/dermal Prograf tacrolimus PDR 2.0 application/day 2 application/day skin/dermal Prograf tacrolimus PDR 2.0 application/day 2 application/day skin/dermal Prograf tacrolimus PDR DDPD00865 Benzphetamine 239.3553 C17H21N C[C@@H](CC1=CC=CC=C1)N(C)CC1=CC=CC=C1 DB00865 T3D2919 5311017 3044 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/benzphetamine.html 4470556 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 23.5 h 16-31 h DRUGBANK 160.0 mg/kg 160.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 160.0 mg/kg 160.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 87.0 % 75-99 % DRUGBANK 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Regimex benzphetamine hydrochloride PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Regimex benzphetamine hydrochloride PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Regimex benzphetamine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00867 Ritodrine 287.3535 C17H21NO3 C[C@H](NCCC1=CC=C(O)C=C1)[C@H](O)C1=CC=C(O)C=C1 DB00867 33572 8872 http://www.drugs.com/cons/ritodrine-oral-intravenous.html 30971 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.86 L/h/kg 31 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.4 L/kg 4.4 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.15 h 1.7-2.6 h DRUGBANK 2.6 h 2.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 64.0 mg/kg 64.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 540.0 mg/kg 540.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 84.0 mg/kg 84.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 56.0 % ~56 % DRUGBANK DDPD00868 Benzonatate 603.7419 C30H53NO11 CCCCNC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(=O)OCCOCCOCCOCCOCCOCCOCCOCCOCCOC DB00868 7699 3032 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/benzonatate.html 7413 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1063.0 ng/ml 1063±460 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.01 h 1.01±0.41 h PO, oral; normal,healthy; Asian; DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/kg 400.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/kg 100.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 51.0 mg/kg 51.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Male, men; DRUGBANK 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Tessalon benzonatate PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Tessalon benzonatate PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Tessalon benzonatate PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Tessalon benzonatate PDR DDPD00869 Dorzolamide 324.44 C10H16N2O4S3 CCN[C@H]1C[C@H](C)S(=O)(=O)C2=C1C=C(S2)S(N)(=O)=O DB00869 5284549 4702 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/dorzolamide-drops.html 4447604 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1344.0 h 8 week PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1344.0 h 8 week skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 2880.0 h >=120 day elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 2880.0 h ~4 month elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 1927.0 mg/kg 1927.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1320.0 mg/kg 1320.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2 g/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 33.0 % ~33 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day ophthalmic administration Trusopt dorzolamide hydrochloride PDR 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day ophthalmic administration Trusopt dorzolamide hydrochloride PDR 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day ophthalmic administration Trusopt dorzolamide hydrochloride PDR 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day ophthalmic administration Trusopt dorzolamide hydrochloride PDR DDPD00870 Suprofen 260.308 C14H12O3S CC(C(O)=O)C1=CC=C(C=C1)C(=O)C1=CC=CS1 DB00870 5359 9362 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/suprofen-ophthalmic.html 5166 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0456 L/h/kg 0.76 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.04 L/kg 0.04 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.1 h 2.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % DRUGBANK DDPD00871 Terbutaline 225.2842 C12H19NO3 CC(C)(C)NCC(O)C1=CC(O)=CC(O)=C1 DB00871 5403 9449 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/terbutaline.html 5210 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 40.0 % 30-50 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 18.66 L/h 311±112 ml/min DRUGBANK 0.204 L/h/kg 3.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.5 L/kg 1.5 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.7 h 5.5-5.9 h DRUGBANK 15.0 h 15 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8700.0 mg/kg 8.7 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 205.0 mg/kg 205.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/kg 1.5 g/kg PO, oral; dog; DRUGBANK 220.0 mg/kg 220.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 130.0 mg/kg 130.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 8000.0 mg/kg >8 g/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 36.0 mg/kg 36.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 116.0 mg/kg 116.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; dog; DRUGBANK 110.0 mg/kg 110.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; rabbit; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % Urinary excretion; subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 54.0 % ~54 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK DDPD00872 Conivaptan 498.5744 C32H26N4O2 CC1=NC2=C(CCN(C(=O)C3=CC=C(NC(=O)C4=CC=CC=C4C4=CC=CC=C4)C=C3)C3=CC=CC=C23)N1 DB00872 151171 681850 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/conivaptan.html 133239 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.18 L/h/kg 3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.76 L/kg 0.76 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5 h DRUGBANK 6.7 h 6.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/dose 20 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Vaprisol conivaptan hydrochloride PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day intravenous infusion, iv in drop Vaprisol conivaptan hydrochloride PDR 20.0 mg/dose 20 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Vaprisol conivaptan hydrochloride PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day intravenous infusion, iv in drop Vaprisol conivaptan hydrochloride PDR DDPD00874 Guaifenesin 198.2158 C10H14O4 COC1=CC=CC=C1OCC(O)CO DB00874 T3D4556 3516 5551 http://www.drugs.com/guaifenesin.html 3396 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 94.8 L/h 94.8 L/h Average clearance; DRUGBANK 1.0 h ~1 h DRUGBANK 1510.0 mg/kg 1510.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1510.0 mg/kg 1510.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2400.0 mg/day 2400 mg/day PO, oral Mucinex guaifenesin PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Mucinex guaifenesin PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Mucinex guaifenesin PDR 2400.0 mg/day 2400 mg/day PO, oral Mucinex guaifenesin PDR 2400.0 mg/day 2400 mg/day PO, oral Mucinex guaifenesin PDR 2400.0 mg/day 2400 mg/day PO, oral Mucinex guaifenesin PDR DDPD00875 Flupentixol 434.52 C23H25F3N2OS [H]\C(CCN1CCN(CCO)CC1)=C1/C2=CC=CC=C2SC2=C1C=C(C=C2)C(F)(F)F DB00875 T3D2920 5281881 10454 http://www.drugs.com/international/flupentixol.html 4445173 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.2484 L/h/kg 4.14 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 29.0 h 19-39 h DRUGBANK 34.2 h 34.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/kg 300.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 791.0 mg/kg 791.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 87.0 mg/kg 87.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 37.0 mg/kg 37.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/kg 300.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 791.0 mg/kg 791.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 87.0 mg/kg 87.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 37.0 mg/kg 37.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 95.0 % >95 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD00876 Eprosartan 424.513 C23H24N2O4S CCCCC1=NC=C(\C=C(/CC2=CC=CS2)C(O)=O)N1CC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(O)=O DB00876 5281037 4814 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/eprosartan.html 4444504 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 13.0 % 13 % Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 2.0 % <2 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.114 L/h/kg 1.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.17 L/kg 0.17 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 5-9 h elimination half-life; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.1 h 2.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 98.0 % ~98 % DRUGBANK 900.0 mg/day 900 mg/day PO, oral Teveten eprosartan mesylate PDR 900.0 mg/day 900 mg/day PO, oral Teveten eprosartan mesylate PDR DDPD00877 Sirolimus 914.187 C51H79NO13 [H][C@@]1(C[C@@H](C)[C@]2([H])CC(=O)[C@H](C)\C=C(C)\[C@@H](O)[C@@H](OC)C(=O)[C@H](C)C[C@H](C)\C=C\C=C\C=C(C)\[C@H](C[C@]3([H])CC[C@@H](C)[C@@](O)(O3)C(=O)C(=O)N3CCCC[C@@]3([H])C(=O)O2)OC)CC[C@@H](O)[C@@H](C1)OC DB00877 T3D2921 5284616 9168 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/sirolimus.html 10482078 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 15.0 % ~15 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 67.0 ng/ml 67±23 ng/ml Oral single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 152.0 ng/ml 94-210 ng/ml Oral multiple dose; renal transplant; DRUGBANK 0.81 h 0.81±0.17 h Oral single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.4 h 1.4±1.2 h Oral multiple dose; renal transplant; DRUGBANK 0.2082 L/h/kg 3.47±1.58 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; renal transplant; Male, men;  Female, women; patients; DRUGBANK 12.0 L/kg 12±4.6 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; renal transplant; Male, men;  Female, women; patients; DRUGBANK 60.0 h 57-63 h DRUGBANK 62.3 h 62.3±16.2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 800.0 mg/kg >800 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 800.0 mg/kg >800 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 92.0 % 92 % DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % renal transplant; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Rapamune sirolimus PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Rapamune sirolimus PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Rapamune sirolimus PDR DDPD00878 Chlorhexidine 505.447 C22H30Cl2N10 ClC1=CC=C(NC(=N)NC(=N)NCCCCCCNC(=N)NC(=N)NC2=CC=C(Cl)C=C2)C=C1 DB00878 9552079 3614 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/chlorhexidine-liquid.html 2612 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.206 ng/mg 0.206 ug/g Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5 g/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD00879 Emtricitabine 247.247 C8H10FN3O3S NC1=NC(=O)N(C=C1F)[C@@H]1CS[C@H](CO)O1 DB00879 60877 31536 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/emtricitabine.html 54859 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 10000.0 ng.h/ml 10±3.1 ug.h/ml DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93 % Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 75.0 % 75 % Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 1800.0 ng/ml 1.8±0.7 ug/ml DRUGBANK 1278.0 ng/ml 1.278±0.497 ug/ml food; food &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h DRUGBANK 14.0 % 14 % DRUGBANK 9.0 % 9 % DRUGBANK 2.0 % 2 % DRUGBANK 15.1 L/h 15.1 L/h DRUGBANK 42.3 L 42.3 L Total volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 55.4 L 55.4 L Total volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 10.0 h ~10 h DRUGBANK 86.0 % 86 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 14.0 % 14 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 4.0 % <4 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Emtriva emtricitabine PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Emtriva emtricitabine PDR 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day PO, oral Emtriva emtricitabine PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Emtriva emtricitabine PDR 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day PO, oral Emtriva emtricitabine PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Emtriva emtricitabine PDR 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day PO, oral Emtriva emtricitabine PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Emtriva emtricitabine PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Emtriva emtricitabine PDR 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day PO, oral Emtriva emtricitabine PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Emtriva emtricitabine PDR 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day PO, oral Emtriva emtricitabine PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Emtriva emtricitabine PDR 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day PO, oral Emtriva emtricitabine PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Emtriva emtricitabine PDR 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day PO, oral Emtriva emtricitabine PDR 3.0 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/day PO, oral Emtriva emtricitabine PDR 3.0 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/day PO, oral Emtriva emtricitabine PDR DDPD00880 Chlorothiazide 295.723 C7H6ClN3O4S2 NS(=O)(=O)C1=C(Cl)C=C2NC=NS(=O)(=O)C2=C1 DB00880 2720 3640 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/chlorothiazide.html 2619 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 1.375 h 45-120 min DRUGBANK 10000.0 mg/kg >10 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 12.5 % 10-15 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 40.0 % ~40 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral Diuril Oral Suspension chlorothiazide PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Diuril Oral Suspension chlorothiazide PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral Diuril Oral Suspension chlorothiazide PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Diuril Oral Suspension chlorothiazide PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral Diuril Oral Suspension chlorothiazide PDR 375.0 mg/day 375 mg/day PO, oral Diuril Oral Suspension chlorothiazide PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral Diuril Oral Suspension chlorothiazide PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Diuril Oral Suspension chlorothiazide PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day PO, oral Diuril Oral Suspension chlorothiazide PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Diuril Oral Suspension chlorothiazide PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Diuril Oral Suspension chlorothiazide PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day PO, oral Diuril Oral Suspension chlorothiazide PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Diuril Oral Suspension chlorothiazide PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Diuril Oral Suspension chlorothiazide PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Diuril Oral Suspension chlorothiazide PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day PO, oral Diuril Oral Suspension chlorothiazide PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Diuril Oral Suspension chlorothiazide PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Diuril Oral Suspension chlorothiazide PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral Diuril Oral Suspension chlorothiazide PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral Diuril Oral Suspension chlorothiazide PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Diuril Oral Suspension chlorothiazide PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day PO, oral Diuril Oral Suspension chlorothiazide PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral Diuril Oral Suspension chlorothiazide PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Diuril Oral Suspension chlorothiazide PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day PO, oral Diuril Oral Suspension chlorothiazide PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral Diuril Oral Suspension chlorothiazide PDR DDPD00881 Quinapril 438.5161 C25H30N2O5 CCOC(=O)[C@H](CCC1=CC=CC=C1)N[C@@H](C)C(=O)N1CC2=CC=CC=C2C[C@H]1C(O)=O DB00881 T3D4733 54892 8713 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/quinapril.html 49565 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2443.0 ng.h/ml 2443.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 65.0 % 50-80 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 47.5 % 35-60 % PO, oral; high-fat meal; high-fat meal &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 52.0 % 52±15 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1526.0 ng/ml 1526.0 ng/ml PO, oral; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 923.0 ng/ml 923±277 ng/ml intravenous injection, IV; Drug form; DRUGBANK 207.0 ng/ml 207±89 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 h <1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h DRUGBANK 2.3 h 2.3±0.9 h intravenous injection, IV; Drug form; DRUGBANK 1.4 h 1.4±0.8 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.08 L/h 68.0 ml/min DRUGBANK 0.0588 L/h/kg 0.98±0.22 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 13.9 L 13.9 L Average volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.19 L/kg 0.19±0.04 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 2.3 h 2.3 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 0.85 h 0.8-0.9 h PO, oral; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.1-2.9 h intravenous injection, IV; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 3541.0 mg/kg 3541.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1739.0 mg/kg 1739.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1739.0 mg/kg 1739.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 96.0 % 96 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 3.1 % 3.1±1.2 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 96.0 % 96 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % DRUGBANK 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Accupril quinapril hydrochloride PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Accupril quinapril hydrochloride PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Accupril quinapril hydrochloride PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Accupril quinapril hydrochloride PDR DDPD00882 Clomifene 405.96 C26H28ClNO CCN(CC)CCOC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(=C(Cl)C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00882 T3D4976 2800 3752 2698 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 144.0 h 5-7 day DRUGBANK 1700.0 mg/kg 1700.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 5750.0 mg/kg 5750.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1700.0 mg/kg 1700.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 5750.0 mg/kg 5750.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 8.0 % ~8 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 42.0 % ~42 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD00883 Isosorbide dinitrate 236.1363 C6H8N2O8 [H][C@]12OC[C@H](O[N+]([O-])=O)[C@@]1([H])OC[C@H]2O[N+]([O-])=O DB00883 6883 6061 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/isosorbide-dinitrate.html 6619 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25(10-90) % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 22.0 % 22±14 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 45.0 % 45±16 % sublingual; DRUGBANK 33.0 % 33±17 % skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 9.9177246 ng/ml 42(59-166) nM PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 48.8802141 ng/ml 207(197-335) nM PO, oral; Active metabolite; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 212.52267 ng/ml 900(790-1080) nM PO, oral; Active metabolite; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 0.0 ng/ml ~0 nM PO, oral; Sustained Release formulation; DRUGBANK 6.6118164 ng/ml 28(23-33) nM PO, oral; Active metabolite; Sustained Release formulation; DRUGBANK 41.3238525 ng/ml 175(154-267) nM PO, oral; Active metabolite; Sustained Release formulation; DRUGBANK 0.3 h 0.3(0.2-0.5) h PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 0.6 h 0.6(0.2-1.6) h PO, oral; Active metabolite; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 0.7 h 0.7(0.3-1.9) h PO, oral; Active metabolite; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 0.0 h ~0 h PO, oral; Sustained Release formulation; DRUGBANK 2.8 h 2.8(2.7-3.7) h PO, oral; Active metabolite; Sustained Release formulation; DRUGBANK 5.1 h 5.1(4.2-6.6) h PO, oral; Active metabolite; Sustained Release formulation; DRUGBANK 2.76 L/h/kg 46(38-59) ml/min/kg normal,healthy; adults;  Female, women &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;congestive heart disease &#8594; ;Somking &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.86 L/h/kg 31 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.0 L/kg 2.0-4 L/kg DRUGBANK 3.1 L/kg 3.1(2.2-8.6) L/kg normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 1.9 L/kg 1.9 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h DRUGBANK 0.7 h 0.7(0.6-2.0) h  Female, women &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.7 h 1.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 28.0 % 28±12 % DRUGBANK 480.0 mg/day 480 mg/day PO, oral Isordil Oral Titradose isosorbide dinitrate PDR 160.0 mg/day 160 mg/day PO, oral Isordil Oral Titradose isosorbide dinitrate PDR 480.0 mg/day 480 mg/day PO, oral Isordil Oral Titradose isosorbide dinitrate PDR 160.0 mg/day 160 mg/day PO, oral Isordil Oral Titradose isosorbide dinitrate PDR DDPD00884 Risedronic acid 283.1123 C7H11NO7P2 OC(CC1=CN=CC=C1)(P(O)(O)=O)P(O)(O)=O DB00884 T3D2668 5245 8869 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/risedronate-tablets.html 5055 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.63 % 0.63 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.8 ng/ml 2.8±0.3 ng/ml PO, oral; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.7 h 1.7±1.2 h PO, oral; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 3.12 L/h 52.0 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 4.38 L/h 73.0 ml/min Average clearance; DRUGBANK 0.09 L/h/kg 1.5(1.2-1.9) ml/min/kg RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 13.8 L/kg 13.8 L/kg DRUGBANK 6.3 L/kg 6.3±1.5 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.5 h ~1.5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 561.0 h 561 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 200.0 h 200(183-218) h DRUGBANK 0.9 h 0.9 h distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 13.0 h 13 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 87.0 % 87(73-102) % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 24.0 % ~24 % DRUGBANK 24.0 % 24 % DRUGBANK 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral Actonel risedronate sodium PDR 5.0 mg/day 35 mg/week PO, oral Actonel risedronate sodium PDR 5.0 mg/day 150 mg/month PO, oral Actonel risedronate sodium PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Actonel risedronate sodium PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral Actonel risedronate sodium PDR 5.0 mg/day 35 mg/week PO, oral Actonel risedronate sodium PDR 5.0 mg/day 150 mg/month PO, oral Actonel risedronate sodium PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Actonel risedronate sodium PDR DDPD00885 Pemirolast 228.2101 C10H8N6O CC1=CC=CN2C(=O)C(=CN=C12)C1=NNN=N1 DB00885 57697 134936 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/pemirolast.html 51990 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4.5 h ophthalmic administration; DRUGBANK 12.5 % ~10-15 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK DDPD00887 Bumetanide 364.416 C17H20N2O5S CCCCNC1=C(OC2=CC=CC=C2)C(=CC(=C1)C(O)=O)S(N)(=O)=O DB00887 2471 3213 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/bumetanide.html 2377 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~80 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 45.0 % 45 % Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.039 L/h/kg 0.2-1.1 ml/min/kg Prem, premature; respiratory disorders; DRUGBANK 0.1302 L/h/kg 2.17 ml/min/kg overdose; Neonates; DRUGBANK 0.108 L/h/kg 1.8±0.3 ml/min/kg Elderly; DRUGBANK 0.174 L/h/kg 2.9±0.2 ml/min/kg young; DRUGBANK 0.15 L/h/kg 2.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.16 L/kg 0.16 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.25 h 60-90 min DRUGBANK 1.2 h 1.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 81.0 % 81 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 % 2 % Bile excretion; PO, oral; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 36.45 % 36.45 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % DRUGBANK 0.1 mg/kg/dose 0.1 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral;IM,intramuscular injection; Bumetanide Injection bumetanide PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral;IM,intramuscular injection; Bumetanide Injection bumetanide PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral;IM,intramuscular injection; Bumetanide Injection bumetanide PDR 0.1 mg/kg/dose 0.1 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral;IM,intramuscular injection; Bumetanide Injection bumetanide PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral;IM,intramuscular injection; Bumetanide Injection bumetanide PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral;IM,intramuscular injection; Bumetanide Injection bumetanide PDR 0.1 mg/kg/dose 0.1 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral;IM,intramuscular injection; Bumetanide Injection bumetanide PDR 0.06 mg/kg/dose 0.06 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Bumetanide Injection bumetanide PDR DDPD00888 Mechlorethamine 156.054 C5H11Cl2N CN(CCCl)CCCl DB00888 T3D4204 4033 28925 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/mechlorethamine.html 3893 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.25 h 15 min DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/kg 10.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/kg 10.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 6.0 mg/m2/dose 6 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV Mustargen mechlorethamine hydrochloride PDR 0.4 mg/kg/dose 0.4 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Mustargen mechlorethamine hydrochloride PDR 6.0 mg/m2/dose 6 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV Mustargen mechlorethamine hydrochloride PDR 0.4 mg/kg/dose 0.4 mg/kg/dose Intracavitary Mustargen mechlorethamine hydrochloride PDR 1.0 appLication/day 1 appLication/day gel Mustargen mechlorethamine hydrochloride PDR 6.0 mg/m2/dose 6 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV Mustargen mechlorethamine hydrochloride PDR 0.4 mg/kg/dose 0.4 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Mustargen mechlorethamine hydrochloride PDR 6.0 mg/m2/dose 6 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV Mustargen mechlorethamine hydrochloride PDR 0.4 mg/kg/dose 0.4 mg/kg/dose Intracavitary Mustargen mechlorethamine hydrochloride PDR 1.0 application/day 1 application/day gel Mustargen mechlorethamine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00889 Granisetron 312.417 C18H24N4O CN1N=C(C(=O)N[C@@H]2C[C@@H]3CCC[C@H](C2)N3C)C2=C1C=CC=C2 DB00889 5284566 5537 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/granisetron.html 10482033 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 60.0 % ~60 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.0 ng/ml 6.0(0.6-31) ng/ml Oral single dose; tumor; DRUGBANK 64.0 ng/ml 64(18-176) ng/ml intravenous injection, IV; tumor; DRUGBANK 0.52 L/h/kg 0.52 L/h/kg tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 0.41 L/h/kg 0.41 L/h/kg Single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.66 L/h/kg 11±9 ml/min/kg Elderly &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.546 L/h/kg 9.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.0 L/kg 3.0±1.5 L/kg RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 3.7 L/kg 3.7 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 4-6 h normal,healthy; patients; DRUGBANK 10.5 h 9-12 h tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 5.3 h 5.3±3.5 h Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 5.2 h 5.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 48.0 % 48 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 38.0 % 38 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 16.0 % 16±14 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 65.0 % 65 % DRUGBANK 65.0 % 65±9 % DRUGBANK 0.01 mg/kg 10 mcg/kg intravenous injection, IV Granisetron Hydrochloride Tablets granisetron hydrochloride PDR 0.04 mg/kg 40 mcg/kg intravenous injection, IV Granisetron Hydrochloride Tablets granisetron hydrochloride PDR 0.04 mg/kg 40 mcg/kg PO, oral bid Granisetron Hydrochloride Tablets granisetron hydrochloride PDR 0.04 mg/kg 40 mcg/kg intravenous injection, IV Granisetron Hydrochloride Tablets granisetron hydrochloride PDR 2.0 mg 2 mg PO, oral Granisetron Hydrochloride Tablets granisetron hydrochloride PDR 1.0 patch 1 patch skin/dermal Granisetron Hydrochloride Tablets granisetron hydrochloride PDR 10.0 mg 10 mg subcutaneous injection, SC Granisetron Hydrochloride Tablets granisetron hydrochloride PDR 0.01 mg/day 10 mcg/kg intravenous injection, IV Granisetron Hydrochloride Tablets granisetron hydrochloride PDR 0.04 mg/day 40 mcg/kg intravenous injection, IV Granisetron Hydrochloride Tablets granisetron hydrochloride PDR 0.04 mg/day 40 mcg/kg PO, oral bid Granisetron Hydrochloride Tablets granisetron hydrochloride PDR 40.0 mcg/kg 40 mcg/kg intravenous injection, IV Granisetron Hydrochloride Tablets granisetron hydrochloride PDR 2.0 mg 2 mg PO, oral Granisetron Hydrochloride Tablets granisetron hydrochloride PDR 1.0 patch 1 patch skin/dermal Granisetron Hydrochloride Tablets granisetron hydrochloride PDR 10.0 mg 10 mg subcutaneous injection, SC Granisetron Hydrochloride Tablets granisetron hydrochloride PDR 0.01 mg/kg 10 mcg/kg intravenous injection, IV Granisetron Hydrochloride Injection 1 mg/mL and 0.1 mg/mL granisetron hydrochloride PDR 0.04 mg/kg 40 mcg/kg intravenous injection, IV Granisetron Hydrochloride Injection 1 mg/mL and 0.1 mg/mL granisetron hydrochloride PDR 0.04 mg/kg 40 mcg/kg PO, oral bid Granisetron Hydrochloride Injection 1 mg/mL and 0.1 mg/mL granisetron hydrochloride PDR 0.04 mg/kg 40 mcg/kg intravenous injection, IV Granisetron Hydrochloride Injection 1 mg/mL and 0.1 mg/mL granisetron hydrochloride PDR 2.0 mg 2 mg PO, oral Granisetron Hydrochloride Injection 1 mg/mL and 0.1 mg/mL granisetron hydrochloride PDR 1.0 patch 1 patch skin/dermal Granisetron Hydrochloride Injection 1 mg/mL and 0.1 mg/mL granisetron hydrochloride PDR 10.0 mg 10 mg subcutaneous injection, SC Granisetron Hydrochloride Injection 1 mg/mL and 0.1 mg/mL granisetron hydrochloride PDR 0.01 mg/day 10 mcg/kg intravenous injection, IV Granisetron Hydrochloride Injection 1 mg/mL and 0.1 mg/mL granisetron hydrochloride PDR 0.04 mg/day 40 mcg/kg intravenous injection, IV Granisetron Hydrochloride Injection 1 mg/mL and 0.1 mg/mL granisetron hydrochloride PDR 0.04 mg/day 40 mcg/kg PO, oral Granisetron Hydrochloride Injection 1 mg/mL and 0.1 mg/mL granisetron hydrochloride PDR 40.0 mcg/kg 40 mcg/kg intravenous injection, IV Granisetron Hydrochloride Injection 1 mg/mL and 0.1 mg/mL granisetron hydrochloride PDR 2.0 mg 2 mg PO, oral Granisetron Hydrochloride Injection 1 mg/mL and 0.1 mg/mL granisetron hydrochloride PDR 1.0 patch 1 patch skin/dermal Granisetron Hydrochloride Injection 1 mg/mL and 0.1 mg/mL granisetron hydrochloride PDR 10.0 mg 10 mg subcutaneous injection, SC Granisetron Hydrochloride Injection 1 mg/mL and 0.1 mg/mL granisetron hydrochloride PDR DDPD00890 Dienestrol 266.34 C18H18O2 [H]\C(C)=C(/C(=C(\[H])C)/C1=CC=C(O)C=C1)\C1=CC=C(O)C=C1 DB00890 667476 4518 580857 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 65.0 % 50-80 % DRUGBANK DDPD00891 Sulfapyridine 249.289 C11H11N3O2S NC1=CC=C(C=C1)S(=O)(=O)NC1=CC=CC=N1 DB00891 5336 132842 5145 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 70.0 % 60-80 % DRUGBANK 10.0 h 6-14 h DRUGBANK 15800.0 mg/kg 15800.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD00892 Oxybuprocaine 308.4158 C17H28N2O3 CCCCOC1=CC(=CC=C1N)C(=O)OCCN(CC)CC DB00892 4633 309594 4472 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00893 Iron Dextran N.A. N.A. OS(=O)(=O)O.[Fe] DB00893 105075 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/iron-dextran.html -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5 h DRUGBANK 10.0 h 10 h different study; DRUGBANK 500.0 mg/kg 500.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Dexferrum iron dextran PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Dexferrum iron dextran PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Dexferrum iron dextran PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Dexferrum iron dextran PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Dexferrum iron dextran PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Dexferrum iron dextran PDR 25.0 mg/day 25 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Dexferrum iron dextran PDR DDPD00894 Testolactone 300.3921 C19H24O3 [H][C@@]12CCC3=CC(=O)C=C[C@]3(C)[C@@]1([H])CC[C@]1(C)OC(=O)CC[C@@]21[H] DB00894 13769 9460 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/testolactone.html 13172 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1630.0 mg/kg 1630.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 759.5 mg/kg 593-926 mg/kg PO, oral; dog; DRUGBANK 85.0 % ~85 % DRUGBANK DDPD00895 Benzylpenicilloyl polylysine 626.765 C28H46N6O8S [H]N[C@H](CCCCN)C(O)=O.[H]N[C@H](CCCCNC(=O)C(NC(=O)CC1=CC=CC=C1)[C@]1([H])N[C@@H](C(O)=O)C(C)(C)S1)C(O)=O DB00895 45266800 59297 26331550 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00896 Rimexolone 370.533 C24H34O3 [H][C@@]12C[C@@H](C)[C@](C)(C(=O)CC)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)C=C[C@]12C DB00896 5311412 135566 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/rimexolone.html 4470902 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 80.0 % >80 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h DRUGBANK 80.0 % >80 % Faeces excretion; intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2.0 drops/eye 2 drops/eye ophthalmic administration; up to 1 week Vexol rimexolone PDR 2.0 drops/eye 2 drops/eye ophthalmic administration; up to 1 week Vexol rimexolone PDR DDPD00897 Triazolam 343.21 C17H12Cl2N4 CC1=NN=C2CN=C(C3=CC=CC=C3Cl)C3=C(C=CC(Cl)=C3)N12 DB00897 T3D2564 5556 9674 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/triazolam.html 5355 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 44.0 % 44 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.18 L/h/kg 3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.58 L/kg 0.58 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 1.5-5.5 h DRUGBANK 2.7 h 2.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/kg >1000 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.5 mg/day 0.5 mg/day PO, oral Halcion triazolam PDR 0.25 mg/day 0.25 mg/day PO, oral Halcion triazolam PDR DDPD00898 Ethanol 46.0684 C2H6O CCO DB00898 T3D0770 702 16236 http://www.drugs.com/alcohol.html 682 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 53.0 % 53 % sublingual; DRUGBANK 5628.0 mg/kg 5628.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5628.0 mg/kg 5628.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.05 mg/kg/day 0.05 mg/kg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Gattex teduglutide (rDNA origin) PDR 0.05 mg/kg/day 0.05 mg/kg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Gattex teduglutide (rDNA origin) PDR 0.05 mg/kg/day 0.05 mg/kg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Gattex teduglutide (rDNA origin) PDR 0.05 mg/kg/day 0.05 mg/kg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Gattex teduglutide (rDNA origin) PDR DDPD00899 Remifentanil 376.4467 C20H28N2O5 CCC(=O)N(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1(CCN(CCC(=O)OC)CC1)C(=O)OC DB00899 60815 8802 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/remifentanil.html 54803 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 20.0 ng/ml ~20 ng/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 2.4 L/h/kg 40.0 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; young; DRUGBANK 3.0 L/h/kg 40-60 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; adults; patients; Elderly &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2.22 L/h/kg 37 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.35 L/kg 350.0 ml/kg DRUGBANK 0.452 L/kg 452±144 ml/kg Neonates; DRUGBANK 0.223 L/kg 223±30.6 ml/kg Adolescents; DRUGBANK 0.35 L/kg 0.3-0.4 L/kg normal,healthy; adults; patients; Elderly &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.4 L/kg 0.4 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.175 h 1-20 min DRUGBANK 0.23 h 0.13-0.33 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.8 h 0.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % Urinary excretion; adults; Male, men; normal,healthy; surgery; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 92.0 % 92 % adults; Male, men; normal,healthy; surgery; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.001 mg/kg/dose 1 mcg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Ultiva remifentanil hydrochloride PDR 1.3 mg/kg/minute 1.3 mg/kg/minute intravenous infusion, iv in drop Ultiva remifentanil hydrochloride PDR 0.00125 mg/kg/dose 1.25 mcg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Ultiva remifentanil hydrochloride PDR 0.001 mg/kg/dose 1 mcg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Ultiva remifentanil hydrochloride PDR 2.88 mg/kg/day 2 mcg/kg/minute intravenous infusion, iv in drop Ultiva remifentanil hydrochloride PDR 1.0 mcg/kg/dose 1 mcg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Ultiva remifentanil hydrochloride PDR 2.88 mg/kg/day 2 mcg/kg/minute intravenous infusion, iv in drop Ultiva remifentanil hydrochloride PDR 0.001 mg/kg/dose 1 mcg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Ultiva remifentanil hydrochloride PDR 1.872 mg/kg/day 1.3 mg/kg/min intravenous infusion, iv in drop Ultiva remifentanil hydrochloride PDR 0.004 mg/kg/dose 4 mcg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Ultiva remifentanil hydrochloride PDR 1.0 mcg/kg/dose 1 mcg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Ultiva remifentanil hydrochloride PDR 1440.0 mg/kg/day 1 mg/kg/minute intravenous infusion, iv in drop Ultiva remifentanil hydrochloride PDR 4.0 mcg/kg/dose 4 mcg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Ultiva remifentanil hydrochloride PDR DDPD00900 Didanosine 236.2273 C10H12N4O3 OC[C@@H]1CC[C@@H](O1)N1C=NC2=C1NC=NC2=O DB00900 T3D4786 50599 490877 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/didanosine-chewable-dispersible-buffered-tablets.html 45864 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 35.0 % 30-40 % DRUGBANK 38.0 % 38±15 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1500.0 ng/ml 1.5±0.7 mcg/ml Tablet, PO, oral; fasting; extended release formulation; AIDS,HIV; DRUGBANK 930.0 ng/ml 0.93±0.43 mcg/ml PO, oral; fasting; extended release formulation; AIDS,HIV; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 0.5-1.5 h DRUGBANK 0.67 h 0.67(0.33-1.33) h Tablet, PO, oral; fasting; extended release formulation; AIDS,HIV; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2.0(1.0-5.0) h PO, oral; fasting; extended release formulation; AIDS,HIV; DRUGBANK 0.96 L/h/kg 16±7 ml/min/kg Children &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.66 L/h/kg 11 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 L/kg 1.0±0.2 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.77 L/kg 0.77 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 30 min DRUGBANK 12.0 h >12 h DRUGBANK 1.4 h 1.4±0.3 h DRUGBANK 1.4 h 1.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 36.0 % 36±9 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 5.0 % <5 % DRUGBANK 5.0 % <5 % DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Videx didanosine PDR 240.0 mg/m2/day 240 mg/m2/day Liquid Videx didanosine PDR 300.0 mg/m2/day 300 mg/m2/day Videx didanosine PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day Videx didanosine PDR 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Videx didanosine PDR 240.0 mg/m2/day 240 mg/m2/day Liquid Videx didanosine PDR 300.0 mg/m2/day 300 mg/m2/day Videx didanosine PDR 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day Videx didanosine PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Videx didanosine PDR 240.0 mg/m2/day 240 mg/m2/day Liquid Videx didanosine PDR 300.0 mg/m2/day 300 mg/m2/day Videx didanosine PDR 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day Videx didanosine PDR 240.0 mg/m2/day 240 mg/m2/day Liquid Videx didanosine PDR 300.0 mg/m2/day 300 mg/m2/day Videx didanosine PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Videx didanosine PDR 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day PO, oral Videx didanosine PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Videx didanosine PDR 240.0 mg/m2/day 240 mg/m2/day Liquid Videx didanosine PDR 300.0 mg/m2/day 300 mg/m2/day Videx didanosine PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day Videx didanosine PDR 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Videx didanosine PDR 240.0 mg/m2/day 240 mg/m2/day Liquid Videx didanosine PDR 300.0 mg/m2/day 300 mg/m2/day Videx didanosine PDR 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day Videx didanosine PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Videx didanosine PDR 240.0 mg/m2/day 240 mg/m2/day Liquid Videx didanosine PDR 300.0 mg/m2/day 300 mg/m2/day Videx didanosine PDR 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day Videx didanosine PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Videx didanosine PDR 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day PO, oral Videx didanosine PDR 240.0 mg/m2/day 240 mg/m2/day Liquid Videx didanosine PDR 300.0 mg/m2/day 300 mg/m2/day Videx didanosine PDR 200.0 mg/m2/day 200 mg/m2/day Liquid Videx didanosine PDR 200.0 mg/m2/day 200 mg/m2/day Liquid Videx didanosine PDR 100.0 mg/m2/day 100 mg/m2/day Videx didanosine PDR 200.0 mg/m2/day 200 mg/m2/day Liquid Videx didanosine PDR 100.0 mg/m2/day 100 mg/m2/day Videx didanosine PDR DDPD00902 Methdilazine 296.43 C18H20N2S CN1CCC(CN2C3=CC=CC=C3SC3=CC=CC=C23)C1 DB00902 T3D2924 14677 6823 14009 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00903 Etacrynic acid 303.138 C13H12Cl2O4 CCC(=C)C(=O)C1=C(Cl)C(Cl)=C(OCC(O)=O)C=C1 DB00903 3278 4876 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ethacrynate-sodium.html 3163 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 98.0 % >98 % DRUGBANK 3.0 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/day PO, oral Edecrin/Sodium Edecrin (ethacrynate sodium); (ethacrynic acid) PDR 1.0 mg/kg/day 1 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Edecrin/Sodium Edecrin (ethacrynate sodium); (ethacrynic acid) PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Edecrin/Sodium Edecrin (ethacrynate sodium); (ethacrynic acid) PDR 100.0 mg/dose 100 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Edecrin/Sodium Edecrin (ethacrynate sodium); (ethacrynic acid) PDR 3.0 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/day PO, oral Edecrin/Sodium Edecrin (ethacrynate sodium); (ethacrynic acid) PDR 1.0 mg/kg/day 1 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Edecrin/Sodium Edecrin (ethacrynate sodium); (ethacrynic acid) PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Edecrin/Sodium Edecrin (ethacrynate sodium); (ethacrynic acid) PDR 100.0 mg/dose 100 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Edecrin/Sodium Edecrin (ethacrynate sodium); (ethacrynic acid) PDR 0.0 0 Edecrin/Sodium Edecrin (ethacrynate sodium); (ethacrynic acid) PDR DDPD00904 Ondansetron 293.363 C18H19N3O CN1C2=C(C3=CC=CC=C13)C(=O)C(CN1C=CN=C1C)CC2 DB00904 T3D2925 4595 7773 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ondansetron.html 4434 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 58.0 % 56-60 % Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 62.0 % 62±15 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 39.0 ng/ml 39(31-48) ng/ml PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 102.0 ng/ml 102(64-136) ng/ml DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1.0(0.8-1.5) h PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 10.0 % <10 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.38 L/h/kg 0.38 L/h/kg normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 0.29 L/h/kg 0.26-0.32 L/h/kg normal,healthy; Elderly; DRUGBANK 0.354 L/h/kg 5.9±2.6 ml/min/kg  Female, women &#8595; ;Children &#8593; ;Elderly &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.348 L/h/kg 5.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 160.0 L ~160 L DRUGBANK 1.9 L/kg 1.9±0.05 L/kg Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.8 L/kg 1.8 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 6-8 h Elderly; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5±1.2 h Children &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 3.4 h 3.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 73.0 % ~73 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 73.0 % 73±2 % DRUGBANK 0.15 mg/kg/dose 0.15 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Zuplenz ondansetron PDR 16.0 mg/dose 16 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Zuplenz ondansetron PDR 0.15 mg/kg/dose 0.15 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Zuplenz ondansetron PDR 16.0 mg/dose 16 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Zuplenz ondansetron PDR 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day PO, oral Zuplenz ondansetron PDR 0.15 mg/kg/dose 0.15 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Zuplenz ondansetron PDR 16.0 mg/dose 16 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Zuplenz ondansetron PDR 16.0 mg/day 16 mg/day PO, oral Zuplenz ondansetron PDR 24.0 mg/day 24 mg/day PO, oral Zuplenz ondansetron PDR 0.45 mg/kg/day 0.45 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Zuplenz ondansetron PDR 48.0 mg/day 16 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV tid Zuplenz ondansetron PDR 0.15 mg/kg/dose 0.15 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Zuplenz ondansetron PDR 16.0 mg/dose 16 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Zuplenz ondansetron PDR 16.0 mg/day 16 mg/day PO, oral Zuplenz ondansetron PDR 24.0 mg/day 24 mg/day PO, oral Zuplenz ondansetron PDR 0.45 mg/kg/day 0.45 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Zuplenz ondansetron PDR 16.0 mg/dose 16 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Zuplenz ondansetron PDR 0.1 mg/kg 0.1 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Zuplenz ondansetron PDR 0.15 mg/kg/dose 0.15 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Zuplenz ondansetron PDR 16.0 mg/dose 16 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Zuplenz ondansetron PDR DDPD00905 Bimatoprost 415.5656 C25H37NO4 CCNC(=O)CCC\C=C/C[C@H]1[C@@H](O)C[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1\C=C\[C@@H](O)CCC1=CC=CC=C1 DB00905 5311027 51230 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/bimatoprost-drops.html 4470565 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.09 null 0.09 null ophthalmic administration; DRUGBANK 0.08 ng/ml 0.08 ng/ml ophthalmic administration; DRUGBANK 12.2 ng/ml 12.2 ng/ml different study; DRUGBANK 0.166666666666667 h 10 min different study; DRUGBANK 168.0 h 7 day different study; DRUGBANK 0.15 L/h/kg 0.15 L/h/kg intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.5 L/h/kg 25 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.67 L/kg 0.67 L/kg at steady state; DRUGBANK 0.67 L/kg 0.67 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.75 h ~45 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 0.45 h 0.45 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 67.0 % 67 % Urinary excretion; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25 % Faeces excretion; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 89.0 % ~88-90 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration qd Latisse bimatoprost PDR 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration qd Latisse bimatoprost PDR 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration qd Latisse bimatoprost PDR 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration qd Latisse bimatoprost PDR DDPD00906 Tiagabine 375.548 C20H25NO2S2 CC1=C(SC=C1)C(=CCCN1CCC[C@H](C1)C(O)=O)C1=C(C)C=CS1 DB00906 T3D2926 60648 9586 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/tiagabine.html 54661 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 95.0 % >95 % DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 122.0 ng/ml 122±36 ng/ml Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 69.0 ng/ml 69±22 ng/ml Oral multiple dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.9 h 0.9±0.5 h Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5±1.0 h Oral multiple dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 6.54 L/h 109.0 ml/min normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.12 L/h/kg 2.0±0.4 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; PO, oral; normal,healthy; Male, men; patients; Children &#8593; ;hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;epilepsy &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.096 L/h/kg 1.6 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.3 L/kg 1.3±0.4 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; PO, oral; normal,healthy; Male, men; patients; DRUGBANK 1.1 L/kg 1.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 7-9 h DRUGBANK 8.0 h 7-9 h PO, oral; chronic liver disease &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 10.0 h 10 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 24.5 % 24.5 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 61.7 % 61.7 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.0 % ~2 % PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.5 % 1-2 % Urinary excretion; adults; normal,healthy; epilepsy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 96.0 % 96 % DRUGBANK 96.0 % 96 % adults; normal,healthy; epilepsy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.8 mg/kg/day 0.8 mg/kg/day PO, oral Gabitril tiagabine hydrochloride PDR 56.0 mg/day 56 mg/day PO, oral Gabitril tiagabine hydrochloride PDR 32.0 mg/day 32 mg/day PO, oral Gabitril tiagabine hydrochloride PDR 56.0 mg/day 56 mg/day PO, oral Gabitril tiagabine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00907 Cocaine 303.3529 C17H21NO4 [H][C@]12CC[C@]([H])([C@H]([C@H](C1)OC(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1)C(=O)OC)N2C DB00907 T3D2927 446220 27958 http://www.drugs.com/cons/cocaine-hydrochloride-topical.html 10194104 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 70.0 % 60-80 % inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 1.92 L/h/kg 32 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 L/kg 2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h DRUGBANK 0.76 h 0.76 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 96.0 mg/kg 96.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 96.0 mg/kg 96.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 95.1 mg/kg 95.1 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 3.0 mg/kg 3 mg/kg skin/dermal Goprelto cocaine hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg 200 mg skin/dermal Goprelto cocaine hydrochloride PDR 3.0 mg/kg 3 mg/kg intranasal Goprelto cocaine hydrochloride PDR 160.0 mg 160 mg intranasal Goprelto cocaine hydrochloride PDR 3.0 mg/kg 3 mg/kg skin/dermal Goprelto cocaine hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg 200 mg skin/dermal Goprelto cocaine hydrochloride PDR 3.0 mg/kg 3 mg/kg intranasal Goprelto cocaine hydrochloride PDR 160.0 mg 160 mg intranasal Goprelto cocaine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00908 Quinidine 324.4168 C20H24N2O2 [H][C@@]12CCN(C[C@@H]1C=C)[C@]([H])(C2)[C@@H](O)C1=C2C=C(OC)C=CC2=NC=C1 DB00908 441074 28593 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/quinidine-gluconate-controlled-release-tablets.html 389880 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80±15 % PO, oral; Derivative; DRUGBANK 71.0 % 71±17 % PO, oral; Derivative; DRUGBANK 1300.0 ng/ml ~1.3 mcg/ml PO, oral; immediate release formulation; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 530.0 ng/ml 0.53±0.22 mcg/ml PO, oral; extended release formulation; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2900.0 ng/ml 2.9±1.0 mcg/ml intravenous injection, IV; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 1-3 h PO, oral; immediate release formulation; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 6.3 h 6.3±3.2 h PO, oral; extended release formulation; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.24 L/h/kg 3.0-5 ml/min/kg adults; DRUGBANK 0.282 L/h/kg 4.7±1.8 ml/min/kg hydrolysis; Elderly &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;congestive heart disease &#8595; ;Somking &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.24 L/h/kg 4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.5 L/kg 2.0-3 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.5 L/kg 0.5 L/kg heart disease; DRUGBANK 4.0 L/kg 3.0-5 L/kg Hepatitis, Hep; DRUGBANK 2.7 L/kg 2.7±1.2 L/kg Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;congestive heart disease &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 2.9 L/kg 2.9 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 6-8 h DRUGBANK 6.2 h 6.2±1.8 h Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;congestive heart disease &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12±3 h Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 6.6 h 6.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 % ~20 % Urinary excretion; Uric acid; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % Urinary excretion; Urine alkaline; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 18.0 % 18±5 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; congestive heart disease &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 84.0 % 80-88 % DRUGBANK 87.0 % 87±3 % Neonates &#8595; ;Preg, pregnant &#8595; ;Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;chronic respiratory insufficiency &#8594; ;HL,hyperlipoproteinemia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK DDPD00909 Zonisamide 212.226 C8H8N2O3S NS(=O)(=O)CC1=NOC2=CC=CC=C12 DB00909 T3D2928 5734 10127 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/zonisamide.html 5532 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 28000.0 ng/ml 28±4 mcg/ml PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 3.35 h 2.8-3.9 h PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1.8±0.4 h PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.0195 L/h/kg 0.3-0.35 ml/min/kg patients; DRUGBANK 0.0255 L/h/kg 0.35-0.5 ml/min/kg Drug combination; DRUGBANK 0.0078 L/h/kg 0.13 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 1.45 L/kg 1.45 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.5 L/kg 1.2-1.8 L/kg DRUGBANK 63.0 h 63 h DRUGBANK 63.0 h 63±14 h DRUGBANK 38.5 % 29-48 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % DRUGBANK 39.0 % 38-40 % DRUGBANK 12.0 mg/kg/day 12 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zonegran zonisamide PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Zonegran zonisamide PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Zonegran zonisamide PDR 12.0 mg/kg/day 12 mg/kg/day PO, oral Zonegran zonisamide PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Zonegran zonisamide PDR DDPD00910 Paricalcitol 416.6365 C27H44O3 [H][C@@]1(CC[C@@]2([H])\C(CCC[C@]12C)=C\C=C1C[C@@H](O)C[C@H](O)C1)[C@H](C)\C=C\[C@H](C)C(C)(C)O DB00910 5281104 7931 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/paricalcitol.html 4444552 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.49 L/h 1.49±0.60 L/h Chronic Kidney Disease; DRUGBANK 1.54 L/h 1.54±0.95 L/h Chronic Kidney Disease; DRUGBANK 0.0534 L/h/kg 0.89 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 30.8 L 30.8±7.5 L Chronic Kidney Disease; DRUGBANK 34.9 L 34.9±9.5 L Chronic Kidney Disease; DRUGBANK 23.8 L 23.8 L normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.41 L/kg 0.41 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 4-6 h DRUGBANK 5.3 h 5.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 99.8 % 99.8 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 0.0096 mg 9.6 mcg intravenous injection, IV Zemplar Capsules paricalcitol PDR 0.0096 mg 9.6 mcg intravenous injection, IV Zemplar Capsules paricalcitol PDR 0.00024 mg/kg 0.24 mcg/kg intravenous injection, IV Zemplar Capsules paricalcitol PDR 0.0168 mg 16.8 mcg intravenous injection, IV Zemplar Capsules paricalcitol PDR 0.0096 mg 9.6 mcg intravenous injection, IV Zemplar Capsules paricalcitol PDR 0.24 mcg/kg 0.24 mcg/kg intravenous injection, IV Zemplar Capsules paricalcitol PDR 0.0168 mg 16.8 mcg intravenous injection, IV Zemplar Capsules paricalcitol PDR DDPD00911 Tinidazole 247.272 C8H13N3O4S CCS(=O)(=O)CCN1C(C)=NC=C1[N+]([O-])=O DB00911 5479 63627 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/tinidazole.html 5279 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 901600.0 ng.h/ml 901.6±126.5 mcg.h/ml PO, oral; food; DRUGBANK 0.036 L/h/kg 0.6 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 50.0 L 50.0 L DRUGBANK 0.59 L/kg 0.59 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 13.2 h 13.2±1.4 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 13.0 h 12-14 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 13.0 h 13 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3600.0 mg/kg >3600 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 2300.0 mg/kg >2300 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 12.0 % ~12 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 22.5 % ~20-25 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 12.0 % 12 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 50.0 mg/kg/dose 50 mg/kg/dose PO, oral Tindamax tinidazole PDR 2000.0 mg/dose 2 g/dose PO, oral Tindamax tinidazole PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Tindamax tinidazole PDR 50.0 mg/kg/dose 50 mg/kg/dose PO, oral Tindamax tinidazole PDR 2000.0 mg/dose 2 g/dose PO, oral Tindamax tinidazole PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Tindamax tinidazole PDR DDPD00912 Repaglinide 452.5857 C27H36N2O4 CCOC1=C(C=CC(CC(=O)N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C2=CC=CC=C2N2CCCCC2)=C1)C(O)=O DB00912 65981 8805 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/repaglinide.html 59377 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 18.35 ng.h/ml 18.0-18.7 ng.h/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 56.0 % 56 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 56.0 % 56±7 % PO, oral; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 47.0 ng/ml 47±24 ng/ml Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1(0.5-1.4) h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.25-0.75 h Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 35.5 L/h 33-38 L/h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.558 L/h/kg 9.3±6.8 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; adults; Male, men; hydrolysis; hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.468 L/h/kg 7.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 31.0 L 31.0 L intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.52 L/kg 0.52±0.17 L/kg normal,healthy; adults; Male, men; hydrolysis; DRUGBANK 0.35 L/kg 0.35 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h DRUGBANK 0.8 h 0.8±0.2 h normal,healthy; adults; Male, men; chronic liver disease &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.87 h 0.87 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/kg >1 g/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 8 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 1.8 % <1.8 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.008 % 0.008 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.45 % 0.3-2.6 % Urinary excretion; adults; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 98.0 % >98 % DRUGBANK 97.4 % 97.4 % adults; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 16.0 mg/day 16 mg/day PO, oral Prandin repaglinide PDR 16.0 mg/day 16 mg/day PO, oral Prandin repaglinide PDR DDPD00913 Anileridine 352.4699 C22H28N2O2 CCOC(=O)C1(CCN(CCC2=CC=C(N)C=C2)CC1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00913 T3D2929 8944 61203 8600 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 95.0 % >95 % DRUGBANK DDPD00914 Phenformin 205.2596 C10H15N5 NC(=N)NC(=N)NCCC1=CC=CC=C1 DB00914 8249 8064 7953 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD00915 Amantadine 151.2487 C10H17N NC12CC3CC(CC(C3)C1)C2 DB00915 T3D2560 2130 2618 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/amantadine.html 2045 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.25 L/h/kg 0.2-0.3 L/h/kg DRUGBANK 0.1 L/h/kg 0.10±0.04 L/h/kg normal,healthy; Elderly; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.288 L/h/kg 4.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.5 L/kg 3.0-8 L/kg normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 6.6 L/kg 6.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 10-14 h DRUGBANK 204.0 h 7-10 day RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; DRUGBANK 16.0 h 16 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 800.0 mg/kg 800.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 700.0 mg/kg 700.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 67.0 % ~67 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral;Capsule, PO, Oral;Liquid; Amantadine Hydrochloride Capsules amantadine hydrochloride PDR 8.8 mg/kg/day 8.8 mg/kg/day Tablet,PO,oral;Capsule, PO, Oral;Liquid; Amantadine Hydrochloride Capsules amantadine hydrochloride PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral;Capsule, PO, Oral;Liquid; Amantadine Hydrochloride Capsules amantadine hydrochloride PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral;Capsule, PO, Oral;Liquid; Amantadine Hydrochloride Capsules amantadine hydrochloride PDR 274.0 mg/day 274 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Amantadine Hydrochloride Capsules amantadine hydrochloride PDR 322.0 mg/day 322 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Amantadine Hydrochloride Capsules amantadine hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral;Capsule, PO, Oral;Liquid; Amantadine Hydrochloride Capsules amantadine hydrochloride PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral;Capsule, PO, Oral;Liquid; Amantadine Hydrochloride Capsules amantadine hydrochloride PDR 274.0 mg/day 274 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Amantadine Hydrochloride Capsules amantadine hydrochloride PDR 322.0 mg/day 322 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Amantadine Hydrochloride Capsules amantadine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00916 Metronidazole 171.154 C6H9N3O3 CC1=NC=C(N1CCO)[N+]([O-])=O DB00916 T3D4703 4173 6909 http://www.drugs.com/metronidazole.html 4029 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 122000.0 ng.h/ml 122±10.3 mg.h/l Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99±8 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 74.5 % 67-82 % Rectal Administration; DRUGBANK 53.0 % 53±16 % Vaginal Administration; DRUGBANK 35000.0 ng/ml 30-40 mg/L intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 26000.0 ng/ml 26.0 mg/L DRUGBANK 10500.0 ng/ml 8-13 mg/L Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 19800.0 ng/ml 19.8 mcg/ml DRUGBANK 1900.0 ng/ml 1.9±0.2 mcg/ml Vaginal Administration; DRUGBANK 27000.0 ng/ml 27(11-41) mcg/ml intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 2.125 h 0.25-4 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 2.8 h 2.8 h DRUGBANK 11.0 h 11±2 h Vaginal Administration; DRUGBANK 72.0 h 3 day DRUGBANK 0.346820809248555 L/h/m2 10.0 ml/min/1.73m2 Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 4.25 L/h/kg 2.1-6.4 L/h/kg Total clearance; DRUGBANK 0.078 L/h/kg 1.3±0.3 ml/min/kg Neonates &#8595; ;Elderly &#8594; ;Preg, pregnant &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Crohn &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.051 L/h/kg 0.85 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.8 L/kg 0.51-1.1 L/kg Steady state volume of distribution; adults; DRUGBANK 0.74 L/kg 0.74±0.10 L/kg Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Crohn &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.4 L/kg 0.4 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.3 h 7.3±1.0 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 6-10 h elimination half-life; different study; DRUGBANK 8.5 h 8.5±2.9 h Neonates &#8593; ;Preg, pregnant &#8594; ;Children &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Crohn &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 7.1 h 7.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg 5000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 20.8333333333333 mg/kg/h 500.0 mg/kg/day PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 60-80 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 10.5 % 6-15 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10±2 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 20.0 % <20 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 11.0 % 11±3 % DRUGBANK 50.0 mg/kg/day 50 mg/kg/day PO, oral Flagyl Capsules metronidazole PDR 2250.0 mg/kg/day 2250 mg/kg/day PO, oral Flagyl Capsules metronidazole PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Flagyl Capsules metronidazole PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day intravenous injection, IV Flagyl Capsules metronidazole PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Flagyl Capsules metronidazole PDR 50.0 mg/kg/day 50 mg/kg/day PO, oral Flagyl Capsules metronidazole PDR 2250.0 mg/kg/day 2250 mg/kg/day PO, oral Flagyl Capsules metronidazole PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Flagyl Capsules metronidazole PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day intravenous injection, IV Flagyl Capsules metronidazole PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Flagyl Capsules metronidazole PDR 50.0 mg/kg/day 50 mg/kg/day PO, oral Flagyl Capsules metronidazole PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Flagyl Capsules metronidazole PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Flagyl Capsules metronidazole PDR 22.5 mg/kg/day 22.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Flagyl Capsules metronidazole PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Flagyl Capsules metronidazole PDR DDPD00917 Dinoprostone 352.4651 C20H32O5 CCCCC[C@H](O)\C=C\[C@H]1[C@H](O)CC(=O)[C@@H]1C\C=C/CCCC(O)=O DB00917 5280360 15551 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/dinoprostone-gel.html 4444059 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0833333333333333 h <5 min DRUGBANK 750.0 mg/kg 750.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 500.0 mg/kg 500.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 73.0 % 73 % DRUGBANK DDPD00918 Almotriptan 335.464 C17H25N3O2S CN(C)CCC1=CNC2=C1C=C(CS(=O)(=O)N1CCCC1)C=C2 DB00918 T3D2931 123606 520985 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/almotriptan.html 110198 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.534 L/h/kg 8.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 190.0 L 180-200 L DRUGBANK 2.2 L/kg 2.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h DRUGBANK 3.4 h 3.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 75.0 % ~75 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 13.0 % ~13 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 40.0 % ~40 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 35.0 % 35 % DRUGBANK 25.0 mg/day 25 mg/day PO, oral Axert almotriptan malate PDR 25.0 mg/day 25 mg/day PO, oral Axert almotriptan malate PDR 25.0 mg/day 25 mg/day PO, oral Axert almotriptan malate PDR 25.0 mg/day 25 mg/day PO, oral Axert almotriptan malate PDR DDPD00919 Spectinomycin 332.3496 C14H24N2O7 [H][C@@]12O[C@H](C)CC(=O)[C@]1(O)O[C@]1([H])[C@@H](NC)[C@@H](O)[C@@H](NC)[C@H](O)[C@@]1([H])O2 DB00919 15541 9215 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/spectinomycin.html 14785 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 0.0594 L/h/kg 0.99 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.13 L/kg 0.13 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 1-3 h normal renal function; patients; DRUGBANK 20.0 h 10-30 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; patients; DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD00920 Ketotifen 309.425 C19H19NOS CN1CCC(CC1)=C1C2=C(SC=C2)C(=O)CC2=CC=CC=C12 DB00920 3827 92511 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ketotifen-drops.html 3695 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 60.0 % >60 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 21.0 h 21 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 75.0 % 75 % DRUGBANK 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day ophthalmic administration Zaditor ketotifen fumarate PDR 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day ophthalmic administration Zaditor ketotifen fumarate PDR 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day ophthalmic administration Zaditor ketotifen fumarate PDR 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day ophthalmic administration Zaditor ketotifen fumarate PDR DDPD00921 Buprenorphine 467.6401 C29H41NO4 CO[C@]12CC[C@@]3(C[C@@H]1[C@](C)(O)C(C)(C)C)[C@H]1CC4=C5C(O[C@@H]2[C@@]35CCN1CC1CC1)=C(O)C=C4 DB00921 T3D2932 644073 3216 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/buprenorphine.html 559124 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.651 ng.h/ml 7.651 ng.h/ml DRUGBANK 65.0 % 40->90 % IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 51.0 % 51±30 % subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 28.0 % 28±9 % buccal; DRUGBANK 0.78 ng/ml 0.78 ng/ml DRUGBANK 3.6 ng/ml 3.6±3.0 ng/ml IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 3.3 ng/ml 3.3±0.8 ng/ml subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 2.0 ng/ml 2.0±0.6 ng/ml buccal; DRUGBANK 15.0 h 15 h DRUGBANK 0.08 h 0.08 h IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 0.7 h 0.7±0.1 h subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 0.8 h 0.8±0.2 h buccal; DRUGBANK 54.612 L/h 901.2±39.7 ml/min Plasma clearance; intravenous injection, IV; patients; DRUGBANK 69.66 L/h 1042-1280 ml/min Plasma clearance; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.798 L/h/kg 13.3±0.59 ml/min/kg surgery; Male, men;  Female, women; Children &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.14 L/h/kg 19 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 261.5 L 188-335 L intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.44 L/kg 1.44±0.11 L/kg surgery; Male, men;  Female, women; Children &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 4.9 L/kg 4.9 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.76666666666667 h ~166 min DRUGBANK 30.75 h 30.75 h Multiple dose; sublingual; DRUGBANK 2.33 h 2.33±0.24 h Male, men;  Female, women; surgery; Children &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 3.2 h 3.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 10-30 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % Urinary excretion; patients; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 96.0 % ~96 % DRUGBANK 96.0 % 96 % patients; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.024 mg/kg/day 6 mcg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; q4h-q8h Buprenorphine Hydrochloride buprenorphine hydrochloride PDR 0.6 mg/dose 0.6 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Buprenorphine Hydrochloride buprenorphine hydrochloride PDR 0.3 mg/dose 0.3 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Buprenorphine Hydrochloride buprenorphine hydrochloride PDR 480.0 mg/day 20 mg/h Transdermal preparations Buprenorphine Hydrochloride buprenorphine hydrochloride PDR 1.8 mg/day 1800 mcg/day skin/dermal Buprenorphine Hydrochloride buprenorphine hydrochloride PDR 24.0 mg/day 24 mg/day sublingual Buprenorphine Hydrochloride buprenorphine hydrochloride PDR 10.0 mg/day 300 mg/month subcutaneous injection, SC Buprenorphine Hydrochloride buprenorphine hydrochloride PDR 1.62630136986301 mg/day 593.6 mg/year subdermal implant Buprenorphine Hydrochloride buprenorphine hydrochloride PDR 0.6 mg/dose 0.6 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Buprenorphine Hydrochloride buprenorphine hydrochloride PDR 0.3 mg/dose 0.3 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Buprenorphine Hydrochloride buprenorphine hydrochloride PDR 1.62630136986301 mg/day 593.6 mg/year subdermal implant Buprenorphine Hydrochloride buprenorphine hydrochloride PDR 0.6 mg/dose 0.6 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Buprenorphine Hydrochloride buprenorphine hydrochloride PDR 0.3 mg/dose 0.3 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Buprenorphine Hydrochloride buprenorphine hydrochloride PDR 0.6 mg/dose 0.6 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Buprenorphine Hydrochloride buprenorphine hydrochloride PDR 0.3 mg/dose 0.3 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Buprenorphine Hydrochloride buprenorphine hydrochloride PDR 480.0 mg/day 20 mg/hour Transdermal preparations Buprenorphine Hydrochloride buprenorphine hydrochloride PDR 1.8 mg/day 1800 mcg/day skin/dermal Buprenorphine Hydrochloride buprenorphine hydrochloride PDR 24.0 mg/day 24 mg/day sublingual Buprenorphine Hydrochloride buprenorphine hydrochloride PDR 10.0 mg/day 300 mg/month subcutaneous injection, SC Buprenorphine Hydrochloride buprenorphine hydrochloride PDR 1.62630136986301 mg/day 593.6 mg/year subdermal implant Buprenorphine Hydrochloride buprenorphine hydrochloride PDR 0.06 mg/kg/day 60 mcg/kg/day sublingual Buprenorphine Hydrochloride buprenorphine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00922 Levosimendan 280.2847 C14H12N6O C[C@@H]1CC(=O)NN=C1C1=CC=C(NN=C(C#N)C#N)C=C1 DB00922 3033825 50567 2298414 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 85.0 % 85±6 % PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 84.0 % 84±4 PO, oral; patients; DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 0.228 L/h/kg 3.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.24 L/kg 0.24 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 h ~1 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 98.0 % ~98 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD00923 Ceforanide 519.554 C20H21N7O6S2 [H][C@]12SCC(CSC3=NN=NN3CC(O)=O)=C(N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)CC1=CC=CC=C1CN)C(O)=O DB00923 43507 3495 39656 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 85.0 % 85 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.0396 L/h/kg 0.66 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.17 L/kg 0.17 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.79 h 2.6-2.98 h DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 80.6 % 80.6 % DRUGBANK DDPD00924 Cyclobenzaprine 275.3874 C20H21N CN(C)CCC=C1C2=CC=CC=C2C=CC2=CC=CC=C12 DB00924 2895 3996 http://www.drugs.com/cyclobenzaprine.html 2792 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 177.0 ng.h/ml 177.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 44.0 % 33-55 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 20.0 ng/ml 5-35 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 42.0 L/h ~0.7 L/min Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 146.0 L ~146 L DRUGBANK 18.0 h ~18 h effective half-life; normal,healthy; young; DRUGBANK 33.4 h 33.4 h Elderly; DRUGBANK 46.2 h 46.2 h effective half-life; hepatic insufficiency; DRUGBANK 338.0 mg/kg 338.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 425.0 mg/kg 425.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 44.5 % 38-51 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 14.5 % 14-15 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % ~1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 93.0 % ~93 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Amrix cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Amrix cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Amrix cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00925 Phenoxybenzamine 303.826 C18H22ClNO CC(COC1=CC=CC=C1)N(CCCl)CC1=CC=CC=C1 DB00925 4768 8077 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/phenoxybenzamine.html 4604 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 25.0 % 20-30 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 24.0 h 24 h DRUGBANK 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day PO, oral Dibenzyline phenoxybenzamine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00927 Famotidine 337.445 C8H15N7O2S3 NC(N)=NC1=NC(CSCCC(N)=NS(N)(=O)=O)=CS1 DB00927 3325 4975 http://www.drugs.com/famotidine.html 3208 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 45.0 % 40-50 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 1-4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 27.5 % 25-30 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 21.0 L/h 250-450 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.396 L/h/kg 6.6 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.15 L/kg 1-1.3 L/kg Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 1.2 L/kg 1.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.0 h ~2-4 h elimination half-life; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 2.8 h 2.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4049.0 mg/kg 4049.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 4686.0 mg/kg 4686.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 800.0 mg/kg 800.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.571428571428571 mg/kg/day 4.0 mg/kg/7D PO, oral; Male, men; DRUGBANK 67.5 % ~65-70 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 70.0 % ~70 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 17.5 % 15-20 % DRUGBANK 1.0 mg/kg/day 1 mg/kg/day PO, oral Famotidine Injection famotidine PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Famotidine Injection famotidine PDR 1.0 mg/kg/day 1 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Famotidine Injection famotidine PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Famotidine Injection famotidine PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Famotidine Injection famotidine PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Famotidine Injection famotidine PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Famotidine Injection famotidine PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Famotidine Injection famotidine PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Famotidine Injection famotidine PDR 640.0 mg/day 640 mg/day PO, oral Famotidine Injection famotidine PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Famotidine Injection famotidine PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Famotidine Injection famotidine PDR 1.0 mg/kg/day 1 mg/kg/day PO, oral Famotidine Injection famotidine PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Famotidine Injection famotidine PDR 1.0 mg/kg/day 1 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Famotidine Injection famotidine PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Famotidine Injection famotidine PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Famotidine Injection famotidine PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Famotidine Injection famotidine PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Famotidine Injection famotidine PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Famotidine Injection famotidine PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Famotidine Injection famotidine PDR 640.0 mg/day 640 mg/day PO, oral Famotidine Injection famotidine PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Famotidine Injection famotidine PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Famotidine Injection famotidine PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Famotidine Injection famotidine PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Famotidine Injection famotidine PDR 1.0 mg/kg/day 1 mg/kg/day PO, oral Famotidine Injection famotidine PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Famotidine Injection famotidine PDR 1.0 mg/kg/day 1 mg/kg/day PO, oral Famotidine Injection famotidine PDR 0.5 mg/kg/day 0.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Famotidine Injection famotidine PDR DDPD00928 Azacitidine 244.2047 C8H12N4O5 NC1=NC(=O)N(C=N1)[C@@H]1O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H]1O DB00928 T3D4676 9444 2038 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/azacitidine.html 9072 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 89.0 % 89 % subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 167.0 L/h 167±49 L/h DRUGBANK 76.0 L 76±26 L DRUGBANK 4.0 h ~4 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 85 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; tumor; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Faeces excretion; intravenous injection, IV; tumor; DRUGBANK 0.5 % 0.5 % Urinary excretion; subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/m2/day 100 mg/m2/day qd Vidaza azacitidine PDR 100.0 mg/m2/day 100 mg/m2/day qd Vidaza azacitidine PDR DDPD00929 Misoprostol 382.5341 C22H38O5 CCCCC(C)(O)C\C=C\[C@H]1[C@H](O)CC(=O)[C@@H]1CCCCCCC(=O)OC DB00929 5282381 63610 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/misoprostol.html 4445541 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.0192 ng.h/ml 2.0192±0.8032 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.2094 ng.h/ml 3.2094±1.0417 ng.h/ml sublingual; DRUGBANK 2.0726 ng.h/ml 2.0726±0.3578 ng.h/ml buccal; DRUGBANK 2.683 ng/ml 2.6830±1.2161 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.4391 ng/ml 2.4391±1.1567 ng/ml sublingual; DRUGBANK 1.3611 ng/ml 1.3611±0.3436 ng/ml buccal; DRUGBANK 0.345 h 0.345±0.186 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.712 h 0.712±0.415 h sublingual; DRUGBANK 1.308 h 1.308±0.624 h buccal; DRUGBANK 17.16 L/h/kg 0.286 L/kg/min Total clearance; DRUGBANK 13.56 L/h/kg 0.226±0.073 L/kg/min Total clearance; mild renal function; DRUGBANK 16.2 L/h/kg 0.270±0.103 L/kg/min Total clearance; moderate renal function; DRUGBANK 6.3 L/h/kg 0.105±0.052 L/kg/min Total clearance; severe renal function; DRUGBANK 13.6 L/kg 13.6±8.0 L/kg normal renal function; DRUGBANK 17.3 L/kg 17.3±23.0 L/kg mild renal function; DRUGBANK 14.3 L/kg 14.3±6.8 L/kg moderate renal function; DRUGBANK 11.0 L/kg 11.0±9.6 L/kg severe renal function; DRUGBANK 1.0401 h 1.0401±0.5090 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.8542 h 0.8542±0.1170 h sublingual; DRUGBANK 0.8365 h 0.8365±0.1346 h buccal; DRUGBANK 81.0 mg/kg 81.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 27.0 mg/kg 27.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/kg 40.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 70.0 mg/kg 70.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 73.2 % 73.2±4.6 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 90.0 % <90 % DRUGBANK 0.8 mg/day 800 mcg/day PO, oral Cytotec misoprostol PDR 0.8 mg/day 800 mcg/day PO, oral Cytotec misoprostol PDR DDPD00930 Colesevelam N.A. N.A. CCCCCCCCCCNCC=C.C[N+](C)(C)CCCCCCNCC=C.C=CCN.C1C(O1)CCl.Cl.[Cl-] DB00930 160051 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/colesevelam.html -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.05 % 0.05 % Urinary excretion; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3750.0 mg/day 3.75 g/day Liquid Welchol colesevelam hydrochloride PDR 3750.0 mg/day 3.75 g/day PO, oral Welchol colesevelam hydrochloride PDR 3750.0 mg/day 3.75 g/day Liquid Welchol colesevelam hydrochloride PDR 3750.0 mg/day 3.75 g/day PO, oral Welchol colesevelam hydrochloride PDR DDPD00931 Metacycline 442.424 C22H22N2O8 [H][C@@]12[C@@H](O)[C@]3([H])C(=C)C4=C(C(O)=CC=C4)C(=O)C3=C(O)[C@]1(O)C(=O)C(C(N)=O)=C(O)[C@H]2N(C)C DB00931 54675785 6805 10468596 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 58.0 % 58 % DRUGBANK 14.0 h 14 h DRUGBANK 76.5 % 75-78 % DRUGBANK DDPD00932 Tipranavir 602.664 C31H33F3N2O5S [H][C@@](CC)(C1=CC(NS(=O)(=O)C2=NC=C(C=C2)C(F)(F)F)=CC=C1)C1=C(O)C[C@@](CCC)(CCC2=CC=CC=C2)OC1=O DB00932 54682461 63628 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/tipranavir.html 10482313 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.5 h 5-6 h DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg 5000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 99.9 % >99.9 % DRUGBANK 28.0 mg/kg/day 28 mg/kg/day PO, oral Aptivus tipranavir PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Aptivus tipranavir PDR 28.0 mg/kg/day 28 mg/kg/day PO, oral Aptivus tipranavir PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Aptivus tipranavir PDR DDPD00933 Mesoridazine 386.574 C21H26N2OS2 CN1CCCCC1CCN1C2=C(SC3=C1C=C(C=C3)S(C)=O)C=CC=C2 DB00933 T3D2933 4078 6780 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/mesoridazine.html 3936 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 36.0 h 24-48 h DRUGBANK 560.0 mg/kg 560±62.5 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 644.0 mg/kg 644±48 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 560.0 mg/kg 560±62.5 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 644.0 mg/kg 644±48 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 4.0 % 4 % DRUGBANK DDPD00934 Maprotiline 277.4033 C20H23N CNCCCC12CCC(C3=CC=CC=C13)C1=CC=CC=C21 DB00934 T3D2934 4011 6690 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/maprotiline.html 3871 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.84 L/h/kg 14 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 45.0 L/kg 45 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 51.0 h ~51(27-58) h DRUGBANK 51.0 h 51 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 900.0 mg/kg ~900 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 90.0 mg/kg 90.0 mg/kg PO, oral;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 900.0 mg/kg 900.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 90.0 mg/kg 90.0 mg/kg PO, oral; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 60.0 % ~60 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 88.0 % 88 % DRUGBANK 225.0 mg/day 225 mg/day PO, oral Maprotiline Hydrochloride maprotiline hydrochloride PDR 225.0 mg/day 225 mg/day PO, oral Maprotiline Hydrochloride maprotiline hydrochloride PDR DDPD00935 Oxymetazoline 260.3746 C16H24N2O CC1=CC(=C(O)C(C)=C1CC1=NCCN1)C(C)(C)C DB00935 4636 7862 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/oxymetazoline-solution.html 4475 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 8.0 drop/day 8 drop/day ophthalmic administration Rhofade oxymetazoline hydrochloride PDR 6.0 sprays/nostril/day 6 sprays/nostril/day nasal spray Rhofade oxymetazoline hydrochloride PDR 8.0 drop/day 8 drop/day ophthalmic administration Rhofade oxymetazoline hydrochloride PDR 6.0 sprays/nostriL/day 6 sprays/nostriL/day nasal spray Rhofade oxymetazoline hydrochloride PDR 1.0 appLication/day 1 appLication/day skin/dermal Rhofade oxymetazoline hydrochloride PDR 8.0 drop/day 8 drop/day ophthalmic administration Rhofade oxymetazoline hydrochloride PDR 6.0 sprays/nostril/day 6 sprays/nostril/day nasal spray Rhofade oxymetazoline hydrochloride PDR 8.0 drop/day 8 drop/day ophthalmic administration Rhofade oxymetazoline hydrochloride PDR 6.0 sprays/nostril/day 6 sprays/nostril/day nasal spray Rhofade oxymetazoline hydrochloride PDR 1.0 application/day 1 application/day skin/dermal Rhofade oxymetazoline hydrochloride PDR DDPD00936 Salicylic acid 138.122 C7H6O3 OC(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1O DB00936 T3D4816 338 16914 331 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 891.0 mg/kg 891.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 891.0 mg/kg 891.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD00937 Diethylpropion 205.2961 C13H19NO CCN(CC)C(C)C(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00937 T3D2935 7029 4530 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/diethylpropion.html 6762 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.0 h 4-6 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 600.0 mg/kg 600.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 250.0 mg/kg 250.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 225.0 mg/kg 225.0 mg/kg PO, oral; dog; DRUGBANK 600.0 mg/kg 600.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 50.0 mg/kg 50.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 225.0 mg/kg 225.0 mg/kg PO, oral; dog; DRUGBANK 75.0 mg/day 75 mg/day PO, oral Diethylpropion Hydrochloride diethylpropion hydrochloride PDR 75.0 mg/day 75 mg/day PO, oral Diethylpropion Hydrochloride diethylpropion hydrochloride PDR 75.0 mg/day 75 mg/day PO, oral Diethylpropion Hydrochloride diethylpropion hydrochloride PDR DDPD00938 Salmeterol 415.5656 C25H37NO4 OCC1=C(O)C=CC(=C1)C(O)CNCCCCCCOCCCCC1=CC=CC=C1 DB00938 T3D4734 5152 64064 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/salmeterol.html 4968 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.156041 ng.h/ml 156.041 pg.h/ml inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 0.047897 ng/ml 47.897 pg/ml inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 0.24 h 0.24 h inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 392.0 L/h 392.0 L/h Average clearance; asthma; patients; DRUGBANK 177.0 L 177.0 L Total volume of distribution; asthma; patients; DRUGBANK 3160.0 L 3160.0 L Total volume of distribution; asthma; patients; DRUGBANK 5.5 h 5.5 h DRUGBANK 57.4 % 57.4 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 23.0 % 23 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 5.0 % <5 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 96.0 % 96 % DRUGBANK 0.1 mg/day 100 mcg/day inhalation, IH Serevent Diskus salmeterol xinafoate PDR 0.1 mg/day 100 mcg/day inhalation, IH Serevent Diskus salmeterol xinafoate PDR 0.1 mg/day 100 mcg/day inhalation, IH Serevent Diskus salmeterol xinafoate PDR 0.1 mg/day 100 mcg/day inhalation, IH Serevent Diskus salmeterol xinafoate PDR DDPD00939 Meclofenamic acid 296.149 C14H11Cl2NO2 CC1=C(Cl)C(NC2=CC=CC=C2C(O)=O)=C(Cl)C=C1 DB00939 4037 6710 3897 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.25 h 0.5-2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h PO, oral; food; food &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 12.36 L/h 206.0 ml/min PO, oral; DRUGBANK 26.15 L 9.1-43.2 L DRUGBANK 3.05 h 0.8-5.3 h elimination half-life; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 15.0 h 15 h DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Meclofenamate Sodium meclofenamate sodium PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Meclofenamate Sodium meclofenamate sodium PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Meclofenamate Sodium meclofenamate sodium PDR DDPD00941 Hexafluronium 502.745 C36H42N2 C[N+](C)(CCCCCC[N+](C)(C)C1C2=C(C=CC=C2)C2=C1C=CC=C2)C1C2=C(C=CC=C2)C2=C1C=CC=C2 DB00941 3601 135804 3475 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 280.0 mg/kg 280.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD00942 Cycrimine 287.4397 C19H29NO OC(CCN1CCCCC1)(C1CCCC1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00942 2911 59692 2808 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 17.5 % 14-21 % DRUGBANK DDPD00943 Zalcitabine 211.2178 C9H13N3O3 NC1=NC(=O)N(C=C1)[C@H]1CC[C@@H](CO)O1 DB00943 T3D4719 24066 10101 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/zalcitabine.html 22498 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 80.0 % >80 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 17.1 L/h 285.0 ml/min intravenous injection, IV; AIDS,HIV; patients; DRUGBANK 0.336 L/h/kg 5.6 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.519 L/kg 0.304-0.734 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.54 L/kg 0.54 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h DRUGBANK 1.2 h 1.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~80 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 60.0 % ~60 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.0 % <4 % DRUGBANK DDPD00944 Demecarium 556.7797 C32H52N4O4 CN(CCCCCCCCCCN(C)C(=O)OC1=CC=CC(=C1)[N+](C)(C)C)C(=O)OC1=CC=CC(=C1)[N+](C)(C)C DB00944 5966 59719 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/demecarium-bromide-ophthalmic.html 5751 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.96 mg/kg 2.96 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD00945 Acetylsalicylic acid 180.1574 C9H8O4 CC(=O)OC1=CC=CC=C1C(O)=O DB00945 T3D2936 2244 15365 http://www.drugs.com/aspirin.html 2157 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 68.0 % 68±3 % DRUGBANK 24000.0 ng/ml 24±4 mcg/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.39 h 0.39±0.21 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 0.558 L/h/kg 9.3±1.1 ml/min/kg Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.72 L/h/kg 12 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.15 L/kg 0.15±0.03 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.22 L/kg 0.22 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.266666666666667 h 13-19 min DRUGBANK 4.0 h 3.5-4.5 h DRUGBANK 0.25 h 0.25±0.03 h Hepatitis, Hep &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.26 h 0.26 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/kg >1 g/kg PO, oral; human, homo sapiens; cat; dog; DRUGBANK 1200.0 mg/kg 0.92-1.48 g/kg PO, oral; albino; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1190.0 mg/kg 1.19 g/kg PO, oral; guinea pigs; DRUGBANK 1100.0 mg/kg 1.1 g/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1800.0 mg/kg 1.8 g/kg PO, oral; dog; DRUGBANK 250.0 mg/kg 250.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1010.0 mg/kg 1010.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 200.0 mg/kg 200.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1.4 % 1.4±1.2 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 50-90 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 49.0 % 49 % Unchanged drug; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK DDPD00946 Phenprocoumon 280.3178 C18H16O3 CCC(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=C(O)C2=C(OC1=O)C=CC=C2 DB00946 T3D3105 54680692 50438 10441592 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % DRUGBANK 0.0012 L/h/kg 0.02 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.2 L/kg 0.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 132.0 h 5-6 day DRUGBANK 126.0 h 126 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % DRUGBANK DDPD00947 Fulvestrant 606.78 C32H47F5O3S [H][C@@]12CC[C@H](O)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@]1([H])C3=CC=C(O)C=C3C[C@@H](CCCCCCCCCS(=O)CCCC(F)(F)C(F)(F)F)[C@@]21[H] DB00947 T3D4757 17756771 31638 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/fulvestrant.html 94553 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 8.2 ng/ml 8.2±5.2 ng/ml IM,intramuscular injection; postmenopausal women; breast cancer; DRUGBANK 167.0 h 167.0 h IM,intramuscular injection; postmenopausal women; breast cancer; DRUGBANK 0.708 L/h/kg 9.3-14.3 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 0.708 L/h/kg 11.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.0 L/kg 3.0-5 L/kg DRUGBANK 4.15 L/kg 3.0-5.3 L/kg DRUGBANK 4.15 L/kg 4.15 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 960.0 h 40 day DRUGBANK 16.5 h 14-19 h elimination half-life; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 960.0 h ~40 day IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 16.0 h 16 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 500.0 mg 500 mg IM,intramuscular injection Faslodex fulvestrant PDR 500.0 mg 500 mg IM,intramuscular injection Faslodex fulvestrant PDR DDPD00948 Mezlocillin 539.582 C21H25N5O8S2 [H][C@]12SC(C)(C)[C@@H](N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)[C@H](NC(=O)N1CCN(C1=O)S(C)(=O)=O)C1=CC=CC=C1)C(O)=O DB00948 656511 6919 570894 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.126 L/h/kg 2.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.09 L/kg 0.09 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.85 h 1.3-4.4 h DRUGBANK 1.2 h 1.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 37.5 % 16-59 % DRUGBANK DDPD00949 Felbamate 238.2399 C11H14N2O4 NC(=O)OCC(COC(N)=O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00949 T3D2937 3331 4995 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/felbamate.html 3214 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % DRUGBANK 0.026 L/h/kg 26±3 ml/h/kg Single dose; DRUGBANK 0.03 L/h/kg 30±8 ml/h/kg Multiple dose; DRUGBANK 0.756 L/kg 756±82 mL/kg DRUGBANK 21.5 h 20-23 h DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg 5000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg 5000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 27.5 % 20-36 % DRUGBANK DDPD00950 Fexofenadine 501.6564 C32H39NO4 CC(C)(C(O)=O)C1=CC=C(C=C1)C(O)CCCN1CCC(CC1)C(O)(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00950 T3D2938 3348 5050 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/fexofenadine.html 3231 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1367.0 ng.h/ml 1367.0 ng.h/ml Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 33.0 % 33 % DRUGBANK 299.0 ng/ml 299 ng/ml Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 286.0 ng/ml 286±143 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 1-3 h DRUGBANK 1.3 h 1.3±0.6 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 3.6 % 3.6 % DRUGBANK 1.5 % 1.5 % DRUGBANK 50.6 L/h 50.6 L/h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.23 L/h 4.23 L/h Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.564 L/h/kg 9.4±4.2 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5.6 L/kg ~5.4-5.8 L/kg DRUGBANK 13.0 h ~11-15 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 14.0 h 14±6 h PO, oral; mild renal function &#8593; ;chronic liver disease &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~80 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 11.0 % 11 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 12.0 % 12 % Urinary excretion; adults; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 65.0 % 60-70 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 62.0 % 56-68 % plasma proteins; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; DRUGBANK 65.5 % 56-75 % plasma proteins; hepatopathy,LD; DRUGBANK 65.0 % 60-70 % adults; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 180.0 mg/day 180 mg/day PO, oral qd Allegra Allergy Tablets fexofenadine hydrochloride PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral bid Allegra Allergy Tablets fexofenadine hydrochloride PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Allegra Allergy Tablets fexofenadine hydrochloride PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Allegra Allergy Tablets fexofenadine hydrochloride PDR 180.0 mg/day 180 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral qd Allegra Allergy Tablets fexofenadine hydrochloride PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral bid Allegra Allergy Tablets fexofenadine hydrochloride PDR 180.0 mg/day 180 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral qd Allegra Allergy Tablets fexofenadine hydrochloride PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral bid Allegra Allergy Tablets fexofenadine hydrochloride PDR 180.0 mg/day 180 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral qd Allegra Allergy Tablets fexofenadine hydrochloride PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral bid Allegra Allergy Tablets fexofenadine hydrochloride PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Allegra Allergy Tablets fexofenadine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00951 Isoniazid 137.1393 C6H7N3O NNC(=O)C1=CC=NC=C1 DB00951 T3D4777 3767 6030 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/isoniazid.html 3635 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5400.0 ng/ml 5.4±2.0 mcg/ml PO, oral; Drug form; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 7100.0 ng/ml 7.1±1.9 mcg/ml PO, oral; Drug form; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1±0.5 h PO, oral; Drug form; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1±0.6 h PO, oral; Drug form; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.444 L/h/kg 7.4±2.0 ml/min/kg extensive metabolizers, EM; Elderly &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.222 L/h/kg 3.7±1.1 ml/min/kg poor metabolizers, PM; Elderly &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.67 L/kg 0.67±0.15 L/kg extensive metabolizers, EM; Elderly &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.05 h 0.5-1.6 h fast acetylators; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 2-5 h Slow acetylators; DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1±0.1 h fast acetylators; Neonates &#8593; ;Children &#8594; ;acute viral hepatitis AVH &#8593; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Obesity &#8594; ;hyperthyroid, HTh &#8594; ;Age &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 3.1 h 3.1±1.1 h Slow acetylators; Neonates &#8593; ;Children &#8594; ;acute viral hepatitis AVH &#8593; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Obesity &#8594; ;hyperthyroid, HTh &#8594; ;Age &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/kg 100.0 mg/kg PO, oral; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/kg 100.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 50-70 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 7.0 % 7±2 % Urinary excretion; fast acetylators; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 29.0 % 29±5 % Urinary excretion; Slow acetylators; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 5.0 % 0-10 % DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral;IM,intramuscular injection; qd Isoniazid Solution isoniazid PDR 900.0 mg/day 900 mg/day PO, oral;IM,intramuscular injection; biw Isoniazid Solution isoniazid PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral;IM,intramuscular injection; qd Isoniazid Solution isoniazid PDR 900.0 mg/day 900 mg/day PO, oral;IM,intramuscular injection; biw Isoniazid Solution isoniazid PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral;IM,intramuscular injection; qd Isoniazid Solution isoniazid PDR 900.0 mg/day 900 mg/day PO, oral;IM,intramuscular injection; biw Isoniazid Solution isoniazid PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral;IM,intramuscular injection; qd Isoniazid Solution isoniazid PDR 900.0 mg/day 900 mg/day PO, oral;IM,intramuscular injection; biw Isoniazid Solution isoniazid PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral;IM,intramuscular injection; qd Isoniazid Solution isoniazid PDR 900.0 mg/day 900 mg/day PO, oral;IM,intramuscular injection; biw Isoniazid Solution isoniazid PDR DDPD00952 Naratriptan 335.464 C17H25N3O2S CNS(=O)(=O)CCC1=CC2=C(NC=C2C2CCN(C)CC2)C=C1 DB00952 T3D2939 4440 7478 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/naratriptan.html 4287 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 74.0 % 74 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 2-5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.396 L/h/kg 6.6 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 0.396 L/h/kg 6.6 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 170.0 L 170.0 L DRUGBANK 2.4 L/kg 2.4 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.5 h 5-8 h DRUGBANK 6.6 h 6.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 29.5 % 28-31 % DRUGBANK DDPD00953 Rizatriptan 269.3449 C15H19N5 CN(C)CCC1=CNC2=C1C=C(CN1C=NC=N1)C=C2 DB00953 T3D2940 5078 48273 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/rizatriptan.html 4900 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 45.0 % 45 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 47.0 % 47.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 20.0 ng/ml 20±4.9 ng/ml Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 37.0 ng/ml 37±13 ng/ml Oral multiple dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.9 h 0.9±0.4 h Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 4.8 h 4.8±0.7 h Oral multiple dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.738 L/h/kg 12.3±1.4 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; adults; Male, men; DRUGBANK 1.134 L/h/kg 18.9±2.8 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; adults; Male, men; hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.96 L/h/kg 16 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 140.0 L 140.0 L Male, men; DRUGBANK 110.0 L 110.0 L  Female, women; DRUGBANK 1.5 L/kg 1.5±0.2 L/kg normal,healthy; adults; Male, men; DRUGBANK 2.2 L/kg 2.2±0.4 L/kg normal,healthy; adults; Male, men; DRUGBANK 1.9 L/kg 1.9 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h DRUGBANK 2.2 h 2.2 h normal,healthy; adults; Male, men; DRUGBANK 2.4 h 2.4 h normal,healthy; adults;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 2.2 h 2.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 14.0 % ~14 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 28.0 % 28±9 % Urinary excretion; adults;  Female, women; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 29.0 % 29 % Urinary excretion; adults; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 14.0 % 14 % DRUGBANK 14.0 % 14 % adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.0 mg 10 mg PO, oral qd Maxalt rizatriptan benzoate PDR 5.0 mg 5 mg PO, oral qd Maxalt rizatriptan benzoate PDR 5.0 mg 5 mg PO, oral qd Maxalt rizatriptan benzoate PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral qd Maxalt rizatriptan benzoate PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Maxalt rizatriptan benzoate PDR 10.0 mg 10 mg PO, oral qd Maxalt rizatriptan benzoate PDR 5.0 mg 5 mg PO, oral qd Maxalt rizatriptan benzoate PDR 5.0 mg 5 mg PO, oral qd Maxalt rizatriptan benzoate PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral qd Maxalt rizatriptan benzoate PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Maxalt rizatriptan benzoate PDR DDPD00955 Netilmicin 475.587 C21H41N5O7 CCN[C@@H]1C[C@H](N)[C@@H](O[C@H]2OC(CN)=CC[C@H]2N)[C@H](O)[C@H]1O[C@H]1OC[C@](C)(O)[C@H](NC)[C@H]1O DB00955 441306 7528 20152952 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.5-1 h IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.033 L/h/kg 0.55 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.073 L/kg 0.073 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h DRUGBANK 3.2 h 3.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD00956 Hydrocodone 299.3642 C18H21NO3 [H][C@@]12OC3=C(OC)C=CC4=C3[C@@]11CCN(C)[C@]([H])(C4)[C@]1([H])CCC2=O DB00956 T3D2941 5284569 5779 4447623 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6250000.0 ng 2.5-10 mg Liquid; DRUGBANK 70000000.0 ng 20-120 mg Tablet, PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 7937500.0 ng 3.175-12.7 mg Liquid; food; food &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 88900000.0 ng 25.4-152.4 mg Tablet, PO, oral; extended release formulation; food; food &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 30.0 ng/ml 30±9.4 ng/ml PO, oral; extensive metabolizers, EM; DRUGBANK 27.0 ng/ml 27±5.9 ng/ml PO, oral; poor metabolizers, PM; DRUGBANK 1.08 h 0.83-1.33 h Liquid; DRUGBANK 15.0 h 14-16 h Tablet, PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 0.72 h 0.72±0.46 h PO, oral; extensive metabolizers, EM; DRUGBANK 0.93 h 0.93±0.59 h PO, oral; poor metabolizers, PM; DRUGBANK 83.0 L/h 83.0 L/h apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 41.65 L/h 24.5-58.8 L/h DRUGBANK 0.666 L/h/kg 11.1±3.57 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; PO, oral; extensive metabolizers, EM; DRUGBANK 0.3924 L/h/kg 6.54±1.25 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; PO, oral; poor metabolizers, PM; DRUGBANK 402.0 L 402.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 7-9 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 4.24 h 4.24±0.99 h extensive metabolizers, EM; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.16 h 6.16±1.97 h poor metabolizers, PM; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 85.7 mg/kg 85.7 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; parenteral administration; mouse; DRUGBANK 10.2 % 10.2±1.8 % Urinary excretion; normal,healthy; extensive metabolizers, EM; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 18.1 % 18.1±4.5 % Urinary excretion; normal,healthy; poor metabolizers, PM; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 36.0 % 36 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD00957 Norgestimate 369.4971 C23H31NO3 [H][C@@]12CC[C@@](OC(C)=O)(C#C)[C@@]1(CC)CC[C@]1([H])[C@@]3([H])CC\C(C=C3CC[C@@]21[H])=N/O DB00957 6540478 50815 5022837 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 16.1 ng.h/ml 16.1 ng.h/ml PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 49.9 ng.h/ml 49.9 ng.h/ml PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 1.82 ng/ml 1.82 ng/ml PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 2.79 ng/ml 2.79 ng/ml PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 1.25 h 0.5-2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 1.7 h 1.7 h PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 21.0 h 12-30 h DRUGBANK 36.4 h 36.4±10.2 h DRUGBANK 47.0 % 45-49 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 32.5 % 16-49 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 97.0 % >97 % DRUGBANK DDPD00958 Carboplatin 371.254 C6H12N2O4Pt [H][N]([H])([H])[Pt]1(OC(=O)C2(CCC2)C(=O)O1)[N]([H])([H])[H] DB00958 38904 31355 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/carboplatin.html 8514637 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 39000.0 ng/ml 39±17 mcg/ml adults; ovarian cancer; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h adults; ovarian cancer; DRUGBANK 4.4 L/h 4.4 L/h Total clearance; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.09 L/h/kg 1.5±0.3 ml/min/kg RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.09 L/h/kg 1.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 16.0 L 16.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.24 L/kg 0.24±0.03 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.26 L/kg 0.26 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.55 h 1.1-2 h distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 4.25 h 2.6-5.9 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2±0.2 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 343.0 mg/kg 343.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 72.0 mg/kg 72.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 118.0 mg/kg 118.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 77.0 % 77±5 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 125.0 ml/min 125 ml/min Carboplatin carboplatin PDR 180000.0 ml/day 125 ml/min Carboplatin carboplatin PDR 125.0 ml/min 125 ml/min Carboplatin carboplatin PDR 125.0 ml/min 125 ml/min Carboplatin carboplatin PDR 180000.0 ml/day 125 ml/min Carboplatin carboplatin PDR DDPD00959 Methylprednisolone 374.4706 C22H30O5 [H][C@@]12CC[C@](O)(C(=O)CO)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])C[C@H](C)C2=CC(=O)C=C[C@]12C DB00959 6741 6888 http://www.drugs.com/methylprednisolone.html 6485 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 89.9 % 89.9 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 14.2 % 14.2 % Rectal Administration; DRUGBANK 82.0 % 82±13 % PO, oral; increasing doses &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 178.0 ng/ml 178±44 ng/ml PO, oral; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 225.0 ng/ml 225±44 ng/ml intravenous injection, IV; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.64 h 1.64±0.64 h PO, oral; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.336 L/h/kg 336.0 ml/h/kg Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.372 L/h/kg 6.2±0.9 ml/min/kg  Female, women &#8593; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;rheumatoid arthritis &#8594; ;Obesity &#8593; ;chronic respiratory insufficiency &#8594; ;nephritic syndrome &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.366 L/h/kg 6.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.38 L/kg 1.38 L/kg Average volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 1.2 L/kg 1.2±0.2 L/kg  Female, women &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;rheumatoid arthritis &#8594; ;Obesity &#8595; ;chronic respiratory insufficiency &#8594; ;nephritic syndrome &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.2 L/kg 1.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.3 h 2.3 h DRUGBANK 2.3 h 2.3±0.5 h  Female, women &#8595; ;nephritic syndrome &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;rheumatoid arthritis &#8594; ;chronic respiratory insufficiency &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;Obesity &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 2.3 h 2.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4000.0 mg/kg >4 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2292.0 mg/kg 2292.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/kg 100.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 28.0 % 25-31 % Urinary excretion; dog; DRUGBANK 48.0 % 44-52 % Faeces excretion; Infants; DRUGBANK 4.9 % 4.9±2.3 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; Hepatitis, Hep &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 76.8 % 76.8 % DRUGBANK 78.0 % 78±3 %  Female, women &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ; DRUGBANK DDPD00960 Pindolol 248.3208 C14H20N2O2 CC(C)NCC(O)COC1=CC=CC2=C1C=CN2 DB00960 4828 8214 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/pindolol.html 4662 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 95.0 % >95 % DRUGBANK 62.5 % 60-65 % DRUGBANK 37.5 % 35-40 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 10.5 L/h 50-300 ml/min Hepatitis, Hep; DRUGBANK 0.462 L/h/kg 7.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 L/kg 2.0 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.2 L/kg 1.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h DRUGBANK 2.2 h 2.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 263.0 mg/kg 263.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 7.5 % ~6-9 % Faeces excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 37.5 % 35-40 % Urinary excretion; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % DRUGBANK 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Pindolol pindolol PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Pindolol pindolol PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Pindolol pindolol PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Pindolol pindolol PDR DDPD00961 Mepivacaine 246.348 C15H22N2O CN1CCCCC1C(=O)NC1=C(C)C=CC=C1C DB00961 T3D2942 4062 6759 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/mepivacaine.html 3922 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % >50 % Bile excretion; DRUGBANK 7.5 % 5-10 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.408 L/h/kg 6.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.95 L/kg 0.95 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.55 h 1.9-3.2 h adults; DRUGBANK 8.85 h 8.7-9 h Neonates; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 29.0 mg/kg 23-35 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 280.0 mg/kg 280.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 29.0 mg/kg 23-35 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 280.0 mg/kg 280.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 50.0 % >50 % Bile excretion; DRUGBANK 7.5 % 5-10 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 75.0 % ~75 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD00962 Zaleplon 305.3339 C17H15N5O CCN(C(C)=O)C1=CC=CC(=C1)C1=CC=NC2=C(C=NN12)C#N DB00962 T3D2673 5719 10102 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/zaleplon.html 5517 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 31.0 % 31±10 % Oral single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 26.0 ng/ml 26±4.4 ng/ml Oral single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1±0.2 h Oral single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.0 L/h/kg 1.0 l/h/kg DRUGBANK 0.942 L/h/kg 15.7±3.3 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; Male, men;  Female, women; Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.96 L/h/kg 16 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.4 L/kg 1.4 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.3 L/kg 1.3±0.2 L/kg normal,healthy; Male, men;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 1.3 L/kg 1.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 h ~1 h DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1.0±0.1 h normal,healthy; adults; Male, men;  Female, women; Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 60.0 % ~60 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60±15 % adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral; hs Sonata zaleplon PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Sonata zaleplon PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral; hs Sonata zaleplon PDR DDPD00963 Bromfenac 334.165 C15H12BrNO3 NC1=C(CC(O)=O)C=CC=C1C(=O)C1=CC=C(Br)C=C1 DB00963 60726 240107 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/bromfenac.html 54730 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.078 L/h/kg 1.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.11 L/kg 0.11 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.6 h 2.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration Prolensa bromfenac sodium PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Prolensa bromfenac sodium PDR 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration Prolensa bromfenac sodium PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Prolensa bromfenac sodium PDR DDPD00964 Apraclonidine 245.109 C9H10Cl2N4 NC1=CC(Cl)=C(NC2=NCCN2)C(Cl)=C1 DB00964 2216 2788 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/apraclonidine-drops.html 2130 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.9 ng/ml 0.9 ng/ml ophthalmic administration; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8 h DRUGBANK 98.7 % 98.7 % DRUGBANK 6.0 drop/day 6 drop/day ophthalmic administration Iopidine 0.5% Ophthalmic Solution apraclonidine hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Iopidine 0.5% Ophthalmic Solution apraclonidine hydrochloride PDR 6.0 drop/day 6 drop/day ophthalmic administration Iopidine 0.5% Ophthalmic Solution apraclonidine hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Iopidine 0.5% Ophthalmic Solution apraclonidine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00966 Telmisartan 514.6169 C33H30N4O2 CCCC1=NC2=C(C=C(C=C2C)C2=NC3=CC=CC=C3N2C)N1CC1=CC=C(C=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1C(O)=O DB00966 65999 9434 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/telmisartan.html 59391 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 48.0 L/h >800 ml/min DRUGBANK 0.504 L/h/kg 8.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 500.0 L 500.0 L DRUGBANK 5.3 L/kg 5.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 24.0 h ~24 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 20.0 h 20 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 175.0 mg/kg 150-200 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Male, men; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 225.0 mg/kg 200-250 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV;  Female, women; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 97.0 % >97 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 97.0 % >97 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.5 % 99.5 % plasma proteins; dose &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Micardis telmisartan PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Micardis telmisartan PDR DDPD00967 Desloratadine 310.821 C19H19ClN2 ClC1=CC2=C(C=C1)C(=C1CCNCC1)C1=C(CC2)C=CC=N1 DB00967 T3D4557 124087 291342 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/desloratadine.html 110575 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 h 50 h DRUGBANK 87.0 % ~87 % DRUGBANK 84.5 % 82-87 % DRUGBANK 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral Clarinex desloratadine PDR 2.5 mg/day 2.5 mg/day PO, oral Clarinex desloratadine PDR 1.25 mg/day 1.25 mg/day PO, oral Clarinex desloratadine PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral Clarinex desloratadine PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral Clarinex desloratadine PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral Clarinex desloratadine PDR 1.0 mg/day 1 mg/day PO, oral Clarinex desloratadine PDR DDPD00968 Methyldopa 211.2145 C10H13NO4 C[C@](N)(CC1=CC=C(O)C(O)=C1)C(O)=O DB00968 T3D3577 38853 61058 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/methyldopa.html 35562 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % DRUGBANK 7.8 L/h 130.0 ml/min Renal clearance; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.21 L/h/kg 3.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.69 L/kg 0.69 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 105.0 h 105 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 5.9 h 5.9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/kg >1.5 g/kg PO, oral; mouse; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/kg >1.5 g/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/kg >1.5 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 20.0 % <20 % DRUGBANK 65.0 mg/kg/day 65 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Methyldopa methyldopa PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3 g/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Methyldopa methyldopa PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3 g/day PO, oral Methyldopa methyldopa PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day intravenous injection, IV Methyldopa methyldopa PDR 65.0 mg/kg/day 65 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Methyldopa methyldopa PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3 g/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Methyldopa methyldopa PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Methyldopa methyldopa PDR DDPD00969 Alosetron 294.351 C17H18N4O CN1C2=C(C3=CC=CC=C13)C(=O)N(CC1=C(C)NC=N1)CC2 DB00969 2099 253342 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/alosetron.html 2015 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 55.0 % 50-60 % DRUGBANK 36.0 L/h 600.0 ml/min DRUGBANK 0.522 L/h/kg 8.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 80.0 L 65-95 L DRUGBANK 1.1 L/kg 1.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h DRUGBANK 1.6 h 1.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.0 % ~6 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 82.0 % 82 % DRUGBANK DDPD00970 Dactinomycin 1255.417 C62H86N12O16 [H][C@@]12CCCN1C(=O)[C@H](NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)C1=C3N=C4C(OC3=C(C)C=C1)=C(C)C(=O)C(N)=C4C(=O)N[C@H]1[C@@H](C)OC(=O)[C@H](C(C)C)N(C)C(=O)CN(C)C(=O)[C@]3([H])CCCN3C(=O)[C@H](NC1=O)C(C)C)[C@@H](C)OC(=O)[C@H](C(C)C)N(C)C(=O)CN(C)C2=O)C(C)C DB00970 457193 27666 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/dactinomycin.html 10482167 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 36.0 h 36 h DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % DRUGBANK 0.015 mg/kg/day 15 mcg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cosmegen dactinomycin PDR 0.045 mg/kg/dose 45 mcg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Cosmegen dactinomycin PDR 1250.0 mcg/m2/dose 1250 mcg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV Cosmegen dactinomycin PDR 0.5 mg/m2/day 500 mcg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Cosmegen dactinomycin PDR 0.015 mg/kg/day 15 mcg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cosmegen dactinomycin PDR 0.045 mg/kg/dose 45 mcg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Cosmegen dactinomycin PDR 1.25 mg/m2/dose 1250 mcg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV Cosmegen dactinomycin PDR 0.5 mg/m2/day 500 mcg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Cosmegen dactinomycin PDR 0.015 mg/kg/day 15 mcg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cosmegen dactinomycin PDR 45.0 mcg/kg/dose 45 mcg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Cosmegen dactinomycin PDR 1250.0 mcg/m2/dose 1250 mcg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV Cosmegen dactinomycin PDR 500.0 mcg/m2/day 500 mcg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Cosmegen dactinomycin PDR 0.015 mg/kg/day 15 mcg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cosmegen dactinomycin PDR 0.045 mg/kg/dose 45 mcg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Cosmegen dactinomycin PDR 1250.0 mcg/m2/dose 1250 mcg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV Cosmegen dactinomycin PDR 0.5 mg/m2/day 500 mcg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Cosmegen dactinomycin PDR DDPD00971 Selenium Sulfide 143.09 S2Se S=[Se]=S DB00971 T3D1820 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/pdfs/ATSDR MRLs - May 2021 - H.pdf 24087 135934 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/selenium-foam.html 22519 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 138.0 mg/kg 138.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.005 mg/kg/day 0.005 mg/kg/day PO, oral; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK DDPD00972 Azelastine 381.898 C22H24ClN3O CN1CCCC(CC1)N1N=C(CC2=CC=C(Cl)C=C2)C2=CC=CC=C2C1=O DB00972 T3D4558 2267 2950 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/azelastine-spray.html 2180 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 0.5 L/h/kg 0.5 l/h/kg Plasma clearance; PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.54 L/h/kg 9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 14.5 L/kg 14.5 L/kg Steady state volume of distribution; PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 15.0 L/kg 15 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 22.0 h 22 h elimination half-life; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 54.0 h 54 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 22.0 h 22 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 580.0 mg/kg 580.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 75.0 % ~75 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 10.0 % <10 % PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 88.0 % ~88 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.822 mg/day 822 mcg/day nasal spray q6h Optivar azelastine hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Optivar azelastine hydrochloride PDR 0.274 mg/day 274 mcg/day nasal spray bid Optivar azelastine hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Optivar azelastine hydrochloride PDR 0.274 mg/day 274 mcg/day nasal spray bid Optivar azelastine hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Optivar azelastine hydrochloride PDR 0.274 mg/day 274 mcg/day nasal spray bid Optivar azelastine hydrochloride PDR 4.0 sprays/day/nostriL 4 sprays/day/nostriL nasal spray q6h Optivar azelastine hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Optivar azelastine hydrochloride PDR 4.0 sprays/day/nostril 4 sprays/day/nostril nasal spray q6h Optivar azelastine hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Optivar azelastine hydrochloride PDR 4.0 sprays/day/nostril 4 sprays/day/nostril nasal spray q6h Optivar azelastine hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Optivar azelastine hydrochloride PDR 0.274 mg/day 274 mcg/day nasal spray bid Optivar azelastine hydrochloride PDR DDPD00973 Ezetimibe 409.4252 C24H21F2NO3 [H][C@]1(CC[C@H](O)C2=CC=C(F)C=C2)C(=O)N(C2=CC=C(F)C=C2)[C@]1([H])C1=CC=C(O)C=C1 DB00973 150311 49040 http://www.drugs.com/ezetimibe.html 132493 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.45 ng/ml 3.4-5.5 ng/ml Oral single dose; adults; fasting; DRUGBANK 58.0 ng/ml 45-71 ng/ml PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 122.0 ng/ml 122.0 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 4-12 h Oral single dose; adults; fasting; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1.0 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.396 L/h/kg 6.6 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; Elderly &#8595; ;hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 107.5 L 107.5 L Total volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 1.56 L/kg 1.5 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 22.0 h 22 h DRUGBANK 22.0 h 22 h DRUGBANK 29.0 h 28-30 h effective half-life; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5000 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 3000.0 mg/kg >3000 mg/kg PO, oral; dog; DRUGBANK 78.0 % ~78 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 11.0 % ~11 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 69.0 % ~69 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 2.0 % ~2 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 99.65 % 99.5-99.8 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Zetia ezetimibe PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Zetia ezetimibe PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Zetia ezetimibe PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Zetia ezetimibe PDR DDPD00974 Edetic acid 292.2426 C10H16N2O8 OC(=O)CN(CCN(CC(O)=O)CC(O)=O)CC(O)=O DB00974 T3D4977 6049 42191 5826 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 0.666666666666667 h 20-60 min DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 95.0 % >95 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD00975 Dipyridamole 504.6256 C24H40N8O4 OCCN(CCO)C1=NC2=C(N=C(N=C2N2CCCCC2)N(CCO)CCO)C(=N1)N1CCCCC1 DB00975 3108 4653 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/dipyridamole.html 2997 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70 % DRUGBANK 0.174 L/h/kg 2.3-3.5 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 0.12 L/h/kg 2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.75 L/kg 1-2.5 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.82 L/kg 0.82 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.666666666666667 h 40 min DRUGBANK 13.0 h 13 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6000.0 mg/kg >6000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/kg ~400 mg/kg PO, oral; dog; DRUGBANK 8400.0 mg/kg 8.4 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Dipyridamole dipyridamole PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Dipyridamole dipyridamole PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Dipyridamole dipyridamole PDR DDPD00976 Telithromycin 812.018 C43H65N5O10 [H][C@@]12[C@@H](C)C(=O)[C@H](C)C[C@@](C)(OC)[C@H](O[C@@H]3O[C@H](C)C[C@@H]([C@H]3O)N(C)C)[C@@H](C)C(=O)[C@@H](C)C(=O)O[C@H](CC)[C@@]1(C)OC(=O)N2CCCCN1C=NC(=C1)C1=CC=CN=C1 DB00976 T3D3536 3002190 29688 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/telithromycin.html 2273373 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 57.0 % ~57 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 57.0 % 57(41-112) % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2230.0 ng/ml 2.23 mcg/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.25 h 0.5-4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1.0(0.5-3.0) h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 0.84 L/h/kg 14(12-16) ml/min/kg hydrolysis; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.84 L/h/kg 14 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.9 L/kg 2.9 L/kg DRUGBANK 3.0 L/kg 3.0(2.1-4.5) L/kg hydrolysis; DRUGBANK 3.0 L/kg 3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.5 h 12-13 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12(7-23) h DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 37.0 % 37 % lung excretion; DRUGBANK 7.0 % 7 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 13.0 % 13 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 23.0 % 23(19-27) % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 65.0 % 60-70 % DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70 % DRUGBANK 0.0 0 Ketek telithromycin PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Ketek telithromycin PDR 0.0 0 Ketek telithromycin PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Ketek telithromycin PDR DDPD00977 Ethinylestradiol 296.4034 C20H24O2 [H][C@@]12CC[C@@](O)(C#C)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@]1([H])C3=C(CC[C@@]21[H])C=C(O)C=C3 DB00977 T3D4743 5991 4903 5770 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.4874 ng.h/ml 487.4±166.6 pg.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.895 ng.h/ml 3895±1423 pg.h/ml Transdermal preparations; DRUGBANK 0.0741 ng/ml 74.1±35.6 pg/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0288 ng/ml 28.8±10.3 pg/ml Transdermal preparations; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5±0.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 86.0 h 86±31 h Transdermal preparations; DRUGBANK 16.47 L/h 16.47 L/h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 2.1 L/h ~2.1 L/h Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 58.0 L/h 58.0±19.8 L/h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 303.5 L/h 303.5±100.5 L/h skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 0.42 L/h/kg 7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 625.3 L 625.3±228.7 L Apparent volume of distribution; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 11745.3 L 11745.3±15934.8 L Apparent volume of distribution; skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 4.3 L/kg 4.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.4 h 8.4±4.8 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 27.7 h 27.7±34.2 h skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 9.7 h 9.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1737.0 mg/kg 1737.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 59.2 % 59.2 % Urinary excretion; Bile excretion; DRUGBANK 2.5 % 2-3 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 98.4 % 98.3-98.5 % DRUGBANK DDPD00978 Lomefloxacin 351.3479 C17H19F2N3O3 CCN1C=C(C(O)=O)C(=O)C2=CC(F)=C(N3CCNC(C)C3)C(F)=C12 DB00978 3948 116278 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/lomefloxacin.html 3811 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 96.5 % 95-98 % Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 65.0 % 65 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 9.0 % 9 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 9.39884393063584 L/h/m2 271.0 ml/min/1.73m2 normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.07514450867052 L/h/m2 31.0 ml/min/1.73m2 renal insufficiency; DRUGBANK 0.2388 L/h/kg 3.98 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.04 L/kg 2.04 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8 h DRUGBANK 8.1 h 8.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10 % DRUGBANK DDPD00979 Cyclopentolate 291.3853 C17H25NO3 CN(C)CCOC(=O)C(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1(O)CCCC1 DB00979 2905 4024 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cyclopentolate.html 2802 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4000.0 mg/kg 4000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 960.0 mg/kg 960.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 4.0 drop/day 4 drop/day ophthalmic administration Cyclogyl cyclopentolate hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Cyclogyl cyclopentolate hydrochloride PDR 4.0 drop/day 4 drop/day ophthalmic administration Cyclogyl cyclopentolate hydrochloride PDR 4.0 drop/day 4 drop/day ophthalmic administration Cyclogyl cyclopentolate hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Cyclogyl cyclopentolate hydrochloride PDR 4.0 drop/day 4 drop/day ophthalmic administration Cyclogyl cyclopentolate hydrochloride PDR 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration Cyclogyl cyclopentolate hydrochloride PDR 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration Cyclogyl cyclopentolate hydrochloride PDR DDPD00980 Ramelteon 259.3434 C16H21NO2 CCC(=O)NCC[C@@H]1CCC2=C1C1=C(OCC1)C=C2 DB00980 208902 109549 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ramelteon.html 181000 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 84.0 % >84 % DRUGBANK 0.786 L/h/kg 13.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 73.6 L 73.6 L DRUGBANK 1.05 L/kg 1.05 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.8 h ~1-2.6 h DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 84.0 % 84 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.0 % ~4 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 82.0 % ~82 % human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD00981 Physostigmine 275.3461 C15H21N3O2 [H][C@]12N(C)CC[C@@]1(C)C1=C(C=CC(OC(=O)NC)=C1)N2C DB00981 5983 27953 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/physostigmine-ophthalmic.html 5763 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.32 L/h/kg 72 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.9 L/kg 3.9 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD00982 Isotretinoin 300.4351 C20H28O2 C\C(\C=C\C1=C(C)CCCC1(C)C)=C/C=C/C(/C)=C\C(O)=O DB00982 5282379 6067 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/isotretinoin.html 4445539 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4055.0 ng.h/ml 4055.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 6095.0 ng.h/ml 6095.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; high-fat meal; DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 292.5 ng/ml 74-511 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 314.0 ng/ml 314 ng/ml PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 395.0 ng/ml 395 ng/ml PO, oral; high-fat meal; DRUGBANK 208.0 ng/ml 208±92 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 473.0 ng/ml 473±171 ng/ml PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 1-4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.9 h 2.9 h PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 6.4 h 6.4 h PO, oral; high-fat meal; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4.5±3.4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.8 h 6.8±6.5 h PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 15.9 L/h 15.9 L/h neuroblastoma; pediatric patients; DRUGBANK 1.278 L/h/kg 21.3 ml/min/kg guinea pigs; DRUGBANK 0.432 L/h/kg 7.2 ml/min/kg Rattus, Rat; Obesity; DRUGBANK 0.33 L/h/kg 5.5(0.9-11.1) ml/min/kg apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 85.0 L 85.0 L neuroblastoma; pediatric patients; DRUGBANK 2.423 L/kg 2423.0 ml/kg guinea pigs; DRUGBANK 1.716 L/kg 1716.0 ml/kg Rattus, Rat; Obesity; DRUGBANK 5.0 L/kg 5(1-32) L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 23.0 h 7-39 h DRUGBANK 20.0 h 20 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 33.5 h 17-50 h DRUGBANK 25.0 h 25 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 17.0 h 17(5-167) h DRUGBANK 29.0 h 29±6 h DRUGBANK 63.5 % 53-74 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.9 % >99.9 % DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % DRUGBANK 1.0 mg/kg/day 1 mg/kg/day PO, oral Claravis isotretinoin PDR 0.8 mg/kg/day 0.8 mg/kg/day PO, oral Claravis isotretinoin PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Claravis isotretinoin PDR 1.6 mg/kg/day 1.6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Claravis isotretinoin PDR 1.0 mg/kg/day 1 mg/kg/day PO, oral Claravis isotretinoin PDR 0.8 mg/kg/day 0.8 mg/kg/day PO, oral Claravis isotretinoin PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Claravis isotretinoin PDR 1.6 mg/kg/day 1.6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Claravis isotretinoin PDR DDPD00983 Formoterol 344.4049 C19H24N2O4 COC1=CC=C(CC(C)NCC(O)C2=CC(NC=O)=C(O)C=C2)C=C1 DB00983 3410 63082 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/formoterol.html 3292 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % inhalation, IH; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.0278967969 ng.h/ml 81.0 pmol.h/L inhalation, IH; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.0430506125 ng.h/ml 125.0 pmol.h/L adults; asthma; DRUGBANK 0.0778355074 ng.h/ml 226.0 pmol.h/L adults; asthma; DRUGBANK 2.2e-05 ng/ml 22 pmol/L inhalation, IH; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.2e-05 ng/ml 22 pmol/L adults; asthma; DRUGBANK 4.1e-05 ng/ml 41 pmol/L adults; asthma; DRUGBANK 0.3335 h 0.167-0.5 h inhalation, IH; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.275 h 0.58-1.97 h adults; asthma; DRUGBANK 9.42 L/h 157.0 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 8.5 h 7-10 h elimination half-life; inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h elimination half-life; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 1.7-2.3 h elimination half-life; inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 3130.0 mg/kg 3130.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 60.5 % ~59-62 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 33.0 % ~32-34 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.0 % ~10 % Urinary excretion; asthma; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 34.5 % 31-38 % DRUGBANK 0.04 mg/day 40 mcg/day skin/dermal Perforomist formoterol fumarate PDR 0.04 mg/day 40 mcg/day skin/dermal Perforomist formoterol fumarate PDR DDPD00984 Nandrolone phenpropionate 406.5571 C27H34O3 [H][C@@]12CC[C@H](OC(=O)CCC3=CC=CC=C3)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@]1([H])[C@@]3([H])CCC(=O)C=C3CC[C@@]21[H] DB00984 229455 7468 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/nandrolone.html 199761 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 58.0 % 58 % DRUGBANK DDPD00985 Dimenhydrinate 469.97 C24H28ClN5O3 CN1C2=C(N=C(Cl)N2)C(=O)N(C)C1=O.CN(C)CCOC(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00985 441281 94848 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/dimenhydrinate.html 10210 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.5 h 1-4 h DRUGBANK 98.5 % 98-99 % DRUGBANK DDPD00986 Glycopyrronium 318.4305 C19H28NO3 C[N+]1(C)CCC(C1)OC(=O)C(O)(C1CCCC1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00986 9933193 94449 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/glycopyrrolate.html 3374 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.9 h 0.6-1.2 h DRUGBANK 709.0 mg/kg 709.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 6.0 mg/day 6 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Robinul Injection glycopyrrolate PDR 0.3 mg/kg/day 0.1 mg/kg/dose PO, oral tid Robinul Injection glycopyrrolate PDR 3.0 mg/dose 3 mg/dose Liquid Robinul Injection glycopyrrolate PDR 0.3 mg/kg/day 0.1 mg/kg/dose PO, oral tid Robinul Injection glycopyrrolate PDR 3.0 mg/day 3 mg/day Liquid Robinul Injection glycopyrrolate PDR 0.004 mg/kg 0.004 mg/kg IM,intramuscular injection Robinul Injection glycopyrrolate PDR 0.2 mg/dose 0.2 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Robinul Injection glycopyrrolate PDR 6.0 mg/day 6 mg/day PO, oral Robinul Injection glycopyrrolate PDR 2.0 capsuLe/day 2 capsuLe/day inhalation, IH Robinul Injection glycopyrrolate PDR 0.0312 mg 31.2 mcg inhalation, IH Robinul Injection glycopyrrolate PDR 2.0 viaLs/day 2 viaLs/day inhalation, IH Robinul Injection glycopyrrolate PDR 0.05 mg 50 mcg inhalation, IH Robinul Injection glycopyrrolate PDR 6.0 mg/day 6 mg/day PO, oral Robinul Injection glycopyrrolate PDR 0.1 mg/kg/dose 0.1 mg/kg/dose PO, oral tid Robinul Injection glycopyrrolate PDR 3.0 mg/dose 3 mg/dose Liquid Robinul Injection glycopyrrolate PDR 0.1 mg/kg/dose 0.1 mg/kg/dose PO, oral tid Robinul Injection glycopyrrolate PDR 3.0 mg/day 3 mg/day Liquid Robinul Injection glycopyrrolate PDR 0.004 mg/kg 0.004 mg/kg IM,intramuscular injection Robinul Injection glycopyrrolate PDR 0.2 mg/dose 0.2 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Robinul Injection glycopyrrolate PDR 6.0 mg/day 6 mg/day PO, oral Robinul Injection glycopyrrolate PDR 2.0 capsule/day 2 capsule/day inhalation, IH Robinul Injection glycopyrrolate PDR 0.0312 mg 31.2 mcg inhalation, IH Robinul Injection glycopyrrolate PDR 2.0 vials/day 2 vials/day inhalation, IH Robinul Injection glycopyrrolate PDR 0.05 mg 50 mcg inhalation, IH Robinul Injection glycopyrrolate PDR DDPD00987 Cytarabine 243.2166 C9H13N3O5 NC1=NC(=O)N(C=C1)[C@@H]1O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O DB00987 T3D4978 6253 28680 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cytarabine.html 6017 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 20.0 % <20 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 20.0 % <20 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5000.0 ng/ml ~5 mcg/ml intravenous injection, IV; leukemia; malignant solid tumors; DRUGBANK 75.0 ng/ml 0.05-0.1 mcg/ml intravenous infusion, IV in drop; leukemia; malignant solid tumors; DRUGBANK 0.78 L/h/kg 13±4 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 2.5002 L/h/kg 41.67 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.0 L/kg 3.0±11.9 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.67 L/kg 0.67 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.166666666666667 h 10 min DRUGBANK 2.6 h 2.6±0.6 h DRUGBANK 0.17 h 0.17 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 11.0 % 11±8 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 13.0 % 13 % DRUGBANK 13.0 % 13 % DRUGBANK 50.0 mg/dose 50 mg/dose intrathecal administration DepoCyt cytarabine liposome PDR 50.0 mg/dose 50 mg/dose intrathecal administration DepoCyt cytarabine liposome PDR DDPD00988 Dopamine 153.1784 C8H11NO2 NCCC1=CC(O)=C(O)C=C1 DB00988 T3D4300 681 18243 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/dopamine.html 661 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.954 L/h/kg 65.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.74 L/kg 0.74 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.0333333333333333 h 2 min DRUGBANK 0.42 h 0.42 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1460.0 mg/kg 1460.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1780.0 mg/kg 1780.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1460.0 mg/kg 1460.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1780.0 mg/kg 1780.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~80 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD00989 Rivastigmine 250.3367 C14H22N2O2 CCN(C)C(=O)OC1=CC=CC(=C1)[C@H](C)N(C)C DB00989 77991 8874 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/rivastigmine.html 70377 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 72.0 % 72(22-119) % DRUGBANK 26.0 ng/ml 26±10 ng/ml Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 1.2 h 1.2±1.0 h Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 2.45 L/h 2.1-2.8 L/h Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.78 L/h/kg 13±4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.72 L/h/kg 12 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.25 L/kg 1.8-2.7 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.15 L/kg 1.5±0.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.3 L/kg 1.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h DRUGBANK 1.4 h 1.4±0.4 h intravenous injection, IV; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 10.0 h ~10 h DRUGBANK 1.4 h 1.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % DRUGBANK 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Exelon Capsules and Oral Solution rivastigmine tartrate PDR 13.3 mg/day 13.3 mg/day Transdermal preparations Exelon Capsules and Oral Solution rivastigmine tartrate PDR 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Exelon Capsules and Oral Solution rivastigmine tartrate PDR 13.3 mg/day 13.3 mg/day Transdermal preparations Exelon Capsules and Oral Solution rivastigmine tartrate PDR DDPD00990 Exemestane 296.4034 C20H24O2 [H][C@@]12CCC(=O)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CC(=C)C2=CC(=O)C=C[C@]12C DB00990 60198 4953 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/exemestane.html 54278 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 42.0 % 42 % DRUGBANK 24.0 h 24 h DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % DRUGBANK 25.0 mg/day 25 mg/day PO, oral Aromasin exemestane PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Aromasin exemestane PDR 25.0 mg/day 25 mg/day PO, oral Aromasin exemestane PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Aromasin exemestane PDR DDPD00991 Oxaprozin 293.3166 C18H15NO3 OC(=O)CCC1=NC(=C(O1)C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB00991 4614 7822 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/oxaprozin.html 4453 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % PO, oral; antacids; antacids &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.2 L/kg 11.0-17 L/70kg DRUGBANK 54.9 h 54.9 h DRUGBANK 1210.0 mg/kg 1210.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 172.0 mg/kg 172.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 4470.0 mg/kg 4470.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 70.0 % ~70 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 5.0 % ~5 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.5 % >99.5 % DRUGBANK 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Daypro oxaprozin PDR 1800.0 mg/day 1800 mg/day PO, oral Daypro oxaprozin PDR 26.0 mg/kg/day 26 mg/kg/day PO, oral Daypro oxaprozin PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Daypro oxaprozin PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Daypro oxaprozin PDR 1800.0 mg/day 1800 mg/day PO, oral Daypro oxaprozin PDR 26.0 mg/kg/day 26 mg/kg/day PO, oral Daypro oxaprozin PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Daypro oxaprozin PDR DDPD00992 Methyl aminolevulinate 145.1564 C6H11NO3 COC(=O)CCC(=O)CN DB00992 157922 724125 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/methyl-aminolevulinate-topical.html 138950 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.26 % 0.26 % skin/dermal; DRUGBANK DDPD00993 Azathioprine 277.263 C9H7N7O2S CN1C=NC(=C1SC1=NC=NC2=C1NC=N2)[N+]([O-])=O DB00993 T3D4677 2265 2948 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/azathioprine.html 2178 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60±31 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 55.0 ng/ml 20-90 ng/ml PO, oral; Active metabolite; renal transplant; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h PO, oral; Active metabolite; renal transplant; DRUGBANK 3.42 L/h/kg 57±31 ml/min/kg renal transplant; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.81 L/kg 0.81±0.65 L/kg renal transplant; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 5.0 h ~5 h DRUGBANK 0.16 h 0.16±0.07 h renal transplant; patients; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2500.0 mg/kg 2500.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/kg 400.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2500.0 mg/kg 2500.0 mg/kg Oral single dose; mouse; DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/kg 400.0 mg/kg Oral single dose; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2.0 % <2 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30 % DRUGBANK 1.5 mg/kg/day 1.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Azasan azathioprine PDR 2.5 mg/kg/day 2.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Azasan azathioprine PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Azasan azathioprine PDR 1.5 mg/kg/day 1.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Azasan azathioprine PDR 2.5 mg/kg/day 2.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Azasan azathioprine PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Azasan azathioprine PDR DDPD00994 Neomycin N.A. N.A. C1C(C(C(C(C1N)OC2C(C(C(C(O2)CN)O)O)N)OC3C(C(C(O3)CO)OC4C(C(C(C(O4)CN)O)O)N)O)O)N DB00994 T3D2951 8378 7507 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/neomycin.html -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 8000.0 mg/kg >8 g/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 200.0 mg/kg 200.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 190.0 mg/kg 190.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 305.0 mg/kg 305.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 200.0 mg/kg 200.0 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1800.0 mg/kg/day 12600.0 mg/kg/7D PO, oral;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 0-30 % DRUGBANK 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day PO, oral Neomycin Sulfate neomycin sulfate PDR 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day PO, oral Neomycin Sulfate neomycin sulfate PDR DDPD00995 Auranofin 678.48 C20H34AuO9PS CC[P+](CC)(CC)[Au-]S[C@@H]1O[C@H](COC(C)=O)[C@@H](OC(C)=O)[C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@H]1OC(C)=O DB00995 70788951 2922 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/auranofin.html 5293650 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 15.0 % 15 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 9.0 mg/day 9 mg/day PO, oral Ridaura auranofin PDR 9.0 mg/day 9 mg/day PO, oral Ridaura auranofin PDR DDPD00996 Gabapentin 171.2368 C9H17NO2 NCC1(CC(O)=O)CCCCC1 DB00996 T3D2952 3446 42797 http://www.drugs.com/gabapentin.html 3328 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 27.0 % 27 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60.0 % increasing doses &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 4000.0 ng/ml 4.0 mcg/ml PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.0 % 1 % DRUGBANK 99.0 % ~99 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.096 L/h/kg 1.6±0.3 ml/min/kg Elderly &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.102 L/h/kg 1.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 58.0 L 58±6 L Apparent volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.8 L/kg 0.80±0.09 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.71 L/kg 0.71 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 5-7 h elimination half-life; normal renal function; patients; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 52.0 h 52 h Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 6.5 h 6.5±1.0 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 5.3 h 5.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8000.0 mg/kg >8000 mg/kg DRUGBANK 8000.0 mg/kg >8000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 8053.0 mg/kg 8053.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 2.86 mg/kg 2.86 mg/kg PO, oral; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 66.0 % 64-68 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 3.0 % <3 % plasma proteins; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.0 % <3 % DRUGBANK 50.0 mg/kg/day 50 mg/kg/day PO, oral Gralise gabapentin PDR 3600.0 mg/day 3600 mg/day PO, oral Gralise gabapentin PDR 1800.0 mg/day 1800 mg/day PO, oral Gralise gabapentin PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Gralise gabapentin PDR 3600.0 mg/day 3600 mg/day PO, oral Gralise gabapentin PDR 3600.0 mg/day 3600 mg/day PO, oral Gralise gabapentin PDR 1800.0 mg/day 1800 mg/day PO, oral Gralise gabapentin PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Gralise gabapentin PDR DDPD00997 Doxorubicin 543.5193 C27H29NO11 COC1=CC=CC2=C1C(=O)C1=C(O)C3=C(C[C@](O)(C[C@@H]3O[C@H]3C[C@H](N)[C@H](O)[C@H](C)O3)C(=O)CO)C(O)=C1C2=O DB00997 T3D2953 31703 28748 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/doxorubicin.html 29400 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 950.0 ng/ml ~950 ng/ml intravenous infusion, IV in drop; depression; DRUGBANK 519.0 ng/ml 30-1008 ng/ml intravenous infusion, IV in drop; Active metabolite; depression; DRUGBANK 6.0 ng/ml 6.0±3.2 ng/ml intravenous infusion, IV in drop; Advanced tumors; DRUGBANK 5.0 ng/ml 5.0±3.5 ng/ml intravenous infusion, IV in drop; Active metabolite; Advanced tumors; DRUGBANK 33.99 L/h/m2 324-809 ml/min/m2 Bile metabolism; DRUGBANK 65.28 L/h/m2 1088.0 ml/min/m2 Male, men; DRUGBANK 25.98 L/h/m2 433.0 ml/min/m2  Female, women; DRUGBANK 92.4 L/h/m2 1540.0 ml/min/m2 Children; DRUGBANK 48.78 L/h/m2 813.0 ml/min/m2 Infants; DRUGBANK 39.96 L/h/m2 666±339 ml/min/m2 Children &#8593; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;Obesity &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.9 L/h/kg 15 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1011.5 L/m2 809-1214 L/m2 Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 682.0 L/m2 682±433 L/m2 Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 22.0 L/kg 22 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 34.0 h 20-48 h DRUGBANK 26.0 h 26±17 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 29.0 h 29±16 h Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 32.0 h 32 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 21800.0 mg/kg 21800.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 21.8 mg/kg 21 800 ug/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % Bile excretion; DRUGBANK 8.5 % 5-12 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 7.0 % <7 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 75.0 % 74-76 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 76.0 % 76 % DRUGBANK 550.0 mg/m2/lifetime 550 mg/m2/lifetime intravenous injection, IV Adriamycin doxorubicin hydrochloride PDR 450.0 mg/m2/lifetime 450 mg/m2/lifetime intravenous injection, IV Adriamycin doxorubicin hydrochloride PDR 550.0 mg/m2/lifetime 550 mg/m2/lifetime intravenous injection, IV Adriamycin doxorubicin hydrochloride PDR 450.0 mg/m2/lifetime 450 mg/m2/lifetime intravenous injection, IV Adriamycin doxorubicin hydrochloride PDR 550.0 mg/m2/lifetime 550 mg/m2/lifetime intravenous injection, IV Adriamycin doxorubicin hydrochloride PDR 450.0 mg/m2/lifetime 450 mg/m2/lifetime intravenous injection, IV Adriamycin doxorubicin hydrochloride PDR 50.0 mg/m2/dose 50 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV q4w Doxorubicin Hydrochloride Liposome doxorubicin hydrochloride liposome PDR 20.0 mg/m2/dose 20 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV q3w Doxorubicin Hydrochloride Liposome doxorubicin hydrochloride liposome PDR 30.0 mg/m2/dose 30 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV q3w Doxorubicin Hydrochloride Liposome doxorubicin hydrochloride liposome PDR 50.0 mg/m2/dose 50 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV q4w Doxorubicin Hydrochloride Liposome doxorubicin hydrochloride liposome PDR 20.0 mg/m2/dose 20 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV q3w Doxorubicin Hydrochloride Liposome doxorubicin hydrochloride liposome PDR 30.0 mg/m2/dose 30 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV q3w Doxorubicin Hydrochloride Liposome doxorubicin hydrochloride liposome PDR DDPD00998 Frovatriptan 243.3043 C14H17N3O CN[C@@H]1CCC2=C(C1)C1=C(N2)C=CC(=C1)C(N)=O DB00998 T3D2954 77992 134991 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/frovatriptan.html 70378 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 13.2 L/h 220.0 ml/min intravenous injection, IV; Male, men; DRUGBANK 7.8 L/h 130.0 ml/min intravenous injection, IV;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 0.15 L/h/kg 2.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.2 L/kg 4.2 L/kg Male, men; DRUGBANK 3.0 L/kg 3.0 L/kg  Female, women; DRUGBANK 3.6 L/kg 3.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 26.0 h 26 h DRUGBANK 24.0 h 24 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.0 % <10 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 7.5 mg/day 7.5 mg/day PO, oral Frova frovatriptan succinate PDR 7.5 mg/day 7.5 mg/day PO, oral Frova frovatriptan succinate PDR DDPD00999 Hydrochlorothiazide 297.739 C7H8ClN3O4S2 NS(=O)(=O)C1=C(Cl)C=C2NCNS(=O)(=O)C2=C1 DB00999 T3D4781 3639 5778 http://www.drugs.com/hctz.html 3513 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 70.0 % 65-75 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 55-65 % PO, oral; food; DRUGBANK 71.0 % 71±15 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 280.0 ng/ml 70-490 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 224.0 ng/ml 56-392 ng/ml PO, oral; food; DRUGBANK 75.0 ng/ml 75±17 ng/ml Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 91.0 ng/ml 91±0.2 ng/ml Oral multiple dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.6 h 1.6(1-5) h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.9 h 2.9 h PO, oral; food; DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.9±0.5 h Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2.0 h Oral multiple dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 17.1 L/h 285.0 ml/min Renal clearance; normal renal function; patients; DRUGBANK 4.5 L/h 75.0 ml/min Renal clearance; mild renal function; moderate renal function; DRUGBANK 1.02 L/h 17.0 ml/min Renal clearance; severe renal function; DRUGBANK 0.294 L/h/kg 4.9±1.1 ml/min/kg Elderly &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;congestive heart disease &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 2.51 L/kg 0.83-4.19 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.83 L/kg 0.83±0.31 L/kg Elderly &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 10.2 h 5.6-14.8 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5±0.2 h DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8±2.8 h terminal half-life; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;congestive heart disease &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 10000.0 mg/kg >10 g/kg PO, oral; mouse; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 10000.0 mg/kg >10 g/kg PO, oral; mouse; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 95.0 % >95 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 54.0 % 40-68 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 58.0 % 58±17 % DRUGBANK 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets hydrochlorothiazide PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets hydrochlorothiazide PDR 37.5 mg/day 37.5 mg/day PO, oral Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets hydrochlorothiazide PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets hydrochlorothiazide PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets hydrochlorothiazide PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets hydrochlorothiazide PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets hydrochlorothiazide PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets hydrochlorothiazide PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets hydrochlorothiazide PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets hydrochlorothiazide PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets hydrochlorothiazide PDR 3.0 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/day PO, oral Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets hydrochlorothiazide PDR 3.3 mg/kg/day 3.3 mg/kg/day PO, oral Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets hydrochlorothiazide PDR 37.5 mg/day 37.5 mg/day PO, oral Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets hydrochlorothiazide PDR 3.0 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/day PO, oral Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets hydrochlorothiazide PDR 3.3 mg/kg/day 3.3 mg/kg/day PO, oral Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets hydrochlorothiazide PDR DDPD01000 Cyclacillin 341.426 C15H23N3O4S [H][C@]12SC(C)(C)[C@@H](N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)C1(N)CCCCC1)C(O)=O DB01000 19003 31444 17941 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01001 Salbutamol 239.3107 C13H21NO3 CC(C)(C)NCC(O)C1=CC(CO)=C(O)C=C1 DB01001 T3D4735 2083 2549 1999 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30±7 % PO, oral; Optical rotation R; DRUGBANK 71.0 % 71±9 % PO, oral; Optical rotation S; DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25.0 % inhalation, IH; Optical rotation R; DRUGBANK 47.0 % 47.0 % inhalation, IH; Optical rotation S; DRUGBANK 3.0 ng/ml 3 ng/ml PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 3.6 ng/ml 3.6(1.9-5.9) ng/ml Oral single dose; Optical rotation R; DRUGBANK 11.4 ng/ml 11.4(7.1-16.2) ng/ml Oral single dose; Optical rotation S; DRUGBANK 0.17 h 0.17 h PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 0.42 h 0.42 h PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h Oral single dose; Optical rotation R; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2.0 h Oral single dose; Optical rotation S; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % lung metabolism; DRUGBANK 16.32 L/h 272±38 ml/min Renal clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 17.46 L/h 291±70 ml/min Renal clearance; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 5.91 L/h 98.5±23.5 ml/min Renal clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.618 L/h/kg 10.3±3.0 ml/min/kg RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.39 L/h/kg 6.5±2.0 ml/min/kg RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 156.0 L 156±38 L intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 2.0 L/kg 2.00±0.70 L/kg RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 1.77 L/kg 1.77±0.69 L/kg RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 3.85 h 2.7-5 h elimination half-life; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.85 h 2.7-5 h elimination half-life; inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 4.6 h ~4.6 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2.00±0.49 h normal,healthy; Optical rotation R; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 2.85 h 2.85±0.85 h normal,healthy; Optical rotation S; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 1100.0 mg/kg 1100.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1100.0 mg/kg 1100.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 68.0 % 58-78 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 46.0 % 46±8 % Urinary excretion; Optical rotation R; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 55.0 % 55±11 % Urinary excretion; Optical rotation S; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 7.0 % 7±1 % Optical rotation R/S; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 24.0 mg/day 24 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral;Liquid; Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 12.0 puffs/day 12 puffs/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 4.0 dose/day 4 dose/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 2.5 mg/day 2.5 mg/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 0.6 mg/kg/day 0.6 mg/kg/day Liquid Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day Liquid Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 12.0 puffs/day 12 puffs/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 4.0 dose/day 4 dose/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 2.5 mg/day 2.5 mg/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 0.6 mg/kg/day 0.6 mg/kg/day Liquid Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day Liquid Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 4.0 dose/day 4 dose/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 2.5 mg/day 2.5 mg/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 32.0 mg/day 32 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral;Liquid; Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 12.0 puffs/day 12 puffs/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 4.0 dose/day 4 dose/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 2.5 mg/day 2.5 mg/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 32.0 mg/day 32 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral;Liquid; Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 12.0 puffs/day 12 puffs/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 4.0 dose/day 4 dose/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 2.5 mg/day 2.5 mg/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 24.0 mg/day 24 mg/day Liquid Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 32.0 mg/day 32 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 12.0 puffs/day 12 puffs/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 4.0 dose/day 4 dose/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 2.5 mg/day 2.5 mg/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 32.0 mg/day 32 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral;Liquid; Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 12.0 puffs/day 12 puffs/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 4.0 dose/day 4 dose/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 2.5 mg/day 2.5 mg/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day inhalation, IH Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.5% albuterol sulfate PDR DDPD01002 Levobupivacaine 288.4277 C18H28N2O CCCCN1CCCC[C@H]1C(=O)NC1=C(C)C=CC=C1C DB01002 T3D2955 92253 6149 83289 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1200.0 ng/ml 1.2 ug/ml epidural administration; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h epidural administration; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % Urinary excretion; Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 39.06 L/h 39.06±13.29 L/h intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.522 L/h/kg 8.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 66.91 L 66.91±18.23 L intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.49 L/kg 0.49 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.3 h 3.3 h DRUGBANK 0.79 h 0.79 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.1 mg/kg 5.1 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; rabbit; DRUGBANK 18.0 mg/kg 18.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 207.0 mg/kg 207.0 mg/kg parenteral administration; rabbit; DRUGBANK 63.0 mg/kg 63.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5.1 mg/kg 5.1 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; rabbit; DRUGBANK 18.0 mg/kg 18.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 207.0 mg/kg 207.0 mg/kg parenteral administration; rabbit; DRUGBANK 63.0 mg/kg 63.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 71.0 % ~71 % Urinary excretion; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 24.0 % ~24 % Faeces excretion; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 97.0 % >97 % DRUGBANK DDPD01003 Cromoglicic acid 468.3665 C23H16O11 OC(COC1=CC=CC2=C1C(=O)C=C(O2)C(O)=O)COC1=CC=CC2=C1C(=O)C=C(O2)C(O)=O DB01003 2882 59773 2779 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 % 1 % DRUGBANK 1.3 h 1.3 h DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral Gastrocrom cromolyn sodium PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day PO, oral Gastrocrom cromolyn sodium PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral Gastrocrom cromolyn sodium PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral Gastrocrom cromolyn sodium PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day PO, oral Gastrocrom cromolyn sodium PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral Gastrocrom cromolyn sodium PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral Gastrocrom cromolyn sodium PDR DDPD01004 Ganciclovir 255.2306 C9H13N5O4 NC1=NC2=C(N=CN2COC(CO)CO)C(=O)N1 DB01004 3454 465284 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ganciclovir-implant.html 3336 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 7.5 % 6-9 % DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30 % DRUGBANK 4.0 % 3-5 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1200.0 ng/ml 1.2±0.4 mcg/ml intravenous infusion, IV in drop; food; DRUGBANK 6600.0 ng/ml 6.6±1.8 mcg/ml DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3.0±0.6 h intravenous infusion, IV in drop; food; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 7.68 L/h 128±63 ml/min mild renal function; patients; DRUGBANK 3.42 L/h 57±8 ml/min moderate renal function; patients; DRUGBANK 1.8 L/h 30±13 ml/min severe renal function; patients; DRUGBANK 0.282 L/h 4.7±2.2 ml/min pediatric patients; DRUGBANK 0.204 L/h/kg 3.4±0.5 ml/min/kg RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.276 L/h/kg 4.6 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.74 L/kg 0.74±0.15 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.1 L/kg 1.1±0.2 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.0 L/kg 1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.9 h 2.9(2.5-3.6) h intravenous injection, IV; adults; DRUGBANK 4.3 h 3.1-5.5 h PO, oral; adults; DRUGBANK 19.5 h 9-30 h intravenous injection, IV; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; DRUGBANK 16.95 h 15.7-18.2 h PO, oral; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; DRUGBANK 3.7 h 3.7±0.6 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 3.7 h 3.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2 g/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 150.0 mg/kg >150 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; dog; DRUGBANK 91.0 % 91±5 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.5 % 1-2 % DRUGBANK 1.5 % 1-2 % DRUGBANK 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cytovene ganciclovir sodium PDR 5.0 drop/day 5 drop/day ophthalmic administration Cytovene ganciclovir sodium PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cytovene ganciclovir sodium PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cytovene ganciclovir sodium PDR 5.0 drop/day 5 drop/day ophthalmic administration Cytovene ganciclovir sodium PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cytovene ganciclovir sodium PDR 5.0 drop/day 5 drop/day ophthalmic administration Cytovene ganciclovir sodium PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cytovene ganciclovir sodium PDR 5.0 drop/day 5 drop/day ophthalmic administration Cytovene ganciclovir sodium PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cytovene ganciclovir sodium PDR 12.0 mg/kg/day 12 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cytovene ganciclovir sodium PDR DDPD01005 Hydroxyurea 76.0547 CH4N2O2 NC(=O)NO DB01005 T3D4767 3657 44423 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/hydroxyurea.html 3530 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 108.0 % 108±18 % PO, oral; solid tumors; DRUGBANK 93.5 % 79-108 % PO, oral; solid tumors; DRUGBANK 76587082.9 ng/ml 1007±371 mM intravenous injection, IV; solid tumors; DRUGBANK 60387431.8 ng/ml 794±241 mM PO, oral; solid tumors; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h intravenous injection, IV; solid tumors; DRUGBANK 1.2 h 1.2±1.2 h PO, oral; solid tumors; DRUGBANK 3.255 L/h/m2 36.2-72.3 ml/min/m2 DRUGBANK 0.09 L/h/kg 1.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 19.7 L/m2 19.7±4.6 L/m2 DRUGBANK 0.52 L/kg 0.52 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h DRUGBANK 3.4 h 3.4±0.7(2.8-4.5) h Male, men;  Female, women; solid tumors; patients; DRUGBANK 3.4 h 3.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7330.0 mg/kg 7330.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 5760.0 mg/kg 5760.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 7330.0 mg/kg 7330.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 5760.0 mg/kg 5760.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 35.8 % 35.8±14.2 % Urinary excretion; solid tumors; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % solid tumors; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 35.0 mg/kg/day 35 mg/kg/day PO, oral Hydrea hydroxyurea PDR 3000.0 mg/m2 3000 mg/m2 PO, oral Hydrea hydroxyurea PDR 3000.0 mg/m2 3000 mg/m2 PO, oral Hydrea hydroxyurea PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Hydrea hydroxyurea PDR 35.0 mg/kg/day 35 mg/kg/day PO, oral Hydrea hydroxyurea PDR 3000.0 mg/m2 3000 mg/m2 PO, oral Hydrea hydroxyurea PDR 80.0 mg/kg 80 mg/kg PO, oral Hydrea hydroxyurea PDR DDPD01006 Letrozole 285.3027 C17H11N5 N#CC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(N1C=NC=N1)C1=CC=C(C=C1)C#N DB01006 T3D4803 3902 6413 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/letrozole.html 3765 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.1075310449 ng.h/ml 7387.0 nmol.h/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % DRUGBANK 99.9 % 99.9±16.3 % PO, oral; postmenopausal women; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 29.6714808 ng/ml 104 nmol/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 32.8098105 ng/ml 115.0 nM postmenopausal women; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 8.1 h 8.1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1.0 h postmenopausal women; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.52 L/h 1.52 L/h Total clearance; Single dose; DRUGBANK 1.2 L/h 1.2 L/h Total clearance; at steady state; DRUGBANK 0.0348 L/h/kg 0.58±0.21 ml/min/kg severe hepatic impairment &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.0342 L/h/kg 0.57 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.87 L/kg 1.87 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.87 L/kg 1.87±0.46 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.9 L/kg 1.9 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 42.0 h ~42 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; breast cancer &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 45.0 h 45±16 h normal,healthy; postmenopausal women; DRUGBANK 45.0 h 45 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 6.0 % 6 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 3.9 % 3.9±1.4 % Urinary excretion; postmenopausal women; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % DRUGBANK 55.0 % 55 % DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % postmenopausal women; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.5 mg/day 2.5 mg/day PO, oral Femara letrozole PDR 2.5 mg/day 2.5 mg/day PO, oral Femara letrozole PDR 20.0 mg/dose 20 mg/dose PO, oral Femara letrozole PDR 7.5 mg/day 7.5 mg/day PO, oral Femara letrozole PDR 2.5 mg/day 2.5 mg/day PO, oral Femara letrozole PDR 2.5 mg/day 2.5 mg/day PO, oral Femara letrozole PDR DDPD01007 Tioconazole 387.711 C16H13Cl3N2OS ClC1=C(COC(CN2C=CN=C2)C2=C(Cl)C=C(Cl)C=C2)C=CS1 DB01007 T3D2956 5482 77898 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/tioconazole.html 5282 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01008 Busulfan 246.302 C6H14O6S2 CS(=O)(=O)OCCCCOS(C)(=O)=O DB01008 T3D4750 2478 28901 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/busulfan.html 2384 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 130.0 ng.h/ml 130.0 ng.h/ml Oral single dose; patients; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80±20 % adults; DRUGBANK 68.0 % 68±31 % Children; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70(44-94) % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 30.0 ng/ml 30 ng/ml Oral single dose; patients; DRUGBANK 65.0 ng/ml 65±27 ng/ml Oral single dose; Chronic myelogenous leukemia; DRUGBANK 949.0 ng/ml 949±278 ng/ml Oral single dose; bone marrow transplant; DRUGBANK 0.9 h 0.9 h Oral single dose; patients; DRUGBANK 2.6 h 2.6±1.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.312 L/h/kg 5.2 ml/min/kg intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 0.27 L/h/kg 4.5±0.9 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 0.99 L/kg 0.99±0.23 L/kg Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 2.6 h 2.6 h DRUGBANK 2.6 h 2.6±0.5 h DRUGBANK 30.0 % ~30 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 2.0 % <2 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.0 % 1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 32.0 % 32 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 47.0 % 47 % serum albumin; DRUGBANK 8.35 % 2.7-14 % DRUGBANK 0.06 mg/kg/day 60 mcg/kg/day PO, oral Myleran busulfan PDR 1.8 mg/m2/day 1.8 mg/m2/day PO, oral Myleran busulfan PDR 8.0 mg/day 8 mg/day PO, oral Myleran busulfan PDR 1.0 mg/kg 1 mg/kg PO, oral qid Myleran busulfan PDR 0.8 mg/kg 0.8 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV qid Myleran busulfan PDR 1.0 mg/kg 1 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV qid Myleran busulfan PDR 0.06 mg/kg/day 60 mcg/kg/day PO, oral Myleran busulfan PDR 1.8 mg/m2/day 1.8 mg/m2/day PO, oral Myleran busulfan PDR 8.0 mg/day 8 mg/day PO, oral Myleran busulfan PDR 1.0 mg/kg 1 mg/kg PO, oral qid Myleran busulfan PDR 0.8 mg/kg 0.8 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV qid Myleran busulfan PDR 1.0 mg/kg 1 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV qid Myleran busulfan PDR 0.06 mg/kg/day 60 mcg/kg/day PO, oral Myleran busulfan PDR 1.8 mg/m2/day 1.8 mg/m2/day PO, oral Myleran busulfan PDR 0.06 mg/kg/day 60 mcg/kg/day PO, oral Myleran busulfan PDR 1.8 mg/m2/day 1.8 mg/m2/day PO, oral Myleran busulfan PDR DDPD01009 Ketoprofen 254.2806 C16H14O3 CC(C(O)=O)C1=CC(=CC=C1)C(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB01009 3825 6128 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ketoprofen.html 3693 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.25 h 0.5-2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.9 L/h 6.9±0.8 L/h Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 6.8 L/h 6.8±1.8 L/h Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 0.08 L/h/kg 0.08 L/kg/h DRUGBANK 0.7 L/h/kg 0.7 L/kg/h alcoholic liver disease; Hepatitis, Hep; DRUGBANK 0.096 L/h/kg 1.6 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.13 L/kg 0.13 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.55 h 1.1-4 h Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 5.4 h 5.4 h extended release formulation; Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 2.1 h 2.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 62.4 mg/kg 62.4 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~80 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Ketoprofen ketoprofen PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Ketoprofen ketoprofen PDR 75.0 mg/day 75 mg/day PO, oral Ketoprofen ketoprofen PDR 75.0 mg/day 75 mg/day PO, oral Ketoprofen ketoprofen PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Ketoprofen ketoprofen PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Ketoprofen ketoprofen PDR 75.0 mg/day 75 mg/day PO, oral Ketoprofen ketoprofen PDR DDPD01010 Edrophonium 166.2401 C10H16NO CC[N+](C)(C)C1=CC(O)=CC=C1 DB01010 3202 251408 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/edrophonium.html 3090 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.408 L/h/kg 6.8±2 ml/kg/min adults; DRUGBANK 0.384 L/h/kg 6.4±3.9 ml/kg/min Children; DRUGBANK 0.174 L/h/kg 2.9±1.9 ml/kg/min Elderly; DRUGBANK 0.576 L/h/kg 9.6 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.6 L/kg 1.6±0.4 L/kg adults; DRUGBANK 2.2 L/kg 2.2±1.5 L/kg Children; DRUGBANK 1.8 L/kg 1.8±1.2 L/kg Elderly; DRUGBANK 1.1 L/kg 1.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.158333333333333 h 7-12 min distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 1.19166666666667 h 33-110 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 67.0 % 67 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 10.0 mg 10 mg intravenous injection, IV Enlon edrophonium chloride PDR 5.0 mg 5 mg intravenous injection, IV Enlon edrophonium chloride PDR 10.0 mg/dose 10 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Enlon edrophonium chloride PDR 10.0 mg 10 mg intravenous injection, IV Enlon edrophonium chloride PDR 10.0 mg/dose 10 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Enlon edrophonium chloride PDR 0.5 mg 0.5 mg intravenous injection, IV Enlon edrophonium chloride PDR DDPD01011 Metyrapone 226.2738 C14H14N2O CC(C)(C(=O)C1=CN=CC=C1)C1=CC=CN=C1 DB01011 4174 44241 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/metyrapone.html 4030 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.9±0.7 h DRUGBANK 521.0 mg/kg 521.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5.3 % 5.3 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 15.0 mg/kg 15 mg/kg PO, oral Metopirone metyrapone PDR 3000.0 mg 3 g PO, oral Metopirone metyrapone PDR 15.0 mg/kg/dose/day 15 mg/kg/dose/day PO, oral Metopirone metyrapone PDR 4500.0 mg/day 4.5 g/day PO, oral Metopirone metyrapone PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3 g/day PO, oral Metopirone metyrapone PDR 4500.0 mg/day 4.5 g/day PO, oral Metopirone metyrapone PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3 g/day PO, oral Metopirone metyrapone PDR 4500.0 mg/day 4.5 g/day PO, oral Metopirone metyrapone PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3 g/day PO, oral Metopirone metyrapone PDR 4500.0 mg/day 4.5 g/day PO, oral Metopirone metyrapone PDR DDPD01012 Cinacalcet 357.412 C22H22F3N C[C@@H](NCCCC1=CC(=CC=C1)C(F)(F)F)C1=CC=CC2=CC=CC=C12 DB01012 156419 48390 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cinacalcet.html 137743 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 20.0 % ~20 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 10.6 ng/ml 10.6±2.8 ng/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 2-6 h DRUGBANK 1.08 L/h/kg ~18 ml/min/kg hydrolysis; hydrolysis; hydrolysis; hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 1000.0 L 1000.0 L DRUGBANK 17.6 L/kg ~17.6 L/kg hydrolysis; hydrolysis; hydrolysis; DRUGBANK 35.0 h 30-40 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 46.65 h 40-53.3 h moderate hepatic impairment; DRUGBANK 59.5 h 51-68 h severe hepatic impairment; DRUGBANK 34.0 h 34±9 h chronic liver disease &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 93-97 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 93-97 % DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Sensipar cinacalcet PDR 360.0 mg/day 360 mg/day PO, oral Sensipar cinacalcet PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Sensipar cinacalcet PDR 360.0 mg/day 360 mg/day PO, oral Sensipar cinacalcet PDR DDPD01013 Clobetasol propionate 466.97 C25H32ClFO5 [H][C@@]12C[C@H](C)[C@](OC(=O)CC)(C(=O)CCl)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1(F)[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)C=C[C@]12C DB01013 32798 31414 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/clobetasol-cream.html 30399 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.059 ng/ml 59±36 pg/ml skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 0.0563 ng/ml 56.3±104.7 pg/ml ointment; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5 h skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 7142.85714285 mg/day 50 g/week Olux clobetasol propionate PDR 7.14285714285714 ml/day 50 ml/week skin/dermal Olux clobetasol propionate PDR 8.42857142857143 ml/day 59 ml/week skin/dermal Olux clobetasol propionate PDR 7142.85714285714 mg/day 50 g/week skin/dermal Olux clobetasol propionate PDR 7142.85714285714 mg/day 50 g/week Olux clobetasol propionate PDR 50.0 ml/week 50 ml/week skin/dermal Olux clobetasol propionate PDR 59.0 ml/week 59 ml/week skin/dermal Olux clobetasol propionate PDR 7142.85714285714 mg/day 50 g/week skin/dermal Olux clobetasol propionate PDR DDPD01014 Balsalazide 357.3175 C17H15N3O6 OC(=O)CCNC(=O)C1=CC=C(C=C1)\N=N\C1=CC=C(O)C(=C1)C(O)=O DB01014 T3D2957 6335412 267413 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/balsalazide.html 10662422 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % DRUGBANK 6750.0 mg/day 6.75 g/day PO, oral Colazal balsalazide disodium PDR 6750.0 mg/day 6.75 g/day PO, oral Colazal balsalazide disodium PDR 6750.0 mg/day 6.75 g/day PO, oral Colazal balsalazide disodium PDR 6750.0 mg/day 6.75 g/day PO, oral Colazal balsalazide disodium PDR DDPD01015 Sulfamethoxazole 253.278 C10H11N3O3S CC1=CC(NS(=O)(=O)C2=CC=C(N)C=C2)=NO1 DB01015 5329 9332 5138 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 88.0 % 86-90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 62700.0 ng/ml 57.4-68 ug/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 37100.0 ng/ml 37.1 mcg/ml Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 1-4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4.0 h Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.0186 L/h/kg 0.31±0.07 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; adults; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.0216 L/h/kg 0.36 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 13.0 L 13.0 L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.26 L/kg 0.26±0.04 L/kg normal,healthy; adults; Children &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.3 L/kg 0.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.0 h 10 h elimination half-life; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 10.1 h 10.1±2.6 h Children &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8595; ;normal BMI &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 9.8 h 9.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2300.0 mg/kg 2300.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 6200.0 mg/kg 6200.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 84.5 % ~84.5 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 14.0 % 14±2 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 70.0 % ~70 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 53.0 % 53±5 % Elderly &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;hypoalbuminemia Alb &#8595; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ; DRUGBANK DDPD01016 Glyburide 494.004 C23H28ClN3O5S COC1=C(C=C(Cl)C=C1)C(=O)NCCC1=CC=C(C=C1)S(=O)(=O)NC(=O)NC1CCCCC1 DB01016 3488 5441 3368 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 348.0 ng.h/ml 348.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; patients; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 90-100 % Tablet, PO, oral; Drug form; DRUGBANK 77.0 % 64-90 % Tablet, PO, oral; Drug form; DRUGBANK 263.0 ng/ml 211-315 ng/ml PO, oral; Geriatric; DRUGBANK 223.0 ng/ml 144-302 ng/ml PO, oral; adults; patients; DRUGBANK 106.0 ng/ml 106.0 ng/ml Tablet, PO, oral; Drug form; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 104.0 ng/ml 104.0 ng/ml Tablet, PO, oral; Drug form; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.95 h 0.9-1 h PO, oral; Geriatric; DRUGBANK 2.15 h 1.3-3 h PO, oral; adults; patients; DRUGBANK 1.5 h ~1.5 h Tablet, PO, oral; Drug form; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h Tablet, PO, oral; Drug form; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 3.125 L/h 2.70-3.55 L/h Geriatric; DRUGBANK 3.29 L/h 2.47-4.11 L/h young; patients; DRUGBANK 0.078 L/h/kg 1.3±0.5 ml/min/kg Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.0492 L/h/kg 0.82 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 35.95 L 19.3-52.6 L Geriatric; DRUGBANK 35.4 L 21.5-49.3 L young; patients; DRUGBANK 0.2 L/kg 0.20±0.11 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.08 L/kg 0.08 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.7 h 4.0-13.4 h elimination half-life; Geriatric; DRUGBANK 8.95 h 4.0-13.9 h elimination half-life; young; patients; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4±1 h Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus NIDDM &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 6-10 h nonmicronized formulation; DRUGBANK 15.0 h 15 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 2.2 h 2.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3200.0 mg/kg >3200 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/kg >1500 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 10000.0 mg/kg >10000 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/kg >1500 mg/kg PO, oral; guinea pigs; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.9 % 99.9 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 98.0 % >98 % DRUGBANK 99.8 % 99.8 % Elderly &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral DiaBeta glyburide PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral DiaBeta glyburide PDR 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day PO, oral DiaBeta glyburide PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral DiaBeta glyburide PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral DiaBeta glyburide PDR 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day PO, oral DiaBeta glyburide PDR DDPD01017 Minocycline 457.4764 C23H27N3O7 [H][C@@]12CC3=C(C(O)=CC=C3N(C)C)C(=O)C1=C(O)[C@]1(O)C(=O)C(C(N)=O)=C(O)[C@@H](N(C)C)[C@]1([H])C2 DB01017 54675783 50694 http://www.drugs.com/minocycline.html 16735907 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 31600.0 ng.h/ml 31.6 mg.h/l PO, oral; DRUGBANK 48300.0 ng.h/ml 48.3 mg.h/l PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1600.0 ng/ml 1.6±0.9 mg/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3100.0 ng/ml 3.1 mg/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.9 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.53 L/h 3.36-5.7 L/h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 3.91 L/h 3.42-4.4 L/h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.072 L/h/kg 1.2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 91.25 L 67.5-115 L DRUGBANK 1.6 L/kg 1.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 16.6 h 11.1-22.1 h Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 19.0 h 15-23 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 17.0 h 17 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2380.0 mg/kg 2380.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3600.0 mg/kg 3600.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 331.0 mg/kg 331.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 299.0 mg/kg 299.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 1700.0 mg/kg 1700.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2290.0 mg/kg 2290.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 6.75 % 4.5-9 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 14.75 % 10-19.5 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 27.0 % 20-34 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 76.0 % 76 % DRUGBANK 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV; day1 Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg 300 mg intravenous injection, IV; day1 Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day PO, oral; day1 Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg 300 mg PO, oral; day1 Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 1.0 mg/kg/day 1 mg/kg/day PO, oral Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 135.0 mg/day 135 mg/day PO, oral Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 1.0 application/day 1 application/day skin,foam Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV; day1 Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg 300 mg intravenous injection, IV; day1 Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day PO, oral; day1 Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg 300 mg PO, oral; day1 Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 1.0 application/day 1 application/day skin,foam Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV; day1 Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg 300 mg intravenous injection, IV; day1 Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day PO, oral; day1 Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg 300 mg PO, oral; day1 Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg 300 mg PO, oral; day1 Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 1.0 mg/kg/day 1 mg/kg/day PO, oral Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 135.0 mg/day 135 mg/day PO, oral Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 122.0 unit-dose cartridges 122 unit-dose cartridges Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 1.0 appLication/day 1 appLication/day skin,foam Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV; day1 Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg 300 mg intravenous injection, IV; day1 Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day PO, oral; day1 Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg 300 mg PO, oral; day1 Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 1.0 mg/kg/day 1 mg/kg/day PO, oral Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 135.0 mg/day 135 mg/day PO, oral Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 1.0 application/day 1 application/day skin,foam Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg 300 mg PO, oral; day1 Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 1.0 mg/kg/day 1 mg/kg/day PO, oral Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 135.0 mg/day 135 mg/day PO, oral Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 122.0 unit-dose cartridges 122 unit-dose cartridges Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR 1.0 application/day 1 application/day skin,foam Arestin minocycline hydrochloride PDR DDPD01018 Guanfacine 246.093 C9H9Cl2N3O NC(=N)NC(=O)CC1=C(Cl)C=CC=C1Cl DB01018 3519 5558 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/guanfacine.html 3399 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 56.0 ng.h/ml 56±15 ng.h/ml PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 32.0 ng.h/ml 32±9 ng.h/ml PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.5 ng/ml 2.5±0.6 ng/ml PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 1.0 ng/ml 1.0±0.3 ng/ml PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 3.58 ng/ml 3.58±1.39 ng/ml PO, oral; adults; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 2.6 ng/ml 2.6±1.03 ng/ml PO, oral; Children; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 1.7 ng/ml 1.7±0.43 ng/ml PO, oral; Adolescents; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6 h PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 5.5 h 5.5 h PO, oral; adults; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 4.98 h 4.98 h PO, oral; Children; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 4.96 h 4.96 h PO, oral; Adolescents; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 21.6 L/h 360±262 ml/min Total clearance; normal renal function; patients; DRUGBANK 13.98 L/h 233±245 ml/min Renal clearance; normal renal function; patients; DRUGBANK 18.48 L/h 308±274 ml/min Total clearance; Chronic Kidney Disease; DRUGBANK 2.04 L/h 34±22 ml/min Renal clearance; Chronic Kidney Disease; DRUGBANK 15.42 L/h 257±187 ml/min Total clearance; renal insufficiency; DRUGBANK 1.08 L/h 18±15 ml/min Renal clearance; renal insufficiency; DRUGBANK 0.27 L/h/kg 4.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.3 L/kg 6.3 L/kg DRUGBANK 5.6 L/kg 5.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 17.0 h 17(10-30) h renal insufficiency &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 15.0 h 15 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 142.0 mg/kg 142.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 15.3 mg/kg 15.3 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 114.0 mg/kg 114.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 46.0 mg/kg 46.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 57.0 % 57±32 % Urinary excretion; normal renal function; patients; DRUGBANK 70.0 % ~70 % DRUGBANK 4.0 mg/day 4 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Tenex guanfacine hydrochloride PDR 4.0 mg/day 4 mg/day PO, oral Tenex guanfacine hydrochloride PDR 3.5 mg/day 3.5 mg/day PO, oral Tenex guanfacine hydrochloride PDR 7.0 mg/day 7 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Tenex guanfacine hydrochloride PDR 3.5 mg/day 3.5 mg/day PO, oral Tenex guanfacine hydrochloride PDR 3.5 mg/day 3.5 mg/day PO, oral Tenex guanfacine hydrochloride PDR DDPD01019 Bethanechol 161.2221 C7H17N2O2 CC(C[N+](C)(C)C)OC(N)=O DB01019 T3D2958 2370 3084 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/bethanechol.html 2280 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Urecholine bethanechol chloride PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Urecholine bethanechol chloride PDR 50.0 mg/dose 50 mg/dose PO, oral Urecholine bethanechol chloride PDR 10.0 mg/dose 10 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC Urecholine bethanechol chloride PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Urecholine bethanechol chloride PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Urecholine bethanechol chloride PDR 50.0 mg/dose 50 mg/dose PO, oral Urecholine bethanechol chloride PDR 10.0 mg/dose 10 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC Urecholine bethanechol chloride PDR DDPD01020 Isosorbide mononitrate 191.1388 C6H9NO6 [H][C@]12OC[C@@H](O[N+]([O-])=O)[C@@]1([H])OC[C@@H]2O DB01020 27661 6062 http://www.drugs.com/isosorbide_mononitrate.html 25736 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93±13 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 230.0355458 ng/ml 314-2093 nM PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.5-1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.25 h 1-1.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 7.05 L/h 115-120 ml/min Total clearance; DRUGBANK 0.108 L/h/kg 1.80±0.24 ml/min/kg Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;coronary artery disease &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.6 L/kg ~0.6 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.73 L/kg 0.73±0.09 L/kg Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;coronary artery disease &#8594; ;myocardial infarction &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 5.0 h ~5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 4.9 h 4.9±0.8 h Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;myocardial infarction &#8594; ;coronary artery disease &#8594; ;Age &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2010.0 mg/kg 2010.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1771.0 mg/kg 1771.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 48.0 % ~48 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 2.0 % 2 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 5.0 % <5 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 5.0 % ~5 % DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK DDPD01021 Trichlormethiazide 380.656 C8H8Cl3N3O4S2 NS(=O)(=O)C1=C(Cl)C=C2NC(NS(=O)(=O)C2=C1)C(Cl)Cl DB01021 5560 9683 5359 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5600.0 mg/kg 5600.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2600.0 mg/kg 2600.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD01022 Phylloquinone 450.6957 C31H46O2 CC(C)CCC[C@@H](C)CCC[C@@H](C)CCC\C(C)=C\CC1=C(C)C(=O)C2=C(C=CC=C2)C1=O DB01022 T3D2959 5284607 18067 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/phytonadione.html 4447652 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.096 L/h/kg 1.6 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.32 L/kg 0.32 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.3 h 7.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 41.5 ml/kg 41.5 mL/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 52.0 ml/kg 52.0 mL/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 41.5 ml/kg 41.5 mL/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 52.0 ml/kg 52.0 mL/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/day/dose 10 mg/day/dose PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Mephyton phytonadione PDR 10.0 mg/dose/day 10 mg/day/dose PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Mephyton phytonadione PDR 10.0 mg/day/dose 10 mg/day/dose PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Mephyton phytonadione PDR 10.0 mg/day/dose 10 mg/day/dose PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Mephyton phytonadione PDR 10.0 mg/day/dose 10 mg/day/dose PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Mephyton phytonadione PDR DDPD01023 Felodipine 384.254 C18H19Cl2NO4 CCOC(=O)C1=C(C)NC(C)=C(C1C1=C(Cl)C(Cl)=CC=C1)C(=O)OC DB01023 3333 585948 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/felodipine.html 3216 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 15.0 % 15 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 15.0 % 15±8 % DRUGBANK 13.064636 ng/ml 34±26 nM PO, oral; immediate release formulation; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 3.4967114 ng/ml 9.1±7.3 nM PO, oral; extended release formulation; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.9 h 0.9±0.4 h PO, oral; immediate release formulation; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 3.7 h 3.7±0.9 h PO, oral; extended release formulation; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 48.0 L/h 0.8 L/min normal,healthy; young; DRUGBANK 0.72 L/h/kg 12±5 ml/min/kg hydrolysis; Elderly &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;congestive heart disease &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.66 L/h/kg 11 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.0 L/kg 10.0 L/kg DRUGBANK 10.0 L/kg 10±3 L/kg Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 4.4 L/kg 4.4 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 24.5 h 17.5-31.5 h hypertension; patients; DRUGBANK 27.5 h 19.1-35.9 h Elderly; hypertension; patients; DRUGBANK 14.1 h 8.5-19.7 h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 14.0 h 14±4 h congestive heart disease &#8593; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 10.0 h 10 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1050.0 mg/kg 1050.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % DRUGBANK 99.6 % 99.6±0.2 % Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.6 mg/kg/day 0.6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Felodipine felodipine PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Felodipine felodipine PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Felodipine felodipine PDR 0.6 mg/kg/day 0.6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Felodipine felodipine PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Felodipine felodipine PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Felodipine felodipine PDR DDPD01024 Mycophenolic acid 320.3371 C17H20O6 COC1=C(C\C=C(/C)CCC(O)=O)C(O)=C2C(=O)OCC2=C1C DB01024 T3D2960 446541 168396 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/mycophenolic-acid-delayed-release-tablets.html 393865 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 82.5 % 70-95 % Oral single dose; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % PO, oral; organ transplants; DRUGBANK 94.0 % 94.0 % PO, oral; Active metabolite; organ transplants; DRUGBANK 13500.0 ng/ml 8-19 mcg/ml PO, oral; Active metabolite; organ transplants; DRUGBANK 1.65 h 1.1-2.2 h PO, oral; Active metabolite; organ transplants; DRUGBANK 8.4 L/h 140±30 ml/min renal transplant; patients; DRUGBANK 8.49 L/h/kg 120-163 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 0.15 L/h/kg 2.5±0.4 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; hepatopathy,LD &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.1398 L/h/kg 2.33 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 54.0 L 54±25 L DRUGBANK 3.8 L/kg 3.6-4 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.77 L/kg 0.77 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 8-16 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 15.0 h 13-17 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 0.033 h <0.033 h intravenous injection, IV; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 16.6 h 16.6±5.8 h DRUGBANK 9.7 h 9.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 352.0 mg/kg 352.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/kg 1000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 6000.0 mg/kg >6000 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 352.0 mg/kg 352.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/kg 1000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 6000.0 mg/kg >6000 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Active metabolite; adults; normal,healthy; organ transplants; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 98.0 % >98 % DRUGBANK 97.5 % 97.5 % Active metabolite; adults; normal,healthy; organ transplants; human, homo sapiens; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 1200.0 mg/m2/day 1200 mg/m2/day Liquid Myfortic mycophenolic acid PDR 2.0 mg/day 2 mg/day Liquid Myfortic mycophenolic acid PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1500 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Myfortic mycophenolic acid PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day Tablet,PO,oral;Capsule, PO, Oral; Myfortic mycophenolic acid PDR 800.0 mg/m2/day 800 mg/m2/day Tablet,PO,oral Myfortic mycophenolic acid PDR 1400.0 mg/day 1400 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Myfortic mycophenolic acid PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3 g/day Tablet,PO,oral;Capsule, PO, Oral;intravenous infusion, iv in drop; Myfortic mycophenolic acid PDR 1440.0 mg/day 1440 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Myfortic mycophenolic acid PDR 1200.0 mg/m2/day 1200 mg/m2/day Liquid Myfortic mycophenolic acid PDR 2.0 mg/day 2 mg/day Liquid Myfortic mycophenolic acid PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1500 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Myfortic mycophenolic acid PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day Tablet,PO,oral;Capsule, PO, Oral; Myfortic mycophenolic acid PDR 800.0 mg/m2/day 800 mg/m2/day Tablet,PO,oral Myfortic mycophenolic acid PDR 1400.0 mg/day 1400 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Myfortic mycophenolic acid PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3 g/day Tablet,PO,oral;Capsule, PO, Oral;intravenous infusion, iv in drop; Myfortic mycophenolic acid PDR 1440.0 mg/day 1440 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Myfortic mycophenolic acid PDR 1200.0 mg/m2/day 1200 mg/m2/day Liquid Myfortic mycophenolic acid PDR 2.0 mg/day 2 mg/day Liquid Myfortic mycophenolic acid PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1500 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Myfortic mycophenolic acid PDR 2.0 g/day 2 g/day Tablet,PO,oral;Capsule, PO, Oral; Myfortic mycophenolic acid PDR 800.0 mg/m2/day 800 mg/m2/day Tablet,PO,oral Myfortic mycophenolic acid PDR 1400.0 mg/day 1400 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Myfortic mycophenolic acid PDR DDPD01025 Amlexanox 298.2934 C16H14N2O4 CC(C)C1=CC2=C(OC3=NC(N)=C(C=C3C2=O)C(O)=O)C=C1 DB01025 2161 31205 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/amlexanox.html 2076 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5±1.1 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK DDPD01026 Ketoconazole 531.431 C26H28Cl2N4O4 CC(=O)N1CCN(CC1)C1=CC=C(OCC2COC(CN3C=CN=C3)(O2)C2=CC=C(Cl)C=C2Cl)C=C1 DB01026 T3D2961 3823 48339 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ketoconazole.html 3691 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 76.0 % 76 % DRUGBANK 3050.0 ng/ml 2.5-3.6 mcg/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1700579.2 ng/ml 3.2(1.4-4.5) mM PO, oral; superficial mycotic infection; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 1-4 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 1-3 h PO, oral; superficial mycotic infection; DRUGBANK 8.66 L/h 8.66 L/h DRUGBANK 0.504 L/h/kg 8.4±4.1 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 0.36 L/kg 0.36 L/kg DRUGBANK 8.4 L/kg 8.4±4.1 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 3.3 h 3.3±1.0 h increasing doses &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 8.0 h ~8 h Single dose; DRUGBANK 86.0 mg/kg 86.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 44.0 mg/kg 44.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 702.0 mg/kg 702.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 95.0 % >95 % lung excretion; DRUGBANK 3.0 % 2-4 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 84.0 % ~84 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99±0.1 % DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Nizoral 2% ketoconazole PDR 4.95 mg/kg/day 4.95 mg/kg/day PO, oral Nizoral 2% ketoconazole PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Nizoral 2% ketoconazole PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Nizoral 2% ketoconazole PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Nizoral 2% ketoconazole PDR 4.95 mg/kg/day 4.95 mg/kg/day PO, oral Nizoral 2% ketoconazole PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Nizoral 2% ketoconazole PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Nizoral 2% ketoconazole PDR DDPD01028 Methoxyflurane 164.966 C3H4Cl2F2O COC(F)(F)C(Cl)Cl DB01028 T3D2962 4116 6843 3973 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3600.0 mg/kg 3600.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3600.0 mg/kg 3600.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD01029 Irbesartan 428.5294 C25H28N6O CCCCC1=NC2(CCCC2)C(=O)N1CC1=CC=C(C=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1C1=NNN=N1 DB01029 3749 5959 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/irbesartan.html 3618 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 9700.0 ng.h/ml 9.7±3.0 ug.h/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 20000.0 ng.h/ml 20.0±5.2 ug.h/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 32600.0 ng.h/ml 32.6±11.9 ug.h/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 44800.0 ng.h/ml 44.8±20.0 ug.h/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 9300.0 ng.h/ml 9.3±3.0 ug.h/ml Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 19800.0 ng.h/ml 19.8±5.8 ug.h/ml Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 31900.0 ng.h/ml 31.9±9.7 ug.h/ml Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 34200.0 ng.h/ml 34.2±9.3 ug.h/ml Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 60-80 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 60-80 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1900.0 ng/ml 1.9±0.4 ug/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 2900.0 ng/ml 2.9±0.9 ug/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 4900.0 ng/ml 4.9±1.2 ug/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 5300.0 ng/ml 5.3±1.9 ug/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 2040.0 ng/ml 2.04±0.4 ug/ml Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 3300.0 ng/ml 3.3±0.8 ug/ml Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 4400.0 ng/ml 4.4±0.7 ug/ml Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 5600.0 ng/ml 5.6±2.1 ug/ml Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 1300.0 ng/ml 1.3±0.4 mcg/ml Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.75 h 1.5-2 h PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2.0 h Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1.8 h Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 1.2 h 1.2(0.7-2) h Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 9.99 L/h 157-176 ml/min Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.195 L/h 3.0-3.5 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.1272 L/h/kg 2.12±0.54 ml/min/kg Elderly &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.138 L/h/kg 2.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 73.0 L 53-93 L DRUGBANK 0.72 L/kg 0.72±0.20 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.94 L/kg 0.94 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 13.0 h 11-15 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 13.0 h 13±6.2 h normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 14.0 h 14 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.714285714285714 mg/kg/day 30.0 mg/kg/6W PO, oral; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.0 % <2 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 2.2 % 2.2±0.9 % Urinary excretion; Male, men; normal,healthy; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.58 mg/kg/day 0.58 mg/kg/day PO, oral Vasotec enalapril maleate PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Vasotec enalapril maleate PDR 0.94 mg/kg/day 0.94 mg/kg/day PO, oral Vasotec enalapril maleate PDR 0.01 mg/kg/dose 10 mcg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Vasotec enalapril maleate PDR 1.25 mg/dose 1.25 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Vasotec enalapril maleate PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Vasotec enalapril maleate PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Vasotec enalapril maleate PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Vasotec enalapril maleate PDR 0.01 mg/kg/dose 10 mcg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Vasotec enalapril maleate PDR 1.25 mg/dose 1.25 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Vasotec enalapril maleate PDR 0.58 mg/kg/day 0.58 mg/kg/day PO, oral Vasotec enalapril maleate PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Vasotec enalapril maleate PDR 0.94 mg/kg/day 0.94 mg/kg/day PO, oral Vasotec enalapril maleate PDR 0.01 mg/kg/dose 10 mcg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Vasotec enalapril maleate PDR 1.25 mg/dose 1.25 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Vasotec enalapril maleate PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Vasotec enalapril maleate PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Vasotec enalapril maleate PDR 0.58 mg/kg/day 0.58 mg/kg/day PO, oral Vasotec enalapril maleate PDR 0.94 mg/kg/day 0.94 mg/kg/day PO, oral Vasotec enalapril maleate PDR 0.01 mg/kg/dose 10 mcg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Vasotec enalapril maleate PDR 0.27 mg/kg/day 0.27 mg/kg/day PO, oral Vasotec enalapril maleate PDR 10.0 mcg/kg/dose 10 mcg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Vasotec enalapril maleate PDR DDPD01030 Topotecan 421.4458 C23H23N3O5 CC[C@@]1(O)C(=O)OCC2=C1C=C1N(CC3=CC4=C(C=CC(O)=C4CN(C)C)N=C13)C2=O DB01030 60700 63632 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/topotecan.html 54705 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 32.0 % 32±12 % PO, oral; adults; solid tumors; DRUGBANK 5.9 ng/ml 5.9±0.8 ng/ml Oral single dose; Derivative; adults; solid tumors; DRUGBANK 7.5 ng/ml 7.5±2.6 ng/ml Oral single dose; Derivative; adults; solid tumors; DRUGBANK 38.0 ng/ml 38±8 ng/ml Derivative; adults; solid tumors; DRUGBANK 19.0 ng/ml 19±2 ng/ml Derivative; adults; solid tumors; DRUGBANK 0.92 h 0.92±0.61 h Oral single dose; Derivative; adults; solid tumors; DRUGBANK 1.75 h 1.5-2 h Oral single dose; Derivative; adults; solid tumors; DRUGBANK 28.6 L/h/m2 28.6±4.1 L/h/m2 tumor; patients; adults; Male, men;  Female, women; Children &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.78 L/h/kg 13 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 74.0 L/m2 74±21 L/m2 tumor; patients; adults; Male, men;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 1.8 L/kg 1.8 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h DRUGBANK 2.4 h 2.4±0.4 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 5.65 h 2.9-8.4 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 2.3 h 2.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 73.4 % 73.4±2.3 % Urinary excretion; Faeces excretion; intravenous injection, IV; tumor; DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % Urinary excretion; adults; solid tumors; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 35.0 % 35 % DRUGBANK 21.3 % 21.3 % adults; solid tumors; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.6 % 6.6 % adults; solid tumors; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.0 mg 4 mg intravenous injection, IV Hycamtin Capsules topotecan PDR 2.3 mg/m2/day 2.3 mg/m2/day PO, oral Hycamtin Capsules topotecan PDR 4.0 mg 4 mg intravenous injection, IV Hycamtin Capsules topotecan PDR 2.3 mg/m2/day 2.3 mg/m2/day PO, oral Hycamtin Capsules topotecan PDR DDPD01031 Ethinamate 167.205 C9H13NO2 NC(=O)OC1(CCCCC1)C#C DB01031 T3D2963 3284 4884 3169 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h DRUGBANK DDPD01032 Probenecid 285.359 C13H19NO4S CCCN(CCC)S(=O)(=O)C1=CC=C(C=C1)C(O)=O DB01032 4911 8426 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/probenecid.html 4742 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.015 L/h/kg 0.25 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.13 L/kg 0.13 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 9.0 h 6-12 h DRUGBANK 5.9 h 5.9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 75-95 % DRUGBANK 2.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Probenecid probenecid PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral Probenecid probenecid PDR 1.2 g/m2 1.2 g/m2 PO, oral Probenecid probenecid PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Probenecid probenecid PDR 0.0 0 Probenecid probenecid PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Probenecid probenecid PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Probenecid probenecid PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral Probenecid probenecid PDR 1200.0 mg/m2/dose 1.2 g/m2/dose PO, oral Probenecid probenecid PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Probenecid probenecid PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Probenecid probenecid PDR 0.0 0 Probenecid probenecid PDR 0.0 0 Probenecid probenecid PDR DDPD01033 Mercaptopurine 152.177 C5H4N4S S=C1N=CNC2=C1NC=N2 DB01033 667490 94796 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/mercaptopurine.html 580869 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 12.0 % 12±7 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % combination drug use; DRUGBANK 112610.98 ng/ml 0.74±0.28 mM combination drug use; Children; tumor; DRUGBANK 563054.9 ng/ml 3.7±0.6 mM combination drug use; Children; tumor; DRUGBANK 1050021.3 ng/ml 6.9 mM Children; tumor; DRUGBANK 2.4 h 2.4±0.4 h combination drug use; Children; tumor; DRUGBANK 2.8 h 2.8±0.4 h combination drug use; Children; tumor; DRUGBANK 0.66 L/h/kg 11±4 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 0.9 L/h/kg 15 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.56 L/kg 0.56±0.38 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.0 L/kg 1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 45 min distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 9.0 h 6-12 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 0.9 h 0.9±0.37 h DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 480.0 mg/kg 480.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 425.0 mg/kg 425.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 22.0 % 22±12 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 19.0 % 19 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 19.0 % 19 % DRUGBANK 2.5 mg/kg/day 2.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Purixan mercaptopurine PDR 75.0 mg/m2/day 75 mg/m2/day PO, oral Purixan mercaptopurine PDR 2.5 mg/kg/day 2.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Purixan mercaptopurine PDR 75.0 mg/m2/day 75 mg/m2/day PO, oral Purixan mercaptopurine PDR 2.5 mg/kg/day 2.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Purixan mercaptopurine PDR 75.0 mg/m2/day 75 mg/m2/day PO, oral Purixan mercaptopurine PDR 2.5 mg/kg/day 2.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Purixan mercaptopurine PDR 75.0 mg/m2/day 75 mg/m2/day PO, oral Purixan mercaptopurine PDR 2.5 mg/kg/day 2.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Purixan mercaptopurine PDR 75.0 mg/m2/day 75 mg/m2/day PO, oral Purixan mercaptopurine PDR DDPD01035 Procainamide 235.3253 C13H21N3O CCN(CC)CCNC(=O)C1=CC=C(N)C=C1 DB01035 4913 8428 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/procainamide.html 4744 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 85.0 % 75-95 % DRUGBANK 83.0 % 83±16 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2200.0 ng/ml 2.2 mcg/ml PO, oral; Male, men; adults; DRUGBANK 2900.0 ng/ml 2.9 mcg/ml PO, oral;  Female, women; adults; DRUGBANK 3.6 h 3.6 h PO, oral; Male, men; adults; DRUGBANK 3.8 h 3.8 h PO, oral;  Female, women; adults; DRUGBANK 0.6 L/h/kg 10 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 L/kg 2.0 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.9 L/kg 1.9±0.3 L/kg Children &#8594; ;Obesity &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;ventricular tachycardia &#8594; ;congestive heart disease &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2.2 L/kg 2.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.5 h ~2.5-4.5 h DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3.0±0.6 h Children &#8595; ;Neonates &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;myocardial infarction &#8593; ;Obesity &#8594; ;ventricular tachycardia &#8594; ;congestive heart disease &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 3.1 h 3.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 95.0 mg/kg 95.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 312.0 mg/kg 312.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 103.0 mg/kg 103.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 250.0 mg/kg 250.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; rabbit; DRUGBANK 45.0 % 30-60 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 67.0 % 67±8 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; congestive heart disease &#8595; ;COPD, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease &#8595; ;CP,cor pulmonale &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 17.5 % 15-20 % DRUGBANK 16.0 % 16±5 % DRUGBANK DDPD01036 Tolterodine 325.4876 C22H31NO CC(C)N(CC[C@H](C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=C(O)C=CC(C)=C1)C(C)C DB01036 443879 9622 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/tolterodine.html 391967 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 26.0 % 26±18 % PO, oral; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; extensive metabolizers, EM; DRUGBANK 91.0 % 91±40 % PO, oral; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; poor metabolizers, PM; DRUGBANK 5.2 ng/ml 5.2±5.7 ng/ml PO, oral; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; extensive metabolizers, EM; DRUGBANK 38.0 ng/ml 38±15 ng/ml PO, oral; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; poor metabolizers, PM; DRUGBANK 1.2 h 1.2±0.5 h PO, oral; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; extensive metabolizers, EM; DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.9±1.0 h PO, oral; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; poor metabolizers, PM; DRUGBANK 0.576 L/h/kg 9.6±2.8 ml/min/kg extensive metabolizers, EM; normal,healthy; adults; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.12 L/h/kg 2.0±0.3 ml/min/kg poor metabolizers, PM; normal,healthy; adults; Male, men; hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.504 L/h/kg 8.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 113.0 L 113 ± 26.7 L DRUGBANK 1.7 L/kg 1.7±0.4 L/kg extensive metabolizers, EM; normal,healthy; adults; Male, men; DRUGBANK 1.5 L/kg 1.5±0.4 L/kg poor metabolizers, PM; normal,healthy; adults; Male, men; DRUGBANK 1.5 L/kg 1.5 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.8 h 1.9-3.7 h DRUGBANK 2.3 h 2.3±0.3 h extensive metabolizers, EM; normal,healthy; adults; Male, men; chronic liver disease &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 9.2 h 9.2±1.2 h poor metabolizers, PM; normal,healthy; adults; Male, men; chronic liver disease &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 2.4 h 2.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 77.0 % 77 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 17.0 % 17 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % Urinary excretion; adults; Male, men; normal,healthy; extensive metabolizers, EM; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 2.5 % <2.5 % Urinary excretion; adults; Male, men; normal,healthy; poor metabolizers, PM; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 96.3 % ~96.3 % DRUGBANK 96.3 % 96.3 % adults; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 64.0 % 64 % Active metabolite; adults; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.0 mg/day 4 mg/day PO, oral Detrol tolterodine tartrate PDR 4.0 mg/day 4 mg/day PO, oral Detrol tolterodine tartrate PDR DDPD01037 Selegiline 187.286 C13H17N C[C@H](CC1=CC=CC=C1)N(C)CC#C DB01037 T3D2965 26757 9086 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/selegiline.html 24930 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.1 ng/ml 1.1±0.4 ng/ml PO, oral; adults; DRUGBANK 15.0 ng/ml ~15 ng/ml PO, oral; Active metabolite; adults; DRUGBANK 0.7 h 0.7±0.4 h PO, oral; adults; DRUGBANK 1.0 h ~1 h PO, oral; Active metabolite; adults; DRUGBANK 90.0 L/h/kg ~1500 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; metabolism of ugt; DRUGBANK 9.6 L/h/kg 160.0 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.2 L/h/kg 20 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.9 L/kg 1.9 L/kg normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 1.9 L/kg 1.9 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.6 h 1.2-2 h DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.9±1.0 h DRUGBANK 21.0 h 21 h DRUGBANK 18.0 h 18 h DRUGBANK 1.3 h 1.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 63.0 mg/kg 63.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 63.0 mg/kg 63.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.5 % >99.5 % DRUGBANK 94.0 % 94 % DRUGBANK 0.0 0 Transdermal preparations Emsam selegiline PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Emsam selegiline PDR 2.5 mg/day 2.5 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Emsam selegiline PDR 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day Transdermal preparations Emsam selegiline PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Emsam selegiline PDR 2.5 mg/day 2.5 mg/day PO, oral Emsam selegiline PDR 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day Transdermal preparations Emsam selegiline PDR DDPD01039 Fenofibrate 360.831 C20H21ClO4 CC(C)OC(=O)C(C)(C)OC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(=O)C1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1 DB01039 T3D4775 3339 5001 http://www.drugs.com/fenofibrate.html 3222 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7750.0 ng/ml 6-9.5 mg/L PO, oral; normal,healthy; fasting; DRUGBANK 8600.0 ng/ml 8.6±0.9 mcg/ml Tablet, PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 10800.0 ng/ml 10.8±0.6 mcg/ml Capsule, PO, Oral; Drug form; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 4-6 h PO, oral; normal,healthy; fasting; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 6-8 h Tablet, PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 4-6 h Capsule, PO, Oral; Drug form; DRUGBANK 1.1 L/h 1.1 L/h PO, oral; young; adults; DRUGBANK 1.2 L/h 1.2 L/h PO, oral; Elderly; DRUGBANK 0.027 L/h/kg 0.45 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.89 L/kg 0.89 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.89 L/kg 0.89 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 23.0 h 23 h DRUGBANK 23.0 h 19-27 h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 143.0 h 143 h patients; DRUGBANK 23.5 h 20-27 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1600.0 mg/kg 1600.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1600.0 mg/kg 1600.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 9.0 mg/kg 9.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 15.0 % 5-25 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 74.0 % 60-88 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 5.05 % 0.1-10 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 145.0 mg/day 145 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Triglide fenofibrate PDR 160.0 mg/day 160 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Triglide fenofibrate PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Triglide fenofibrate PDR 90.0 mg/day 90 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Triglide fenofibrate PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Triglide fenofibrate PDR 145.0 mg/day 145 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Triglide fenofibrate PDR 160.0 mg/day 160 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Triglide fenofibrate PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Triglide fenofibrate PDR 90.0 mg/day 90 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Triglide fenofibrate PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Triglide fenofibrate PDR DDPD01041 Thalidomide 258.2295 C13H10N2O4 O=C1N(C2CCC(=O)NC2=O)C(=O)C2=CC=CC=C12 DB01041 T3D3539 5426 74947 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/thalidomide.html 5233 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2000.0 ng/ml 2.0±0.6 mcg/ml Oral single dose; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 4.3 h 2.9-5.7 h PO, oral; normal,healthy; leprosy; DRUGBANK 3.2 h 3.2±1.4 h Oral single dose; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.132 L/h/kg 2.2±0.4 ml/min/kg PO, oral; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.204 L/h/kg 3.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.1 L/kg 1.1±0.3 L/kg PO, oral; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.95 L/kg 0.95 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.0 h ~5-7 h elimination half-life; Single dose; DRUGBANK 6.2 h 6.2±2.6 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.7 h 4.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 550.0 mg/kg 0.4-0.7 g/kg Optical rotation R; DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/kg 0.5-1.5 g/kg Optical rotation S; DRUGBANK 550.0 mg/kg 0.4-0.7 g/kg Optical rotation R; DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/kg 0.5-1.5 g/kg Optical rotation S; DRUGBANK 0.7 % <0.7 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 55.0 % 55 % Optical rotation R; DRUGBANK 66.0 % 66 % Optical rotation S; DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Thalomid thalidomide PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Thalomid thalidomide PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Thalomid thalidomide PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Thalomid thalidomide PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Thalomid thalidomide PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Thalomid thalidomide PDR DDPD01042 Melphalan 305.2 C13H18Cl2N2O2 N[C@@H](CC1=CC=C(C=C1)N(CCCl)CCCl)C(O)=O DB01042 T3D4702 460612 28876 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/melphalan.html 405297 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 57.0 % 25-89 % DRUGBANK 71.0 % 71±23 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 310.0 ng/ml 0.31±0.15 mcg/ml PO, oral; tumor; DRUGBANK 1300.0 ng/ml 1.3±0.95 mcg/ml intravenous injection, IV; tumor; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.75±0.24 h PO, oral; tumor; DRUGBANK 0.312 L/h/kg 5.2±2.9 ml/min/kg Children &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.42 L/h/kg 7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.5 L/kg 0.5 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.45 L/kg 0.45±0.15 L/kg Children &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.48 L/kg 0.48 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5±0.83 h DRUGBANK 1.4 h 1.4±0.2 h Children &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 11.2 mg/kg 11.2 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 11.2 mg/kg 11.2 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10±4.5 % Urinary excretion; patients; DRUGBANK 12.0 % 12±7 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 75.0 % 60-90 % DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90±5 % DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/m2 100 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Alkeran for Injection melphalan hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/m2 200 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Alkeran for Injection melphalan hydrochloride PDR 16.0 mg/m2 16 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV; nan q2w-q4w Alkeran for Injection melphalan hydrochloride PDR 100.0 mg/m2 100 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Alkeran for Injection melphalan hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/m2 200 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Alkeran for Injection melphalan hydrochloride PDR 16.0 mg/m2 16 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV q2w-q4w Alkeran for Injection melphalan hydrochloride PDR DDPD01043 Memantine 179.3018 C12H21N CC12CC3CC(C)(C1)CC(N)(C3)C2 DB01043 T3D2967 4054 64312 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/memantine.html 3914 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.0 h 3-7 h PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 10.0 L/kg 9.0-11 L/kg Average volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 80.0 h 60-100 h DRUGBANK 467.5 mg/kg 437-498 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 349.0 mg/kg 328-370 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 48.0 % ~48 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 45.0 % 45 % DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Namenda memantine hydrochloride PDR 28.0 mg/day 28 mg/day PO, oral Namenda memantine hydrochloride PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Namenda memantine hydrochloride PDR 28.0 mg/day 28 mg/day PO, oral Namenda memantine hydrochloride PDR DDPD01044 Gatifloxacin 375.3941 C19H22FN3O4 COC1=C2N(C=C(C(O)=O)C(=O)C2=CC(F)=C1N1CCNC(C)C1)C1CC1 DB01044 T3D2968 5379 5280 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/gatifloxacin-drops.html 5186 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 96.0 % 96 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.168 L/h/kg 2.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.7 L/kg 1.7 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.5 h 7-14 h DRUGBANK 10.0 h 10 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % DRUGBANK 8.0 drop/day 8 drop/day ophthalmic administration Zymaxid gatifloxacin PDR 8.0 drop/day 8 drop/day ophthalmic administration Zymaxid gatifloxacin PDR 8.0 drop/day 8 drop/day ophthalmic administration Zymaxid gatifloxacin PDR 8.0 drop/day 8 drop/day ophthalmic administration Zymaxid gatifloxacin PDR 8.0 drop/day 8 drop/day ophthalmic administration Zymaxid gatifloxacin PDR 8.0 drop/day 8 drop/day ophthalmic administration Zymaxid gatifloxacin PDR DDPD01045 Rifampicin 822.9402 C43H58N4O12 CO[C@H]1\C=C\O[C@@]2(C)OC3=C(C2=O)C2=C(O)C(\C=N\N4CCN(C)CC4)=C(NC(=O)\C(C)=C/C=C/[C@H](C)[C@H](O)[C@@H](C)[C@@H](O)[C@@H](C)[C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@@H]1C)C(O)=C2C(O)=C3C DB01045 T3D2969 5381226 71365 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/rifampin.html 10468813 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6500.0 ng/ml 6.5±3.5 mcg/ml PO, oral; tuberculosis; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 1-3 h PO, oral; tuberculosis; DRUGBANK 0.19 L/h/kg 0.19±0.06 l/h/kg intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.14 L/h/kg 0.14±0.03 l/h/kg intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.21 L/h/kg 3.5±1.6 ml/min/kg Neonates &#8593; ;Elderly &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.97 L/kg 0.97±0.36 L/kg Neonates &#8593; ;Elderly &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 3.35 h 3.35±0.66 h DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5±0.8 h Children &#8594; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8593; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;acute viral hepatitis AVH &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Age &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1570.0 mg/kg 1570.0 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1570.0 mg/kg 1570.0 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 30.0 % <30 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 7.0 % 7±3 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; Neonates &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 89.0 % 89 % DRUGBANK 75.0 % 60-90 % DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral; Rifadin rifampin PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral; Rifadin rifampin PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral; Rifadin rifampin PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral; Rifadin rifampin PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral; Rifadin rifampin PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral; Rifadin rifampin PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral; Rifadin rifampin PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral; Rifadin rifampin PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral; Rifadin rifampin PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral; Rifadin rifampin PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral; Rifadin rifampin PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral; Rifadin rifampin PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral; Rifadin rifampin PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral; Rifadin rifampin PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;PO, oral; Rifadin rifampin PDR DDPD01046 Lubiprostone 390.468 C20H32F2O5 [H][C@@]12CC(=O)[C@H](CCCCCCC(O)=O)[C@@]1([H])CC[C@@](O)(O2)C(F)(F)CCCC DB01046 157920 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/lubiprostone.html 138948 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.15 h 0.9-1.4 h DRUGBANK 94.0 % 94 % DRUGBANK DDPD01047 Fluocinonide 494.5249 C26H32F2O7 [H][C@@]12C[C@@]3([H])[C@]4([H])C[C@H](F)C5=CC(=O)C=C[C@]5(C)[C@@]4(F)[C@@H](O)C[C@]3(C)[C@@]1(OC(C)(C)O2)C(=O)COC(C)=O DB01047 9642 5109 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/fluocinonide-cream.html 9265 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6020.0 ng.h/ml 6.02±1.73 mcg.h/ml Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 83.0 % 83 % Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3000.0 ng/ml 3.0±0.89 mcg/ml Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.0 application/day 4 application/day skin/dermal Vanos fluocinonide PDR 2.0 application/day 2 application/day skin/dermal Vanos fluocinonide PDR 8571.42857142 mg/day 60 g/week up to 2 weeks Vanos fluocinonide PDR 4.0 application/day 4 application/day skin/dermal Vanos fluocinonide PDR 2.0 application/day 2 application/day skin/dermal Vanos fluocinonide PDR 8571.42857142857 mg/day 60 g/week up to 2 weeks Vanos fluocinonide PDR 4.0 application/day 4 application/day skin/dermal Vanos fluocinonide PDR 2.0 application/day 2 application/day skin/dermal Vanos fluocinonide PDR 8571.42857142857 mg/day 60 g/week up to 2 weeks Vanos fluocinonide PDR DDPD01048 Abacavir 286.3323 C14H18N6O NC1=NC2=C(N=CN2[C@@H]2C[C@H](CO)C=C2)C(NC2CC2)=N1 DB01048 441300 421707 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/abacavir.html 390063 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.8 L/h/kg 0.80±0.24 l/h/kg intravenous injection, IV; Single dose; AIDS,HIV; adults; DRUGBANK 0.78 L/h/kg 13 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.86 L/kg 0.86±0.15 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.84 L/kg 0.84 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.54 h 1.54±0.63 h DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 16.0 % 16 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % DRUGBANK 16.0 mg/kg/day 16 mg/kg/day PO, oral Ziagen abacavir PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Ziagen abacavir PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral qd Ziagen abacavir PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral qd Ziagen abacavir PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Ziagen abacavir PDR 16.0 mg/kg/day 16 mg/kg/day PO, oral Ziagen abacavir PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Ziagen abacavir PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral qd Ziagen abacavir PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral qd Ziagen abacavir PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Ziagen abacavir PDR 16.0 mg/kg/day 16 mg/kg/day PO, oral Ziagen abacavir PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral qd Ziagen abacavir PDR DDPD01050 Ibuprofen 206.2808 C13H18O2 CC(C)CC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(C)C(O)=O DB01050 T3D2970 3672 5855 http://www.drugs.com/ibuprofen.html 3544 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 70000.0 ng.h/ml 70.0 mcg.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 80.0 % >80 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 20000.0 ng 20 mcg PO, oral; DRUGBANK 61100.0 ng/ml 61.1±5.5 mcg/ml Oral single dose; Raceme D/L; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h intranasal; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.6 h 1.6±0.3 h Oral single dose; Raceme D/L; DRUGBANK 8.0 L/h 3.0-13 L/h DRUGBANK 0.045 L/h/kg 0.75±0.20 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; Children &#8594; ;rheumatoid arthritis &#8594; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.0492 L/h/kg 0.82 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.1 L/kg 0.1 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.15 L/kg 0.15±0.02 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; Cystic fibrosis &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.15 L/kg 0.15 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.6 h 1.2-2 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 3.25 h 3.1-3.4 h hepatopathy,LD; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2±0.5 h Children &#8594; ;rheumatoid arthritis &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.6 h 1.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 636.0 mg/kg 636.0 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 740.0 mg/kg 740.0 mg/kg mouse; DRUGBANK 495.0 mg/kg 495.0 mg/kg guinea pigs; DRUGBANK 1255.0 mg/kg 1255.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % Urinary excretion; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; Elderly; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Bile excretion; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; Elderly; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % rheumatoid arthritis &#8594; ;hypoalbuminemia Alb &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 50.0 mg/kg/day 50 mg/kg/day PO, oral Caldolor ibuprofen PDR 3200.0 mg/day 3200 mg/day PO, oral Caldolor ibuprofen PDR 2400.0 mg/day 2400 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Caldolor ibuprofen PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral Caldolor ibuprofen PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Caldolor ibuprofen PDR 50.0 mg/kg/day 50 mg/kg/day PO, oral Caldolor ibuprofen PDR 3200.0 mg/day 3200 mg/day PO, oral Caldolor ibuprofen PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Caldolor ibuprofen PDR 2400.0 mg/day 2400 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Caldolor ibuprofen PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral Caldolor ibuprofen PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Caldolor ibuprofen PDR 3200.0 mg/day 3200 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Caldolor ibuprofen PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Caldolor ibuprofen PDR 3200.0 mg/day 3200 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Caldolor ibuprofen PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Caldolor ibuprofen PDR 50.0 mg/kg/day 50 mg/kg/day PO, oral Caldolor ibuprofen PDR 3200.0 mg/day 3200 mg/day PO, oral Caldolor ibuprofen PDR 2400.0 mg/day 2400 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Caldolor ibuprofen PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Caldolor ibuprofen PDR 3200.0 mg/day 3200 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Caldolor ibuprofen PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Caldolor ibuprofen PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Caldolor ibuprofen PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV NeoProfen ibuprofen lysine PDR 180.0 mg/day 180 mg/day PO, oral Zohydro ER hydrocodone bitartrate PDR 180.0 mg/day 180 mg/day PO, oral Zohydro ER hydrocodone bitartrate PDR DDPD01051 Novobiocin 612.6243 C31H36N2O11 CO[C@@H]1[C@@H](OC(N)=O)[C@@H](O)[C@H](OC2=C(C)C3=C(C=C2)C(O)=C(NC(=O)C2=CC=C(O)C(CC=C(C)C)=C2)C(=O)O3)OC1(C)C DB01051 54675769 28368 10226117 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6 h DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % DRUGBANK DDPD01053 Benzylpenicillin 334.39 C16H18N2O4S [H][C@]12SC(C)(C)[C@@H](N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)CC1=CC=CC=C1)C(O)=O DB01053 5904 18208 5693 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 22.5 % 15-30 % PO, oral; normal,healthy; fasting; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 740.0 ng/ml 0.28-1.2 mcg/ml Liquid; DRUGBANK 12000.0 ng/ml 12.0 mcg/ml IM,intramuscular injection; Derivative; DRUGBANK 940.0 ng/ml 0.94 mcg/ml IM,intramuscular injection; Derivative; DRUGBANK 160.0 ng/ml 0.16 mcg/ml IM,intramuscular injection; Derivative; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.5-1 h Liquid; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h IM,intramuscular injection; Derivative; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 1-3 h IM,intramuscular injection; Derivative; DRUGBANK 18.0 h 12-24 h IM,intramuscular injection; Derivative; DRUGBANK 16.0 % 16 % Inactive metabolite; DRUGBANK 33.6 L/h 560.0 ml/min normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.42 L/h/kg 5-9 ml/min/kg RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.6 L/kg 0.53–0.67 L/kg normal renal function; adults; DRUGBANK 0.33 L/kg 0.33 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.65 h 0.4-0.9 h adults; normal renal function; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5±0.1 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 3.0 h ~3 h terminal half-life; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 8900.0 mg/kg 8900.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 79.0 % 79 % Urinary excretion; adults; Adolescents; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 56.5 % 45-68 % DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60(48-68) % adults; Adolescents; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 300000.0 units/kg/day 300000 units/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Penicillin G Potassium penicillin G potassium PDR 24000000.0 units/kg/day 24000000 units/kg/day Penicillin G Potassium penicillin G potassium PDR 400000.0 units/kg/day 400000 units/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Penicillin G Potassium penicillin G potassium PDR 80000000.0 units/day 80000000 units/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Penicillin G Potassium penicillin G potassium PDR 300000.0 units/kg/day 300000 units/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Penicillin G Potassium penicillin G potassium PDR 24000000.0 units/kg/day 24000000 units/kg/day Penicillin G Potassium penicillin G potassium PDR 400000.0 units/kg/day 400000 units/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Penicillin G Potassium penicillin G potassium PDR 80000000.0 units/day 80000000 units/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Penicillin G Potassium penicillin G potassium PDR 300000.0 units/kg/day 300000 units/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Penicillin G Potassium penicillin G potassium PDR 400000.0 units/kg/day 400000 units/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Penicillin G Potassium penicillin G potassium PDR 100000.0 units/kg/day 100000 units/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Penicillin G Potassium penicillin G potassium PDR 450000.0 units/kg/day 450000 units/kg/day IM,intramuscular injection;intravenous injection, IV; Penicillin G Potassium penicillin G potassium PDR 150000.0 units/kg/day 150000 units/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Penicillin G Potassium penicillin G potassium PDR 500000.0 units/kg/day 500000 units/kg/day IM,intramuscular injection;intravenous injection, IV; Penicillin G Potassium penicillin G potassium PDR 50000.0 units/kg/day 50000 units/kg/day IM,intramuscular injection Bicillin L-A penicillin G benzathine PDR 2400000.0 units/day 2400000 units/day IM,intramuscular injection Bicillin L-A penicillin G benzathine PDR 2400000.0 units/day 2400000 units/day IM,intramuscular injection Bicillin L-A penicillin G benzathine PDR 50000.0 units/kg/day 50000 units/kg/day IM,intramuscular injection Bicillin L-A penicillin G benzathine PDR 2400000.0 units/day 2400000 units/day IM,intramuscular injection Bicillin L-A penicillin G benzathine PDR 2400000.0 units/day 2400000 units/day IM,intramuscular injection Bicillin L-A penicillin G benzathine PDR 50000.0 units/kg/day 50000 units/kg/day IM,intramuscular injection Bicillin L-A penicillin G benzathine PDR 6000000.0 units/kg/day 6000000 units/kg/day IM,intramuscular injection Bicillin L-A penicillin G benzathine PDR 50000.0 units/kg/day 50000 units/kg/day IM,intramuscular injection Bicillin L-A penicillin G benzathine PDR DDPD01054 Nitrendipine 360.3612 C18H20N2O6 CCOC(=O)C1=C(C)NC(C)=C(C1C1=CC(=CC=C1)[N+]([O-])=O)C(=O)OC DB01054 4507 7582 4351 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.5 L/h/kg 25 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.1 L/kg 6.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.2 h 8.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % DRUGBANK DDPD01056 Tocainide 192.2575 C11H16N2O CC(N)C(=O)NC1=C(C)C=CC=C1C DB01056 38945 9611 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/tocainide.html 35632 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.132 L/h/kg 2.2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.8 L/kg 1.8 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 15.0 h ~15 h elimination half-life; patients; DRUGBANK 35.0 h 35 h severe renal function; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 800.0 mg/kg ~800 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/kg 1000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 230.0 mg/kg 230.0 mg/kg PO, oral; guinea pigs; DRUGBANK DDPD01057 Echothiophate 256.323 C9H23NO3PS CCOP(=O)(OCC)SCC[N+](C)(C)C DB01057 10548 4753 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/echothiophate-eye-drops.html 10108 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.174 mg/kg 174.0 mcg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration Phospholine Iodide echothiophate iodide PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Phospholine Iodide echothiophate iodide PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Phospholine Iodide echothiophate iodide PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Phospholine Iodide echothiophate iodide PDR DDPD01058 Praziquantel 312.4061 C19H24N2O2 O=C(C1CCCCC1)N1CC2N(CCC3=CC=CC=C23)C(=O)C1 DB01058 4891 91583 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/praziquantel.html 4722 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % DRUGBANK 3550.0 ng/ml 0.8-6.3 mcg/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1.65 h 1.5-1.8 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 28.02 L/h/kg 467.0 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 8.37 L/h/kg 57-222 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 9.55 L/kg 9.55±2.86 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.15 h 0.8-1.5 h DRUGBANK 1.15 h 0.8-1.5 h Male, men;  Female, women; schistosomiasis; DRUGBANK 2.35 h 1.7-3.0 h Male, men;  Female, women; schistosomiasis; chronic liver disease &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % Urinary excretion; schistosomiasis; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 82.5 % 80-85 % DRUGBANK 82.5 % 80-85 % schistosomiasis; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 75.0 mg/kg/day 75 mg/kg/day PO, oral Biltricide praziquantel PDR 75.0 mg/kg/day 75 mg/kg/day PO, oral Biltricide praziquantel PDR 75.0 mg/kg/day 75 mg/kg/day PO, oral Biltricide praziquantel PDR 75.0 mg/kg/day 75 mg/kg/day PO, oral Biltricide praziquantel PDR DDPD01059 Norfloxacin 319.3308 C16H18FN3O3 CCN1C=C(C(O)=O)C(=O)C2=CC(F)=C(C=C12)N1CCNCC1 DB01059 4539 100246 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/norfloxacin-ophthalmic.html 4380 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h DRUGBANK 12.5 % 10-15 % DRUGBANK DDPD01060 Amoxicillin 365.404 C16H19N3O5S [H][C@]12SC(C)(C)[C@@H](N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)[C@H](N)C1=CC=C(O)C=C1)C(O)=O DB01060 33613 2676 http://www.drugs.com/amoxicillin.html 31006 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 27290.0 ng.h/ml 27.29±4.72 mg.h/l PO, oral; DRUGBANK 55040.0 ng.h/ml 55.04±12.68 mg.h/l PO, oral; DRUGBANK 60.0 % ~60 % DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93±10 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3930.0 ng/ml 3.93±1.13 mg/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 11210.0 ng/ml 11.21±3.42 mg/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 46000.0 ng/ml 46±12 mcg/ml intravenous injection, IV; Elderly; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 5000.0 ng/ml 5.0 mcg/ml Oral single dose; adults; DRUGBANK 1.31 h 1.31±0.33 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.52 h 1.52±0.40 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 21.3 L/h 21.3 L/h Average clearance; DRUGBANK 0.156 L/h/kg 2.6±0.4 ml/min/kg Children &#8594; ;Elderly &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;normal renal function &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.198 L/h/kg 3.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 22.7 L 22.7 L Total volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.21 L/kg 0.21±0.03 L/kg Elderly &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.25 L/kg 0.25 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.02166666666667 h 61.3 min DRUGBANK 1.7 h 1.7±0.3 h Children &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 74.0 % 70-78 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 86.0 % 86±8 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 17.0 % ~17 % DRUGBANK 18.0 % 18 % DRUGBANK 45.0 mg/kg/day 45 mg/kg/day PO, oral Moxatag amoxicillin PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day PO, oral Moxatag amoxicillin PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Moxatag amoxicillin PDR 1750.0 mg/day 1750 mg/day PO, oral Moxatag amoxicillin PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3 g/day PO, oral Moxatag amoxicillin PDR 1750.0 mg/day 1750 mg/day PO, oral Moxatag amoxicillin PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Moxatag amoxicillin PDR 1750.0 mg/day 1750 mg/day PO, oral Moxatag amoxicillin PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3 g/day PO, oral Moxatag amoxicillin PDR 45.0 mg/kg/day 45 mg/kg/day PO, oral Moxatag amoxicillin PDR 90.0 mg/kg/day 90 mg/kg/day PO, oral Moxatag amoxicillin PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day PO, oral Moxatag amoxicillin PDR 75.0 mg/kg/day 75 mg/kg/day PO, oral Moxatag amoxicillin PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day PO, oral Moxatag amoxicillin PDR 75.0 mg/kg/day 75 mg/kg/day PO, oral Moxatag amoxicillin PDR DDPD01061 Azlocillin 461.492 C20H23N5O6S [H][C@](NC(=O)N1CCNC1=O)(C(=O)N[C@@H]1C(=O)N2[C@@H](C(O)=O)C(C)(C)S[C@]12[H])C1=CC=CC=C1 DB01061 6479523 2956 4980416 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.15 L/h/kg 2.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.26 L/kg 0.26 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.4 h 1.3-1.5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 2-6 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; patients; DRUGBANK 1.2 h 1.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 33.0 % 20-46 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD01062 Oxybutynin 357.4864 C22H31NO3 CCN(CC)CC#CCOC(=O)C(O)(C1CCCCC1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB01062 4634 7856 http://www.drugs.com/oxybutynin.html 4473 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 16.0 ng.h/ml 16.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.0 % 6 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.25 % 1.6-10.9 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 8.2 ng/ml 8.2 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 69.7 ng/ml 41-98.4 ng/ml PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 12.4 ng/ml 12.4±4.1 ng/ml PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 4.2 ng/ml 4.2±1.6 ng/ml PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5.0±4.2 h PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 5.2 h 5.2±3.7 h PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 0.486 L/h/kg 8.1±2.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 0.306 L/h/kg 5.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 193.0 L 193.0 L DRUGBANK 1.3 L/kg 1.3±0.4 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 0.85 L/kg 0.85 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 h ~2 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5 h elimination half-life; Elderly; DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.9±0.35 h intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 5.3 h 5.3 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 9.0 h 9±2 h PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 14.0 h 14±3 h PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4.0±1.4 h immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 8.3 h 8.3±2.5 h extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 7.2 h 7.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 460.0 mg/kg 460.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.1 % <0.1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion;  Female, women; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 97.0 % >97 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Ditropan XL oxybutynin chloride PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Ditropan XL oxybutynin chloride PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Ditropan XL oxybutynin chloride PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Ditropan XL oxybutynin chloride PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Ditropan XL oxybutynin chloride PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Ditropan XL oxybutynin chloride PDR 17.5 mg/day 17.5 mg/day PO, oral Ditropan XL oxybutynin chloride PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Ditropan XL oxybutynin chloride PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Ditropan XL oxybutynin chloride PDR DDPD01063 Acetophenazine 411.56 C23H29N3O2S CC(=O)C1=CC=C2SC3=C(C=CC=C3)N(CCCN3CCN(CCO)CC3)C2=C1 DB01063 17676 2401 16708 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01064 Isoprenaline 211.2576 C11H17NO3 CC(C)NCC(O)C1=CC(O)=C(O)C=C1 DB01064 T3D4979 3779 64317 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/isoproterenol.html 3647 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01065 Melatonin 232.2783 C13H16N2O2 COC1=CC=C2NC=C(CCNC(C)=O)C2=C1 DB01065 T3D2972 896 16796 http://www.drugs.com/melatonin.html 872 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.99 L/h/kg 16.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.1 L/kg 1.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.708333333333333 h 35-50 min DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3200.0 mg/kg >3200 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3200.0 mg/kg 3200.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD01066 Cefditoren 506.578 C19H18N6O5S3 [H][C@]12SCC(\C=C/C3=C(C)N=CS3)=C(N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)C(=N/OC)\C1=CSC(N)=N1)C(O)=O DB01066 9870843 59343 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cefditoren-pivoxil.html 8046534 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 14.0 % 14 % PO, oral; fasting; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 16.0 % 16±3 % PO, oral; low fat meal; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 4.5 L/h 4.0-5 L/h Renal clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 9.3 L 9.3±1.6 L DRUGBANK 1.6 h 1.6±0.4 h elimination half-life; young; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 88.0 % 88 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; DRUGBANK 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Spectracef cefditoren pivoxil PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Spectracef cefditoren pivoxil PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Spectracef cefditoren pivoxil PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Spectracef cefditoren pivoxil PDR DDPD01067 Glipizide 445.535 C21H27N5O4S CC1=NC=C(N=C1)C(=O)NCCC1=CC=C(C=C1)S(=O)(=O)NC(=O)NC1CCCCC1 DB01067 T3D2483 3478 5384 http://www.drugs.com/glipizide.html 3359 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % Oral single dose; diabetes; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 465.0 ng/ml 465±139 ng/ml PO, oral; immediate release formulation; young; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 9.0 h 6-12 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.1 h 2.1±0.9 h PO, oral; immediate release formulation; young; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 3.0 L/h ~3 L/h Average clearance; intravenous injection, IV; Single dose; diabetes; patients; DRUGBANK 0.0312 L/h/kg 0.52±0.18 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; Elderly &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.0336 L/h/kg 0.56 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.0 L 10.0 L Average volume of distribution; diabetes; patients; DRUGBANK 0.17 L/kg 0.17±0.02 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; Elderly &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.16 L/kg 0.16 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 2-5 h elimination half-life; Single dose; type 2 diabetes; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 2-5 h elimination half-life; Multiple dose; type 2 diabetes; DRUGBANK 3.4 h 3.4±0.7 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Age &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 3.3 h 3.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4000.0 mg/kg >4000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1200.0 mg/kg 1200.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.379 mg/kg 379.0 ug/kg PO, oral; Children; DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10 % Urinary excretion; Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 5.0 % <5 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 98.5 % 98-99 % DRUGBANK 98.4 % 98.4 % DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Glucotrol glipizide PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Glucotrol glipizide PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Glucotrol glipizide PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Glucotrol glipizide PDR DDPD01068 Clonazepam 315.711 C15H10ClN3O3 [O-][N+](=O)C1=CC2=C(NC(=O)CN=C2C2=CC=CC=C2Cl)C=C1 DB01068 T3D2973 2802 3756 http://www.drugs.com/clonazepam.html 2700 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98±31 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 17.0 ng/ml 17±5.4 ng/ml Tablet, PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 16.0 ng/ml 3-29 ng/ml intravenous injection, IV; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 1-4 h Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5±1.3 h Tablet, PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 3.3 L/h ~55 ml/min gaining weight &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.093 L/h/kg 1.55±0.28 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; hydrolysis; DRUGBANK 0.0528 L/h/kg 0.88 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.0 L/kg ~3 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 3.2 L/kg 3.2±1.1 L/kg DRUGBANK 2.9 L/kg 2.9 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 35.0 h ~30-40 h elimination half-life; dose &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 23.0 h 23±5 h DRUGBANK 38.0 h 38 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4000.0 mg/kg 4000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 4000.0 mg/kg 4000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; adults; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg 2000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 15000.0 mg/kg >15000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 60.0 % ~50-70 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 2.0 % <2 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 84.0 % 82-86 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 86.0 % 86±0.5 % Neonates &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.15 mg/kg/day 0.15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Klonopin clonazepam PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Klonopin clonazepam PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Klonopin clonazepam PDR 0.15 mg/kg/day 0.15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Klonopin clonazepam PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Klonopin clonazepam PDR 0.15 mg/kg/day 0.15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Klonopin clonazepam PDR DDPD01069 Promethazine 284.419 C17H20N2S CC(CN1C2=CC=CC=C2SC2=CC=CC=C12)N(C)C DB01069 T3D4560 4927 8461 http://www.drugs.com/promethazine.html 4758 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 14466.0 ng.h/ml 14466.0 ng.h/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 11511.0 ng.h/ml 11511.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 22.0 ng/ml 22 ng/ml IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 10.0 ng/ml 10 ng/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 10.2 ng/ml 2.4-18.0 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 4-10 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 2.25 h 1.5-3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 68.4 L/h ~1.14 L/min intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.354 L/h 5.9 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 5.424 L/h 90.4 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.84 L/h/kg 14 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 30.0 L/kg ~30 L/kg DRUGBANK 14.0 L/kg 14 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 13.5 h ~12-15 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 14.0 h 14 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 170.0 mg/kg 170.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 160.0 mg/kg 160.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/kg 400.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 240.0 mg/kg 240.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 255.0 mg/kg 255.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 55.0 mg/kg 55.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 0.64 % 0.64 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93 % DRUGBANK 1.1 mg/kg/dose 1.1 mg/kg/dose PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;Rectal Administration; Promethazine Hydrochloride Syrup promethazine hydrochloride PDR 25.0 mg/dose 25 mg/dose PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;Rectal Administration; Promethazine Hydrochloride Syrup promethazine hydrochloride PDR 0.0 0 Promethazine Hydrochloride Syrup promethazine hydrochloride PDR 50.0 mg/dose 50 mg/dose Promethazine Hydrochloride Syrup promethazine hydrochloride PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day Promethazine Hydrochloride Syrup promethazine hydrochloride PDR 1.1 mg/kg/dose 1.1 mg/kg/dose PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;Rectal Administration; Promethazine Hydrochloride Syrup promethazine hydrochloride PDR 25.0 mg/dose 25 mg/dose PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;Rectal Administration; Promethazine Hydrochloride Syrup promethazine hydrochloride PDR 50.0 mg/dose 50 mg/dose Promethazine Hydrochloride Syrup promethazine hydrochloride PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day Promethazine Hydrochloride Syrup promethazine hydrochloride PDR 0.0 0 Promethazine Hydrochloride Syrup promethazine hydrochloride PDR 0.0 0 Promethazine Hydrochloride Syrup promethazine hydrochloride PDR DDPD01070 Dihydrotachysterol 398.6642 C28H46O CC(C)[C@@H](C)\C=C\[C@@H](C)[C@@]1([H])CC[C@@]2([H])\C(CCC[C@]12C)=C\C=C1/C[C@@H](O)CC[C@@H]1C DB01070 T3D2974 5311071 4591 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/dihydrotachysterol.html 4470607 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % DRUGBANK DDPD01072 Atazanavir 704.8555 C38H52N6O7 COC(=O)N[C@H](C(=O)N[C@@H](CC1=CC=CC=C1)[C@@H](O)CN(CC1=CC=C(C=C1)C1=CC=CC=N1)NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)OC)C(C)(C)C)C(C)(C)C DB01072 148192 37924 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/atazanavir.html 130642 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 64.0 % 60-68 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5400.0 ng/ml 5.4±1.4 mcg/ml PO, oral; food; DRUGBANK 2.5 h ~2.5 h DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h PO, oral; food; DRUGBANK 0.204 L/h/kg 3.4±1.0 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; hydrolysis; normal,healthy; adults; hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 2.15 L/kg 1.6-2.7 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; hydrolysis; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 7.0 h ~7 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 7.0 h ~7 h elimination half-life; AIDS,HIV; adults; DRUGBANK 12.1 h 12.1 h elimination half-life; hepatopathy,LD; Single dose; DRUGBANK 7.9 h 7.9±2.9 h chronic liver disease &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 7.0 % 7 % Urinary excretion; adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 86.0 % 86 % human, homo sapiens; Plasma Concentration &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 86.0 % 86 % adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Reyataz atazanavir PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Reyataz atazanavir PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Reyataz atazanavir PDR 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day PO, oral Reyataz atazanavir PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Reyataz atazanavir PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Reyataz atazanavir PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Reyataz atazanavir PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Reyataz atazanavir PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Reyataz atazanavir PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Reyataz atazanavir PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Reyataz atazanavir PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral;PO, oral; Reyataz atazanavir PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Reyataz atazanavir PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Reyataz atazanavir PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Reyataz atazanavir PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Reyataz atazanavir PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Reyataz atazanavir PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Reyataz atazanavir PDR DDPD01073 Fludarabine 285.235 C10H12FN5O4 NC1=NC(F)=NC2=C1N=CN2[C@@H]1O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O DB01073 T3D4736 657237 94701 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/fludarabine.html 571392 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 55.0 % 55 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 570.0 ng/ml 0.57 mcg/ml adults; tumor; DRUGBANK 7.86 L/h 117-145 ml/min intravenous injection, IV; Single dose; Chronic lymphocytic leukemia; patients; DRUGBANK 0.222 L/h/kg 3.7±1.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; tumor; patients; Male, men;  Female, women; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.192 L/h/kg 3.2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.4 L/kg 2.4±0.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; tumor; patients; Male, men;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 2.2 L/kg 2.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 h 20 h DRUGBANK 20.0 h 10-30 h Male, men;  Female, women; adults; tumor; patients; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 11.0 h 11 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 24.0 % 24±3 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; adults; tumor; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 24.0 % 19-29 % DRUGBANK 25.0 mg/m2 25 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Fludarabine Phosphate for Injection fludarabine phosphate PDR 30.0 mg/m2 30 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Fludarabine Phosphate for Injection fludarabine phosphate PDR 25.0 mg/m2 25 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Fludarabine Phosphate for Injection fludarabine phosphate PDR 30.0 mg/m3 30 mg/m3 intravenous injection, IV Fludarabine Phosphate for Injection fludarabine phosphate PDR DDPD01074 Perhexiline 277.4879 C19H35N C(C(C1CCCCC1)C1CCCCC1)C1CCCCN1 DB01074 T3D2975 4746 35553 4584 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 80.0 % >80 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 96.0 h 2-6 day DRUGBANK 720.0 h 30 day different study; DRUGBANK 2150.0 mg/kg 2150.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2641.0 mg/kg 2641.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 2150.0 mg/kg 2150.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2641.0 mg/kg 2641.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % DRUGBANK DDPD01075 Diphenhydramine 255.3547 C17H21NO CN(C)CCOC(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB01075 T3D2976 3100 4636 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/diphenhydramine.html 2989 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % 40-60 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 72.0 % 72±26 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 66.0 ng/ml 66±22 ng/ml Oral single dose; fasting; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 230.0 ng/ml ~230 ng/ml fasting; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.3 h 2.3±0.64 h Oral single dose; fasting; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 57.0 L/h 600-1300 ml/min Plasma clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.372 L/h/kg 6.2±1.7 ml/min/kg Children &#8593; ;Elderly &#8595; ;Asian &#8593; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.588 L/h/kg 9.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.05 L/kg 3.3-6.8 L/kg PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.5 L/kg 4.5±2.8 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; Asian &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 6.5 L/kg 6.5 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.85 h 2.4-9.3 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; adults; Hepatitis, Hep &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 8.5 h 8.5±3.2 h Asian &#8594; ;Children &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 9.3 h 9.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 500.0 mg/kg 500.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 500.0 mg/kg 500.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1.0 % ~1 % Urinary excretion; Single dose; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.9 % 1.9±0.8 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 78.0 % ~78 % DRUGBANK 82.5 % 80-85 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 78.0 % 78±3 % DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride diphenhydramine hydrochloride PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride diphenhydramine hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride diphenhydramine hydrochloride PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride diphenhydramine hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride diphenhydramine hydrochloride PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride diphenhydramine hydrochloride PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride diphenhydramine hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride diphenhydramine hydrochloride PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride diphenhydramine hydrochloride PDR 25.0 mg/day 25 mg/day PO, oral Unisom doxylamine succinate PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Unisom doxylamine succinate PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Unisom doxylamine succinate PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Unisom doxylamine succinate PDR 25.0 mg/day 25 mg/day PO, oral Unisom doxylamine succinate PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Unisom doxylamine succinate PDR 25.0 mg/day 25 mg/day PO, oral Unisom doxylamine succinate PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Unisom doxylamine succinate PDR 25.0 mg/day 25 mg/day PO, oral Unisom doxylamine succinate PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Unisom doxylamine succinate PDR DDPD01076 Atorvastatin 558.6398 C33H35FN2O5 CC(C)C1=C(C(=O)NC2=CC=CC=C2)C(=C(N1CC[C@@H](O)C[C@@H](O)CC(O)=O)C1=CC=C(F)C=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB01076 T3D4980 60823 39548 http://www.drugs.com/atorvastatin.html 54810 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 200.0 ng.h/ml 200.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 14.0 % 14 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 12.0 % 12.0 % PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 28.0 ng/ml 28 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 14.9 ngEq/ml 14.9±1.8 ngEq/ml PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.3 h 2.3±0.96 h PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 37.5 L/h 625.0 ml/min Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 1.74 L/h/kg 29.0 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; at steady state; hydrolysis; PO, oral; normal,healthy; Male, men;  Female, women; adults; Elderly &#8595; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 380.0 L 380.0 L DRUGBANK 5.4 L/kg ~5.4 L/kg at steady state; hydrolysis; PO, oral; normal,healthy; Male, men;  Female, women; adults; DRUGBANK 14.0 h 14 h DRUGBANK 30.0 h 30 h Metabolite; DRUGBANK 19.5 h 19.5±9.6 h normal,healthy; adults; Male, men;  Female, women; Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 2.0 % <2 % Urinary excretion; adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 98.0 % >98 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 98.0 % ≥98 % adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Lipitor atorvastatin calcium PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Lipitor atorvastatin calcium PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Lipitor atorvastatin calcium PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Lipitor atorvastatin calcium PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Lipitor atorvastatin calcium PDR DDPD01077 Etidronic acid 206.027 C2H8O7P2 CC(O)(P(O)(O)=O)P(O)(O)=O DB01077 T3D3483 3305 4907 3189 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.5 % 1-10 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 0.09 L/h/kg 0.09 L/kg/h Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.8 L/kg 0.3-1.3 L/kg DRUGBANK 3.5 h ~1-6 h DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral Etidronate Disodium etidronate disodium PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral Etidronate Disodium etidronate disodium PDR DDPD01078 Deslanoside 943.0791 C47H74O19 C[C@H]1O[C@H](C[C@H](O)[C@@H]1O[C@H]1C[C@H](O)[C@H](O[C@H]2C[C@H](O)[C@H](O[C@@H]3O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]3O)[C@@H](C)O2)[C@@H](C)O1)O[C@H]1CC[C@@]2(C)[C@H](CC[C@@H]3[C@@H]2C[C@@H](O)[C@]2(C)[C@H](CC[C@]32O)C2=CC(=O)OC2)C1 DB01078 28620 31468 26618 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 36.0 h 36 h DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % DRUGBANK DDPD01079 Tegaserod 301.394 C16H23N5O CCCCCNC(=N)N\N=C\C1=CNC2=C1C=C(OC)C=C2 DB01079 5362436 51043 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/tegaserod.html 10609889 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10 % fasting; DRUGBANK 11.0 % 11±2 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.7 ng/ml 2.7±1.2 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.35 h 0.7-2 h fasting; DRUGBANK 0.7 h 0.7 h PO, oral; high-fat meal; DRUGBANK 0.8 h 0.8 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 77.0 L/h 77 ± 15 L/h Plasma clearance; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.08 L/h/kg 18±4 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; Male, men;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 1.08 L/h/kg 18 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 368.0 L 368±223 L Average volume of distribution; at steady state; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 5.2 L/kg 5.2±3.2 L/kg normal,healthy; Male, men;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 5.3 L/kg 5.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.35 h 4.6-8.1 h elimination half-life; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 11.0 h 11±5 h normal,healthy; Male, men;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 11.0 h 11 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 66.7 % ~66.7 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 33.3 % ~33.3 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 98.0 % ~98 % DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD01080 Vigabatrin 129.157 C6H11NO2 NC(CCC(O)=O)C=C DB01080 T3D2977 5665 63638 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/vigabatrin.html 5463 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h PO, oral; Infants; Infants &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 2.4 L/h 2.4 L/h PO, oral; Infants; DRUGBANK 5.1 L/h 5.1 L/h PO, oral; Children; DRUGBANK 5.8 L/h 5.8 L/h PO, oral; Adolescents; DRUGBANK 7.0 L/h 7.0 L/h PO, oral; adults; DRUGBANK 1.1 L/kg 1.1 L/kg Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 5.7 h ~5.7 h terminal half-life; Infants; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 6-8 h terminal half-life; Children; DRUGBANK 9.5 h 9.5 h terminal half-life; Adolescents; DRUGBANK 10.5 h 10.5 h terminal half-life; adults; DRUGBANK 2830.0 mg/kg 2830.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 3100.0 mg/kg 3100.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3000.0 mg/kg 3000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 95.0 % ~95 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 76.0 % ~76 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 3000.0 mg/day 3000 mg/day PO, oral Sabril for Oral Solution vigabatrin PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day PO, oral Sabril for Oral Solution vigabatrin PDR 150.0 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day PO, oral Sabril for Oral Solution vigabatrin PDR 150.0 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day PO, oral Sabril for Oral Solution vigabatrin PDR 150.0 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day PO, oral Sabril for Oral Solution vigabatrin PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3000 mg/day PO, oral Sabril for Oral Solution vigabatrin PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3000 mg/day PO, oral Sabril for Oral Solution vigabatrin PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3000 mg/day PO, oral Sabril for Oral Solution vigabatrin PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day PO, oral Sabril for Oral Solution vigabatrin PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3000 mg/day PO, oral Sabril for Oral Solution vigabatrin PDR 150.0 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day PO, oral Sabril for Oral Solution vigabatrin PDR DDPD01081 Diphenoxylate 452.5873 C30H32N2O2 CCOC(=O)C1(CCN(CCC(C#N)(C2=CC=CC=C2)C2=CC=CC=C2)CC1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB01081 T3D2978 13505 4639 12919 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % DRUGBANK 13.0 h 12-14 h DRUGBANK 84.5 % 74-95 % DRUGBANK DDPD01082 Streptomycin 581.5741 C21H39N7O12 CN[C@H]1[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H](CO)O[C@H]1O[C@H]1[C@H](O[C@H]2[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H](NC(N)=N)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]2NC(N)=N)O[C@@H](C)[C@]1(O)C=O DB01082 19649 17076 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/streptomycin.html 18508 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 0.0468 L/h/kg 0.78 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.34 L/kg 0.34 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.5 h 5-6 h adults; normal renal function; DRUGBANK 4.3 h 4.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 430.0 mg/kg 430.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Streptomycin streptomycin PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Streptomycin streptomycin PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Streptomycin streptomycin PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Streptomycin streptomycin PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Streptomycin streptomycin PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Streptomycin streptomycin PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Streptomycin streptomycin PDR DDPD01083 Orlistat 495.7348 C29H53NO5 CCCCCCCCCCC[C@@H](C[C@@H]1OC(=O)[C@H]1CCCCCC)OC(=O)[C@H](CC(C)C)NC=O DB01083 3034010 94686 http://www.drugs.com/orlistat.html 2298564 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 360.0 mg/day 360 mg/day PO, oral Xenical orlistat PDR 360.0 mg/day 360 mg/day PO, oral Xenical orlistat PDR 180.0 mg/day 180 mg/day PO, oral Xenical orlistat PDR 360.0 mg/day 360 mg/day PO, oral Xenical orlistat PDR 360.0 mg/day 360 mg/day PO, oral Xenical orlistat PDR 180.0 mg/day 180 mg/day PO, oral Xenical orlistat PDR DDPD01084 Emedastine 302.4145 C17H26N4O CCOCCN1C(=NC2=CC=CC=C12)N1CCCN(C)CC1 DB01084 3219 4779 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/emedastine-ophthalmic.html 3106 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h elimination half-life; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 44.0 % ~44 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.6 % 3.6 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 4.0 drop/day 4 drop/day ophthalmic administration Emadine emedastine difumarate PDR 4.0 drop/day 4 drop/day ophthalmic administration; ophthalmic solution Emadine emedastine difumarate PDR 4.0 drop/day 4 drop/day ophthalmic administration Emadine emedastine difumarate PDR 4.0 drop/day 4 drop/day ophthalmic administration Emadine emedastine difumarate PDR DDPD01085 Pilocarpine 208.2569 C11H16N2O2 CC[C@H]1[C@@H](CC2=CN=CN2C)COC1=O DB01085 T3D2979 5910 8207 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/pilocarpine-drops.html 5699 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.76 h 0.76 h DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/dose 10 mg/dose PO, oral Salagen pilocarpine hydrochloride PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Salagen pilocarpine hydrochloride PDR 10.0 mg/dose 10 mg/dose PO, oral Salagen pilocarpine hydrochloride PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Salagen pilocarpine hydrochloride PDR DDPD01086 Benzocaine 165.1891 C9H11NO2 CCOC(=O)C1=CC=C(N)C=C1 DB01086 T3D2980 2337 116735 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/benzocaine-drops.html 13854242 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3040.0 mg/kg 3040.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3040.0 mg/kg 3040.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD01087 Primaquine 259.3467 C15H21N3O COC1=CC(NC(C)CCCN)=C2N=CC=CC2=C1 DB01087 4908 8405 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/primaquine.html 4739 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.348 L/h/kg 5.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.0 L/kg 4 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.55 h 3.7-7.4 h DRUGBANK 7.1 h 7.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.3 mg/kg/day 0.3 mg/kg/day PO, oral Primaquine Phosphate primaquine phosphate PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Primaquine Phosphate primaquine phosphate PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Primaquine Phosphate primaquine phosphate PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Primaquine Phosphate primaquine phosphate PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Primaquine Phosphate primaquine phosphate PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Primaquine Phosphate primaquine phosphate PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Primaquine Phosphate primaquine phosphate PDR DDPD01088 Iloprost 360.494 C22H32O4 [H][C@]12C[C@@H](O)[C@H](\C=C\[C@@H](O)C(C)CC#CC)[C@@]1([H])C\C(C2)=C\CCCC(O)=O DB01088 5311181 63916 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/iloprost.html 4470703 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 63.0 % 63 % DRUGBANK 1.2 L/h/kg 20.0 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.96 L/h/kg 16 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.75 L/kg 0.7-0.8 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.37 L/kg 0.37 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.416666666666667 h 20-30 min DRUGBANK 0.57 h 0.57 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % DRUGBANK 0.07 mg/day 70 mcg/day Ventavis iloprost PDR 0.07 mg/day 70 mcg/day Ventavis iloprost PDR DDPD01089 Deserpidine 578.6527 C32H38N2O8 [H][C@]12C[C@@H](OC(=O)C3=CC(OC)=C(OC)C(OC)=C3)[C@H](OC)[C@@H](C(=O)OC)[C@@]1([H])C[C@@]1([H])N(CCC3=C1NC1=CC=CC=C31)C2 DB01089 8550 27478 8232 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01090 Pentolinium 240.428 C15H32N2 C[N+]1(CCCCC[N+]2(C)CCCC2)CCCC1 DB01090 5850 347401 5641 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 512.0 mg/kg 512.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 890.0 mg/kg 890.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD01091 Butenafine 317.4672 C23H27N CN(CC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(C)(C)C)CC1=CC=CC2=CC=CC=C12 DB01091 2484 3238 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/butenafine-cream.html 2390 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 35.0 h 35 h distribution half-life; skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 150.0 h 150 h elimination half-life; skin/dermal; DRUGBANK DDPD01092 Ouabain 584.6525 C29H44O12 [H][C@@]12CC[C@]3(O)C[C@H](C[C@@H](O)[C@]3(CO)[C@@]1([H])[C@H](O)C[C@]1(C)[C@H](CC[C@]21O)C1=CC(=O)OC1)O[C@@H]1O[C@@H](C)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H]1O DB01092 T3D4018 439501 472805 388599 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % DRUGBANK DDPD01093 Dimethyl sulfoxide 78.133 C2H6OS CS(C)=O DB01093 T3D2982 679 28262 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/dimethyl-sulfoxide.html 659 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 10000.0 mg/kg >10 g/kg PO, oral; dog; DRUGBANK 10000.0 mg/kg >10 g/kg PO, oral; dog; DRUGBANK 50.0 ml 50 ml intravesically q2w Rimso-50 dimethyl sulfoxide PDR 50.0 ml 50 ml intravesically q2w Rimso-50 dimethyl sulfoxide PDR DDPD01095 Fluvastatin 411.4659 C24H26FNO4 CC(C)N1C(\C=C\[C@H](O)C[C@H](O)CC(O)=O)=C(C2=CC=C(F)C=C2)C2=CC=CC=C12 DB01095 1548972 5136 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/fluvastatin.html 1265982 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % DRUGBANK 24.0 % 24(9-50) % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 36.0 % 36 % PO, oral; extended release formulation; high-fat meal; extended release formulation &#8593; ;high-fat meal &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.0 h <1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6 h PO, oral; extended release formulation; high-fat meal; extended release formulation &#8593; ;high-fat meal &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 75.0 % 75 % Liver metabolism; Faeces excretion; Bile excretion; DRUGBANK 20.0 % ~20 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 5.0 % ~5 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 0.8 L/h/kg 0.8 L/h/kg DRUGBANK 107.0 L/h 107±38.1 L/h hypercholesterolemia; Single dose; DRUGBANK 87.8 L/h 87.8±45 L/h hypercholesterolemia; Multiple dose; DRUGBANK 108.0 L/h 108±44.7 L/h hypercholesterolemia; Single dose; DRUGBANK 64.2 L/h 64.2±21.1 L/h hypercholesterolemia; Multiple dose; DRUGBANK 0.96 L/h/kg 16 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.35 L/kg 0.35 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.42 L/kg 0.42 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h DRUGBANK 0.7 h 0.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5.0 % ~5 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.8 % <1.8 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Lescol/Lescol XL fluvastatin sodium PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Lescol/Lescol XL fluvastatin sodium PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Lescol/Lescol XL fluvastatin sodium PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Lescol/Lescol XL fluvastatin sodium PDR DDPD01096 Oxamniquine 279.3348 C14H21N3O3 CC(C)NCC1CCC2=CC(CO)=C(C=C2N1)[N+]([O-])=O DB01096 4612 78416 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/oxamniquine.html 4451 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.75 h 1-2.5 h DRUGBANK DDPD01097 Leflunomide 270.2073 C12H9F3N2O2 CC1=C(C=NO1)C(=O)NC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(F)(F)F DB01097 3899 6402 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/leflunomide.html 3762 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 35000.0 ng/ml 35.0 ug/ml PO, oral; rheumatoid arthritis; DRUGBANK 9.0 h 6-12 h DRUGBANK 9.0 h 6-12 h PO, oral; rheumatoid arthritis; DRUGBANK 0.00072 L/h/kg 0.012 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; normal,healthy; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.13 L/kg 0.13 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.18 L/kg 0.18(0.09-0.44) L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; normal,healthy; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 336.0 h 2 week DRUGBANK 377.0 h 377(336-432) h rheumatoid arthritis; patients; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 175.0 mg/kg 100-250 mg/kg PO, oral; DRUGBANK 43.0 % ~43 % Urinary excretion; Single dose; DRUGBANK 48.0 % ~48 % Faeces excretion; Single dose; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % Urinary excretion; Active metabolite; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.3 % >99.3 % DRUGBANK 99.4 % 99.4 % Active metabolite; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Arava leflunomide PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Arava leflunomide PDR DDPD01098 Rosuvastatin 481.538 C22H28FN3O6S CC(C)C1=NC(=NC(C2=CC=C(F)C=C2)=C1\C=C\[C@@H](O)C[C@@H](O)CC(=O)O)N(C)S(C)(=O)=O DB01098 T3D2680 446157 38545 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/rosuvastatin.html 393589 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % PO, oral; Male, men; Caucasian; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % PO, oral; Male, men; Caucasian; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20(17-23) % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.06 ng/ml 6.06 ng/ml PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 4.6 ng/ml 4.6±2.1 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5 h PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3(1-6) h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.63 L/h/kg 10.5±4.7 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; Male, men; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.66 L/h/kg 11 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 134.0 L 134.0 L Average volume of distribution; at steady state; DRUGBANK 1.7 L/kg 1.7±0.5 L/kg normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 1.7 L/kg 1.7 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 19.0 h ~19 h elimination half-life; dose &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 20.0 h 20±6 h normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % Faeces excretion; adults; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10 % Urinary excretion; adults; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30±7 % Urinary excretion; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 88.0 % 88 % plasma proteins; Plasma Concentration &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 88.0 % 88 % DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Crestor rosuvastatin calcium PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Crestor rosuvastatin calcium PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Crestor rosuvastatin calcium PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Crestor rosuvastatin calcium PDR DDPD01099 Flucytosine 129.0925 C4H4FN3O NC1=NC(=O)NC=C1F DB01099 T3D2983 3366 5100 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/flucytosine.html 3249 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 83.5 % 78-89 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.12 L/h/kg 2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.68 L/kg 0.68 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.6 h 2.4-4.8 h DRUGBANK 4.2 h 4.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 15000.0 mg/kg 15.0 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 15000.0 mg/kg 15.0 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 29.5 % 28-31 % DRUGBANK 150.0 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day PO, oral Ancobon flucytosine PDR 150.0 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day PO, oral Ancobon flucytosine PDR 150.0 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day PO, oral Ancobon flucytosine PDR 150.0 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day PO, oral Ancobon flucytosine PDR 150.0 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day PO, oral Ancobon flucytosine PDR 150.0 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day PO, oral Ancobon flucytosine PDR 200.0 mg/kg/day 200 mg/kg/day PO, oral Ancobon flucytosine PDR DDPD01100 Pimozide 461.5462 C28H29F2N3O FC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(CCCN1CCC(CC1)N1C(=O)NC2=CC=CC=C12)C1=CC=C(F)C=C1 DB01100 T3D2984 16362 8212 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/pimozide.html 15520 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % >50 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 6-8 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 29.0 h 29±10 h Single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1100.0 mg/kg 1100.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 228.0 mg/kg 228.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1100.0 mg/kg 1100.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 228.0 mg/kg 228.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 0.2 mg/kg/day 0.2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Orap pimozide PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Orap pimozide PDR 0.2 mg/kg/day 0.2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Orap pimozide PDR 6.0 mg/day 6 mg/day PO, oral Orap pimozide PDR 0.2 mg/kg/day 0.2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Orap pimozide PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Orap pimozide PDR 0.2 mg/kg/day 0.2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Orap pimozide PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Orap pimozide PDR 0.2 mg/kg/day 0.2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Orap pimozide PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Orap pimozide PDR DDPD01101 Capecitabine 359.3501 C15H22FN3O6 CCCCCOC(=O)NC1=NC(=O)N(C=C1F)[C@@H]1O[C@H](C)[C@@H](O)[C@H]1O DB01101 T3D3507 60953 31348 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/capecitabine.html 54916 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 70.0 % ~70 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6600.0 ng/ml 6.6±6.0 mcg/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 470.0 ng/ml 0.47±0.47 mcg/ml PO, oral; Components; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5(0.5-1) h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5(0.5-2.1) h PO, oral; Components; DRUGBANK 145.0 h/m2 145.0 h/m2 apparent clearance; tumor; Male, men;  Female, women; hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 270.0 L/m2 270.0 L/m2 Steady state volume of distribution; tumor; Male, men;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 0.875 h 45-60 min DRUGBANK 0.875 h 45-60 min Metabolite; DRUGBANK 1.3 h 1.3 h Male, men;  Female, women; tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 0.72 h 0.72 h Male, men;  Female, women; tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 95.5 % 95.5 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 2.6 % 2.6 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 3.0 % ~3 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 3.0 % 3 % Urinary excretion; tumor; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 60.0 % <60 % DRUGBANK 60.0 % <60 % tumor; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2500.0 mg/m2/day 2500 mg/m2/day PO, oral; on days 1 to 14 Xeloda capecitabine PDR 1250.0 mg/m2 1250 mg/m2 PO, oral; on days 1 to 14 bid Xeloda capecitabine PDR 2500.0 mg/m2/day 2500 mg/m2/day PO, oral; on days 1 to 14 Xeloda capecitabine PDR 1250.0 mg/m2 1250 mg/m2 PO, oral; on days 1 to 14 bid Xeloda capecitabine PDR DDPD01102 Arbutamine 317.3795 C18H23NO4 O[C@@H](CNCCCCC1=CC=C(O)C=C1)C1=CC(O)=C(O)C=C1 DB01102 60789 50580 54785 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.133333333333333 h ~8 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 58.0 % 58 % DRUGBANK DDPD01104 Sertraline 306.23 C17H17Cl2N CN[C@H]1CC[C@@H](C2=CC(Cl)=C(Cl)C=C2)C2=CC=CC=C12 DB01104 T3D2985 68617 9123 http://www.drugs.com/sertraline.html 61881 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 456000.0 ng.h/ml 456.0 ug.h/ml PO, oral; different study; DRUGBANK 44.0 % >44 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 37.5 ng/ml 20-55 ug/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 118.0 ng/ml 118±22 ng/ml PO, oral; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 166.0 ng/ml 166±65 ng/ml PO, oral;  Female, women; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 6.45 h 4.5-8.4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.9 h 6.9±1.0 h PO, oral; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 6.7 h 6.7±1.8 h PO, oral;  Female, women; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 168.0 h 1 week PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.09 L/h/kg 1.09±0.38 L/h/kg young; DRUGBANK 1.35 L/h/kg 1.35±0.67 L/h/kg Elderly; DRUGBANK 2.28 L/h/kg 38±14 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; Elderly &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 20.0 L/kg >20 L/kg DRUGBANK 26.0 h ~26 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 29.0 h 22-36 h elimination half-life; different study; DRUGBANK 23.0 h 23.0 h Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 483.5 mg/kg 419-548 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1459.0 mg/kg 1327-1591 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 13.0 % 12-14 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 98.5 % ~98-99 % DRUGBANK 98.5 % 98-99 % DRUGBANK 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Zoloft sertraline hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Zoloft sertraline hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Zoloft sertraline hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Zoloft sertraline hydrochloride PDR DDPD01105 Sibutramine 279.848 C17H26ClN CC(C)CC(N(C)C)C1(CCC1)C1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1 DB01105 T3D2986 5210 9137 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/sibutramine.html 5021 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 77.0 % >77 % Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1750.0 L/h 1750.0 L/h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1 h DRUGBANK 77.0 % 77 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 8.0 % ~8 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD01106 Levocabastine 420.528 C26H29FN2O2 C[C@@H]1CN(CC[C@]1(C(O)=O)C1=CC=CC=C1)[C@H]1CC[C@](CC1)(C#N)C1=CC=C(F)C=C1 DB01106 54385 135679 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/levocabastine-ophthalmic.html 16736421 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 15.0 % 10-20 % DRUGBANK 0.0258 L/h/kg 0.43 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.17 L/kg 1.17 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 36.0 h 36 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 33.0 h 33 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD01107 Methyprylon 183.2475 C10H17NO2 CCC1(CC)C(=O)NCC(C)C1=O DB01107 T3D2987 4162 31837 4018 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 11.0 h 6-16 h DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % DRUGBANK DDPD01108 Trilostane 329.4333 C20H27NO3 [H][C@@]12CC[C@H](O)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CC[C@@]23O[C@@H]2C(O)=C(C[C@]13C)C#N DB01108 656583 32260 570949 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8 h DRUGBANK DDPD01109 Heparin N.A. N.A. CC(=O)NC1C(C(C(OC1O)COS(=O)(=O)O)OC2C(C(C(C(O2)C(=O)O)OC3C(C(C(C(O3)CO)OC4C(C(C(C(O4)C(=O)O)O)O)OS(=O)(=O)O)OS(=O)(=O)O)NS(=O)(=O)O)O)OS(=O)(=O)O)O DB01109 T3D2566 772 28304 http://www.drugs.com/heparin.html -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 70.0 ng/ml 70±39 ng/ml DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3.0 h DRUGBANK 0.0258 L/h/kg 0.43 ml/kg/min adults; DRUGBANK 0.0894 L/h/kg 1.49 ml/kg/min Preg, pregnant; DRUGBANK 3.3 L/h 40-70 mL/min DRUGBANK 0.058 L/kg 0.058±0.11 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5000 mg/kg mouse; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.4 units/ml 0.4 units/ml Heparin Sodium Injection heparin sodium PDR 0.7 units/ml 0.7 units/ml Heparin Sodium Injection heparin sodium PDR 0.4 units/ml 0.4 units/ml Heparin Sodium Injection heparin sodium PDR 0.7 units/ml 0.7 units/ml Heparin Sodium Injection heparin sodium PDR 0.4 units/ml 0.4 units/ml Heparin Sodium Injection heparin sodium PDR 0.7 units/ml 0.7 units/ml Heparin Sodium Injection heparin sodium PDR 0.4 units/ml 0.4 units/ml Heparin Sodium Injection heparin sodium PDR 0.7 units/ml 0.7 units/ml Heparin Sodium Injection heparin sodium PDR 0.4 units/ml 0.4 units/ml Heparin Sodium Injection heparin sodium PDR 0.7 units/ml 0.7 units/ml Heparin Sodium Injection heparin sodium PDR DDPD01110 Miconazole 416.129 C18H14Cl4N2O ClC1=CC(Cl)=C(COC(CN2C=CN=C2)C2=C(Cl)C=C(Cl)C=C2)C=C1 DB01110 T3D2988 4189 82892 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/miconazole-cream.html 4044 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 55200.0 ng.h/ml 55.2±35.1 mcg.h/ml Tablet, PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 477.3 ng.h/ml 477.3 ng.h/ml Vaginal Administration; DRUGBANK 15100.0 ng/ml 15.1±16.2 mcg/ml Tablet, PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 10.71 ng/ml 10.71 ng/ml Vaginal Administration; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 7(2-24.1) h Tablet, PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 18.4 h 18.4 h Vaginal Administration; DRUGBANK 0.5688 L/h/kg 9.48 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 95546.0 L 95546.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; Vaginal Administration; DRUGBANK 10911.0 L 10911.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; Vaginal Administration; DRUGBANK 7.14 L/kg 7.14 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 24.0 h 24 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 19.75 h 19.75 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3800.0 mg/kg 3800.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 3000.0 mg/kg 3.0 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK DDPD01111 Colistimethate 1634.87 C58H105N16O28S5 CCC(C)CCCCC(=O)NC(CCNCS([O-])(=O)=O)C(=O)NC(C(C)O)C(=O)NC(CCNCS([O-])(=O)=O)C(=O)NC1CCNC(=O)C(NC(=O)C(CCNCS([O-])(=O)=O)NC(=O)C(CCNCS([O-])(=O)=O)NC(=O)C(CC(C)C)NC(=O)C(CC(C)C)NC(=O)C(CCNCS([O-])(=O)=O)NC1=O)C(C)O DB01111 70789202 59662 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/colistimethate.html 26329515 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % Bile excretion; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h intravenous injection, IV; adults; Children; Prem, premature; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h intravenous infusion, IV in drop; adults; Children; Prem, premature; DRUGBANK 5450.0 mg/kg 5450.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Coly-Mycin M colistimethate sodium PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day inhalation, IH Coly-Mycin M colistimethate sodium PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day Coly-Mycin M colistimethate sodium PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Coly-Mycin M colistimethate sodium PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day inhalation, IH Coly-Mycin M colistimethate sodium PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day Coly-Mycin M colistimethate sodium PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Coly-Mycin M colistimethate sodium PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day inhalation, IH Coly-Mycin M colistimethate sodium PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day Coly-Mycin M colistimethate sodium PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Coly-Mycin M colistimethate sodium PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day inhalation, IH Coly-Mycin M colistimethate sodium PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day Coly-Mycin M colistimethate sodium PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Coly-Mycin M colistimethate sodium PDR DDPD01112 Cefuroxime 424.385 C16H16N4O8S [H][C@]12SCC(COC(N)=O)=C(N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)C(=N/OC)\C1=CC=CO1)C(O)=O DB01112 5479529 3515 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cefuroxime.html 4586393 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 37.0 % 37 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 52.0 % 52 % PO, oral; food; food &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 32.0 % 32(21-44) % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 8500.0 ng/ml 7-10 mcg/ml Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.132 L/h/kg 2.2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.2 L/kg 0.20±0.04 L/kg Elderly &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.15 L/kg 0.15 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.33333333333333 h ~80 min intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 1.33333333333333 h ~80 min intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.7 h 1.7±0.6 h Neonates &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 96.0 % 96±10 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % DRUGBANK 33.0 % 33±6 % DRUGBANK 240.0 mg/kg/day 240 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Ceftin cefuroxime axetil PDR 9000.0 mg/day 9 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Ceftin cefuroxime axetil PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day PO, oral Ceftin cefuroxime axetil PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Ceftin cefuroxime axetil PDR 9000.0 mg/day 9 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Ceftin cefuroxime axetil PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Ceftin cefuroxime axetil PDR 240.0 mg/kg/day 240 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Ceftin cefuroxime axetil PDR 9000.0 mg/day 9 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Ceftin cefuroxime axetil PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Ceftin cefuroxime axetil PDR 9000.0 mg/day 9 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Ceftin cefuroxime axetil PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Ceftin cefuroxime axetil PDR 240.0 mg/kg/day 240 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Ceftin cefuroxime axetil PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day PO, oral Ceftin cefuroxime axetil PDR 150.0 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Ceftin cefuroxime axetil PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day PO, oral Ceftin cefuroxime axetil PDR 150.0 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Ceftin cefuroxime axetil PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Ceftin cefuroxime axetil PDR DDPD01113 Papaverine 339.385 C20H21NO4 COC1=C(OC)C=C(CC2=NC=CC3=CC(OC)=C(OC)C=C23)C=C1 DB01113 4680 28241 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/papaverine.html 4518 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.66 L/h/kg 11 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 L/kg 1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.25 h 0.5-2 h DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % DRUGBANK 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Papaverine Hydrochloride papaverine hydrochloride PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Papaverine Hydrochloride papaverine hydrochloride PDR DDPD01114 Chlorpheniramine 274.788 C16H19ClN2 CN(C)CCC(C1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1)C1=CC=CC=N1 DB01114 T3D2989 2725 52010 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/chlorpheniramine.html 2624 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 41.0 % 41±16 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 43.5 ng/ml 16-71 ng/ml PO, oral; immediate release formulation; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 46.5 ng/ml 17-76 ng/ml PO, oral; Sustained Release formulation; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h PO, oral; immediate release formulation; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 6.9 h 5.7-8.1 h PO, oral; Sustained Release formulation; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.102 L/h/kg 1.7±0.1 ml/min/kg Children &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.15 L/h/kg 2.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.2 L/kg 3.2±0.3 L/kg Children &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 3.3 L/kg 3.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 24.0 h 21-27 h DRUGBANK 20.0 h 20±5 h Children &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 22.0 h 22 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 306.0 mg/kg 306.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 130.0 mg/kg 130.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 198.0 mg/kg 198.0 mg/kg PO, oral; guinea pigs; DRUGBANK 306.0 mg/kg 306.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 130.0 mg/kg 130.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 198.0 mg/kg 198.0 mg/kg PO, oral; guinea pigs; DRUGBANK 306.0 mg/kg 306.0 mg/kg human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 13.15 % 0.3-26 % Urinary excretion; Raceme D/L; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 72.0 % 72 % DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70±3 % Raceme D/L; DRUGBANK DDPD01115 Nifedipine 346.3346 C17H18N2O6 COC(=O)C1=C(C)NC(C)=C(C1C1=CC=CC=C1[N+]([O-])=O)C(=O)OC DB01115 4485 7565 http://www.drugs.com/nifedipine.html 4330 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 25.0 ng.h/ml 25.0 ng.h/ml sublingual; DRUGBANK 152.0 ng.h/ml 152.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 56.5 % 45-68 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50±13 % DRUGBANK 10.0 ng/ml 10 ng/ml sublingual; DRUGBANK 82.0 ng/ml 82 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 79.0 ng/ml 79±44 ng/ml Capsule, PO, Oral; immediate release formulation; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 42.0 ng/ml 35-49 ng/ml PO, oral; extended release formulation; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.833333333333333 h 50 min sublingual; DRUGBANK 0.466666666666667 h 28 min PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5±0.2 h Capsule, PO, Oral; immediate release formulation; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 6.0 h ~6 h PO, oral; extended release formulation; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 34.5 L/h 450-700 ml/min Total clearance; DRUGBANK 0.42 L/h/kg 7.0±1.8 ml/min/kg hydrolysis; Elderly &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Somking &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.438 L/h/kg 7.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.695 L/kg 0.62-0.77 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.27 L/kg 0.25-0.29 L/kg Total volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.78 L/kg 0.78±0.22 L/kg Elderly &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;Somking &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.79 L/kg 0.79 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 h ~2 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1.8±0.4 h Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ;Somking &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1022.0 mg/kg 1022.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 202.0 mg/kg 202.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 60-80 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 92-98 % DRUGBANK 96.0 % 96±1 % RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 3.0 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/day Tablet,PO,oral Nifedipine nifedipine PDR 180.0 mg/day 180 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Nifedipine nifedipine PDR 0.5 mg/kg/dose 0.5 mg/kg/dose Nifedipine nifedipine PDR 10.0 mg/dose 10 mg/dose Nifedipine nifedipine PDR 90.0 mg/day 90 mg/day PO, oral Nifedipine nifedipine PDR 180.0 mg/day 180 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Nifedipine nifedipine PDR 90.0 mg/day 90 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Nifedipine nifedipine PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Nifedipine nifedipine PDR 3.0 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/day PO, oral Nifedipine nifedipine PDR 180.0 mg/day 180 mg/day PO, oral Nifedipine nifedipine PDR 0.5 mg/kg/dose 0.5 mg/kg/dose Nifedipine nifedipine PDR 10.0 mg/dose 10 mg/dose Nifedipine nifedipine PDR 90.0 mg/day 90 mg/day PO, oral Nifedipine nifedipine PDR 180.0 mg/day 180 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Nifedipine nifedipine PDR 90.0 mg/day 90 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Nifedipine nifedipine PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Nifedipine nifedipine PDR DDPD01116 Trimethaphan 365.512 C22H25N2OS O=C1N(CC2=CC=CC=C2)C2C[S+]3CCCC3C2N1CC1=CC=CC=C1 DB01116 23576 9728 22044 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1850.0 mg/kg >1850 mg/kg mouse; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 20-40 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD01117 Atovaquone 366.837 C22H19ClO3 OC1=C([C@H]2CC[C@@H](CC2)C2=CC=C(Cl)C=C2)C(=O)C2=CC=CC=C2C1=O DB01117 74989 575568 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/atovaquone.html 10482034 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 23.0 % 23 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 47.0 % 47 % PO, oral; food; food &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.624 L/h 10.4±5.5 ml/min intravenous injection, IV; AIDS,HIV; patients; DRUGBANK 0.009 L/h/kg 0.15 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.6 L/kg 0.60±0.17 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.6 L/kg 0.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 64.8 h 2.2-3.2 day DRUGBANK 63.0 h 63 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.6 % <0.6 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 99.9 % 99.9 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral Mepron atovaquone PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1.5 g/day PO, oral Mepron atovaquone PDR 45.0 mg/kg/day 45 mg/kg/day PO, oral Mepron atovaquone PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3 g/day PO, oral Mepron atovaquone PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3 g/day PO, oral Mepron atovaquone PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3 g/day PO, oral Mepron atovaquone PDR 45.0 mg/kg/day 45 mg/kg/day PO, oral Mepron atovaquone PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral Mepron atovaquone PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral Mepron atovaquone PDR DDPD01118 Amiodarone 645.3116 C25H29I2NO3 CCCCC1=C(C(=O)C2=CC(I)=C(OCCN(CC)CC)C(I)=C2)C2=C(O1)C=CC=C2 DB01118 T3D4737 2157 2663 http://www.drugs.com/amiodarone.html 2072 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % 35-65 % DRUGBANK 46.0 % 46±22 % PO, oral; adults; patients; DRUGBANK 1950.0 ng/ml 1.5-2.4 mcg/ml PO, oral; adults; patients; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 3-7 h DRUGBANK 6.0 h 2-10 h PO, oral; adults; patients; DRUGBANK 0.33 L/h/kg 220-440 ml/h/kg intravenous injection, IV; ventricular fibrillation; ventricular tachycardia; DRUGBANK 26.1 L/h 0.1-0.77 L/min Total clearance; hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.114 L/h/kg 1.9±0.4 ml/min/kg hydrolysis;  Female, women &#8594; ;Elderly &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;congestive heart disease &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 13.215 L/kg 9.26-17.17 L/kg normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 13.965 L/kg 6.88-21.05 L/kg ventricular tachycardia; patients; DRUGBANK 60.0 L/kg 60.0 L/kg Average volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 66.0 L/kg 66±44 L/kg DRUGBANK 1308.0 h 9-100 day terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 1392.0 h 58(15-142) day elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 1068.0 h 14-75 day terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 41.45 h 3.2-79.7 h elimination half-life; Single dose; DRUGBANK 600.0 h 25±12 day PO, oral; at steady state; adults; patients;  Female, women &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Age &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 3000.0 mg/kg >3000 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 178.0 mg/kg 178.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 96.0 % ~96 % DRUGBANK 99.98 % 99.98±0.01 % DRUGBANK DDPD01119 Diazoxide 230.671 C8H7ClN2O2S CC1=NS(=O)(=O)C2=C(N1)C=CC(Cl)=C2 DB01119 3019 4495 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/diazoxide-suspension.html 2911 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0036 L/h/kg 0.06 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.21 L/kg 0.21 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 28.0 h 28±8.3 h normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 48.0 h 48 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 980.0 mg/kg 980.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 444.0 mg/kg 444.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % DRUGBANK 8.0 mg/kg/day 8 mg/kg/day PO, oral Proglycem diazoxide PDR 150.0 mg 150 mg intravenous injection, IV Proglycem diazoxide PDR 8.0 mg/kg/day 8 mg/kg/day PO, oral Proglycem diazoxide PDR 150.0 mg 150 mg intravenous injection, IV Proglycem diazoxide PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral Proglycem diazoxide PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral Proglycem diazoxide PDR DDPD01120 Gliclazide 323.411 C15H21N3O3S CC1=CC=C(C=C1)S(=O)(=O)NC(=O)NN1CC2CCCC2C1 DB01120 3475 31654 580820 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.0 h 4-6 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0246 L/h/kg 0.41 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.43 L/kg 0.43 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.4 null 10.4 null DRUGBANK 16.4 h 16.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3000.0 mg/kg 3000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 65.0 % 60-70 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 15.0 % 10-20 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 94.0 % 94 % DRUGBANK DDPD01121 Phenacemide 178.1879 C9H10N2O2 NC(=O)NC(=O)CC1=CC=CC=C1 DB01121 T3D2990 4753 8049 4589 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % DRUGBANK 23.5 h 22-25 h DRUGBANK 987.0 mg/kg 987.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 2500.0 mg/kg 2500.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 1600.0 mg/kg 1600.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 987.0 mg/kg 987.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 2500.0 mg/kg 2500.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 1600.0 mg/kg 1600.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD01122 Ambenonium 537.565 C28H42Cl2N4O2 CC[N+](CC)(CCNC(=O)C(=O)NCC[N+](CC)(CC)CC1=CC=CC=C1Cl)CC1=CC=CC=C1Cl DB01122 T3D2991 2131 2627 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ambenonium.html 2046 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 150.0 mg/kg 150±44 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 150.0 mg/kg 150±44 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD01123 Proflavine 209.2465 C13H11N3 NC1=CC2=NC3=C(C=CC(N)=C3)C=C2C=C1 DB01123 7099 8452 6832 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01124 Tolbutamide 270.348 C12H18N2O3S CCCCNC(=O)NS(=O)(=O)C1=CC=C(C)C=C1 DB01124 5505 27999 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/tolbutamide.html 5304 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 85.0 % 80-90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 53000.0 ng/ml 53±12 mcg/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 3-5 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 3.1 h 3.1±1.5 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 0.0132 L/h/kg 0.22±0.06 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; PO, oral; hydrolysis; acute viral hepatitis AVH &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.0126 L/h/kg 0.21 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.12 L/kg 0.12±0.02 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; PO, oral; acute viral hepatitis AVH &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.12 L/kg 0.12 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.0 h ~7(4-25) h DRUGBANK 5.9 h 5.9±1.4 h PO, oral; acute viral hepatitis AVH &#8595; ;chronic respiratory insufficiency &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Age &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2600.0 mg/kg 2600.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~75-85 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 0.1 % ~0.1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 95.0 % ~95 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 93.5 % 91-96 % Elderly &#8595; ;acute viral hepatitis AVH &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 3000.0 mg/day 3000 mg/day PO, oral Tolbutamide tolbutamide PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3000 mg/day PO, oral Tolbutamide tolbutamide PDR DDPD01125 Anisindione 252.2647 C16H12O3 COC1=CC=C(C=C1)C1C(=O)C2=CC=CC=C2C1=O DB01125 2197 133809 http://www.drugs.com/pdr/anisindione.html 2112 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01126 Dutasteride 528.5297 C27H30F6N2O2 [H][C@@]1(CC[C@@]2([H])[C@]3([H])CC[C@@]4([H])NC(=O)C=C[C@]4(C)[C@@]3([H])CC[C@]12C)C(=O)NC1=CC(=CC=C1C(F)(F)F)C(F)(F)F DB01126 6918296 521033 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/dutasteride.html 5293502 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60(40-94) % PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 4320.0 h 6 month Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 0.58 L/h 0.58 L/h PO, oral; Single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 400.0 L 300-500 L DRUGBANK 840.0 h ~5 week elimination half-life; at steady state; DRUGBANK 3600.0 h 4-6 month terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg skin/dermal; rabbit; DRUGBANK 8.0 % ~1-15 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % ~99 % DRUGBANK 96.6 % 96.6 % DRUGBANK DDPD01127 Econazole 381.684 C18H15Cl3N2O ClC1=CC=C(COC(CN2C=CN=C2)C2=C(Cl)C=C(Cl)C=C2)C=C1 DB01127 T3D2992 3198 82873 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/econazole-cream.html 3086 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 462.0 mg/kg 462.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 668.0 mg/kg 668.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 272.0 mg/kg 272.0 mg/kg PO, oral; guinea pigs; DRUGBANK 160.0 mg/kg >160 mg/kg PO, oral; dog; DRUGBANK 462.0 mg/kg 462.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 462.0 mg/kg 462.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 668.0 mg/kg 668.0 mg/kg PO, oral; guinea pigs; DRUGBANK 160.0 mg/kg >160 mg/kg PO, oral; dog; DRUGBANK DDPD01128 Bicalutamide 430.373 C18H14F4N2O4S CC(O)(CS(=O)(=O)C1=CC=C(F)C=C1)C(=O)NC1=CC(=C(C=C1)C#N)C(F)(F)F DB01128 T3D4818 2375 144093 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/bicalutamide.html 2284 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 734.0 ng/ml 734.0 ng/ml Oral single dose; Optical rotation R; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 84.0 ng/ml 84.0 ng/ml Oral single dose; Optical rotation S; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 8900.0 ng/ml 8.9±3.5 mcg/ml Oral multiple dose; Optical rotation R/S; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 23.4 h 23.4 h PO, oral; Optical rotation R; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 20.7 h 20.7 h PO, oral; Optical rotation S; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.32 L/h 0.32 L/h apparent clearance; PO, oral; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.00258 L/h/kg 0.043±0.013 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; PO, oral; Elderly &#8594; ;hepatopathy,LD &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.438 L/h/kg 7.3±4.0 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; PO, oral; Elderly &#8594; ;hepatopathy,LD &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 141.6 h 5.9 day DRUGBANK 139.0 h 139±32 h Optical rotation R; severe hepatic impairment &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 29.0 h 29±8.6 h Optical rotation S; chronic liver disease &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.7 % 1.7±0.3 % Urinary excretion; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 96.0 % 96 % DRUGBANK 96.0 % 96 % Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Casodex bicalutamide PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Casodex bicalutamide PDR DDPD01129 Rabeprazole 359.443 C18H21N3O3S COCCCOC1=C(C)C(CS(=O)C2=NC3=CC=CC=C3N2)=NC=C1 DB01129 5029 8768 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/rabeprazole.html 4853 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 52.0 % 52 % DRUGBANK 0.24 L/h/kg 4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.22 L/kg 0.22 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 96.3 % 96.3 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Aciphex rabeprazole sodium PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Aciphex rabeprazole sodium PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Aciphex rabeprazole sodium PDR 2.5 mg/kg/day 2.5 mg/kg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Aciphex rabeprazole sodium PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Aciphex rabeprazole sodium PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Aciphex rabeprazole sodium PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Aciphex rabeprazole sodium PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Aciphex rabeprazole sodium PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Aciphex rabeprazole sodium PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Aciphex rabeprazole sodium PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Aciphex rabeprazole sodium PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Aciphex rabeprazole sodium PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Aciphex rabeprazole sodium PDR DDPD01130 Prednicarbate 488.577 C27H36O8 [H][C@@]12CC[C@](OC(=O)OCC)(C(=O)COC(=O)CC)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)C=C[C@]12C DB01130 6714002 135791 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/prednicarbate-cream.html 5145991 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01131 Proguanil 253.731 C11H16ClN5 CC(C)NC(=N)NC(=N)NC1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1 DB01131 4923 8455 http://www.drugs.com/cons/proguanil.html 4754 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 20.0 h ~20 h DRUGBANK 75.0 % ~75 % DRUGBANK DDPD01132 Pioglitazone 356.439 C19H20N2O3S CCC1=CN=C(CCOC2=CC=C(CC3SC(=O)NC3=O)C=C2)C=C1 DB01132 T3D4981 4829 8228 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/pioglitazone.html 4663 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1600.0 ng/ml 1.6±0.2 mcg/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 400.0 ng/ml 0.4±0.2 mcg/ml PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 1400.0 ng/ml 1.4±0.5 mcg/ml PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h PO, oral; food; food &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5(1-4) h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 11.0 h 11(2-48) h PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 11.0 h 11(4-16) h PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 168.0 h 7 day PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 6.0 L/h 5.0-7 L/h apparent clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.072 L/h/kg 1.2±1.7 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; PO, oral; normal,healthy; Male, men; patients; DRUGBANK 0.63 L/kg 0.63±0.41 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.63 L/kg 0.63±0.41 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; PO, oral; normal,healthy; Male, men; patients; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 3-7 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 20.0 h 16-24 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 11.0 h 11±6 h DRUGBANK 29.0 h 29 h at steady state; Metabolite; DRUGBANK 27.0 h 27 h at steady state; Metabolite; DRUGBANK 24.0 mg/kg 24.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 3.0 mg/kg 3.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 22.5 % ~15-30 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % Urinary excretion; normal,healthy; type 2 diabetes; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % normal,healthy; type 2 diabetes; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 45.0 mg/day 45 mg/day PO, oral Actos pioglitazone PDR 45.0 mg/day 45 mg/day PO, oral Actos pioglitazone PDR DDPD01133 Tiludronic acid 318.608 C7H9ClO6P2S OP(O)(=O)C(SC1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1)P(O)(O)=O DB01133 60937 9598 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/tiludronate.html 54905 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 27200.0 ng.h/ml 27.2±9.0 mg.h/l PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.0 % 6(2-11) % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3350.0 ng/ml 3.35±1.07 mg/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.3 h 0.9-1.7 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.68 L/h 0.68 L/h Renal clearance; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.47 L/h 0.47 L/h Renal clearance; Paget's disease; DRUGBANK 45.0 L 30-60 L DRUGBANK 150.0 h 150 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 40.0 h ~40 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % DRUGBANK DDPD01135 Doxacurium 1035.2223 C56H78N2O16 COC1=CC(CC2C3=C(OC)C(OC)=C(OC)C=C3CC[N+]2(C)CCCOC(=O)CCC(=O)OCCC[N+]2(C)CCC3=CC(OC)=C(OC)C(OC)=C3C2CC2=CC(OC)=C(OC)C(OC)=C2)=CC(OC)=C1OC DB01135 5284551 59819 54249 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.1596 L/h/kg 2.66 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; young; patients; DRUGBANK 0.0738 L/h/kg 1.23 ml/min/kg renal transplant; patients; DRUGBANK 0.138 L/h/kg 2.3 ml/min/kg liver transplant; patients; DRUGBANK 0.105 L/h/kg 1.75±0.16 ml/min/kg Geriatric; DRUGBANK 0.1524 L/h/kg 2.54±0.24 ml/min/kg patients; young; DRUGBANK 0.162 L/h/kg 2.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.27 L/kg 0.11-0.43 L/kg normal,healthy; patients; young; DRUGBANK 0.36 L/kg 0.17-0.55 L/kg renal transplant; patients; DRUGBANK 0.26 L/kg 0.17-0.35 L/kg liver transplant; patients; DRUGBANK 0.22 L/kg 0.22 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.65 h 99 min normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 1.7 h 1.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 30.0 % ~30 % DRUGBANK DDPD01136 Carvedilol 406.4742 C24H26N2O4 COC1=CC=CC=C1OCCNCC(O)COC1=CC=CC2=C1C1=CC=CC=C1N2 DB01136 2585 3441 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/carvedilol.html 2487 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1158.5 ng.h/ml 717-1600 ug.h/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 609.5 ng.h/ml 272-947 ug.h/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 216.5 ng.h/ml 208-225 ug.h/L DRUGBANK 30.0 % 25-35 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 15.0 % 15.0 % PO, oral; Optical rotation S; DRUGBANK 31.0 % 31.0 % PO, oral; Optical rotation R; DRUGBANK 192.0 ng/ml 122-262 ug/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 87.5 ng/ml 24-151 ug/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 63.5 ng/ml 58-69 ug/L DRUGBANK 105.0 ng/ml 105±12 ng/ml PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.3 h 1.3±0.3 h PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.52 L/kg 0.52 L/kg Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.522 L/h/kg 8.7±1.7 ml/min/kg Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.468 L/h/kg 7.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.75 L/kg 1.5-2 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.5 L/kg 1.5±0.3 L/kg Hepatitis, Hep &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.3 L/kg 1.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.5 h 7-10 h DRUGBANK 2.2 h 2.2±0.3 h Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Age &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6 h low concentration; DRUGBANK 2.4 h 2.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 16.0 % 16 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 2.0 % <2 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % DRUGBANK 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Coreg carvedilol PDR 0.9 mg/kg/day 0.9 mg/kg/day PO, oral Coreg carvedilol PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Coreg carvedilol PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Coreg carvedilol PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Coreg carvedilol PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Coreg carvedilol PDR 0.9 mg/kg/day 0.9 mg/kg/day PO, oral Coreg carvedilol PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Coreg carvedilol PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Coreg carvedilol PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Coreg carvedilol PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day PO, oral Coreg carvedilol PDR 0.9 mg/kg/day 0.9 mg/kg/day PO, oral Coreg carvedilol PDR DDPD01137 Levofloxacin 361.3675 C18H20FN3O4 C[C@H]1COC2=C3N1C=C(C(O)=O)C(=O)C3=CC(F)=C2N1CCN(C)CC1 DB01137 T3D2478 149096 63598 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/levofloxacin-drops.html 131410 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 99.0 % ~99 % PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99±10 % PO, oral; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 6200.0 ng/ml 6.2±1.0 ug/ml PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 11.5 ng/ml 11.5±4.0 ug/L PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 4500.0 ng/ml 4.5±0.9 mcg/ml Oral single dose; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h PO, oral; food; food &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.6 h 1.6±0.8 h Oral single dose; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 11.1 L/h 8.64-13.56 L/h apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 7.14 L/h 5.76-8.52 L/h Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.1512 L/h/kg 2.52±0.45 ml/min/kg RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.114 L/h/kg 1.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.175 L/kg 1.09-1.26 L/kg Average volume of distribution; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.36 L/kg 1.36±0.21 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.2 L/kg 1.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 6-8 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 7±1 h mild renal function &#8593; ;moderate renal function &#8593; ;severe renal function &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 8.8 h 8.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1803.0 mg/kg 1803.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1478.0 mg/kg 1478.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 640.0 mg/kg 640.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 87.0 % ~87 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 4.0 % <4 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 74.0 % 61-87 % Urinary excretion; adults; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 31.0 % 24-38 % plasma proteins; Plasma Concentration &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 31.0 % 24-38 % adults; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 500.0 mg/day 500 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Levofloxacin Ophthalmic Solution levofloxacin PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Levofloxacin Ophthalmic Solution levofloxacin PDR 750.0 mg/day 750 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Levofloxacin Ophthalmic Solution levofloxacin PDR 16.0 mg/kg/day 16 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Levofloxacin Ophthalmic Solution levofloxacin PDR 500.0 mg/day 500 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Levofloxacin Ophthalmic Solution levofloxacin PDR 250.0 mg/dose 250 mg/dose PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Levofloxacin Ophthalmic Solution levofloxacin PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Levofloxacin Ophthalmic Solution levofloxacin PDR 750.0 mg/day 750 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Levofloxacin Ophthalmic Solution levofloxacin PDR 750.0 mg/day 750 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Levofloxacin Ophthalmic Solution levofloxacin PDR 500.0 mg/day 500 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Levofloxacin Ophthalmic Solution levofloxacin PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Levofloxacin Ophthalmic Solution levofloxacin PDR 750.0 mg/day 750 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Levofloxacin Ophthalmic Solution levofloxacin PDR 16.0 mg/kg/day 16 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Levofloxacin Ophthalmic Solution levofloxacin PDR 500.0 mg/day 500 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Levofloxacin Ophthalmic Solution levofloxacin PDR 250.0 mg/dose 250 mg/dose PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Levofloxacin Ophthalmic Solution levofloxacin PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Levofloxacin Ophthalmic Solution levofloxacin PDR 750.0 mg/day 750 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Levofloxacin Ophthalmic Solution levofloxacin PDR 750.0 mg/day 750 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Levofloxacin Ophthalmic Solution levofloxacin PDR 16.0 mg/kg/day 16 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Levofloxacin Ophthalmic Solution levofloxacin PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Levofloxacin Ophthalmic Solution levofloxacin PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Levofloxacin Ophthalmic Solution levofloxacin PDR DDPD01138 Sulfinpyrazone 404.482 C23H20N2O3S O=C1C(CCS(=O)C2=CC=CC=C2)C(=O)N(N1C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB01138 5342 9342 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/sulfinpyrazone.html 5149 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0204 L/h/kg 0.34 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.12 L/kg 0.12 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 h ~4-6 h DRUGBANK 6.2 h 6.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 98.5 % 98-99 % DRUGBANK DDPD01139 Cefapirin 423.463 C17H17N3O6S2 [H][C@]12SCC(COC(C)=O)=C(N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)CSC1=CC=NC=C1)C(O)=O DB01139 30699 554446 28486 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 14000.0 mg/kg 14000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; DRUGBANK DDPD01140 Cefadroxil 363.388 C16H17N3O5S [H][C@]12SCC(C)=C(N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)[C@H](N)C1=CC=C(O)C=C1)C(O)=O DB01140 47965 3479 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cefadroxil.html 43630 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.15 L/h/kg 2.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.23 L/kg 0.23 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 28.1 % 28.1 % DRUGBANK 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cefadroxil For Oral Suspension cefadroxil PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Cefadroxil For Oral Suspension cefadroxil PDR 50.0 mg/kg 50 mg/kg PO, oral Cefadroxil For Oral Suspension cefadroxil PDR 2000.0 mg 2 g PO, oral Cefadroxil For Oral Suspension cefadroxil PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Cefadroxil For Oral Suspension cefadroxil PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cefadroxil For Oral Suspension cefadroxil PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Cefadroxil For Oral Suspension cefadroxil PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cefadroxil For Oral Suspension cefadroxil PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Cefadroxil For Oral Suspension cefadroxil PDR DDPD01141 Micafungin 1270.274 C56H71N9O23S CCCCCOC1=CC=C(C=C1)C1=CC(=NO1)C1=CC=C(C=C1)C(=O)N[C@H]1C[C@@H](O)[C@@H](O)NC(=O)[C@@H]2[C@@H](O)[C@@H](C)CN2C(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@@H]2C[C@@H](O)CN2C(=O)[C@@H](NC1=O)[C@@H](C)O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)C1=CC(OS(O)(=O)=O)=C(O)C=C1)[C@H](O)CC(N)=O DB01141 477468 600520 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/micafungin.html 419105 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.02154 L/h/kg 0.359±0.179 ml/min/kg Drug combination; patients; adults; DRUGBANK 0.01926 L/h/kg 0.321±0.098 ml/min/kg Drug combination; AIDS,HIV; patients; DRUGBANK 0.01962 L/h/kg 0.327±0.093 ml/min/kg Drug combination; AIDS,HIV; patients; DRUGBANK 0.0204 L/h/kg 0.340±0.092 ml/min/kg Drug combination; AIDS,HIV; patients; DRUGBANK 0.01284 L/h/kg 0.214±0.031 ml/min/kg hematopoietic stem cell transplant; patients; DRUGBANK 0.01224 L/h/kg 0.204±0.036 ml/min/kg hematopoietic stem cell transplant; patients; DRUGBANK 0.01344 L/h/kg 0.224±0.064 ml/min/kg hematopoietic stem cell transplant; patients; DRUGBANK 0.01338 L/h/kg 0.223±0.081 ml/min/kg hematopoietic stem cell transplant; patients; DRUGBANK 0.0102 L/h/kg 0.17 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.39 L/kg 0.39±0.11 L/kg esophageal candidiasis; patients; adults; DRUGBANK 0.21 L/kg 0.21 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 15.5 h 14-17 h DRUGBANK 16.0 h 16 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 125.0 mg/kg 125.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 200.0 mg/kg >200 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; dog; DRUGBANK 71.0 % 71 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % high protein binding; DRUGBANK 2.5 mg/kg/day 2.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Mycamine micafungin sodium PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Mycamine micafungin sodium PDR 4.5 mg/kg/day 4.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Mycamine micafungin sodium PDR 225.0 mg/day 225 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Mycamine micafungin sodium PDR 3.0 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Mycamine micafungin sodium PDR 4.5 mg/kg/day 4.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Mycamine micafungin sodium PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Mycamine micafungin sodium PDR 2.5 mg/kg/day 2.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Mycamine micafungin sodium PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Mycamine micafungin sodium PDR 4.5 mg/kg/day 4.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Mycamine micafungin sodium PDR 225.0 mg/day 225 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Mycamine micafungin sodium PDR 3.0 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Mycamine micafungin sodium PDR 4.5 mg/kg/day 4.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Mycamine micafungin sodium PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Mycamine micafungin sodium PDR 3.0 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Mycamine micafungin sodium PDR 4.5 mg/kg/day 4.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Mycamine micafungin sodium PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Mycamine micafungin sodium PDR 4.5 mg/kg/day 4.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Mycamine micafungin sodium PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Mycamine micafungin sodium PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Mycamine micafungin sodium PDR DDPD01142 Doxepin 279.3761 C19H21NO [H]C(CCN(C)C)=C1C2=CC=CC=C2COC2=CC=CC=C12 DB01142 T3D2993 667468 4710 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/doxepin-capsules.html 3046 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30±10 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 27.3 ng/ml 8.8-45.8 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 28.0 ng/ml 28±11 ng/ml PO, oral; Derivative; depression; DRUGBANK 39.0 ng/ml 39±19 ng/ml PO, oral; Derivative; depression; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 3.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.5-1 h PO, oral; Derivative; depression; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 4-12 h PO, oral; Derivative; depression; DRUGBANK 0.93 L/h/kg 0.93 l/h/kg Plasma clearance; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.84 L/h/kg 14±3 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 0.84 L/h/kg 14 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 L/kg 20.0 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 24.0 L/kg 24±7 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 12.0 L/kg 12 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 15.0 h 15 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 18.0 h 18±5 h DRUGBANK 37.0 h 37±15 h Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 15.0 h 15 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 180.0 mg/kg 180.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 147.0 mg/kg 147.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 26.0 mg/kg 26.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 16.0 mg/kg 16.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 75.5 % 75.5 % DRUGBANK 82.0 % 82(75-89) % DRUGBANK 3.0 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/day PO, oral Doxepin Hydrochloride Capsules (10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg, 100 mg) doxepin hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral;Liquid; Doxepin Hydrochloride Capsules (10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg, 100 mg) doxepin hydrochloride PDR 6.0 mg/day 6 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Doxepin Hydrochloride Capsules (10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg, 100 mg) doxepin hydrochloride PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Doxepin Hydrochloride Capsules (10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg, 100 mg) doxepin hydrochloride PDR 3.0 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/day PO, oral Doxepin Hydrochloride Capsules (10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg, 100 mg) doxepin hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral;Liquid; Doxepin Hydrochloride Capsules (10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg, 100 mg) doxepin hydrochloride PDR 6.0 mg/day 6 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Doxepin Hydrochloride Capsules (10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg, 100 mg) doxepin hydrochloride PDR DDPD01143 Amifostine 214.223 C5H15N2O3PS NCCCNCCSP(O)(O)=O DB01143 2141 2636 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/amifostine.html 2056 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.839 L/h/kg 30.65 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.09 L/kg 0.09 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.133333333333333 h 8 min DRUGBANK 0.15 h 0.15 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 826.0 mg/kg 826.0 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 910.0 mg/m2 910 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Ethyol amifostine PDR 910.0 mg/m2 910 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Ethyol amifostine PDR DDPD01144 Diclofenamide 305.159 C6H6Cl2N2O4S2 NS(=O)(=O)C1=CC(=C(Cl)C(Cl)=C1)S(N)(=O)=O DB01144 3038 101085 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/dichlorphenamide.html 2930 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 55.0 % 55 % DRUGBANK DDPD01145 Sulfoxone 404.482 C14H16N2O6S3 OS(=O)CNC1=CC=C(C=C1)S(=O)(=O)C1=CC=C(NCS(O)=O)C=C1 DB01145 5351 135651 5158 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.5 h 3-8 h DRUGBANK 7000.0 mg/kg 7000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 69.0 % 69 % DRUGBANK DDPD01146 Diphenylpyraline 281.392 C19H23NO CN1CCC(CC1)OC(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB01146 3103 59788 2992 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD01147 Cloxacillin 435.881 C19H18ClN3O5S [H][C@]12SC(C)(C)[C@@H](N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)C1=C(C)ON=C1C1=CC=CC=C1Cl)C(O)=O DB01147 6098 49566 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/cloxacillin.html 5873 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg 5000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1660.0 mg/kg 1660.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % DRUGBANK DDPD01148 Flavoxate 391.4596 C24H25NO4 CC1=C(OC2=C(C=CC=C2C(=O)OCCN2CCCCC2)C1=O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB01148 3354 5088 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/flavoxate.html 3237 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4273.0 mg/kg 4273.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1837.0 mg/kg 1837.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 57.0 % 57 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD01149 Nefazodone 470.007 C25H32ClN5O2 CCC1=NN(CCCN2CCN(CC2)C2=CC(Cl)=CC=C2)C(=O)N1CCOC1=CC=CC=C1 DB01149 T3D2995 4449 7494 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/nefazodone.html 4294 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % DRUGBANK 0.45 L/h/kg 7.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.545 L/kg 0.22-0.87 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.51 L/kg 0.51 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h DRUGBANK 1.2 h 1.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Nefazodone nefazodone hydrochloride PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Nefazodone nefazodone hydrochloride PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Nefazodone nefazodone hydrochloride PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Nefazodone nefazodone hydrochloride PDR DDPD01150 Cefprozil 389.426 C18H19N3O5S [H][C@]12SCC(C=CC)=C(N1C(=O)[C@@]2([H])NC(=O)[C@H](N)C1=CC=C(O)C=C1)C(O)=O DB01150 5281006 3506 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cefprozil.html 4444481 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % DRUGBANK 0.18 L/h/kg 3.0 ml/min/kg fasting; DRUGBANK 0.174 L/h/kg 2.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.23 L/kg 0.23 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.21 L/kg 0.21 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.3 h 1.3 h DRUGBANK 1.2 h 1.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 36.0 % 36 % DRUGBANK 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cefprozil cefprozil PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Cefprozil cefprozil PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Cefprozil cefprozil PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Cefprozil cefprozil PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cefprozil cefprozil PDR DDPD01151 Desipramine 266.3807 C18H22N2 CNCCCN1C2=CC=CC=C2CCC2=CC=CC=C12 DB01151 T3D2996 2995 47781 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/desipramine.html 2888 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % DRUGBANK 5.0 h 4-6 h DRUGBANK 0.66 L/h/kg 11 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 15.0 L/kg 15 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 33.5 h 7-60 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 22.0 h 22 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 290.0 mg/kg 290.0 mg/kg Male, men; mouse; DRUGBANK 320.0 mg/kg 320.0 mg/kg  Female, women; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 290.0 mg/kg 290.0 mg/kg mouse; DRUGBANK 320.0 mg/kg 320.0 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 82.5 % 73-92 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Norpramin desipramine hydrochloride PDR 3.0 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/day PO, oral Norpramin desipramine hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Norpramin desipramine hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Norpramin desipramine hydrochloride PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Norpramin desipramine hydrochloride PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Norpramin desipramine hydrochloride PDR DDPD01152 Candicidin 1109.317 C59H84N2O18 CC(CC(C)C1OC(=O)CC(=O)CCCC(=O)CC(O)CC(O)CC(O)CC(=O)CC(O)C(C(O)CC(OC2O[C@H](C)[C@@H](O)[C@H](N)[C@@H]2O)\C=C\C=C\C=C\C=C\C=C\C=C\C=C\C1C)C(O)=O)C(O)CC(=O)C1=CC=C(N)C=C1 DB01152 3349 8255412 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01153 Sertaconazole 437.77 C20H15Cl3N2OS ClC1=CC(Cl)=C(C=C1)C(CN1C=CN=C1)OCC1=CSC2=C1C=CC=C2Cl DB01153 T3D2997 65863 83682 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/sertaconazole.html 59273 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD01154 Thiamylal 254.349 C12H18N2O2S CCCC(C)C1(CC=C)C(=O)NC(=S)NC1=O DB01154 3032285 9536 2297298 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 14.3 h 14.3 h cat; DRUGBANK 51.0 mg/kg 51.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK DDPD01155 Gemifloxacin 389.3809 C18H20FN5O4 CO\N=C1/CN(CC1CN)C1=NC2=C(C=C1F)C(=O)C(=CN2C1CC1)C(O)=O DB01155 9571107 101853 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/gemifloxacin.html 7845573 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 71.0 % 71 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 11.6 L/h 11.6±3.9 L/h Renal clearance; Oral multiple dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 6.89 L/kg 1.66-12.12 L/kg DRUGBANK 7.0 h 7±2 h DRUGBANK 61.0 % 61±9.5 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 36.0 % 36±9.3 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 65.0 % 60-70 % DRUGBANK DDPD01156 Bupropion 239.741 C13H18ClNO CC(NC(C)(C)C)C(=O)C1=CC(Cl)=CC=C1 DB01156 T3D2999 444 3219 http://www.drugs.com/bupropion.html 431 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 141.0 ng/ml 141±19 ng/ml Oral single dose; immediate release formulation; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 142.0 ng/ml 142±28 ng/ml Oral single dose; Sustained Release formulation; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h Tablet, PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h Tablet, PO, oral; Sustained Release formulation; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5 h Tablet, PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 1.6 h 1.6±0.1 h Oral single dose; immediate release formulation; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 3.1 h 3.1±0.3 h Oral single dose; Sustained Release formulation; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.16 L/h/kg 36.0±2.2 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; hydrolysis; normal,healthy; Male, men; adults; Elderly &#8595; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8595; ;Alcohol &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 18.6 L/kg 18.6±1.2 L/kg Steady state volume of distribution; at steady state; hydrolysis; normal,healthy; Male, men; adults; Alcohol &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 24.0 h 24 h DRUGBANK 11.0 h 11±1(7.9-18.4) h normal,healthy; PO, oral; terminal half-life; adults;  Female, women; alcoholic liver disease &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 87.0 % 87 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; adults; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 84.0 % 84 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 80.0 % >80 % adults; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Wellbutrin XL bupropion hydrochloride PDR 450.0 mg/day 450 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Wellbutrin XL bupropion hydrochloride PDR 150.0 mg/dose 150 mg/dose Tablet,PO,oral Wellbutrin XL bupropion hydrochloride PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Wellbutrin XL bupropion hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/dose 200 mg/dose PO, oral Wellbutrin XL bupropion hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Wellbutrin XL bupropion hydrochloride PDR 150.0 mg/dose 150 mg/dose PO, oral Wellbutrin XL bupropion hydrochloride PDR 450.0 mg/day 450 mg/day PO, oral Wellbutrin XL bupropion hydrochloride PDR 522.0 mg/day 522 mg/day PO, oral Wellbutrin XL bupropion hydrochloride PDR 522.0 mg/dose 522 mg/dose PO, oral Wellbutrin XL bupropion hydrochloride PDR 450.0 mg/day 450 mg/day PO, oral Wellbutrin XL bupropion hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Wellbutrin XL bupropion hydrochloride PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Wellbutrin XL bupropion hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Wellbutrin XL bupropion hydrochloride PDR 450.0 mg/day 450 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Wellbutrin XL bupropion hydrochloride PDR 150.0 mg/dose 150 mg/dose Tablet,PO,oral Wellbutrin XL bupropion hydrochloride PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Wellbutrin XL bupropion hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/dose 200 mg/dose PO, oral Wellbutrin XL bupropion hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Wellbutrin XL bupropion hydrochloride PDR 150.0 mg/dose 150 mg/dose PO, oral Wellbutrin XL bupropion hydrochloride PDR 450.0 mg/day 450 mg/day PO, oral Wellbutrin XL bupropion hydrochloride PDR 522.0 mg/day 522 mg/day PO, oral Wellbutrin XL bupropion hydrochloride PDR 522.0 mg/dose 522 mg/dose PO, oral Wellbutrin XL bupropion hydrochloride PDR 450.0 mg/day 450 mg/day PO, oral Wellbutrin XL bupropion hydrochloride PDR DDPD01157 Trimetrexate 369.4176 C19H23N5O3 COC1=CC(NCC2=C(C)C3=C(C=C2)N=C(N)N=C3N)=CC(OC)=C1OC DB01157 T3D3000 5583 9737 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/trimetrexate.html 5381 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.28 L/h/m2 38±15 ml/min/m2 intravenous injection, IV; Drug combination; AIDS,HIV; Pneumonia, Pneu; DRUGBANK 3.18 L/h/m2 53±41 ml/min/m2 tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 1.8 L/h/m2 30±8 ml/min/m2 tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 0.0462 L/h/kg 0.77 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 L/m2 20±8 L/m2 DRUGBANK 36.9 L/m2 36.9±6 L/m2 tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 0.77 L/kg 0.77 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 15.5 h 11-20 h DRUGBANK 17.0 h 17 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 62.0 mg/kg 62.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 62.0 mg/kg 62.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 10-30 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % DRUGBANK DDPD01158 Bretylium 243.163 C11H17BrN CC[N+](C)(C)CC1=CC=CC=C1Br DB01158 2431 3172 2337 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % human, homo sapiens; animals; DRUGBANK 7.8 h 7.8±0.6(6.9-8.1) h terminal half-life; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 13.0 h 13 h DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/kg 400.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD01159 Halothane 197.382 C2HBrClF3 [H]C(Cl)(Br)C(F)(F)F DB01159 T3D3001 3562 5615 3441 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01160 Dinoprost tromethamine 475.616 C24H45NO8 NC(CO)(CO)CO.CCCCC[C@H](O)\C=C\[C@H]1[C@H](O)C[C@H](O)[C@@H]1C\C=C/CCCC(O)=O DB01160 5282415 31502 4445570 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.5 h 3-6 h DRUGBANK 0.0166666666666667 h <1 min elimination half-life; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK DDPD01161 Chloroprocaine 270.755 C13H19ClN2O2 CCN(CC)CCOC(=O)C1=C(Cl)C=C(N)C=C1 DB01161 T3D3003 8612 3636 8293 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.00583333333333333 h 21±2 second DRUGBANK 97.0 mg/kg 97.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 950.0 mg/kg 950.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 97.0 mg/kg 97.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 950.0 mg/kg 950.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 11.0 mg/kg 11 mg/kg Nesacaine chloroprocaine hydrochloride PDR 11.0 mg/kg 11 mg/kg Nesacaine chloroprocaine hydrochloride PDR 50.0 mg/dose 50 mg/dose intrathecal administration Nesacaine chloroprocaine hydrochloride PDR 11.0 mg/kg 11 mg/kg Nesacaine chloroprocaine hydrochloride PDR 800.0 mg/dose 800 mg/dose Nesacaine chloroprocaine hydrochloride PDR 14.0 mg/kg 14 mg/kg Nesacaine chloroprocaine hydrochloride PDR 1000.0 mg 1000 mg Nesacaine chloroprocaine hydrochloride PDR 50.0 mg/dose 50 mg/dose Nesacaine chloroprocaine hydrochloride PDR 11.0 mg/kg 11 mg/kg Nesacaine chloroprocaine hydrochloride PDR 800.0 mg/dose 800 mg/dose Nesacaine chloroprocaine hydrochloride PDR 14.0 mg/kg 14 mg/kg Nesacaine chloroprocaine hydrochloride PDR 1000.0 mg 1000 mg Nesacaine chloroprocaine hydrochloride PDR 11.0 mg/kg 11 mg/kg Nesacaine chloroprocaine hydrochloride PDR 11.0 mg/kg 11 mg/kg Nesacaine chloroprocaine hydrochloride PDR DDPD01162 Terazosin 387.4329 C19H25N5O4 COC1=C(OC)C=C2C(N)=NC(=NC2=C1)N1CCN(CC1)C(=O)C1CCCO1 DB01162 T3D3537 5401 9445 http://www.drugs.com/terazosin.html 5208 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % DRUGBANK 82.0 % 82.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 16.0 ng/ml 16.0 ng/ml Tablet, PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.7 h 1.7 h Tablet, PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 4.8 L/h 80.0 ml/min Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.6 L/h 10.0 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.069 L/h/kg 1.1-1.2 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 0.066 L/h/kg 1.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 27.5 L 25-30 L DRUGBANK 1.1 L/kg 1.1 L/kg Plasma clearance; hypertension; patients; DRUGBANK 0.98 L/kg 0.98 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12 h DRUGBANK 14.0 h 14 h Geriatric; DRUGBANK 11.4 h 11.4 h adults; DRUGBANK 10.5 h 9-12 h DRUGBANK 9.0 h 9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5500.0 mg/kg 5500.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 259.3 mg/kg 259.3 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; parenteral administration; mouse; DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 10.0 % ~10 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 12.5 % 11-14 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 92.0 % 90-94 % DRUGBANK 92.0 % 90-94 % DRUGBANK DDPD01164 Calcium chloride 110.984 CaCl2 [Cl-].[Cl-].[Ca++] DB01164 5284359 3312 23237 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01165 Ofloxacin 361.3675 C18H20FN3O4 CC1COC2=C3N1C=C(C(O)=O)C(=O)C3=CC(F)=C2N1CCN(C)CC1 DB01165 4583 7731 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ofloxacin-drops.html 4422 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % DRUGBANK 0.15 L/h/kg 2.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.6 L/kg 1.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 9.0 h 9 h DRUGBANK 8.9 h 8.9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5450.0 mg/kg 5450.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 6.0 % ~4-8 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 72.5 % 65-80 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 32.0 % 32 % DRUGBANK 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Ocuflox ofloxacin PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Ocuflox ofloxacin PDR DDPD01166 Cilostazol 369.4607 C20H27N5O2 O=C1CCC2=C(N1)C=CC(OCCCCC1=NN=NN1C1CCCCC1)=C2 DB01166 2754 31401 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cilostazol.html 2652 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 12.0 h 11-13 h DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5.0 g/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2.0 g/kg PO, oral; dog; DRUGBANK 74.0 % 74 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 96.5 % 95-98 % DRUGBANK 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Pletal cilostazol PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Pletal cilostazol PDR DDPD01167 Itraconazole 705.633 C35H38Cl2N8O4 CCC(C)N1N=CN(C1=O)C1=CC=C(C=C1)N1CCN(CC1)C1=CC=C(OC[C@H]2CO[C@@](CN3C=NC=N3)(O2)C2=CC=C(Cl)C=C2Cl)C=C1 DB01167 T3D3516 55283 6076 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/itraconazole.html 49927 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 55.0 % 55 % DRUGBANK 55.0 % 55.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 649.0 ng/ml 649±289 ng/ml PO, oral; adults; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 3-5 h PO, oral; adults; DRUGBANK 22.86 L/h 381±95 ml/min intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.38 L/h/kg 23±10 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 0.306 L/h/kg 5.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 796.0 L 796±185 L DRUGBANK 14.0 L/kg 14±5 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 7.4 L/kg 7.4 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 21.0 h 21 h DRUGBANK 21.0 h 21±6 h non-saturable concentration; DRUGBANK 64.0 h 64 h at steady state; DRUGBANK 25.0 h 25 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.8 % 99.8 % DRUGBANK 99.8 % 99.8 % DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day PO, oral Sporanox Oral Solution itraconazole PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Sporanox Oral Solution itraconazole PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Sporanox Oral Solution itraconazole PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Sporanox Oral Solution itraconazole PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral;Liquid; Sporanox Oral Solution itraconazole PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Sporanox Oral Solution itraconazole PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Sporanox Oral Solution itraconazole PDR 260.0 mg/day 260 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Sporanox Oral Solution itraconazole PDR 390.0 mg/day 390 mg/day PO, oral Sporanox Oral Solution itraconazole PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Sporanox Oral Solution itraconazole PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Sporanox Oral Solution itraconazole PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral;Liquid; Sporanox Oral Solution itraconazole PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Sporanox Oral Solution itraconazole PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Sporanox Oral Solution itraconazole PDR 260.0 mg/day 260 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Sporanox Oral Solution itraconazole PDR 390.0 mg/day 390 mg/day PO, oral Sporanox Oral Solution itraconazole PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day PO, oral Sporanox Oral Solution itraconazole PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Sporanox Oral Solution itraconazole PDR DDPD01168 Procarbazine 221.2988 C12H19N3O CNNCC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(=O)NC(C)C DB01168 T3D4711 4915 71417 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/procarbazine.html 4746 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % DRUGBANK 0.166666666666667 h 10 min DRUGBANK 785.0 mg/kg 785.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 785.0 mg/kg 785.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Matulane procarbazine hydrochloride PDR 100.0 mg/m2/day 100 mg/m2/day PO, oral Matulane procarbazine hydrochloride PDR DDPD01169 Arsenic trioxide 197.84 As2O3 O=[As]O[As]=O DB01169 T3D0224 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/pdfs/ATSDR MRLs - May 2021 - H.pdf 261004 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/arsenic.html 229103 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 871.0 mg/kg 871.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 31.5 mg/kg 31 500 ug/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 9.8 mg/kg 9800.0 ug/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 10.7 mg/kg 10 700 ug/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 0.005 mg/kg/day 0.005 mg/kg/day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0003 mg/kg/day 0.0003 mg/kg/day PO, oral; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 1e-05 mg/L 0.01 mg/m3 inhalation, IH; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 75.0 % 75 % DRUGBANK 0.15 mg/kg/day 0.15 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV qd Trisenox arsenic trioxide PDR 0.15 mg/kg/day 0.15 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV qd Trisenox arsenic trioxide PDR 0.15 mg/kg/day 0.15 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV qd Trisenox arsenic trioxide PDR 0.15 mg/kg/day 0.15 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV qd Trisenox arsenic trioxide PDR DDPD01170 Guanethidine 198.3085 C10H22N4 NC(N)=NCCN1CCCCCCC1 DB01170 3518 5557 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/guanethidine.html 3398 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 16.5 % 3-30 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.36 L/h 56.0 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 36.0 h 1.5 day DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/kg 1000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD01171 Moclobemide 268.739 C13H17ClN2O2 [H]C1COCCN1CCNC(=O)C1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1 DB01171 T3D3004 4235 83531 4087 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 95.0 % >95 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 56.0 % 56 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % PO, oral; increasing doses; DRUGBANK 0.65 h 0.3-1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 54.0 L/h 30-78 L/h Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.6 L/h/kg 10 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.25 L/kg 1-1.5 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.1 L/kg 1.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h Hepatitis, Hep; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 730.0 mg/kg 730.0 mg/kg mouse; DRUGBANK 1300.0 mg/kg 1300.0 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 730.0 mg/kg 730.0 mg/kg mouse; DRUGBANK 1300.0 mg/kg 1300.0 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % DRUGBANK DDPD01172 Kanamycin 484.4986 C18H36N4O11 NC[C@H]1O[C@H](O[C@@H]2[C@@H](N)C[C@@H](N)[C@H](O[C@H]3O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H](N)[C@H]3O)[C@H]2O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O DB01172 6032 17630 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/kanamycin.html 5810 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 0.084 L/h/kg 1.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.26 L/kg 0.26 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h DRUGBANK 2.1 h 2.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 17500.0 mg/kg 17500.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 4000.0 mg/kg >4 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3000.0 mg/kg >3 g/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK DDPD01173 Orphenadrine 269.3813 C18H23NO CN(C)CCOC(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1C DB01173 T3D3005 4601 7789 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/orphenadrine.html 4440 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 16.5 h 13-20 h DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/kg 100.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 255.0 mg/kg 255.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/kg 100.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 255.0 mg/kg 255.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % DRUGBANK 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Orphenadrine Citrate Extended-Release Tablets orphenadrine citrate PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Orphenadrine Citrate Extended-Release Tablets orphenadrine citrate PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Orphenadrine Citrate Extended-Release Tablets orphenadrine citrate PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Orphenadrine Citrate Extended-Release Tablets orphenadrine citrate PDR DDPD01174 Phenobarbital 232.2353 C12H12N2O3 CCC1(C(=O)NC(=O)NC1=O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB01174 T3D3006 4763 8069 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/phenobarbital.html 4599 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100±11 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 13100.0 ng/ml 13.1±4.5 mcg/ml PO, oral; epilepsy; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h PO, oral; epilepsy; DRUGBANK 0.00372 L/h/kg 0.062±0.013 ml/min/kg Neonates &#8593; ;Children &#8593; ;Preg, pregnant &#8593; ;Somking &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.00378 L/h/kg 0.063 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.54 L/kg 0.54±0.03 L/kg Neonates &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.54 L/kg 0.54 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 79.0 h 79(53-118) h DRUGBANK 99.0 h 99±18 h Children &#8595; ;Neonates &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;epilepsy &#8594; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 99.0 h 99 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 24.0 % 24±5 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; Hepatitis, Hep &#8594; ;acute viral hepatitis AVH &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 32.5 % 20-45 % DRUGBANK 51.0 % 51±3 % Neonates &#8595; ;Preg, pregnant &#8594; ;Elderly &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/kg/dose 20 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Phenobarbital Elixir phenobarbital PDR 1000.0 mg/dose 1000 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Phenobarbital Elixir phenobarbital PDR 1.0 mg/kg/day 8 mg/kg/day Phenobarbital Elixir phenobarbital PDR 1.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day Phenobarbital Elixir phenobarbital PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Phenobarbital Elixir phenobarbital PDR 20.0 mg/kg/dose 20 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Phenobarbital Elixir phenobarbital PDR 1000.0 mg/dose 1000 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Phenobarbital Elixir phenobarbital PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day Phenobarbital Elixir phenobarbital PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Phenobarbital Elixir phenobarbital PDR 20.0 mg/kg/dose 20 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Phenobarbital Elixir phenobarbital PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day Phenobarbital Elixir phenobarbital PDR 20.0 mg/kg/dose 20 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Phenobarbital Elixir phenobarbital PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day Phenobarbital Elixir phenobarbital PDR DDPD01175 Escitalopram 324.3919 C20H21FN2O CN(C)CCC[C@]1(OCC2=C1C=CC(=C2)C#N)C1=CC=C(F)C=C1 DB01175 T3D3007 146570 36791 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/escitalopram.html 129277 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 360.0 ng.h/ml 360.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; patients; DRUGBANK 1080.0 ng.h/ml 1080.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; patients; DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~80 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 21.0 ng/ml 21 ng/ml PO, oral; patients; DRUGBANK 63.0 ng/ml 63 ng/ml PO, oral; patients; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4-5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 36.0 L/h 600.0 ml/min Plasma clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 19.0 L/kg ~12-26 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 29.5 h 27-32 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 44.25 h 40.5-48 h adults; DRUGBANK 59.0 h 54-64 h hepatopathy,LD; DRUGBANK 54.0 h ~54 h elimination half-life; at steady state; DRUGBANK 8.0 % ~8 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 8.0 % ~8 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 55.5 % ~55-56 % DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Lexapro escitalopram oxalate PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Lexapro escitalopram oxalate PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Lexapro escitalopram oxalate PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Lexapro escitalopram oxalate PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Lexapro escitalopram oxalate PDR DDPD01176 Cyclizine 266.3807 C18H22N2 CN1CCN(CC1)C(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB01176 6726 3994 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cyclizine.html 6470 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.87 L/h/kg 14.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 16.5 L/kg 16.5 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 h 20 h DRUGBANK 13.53 h 13.53 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD01177 Idarubicin 497.4939 C26H27NO9 C[C@@H]1O[C@H](C[C@H](N)[C@@H]1O)O[C@H]1C[C@@](O)(CC2=C1C(O)=C1C(=O)C3=CC=CC=C3C(=O)C1=C2O)C(C)=O DB01177 42890 42068 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/idarubicin.html 39117 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 28.0 % 28±4 % PO, oral; tumor; DRUGBANK 6.9 ng/ml 6.9±0.1 ng/ml Oral single dose; tumor; DRUGBANK 22.0 ng/ml 22±4 ng/ml Oral single dose; Active metabolite; tumor; DRUGBANK 5.4 h 5.4±2.4 h Oral single dose; tumor; DRUGBANK 7.9 h 7.9±2.3 h Oral single dose; Active metabolite; tumor; DRUGBANK 1.74 L/h/kg 29±10 ml/min/kg mild renal function &#8595; ;moderate renal function &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 1.44 L/h/kg 24 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 24.7 L/kg 24.7±5.9 L/kg DRUGBANK 38.0 L/kg 38 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 22.0 h 22 h DRUGBANK 15.2 h 15.2±3.7 h DRUGBANK 41.0 h 41±10 h mild renal function &#8593; ;moderate renal function &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 16.0 h 16 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 % <5 % Urinary excretion; tumor; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % tumor; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 94.0 % 94 % Active metabolite; tumor; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.0 mg/m2 12 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Idamycin PFS idarubicin hydrochloride PDR 12.0 mg/m2 12 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Idamycin PFS idarubicin hydrochloride PDR 12.0 mg/m2 12 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Idamycin PFS idarubicin hydrochloride PDR 12.0 mg/m2 12 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Idamycin PFS idarubicin hydrochloride PDR DDPD01178 Chlormezanone 273.736 C11H12ClNO3S CN1C(C2=CC=C(Cl)C=C2)S(=O)(=O)CCC1=O DB01178 T3D3009 2717 3619 2616 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01179 Podofilox 414.4053 C22H22O8 [H][C@]12COC(=O)[C@]1([H])[C@H](C1=CC(OC)=C(OC)C(OC)=C1)C1=CC3=C(OCO3)C=C1[C@@H]2O DB01179 T3D4617 10607 50305 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/podofilox-gel.html 10162 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 9.0 ng/ml 1-17 ng/ml skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 2.75 h 1.0-4.5 h DRUGBANK 500.0 mg/day 0.5 g/day skin/dermal Condylox Topical Solution podofilox PDR 0.5 ml/day 0.5 ml/day skin/dermal Condylox Topical Solution podofilox PDR 500.0 mg/day 0.5 g/day skin/dermal Condylox Topical Solution podofilox PDR 0.5 ml/day 0.5 ml/day skin/dermal Condylox Topical Solution podofilox PDR 500.0 mg/day 0.5 g/day skin/dermal Condylox Topical Solution podofilox PDR 0.5 ml/day 0.5 ml/day skin/dermal Condylox Topical Solution podofilox PDR 500.0 mg/day 0.5 g/day skin/dermal Condylox Topical Solution podofilox PDR 0.5 ml/day 0.5 ml/day skin/dermal Condylox Topical Solution podofilox PDR DDPD01180 Rescinnamine 634.716 C35H42N2O9 [H][C@]12C[C@@H](OC(=O)C=CC3=CC(OC)=C(OC)C(OC)=C3)[C@H](OC)[C@@H](C(=O)OC)[C@@]1([H])C[C@@]1([H])N(CCC3=C1NC1=C3C=CC(OC)=C1)C2 DB01180 32681 28572 4444446 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01181 Ifosfamide 261.086 C7H15Cl2N2O2P ClCCNP1(=O)OCCCN1CCCl DB01181 T3D3513 3690 5864 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ifosfamide-solution.html 3562 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 92.0 % 92.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 52217200.0 ng/ml 200(163-245) mM PO, oral; Advanced tumors; DRUGBANK 53000458.0 ng/ml 203(168-232) mM intravenous injection, IV; Advanced tumors; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.5-1.0 h PO, oral; Advanced tumors; DRUGBANK 2.4 L/h/m2 2.4±0.33 L/h/m2 pediatric patients; DRUGBANK 3.78 L/h/m2 63.0 ml/min/m2 Elderly &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.372 L/h/m2 6.2±1.9 ml/min/m2 Elderly &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.066 L/h/kg 1.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.64 L/kg 0.64 L/kg Average volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; tumor; DRUGBANK 0.72 L/kg 0.72 L/kg Average volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; tumor; DRUGBANK 21.0 L/m2 21±1.6 L/m2 Average volume of distribution; pediatric patients; DRUGBANK 12.5 L/m2 12.5±3.6 L/m2 DRUGBANK 0.62 L/kg 0.62 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 11.0 h 7-15 h Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 5.6 h 5.6 h Male, men;  Female, women; patients; Advanced tumors; intravenous injection, IV; Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 15.2 h 15.2±3.6 h Male, men;  Female, women; patients; Advanced tumors; intravenous injection, IV; Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 6.6 h 6.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 697.5 mg/kg 390-1005 mg/kg mouse; DRUGBANK 170.0 mg/kg 150-190 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 697.5 mg/kg 390-1005 mg/kg mouse; DRUGBANK 170.0 mg/kg 150-190 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 78.0 % 70-86 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 61.0 % ~61 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 15.0 % 12-18 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; Advanced tumors; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 53.1 % 53.1±9.6 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; Advanced tumors; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % Advanced tumors; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3000.0 mg/m2 3000 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Ifex ifosfamide PDR 1200.0 mg/m2 1200 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV; 5d/per 21d Ifex ifosfamide PDR 5000.0 mg/m2 5000 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Ifex ifosfamide PDR 1200.0 mg/m2 1200 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Ifex ifosfamide PDR 5000.0 mg/m2 5000 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Ifex ifosfamide PDR 3000.0 mg/m2 3000 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Ifex ifosfamide PDR DDPD01182 Propafenone 341.444 C21H27NO3 CCCNCC(O)COC1=C(C=CC=C1)C(=O)CCC1=CC=CC=C1 DB01182 4932 63619 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/propafenone.html 4763 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % DRUGBANK 27.5 % 5-50 % DRUGBANK 3.4 % 3.4 % Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 10.6 % 10.6 % Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.96 L/h/kg 16 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 252.0 L 252.0 L DRUGBANK 2.2 L/kg 2.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 2-10 h DRUGBANK 2.1 h 2.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % DRUGBANK 600.0 mg/m2/day 600 mg/m2/day Tablet,PO,oral Rythmol propafenone hydrochloride PDR 900.0 mg/day 900 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Rythmol propafenone hydrochloride PDR 850.0 mg/day 850 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Rythmol propafenone hydrochloride PDR 600.0 mg/m2/day 600 mg/m2/day Tablet,PO,oral Rythmol propafenone hydrochloride PDR 900.0 mg/day 900 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Rythmol propafenone hydrochloride PDR 850.0 mg/day 850 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Rythmol propafenone hydrochloride PDR DDPD01183 Naloxone 327.3743 C19H21NO4 OC1=CC=C2C[C@H]3N(CC=C)CC[C@@]45[C@@H](OC1=C24)C(=O)CC[C@@]35O DB01183 5284596 7459 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/naloxone.html 4447644 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.0 % ~2 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.88 ng/ml 0.88 ng/ml IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 2.91 ng/ml 2.91 ng/ml nasal spray; DRUGBANK 4.83 ng/ml 4.83 ng/ml nasal spray; DRUGBANK 10.0 ng/ml 10±1 ng/ml adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.38 h 0.38 h IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 0.33 h 0.33 h nasal spray; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h nasal spray; DRUGBANK 1.32 L/h/kg 22.0 ml/min/kg Neonates &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.38 L/h/kg 23 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.1 L/kg 2.1 L/kg Neonates &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.7 L/kg 1.7 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.24 h 1.24 h IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 1.85 h 1.85 h nasal spray; DRUGBANK 2.08 h 2.08 h nasal spray; DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1±0.6 h Neonates &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.08 h 4.8(2-10) min distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 150.0 mg/kg 150±5 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 109.0 mg/kg 109±4 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 2.0 mg/dose 2 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;intratracheally;subcutaneous injection, SC; Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (1 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 1.0 spray/dose 1 spray/dose nasal spray Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (1 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 4.0 mg/dose 4 mg/dose nasal spray Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (1 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 0.1 mg/kg/dose 0.1 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;intratracheally;subcutaneous injection, SC; Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (1 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 1.0 spray/dose 1 spray/dose nasal spray Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (1 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 4.0 mg/dose 4 mg/dose nasal spray Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (1 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 2.0 mg/dose 2 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;intratracheally;subcutaneous injection, SC; Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (1 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 1.0 spray/dose 1 spray/dose nasal spray Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (1 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 4.0 mg/dose 4 mg/dose nasal spray Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (1 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 0.1 mg/kg/day 0.1 mg/kg/day Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (1 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 2.0 mg/dose 2 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;intratracheally;subcutaneous injection, SC; Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (1 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 1.0 spray/dose 1 spray/dose nasal spray Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (1 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 4.0 mg/dose 4 mg/dose nasal spray Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (1 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 2.0 mg/dose 2 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;intraosseous;subcutaneous injection, SC; Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (1 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 1.0 spray/dose 1 spray/dose nasal spray Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (1 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 4.0 mg/dose 4 mg/dose nasal spray Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (1 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 0.1 mg/kg/day 0.1 mg/kg/day Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (1 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 0.1 mg/kg/dose 0.1 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;intratracheally;subcutaneous injection, SC; Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (1 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 1.0 spray/dose 1 spray/dose nasal spray Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (1 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 4.0 mg/dose 4 mg/dose nasal spray Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (1 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 0.1 mg/kg/dose 0.1 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (1 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 1.0 spray/dose 1 spray/dose nasal spray Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (1 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 4.0 mg/dose 4 mg/dose nasal spray Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (1 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 2.0 mg/dose 2 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;intratracheally;subcutaneous injection, SC; Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (0.4 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 1.0 spray/dose 1 spray/dose nasal spray Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (0.4 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 4.0 mg/dose 4 mg/dose nasal spray Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (0.4 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 0.1 mg/kg/dose 0.1 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;intratracheally;subcutaneous injection, SC; Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (0.4 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 1.0 spray/dose 1 spray/dose nasal spray Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (0.4 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 4.0 mg/dose 4 mg/dose nasal spray Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (0.4 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 2.0 mg/dose 2 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;intratracheally;subcutaneous injection, SC; Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (0.4 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 1.0 spray/dose 1 spray/dose nasal spray Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (0.4 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 4.0 mg/dose 4 mg/dose nasal spray Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (0.4 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 0.1 mg/kg/day 0.1 mg/kg/day Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (0.4 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 2.0 mg/dose 2 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;intratracheally;subcutaneous injection, SC; Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (0.4 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 1.0 spray/dose 1 spray/dose nasal spray Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (0.4 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 4.0 mg/dose 4 mg/dose nasal spray Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (0.4 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 2.0 mg/dose 2 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;intratracheally;subcutaneous injection, SC; Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (0.4 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 1.0 spray/dose 1 spray/dose nasal spray Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (0.4 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 4.0 mg/dose 4 mg/dose nasal spray Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (0.4 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 0.1 mg/kg/day 0.1 mg/kg/day Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (0.4 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 0.1 mg/kg/dose 0.1 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection;intratracheally;subcutaneous injection, SC; Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (0.4 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 1.0 spray/dose 1 spray/dose nasal spray Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (0.4 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 4.0 mg/dose 4 mg/dose nasal spray Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (0.4 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 0.1 mg/kg/dose 0.1 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (0.4 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 1.0 spray/dose 1 spray/dose nasal spray Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (0.4 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR 4.0 mg/dose 4 mg/dose nasal spray Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (0.4 mg/mL) naloxone hydrochloride PDR DDPD01184 Domperidone 425.911 C22H24ClN5O2 ClC1=CC2=C(C=C1)N(C1CCN(CCCN3C(=O)NC4=CC=CC=C34)CC1)C(=O)N2 DB01184 3151 31515 3039 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.57 L/h/kg 9.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.4 L/kg 3.4 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 7 h DRUGBANK 7.5 h 7.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 92.0 % 91-93 % DRUGBANK DDPD01185 Fluoxymesterone 336.4409 C20H29FO3 [H][C@@]12CC[C@](C)(O)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1(F)[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)CC[C@]12C DB01185 T3D3010 6446 5120 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/fluoxymesterone.html 6205 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 44.0 % <44 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 9.2 h 9.2 h DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % DRUGBANK 19.0 % 19 % DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Androxy fluoxymesterone PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Androxy fluoxymesterone PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Androxy fluoxymesterone PDR DDPD01186 Pergolide 314.488 C19H26N2S [H][C@@]12CC3=CNC4=CC=CC(=C34)[C@@]1([H])C[C@@H](CSC)CN2CCC DB01186 T3D3011 47811 63617 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/pergolide-mesylate.html 43503 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 27.0 h 27 h DRUGBANK 15.0 mg/kg 15.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 15.0 mg/kg 15.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % DRUGBANK DDPD01187 Iophendylate 416.3368 C19H29IO2 CCOC(=O)CCCCCCCCC(C)C1=CC=CC=C1I DB01187 3037234 2301035 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01188 Ciclopirox 207.2689 C12H17NO2 CC1=CC(=O)N(O)C(=C1)C1CCCCC1 DB01188 T3D3012 2749 453011 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ciclopirox-cream.html 2647 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.7 h 1.7 h skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 10.0 ml/kg >10 ml/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 10.0 ml/kg >10 ml/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 96.0 % ~96 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 95.5 % 94-97 % skin/dermal; DRUGBANK DDPD01189 Desflurane 168.0378 C3H2F6O FC(F)OC(F)C(F)(F)F DB01189 T3D3013 42113 4445 http://www.drugs.com/cons/desflurane-inhalation-oral-nebulization.html 38403 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.02 % 0.02 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 312.0 mg/kg 312.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD01190 Clindamycin 424.983 C18H33ClN2O5S CCC[C@@H]1C[C@H](N(C)C1)C(=O)NC(C(C)Cl)[C@H]1O[C@H](SC)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H]1O DB01190 T3D3497 446598 3745 http://www.drugs.com/clindamycin.html 393915 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 11000.0 ng.h/ml 11.0 ug.h/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 87.0 % ~87 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2500.0 ng/ml 2.5 ug/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 17200.0 ng/ml 17.2±3.5 mcg/ml intravenous injection, IV; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2500.0 ng/ml 2.5 mcg/ml PO, oral; adults; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.75 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 14.85 L/h 12.3-17.4 L/h Plasma clearance; Hepatitis, Hep &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.282 L/h/kg 4.7±1.3 ml/min/kg Children &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.27 L/h/kg 4.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 58.5 L 43-74 L DRUGBANK 1.1 L/kg 1.1±0.3 L/kg Children &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.79 L/kg 0.79 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.0 h ~3 h adults; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h Children; DRUGBANK 4.0 h ~4 h Elderly; DRUGBANK 2.9 h 2.9±0.7 h Children &#8594; ;Preg, pregnant &#8594; ;Prem, premature &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2.1 h 2.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2540.0 mg/kg 2540.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 2190.0 mg/kg 2190.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 13.0 % 13 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 77.0 % 60-94 % DRUGBANK 93.6 % 93.6±0.2 % DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 2700.0 mg/day 2700 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 2400.0 mg/day 2400 mg/day IM,intramuscular injection Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 25.0 mg/kg/day 25 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 1800.0 mg/day 1800 mg/day PO, oral Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 2.0 application/day 2 application/day skin/dermal Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 1.0 application/day 1 application/day skin/dermal Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 2700.0 mg/day 2700 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 2400.0 mg/day 2400 mg/day IM,intramuscular injection Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 25.0 mg/kg/day 25 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 1800.0 mg/day 1800 mg/day PO, oral Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 2700.0 mg/day 2700 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 4800.0 mg/day 4800 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 2400.0 mg/day 2400 mg/day IM,intramuscular injection Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 1800.0 mg/day 1800 mg/day PO, oral Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 2.0 appLication/day 2 appLication/day skin/dermal Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 1.0 appLication/day 1 appLication/day skin/dermal Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 1.0 appLicatorfuL/day 1 appLicatorfuL/day Vaginal Administration Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day Vaginal Administration Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 5000.0 mg/day 5 g/day Vaginal Administration Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 1.0 appLicatorfuL/day 1 appLicatorfuL/day Vaginal Administration Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day Vaginal Administration Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 5000.0 mg/day 5 g/day Vaginal Administration Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 1.0 ovuLe/day 1 ovuLe/day Vaginal Administration Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day Vaginal Administration Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 2700.0 mg/day 2700 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 2400.0 mg/day 2400 mg/day IM,intramuscular injection Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 25.0 mg/kg/day 25 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 1800.0 mg/day 1800 mg/day PO, oral Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 2.0 application/day 2 application/day skin/dermal Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 1.0 application/day 1 application/day skin/dermal Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 1.0 application/day 1 applicatorful/day Vaginal Administration Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day Vaginal Administration Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 5000.0 mg/day 5 g/day Vaginal Administration Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 1.0 application/day 1 applicatorful/day Vaginal Administration Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day Vaginal Administration Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 5000.0 mg/day 5 g/day Vaginal Administration Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 1.0 ovule/day 1 ovule/day Vaginal Administration Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day Vaginal Administration Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 2700.0 mg/day 2700 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 2400.0 mg/day 2400 mg/day IM,intramuscular injection Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 25.0 mg/kg/day 25 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 1800.0 mg/day 1800 mg/day PO, oral Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 2.0 application/day 2 application/day skin/dermal Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 1.0 application/day 1 application/day skin/dermal Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 1.0 application/day 1 applicatorful/day Vaginal Administration Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day Vaginal Administration Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 5000.0 mg/day 5 g/day Vaginal Administration Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 1.0 application/day 1 applicatorful/day Vaginal Administration Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day Vaginal Administration Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 5000.0 mg/day 5 g/day Vaginal Administration Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 1.0 ovule/day 1 ovule/day Vaginal Administration Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day Vaginal Administration Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 2700.0 mg/day 2700 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 4800.0 mg/day 4800 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 2400.0 mg/day 2400 mg/day IM,intramuscular injection Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 1800.0 mg/day 1800 mg/day PO, oral Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 2.0 application/day 2 application/day skin/dermal Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 1.0 application/day 1 application/day skin/dermal Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 1.0 applicatorful/day 1 applicatorful/day Vaginal Administration Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day Vaginal Administration Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 5000.0 mg/day 5 g/day Vaginal Administration Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 1.0 applicatorful/day 1 applicatorful/day Vaginal Administration; once Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day Vaginal Administration Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 5000.0 mg/day 5 g/day Vaginal Administration Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 1.0 ovule/day 1 ovule/day Vaginal Administration Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day Vaginal Administration Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 25.0 mg/kg/day 25 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 25.0 mg/kg/day 25 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 27.0 mg/kg/day 9 mg/kg/dose PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; tid Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 21.0 mg/kg/day 7 mg/kg/dose PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; tid Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/dose PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; tid Cleocin T clindamycin phosphate PDR DDPD01191 Dexfenfluramine 231.2573 C12H16F3N CCN[C@@H](C)CC1=CC=CC(=C1)C(F)(F)F DB01191 T3D3014 66265 439329 59646 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.66 L/h/kg 11 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 11.0 L/kg 11 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 18.5 h 17-20 h DRUGBANK 14.0 h 14 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 36.0 % 36 % DRUGBANK DDPD01192 Oxymorphone 301.3371 C17H19NO4 [H][C@@]12OC3=C(O)C=CC4=C3[C@@]11CCN(C)[C@]([H])(C4)[C@]1(O)CCC2=O DB01192 T3D3015 5284604 7865 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/oxymorphone.html 4447650 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 49.0 % 49 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 1.9 % 1.9 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 44.1 % 44.1 % Bile excretion; DRUGBANK 0.3 % 0.3 % lung excretion; DRUGBANK 2.6 % 2.6 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.1 % 0.1 % lung excretion; DRUGBANK 1.3 h 1.3±0.7 h DRUGBANK 172.0 mg/kg 172.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 172.0 mg/kg 172.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK DDPD01193 Acebutolol 336.4259 C18H28N2O4 CCCC(=O)NC1=CC=C(OCC(O)CNC(C)C)C(=C1)C(C)=O DB01193 1978 2379 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/acebutolol.html 1901 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.6 L/h/kg 10 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.7 L/kg 1.7 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.5 h ~3-4 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 10.5 h 8-13 h DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 35.0 % ~30-40 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 26.0 % 26 % DRUGBANK DDPD01194 Brinzolamide 383.507 C12H21N3O5S3 CCN[C@H]1CN(CCCOC)S(=O)(=O)C2=C1C=C(S2)S(N)(=O)=O DB01194 68844 3176 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/brinzolamide-drops.html 62077 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2664.0 h 111 day DRUGBANK 60.0 % ~60 % DRUGBANK 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day ophthalmic administration Azopt brinzolamide PDR 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day ophthalmic administration Azopt brinzolamide PDR DDPD01195 Flecainide 414.3427 C17H20F6N2O3 FC(F)(F)COC1=CC(C(=O)NCC2CCCCN2)=C(OCC(F)(F)F)C=C1 DB01195 T3D2556 3356 75984 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/flecainide.html 3239 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70±11 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 458.0 ng/ml 458±100 ng/ml PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.0 h ~3(1-6) h PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.501 L/h/kg 4.6-12.1 ml/min/kg Average clearance; intravenous injection, IV; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.72 L/h/kg 4.0-20 ml/min/kg Average clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.336 L/h/kg 5.6±1.3 ml/min/kg hydrolysis; Children &#8593; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;congestive heart disease &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.294 L/h/kg 4.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 9.2 L/kg 5-13.4 L/kg Average volume of distribution; Male, men; DRUGBANK 4.9 L/kg 4.9±0.4 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 6.1 L/kg 6.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 13.0 h 13 h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 16.0 h 16 h Oral multiple dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 20.0 h 20 h ventricular premature complex; patients; DRUGBANK 12.6 h 12.6 h DRUGBANK 11.0 h 11±3 h hydrolysis; Children &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;congestive heart disease &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1346.0 mg/kg 1346.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 170.0 mg/kg 170.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 215.0 mg/kg 215.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 188.0 mg/kg 188.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 274.0 mg/kg 50-498 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/kg 20.0 mg/kg PO, oral;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/kg 40.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Male, men; DRUGBANK 86.0 % ~86 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 36.12 % 36.12 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 43.0 % 43±3 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % DRUGBANK 61.0 % 61±10 % myocardial infarction &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 200.0 mg/m2/day 200 mg/m2/day PO, oral Flecainide Acetate flecainide acetate PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Flecainide Acetate flecainide acetate PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Flecainide Acetate flecainide acetate PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Flecainide Acetate flecainide acetate PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Flecainide Acetate flecainide acetate PDR 200.0 mg/m2/day 200 mg/m2/day PO, oral Flecainide Acetate flecainide acetate PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Flecainide Acetate flecainide acetate PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Flecainide Acetate flecainide acetate PDR DDPD01196 Estramustine 440.403 C23H31Cl2NO3 [H][C@@]12CC[C@H](O)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@]1([H])C3=CC=C(OC(=O)N(CCCl)CCCl)C=C3CC[C@@]21[H] DB01196 259331 4868 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/estramustine.html 227635 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 20.0 h 20 h DRUGBANK 16.0 mg/kg/day 16 mg/kg/day qd Emcyt estramustine phosphate sodium PDR 16.0 mg/kg/day 16 mg/kg/day qd Emcyt estramustine phosphate sodium PDR DDPD01197 Captopril 217.285 C9H15NO3S C[C@H](CS)C(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C(O)=O DB01197 44093 3380 http://www.drugs.com/captopril.html 40130 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 67.5 % 60-75 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 46.0 % 36-56 % PO, oral; food; food &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.72 L/h/kg 12 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.75 L/kg 0.75 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 27.5 % 25-30 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Captopril captopril PDR 450.0 mg/day 450 mg/day PO, oral Captopril captopril PDR 450.0 mg/day 450 mg/day PO, oral Captopril captopril PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Captopril captopril PDR 450.0 mg/day 450 mg/day PO, oral Captopril captopril PDR 450.0 mg/day 450 mg/day PO, oral Captopril captopril PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Captopril captopril PDR 1.5 mg/kg/day 1.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Captopril captopril PDR 6.0 mg/kg/day 6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Captopril captopril PDR 1.5 mg/kg/day 1.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Captopril captopril PDR DDPD01198 Zopiclone 388.808 C17H17ClN6O3 CN1CCN(CC1)C(=O)OC1N(C(=O)C2=NC=CN=C12)C1=NC=C(Cl)C=C1 DB01198 T3D3016 5735 32315 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/eszopiclone.html 5533 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 12.0 % 12 % Liver metabolism; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 16.0 % 16 % Liver metabolism; Inactive metabolite; DRUGBANK 0.198 L/h/kg 3.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.3 L/kg 1.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 h ~5(3.8-6.5) h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 11.9 h 11.9 h hepatic insufficiency; patients; DRUGBANK 5.2 h 5.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 45.0 % ~45 % DRUGBANK DDPD01199 Tubocurarine 609.7312 C37H41N2O6 [H][C@@]12CC3=CC=C(OC4=C5C(CC[N+](C)(C)[C@]5([H])CC5=CC(OC6=C(OC)C=C(CCN1C)C2=C6)=C(O)C=C5)=CC(OC)=C4O)C=C3 DB01199 T3D3097 6000 9774 5778 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.204 L/h/kg 3.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.45 L/kg 0.45 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD01200 Bromocriptine 654.595 C32H40BrN5O5 [H][C@@]12CCCN1C(=O)[C@H](CC(C)C)N1C(=O)[C@](NC(=O)[C@H]3CN(C)[C@]4([H])CC5=C(Br)NC6=CC=CC(=C56)C4=C3)(O[C@@]21O)C(C)C DB01200 T3D3017 31101 3181 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/bromocriptine.html 28858 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 28.0 % 28 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.0 % 6 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.25 h 1-1.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 2-8 h DRUGBANK 6.0 % 6 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 93.0 % 90-96 % DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Cycloset bromocriptine mesylate PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral Cycloset bromocriptine mesylate PDR 4.8 mg/day 4.8 mg/day PO, oral Cycloset bromocriptine mesylate PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Cycloset bromocriptine mesylate PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Cycloset bromocriptine mesylate PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Cycloset bromocriptine mesylate PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Cycloset bromocriptine mesylate PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Cycloset bromocriptine mesylate PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Cycloset bromocriptine mesylate PDR 4.8 mg/day 4.8 mg/day PO, oral Cycloset bromocriptine mesylate PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Cycloset bromocriptine mesylate PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Cycloset bromocriptine mesylate PDR DDPD01201 Rifapentine 877.0307 C47H64N4O12 CO[C@H]1\C=C\O[C@@]2(C)OC3=C(C2=O)C2=C(C(O)=C3C)C(O)=C(NC(=O)\C(C)=C/C=C/[C@H](C)[C@H](O)[C@@H](C)[C@@H](O)[C@@H](C)[C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@@H]1C)C(\C=N\N1CCN(CC1)C1CCCC1)=C2O DB01201 T3D3018 6323497 45304 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/rifapentine.html 10482075 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.51 L/h 2.51±0.14 L/h apparent clearance; PO, oral; Drug combination; tuberculosis; patients; Male, men; DRUGBANK 1.69 L/h 1.69±0.41 L/h apparent clearance; PO, oral; Drug combination; tuberculosis; patients;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 70.2 L 70.2±9.1 L DRUGBANK 17.0 % 17 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 97.7 % 97.7 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 900.0 mg/dose 900 mg/dose PO, oral Priftin rifapentine PDR 750.0 mg/dose 750 mg/dose PO, oral Priftin rifapentine PDR 600.0 mg/dose 600 mg/dose PO, oral Priftin rifapentine PDR 450.0 mg/dose 450 mg/dose PO, oral Priftin rifapentine PDR 300.0 mg/dose 300 mg/dose PO, oral Priftin rifapentine PDR 900.0 mg/dose 900 mg/dose PO, oral Priftin rifapentine PDR 900.0 mg/dose 900 mg/dose PO, oral Priftin rifapentine PDR 750.0 mg/dose 750 mg/dose PO, oral Priftin rifapentine PDR 600.0 mg/dose 600 mg/dose PO, oral Priftin rifapentine PDR 900.0 mg/dose 900 mg/dose PO, oral Priftin rifapentine PDR DDPD01202 Levetiracetam 170.212 C8H14N2O2 CC[C@H](N1CCCC1=O)C(N)=O DB01202 T3D3019 5284583 6437 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/levetiracetam.html 4447633 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; adults; epilepsy; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 31000.0 ng/ml 31 ug/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 43000.0 ng/ml 43 ug/ml Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 24800.0 ng/ml 24.8 ug/ml Oral single dose; food; food &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 10000.0 ng/ml ~10 mcg/ml PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.3 h 1.3 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 2.8 h 2.8 h Oral single dose; food; food &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.5-1.0 h PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 24.0 % 24 % Inactive metabolite; DRUGBANK 0.0576 L/h/kg 0.96 ml/min/kg Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.0366 L/h/kg 0.6 ml/min/kg Renal clearance; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.24 L/h/kg 4.0 ml/min/kg Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.0576 L/h/kg 0.96 ml/min/kg Children &#8593; ;Elderly &#8595; ;severe hepatic impairment &#8595; ;severe renal function &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.054 L/h/kg 0.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.6 L/kg ~0.5-0.7 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.6 L/kg 0.5-0.7 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.6 L/kg 0.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 6-8 h elimination half-life; dose &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 7±1 h normal,healthy; adults; patients; epilepsy; mild renal function &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 8.23 h 8.23 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/kg 10.0 mg/kg PO, oral; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.3 % 0.3 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 66.0 % ~66 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 66 % Urinary excretion; adults; normal,healthy; epilepsy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 10.0 % <10 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 10.0 % <10 % adults; normal,healthy; epilepsy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day Liquid;intravenous injection, IV; Keppra Oral Solution and Tablets levetiracetam PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3000 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Keppra Oral Solution and Tablets levetiracetam PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3000 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Keppra Oral Solution and Tablets levetiracetam PDR 60.0 mg/kg 60 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Keppra Oral Solution and Tablets levetiracetam PDR 4500.0 mg 4500 mg intravenous injection, IV Keppra Oral Solution and Tablets levetiracetam PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day Liquid;intravenous injection, IV; Keppra Oral Solution and Tablets levetiracetam PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1500 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Keppra Oral Solution and Tablets levetiracetam PDR 60.0 mg/kg 60 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Keppra Oral Solution and Tablets levetiracetam PDR 50.0 mg/kg/day 50 mg/kg/day Liquid;intravenous injection, IV; Keppra Oral Solution and Tablets levetiracetam PDR 60.0 mg/kg 60 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Keppra Oral Solution and Tablets levetiracetam PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3000 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Keppra Oral Solution and Tablets levetiracetam PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3000 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Keppra Oral Solution and Tablets levetiracetam PDR 60.0 mg/kg 60 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Keppra Oral Solution and Tablets levetiracetam PDR 4500.0 mg 4500 mg intravenous injection, IV Keppra Oral Solution and Tablets levetiracetam PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Keppra Oral Solution and Tablets levetiracetam PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3000 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Keppra Oral Solution and Tablets levetiracetam PDR 60.0 mg/kg 60 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Keppra Oral Solution and Tablets levetiracetam PDR 4500.0 mg 4500 mg intravenous injection, IV Keppra Oral Solution and Tablets levetiracetam PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3000 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Keppra Oral Solution and Tablets levetiracetam PDR 50.0 mg/kg/day 50 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Keppra Oral Solution and Tablets levetiracetam PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Keppra Oral Solution and Tablets levetiracetam PDR 42.0 mg/kg/day 42 mg/kg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Keppra Oral Solution and Tablets levetiracetam PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Keppra Oral Solution and Tablets levetiracetam PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day PO, oral Keppra Oral Solution and Tablets levetiracetam PDR 80.0 mg/kg/day 80 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Keppra Oral Solution and Tablets levetiracetam PDR DDPD01203 Nadolol 309.4006 C17H27NO4 CC(C)(C)NCC(O)COC1=CC=CC2=C1C[C@H](O)[C@H](O)C2 DB01203 39147 7444 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/nadolol.html 35815 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 30.0 % ~30 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1021.0 ng.h/ml 1021.0 ng.h/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1913.0 ng.h/ml 1913±382 ng.h/ml DRUGBANK 69.0 ng/ml 69±15 ng/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 132.0 ng/ml 132±27 ng/ml DRUGBANK 2.7 h 2.7 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 14.07 L/h 219-250 ml/min Total clearance; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 8.43 L/h 131-150 ml/min Renal clearance; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.174 L/h/kg 2.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 152.0 L 147-157 L normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.9 L/kg 1.9 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 22.0 h 20-24 h DRUGBANK 9.2 h 9.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4500.0 mg/kg 4500.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 15.0 % 15 % Faeces excretion; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 30.0 % ~30 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 2.5 mg/kg/day 2.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Corgard nadolol PDR 320.0 mg/day 320 mg/day PO, oral Corgard nadolol PDR 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day PO, oral Corgard nadolol PDR 320.0 mg/day 320 mg/day PO, oral Corgard nadolol PDR 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day PO, oral Corgard nadolol PDR DDPD01204 Mitoxantrone 444.4809 C22H28N4O6 OCCNCCNC1=CC=C(NCCNCCO)C2=C1C(=O)C1=C(C(O)=CC=C1O)C2=O DB01204 T3D3020 4212 50729 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/mitoxantrone.html 4067 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 308.0 ng/ml 308±133 ng/ml DRUGBANK 21.3 L/h/m2 21.3 L/h/m2 intravenous injection, IV; Geriatric; breast cancer; DRUGBANK 28.3 L/h/m2 28.3 L/h/m2 intravenous injection, IV; pediatric patients; nasopharyngeal carcinoma; DRUGBANK 16.2 L/h/m2 16.2 L/h/m2 intravenous injection, IV; pediatric patients; malignant lymphoma; DRUGBANK 0.78 L/h/kg 13±8 ml/min/kg tumor; patients; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.474 L/h/kg 7.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1000.0 L/m2 1000.0 L/m2 DRUGBANK 90.0 L/kg 90±42 L/kg tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 12.0 L/kg 12 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 75.0 h 75 h DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1±1.1 h tumor; patients; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; at steady state; chronic liver disease &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 72.0 h 72±40 h tumor; patients; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; at steady state; chronic liver disease &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 53.0 h 53 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 % ~2 % Urinary excretion; tumor; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 78.0 % 78 % DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % tumor; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 140.0 mg/m2 140 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Mitoxantrone mitoxantrone PDR DDPD01205 Flumazenil 303.2884 C15H14FN3O3 CCOC(=O)C1=C2CN(C)C(=O)C3=C(C=CC(F)=C3)N2C=N1 DB01205 3373 5103 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/flumazenil.html 3256 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 16.0 % 16.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 15.0 ng/ml 10-20 ng/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 1.0 L/h/kg 1.0 l/h/kg intravenous infusion, IV in drop; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.594 L/h/kg 9.9±3.1 ml/min/kg moderate hepatic impairment &#8595; ;severe hepatic impairment &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.96 L/h/kg 16 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 L/kg 0.9-1.1 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.63 L/kg 0.63±0.18 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.8 L/kg 0.8 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.125 h 4-11 min distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 40-80 min terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 1.3 h 1.3 h moderate hepatic impairment; DRUGBANK 2.4 h 2.4 h severe hepatic impairment; DRUGBANK 0.666666666666667 h 40(20-75) min pediatric patients; DRUGBANK 0.9 h 0.9±0.2 h moderate hepatic impairment &#8593; ;severe hepatic impairment &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.78 h 0.78 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 92.5 % 90-95 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 7.5 % 5-10 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 0.2 % <0.2 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % Hepatitis, Hep &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 33.0 % 33 % DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40(36-46) % DRUGBANK 0.01 mg/kg 10 mcg/kg intravenous injection, IV Flumazenil flumazenil PDR 0.2 mg/dose 200 mcg/dose intravenous injection, IV Flumazenil flumazenil PDR 0.05 mg/kg 50 mcg/kg intravenous injection, IV Flumazenil flumazenil PDR 1.0 mg 1 mg intravenous injection, IV Flumazenil flumazenil PDR 0.24 mg/kg/day 10 mcg/kg/hour intravenous infusion, iv in drop Flumazenil flumazenil PDR 5.0 mg 5 mg intravenous injection, IV Flumazenil flumazenil PDR 1.0 mg 1 mg intravenous injection, IV Flumazenil flumazenil PDR 0.01 mg/day 10 mcg/kg intravenous injection, IV Flumazenil flumazenil PDR 0.2 mg/dose 200 mcg/dose intravenous injection, IV Flumazenil flumazenil PDR 0.05 mg/day 50 mcg/kg intravenous injection, IV Flumazenil flumazenil PDR 1.0 mg 1 mg intravenous injection, IV Flumazenil flumazenil PDR 0.01 mg/kg/day 10 mcg/kg/hour intravenous infusion, iv in drop Flumazenil flumazenil PDR 5.0 mg 5 mg intravenous injection, IV Flumazenil flumazenil PDR 1.0 mg 1 mg intravenous injection, IV Flumazenil flumazenil PDR 0.03 mg/kg 30 mcg/kg intravenous injection, IV Flumazenil flumazenil PDR 0.2 mg/dose 200 mcg/dose intravenous injection, IV Flumazenil flumazenil PDR 0.05 mg/kg 50 mcg/kg intravenous injection, IV Flumazenil flumazenil PDR 1.0 mg 1 mg intravenous injection, IV Flumazenil flumazenil PDR 0.24 mg/kg/day 10 mcg/kg/h intravenous infusion, iv in drop Flumazenil flumazenil PDR 0.02 mg/kg 20 mcg/kg intravenous injection, IV Flumazenil flumazenil PDR 0.05 mg/kg 50 mcg/kg intravenous injection, IV Flumazenil flumazenil PDR 0.48 mg/kg/day 20 mcg/kg/hour intravenous infusion, iv in drop Flumazenil flumazenil PDR DDPD01206 Lomustine 233.695 C9H16ClN3O2 ClCCN(N=O)C(=O)NC1CCCCC1 DB01206 T3D4700 3950 6520 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/lomustine-ccnu.html 3813 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.56666666666667 h ~94 min DRUGBANK 32.0 h 16-48 h elimination half-life; Metabolite; DRUGBANK 70.0 mg/kg 70.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 70.0 mg/kg 70.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % DRUGBANK 130.0 mg/m2 130 mg/m2 PO, oral; nan q6w Gleostine lomustine PDR 130.0 mg/m2 130 mg/m2 PO, oral q6wk Gleostine lomustine PDR 200.0 mg/m2 200 mg/m2 PO, oral Gleostine lomustine PDR 130.0 mg/m2 130 mg/m2 PO, oral; nan q6w Gleostine lomustine PDR 130.0 mg/m2 130 mg/m2 PO, oral; nan q6w Gleostine lomustine PDR 200.0 mg/m2 200 mg/m2 PO, oral Gleostine lomustine PDR 130.0 mg/m2 130 mg/m2 PO, oral; nan q6w Gleostine lomustine PDR DDPD01208 Sparfloxacin 392.3998 C19H22F2N4O3 C[C@H]1CN(C[C@@H](C)N1)C1=C(F)C(N)=C2C(=O)C(=CN(C3CC3)C2=C1F)C(O)=O DB01208 60464 9212 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/sparfloxacin.html 54517 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 92.0 % 92 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 46.0 % 46 % PO, oral; antacids; antacids &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.162 L/h/kg 2.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.9 L/kg 3.9 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 h 20(16-30) h elimination half-life; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 20.0 h 20 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 45.0 % ~45 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD01209 Dezocine 245.3599 C16H23NO [H][C@@]12CC3=CC=C(O)C=C3[C@@](C)(CCCCC1)[C@H]2N DB01209 3033053 4474 2297867 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 1.65 L/h/kg 27.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.6 L/kg 5.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.2 h 2.2 h elimination half-life; IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 1.7-2.6(0.6-4.4) h elimination half-life; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 4.3 h 2.4-2.6(1.2-7.4) h elimination half-life; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 3.08 h 2.86-3.3 h Hepatitis, Hep; DRUGBANK 3.9 h 3.9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD01210 Levobunolol 291.3853 C17H25NO3 CC(C)(C)NC[C@H](O)COC1=CC=CC2=C1CCCC2=O DB01210 39468 6438 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/levobunolol-drops.html 36089 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % DRUGBANK 20.0 h 20 h DRUGBANK 700.0 mg/kg 700.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 4.0 drop/day 4 drop/day ophthalmic administration Betagan levobunolol hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Betagan levobunolol hydrochloride PDR 4.0 drop/day 4 drop/day ophthalmic administration Betagan levobunolol hydrochloride PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Betagan levobunolol hydrochloride PDR DDPD01211 Clarithromycin 747.9534 C38H69NO13 [H][C@@]1(C[C@@](C)(OC)[C@@H](O)[C@H](C)O1)O[C@H]1[C@H](C)[C@@H](O[C@]2([H])O[C@H](C)C[C@@H]([C@H]2O)N(C)C)[C@@](C)(C[C@@H](C)C(=O)[C@H](C)[C@@H](O)[C@](C)(O)[C@@H](CC)OC(=O)[C@@H]1C)OC DB01211 84029 3732 http://www.drugs.com/clarithromycin.html 10342604 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 55.0 % 55±8 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2400.0 ng/ml 2.4 mcg/ml PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 700.0 ng/ml 0.7 mcg/ml PO, oral; Derivative; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.8 h 2.8 h PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3.0 h PO, oral; Derivative; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.438 L/h/kg 7.3±1.9 ml/min/kg PO, oral; Elderly &#8595; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.438 L/h/kg 7.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.6 L/kg 2.6±0.5 L/kg Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.5 L/kg 1.5 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h DRUGBANK 3.3 h 3.3±0.5 h PO, oral; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;increasing doses &#8593; ;Age &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 2.8 h 2.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 36.0 % 36±7 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; Unchanged drug; Elderly &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 70.0 % ~70 % DRUGBANK 46.0 % 42-50 % DRUGBANK 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Biaxin clarithromycin PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day PO, oral Biaxin clarithromycin PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day PO, oral Biaxin clarithromycin PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1.5 g/day PO, oral Biaxin clarithromycin PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day PO, oral Biaxin clarithromycin PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Biaxin clarithromycin PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day PO, oral Biaxin clarithromycin PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day PO, oral Biaxin clarithromycin PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1.5 g/day PO, oral Biaxin clarithromycin PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day PO, oral Biaxin clarithromycin PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Biaxin clarithromycin PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Biaxin clarithromycin PDR DDPD01212 Ceftriaxone 554.58 C18H18N8O7S3 [H][C@]12SCC(CSC3=NC(=O)C(=O)NN3C)=C(N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)C(=N/OC)\C1=CSC(N)=N1)C(O)=O DB01212 T3D2568 5479530 29007 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ceftriaxone.html 4586394 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.015 L/h 0.58-1.45 L/h normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 0.0132 L/h/kg 0.22 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 9.64 L 5.78-13.5 L DRUGBANK 0.12 L/kg 0.12 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.25 h 5.8-8.7 h DRUGBANK 7.6 h 7.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10000.0 mg/kg >10 000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 33-67 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Ceftriaxone ceftriaxone PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Ceftriaxone ceftriaxone PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Ceftriaxone ceftriaxone PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Ceftriaxone ceftriaxone PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Ceftriaxone ceftriaxone PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Ceftriaxone ceftriaxone PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Ceftriaxone ceftriaxone PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Ceftriaxone ceftriaxone PDR 50.0 mg/kg/day 50 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Ceftriaxone ceftriaxone PDR DDPD01213 Fomepizole 82.1038 C4H6N2 CC1=CNN=C1 DB01213 3406 5141 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/fomepizole.html 3289 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % DRUGBANK 82.5 % 80-85 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 0.0438 L/h/kg 0.73 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.81 L/kg 0.6-1.02 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.35 L/kg 0.35 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.42 h 4.42 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.25 % 1-3.5 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK DDPD01214 Metipranolol 309.4006 C17H27NO4 CC(C)NCC(O)COC1=C(C)C(C)=C(OC(C)=O)C(C)=C1 DB01214 31477 6897 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/metipranolol-drops.html 29193 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Metipranolol metipranolol PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Metipranolol metipranolol PDR DDPD01215 Estazolam 294.738 C16H11ClN4 ClC1=CC2=C(C=C1)N1C=NN=C1CN=C2C1=CC=CC=C1 DB01215 T3D3023 3261 4858 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/estazolam.html 3146 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2(0.5-6) h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 17.0 h 10-24 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 740.0 mg/kg 740.0 mg/kg PO, oral; male mouse; DRUGBANK 3200.0 mg/kg 3200.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/kg 300.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 87.0 % 87 % Urinary excretion; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.0 % <4 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93 % Plasma Concentration &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2.0 mg/day 2 mg/day PO, oral Estazolam estazolam PDR 2.0 mg/day 2 mg/day PO, oral Estazolam estazolam PDR DDPD01216 Finasteride 372.5441 C23H36N2O2 [H][C@@]12CC[C@H](C(=O)NC(C)(C)C)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CC[C@@]2([H])NC(=O)C=C[C@]12C DB01216 T3D4820 57363 5062 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/finasteride.html 51714 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 53.0 ng.h/ml 53(20-154) ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 65.0 % 65(26-170) % PO, oral; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 63.0 % 63(34-108) % PO, oral; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 63.0 % 63±21 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 37.0 ng/ml 37(27-49) ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 37.0 ng/ml 37(27-49) ng/ml Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h Oral single dose; adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 9.9 L/h 165.0 ml/min Plasma clearance; normal,healthy; young; DRUGBANK 0.138 L/h/kg 2.3±0.8 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; adults; Elderly &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.144 L/h/kg 2.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 76.0 L 76.0 L at steady state; DRUGBANK 1.1 L/kg 1.1±0.2 L/kg normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 1.1 L/kg 1.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5(3-16) h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; young; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8 h Elderly; DRUGBANK 7.9 h 7.9±2.5 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Age &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 418.0 mg/kg ~418 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % DRUGBANK 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral Propecia finasteride PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Propecia finasteride PDR 1.0 mg/day 1 mg/day PO, oral Propecia finasteride PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral Propecia finasteride PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Propecia finasteride PDR 1.0 mg/day 1 mg/day PO, oral Propecia finasteride PDR DDPD01217 Anastrozole 293.3663 C17H19N5 CC(C)(C#N)C1=CC(=CC(CN2C=NC=N2)=C1)C(C)(C)C#N DB01217 T3D4796 2187 2704 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/anastrozole.html 2102 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80.0 % PO, oral; postmenopausal women;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 46.0 ng/ml 46.0 ng/ml Oral single dose; postmenopausal women;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 2.0 h ≤2 h Oral single dose; postmenopausal women;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 3.19 L 3.19 mL/g mouse; DRUGBANK 50.0 h ~50 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 50.0 h 50.0 h normal,healthy; postmenopausal women; Asian; DRUGBANK 1.68 mg/kg 1.68 mg/kg PO, oral; human, homo sapiens;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 85 % lung excretion; DRUGBANK 10.0 % ~10 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 10.0 % <10 % Urinary excretion; postmenopausal women;  Female, women; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % Plasma Concentration &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 40.0 % ~40 % postmenopausal women;  Female, women; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 mg 1 mg PO, oral qd Arimidex anastrozole PDR 1.0 mg 1 mg PO, oral qd Arimidex anastrozole PDR DDPD01218 Halofantrine 500.424 C26H30Cl2F3NO CCCCN(CCCC)CCC(O)C1=C2C=CC(=CC2=C2C=C(Cl)C=C(Cl)C2=C1)C(F)(F)F DB01218 37393 94392 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/halofantrine.html 34303 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 192.0 h 6-10 day DRUGBANK 65.0 % 60-70 % DRUGBANK DDPD01219 Dantrolene 314.257 C14H10N4O5 [O-][N+](=O)C1=CC=C(C=C1)C1=CC=C(O1)\C=N\N1CC(=O)NC1=O DB01219 6914273 4317 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/dantrolene.html 5290202 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70 % DRUGBANK 0.0258 L/h/kg 0.43 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.37 L/kg 0.37 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 4-8 h elimination half-life; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 8.7 h 8.7 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 10.0 h 10 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7400.0 mg/kg 7400.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD01220 Rifaximin 785.8785 C43H51N3O11 CO[C@H]1\C=C\O[C@@]2(C)OC3=C(C)C(O)=C4C(O)=C(NC(=O)\C(C)=C/C=C/[C@H](C)[C@H](O)[C@@H](C)[C@@H](O)[C@@H](C)[C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@@H]1C)C1=C(N=C5C=C(C)C=CN15)C4=C3C2=O DB01220 6436173 75246 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/rifaximin.html 10482302 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6.0 h ~6 h DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 96.62 % 96.62 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.32 % 0.32 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Xifaxan rifaximin PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Xifaxan rifaximin PDR 1100.0 mg/day 1100 mg/day PO, oral Xifaxan rifaximin PDR 1650.0 mg/day 1650 mg/day Xifaxan rifaximin PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Xifaxan rifaximin PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Xifaxan rifaximin PDR 1100.0 mg/day 1100 mg/day PO, oral Xifaxan rifaximin PDR 1650.0 mg/day 1650 mg/day Xifaxan rifaximin PDR DDPD01221 Ketamine 237.725 C13H16ClNO CNC1(CCCCC1=O)C1=CC=CC=C1Cl DB01221 T3D3025 3821 6121 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ketamine.html 3689 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93 % DRUGBANK 750.0 ng/ml 0.75 mcg/ml DRUGBANK 1.35714285714286 L/h/kg 95.0 L/h/70kg DRUGBANK 1.14 L/h/kg 19 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.3713 L/kg 371.3 ml/kg Total volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 4.0603 L/kg 4060.3 ml/kg at steady state; DRUGBANK 2.9 L/kg 2.9 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.1 h 186 min DRUGBANK 2.8 h 2.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 91.0 % 91 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 3.0 % 3 % Faeces excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 53.5 % 53.5 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD01222 Budesonide 430.5339 C25H34O6 [H][C@@]12C[C@H]3OC(CCC)O[C@@]3(C(=O)CO)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)C=C[C@]12C DB01222 5281004 3207 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/budesonide-spray.html 4444479 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.33 ng.h/ml 7.33 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 16.43 ng.h/ml 16.43±10.52 ng.h/ml Tablet, PO, oral; extended release formulation; different study; DRUGBANK 4.31 ng.h/ml 4.31 ng.h/ml Rectal Administration; DRUGBANK 15.0 % 9-21 % Capsule, PO, Oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 39.0 % 39 % inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 6.0 % 6 % inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 1.5 ng/ml 1.50±0.79 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.47358729 ng/ml 0.6-1.6 nmol/L inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 1.11938814 ng/ml 2.6 nmol/L inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 1.35 ng/ml 1.35±0.96 ng/ml Tablet, PO, oral; extended release formulation; different study; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 2-8 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 7.3 h 4.3-10.3 h Tablet, PO, oral; high-fat meal; DRUGBANK 0.166666666666667 h 10 min inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 0.333333333333333 h 20 min inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 13.3 h 13.3±5.9 h Tablet, PO, oral; extended release formulation; different study; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 80-90 % DRUGBANK 108.0 L/h 1.8 L/min Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 84.0 L/h 1.4 L/min DRUGBANK 60.0 L/h 1.0 L/min DRUGBANK 30.0 L/h 0.5 L/min asthma; Children; DRUGBANK 1.2 L/h/kg 20 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.05 L/kg 2.2-3.9 L/kg DRUGBANK 3.9 L/kg 3.9 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.8 h 2-3.6 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 2.3 h 2.3 h elimination half-life; asthma; Children; DRUGBANK 2.8 h 2.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 60.0 % ~60 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 87.5 % 85-90 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 0.256 mg/day 256 mcg/day intranasal Entocort EC budesonide PDR 0.72 mg/day 720 mcg/day inhalation, IH Entocort EC budesonide PDR 4.0 mg/day 4 mg/day Liquid Entocort EC budesonide PDR 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Entocort EC budesonide PDR 0.128 mg/day 128 mcg/day intranasal Entocort EC budesonide PDR 0.72 mg/day 720 mcg/day inhalation, IH Entocort EC budesonide PDR 1.0 mg/day 1 mg/day Liquid Entocort EC budesonide PDR 4.0 mg/day 4 mg/day Liquid Entocort EC budesonide PDR 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Entocort EC budesonide PDR 1.0 mg/day 1 mg/day Liquid Entocort EC budesonide PDR 4.0 mg/day 4 mg/day Liquid Entocort EC budesonide PDR 8.0 mg/day 8 mg/day Liquid Entocort EC budesonide PDR 0.256 mg/day 256 mcg/day intranasal Entocort EC budesonide PDR 0.72 mg/day 720 mcg/day inhalation, IH Entocort EC budesonide PDR 4.0 mg/day 4 mg/day Liquid Entocort EC budesonide PDR 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Entocort EC budesonide PDR 8.0 mg/day 8 mg/day Liquid Entocort EC budesonide PDR 1.0 mg/day 1 mg/day Liquid Entocort EC budesonide PDR DDPD01223 Aminophylline 420.4264 C16H24N10O4 NCCN.CN1C2=C(NC=N2)C(=O)N(C)C1=O.CN1C2=C(NC=N2)C(=O)N(C)C1=O DB01223 9433 2659 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/aminophylline.html 9062 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0279 L/h/kg 0.29-0.64 ml/kg/min postnatal; DRUGBANK 0.099 L/h/kg 1.6-1.7 ml/kg/min Children; DRUGBANK 0.069 L/h/kg 0.9-1.4 ml/kg/min Adolescents; DRUGBANK 0.039 L/h/kg 0.65 ml/kg/min adults; asthma; DRUGBANK 0.0246 L/h/kg 0.41 ml/kg/min Elderly; DRUGBANK 0.0198 L/h/kg 0.33 ml/kg/min Acute pulmonary edema; DRUGBANK 0.0324 L/h/kg 0.54 ml/kg/min COPD, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; DRUGBANK 0.0288 L/h/kg 0.48 ml/kg/min COPD, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CP,cor pulmonale; DRUGBANK 0.075 L/h/kg 1.25 ml/kg/min Cystic fibrosis; DRUGBANK 0.0186 L/h/kg 0.31 ml/kg/min cholestasis; DRUGBANK 0.03 L/h/kg 0.35-0.65 ml/kg/min Hepatitis, Hep; DRUGBANK 0.0282 L/h/kg 0.47 ml/kg/min Sepsis; multi-organ failure; DRUGBANK 0.0228 L/h/kg 0.38 ml/kg/min LTh hypothyroid; DRUGBANK 0.048 L/h/kg 0.8 ml/kg/min hyperthyroid, HTh; DRUGBANK 0.5 L/kg 0.3-0.7 L/kg DRUGBANK 8.0 h 7-9 h DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % DRUGBANK DDPD01224 Quetiapine 383.507 C21H25N3O2S OCCOCCN1CCN(CC1)C1=NC2=CC=CC=C2SC2=CC=CC=C12 DB01224 T3D2555 5002 8707 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/quetiapine.html 4827 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5094.0 ng.h/ml 5094.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 9.0 % 9.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 467.0 ng/ml 467 ng/ml PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 278.0 ng/ml 278.0 ng/ml PO, oral; schizophrenia; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.4 h 1-1.8 h DRUGBANK 48.0 h 48 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 101.04 L/h 101.04±39.11 L/h normal,healthy; fasting; Geriatric &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 1.14 L/h/kg 19.0 ml/min/kg Elderly &#8595; ;hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 10.0 L/kg 10±4 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 10.0 L/kg 10±4 L/kg DRUGBANK 6.5 h ~6-7 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6.0 h DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg 2000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 73.0 % ~73 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 20.0 % ~20 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 83.0 % 83 % DRUGBANK 83.0 % 83 % DRUGBANK 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Seroquel quetiapine fumarate PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Seroquel quetiapine fumarate PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Seroquel quetiapine fumarate PDR 500.0 mg/day 500 mg/day PO, oral Seroquel quetiapine fumarate PDR DDPD01226 Mivacurium 1029.2608 C58H80N2O14 COC1=CC(C[C@@H]2C3=CC(OC)=C(OC)C=C3CC[N+]2(C)CCCOC(=O)CC\C=C\CCC(=O)OCCC[N+]2(C)CCC3=CC(OC)=C(OC)C=C3[C@H]2CC2=CC(OC)=C(OC)C(OC)=C2)=CC(OC)=C1OC DB01226 5281042 6958 4444509 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0358333333333333 h 1.7-2.6 min elimination half-life; normal,healthy; young; DRUGBANK 0.0733333333333333 h 4.4 min elimination half-life; hepatopathy,LD; liver transplant; DRUGBANK DDPD01227 Levacetylmethadol 353.4977 C23H31NO2 CC[C@H](OC(C)=O)C(C[C@H](C)N(C)C)(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB01227 T3D3027 15130 6441 http://www.drugs.com/cons/levomethadyl.html 14401 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 62.4 h 2.6 day DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~80 % DRUGBANK DDPD01228 Encainide 352.4699 C22H28N2O2 COC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(=O)NC1=CC=CC=C1CCC1CCCCN1C DB01228 T3D4738 48041 4788 43697 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.78 L/h/kg 13 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.2 L/kg 2.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h DRUGBANK 2.6 h 2.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD01229 Paclitaxel 853.9061 C47H51NO14 [H][C@]12[C@H](OC(=O)C3=CC=CC=C3)[C@]3(O)C[C@H](OC(=O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](NC(=O)C4=CC=CC=C4)C4=CC=CC=C4)C(C)=C([C@@H](OC(C)=O)C(=O)[C@]1(C)[C@@H](O)C[C@H]1OC[C@@]21OC(C)=O)C3(C)C DB01229 T3D4019 36314 45863 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/paclitaxel.html 10368587 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6300.0 ng.h/ml 6300.0 ng.h/ml intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 195.0 ng/ml 195 ng/ml intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 725820.185 ng/ml 0.85±0.21 mM intravenous infusion, IV in drop; adults; tumor; DRUGBANK 21.7 L/h/m2 21.7 L/h/m2 intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 23.8 L/h/m2 23.8 L/h/m2 intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 7.0 L/h/m2 7.0 L/h/m2 intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 12.2 L/h/m2 12.2 L/h/m2 intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 0.33 L/h/kg 5.5±3.5 ml/min/kg hydrolysis; hydrolysis; Children &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.384 L/h/kg 6.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 457.5 L/m2 227-688 L/m2 at steady state; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 2.0 L/kg 2.0±1.2 L/kg Children &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 3.0 L/kg 3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 52.7 h 52.7 h ovarian cancer; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3±1 h DRUGBANK 30.0 h 30 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 11.0 h 11 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 32.53 mg/kg 32530.0 ug/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 32.53 mg/kg 32530.0 ug/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 71.0 % 71 % Faeces excretion; patients; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 14.0 % 14 % Urinary excretion; patients; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5±2 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 93.5 % 89-98 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 93.0 % 88-98 % DRUGBANK 260.0 mg/m2 260 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Abraxane paclitaxel protein-bound PDR 260.0 mg/m2 260 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Abraxane paclitaxel protein-bound PDR DDPD01230 Pemoline 176.172 C9H8N2O2 NC1=NC(=O)C(O1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB01230 4723 7953 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/pemoline.html 4561 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 12.0 h ~12 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD01231 Diphenidol 309.4452 C21H27NO OC(CCCN1CCCCC1)(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB01231 3055 4638 http://www.drugs.com/cons/diphenidol.html 2947 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h DRUGBANK DDPD01232 Saquinavir 670.8408 C38H50N6O5 [H][C@@]12CCCC[C@]1([H])CN(C[C@@H](O)[C@H](CC1=CC=CC=C1)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(N)=O)NC(=O)C1=NC3=C(C=CC=C3)C=C1)[C@@H](C2)C(=O)NC(C)(C)C DB01232 441243 63621 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/saquinavir.html 390016 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 39026.0 ng.h/ml 39026.0 ng.h/ml combination drug use; DRUGBANK 4.0 % ~4 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 1.14 L/h/kg 1.14 L/h/kg Total clearance; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.78 L/h/kg 13 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 700.0 L 700.0 L Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 3.6 L/kg 3.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 13.0 h 13 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5 g/kg PO, oral; mouse; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 84.5 % ~81-88 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 2.0 % 1-3 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 98.0 % ~98 % plasma proteins; Plasma Concentration &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day PO, oral Invirase saquinavir mesylate PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day PO, oral Invirase saquinavir mesylate PDR 1500.0 mg/m2/day 1500 mg/m2/day Invirase saquinavir mesylate PDR 1600.0 mg 1600 mg Invirase saquinavir mesylate PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day PO, oral Invirase saquinavir mesylate PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day PO, oral Invirase saquinavir mesylate PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day PO, oral Invirase saquinavir mesylate PDR 1500.0 mg/m2/day 1500 mg/m2/day Invirase saquinavir mesylate PDR 1600.0 mg 1600 mg Invirase saquinavir mesylate PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day PO, oral Invirase saquinavir mesylate PDR DDPD01233 Metoclopramide 299.796 C14H22ClN3O2 CCN(CC)CCNC(=O)C1=CC(Cl)=C(N)C=C1OC DB01233 4168 107736 http://www.drugs.com/metoclopramide.html 4024 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 84.0 % 84 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 367.0 ng.h/ml 367.0 ng.h/ml inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 40.7 % 40.7(30-100) % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 47.0 % 47 % inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 76.0 % 76±38 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 41.0 ng/ml 41.0 ng/ml inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 80.0 ng/ml 80.0 ng/ml Oral single dose; Elderly; DRUGBANK 18.0 ng/ml 18±6.2 ng/ml Oral single dose; Infants; DRUGBANK 1.25 h 1.25 h inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 1.0 h ≤1 h Oral single dose; Elderly; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5±0.7 h Oral single dose; Infants; DRUGBANK 0.16 L/h/kg 0.16 L/h/kg Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.7 L/h/kg 0.7 L/h/kg Total clearance; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.5 L/h/kg 0.31-0.69 L/h/kg Total clearance; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.372 L/h/kg 6.2±1.3 ml/min/kg Neonates &#8593; ;Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.342 L/h/kg 5.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.5 L/kg 3.5 L/kg DRUGBANK 3.4 L/kg 3.4±1.3 L/kg Neonates &#8593; ;Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 3.2 L/kg 3.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.5 h 5-6 h elimination half-life; normal renal function; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5.0±1.4 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;Age &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 7.2 h 7.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 750.0 mg/kg 750.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 85 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20±9 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40±4 % RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.2 mg/kg/dose 0.2 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Metoclopramide Oral Solution metoclopramide PDR 0.2 mg/kg/dose 0.2 mg/kg/dose PO, oral Metoclopramide Oral Solution metoclopramide PDR 2.0 mg/kg/dose 2 mg/kg/dose intravenous infusion, iv in drop Metoclopramide Oral Solution metoclopramide PDR 10.0 mg/dose 10 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Metoclopramide Oral Solution metoclopramide PDR 10.0 mg/dose 10 mg/dose PO, oral Metoclopramide Oral Solution metoclopramide PDR 0.8 mg/kg/day 0.8 mg/kg/day PO, oral Metoclopramide Oral Solution metoclopramide PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Metoclopramide Oral Solution metoclopramide PDR 20.0 mg/dose 20 mg/dose Metoclopramide Oral Solution metoclopramide PDR 0.2 mg/kg/dose 0.2 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Metoclopramide Oral Solution metoclopramide PDR 0.2 mg/kg/dose 0.2 mg/kg/dose PO, oral Metoclopramide Oral Solution metoclopramide PDR 2.0 mg/kg/dose 2 mg/kg/dose intravenous infusion, iv in drop Metoclopramide Oral Solution metoclopramide PDR 10.0 mg/dose 10 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Metoclopramide Oral Solution metoclopramide PDR 10.0 mg/dose 10 mg/dose PO, oral Metoclopramide Oral Solution metoclopramide PDR 0.8 mg/kg/day 0.8 mg/kg/day PO, oral Metoclopramide Oral Solution metoclopramide PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Metoclopramide Oral Solution metoclopramide PDR 20.0 mg/dose 20 mg/dose Metoclopramide Oral Solution metoclopramide PDR 0.1 mg/kg/dose 0.1 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Metoclopramide Oral Solution metoclopramide PDR 0.2 mg/kg/dose 0.2 mg/kg/dose PO, oral Metoclopramide Oral Solution metoclopramide PDR 0.8 mg/kg/day 0.8 mg/kg/day PO, oral Metoclopramide Oral Solution metoclopramide PDR 0.1 mg/kg/dose 0.1 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Metoclopramide Oral Solution metoclopramide PDR 0.15 mg/kg/dose 0.15 mg/kg/dose PO, oral Metoclopramide Oral Solution metoclopramide PDR 0.6 mg/kg/day 0.6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Metoclopramide Oral Solution metoclopramide PDR DDPD01234 Dexamethasone 392.4611 C22H29FO5 [H][C@@]12C[C@@H](C)[C@](O)(C(=O)CO)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1(F)[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)C=C[C@]12C DB01234 T3D4982 5743 41879 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/dexamethasone-drops.html 5541 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 113.0 ng.h/ml 113±38 ng.h/ml IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 331.0 ng.h/ml 331±50 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 74.0 % 70-78 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 34.6 ng/ml 34.6±6.0 ng/ml IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 13.9 ng/ml 13.9±6.8 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2.0±1.2 h IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2.0±0.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 15.7 L/h 15.7 L/h Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 15.6 L/h 15.6±4.9 L/h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 9.9 L/h 9.9±1.4 L/h IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 0.198 L/h/kg 3.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 51.0 L 51.0 L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 96.0 L 96.0 L IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 0.94 L/kg 0.94 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h terminal half-life; Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.6 h 6.6±4.3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.2 h 4.2±1.2 h IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 3.7 h 3.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6500.0 mg/kg 6.5 g/kg PO, oral; female mouse; DRUGBANK 794.0 mg/kg 794.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; female mouse; DRUGBANK 3000.0 mg/kg >3 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 77.0 % ~77 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD01235 Levodopa 197.1879 C9H11NO4 N[C@@H](CC1=CC(O)=C(O)C=C1)C(O)=O DB01235 T3D3028 6047 15765 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/levodopa.html 5824 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 41.0 % 41±16 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 86.0 % 86±19 % combination drug use; DRUGBANK 1700.0 ng/ml 1.7±0.8 mcg/ml combination drug use; young; DRUGBANK 1900.0 ng/ml 1.9±0.6 mcg/ml combination drug use; Elderly; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 1.4 h 1.4±0.7 h combination drug use; young; DRUGBANK 1.4 h 1.4±0.7 h combination drug use; Elderly; DRUGBANK 0.852 L/h/kg 14.2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; Geriatric; DRUGBANK 1.404 L/h/kg 23.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; young; DRUGBANK 0.348 L/h/kg 5.8 ml/min/kg Drug combination; Geriatric; DRUGBANK 0.558 L/h/kg 9.3 ml/min/kg Drug combination; young; DRUGBANK 1.38 L/h/kg 23±4 ml/min/kg Elderly &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.54 L/h/kg 9±1 ml/min/kg Drug combination; Elderly &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 1.38 L/h/kg 23 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 168.0 L 168.0 L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.7 L/kg 1.7±0.4 L/kg Elderly &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.9 L/kg 0.9±0.2 L/kg Drug combination; Elderly &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 1.7 L/kg 1.7 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.3 h 2.3 h inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 0.833333333333333 h 50 min PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h Drug combination; DRUGBANK 1.4 h 1.4±0.4 h Age &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5±0.3 h Drug combination; Age &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.3 h 1.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2363.0 mg/kg 2363.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 609.0 mg/kg 609.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 1780.0 mg/kg 1780.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 17.0 % 17 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.28 % 0.28 % lung excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 78.4 % 78.4 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 8000.0 mg/day 8 g/day PO, oral Inbrija levodopa PDR 420.0 mg/day 420 mg/day inhalation, IH Inbrija levodopa PDR 8000.0 mg/day 8 g/day PO, oral Inbrija levodopa PDR 420.0 mg/day 420 mg/day inhalation, IH Inbrija levodopa PDR DDPD01236 Sevoflurane 200.0548 C4H3F7O FCOC(C(F)(F)F)C(F)(F)F DB01236 T3D3029 5206 9130 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/sevoflurane.html 5017 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % DRUGBANK 19.0 h 15-23 h DRUGBANK 10800.0 mg/kg 10.8 g/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 10800.0 mg/kg 10.8 g/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD01237 Bromodiphenhydramine 334.251 C17H20BrNO CN(C)CCOC(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=C(Br)C=C1 DB01237 T3D3030 2444 59177 2350 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.5 h 1-4 h DRUGBANK 96.0 % 96 % DRUGBANK DDPD01238 Aripiprazole 448.385 C23H27Cl2N3O2 ClC1=CC=CC(N2CCN(CCCCOC3=CC4=C(CCC(=O)N4)C=C3)CC2)=C1Cl DB01238 T3D2677 60795 31236 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/aripiprazole.html 54790 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 87.0 % 87 % Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 87.0 % 87.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 242.0 ng/ml 242±36 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 3-5 h Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3.0±0.6 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.048 L/h/kg 0.8 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 3.279 L/h 3297±1042 ml/h DRUGBANK 0.0498 L/h/kg 0.83±0.17 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; at steady state; hydrolysis; hydrolysis; DRUGBANK 0.0498 L/h/kg 0.83 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 404.0 L 404.0 L DRUGBANK 4.9 L/kg 4.9 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; at steady state; hydrolysis; hydrolysis; DRUGBANK 4.9 L/kg 4.9 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 75.0 h 75 h DRUGBANK 94.0 h 94 h Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 146.0 h 146 h poor CYP2D6 metabolize; DRUGBANK 61.03 h 61.03±19.59 h different study; DRUGBANK 279.0 h 279±299 h different study; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 47.0 h 47±10 h DRUGBANK 94.0 h 94.0 h Metabolite; DRUGBANK 75.0 h 75 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 55.0 % 55 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % DRUGBANK 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Abilify aripiprazole PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Abilify aripiprazole PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Abilify aripiprazole PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Abilify aripiprazole PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Abilify aripiprazole PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Abilify aripiprazole PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Abilify aripiprazole PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Abilify aripiprazole PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Abilify aripiprazole PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Abilify aripiprazole PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Abilify aripiprazole PDR 25.0 mg/day 25 mg/day Liquid Abilify aripiprazole PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day IM,intramuscular injection Abilify aripiprazole PDR 13.3333333333333 mg/day 400 mg/month IM,intramuscular injection Abilify aripiprazole PDR 29.4 mg/day 882 mg/month IM,intramuscular injection Abilify aripiprazole PDR 675.0 mg/dose 675 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Abilify aripiprazole PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Abilify aripiprazole PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Abilify aripiprazole PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Abilify aripiprazole PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Abilify aripiprazole PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Abilify aripiprazole PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Abilify aripiprazole PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Abilify aripiprazole PDR 25.0 mg/day 25 mg/day Liquid Abilify aripiprazole PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day IM,intramuscular injection Abilify aripiprazole PDR 13.3333333333333 mg/day 400 mg/month IM,intramuscular injection Abilify aripiprazole PDR 29.4 mg/day 882 mg/month IM,intramuscular injection Abilify aripiprazole PDR 675.0 mg/dose 675 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Abilify aripiprazole PDR DDPD01239 Chlorprothixene 315.86 C18H18ClNS CN(C)CC\C=C1\C2=CC=CC=C2SC2=CC=C(Cl)C=C12 DB01239 T3D3031 667466 50931 580849 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.69 L/h/kg 11.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 13.7 L/kg 13.7 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.0 h 8-12 h DRUGBANK 25.8 h 25.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD01240 Epoprostenol 352.4651 C20H32O5 [H][C@]12C[C@@H](O)[C@H](\C=C\[C@@H](O)CCCCC)[C@@]1([H])C\C(O2)=C\CCCC(O)=O DB01240 5280427 15552 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/epoprostenol.html 4445566 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.357 L/kg 357.0 ml/kg DRUGBANK 0.1 h ~6 min high protein binding; DRUGBANK 0.1 h <6 min in vivo; DRUGBANK DDPD01241 Gemfibrozil 250.3334 C15H22O3 CC1=CC(OCCCC(C)(C)C(O)=O)=C(C)C=C1 DB01241 T3D4809 3463 5296 http://www.drugs.com/gemfibrozil.html 3345 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98±1 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 46000.0 ng/ml 46±16 ug/ml PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 13800.0 ng/ml 13.8±11.1 ug/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 23000.0 ng/ml 23.0±10.3 ug/ml PO, oral; hepatopathy,LD; DRUGBANK 20000.0 ng/ml 15-25 mcg/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.2 h 2.2±1.1 h PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.3 h 2.3±1.0 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.6 h 2.6±1.7 h PO, oral; hepatopathy,LD; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.0 L/h 6.0 L/h DRUGBANK 0.102 L/h/kg 1.7±0.4 ml/min/kg Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.8 L/kg 0.8 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.14 L/kg 0.14±0.03 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 2.4 h 2.4 h patients; DRUGBANK 2.1 h 2.1 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; patients; DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1±0.2 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2218.0 mg/kg 2218.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1414.0 mg/kg 1414.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 445.0 mg/kg 445.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3162.0 mg/kg 3162.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 70.0 % ~70 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 6.0 % ~6 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % DRUGBANK 98.6 % 98.6 % DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % DRUGBANK 0.8 % 0.8 % serum albumin; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % DRUGBANK 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Lopid gemfibrozil PDR 1600.0 mg/day 1600 mg/day PO, oral Lopid gemfibrozil PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Lopid gemfibrozil PDR 1600.0 mg/day 1600 mg/day PO, oral Lopid gemfibrozil PDR DDPD01242 Clomipramine 314.852 C19H23ClN2 CN(C)CCCN1C2=CC=CC=C2CCC2=C1C=C(Cl)C=C2 DB01242 T3D3032 2801 47780 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/clomipramine.html 2699 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 92000000.0 ng/ml 92(56-154) mg/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 2-6 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 252.0 h 1-2 week Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 0.492 L/h/kg 8.2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 17.0 L/kg ~17(9-25) L/kg DRUGBANK 13.0 L/kg 13 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 32.0 h 32(19-37) h elimination half-life; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 69.0 h 69(54-77) h DRUGBANK 26.0 h 26 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 55.5 % 51-60 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 28.0 % 24-32 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 97.5 % ~97-98 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 3.0 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/day PO, oral Anafranil clomipramine hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Anafranil clomipramine hydrochloride PDR 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day PO, oral Anafranil clomipramine hydrochloride PDR 3.0 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/day PO, oral Anafranil clomipramine hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Anafranil clomipramine hydrochloride PDR 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day PO, oral Anafranil clomipramine hydrochloride PDR DDPD01243 Chloroxine 214.048 C9H5Cl2NO OC1=C(Cl)C=C(Cl)C2=C1N=CC=C2 DB01243 2722 59477 http://www.drugs.com/cons/chloroxine-topical.html 2621 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01244 Bepridil 366.5396 C24H34N2O CC(C)COCC(CN(CC1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1)N1CCCC1 DB01244 2351 3061 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/bepridil.html 2261 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.522 L/h/kg 8.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.1 L/kg 10.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 37.0 h 24-50 h DRUGBANK 14.9 h 14.9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % DRUGBANK DDPD01245 Decamethonium 258.4863 C16H38N2 C[N+](C)(C)CCCCCCCCCC[N+](C)(C)C DB01245 2968 41934 2862 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 190.0 mg/kg 190.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD01246 Alimemazine 298.446 C18H22N2S CC(CN(C)C)CN1C2=CC=CC=C2SC2=CC=CC=C12 DB01246 5574 9725 5373 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01247 Isocarboxazid 231.2505 C12H13N3O2 CC1=CC(=NO1)C(=O)NNCC1=CC=CC=C1 DB01247 T3D3033 3759 93635 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/isocarboxazid.html 3628 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.75 h 1.5-4 h DRUGBANK 42.5 % 42.5 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 22.0 % 22 % DRUGBANK 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Marplan isocarboxazid PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Marplan isocarboxazid PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Marplan isocarboxazid PDR DDPD01248 Docetaxel 807.8792 C43H53NO14 [H][C@@]1(C[C@@]2(O)[C@@H](OC(=O)C3=CC=CC=C3)[C@]3([H])[C@@]4(CO[C@@H]4C[C@H](O)[C@@]3(C)C(=O)[C@H](O)C(=C1C)C2(C)C)OC(C)=O)OC(=O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](NC(=O)OC(C)(C)C)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB01248 T3D3501 148124 4672 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/docetaxel.html 130581 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2400.0 ng/ml 2.4±0.9 mcg/ml intravenous infusion, IV in drop; tumor; DRUGBANK 21.0 L/h/m2 21.0 L/h/m2 Total clearance; intravenous injection, IV; tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 22.6 L/h/m2 22.6±7.7 L/h/m2 mild hepatic impairment &#8595; ;moderate hepatic impairment &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.84 L/h/kg 14 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 113.0 L 113.0 L DRUGBANK 72.0 L/m2 72±24 L/m2 DRUGBANK 2.1 L/kg 2.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.0666666666666667 h 4 min distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 0.6 h 36 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 11.1 h 11.1 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 13.6 h 13.6±6.1 h Male, men;  Female, women; tumor; DRUGBANK 11.0 h 11 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 6.0 % 6 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 75.0 % 75 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 2.1 % 2.1±0.2 % Urinary excretion; tumor; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % plasma proteins; tumor; DRUGBANK 94.0 % 94 % tumor; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 65.0 mg/m2 65 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV q3w Docefrez docetaxel PDR 125.0 mg/m2 125 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Docefrez docetaxel PDR 100.0 mg/m2 100 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV; over 1 hour every 3 weeks Docefrez docetaxel PDR 40.0 mg/m2 40 mg/m2 qw Docefrez docetaxel PDR 100.0 mg/m2 100 mg/m2 Intraperitoneal, IP q3w Docefrez docetaxel PDR 100.0 mg/m2 100 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV; over 1 hour every 3 weeks Docefrez docetaxel PDR 40.0 mg/m2 40 mg/m2 qw Docefrez docetaxel PDR 100.0 mg/m2 100 mg/m2 Intraperitoneal, IP q3w Docefrez docetaxel PDR DDPD01249 Iodixanol 1550.1819 C35H44I6N6O15 CC(=O)N(CC(O)CN(C(C)=O)C1=C(I)C(C(=O)NCC(O)CO)=C(I)C(C(=O)NCC(O)CO)=C1I)C1=C(I)C(C(=O)NCC(O)CO)=C(I)C(C(=O)NCC(O)CO)=C1I DB01249 3724 31705 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/iodixanol.html 3593 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0864 L/h/kg 1.44 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.26 L/kg 0.26 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.2 L/kg 0.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.1 h 2.1 h DRUGBANK 23.0 h 23 h severe renal function; DRUGBANK 2.1 h 2.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 97.0 % ~97 % Urinary excretion; adults; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK DDPD01250 Olsalazine 302.239 C14H10N2O6 OC(=O)C1=CC(=CC=C1O)\N=N\C1=CC=C(O)C(=C1)C(O)=O DB01250 6003770 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/olsalazine.html 10642377 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 98.5 % 98-99 % DRUGBANK 0.072 L/h/kg 1.2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.07 L/kg 0.07 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.9 h 0.9 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 168.0 h 7 day Raceme L; DRUGBANK 0.9 h 0.9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day PO, oral Dipentum olsalazine sodium PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day PO, oral Dipentum olsalazine sodium PDR DDPD01251 Gliquidone 527.632 C27H33N3O6S COC1=CC2=C(C=C1)C(C)(C)C(=O)N(CCC1=CC=C(C=C1)S(=O)(=O)NC(=O)NC1CCCCC1)C2=O DB01251 91610 93416 82719 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 8.0 h ~8(5.7-9.4) h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK DDPD01253 Ergometrine 325.4048 C19H23N3O2 [H][C@@]12CC3=CNC4=CC=CC(=C34)C1=C[C@H](CN2C)C(=O)N[C@@H](C)CO DB01253 T3D3685 443884 4822 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ergonovine.html 391970 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % PO, oral; IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 0.166666666666667 h 10 min distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK DDPD01254 Dasatinib 488.006 C22H26ClN7O2S CC1=NC(NC2=NC=C(S2)C(=O)NC2=C(C)C=CC=C2Cl)=CC(=N1)N1CCN(CCO)CC1 DB01254 3062316 49375 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/dasatinib.html 2323020 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2505.0 L 2505.0 L DRUGBANK 4.0 h 3-5 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 96.0 % 96 % DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Sprycel dasatinib PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Sprycel dasatinib PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Sprycel dasatinib PDR 70.0 mg/day 70 mg/day PO, oral Sprycel dasatinib PDR 70.0 mg/day 70 mg/day PO, oral Sprycel dasatinib PDR 90.0 mg/day 90 mg/day PO, oral Sprycel dasatinib PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Sprycel dasatinib PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Sprycel dasatinib PDR 140.0 mg/day 140 mg/day PO, oral Sprycel dasatinib PDR 180.0 mg/day 180 mg/day PO, oral Sprycel dasatinib PDR 70.0 mg/day 70 mg/day PO, oral Sprycel dasatinib PDR 90.0 mg/day 90 mg/day PO, oral Sprycel dasatinib PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Sprycel dasatinib PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Sprycel dasatinib PDR 140.0 mg/day 140 mg/day PO, oral Sprycel dasatinib PDR 180.0 mg/day 180 mg/day PO, oral Sprycel dasatinib PDR DDPD01255 Lisdexamfetamine 263.3785 C15H25N3O C[C@@H](CC1=CC=CC=C1)NC(=O)[C@@H](N)CCCCN DB01255 11597698 135925 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/lisdexamfetamine.html 9772458 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h Tablet, PO, oral; normal,healthy; fasting; DRUGBANK 4.4 h 4.4 h Tablet, PO, oral; normal,healthy; fasting; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h Capsule, PO, Oral; Children; fasting; Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5 h Capsule, PO, Oral; Children; fasting; Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 0.625 L/h/kg 0.55-0.7 l/h/kg Elderly; DRUGBANK 1.02 L/h/kg 17 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.6 L/kg 0.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.0 h ~12 h elimination half-life; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 h <1 h elimination half-life; Single dose; DRUGBANK 1.2 h 1.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7060.0 mg/kg 7060.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3450.0 mg/kg 3450.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 96.0 % 96 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.3 % 0.3 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 70.0 mg/day 70 mg/day PO, oral Vyvanse lisdexamfetamine dimesylate PDR 70.0 mg/day 70 mg/day PO, oral Vyvanse lisdexamfetamine dimesylate PDR 70.0 mg/day 70 mg/day PO, oral Vyvanse lisdexamfetamine dimesylate PDR 70.0 mg/day 70 mg/day PO, oral Vyvanse lisdexamfetamine dimesylate PDR DDPD01256 Retapamulin 517.763 C30H47NO4S [H][C@@]12C(=O)CC[C@]11CC[C@@H](C)[C@@]2(C)[C@@H](C[C@@](C)(C=C)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1C)OC(=O)CS[C@H]1C[C@@H]2CC[C@H](C1)N2C DB01256 6918462 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/retapamulin-ointment.html 25064484 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 94.0 % ~94 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; Plasma Concentration &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2.0 % body surface area 2 % body surface area Altabax retapamulin PDR 100.0 cm2 100 cm2 Altabax retapamulin PDR 2.0 m2 2 %body surface area Altabax retapamulin PDR 100.0 cm2 100 cm2 Altabax retapamulin PDR 2.0 % body surface area 2 % body surface area Altabax retapamulin PDR DDPD01259 Lapatinib 581.058 C29H26ClFN4O4S CS(=O)(=O)CCNCC1=CC=C(O1)C1=CC2=C(C=C1)N=CN=C2NC1=CC(Cl)=C(OCC2=CC(F)=CC=C2)C=C1 DB01259 208908 49603 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/lapatinib.html 181006 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 14.2 h 14.2 h terminal half-life; Single dose; DRUGBANK 24.0 h 24 h effective half-life; Multiple dose; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/day 1500 mg/day PO, oral qd Tykerb lapatinib PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1500 mg/day PO, oral qd Tykerb lapatinib PDR DDPD01260 Desonide 416.5073 C24H32O6 [H][C@@]12C[C@H]3OC(C)(C)O[C@@]3(C(=O)CO)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)C=C[C@]12C DB01260 5311066 204734 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/desonide-cream.html 4470603 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.0 application/day 4 application/day skin/dermal;skin ointment; Desonide Ointment, 0.05% desonide PDR 3.0 application/day 3 application/day skin/dermal Desonide Ointment, 0.05% desonide PDR 2.0 application/day 2 application/day skin/dermal;gel;skin,foam; Desonide Ointment, 0.05% desonide PDR 4.0 application/day 4 application/day skin/dermal;skin ointment; Desonide Ointment, 0.05% desonide PDR 3.0 application/day 3 application/day skin/dermal Desonide Ointment, 0.05% desonide PDR 2.0 application/day 2 application/day skin/dermal;gel;skin,foam; Desonide Ointment, 0.05% desonide PDR 2.0 appLication/day 2 appLication/day skin/dermal;gel;skin,foam; Desonide Ointment, 0.05% desonide PDR 4.0 application/day 4 application/day skin/dermal;skin ointment; Desonide Ointment, 0.05% desonide PDR 3.0 application/day 3 application/day skin/dermal Desonide Ointment, 0.05% desonide PDR 2.0 application/day 2 application/day skin/dermal;gel;skin,foam; Desonide Ointment, 0.05% desonide PDR DDPD01261 Sitagliptin 407.3136 C16H15F6N5O N[C@@H](CC(=O)N1CCN2C(C1)=NN=C2C(F)(F)F)CC1=CC(F)=C(F)C=C1F DB01261 4369359 40237 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/sitagliptin.html 3571948 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 87.0 % 87 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 79.0 % 79 % DRUGBANK 21.0 L/h 350.0 ml/min DRUGBANK 0.36 L/h/kg 6 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 198.0 L 198.0 L DRUGBANK 2.8 L/kg 2.8 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.4 h ~12.4 h DRUGBANK 11.0 h ~11 h different study; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 87.0 % 87 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 13.0 % 13 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 79.0 % ~79 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 38.0 % 38 % DRUGBANK DDPD01262 Decitabine 228.2053 C8H12N4O4 NC1=NC(=O)N(C=N1)[C@H]1C[C@H](O)[C@@H](CO)O1 DB01262 451668 50131 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/decitabine.html 397844 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 125.0 L/h/m2 125.0 L/h/m2 intravenous infusion, IV in drop; patients; DRUGBANK 210.0 L/h/m2 210.0 L/h/m2 intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 7.8 L/h/kg 130 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.6 L/kg 4.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.51 h 0.51±0.31 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 0.58 h 0.58 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 15.0 mg/m2/day 15 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Dacogen decitabine PDR 135.0 mg/m2/cycLe 135 mg/m2/cycLe intravenous injection, IV Dacogen decitabine PDR 20.0 mg/m2/day 20 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Dacogen decitabine PDR 15.0 mg/m2/day 15 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Dacogen decitabine PDR 135.0 mg/m2/cycle 135 mg/m2/cycle intravenous injection, IV Dacogen decitabine PDR 50.0 mg/m2/day 50 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Dacogen decitabine PDR DDPD01263 Posaconazole 700.7774 C37H42F2N8O4 [H][C@@](C)(O)[C@]([H])(CC)N1N=CN(C1=O)C1=CC=C(C=C1)N1CCN(CC1)C1=CC=C(OC[C@]2([H])CO[C@](CN3C=NC=N3)(C2)C2=C(F)C=C(F)C=C2)C=C1 DB01263 T3D3035 468595 64355 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/posaconazole-suspension.html 411709 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.0 h 3-5 h DRUGBANK 17.0 % 17 % Urinary excretion; Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 32.0 L/h 32.0 L/h DRUGBANK 51.0 L/h 51.0 L/h fasting; DRUGBANK 21.0 L/h 21.0 L/h low fat meal; DRUGBANK 14.0 L/h 14.0 L/h high-fat meal; DRUGBANK 91.0 L/h 91.0 L/h fasting; DRUGBANK 43.0 L/h 43.0 L/h liquid nutritional supplement; DRUGBANK 0.258 L/h/kg 4.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1774.0 L 1774.0 L DRUGBANK 3.8 L/kg 3.8 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 35.0 h 35(20-66) h DRUGBANK 10.6 h 10.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 17.0 % 17 % Urinary excretion; Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 98.0 % >98 % DRUGBANK 24.0 mg/kg/day 24 mg/kg/day Liquid Noxafil posaconazole PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day Liquid Noxafil posaconazole PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Noxafil posaconazole PDR 24.0 mg/kg/day 24 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Noxafil posaconazole PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day Liquid Noxafil posaconazole PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Noxafil posaconazole PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Noxafil posaconazole PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day Liquid Noxafil posaconazole PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Noxafil posaconazole PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Noxafil posaconazole PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day Liquid Noxafil posaconazole PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Noxafil posaconazole PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Noxafil posaconazole PDR 24.0 mg/kg/day 24 mg/kg/day Liquid Noxafil posaconazole PDR 24.0 mg/kg/day 24 mg/kg/day Liquid Noxafil posaconazole PDR DDPD01264 Darunavir 547.664 C27H37N3O7S [H][C@@]12CCO[C@]1([H])OC[C@@H]2OC(=O)N[C@@H](CC1=CC=CC=C1)[C@H](O)CN(CC(C)C)S(=O)(=O)C1=CC=C(N)C=C1 DB01264 213039 367163 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/darunavir.html 184733 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 37.0 % 37 % Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 82.0 % 82 % combination drug use; DRUGBANK 3.2 h 2.4-4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 32.8 L/h 32.8 L/h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.4686 L/h/kg 7.81 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 206.5 L 206.5 L Drug combination; DRUGBANK 220.0 L 220.0 L DRUGBANK 15.0 h ~15 h elimination half-life; Drug combination; DRUGBANK 15.0 h 15 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 79.5 % ~79.5 % Faeces excretion; Single dose; Drug combination; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 13.9 % ~13.9 % Urinary excretion; Single dose; Drug combination; Ritonavir; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 95.0 % ~95 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Prezista darunavir PDR 900.0 mg/day 900 mg/day PO, oral Prezista darunavir PDR 750.0 mg/day 750 mg/day PO, oral Prezista darunavir PDR 560.0 mg/day 560 mg/day PO, oral Prezista darunavir PDR 520.0 mg/day 520 mg/day PO, oral Prezista darunavir PDR 480.0 mg/day 480 mg/day PO, oral Prezista darunavir PDR 440.0 mg/day 440 mg/day PO, oral Prezista darunavir PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Prezista darunavir PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Prezista darunavir PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Prezista darunavir PDR 900.0 mg/day 900 mg/day PO, oral Prezista darunavir PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Prezista darunavir PDR DDPD01265 Telbivudine 242.2286 C10H14N2O5 CC1=CN([C@@H]2C[C@@H](O)[C@H](CO)O2)C(=O)NC1=O DB01265 159269 63624 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/telbivudine.html 140081 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.6 L/h 7.6±2.9 L/h normal renal function; DRUGBANK 5.0 L/h 5.0±1.2 L/h mild renal function; DRUGBANK 2.6 L/h 2.6±1.2 L/h moderate renal function; DRUGBANK 0.7 L/h 0.7±0.4 L/h severe renal function; DRUGBANK 15.0 h ~15 h DRUGBANK 3.3 % 3.3 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral qd Tyzeka telbivudine PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral qd Tyzeka telbivudine PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral qd Tyzeka telbivudine PDR DDPD01267 Paliperidone 426.4839 C23H27FN4O3 CC1=C(CCN2CCC(CC2)C2=NOC3=C2C=CC(F)=C3)C(=O)N2CCCC(O)C2=N1 DB01267 115237 83804 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/paliperidone.html 103109 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 28.0 % 28 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0708 L/h/kg 1.18 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 487.0 L 487.0 L DRUGBANK 23.0 h ~23 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 24.6 h 24.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 59.0 % 59(51-67) % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 74.0 % 74 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day PO, oral Invega paliperidone PDR 6.0 mg/day 6 mg/day PO, oral Invega paliperidone PDR 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Invega paliperidone PDR 7.8 mg/day 234 mg/month IM,intramuscular injection Invega paliperidone PDR 9.1 mg/day 819 mg/3 months IM,intramuscular injection Invega paliperidone PDR 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day PO, oral Invega paliperidone PDR 6.0 mg/day 6 mg/day PO, oral Invega paliperidone PDR 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Invega paliperidone PDR 7.8 mg/day 234 mg/month IM,intramuscular injection Invega paliperidone PDR 9.1 mg/day 819 mg/3 months IM,intramuscular injection Invega paliperidone PDR DDPD01268 Sunitinib 398.4738 C22H27FN4O2 CCN(CC)CCNC(=O)C1=C(C)NC(\C=C2/C(=O)NC3=C2C=C(F)C=C3)=C1C DB01268 5329102 38940 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/sunitinib.html 4486264 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 9.0 h 6-12 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 48.0 L/h 34-62 L/h Total clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2230.0 L 2230.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 50.0 h 40-60 h terminal half-life; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 95.0 h 80-110 h terminal half-life; Active metabolite; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 61.0 % 61 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 16.0 % 16 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 87.5 mg/day 87.5 mg/day PO, oral Sutent sunitinib malate PDR 62.5 mg/day 62.5 mg/day PO, oral Sutent sunitinib malate PDR 87.5 mg/day 87.5 mg/day PO, oral Sutent sunitinib malate PDR 62.5 mg/day 62.5 mg/day PO, oral Sutent sunitinib malate PDR DDPD01273 Varenicline 211.268 C13H13N3 C1C2CNCC1C1=C2C=C2N=CC=NC2=C1 DB01273 T3D2577 5310966 84500 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/varenicline.html 148958 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 10.0 % <10 % DRUGBANK 81.0 % 81 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 24.0 h ~24 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 92.0 % 92 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 20.0 % <20 % DRUGBANK 1.0 mg 1 mg PO, oral bid Chantix varenicline PDR 1.0 mg 1 mg PO, oral bid Chantix varenicline PDR DDPD01274 Arformoterol 344.4049 C19H24N2O4 COC1=CC=C(C[C@@H](C)NC[C@H](O)C2=CC(NC=O)=C(O)C=C2)C=C1 DB01274 3083544 408174 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/arformoterol.html 2340731 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % DRUGBANK 8.9 L/h 8.9 L/h Renal clearance; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 26.0 h 26 h COPD, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; DRUGBANK 63.0 % 63 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 11.0 % 11 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 58.5 % 52-65 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.03 mg/day 30 mcg/day inhalation, IH Brovana arformoterol tartrate PDR 0.03 mg/day 30 mcg/day inhalation, IH Brovana arformoterol tartrate PDR DDPD01275 Hydralazine 160.1759 C8H8N4 NNC1=NN=CC2=CC=CC=C12 DB01275 3637 5775 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/hydralazine.html 3511 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 93903.121375 ng.h 17.5-29.4 uM.min PO, oral; DRUGBANK 45917.0913333333 ng.h 4.0-30.4 uM.min PO, oral; DRUGBANK 114.5257685 mg/ml 0.12-1.31 uM PO, oral; patients; DRUGBANK 1.77 L/h/kg 1.77±0.48 L/kg/h Average clearance; heart disease; DRUGBANK 2.562 L/h/kg 42.7±8.9 ml/min/kg Average clearance; hypertension; DRUGBANK 5.1 L/h/kg 85 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.34 L/kg 1.34±0.79 L/kg heart disease; patients; DRUGBANK 1.98 L/kg 1.98±0.22 L/kg hypertension; patients; DRUGBANK 1.5 L/kg 1.5 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 2.2-7.8 h fast acetylators; DRUGBANK 3.9 h 2.0-5.8 h Slow acetylators; DRUGBANK 1.75 h 105(57-241) min heart failure; patients; DRUGBANK 3.33333333333333 h 200 min hypertension; fast acetylators; DRUGBANK 4.95 h 297 min hypertension; Slow acetylators; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 180.0 mg/kg 173-187 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 10.0 % <10 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 77.5 % 65-90 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 87.0 % 87 % human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.5 mg/kg/day 7.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Hydralazine Hydrochloride Tablets hydralazine hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Hydralazine Hydrochloride Tablets hydralazine hydrochloride PDR 3.5 mg/kg/day 3.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Hydralazine Hydrochloride Tablets hydralazine hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Hydralazine Hydrochloride Tablets hydralazine hydrochloride PDR 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day PO, oral Hydralazine Hydrochloride Tablets hydralazine hydrochloride PDR 7.5 mg/kg/day 7.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Hydralazine Hydrochloride Tablets hydralazine hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Hydralazine Hydrochloride Tablets hydralazine hydrochloride PDR 3.5 mg/kg/day 3.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Hydralazine Hydrochloride Tablets hydralazine hydrochloride PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Hydralazine Hydrochloride Tablets hydralazine hydrochloride PDR 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day PO, oral Hydralazine Hydrochloride Tablets hydralazine hydrochloride PDR 7.5 mg/kg/day 7.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Hydralazine Hydrochloride Tablets hydralazine hydrochloride PDR 3.5 mg/kg/day 3.5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Hydralazine Hydrochloride Tablets hydralazine hydrochloride PDR 7.5 mg/kg/day 7.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Hydralazine Hydrochloride Tablets hydralazine hydrochloride PDR 0.6 mg/kg/dose 0.6 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Hydralazine Hydrochloride Tablets hydralazine hydrochloride PDR DDPD01278 Pramlintide 3949.44 C171H267N51O53S2 [H]N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(=O)N[C@H]1CSSC[C@H](NC(=O)[C@@]([H])(NC(=O)[C@H](C)NC(=O)[C@@]([H])(NC(=O)[C@H](CC(N)=O)NC1=O)[C@@H](C)O)[C@@H](C)O)C(=O)N[C@@H](C)C(=O)N[C@@]([H])([C@@H](C)O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCC(N)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCNC(N)=N)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@H](C)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(N)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC1=CC=CC=C1)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@H](C(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC1=CN=CN1)C(=O)N[C@@H](CO)C(=O)N[C@@H](CO)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(N)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(N)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC1=CC=CC=C1)C(=O)NCC(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C(=O)N[C@@]([H])([C@@H](C)CC)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C(=O)N[C@@]([H])([C@@H](C)O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(N)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](C(C)C)C(=O)NCC(=O)N[C@@H](CO)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(N)=O)C(=O)N[C@@]([H])([C@@H](C)O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC1=CC=C(O)C=C1)C(N)=O DB01278 135922 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/pramlintide.html 44241191 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 35.0 % 30-40 % Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 0.918 L/h/kg 15.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.41 L/kg 0.41 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.8 h ~48 min DRUGBANK 0.6 h 0.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 120.0 mcg/dose 120 mcg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC Symlin pramlintide acetate PDR 120.0 mcg/dose 120 mcg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC Symlin pramlintide acetate PDR DDPD01280 Nelarabine 297.2673 C11H15N5O5 COC1=NC(N)=NC2=C1N=CN2[C@@H]1O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O DB01280 3011155 63612 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/nelarabine.html 2280207 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 197.0 L/h/m2 197±189 L/h/m2 refractory leukemia; adults; patients; DRUGBANK 259.0 L/h/m2 259±409 L/h/m2 refractory leukemia; pediatric patients; DRUGBANK 4.86 L/h/kg 81 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.9 L/kg 4.9 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 30 min DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 25.0 % <25 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 650.0 mg/m2/day 650 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Arranon nelarabine PDR 1500.0 mg/m2 1500 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV on days 1, 3, and 5 Arranon nelarabine PDR 650.0 mg/m2/day 650 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Arranon nelarabine PDR 1500.0 mg/m2 1500 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV; on days 1, 3, and 5 Arranon nelarabine PDR DDPD01282 Carbetocin 988.161 C45H69N11O12S [H][C@]1(NC(=O)[C@H](CC2=CC=C(OC)C=C2)NC(=O)CCCSC[C@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CC(N)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CCC(N)=O)NC1=O)C(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C(=O)NCC(N)=O)[C@@H](C)CC DB01282 16681432 59204 16736854 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 0.666666666666667 h 40 min DRUGBANK DDPD01283 Lumiracoxib 293.721 C15H13ClFNO2 CC1=CC=C(NC2=C(Cl)C=CC=C2F)C(CC(O)=O)=C1 DB01283 151166 73044 133236 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 74.0 % 74 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.0 h ~4 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 98.0 % ≥98 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD01284 Tetracosactide 2933.49 C136H210N40O31S CSCC[C@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CO)NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CC=C(O)C=C1)NC(=O)[C@@H](N)CO)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCC(O)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC1=CN=CN1)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC1=CC=CC=C1)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCNC(N)=N)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC1=CNC2=C1C=CC=C2)C(=O)NCC(=O)N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C(=O)N[C@@H](C(C)C)C(=O)NCC(=O)N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCNC(N)=N)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCNC(N)=N)C(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C(=O)N[C@@H](C(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(=O)N[C@@H](C(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC1=CC=C(O)C=C1)C(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C(O)=O DB01284 16133751 3901 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cosyntropin.html 10481947 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.25 h ~15 min intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.25 mg/dose 0.25 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Cortrosyn cosyntropin PDR 0.125 mg/dose 0.125 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Cortrosyn cosyntropin PDR 0.25 mg/test 0.25 mg/test intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Cortrosyn cosyntropin PDR 0.75 mg 0.75 mg intravenous injection, IV Cortrosyn cosyntropin PDR 0.25 mg/test 0.25 mg/test intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Cortrosyn cosyntropin PDR 0.25 mg/test 0.25 mg/test intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Cortrosyn cosyntropin PDR 0.75 mg 0.75 mg intravenous injection, IV Cortrosyn cosyntropin PDR 0.125 mg 0.125 mg intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Cortrosyn cosyntropin PDR 0.015 mg/kg/dose 0.015 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Cortrosyn cosyntropin PDR 3.5 mcg/kg/dose 3.5 mcg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Cortrosyn cosyntropin PDR DDPD01288 Fenoterol 303.3529 C17H21NO4 CC(CC1=CC=C(O)C=C1)NCC(O)C1=CC(O)=CC(O)=C1 DB01288 3343 149226 3226 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.74 L/h/kg 29 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.2 L/kg 1.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.87 h 0.87 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD01291 Pirbuterol 240.2988 C12H20N2O3 CC(C)(C)NCC(O)C1=NC(CO)=C(O)C=C1 DB01291 4845 8245 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/pirbuterol.html 4679 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h DRUGBANK DDPD01294 Bismuth subsalicylate 362.0926 C7H5BiO4 O[Bi]1OC(=O)C2=CC=CC=C2O1 DB01294 16682734 261649 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/bismuth-subsalicylate.html 17215772 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK DDPD01296 Glucosamine 179.1711 C6H13NO5 N[C@H]1C(O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O DB01296 439213 47977 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/glucosamine.html 388352 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01297 Practolol 266.3361 C14H22N2O3 CC(C)NCC(O)COC1=CC=C(NC(C)=O)C=C1 DB01297 4883 258351 4715 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.1368 L/h/kg 2.28 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.2 h 12.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD01298 Sulfacytine 294.33 C12H14N4O3S CCN1C=CC(NS(=O)(=O)C2=CC=C(N)C=C2)=NC1=O DB01298 5322 135230 5131 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01299 Sulfadoxine 310.329 C12H14N4O4S COC1=NC=NC(NS(=O)(=O)C2=CC=C(N)C=C2)=C1OC DB01299 17134 9329 16218 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01301 Rolitetracycline 527.5662 C27H33N3O8 [H][C@@]12C[C@@]3([H])C(C(=O)C4=C(O)C=CC=C4[C@@]3(C)O)=C(O)[C@]1(O)C(=O)C(C(=O)NCN1CCCC1)=C(O)[C@H]2N(C)C DB01301 54682938 63334 21111754 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0582 L/h/kg 0.97 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.54 L/kg 0.54 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.8 h 8.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 262.0 mg/kg 262.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD01303 Oxtriphylline 283.3268 C12H21N5O3 C[N+](C)(C)CCO.CN1C2=C([N-]C=N2)C(=O)N(C)C1=O DB01303 656652 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/oxtriphylline.html 25044543 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.087 L/h/kg 1.45 ml/kg/min Average clearance; Children; DRUGBANK 0.00065 L/h/kg 0.65 ml/kg/h Average clearance; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 0.5 L/kg 0.3–0.7 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; Children; adults; DRUGBANK 7.9 h 3-12.8 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 5.5 h 1.5-9.5 h elimination half-life; Children; DRUGBANK 36.5 h 15-58 h elimination half-life; Prem, premature; DRUGBANK 56.0 % ~56 % plasma proteins; adults; Children; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 36.0 % ~36 % plasma proteins; Prem, premature; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD01319 Fosamprenavir 585.607 C25H36N3O9PS CC(C)CN(C[C@@H](OP(O)(O)=O)[C@H](CC1=CC=CC=C1)NC(=O)O[C@H]1CCOC1)S(=O)(=O)C1=CC=C(N)C=C1 DB01319 131536 82941 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/fosamprenavir.html 116245 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.7 h ~7.7 h elimination half-life; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % DRUGBANK 36.0 mg/kg/day 36 mg/kg/day PO, oral Lexiva fosamprenavir calcium PDR 1400.0 mg/day 1400 mg/day PO, oral Lexiva fosamprenavir calcium PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day PO, oral Lexiva fosamprenavir calcium PDR 1400.0 mg/day 1400 mg/day PO, oral Lexiva fosamprenavir calcium PDR 46.0 mg/kg/day 46 mg/kg/day PO, oral Lexiva fosamprenavir calcium PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day PO, oral Lexiva fosamprenavir calcium PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day PO, oral Lexiva fosamprenavir calcium PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day PO, oral Lexiva fosamprenavir calcium PDR 90.0 mg/kg/day 90 mg/kg/day PO, oral Lexiva fosamprenavir calcium PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day PO, oral Lexiva fosamprenavir calcium PDR 46.0 mg/kg/day 46 mg/kg/day PO, oral Lexiva fosamprenavir calcium PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day PO, oral Lexiva fosamprenavir calcium PDR 90.0 mg/kg/day 90 mg/kg/day PO, oral Lexiva fosamprenavir calcium PDR 2800.0 mg/day 2800 mg/day PO, oral Lexiva fosamprenavir calcium PDR 36.0 mg/kg/day 36 mg/kg/day PO, oral Lexiva fosamprenavir calcium PDR 1400.0 mg/day 1400 mg/day PO, oral Lexiva fosamprenavir calcium PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day PO, oral Lexiva fosamprenavir calcium PDR 2800.0 mg/kg/day 2800 mg/kg/day PO, oral Lexiva fosamprenavir calcium PDR 2800.0 mg/day 2800 mg/day PO, oral Lexiva fosamprenavir calcium PDR 46.0 mg/kg/day 46 mg/kg/day PO, oral Lexiva fosamprenavir calcium PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day PO, oral Lexiva fosamprenavir calcium PDR 90.0 mg/kg/day 90 mg/kg/day PO, oral Lexiva fosamprenavir calcium PDR DDPD01320 Fosphenytoin 362.2739 C16H15N2O6P OP(O)(=O)OCN1C(=O)NC(C1=O)(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB01320 T3D3036 56339 5165 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/fosphenytoin.html 50839 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.21 L/h/kg 3.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.55 L 4.3-10.8 L DRUGBANK 0.06 L/kg 0.06 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.25 h ~15 min DRUGBANK 0.16 h 0.16 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 156.0 mg/kg 156.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 250.0 mg/kg ~250 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 156.0 mg/kg 156.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 250.0 mg/kg 250.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 95-99 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD01322 Kava 232.275 C14H16O3 COC1=CC(=O)OC(C1)\C=C\C1=CCCC=C1 DB01322 5281052 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/kava.html 4444512 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % DRUGBANK DDPD01324 Polythiazide 439.882 C11H13ClF3N3O4S3 CN1C(CSCC(F)(F)F)NC2=CC(Cl)=C(C=C2S1(=O)=O)S(N)(=O)=O DB01324 4870 8327 http://www.drugs.com/cons/polythiazide.html 4704 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01325 Quinethazone 289.739 C10H12ClN3O3S CCC1NC(=O)C2=CC(=C(Cl)C=C2N1)S(N)(=O)=O DB01325 6307 8717 6068 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01326 Cefamandole 462.503 C18H18N6O5S2 [H][C@]12SCC(CSC3=NN=NN3C)=C(N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)[C@H](O)C1=CC=CC=C1)C(O)=O DB01326 456255 3480 401748 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.216 L/h/kg 3.6 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.16 L/kg 0.16 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.533333333333333 h 32 min intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 60 min IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.75 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 75.0 % 75 % DRUGBANK DDPD01327 Cefazolin 454.507 C14H14N8O4S3 [H][C@]12SCC(CSC3=NN=C(C)S3)=C(N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)CN1C=NN=N1)C(O)=O DB01327 33255 474053 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cefazolin.html 30723 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 42000.0 ng/ml 42±9.5 mcg/ml DRUGBANK 237000.0 ng/ml 237±285 mcg/ml DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 1.7 h 1.7±0.7 h DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 0.057 L/h/kg 0.95±0.17 ml/min/kg Neonates &#8594; ;Children &#8594; ;Preg, pregnant &#8593; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;Obesity &#8594; ;CPBS &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.0534 L/h/kg 0.89 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.19 L/kg 0.19±0.06 L/kg Neonates &#8593; ;Children &#8594; ;Preg, pregnant &#8594; ;Hepatitis, Hep &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Obesity &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.12 L/kg 0.12 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.8 h ~1.8 h elimination half-life; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 2.0 h ~2 h elimination half-life; IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 2.2 h 2.2±0.02 h Neonates &#8593; ;Preg, pregnant &#8595; ;Children &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;CPBS &#8593; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;Obesity &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.7 h 1.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 60.0 % ~60 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 75.0 % 70-80 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80±16 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 74-86 % DRUGBANK 89.0 % 89±2 % Neonates &#8595; ;Children &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8595; ;CPBS &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Cefazolin Sodium cefazolin sodium PDR 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Cefazolin Sodium cefazolin sodium PDR 150.0 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cefazolin Sodium cefazolin sodium PDR 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day intravenous injection, IV Cefazolin Sodium cefazolin sodium PDR 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Cefazolin Sodium cefazolin sodium PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Cefazolin Sodium cefazolin sodium PDR 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Cefazolin Sodium cefazolin sodium PDR 150.0 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cefazolin Sodium cefazolin sodium PDR 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day intravenous injection, IV Cefazolin Sodium cefazolin sodium PDR 12000.0 mg/day 12 g/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Cefazolin Sodium cefazolin sodium PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Cefazolin Sodium cefazolin sodium PDR 150.0 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Cefazolin Sodium cefazolin sodium PDR 150.0 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Cefazolin Sodium cefazolin sodium PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Cefazolin Sodium cefazolin sodium PDR 150.0 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Cefazolin Sodium cefazolin sodium PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Cefazolin Sodium cefazolin sodium PDR DDPD01328 Cefonicid 542.566 C18H18N6O8S3 [H][C@]12SCC(CSC3=NN=NN3CS(O)(=O)=O)=C(N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)[C@H](O)C1=CC=CC=C1)C(O)=O DB01328 43594 3491 39734 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 0.0228 L/h/kg 0.38 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.14 L/kg 0.14 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4.5 h DRUGBANK 5.1 h 5.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD01329 Cefoperazone 645.67 C25H27N9O8S2 [H][C@]12SCC(CSC3=NN=NN3C)=C(N1C(=O)[C@@]2([H])NC(=O)[C@H](NC(=O)N1CCN(CC)C(=O)C1=O)C1=CC=C(O)C=C1)C(O)=O DB01329 44185 3493 40206 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.078 L/h/kg 1.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.17 L/kg 0.17 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD01330 Cefotetan 575.619 C17H17N7O8S4 [H][C@]12SCC(CSC3=NN=NN3C)=C(N1C(=O)[C@]2(NC(=O)C1SC(S1)=C(C(N)=O)C(O)=O)OC)C(O)=O DB01330 53025 3499 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cefotetan.html 47904 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 91000.0 ng/ml 91.0 mcg/ml adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 413500.0 ng/ml 336-491 mcg/ml adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 38000.0 ng/ml 38.0 mcg/ml adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.25 h 1.5-3 h adults; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.8 L/h 1.8±0.1 L/h Geriatric; normal renal function; DRUGBANK 1.8 L/h 1.8±0.3 L/h normal,healthy; young; DRUGBANK 0.0252 L/h/kg 0.42 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.4 L 10.4 L normal renal function; Geriatric; DRUGBANK 10.3 L 10.3 L normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 0.14 L/kg 0.14±0.03 L/kg RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.13 L/kg 0.13 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.6 h 3.6±1.0 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 67.0 % 67±11 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 88.0 % 88 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 85±4 % DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Cefotetan cefotetan disodium PDR 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day intravenous injection, IV Cefotetan cefotetan disodium PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day IM,intramuscular injection Cefotetan cefotetan disodium PDR 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day intravenous injection, IV Cefotetan cefotetan disodium PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day IM,intramuscular injection Cefotetan cefotetan disodium PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Cefotetan cefotetan disodium PDR 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day intravenous injection, IV Cefotetan cefotetan disodium PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day IM,intramuscular injection Cefotetan cefotetan disodium PDR 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day intravenous injection, IV Cefotetan cefotetan disodium PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day IM,intramuscular injection Cefotetan cefotetan disodium PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Cefotetan cefotetan disodium PDR DDPD01331 Cefoxitin 427.452 C16H17N3O7S2 [H][C@]12SCC(COC(N)=O)=C(N1C(=O)[C@]2(NC(=O)CC1=CC=CS1)OC)C(O)=O DB01331 441199 209807 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cefoxitin.html 389981 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 85.0 % 85 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.216 L/h/kg 3.6 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.17 L/kg 0.17 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.833333333333333 h 41-59 min intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.81 h 0.81 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8000.0 mg/kg ~8 g/kg intravenous injection, IV; adults; female mouse; DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/kg >1 g/kg intravenous injection, IV; adults; rabbit; DRUGBANK 10000.0 mg/kg >10 g/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; adults; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 85.0 % ~85 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK DDPD01332 Ceftizoxime 383.403 C13H13N5O5S2 [H][C@]12SCC=C(N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)C(=N/OC)\C1=CSC(N)=N1)C(O)=O DB01332 6533629 553473 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ceftizoxime.html 5018818 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.126 L/h/kg 2.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 21.5 L 15-28 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.2 L/kg 0.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30 % DRUGBANK DDPD01333 Cefradine 349.405 C16H19N3O4S [H][C@]12SCC(C)=C(N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)[C@H](N)C1=CCC=CC1)C(O)=O DB01333 38103 3547 34933 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK DDPD01336 Metocurine 652.8189 C40H48N2O6 [H][C@@]12CC3=CC=C(OC4=C5C(CC[N+](C)(C)[C@]5([H])CC5=CC(OC6=C(OC)C=C(CC[N+]1(C)C)C2=C6)=C(OC)C=C5)=CC(OC)=C4OC)C=C3 DB01336 21233 6900 19961 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.072 L/h/kg 1.2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.4 L/kg 0.4 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.1 h 5.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD01337 Pancuronium 572.8619 C35H60N2O4 [H][C@@]12C[C@@H]([C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CC[C@@]2([H])C[C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@H](C[C@]12C)[N+]1(C)CCCCC1)[N+]1(C)CCCCC1 DB01337 441289 7907 390052 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 670.0 ng/ml 0.67 mcg/ml intravenous injection, IV; surgery; DRUGBANK 0.09 L/h/kg 1.1–1.9 ml/min/kg Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.108 L/h/kg 1.8±0.4 ml/min/kg Elderly &#8595; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;CPBS &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.09 L/h/kg 1.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.2605 L/kg 241-280 ml/kg DRUGBANK 0.26 L/kg 0.26±0.07 L/kg Elderly &#8594; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;CPBS &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.2 L/kg 0.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.1 h 1.5-2.7 h DRUGBANK 2.3 h 2.3±0.4 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Hepatic cirrhosis, cirr &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;CPBS &#8594; ;Age &#8593; ;Age &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 67.0 % 67±18 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; CPBS &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 84.0 % 77-91 % DRUGBANK 7.0 % 7±2 % Neonates &#8594; ; Female, women &#8594; ;Preg, pregnant &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK DDPD01338 Pipecuronium 602.8912 C35H62N4O4 [H][C@@]12C[C@@H]([C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CC[C@@]2([H])C[C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@H](C[C@]12C)N1CC[N+](C)(C)CC1)N1CC[N+](C)(C)CC1 DB01338 50192 8230 45517 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.18 L/h/kg 3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.35 L/kg 0.35 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.103666666666667 h 6.22(1.34-10.66) min distribution half-life; normal renal function; DRUGBANK 0.0721666666666667 h 4.33(1.69-6.17) min distribution half-life; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; DRUGBANK 1.7 h 1.7(0.9-2.7) h elimination half-life; normal renal function; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4(2-8.2) h elimination half-life; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD01339 Vecuronium 557.8274 C34H57N2O4 [H][C@@]12C[C@@H]([C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CC[C@@]2([H])C[C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@H](C[C@]12C)N1CCCCC1)[N+]1(C)CCCCC1 DB01339 39765 9939 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/vecuronium.html 36358 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 130.0 ng/ml 130±20 ng/ml DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % DRUGBANK 0.282 L/h/kg 3.0-6.4 ml/min/kg Average clearance; hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.35 L/kg 0.19-0.51 L/kg Average volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 1.09166666666667 h 51-80 min DRUGBANK 1.7 h 0.6-2.8 h different study; chronic liver disease &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 57.5 % 40-75 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 30.0 % <30 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 69.0 % 69 % DRUGBANK DDPD01340 Cilazapril 417.4986 C22H31N3O5 CCOC(=O)[C@H](CCC1=CC=CC=C1)N[C@H]1CCCN2CCC[C@H](N2C1=O)C(O)=O DB01340 56330 3698 http://www.drugs.com/international/cilazapril.html 50831 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 14.85 L/h 12.3-17.4 L/h Total clearance; DRUGBANK 10.8 L/h 10.8 L/h Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.9 h distribution half-life; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 46.2 h 46.2 h elimination half-life; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 91.0 % 91 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK DDPD01345 Potassium cation 39.0983 K [K+] DB01345 T3D4344 5462222 29103 791 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01348 Spirapril 466.614 C22H30N2O5S2 CCOC(=O)[C@H](CCC1=CC=CC=C1)N[C@@H](C)C(=O)N1CC2(C[C@H]1C(O)=O)SCCS2 DB01348 5311447 135756 4470933 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.714 L/h/kg 11.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.43 L/kg 0.43 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 32.5 h 30-35 h DRUGBANK 8.6 h 8.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD01351 Amobarbital 226.2722 C11H18N2O3 CCC1(CCC(C)C)C(=O)NC(=O)NC1=O DB01351 T3D4561 2164 2673 2079 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 500.0 mg/day 500 mg/day IM,intramuscular injection Amytal Sodium amobarbital sodium PDR 500.0 mg/day 500 mg/day IM,intramuscular injection Amytal Sodium amobarbital sodium PDR DDPD01353 Butobarbital 212.2456 C10H16N2O3 CCCCC1(CC)C(=O)NC(=O)NC1=O DB01353 T3D3038 6473 134884 6229 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 37.0 h 37 h DRUGBANK 319.6418736 mg/kg 1.506 mM/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD01357 Mestranol 310.4299 C21H26O2 [H][C@@]12CC[C@@](O)(C#C)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@]1([H])C3=C(CC[C@@]21[H])C=C(OC)C=C3 DB01357 T3D4791 6291 6784 6054 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01359 Penbutolol 291.4284 C18H29NO2 CC(C)(C)NC[C@H](O)COC1=CC=CC=C1C1CCCC1 DB01359 37464 7954 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/penbutolol.html 34369 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5 h DRUGBANK 20.0 h ~20 h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 25.0 h ~25 h normal,healthy; Elderly; DRUGBANK 100.0 h ~100 h DRUGBANK 89.0 % 80-98 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD01362 Iohexol 821.1379 C19H26I3N3O9 CC(=O)N(CC(O)CO)C1=C(I)C(C(=O)NCC(O)CO)=C(I)C(C(=O)NCC(O)CO)=C1I DB01362 3730 31709 3599 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6.54 L/h 109.0 ml/min intrathecal administration; adults; DRUGBANK 0.12 L/h/kg 2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.5995 L/kg 350-849 ml/kg DRUGBANK 0.16 L/kg 0.16 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.4 h 3.4 h DRUGBANK 2.0 h ~2 h normal renal function; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD01364 Ephedrine 165.2322 C10H15NO CN[C@@H](C)[C@H](O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB01364 T3D3040 9294 15407 http://www.drugs.com/ephedrine.html 8935 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 88.0 % 88 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 79.5 ng/ml 79.5 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.81 h 1.81 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 23.3 L/h 23.3 L/h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 215.6 L 215.6 L Average volume of distribution; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.0 h ~6 h elimination half-life; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 785.0 mg/kg 785.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 284.0 mg/kg 284.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 425.0 mg/kg 425.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 4.9 % 4.9±0.3 % Raceme L; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.9 % 6.9±1.4 % Raceme D; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 50.0 mg 50 mg intravenous injection, IV Akovaz ephedrine sulfate PDR 50.0 mg 50 mg intravenous injection, IV Akovaz ephedrine sulfate PDR DDPD01365 Mephentermine 163.2594 C11H17N CNC(C)(C)CC1=CC=CC=C1 DB01365 3677 6755 3549 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 17.5 h 17-18 h DRUGBANK DDPD01367 Rasagiline 171.2383 C12H13N C#CCN[C@@H]1CCC2=CC=CC=C12 DB01367 3052776 63620 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/rasagiline.html 2314553 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 36.0 % 36 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 87.0 L 87.0 L DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h DRUGBANK 62.0 % 62 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 7.0 % 7 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 91.0 % 88-94 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 62.0 % 61-63 % human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 mg/day 1 mg/day PO, oral Azilect rasagiline mesylate PDR 1.0 mg/day 1 mg/day PO, oral Azilect rasagiline mesylate PDR DDPD01369 Quinupristin 1022.23 C53H67N9O10S [H][C@@]12CCCN1C(=O)[C@@H](CC)NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)C1=NC=CC=C1O)[C@@H](C)OC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@]1([H])CC(=O)[C@]([H])(CS[C@@H]3CN4CCC3CC4)CN1C(=O)[C@H](CC1=CC=C(C=C1)N(C)C)N(C)C2=O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB01369 5388937 4470884 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.96 L/h/kg 16 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.67 L/kg 0.67 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.1 h 3.1 h DRUGBANK 0.87 h 0.87 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD01370 Aluminium 26.9815 Al [Al] DB01370 T3D0187 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/pdfs/ATSDR MRLs - May 2021 - H.pdf 5359268 28984 4514248 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 mg/kg/day 1.0 mg/kg/day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 mg/kg/day 1.0 mg/kg/day PO, oral; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 1.0 mg/kg/day 1.0 mg/kg/day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 mg/kg/day 1.0 mg/kg/day PO, oral; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK DDPD01378 Magnesium cation 24.305 Mg [Mg++] DB01378 888 18420 865 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01380 Cortisone acetate 402.4807 C23H30O6 [H][C@@]12CC[C@](O)(C(=O)COC(C)=O)[C@@]1(C)CC(=O)[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)CC[C@]12C DB01380 5745 3897 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cortisone.html 5543 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01382 Glymidine 309.341 C13H15N3O4S COCCOC1=CN=C(NS(=O)(=O)C2=CC=CC=C2)N=C1 DB01382 9565 146188 9190 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD01390 Sodium bicarbonate 84.0066 CHNaO3 [Na+].OC([O-])=O DB01390 516892 32139 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/sodium-bicarbonate.html 8609 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01392 Yohimbine 354.4427 C21H26N2O3 [H][C@@]12CC[C@H](O)[C@H](C(=O)OC)[C@@]1([H])C[C@]1([H])N(CCC3=C1NC1=CC=CC=C31)C2 DB01392 8969 10093 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/yohimbine.html 8622 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 33.0 % 33(7-87) % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.876 L/h/kg 14.6 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.48 L/kg 0.48 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.6 h ~36 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD01393 Bezafibrate 361.819 C19H20ClNO4 CC(C)(OC1=CC=C(CCNC(=O)C2=CC=C(Cl)C=C2)C=C1)C(O)=O DB01393 39042 47612 35728 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h DRUGBANK 95.0 % 94-96 % human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD01394 Colchicine 399.437 C22H25NO6 COC1=CC2=C(C(OC)=C1OC)C1=CC=C(OC)C(=O)C=C1C(CC2)NC(C)=O DB01394 T3D4020 2833 23359 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/colchicine.html 2731 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 45.0 % 45 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 56.0 % 24-88 % PO, oral; different study; DRUGBANK 2.5 ng/ml 2.5 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 192.0 h 8 day Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 0.001839 L/h 0.0292-0.0321 ml/min Oral single dose; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.726 L/h/kg 0.726±0.110 L/h/kg apparent clearance; Familial Mediterranean Fever; patients; DRUGBANK 0.126 L/h/kg 2.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.5 L/kg 5.0-8 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; normal,healthy; patients; young; DRUGBANK 6.1 L/kg 6.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 28.9 h 26.6-31.2 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 30.0 h 20-40 h different study; DRUGBANK 58.0 h 58 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.87 mg/kg 5.87 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 52.5 % 40-65 % Urinary excretion; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 39.0 % 39±5 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 2.4 mg/day 2.4 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Mitigare colchicine PDR 1.2 mg/day 1.2 mg/day PO, oral; rarely Mitigare colchicine PDR 1.8 mg 1.8 mg Tablet,PO,oral Mitigare colchicine PDR 1.2 mg/day 1.2 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral;Capsule, PO, Oral;Liquid; Mitigare colchicine PDR 2.4 mg/day 2.4 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Mitigare colchicine PDR 1.8 mg 1.8 mg Tablet,PO,oral Mitigare colchicine PDR 1.2 mg/day 1.2 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral;Capsule, PO, Oral;Liquid; Mitigare colchicine PDR 2.4 mg/day 2.4 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Mitigare colchicine PDR 1.8 mg/day 1.8 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Mitigare colchicine PDR DDPD01395 Drospirenone 366.4932 C24H30O3 [H][C@@]12C[C@]1([H])[C@@]1([H])[C@]3([H])[C@]4([H])C[C@]4([H])[C@@]4(CCC(=O)O4)[C@@]3(C)CC[C@]1([H])[C@@]1(C)CCC(=O)C=C21 DB01395 68873 50838 http://www.drugs.com/yaz.html 62105 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 76.0 % 76 % DRUGBANK 80.5 % 76-85 % combination drug use; DRUGBANK 73.5 ng/ml 60-87 ng/ml DRUGBANK 21.9 ng/ml 21.9 ng/ml combination drug use; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h combination drug use; DRUGBANK 0.081 L/h/kg 1.2-1.5 ml/min/kg Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 4.0 L/kg 4.0 L/kg DRUGBANK 3.95 L/kg 3.7-4.2 L/kg Drug combination; DRUGBANK 30.0 h 30 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 40.0 h ~40 h Metabolite; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 96.0 % 95-97 % DRUGBANK 4.0 mg/day 4 mg/day PO, oral Slynd drospirenone PDR 4.0 mg/day 4 mg/day PO, oral Slynd drospirenone PDR DDPD01396 Digitoxin 764.9391 C41H64O13 [H][C@@]1(CC[C@]2(O)[C@]3([H])CC[C@]4([H])C[C@H](CC[C@]4(C)[C@@]3([H])CC[C@]12C)O[C@H]1C[C@H](O)[C@H](O[C@H]2C[C@H](O)[C@H](O[C@H]3C[C@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](C)O3)[C@@H](C)O2)[C@@H](C)O1)C1=CC(=O)OC1 DB01396 T3D4021 441207 28544 389987 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.00258 L/h/kg 0.043 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.44 L/kg 0.44 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 180.0 h 180 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD01399 Salsalate 258.2262 C14H10O5 OC(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1OC(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1O DB01399 5161 9014 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/salsalate.html 4977 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 h ~1 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5 h Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 92.5 % 90-95 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 77.5 % 70-85 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 42.5 % 25-60 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD01400 Neostigmine 223.2915 C12H19N2O2 CN(C)C(=O)OC1=CC(=CC=C1)[N+](C)(C)C DB01400 4456 7514 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/neostigmine.html 4301 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 275.0 ng/ml 200-350 ng/ml patients; DRUGBANK 1.002 L/h/kg 16.7±5.4 ml/min/kg RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.552 L/h/kg 9.2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.4 L/kg 1.4±0.5 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.74 L/kg 0.74 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.866666666666667 h 52(42-60) min DRUGBANK 1.3 h 1.3±0.8 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.3 h 1.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.3 mg/kg 0.3±0.02 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 0.54 mg/kg 0.54±0.03 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 0.395 mg/kg 0.395±0.025 mg/kg IM,intramuscular injection; mouse; DRUGBANK 0.315 mg/kg 0.315±0.019 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.445 mg/kg 0.445±0.032 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.423 mg/kg 0.423±0.032 mg/kg IM,intramuscular injection; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 67.0 % 67 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 15-25 % human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.07 mg/kg 0.07 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Bloxiverz neostigmine methylsulfate PDR 5.0 mg 5 mg intravenous injection, IV Bloxiverz neostigmine methylsulfate PDR 375.0 mg/day 375 mg/day PO, oral Bloxiverz neostigmine methylsulfate PDR 0.5 mg 0.5 mg IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Bloxiverz neostigmine methylsulfate PDR 0.07 mg/kg 0.07 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Bloxiverz neostigmine methylsulfate PDR 5.0 mg 5 mg intravenous injection, IV Bloxiverz neostigmine methylsulfate PDR 0.07 mg/kg 0.07 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Bloxiverz neostigmine methylsulfate PDR 5.0 mg 5 mg intravenous injection, IV Bloxiverz neostigmine methylsulfate PDR 375.0 mg/day 375 mg/day PO, oral Bloxiverz neostigmine methylsulfate PDR 0.5 mg 0.5 mg IM,intramuscular injection;subcutaneous injection, SC; Bloxiverz neostigmine methylsulfate PDR 0.07 mg/kg 0.07 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Bloxiverz neostigmine methylsulfate PDR 5.0 mg 5 mg intravenous injection, IV Bloxiverz neostigmine methylsulfate PDR 0.07 mg/kg 0.07 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Bloxiverz neostigmine methylsulfate PDR 0.07 mg/kg 0.07 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Bloxiverz neostigmine methylsulfate PDR DDPD01403 Methotrimeprazine 328.472 C19H24N2OS COC1=CC2=C(SC3=C(C=CC=C3)N2C[C@H](C)CN(C)C)C=C1 DB01403 T3D3041 72287 6838 65239 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 55.0 % 50-60 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 20.0 h ~20 h DRUGBANK DDPD01406 Danazol 337.4553 C22H27NO2 [H][C@@]12CC[C@@](O)(C#C)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC3=C(C[C@]12C)C=NO3 DB01406 28417 4315 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/danazol.html 26436 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.9426 L/h/kg 15.71 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.18 L/kg 5.18 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 24.0 h ~24 h DRUGBANK 2.31 h 2.31 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Danazol danazol PDR 2400.0 mg/day 2400 mg/day PO, oral Danazol danazol PDR DDPD01407 Clenbuterol 277.19 C12H18Cl2N2O CC(C)(C)NCC(O)C1=CC(Cl)=C(N)C(Cl)=C1 DB01407 2783 174690 2681 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 93.5 % 89-98 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 37.5 h 36-39 h DRUGBANK DDPD01409 Tiotropium 392.512 C19H22NO4S2 [H][C@]12O[C@@]1([H])[C@]1([H])C[C@@]([H])(C[C@@]2([H])[N+]1(C)C)OC(=O)C(O)(C1=CC=CS1)C1=CC=CS1 DB01409 5487427 90960 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/tiotropium.html 19618474 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 33.0 % 33 % inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 2.5 % 2-3 % Liquid; DRUGBANK 19.5 % 19.5 % inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 0.1 h 5-7 min nasal spray; DRUGBANK 74.0 % 74 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 52.8 L/h 880.0 ml/min Total clearance; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 40.14 L/h 669.0 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 21.9 L/h 365.0 ml/min adults; DRUGBANK 16.26 L/h 271.0 ml/min Elderly; DRUGBANK 0.756 L/h/kg 12.6 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 32.0 L/kg 32.0 L/kg DRUGBANK 32.0 L/kg 32 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 24.0 h 24 h terminal half-life; COPD, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; patients; DRUGBANK 44.0 h 44 h terminal half-life; asthma; patients; DRUGBANK 14.0 % 14 % Urinary excretion; inhalation, IH; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 72.0 % 72 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 0.0025 mg/day 2.5 mcg/day inhalation, IH Spiriva tiotropium bromide PDR 0.0025 mg/day 2.5 mcg/day inhalation, IH Spiriva tiotropium bromide PDR 0.005 mg/day 5 mcg/day inhalation, IH Spiriva tiotropium bromide PDR 0.018 mg/day 18 mcg/day inhalation, IH Spiriva tiotropium bromide PDR 0.0025 mg/day 2.5 mcg/day inhalation, IH Spiriva tiotropium bromide PDR 0.0025 mg/day 2.5 mcg/day inhalation, IH Spiriva tiotropium bromide PDR 0.005 mg/day 5 mcg/day inhalation, IH Spiriva tiotropium bromide PDR 0.018 mg/day 18 mcg/day inhalation, IH Spiriva tiotropium bromide PDR DDPD01410 Ciclesonide 540.697 C32H44O7 [H][C@@]12C[C@@]3([H])[C@]4([H])CCC5=CC(=O)C=C[C@]5(C)[C@@]4([H])[C@@H](O)C[C@]3(C)[C@@]1(O[C@@H](O2)C1CCCCC1)C(=O)COC(=O)C(C)C DB01410 6918155 31397 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ciclesonide-spray.html 5293368 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 152.0 L/h 152.0 L/h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.998 L/h/kg 33.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.9 L/kg 2.9 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.04 h 1.04 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.2 mg/day 200 mcg/day intranasal qd Omnaris ciclesonide PDR 0.074 mg/day 74 mcg/day intranasal qd Omnaris ciclesonide PDR 0.64 mg/day 640 mcg/day inhalation, IH Omnaris ciclesonide PDR 0.2 mg/day 200 mcg/day intranasal Omnaris ciclesonide PDR 0.16 mg/day 160 mcg/day inhalation, IH Omnaris ciclesonide PDR 0.16 mg/day 160 mcg/day inhalation, IH Omnaris ciclesonide PDR 0.2 mg/day 200 mcg/day intranasal Omnaris ciclesonide PDR 0.074 mg/day 74 mcg/day intranasal Omnaris ciclesonide PDR 0.64 mg/day 640 mcg/day inhalation, IH Omnaris ciclesonide PDR 0.2 mg/day 200 mcg/day intranasal qd Omnaris ciclesonide PDR 0.074 mg/day 74 mcg/day intranasal qd Omnaris ciclesonide PDR 0.64 mg/day 640 mcg/day inhalation, IH Omnaris ciclesonide PDR 0.2 mg/day 200 mcg/day intranasal Omnaris ciclesonide PDR 0.074 mg/day 74 mcg/day intranasal Omnaris ciclesonide PDR 0.64 mg/day 640 mcg/day inhalation, IH Omnaris ciclesonide PDR DDPD01413 Cefepime 480.561 C19H24N6O5S2 CO\N=C(/C(=O)N[C@@H]1C(=O)N2[C@]1([H])SCC(C[N+]1(C)CCCC1)=C2C([O-])=O)C1=CSC(N)=N1 DB01413 5479537 478164 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cefepime.html 4586395 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 82.3 % 82.3±15 % IM,intramuscular injection; patients; DRUGBANK 65000.0 ng/ml 65±7 mcg/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 7.2 L/h 120.0 ml/min intravenous infusion, IV in drop; Single dose; normal,healthy; adults; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.198 L/h/kg 3.3±1.0 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; Single dose; pediatric patients; DRUGBANK 0.108 L/h/kg 1.8(1.7-1.5) ml/min/kg apparent clearance; normal,healthy; patients; adults; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.132 L/h/kg 2.2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 18.0 L 18.0±2.0 L DRUGBANK 0.3 L/kg 0.3±0.1 L/kg pediatric patients; DRUGBANK 0.26 L/kg 0.26(0.24-0.31) L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; patients; adults; DRUGBANK 0.28 L/kg 0.28 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2.0±0.3 h normal,healthy; patients; DRUGBANK 1.35 h 1.35±2.7 h patients; DRUGBANK 19.0 h 19±2 h patients; DRUGBANK 2.1 h 2.1(1.3-2.4) h Single dose; mild renal function &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % Urinary excretion; adults; normal,healthy; patients; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 20.0 % ~20 % DRUGBANK 17.5 % 16-19 % adults; normal,healthy; patients; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 150.0 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Maxipime cefepime hydrochloride PDR 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day intravenous injection, IV Maxipime cefepime hydrochloride PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day IM,intramuscular injection Maxipime cefepime hydrochloride PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day IM,intramuscular injection Maxipime cefepime hydrochloride PDR 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day intravenous injection, IV Maxipime cefepime hydrochloride PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day IM,intramuscular injection Maxipime cefepime hydrochloride PDR 150.0 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Maxipime cefepime hydrochloride PDR 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day intravenous injection, IV Maxipime cefepime hydrochloride PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day IM,intramuscular injection Maxipime cefepime hydrochloride PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day IM,intramuscular injection Maxipime cefepime hydrochloride PDR 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day intravenous injection, IV Maxipime cefepime hydrochloride PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day IM,intramuscular injection Maxipime cefepime hydrochloride PDR 150.0 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Maxipime cefepime hydrochloride PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day IM,intramuscular injection Maxipime cefepime hydrochloride PDR 150.0 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Maxipime cefepime hydrochloride PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day IM,intramuscular injection Maxipime cefepime hydrochloride PDR 100.0 mg/kg/day 100 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Maxipime cefepime hydrochloride PDR 60.0 mg/kg/day 60 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Maxipime cefepime hydrochloride PDR DDPD01415 Ceftibuten 410.425 C15H14N4O6S2 [H][C@]12SCC=C(N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)C(=C/CC(O)=O)\C1=CSC(N)=N1)C(O)=O DB01415 T3D3492 5282242 3510 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ceftibuten.html 4445419 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.21 L/kg 0.21 L/kg adults; DRUGBANK 0.5 L/kg 0.5 L/kg fasting; pediatric patients; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % Urinary excretion; Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 65.0 % 65 % plasma proteins; Plasma Concentration &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Cedax ceftibuten PDR 9.0 mg/kg/day 9 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cedax ceftibuten PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Cedax ceftibuten PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Cedax ceftibuten PDR 9.0 mg/kg/day 9 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cedax ceftibuten PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Cedax ceftibuten PDR DDPD01416 Cefpodoxime 427.455 C15H17N5O6S2 [H][C@]12SCC(COC)=C(N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)C(=N/OC)\C1=CSC(N)=N1)C(O)=O DB01416 6335986 3504 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cefpodoxime.html 4891496 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 2.465 h 2.09-2.84 h DRUGBANK 31.0 % ~29-33 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 27.5 % 22-33 % DRUGBANK 25.0 % 21-29 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Cefpodoxime Proxetil Oral Suspension cefpodoxime proxetil PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cefpodoxime Proxetil Oral Suspension cefpodoxime proxetil PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Cefpodoxime Proxetil Oral Suspension cefpodoxime proxetil PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Cefpodoxime Proxetil Oral Suspension cefpodoxime proxetil PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Cefpodoxime Proxetil Oral Suspension cefpodoxime proxetil PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Cefpodoxime Proxetil Oral Suspension cefpodoxime proxetil PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cefpodoxime Proxetil Oral Suspension cefpodoxime proxetil PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Cefpodoxime Proxetil Oral Suspension cefpodoxime proxetil PDR DDPD01418 Acenocoumarol 353.3255 C19H15NO6 CC(=O)CC(C1=CC=C(C=C1)[N+]([O-])=O)C1=C(O)C2=CC=CC=C2OC1=O DB01418 T3D3106 54676537 53766 10443441 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 60.0 % >60 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 1-3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0768 L/h/kg 1.28 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.078 L/kg 78.0 ml/kg at steady state; DRUGBANK 0.088 L/kg 88.0 ml/kg at steady state; DRUGBANK 0.24 L/kg 0.24 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 9.5 h 8-11 h DRUGBANK 7.22 h 7.22 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1470.0 mg/kg 1470.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 115.0 mg/kg 115.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 98.7 % 98.7 % DRUGBANK DDPD01419 Antrafenine 588.5435 C30H26F6N4O2 FC(F)(F)C1=CC(=CC=C1)N1CCN(CCOC(=O)C2=CC=CC=C2NC2=C3C=CC(=CC3=NC=C2)C(F)(F)F)CC1 DB01419 68723 135841 61973 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01420 Testosterone propionate 344.4877 C22H32O3 [H][C@@]12CC[C@H](OC(=O)CC)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)CC[C@]12C DB01420 T3D4754 5995 9466 http://www.drugs.com/testosterone.html 5774 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 195.0 ng.h/ml 180-210 ng.h/ml IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 120.0 L/h ~2000 ml/min DRUGBANK 97.5 L/kg 75-120 L/kg DRUGBANK 108.0 h 4.5 day DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % Urinary excretion; IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 6.0 % ~6 % Faeces excretion; IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK DDPD01421 Paromomycin 615.6285 C23H45N5O14 NC[C@@H]1O[C@H](O[C@@H]2[C@@H](CO)O[C@@H](O[C@@H]3[C@@H](O)[C@H](N)C[C@H](N)[C@H]3O[C@H]3O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]3N)[C@@H]2O)[C@H](N)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O DB01421 165580 7934 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/paromomycin.html 145115 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 35.0 mg/kg/day 35 mg/kg/day Paromomycin Sulfate paromomycin sulfate PDR 35.0 mg/kg/day 35 mg/kg/day Paromomycin Sulfate paromomycin sulfate PDR 45.0 mg/kg/day 45 mg/kg/day Paromomycin Sulfate paromomycin sulfate PDR 35.0 mg/kg/day 35 mg/kg/day Paromomycin Sulfate paromomycin sulfate PDR 45.0 mg/kg/day 45 mg/kg/day Paromomycin Sulfate paromomycin sulfate PDR 35.0 mg/kg/day 35 mg/kg/day Paromomycin Sulfate paromomycin sulfate PDR 45.0 mg/kg/day 45 mg/kg/day Paromomycin Sulfate paromomycin sulfate PDR DDPD01424 Aminophenazone 231.2936 C13H17N3O CN(C)C1=C(C)N(C)N(C1=O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB01424 6009 160246 5787 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01426 Ajmaline 326.4326 C20H26N2O2 CC[C@H]1[C@@H]2C[C@H]3[C@@H]4N(C)C5=CC=CC=C5[C@]44C[C@@H](C2[C@H]4O)N3[C@@H]1O DB01426 441080 28462 10145712 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.588 L/h/kg 9.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.0 L/kg 4 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.3 h 7.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD01427 Amrinone 187.198 C10H9N3O NC1=CC(=CNC1=O)C1=CC=NC=C1 DB01427 3698 2686 3570 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.534 L/h/kg 8.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.2 L/kg 1.2 L/kg normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.3 L/kg 1.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.5 h 5-8 h DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 29.5 % 10-49 % DRUGBANK DDPD01428 Oxybenzone 228.2433 C14H12O3 COC1=CC(O)=C(C=C1)C(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB01428 T3D4807 4632 34283 4471 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01430 Almitrine 477.5522 C26H29F2N7 FC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(N1CCN(CC1)C1=NC(NCC=C)=NC(NCC=C)=N1)C1=CC=C(F)C=C1 DB01430 33887 53778 31235 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0582 L/h/kg 0.97 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 35.37 L/kg 35.37 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1344.0 h 1344 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD01432 Cholestyramine N.A. N.A. CCC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(C)CCC2=CC=C(C=C2)[N+](C)(C)C DB01432 70695641 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cholestyramine-powder.html -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.1 h 6 min DRUGBANK 8000.0 mg/day 8 g/day PO, oral Prevalite cholestyramine PDR 24000.0 mg/day 24 g/day PO, oral Prevalite cholestyramine PDR 16000.0 mg/day 16 g/day PO, oral Prevalite cholestyramine PDR 8000.0 mg/day 8 g/day PO, oral Prevalite cholestyramine PDR 24000.0 mg/day 24 g/day PO, oral Prevalite cholestyramine PDR 16000.0 mg/day 16 g/day PO, oral Prevalite cholestyramine PDR DDPD01435 Antipyrine 188.2258 C11H12N2O CN1N(C(=O)C=C1C)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB01435 2206 31225 2121 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0384 L/h/kg 0.64 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.77 L/kg 0.77 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD01436 Alfacalcidol 400.6371 C27H44O2 CC(C)CCC[C@@H](C)[C@@]1([H])CC[C@@]2([H])\C(CCC[C@]12C)=C\C=C1\C[C@@H](O)C[C@H](O)C1=C DB01436 5282181 31186 4445376 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0492 L/h/kg 0.82 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 48.6 h 48.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD01437 Glutethimide 217.2637 C13H15NO2 CCC1(CCC(=O)NC1=O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB01437 3487 5439 3367 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 11.0 h 10-12 h DRUGBANK DDPD01438 Phenazopyridine 213.2385 C11H11N5 NC1=NC(N)=C(C=C1)\N=N\C1=CC=CC=C1 DB01438 4756 71416 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/phenazopyridine.html 4592 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 431.77 ng.h/ml 431.77±87.82 ng.h/ml DRUGBANK 65.0 ng/ml 65.00±29.23 ng/ml DRUGBANK 2.48 h 2.48±0.50 h DRUGBANK 41.0 % 41 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 7.35 h 7.35 h elimination half-life; normal renal function; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 472.0 mg/kg 472.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % PO, oral; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 80.07 % 80.07±4.54 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 40.7 % 40.7 % Bile excretion; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 65.0 % 65 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Pyridium phenazopyridine hydrochloride PDR 12.0 mg/kg/day 12 mg/kg/day PO, oral Pyridium phenazopyridine hydrochloride PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Pyridium phenazopyridine hydrochloride PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Pyridium phenazopyridine hydrochloride PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Pyridium phenazopyridine hydrochloride PDR DDPD01440 gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid 104.1045 C4H8O3 OCCCC(O)=O DB01440 T3D4269 3037032 30830 9984 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.576 L/h/kg 9.6 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 0.258 L/h/kg 4.1-4.5 ml/min/kg Oral single dose; Hepatitis, Hep; DRUGBANK 0.287 L/kg 190-384 ml/kg DRUGBANK 0.75 h 30-60 min DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD01452 Diamorphine 369.411 C21H23NO5 [H][C@@]12C=C[C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@@H]3OC4=C(OC(C)=O)C=CC5=C4[C@]13CCN(C)[C@@H]2C5 DB01452 T3D4562 5462328 27808 http://www.drugs.com/heroin.html 4575379 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 35.0 % <35 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 22.9 % 22.9(16.4-29.4) % PO, oral; different study; DRUGBANK 0.125 h 5-10 min subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 0.0666666666666667 h 3-5 min IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 0.0666666666666667 h 3-5 min intranasal; DRUGBANK 0.0166666666666667 h <1 min intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 522.0 L/h 8.7±2.6 L/min Total clearance; DRUGBANK 3.5 L/kg 1.0-6 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.0416666666666667 h 2-3 min human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.5 % 7-10 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD01495 Dichloralphenazone 519.032 C15H18Cl6N2O5 OC(O)C(Cl)(Cl)Cl.OC(O)C(Cl)(Cl)Cl.CN1N(C(=O)C=C1C)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB01495 10188 9776 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01501 Difenoxin 424.5341 C28H28N2O2 OC(=O)C1(CCN(CCC(C#N)(C2=CC=CC=C2)C2=CC=CC=C2)CC1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB01501 34328 4534 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/motofen.html 31620 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.833333333333333 h 40-60 min DRUGBANK 7.24 h 7.24 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 0.82 h 0.82 h DRUGBANK DDPD01544 Flunitrazepam 313.2832 C16H12FN3O3 CN1C2=C(C=C(C=C2)[N+]([O-])=O)C(=NCC1=O)C1=CC=CC=C1F DB01544 T3D3047 3380 31622 3263 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 70.5 % 64-77 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % Rectal Administration; DRUGBANK 0.084 L/h/kg 1.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.9 L/kg 1.9 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 22.0 h 18-26 h DRUGBANK 25.0 h 25 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD01551 Dihydrocodeine 301.3801 C18H23NO3 [H][C@@]12OC3=C4C(C[C@H]5N(C)CC[C@@]14[C@@]5([H])CC[C@@H]2O)=CC=C3OC DB01551 5284543 135276 http://www.drugs.com/international/dihydrocodeine.html 4447600 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3203.0 ng.h/ml 3203.0 ug.h/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3401.0 ng.h/ml 3401.0 ug.h/L intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 71.8 ng/ml 71.8 ug/L intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 146.0 ng/ml 146 ug/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.6 h 1.6 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1.8 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 18.0 L/h ~300 ml/min Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.2526 L/h/kg 4.21 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.07 L/kg 1.07 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h DRUGBANK 3.42 h 3.42 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD01558 Bromazepam 316.153 C14H10BrN3O BrC1=CC2=C(NC(=O)CN=C2C2=CC=CC=N2)C=C1 DB01558 T3D3048 2441 31302 http://www.drugs.com/international/bromazepam.html 2347 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 84.0 % 84 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 1-4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0492 L/h/kg 0.82 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 0.0306 L/h/kg 0.51 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.56 L/kg 1.56 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.85 L/kg 0.85 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 15.0 h 10-20 h DRUGBANK 21.0 h 21 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70 % DRUGBANK DDPD01559 Clotiazepam 318.821 C16H15ClN2OS CCC1=CC2=C(S1)N(C)C(=O)CN=C2C1=CC=CC=C1Cl DB01559 T3D3049 2811 31425 2709 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD01563 Chloral hydrate 165.403 C2H3Cl3O2 OC(O)C(Cl)(Cl)Cl DB01563 2707 28142 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/chloral-hydrate.html 2606 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01576 Dextroamphetamine 135.2062 C9H13N C[C@H](N)CC1=CC=CC=C1 DB01576 T3D3051 5826 4469 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/dextroamphetamine.html 5621 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 61.0 ng/ml 61±20 ng/ml PO, oral; Raceme D; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 3.1 h 3.1±1.1 h PO, oral; Raceme D; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 17.0 L/h 17.0 L/h DRUGBANK 0.333 L/h/kg 3.4-7.7 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; PO, oral; adults; DRUGBANK 0.0582 L/h/kg 0.23-1.71 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; PO, oral; adults; DRUGBANK 195.0 L 195.0 L DRUGBANK 6.11 L/kg 6.11±0.22 L/kg DRUGBANK 11.75 h 11.75 h DRUGBANK 16.0 h 16 h post-stroke;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 12.4 h 12.4 h post-stroke; Male, men; DRUGBANK 7.9 h 7.9 h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 3.85 h 3.5-4.2 h Raceme D/L; PO, oral; adults; Urine alkaline; DRUGBANK 18.0 h 14-22 h Raceme D/L; PO, oral; adults; Uric acid; DRUGBANK 6.8 h 6.8±0.5 h Raceme D; Isomers; Children; DRUGBANK 96.8 mg/kg 96.8 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 33.3 % 33.3 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 14.5 % 14.5 % Urinary excretion; Raceme D/L; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 24.5 % 23-26 % Raceme D/L; DRUGBANK 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral ProCentra dextroamphetamine sulfate PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral ProCentra dextroamphetamine sulfate PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral ProCentra dextroamphetamine sulfate PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral ProCentra dextroamphetamine sulfate PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral ProCentra dextroamphetamine sulfate PDR DDPD01577 Metamfetamine 149.2328 C10H15N CN[C@@H](C)CC1=CC=CC=C1 DB01577 T3D3052 10836 6809 http://www.drugs.com/methamphetamine.html 10379 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.715 h 3.13-6.3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4-5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 45.0 % 45 % intravenous injection, IV; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 22.5 mg/day 22.5 mg/day PO, oral Desoxyn methamphetamine hydrochloride PDR 5.0 mg 5 mg PO, oral Desoxyn methamphetamine hydrochloride PDR 22.5 mg/day 22.5 mg/day PO, oral Desoxyn methamphetamine hydrochloride PDR 5.0 mg 5 mg PO, oral Desoxyn methamphetamine hydrochloride PDR 22.5 mg/day 22.5 mg/day PO, oral Desoxyn methamphetamine hydrochloride PDR 5.0 mg 5 mg PO, oral Desoxyn methamphetamine hydrochloride PDR 22.5 mg/day 22.5 mg/day PO, oral Desoxyn methamphetamine hydrochloride PDR DDPD01579 Phendimetrazine 191.274 C12H17NO C[C@H]1[C@@H](OCCN1C)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB01579 30487 8059 http://www.drugs.com/phendimetrazine.html 28295 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.0 h 1-3 h DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30 % DRUGBANK 21.5 h 19-24 h DRUGBANK 210.0 mg/day 210 mg/day PO, oral Bontril PDM phendimetrazine tartrate PDR 105.0 mg/day 105 mg/day PO, oral Bontril PDM phendimetrazine tartrate PDR 105.0 mg/day 105 mg/day PO, oral Bontril PDM phendimetrazine tartrate PDR 210.0 mg/day 210 mg/day PO, oral Bontril PDM phendimetrazine tartrate PDR 105.0 mg/day 105 mg/day PO, oral Bontril PDM phendimetrazine tartrate PDR DDPD01580 Oxprenolol 265.348 C15H23NO3 CC(C)NCC(O)COC1=CC=CC=C1OCC=C DB01580 4631 91704 4470 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 45.0 % 20-70 % DRUGBANK 0.462 L/h/kg 7.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.72 L/kg 0.72 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h DRUGBANK 1.09 h 1.09 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD01581 Sulfamerazine 264.304 C11H12N4O2S CC1=NC(NS(=O)(=O)C2=CC=C(N)C=C2)=NC=C1 DB01581 5325 102130 5134 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01582 Sulfamethazine 278.33 C12H14N4O2S CC1=CC(C)=NC(NS(=O)(=O)C2=CC=C(N)C=C2)=N1 DB01582 5327 102265 5136 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01586 Ursodeoxycholic acid 392.572 C24H40O4 [H][C@@]1(CC[C@@]2([H])[C@]3([H])[C@@H](O)C[C@]4([H])C[C@H](O)CC[C@]4(C)[C@@]3([H])CC[C@]12C)[C@H](C)CCC(O)=O DB01586 31401 9907 29131 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5000 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 7500.0 mg/kg >7500 mg/kg mouse; DRUGBANK 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day PO, oral Actigall ursodiol PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day PO, oral Actigall ursodiol PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day PO, oral Actigall ursodiol PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral Actigall ursodiol PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day PO, oral Actigall ursodiol PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral Actigall ursodiol PDR DDPD01587 Ketazolam 368.814 C20H17ClN2O3 CN1C2=C(C=C(Cl)C=C2)C2(OC(C)=CC(=O)N2CC1=O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB01587 T3D4571 33746 135556 31110 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 113.0 h 26-200 h DRUGBANK DDPD01588 Prazepam 324.804 C19H17ClN2O ClC1=CC2=C(C=C1)N(CC1CC1)C(=O)CN=C2C1=CC=CC=C1 DB01588 T3D3054 4890 8362 4721 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 118.0 h 36-200 h DRUGBANK DDPD01589 Quazepam 386.794 C17H11ClF4N2S FC1=CC=CC=C1C1=NCC(=S)N(CC(F)(F)F)C2=C1C=C(Cl)C=C2 DB01589 T3D3055 4999 8694 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/quazepam.html 4825 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 32.0 % 29-35 % DRUGBANK 39.0 h 39 h DRUGBANK 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Doral quazepam PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Doral quazepam PDR DDPD01590 Everolimus 958.24 C53H83NO14 [H][C@@]1(C[C@@H](C)[C@]2([H])CC(=O)[C@H](C)\C=C(C)\[C@@H](O)[C@@H](OC)C(=O)[C@H](C)C[C@H](C)\C=C\C=C\C=C(C)\[C@H](C[C@]3([H])CC[C@@H](C)[C@@](O)(O3)C(=O)C(=O)N3CCCC[C@@]3([H])C(=O)O2)OC)CC[C@@H](OCCO)[C@@H](C1)OC DB01590 6442177 68478 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/everolimus.html 21106307 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h PO, oral; tumor; DRUGBANK 336.0 h 2 week PO, oral; DRUGBANK 30.0 h ~30 h DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % Faeces excretion; Single dose; patients; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % Urinary excretion; Single dose; patients; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 74.0 % ~74 % normal,healthy; moderate hepatic impairment; DRUGBANK 10.0 ng/ml 10 ng/ml Afinitor everolimus PDR 10.0 ng/ml 10 ng/ml Afinitor everolimus PDR 10.0 ng/ml 10 ng/ml Afinitor everolimus PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day Afinitor everolimus PDR 5.5 ng/ml 5.5 ng/ml Afinitor everolimus PDR 10.0 ng/ml 10 ng/ml Afinitor everolimus PDR 10.0 ng/ml 10 ng/ml Afinitor everolimus PDR 10.0 ng/mL 10 ng/mL Afinitor everolimus PDR 10.0 ng/mL 10 ng/mL Afinitor everolimus PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day Afinitor everolimus PDR 5.5 ng/ml 5.5 ng/ml Afinitor everolimus PDR 10.0 ng/ml 10 ng/ml Afinitor everolimus PDR 10.0 ng/ml 10 ng/ml Afinitor everolimus PDR DDPD01591 Solifenacin 362.473 C23H26N2O2 O=C(O[C@H]1CN2CCC1CC2)N1CCC2=CC=CC=C2[C@@H]1C1=CC=CC=C1 DB01591 154059 135530 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/solifenacin.html 135771 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 88.0 % 88 % DRUGBANK 32.3 ng/ml 32.3 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 62.9 ng/ml 62.9 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5.5 h 3-8 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 10.5 L/h 7.0-14 L/h DRUGBANK 1.09 L/h 0.67-1.51 L/h Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.126 L/h/kg 2.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 600.0 L 600.0 L DRUGBANK 8.2 L/kg 8.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 59.0 h 33-85 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 52.0 h 52 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3000.0 mg/kg 3.0 g/kg PO, oral; DRUGBANK 16.8541666666667 mg/kg/h 186-623 mg/kg/day mouse; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 69.2 % 69.2±7.8 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 22.5 % 22.5±3.3 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 0.4 % 0.4±7.8 % lung excretion; DRUGBANK 94.5 % 93-96 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral VESIcare solifenacin succinate PDR 8.0 mg/day 8 mg/day PO, oral VESIcare solifenacin succinate PDR 6.0 mg/day 6 mg/day PO, oral VESIcare solifenacin succinate PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral VESIcare solifenacin succinate PDR 4.0 mg/day 4 mg/day PO, oral VESIcare solifenacin succinate PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral VESIcare solifenacin succinate PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral VESIcare solifenacin succinate PDR 8.0 mg/day 8 mg/day PO, oral VESIcare solifenacin succinate PDR 6.0 mg/day 6 mg/day PO, oral VESIcare solifenacin succinate PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral VESIcare solifenacin succinate PDR 4.0 mg/day 4 mg/day PO, oral VESIcare solifenacin succinate PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral VESIcare solifenacin succinate PDR DDPD01592 Iron 55.845 Fe [Fe] DB01592 T3D4697 23925 18248 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/ferrous-gluconate.html 22368 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 22.5 % 10-35 % DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % iron deficient; iron deficient &#8593; ; DRUGBANK DDPD01593 Zinc 65.409 Zn [Zn] DB01593 T3D0074 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/pdfs/ATSDR MRLs - May 2021 - H.pdf 23994 30185 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/zinc-oxide-cream.html 22430 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 65.0 % 60-70 % Liquid; DRUGBANK 33.0 % 33 % different study; DRUGBANK 0.0378 mg/h 0.63±0.39 ug/min normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 6720.0 h ~280 day human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 630.0 mg/kg 630.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.3 mg/kg/day 0.3 mg/kg/day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.3 mg/kg/day 0.3 mg/kg/day PO, oral; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 0.3 mg/kg/day 0.3 mg/kg/day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.3 mg/kg/day 0.3 mg/kg/day PO, oral; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 65.0 % ~60-70 % DRUGBANK DDPD01595 Nitrazepam 281.2661 C15H11N3O3 [O-][N+](=O)C1=CC2=C(NC(=O)CN=C2C2=CC=CC=C2)C=C1 DB01595 T3D3057 4506 7581 4350 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 73.5 % 53-94 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0516 L/h/kg 0.86 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.7 L/kg 1.7 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 26.0 h 26(15-38) h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 26.0 h 26 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD01597 Cilastatin 358.453 C16H26N2O5S CC1(C)C[C@@H]1C(=O)N\C(=C/CCCCSC[C@H](N)C(O)=O)C(O)=O DB01597 6435415 3697 4940183 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 10100.0 ng/ml 8.2-12 mcg/ml IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 65000.0 ng/ml 60-70 mcg/ml intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 0.21 L/h/kg 0.2 l/h/kg Total clearance; DRUGBANK 0.13 L/h/kg 0.1-0.16 l/h/kg Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.174 L/h/kg 2.9 ml/min/kg Neonates &#8594; ;Children &#8593; ;Elderly &#8594; ;Prem, premature &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ;inflammation &#8594; ;Burn &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.18 L/h/kg 3.0±0.3 ml/min/kg Neonates &#8595; ;Children &#8593; ;Prem, premature &#8595; ;Elderly &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.138 L/h/kg 2.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 17.35 L 14.6-20.1 L DRUGBANK 0.23 L/kg 0.23±0.05 L/kg Neonates &#8593; ;Children &#8593; ;Prem, premature &#8593; ;Elderly &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.2 L/kg 0.20±0.03 L/kg Neonates &#8594; ;Elderly &#8594; ;Prem, premature &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.15 L/kg 0.15 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 h ~1 h DRUGBANK 0.9 h 0.9±0.1 h Neonates &#8593; ;Prem, premature &#8593; ;Children &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ;Age &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.8 h 0.8±0.1 h Neonates &#8593; ;Prem, premature &#8593; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ;Age &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.86 h 0.86 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 69.0 % 69±15 % Urinary excretion; Drug combination; Unchanged drug; Neonates &#8595; ;Children &#8594; ;inflammation &#8595; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70±3 % Urinary excretion; Drug combination; Unchanged drug; Neonates &#8595; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 37.5 % 35-40 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 20.0 % <20 % Drug combination; DRUGBANK 35.0 % ~35 % Drug combination; DRUGBANK DDPD01598 Imipenem 299.346 C12H17N3O4S [H][C@]12CC(SCC\N=C\N)=C(N1C(=O)[C@]2([H])[C@@H](C)O)C(O)=O DB01598 T3D4739 104838 471744 94631 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 89.0 % 89 % IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 10100.0 ng/ml 8.2-12 mcg/ml IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 65000.0 ng/ml 60-70 mcg/ml intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 0.21 L/h/kg 0.2 l/h/kg Total clearance; DRUGBANK 0.05 L/h/kg 0.05 l/h/kg Renal clearance; Single dose; DRUGBANK 0.15 L/h/kg 0.15 l/h/kg Renal clearance; Drug combination; DRUGBANK 0.174 L/h/kg 2.9 ml/min/kg Neonates &#8594; ;Children &#8593; ;Elderly &#8594; ;Prem, premature &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ;inflammation &#8594; ;Burn &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.18 L/h/kg 3.0±0.3 ml/min/kg Neonates &#8595; ;Children &#8593; ;Prem, premature &#8595; ;Elderly &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.18 L/h/kg 3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.27 L/kg 0.23-0.31 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.23 L/kg 0.23±0.05 L/kg Neonates &#8593; ;Children &#8593; ;Prem, premature &#8593; ;Elderly &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.2 L/kg 0.20±0.03 L/kg Neonates &#8594; ;Elderly &#8594; ;Prem, premature &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.24 L/kg 0.24 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 3.2 h 1.3-5.1 h IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 0.9 h 0.9±0.1 h Neonates &#8593; ;Prem, premature &#8593; ;Children &#8594; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ;Age &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.8 h 0.8±0.1 h Neonates &#8593; ;Prem, premature &#8593; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ;Age &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.95 h 0.95 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 69.0 % 69±15 % Urinary excretion; Drug combination; Unchanged drug; Neonates &#8595; ;Children &#8594; ;inflammation &#8595; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70±3 % Urinary excretion; Drug combination; Unchanged drug; Neonates &#8595; ;Cystic fibrosis &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 20.0 % <20 % Drug combination; DRUGBANK 35.0 % ~35 % Drug combination; DRUGBANK DDPD01599 Probucol 516.842 C31H48O2S2 CC(C)(SC1=CC(=C(O)C(=C1)C(C)(C)C)C(C)(C)C)SC1=CC(=C(O)C(=C1)C(C)(C)C)C(C)(C)C DB01599 4912 8427 http://www.drugs.com/cons/probucol.html 4743 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.0 % 7 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 256.0 h 12-500 h DRUGBANK DDPD01600 Tiaprofenic acid 260.308 C14H12O3S CC(C(O)=O)C1=CC=C(S1)C(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB01600 5468 32221 5269 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 0.0372 L/h/kg 0.62 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.08 L/kg 0.08 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 1.5-2.5 h DRUGBANK 2.1 h 2.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD01601 Lopinavir 628.8008 C37H48N4O5 CC(C)[C@H](N1CCCNC1=O)C(=O)N[C@H](C[C@H](O)[C@H](CC1=CC=CC=C1)NC(=O)COC1=C(C)C=CC=C1C)CC1=CC=CC=C1 DB01601 92727 31781 83706 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 123350.0 ng.h/ml 92.6±36.7-154.1±61.4 ug.h/ml combination drug use; DRUGBANK 25.0 % ~25 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 10800.0 ng/ml 9.8±3.7-11.8±3.7 ug/ml combination drug use; DRUGBANK 9800.0 ng/ml 9.8±3.7 mcg/ml combination drug use; DRUGBANK 4.4 h 4.4 h combination drug use; DRUGBANK 4.4 h 4.4±2.4 h combination drug use; DRUGBANK 6.5 L/h 6.0-7 L/h apparent clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.072 L/h/kg 1.2 ml/min/kg apparent clearance; AIDS,HIV; Male, men;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 16.9 L ~16.9 L DRUGBANK 0.6 L/kg 0.6 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; AIDS,HIV; Male, men;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 6.9 h 6.9±2.2 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 5.3 h 5.3±2.5 h DRUGBANK 10.4 % 10.4±2.3 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 82.6 % 82.6±2.5 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.2 % 2.2 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 19.8 % 19.8 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 3.0 % <3 % Urinary excretion; AIDS,HIV; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 98.0 % >98 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 98.5 % 98-99 % AIDS,HIV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD01602 Bacampicillin 465.52 C21H27N3O7S [H][C@]12SC(C)(C)[C@@H](N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)[C@H](N)C1=CC=CC=C1)C(=O)OC(C)OC(=O)OCC DB01602 441397 2968 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/bacampicillin.html 390135 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01603 Meticillin 380.415 C17H20N2O6S [H][C@]12SC(C)(C)[C@@H](N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)C1=C(OC)C=CC=C1OC)C(O)=O DB01603 6087 6827 5862 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 20-40 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 0.708333333333333 h 25-60 min DRUGBANK DDPD01604 Pivampicillin 463.547 C22H29N3O6S [H][C@]12SC(C)(C)[C@@H](N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)[C@H](N)C1=CC=CC=C1)C(=O)OCOC(=O)C(C)(C)C DB01604 33478 8255 30899 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 h ~1 h DRUGBANK DDPD01605 Pivmecillinam 439.569 C21H33N3O5S [H]C(=N[C@@H]1C(=O)N2[C@@H](C(=O)OCOC(=O)C(C)(C)C)C(C)(C)S[C@]12[H])N1CCCCCC1 DB01605 115163 51210 16735658 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01606 Tazobactam 300.291 C10H12N4O5S [H][C@@]12CC(=O)N1[C@@H](C(O)=O)[C@](C)(CN1C=CN=N1)S2(=O)=O DB01606 123630 9421 110216 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 24700.0 ng.h/ml 24.4-25 mcg.h/ml combination drug use; DRUGBANK 18200.0 ng/ml 18-18.4 mcg/ml combination drug use; DRUGBANK 24.0 h 1 day combination drug use; DRUGBANK 3.957 L/h 48.3-83.6 ml/min Average clearance; intravenous injection, IV; Drug combination; renal transplant; patients; DRUGBANK 0.2886 L/h/kg 4.81 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 18.2 L 18.2 L Drug combination; DRUGBANK 15.85 L 13.5-18.2 L Drug combination; DRUGBANK 0.26 L/kg 0.26 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.95 h 0.7-1.2 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; Single dose; Drug combination; DRUGBANK 0.97 h 0.91-1.03 h DRUGBANK 0.97 h 0.97 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~80 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 30.0 % ~30 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD01607 Ticarcillin 384.427 C15H16N2O6S2 [H][C@]12SC(C)(C)[C@@H](N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)[C@H](C(O)=O)C1=CSC=C1)C(O)=O DB01607 36921 9587 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ticarcillin.html 33876 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.108 L/h/kg 1.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.16 L/kg 0.16 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1 h DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 45.0 % 45 % DRUGBANK DDPD01608 Periciazine 365.492 C21H23N3OS OC1CCN(CCCN2C3=CC=CC=C3SC3=C2C=C(C=C3)C#N)CC1 DB01608 4747 31981 4585 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01609 Deferasirox 373.3615 C21H15N3O4 OC(=O)C1=CC=C(C=C1)N1N=C(N=C1C1=CC=CC=C1O)C1=CC=CC=C1O DB01609 5493381 49005 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/deferasirox.html 10770206 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 8.0 % 8 % Liver metabolism; Bile excretion; DRUGBANK 0.0504 L/h/kg 0.84 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 14.37 L 14.37±2.69 L DRUGBANK 0.2 L/kg 0.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 8-16 h elimination half-life; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.05 h 4.05 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 84.0 % 84 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 8.0 % 8 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % ~99 % DRUGBANK 28.0 mg/kg/day 28 mg/kg/day PO, oral Jadenu deferasirox PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral Jadenu deferasirox PDR 28.0 mg/kg/day 28 mg/kg/day PO, oral Jadenu deferasirox PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral Jadenu deferasirox PDR 28.0 mg/kg/day 28 mg/kg/day PO, oral Jadenu deferasirox PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral Jadenu deferasirox PDR 28.0 mg/kg/day 28 mg/kg/day PO, oral Jadenu deferasirox PDR 40.0 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/day PO, oral Jadenu deferasirox PDR DDPD01610 Valganciclovir 354.3617 C14H22N6O5 CC(C)[C@H](N)C(=O)OCC(CO)OCN1C=NC2=C1NC(N)=NC2=O DB01610 64147 63635 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/valganciclovir.html 57721 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % Tablet, PO, oral; food; DRUGBANK 61.0 % 61±9 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 200.0 ng/ml 0.20±0.7 mcg/ml PO, oral; food; DRUGBANK 5600.0 ng/ml 5.6±1.5 mcg/ml PO, oral; Drug form; food; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5±0.3 h PO, oral; food; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 1-3 h PO, oral; Drug form; food; DRUGBANK 0.1842 L/h/kg 3.07±0.64 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 5.3 L/h 5.3±0.9 L/h mild renal function; patients; DRUGBANK 0.703 L/kg 0.703±0.134 L/kg DRUGBANK 4.08 h ~4.08 h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5±0.2 h PO, oral; Male, men;  Female, women; viral infections; DRUGBANK 3.7 h 3.7±0.6 h Metabolite; PO, oral; Male, men;  Female, women; viral infections; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 1.5 % 1-2 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 900.0 mg/day 900 mg/day PO, oral Valcyte valganciclovir hydrochloride PDR 1800.0 mg/day 1800 mg/day PO, oral Valcyte valganciclovir hydrochloride PDR 900.0 mg/day 900 mg/day PO, oral Valcyte valganciclovir hydrochloride PDR 1800.0 mg/day 1800 mg/day PO, oral Valcyte valganciclovir hydrochloride PDR 900.0 mg/day 900 mg/day PO, oral Valcyte valganciclovir hydrochloride PDR 1800.0 mg/day 1800 mg/day PO, oral Valcyte valganciclovir hydrochloride PDR 900.0 mg/day 900 mg/day PO, oral Valcyte valganciclovir hydrochloride PDR 1800.0 mg/day 1800 mg/day PO, oral Valcyte valganciclovir hydrochloride PDR 900.0 mg/day 900 mg/day PO, oral Valcyte valganciclovir hydrochloride PDR 1800.0 mg/day 1800 mg/day PO, oral Valcyte valganciclovir hydrochloride PDR 32.0 mg/kg/day 32 mg/kg/day PO, oral Valcyte valganciclovir hydrochloride PDR 32.0 mg/kg/day 32 mg/kg/day PO, oral Valcyte valganciclovir hydrochloride PDR DDPD01611 Hydroxychloroquine 335.872 C18H26ClN3O CCN(CCO)CCCC(C)NC1=C2C=CC(Cl)=CC2=NC=C1 DB01611 T3D3512 3652 5801 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/hydroxychloroquine.html 3526 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 70.5 % 67-74 % Optical rotation R/S; DRUGBANK 50.3 ng/ml 50.3 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1918.0 ng/ml 1918(1161-2436) ng/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1918.0 ng/ml 1918(1161-2436) ng/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 3.74 h 3.74 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5.76 L/h 96.0 ml/min DRUGBANK 0.66 L/h/kg 11 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5522.0 L 5522.0 L Total volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 44257.0 L 44257.0 L Total volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 700.0 L/kg 700 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h distribution half-life; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 537.6 h 22.4 day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2964.0 h 123.5 day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 960.0 h 40 day intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 850.0 h 850 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 45.0 % 40-50 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % slough off in skin; DRUGBANK 24.5 % 24-25 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 18.5 % 16-21 % Urinary excretion; Single dose; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 32.0 % 32 % plasma proteins; Optical rotation S; DRUGBANK 16.0 % 16 % Optical rotation S; DRUGBANK 9.28 % 9.28 % Optical rotation S; DRUGBANK 18.5 % 18.5 % plasma proteins; Optical rotation R; DRUGBANK 5.37 % 5.37 % Optical rotation R; DRUGBANK 7.58 % 7.58 % Optical rotation R; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 13.0 mg/kg/dose 13 mg/kg/dose PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 10.0 mg/kg/dose 10 mg base/kg/dose PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 800.0 mg 800 mg PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 620.0 mg base 620 mg base PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 16.25 mg/kg/day 16.25 mg/kg/day PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 12.5 mg/kg/day 12.5 mg base/kg/day PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 1.0 mg/day 1 mg/day PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 775.0 mg/day 0.775 g base/day PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 0.92857142 mg/kg/day 6.5 mg/kg/week PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 5.0 mg/kg/dose 5 mg base/kg/dose PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 2800.0 mg/day 400 mg/week PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 0.14285714 mg/day 310 mg base/week PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 800.0 mg/dose 800 mg/dose PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 620.0 mg base/dose 620 mg base/dose PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 1.0 mg/day 1 mg/day PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 0.775 g base/day 0.775 g base/day PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 57.1428571428571 mg/day 400 mg/week PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 310.0 mg base/week 310 mg base/week PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 85.7142857142857 mg/day 600 mg/week PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 465.0 mg base/week 465 mg base/week PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 13.0 mg/kg/dose 13 mg/kg/dose PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 10.0 mg base/kg/dose 10 mg base/kg/dose PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 800.0 mg 800 mg PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 620.0 mg base 620 mg base PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 16.25 mg/kg/day 16.25 mg/kg/day PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 12.5 mg base/kg/day 12.5 mg base/kg/day PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 1.0 mg/day 1 mg/day PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 0.775 g base/day 0.775 g base/day PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 0.928571428571428 mg/kg/day 6.5 mg/kg/week PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 5.0 mg base/kg/dose 5 mg base/kg/dose PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 57.1428571428571 mg/day 400 mg/week PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 310.0 mg base/week 310 mg base/week PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 800.0 mg/dose 800 mg/dose PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 620.0 mg base/dose 620 mg base/dose PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 1.0 mg/day 1 mg/day PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 0.775 g base/day 0.775 g base/day PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 57.1428571428571 mg/day 400 mg/week PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 310.0 mg base/week 310 mg base/week PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 85.7142857142857 mg/day 600 mg/week PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 465.0 mg base/week 465 mg base/week PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 13.0 mg/kg/dose 13 mg/kg/dose PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 10.0 mg base/kg/dose 10 mg base/kg/dose PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 16.25 mg/kg/day 16.25 mg/kg/day PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 12.5 mg base/kg/day 12.5 mg base/kg/day PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 0.928571428571429 mg/kg/day 6.5 mg/kg/week PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR 5.0 mg base/kg/week 5 mg base/kg/week PO, oral Plaquenil hydroxychloroquine sulfate PDR DDPD01612 Amyl Nitrite 117.1463 C5H11NO2 CCCCCON=O DB01612 10026 55344 http://www.drugs.com/cons/amyl-nitrite-inhalation-oral-nebulization.html 9632 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 33.3 % 33.3 % Urinary excretion; inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK DDPD01613 Erythrityl tetranitrate 302.11 C4H6N4O12 [O-][N+](=O)OC[C@@H](O[N+]([O-])=O)[C@H](CO[N+]([O-])=O)O[N+]([O-])=O DB01613 5284553 60072 4447608 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01616 Alverine 281.4351 C20H27N CCN(CCCC1=CC=CC=C1)CCCC1=CC=CC=C1 DB01616 3678 518413 3550 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.8 h 0.8 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 5.7 h 5.7 h Active metabolite; DRUGBANK DDPD01618 Molindone 276.374 C16H24N2O2 CCC1=C(C)NC2=C1C(=O)C(CN1CCOCC1)CC2 DB01618 23897 6965 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/molindone.html 22342 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 225.0 mg/day 225 mg/day PO, oral Molindone Hydrochloride molindone hydrochloride PDR 225.0 mg/day 225 mg/day PO, oral Molindone Hydrochloride molindone hydrochloride PDR 225.0 mg/day 225 mg/day PO, oral Molindone Hydrochloride molindone hydrochloride PDR 225.0 mg/day 225 mg/day PO, oral Molindone Hydrochloride molindone hydrochloride PDR DDPD01619 Phenindamine 261.3609 C19H19N CN1CCC2=C(C1)C(C1=CC=CC=C21)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB01619 T3D3060 11291 8065 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/phenindamine.html 10817 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01620 Pheniramine 240.3434 C16H20N2 CN(C)CCC(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=N1 DB01620 4761 91591 4597 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.2335 ng/ml 173-294 ng/L DRUGBANK 1.75 h 1-2.5 h DRUGBANK 12.5 h 8-17 h terminal half-life; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK DDPD01623 Thiothixene 443.625 C23H29N3O2S2 CN(C)S(=O)(=O)C1=CC2=C(SC3=CC=CC=C3\C2=C\CCN2CCN(C)CC2)C=C1 DB01623 941651 9571 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/thiothixene.html 819430 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 15.0 h 10-20 h DRUGBANK 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Thiothixene thiothixene PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Thiothixene thiothixene PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Thiothixene thiothixene PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Thiothixene thiothixene PDR DDPD01624 Zuclopenthixol 400.965 C22H25ClN2OS OCCN1CCN(CC\C=C2\C3=C(SC4=C2C=C(Cl)C=C4)C=CC=C3)CC1 DB01624 5311507 51364 http://www.drugs.com/international/zuclopenthixol.html 4470984 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 54.0 L/h ~0.9 L/min DRUGBANK 20.0 L/kg 20.0 L/kg DRUGBANK 20.0 h 20(12-28) h Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 456.0 h 19 day extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 98.5 % 98-99 % DRUGBANK DDPD01625 Isopropamide 353.5209 C23H33N2O CC(C)[N+](C)(CCC(C(N)=O)(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1)C(C)C DB01625 3775 6043 3643 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01627 Lincomycin 406.54 C18H34N2O6S [H][C@]1(C[C@@H](CCC)CN1C)C(=O)N[C@H]([C@@H](C)O)[C@H]1O[C@H](SC)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H]1O DB01627 3000540 6472 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/lincomycin.html 2272112 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 25.0 % 20-30 % PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 0.126 L/h/kg 2.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 L/kg 1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.4 h 5.4±1.0 h elimination half-life; intravenous injection, IV; severe renal function &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 5.4 h 5.4±1.0 h elimination half-life; IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 10.8 h 10.8±2.0 h hepatopathy,LD; patients; DRUGBANK 5.6 h 5.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 13.3 % 1.8-24.8 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 57.0 % 28-86 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Lincocin lincomycin hydrochloride PDR 8000.0 mg/day 8 g/day intravenous injection, IV Lincocin lincomycin hydrochloride PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1.2 g/day IM,intramuscular injection Lincocin lincomycin hydrochloride PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Lincocin lincomycin hydrochloride PDR 8000.0 mg/day 8 g/day intravenous injection, IV Lincocin lincomycin hydrochloride PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1.2 g/day IM,intramuscular injection Lincocin lincomycin hydrochloride PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Lincocin lincomycin hydrochloride PDR DDPD01628 Etoricoxib 358.842 C18H15ClN2O2S CC1=NC=C(C=C1)C1=C(C=C(Cl)C=N1)C1=CC=C(C=C1)S(C)(=O)=O DB01628 123619 6339 110209 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0474 L/h/kg 0.79 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.5 L/kg 1.5 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 22.0 h 22 h DRUGBANK 26.0 h 26 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 92.0 % 92 % DRUGBANK DDPD01638 Sorbitol 182.1718 C6H14O6 OC[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H](O)CO DB01638 5780 17924 5576 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 15900.0 mg/kg 15900.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD01656 Roflumilast 403.207 C17H14Cl2F2N2O3 FC(F)OC1=C(OCC2CC2)C=C(C=C1)C(=O)NC1=C(Cl)C=NC=C1Cl DB01656 449193 47657 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/roflumilast.html 395793 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~80 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.25 h 0.5-2 h PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 2.25 h 1.5-3 h PO, oral; food; food &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 9.6 L/h ~9.6 L/h DRUGBANK 0.132 L/h/kg 2.2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.9 L/kg 2.9 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.92 L/kg 1.92 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 17.0 h 17 h elimination half-life; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 30.0 h 30 h Metabolite; DRUGBANK 15.1 h 15.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 0.5 mg/day 500 mcg/day PO, oral Daliresp roflumilast PDR 0.5 mg/day 500 mcg/day PO, oral Daliresp roflumilast PDR DDPD01698 Rutin 610.5175 C27H30O16 C[C@@H]1O[C@@H](OC[C@H]2O[C@@H](OC3=C(OC4=CC(O)=CC(O)=C4C3=O)C3=CC(O)=C(O)C=C3)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]2O)[C@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]1O DB01698 5280805 28527 4444362 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01708 Prasterone 288.4244 C19H28O2 [H][C@@]12CCC(=O)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CC=C2C[C@@]([H])(O)CC[C@]12C DB01708 5881 28689 5670 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.1 % 3.1±0.4 % PO, oral; monkey; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12 h DRUGBANK 10000.0 mg/kg >10000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.714285714285714 mg/kg/day 10.0 mg/kg/2W DRUGBANK 6.5 mg 6.5 mg Vaginal Administration qd Intrarosa prasterone insert PDR 6.5 mg 6.5 mg Vaginal Administration qd Intrarosa prasterone insert PDR DDPD01718 Cetrimonium 284.5435 C19H42N CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC[N+](C)(C)C DB01718 T3D4814 2681 39561 2580 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01744 Camphor 152.2334 C10H16O [H][C@@]12CC[C@@](C)(C(=O)C1)C2(C)C DB01744 159055 15396 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/camphor-liquid.html 139902 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01764 Dalfopristin 690.85 C34H50N4O9S CCN(CC)CCS(=O)(=O)[C@@H]1CCN2[C@H]1C(=O)O[C@H](C(C)C)[C@H](C)\C=C\C(=O)NC\C=C\C(\C)=C\[C@@H](O)CC(=O)CC1=NC(=CO1)C2=O DB01764 6323289 16736919 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.96 L/h/kg 16 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.39 L/kg 0.39 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.7 h ~0.7 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 0.74 h 0.74 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD01783 Pantothenic acid 219.235 C9H17NO5 CC(C)(CO)[C@@H](O)C(=O)NCCC(O)=O DB01783 988 46905 6361 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD01839 Propylene glycol 76.0944 C3H8O2 CC(O)CO DB01839 T3D4778 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/pdfs/ATSDR MRLs - May 2021 - H.pdf 1030 16997 13835224 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.009 mg/kg 0.009 ppm inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK DDPD01914 D-glucose 180.1559 C6H12O6 [H][C@@](O)(CO)[C@@]([H])(O)[C@]([H])(O)[C@@]([H])(O)C=O DB01914 107526 42758 96749 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.666666666666667 h 40 min PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.1362 L/h/kg 2.27±0.37 ml/min/kg Average clearance; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.0906 L/h/kg 1.51±0.21 ml/min/kg Average clearance; hypertension; DRUGBANK 0.1146 L/h/kg 1.91±0.31 ml/min/kg Average clearance; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 10.6 L 10.6 L intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 0.238333333333333 h 14.3 min intravenous injection, IV; normal BMI &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 1.31666666666667 h 79±2 min  Female, women; DRUGBANK 1.08333333333333 h 65±3 min Male, men; DRUGBANK 25800.0 mg/kg 25800.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD01956 Taurine 125.147 C2H7NO3S NCCS(O)(=O)=O DB01956 1123 507393 1091 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 29.5083333333333 ng.h/ml 89-3452 mcg.min/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 200250.0 ng.h/ml 116-284.5 mg.h/l normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 8850.0 ng/ml 2-15.7 mcg.min/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 85800.0 ng/ml 59-112.6 mg/L normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.25 h 15 min PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.75 h 1-2.5 h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.702 L/h/kg 11.7 ml/min/kg PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.122 L/h/kg 18.7 ml/min/kg PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.564 L/h/kg 9.4 ml/min/kg PO, oral; DRUGBANK 24.2 L/h 14-34.4 L/h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.326 L/kg 299-353 ml/kg DRUGBANK 6.491 L/kg 4608-8374 ml/kg mouse; DRUGBANK 30.25 L 19.8-40.7 L normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.05 h 0.7-1.4 h elimination half-life; PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK DDPD02266 Flufenamic acid 281.2299 C14H10F3NO2 OC(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1NC1=CC(=CC=C1)C(F)(F)F DB02266 3371 42638 3254 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD02300 Calcipotriol 412.6047 C27H40O3 O[C@H](\C=C\[C@@H](C)[C@@]1([H])CC[C@@]2([H])\C(CCC[C@]12C)=C\C=C1\C[C@@H](O)C[C@H](O)C1=C)C1CC1 DB02300 T3D3062 5288783 50749 4450880 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % skin/dermal; hyperthyroid; DRUGBANK 6.0 % 6 % skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 14285.7142857143 mg/day 100 g/week skin/dermal Calcipotriene Ointment calcipotriene PDR 14285.7142857143 mg/day 100 g/week skin/dermal Calcipotriene Ointment calcipotriene PDR DDPD02325 Isopropyl alcohol 60.095 C3H8O CC(C)O DB02325 T3D4699 3776 17824 3644 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 40.0 mg 40 mg subcutaneous injection, SC qow Humira adalimumab PDR 40.0 mg 40 mg subcutaneous injection, SC qw Humira adalimumab PDR 40.0 mg 40 mg subcutaneous injection, SC qow Humira adalimumab PDR 40.0 mg 40 mg subcutaneous injection, SC qow Humira adalimumab PDR 20.0 mg 20 mg subcutaneous injection, SC qow Humira adalimumab PDR 20.0 mg 20 mg subcutaneous injection, SC qow Humira adalimumab PDR 20.0 mg 20 mg subcutaneous injection, SC qow Humira adalimumab PDR 20.0 mg 20 mg subcutaneous injection, SC qow Humira adalimumab PDR 40.0 mg 40 mg subcutaneous injection, SC qow Humira adalimumab PDR 20.0 mg 20 mg subcutaneous injection, SC qow Humira adalimumab PDR 20.0 mg 20 mg subcutaneous injection, SC qow Humira adalimumab PDR 20.0 mg 20 mg subcutaneous injection, SC qow Humira adalimumab PDR 10.0 mg 10 mg subcutaneous injection, SC qow Humira adalimumab PDR 40.0 mg 40 mg subcutaneous injection, SC qow Humira adalimumab PDR 40.0 mg 40 mg subcutaneous injection, SC qow Humira adalimumab PDR 40.0 mg 40 mg subcutaneous injection, SC qow Humira adalimumab PDR 40.0 mg 40 mg subcutaneous injection, SC qw Humira adalimumab PDR 40.0 mg 40 mg subcutaneous injection, SC qow Humira adalimumab PDR 40.0 mg 40 mg subcutaneous injection, SC qow Humira adalimumab PDR 20.0 mg 20 mg subcutaneous injection, SC qow Humira adalimumab PDR 20.0 mg 20 mg subcutaneous injection, SC qow Humira adalimumab PDR 20.0 mg 20 mg subcutaneous injection, SC qow Humira adalimumab PDR 40.0 mg 40 mg subcutaneous injection, SC qow Humira adalimumab PDR 40.0 mg 40 mg subcutaneous injection, SC qow Humira adalimumab PDR 1.66666666666667 mg/day 150 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC q3m Skyrizi risankizumab-rzaa PDR 1.66666666666667 mg/day 150 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC q3m Skyrizi risankizumab-rzaa PDR DDPD02362 Aminobenzoic acid 137.136 C7H7NO2 NC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(O)=O DB02362 978 30753 953 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/day 1 g/day PO, oral Potaba aminobenzoate potassium PDR 20000.0 mg/day 20 g/day PO, oral Potaba aminobenzoate potassium PDR 20000.0 mg/day 20 g/day PO, oral Potaba aminobenzoate potassium PDR 20000.0 mg/day 20 g/day PO, oral Potaba aminobenzoate potassium PDR DDPD02513 Thymol 150.221 C10H14O CC(C)C1=C(O)C=C(C)C=C1 DB02513 6989 27607 21105998 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD02546 Vorinostat 264.3202 C14H20N2O3 ONC(=O)CCCCCCC(=O)NC1=CC=CC=C1 DB02546 5311 45716 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/vorinostat.html 5120 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.68 L/h/kg 28 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.5 L/kg 0.5 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.76 h 0.76 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 71.0 % 71 % DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Zolinza vorinostat PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Zolinza vorinostat PDR DDPD02638 Terlipressin 1227.372 C52H74N16O15S2 NCCCC[C@H](NC(=O)[C@@H]1CCCN1C(=O)[C@@H]1CSSC[C@H](NC(=O)CNC(=O)CNC(=O)CN)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC2=CC=C(O)C=C2)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC2=CC=CC=C2)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCC(N)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(N)=O)C(=O)N1)C(=O)NCC(N)=O DB02638 72081 135905 65067 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.492 L/h/kg 8.2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.24 L/kg 0.24 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.9 h 0.9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 30.0 % ~30 % DRUGBANK DDPD02659 Cholic Acid 408.5714 C24H40O5 [H][C@@](C)(CCC(O)=O)[C@@]1([H])CC[C@@]2([H])[C@]3([H])[C@]([H])(O)C[C@]4([H])C[C@]([H])(O)CC[C@]4(C)[C@@]3([H])C[C@]([H])(O)[C@]12C DB02659 T3D4343 221493 16359 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/cholic-acid.html 192176 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cholbam cholic acid PDR 17.0 mg/kg/day 17 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cholbam cholic acid PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cholbam cholic acid PDR 17.0 mg/kg/day 17 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cholbam cholic acid PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cholbam cholic acid PDR 17.0 mg/kg/day 17 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cholbam cholic acid PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cholbam cholic acid PDR 17.0 mg/kg/day 17 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cholbam cholic acid PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cholbam cholic acid PDR 17.0 mg/kg/day 17 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cholbam cholic acid PDR 15.0 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day PO, oral Cholbam cholic acid PDR DDPD02701 Nicotinamide 122.1246 C6H6N2O NC(=O)C1=CN=CC=C1 DB02701 T3D4168 936 17154 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/niacinamide-gel.html 911 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD02703 Fusidic acid 516.7092 C31H48O6 [H][C@@]12C[C@@H](O)[C@@]3([H])[C@@]4(C)CC[C@@H](O)[C@@H](C)[C@]4([H])CC[C@]3(C)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](OC(C)=O)\C2=C(\CCC=C(C)C)C(O)=O DB02703 3000226 29013 2271900 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 91.0 % 91 % Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 22.5 % 22.5 % Liquid; Children; patients; DRUGBANK 5.5 h ~5-6 h adults; DRUGBANK 98.0 % 97-99 % DRUGBANK DDPD02772 Sucrose 342.2965 C12H22O11 OC[C@H]1O[C@@](CO)(O[C@H]2O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]2O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O DB02772 5988 17992 5768 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD02893 D-Methionine 149.211 C5H11NO2S CSCC[C@@H](N)C(O)=O DB02893 84815 57932 76512 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD02925 Piretanide 362.4 C17H18N2O5S NS(=O)(=O)C1=CC(=CC(N2CCCC2)=C1OC1=CC=CC=C1)C(O)=O DB02925 4849 32015 4683 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.186 L/h/kg 3.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.17 L/kg 0.17 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.3 h 1.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD02959 Oxitriptan 220.2246 C11H12N2O3 N[C@@H](CC1=CNC2=C1C=C(O)C=C2)C(O)=O DB02959 T3D4298 439280 58266 388413 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD03017 Lauric acid 200.3178 C12H24O2 CCCCCCCCCCCC(O)=O DB03017 T3D4596 3893 30805 3756 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD03085 Glycolic acid 76.0514 C2H4O3 OCC(O)=O DB03085 T3D3660 757 17497 737 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1950.0 mg/kg 1950.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/kg 1000.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; cat; DRUGBANK DDPD03088 Pidolic acid 129.114 C5H7NO3 OC(=O)[C@@H]1CCC(=O)N1 DB03088 T3D4270 7405 18183 7127 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6.78 % 6.78 % skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 6480.0 h ~9 month DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; dog; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK DDPD03147 Flavin adenine dinucleotide 785.5497 C27H33N9O15P2 CC1=CC2=C(C=C1C)N(C[C@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H](O)CO[P@](O)(=O)O[P@@](O)(=O)OC[C@H]1O[C@H]([C@H](O)[C@@H]1O)N1C=NC3=C1N=CN=C3N)C1=NC(=O)NC(=O)C1=N2 DB03147 643975 16238 559059 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 700.0 mg/kg >700 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 589.0 mg/kg 589.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD03166 Acetic acid 60.052 C2H4O2 CC(O)=O DB03166 T3D3268 176 15366 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/acetic-acid-solution.html 171 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3530.0 mg/kg 3.53 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 525.0 mg/kg 525.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 1060.0 mg/kg 1060.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; rabbit; DRUGBANK DDPD03175 Propyl alcohol 60.095 C3H8O CCCO DB03175 1031 28831 1004 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD03193 Stearic acid 284.4772 C18H36O2 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC(O)=O DB03193 T3D4755 5281 28842 5091 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4640.0 mg/kg 4640.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5000 mg/kg skin/dermal; rabbit; DRUGBANK 4640.0 mg/kg 4640.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5000 mg/kg skin/dermal; rabbit; DRUGBANK DDPD03209 Oteracil 157.0843 C4H3N3O4 OC(=O)C1=NC(=O)NC(=O)N1 DB03209 4604 30863 4443 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h PO, oral; Components; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; Components; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h PO, oral; Components; DRUGBANK 16.0 L/m2 16.0 L/m2 Apparent volume of distribution; Drug combination; DRUGBANK 17.0 L/m2 17.0 L/m2 Apparent volume of distribution; Drug combination; DRUGBANK 23.0 L/m2 23.0 L/m2 Apparent volume of distribution; Drug combination; DRUGBANK 9.0 h 6.7-11.3 h Single dose; DRUGBANK 3.6 h 3.1-4.1 h Single dose; DRUGBANK 5.65 h 1.8-9.5 h Single dose; DRUGBANK 8.4 % 8.4 % DRUGBANK DDPD03255 Phenol 94.1112 C6H6O OC1=CC=CC=C1 DB03255 T3D0182 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/pdfs/ATSDR MRLs - May 2021 - H.pdf 996 15882 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/phenol-spray.html 971 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 325.0 mg/kg 0.3-0.35 g/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 450.0 mg/kg 0.45 g/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 530.0 mg/kg 0.53 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 650.0 mg/kg 0.65 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 670.0 mg/kg 0.67 g/kg skin/dermal; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 16.6666666666667 mg/kg/h 400.0 mg/kg/day PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 27.875 mg/m2/h 669.0 mg/m2/day skin/dermal; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 58.3333333333333 mg/m2/h 1400.0 mg/m2/day skin/dermal; rabbit; DRUGBANK 1.0 mg/kg/day 1.0 mg/kg/day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 mg/kg/day 1.0 mg/kg/day PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD03585 Oxyphenbutazone 324.3737 C19H20N2O3 CCCCC1C(=O)N(N(C1=O)C1=CC=C(O)C=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB03585 4641 76258 4480 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD03614 Mecobalamin 1344.3823 C63H91CoN13O14P C1(CC[C@@]2([C@@H](CC(N)=O)[C@@]3([C@@]4([N+]5=C([C@H]([C@@]4(CC(N)=O)C)CCC(N)=O)C(C)=C4[N+]6=C(C=C7[N+]8=C([C@H](C7(C)C)CCC(N)=O)C(C)=C2N3[Co-3]568([N+]2=CN([C@H]3O[C@@H]([C@@H](OP(O[C@@H](CN1)C)([O-])=O)[C@H]3O)CO)C1=CC(C)=C(C=C21)C)C)[C@H]([C@@]4(CC(N)=O)C)CCC(N)=O)C)[H])C)=O DB03614 T3D0679 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/pdfs/ATSDR MRLs - May 2021 - H.pdf 71306319 28115 28534328 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1e-07 mg/L 0.0001 mg/m3 inhalation, IH; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 0.01 mg/kg/day 0.01 mg/kg/day PO, oral; DRUGBANK DDPD03615 Ribostamycin 454.4727 C17H34N4O10 [H][C@@]1(O[C@@H]2[C@@H](O)[C@H](N)C[C@H](N)[C@H]2O[C@H]2O[C@H](CN)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]2N)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H]1O DB03615 33042 45257 30581 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.09 L/h/kg 1.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.25 L/kg 0.25 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD03619 Deoxycholic acid 392.572 C24H40O4 [H][C@@]12CC[C@H]([C@H](C)CCC(O)=O)[C@@]1(C)[C@@H](O)C[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CC[C@]2([H])C[C@H](O)CC[C@]12C DB03619 T3D4961 222528 28834 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/deoxycholic-acid.html 193196 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD03756 Doconexent 328.4883 C22H32O2 CC\C=C/C\C=C/C\C=C/C\C=C/C\C=C/C\C=C/CCC(O)=O DB03756 445580 28125 393183 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 20.0 h ~20 h DRUGBANK 7060.0 mg/kg 7060.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3450.0 mg/kg 3450.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD03766 Propanoic acid 74.0785 C3H6O2 [H]CCC(O)=O DB03766 T3D4444 1032 30768 1005 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.115 h 6.9±0.4 min sheep; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 77.0 % 77 % lung excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 7.0 % 7 % Urinary excretion; Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD03793 Benzoic acid 122.123 C7H6O2 OC(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB03793 T3D4785 243 30746 238 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD03796 Palmitic Acid 256.4241 C16H32O2 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC(O)=O DB03796 T3D4797 985 15756 960 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 10000.0 mg/kg >10000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % DRUGBANK DDPD03843 Formaldehyde 30.026 CH2O [H]C([H])=O DB03843 T3D0244 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/pdfs/ATSDR MRLs - May 2021 - H.pdf 712 16842 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/formaldehyde-solution.html 692 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 42.0 mg/kg 42.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/kg 300.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 42.0 mg/kg 42.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 87.0 mg/kg 87.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 16.0 mg/kg 16.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 0.04 mg/kg 0.04 ppm inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 0.03 mg/kg 0.03 ppm inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 0.008 mg/kg 0.008 ppm inhalation, IH; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 0.3 mg/kg/day 0.3 mg/kg/day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.2 mg/kg/day 0.2 mg/kg/day PO, oral; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 0.04 mg/kg 0.04 ppm inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 0.03 mg/kg 0.03 ppm inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 0.008 mg/kg 0.008 ppm inhalation, IH; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 0.3 mg/kg/day 0.3 mg/kg/day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.2 mg/kg/day 0.2 mg/kg/day PO, oral; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK DDPD03904 Urea 60.0553 CH4N2O NC(N)=O DB03904 1176 16199 http://www.drugs.com/cons/urea-intravenous.html 1143 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.0 application/day 2 application/day skin/dermal Hydro 35 urea PDR 2000.0 mg/kg/day 2 g/kg/day PO, oral Hydro 35 urea PDR 2.0 appLication/day 2 appLication/day skin/dermal Hydro 35 urea PDR 180000.0 mg/day 180 g/day PO, oral Hydro 35 urea PDR 2.0 application/day 2 application/day skin/dermal Hydro 35 urea PDR 2000.0 mg/kg/day 2 g/kg/day PO, oral Hydro 35 urea PDR 2.0 application/day 2 application/day skin/dermal Hydro 35 urea PDR 180000.0 mg/day 180 g/day PO, oral Hydro 35 urea PDR 2000.0 mg/kg/day 2 g/kg/day PO, oral Hydro 35 urea PDR DDPD03929 D-Serine 105.0926 C3H7NO3 N[C@H](CO)C(O)=O DB03929 71077 16523 64231 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD04038 Ergosterol 396.659 C28H44O CC(C)[C@@H](C)\C=C\[C@@H](C)[C@H]1CC[C@H]2C3=CC=C4C[C@@H](O)CC[C@]4(C)[C@H]3CC[C@]12C DB04038 444679 16933 392539 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD04115 Berberine 336.3612 C20H18NO4 COC1=CC=C2C=C3C4=CC5=C(OCO5)C=C4CC[N+]3=CC2=C1OC DB04115 2353 16118 2263 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD04160 Pyrophosphoric acid 177.9751 H4O7P2 OP(O)(=O)OP(O)(O)=O DB04160 1023 29888 996 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD04173 Fructose 180.1559 C6H12O6 OC[C@@H]1O[C@@](O)(CO)[C@H](O)[C@H]1O DB04173 T3D4345 439553 43703 388644 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 15000.0 mg/kg 15000.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; rabbit; DRUGBANK DDPD04209 Dequalinium 456.6654 C30H40N4 CC1=CC(N)=C2C=CC=CC2=[N+]1CCCCCCCCCC[N+]1=C(C)C=C(N)C2=C1C=CC=C2 DB04209 2993 41872 https://www.drugs.com/international/dequalinium-chloride.html 2886 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.1 % <0.1 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/kg 300.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 18.3 mg/kg 18.3 mg/kg rodents; DRUGBANK DDPD04224 Oleic Acid 282.4614 C18H34O2 CCCCCCCC\C=C\CCCCCCCC(O)=O DB04224 T3D4802 637517 27997 553123 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 15.6 h 15.6 h PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 74000.0 mg/kg 74.0 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2.4 mg/kg 2.4 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3000.0 mg/kg >3000 mg/kg skin/dermal; guinea pigs; DRUGBANK 10.0 % <10 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK DDPD04272 Citric acid 192.1235 C6H8O7 OC(=O)CC(O)(CC(O)=O)C(O)=O DB04272 311 30769 305 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5040.0 mg/kg 5040.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 3000.0 mg/kg 3000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD04348 Taurocholic acid 515.703 C26H45NO7S [H][C@@]1(CC[C@@]2([H])[C@]3([H])[C@H](O)C[C@]4([H])C[C@H](O)CC[C@]4(C)[C@@]3([H])C[C@H](O)[C@]12C)[C@H](C)CCC(=O)NCCS(O)(=O)=O DB04348 6675 28865 6423 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD04398 Lactic acid 90.0779 C3H6O3 CC(O)C(O)=O DB04398 612 78320 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/lactic-acid-cream.html 592 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD04465 Lactose 342.2965 C12H22O11 OC[C@H]1O[C@@H](O[C@H]2[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)C(O)O[C@@H]2CO)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H]1O DB04465 440995 17716 389820 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD04540 Cholesterol 386.6535 C27H46O [H][C@@]1(CC[C@@]2([H])[C@]3([H])CC=C4C[C@@H](O)CC[C@]4(C)[C@@]3([H])CC[C@]12C)[C@H](C)CCCC(C)C DB04540 T3D4314 5997 16113 5775 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD04564 Gluconolactone 178.14 C6H10O6 OC[C@H]1OC(=O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O DB04564 7027 16217 6760 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD04570 Latamoxef 520.473 C20H20N6O9S [H][C@]12OCC(CSC3=NN=NN3C)=C(N1C(=O)[C@]2(NC(=O)C(C(O)=O)C1=CC=C(O)C=C1)OC)C(O)=O DB04570 47499 599928 43215 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 8.51 L 8.51 L DRUGBANK 1.6 h 1.6 h DRUGBANK 75.0 % 75 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % DRUGBANK DDPD04571 Trioxsalen 228.2433 C14H12O3 CC1=CC2=CC3=C(OC(=O)C=C3C)C(C)=C2O1 DB04571 5585 28329 http://www.drugs.com/cons/trioxsalen.html 5383 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD04572 Thiotepa 189.218 C6H12N3PS S=P(N1CC1)(N1CC1)N1CC1 DB04572 T3D4716 5453 9570 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/thiotepa.html 5254 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 26.76 L/h 446±63 ml/min intravenous infusion, IV in drop; ovarian cancer; patients;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 0.402 L/h/kg 6.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.6 L/kg 1.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.8 h 1.5-4.1 h DRUGBANK 2.7 h 2.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 63.0 % 63 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; patients; DRUGBANK 5.0 mg/kg 5 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV bid Tepadina thiotepa PDR 0.8 mg/kg 0.8 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP Tepadina thiotepa PDR 60.0 mg 60 mg intravesically Tepadina thiotepa PDR 0.4 mg/kg 0.4 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Tepadina thiotepa PDR 5.0 mg/kg 5 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV bid Tepadina thiotepa PDR 0.8 mg/kg 0.8 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP Tepadina thiotepa PDR 60.0 mg 60 mg intravesically Tepadina thiotepa PDR 0.4 mg/kg 0.4 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Tepadina thiotepa PDR 5.0 mg/kg 5 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV bid Tepadina thiotepa PDR DDPD04573 Estriol 288.3814 C18H24O3 [H][C@@]12C[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@]1([H])C3=C(CC[C@@]21[H])C=C(O)C=C3 DB04573 T3D4790 5756 27974 5553 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD04574 Estrone sulfate 350.429 C18H22O5S [H][C@@]12CCC(=O)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@]1([H])C3=C(CC[C@@]21[H])C=C(OS(O)(=O)=O)C=C3 DB04574 3001028 17474 2272513 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 9.0 mg/day 9 mg/day PO, oral Estropipate estropipate PDR 9.0 mg/day 9 mg/day PO, oral Estropipate estropipate PDR 6.0 mg/day 6 mg/day PO, oral Estropipate estropipate PDR DDPD04575 Quinestrol 364.5204 C25H32O2 [H][C@@]12CC[C@@](O)(C#C)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@]1([H])C3=C(CC[C@@]21[H])C=C(OC1CCCC1)C=C3 DB04575 T3D3063 9046 8716 8694 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD04657 Carboxin 235.302 C12H13NO2S CC1=C(SCCO1)C(=O)NC1=CC=CC=C1 DB04657 T3D4483 21307 3405 20027 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD04711 Iodipamide 1139.7618 C20H14I6N2O6 OC(=O)C1=C(I)C(NC(=O)CCCCC(=O)NC2=C(I)C=C(I)C(C(O)=O)=C2I)=C(I)C=C1I DB04711 3739 31176 3608 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg 5000.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3195.0 mg/kg 3195.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 1200.0 mg/kg 1200.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; dog; DRUGBANK DDPD04743 Nimesulide 308.31 C13H12N2O5S CS(=O)(=O)NC1=C(OC2=CC=CC=C2)C=C(C=C1)[N+]([O-])=O DB04743 4495 44445 http://www.drugs.com/international/nimesulide.html 4339 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.25 h 1.8-4.7 h DRUGBANK 200.0 mg/kg 200.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 392.0 mg/kg 392.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1.429 mg/kg 1.429 mg/kg PO, oral; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 mg/kg 2.0 mg/kg PO, oral;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 29.0 % 29 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 97.5 % >97.5 % DRUGBANK DDPD04794 Bifonazole 310.3917 C22H18N2 C1=CN(C=N1)C(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=C(C=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB04794 2378 78692 2287 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.6 % 0.6 % skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 3.1 % 3.1 % skin/dermal; skin disease; skin disease &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h DRUGBANK DDPD04812 Benoxaprofen 301.724 C16H12ClNO3 CC(C(O)=O)C1=CC2=C(OC(=N2)C2=CC=C(Cl)C=C2)C=C1 DB04812 39941 76114 36518 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD04813 Bithionol 356.052 C12H6Cl4O2S OC1=C(SC2=C(O)C(Cl)=CC(Cl)=C2)C=C(Cl)C=C1Cl DB04813 2406 3131 2313 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD04815 Clioquinol 305.5 C9H5ClINO OC1=C(I)C=C(Cl)C2=C1N=CC=C2 DB04815 2788 74460 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/clioquinol-topical.html 2686 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD04816 Dantron 240.2109 C14H8O4 OC1=CC=CC2=C1C(=O)C1=C(C=CC=C1O)C2=O DB04816 2950 3682 2845 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD04820 Nialamide 298.3397 C16H18N4O2 O=C(CCNNC(=O)C1=CC=NC=C1)NCC1=CC=CC=C1 DB04820 4472 94510 4317 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD04821 Nomifensine 238.3275 C16H18N2 CN1CC(C2=CC=CC=C2)C2=C(C1)C(N)=CC=C2 DB04821 4528 116225 4371 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.32 L/h/kg 22 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.0 L/kg 6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.5 h 6.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD04822 Oxeladin 335.4809 C20H33NO3 CCN(CC)CCOCCOC(=O)C(CC)(CC)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB04822 4619 135424 4458 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD04824 Phenolphthalein 318.3228 C20H14O4 OC1=CC=C(C=C1)C1(OC(=O)C2=CC=CC=C12)C1=CC=C(O)C=C1 DB04824 T3D4708 4764 34914 4600 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD04825 Prenylamine 329.4779 C24H27N CC(CC1=CC=CC=C1)NCCC(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB04825 9801 8397 9418 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD04826 Thenalidine 286.435 C17H22N2S CN1CCC(CC1)N(CC1=CC=CS1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB04826 27901 135187 25957 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD04827 Urethane 89.0932 C3H7NO2 CCOC(N)=O DB04827 T3D4583 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/pdfs/ATSDR MRLs - May 2021 - H.pdf 5641 17967 5439 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg 2.0 g/kg rodents; DRUGBANK 0.3 mg/kg/day >0.3 mg/kg/day depression; DRUGBANK DDPD04832 Zimelidine 317.23 C16H17BrN2 CN(C)C\C=C(\C1=CC=C(Br)C=C1)C1=CC=CN=C1 DB04832 41987 135357 4517305 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.828 L/h/kg 13.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.8 L/kg 6.8 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.4 h 8.4±2.0 h DRUGBANK 19.4 h 19.4±3.6 h DRUGBANK 6.26 h 6.26 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD04834 Rapacuronium 597.904 C37H61N2O4 [H][C@@]12C[C@@H]([C@H](OC(=O)CC)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CC[C@@]2([H])C[C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@H](C[C@]12C)N1CCCCC1)[N+]1(CC=C)CCCCC1 DB04834 5311399 135845 4470890 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.35 h 141 min DRUGBANK 69.0 % 50-88 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD04835 Maraviroc 513.6655 C29H41F2N5O CC(C)C1=NN=C(C)N1[C@H]1C[C@@H]2CC[C@H](C1)N2CC[C@H](NC(=O)C1CCC(F)(F)CC1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB04835 3002977 63608 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/maraviroc.html 20078004 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 23.0 % 23 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 33.0 % 33 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.564 L/h/kg 9.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 194.0 L 194.0 L DRUGBANK 2.3 L/kg 2.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 16.0 h 14-18 h DRUGBANK 12.8 h 12.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 76.0 % ~76 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Selzentry maraviroc PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Selzentry maraviroc PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Selzentry maraviroc PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Selzentry maraviroc PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Selzentry maraviroc PDR 160.0 mg/day 160 mg/day PO, oral Selzentry maraviroc PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Selzentry maraviroc PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Selzentry maraviroc PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Selzentry maraviroc PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Selzentry maraviroc PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Selzentry maraviroc PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Selzentry maraviroc PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Selzentry maraviroc PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Selzentry maraviroc PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Selzentry maraviroc PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Selzentry maraviroc PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Selzentry maraviroc PDR DDPD04837 Clofedanol 289.8 C17H20ClNO CN(C)CCC(O)(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1Cl DB04837 T3D3064 2795 135207 http://www.drugs.com/cons/chlophedianol.html 2693 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD04838 Cyclandelate 276.3707 C17H24O3 CC1CC(CC(C)(C)C1)OC(=O)C(O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB04838 2893 3988 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/cyclandelate.html 2790 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3950.0 mg/kg 3950.0 mg/kg PO, oral; guinea pigs; DRUGBANK DDPD04839 Cyproterone acetate 416.938 C24H29ClO4 [H][C@@]12C[C@]1([H])[C@@]1(C)C(=CC2=O)C(Cl)=C[C@@]2([H])[C@]3([H])CC[C@](OC(C)=O)(C(C)=O)[C@@]3(C)CC[C@]12[H] DB04839 T3D4747 9880 50743 9496 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % DRUGBANK 38.0 h 38 h elimination half-life; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 96.0 h 96 h elimination half-life; IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 60.0 % ~60 % Bile excretion; DRUGBANK 33.0 % 33 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD04840 Debrisoquine 175.2303 C10H13N3 NC(=N)N1CCC2=CC=CC=C2C1 DB04840 2966 34665 2860 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD04841 Flunarizine 404.4948 C26H26F2N2 FC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(N1CCN(C\C=C\C2=CC=CC=C2)CC1)C1=CC=C(F)C=C1 DB04841 941361 135652 http://www.drugs.com/international/flunarizine.html 819216 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 85.0 % 85 % DRUGBANK 432.0 h 18 day DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD04842 Fluspirilene 475.5727 C29H31F2N3O FC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(CCCN1CCC2(CC1)N(CNC2=O)C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=C(F)C=C1 DB04842 3396 93369 3279 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD04843 Mepenzolate 340.436 C21H26NO3 C[N+]1(C)CCCC(C1)OC(=O)C(O)(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB04843 4057 94411 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/mepenzolate.html 3917 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 750.0 mg/kg >750 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/kg >1000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 12.5 % 3-22 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Cantil mepenzolate bromide PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Cantil mepenzolate bromide PDR DDPD04844 Tetrabenazine 317.4226 C19H27NO3 COC1=C(OC)C=C2C3CC(=O)C(CC(C)C)CN3CCC2=C1 DB04844 6018 64028 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/tetrabenazine.html 5796 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 75.0 % >75 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.8 ng/ml 4.8 ng/ml PO, oral; Huntington's disease; tardive dyskinesia; DRUGBANK 1.15 h 69 min PO, oral; Huntington's disease; tardive dyskinesia; DRUGBANK 100.2 L/h 1.67 L/min intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 385.0 L 385.0 L intravenous injection, IV; at steady state; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 7 h distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 550.0 mg/kg 550.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 75.0 % 75 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 82-88 % DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Xenazine tetrabenazine PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Xenazine tetrabenazine PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Xenazine tetrabenazine PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Xenazine tetrabenazine PDR DDPD04845 Ixabepilone 506.7 C27H42N2O5S [H][C@]12C[C@H](NC(=O)C[C@H](O)C(C)(C)C(=O)[C@H](C)[C@@H](O)[C@@H](C)CCC[C@@]1(C)O2)C(\C)=C\C1=CSC(C)=N1 DB04845 6445540 63605 20145579 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.6 L/h/kg 10 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 11.0 L/kg 11 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 52.0 h 52 h DRUGBANK 17.0 h 17 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 72.0 % 67-77 % DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/m2 40 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV q3w Ixempra ixabepilone PDR 20.0 mg/m2 20 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV q3w Ixempra ixabepilone PDR 40.0 mg/m2 40 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV q3w Ixempra ixabepilone PDR 20.0 mg/m2 20 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV q3w Ixempra ixabepilone PDR DDPD04846 Celiprolol 379.501 C20H33N3O4 CCN(CC)C(=O)NC1=CC=C(OCC(O)CNC(C)(C)C)C(=C1)C(C)=O DB04846 2663 94461 http://www.drugs.com/international/celiprolol.html 2563 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 55.0 % 55 % DRUGBANK 74.0 % 74 % DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.0 % 1-3 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 4.5 L/kg 4.5 L/kg DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5 h DRUGBANK 27.5 % 25-30 % DRUGBANK DDPD04854 Febuxostat 316.375 C16H16N2O3S CC(C)COC1=C(C=C(C=C1)C1=NC(C)=C(S1)C(O)=O)C#N DB04854 134018 31596 http://www.drugs.com/international/Febuxostat.html 118173 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 49.0 % >49 % DRUGBANK 35.0 % 35 % DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10 % DRUGBANK 11.0 % 11 % DRUGBANK 14.0 % 14 % DRUGBANK 50.0 L 50.0 L Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 6.5 h ~5-8 h DRUGBANK 99.2 % 99.2 % DRUGBANK 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Febuxostat febuxostat PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Febuxostat febuxostat PDR DDPD04855 Dronedarone 556.756 C31H44N2O5S CCCCN(CCCC)CCCOC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(=O)C1=C(CCCC)OC2=C1C=C(NS(C)(=O)=O)C=C2 DB04855 208898 50659 http://www.drugs.com/ppa/dronedarone.html 180996 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 70.0 % >70 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.0 % 4 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 15.0 % 15 % PO, oral; high-fat meal; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 3-6 h PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 144.0 h 4-8 day Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 140.0 L/h 130-150 L/h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.9998 L/h/kg 33.33 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1300.0 L 1200-1400 L at steady state; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 20.0 L/kg 20 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 16.0 h 13-19 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 16.0 h 16 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 84.0 % ~84 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.0 % 6 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 99.7 % 99.7 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; DRUGBANK 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Multaq dronedarone PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Multaq dronedarone PDR DDPD04861 Nebivolol 405.435 C22H25F2NO4 OC(CNCC(O)C1CCC2=C(O1)C=CC(F)=C2)C1CCC2=C(O1)C=CC(F)=C2 DB04861 71301 64019 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/nebivolol.html 64421 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 13.78 ng.h/ml 13.78±15.27 ng.h/ml Raceme D; DRUGBANK 27.72 ng.h/ml 27.72±15.32 ng.h/ml Raceme L; DRUGBANK 41.5 ng.h/ml 41.50±29.76 ng.h/ml Raceme D/L; DRUGBANK 396.78 ng.h/ml 396.78±297.94 ng.h/ml Derivative; DRUGBANK 54.0 % 12-96 % PO, oral; poor metabolizers, PM; extensive metabolizers, EM; DRUGBANK 2.75 ng/ml 2.75±1.55 ng/ml Raceme D; DRUGBANK 5.29 ng/ml 5.29±2.06 ng/ml Raceme L; DRUGBANK 8.02 ng/ml 8.02±3.47 ng/ml Raceme D/L; DRUGBANK 68.34 ng/ml 68.34±44.68 ng/ml Derivative; DRUGBANK 2.75 h 1.5-4 h PO, oral; poor metabolizers, PM; extensive metabolizers, EM; DRUGBANK 1241.63 L/h 1241.63±749.77 L/h DRUGBANK 435.53 L/h 435.53±180.93 L/h DRUGBANK 635.31 L/h 635.31±300.25 L/h DRUGBANK 0.84 L/h/kg 14 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10290.81 L 10290.81±3911.72 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 8066.66 L 8066.66±4055.50 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 10423.42 L 10423.42±6796.50 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 11.0 L/kg 11 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12 h Raceme D; extensive metabolizers, EM; DRUGBANK 19.0 h 19 h Raceme D; poor metabolizers, PM; DRUGBANK 10.0 h 10 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 38.0 % 38 % Urinary excretion; extensive metabolizers, EM; DRUGBANK 44.0 % 44 % Faeces excretion; extensive metabolizers, EM; DRUGBANK 67.0 % 67 % Urinary excretion; poor metabolizers, PM; DRUGBANK 13.0 % 13 % Faeces excretion; poor metabolizers, PM; DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Bystolic nebivolol PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Bystolic nebivolol PDR DDPD04864 Huperzine A 242.3162 C15H18N2O [H][C@@]12CC3=C(C=CC(=O)N3)[C@@](N)(CC(C)=C1)\C2=C\C DB04864 854026 78330 16736021 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD04865 Omacetaxine mepesuccinate 545.6213 C29H39NO9 [H][C@@]1(OC(=O)[C@@](O)(CCCC(C)(C)O)CC(=O)OC)C(OC)=C[C@]23CCCN2CCC2=CC4=C(OCO4)C=C2[C@]13[H] DB04865 285033 71019 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/omacetaxine-injection.html 251215 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.5 h 30 min DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 141.0 L 141±93.4 L Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 6.0 h ~6 h subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 15.0 % <15 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ≤50 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 2.5 mg/m2/day 2.5 mg/m2/day subcutaneous injection, SC Synribo omacetaxine mepesuccinate PDR 2.5 mg/m2/day 2.5 mg/m2/day subcutaneous injection, SC Synribo omacetaxine mepesuccinate PDR DDPD04868 Nilotinib 529.5158 C28H22F3N7O CC1=CN(C=N1)C1=CC(NC(=O)C2=CC=C(C)C(NC3=NC=CC(=N3)C3=CN=CC=C3)=C2)=CC(=C1)C(F)(F)F DB04868 644241 52172 559260 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 15.0 h 15 h DRUGBANK 230.0 mg/m2 230 mg/m2 bid Tasigna nilotinib PDR 400.0 mg/dose 400 mg/dose Tasigna nilotinib PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Tasigna nilotinib PDR 230.0 mg/m2/day 230 mg/m2/day bid Tasigna nilotinib PDR 400.0 mg/dose 400 mg/dose Tasigna nilotinib PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Tasigna nilotinib PDR DDPD04871 Lorcaserin 195.69 C11H14ClN C[C@H]1CNCCC2=CC=C(Cl)C=C12 DB04871 11658860 65353 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/lorcaserin.html 9833595 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.75 h 1.5-2 h DRUGBANK 11.0 h ~11 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 92.3 % 92.3 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 2.2 % 2.2 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 70.0 % ~70 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Belviq XR lorcaserin hydrochloride PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Belviq XR lorcaserin hydrochloride PDR DDPD04876 Vildagliptin 303.3993 C17H25N3O2 OC12CC3CC(C1)CC(C3)(C2)NCC(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C#N DB04876 6918537 135285 5293734 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.594 L/h/kg 9.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.03 L/kg 1.03 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.5 h ~90 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 1.67 h 1.67 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 9.3 % 9.3 % DRUGBANK DDPD04880 Enoximone 248.301 C12H12N2O2S CSC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(=O)C1=C(C)NC(=O)N1 DB04880 53708 135010 48492 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.146 L/h/kg 19.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.48 L/kg 1.48 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.116666666666667 h 4-10 min DRUGBANK 1.94 h 1.94 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 85 % DRUGBANK DDPD04890 Bepotastine 388.888 C21H25ClN2O3 OC(=O)CCCN1CCC(CC1)OC(C1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1)C1=CC=CC=N1 DB04890 T3D3066 2350 71204 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/bepotastine-eye-drops.html 2260 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.3 ng/ml 7.3±1.9 ng/ml DRUGBANK 1.2 h 1.2 h DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 82.5 % 75-90 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 55.4 % 55.4 % plasma proteins; PO, oral; Plasma Concentration &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Bepreve bepotastine besilate PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Bepreve bepotastine besilate PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Bepreve bepotastine besilate PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Bepreve bepotastine besilate PDR DDPD04896 Milnacipran 246.354 C15H22N2O CCN(CC)C(=O)C1(CC1CN)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB04896 65833 135005 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/milnacipran.html 9797657 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5196.0 ng.h/ml 5196.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; Raceme L; DRUGBANK 87.5 % 85-90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 92.0 % 92 % PO, oral; Raceme L; DRUGBANK 341.0 ng/ml 341 ng/ml PO, oral; Raceme L; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h PO, oral; Raceme D/L; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 6-8 h PO, oral; Raceme L; DRUGBANK 42.0 h 36-48 h PO, oral; Raceme D/L; DRUGBANK 40.0 L/h ~40 L/h Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.4902 L/h/kg 8.17 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 430.0 L 387-473 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 400.0 L 400.0 L Average volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; Single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 4.51 L/kg 4.51 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.0 h ~6-8 h elimination half-life; Raceme D/L; DRUGBANK 9.0 h 8-10 h elimination half-life; Raceme D; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 4-6 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 12.0 h ~12 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 6.48 h 6.48 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 213.0 mg/kg 213.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 58.0 % ~58 % Urinary excretion; Liquid; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 13.0 % 13 % Raceme D/L; DRUGBANK 22.0 % 22 % plasma proteins; Raceme L; DRUGBANK 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Savella milnacipran hydrochloride PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Savella milnacipran hydrochloride PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Savella milnacipran hydrochloride PDR DDPD04898 Ximelagatran 473.5652 C24H35N5O5 CCOC(=O)CN[C@@H](C(=O)N1CC[C@H]1C(=O)NCC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(\N)=N\O)C1CCCCC1 DB04898 9574101 65172 7848559 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 3-5 h DRUGBANK DDPD04908 Flibanserin 390.4021 C20H21F3N4O FC(F)(F)C1=CC(=CC=C1)N1CCN(CCN2C(=O)NC3=CC=CC=C23)CC1 DB04908 6918248 90865 http://www.drugs.com/addyi.html 5293454 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 33.0 % 33 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 11.0 h ~11 h DRUGBANK 51.0 % 51 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 44.0 % 44 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 98.0 % ~98 % DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Addyi flibanserin PDR DDPD04911 Oritavancin 1793.101 C86H97Cl3N10O26 CN[C@H](CC(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@H]1[C@H](O)C2=CC=C(OC3=C(O[C@@H]4O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]4O[C@H]4C[C@](C)(NCC5=CC=C(C=C5)C5=CC=C(Cl)C=C5)[C@@H](O)[C@H](C)O4)C4=CC(=C3)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CC(N)=O)NC1=O)C(=O)N[C@@H]1C3=CC(=C(O)C=C3)C3=C(O)C=C(O)C=C3[C@H](NC(=O)[C@@H](NC1=O)[C@H](O[C@H]1C[C@](C)(N)[C@@H](O)[C@H](C)O1)C1=CC(Cl)=C(O4)C=C1)C(O)=O)C(Cl)=C2 DB04911 16136912 82699 17286443 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2800000.0 ng.h/ml 2800.0 ug.h/ml DRUGBANK 11111000.0 ng.h/ml 11111.0 ug.h/ml normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 138000.0 ng/ml 138 ug/ml DRUGBANK 6150.0 ng/ml 4.7-7.6 mcg/ml different study; DRUGBANK 24.0 h 24 h different study; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 0.445 L/h 0.445 L/h DRUGBANK 0.02742 L/h 0.457 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.0042 L/h/kg 0.07 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 87.6 L 87.6 L DRUGBANK 0.3 L/kg 0.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 245.0 h ~245 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 96.2 h 96.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 500.0 mg/kg >500 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 85.0 % ~85 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 1200.0 mg 1200 mg intravenous injection, IV Orbactiv oritavancin PDR 1200.0 mg 1200 mg intravenous injection, IV Orbactiv oritavancin PDR DDPD04918 Ceftobiprole 534.57 C20H22N8O6S2 [H][C@@]1(NC(=O)C(=N/O)\C2=NSC(N)=N2)C(=O)N2C(C(O)=O)=C(CS[C@]12[H])\C=C1/CCN(C1=O)[C@]1([H])CCNC1 DB04918 12993649 140407 23350302 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.09 L/h/kg 1.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.27 L/kg 0.27 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.3 h 3.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD04920 Clevidipine 456.316 C21H23Cl2NO6 CCCC(=O)OCOC(=O)C1=C(C)NC(C)=C(C1C1=CC=CC(Cl)=C1Cl)C(=O)OC DB04920 153994 135738 135722 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 8.52 L/h/kg 142 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.58 L/kg 0.58 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.0166666666666667 h 1 min DRUGBANK 0.3 h 0.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 68.5 % 63-74 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 14.5 % 7-22 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 99.5 % >99.5 % DRUGBANK 768.0 mg/day 32 mg/h intravenous injection, IV Cleviprex clevidipine PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Cleviprex clevidipine PDR 504.0 mg/day 21 mg/h intravenous injection, IV Cleviprex clevidipine PDR 32.0 mg/hr 32 mg/hr intravenous injection, IV Cleviprex clevidipine PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Cleviprex clevidipine PDR 21.0 mg/hr 21 mg/hr intravenous injection, IV Cleviprex clevidipine PDR DDPD04930 Permethrin 391.288 C21H20Cl2O3 CC1(C)C(C=C(Cl)Cl)C1C(=O)OCC1=CC(OC2=CC=CC=C2)=CC=C1 DB04930 T3D1850 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/pdfs/ATSDR MRLs - May 2021 - H.pdf 40326 34911 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/permethrin-cream.html 36845 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2215.0 mg/kg 430-4000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg 2000.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; rabbit; DRUGBANK 2215.0 mg/kg 430-4000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg 2000.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; rabbit; DRUGBANK 3801.0 mg/kg 3801.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.3 mg/kg/day 0.3 mg/kg/day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.2 mg/kg/day 0.2 mg/kg/day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.2 mg/kg/day 0.2 mg/kg/day PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD04931 Afamelanotide 1646.8452 C78H111N21O19 CCCC[C@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CO)NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CC=C(O)C=C1)NC(=O)[C@H](CO)NC(C)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCC(O)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC1=CN=CN1)C(=O)N[C@H](CC1=CC=CC=C1)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCNC(N)=N)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC1=CNC2=CC=CC=C12)C(=O)NCC(=O)N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C(=O)N[C@@H](C(C)C)C(N)=O DB04931 16197727 17310725 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 138.9 ng.h/ml 138.9±42.6 ng.h/ml DRUGBANK 3.7 ng/ml 3.7±1.3 ng/ml DRUGBANK 36.0 h 36 h DRUGBANK 0.54 L/kg ~0.54 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.5 h ~30 min DRUGBANK 15.0 h 15 h extended release formulation; subdermal implant; DRUGBANK DDPD04938 Ospemifene 378.891 C24H23ClO2 OCCOC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(=C(\CCCl)C1=CC=CC=C1)\C1=CC=CC=C1 DB04938 3036505 73275 http://www.drugs.com/osphena.html 2300501 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4165.0 ng.h/ml 4165.0 ng.h/ml Oral single dose; postmenopausal women; fasting; DRUGBANK 7521.0 ng.h/ml 7521.0 ng.h/ml Oral single dose; postmenopausal women; food; food &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 533.0 ng/ml 533 ng/ml Oral single dose; postmenopausal women; fasting; DRUGBANK 1198.0 ng/ml 1198 ng/ml Oral single dose; postmenopausal women; food; food &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2(1-8) h Oral single dose; postmenopausal women; fasting; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5(1-6) h Oral single dose; postmenopausal women; food; food &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 216.0 h 9 day Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 9.16 L/h 9.16 L/h Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 448.0 L 448.0 L DRUGBANK 26.0 h 26 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 75.0 % ~75 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 7.0 % ~7 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.2 % <0.2 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % DRUGBANK DDPD04946 Iloperidone 426.4806 C24H27FN2O4 COC1=C(OCCCN2CCC(CC2)C2=NOC3=C2C=CC(F)=C3)C=CC(=C1)C(C)=O DB04946 71360 65173 http://www.drugs.com/fanapt.html 64459 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h DRUGBANK 84.0 h 3-4 day DRUGBANK 74.5 L/h 47-102 L/h apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 2070.0 L 1340-2800 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 18.0 h 18 h elimination half-life; extensive metabolizers, EM; DRUGBANK 26.0 h 26 h elimination half-life; extensive metabolizers, EM; DRUGBANK 23.0 h 23 h elimination half-life; extensive metabolizers, EM; DRUGBANK 33.0 h 33 h elimination half-life; poor metabolizers, PM; DRUGBANK 37.0 h 37 h elimination half-life; poor metabolizers, PM; DRUGBANK 31.0 h 31 h elimination half-life; poor metabolizers, PM; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % DRUGBANK DDPD04948 Lofexidine 259.132 C11H12Cl2N2O CC(OC1=C(Cl)C=CC=C1Cl)C1=NCCN1 DB04948 30668 51368 28460 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 72.0 % >72 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.26 ng/ml 1.26 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 2-5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 17.6 L/h 17.6 L/h Total clearance; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 300.0 L 300.0 L DRUGBANK 11.0 h 11 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 94.0 % 94 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.93 % 0.93 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 55.0 % ~55 % DRUGBANK DDPD04951 Pirfenidone 185.2218 C12H11NO CC1=CN(C(=O)C=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB04951 40632 32016 37115 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.25 h 2-2.5 h DRUGBANK 2403.0 mg/day 2403 mg/day PO, oral Esbriet pirfenidone PDR 2403.0 mg/day 2403 mg/day PO, oral Esbriet pirfenidone PDR DDPD04953 Ezogabine 303.3314 C16H18FN3O2 CCOC(=O)NC1=C(N)C=C(NCC2=CC=C(F)C=C2)C=C1 DB04953 121892 68584 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/ezogabine.html 108740 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.25 h 0.5-2 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 72.0 h 3 day Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 0.67 L/h/kg 0.58 - 0.76 L/h/kg DRUGBANK 0.498 L/h/kg 8.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.7 L/kg 8.7 L/kg DRUGBANK 2.5 L/kg 2.5 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.5 h 7.5 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 9.0 h 9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 85 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 14.0 % 14 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 36.0 % 36 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 3.0 % 3 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~80 % DRUGBANK 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Potiga ezogabine PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Potiga ezogabine PDR 750.0 mg/day 750 mg/day PO, oral Potiga ezogabine PDR DDPD05013 Ingenol mebutate 430.541 C25H34O6 [H][C@@]12C[C@@H](C)[C@]34C=C(C)[C@H](OC(=O)C(\C)=C/C)[C@@]3(O)[C@H](O)C(CO)=C[C@@]([H])(C4=O)[C@]1([H])C2(C)C DB05013 6918670 66913 http://www.drugs.com/ppa/ingenol-mebutate.html 28533061 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 tube/dose 1 tube/dose skin/dermal Picato ingenol mebutate PDR 1.0 tube/dose 1 tube/dose skin/dermal Picato ingenol mebutate PDR DDPD05015 Belinostat 318.35 C15H14N2O4S ONC(=O)\C=C\C1=CC=CC(=C1)S(=O)(=O)NC1=CC=CC=C1 DB05015 6918638 61076 5293831 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 74.4 L/h 1240.0 ml/min DRUGBANK 1.416 L/h/kg 23.6 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 409.0 L 409±76.7 L DRUGBANK 0.8 L/kg 0.8 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 1.6 h 1.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 % <2 % Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 92.9 % 92.9 % DRUGBANK 95.8 % 95.8 % DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/m2/day 1000 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Beleodaq belinostat PDR 1000.0 mg/m2/day 1000 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV Beleodaq belinostat PDR DDPD05016 Ataluren 284.242 C15H9FN2O3 OC(=O)C1=CC=CC(=C1)C1=NOC(=N1)C1=CC=CC=C1F DB05016 11219835 94805 9394889 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h PO, oral; food; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 2-6 h elimination half-life; dose &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1.0 % 1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.6 % 99.6 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD05018 Migalastat 163.1717 C6H13NO4 OC[C@H]1NC[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H]1O DB05018 176077 135923 153388 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 75.0 % 75 % Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 75.0 % 75 % DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h Liquid; DRUGBANK 12.5 L/h 11.0-14 L/h DRUGBANK 105.0 L 77-133 L Oral single dose; normal,healthy; increasing doses; DRUGBANK 4.0 h ~3-5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 77.0 % ~77 % Urinary excretion; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 % ~20 % Faeces excretion; Male, men; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 123.0 mg 123 mg PO, oral q2d Galafold migalastat PDR 123.0 mg 123 mg PO, oral q2d Galafold migalastat PDR DDPD05039 Indacaterol 392.4907 C24H28N2O3 CCC1=C(CC)C=C2CC(CC2=C1)NC[C@H](O)C1=C2C=CC(=O)NC2=C(O)C=C1 DB05039 6918554 68575 http://www.drugs.com/international/indacaterol.html 5293751 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 44.0 % 43-45 % inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 0.25 h 15 min inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 0.83 L/h 0.46-1.2 L/h Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 21.05 L/h 18.8-23.3 L/h Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.2688 L/h/kg 4.48 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2459.0 L 2361-2557 L intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 19.4 L/kg 19.4 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 85.75 h 45.5-126 h DRUGBANK 48.0 h 40-56 h effective half-life; Multiple dose; DRUGBANK 324.0 h 12-15 day at steady state; DRUGBANK 92.5 h 92.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 54.0 % 54 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 94.7 % 94.1-95.3 % high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 95.65 % 95.1-96.2 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.075 mg/day 75 mcg/day inhalation, IH Arcapta Neohaler indacaterol PDR 0.075 mg/day 75 mcg/day inhalation, IH Arcapta Neohaler indacaterol PDR DDPD05109 Trabectedin 761.837 C39H43N3O11S [H][C@@]12[C@@H]3SC[C@]4(NCCC5=C4C=C(OC)C(O)=C5)C(=O)OC[C@H](N1[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1CC4=CC(C)=C(OC)C(O)=C4[C@H]2N1C)C1=C2OCOC2=C(C)C(OC(C)=O)=C31 DB05109 108150 84050 97236 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.72 L/h/kg 12 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 25.0 L/kg 25 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 41.5 h 33-50 h DRUGBANK 44.0 h 44 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 96.0 % 94-98 % DRUGBANK 1.5 mg/m2 1.5 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV q3w Yondelis trabectedin PDR 1.5 mg/m2 1.5 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV q3w Yondelis trabectedin PDR DDPD05154 Pretomanid 359.2574 C14H12F3N3O5 [O-][N+](=O)C1=CN2C[C@@H](COC2=N1)OCC1=CC=C(OC(F)(F)F)C=C1 DB05154 456199 401693 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 28100.0 ng.h/ml 28.1 ug.h/ml PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 51600.0 ng.h/ml 51.6 ug.h/ml PO, oral; food; DRUGBANK 1700.0 ng/ml 1.7 ug/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1100.0 ng/ml 1.1 ug/ml Oral single dose; different study; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4-5 h PO, oral; food; fasting; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % DRUGBANK 4.8 L/h 4.8±0.2 L/h DRUGBANK 7.6 L/h 7.6 L/h Oral single dose; fasting; DRUGBANK 3.9 L/h 3.9 L/h Oral single dose; food; DRUGBANK 130.0 L 130±5 L DRUGBANK 180.0 L 180±51.3 L normal,healthy; fasting; DRUGBANK 97.0 L 97.0±17.2 L normal,healthy; food; DRUGBANK 17.15 h 16.9-17.4 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 18.0 h 18 h DRUGBANK 53.0 % ~53 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 % ~1 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Male, men; adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 86.4 % 86.4 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD05219 Crisaborole 251.05 C14H10BNO3 OB1OCC2=C1C=CC(OC1=CC=C(C=C1)C#N)=C2 DB05219 44591583 134677 https://www.drugs.com/monograph/crisaborole.html 24701949 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 500.0 mg/kg >500 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD05239 Cobimetinib 531.318 C21H21F3IN3O2 OC1(CN(C1)C(=O)C1=C(NC2=C(F)C=C(I)C=C2)C(F)=C(F)C=C1)[C@@H]1CCCCN1 DB05239 16222096 90851 http://www.drugs.com/cotellic.html 17349374 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 46.0 % 46 % DRUGBANK 13.9 L/h 13.9 L/h DRUGBANK 0.168 L/h/kg 2.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 806.0 L 806.0 L tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 15.4 L/kg 15.4 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 44.0 h 44 h DRUGBANK 68.8 h 68.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 76.0 % 76 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 17.8 % 17.8 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 6.6 % 6.6 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.6 % 1.6 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral q4w Cotellic cobimetinib PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral q4w Cotellic cobimetinib PDR DDPD05245 Silver sulfadiazine 357.137 C10H9AgN4O2S [Ag+].NC1=CC=C(C=C1)S(=O)(=O)[N-]C1=NC=CC=N1 DB05245 T3D3068 441244 9142 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/silver-sulfadiazine.html 390017 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 10001.0 mg/kg 10001.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 10001.0 mg/kg 10001.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2.0 application/day 2 application/day SSD silver sulfadiazine PDR 2.0 appLication/day 2 appLication/day SSD silver sulfadiazine PDR 2.0 application/day 2 application/day SSD silver sulfadiazine PDR 2.0 appLication/day 2 appLication/day SSD silver sulfadiazine PDR 2.0 application/day 2 application/day SSD silver sulfadiazine PDR DDPD05246 Methsuximide 203.2371 C12H13NO2 CN1C(=O)CC(C)(C1=O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB05246 T3D3069 6476 6846 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/methsuximide.html 6231 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.0 h 1.4-2.6 h DRUGBANK 33.0 h 28-38 h Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day PO, oral Celontin methsuximide PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1.2 g/day PO, oral Celontin methsuximide PDR 30.0 mg/kg/day 30 mg/kg/day PO, oral Celontin methsuximide PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1.2 g/day PO, oral Celontin methsuximide PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1.2 g/day PO, oral Celontin methsuximide PDR DDPD05260 Gallium nitrate 255.738 GaN3O9 [Ga+3].[O-][N+]([O-])=O.[O-][N+]([O-])=O.[O-][N+]([O-])=O DB05260 61635 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/gallium.html 55543 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.15 L/h/kg 0.15 l/h/kg intravenous infusion, IV in drop; tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 24.0 h 24 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 93.5 h 72-115 h intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK DDPD05271 Rotigotine 315.48 C19H25NOS CCCN(CCC1=CC=CS1)[C@H]1CCC2=C(O)C=CC=C2C1 DB05271 59227 135351 http://www.drugs.com/cons/rotigotine-transdermal.html 53406 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 16.5 h 15-18 h DRUGBANK 60.0 h 2-3 day DRUGBANK 2.22 L/h/kg 37 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 84.0 L/kg 84.0 L/kg Steady state volume of distribution; Multiple dose; DRUGBANK 5.7 L/kg 5.7 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 5-7 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 71.0 % 71 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 23.0 % 23 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 7.1 % <7.1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 92.0 % 92 % high protein binding; DRUGBANK 89.5 % 89.5 % in vivo; DRUGBANK 8.0 mg/day 8 mg/day Transdermal preparations Neupro rotigotine PDR 3.0 mg/day 3 mg/day Transdermal preparations Neupro rotigotine PDR 8.0 mg/day 8 mg/day Transdermal preparations Neupro rotigotine PDR 3.0 mg/day 3 mg/day Transdermal preparations Neupro rotigotine PDR DDPD05294 Vandetanib 475.354 C22H24BrFN4O2 COC1=C(OCC2CCN(C)CC2)C=C2N=CN=C(NC3=C(F)C=C(Br)C=C3)C2=C1 DB05294 3081361 49960 2338979 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6 h DRUGBANK 2160.0 h 3 month DRUGBANK 7450.0 L 7450.0 L DRUGBANK 456.0 h 19 day DRUGBANK 44.0 % 44 % Faeces excretion; Single dose; DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25 % Urinary excretion; Single dose; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % DRUGBANK DDPD05316 Pimavanserin 427.564 C25H34FN3O2 CC(C)COC1=CC=C(CNC(=O)N(CC2=CC=C(F)C=C2)C2CCN(C)CC2)C=C1 DB05316 10071196 133017 8246736 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 34.0 mg/day 34 mg/day PO, oral Nuplazid pimavanserin PDR 34.0 mg/day 34 mg/day PO, oral Nuplazid pimavanserin PDR DDPD05351 Dexlansoprazole 369.36 C16H14F3N3O2S CC1=C(OCC(F)(F)F)C=CN=C1C[S@@](=O)C1=NC2=CC=CC=C2N1 DB05351 9578005 135931 7852369 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3275.0 ng.h/ml 3275.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 688.0 ng/ml 688 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4(1-6) h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 11.5 L/h 11.4-11.6 L/h apparent clearance; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 40.3 L 40.3 L Steady state volume of distribution; Multiple dose; gastroesophageal reflux disease; patients; DRUGBANK 1.5 h ~1-2 h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.5 h ~1-2 h gastroesophageal reflux disease; patients; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5000 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; Rattus, Rat; dog; DRUGBANK 50.7 % 50.7 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 47.6 % 47.6 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 97.5 % 96-99 % plasma proteins; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Dexilant dexlansoprazole PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Dexilant dexlansoprazole PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Dexilant dexlansoprazole PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Dexilant dexlansoprazole PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Dexilant dexlansoprazole PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Dexilant dexlansoprazole PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Dexilant dexlansoprazole PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Dexilant dexlansoprazole PDR DDPD05381 Histamine 111.1451 C5H9N3 NCCC1=CNC=N1 DB05381 774 18295 http://www.drugs.com/cons/histamine-phosphate-intradermal.html 753 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.5 % 2-3 % DRUGBANK 6.0 % 4-8 % DRUGBANK 44.5 % 42-47 % DRUGBANK 10.0 % 9-11 % DRUGBANK 19.5 % 16-23 % DRUGBANK 807.0 mg/kg 807.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD05382 Iodine 253.8089 I2 II DB05382 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/pdfs/ATSDR MRLs - May 2021 - H.pdf 807 17606 785 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.01 mg/kg/day 0.01 mg/kg/day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.01 mg/kg/day 0.01 mg/kg/day PO, oral; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK DDPD05521 Telaprevir 679.8493 C36H53N7O6 [H][C@@]12CCC[C@]1([H])[C@H](N(C2)C(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)C1=NC=CN=C1)C1CCCCC1)C(C)(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCC)C(=O)C(=O)NC1CC1 DB05521 3010818 68595 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/telaprevir.html 2279948 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4-5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 32.4 L/h 32.4 L/h Total clearance; DRUGBANK 252.0 L 252.0 L DRUGBANK 4.35 h 4.0-4.7 h Single dose; DRUGBANK 10.0 h 9-11 h effective half-life; at steady state; DRUGBANK 82.0 % 82 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 9.0 % 9 % lung excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % 1 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 67.5 % 59-76 % plasma proteins; Single dose; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2250.0 mg/day 2250 mg/day PO, oral Incivek telaprevir PDR 2250.0 mg/day 2250 mg/day PO, oral Incivek telaprevir PDR DDPD05528 Mipomersen 7177.11 C230H324N67O122P19S19 COCCO[C@@H]1[C@H](O)[C@@H](COP(S)(=O)O[C@@H]2[C@@H](COP(S)(=O)O[C@@H]3[C@@H](COP(S)(=O)O[C@@H]4[C@@H](COP(S)(=O)O[C@@H]5[C@@H](COP(S)(=O)O[C@H]6C[C@@H](O[C@@H]6COP(S)(=O)O[C@H]6C[C@@H](O[C@@H]6COP(S)(=O)O[C@H]6C[C@@H](O[C@@H]6COP(S)(=O)O[C@H]6C[C@@H](O[C@@H]6COP(S)(=O)O[C@H]6C[C@@H](O[C@@H]6COP(S)(=O)O[C@H]6C[C@@H](O[C@@H]6COP(S)(=O)O[C@H]6C[C@@H](O[C@@H]6COP(S)(=O)O[C@H]6C[C@@H](O[C@@H]6COP(S)(=O)O[C@H]6C[C@@H](O[C@@H]6COP(S)(=O)O[C@H]6C[C@@H](O[C@@H]6COP(S)(=O)O[C@@H]6[C@@H](COP(S)(=O)O[C@@H]7[C@@H](COP(S)(=O)O[C@@H]8[C@@H](COP(S)(=O)O[C@@H]9[C@@H](COP(S)(=O)O[C@@H]%10[C@@H](CO)O[C@H]([C@@H]%10OCCOC)N%10C=NC%11=C%10N=C(N)NC%11=O)O[C@H]([C@@H]9OCCOC)N9C=C(C)C(N)=NC9=O)O[C@H]([C@@H]8OCCOC)N8C=C(C)C(N)=NC8=O)O[C@H]([C@@H]7OCCOC)N7C=C(C)C(=O)NC7=O)O[C@H]([C@@H]6OCCOC)N6C=C(C)C(N)=NC6=O)N6C=NC7=C6N=CN=C7N)N6C=NC7=C6N=C(N)NC7=O)N6C=C(C)C(=O)NC6=O)N6C=C(C)C(N)=NC6=O)N6C=C(C)C(=O)NC6=O)N6C=NC7=C6N=C(N)NC7=O)N6C=C(C)C(N)=NC6=O)N6C=C(C)C(=O)NC6=O)N6C=C(C)C(=O)NC6=O)N6C=C(C)C(N)=NC6=O)O[C@H]([C@@H]5OCCOC)N5C=NC6=C5N=C(N)NC6=O)O[C@H]([C@@H]4OCCOC)N4C=C(C)C(N)=NC4=O)O[C@H]([C@@H]3OCCOC)N3C=NC4=C3N=CN=C4N)O[C@H]([C@@H]2OCCOC)N2C=C(C)C(N)=NC2=O)O[C@H]1N1C=C(C)C(N)=NC1=O DB05528 131704297 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/mipomersen.html 34983392 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 66.0 % 54-78 % subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 0.0402 L/h/kg 0.67 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.1 L/kg 0.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1080.0 h 1-2 month DRUGBANK 17.6 h 17.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ≥90 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 28.5714285714286 mg/day 200 mg/week subcutaneous injection, SC qw Kynamro mipomersen sodium PDR 28.5714285714286 mg/day 200 mg/week subcutaneous injection, SC qw Kynamro mipomersen sodium PDR DDPD05541 Brivaracetam 212.2887 C11H20N2O2 CCC[C@H]1CN([C@@H](CC)C(N)=O)C(=O)C1 DB05541 9837243 133013 8012964 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0531 L/h/kg 0.7-1.07 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 0.045 L/h/kg 0.75 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.5 L/kg 0.5 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.56 L/kg 0.56 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.5 h 7-8 h DRUGBANK 8.98 h 8.98 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 95.0 % >95 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 20.0 % <20 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD05676 Apremilast 460.5 C22H24N2O7S CCOC1=CC(=CC=C1OC)[C@@H](CS(C)(=O)=O)N1C(=O)C2=CC=CC(NC(C)=O)=C2C1=O DB05676 11561674 78540 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/apremilast.html 9736448 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 73.0 % 73 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 584.0 ng/ml 584 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 10.0 L/h 10.0 L/h Plasma clearance; normal,healthy; patients; DRUGBANK 0.1428 L/h/kg 2.38 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 87.0 L 87.0 L Average volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 7.5 h 6-9 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 6.03 h 6.03 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg 2000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Male, men; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/kg 300.0 mg/kg PO, oral;  Female, women; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3.0 % 3 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 7.0 % 7 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 68.0 % ~68 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD05812 Abiraterone 349.509 C24H31NO [H][C@@]12CC=C(C3=CC=CN=C3)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CC=C2C[C@@H](O)CC[C@]12C DB05812 132971 68642 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/abiraterone.html 117349 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.75 h 1.5-4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 19669.0 L 19669±13358 L Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 9.5 h 5-14 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 88.0 % ~88 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 5.0 % ~5 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Zytiga abiraterone acetate PDR 500.0 mg/day 500 mg/day PO, oral Zytiga abiraterone acetate PDR 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day PO, oral Zytiga abiraterone acetate PDR 500.0 mg/day 500 mg/day PO, oral Zytiga abiraterone acetate PDR DDPD05990 Obeticholic acid 420.6252 C26H44O4 [H][C@@]1(CC[C@@]2([H])[C@]3([H])[C@H](O)[C@H](CC)[C@]4([H])C[C@H](O)CC[C@]4(C)[C@@]3([H])CC[C@]12C)[C@H](C)CCC(O)=O DB05990 447715 43602 394730 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 402.35 ng.h/ml 236.6-568.1 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 41.25 ng/ml 28.8-53.7 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 10.0 h 10 h PO, oral; Derivative; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4.5 h PO, oral; different study; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4.5 h PO, oral; different study; DRUGBANK 618.0 L 618.0 L DRUGBANK 24.0 h 24 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 87.0 % ~87 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.0 % <3 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral qd Ocaliva obeticholic acid PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral qd Ocaliva obeticholic acid PDR DDPD06016 Cariprazine 427.41 C21H32Cl2N4O CN(C)C(=O)N[C@H]1CC[C@H](CCN2CCN(CC2)C2=C(Cl)C(Cl)=CC=C2)CC1 DB06016 11154555 90933 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/cariprazine.html 25999972 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 13.8 % 13.8 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 12.3 % 12.3 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 168.0 h ~1 week Drug combination; DRUGBANK 21.0 % 21 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 94.0 % 91-97 % DRUGBANK 6.0 mg/day 6 mg/day PO, oral Vraylar cariprazine PDR 3.0 mg/day 3 mg/day PO, oral Vraylar cariprazine PDR 6.0 mg/day 6 mg/day PO, oral Vraylar cariprazine PDR 3.0 mg/day 3 mg/day PO, oral Vraylar cariprazine PDR DDPD06077 Lumateperone 393.506 C24H28FN3O [H][C@]12CCN(CCCC(=O)C3=CC=C(F)C=C3)C[C@@]1([H])C1=CC=CC3=C1N2CCN3C DB06077 21302490 19328801 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 27.9 L/h 27.9 L/h DRUGBANK 4.1 L/kg 4.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 15.5 h 13-18 h DRUGBANK 20.0 h 20 h Metabolite; DRUGBANK 21.0 h 21 h Metabolite; DRUGBANK 58.0 % ~58 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 29.0 % ~29 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 97.4 % ~97.4 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD06119 Cenobamate 267.67 C10H10ClN5O2 NC(=O)O[C@@H](CN1N=CN=N1)C1=C(Cl)C=CC=C1 DB06119 10136642 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 88.0 % 88 % PO, oral; high-fat meal; high-fat meal &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 1-4 h PO, oral; high-fat meal; high-fat meal &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.54 L/h 0.45-0.63 L/h apparent clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 45.0 L 40-50 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 55.0 h 50-60 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 87.8 % 87.8 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 5.2 % 5.2 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD06144 Sertindole 440.941 C24H26ClFN4O FC1=CC=C(C=C1)N1C=C(C2CCN(CCN3CCNC3=O)CC2)C2=C1C=CC(Cl)=C2 DB06144 60149 9122 54229 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 72.0 h 3 day DRUGBANK DDPD06145 Spiramycin 843.065 C43H74N2O14 CO[C@H]1[C@H](O)CC(=O)O[C@H](C)C\C=C\C=C\[C@H](O[C@H]2CC[C@@H]([C@H](C)O2)N(C)C)[C@H](C)C[C@H](CC=O)[C@@H]1O[C@@H]1O[C@H](C)[C@@H](O[C@H]2C[C@@](C)(O)[C@@H](O)[C@H](C)O2)[C@@H]([C@H]1O)N(C)C DB06145 6440717 85260 4944970 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 34.5 % 30-39 % DRUGBANK 0.768 L/h/kg 12.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 300.0 L >300 L DRUGBANK 5.4 L/kg 5.4 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.35 h ~4.5-6.2 h young; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 11.65 h ~9.8-13.5 h Elderly; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 6.75 h 5.5-8 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8 h Children; Rectal Administration; DRUGBANK 5.2 h 5.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 17.5 % 10-25 % DRUGBANK DDPD06147 Sulfathiazole 255.317 C9H9N3O2S2 NC1=CC=C(C=C1)S(=O)(=O)NC1=NC=CS1 DB06147 5340 9337 5148 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4500.0 mg/kg 4500.0 mg/kg PO, oral; nasal spray; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD06148 Mianserin 264.3648 C18H20N2 CN1CCN2C(C1)C1=CC=CC=C1CC1=CC=CC=C21 DB06148 4184 51137 4040 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.314 L/h/kg 21.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 13.75 L/kg 13.75 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 13.5 h 10-17 h DRUGBANK 9.6 h 9.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 780.0 mg/kg 780.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % DRUGBANK DDPD06149 Teicoplanin N.A. N.A. CCCCCCCCCC(=O)NC1C(C(C(OC1OC2=C3C=C4C=C2OC5=C(C=C(C=C5)C(C6C(=O)NC(C7=C(C(=CC(=C7)O)OC8C(C(C(C(O8)CO)O)O)O)C9=C(C=CC(=C9)C(C(=O)N6)NC(=O)C4NC(=O)C1C2=CC(=CC(=C2)OC2=C(C=CC(=C2)C(C(=O)NC(CC2=CC(=C(O3)C=C2)Cl)C(=O)N1)N)O)O)O)C(=O)O)OC1C(C(C(C(O1)CO)O)O)NC(=O)C)Cl)CO)O)O DB06149 133065662 29687 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 85.0 h 70-100 h DRUGBANK 92.5 % 90-95 % DRUGBANK DDPD06150 Sulfadimethoxine 310.329 C12H14N4O4S COC1=NC(OC)=NC(NS(=O)(=O)C2=CC=C(N)C=C2)=C1 DB06150 5323 32161 5132 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD06151 Acetylcysteine 163.195 C5H9NO3S CC(=O)N[C@@H](CS)C(O)=O DB06151 12035 28939 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/acetylcysteine-solution.html 11540 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 8.0 % 6-10 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.0 % <3 % skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 0.186 L/h/kg 3.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.55 L/kg 0.55 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.6 h 5.6 h adults; DRUGBANK 11.0 h 11 h Neonates; DRUGBANK 5.5 h 5.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 83.0 % 83 % DRUGBANK 150.0 mg/kg 150 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Acetadote acetylcysteine PDR 1500.0 mg 1500 mg intravenous injection, IV Acetadote acetylcysteine PDR 50.0 mg/kg 50 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Acetadote acetylcysteine PDR 5000.0 mg 5000 mg intravenous injection, IV Acetadote acetylcysteine PDR 100.0 mg/kg 100 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Acetadote acetylcysteine PDR 10000.0 mg 10000 mg intravenous injection, IV Acetadote acetylcysteine PDR DDPD06152 Nylidrin 299.414 C19H25NO2 CC(CCC1=CC=CC=C1)NC(C)C(O)C1=CC=C(O)C=C1 DB06152 4567 91656 4407 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD06153 Pizotifen 295.44 C19H21NS CN1CCC(CC1)=C1C2=C(CCC3=CC=CC=C13)SC=C2 DB06153 27400 50212 25497 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~80 % PO, oral; Male, men; adults; DRUGBANK 78.0 % 78 % PO, oral; Male, men; adults; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5 h PO, oral; Male, men; adults; DRUGBANK 65.0 % 60-70 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 833.0 null 833.0 null adults; Male, men; DRUGBANK 70.0 null 70.0 null adults; Male, men; DRUGBANK 23.0 h ~23 h DRUGBANK 23.0 h ~23 h DRUGBANK 955.0 mg/kg 410-1500 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 880.0 mg/kg 880.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 700.0 mg/kg 700.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 17.0 mg/kg 17.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 12.86 mg/kg 12.86 mg/kg PO, oral; Male, men; DRUGBANK 33.3 % ~33.3 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD06154 Pentaerythritol tetranitrate 316.1366 C5H8N4O12 [O-][N+](=O)OCC(CO[N+]([O-])=O)(CO[N+]([O-])=O)CO[N+]([O-])=O DB06154 6518 25879 6271 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 36.6 L/h/kg 0.61±0.16 L/min/kg DRUGBANK 4.2 L/kg 4.2±1.1 L/kg Steady state volume of distribution; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4-5 h elimination half-life; PO, oral; Male, men; DRUGBANK 25000.0 mg/kg 25000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD06155 Rimonabant 463.787 C22H21Cl3N4O CC1=C(N(N=C1C(=O)NN1CCCCC1)C1=C(Cl)C=C(Cl)C=C1)C1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1 DB06155 104850 34967 http://www.drugs.com/acomplia.html 94641 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 180.0 h 6-9 day DRUGBANK 384.0 h 16 day BMI over; DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % DRUGBANK DDPD06174 Noscapine 413.4205 C22H23NO7 [H][C@@]1(OC(=O)C2=C1C=CC(OC)=C2OC)[C@]1([H])N(C)CCC2=CC3=C(OCO3)C(OC)=C12 DB06174 73237 242139 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0128 L/h/kg 16.88 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.3 L/kg 2.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.13 h 2.13 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD06176 Romidepsin 540.69 C24H36N4O6S2 C\C=C1/NC(=O)[C@H]2CSSCC\C=C\[C@H](CC(=O)N[C@H](C(C)C)C(=O)N2)OC(=O)[C@@H](NC1=O)C(C)C DB06176 57515973 61080 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/romidepsin.html 10122002 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 8.4 L/h 8.4 L/h DRUGBANK 0.444 L/h/kg 7.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 44.5 L 44.5 L DRUGBANK 1.2 L/kg 1.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.0 h ~3 h DRUGBANK 11.0 h 11 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 93.0 % 92-94 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 14.0 mg/m2 14 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Istodax romidepsin PDR 14.0 mg/m2 14 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Istodax romidepsin PDR DDPD06193 Pixantrone 325.372 C17H19N5O2 NCCNC1=CC=C(NCCN)C2=C1C(=O)C1=C(C=NC=C1)C2=O DB06193 134019 135945 http://www.drugs.com/history/pixuvri.html 118174 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.03 L/h/kg 0.75 - 1.31 l/h/kg Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 1.062 L/h/kg 17.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 19.7 L/kg 9.7-29.7 L/kg DRUGBANK 10.1 L/kg 10.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12 h DRUGBANK 13.4 h 13.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.0 % <10 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK DDPD06196 Icatibant 1304.54 C59H89N19O13S [H][C@]12C[C@]([H])(N(C(=O)[C@@]3([H])CC4=C(CN3C(=O)[C@H](CO)NC(=O)[C@H](CC3=CC=CS3)NC(=O)CNC(=O)[C@]3([H])C[C@@H](O)CN3C(=O)[C@@H]3CCCN3C(=O)[C@H](CCCNC(N)=N)NC(=O)[C@H](N)CCCNC(N)=N)C=CC=C4)[C@@]1([H])CCCC2)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCNC(N)=N)C(O)=O DB06196 71364 68556 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/icatibant.html 5293384 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2165.0 ng.h/ml 2165±568 ng.h/ml subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 97.0 % ~97 % subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 974.0 ng/ml 974±280 ng/ml subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 14.7 L/h 245±58 ml/min Plasma clearance; subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 29.0 L 29.0 ± 8.7 L subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 1.4 h 1.4±0.4 h elimination half-life; subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 10.0 % <10 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 30.0 mg/dose 30 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC Firazyr icatibant PDR 90.0 mg/day 90 mg/day subcutaneous injection, SC qid Firazyr icatibant PDR 30.0 mg/dose 30 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC Firazyr icatibant PDR 90.0 mg/day 90 mg/day subcutaneous injection, SC qid Firazyr icatibant PDR DDPD06201 Rufinamide 238.1935 C10H8F2N4O NC(=O)C1=CN(CC2=C(F)C=CC=C2F)N=N1 DB06201 129228 134966 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/rufinamide.html 114471 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 85.0 % >85 % Oral single dose; food; DRUGBANK 37800.0 ng.h/ml 37.8±47 ug.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 89300.0 ng.h/ml 89.3±59 ug.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 77.5 % 70-85 % PO, oral; increasing doses; increasing doses &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 4010.0 ng/ml 4.01 ug/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 8680.0 ng/ml 8.68 ug/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 4-6 h PO, oral; food; fasting; DRUGBANK 50.0 L 50.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 6-10 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 6-10 h elimination half-life; epilepsy; patients; DRUGBANK 91.0 % 91 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 9.0 % 9 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 30.55 % 26.3-34.8 % DRUGBANK 27.0 % 27 % DRUGBANK 45.0 mg/kg/day 45 mg/kg/day PO, oral Banzel rufinamide PDR 3200.0 mg/day 3200 mg/day PO, oral Banzel rufinamide PDR 3200.0 mg/day 3200 mg/day PO, oral Banzel rufinamide PDR 3200.0 mg/day 3200 mg/day PO, oral Banzel rufinamide PDR 45.0 mg/kg/day 45 mg/kg/day PO, oral Banzel rufinamide PDR 3200.0 mg/day 3200 mg/day PO, oral Banzel rufinamide PDR 3200.0 mg/day 3200 mg/day PO, oral Banzel rufinamide PDR DDPD06202 Lasofoxifene 413.5512 C28H31NO2 [H][C@@]1(CCC2=CC(O)=CC=C2[C@@]1([H])C1=CC=C(OCCN2CCCC2)C=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB06202 216416 https://www.drugs.com/international/lasofoxifene.html 187585 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 62.0 % 62 % Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 6.65 h 6-7.3 h DRUGBANK 6.6 L/h ~6.6 L/h apparent clearance; PO, oral;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 1350.0 L 1350.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 144.0 h ~6 day elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 2.0 % <2 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD06203 Alogliptin 339.3916 C18H21N5O2 CN1C(=O)C=C(N2CCC[C@@H](N)C2)N(CC2=C(C=CC=C2)C#N)C1=O DB06203 11450633 72323 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/alogliptin.html 9625485 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h PO, oral; normal,healthy; diabetes; DRUGBANK 15.0 % 10-20 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 9.6 L/h 9.6 L/h Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 14.0 L/h 14.0 L/h Total clearance; DRUGBANK 417.0 L 417.0 L intravenous infusion, IV in drop; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 21.0 h 21 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 76.0 % 76 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 13.0 % 13 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 65.5 % 60-71 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 25.0 mg/day 25 mg/day PO, oral Nesina alogliptin PDR 25.0 mg/day 25 mg/day PO, oral Nesina alogliptin PDR DDPD06204 Tapentadol 221.3385 C14H23NO CC[C@H]([C@@H](C)CN(C)C)C1=CC(O)=CC=C1 DB06204 9838022 135935 http://www.drugs.com/monograph/tapentadol-hydrochloride.html 8013742 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 32.0 % 32 % PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 32.0 % 32 % PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 64.2 ng/ml 64.2 ng/ml PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 22.5 ng/ml 22.5 ng/ml PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5.0 h PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % Inactive metabolite; DRUGBANK 91.8 L/h 1530 ± 177 ml/min Total clearance; DRUGBANK 1.2798 L/h/kg 21.33 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 540.0 L 540±98 L intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 4.64 L/kg 4.64 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h elimination half-life; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 2.39 h 2.39 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3200.0 mg/kg 3200.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/kg 300.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 980.0 mg/kg 980.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 3.0 % 3 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 20.0 % ~20 % DRUGBANK 500.0 mg/day 500 mg/day PO, oral Nucynta tapentadol PDR 700.0 mg/day 700 mg/day PO, oral Nucynta tapentadol PDR 500.0 mg/day 500 mg/day PO, oral Nucynta tapentadol PDR 700.0 mg/day 700 mg/day PO, oral Nucynta tapentadol PDR DDPD06206 Sugammadex 2002.12 C72H112O48S8 O[C@@H]1[C@@H](O)[C@@H]2O[C@H]3O[C@H](CSCCC(O)=O)[C@@H](O[C@H]4O[C@H](CSCCC(O)=O)[C@@H](O[C@H]5O[C@H](CSCCC(O)=O)[C@@H](O[C@H]6O[C@H](CSCCC(O)=O)[C@@H](O[C@H]7O[C@H](CSCCC(O)=O)[C@@H](O[C@H]8O[C@H](CSCCC(O)=O)[C@@H](O[C@H]9O[C@H](CSCCC(O)=O)[C@@H](O[C@H]1O[C@@H]2CSCCC(O)=O)[C@H](O)[C@H]9O)[C@H](O)[C@H]8O)[C@H](O)[C@H]7O)[C@H](O)[C@H]6O)[C@H](O)[C@H]5O)[C@H](O)[C@H]4O)[C@H](O)[C@H]3O DB06206 6918585 90953 32689915 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5280.0 L/h 88.0 L/min DRUGBANK 0.0768 L/h/kg 1.28 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.5 L 11.0-14 L at steady state; normal renal function; patients; adults; DRUGBANK 0.18 L/kg 0.18 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 h ~2 h DRUGBANK 2.53 h 2.53 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % DRUGBANK 0.02 % 0.02 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 16.0 mg/kg 16 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Bridion sugammadex PDR 16.0 mg/kg 16 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Bridion sugammadex PDR DDPD06207 Silodosin 495.5345 C25H32F3N3O4 C[C@H](CC1=CC2=C(N(CCCO)CC2)C(=C1)C(N)=O)NCCOC1=CC=CC=C1OCC(F)(F)F DB06207 5312125 135929 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/silodosin.html 4471557 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 373.0 ng.h/ml 373.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; food; DRUGBANK 1870.0 ng.h/ml 1870.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; food; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 32.0 % 32 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 61.6 ng/ml 61.6±27.54 ng/ml PO, oral; food; DRUGBANK 2.6 h 2.6±0.90 h PO, oral; food; DRUGBANK 10.0 L/h 10.0 L/h Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.168 L/h/kg 2.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 49.5 L 49.5 L DRUGBANK 13.3 h 13.3±8.07 h DRUGBANK 24.0 h 24 h Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 3.6 h 3.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 54.9 % 54.9 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 33.5 % 33.5 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % DRUGBANK DDPD06209 Prasugrel 373.441 C20H20FNO3S CC(=O)OC1=CC2=C(CCN(C2)C(C(=O)C2CC2)C2=CC=CC=C2F)S1 DB06209 6918456 87723 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/prasugrel.html 5293653 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 79.0 % >79 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 0.5-1.5 h PO, oral; high-fat meal; DRUGBANK 139.0 L/h 112-166 L/h apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 56.0 L 44-68 L DRUGBANK 7.4 h ~7.4(2-15) h elimination half-life; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/kg 1000-2000 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/kg >1000 mg/kg rabbit; DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Effient prasugrel PDR 60.0 mg/dose 60 mg/dose PO, oral Effient prasugrel PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Effient prasugrel PDR 60.0 mg/dose 60 mg/dose PO, oral Effient prasugrel PDR 60.0 mg/dose 60 mg/dose PO, oral Effient prasugrel PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Effient prasugrel PDR DDPD06210 Eltrombopag 442.4666 C25H22N4O4 CC1=NN(C(=O)\C1=N/NC1=CC=CC(C2=CC=CC(=C2)C(O)=O)=C1O)C1=CC=C(C)C(C)=C1 DB06210 9846180 85010 http://www.drugs.com/ppa/eltrombopag.html 19879943 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 52.0 % >52 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 26.5 h ~21-32 h normal,healthy; patients; DRUGBANK 30.5 h ~26-35 h idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura; patients; DRUGBANK 59.0 % 59 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 31.0 % 31 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % DRUGBANK 75.0 mg/day 75 mg/day PO, oral Promacta eltrombopag PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Promacta eltrombopag PDR 75.0 mg/day 75 mg/day PO, oral Promacta eltrombopag PDR 75.0 mg/day 75 mg/day PO, oral Promacta eltrombopag PDR 75.0 mg/day 75 mg/day PO, oral Promacta eltrombopag PDR 2.5 mg/kg/day 2.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Promacta eltrombopag PDR 75.0 mg/day 75 mg/day PO, oral Promacta eltrombopag PDR 75.0 mg/day 75 mg/day PO, oral Promacta eltrombopag PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Promacta eltrombopag PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Promacta eltrombopag PDR 75.0 mg/day 75 mg/day PO, oral Promacta eltrombopag PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Promacta eltrombopag PDR 75.0 mg/day 75 mg/day PO, oral Promacta eltrombopag PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Promacta eltrombopag PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Promacta eltrombopag PDR DDPD06211 Doripenem 420.504 C15H24N4O6S2 [H][C@]12[C@@H](C)C(S[C@@H]3CN[C@H](CNS(N)(=O)=O)C3)=C(N1C(=O)[C@]2([H])[C@@H](C)O)C(O)=O DB06211 73303 135928 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/doripenem.html 66040 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 10.3 L/h 10.3 L/h DRUGBANK 0.1956 L/h/kg 3.26 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 16.8 L 16.8(8.09-55.5) L Average volume of distribution; at steady state; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.23 L/kg 0.23 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.2 h 1.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Faeces excretion; Single dose; adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 71.0 % 71 % Urinary excretion; adults; normal,healthy; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 8.1 % 8.1 % DRUGBANK 500.0 mg 500 mg intravenous injection, IV q8h Doribax doripenem PDR 500.0 mg 500 mg intravenous injection, IV q8h Doribax doripenem PDR DDPD06212 Tolvaptan 448.941 C26H25ClN2O3 CC1=CC=CC=C1C(=O)NC1=CC(C)=C(C=C1)C(=O)N1CCC[C@@H](O)C2=C1C=CC(Cl)=C2 DB06212 443894 http://www.drugs.com/monograph/tolvaptan.html 391976 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4550.0 ng.h/ml 4.55 ug.h/ml DRUGBANK 374.0 ng/ml 374 ng/ml DRUGBANK 418.0 ng/ml 418 ng/ml DRUGBANK 460.0 ng/ml 460 ng/ml heart failure; DRUGBANK 723.0 ng/ml 723 ng/ml heart failure; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h DRUGBANK 0.24 L/h/kg 4.0 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 0.144 L/h/kg 2.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.0 L/kg 3.0 L/kg normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.5 L/kg 0.5 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12 h terminal half-life; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.9 h 2.9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; dog; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % DRUGBANK 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral; up to 30 days Jynarque tolvaptan PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Jynarque tolvaptan PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral; up to 30 days Jynarque tolvaptan PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Jynarque tolvaptan PDR DDPD06213 Regadenoson 390.354 C15H18N8O5 CNC(=O)C1=CN(N=C1)C1=NC2=C(N=CN2[C@@H]2O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H]2O)C(N)=N1 DB06213 219024 135613 http://www.drugs.com/ppa/regadenoson.html 189859 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 12.3 ng/ml 12.3 ng/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.0333333333333333 h 1-3 min intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 27.0 L/h 450.0 ml/min Plasma clearance; Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.438 L/h/kg 7.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 11.5 L 11.5 L Total volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 78.7 L 78.7 L Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.94 L/kg 0.94 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.05 h 2-4 min distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 30 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 58.0 % 58 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.4 mg/dose 0.4 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Lexiscan regadenoson PDR 0.4 mg/dose 0.4 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Lexiscan regadenoson PDR DDPD06215 Ferumoxytol 231.531 Fe3O4 [O--].[O--].[O--].[O--].[Fe++].[Fe+3].[Fe+3] DB06215 16211978 50821 4937312 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0221 L/h 0.0221 L/h RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2.71 L 2.71 L Total volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 15.0 h ~15 h human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 510.0 mg/dose 510 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Feraheme ferumoxytol PDR 510.0 mg/dose 510 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Feraheme ferumoxytol PDR DDPD06216 Asenapine 401.84 C21H20ClNO5 OC(=O)\C=C/C(O)=O.CN1CC2C(C1)C1=C(OC3=CC=CC=C23)C=CC(Cl)=C1 DB06216 11954293 71253 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/asenapine.html 10128588 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 35.0 % 35 % sublingual; DRUGBANK 2.0 % <2% % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.0 ng/ml 4 ng/ml DRUGBANK 1.0 h <1 h DRUGBANK 1.0 h 0.5-1.5 h DRUGBANK 72.0 h 3 day DRUGBANK 0.744 L/h/kg 12.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 22.5 L/kg 20-25 L/kg DRUGBANK 23.0 L/kg 23 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 24.0 h 24(13.4-39.2) h DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day sublingual Saphris asenapine PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day sublingual Saphris asenapine PDR 7.6 mg/day 7.6 mg/day skin/dermal Saphris asenapine PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day sublingual Saphris asenapine PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day sublingual Saphris asenapine PDR 7.6 mg/day 7.6 mg/day skin/dermal Saphris asenapine PDR DDPD06217 Vernakalant 349.471 C20H31NO4 COC1=C(OC)C=C(CCO[C@@H]2CCCC[C@H]2N2CC[C@@H](O)C2)C=C1 DB06217 9930049 135956 8105680 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3900.0 ng/ml 3.9 ug/ml patients; DRUGBANK 4300.0 ng/ml 4.3 ug/ml patients; DRUGBANK 0.41 L/h/kg 0.41 l/h/kg Total clearance; DRUGBANK 0.4974 L/h/kg 8.29 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 L/kg ~2 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.8 L/kg 1.8 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h elimination half-life; extensive metabolizers, EM; DRUGBANK 5.5 h 5.5 h elimination half-life; poor metabolizers, PM; DRUGBANK 3.13 h 3.13 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD06218 Lacosamide 250.2936 C13H18N2O3 COC[C@@H](NC(C)=O)C(=O)NCC1=CC=CC=C1 DB06218 219078 135939 189902 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 1-4 h PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.0342 L/h/kg 0.57 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.6 L/kg ~0.6 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.58 L/kg 0.58 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 13.0 h 13 h DRUGBANK 12.3 h 12.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 15.0 % <15 % DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Vimpat lacosamide PDR 8.0 mg/kg/day 8 mg/kg/day PO, oral Vimpat lacosamide PDR 12.0 mg/kg/day 12 mg/kg/day PO, oral Vimpat lacosamide PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Vimpat lacosamide PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Vimpat lacosamide PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Vimpat lacosamide PDR 8.0 mg/kg/day 8 mg/kg/day PO, oral Vimpat lacosamide PDR 12.0 mg/kg/day 12 mg/kg/day PO, oral Vimpat lacosamide PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Vimpat lacosamide PDR DDPD06219 Dalbavancin N.A. N.A. CC(C)CCCCCCCCC(=O)NC1C(C(C(OC1OC2=C3C=C4C=C2OC5=C(C=C(C=C5)C(C6C(=O)NC(C7=C(C(=CC(=C7)O)OC8C(C(C(C(O8)CO)O)O)O)C9=C(C=CC(=C9)C(C(=O)N6)NC(=O)C4NC(=O)C1C2=C(C(=CC(=C2)OC2=C(C=CC(=C2)C(C(=O)NC(CC2=CC=C(O3)C=C2)C(=O)N1)NC)O)O)Cl)O)C(=O)NCCCN(C)C)O)Cl)C(=O)O)O)O DB06219 16134627 82721 http://www.drugs.com/dalvance.html 30791917 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0513 L/h 0.0513 L/h DRUGBANK 0.0006 L/h/kg 0.01 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.14 L/kg 0.14 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 346.0 h 346 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 170.0 h 170 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 % ~20 % Faeces excretion; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 42.0 % 42 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg 1500 mg intravenous injection, IV Dalvance dalbavancin PDR 1500.0 mg 1500 mg intravenous injection, IV Dalvance dalbavancin PDR DDPD06228 Rivaroxaban 435.881 C19H18ClN3O5S [H][C@]1(CNC(=O)C2=CC=C(Cl)S2)CN(C(=O)O1)C1=CC=C(C=C1)N1CCOCC1=O DB06228 9875401 68579 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/rivaroxaban.html 8051086 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 80.0 % >80 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 10.0 L/h 10.0 L/h Total clearance; DRUGBANK 3.5 L/h ~3.0-4 L/h Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.144 L/h/kg 2.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 50.0 L 50.0 L Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.7 L/kg 0.7 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 5-9 h terminal half-life; adults; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 11-13 h terminal half-life; Elderly; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 66.7 % ~66.7 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 33.3 % ~33.3 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 23.76 % 23.76 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 2.3 % 2.3 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 93.5 % 92-95 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Xarelto rivaroxaban PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Xarelto rivaroxaban PDR DDPD06230 Nalmefene 339.435 C21H25NO3 [H][C@@]12OC3=C(O)C=CC4=C3[C@@]11CCN(CC3CC3)[C@]([H])(C4)[C@]1(O)CCC2=C DB06230 7457 4447642 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 131.0 ng.h/ml 131.0 ng.h/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 183.4 ng.h/ml 170.3-196.5 ng.h/ml PO, oral; high-fat meal; high-fat meal &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 41.0 % 41 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40.0 % PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 16.5 ng/ml 16.5 ng/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 23.1 ng/ml 21.45-24.75 ng/ml PO, oral; high-fat meal; high-fat meal &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 24.0 ng/ml 24±11 ng/ml Oral single dose; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 17.0 ng/ml 17±6.3 ng/ml Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h PO, oral; high-fat meal; high-fat meal &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.5-2.3 h IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.5-2.3 h subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5±0.58 h Oral single dose; Male, men; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 16.0 L/h 16.0 L/h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.8 L/h/kg 0.8±0.2 L/h/kg Total clearance; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.08 L/h/kg 0.08±0.04 L/h/kg Renal clearance; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.9 L/h/kg 15±4.5 ml/min/kg normal,healthy; adults; Male, men;  Female, women; metabolism of ugt; hepatopathy,LD &#8595; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.9 L/h/kg 15 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3200.0 L ~3200 L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.9 L/kg 3.9±1.1 L/kg Total volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 8.6 L/kg 8.6±1.7 L/kg Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 8.0 L/kg 8.0±1.8 L/kg normal,healthy; adults; Male, men;  Female, women; metabolism of ugt; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 8.2 L/kg 8.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.5 h 12.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 10.8 h 10.8±5.2 h terminal half-life; adults; Male, men; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8.0±2.2 h normal,healthy; adults; Male, men;  Female, women; moderate hepatic impairment &#8593; ;severe hepatic impairment &#8593; ;RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 8.8 h 8.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 17.0 % ~17 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 9.6 % 9.6±4.9 % Urinary excretion; adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 37.5 % 30-45 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 34.4 % 34.4±13.6 % adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD06237 Avanafil 483.951 C23H26ClN7O3 COC1=C(Cl)C=C(CNC2=C(C=NC(=N2)N2CCC[C@H]2CO)C(=O)NCC2=NC=CC=N2)C=C1 DB06237 9869929 66876 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/avanafil.html 8045620 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.625 h 30-45 min DRUGBANK 8.01 h 5.36-10.66 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 62.0 % ~62 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 21.0 % ~21 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Stendra avanafil PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Stendra avanafil PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Stendra avanafil PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Stendra avanafil PDR DDPD06243 Eflornithine 182.171 C6H12F2N2O2 NCCCC(N)(C(F)F)C(O)=O DB06243 3009 41948 http://www.drugs.com/monograph/eflornithine.html 2902 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8 h DRUGBANK 500.0 mg/kg/day 500 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Vaniqa eflornithine hydrochloride PDR 400.0 mg/kg/day 400 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Vaniqa eflornithine hydrochloride PDR 500.0 mg/kg/day 500 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Vaniqa eflornithine hydrochloride PDR 400.0 mg/kg/day 400 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Vaniqa eflornithine hydrochloride PDR DDPD06261 Hexaminolevulinate 215.293 C11H21NO3 [H]N([H])CC(=O)CCC(=O)OCCCCCC DB06261 6433083 134892 http://www.drugs.com/international/hexaminolevulinate-hydrochloride.html 4938272 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.0 % 7(5-10) % DRUGBANK 0.65 h 39 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 76.0 h ~76 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 100.0 mg 100 mg intravesically Cysview hexaminolevulinate hydrochloride PDR 50.0 ml 50 ml intravesically Cysview hexaminolevulinate hydrochloride PDR 100.0 mg 100 mg intravesically Cysview hexaminolevulinate hydrochloride PDR 50.0 ml 50 ml intravesically Cysview hexaminolevulinate hydrochloride PDR DDPD06262 Droxidopa 213.189 C9H11NO5 N[C@@H]([C@H](O)C1=CC(O)=C(O)C=C1)C(O)=O DB06262 92974 31524 83927 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg 5.0 g/kg PO, oral; mouse; Rattus, Rat; dog; monkey; DRUGBANK 1800.0 mg/day 1800 mg/day PO, oral Northera droxidopa PDR 1800.0 mg/day 1800 mg/day PO, oral Northera droxidopa PDR DDPD06268 Sitaxentan 454.905 C18H15ClN2O6S2 CC1=NOC(NS(=O)(=O)C2=C(SC=C2)C(=O)CC2=CC3=C(OCO3)C=C2C)=C1Cl DB06268 216235 135736 187436 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 85.0 % 70-100 % DRUGBANK 10.0 h 10 h DRUGBANK 55.0 % 50-60 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 45.0 % 40-50 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % DRUGBANK DDPD06274 Alvimopan 424.5326 C25H32N2O4 C[C@H]1CN(C[C@H](CC2=CC=CC=C2)C(=O)NCC(O)=O)CC[C@@]1(C)C1=CC(O)=CC=C1 DB06274 5488548 135686 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/alvimopan.html 4589864 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.0 % <7 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 24.12 L/h 402±89 ml/min DRUGBANK 0.3504 L/h/kg 5.84 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 30.0 L 30±10 L DRUGBANK 0.43 L/kg 0.43 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 13.5 h 10-17 h DRUGBANK 14.0 h 10-18 h Bile metabolism; DRUGBANK 5.3 h 5.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 35.0 % 35 % Urinary excretion; Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 80-90 % DRUGBANK 24.0 mg/day 24 mg/day PO, oral Entereg alvimopan PDR 12.0 mg 12 mg PO, oral bid Entereg alvimopan PDR 24.0 mg/day 24 mg/day PO, oral Entereg alvimopan PDR 12.0 mg 12 mg PO, oral bid Entereg alvimopan PDR DDPD06282 Levocetirizine 388.89 C21H25ClN2O3 OC(=O)COCCN1CCN(CC1)[C@H](C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1 DB06282 1549000 94559 http://www.drugs.com/monograph/levocetirizine-dihydrochloride.html 1266001 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2310.0 ng.h/ml 2.31±0.50 ug.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 27000.0 ng/ml 27±0.04 ug/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.75±0.50 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2±0.50 h PO, oral; food; food &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 85.8 % 85.8 % Urinary excretion; Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.0342 L/h/kg 0.57±0.18 ml/min/kg Average clearance; DRUGBANK 0.33 L/kg 0.33±0.02 L/kg DRUGBANK 7.05 h 7.05±1.54 h DRUGBANK 80.8 % 80.8 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 9.5 % 9.5 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 62.2 % 62.2 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.86 % 0.86 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 96.1 % 96.1 % DRUGBANK 91.9 % 91.9 % DRUGBANK 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral Children's Xyzal Allergy (levocetirizine dihydrochloride) PDR 2.5 mg/day 2.5 mg/day PO, oral Children's Xyzal Allergy (levocetirizine dihydrochloride) PDR 1.25 mg/day 1.25 mg/day PO, oral Children's Xyzal Allergy (levocetirizine dihydrochloride) PDR 1.25 mg/day 1.25 mg/day PO, oral Children's Xyzal Allergy (levocetirizine dihydrochloride) PDR 0.125 mg/dose 0.125 mg/dose PO, oral bid Children's Xyzal Allergy (levocetirizine dihydrochloride) PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral Children's Xyzal Allergy (levocetirizine dihydrochloride) PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral Children's Xyzal Allergy (levocetirizine dihydrochloride) PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral Children's Xyzal Allergy (levocetirizine dihydrochloride) PDR 1.25 mg/day 1.25 mg/day PO, oral Children's Xyzal Allergy (levocetirizine dihydrochloride) PDR DDPD06283 Ziconotide N.A. N.A. CC1C(=O)NC(C(=O)NC2CSSCC3C(=O)NC(C(=O)NC(C(=O)NCC(=O)NC(C(=O)NC(CSSCC(C(=O)NC(CSSCC(C(=O)NC(C(=O)NCC(=O)NC(C(=O)NCC(=O)N1)CCCCN)CCCCN)N)C(=O)NC(C(=O)NCC(=O)NC(C(=O)N3)CO)C(C)O)NC(=O)C(NC(=O)C(NC(=O)C(NC(=O)C(NC(=O)C(NC(=O)C(NC2=O)CO)CCCNC(=N)N)CC(C)C)CCSC)CC4=CC=C(C=C4)O)CC(=O)O)C(=O)N)CCCCN)CO)CCCNC(=N)N)CCCCN DB06283 16135415 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 345.8 ng.h/ml 83.6-608 ng.h/ml intrathecal administration; DRUGBANK 74.2 ng/ml 16.4-132 ng/ml intrathecal administration; DRUGBANK 0.0228 L/h 0.38 ± 0.56 ml/min DRUGBANK 16.2 L/h 270 ± 44 ml/min Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.243 L/h/kg 4.05 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.155 L 155 ± 263 mL Apparent volume of distribution; patients; DRUGBANK 30.46 L 30460±6366 mL Apparent volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.43 L/kg 0.43 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.6 h 4.6±0.9 h elimination half-life; intrathecal administration; patients; DRUGBANK 1.3 h 1.3±0.3 h elimination half-life; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.3 h 1.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.0192 mg/day 19.2 mcg/day intrathecal administration Prialt ziconotide PDR 0.0192 mg/day 0.8 mcg/h intrathecal administration Prialt ziconotide PDR 0.0192 mg/day 19.2 mcg/day intrathecal administration Prialt ziconotide PDR 0.0192 mg/day 0.8 mcg/hour intrathecal administration Prialt ziconotide PDR DDPD06287 Temsirolimus 1030.2871 C56H87NO16 OCC(C)(CO)C(=O)O[C@@H]1CC[C@@H](C[C@@H](C)[C@]2([H])CC(=O)[C@H](C)\C=C(C)\[C@@H](O)[C@@H](OC)C(=O)[C@H](C)C[C@H](C)\C=C\C=C\C=C(C)\[C@@H](OC)C[C@]3([H])CC[C@@H](C)[C@@](O)(O3)C(=O)C(=O)N3CCCC[C@H]3C(=O)O2)C[C@H]1OC DB06287 23724530 79699 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/temsirolimus.html 21468899 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.5-1 h intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 16.2 L/h 16.2 L/h DRUGBANK 0.462 L/h/kg 7.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 172.0 L 172.0 L tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 3.0 L/kg 3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 17.3 h 17.3 h DRUGBANK 54.6 h 54.6 h DRUGBANK 18.0 h 18 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 76.0 % 76 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 4.6 % 4.6 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 87.0 % 87 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 3.57142857142857 mg/day 25 mg/week intravenous injection, IV qw Torisel temsirolimus PDR 3.57142857142857 mg/day 25 mg/week intravenous injection, IV qw Torisel temsirolimus PDR DDPD06288 Amisulpride 369.479 C17H27N3O4S CCN1CCCC1CNC(=O)C1=CC(=C(N)C=C1OC)S(=O)(=O)CC DB06288 2159 64045 2074 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 48.0 % 48 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 12.0 h ~12 h DRUGBANK 17.0 % 17 % DRUGBANK DDPD06290 Simeprevir 749.939 C38H47N5O7S2 [H][C@]12C[C@]1(NC(=O)[C@]1([H])C[C@H](C[C@@]1([H])C(=O)N(C)CCCC\C=C/2)OC1=CC(=NC2=C1C=CC(OC)=C2C)C1=NC(=CS1)C(C)C)C(=O)NS(=O)(=O)C1CC1 DB06290 24873435 134743 http://www.drugs.com/olysio.html 23331536 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 62.0 % 62 % DRUGBANK 5.0 h 4-6 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 41.0 h ~41 h elimination half-life; HCV-positive; DRUGBANK 11.5 h 10-13 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 91.0 % 91 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 31.0 % 31 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.9 % 99.9 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD06292 Dapagliflozin 408.873 C21H25ClO6 CCOC1=CC=C(CC2=C(Cl)C=CC(=C2)[C@@H]2O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]2O)C=C1 DB06292 9887712 85078 http://www.drugs.com/farxiga.html 8063384 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 78.0 % 78 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; patients; fasting; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h PO, oral; high-fat meal; high-fat meal &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.294 L/h/kg 4.9 ml/min/kg Plasma clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.336 L/h 5.6 ml/min Renal clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.18 L/h/kg 3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 118.0 L 118.0 L DRUGBANK 1.7 L/kg 1.7 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 13.8 h 13.8 h DRUGBANK 12.2 h 12.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 75.2 % 75.2 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 21.0 % 21 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 91.0 % 91 % DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Farxiga dapagliflozin PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Farxiga dapagliflozin PDR DDPD06335 Saxagliptin 315.41 C18H25N3O2 [H][C@@]12C[C@]1([H])N([C@@H](C2)C#N)C(=O)[C@@H](N)C12CC3CC(CC(O)(C3)C1)C2 DB06335 11243969 71272 http://www.drugs.com/international/saxagliptin.html 9419005 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 78.0 ng.h/ml 78.0 ng.h/ml Oral single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 214.0 ng.h/ml 214.0 ng.h/ml Oral single dose; Active metabolite; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 67.0 % 67 % DRUGBANK 24.0 ng/ml 24 ng/ml Oral single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 47.0 ng/ml 47 ng/ml Oral single dose; Active metabolite; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h Oral single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h Oral single dose; Active metabolite; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 14.0 L/h 14.0 L/h Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.426 L/h/kg 7.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 151.0 L 151.0 L DRUGBANK 1.8 L/kg 1.8 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h DRUGBANK 3.1 h 3.1 h DRUGBANK 7.5 h 7.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 22.0 % 22 % Faeces excretion; Single dose; DRUGBANK DDPD06401 Bazedoxifene 470.613 C30H34N2O3 CC1=C(N(CC2=CC=C(OCCN3CCCCCC3)C=C2)C2=C1C=C(O)C=C2)C1=CC=C(O)C=C1 DB06401 154257 135947 http://www.drugs.com/international/bazedoxifene.html 135921 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6.0 % ~6 % DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h DRUGBANK 4.5 L/h/kg ~4.0-5 l/h/kg apparent clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.402 L/h/kg 6.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 14.7 L/kg 14.7 ± 3.9 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 15.4 L/kg 15.4 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 30.0 h ~30 h DRUGBANK 30.0 h 30 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 98.5 % 98-99 % DRUGBANK DDPD06402 Telavancin 1755.65 C80H106Cl2N11O27P CCCCCCCCCCNCCN[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O[C@@H]2[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](CO)O[C@H]2OC2=C3OC4=CC=C(C=C4Cl)[C@@H](O)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@@H](CC(C)C)NC)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(N)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H]4C(C=C2OC2=C(Cl)C=C(C=C2)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]2NC(=O)[C@H](NC4=O)C4=CC(=C(O)C=C4)C4=C(O)C(CNCP(O)(O)=O)=C(O)C=C4[C@H](NC2=O)C(O)=O)=C3)O[C@@H](C)[C@H]1O DB06402 3081362 71229 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/telavancin.html 2338980 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 747000.0 ng.h/ml 747±129 ug.h/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 93600.0 ng/ml 93.6±14.2 ug/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 72.0 h 3 day intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.0139 L/h/kg 13.9±2.9 ml/h/kg normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.012 L/h/kg 0.2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.14 L/kg 0.14 L/kg Steady state volume of distribution; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.11 L/kg 0.11 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8±1.5 h elimination half-life; normal renal function; DRUGBANK 6.7 h 6.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Vibativ telavancin PDR 10.0 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Vibativ telavancin PDR DDPD06403 Ambrisentan 378.428 C22H22N2O4 COC([C@H](OC1=NC(C)=CC(C)=N1)C(O)=O)(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB06403 6918493 135949 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ambrisentan.html 5293690 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.28 L/h 38.0 ml/min Average clearance; PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.14 L/h 19.0 ml/min Average clearance; PO, oral; pulmonary arterial hypertension; patients; DRUGBANK 15.0 h 15 h DRUGBANK 3160.0 mg/kg >=3160 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 22.0 % ~22 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.72 % ~0.72 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 96.5 % 96.5 % DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Letairis ambrisentan PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Letairis ambrisentan PDR DDPD06410 Doxercalciferol 412.6478 C28H44O2 [H][C@@]1(CC[C@@]2([H])\C(CCC[C@]12C)=C\C=C1\C[C@@H](O)C[C@H](O)C1=C)[C@H](C)\C=C\[C@H](C)C(C)C DB06410 46705423 4712 http://www.drugs.com/international/doxercalciferol.html 4444554 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 34.5 h 32-37 h DRUGBANK 20.0 mcg/dose 20 mcg/dose PO, oral tiw Hectorol Capsules doxercalciferol PDR 6.0 mcg/dose 6 mcg/dose intravenous injection, IV tiw Hectorol Capsules doxercalciferol PDR 0.00857142857142857 mg/day 60 mcg/week PO, oral Hectorol Capsules doxercalciferol PDR 0.00257142857142857 mg/day 18 mcg/week intravenous injection, IV Hectorol Capsules doxercalciferol PDR 8.0 mcg/dose 8 mcg/dose intravenous injection, IV Hectorol Capsules doxercalciferol PDR 0.00342857142857143 mg/day 24 mcg/week intravenous injection, IV Hectorol Capsules doxercalciferol PDR 0.0035 mg/day 3.5 mcg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Hectorol Capsules doxercalciferol PDR 20.0 mcg/dose 20 mcg/dose PO, oral tiw Hectorol Capsules doxercalciferol PDR 6.0 mcg/dose 6 mcg/dose intravenous injection, IV tiw Hectorol Capsules doxercalciferol PDR 0.00857142857142857 mg/day 60 mcg/week PO, oral Hectorol Capsules doxercalciferol PDR 0.00257142857142857 mg/day 18 mcg/week intravenous injection, IV Hectorol Capsules doxercalciferol PDR 8.0 mcg/dose 8 mcg/dose intravenous injection, IV Hectorol Capsules doxercalciferol PDR 0.00342857142857143 mg/day 24 mcg/week intravenous injection, IV Hectorol Capsules doxercalciferol PDR 0.0035 mg/day 3.5 mcg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Hectorol Capsules doxercalciferol PDR DDPD06412 Oxymetholone 332.484 C21H32O3 [H][C@@]12CC[C@](C)(O)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CC[C@@]2([H])CC(=O)\C(C[C@]12C)=C/O DB06412 5281034 7864 http://www.drugs.com/international/Oxymetholone.html 4444502 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Anadrol-50 oxymetholone PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Anadrol-50 oxymetholone PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Anadrol-50 oxymetholone PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Anadrol-50 oxymetholone PDR DDPD06413 Armodafinil 273.35 C15H15NO2S NC(=O)C[S@@](=O)C(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB06413 9690109 77590 http://www.drugs.com/international/armodafinil.html 7962943 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h PO, oral; food; DRUGBANK 1.98 L/h ~33 ml/min PO, oral; DRUGBANK 42.0 L 42.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 15.0 h ~15 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 60.0 % ~60 % DRUGBANK 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day PO, oral Nuvigil armodafinil PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Nuvigil armodafinil PDR 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day PO, oral Nuvigil armodafinil PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Nuvigil armodafinil PDR 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day PO, oral Nuvigil armodafinil PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Nuvigil armodafinil PDR DDPD06414 Etravirine 435.277 C20H15BrN6O CC1=CC(=CC(C)=C1OC1=C(Br)C(N)=NC(NC2=CC=C(C=C2)C#N)=N1)C#N DB06414 193962 63589 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/etravirine.html 168313 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 25.025 h 9.05-41 h DRUGBANK 93.7 % 93.7 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 1.2 % 1.2 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 99.9 % 99.9 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; DRUGBANK 99.6 % 99.6 % high protein binding; DRUGBANK 98.34 % 97.66-99.02 % high protein binding; DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Intelence etravirine PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Intelence etravirine PDR 250.0 mg/day 250 mg/day PO, oral Intelence etravirine PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Intelence etravirine PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Intelence etravirine PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Intelence etravirine PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Intelence etravirine PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Intelence etravirine PDR DDPD06439 Tyloxapol N.A. N.A. CC(C)(C)CC(C)(C)C1=CC=C(C=C1)O.C=O.C1CO1 DB06439 71388 http://www.drugs.com/ingredient/tyloxapol.html 26330335 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/kg 1000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg 5000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD06441 Cangrelor 776.35 C17H25Cl2F3N5O12P3S2 CSCCNC1=C2N=CN([C@@H]3O[C@H](COP(O)(=O)OP(O)(=O)C(Cl)(Cl)P(O)(O)=O)[C@@H](O)[C@H]3O)C2=NC(SCCC(F)(F)F)=N1 DB06441 9854012 90841 http://www.drugs.com/cons/cangrelor-intravenous.html 8029718 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 43.2 L/h 43.2 L/h Average clearance; DRUGBANK 0.5436 L/h/kg 9.06 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.9 L 3.9 L normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.035 L/kg 0.035 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.075 h ~3-6 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 0.14 h 0.14 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 58.0 % 58 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 35.0 % 35 % Faeces excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 97.5 % ~97-98 % DRUGBANK 0.03 mg/day 30 mcg/day intravenous injection, IV Kengreal cangrelor PDR 5.76 mg/kg/day 4 mcg/kg/min intravenous infusion, iv in drop Kengreal cangrelor PDR 0.03 mg/day 30 mcg/day intravenous injection, IV Kengreal cangrelor PDR 5.76 mg/kg/day 4 mcg/kg/minute intravenous infusion, iv in drop Kengreal cangrelor PDR DDPD06480 Prucalopride 367.87 C18H26ClN3O3 COCCCN1CCC(CC1)NC(=O)C1=C2OCCC2=C(N)C(Cl)=C1 DB06480 3052762 135552 2314539 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 96.5 mn.h/ml 96.5 mn.h/ml DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 3.79 ng/ml 3.79 ng/ml DRUGBANK 2.77 h 2.77 h DRUGBANK 6.0 % 6 % DRUGBANK 17.0 L/h 17.0 L/h Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.273 L/h/kg 4.55 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 623.0 L 623.0 L Average volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 8.73 L/kg 8.73 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 19.0 h ~18-20 h DRUGBANK 22.5 h 22.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 84.0 % 84 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 13.0 % 13 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD06589 Pazopanib 437.518 C21H23N7O2S CN(C1=CC2=NN(C)C(C)=C2C=C1)C1=CC=NC(NC2=CC=C(C)C(=C2)S(N)(=O)=O)=N1 DB06589 10113978 71219 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/pazopanib.html 8289501 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1037000.0 ng.h/ml 1037.0 ug.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 21.0 % 21 % PO, oral; tumor; DRUGBANK 58100.0 ng/ml 58.1 ug/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.24 L/h 4.0 ml/min intravenous injection, IV; tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 0.0036 L/h/kg 0.06 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 11.1 L 11.1 L Steady state volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 0.16 L/kg 0.16 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 35.0 h 35 h DRUGBANK 82.2 % 82.2 % Faeces excretion; tumor; DRUGBANK 4.0 % <4 % Urinary excretion; tumor; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % DRUGBANK 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Votrient pazopanib PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Votrient pazopanib PDR DDPD06590 Ceftaroline fosamil 684.67 C22H21N8O8PS4 [H][C@]12SCC(SC3=NC(=CS3)C3=CC=[N+](C)C=C3)=C(N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)C(=N/OCC)\C1=NSC(NP(O)(O)=O)=N1)C([O-])=O DB06590 9852981 70718 http://www.drugs.com/teflaro.html 8028692 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.016 L/h/kg 83.6 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.3 L 20.3 L Average volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.53 L/kg 0.53 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.6 h 1.60 h DRUGBANK 0.09 h 0.09 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/kg 300.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 3200.0 mg/kg 3200.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 980.0 mg/kg 980.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 6.0 % 6 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 20.0 % ~20 % DRUGBANK 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Teflaro ceftaroline fosamil PDR 36.0 mg/kg/day 36 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Teflaro ceftaroline fosamil PDR 24.0 mg/kg/day 24 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Teflaro ceftaroline fosamil PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Teflaro ceftaroline fosamil PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Teflaro ceftaroline fosamil PDR 36.0 mg/kg/day 36 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Teflaro ceftaroline fosamil PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Teflaro ceftaroline fosamil PDR 24.0 mg/kg/day 24 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Teflaro ceftaroline fosamil PDR 18.0 mg/kg/day 18 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Teflaro ceftaroline fosamil PDR 18.0 mg/kg/day 18 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Teflaro ceftaroline fosamil PDR DDPD06594 Agomelatine 243.301 C15H17NO2 COC1=CC2=C(C=CC=C2CCNC(C)=O)C=C1 DB06594 82148 134990 74141 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.0 % <5 % DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 2.0 h <2 h DRUGBANK 95.0 % >95 % DRUGBANK DDPD06595 Midostaurin 570.649 C35H30N4O4 CO[C@@H]1[C@@H](C[C@H]2O[C@]1(C)N1C3=C(C=CC=C3)C3=C1C1=C(C4=C(C=CC=C4)N21)C1=C3CNC1=O)N(C)C(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB06595 9829523 63452 https://www.drugs.com/history/rydapt.html 8005258 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.0 h 1-3 h PO, oral; patients; fasting; DRUGBANK 1.47 L/h 1.47 L/h DRUGBANK 0.501 L/h 0.501 L/h DRUGBANK 95.2 L 95.2 L DRUGBANK 21.0 h ~21 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 32.0 h 32 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 482.0 h 482 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/kg 300.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 980.0 mg/kg 980.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3200.0 mg/kg 3200.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 3.8 % 3.8 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.8 % >99.8 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; DRUGBANK 100.0 mg 100 mg PO, oral bid Rydapt midostaurin PDR 100.0 mg 100 mg PO, oral bid Rydapt midostaurin PDR DDPD06603 Panobinostat 349.434 C21H23N3O2 CC1=C(CCNCC2=CC=C(\C=C\C(=O)NO)C=C2)C2=CC=CC=C2N1 DB06603 6918837 85990 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/panobinostat.html 5294028 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h DRUGBANK 2.0 % 2 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 3.0 % 3 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 0.612 L/h/kg 10.2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 30.0 h 30 h DRUGBANK 13.1 h 13.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/dose 20 mg/dose PO, oral Farydak panobinostat PDR 10.0 mg/dose 10 mg/dose PO, oral Farydak panobinostat PDR 20.0 mg/dose 20 mg/dose PO, oral Farydak panobinostat PDR 10.0 mg/dose 10 mg/dose PO, oral Farydak panobinostat PDR DDPD06605 Apixaban 459.4971 C25H25N5O4 COC1=CC=C(C=C1)N1N=C(C(N)=O)C2=C1C(=O)N(CC2)C1=CC=C(C=C1)N1CCCCC1=O DB06605 10182969 72296 http://www.drugs.com/eliquis.html 8358471 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % DRUGBANK 44.5 % 43-46 % different study; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % Urinary excretion; Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 3.3 L/h 3.3 L/h DRUGBANK 0.048 L/h/kg 0.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 21.0 L ~21 L DRUGBANK 0.3 L/kg 0.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.7 h 12.7±8.55 h DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 56.0 % 56 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 26.65 % 24.5-28.8 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 93.0 % 92-94 % DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Eliquis apixaban PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Eliquis apixaban PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Eliquis apixaban PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Eliquis apixaban PDR DDPD06608 Tafenoquine 463.501 C24H28F3N3O3 COC1=CC(C)=C2C(OC3=CC=CC(=C3)C(F)(F)F)=C(OC)C=C(NC(C)CCCN)C2=N1 DB06608 141487 103196 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 13.8 h 13.8 h DRUGBANK 6.0 L/h ~6 L/h DRUGBANK 2560.0 L ~2560 L DRUGBANK 336.0 h ~14 day DRUGBANK 99.5 % ~99.5 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/dose 300 mg/dose PO, oral Krintafel tafenoquine PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Krintafel tafenoquine PDR 28.5714285714286 mg/day 200 mg/week PO, oral Krintafel tafenoquine PDR 300.0 mg/dose 300 mg/dose PO, oral Krintafel tafenoquine PDR 300.0 mg/dose 300 mg/dose PO, oral Krintafel tafenoquine PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Krintafel tafenoquine PDR 28.5714285714286 mg/day 200 mg/week PO, oral Krintafel tafenoquine PDR DDPD06614 Peramivir 328.4072 C15H28N4O4 [H][C@@]1([C@@H](NC(C)=O)C(CC)CC)[C@H](O)[C@H](C[C@H]1NC(N)=N)C(O)=O DB06614 154234 85202 135903 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 12.0 mg/kg/dose 12 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Rapivab peramivir PDR 600.0 mg/dose 600 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Rapivab peramivir PDR 12.0 mg/kg/dose/day 12 mg/kg/dose/day intravenous injection, IV qd Rapivab peramivir PDR 600.0 mg/dose 600 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Rapivab peramivir PDR 600.0 mg/dose 600 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Rapivab peramivir PDR 600.0 mg/dose 600 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Rapivab peramivir PDR 12.0 mg/kg/dose/day 12 mg/kg/dose/day intravenous injection, IV Rapivab peramivir PDR 10.0 mg/kg/dose/day 10 mg/kg/dose/day intravenous injection, IV Rapivab peramivir PDR 8.0 mg/kg/dose/day 8 mg/kg/dose/day intravenous injection, IV Rapivab peramivir PDR 6.0 mg/kg/dose/day 6 mg/kg/dose/day intravenous injection, IV Rapivab peramivir PDR DDPD06616 Bosutinib 530.446 C26H29Cl2N5O3 COC1=CC(NC2=C(C=NC3=CC(OCCCN4CCN(C)CC4)=C(OC)C=C23)C#N)=C(Cl)C=C1Cl DB06616 5328940 39112 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/bosutinib.html 4486102 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3650.0 ng.h/ml 3650.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; Chronic myelogenous leukemia; food; DRUGBANK 200.0 ng/ml 200 ng/ml PO, oral; Chronic myelogenous leukemia; food; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 4-6 h Oral single dose; tumor; food; DRUGBANK 189.0 L/h 189.0 L/h Average clearance; Oral single dose; food; DRUGBANK 6080.0 L 6080 ± 1230 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 22.5 h 22.5 h elimination half-life; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 91.3 % 91.3 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 3.0 % 3 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 94.0 % 94 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; Plasma Concentration &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 96.0 % 96 % plasma proteins; in vivo; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Bosulif bosutinib PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Bosulif bosutinib PDR DDPD06626 Axitinib 386.47 C22H18N4OS CNC(=O)C1=C(SC2=CC=C3C(NN=C3\C=C\C3=CC=CC=N3)=C2)C=CC=C1 DB06626 6450551 66910 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/axitinib.html 4953153 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.3 h 2.5-4.1 h DRUGBANK 38.0 L/h 38.0 L/h Average clearance; DRUGBANK 0.3 L/h/kg 5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 160.0 L 160.0 L DRUGBANK 4.3 h 2.5-6.1 h DRUGBANK 4.3 h 4.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 23.0 % 23 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 12.0 % 12 % Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD06636 Isavuconazonium 717.77 C35H35F2N8O5S [H]C(C)(OC(=O)N(C)C1=C(COC(=O)CNC)C=CC=N1)[N+]1=CN(C[C@](O)(C2=C(F)C=CC(F)=C2)[C@@]([H])(C)C2=NC(=CS2)C2=CC=C(C=C2)C#N)N=C1 DB06636 6918606 85978 5293801 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 450.0 L 450.0 L DRUGBANK 105.0 h 80-130 h DRUGBANK 45.0 % 45 % Faeces excretion; Bile excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % DRUGBANK 1116.0 mg/day 1116 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Cresemba isavuconazonium sulfate PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Cresemba isavuconazonium sulfate PDR 1116.0 mg/day 1116 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Cresemba isavuconazonium sulfate PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Cresemba isavuconazonium sulfate PDR DDPD06637 Dalfampridine 94.1145 C5H6N2 NC1=CC=NC=C1 DB06637 T3D2553 1727 34385 http://www.drugs.com/ampyra.html 1664 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 19.45 ng/ml 17.3-21.6 ng/ml PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5 h PO, oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 0.558 L/h/kg 9.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.6 L/kg 2.6 L/kg DRUGBANK 2.6 L/kg 2.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5 h distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 5.47 h 5.47 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 3.6 h 3.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 19.0 mg/kg 19.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 21.0 mg/kg 21.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 19.0 mg/kg 19.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 21.0 mg/kg 21.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 24.5 mg/kg 20-29 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3.7 mg/kg 3.7 mg/kg PO, oral; dog; DRUGBANK 326.0 mg/kg 326.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; rabbit; DRUGBANK 96.0 % 96 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.5 % 0.5 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 2.0 % 1-3 % extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral bid Ampyra dalfampridine PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral bid Ampyra dalfampridine PDR DDPD06654 Safinamide 302.349 C17H19FN2O2 C[C@H](NCC1=CC=C(OCC2=CC(F)=CC=C2)C=C1)C(N)=O DB06654 131682 134718 116349 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h DRUGBANK 0.01753 L/h/kg 17.53±2.71 ml/h/kg Plasma clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0702 L/h/kg 1.17 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.8 L/kg 1.8 L/kg DRUGBANK 2.19 L/kg 2.19 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 22.0 h 22 h DRUGBANK 21.67 h 21.67 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 76.0 % 76 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 1.5 % 1.5 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 89.0 % 88-90 % DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Xadago safinamide PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Xadago safinamide PDR DDPD06663 Pasireotide 1047.2062 C58H66N10O9 NCCCC[C@@H]1NC(=O)[C@@H](CC2=CNC3=C2C=CC=C3)NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@@H]2C[C@H](CN2C(=O)[C@H](CC2=CC=CC=C2)NC(=O)[C@H](CC2=CC=C(OCC3=CC=CC=C3)C=C2)NC1=O)OC(=O)NCCN)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB06663 9941444 72312 http://www.drugs.com/signifor.html 8117062 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.375 h 0.25-0.5 h DRUGBANK 7.6 L/h ~7.6 L/h normal,healthy; patients; DRUGBANK 3.8 L/h ~3.8 L/h Cushing's Disease; patients; DRUGBANK 100.0 L >100 L DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12 h DRUGBANK 48.0 % ~48 % Bile excretion; DRUGBANK 7.63 % ~7.63 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 88.0 % 88 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 1.8 mg/day 1.8 mg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Signifor pasireotide PDR 40.0 mg 40 mg IM,intramuscular injection q4w Signifor pasireotide PDR 60.0 mg 60 mg IM,intramuscular injection q4w Signifor pasireotide PDR 1.8 mg/day 1.8 mg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Signifor pasireotide PDR 40.0 mg 40 mg IM,intramuscular injection q4w Signifor pasireotide PDR 60.0 mg 60 mg IM,intramuscular injection q4w Signifor pasireotide PDR DDPD06684 Vilazodone 441.5249 C26H27N5O2 NC(=O)C1=CC2=CC(=CC=C2O1)N1CCN(CCCCC2=CNC3=C2C=C(C=C3)C#N)CC1 DB06684 6918314 70707 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/vilazodone.html 5293518 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 72.0 % 72 % PO, oral; food; DRUGBANK 22.5 L/h 19.9-25.1 L/h mild renal function; moderate renal function; DRUGBANK 26.65 L/h 26.4-26.9 L/h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.2256 L/h/kg 3.76 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.85 L/kg 4.85 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 25.0 h 25 h DRUGBANK 24.0 h 24±5.2 h Single dose; DRUGBANK 28.9 h 28.9±3.2 h Multiple dose; DRUGBANK 15.66 h 15.66 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 % 1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 2.0 % 2 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 97.5 % 96-99 % DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Viibryd vilazodone hydrochloride PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Viibryd vilazodone hydrochloride PDR DDPD06689 Ethanolamine oleate 343.5444 C20H41NO3 NCCO.CCCCCCCC\C=C/CCCCCCCC(O)=O DB06689 5282489 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/ethanolamine-oleate.html 4445632 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 156.0 mg/kg 156.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 175.0 mg/kg 175.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; dog; DRUGBANK DDPD06690 Nitrous oxide 44.0128 N2O [N-]=[N+]=O DB06690 948 17045 923 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD06691 Mepyramine 285.384 C17H23N3O COC1=CC=C(CN(CCN(C)C)C2=NC=CC=C2)C=C1 DB06691 4992 6762 4818 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD06694 Xylometazoline 244.3752 C16H24N2 CC1=CC(=CC(C)=C1CC1=NCCN1)C(C)(C)C DB06694 5709 10082 5507 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD06695 Dabigatran etexilate 627.7332 C34H41N7O5 CCCCCCOC(=O)\N=C(\N)C1=CC=C(NCC2=NC3=C(C=CC(=C3)C(=O)N(CCC(=O)OCC)C3=NC=CC=C3)N2C)C=C1 DB06695 6445226 70746 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/dabigatran.html 4948999 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.0 % 3-7 % PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h PO, oral; high-fat meal; DRUGBANK 60.0 L 50-70 L DRUGBANK 14.5 h 12-17 h DRUGBANK 7.0 % 7 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 86.0 % 86 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 35.0 % ~35 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Pradaxa dabigatran etexilate mesylate PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Pradaxa dabigatran etexilate mesylate PDR DDPD06697 Artemether 298.3746 C16H26O5 [H][C@@]12CC[C@@H](C)[C@]3([H])CC[C@@]4(C)OO[C@@]13[C@]([H])(O[C@H](OC)[C@@H]2C)O4 DB06697 68911 195280 http://www.drugs.com/pro/coartem.html 62138 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.6 h 1.6±0.7 h distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 2.2 h 2.2±1.9 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 1.6 h 1.6±0.6 h distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 2.2 h 2.2±1.5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 895.0 mg/kg 895.0 mg/kg mouse; DRUGBANK 296.0 mg/kg 296.0 mg/kg mouse; DRUGBANK 597.0 mg/kg 597.0 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 95.4 % 95.4 % human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD06698 Betahistine 136.1943 C8H12N2 CNCCC1=CC=CC=N1 DB06698 2366 35677 2276 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h DRUGBANK DDPD06699 Degarelix 1632.29 C82H103ClN18O16 CC(C)C[C@H](NC(=O)[C@@H](CC1=CC=C(NC(N)=O)C=C1)NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CC=C(NC(=O)[C@@H]2CC(=O)NC(=O)N2)C=C1)NC(=O)[C@H](CO)NC(=O)[C@@H](CC1=CC=CN=C1)NC(=O)[C@@H](CC1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1)NC(=O)[C@@H](CC1=CC=C2C=CC=CC2=C1)NC(C)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCCNC(C)C)C(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C(=O)N[C@H](C)C(N)=O DB06699 16136245 135961 http://www.drugs.com/degarelix.html 17292756 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 330.0 ng/ml 330 ng/ml subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6 h subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 9.0 L/h ~9 L/h subcutaneous injection, SC; metastatic prostate cancer; DRUGBANK 0.0408 L/h/kg 0.68 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.14 L 8.88-11.4 L Total volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 40.9 L 40.9 L Total volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.74 L/kg 0.74 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1340.4 h 41.5-70.2 day terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 32.9 h 32.9 h distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 28.08 h 1.17 day DRUGBANK 18.6 h 18.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 75.0 % 70-80 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 25.0 % 20-30 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 240.0 mg 240 mg subcutaneous injection, SC Firmagon degarelix PDR 240.0 mg 240 mg subcutaneous injection, SC Firmagon degarelix PDR DDPD06700 Desvenlafaxine 263.3752 C16H25NO2 CN(C)CC(C1=CC=C(O)C=C1)C1(O)CCCCC1 DB06700 125017 83527 http://www.drugs.com/ppa/desvenlafaxine-succinate.html 111300 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 7.5 h 7.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.294 L/h/kg 4.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.4 L/kg 3.4 L/kg DRUGBANK 3.5 L/kg 3.5 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 11.1 h 11.1 h terminal half-life; moderate hepatic impairment &#8593; ;severe hepatic impairment &#8593; ;moderate renal function &#8593; ;severe renal function &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 8.4 h 8.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 45.0 % 45 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30 % Plasma Concentration &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Khedezla desvenlafaxine PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Khedezla desvenlafaxine PDR DDPD06701 Dexmethylphenidate 233.3062 C14H19NO2 [H][C@@](C(=O)OC)(C1=CC=CC=C1)[C@@]1([H])CCCCN1 DB06701 T3D4563 154101 51860 135807 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 23.0 % 23 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % PO, oral; Raceme L; DRUGBANK 1.25 h 1-1.5 h PO, oral; Raceme L; DRUGBANK 0.4 L/h/kg 0.4 l/h/kg intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.005 L/h/kg 0.005 l/h/kg Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.4002 L/h/kg 6.67 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.65 L/kg 2.65 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 2.65 L/kg 2.65 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.2 h ~2.2 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 3.85 h 3.8-3.9 h different study; DRUGBANK 5.96 h 5.96 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 5.69 h 5.69 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 190.0 mg/kg 190.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 3.3 % 3.3 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 13.5 % 12-15 % DRUGBANK 15.2 % 15.2±5.2 % Children; DRUGBANK 16.2 % 16.2±1.1 % adults; DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Focalin XR dexmethylphenidate hydrochloride PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Focalin XR dexmethylphenidate hydrochloride PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Focalin XR dexmethylphenidate hydrochloride PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Focalin XR dexmethylphenidate hydrochloride PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Focalin XR dexmethylphenidate hydrochloride PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Focalin XR dexmethylphenidate hydrochloride PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Focalin XR dexmethylphenidate hydrochloride PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Focalin XR dexmethylphenidate hydrochloride PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Focalin XR dexmethylphenidate hydrochloride PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Focalin XR dexmethylphenidate hydrochloride PDR DDPD06702 Fesoterodine 411.5769 C26H37NO3 CC(C)N(CC[C@H](C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=C(OC(=O)C(C)C)C=CC(CO)=C1)C(C)C DB06702 6918558 135920 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/fesoterodine.html 5293755 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 49.5 ng.h/ml 49.5 ng.h/ml DRUGBANK 52.0 % 52 % DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5 h DRUGBANK 14.4 L/h 14.4 L/h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 169.0 L 169.0 L intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 7.5 h 7-8 h Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 681.0 mg/kg ~681 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 316.0 mg/kg ~316 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 7.0 % 7 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % DRUGBANK 8.0 mg/day 8 mg/day PO, oral Toviaz fesoterodine fumarate PDR 8.0 mg/day 8 mg/day PO, oral Toviaz fesoterodine fumarate PDR DDPD06703 Gadobutrol 604.72 C18H31GdN4O9 OC[C@H](O)[C@H](CO)[N+]12CC[N+]3(CC([O-])=O)CC[N+]4(CC([O-])=O)CC[N+](CC([O-])=O)(CC1)[Gd-]234 DB06703 70678987 68841 http://www.drugs.com/international/gadavist.html 28533281 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 665192.0 ng.h/ml 1.1±0.1 mmol.h/L normal renal function; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 0.084 L/h/kg 1.1-1.7 ml/min/kg Renal clearance; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.115 L/h/kg 0.1-0.13 L/h/kg Average clearance; Children; DRUGBANK 0.09 L/h/kg 0.09 L/h/kg Average clearance; Adolescents; DRUGBANK 0.12 L/h/kg 2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.22 L/kg 0.22 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.81 h 1.81(1.33-2.13) h DRUGBANK 1.3 h 1.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.1 ml/kg/dose 0.1 ml/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Gadavist gadobutrol PDR 0.1 mmol/kg/dose 0.1 mmol/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Gadavist gadobutrol PDR 0.1 ml/kg/dose 0.1 ml/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Gadavist gadobutrol PDR 0.1 mmoL/kg/dose 0.1 mmoL/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Gadavist gadobutrol PDR 0.1 ml/kg/dose 0.1 mL/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Gadavist gadobutrol PDR 0.1 mmol/kg/dose 0.1 mmol/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Gadavist gadobutrol PDR 0.1 ml/kg/dose 0.1 ml/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Gadavist gadobutrol PDR 0.1 mmol/kg/dose 0.1 mmol/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Gadavist gadobutrol PDR 0.1 ml/kg/dose 0.1 ml/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Gadavist gadobutrol PDR 0.1 mmoL/kg/dose 0.1 mmoL/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Gadavist gadobutrol PDR 0.1 ml/kg/dose 0.1 ml/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Gadavist gadobutrol PDR 0.1 mmol/kg/dose 0.1 mmol/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Gadavist gadobutrol PDR DDPD06704 Iobenguane 275.0896 C8H10IN3 NC(N)=NCC1=CC(I)=CC=C1 DB06704 60860 92769 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/iobenguane-i-123.html 54847 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 10.0 % <10 % DRUGBANK 13.2 h 13.2 h physical half-life; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/kg 300.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 3200.0 mg/kg 3200.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 980.0 mg/kg 980.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 296.0 MBq/kg 296 MBq/kg intravenous injection, IV Azedra iobenguane I 131 PDR 8.0 mCi/kg 8 mCi/kg intravenous injection, IV Azedra iobenguane I 131 PDR 18500.0 MBq 18500 MBq intravenous injection, IV Azedra iobenguane I 131 PDR 500.0 mCi 500 mCi intravenous injection, IV Azedra iobenguane I 131 PDR 296.0 MBq/kg 296 MBq/kg intravenous injection, IV Azedra iobenguane I 131 PDR 8.0 mCi/kg 8 mCi/kg intravenous injection, IV Azedra iobenguane I 131 PDR 18500.0 MBq 18500 MBq intravenous injection, IV Azedra iobenguane I 131 PDR 500.0 mCi 500 mCi intravenous injection, IV Azedra iobenguane I 131 PDR 296.0 MBq/kg 296 MBq/kg intravenous injection, IV Azedra iobenguane I 131 PDR 8.0 mCi/kg 8 mCi/kg intravenous injection, IV Azedra iobenguane I 131 PDR 18500.0 MBq 18500 MBq intravenous injection, IV Azedra iobenguane I 131 PDR 500.0 mCi 500 mCi intravenous injection, IV Azedra iobenguane I 131 PDR 296.0 MBq/kg 296 MBq/kg intravenous injection, IV Azedra iobenguane I 131 PDR 8.0 mCi/kg 8 mCi/kg intravenous injection, IV Azedra iobenguane I 131 PDR DDPD06705 Gadofosveset trisodium 957.87 C33H38GdN3Na3O14P [Na+].[Na+].[Na+].[Gd+3].[O-]C(=O)CN(CCN(CC([O-])=O)CC([O-])=O)CC(COP([O-])(=O)OC1CCC(CC1)(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1)N(CC([O-])=O)CC([O-])=O DB06705 73049652 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/gadofosveset-trisodium.html 58829621 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.00657 L/h/kg 6.57 ± 0.97 ml/h/kg DRUGBANK 0.048 L/kg 48±16 ml/kg DRUGBANK 18.5 h 18.5 h DRUGBANK 83.5 % ~83.5 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 94.0 % 94 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 4.7 % ~4.7 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 80-90 % DRUGBANK DDPD06707 Levonordefrin 183.2044 C9H13NO3 C[C@H](N)[C@H](O)C1=CC(O)=C(O)C=C1 DB06707 164739 10304 144416 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/day 1000 mg/day Polocaine mepivacaine hydrochloride PDR 7.0 mg/kg 7 mg/kg Polocaine mepivacaine hydrochloride PDR 550.0 mg 550 mg Polocaine mepivacaine hydrochloride PDR DDPD06708 Lumefantrine 528.94 C30H32Cl3NO CCCCN(CCCC)CC(O)C1=C2C(=CC(Cl)=C1)\C(=C/C1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1)C1=C2C=CC(Cl)=C1 DB06708 6437380 156095 http://www.drugs.com/pro/coartem.html 4941944 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 108.0 h ~4.5 day DRUGBANK 99.7 % 99.7 % DRUGBANK DDPD06709 Methacholine 160.234 C8H18NO2 CC(C[N+](C)(C)C)OC(C)=O DB06709 1993 6804 1916 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.38 mg/dose 380 mcg/dose inhalation, IH Provocholine methacholine chloride PDR 0.758516 mg/dose 758.516 mcg/dose inhalation, IH Provocholine methacholine chloride PDR 380.0 mcg/dose 380 mcg/dose inhalation, IH Provocholine methacholine chloride PDR 758.516 mcg/dose 758.516 mcg/dose inhalation, IH Provocholine methacholine chloride PDR 0.38 mg/dose 380 mcg/dose inhalation, IH Provocholine methacholine chloride PDR 0.758516 mg/dose 758.516 mcg/dose inhalation, IH Provocholine methacholine chloride PDR 380.0 mcg/dose 380 mcg/dose inhalation, IH Provocholine methacholine chloride PDR 758.516 mcg/dose 758.516 mcg/dose inhalation, IH Provocholine methacholine chloride PDR DDPD06710 Methyltestosterone 302.451 C20H30O2 [H][C@@]12CC[C@](C)(O)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)CC[C@]12C DB06710 T3D4748 6010 27436 5788 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.0 h 6-8 h DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD06711 Naphazoline 210.2744 C14H14N2 C(C1=NCCN1)C1=CC=CC2=CC=CC=C12 DB06711 4436 93363 4283 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.0 h 2-12 h DRUGBANK 16.0 drop/day 16 drop/day ophthalmic administration Naphazoline naphazoline hydrochloride PDR 16.0 drop/day 16 drop/day ophthalmic administration Naphazoline naphazoline hydrochloride PDR DDPD06716 Fospropofol 288.2766 C13H21O5P CC(C)C1=CC=CC(C(C)C)=C1OCOP(O)(O)=O DB06716 3038498 135193 http://www.drugs.com/ppa/fospropofol.html 2302062 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 19000.0 ng.h/ml 19.0 ug.h/ml intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 78700.0 ng/ml 78.7 ug/ml intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.0666666666666667 h 4 min intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.28 L/h/kg 0.28 L/h/kg Total clearance; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.31 L/h/kg 0.31 L/h/kg Total clearance; patients; DRUGBANK 0.33 L/kg 0.33±0.069 L/kg DRUGBANK 5.8 L/kg 5.8 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.81 h 0.81 h DRUGBANK 1.13 h 1.13 h Metabolite; DRUGBANK 98.0 % ~98 % DRUGBANK DDPD06717 Fosaprepitant 614.4066 C23H22F7N4O6P C[C@@H](O[C@H]1OCCN(CC2=NC(=O)N(N2)P(O)(O)=O)[C@H]1C1=CC=C(F)C=C1)C1=CC(=CC(=C1)C(F)(F)F)C(F)(F)F DB06717 219090 64321 189912 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.116 L/h/kg 18.6 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.07 L/kg 0.07 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 11.0 h 9-13 h DRUGBANK 2.2 h 2.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 95.0 % >95 % DRUGBANK 125.0 mg/day 125 mg/day PO, oral; day1 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral; day2 and day3 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day intravenous injection, IV; day1 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 115.0 mg/day 115 mg/day intravenous injection, IV; day1 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 3.0 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/day PO, oral; day1 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 125.0 mg/day 125 mg/day PO, oral; day1 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day PO, oral; day2 and day3 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral; day2 and day3 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 4.0 mg/kg/day 4 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV; day1 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day intravenous injection, IV; day1 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 3.0 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV; day1 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 115.0 mg/day 115 mg/day intravenous injection, IV; day1 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 3.0 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/day PO, oral; day1 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 125.0 mg/day 125 mg/day PO, oral; day1 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day PO, oral; day2 and day3 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral; day2 and day3 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV; day1 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day intravenous injection, IV; day1 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 3.0 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV; day1 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 115.0 mg/day 115 mg/day intravenous injection, IV; day1 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 125.0 mg/day 125 mg/day PO, oral; day1 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral; day2 and day3 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day intravenous injection, IV; day1 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 130.0 mg/day 130 mg/day intravenous injection, IV; day1 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 125.0 mg/day 125 mg/day PO, oral; day1 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral; day2 and day3 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day intravenous injection, IV; day1 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 115.0 mg/day 115 mg/day intravenous injection, IV; day1 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 125.0 mg/day 125 mg/day PO, oral; day1 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral; day2 and day3 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day intravenous injection, IV; day1 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 130.0 mg/day 130 mg/day intravenous injection, IV; day1 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 3.0 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/day PO, oral; day1 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day PO, oral; day2 and day3 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV; day1 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR 3.0 mg/kg/day 3 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV; day1 Fosaprepitant fosaprepitant PDR DDPD06718 Stanozolol 328.4916 C21H32N2O [H][C@@]12CC[C@](C)(O)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CC[C@@]2([H])CC3=NNC=C3C[C@]12C DB06718 25249 9249 23582 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 24.0 h 24 h DRUGBANK DDPD06723 Aluminum hydroxide 78.0036 AlH3O3 [OH-].[OH-].[OH-].[Al+3] DB06723 10176082 33130 8351587 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 23.5 % 17-30 % DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK DDPD06724 Calcium carbonate 100.087 CCaO3 [Ca++].[O-]C([O-])=O DB06724 10112 3311 9708 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK DDPD06725 Lornoxicam 371.81 C13H10ClN3O4S2 CN1C(C(=O)NC2=CC=CC=N2)=C(O)C2=C(C=C(Cl)S2)S1(=O)=O DB06725 54690031 31783 10442760 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 95.0 % 90-100 % DRUGBANK 66.7 % 66.7 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 33.3 % 33.3 % Renal metabolism; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 3-5 h DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD06729 Sulfaphenazole 314.362 C15H14N4O2S NC1=CC=C(C=C1)S(=O)(=O)NC1=CC=NN1C1=CC=CC=C1 DB06729 5335 77780 http://www.drugs.com/international/sulfabid.html 5144 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD06736 Aceclofenac 354.18 C16H13Cl2NO4 OC(=O)COC(=O)CC1=CC=CC=C1NC1=C(Cl)C=CC=C1Cl DB06736 71771 31159 64809 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.125 h 1.25-3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5.0 L/h ~5 L/h Average clearance; DRUGBANK 25.0 L ~25 L DRUGBANK 4.0 h ~4 h DRUGBANK 75.0 % 70-80 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 20.0 % ~20 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % DRUGBANK DDPD06742 Ambroxol 378.108 C13H18Br2N2O NC1=C(Br)C=C(Br)C=C1CN[C@H]1CC[C@H](O)CC1 DB06742 2132 135590 10276826 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % DRUGBANK 9.5 h 7-12 h DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % DRUGBANK DDPD06751 Drotaverine 397.5072 C24H31NO4 CCOC1=C(OCC)C=C(\C=C2/NCCC3=CC(OCC)=C(OCC)C=C23)C=C1 DB06751 1712095 135630 1361582 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.21 L/h/kg 3.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.9 L/kg 1.9 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 9.5 h 7-12 h DRUGBANK 9.3 h 9.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 87.5 % 80-95 % DRUGBANK DDPD06755 Beta carotene 536.888 C40H56 C\C(\C=C\C=C(/C)\C=C\C1=C(C)CCCC1(C)C)=C/C=C/C=C(\C)/C=C/C=C(\C)/C=C/C1=C(C)CCCC1(C)C DB06755 5280489 17579 4444129 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 26.3 ng.h/ml 26.3 mcg.h/L Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 0.58 ng/ml 0.58 mcg/L Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 0.00036508384 mg/L/h 0.68 nmol/L/h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 180.0 h 4-11 day DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5000 mg/kg DRUGBANK DDPD06756 Glycine betaine 117.1463 C5H11NO2 C[N+](C)(C)CC([O-])=O DB06756 247 17750 http://www.drugs.com/pro/cystadane.html 242 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 105431.67 ng/ml 0.9±0.2 mM Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 0.9 h 0.9±0.3 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 0.084 L/h/kg 84.0 ml/h/kg DRUGBANK 1.38 L/kg 1.3 L/kg DRUGBANK 14.0 h 14 h DRUGBANK DDPD06757 Manganese 54.938 Mn [Mn++] DB06757 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/pdfs/ATSDR MRLs - May 2021 - H.pdf 27854 29035 http://www.drugs.com/pro/manganese.html 25916 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3e-07 mg/L 0.3 ug/m3 inhalation, IH; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK DDPD06762 Pinacidil 245.33 C13H19N5 CC(N\C(NC#N)=N\C1=CC=NC=C1)C(C)(C)C DB06762 91706 4660 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.3408 L/h/kg 5.68 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.1 L/kg 1.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD06764 Tetryzoline 200.285 C13H16N2 C1CN=C(N1)C1CCCC2=CC=CC=C12 DB06764 5419 28674 http://www.drugs.com/international/tetryzoline.html 5226 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD06766 Alcaftadine 307.3895 C19H21N3O CN1CCC(CC1)=C1C2=NC=C(C=O)N2CCC2=CC=CC=C12 DB06766 19371515 71023 http://www.drugs.com/pro/lastacaft.html 14201635 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h elimination half-life; skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 39.2 % 39.2 % DRUGBANK 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration qd Lastacaft alcaftadine PDR 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration qd Lastacaft alcaftadine PDR 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration qd Lastacaft alcaftadine PDR 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration qd Lastacaft alcaftadine PDR DDPD06767 Ammonium chloride 53.49 ClH4N [NH4+].[Cl-] DB06767 25517 31206 23807 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % DRUGBANK 1650.0 mg/kg 1650.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD06768 Ammonium lactate 107.1085 C3H9NO3 [NH4+].CC(O)C([O-])=O DB06768 62358 56149 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 12.0 % 12 % skin/dermal; human cadaver; DRUGBANK 15.0 ml/kg >15 mL/kg DRUGBANK DDPD06769 Bendamustine 358.263 C16H21Cl2N3O2 CN1C(CCCC(O)=O)=NC2=CC(=CC=C12)N(CCCl)CCCl DB06769 65628 135515 59069 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 42.0 L/h 700.0 ml/min DRUGBANK 0.2694 L/h/kg 4.49 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 22.5 L ~20-25 L DRUGBANK 0.22 L/kg 0.22 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.666666666666667 h 40 min DRUGBANK 0.41 h 0.41 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % Urinary excretion; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; tumor; DRUGBANK 25.0 % ~25 % Faeces excretion; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; tumor; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 94-96 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/m2 100 mg/m2 Treanda bendamustine hydrochloride PDR 120.0 mg/m2 120 mg/m2 Treanda bendamustine hydrochloride PDR 100.0 mg/m2 100 mg/m2 Treanda bendamustine hydrochloride PDR 120.0 mg/m2 120 mg/m2 Treanda bendamustine hydrochloride PDR DDPD06770 Benzyl alcohol 108.1378 C7H8O OCC1=CC=CC=C1 DB06770 244 17987 13860335 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1250.0 mg/kg 1250.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/kg 400.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg 2000.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; rabbit; DRUGBANK 53.0 mg/kg 53.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2500.0 mg/kg 2500.0 mg/kg PO, oral; guinea pigs; DRUGBANK 1.0 application/week 1 application/week Ulesfia benzyl alcohol PDR 1.0 appLication/week 1 appLication/week Ulesfia benzyl alcohol PDR 0.142857142857143 application/day 1 application/week Ulesfia benzyl alcohol PDR 1.0 appLication/week 1 appLication/week Ulesfia benzyl alcohol PDR DDPD06771 Besifloxacin 393.84 C19H21ClFN3O3 N[C@@H]1CCCCN(C1)C1=C(F)C=C2C(=O)C(=CN(C3CC3)C2=C1Cl)C(O)=O DB06771 10178705 135622 http://www.drugs.com/besivance.html 8354210 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % DRUGBANK 7.0 h 7 h elimination half-life; Multiple dose; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day ophthalmic administration Besivance besifloxacin PDR 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day ophthalmic administration Besivance besifloxacin PDR 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day ophthalmic administration Besivance besifloxacin PDR 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day ophthalmic administration Besivance besifloxacin PDR DDPD06772 Cabazitaxel 835.9324 C45H57NO14 [H][C@]12[C@H](OC(=O)C3=CC=CC=C3)[C@]3(O)C[C@H](OC(=O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](NC(=O)OC(C)(C)C)C4=CC=CC=C4)C(C)=C([C@@H](OC)C(=O)[C@]1(C)[C@H](C[C@H]1OC[C@@]21OC(C)=O)OC)C3(C)C DB06772 9854073 63584 http://www.drugs.com/pro/jevtana.html 8029779 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 991.0 ng.h/ml 991.0 ng.h/ml intravenous injection, IV; metastatic prostate cancer; DRUGBANK 226.0 ng/ml 226 ng/ml intravenous injection, IV; metastatic prostate cancer; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h intravenous injection, IV; metastatic prostate cancer; DRUGBANK 95.0 % >95 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 48.5 L/h 48.5 L/h Plasma clearance; metastatic prostate cancer; DRUGBANK 0.66 L/h/kg 11 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4864.0 L 4864.0 L at steady state; DRUGBANK 48.0 L/kg 48 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.0666666666666667 h 4 min distribution half-life; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h elimination half-life; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 95.0 h 95 h terminal half-life; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 74.5 h 74.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 500.0 mg/kg 500.0 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~80 % intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 82.0 % 82 % human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 25.0 mg/m2 25 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV q3w Jevtana cabazitaxel PDR 25.0 mg/m2 25 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV q3w Jevtana cabazitaxel PDR DDPD06774 Capsaicin 305.4119 C18H27NO3 COC1=C(O)C=CC(CNC(=O)CCCC\C=C\C(C)C)=C1 DB06774 1548943 3374 http://www.drugs.com/ppa/capsaicin.html 1265957 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 70.0 % 50-90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.47 ng/ml 2.47±0.13 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.86 ng/ml 1.86 ng/ml skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.785 h 47.1±2.0 min PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.415 h ~24.9±5.0 min PO, oral; DRUGBANK 24.0 h ~24 h skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 1.64 h 1.64 h elimination half-life; Transdermal preparations; DRUGBANK 47.2 mg/kg 47.2 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 512.0 mg/kg >512 mg/kg skin/dermal; mouse; DRUGBANK 10.0 % <10 % Faeces excretion; animals; DRUGBANK 4.0 application/day 4 application/day skin/dermal Qutenza capsaicin PDR 4.0 application/day 4 application/day skin/dermal Qutenza capsaicin PDR 4.0 application/day 4 application/day skin/dermal Qutenza capsaicin PDR 4.0 patches/treatment 4 patches/treatment Transdermal preparations Qutenza capsaicin PDR 4.0 appLication/day 4 appLication/day skin ointment;skin/dermal; Qutenza capsaicin PDR 5.0 times/day 5 times/day skin/dermal Qutenza capsaicin PDR 4.0 application/day 4 application/day skin/dermal Qutenza capsaicin PDR 4.0 patches/treatment 4 patches/treatment Transdermal preparations Qutenza capsaicin PDR 4.0 application/day 4 application/day skin ointment;skin/dermal; Qutenza capsaicin PDR 5.0 times/day 5 times/day skin/dermal Qutenza capsaicin PDR DDPD06775 Carglumic acid 190.154 C6H10N2O5 NC(=O)N[C@@H](CCC(O)=O)C(O)=O DB06775 121396 71028 http://www.drugs.com/carbaglu.html 108351 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30 % DRUGBANK 2600.0 ng/ml 2.6(1.9-4.8) ug/ml DRUGBANK 342.0 L/h 5.7(3.0-9.7) L/min apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 17.4 L/h 290.0 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 2657.0 L 2657.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 5.6 h 5.6(4.3-9.5) h terminal half-life; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/kg >1000 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 9.0 % 9 % Urinary excretion; Single dose; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % Faeces excretion; Single dose; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK DDPD06777 Chenodeoxycholic acid 392.572 C24H40O4 [H][C@@]1(CC[C@@]2([H])[C@]3([H])[C@H](O)C[C@]4([H])C[C@H](O)CC[C@]4(C)[C@@]3([H])CC[C@]12C)[C@H](C)CCC(O)=O DB06777 10133 16755 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/chenodiol.html 9728 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.342 L/h/kg 5.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.19 L/kg 0.19 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.42 h 1.42 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD06778 Cupric sulfate 159.609 CuO4S [Cu++].[O-]S([O-])(=O)=O DB06778 24462 23414 22870 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 40.0 % 20-60 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 1-3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 552.0 h 13-33 day elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/kg 300.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD06781 Difluprednate 508.5515 C27H34F2O7 [H][C@@]12CC[C@](OC(=O)CCC)(C(=O)COC(C)=O)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1(F)[C@@]2([H])C[C@H](F)C2=CC(=O)C=C[C@]12C DB06781 443936 31485 http://www.drugs.com/durezol.html 391990 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 78.5 % 78.5 % Single dose; rabbit; DRUGBANK 99.5 % 99.5 % Single dose; rabbit; DRUGBANK 4.0 drop/day 4 drop/day ophthalmic administration Durezol difluprednate PDR 4.0 drop/day 4 drop/day ophthalmic administration Durezol difluprednate PDR 4.0 drop/day 4 drop/day ophthalmic administration Durezol difluprednate PDR 4.0 drop/day 4 drop/day ophthalmic administration Durezol difluprednate PDR 4.0 drop/day 4 drop/day ophthalmic administration Durezol difluprednate PDR DDPD06782 Dimercaprol 124.225 C3H8OS2 OCC(S)CS DB06782 3080 64198 2971 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 105.0 mg/kg ~105 mg/kg IM,intramuscular injection; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 140.0 mg/kg 140.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; DRUGBANK DDPD06783 Prussian blue 859.239 C18Fe7N18 [Fe+3].[Fe+3].[Fe+3].[Fe+3].N#C[Fe-4](C#N)(C#N)(C#N)(C#N)C#N.N#C[Fe-4](C#N)(C#N)(C#N)(C#N)C#N.N#C[Fe-4](C#N)(C#N)(C#N)(C#N)C#N DB06783 2724251 30069 20074656 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.0 % 2 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK DDPD06784 Gallium citrate Ga-67 256.0279 C6H5GaO7 [67Ga+3].OC(CC([O-])=O)(CC([O-])=O)C([O-])=O DB06784 65430 31645 http://www.drugs.com/pro/gallium-citrate-ga-67.html 58893 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 78.26 h 78.26 h DRUGBANK DDPD06785 Ganirelix 1570.35 C80H113ClN18O13 CCNC(NCC)=NCCCC[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CC=C(O)C=C1)NC(=O)[C@H](CO)NC(=O)[C@@H](CC1=CC=CN=C1)NC(=O)[C@@H](CC1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1)NC(=O)[C@@H](CC1=CC2=CC=CC=C2C=C1)NC(C)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCCN=C(NCC)NCC)C(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C(=O)N[C@H](C)C(N)=O DB06785 16130957 135910 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/ganirelix.html 17287671 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 17.75 % 17.1-18.4 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 2.4 L/h 2.4 L/h Single dose; DRUGBANK 3.3 L/h 3.3 L/h Multiple dose; DRUGBANK 0.0378 L/h/kg 0.63 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 43.7 L 43.7 L Average volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.21 L/kg 0.21 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 16.2 h 16.2 h DRUGBANK 9.09 h 9.09 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 75.1 % 75.1 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 22.1 % 22.1 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 81.9 % 81.9 % DRUGBANK 0.25 mg/day 250 mcg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Ganirelix Acetate ganirelix acetate PDR DDPD06786 Halcinonide 454.96 C24H32ClFO5 [H][C@@]12C[C@H]3OC(C)(C)O[C@@]3(C(=O)CCl)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1(F)[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)CC[C@]12C DB06786 443943 31663 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/halog.html 391997 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD06787 Hexocyclium 317.496 C20H33N2O C[N+]1(C)CCN(CC(O)(C2CCCCC2)C2=CC=CC=C2)CC1 DB06787 24199 5707 22621 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD06788 Histrelin 1443.632 C70H94N18O16 CC(O)=O.CC(O)=O.CCNC(=O)[C@@H]1CCCN1C(=O)[C@H](CCCNC(N)=N)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(C)C)NC(=O)[C@@H](CC1=CN(CC2=CC=CC=C2)C=N1)NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CC=C(O)C=C1)NC(=O)[C@H](CO)NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CNC2=C1C=CC=C2)NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CNC=N1)NC(=O)[C@@H]1CCC(=O)N1 DB06788 56927879 63530 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/histrelin-implant.html 26606349 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.1 ng/ml 1.10±0.375 ng/ml subdermal implant; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12 h subdermal implant; DRUGBANK 10.44 L/h 174.0 ml/min Average clearance; metastatic prostate cancer; patients; DRUGBANK 58.4 L 58.4±7.86 L Apparent volume of distribution; subcutaneous injection, SC; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.0 1 subdermal implant Supprelin LA histrelin acetate PDR 1.0 1 subdermal implant Supprelin LA histrelin acetate PDR 1.0 1 subdermal implant Supprelin LA histrelin acetate PDR 1.0 1 subdermal implant Supprelin LA histrelin acetate PDR DDPD06789 Hydroxyprogesterone caproate 428.6041 C27H40O4 [H][C@@]12CC[C@](OC(=O)CCCCC)(C(C)=O)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)CC[C@]12C DB06789 169870 5812 http://www.drugs.com/makena.html 148552 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 384.0 h 16±6 day DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % Faeces excretion; IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 30.0 % ~30 % Urinary excretion; IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 35.7142857142857 mg/day 250 mg/week IM,intramuscular injection qw Makena hydroxyprogesterone caproate PDR 39.2857142857143 mg/day 275 mg/week subcutaneous injection, SC qw Makena hydroxyprogesterone caproate PDR 375.0 mg/dose 375 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Makena hydroxyprogesterone caproate PDR 1000.0 mg/dose 1000 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Makena hydroxyprogesterone caproate PDR 5.10204081632653 mg/day 250 mg/week IM,intramuscular injection qw Makena hydroxyprogesterone caproate PDR 5.61224489795918 mg/day 275 mg/week subcutaneous injection, SC qw Makena hydroxyprogesterone caproate PDR 375.0 mg/dose 375 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Makena hydroxyprogesterone caproate PDR 375.0 mg/dose 375 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Makena hydroxyprogesterone caproate PDR 375.0 mg/dose 375 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Makena hydroxyprogesterone caproate PDR 1000.0 mg/dose 1000 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection Makena hydroxyprogesterone caproate PDR DDPD06791 Lanreotide 1096.33 C54H69N11O10S2 [H]N([H])CCCCC1N([H])C(=O)C(CC2=CN([H])C3=CC=CC=C23)N([H])C(=O)C(CC2=CC=C(O)C=C2)N([H])C(=O)C(CSSCC(N([H])C(=O)C(N([H])C1=O)C(C)C)C(=O)N([H])C(C(C)O)C(=O)N([H])[H])N([H])C(=O)C(CC1=CC2=CC=CC=C2C=C1)N([H])[H] DB06791 71349 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/lanreotide.html 64450 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 23.1 L/h 23.1 L/h DRUGBANK 0.342 L/h/kg 5.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 15.1 L 15.1 L DRUGBANK 0.2 L/kg 0.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 528.0 h ~22 day DRUGBANK 1.03 h 1.03 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 % <5 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.5 % <0.5 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 4.28571428571429 mg/day 120 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC q4w Somatuline Depot lanreotide PDR 4.28571428571429 mg/day 120 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC q4w Somatuline Depot lanreotide PDR DDPD06792 Lanthanum carbonate 457.835 C3La2O9 [La+3].[La+3].[O-]C([O-])=O.[O-]C([O-])=O.[O-]C([O-])=O DB06792 168924 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/lanthanum-carbonate.html 147758 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.002 % <0.002 % Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 0.002 % <0.002 % Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 53.0 h 53 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 99.0 % ~99 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 94.0 % ~94 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; dog; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4500.0 mg/day 4500 mg/day PO, oral Fosrenol lanthanum carbonate PDR 4500.0 mg/day 4500 mg/day PO, oral Fosrenol lanthanum carbonate PDR DDPD06794 Lodoxamide 311.63 C11H6ClN3O6 OC(=O)C(=O)NC1=CC(=CC(NC(=O)C(O)=O)=C1Cl)C#N DB06794 44564 135333 http://www.drugs.com/pro/alomide.html 40543 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 8.5 h 8.5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 8.0 drop/day 8 drop/day ophthalmic administration Alomide lodoxamide tromethamine PDR 8.0 drop/day 8 drop/day ophthalmic administration Alomide lodoxamide tromethamine PDR 8.0 drop/day 8 drop/day ophthalmic administration Alomide lodoxamide tromethamine PDR 8.0 drop/day 8 drop/day ophthalmic administration Alomide lodoxamide tromethamine PDR DDPD06795 Mafenide 186.232 C7H10N2O2S NCC1=CC=C(C=C1)S(N)(=O)=O DB06795 3998 6633 http://www.drugs.com/international/Mafenide.html 3858 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 0 Sulfamylon Cream mafenide acetate PDR DDPD06796 Mangafodipir 691.382 C22H30MnN4O14P2 [Mn++].CC1=C(O)C(CN(CCN(CC([O-])=O)CC2=CC(COP(O)(O)=O)=NC(C)=C2O)CC([O-])=O)=CC(COP(O)(O)=O)=N1 DB06796 131704299 32700460 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.186 L/h/kg ~3.1 ml/min/kg Total clearance; dog; DRUGBANK 1.0 L/kg 0.5-1.5 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.333333333333333 h ~20 min distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 0.833333333333333 h 50 min DRUGBANK 3456.91 mg/kg 5.0 mmol/kg mouse; DRUGBANK 17.5 % ~15-20 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 27.0 % ~27 % DRUGBANK DDPD06797 Mebutamate 232.2768 C10H20N2O4 CCC(C)C(C)(COC(N)=O)COC(N)=O DB06797 31804 5919 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD06799 Methenamine 140.1863 C6H12N4 C1N2CN3CN1CN(C2)C3 DB06799 4101 6824 https://www.drugs.com/mtm/methenamine.html 3959 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h elimination half-life; normal renal function; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Hiprex methenamine hippurate PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Hiprex methenamine hippurate PDR 73.6 mg/kg/day 73.6 mg/kg/day PO, oral Hiprex methenamine hippurate PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Hiprex methenamine hippurate PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Hiprex methenamine hippurate PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Hiprex methenamine hippurate PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Hiprex methenamine hippurate PDR 4000.0 mg/kg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Hiprex methenamine hippurate PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2 g/day PO, oral Hiprex methenamine hippurate PDR DDPD06800 Methylnaltrexone 356.441 C21H26NO4 C[N@+]1(CC2CC2)CC[C@]23[C@H]4OC5=C(O)C=CC(C[C@@H]1[C@]2(O)CCC4=O)=C35 DB06800 16089915 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/methylnaltrexone.html 17248532 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 175.0 ng.h/ml 175.0 ng.h/ml DRUGBANK 117.0 ng/ml 117 ng/ml DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h increasing doses; increasing doses &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % DRUGBANK 1.3 % 1.3 % DRUGBANK 0.63 L/h/kg 10.5±1.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.32 L/h/kg 22 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.1 L/kg 1.1 L/kg Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 2.6 L/kg 2.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.89 h 8.89±2.59 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 7.485 h 6.14-8.83 h subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 50.0 mg/kg 50.0 mg/kg primate; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 50.0 % <50 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 85 % Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 13.0 % 11-15 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.15 mg/kg/day 0.15 mg/kg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Relistor methylnaltrexone bromide PDR 8.0 mg/day 8 mg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Relistor methylnaltrexone bromide PDR 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Relistor methylnaltrexone bromide PDR 0.15 mg/kg/day 0.15 mg/kg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Relistor methylnaltrexone bromide PDR 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Relistor methylnaltrexone bromide PDR 450.0 mg/day 450 mg/day PO, oral Relistor methylnaltrexone bromide PDR 0.15 mg/kg/day 0.15 mg/kg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Relistor methylnaltrexone bromide PDR 8.0 mg/day 8 mg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Relistor methylnaltrexone bromide PDR 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Relistor methylnaltrexone bromide PDR 0.15 mg/kg/day 0.15 mg/kg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Relistor methylnaltrexone bromide PDR 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Relistor methylnaltrexone bromide PDR 450.0 mg/day 450 mg/day PO, oral Relistor methylnaltrexone bromide PDR DDPD06802 Nepafenac 254.2839 C15H14N2O2 NC(=O)CC1=CC=CC(C(=O)C2=CC=CC=C2)=C1N DB06802 151075 75922 http://www.drugs.com/ppa/nepafenac.html 133160 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 85.0 % ~85 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.0 % ~6 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 95.4 % 95.4 % high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 99.1 % 99.1 % high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day ophthalmic administration Ilevro nepafenac PDR 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration Ilevro nepafenac PDR 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day ophthalmic administration Ilevro nepafenac PDR 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration Ilevro nepafenac PDR 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day ophthalmic administration Ilevro nepafenac PDR 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration Ilevro nepafenac PDR 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day ophthalmic administration Ilevro nepafenac PDR 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration Ilevro nepafenac PDR DDPD06803 Niclosamide 327.12 C13H8Cl2N2O4 OC1=C(C=C(Cl)C=C1)C(=O)NC1=C(Cl)C=C(C=C1)[N+]([O-])=O DB06803 T3D3891 4477 7553 http://www.drugs.com/cons/niclosamide.html 4322 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD06809 Plerixafor 502.782 C28H54N8 C(N1CCCNCCNCCCNCC1)C1=CC=C(CN2CCCNCCNCCCNCC2)C=C1 DB06809 65015 125354 http://www.drugs.com/ppa/plerixafor.html 58531 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.24 ng/mg 0.24 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.5-1 h subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 4.38 L/h 4.38 L/h Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 3.15 L/h 3.15 L/h Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.3 L/kg 0.3 L/kg DRUGBANK 4.4 h 4.4 h elimination half-life; Non-Hodgkin lymphoma; patients; DRUGBANK 5.6 h 5.6 h elimination half-life; multiple myeloma; patients; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5 h elimination half-life; Hodgkin's lymphoma; DRUGBANK 0.3 h 0.3 h distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 16.3 mg/kg 16.3 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 50.0 mg/kg >50 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5.2 mg/kg 5.2 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 58.0 % 58 % DRUGBANK 0.24 mg/kg 0.24 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC qid Mozobil plerixafor PDR 80.0 mg/day 20 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC qid Mozobil plerixafor PDR 0.24 mg/kg 0.24 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC qid Mozobil plerixafor PDR 160.0 mg/day 40 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC qid Mozobil plerixafor PDR 0.24 mg/kg 0.24 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC qid Mozobil plerixafor PDR 80.0 20 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC qid Mozobil plerixafor PDR 0.24 mg/kg 0.24 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC qid Mozobil plerixafor PDR 160.0 40 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC qid Mozobil plerixafor PDR DDPD06810 Plicamycin 1085.1454 C52H76O24 CO[C@@H]([C@@H]1CC2=CC3=CC(O[C@H]4C[C@@H](O[C@H]5C[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](C)O5)[C@H](O)[C@@H](C)O4)=C(C)C(O)=C3C(O)=C2C(=O)[C@H]1O[C@H]1C[C@@H](O[C@H]2C[C@@H](O[C@H]3C[C@](C)(O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](C)O3)[C@@H](O)[C@@H](C)O2)[C@H](O)[C@@H](C)O1)C(=O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H](C)O DB06810 163659 31856 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/plicamycin.html 143544 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 67.0 % 67 % mouse; DRUGBANK 75.0 % 75 % mouse; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD06811 Polidocanol 582.8073 C30H62O10 CCCCCCCCCCCCOCCOCCOCCOCCOCCOCCOCCOCCOCCO DB06811 656641 46859 http://www.drugs.com/international/asclera.html 570993 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.25 h 15 min DRUGBANK 18.0 L/h 0.2-0.4 L/min Total clearance; DRUGBANK 58.5 L 35-82 L intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.5 h ~1.5 h DRUGBANK 5.0 ml/dose 5 ml/dose Varithena polidocanol PDR 15.0 ml/session 15 ml/session Varithena polidocanol PDR 0.3 ml/dose 0.3 ml/dose Varithena polidocanol PDR 10.0 ml/session 10 ml/session Varithena polidocanol PDR 5.0 ml/dose 5 ml/dose Varithena polidocanol PDR 15.0 ml/session 15 ml/session Varithena polidocanol PDR 0.3 ml/dose 0.3 ml/dose Varithena polidocanol PDR 10.0 ml/session 10 ml/session Varithena polidocanol PDR DDPD06812 Povidone-iodine N.A. N.A. C=CN1CCCC1=O.II DB06812 410087 8347 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 8000.0 mg/kg 8000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 8100.0 mg/kg 8100.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1.0 appLication 1 appLication ophthalmic administration Betadine 5% povidone iodine PDR 3.0 appLication/day 3 appLication/day skin/dermal; up to 7 days Betadine 5% povidone iodine PDR 1.0 application 1 application ophthalmic administration Betadine 5% povidone iodine PDR 3.0 application/day 3 application/day skin/dermal; up to 7 days Betadine 5% povidone iodine PDR DDPD06813 Pralatrexate 477.4726 C23H23N7O5 NC1=NC2=NC=C(CC(CC#C)C3=CC=C(C=C3)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCC(O)=O)C(O)=O)N=C2C(N)=N1 DB06813 148121 71223 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/pralatrexate.html 130578 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 16.5 % 13-20 % DRUGBANK 11.46 L/h 191.0 ml/min DRUGBANK 25.02 L/h 417.0 ml/min DRUGBANK 13.2 L/h 220.0 ml/min Average clearance; DRUGBANK 37.0 L 37.0 L DRUGBANK 105.0 L 105.0 L DRUGBANK 15.0 h 12-18 h DRUGBANK 35.0 % 35 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 76.5 % 67-86 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 30.0 mg/m2 30 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV qw Folotyn pralatrexate PDR 30.0 mg/m2 30 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV qw Folotyn pralatrexate PDR DDPD06815 Pyrithione 127.16 C5H5NOS [O-][N+]1=C(S)C=CC=C1 DB06815 26041 36584 10446934 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 85.0 % 80-90 % skin/dermal; rabbit; monkey; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 177.0 mg/kg 177.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 160.0 mg/kg 160.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/kg 100.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; rabbit; DRUGBANK 3.0 % 3 % Urinary excretion; animals; DRUGBANK DDPD06816 Pyrvinium 382.53 C26H28N3 CN(C)C1=CC2=C(C=C1)[N+](C)=C(\C=C\C1=C(C)N(C(C)=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1)C=C2 DB06816 5281035 8687 21125 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK DDPD06817 Raltegravir 444.4163 C20H21FN6O5 CN1C(=O)C(O)=C(N=C1C(C)(C)NC(=O)C1=NN=C(C)O1)C(=O)NCC1=CC=C(F)C=C1 DB06817 54671008 http://www.drugs.com/monograph/isentress.html 16445111 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 9.0 h 9 h DRUGBANK 83.0 % 83 % DRUGBANK 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Isentress raltegravir PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Isentress raltegravir PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Isentress raltegravir PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Isentress raltegravir PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Isentress raltegravir PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Isentress raltegravir PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Isentress raltegravir PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Isentress raltegravir PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Isentress raltegravir PDR 160.0 mg/day 160 mg/day Liquid Isentress raltegravir PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Isentress raltegravir PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day Liquid Isentress raltegravir PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Isentress raltegravir PDR 1600.0 mg/day 1600 mg/day PO, oral Isentress raltegravir PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day Isentress raltegravir PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Isentress raltegravir PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Isentress raltegravir PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Isentress raltegravir PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Isentress raltegravir PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Isentress raltegravir PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Isentress raltegravir PDR 1600.0 mg/day 1600 mg/day PO, oral Isentress raltegravir PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day Isentress raltegravir PDR 160.0 mg/day 160 mg/day Liquid Isentress raltegravir PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Isentress raltegravir PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day Liquid Isentress raltegravir PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day Liquid Isentress raltegravir PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day Liquid Isentress raltegravir PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day Liquid Isentress raltegravir PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day Liquid Isentress raltegravir PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day Liquid Isentress raltegravir PDR 16.0 mg/day 16 mg/day Liquid Isentress raltegravir PDR 7.0 mg/day 7 mg/day Liquid Isentress raltegravir PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day Liquid Isentress raltegravir PDR 4.0 mg/day 4 mg/day Liquid Isentress raltegravir PDR DDPD06819 Phenylbutyric acid 164.2011 C10H12O2 OC(=O)CCCC1=CC=CC=C1 DB06819 4775 41500 https://www.drugs.com/cdi/sodium-phenylbutyrate.html 4611 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 218000.0 ng/ml 218 mcg/ml Tablet, PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 195000.0 ng/ml 195 mcg/ml PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 0.21 L/kg 0.21 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.77 h 0.77 h DRUGBANK 1.15 h 1.15 h DRUGBANK 20000.0 mg/day 20 g/day Buphenyl sodium phenylbutyrate PDR 20000.0 mg/day 20 g/day Buphenyl sodium phenylbutyrate PDR 20000.0 mg/day 20 g/day Buphenyl sodium phenylbutyrate PDR 20000.0 mg/day 20 g/day Buphenyl sodium phenylbutyrate PDR 20.0 g/day 20 g/day Buphenyl sodium phenylbutyrate PDR 20000.0 mg/day 20 g/day Buphenyl sodium phenylbutyrate PDR DDPD06820 Sulconazole 397.74 C18H15Cl3N2S ClC1=CC=C(CSC(CN2C=CN=C2)C2=C(Cl)C=C(Cl)C=C2)C=C1 DB06820 5318 77776 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/sulconazole-topical.html 5127 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 8.71 % 8.71 % skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 6.7 % ~6.7 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 2.01 % ~2.01 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 2.0 appLication/day 2 appLication/day Exelderm Cream sulconazole nitrate PDR 2.0 application/day 2 application/day Exelderm Cream sulconazole nitrate PDR DDPD06823 Tiopronin 163.19 C5H9NO3S CC(S)C(=O)NCC(O)=O DB06823 5483 32229 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/tiopronin.html 5283 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 63.0 % 63 % PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 3-6 h PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 12.5 % 10-15 % hydrolysis; DRUGBANK 3.3 L/h 3.3 L/h Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 13.3 L/h 13.3 L/h Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.0888 L/h/kg 1.48 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 455.0 L 455.0 L DRUGBANK 1.39 L/kg 1.39 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 53.0 h 53 h terminal half-life; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1.8 h DRUGBANK 55.0 h 55 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 50.0 mg/kg/day 50 mg/kg/day PO, oral Thiola EC tiopronin PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day PO, oral Thiola EC tiopronin PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3000 mg/day PO, oral Thiola EC tiopronin PDR 50.0 mg/kg/day 50 mg/kg/day PO, oral Thiola EC tiopronin PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day PO, oral Thiola EC tiopronin PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3000 mg/day PO, oral Thiola EC tiopronin PDR DDPD06824 Triethylenetetramine 146.2339 C6H18N4 NCCNCCNCCN DB06824 5565 39501 21106175 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 19.0 % 8-30 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.4 h 0.8-4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 393.0 L 393.0 L Total volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 252.0 L 252.0 L Total volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 2.65 h 1.3-4 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.65 h 1.3-4 h elimination half-life; Wilson's disease; patients; DRUGBANK 2500.0 mg/kg 2500.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1600.0 mg/kg 1600.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 5500.0 mg/kg 5500.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/day 1500 mg/day PO, oral Syprine trientine hydrochloride PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day PO, oral Syprine trientine hydrochloride PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day PO, oral Syprine trientine hydrochloride PDR 2000.0 mg/day 2000 mg/day PO, oral Syprine trientine hydrochloride PDR DDPD06825 Triptorelin 1311.473 C64H82N18O13 CC(C)C[C@H](NC(=O)[C@@H](CC1=CNC2=CC=CC=C12)NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CC=C(O)C=C1)NC(=O)[C@H](CO)NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CNC2=C1C=CC=C2)NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CNC=N1)NC(=O)[C@@H]1CCC(=O)N1)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCNC(N)=N)C(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C(=O)NCC(N)=O DB06825 25074470 63633 http://www.drugs.com/search.php?searchterm=triptorelin 17290424 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 12.714 L/h 211.9 ml/min Total clearance; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.1602 L/h/kg 2.67 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 31.5 L 30-33 L intravenous injection, IV; Single dose; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.4 L/kg 0.4 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.1 h 6 min distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 45 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 2.81 h 2.81 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 22.5 mg/dose 22.5 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection; nan q24w Triptodur triptorelin PDR 0.133928571428571 mg/day 3.75 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection; nan q4w Triptodur triptorelin PDR 11.25 mg/dose 11.25 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection; nan q12w Triptodur triptorelin PDR 22.5 mg/dose 22.5 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection; nan q24w Triptodur triptorelin PDR 22.5 mg/dose 22.5 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection; nan q24w Triptodur triptorelin PDR 0.133928571428571 mg/dose 3.75 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection q4w Triptodur triptorelin PDR 11.25 mg/dose 11.25 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection; nan q12w Triptodur triptorelin PDR 22.5 mg/dose 22.5 mg/dose IM,intramuscular injection; nan q24w Triptodur triptorelin PDR DDPD06826 Unoprostone 382.541 C22H38O5 CCCCCCCC(=O)CC[C@H]1[C@H](O)C[C@H](O)[C@@H]1C\C=C/CCCC(O)=O DB06826 5311236 39455 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/unoprostone-drops.html 4470755 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.5 ng/ml <1.5 ng/ml ophthalmic administration; DRUGBANK 0.233333333333333 h 14 min DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/kg 1.0 g/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 93.5 mg/kg 93500.0 ug/kg intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK DDPD07565 Chloramphenicol succinate 423.202 C15H16Cl2N2O8 O[C@@H]([C@@H](COC(=O)CCC(O)=O)NC(=O)C(Cl)Cl)C1=CC=C(C=C1)[N+]([O-])=O DB07565 656580 3606 570947 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 11210.0 ng/ml 11.21±3.42 ug/ml DRUGBANK 1.65 h 0.3-3 h DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h DRUGBANK 32.1 L/h 530-540 ml/min Total clearance; normal renal function; normal hepatic function; patients; DRUGBANK 21.24 L/h 354.0 ml/min Total clearance; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; hepatopathy,LD; patients; DRUGBANK 14.46 L/h 222-260 ml/min Renal clearance; normal renal function; normal hepatic function; patients; DRUGBANK 3.96 L/h 66.0 ml/min Renal clearance; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; hepatopathy,LD; patients; DRUGBANK 1.65 L/kg 0.2-3.1 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.65 h 0.6-2.7 h normal renal function; normal hepatic function; patients; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30(6-80) % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 74.5 % 57-92 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD08439 Parecoxib 370.422 C19H18N2O4S CCC(=O)NS(=O)(=O)C1=CC=C(C=C1)C1=C(C)ON=C1C1=CC=CC=C1 DB08439 119828 73038 106990 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.366666666666667 h 22 min DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8 h DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % DRUGBANK DDPD08604 Triclosan 289.542 C12H7Cl3O2 OC1=CC(Cl)=CC=C1OC1=C(Cl)C=C(Cl)C=C1 DB08604 T3D3939 5564 164200 5363 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 21.0 h 21 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 3700.0 mg/kg 3700.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 9300.0 mg/kg 9300.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 3700.0 mg/kg 3700.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 9300.0 mg/kg 9300.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; rabbit; DRUGBANK 12.0 % 12 % Faeces excretion; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD08797 Salicylamide 137.136 C7H7NO2 NC(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1O DB08797 5147 32114 4963 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1890.0 mg/kg 1890.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD08799 Antazoline 265.3529 C17H19N3 C(N(CC1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=NCCN1 DB08799 2200 84115 2115 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.1802 L/h/kg 19.67 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.9 L/kg 3.9 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.29 h 2.29 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD08801 Dimetindene 292.418 C20H24N2 CC(C1=C(CCN(C)C)CC2=CC=CC=C12)C1=CC=CC=N1 DB08801 21855 135222 20541 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.2898 L/h/kg 4.83 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.16 L/kg 2.16 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.6 h 4.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD08804 Nandrolone decanoate 428.6472 C28H44O3 [H][C@@]12CC[C@H](OC(=O)CCCCCCCCC)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@]1([H])[C@@]3([H])CCC(=O)C=C3CC[C@@]21[H] DB08804 9677 7467 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/nandrolone.html 9296 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 58.0 % 58 % DRUGBANK DDPD08809 Dichloroacetic acid 128.942 C2H2Cl2O2 OC(=O)C(Cl)Cl DB08809 T3D4690 6597 36386 10771217 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.318 L/h/kg 5.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.19 L/kg 0.19 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.65 h 0.65 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2820.0 mg/kg 2820.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 510.0 mg/kg 510.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; rabbit; DRUGBANK 2820.0 mg/kg 2820.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 510.0 mg/kg 510.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; rabbit; DRUGBANK DDPD08814 Triflusal 248.157 C10H7F3O4 CC(=O)OC1=C(C=CC(=C1)C(F)(F)F)C(O)=O DB08814 9458 94721 9086 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 91.5 % 83-100 % DRUGBANK 11600.0 ng/ml 11.6 mcg/ml DRUGBANK 92700.0 ng/ml 92.7 mcg/ml DRUGBANK 0.88 h 0.88 h DRUGBANK 4.96 h 4.96 h DRUGBANK 0.8 L/h 0.8±0.2 L/h Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.18 L/h 0.18±1 0.04 L/h Renal clearance; Drug combination; DRUGBANK 34.0 L 34.0 L DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5±0.1 h DRUGBANK 34.3 h 34.3±5.3 h Metabolite; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD08815 Lurasidone 492.676 C28H36N4O2S [H][C@@]12[C@H]3CC[C@H](C3)[C@]1([H])C(=O)N(C[C@@H]1CCCC[C@H]1CN1CCN(CC1)C1=NSC3=CC=CC=C13)C2=O DB08815 213046 70735 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/lurasidone.html 184739 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 14.0 % 9-19 % DRUGBANK 2.5 h 1-4 h DRUGBANK 3.5 h 1.5-5.5 h PO, oral; food; DRUGBANK 234.12 L/h 3902.0 ml/min DRUGBANK 6173.0 L 6173.0 L DRUGBANK 18.0 h 18 h DRUGBANK 33.0 h 29-37 h DRUGBANK 9.0 % ~9 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~80 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % ~99 % DRUGBANK 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Latuda lurasidone hydrochloride PDR 160.0 mg/day 160 mg/day PO, oral Latuda lurasidone hydrochloride PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Latuda lurasidone hydrochloride PDR 160.0 mg/day 160 mg/day PO, oral Latuda lurasidone hydrochloride PDR DDPD08816 Ticagrelor 522.568 C23H28F2N6O4S CCCSC1=NC2=C(N=NN2[C@@H]2C[C@H](OCCO)[C@@H](O)[C@H]2O)C(N[C@@H]2C[C@H]2C2=CC(F)=C(F)C=C2)=N1 DB08816 9871419 68558 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ticagrelor.html 8047109 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6675.0 ng.h/ml 6675.0 ng.h/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 2538.0 ng.h/ml 2538.0 ng.h/ml Oral single dose; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 36.0 % 36 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 923.0 ng/ml 923 ng/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 264.0 ng/ml 264 ng/ml Oral single dose; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3.0 h Oral single dose; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 0.00584 L/h 0.00584 L/h Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.2028 L/h/kg 3.38 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 88.0 L 88.0 L Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 1.25 L/kg 1.25 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.0 h ~8 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 12.0 h ~12 h elimination half-life; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 6.8 h 6.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 57.8 % 57.8 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 26.5 % 26.5 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 180.0 mg/day 180 mg/day PO, oral Brilinta ticagrelor PDR 180.0 mg/day 180 mg/day PO, oral Brilinta ticagrelor PDR DDPD08818 Hyaluronic acid 776.6486 C28H44N2O23 CC(=O)N[C@H]1[C@H](O)O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)C1O[C@@H]1O[C@@H]([C@@H](O[C@@H]2O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)C(O[C@@H]3O[C@@H]([C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]3O)C(O)=O)[C@H]2NC(C)=O)[C@H](O)[C@H]1O)C(O)=O DB08818 24759 23145 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2400.0 mg/kg >2400 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 4000.0 mg/kg >4000 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/kg 1500.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD08819 Tafluprost 452.5313 C25H34F2O5 CC(C)OC(=O)CCC\C=C/C[C@H]1[C@@H](O)C[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1\C=C\C(F)(F)COC1=CC=CC=C1 DB08819 9868491 66899 http://www.drugs.com/zioptan.html 8044182 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0688333333333333 ng.h/ml 394-432 pg.min/ml ophthalmic administration; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 0.026 ng/ml 26 pg/ml ophthalmic administration; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 0.166666666666667 h 10 min ophthalmic administration; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration qd Zioptan tafluprost PDR 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration qd Zioptan tafluprost PDR DDPD08820 Ivacaftor 392.4907 C24H28N2O3 CC(C)(C)C1=CC(=C(O)C=C1NC(=O)C1=CNC2=CC=CC=C2C1=O)C(C)(C)C DB08820 16220172 66901 http://www.drugs.com/kalydeco.html 17347474 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 10600.0 ng.h/ml 10600.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; high-fat meal; high-fat meal &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 768.0 ng/ml 768 ng/ml PO, oral; high-fat meal; high-fat meal &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h PO, oral; high-fat meal; high-fat meal &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 17.3 L/h 17.3 L/h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 353.0 L 353(122) L Apparent volume of distribution; PO, oral; normal,healthy; food; DRUGBANK 12.0 h ~12 h terminal half-life; Single dose; DRUGBANK 13.0 h 12-14 h different study; DRUGBANK 87.8 % 87.8 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 99.0 % ~99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Kalydeco ivacaftor PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Kalydeco ivacaftor PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Kalydeco ivacaftor PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Kalydeco ivacaftor PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Kalydeco ivacaftor PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Kalydeco ivacaftor PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Kalydeco ivacaftor PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Kalydeco ivacaftor PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Kalydeco ivacaftor PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Kalydeco ivacaftor PDR DDPD08822 Azilsartan medoxomil 568.5336 C30H24N4O8 CCOC1=NC2=C(N1CC1=CC=C(C=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1C1=NOC(=O)N1)C(=CC=C2)C(=O)OCC1=C(C)OC(=O)O1 DB08822 11238823 68845 http://www.drugs.com/ingredient/azilsartan-medoxomil.html 9413866 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 2.25 h 1.5-3 h PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 16.0 L 16.0 L DRUGBANK 11.0 h 11 h DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD08823 Spinosad 1477.963 C83H132N2O20 [H][C@]1(C[C@@]2([H])C=C[C@@]3([H])[C@]4([H])CC(=O)O[C@@]([H])(CC)CCC[C@]([H])(O[C@@]5([H])CC[C@]([H])(N(C)C)[C@@]([H])(C)O5)[C@@]([H])(C)C(=O)C4=C[C@@]3([H])[C@]2([H])C1)O[C@]1([H])O[C@@]([H])(C)[C@]([H])(OC)[C@@]([H])(OC)[C@@]1([H])OC.[H][C@]1(C[C@@]2([H])C(C)=C[C@@]3([H])[C@]4([H])CC(=O)O[C@@]([H])(CC)CCC[C@]([H])(O[C@@]5([H])CC[C@]([H])(N(C)C)[C@@]([H])(C)O5)[C@@]([H])(C)C(=O)C4=C[C@@]3([H])[C@]2([H])C1)O[C@]1([H])O[C@@]([H])(C)[C@]([H])(OC)[C@@]([H])(OC)[C@@]1([H])OC DB08823 17754356 39211 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/spinosad-topical.html 16736513 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 120.0 ml/application 120 ml/application Natroba spinosad PDR 120.0 ml/appLication 120 ml/appLication Natroba spinosad PDR 120.0 ml/application 120 ml/application Natroba spinosad PDR 120.0 ml/appLication 120 ml/appLication Natroba spinosad PDR DDPD08824 Ioflupane I-123 427.291 C18H23FINO2 [H][C@]12CC[C@]([H])([C@H]([C@H](C1)C1=CC=C([123I])C=C1)C(=O)OC)N2CCCF DB08824 3086674 68855 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/ioflupane-i-123.html 2343241 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 13.2 h 13.2 h DRUGBANK 60.0 % ~60 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 14.0 % ~14 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD08826 Deferiprone 139.1519 C7H9NO2 CN1C=CC(=O)C(O)=C1C DB08826 2972 68554 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/deferiprone.html 2866 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h PO, oral; food; DRUGBANK 1.0 L/kg 1.0 L/kg normal,healthy; patients; DRUGBANK 1.6 L/kg 1.6 L/kg thalassemia; patients; DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.9 h DRUGBANK 10.0 % <10 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 99.0 mg/kg/day 99 mg/kg/day PO, oral Ferriprox Tablets deferiprone PDR 99.0 mg/kg/day 99 mg/kg/day PO, oral Ferriprox Tablets deferiprone PDR 0.0 0 Ferriprox Tablets deferiprone PDR 0.0 0 Ferriprox Tablets deferiprone PDR DDPD08827 Lomitapide 693.7204 C39H37F6N3O2 FC(F)(F)CNC(=O)C1(CCCCN2CCC(CC2)NC(=O)C2=C(C=CC=C2)C2=CC=C(C=C2)C(F)(F)F)C2=CC=CC=C2C2=CC=CC=C12 DB08827 9853053 72297 http://www.drugs.com/juxtapid.html 8028764 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.0 % 7 % Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 0.522 L/h/kg 8.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1138.5 L 985-1292 L Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 16.3 L/kg 16.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 39.7 h ~39.7 h DRUGBANK 39.7 h 39.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 56.2 % ~52.9-59.5 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 34.25 % ~33.4-35.1 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 99.8 % ~99.8 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Juxtapid lomitapide PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Juxtapid lomitapide PDR DDPD08828 Vismodegib 421.297 C19H14Cl2N2O3S CS(=O)(=O)C1=CC(Cl)=C(C=C1)C(=O)NC1=CC=C(Cl)C(=C1)C1=CC=CC=N1 DB08828 24776445 66903 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/vismodegib.html 23337846 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 31.8 % 31.8 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.0006 L/h/kg 0.01 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 21.5 L 16.4-26.6 L DRUGBANK 0.23 L/kg 0.23 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 288.0 h 12 day Single dose; DRUGBANK 96.0 h 4 day Multiple dose; DRUGBANK 245.0 h 245 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 82.0 % 82 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 4.4 % 4.4 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Erivedge vismodegib PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Erivedge vismodegib PDR DDPD08842 Acetylcarnitine 203.238 C9H17NO4 CC(=O)O[C@H](CC([O-])=O)C[N+](C)(C)C DB08842 7045767 57589 5406074 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD08860 Pitavastatin 421.4608 C25H24FNO4 O[C@H](C[C@H](O)\C=C\C1=C(C2=CC=C(F)C=C2)C2=CC=CC=C2N=C1C1CC1)CC(O)=O DB08860 5282452 32020 http://www.drugs.com/ppa/pitavastatin.html 4445604 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 51.0 % 51 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 43.4 L/h 43.4 L/h apparent clearance; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 0.351 L/h/kg 5.85 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 148.0 L 148.0 L DRUGBANK 0.9 L/kg 0.9 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.0 h ~12 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 4.6 h 4.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 15.0 % 15 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 79.0 % 79 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.0 mg/day 4 mg/day PO, oral Livalo pitavastatin PDR 4.0 mg/day 4 mg/day PO, oral Livalo pitavastatin PDR 4.0 mg/day 4 mg/day PO, oral Livalo pitavastatin PDR 4.0 mg/day 4 mg/day PO, oral Livalo pitavastatin PDR DDPD08862 Cholecystokinin N.A. N.A. CCC(C)C(C(=O)NC(CO)C(=O)NC(CC(=O)O)C(=O)NC(CCCNC(=N)N)C(=O)NC(CC(=O)O)C(=O)NC(C1=CC=C(C=C1)OS(=O)(=O)O)C(=O)NC(CCSC)C(=O)NCC(=O)NC(CC2=CNC3=CC=CC=C32)C(=O)NC(CCSC)C(=O)NC(CC(=O)O)C(=O)NC(CC4=CC=CC=C4)C(=O)N)NC(=O)C(CCCNC(=N)N)NC(=O)C(CC5=CNC=N5)NC(=O)C(CO)NC(=O)C6CCCN6C(=O)C(CC(=O)O)NC(=O)C(CC(C)C)NC(=O)C(CC(=O)N)NC(=O)C(CCC(=O)N)NC(=O)C(CC(C)C)NC(=O)C(CC(=O)N)NC(=O)C(CCCCN)NC(=O)C(C(C)C)NC(=O)C(C(C)CC)NC(=O)C(CO)NC(=O)C(CCSC)NC(=O)C(CCCNC(=N)N)NC(=O)CNC(=O)C(CO)NC(=O)C7CCCN7C(=O)C(C)NC(=O)C(CCCCN)N DB08862 16129670 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0416666666666667 h 2.5 min DRUGBANK 2730.0 mg/kg 2730.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD08864 Rilpivirine 366.4185 C22H18N6 CC1=CC(\C=C\C#N)=CC(C)=C1NC1=CC=NC(NC2=CC=C(C=C2)C#N)=N1 DB08864 6451164 68606 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/rilpivirine.html 4953643 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2235.0 ng.h/ml 2235.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 11.15 L/h 10.5-11.8 L/h apparent clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 162.5 L 152-173 L Apparent volume of distribution; AIDS,HIV; patients; DRUGBANK 44.5 h 34-55 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 85 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 6.0 % 6 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 25.0 mg/day 25 mg/day PO, oral Edurant rilpivirine PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Edurant rilpivirine PDR 25.0 mg/day 25 mg/day PO, oral Edurant rilpivirine PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Edurant rilpivirine PDR 25.0 mg/day 25 mg/day PO, oral Edurant rilpivirine PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Edurant rilpivirine PDR 25.0 mg/day 25 mg/day PO, oral Edurant rilpivirine PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Edurant rilpivirine PDR DDPD08865 Crizotinib 450.337 C21H22Cl2FN5O [H][C@](C)(OC1=CC(=CN=C1N)C1=CN(N=C1)C1CCNCC1)C1=C(Cl)C=CC(F)=C1Cl DB08865 11626560 64310 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/crizotinib.html 9801307 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 43.0 % 43 % Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 4-6 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 360.0 h 15 day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.585 L/h/kg 9.75 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1772.0 L 1772.0 L Average volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 22.15 L/kg 22.15 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 42.0 h 42 h terminal half-life; patients; DRUGBANK 38.9 h 38.9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 63.0 % 63 % Faeces excretion; Single dose; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 22.0 % 22 % Urinary excretion; Single dose; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 53.0 % 53 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 2.3 % 2.3 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 91.0 % 91 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 500.0 mg/day 500 mg/day PO, oral Xalkori crizotinib PDR 500.0 mg/day 500 mg/day PO, oral Xalkori crizotinib PDR DDPD08867 Ulipristal 433.592 C28H35NO3 CN(C)C1=CC=C(C=C1)[C@H]1C[C@@]2(C)[C@@H](CC[C@]2(O)C(C)=O)[C@@H]2CCC3=CC(=O)CCC3=C12 DB08867 13559281 71025 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ulipristal.html 19349271 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 556.0 ng.h/ml 556±260 ng.h/ml Oral single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 176.0 ng/ml 176±89 ng/ml Oral single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h Oral single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 76.8 L/h 76.8±64.0 L/h Average clearance; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 32.4 h 32.4±6.3 h elimination half-life; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 94.0 % >94 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 30.0 mg/dose 30 mg/dose PO, oral Ella ulipristal acetate PDR 30.0 mg/dose 30 mg/dose PO, oral Ella ulipristal acetate PDR DDPD08868 Fingolimod 307.4708 C19H33NO2 CCCCCCCCC1=CC=C(CCC(N)(CO)CO)C=C1 DB08868 107970 63115 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/fingolimod.html 97087 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 91.5 % 90-93 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 14.0 h 12-16 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1080.0 h 1-2 month PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.3 L/h 6.3±2.3 L/h DRUGBANK 0.0918 L/h/kg 1.53 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1200.0 L 1200±260 L DRUGBANK 17.3 L/kg 17.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 180.0 h 6-9 day DRUGBANK 180.0 h 6-9 day Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 144.0 h 144 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 450.0 mg/kg 300-600 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 99.7 % >99.7 % DRUGBANK 0.5 mg/day 0.5 mg/day PO, oral Gilenya fingolimod PDR 0.25 mg/day 0.25 mg/day PO, oral Gilenya fingolimod PDR 0.5 mg/day 0.5 mg/day PO, oral Gilenya fingolimod PDR 0.5 mg/day 0.5 mg/day PO, oral Gilenya fingolimod PDR 0.25 mg/day 0.25 mg/day PO, oral Gilenya fingolimod PDR 0.5 mg/day 0.5 mg/day PO, oral Gilenya fingolimod PDR DDPD08869 Tesamorelin 5005.76 C216H360N72O63S CC\C=C\CC(=O)N[C@@H](CC1=CC=C(O)C=C1)C(=O)N[C@@H](C)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(O)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](C)C(=O)N[C@@H](C(C)CC)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC1=CC=CC=C1)C(=O)N[C@@H](C(C)O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(N)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CO)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC1=CC=C(O)C=C1)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCNC(N)=N)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(=O)N[C@@H](C(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C(=O)NCC(=O)N[C@@H](CCC(N)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@H](CO)C(=O)N[C@@H](C)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCNC(N)=N)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCC(N)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(O)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](C(C)CC)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCSC)C(=O)N[C@@H](CO)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCNC(N)=N)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCC(N)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCC(N)=O)C(=O)NCC(=O)N[C@@H](CCC(N)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CO)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(N)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCC(N)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCNC(N)=N)C(=O)NCC(=O)N[C@@H](C)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCNC(N)=N)C(=O)N[C@@H](C)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCNC(N)=N)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C(N)=O DB08869 56928011 63626 http://www.drugs.com/egrifta.html 34999256 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.0 % <4 % subcutaneous injection, SC; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 9.4 L/kg 9.4±3.1 L/kg normal,healthy; patients; DRUGBANK 10.5 L/kg 10.5±6.1 L/kg AIDS,HIV; patients; DRUGBANK 0.433333333333333 h 26 min normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.633333333333333 h 38 min AIDS,HIV; patients; DRUGBANK 1.4 mg/day 1.4 mg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Egrifta tesamorelin PDR 2.0 mg/day 2 mg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Egrifta tesamorelin PDR 1.4 mg/day 1.4 mg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Egrifta tesamorelin PDR 2.0 mg/day 2 mg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Egrifta tesamorelin PDR DDPD08871 Eribulin 729.908 C40H59NO11 [H][C@@]12CC(=C)[C@]([H])(CC[C@@]3([H])C[C@@H](C)C(=C)[C@@]([H])(C[C@]4([H])O[C@H](C[C@H](O)CN)[C@H](OC)[C@@]4([H])CC(=O)C[C@@]4([H])CC[C@]5([H])O[C@@]6([H])[C@H]7O[C@@]8(C[C@]7([H])O[C@@]6([H])[C@@]([H])(O8)[C@@]5([H])O4)CC1)O3)O2 DB08871 73425383 63587 http://www.drugs.com/halaven.html 24721813 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.79 L/h/m2 1.16-2.42 L/h/m2 DRUGBANK 0.045 L/h/kg 0.75 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 78.5 L/m2 43-114 L/m2 DRUGBANK 1.46 L/kg 1.46 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 40.0 h ~40 h DRUGBANK 37.8 h 37.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 57.0 % 49-65 % DRUGBANK 1.4 mg/m2 1.4 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Halaven eribulin mesylate PDR 1.4 mg/m2 1.4 mg/m2 intravenous injection, IV Halaven eribulin mesylate PDR DDPD08872 Gabapentin enacarbil 329.393 C16H27NO6 CC(C)C(=O)OC(C)OC(=O)NCC1(CC(O)=O)CCCCC1 DB08872 9883933 68840 http://www.drugs.com/sfx/gabapentin-enacarbil-side-effects.html 8059607 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6.0 L/h 5.0-7 L/h Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 76.0 L 76.0 L DRUGBANK 5.55 h 5.1-6.0 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 94.0 % 94 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 3.0 % <3 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD08873 Boceprevir 519.6767 C27H45N5O5 [H][C@]12CN([C@H](C(=O)NC(CC3CCC3)C(=O)C(N)=O)[C@@]1([H])C2(C)C)C(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)NC(C)(C)C)C(C)(C)C DB08873 10324367 68621 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/boceprevir.html 8499830 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h DRUGBANK 161.0 L/h 161.0 L/h Average clearance; DRUGBANK 772.0 L 772.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; at steady state; DRUGBANK 3.4 h 3.4 h DRUGBANK 79.0 % 79 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 9.0 % 9 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 75.0 % ~75 % plasma proteins; Single dose; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2400.0 mg/day 2400 mg/day PO, oral Victrelis boceprevir PDR 2400.0 mg/day 2400 mg/day PO, oral Victrelis boceprevir PDR DDPD08874 Fidaxomicin 1058.05 C52H74Cl2O18 [H][C@@]1(O[C@@H]2[C@@H](CC)\C=C(C)\[C@@H](O)C\C=C\C=C(CO[C@@H]3O[C@H](C)[C@@H](OC(=O)C4=C(CC)C(Cl)=C(O)C(Cl)=C4O)[C@H](O)[C@@H]3OC)\C(=O)O[C@@H](C\C=C(/C)\C=C2/C)[C@@H](C)O)OC(C)(C)[C@@H](OC(=O)C(C)C)[C@H](O)[C@@H]1O DB08874 70678896 68590 http://www.drugs.com/ppa/fidaxomicin.html 8209640 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.2 ng/ml 5.20±2.81 ng/ml PO, oral; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 12.0 ng/ml 12.0±6.06 ng/ml PO, oral; normal,healthy; adults; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h DRUGBANK 11.7 h 11.7±4.80 h normal,healthy; adults; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 200.0 mg/kg ~200 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Dificid fidaxomicin PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Dificid fidaxomicin PDR DDPD08875 Cabozantinib 501.514 C28H24FN3O5 COC1=CC2=C(C=C1OC)C(OC1=CC=C(NC(=O)C3(CC3)C(=O)NC3=CC=C(F)C=C3)C=C1)=CC=N2 DB08875 25102847 72317 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/cabozantinib.html 25948202 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.5 h 2-5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.4 L/h 4.4 L/h at steady state; DRUGBANK 349.0 L 349.0 L DRUGBANK 55.0 h 55 h DRUGBANK 54.0 % 54 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 27.0 % 27 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 99.7 % >99.7 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 140.0 mg/day 140 mg/day PO, oral Cometriq cabozantinib PDR 180.0 mg/day 180 mg/day PO, oral Cometriq cabozantinib PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Cometriq cabozantinib PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Cometriq cabozantinib PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Cometriq cabozantinib PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Cometriq cabozantinib PDR 140.0 mg/day 140 mg/day PO, oral Cometriq cabozantinib PDR 180.0 mg/day 180 mg/day PO, oral Cometriq cabozantinib PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Cometriq cabozantinib PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day PO, oral Cometriq cabozantinib PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Cometriq cabozantinib PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Cometriq cabozantinib PDR DDPD08877 Ruxolitinib 306.365 C17H18N6 N#CC[C@H](C1CCCC1)N1C=C(C=N1)C1=C2C=CNC2=NC=N1 DB08877 25126798 66919 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/ruxolitinib.html 25027389 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 198.830885 ng/ml 649 nmol/L PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 18.7 L/h 18.7 L/h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 76.6 L 76.6 L normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.8 h 2.8 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 74.0 % 74 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 22.0 % 22 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral bid Jakafi ruxolitinib PDR 25.0 mg/day 25 mg/day PO, oral bid Jakafi ruxolitinib PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral bid Jakafi ruxolitinib PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral bid Jakafi ruxolitinib PDR 25.0 mg/day 25 mg/day PO, oral bid Jakafi ruxolitinib PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral bid Jakafi ruxolitinib PDR DDPD08880 Teriflunomide 270.2073 C12H9F3N2O2 C\C(O)=C(/C#N)C(=O)NC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(F)(F)F DB08880 54684141 68540 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/teriflunomide.html 16737143 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.5 h 1-4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0305 L/h 30.5 ml/h Total clearance; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.00042 L/h/kg 0.007 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 11.0 L 11.0 L intravenous injection, IV; Single dose; DRUGBANK 0.16 L/kg 0.16 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 444.0 h 18-19 day DRUGBANK 350.0 h 350 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 37.5 % 37.5 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 22.6 % 22.6 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 14.0 mg/day 14 mg/day PO, oral Aubagio teriflunomide PDR 14.0 mg/day 14 mg/day PO, oral Aubagio teriflunomide PDR DDPD08881 Vemurafenib 489.922 C23H18ClF2N3O3S CCCS(=O)(=O)NC1=C(F)C(C(=O)C2=CNC3=NC=C(C=C23)C2=CC=C(Cl)C=C2)=C(F)C=C1 DB08881 42611257 63637 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/vemurafenib.html 24747352 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 601000.0 ng.h/ml 601.0 mcg.h/ml PO, oral; patients; DRUGBANK 62000.0 ng/ml 62 mcg/ml PO, oral; patients; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h PO, oral; patients; DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.29166666666667 L/h 31.0 L/day Total clearance; DRUGBANK 106.0 L 106.0 L DRUGBANK 57.0 h 57(30-120) h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 94.0 % 94 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % 1 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % DRUGBANK 1920.0 mg/day 1920 mg/day PO, oral Zelboraf vemurafenib PDR 1920.0 mg/day 1920 mg/day PO, oral Zelboraf vemurafenib PDR DDPD08882 Linagliptin 472.5422 C25H28N8O2 CC#CCN1C(=NC2=C1C(=O)N(CC1=NC3=C(C=CC=C3)C(C)=N1)C(=O)N2C)N1CCC[C@@H](N)C1 DB08882 10096344 68610 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/linagliptin.html 8271879 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % Urinary excretion; Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 22.44 L/h 374.0 ml/min Total clearance; DRUGBANK 0.114 L/h/kg 1.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1110.0 L 1110.0 L intravenous injection, IV; Single dose; DRUGBANK 960.0 L 380-1540 L intravenous infusion, IV in drop; Single dose; DRUGBANK 16.0 L/kg 16 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 155.0 h 155 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 129.0 h 129 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 84.7 % 84.7 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 5.4 % 5.4 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % DRUGBANK 82.0 % 75-89 % DRUGBANK 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral Tradjenta linagliptin PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral Tradjenta linagliptin PDR DDPD08883 Perampanel 349.393 C23H15N3O O=C1N(C=C(C=C1C1=CC=CC=C1C#N)C1=NC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB08883 9924495 71013 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/perampanel.html 8100130 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.72 L/h 12.0 ml/min normal,healthy; patients; DRUGBANK 0.006 L/h/kg 0.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.36 L/kg 1.36 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 105.0 h ~105 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 183.0 h 183 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 48.0 % 48 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 22.0 % 22 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 95.5 % 95-96 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day PO, oral Fycompa perampanel PDR 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day PO, oral Fycompa perampanel PDR 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day PO, oral Fycompa perampanel PDR 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day PO, oral Fycompa perampanel PDR DDPD08884 Gadoxetic acid 681.75 C23H30GdN3O11 [Gd+3].[H][C@@](CN(CCN(CC([O-])=O)CC([O-])=O)CC([O-])=O)(CC1=CC=C(OCC)C=C1)N(CC(O)=O)CC(O)=O DB08884 131704314 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/gadoxetate.html 189907 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 15.0 L/h 250.0 ml/min Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 7.2 L/h 120.0 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.21 L/kg 0.21 L/kg Total volume of distribution; at steady state; DRUGBANK 0.93 h 0.91-0.95 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 18100.0 mg/kg 18100.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 14500.0 mg/kg 14500.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 5450.0 mg/kg 3600-7300 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 8150.0 mg/kg 5400-10900 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 2200.0 mg/kg >2200 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; dog; DRUGBANK 10.0 % <10 % DRUGBANK 0.1 ml/kg/dose 0.1 ml/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Eovist gadoxetate disodium PDR 0.025 mmol/kg/dose 0.025 mmol/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Eovist gadoxetate disodium PDR 0.1 ml/kg/dose 0.1 ml/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Eovist gadoxetate disodium PDR 0.025 mmoL/kg/dose 0.025 mmoL/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Eovist gadoxetate disodium PDR 0.1 ml/kg/dose 0.1 mL/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Eovist gadoxetate disodium PDR 0.025 mmol/kg/dose 0.025 mmol/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Eovist gadoxetate disodium PDR 0.1 ml/kg/dose 0.1 ml/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Eovist gadoxetate disodium PDR 0.025 mmol/kg/dose 0.025 mmol/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Eovist gadoxetate disodium PDR 0.1 ml/kg/dose 0.1 ml/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Eovist gadoxetate disodium PDR 0.025 mmoL/kg/dose 0.025 mmoL/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Eovist gadoxetate disodium PDR DDPD08887 Icosapent ethyl 330.5042 C22H34O2 CCOC(=O)CCC\C=C/C\C=C/C\C=C/C\C=C/C\C=C/CC DB08887 9831415 84883 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/icosapent-ethyl.html 8007147 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.684 L/h 684.0 ml/h Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 88.0 L 88.0 L Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 89.0 h 89 h DRUGBANK 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Vascepa icosapent ethyl PDR 4000.0 mg/day 4 g/day PO, oral Vascepa icosapent ethyl PDR DDPD08889 Carfilzomib 719.9099 C40H57N5O7 CC(C)C[C@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CCC1=CC=CC=C1)NC(=O)CN1CCOCC1)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC1=CC=CC=C1)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C(=O)[C@@]1(C)CO1 DB08889 11556711 65347 http://www.drugs.com/kyprolis.html 9731489 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 379.0 ng.h/ml 379.0 ng.h/ml DRUGBANK 4232.0 ng/ml 4232 ng/ml DRUGBANK 207.0 L/h 151 - 263 L/h Total clearance; DRUGBANK 2.37 L/h/kg 39.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 28.0 L 28.0 L at steady state; DRUGBANK 0.13 L/kg 0.13 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 h <=1 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % DRUGBANK 70.0 mg/m2/dose 70 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV Kyprolis carfilzomib PDR 2.2 m2 2.2 m2 skin/dermal Kyprolis carfilzomib PDR 154.0 mg 154 mg intravenous injection, IV Kyprolis carfilzomib PDR 70.0 mg/m2/dose 70 mg/m2/dose intravenous injection, IV Kyprolis carfilzomib PDR 2.2 m2 2.2 m2 skin/dermal Kyprolis carfilzomib PDR 154.0 mg 154 mg intravenous injection, IV Kyprolis carfilzomib PDR DDPD08890 Linaclotide 1526.736 C59H79N15O21S6 [H][C@]1(CSSC[C@]2([H])NC(=O)[C@H](CC3=CC=C(O)C=C3)NC(=O)[C@H](CCC(O)=O)NC(=O)[C@@H]3CSSC[C@H](NC(=O)[C@H](C)NC(=O)[C@@H]4CCCN4C(=O)[C@H](CC(N)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CSSC[C@H](N)C(=O)N3)NC2=O)C(=O)N[C@@]([H])([C@@H](C)O)C(=O)NCC(=O)N1)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC1=CC=C(O)C=C1)C(O)=O DB08890 16158208 68551 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/linaclotide.html 17314504 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 0 Linzess linaclotide PDR 0.29 mg/day 290 mcg/day PO, oral Linzess linaclotide PDR 0.29 mg/day 290 mcg/day PO, oral Linzess linaclotide PDR 0.0 0 Linzess linaclotide PDR 0.0 0 Linzess linaclotide PDR DDPD08893 Mirabegron 396.506 C21H24N4O2S NC1=NC(CC(=O)NC2=CC=C(CCNC[C@H](O)C3=CC=CC=C3)C=C2)=CS1 DB08893 9865528 65349 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/mirabegron.html 8041219 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 29.0 % 29 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 35.0 % 35 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5 h PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 168.0 h 7 day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 57.0 L/h 57.0 L/h Total clearance; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 13.0 L/h 13.0 L/h Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.816 L/h/kg 13.6 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1670.0 L 1670.0 L at steady state; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 23.8 L/kg 23.8 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 50.0 h 50 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 50.0 h 50 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 55.0 % 55 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 34.0 % 34 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 25.0 % ~25 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 71.0 % 71 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Myrbetriq mirabegron PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Myrbetriq mirabegron PDR DDPD08895 Tofacitinib 312.3696 C16H20N6O [H][C@@]1(C)CCN(C[C@]1([H])N(C)C1=NC=NC2=C1C=CN2)C(=O)CC#N DB08895 9926791 71200 http://www.drugs.com/pro/xeljanz.html 8102425 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 74.0 % 74 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 74.0 % 74 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.5-1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.3528 L/h/kg 5.88 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 87.0 L 87.0 L intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.24 L/kg 1.24 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.0 h ~3 h DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30 % Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % DRUGBANK DDPD08896 Regorafenib 482.815 C21H15ClF4N4O3 CNC(=O)C1=CC(OC2=CC(F)=C(NC(=O)NC3=CC=C(Cl)C(=C3)C(F)(F)F)C=C2)=CC=N1 DB08896 11167602 68647 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/regorafenib.html 9342697 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 70400.0 ng.h/ml 70.4 ug.h/ml DRUGBANK 2500.0 ng/ml 2.5 ug/ml DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h DRUGBANK 28.0 h 28(14-58) h DRUGBANK 71.0 % ~71 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 19.0 % 19 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 99.5 % 99.5 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 160.0 mg/day 160 mg/day PO, oral; on days 1 to 21 Stivarga regorafenib PDR 160.0 mg/day 160 mg/day PO, oral; on days 1 to 21 Stivarga regorafenib PDR DDPD08897 Aclidinium 484.651 C26H30NO4S2 OC(C(=O)O[C@H]1C[N+]2(CCCOC3=CC=CC=C3)CCC1CC2)(C1=CC=CS1)C1=CC=CS1 DB08897 11434515 65346 http://www.drugs.com/tudorza.html 9609381 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6.0 % 6 % normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.166666666666667 h 10 min normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 48.0 h 2 day normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 170.0 L/h 170.0 L/h Total clearance; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; young; DRUGBANK 300.0 L 300.0 L intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.04 h 2.4 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 6.5 h 5-8 h effective half-life; DRUGBANK 59.5 % ~54-65 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 26.5 % ~20-33 % Faeces excretion; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.8 mg/day 800 mcg/day PO, oral Tudorza Pressair aclidinium bromide PDR 2.0 actuations/day 2 actuations/day PO, oral Tudorza Pressair aclidinium bromide PDR 0.8 mg/day 800 mcg/day PO, oral Tudorza Pressair aclidinium bromide PDR 2.0 actuations/day 2 actuations/day PO, oral Tudorza Pressair aclidinium bromide PDR DDPD08899 Enzalutamide 464.436 C21H16F4N4O2S CNC(=O)C1=C(F)C=C(C=C1)N1C(=S)N(C(=O)C1(C)C)C1=CC=C(C#N)C(=C1)C(F)(F)F DB08899 15951529 68534 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/enzalutamide.html 13093347 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h DRUGBANK 672.0 h 28 day Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 0.56 L/h 0.56 L/h apparent clearance; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 110.0 L 110.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 139.2 h 5.8(2.8-10.2) day terminal half-life; patients; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 196.8 h 7.8-8.6 day terminal half-life; normal,healthy; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 71.0 % 71 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 14.0 % 14 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 0.056 % 0.056 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 97.5 % 97-98 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 160.0 mg/day 160 mg/day PO, oral Xtandi enzalutamide PDR 160.0 mg/day 160 mg/day PO, oral Xtandi enzalutamide PDR DDPD08901 Ponatinib 532.5595 C29H27F3N6O CN1CCN(CC2=CC=C(NC(=O)C3=CC(C#CC4=CN=C5C=CC=NN45)=C(C)C=C3)C=C2C(F)(F)F)CC1 DB08901 24826799 78543 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/ponatinib.html 24747381 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1253.0 ng.h/ml 1253.0 ng.h/ml DRUGBANK 73.0 ng/ml 73 ng/ml DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 64.0 % 64 % DRUGBANK 1223.0 L 1223.0 L Steady state volume of distribution; PO, oral; tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 24.0 h 24(12-66) h elimination half-life; tumor; patients; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 87.0 % ~87 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 5.0 % ~5 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 45.0 mg/day 45 mg/day PO, oral Iclusig ponatinib PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Iclusig ponatinib PDR 45.0 mg/day 45 mg/day PO, oral Iclusig ponatinib PDR 30.0 mg/day 30 mg/day PO, oral Iclusig ponatinib PDR DDPD08903 Bedaquiline 555.505 C32H31BrN2O2 COC1=NC2=C(C=C(Br)C=C2)C=C1[C@@H](C1=CC=CC=C1)[C@@](O)(CCN(C)C)C1=CC=CC2=C1C=CC=C2 DB08903 5388906 72292 4534966 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 64750.0 ng.h/ml 64.75 ug.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5500.0 ng/ml 5.5 ug/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 164.0 L 164.0 L Total volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 3960.0 h 5.5 month elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 3960.0 h 5.5 month elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 99.9 % >99.9 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Sirturo bedaquiline PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Sirturo bedaquiline PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Sirturo bedaquiline PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Sirturo bedaquiline PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Sirturo bedaquiline PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Sirturo bedaquiline PDR DDPD08905 Formestane 302.4079 C19H26O3 [H][C@@]12CCC(=O)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CCC2=C(O)C(=O)CC[C@]12C DB08905 11273 75172 http://www.drugs.com/international/formestane.html 10799 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 14.5155792 ng/ml 48±20.9 nmol/L IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 36.0 h 24-48 h IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 4.2 L/h 4.2 L/h Plasma clearance; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.8 L/kg 1.8 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.3 h 18 min elimination half-life; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 95.0 % >95 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 5.0 % <5 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD08906 Fluticasone furoate 538.576 C27H29F3O6S [H][C@@]12C[C@@H](C)[C@](OC(=O)C3=CC=CO3)(C(=O)SCF)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1(F)[C@@]2([H])C[C@H](F)C2=CC(=O)C=C[C@]12C DB08906 9854489 74899 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/fluticasone-furoate-spray.html 8030195 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.5 % 0.50 % intranasal; DRUGBANK 1.26 % 1.26 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 13.9 % 13.9 % inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 12.35 % 6.3-18.4 % inhalation, IH; normal,healthy; postmenopausal women; DRUGBANK 57.8 L/h 57.8 L/h DRUGBANK 71.8 L/h 71.8 L/h intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; Caucasian; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.804 L/h/kg 13.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 608.0 L 608.0 L at steady state; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 661.0 L 661.0 L Average volume of distribution; at steady state; DRUGBANK 704.0 L 704.0 L at steady state; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; Caucasian; Male, men; DRUGBANK 4.95 L/kg 4.95 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 15.1 h 15.1 h intranasal; DRUGBANK 24.0 h 24 h inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 13.6 h 13.6 h intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; Caucasian; Male, men; DRUGBANK 20.6 h 17.3-23.9 h inhalation, IH; normal,healthy; Caucasian; Male, men; DRUGBANK 10.6 h 10.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ≥90 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 1.5 % 1-2 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % DRUGBANK DDPD08907 Canagliflozin 444.516 C24H25FO5S [H][C@]1(O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]1O)C1=CC=C(C)C(CC2=CC=C(S2)C2=CC=C(F)C=C2)=C1 DB08907 24812758 73274 http://www.drugs.com/invokana.html 26333259 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 65.0 % 65 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4-5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 11.52 L/h 192.0 ml/min intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.0855 L/h 1.3-1.55 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.1644 L/h/kg 2.74 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 83.5 L 83.5 L at steady state; intravenous injection, IV; Single dose; normal,healthy; patients; DRUGBANK 1.19 L/kg 1.19 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.6 h 10.6 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 13.1 h 13.1 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 10.3 h 10.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 51.7 % 51.7 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 33.0 % ~33 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Invokana canagliflozin PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Invokana canagliflozin PDR DDPD08908 Dimethyl fumarate 144.1253 C6H8O4 [H]\C(=C(\[H])C(=O)OC)C(=O)OC DB08908 637568 76004 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/dimethyl-fumarate.html 553171 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1870.0 ng/ml 1.87 mg/L Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 63.0 L 53-73 L normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.0 h ~1 h DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % lung excretion; DRUGBANK 16.0 % 16 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % 1 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 480.0 mg/day 480 mg/day PO, oral Tecfidera dimethyl fumarate PDR 480.0 mg/day 480 mg/day PO, oral Tecfidera dimethyl fumarate PDR DDPD08909 Glycerol phenylbutyrate 530.6512 C33H38O6 O=C(CCCC1=CC=CC=C1)OCC(COC(=O)CCCC1=CC=CC=C1)OC(=O)CCCC1=CC=CC=C1 DB08909 10482134 134745 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/glycerol-phenylbutyrate.html 8657541 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 37000.0 ng/ml 37.0 ug/ml Oral single dose; fasting; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 14900.0 ng/ml 14.9 ug/ml Oral single dose; fasting; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 30200.0 ng/ml 30.2 ug/ml Oral single dose; fasting; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h Oral single dose; fasting; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h Oral single dose; fasting; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h Oral single dose; fasting; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8 h PO, oral; adults; Urea Cycle Disorder; DRUGBANK 10.0 h 10 h PO, oral; adults; Urea Cycle Disorder; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12 h PO, oral; adults; Urea Cycle Disorder; DRUGBANK 68.9 % 68.9 % Urinary excretion; adults; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 66.5 % 66.5 % Urinary excretion; Children; usual childhood diseases; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 36.0 % 27-45 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 17.5 ml/day 17.5 ml/day PO, oral Ravicti glycerol phenylbutyrate PDR 19000.0 mg/day 19 g/day PO, oral Ravicti glycerol phenylbutyrate PDR 17.5 ml/day 17.5 ml/day PO, oral Ravicti glycerol phenylbutyrate PDR 19000.0 mg/day 19 g/day PO, oral Ravicti glycerol phenylbutyrate PDR 17.5 ml/day 17.5 ml/day PO, oral Ravicti glycerol phenylbutyrate PDR 19000.0 mg/day 19 g/day PO, oral Ravicti glycerol phenylbutyrate PDR 17.5 ml/day 17.5 ml/day PO, oral Ravicti glycerol phenylbutyrate PDR 19000.0 mg/day 19 g/day PO, oral Ravicti glycerol phenylbutyrate PDR 17.5 ml/day 17.5 ml/day PO, oral Ravicti glycerol phenylbutyrate PDR 19.0 g/day 19 g/day PO, oral Ravicti glycerol phenylbutyrate PDR 17.5 ml/day 17.5 ml/day PO, oral Ravicti glycerol phenylbutyrate PDR 19000.0 mg/day 19 g/day PO, oral Ravicti glycerol phenylbutyrate PDR DDPD08910 Pomalidomide 273.2441 C13H11N3O4 NC1=CC=CC2=C1C(=O)N(C1CCC(=O)NC1=O)C2=O DB08910 134780 72690 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/pomalidomide.html 118785 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 400.0 ng.h/ml 400.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; multiple myeloma; DRUGBANK 75.0 ng/ml 75 ng/ml PO, oral; multiple myeloma; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 8.5 L/h 7.0-10 L/h Total clearance; DRUGBANK 100.0 L 62-138 L Apparent volume of distribution; at steady state; DRUGBANK 9.4 h 9.4 h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 7.5 h 7.5 h multiple myeloma; patients; DRUGBANK 73.0 % 73 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 15.0 % 15 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 % 2 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 8.0 % 8 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 28.0 % 12-44 % Plasma Concentration &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 4.0 mg/day 4 mg/day PO, oral Pomalyst pomalidomide PDR 4.0 mg/day 4 mg/day PO, oral Pomalyst pomalidomide PDR DDPD08911 Trametinib 615.3948 C26H23FIN5O4 CN1C(=O)C(C)=C2N(C(=O)N(C3CC3)C(=O)C2=C1NC1=CC=C(I)C=C1F)C1=CC(NC(C)=O)=CC=C1 DB08911 11707110 75998 http://www.drugs.com/mekinist.html 9881833 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 72.0 % 72 % Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 22.2 ng/ml 22.2 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h PO, oral; BRAF V600 mutation-positive melanoma; DRUGBANK 4.9 L/h 4.9 L/h apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 0.048 L/h/kg 0.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 214.0 L 214.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 13.94 L/kg 13.94 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 104.4 h 3.9-4.8 day elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 229.0 h 229 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 0.1 % <0.1 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 97.4 % 97.4 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 mg/day 2 mg/day PO, oral Mekinist trametinib PDR 2.0 mg/day 2 mg/day PO, oral Mekinist trametinib PDR DDPD08912 Dabrafenib 519.562 C23H20F3N5O2S2 CC(C)(C)C1=NC(=C(S1)C1=NC(N)=NC=C1)C1=C(F)C(NS(=O)(=O)C2=C(F)C=CC=C2F)=CC=C1 DB08912 44462760 75045 http://www.drugs.com/tafinlar.html 25948204 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 17.0 L/h 17.0 L/h Single dose; DRUGBANK 34.4 L/h 34.4 L/h Multiple dose; DRUGBANK 0.1716 L/h/kg 2.86 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 70.3 L 70.3 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.65 L/kg 0.65 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8 h terminal half-life; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.6 h 2.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 99.7 % 99.7 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Tafinlar dabrafenib PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Tafinlar dabrafenib PDR DDPD08913 Radium Ra 223 dichloride 293.924 Cl2Ra [Cl-].[Cl-].[223Ra++] DB08913 74895 http://www.drugs.com/xofigo.html 28528370 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 273.6 h 11.4 day DRUGBANK 13.0 % 13 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 2.0 % 2 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 1.49 microcurie/kg 1.49 microcurie/kg Xofigo radium Ra 223 dichloride PDR 55.0 kBq/kg 55 kBq/kg Xofigo radium Ra 223 dichloride PDR 0.00149 mg/kg 1.49 microcurie/kg Xofigo radium Ra 223 dichloride PDR 55.0 kBq/kg 55 kBq/kg Xofigo radium Ra 223 dichloride PDR DDPD08916 Afatinib 485.938 C24H25ClFN5O3 CN(C)C\C=C\C(=O)NC1=C(O[C@H]2CCOC2)C=C2N=CN=C(NC3=CC(Cl)=C(F)C=C3)C2=C1 DB08916 10184653 61390 http://www.drugs.com/gilotrif.html 8360155 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.5 h 2-5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 91.8 L/h 1530.0 ml/min apparent clearance; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 4500.0 L 4500.0 L normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 37.0 h 37 h effective half-life; DRUGBANK 344.0 h 344 h terminal half-life; Multiple dose; patients; DRUGBANK 85.9 % 85.9 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.3 % 4.3 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 95.0 % ~95 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Gilotrif afatinib PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Gilotrif afatinib PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Gilotrif afatinib PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Gilotrif afatinib PDR DDPD08917 Ferric carboxymaltose N.A. N.A. C(C1C(C(C(C(O1)OC2C(OC(C(C2O)O)OC3C(OC(C(C3O)O)OC(C(CO)O)C(C(C(=O)[O-])O)O)CO)CO)O)O)O)O.O.[OH-].[O-2].[Fe+3] DB08917 86278165 http://www.drugs.com/international/ferric-carboxymaltose.html -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 185000.0 ng/ml 37-333 ug/ml PO, oral; iron deficient; DRUGBANK 0.73 h 0.25-1.21 h PO, oral; iron deficient; DRUGBANK 3.0 L 3.0 L DRUGBANK 9.5 h 7-12 h DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/course 1500 mg/course intravenous injection, IV Injectafer ferric carboxymaltose PDR 1500.0 mg/course 1500 mg/course intravenous injection, IV Injectafer ferric carboxymaltose PDR DDPD08918 Levomilnacipran 246.348 C15H22N2O CCN(CC)C(=O)[C@]1(C[C@H]1CN)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB08918 6917779 136040 5293005 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5196.0 ng.h/ml 5196.0 ng.h/ml Capsule, PO, Oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 341.0 ng/ml 341 ng/ml Capsule, PO, Oral; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 6-8 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 25.0 L/h 21-29 L/h apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 430.0 L 387-473 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12 h DRUGBANK 58.0 % 58 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 22.0 % 22 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Fetzima levomilnacipran PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Fetzima levomilnacipran PDR DDPD08930 Dolutegravir 419.3788 C20H19F2N3O5 [H][C@]12CN3C=C(C(=O)NCC4=CC=C(F)C=C4F)C(=O)C(O)=C3C(=O)N1[C@H](C)CCO2 DB08930 54726191 76010 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/dolutegravir.html 25051637 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 53600.0 ng.h/ml 53.6 mcg.h/ml PO, oral; AIDS,HIV; DRUGBANK 46000.0 ng.h/ml 46.0 mcg.h/ml PO, oral; Caucasian; AIDS,HIV; DRUGBANK 3670.0 ng/ml 3.67 mcg/ml PO, oral; AIDS,HIV; DRUGBANK 3490.0 ng/ml 3.49 mcg/ml PO, oral; Caucasian; AIDS,HIV; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h PO, oral; AIDS,HIV; DRUGBANK 120.0 h 5 day PO, oral; AIDS,HIV; DRUGBANK 1.0 L/h 1.0 L/h apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 17.4 L 17.4 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 14.0 h 14 h DRUGBANK 31.0 % 31 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 98.9 % 98.9 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Tivicay dolutegravir PDR 70.0 mg/day 70 mg/day PO, oral Tivicay dolutegravir PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Tivicay dolutegravir PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Tivicay dolutegravir PDR 70.0 mg/day 70 mg/day PO, oral Tivicay dolutegravir PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Tivicay dolutegravir PDR DDPD08931 Riociguat 422.4157 C20H19FN8O2 COC(=O)N(C)C1=C(N)N=C(N=C1N)C1=NN(CC2=C(F)C=CC=C2)C2=C1C=CC=N2 DB08931 11304743 76018 http://www.drugs.com/international/riociguat.html 9479719 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 94.0 % 94 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0444 L/h/kg 0.74 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 30.0 L 30.0 L at steady state; DRUGBANK 0.44 L/kg 0.44 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.0 h ~12 h patients; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 7 h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 9.1 h 9.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 53.0 % 53 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % DRUGBANK 7.5 mg/day 2.5 mg/dose PO, oral tid Adempas riociguat PDR 7.5 mg/day 2.5 mg/dose PO, oral tid Adempas riociguat PDR DDPD08932 Macitentan 588.273 C19H20Br2N6O4S CCCNS(=O)(=O)NC1=C(C(OCCOC2=NC=C(Br)C=N2)=NC=N1)C1=CC=C(Br)C=C1 DB08932 16004692 76607 http://www.drugs.com/cons/macitentan.html 13134960 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 50.0 L 50.0 L DRUGBANK 16.0 h 16 h DRUGBANK 48.0 h 48 h Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 24.0 % 24 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Opsumit macitentan PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day PO, oral Opsumit macitentan PDR DDPD08933 Luliconazole 354.27 C14H9Cl2N3S2 ClC1=CC(Cl)=C(C=C1)[C@@H]1CS\C(S1)=C(\C#N)N1C=CN=C1 DB08933 3003141 34825 http://www.drugs.com/ingredient/luliconazole.html 2273807 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.4 ng/ml 0.40±0.76 ng/ml PO, oral; tinea pedis; DRUGBANK 16.9 h 16.9±9.39 h PO, oral; tinea pedis; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD08934 Sofosbuvir 529.458 C22H29FN3O9P CC(C)OC(=O)[C@H](C)N[P@](=O)(OC[C@H]1O[C@@H](N2C=CC(=O)NC2=O)[C@](C)(F)[C@@H]1O)OC1=CC=CC=C1 DB08934 45375808 85083 http://www.drugs.com/sovaldi.html 26286922 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 567.0 ng/ml 567 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.25 h 0.5-2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.4 h 0.4 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 14.0 % 14 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 2.5 % 2.5 % lung excretion; DRUGBANK 63.0 % ~61-65 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Sovaldi sofosbuvir PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Sovaldi sofosbuvir PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Sovaldi sofosbuvir PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Sovaldi sofosbuvir PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Sovaldi sofosbuvir PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Sovaldi sofosbuvir PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Sovaldi sofosbuvir PDR DDPD08936 Chlorcyclizine 300.826 C18H21ClN2 CN1CCN(CC1)C(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1 DB08936 2710 94402 http://www.drugs.com/international/chlorcyclizine.html 2609 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 12.0 h ~12 h DRUGBANK 87.5 % ~85-90 % DRUGBANK DDPD08942 Isoxicam 335.335 C14H13N3O5S CN1C(C(=O)NC2=NOC(C)=C2)=C(O)C2=C(C=CC=C2)S1(=O)=O DB08942 54677972 76163 10442695 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0042 L/h/kg 0.07 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.19 L/kg 0.19 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 33.0 h 33 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD08943 Isoconazole 416.129 C18H14Cl4N2O ClC1=CC(Cl)=C(C=C1)C(CN1C=CN=C1)OCC1=C(Cl)C=CC=C1Cl DB08943 3760 83667 3629 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD08947 Iopamidol 777.0853 C17H22I3N3O8 C[C@H](O)C(=O)NC1=C(I)C(C(=O)NC(CO)CO)=C(I)C(C(=O)NC(CO)CO)=C1I DB08947 65492 31711 http://www.drugs.com/international/Iopamidol.html 58940 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.114 L/h/kg 1.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.28 L/kg 0.28 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.1 h 2.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD08949 Inositol nicotinate 810.732 C42H30N6O12 O=C(O[C@H]1[C@H](OC(=O)C2=CC=CN=C2)[C@@H](OC(=O)C2=CC=CN=C2)[C@H](OC(=O)C2=CC=CN=C2)[C@H](OC(=O)C2=CC=CN=C2)[C@@H]1OC(=O)C1=CC=CN=C1)C1=CC=CN=C1 DB08949 3720 31699 http://www.drugs.com/international/inositol-nicotinate.html 16736141 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 6-10 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.924 L/h/kg 65.4±19 ml/min/kg Average clearance; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.051 L/kg 1051±250 mL/kg Average volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.0 h ~1 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; adults; DRUGBANK DDPD08950 Indoramin 347.4534 C22H25N3O O=C(NC1CCN(CCC2=CNC3=C2C=CC=C3)CC1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB08950 33625 135470 http://www.drugs.com/international/indoramin.html 31014 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.2 L/h/kg 20 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.9 L/kg 4.9 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.3 h 4.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD08954 Ifenprodil 325.4446 C21H27NO2 CC(C(O)C1=CC=C(O)C=C1)N1CCC(CC2=CC=CC=C2)CC1 DB08954 3689 93829 http://www.drugs.com/international/ifenprodil.html 3561 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.8742 L/h/kg 64.57 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 18.99 L/kg 18.99 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.32 h 4.32 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD08964 Gemeprost 394.552 C23H38O5 CCCCC(C)(C)[C@H](O)\C=C\[C@H]1[C@H](O)CC(=O)[C@@H]1CCCC\C=C\C(=O)OC DB08964 5282237 135626 4445416 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 20.0 % 12-28 % DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h Vaginal Administration; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/kg 300.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 980.0 mg/kg 980.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3200.0 mg/kg 3200.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK DDPD08966 Fursultiamine 398.543 C17H26N4O3S2 C\C(N(CC1=C(N)N=C(C)N=C1)C=O)=C(\CCO)SSCC1CCCO1 DB08966 3002119 135636 2273321 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD08971 Fluocortolone 376.4617 C22H29FO4 [H][C@@]1(C)C[C@@]2([H])[C@]3([H])C[C@]([H])(F)C4=CC(=O)C=C[C@]4(C)[C@@]3([H])[C@@]([H])(O)C[C@]2(C)[C@@]1([H])C(=O)CO DB08971 9053 135581 8701 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.42 L/h/kg 7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.68 L/kg 0.68 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.3 h 1.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD08976 Floctafenine 406.3552 C20H17F3N2O4 OCC(O)COC(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1NC1=CC=NC2=C(C=CC=C12)C(F)(F)F DB08976 76958517 31612 3243 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD08981 Fenbufen 254.2806 C16H14O3 OC(=O)CCC(=O)C1=CC=C(C=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB08981 3335 31599 3218 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD08985 Etilefrine 181.2316 C10H15NO2 CCNCC(O)C1=CC(O)=CC=C1 DB08985 3306 91518 3190 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.84 L/h/kg 14 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.1 L/kg 2.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.2 h 2.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD08987 Etidocaine 276.417 C17H28N2O CCCN(CC)C(CC)C(=O)NC1=C(C)C=CC=C1C DB08987 37497 4904 34400 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD08988 Ethoheptazine 261.3593 C16H23NO2 CCOC(=O)C1(CCCN(C)CC1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB08988 6469 135074 http://www.drugs.com/international/ethoheptazine.html 6225 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD09009 Articaine 284.374 C13H20N2O3S CCCNC(C)C(=O)NC1=C(SC=C1C)C(=O)OC DB09009 32170 91834 http://www.drugs.com/monograph/articaine-hydrochloride.html 29837 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.602 L/h/kg 126.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.7 L/kg 7.7 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.98 h 0.98 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD09015 Canrenoic acid 358.478 C22H30O4 [H][C@@]12CC[C@@](O)(CCC(O)=O)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])C=CC2=CC(=O)CC[C@]12C DB09015 656615 50156 http://www.drugs.com/international/potassium-canrenoate.html 570976 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD09019 Bromhexine 376.13 C14H20Br2N2 CN(CC1=CC(Br)=CC(Br)=C1N)C1CCCCC1 DB09019 2442 77032 http://www.drugs.com/international/bromhexine.html 2348 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD09020 Bisacodyl 361.3906 C22H19NO4 CC(=O)OC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(C1=CC=C(OC(C)=O)C=C1)C1=CC=CC=N1 DB09020 2391 3125 http://www.drugs.com/monograph/bisacodyl.html 2299 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 15.0 % 15 % DRUGBANK 16.0 h 16 h DRUGBANK 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day Rectal Administration Fleet Bisacodyl Enema bisacodyl PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Fleet Bisacodyl Enema bisacodyl PDR 5.0 mg/day 5 mg/day PO, oral;Rectal Administration; Fleet Bisacodyl Enema bisacodyl PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Fleet Bisacodyl Enema bisacodyl PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day Rectal Administration Fleet Bisacodyl Enema bisacodyl PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Fleet Bisacodyl Enema bisacodyl PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day Rectal Administration Fleet Bisacodyl Enema bisacodyl PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Fleet Bisacodyl Enema bisacodyl PDR 10.0 mg/day 10 mg/day Rectal Administration Fleet Bisacodyl Enema bisacodyl PDR DDPD09026 Aliskiren 551.7583 C30H53N3O6 COCCCOC1=C(OC)C=CC(C[C@@H](C[C@H](N)[C@@H](O)C[C@@H](C(C)C)C(=O)NCC(C)(C)C(N)=O)C(C)C)=C1 DB09026 5493444 601027 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/aliskiren.html 4591452 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.25 % 2-2.5 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 1-3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 180.0 h 7-8 day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % Unchanged drug; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.0 % 1-3 % DRUGBANK 1.28 L/h 1280±500 ml/h Renal clearance; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 35.0 h 30-40 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 24.0 h ~24 h DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.6 % 0.6 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 80.0 % >80 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 25.0 % ~25 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 49.0 % 47-51 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Aliskiren aliskiren PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Aliskiren aliskiren PDR 0.0 0 Aliskiren aliskiren PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Aliskiren aliskiren PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Aliskiren aliskiren PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Aliskiren aliskiren PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Aliskiren aliskiren PDR 0.0 0 Aliskiren aliskiren PDR 0.0 0 Aliskiren aliskiren PDR DDPD09027 Ledipasvir 888.9999 C49H54F2N8O6 COC(=O)N[C@@H](C(C)C)C(=O)N1CC2(CC2)C[C@H]1C1=NC(=CN1)C1=CC=C2C3=CC=C(C=C3C(F)(F)C2=C1)C1=CC=C2NC(=NC2=C1)[C@@H]1[C@H]2CC[C@H](C2)N1C(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)OC)C(C)C DB09027 67505836 85089 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ledipasvir-and-sofosbuvir.html 29271894 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 323.0 ng/ml 323 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.25 h 4-4.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 47.0 h 47 h DRUGBANK 86.0 % ~86 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1.0 % ~1 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 99.8 % >99.8 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD09030 Vorapaxar 492.5817 C29H33FN2O4 [H][C@@]12C[C@]3([H])C[C@@H](CC[C@@]3([H])[C@H](\C=C\C3=CC=C(C=N3)C3=CC(F)=CC=C3)[C@]1([H])[C@@H](C)OC2=O)NC(=O)OCC DB09030 10077130 82702 http://www.drugs.com/zontivity.html 8252668 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 0.0204 L/h/kg 0.34 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 424.0 L 424.0 L DRUGBANK 3.74 L/kg 3.74 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 84.0 h 3-4 day effective half-life; DRUGBANK 192.0 h 8 day terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 149.0 h 149 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.08 mg/day 2.08 mg/day PO, oral Zontivity vorapaxar PDR 2.08 mg/day 2.08 mg/day PO, oral Zontivity vorapaxar PDR DDPD09031 Miltefosine 407.576 C21H46NO4P CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCOP([O-])(=O)OCC[N+](C)(C)C DB09031 3599 75283 http://www.drugs.com/international/miltefosine.html 3473 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 82.0 % 82 % PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 94.0 % 94 % PO, oral; dog; DRUGBANK 169.2 h 7.05(5.45-9.10) day elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 741.6 h 30.9(30.8-31.2) day terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 96-98 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % DRUGBANK 3.0 % 3 % DRUGBANK 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Impavido miltefosine PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Impavido miltefosine PDR 2.5 mg/kg/day 2.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Impavido miltefosine PDR 2.5 mg/kg/day 2.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Impavido miltefosine PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Impavido miltefosine PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Impavido miltefosine PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Impavido miltefosine PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Impavido miltefosine PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Impavido miltefosine PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Impavido miltefosine PDR DDPD09034 Suvorexant 450.93 C23H23ClN6O2 [H][C@@]1(C)CCN(CCN1C(=O)C1=C(C=CC(C)=C1)N1N=CC=N1)C1=NC2=C(O1)C=CC(Cl)=C2 DB09034 24965990 82698 http://www.drugs.com/belsomra.html 24662178 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 82.0 % 82 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5 h PO, oral; high-fat meal; high-fat meal &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.0504 L/h/kg 0.84 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 49.0 L ~49 L Average volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.69 L/kg 0.69 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.0 h ~12 h DRUGBANK 10.37 h 10.37 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 66.0 % ~66 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 23.0 % 23 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD09038 Empagliflozin 450.91 C23H27ClO7 OC[C@H]1O[C@H]([C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O)C1=CC=C(Cl)C(CC2=CC=C(O[C@H]3CCOC3)C=C2)=C1 DB09038 11949646 82720 http://www.drugs.com/jardiance.html 10123957 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 843.2017 ng.h/ml 1870.0 nmol.h/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2137.3134 ng.h/ml 4740.0 nmol.h/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 116.78569 ng/ml 259 nmol/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 309.77517 ng/ml 687 nmol/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 10.6 L/h 10.6 L/h apparent clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 73.8 L 73.8 L Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 12.4 h 12.4 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 41.2 % ~41.2 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 54.4 % ~54.4 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 27.2 % ~27.2 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 86.2 % ~86.2 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD09039 Eliglustat 404.551 C23H36N2O4 CCCCCCCC(=O)N[C@H](CN1CCCC1)[C@H](O)C1=CC=C2OCCOC2=C1 DB09039 23652731 82752 28475348 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.75 h 1.5-2 h Oral multiple dose; CYP2D6 genetic polymorphisms; extensive metabolizers, EM; DRUGBANK 88.0 L/h 88.0 L/h CYP2D6 genetic polymorphisms; DRUGBANK 1.257 L/h/kg 20.95 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 835.0 L 835.0 L CYP2D6 genetic polymorphisms; DRUGBANK 6.5 h 6.5 h extensive metabolizers, EM; DRUGBANK 8.9 h 8.9 h poor metabolizers, PM; DRUGBANK 7.7 h 7.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 41.8 % 41.8 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 51.4 % 51.4 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 79.5 % 76-83 % DRUGBANK 84.0 mg/dose 84 mg/dose PO, oral bid Cerdelga eliglustat PDR 84.0 mg/dose 84 mg/dose PO, oral bid Cerdelga eliglustat PDR 84.0 mg/dose/day 84 mg/dose/day PO, oral qd Cerdelga eliglustat PDR 168.0 mg/dose 84 mg/dose PO, oral bid Cerdelga eliglustat PDR 168.0 mg/dose 84 mg/dose PO, oral bid Cerdelga eliglustat PDR 84.0 mg/dose/day 84 mg/dose/day PO, oral qd Cerdelga eliglustat PDR DDPD09040 Efinaconazole 348.398 C18H22F2N4O C[C@@H](N1CCC(=C)CC1)[C@](O)(CN1C=NC=N1)C1=C(F)C=C(F)C=C1 DB09040 489181 82718 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/efinaconazole-topical.html 428538 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 29.9 h 29.9 h normal,healthy; patients; DRUGBANK DDPD09041 Tavaborole 151.93 C7H6BFO2 OB1OCC2=CC(F)=CC=C12 DB09041 11499245 77942 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/tavaborole.html 9674047 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.5 % 7.5 % DRUGBANK 28.5 h 28.5 h DRUGBANK DDPD09042 Tedizolid phosphate 450.323 C17H16FN6O6P CN1N=NC(=N1)C1=CC=C(C=N1)C1=CC=C(C=C1F)N1C[C@H](COP(O)(O)=O)OC1=O DB09042 11476460 83326 http://www.drugs.com/sivextro.html 9651289 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 25600.0 ng.h/ml 25.6±8.4 mcg.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 29200.0 ng.h/ml 29.2±6.2 mcg.h/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 23800.0 ng.h/ml 23.8±6.8 mcg.h/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 26600.0 ng.h/ml 26.6±5.2 mcg.h/ml DRUGBANK 91.0 % 91 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2000.0 ng/ml 2.0±0.7 mcg/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 2300.0 ng/ml 2.3±0.6 mcg/ml DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5(1.0-6.0) h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.2 h 1.2(0.9-1.5) h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5(1.0-8.0) h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1(0.9-1.5) h DRUGBANK 72.0 h 3 day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 72.0 h 3 day intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 6.9 L/h 6.9±1.7 L/h apparent clearance; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 8.4 L/h 8.4±2.1 L/h apparent clearance; at steady state; DRUGBANK 6.4 L/h 6.4±1.2 L/h Total clearance; Single dose; DRUGBANK 5.9 L/h 5.9±1.4 L/h Total clearance; at steady state; DRUGBANK 73.5 L 67-80 L intravenous injection, IV; Single dose; DRUGBANK 108.0 L 108 ± 21 L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 113.3 L 113.3 ± 19.3 L Apparent volume of distribution; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 12.0 h ~12 h DRUGBANK 82.0 % ~82 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 18.0 % ~18 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 3.0 % 3 % Oral single dose; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~70-90 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; qd Sivextro tedizolid phosphate PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; qd Sivextro tedizolid phosphate PDR DDPD09047 Finafloxacin 398.394 C20H19FN4O4 [H][C@]12CN(C[C@]1([H])OCCN2)C1=C(F)C=C2C(=O)C(=CN(C3CC3)C2=C1C#N)C(O)=O DB09047 11567473 85176 9742243 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.345 L/h/kg 5.75 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.42 L/kg 1.42 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 13.42 h 13.42 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD09048 Netupitant 578.603 C30H32F6N4O CN(C(=O)C(C)(C)C1=CC(=CC(=C1)C(F)(F)F)C(F)(F)F)C1=CN=C(C=C1C1=CC=CC=C1C)N1CCN(C)CC1 DB09048 6451149 85155 4953629 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 20.3 L/h 20.3±9.2 L/h Total clearance; DRUGBANK 0.1698 L/h/kg 2.83 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1982.0 L 1982±906 L Average volume of distribution; tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 5.54 L/kg 5.54 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 96.0 h 96 h DRUGBANK 34.28 h 34.28 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 99.5 % >99.5 % DRUGBANK DDPD09049 Naloxegol 651.794 C34H53NO11 COCCOCCOCCOCCOCCOCCOCCO[C@H]1CC[C@@]2(O)[C@H]3CC4=CC=C(O)C5=C4[C@@]2(CCN3CC=C)[C@H]1O5 DB09049 56959087 82975 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/naloxegol.html 28651656 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.0 h <2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1554.0 L 968-2140 L DRUGBANK 8.5 h 6-11 h DRUGBANK 68.0 % 68 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 16.0 % 16 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.2 % ~4.2 % DRUGBANK 25.0 mg/day 25 mg/day PO, oral qd Movantik naloxegol PDR 25.0 mg/day 25 mg/day PO, oral qd Movantik naloxegol PDR DDPD09050 Ceftolozane 666.69 C23H30N12O8S2 CN1C(N)=C(NC(=O)NCCN)C=[N+]1CC1=C(N2[C@H](SC1)[C@H](NC(=O)C(=N/OC(C)(C)C(O)=O)\C1=NSC(N)=N1)C2=O)C([O-])=O DB09050 53234134 134719 25999973 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 172000.0 ng.h/ml 172.0 mcg.h/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 69100.0 ng/ml 69.1 mcg/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 5.05 L/h 3.41 – 6.69 L/h Renal clearance; Single dose; DRUGBANK 0.0696 L/h/kg 1.16 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 13.5 L 13.5 L DRUGBANK 0.17 L/kg 0.17 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.77 h 2.77 h DRUGBANK 3.12 h 3.12 h Multiple dose; DRUGBANK 2.58 h 2.58 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 18.5 % 16-21 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD09053 Ibrutinib 440.507 C25H24N6O2 NC1=NC=NC2=C1C(=NN2[C@@H]1CCCN(C1)C(=O)C=C)C1=CC=C(OC2=CC=CC=C2)C=C1 DB09053 24821094 76612 http://www.drugs.com/imbruvica.html 26637187 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 953000000.0 ng.h/ml 953.0 mg.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 35.0 ng/ml 35 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 8.13 L/h 112-159 ml/min normal renal function; patients; DRUGBANK 0.984 L/h/kg 16.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10000.0 L 10000.0 L at steady state; DRUGBANK 9.75 L/kg 9.75 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 h ~4-6 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.8 % ~7.8 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 97.3 % 97.3 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 560.0 mg/day 560 mg/day PO, oral Imbruvica ibrutinib PDR 560.0 mg/day 560 mg/day PO, oral Imbruvica ibrutinib PDR DDPD09054 Idelalisib 415.432 C22H18FN7O [H][C@@](CC)(NC1=NC=NC2=C1N=CN2)C1=NC2=CC=CC(F)=C2C(=O)N1C1=CC=CC=C1 DB09054 11625818 82701 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/idelalisib.html 9800565 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 14.9 L/h 14.9 L/h DRUGBANK 23.0 L 23.0 L DRUGBANK 8.2 h 8.2 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 78.0 % 78 % Faeces excretion; Single dose; DRUGBANK 14.0 % 14 % Urinary excretion; Single dose; DRUGBANK 84.0 % >84 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; Plasma Concentration &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/day 150 mg/dose PO, oral bid Zydelig idelalisib PDR 300.0 mg/day 150 mg/dose PO, oral bid Zydelig idelalisib PDR DDPD09059 Atosiban 994.19 C43H67N11O12S2 [H][C@]1(NC(=O)[C@@]([H])(NC(=O)[C@@H](CC2=CC=C(OCC)C=C2)NC(=O)CCSSC[C@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CC(N)=O)NC1=O)C(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCN)C(=O)NCC(N)=O)[C@@H](C)CC)[C@@H](C)O DB09059 135899 http://www.drugs.com/international/atosiban.html 4470550 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h intravenous infusion, IV in drop;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 41.8 L/h 41.8 L/h Average clearance; DRUGBANK 41.8 L 41.8 L Average volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.21 h 0.21 h distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 1.7 h 1.7 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 47.0 % 46-48 % plasma proteins; Preg, pregnant; DRUGBANK DDPD09060 Avibactam 265.24 C7H11N3O6S NC(=O)[C@@H]1CC[C@@H]2CN1C(=O)N2OS(O)(=O)=O DB09060 9835049 85984 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/avibactam-and-ceftazidime.html 8010770 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 85.0 % 80-90 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 12.0 L/h ~12 L/h DRUGBANK 0.1656 L/h/kg 2.76 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 22.2 L 22.2 L Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.24 L/kg 0.24 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.85 h ~2.7-3.0 h DRUGBANK 1.7 h 1.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.95 % 5.7-8.2 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD09061 Cannabidiol 314.469 C21H30O2 CCCCCC1=CC(O)=C([C@@H]2C=C(C)CC[C@H]2C(C)=C)C(O)=C1 DB09061 644019 69478 559095 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.5 ng/ml 2.50 ng/ml sublingual; Derivative; DRUGBANK 3.02 ng/ml 3.02 ng/ml buccal; Derivative; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h buccal; DRUGBANK 1.63 h 1.63 h sublingual; Derivative; DRUGBANK 2.8 h 2.8 h buccal; Derivative; DRUGBANK 0.813 L/h/kg 13.55 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.69 L/kg 6.69 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.44 h 1.44 h Components; DRUGBANK 1.81 h 1.81 h Components; DRUGBANK 23.82 h 23.82 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD09063 Ceritinib 558.14 C28H36ClN5O3S CC(C)OC1=C(NC2=NC(NC3=CC=CC=C3S(=O)(=O)C(C)C)=C(Cl)C=N2)C=C(C)C(=C1)C1CCNCC1 DB09063 57379345 78432 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/ceritinib.html 29315053 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.0 h 4-6 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 33.2 L/h 33.2 L/h apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 88.5 L/h 88.5 L/h apparent clearance; Single dose; DRUGBANK 4230.0 L 4230.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; Single dose; DRUGBANK 41.0 h 41 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 92.3 % 92.3 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1.3 % 1.3 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 62.8 % ~62.8 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; Plasma Concentration &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 450.0 mg/day 450 mg/day PO, oral Zykadia ceritinib PDR 450.0 mg/day 450 mg/day PO, oral Zykadia ceritinib PDR DDPD09065 Cobicistat 776.03 C40H53N7O5S2 CC(C)C1=NC(CN(C)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCN2CCOCC2)C(=O)N[C@H](CC[C@H](CC2=CC=CC=C2)NC(=O)OCC2=CN=CS2)CC2=CC=CC=C2)=CS1 DB09065 25151504 72291 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/cobicistat.html 25084912 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5 h DRUGBANK 3.5 h ~3-4 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 86.2 % 86.2 % Faeces excretion; Drug combination; DRUGBANK 8.2 % 8.2 % Urinary excretion; Drug combination; DRUGBANK 97.5 % 97-98 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Tybost cobicistat PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Tybost cobicistat PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Tybost cobicistat PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral Tybost cobicistat PDR DDPD09067 Corticorelin ovine triflutate 4670.38 C205H339N59O63S CC[C@H](C)[C@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CC(O)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(C)C)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(C)C)NC(=O)[C@H](CCCCN)NC(=O)[C@H](CCCNC(N)=N)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(N)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CO)NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CN=CN1)NC(=O)[C@H](C)NC(=O)[C@H](CCC(N)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CCC(N)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](C)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(C)C)NC(=O)[C@H](CCC(N)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(O)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](C)NC(=O)[C@H](CCCCN)NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CCSC)NC(=O)[C@H](CCC(O)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(C)C)NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CCC(O)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CCCNC(N)=N)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(C)C)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(C)C)NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CN=CN1)NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CC=CC=C1)NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CC(C)C)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(O)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(C)C)NC(=O)[C@H](CO)NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@@H]1CCCN1C(=O)[C@@H]1CCCN1C(=O)[C@H](CCC(O)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CCC(N)=O)NC(=O)[C@@H](N)CO)[C@@H](C)CC)[C@@H](C)O)C(C)C)[C@@H](C)O)C(=O)N[C@@H](C)C(N)=O DB09067 16132344 65307 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/corticorelin-ovine-triflutate.html 17289003 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.208333333333333 h 10-15 min intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.5-1 h intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 3.95833333333333 L/h/m2 95±11 L/m2/day DRUGBANK 6.2 L 6.2±0.5 L Average volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.193333333333333 h 11.6±1.5 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 1.21666666666667 h 73±8 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 1.0 mcg/kg/dose 1 mcg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Acthrel corticorelin ovine triflutate PDR 100.0 mcg/dose 100 mcg/dose intravenous injection, IV Acthrel corticorelin ovine triflutate PDR 0.001 mg/kg/dose 1 mcg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Acthrel corticorelin ovine triflutate PDR 0.1 mg/dose 100 mcg/dose intravenous injection, IV Acthrel corticorelin ovine triflutate PDR 1.0 mcg/kg/dose 1 mcg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Acthrel corticorelin ovine triflutate PDR 100.0 mcg/dose 100 mcg/dose intravenous injection, IV Acthrel corticorelin ovine triflutate PDR DDPD09068 Vortioxetine 298.45 C18H22N2S CC1=CC=C(SC2=CC=CC=C2N2CCNCC2)C(C)=C1 DB09068 71768094 76016 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/vortioxetine.html 8141643 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 9.0 h 7-11 h DRUGBANK 0.348 L/h/kg 5.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2600.0 L ~2600 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 35.3 L/kg 35.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 66.0 h ~66 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 72.0 h 72 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Trintellix vortioxetine PDR 20.0 mg/day 20 mg/day PO, oral Trintellix vortioxetine PDR DDPD09069 Trimetazidine 266.341 C14H22N2O3 COC1=C(OC)C(OC)=C(CN2CCNCC2)C=C1 DB09069 21109 94789 http://www.drugs.com/international/trimetazidine.html 19853 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 75.0 % 75 % DRUGBANK 8.0 h ~8 h extended release formulation; young; DRUGBANK 12.0 h ~12 h extended release formulation; Elderly; DRUGBANK DDPD09070 Tibolone 312.453 C21H28O2 [H][C@@]12CC[C@@](O)(C#C)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@]1([H])C3=C(CC(=O)CC3)C[C@@]([H])(C)[C@@]21[H] DB09070 444008 32223 392038 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.25 h 1-1.5 h PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 45.0 h ~45 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg DRUGBANK DDPD09071 Tasimelteon 245.322 C15H19NO2 CCC(=O)NC[C@@H]1C[C@H]1C1=CC=CC2=C1CCO2 DB09071 10220503 79042 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/tasimelteon.html 8395995 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.5424 L/h/kg 9.04 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 91.0 L 56-126 L Apparent volume of distribution; at steady state; PO, oral; normal,healthy; young; DRUGBANK 0.33 L/kg 0.33 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.3 h 1.3±0.4 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.75 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.0 % ~4 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % DRUGBANK DDPD09072 Sodium oxybate 126.087 C4H7NaO3 [Na+].OCCCC([O-])=O DB09072 23663870 9983 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 88.0 % 88 % DRUGBANK 0.688333333333333 h 30.7-51.9 min DRUGBANK 67.68 L/h 895-1361 ml/min Total clearance; DRUGBANK 52.7 L 37.7-67.7 L DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.5-1 h DRUGBANK 9690.0 mg/kg 9690.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5.0 % <5 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % DRUGBANK 9000.0 mg/day 9 g/day PO, oral Xyrem sodium oxybate PDR 7500.0 mg/day 7.5 g/day PO, oral Xyrem sodium oxybate PDR 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day PO, oral Xyrem sodium oxybate PDR 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day PO, oral Xyrem sodium oxybate PDR 9.0 g/night 9 g/night PO, oral Xyrem sodium oxybate PDR 9000.0 mg/day 9 g/day PO, oral Xyrem sodium oxybate PDR 7500.0 mg/day 7.5 g/day PO, oral Xyrem sodium oxybate PDR 6000.0 mg/day 6 g/day PO, oral Xyrem sodium oxybate PDR 9.0 g/night 9 g/night PO, oral Xyrem sodium oxybate PDR DDPD09073 Palbociclib 447.5328 C24H29N7O2 CC(=O)C1=C(C)C2=CN=C(NC3=NC=C(C=C3)N3CCNCC3)N=C2N(C2CCCC2)C1=O DB09073 5330286 85993 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/palbociclib.html 4487437 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 46.0 % 46 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 9.0 h 6-12 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 192.0 h 8 day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 63.1 L/h 63.1 L/h apparent clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2583.0 L 2583.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 29.0 h 29 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/kg 100.0 mg/kg PO, oral; DRUGBANK 17.5 % 17.5 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 85 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 125.0 mg/day 125 mg/day PO, oral Ibrance palbociclib PDR 125.0 mg/day 125 mg/day PO, oral Ibrance palbociclib PDR DDPD09074 Olaparib 434.4628 C24H23FN4O3 FC1=CC=C(CC2=NNC(=O)C3=CC=CC=C23)C=C1C(=O)N1CCN(CC1)C(=O)C1CC1 DB09074 83766 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/olaparib.html 23343272 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 25.8 ng.h/ml 25.8 mcg.h/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6900.0 ng/ml 4.7-9.1 mcg/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 1-3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 8.35 L/h 4.6-12.1 L/h Total clearance; DRUGBANK 40.3 L 40.3 L DRUGBANK 8.0 h 5-11 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 44.0 % 44 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 42.0 % 42 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 82.0 % 82 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral bid Lynparza olaparib PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral bid Lynparza olaparib PDR DDPD09075 Edoxaban 548.06 C24H30ClN7O4S CN(C)C(=O)[C@H]1CC[C@H](NC(=O)C(=O)NC2=NC=C(Cl)C=C2)[C@@H](C1)NC(=O)C1=NC2=C(CN(C)CC2)S1 DB09075 10280735 85973 http://www.drugs.com/international/edoxaban.html 8456212 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 62.0 % 62 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 22.0 L/h 22.0 L/h DRUGBANK 0.3114 L/h/kg 5.19 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 107.0 L 107.0 L Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 1.53 L/kg 1.53 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 10-14 h elimination half-life; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.7 h 6.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 55.0 % ~55 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; DRUGBANK DDPD09076 Umeclidinium 428.595 C29H34NO2 OC(C1=CC=CC=C1)(C1=CC=CC=C1)C12CC[N+](CCOCC3=CC=CC=C3)(CC1)CC2 DB09076 11519070 79041 http://www.drugs.com/cons/umeclidinium-inhalation.html 9693858 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.166666666666667 h 5-15 min DRUGBANK 336.0 h 14 day DRUGBANK 2.157 L/h/kg 35.95 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 86.0 L 86.0 L Average volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 1.23 L/kg 1.23 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 11.0 h 11 h effective half-life; Multiple dose; DRUGBANK 19.0 h 19 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 58.0 % 58 % Faeces excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 22.0 % 22 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 89.0 % 89 % DRUGBANK 0.0625 mg/day 62.5 mcg/day inhalation, IH Incruse Ellipta umeclidinium PDR 0.0625 mg/day 62.5 mcg/day inhalation, IH Incruse Ellipta umeclidinium PDR DDPD09078 Lenvatinib 426.86 C21H19ClN4O4 COC1=C(C=C2C(OC3=CC=C(NC(=O)NC4CC4)C(Cl)=C3)=CC=NC2=C1)C(N)=O DB09078 9823820 85994 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/lenvatinib.html 7999567 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.5 h 1-4 h DRUGBANK 28.0 h ~28 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 64.0 % ~64 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 25.0 % ~25 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 98.5 % 98-99 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 24.0 mg/day 24 mg/day PO, oral Lenvima lenvatinib PDR 18.0 mg/day 18 mg/day PO, oral Lenvima lenvatinib PDR 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day PO, oral Lenvima lenvatinib PDR 24.0 mg/day 24 mg/day PO, oral Lenvima lenvatinib PDR 18.0 mg/day 18 mg/day PO, oral Lenvima lenvatinib PDR 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day PO, oral Lenvima lenvatinib PDR DDPD09079 Nintedanib 539.6248 C31H33N5O4 COC(=O)C1=CC=C2C(NC(=O)\C2=C(/NC2=CC=C(C=C2)N(C)C(=O)CN2CCN(C)CC2)C2=CC=CC=C2)=C1 DB09079 9809715 85164 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/nintedanib.html 7985471 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.7 % 4.7 % PO, oral; patients; fasting; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h PO, oral; patients; fasting; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h PO, oral; 421AA genotype; food; DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % DRUGBANK 0.03 % 0.03 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.01 % 0.01 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 83.4 L/h 1390.0 ml/min Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 1.2 L/h 20.0 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 1.194 L/h/kg 19.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1050.0 L 1050.0 L intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 15.0 L/kg 15 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.5 h ~10-15 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 9.5 h ~9.5 h effective half-life; idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; DRUGBANK 9.5 h 9.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 93.4 % 93.4 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 0.05 % 0.05 % PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.4 % 1.4 % intravenous injection, IV; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 97.8 % 97.8 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Ofev nintedanib PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral Ofev nintedanib PDR DDPD09080 Olodaterol 386.448 C21H26N2O5 COC1=CC=C(CC(C)(C)NC[C@H](O)C2=C3OCC(=O)NC3=CC(O)=C2)C=C1 DB09080 11504295 82700 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/olodaterol.html 9679097 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 30.0 % ~30 % inhalation, IH; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Liquid; DRUGBANK 0.25 h 10-20 min inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 52.32 L/h 872.0 ml/min Total clearance; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 10.38 L/h 173.0 ml/min Renal clearance; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.747 L/h/kg 12.45 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1110.0 L 1110.0 L DRUGBANK 15.85 L/kg 15.85 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 22.0 h 22 h terminal half-life; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 45.0 h ~45 h terminal half-life; inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 22.1 h 22.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 38.0 % 38 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 53.0 % 53 % Faeces excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 9.0 % 9 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 84.0 % 84 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 19.0 % 19 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 9.0 % <9 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 60.0 % ~60 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; Plasma Concentration &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.005 mg/day 5 mcg/day inhalation, IH Striverdi Respimat olodaterol PDR 0.005 mg/day 5 mcg/day inhalation, IH Striverdi Respimat olodaterol PDR DDPD09081 Idebenone 366.498 C21H34O5 COC1=C(OC)C(=O)C(CCCCCCCCCCCCO)=C(C)C1=O DB09081 12881464 31687 https://www.drugs.com/international/idebenone.html 14944546 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.67 h 0.67(0.33-2) h PO, oral; DRUGBANK DDPD09082 Vilanterol 486.43 C24H33Cl2NO5 OCC1=C(O)C=CC(=C1)[C@@H](O)CNCCCCCCOCCOCC1=C(Cl)C=CC=C1Cl DB09082 10184665 75037 http://www.drugs.com/breo-ellipta.html 8360167 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 27.3 % 27.3 % inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 2.0 % <2 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.166666666666667 h 10 min inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 78.0 % 78 % DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % DRUGBANK 1.542 L/h/kg 25.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 661.0 L 661.0 L Average volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.38 L/kg 2.38 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 21.3 h 21.3 h DRUGBANK 2.4 h 2.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 93.9 % 93.9 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD09083 Ivabradine 468.594 C27H36N2O5 COC1=C(OC)C=C2[C@@H](CN(C)CCCN3CCC4=CC(OC)=C(OC)C=C4CC3=O)CC2=C1 DB09083 132999 85966 http://www.drugs.com/international/ivabradine-hydrochloride.html 117373 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 40.0 % ~40 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 24.0 L/h 400.0 ml/min Total clearance; DRUGBANK 4.2 L/h 70.0 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.6162 L/h/kg 10.27 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 100.0 L 100.0 L DRUGBANK 1.66 L/kg 1.66 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 7.5 mg 7.5 mg PO, oral bid Corlanor ivabradine PDR 0.6 mg/kg/day 0.3 mg/kg/dose PO, oral bid Corlanor ivabradine PDR 7.5 mg/dose 7.5 mg/dose PO, oral Corlanor ivabradine PDR 7.5 mg 7.5 mg PO, oral bid Corlanor ivabradine PDR 7.5 mg 7.5 mg PO, oral bid Corlanor ivabradine PDR 0.3 mg/kg/dose 0.3 mg/kg/dose PO, oral bid Corlanor ivabradine PDR 7.5 mg/dose 7.5 mg/dose PO, oral Corlanor ivabradine PDR 7.5 mg 7.5 mg PO, oral bid Corlanor ivabradine PDR 0.4 mg/kg/day 0.2 mg/kg/dose PO, oral bid Corlanor ivabradine PDR DDPD09084 Benzydamine 309.413 C19H23N3O CN(C)CCCOC1=NN(CC2=CC=CC=C2)C2=CC=CC=C12 DB09084 12555 94563 12036 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 10.2 L/h 170.0 ml/min Total clearance; DRUGBANK 0.1368 L/h/kg 2.28 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.0 L 10.0 L DRUGBANK 1.53 L/kg 1.53 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 13.0 h ~13 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 7.7 h ~7.7 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 8.1 h 8.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 % <20 % plasma proteins; PO, oral; DRUGBANK DDPD09087 Potassium alum 258.205 AlKO8S2 [Al+3].[K+].[O-]S([O-])(=O)=O.[O-]S([O-])(=O)=O DB09087 24856 86463 23239 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4.5 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.2 % 0.1-0.3 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 70-90 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD09089 Trimebutine 387.476 C22H29NO5 CCC(COC(=O)C1=CC(OC)=C(OC)C(OC)=C1)(N(C)C)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB09089 5573 94458 5372 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; Derivative; DRUGBANK 0.8 h 0.8 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1.0 h ~1 h elimination half-life; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 2.77 h 2.77 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5000 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2500.0 mg/kg 2500.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 8.5 % 5-12 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 94.0 % ~94 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 2.4 % <2.4 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % DRUGBANK DDPD09090 Pinaverium 511.52 C26H41BrNO4 COC1=C(OC)C=C(C[N+]2(CCOCCC3CCC4CC3C4(C)C)CCOCC2)C(Br)=C1 DB09090 40704 135811 37182 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.5 % 5-10 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.5 h ~1.5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 1531.0 mg/kg 1531.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1145.0 mg/kg 1145.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 154.0 mg/kg 154.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD09091 Tixocortol 378.53 C21H30O4S [H][C@@]12CC[C@](O)(C(=O)CS)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)CC[C@]12C DB09091 162955 63560 143053 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 15.0 % 10-20 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 21.7 L/kg 21.7 L/kg PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK DDPD09092 Xanthinol 311.342 C13H21N5O4 CN(CCO)CC(O)CN1C=NC2=C1C(=O)N(C)C(=O)N2C DB09092 9913 94314 9526 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.63 L/h/kg 0.63 l/h/kg Total clearance; DRUGBANK 0.93 L/kg 0.93 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.67 h 1.67 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 95.45 % 90.9-100 % DRUGBANK DDPD09093 Chlortetracycline 478.88 C22H23ClN2O8 [H][C@@]12C[C@@]3([H])C(=C(O)[C@]1(O)C(=O)C(C(N)=O)=C(O)[C@H]2N(C)C)C(=O)C1=C(O)C=CC(Cl)=C1[C@@]3(C)O DB09093 54708735 27644 10469370 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 22.5 % 15-30 % DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h DRUGBANK 0.12 L/h/kg 2 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 100.0 L 100.0 L DRUGBANK 0.9 L/kg 0.9 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.6 h 5.6 h DRUGBANK 7.0 h 7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2314.0 mg/kg 2314.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 52.5 % 50-55 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD09094 Podophyllin 1693.67 C88H92O34 COC1=CC(=CC(OC)=C1OC)C1C2C(COC2=O)C(O)C2=CC3=C(OCO3)C=C12.COC1=CC(=CC(OC)=C1OC)C1C2C(COC2=O)C(O)C2=CC3=C(OCO3)C=C12.COC1=CC(=CC(OC)=C1OC)C1C(C(CO)C(O)C2=CC3=C(OCO3)C=C12)C(O)=O.COC1=CC(=CC(OC)=C1OC)C1C(C(CO)C(O)C2=CC3=C(OCO3)C=C12)C(O)=O DB09094 11979494 10152781 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 8.7 mg/kg 8.7 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 15.0 mg/kg 15.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 8.0 mg/kg 8.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3.0 mg/kg 3.0 mg/kg IM,intramuscular injection; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 30.0 mg/kg 30.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 24.6 mg/kg 24.6 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD09095 Difluocortolone 394.459 C22H28F2O4 [H][C@@]12C[C@@H](C)[C@H](C(=O)CO)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1(F)[C@@]2([H])C[C@H](F)C2=CC(=O)C=C[C@]12C DB09095 11954369 135624 10128664 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 10.8 ng.h/ml 10.8 ng.h/ml Rectal Administration; DRUGBANK 0.75 ng/ml 0.75 ng/ml Rectal Administration; DRUGBANK 4.75 h 4.75±2.09 h Rectal Administration; DRUGBANK 4.5 h ~4-5 h DRUGBANK 9.0 h ~9 h DRUGBANK 75.0 % 75 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD09096 Benzoyl peroxide 242.2268 C14H10O4 O=C(OOC(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB09096 7187 82405 http://www.drugs.com/cons/benzoyl-peroxide-topical.html 6919 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD09097 Quinagolide 395.56 C20H33N3O3S [H][C@]12C[C@@H](CN(CCC)[C@]1([H])CC1=CC=CC(O)=C1C2)NS(=O)(=O)N(CC)CC DB09097 3086401 135627 2343034 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.0 % 4 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.5-1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 100.0 L ~100 L DRUGBANK 11.5 h 11.5 h terminal half-life; Single dose; DRUGBANK 17.0 h 17 h at steady state; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/kg 300.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 980.0 mg/kg 980.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3200.0 mg/kg 3200.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD09099 Somatostatin 1637.9 C76H104N18O19S2 C[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1NC(=O)[C@H](CC2=CC=CC=C2)NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CCCCN)NC(=O)[C@H](CC2=CNC3=C2C=CC=C3)NC(=O)[C@H](CC2=CC=CC=C2)NC(=O)[C@H](CC2=CC=CC=C2)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(N)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CCCCN)NC(=O)[C@H](CSSC[C@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CO)NC1=O)C(O)=O)NC(=O)CNC(=O)[C@H](C)N)[C@@H](C)O DB09099 16129681 64628 17286507 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.0 L/h 50.0 ml/min Total clearance; DRUGBANK 180.0 L/h 3000.0 ml/min Total clearance; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.0333333333333333 h 1-3 min DRUGBANK DDPD09101 Elvitegravir 447.884 C23H23ClFNO5 [H][C@@](CO)(C(C)C)N1C=C(C(O)=O)C(=O)C2=C1C=C(OC)C(CC1=C(F)C(Cl)=CC=C1)=C2 DB09101 5277135 72289 4441060 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h PO, oral; AIDS,HIV; DRUGBANK 8.7 h ~8.7 h terminal half-life; Drug combination; DRUGBANK 94.8 % 94.8 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 98.5 % 98-99 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD09102 Daclatasvir 738.89 C40H50N8O6 COC(=O)N[C@@H](C(C)C)C(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C1=NC=C(N1)C1=CC=C(C=C1)C1=CC=C(C=C1)C1=CN=C(N1)[C@@H]1CCCN1C(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)OC)C(C)C DB09102 25154714 82977 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/daclatasvir.html 24609522 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 67.0 % 67 % Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.0 h <2 h Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 96.0 h 4 day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.2 L/h 4.2 L/h Total clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.06 L/h/kg 1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 47.0 L 47.0 L Tablet, PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.67 L/kg 0.67 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 13.5 h ~12-15 h elimination half-life; Multiple dose; HCV-positive; DRUGBANK 13.5 h 13.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 88.0 % ~88 % Faeces excretion; Bile excretion; DRUGBANK 6.6 % 6.6 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % DRUGBANK 90.0 mg/day 90 mg/day PO, oral qd Daklinza daclatasvir PDR 90.0 mg/day 90 mg/day PO, oral qd Daklinza daclatasvir PDR DDPD09104 Magnesium hydroxide 58.32 H2MgO2 [OH-].[OH-].[Mg++] DB09104 73981 6637 14107 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 32.5 % 15-50 % DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 8500.0 mg/kg 8500.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD09106 Hydroxyethyl Starch N.A. N.A. C(COCC1C(C(C(C(O1)OCCO)OCCO)OCCO)OCCO)O.C(C1C(C(C(C(O1)O)O)O)O)O DB09106 16213095 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4340000.0 ng/ml 4.34 mg/ml DRUGBANK 0.204 L/h 3.4 ml/min DRUGBANK 5.9 L 5.9 L DRUGBANK 16.1 h 16.1 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 8460.0 mg/kg 8460.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; rabbit; DRUGBANK 62.0 % ~62 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD09110 Coenzyme M 142.197 C2H6O3S2 OS(=O)(=O)CCS DB09110 598 17905 https://www.drugs.com/mtm/mesna-oral-injection.html 578 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 58.0 % 58 % PO, oral; Derivative; DRUGBANK 89.0 % 89 % PO, oral; Derivative; DRUGBANK 2.75 h 1.5-4 h PO, oral; Derivative; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 3-7 h PO, oral; Derivative; DRUGBANK 1.23 L/h/kg 1.23 l/h/kg Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.652 L/kg 0.652±0.242 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.36 h 0.36 h Derivative; DRUGBANK 1.17 h 1.17 h Metabolite; DRUGBANK 28.0 % 28 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD09112 Nitrous acid 47.0134 HNO2 ON=O DB09112 23668193 25567 22936 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.59 h 0.4-0.78 h DRUGBANK 157.9 mg/kg 157.9 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 175.0 mg/kg 175.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 35.0 mg/kg 35.0 mg/kg PO, oral; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD09114 Colfosceril palmitate 734.0389 C40H80NO8P [H][C@@](COC(=O)CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC)(COP([O-])(=O)OCC[N+](C)(C)C)OC(=O)CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC DB09114 452110 72999 398235 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 28.0 h 20-36 h DRUGBANK 4.0 % 4 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 2.0 % 2 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD09116 Calcium carbimide 80.103 CCaN2 [Ca++].[N-]=C=[N-] DB09116 56955933 64301 21106503 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1297.66666666667 ng.h/mg 77.86 mcg.min/mg DRUGBANK 65.5 % 50-81 % increasing doses; increasing doses &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1650.0 ng/ml 1.65 mcg/ml DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h DRUGBANK 0.2 h 12 min DRUGBANK 0.939 L/h/kg 0.0123-0.0190 L/kg/min Plasma clearance; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.64 L/kg 0.64 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; Drug combination; DRUGBANK 1.54 h 92.4 min DRUGBANK DDPD09117 Paraldehyde 132.1577 C6H12O3 CC1OC(C)OC(C)O1 DB09117 31264 27909 21106173 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 7.5 h 7.5(3.5-9.5) h DRUGBANK 4150.0 mg/kg 3.3-5 g/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 1575.0 mg/kg 1.5-1.65 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1375.0 mg/kg 1.3-1.45 g/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3500.0 mg/kg 3-4 g/kg PO, oral; dog; DRUGBANK 2750.0 mg/kg 2.75 g/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 3300.0 mg/kg 3.3 g/kg PO, oral; cat; DRUGBANK 75.0 % 70-80 % lung excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD09118 Stiripentol 234.295 C14H18O3 CC(C)(C)C(O)\C=C\C1=CC2=C(OCO2)C=C1 DB09118 5311454 4470940 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.66666666666667 L/h/kg 40.0 L/kg/day Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.333333333333333 L/h/kg 8.0 L/kg/day Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 1.03 L/kg 1.03 L/kg Average volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 8.75 h 4.5-13 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 73.0 % ~73 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 18.5 % 13-24 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % ~99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD09119 Eslicarbazepine acetate 296.326 C17H16N2O3 CC(=O)O[C@H]1CC2=CC=CC=C2N(C(N)=O)C2=CC=CC=C12 DB09119 179344 87016 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/eslicarbazepine.html 156110 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.5 h 1-4 h DRUGBANK 1.2 L/h 20.0 ml/min Renal clearance; normal renal function; DRUGBANK 61.3 L 61.3 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 15.0 h 10-20 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; rheumatoid arthritis; DRUGBANK 16.5 h 13-20 h elimination half-life; epilepsy; DRUGBANK 40.0 % <40 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Aptiom eslicarbazepine acetate PDR 900.0 mg/day 900 mg/day PO, oral Aptiom eslicarbazepine acetate PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Aptiom eslicarbazepine acetate PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Aptiom eslicarbazepine acetate PDR 1600.0 mg/day 1600 mg/day PO, oral Aptiom eslicarbazepine acetate PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Aptiom eslicarbazepine acetate PDR 900.0 mg/day 900 mg/day PO, oral Aptiom eslicarbazepine acetate PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Aptiom eslicarbazepine acetate PDR 1600.0 mg/day 1600 mg/day PO, oral Aptiom eslicarbazepine acetate PDR DDPD09120 Zucapsaicin 305.4119 C18H27NO3 COC1=C(O)C=CC(CNC(=O)CCCC\C=C/C(C)C)=C1 DB09120 1548942 135952 1265956 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.075 % 0.075 % animals; DRUGBANK 9.0 h ~7-11 h elimination half-life; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 9.0 h ~7-11 h elimination half-life; Rattus, Rat; Metabolite; DRUGBANK 87500.0 mg/kg >87.5 g/kg PO, oral; Male, men; mouse; DRUGBANK 60.0 mg/kg <60 mg/kg PO, oral;  Female, women; mouse; DRUGBANK 90.0 mg/kg >90 mg/kg PO, oral; Male, men; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 60.0 mg/kg >60 mg/kg PO, oral;  Female, women; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 66.7 % <66.7 % Urinary excretion; Faeces excretion; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD09121 Aurothioglucose 392.18 C6H11AuO5S OC[C@H]1O[C@H](S[Au])[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O DB09121 6104 2930 5879 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3425000000.0 ng/ml 342.5 g/dl DRUGBANK 5.0 h 4-6 h IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 360.0 h ~3-27 day elimination half-life; Single dose; dose &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 648.0 h 14-40 day DRUGBANK 4032.0 h 168 day DRUGBANK 3.357 mg/kg ~3.357 mg/kg IM,intramuscular injection; Male, men; DRUGBANK 5.5 mg/kg ~5.5 mg/kg IM,intramuscular injection; Male, men; DRUGBANK 2.65 mg/kg 2.6-2.7 mg/kg IM,intramuscular injection;  Female, women; cholestatic jaundice; DRUGBANK 14.402 mg/kg ~14.402 mg/kg IM,intramuscular injection;  Female, women; acute renal failure; acute tubular necrosis; DRUGBANK 70.0 % ~70 % Urinary excretion; IM,intramuscular injection; patients; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 30.0 % ~30 % Faeces excretion; IM,intramuscular injection; patients; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 95-99 % DRUGBANK DDPD09123 Dienogest 311.425 C20H25NO2 [H][C@@]12CC[C@@](O)(CC#N)[C@@]1(C)CCC1=C3CCC(=O)C=C3CC[C@@]21[H] DB09123 68861 70708 62093 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 91.0 % 91 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 47.0 ng/ml 47 ng/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 48.0 h 2 day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.84 L/h 64.0 ml/min Total clearance; DRUGBANK 0.0774 L/h/kg 1.29 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 40.0 L 40.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.6 L/kg 0.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 9.5 h ~9-10 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 14.0 h 14 h Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 11.0 h 11 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.0 mg/kg 4.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % DRUGBANK DDPD09124 Medrogestone 340.507 C23H32O2 [H][C@@]12CC[C@](C)(C(C)=O)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])C=C(C)C2=CC(=O)CC[C@]12C DB09124 9949848 135446 8125459 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 12.5 ng/ml 10-15 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h DRUGBANK DDPD09125 Potassium citrate 306.394 C6H5K3O7 [K+].[K+].[K+].OC(CC([O-])=O)(CC([O-])=O)C([O-])=O DB09125 13344 64733 12775 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 176.0 mg/kg 176.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; dog; DRUGBANK 5.0 % <5 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 2.0 mEq/kg/day 2 mEq/kg/day PO, oral Urocit-K potassium citrate PDR 100.0 mEq/day 100 mEq/day PO, oral Urocit-K potassium citrate PDR 100.0 mEq/day 100 mEq/day PO, oral Urocit-K potassium citrate PDR 100.0 mEq/kg/day 100 mEq/kg/day PO, oral Urocit-K potassium citrate PDR DDPD09128 Brexpiprazole 433.57 C25H27N3O2S O=C1NC2=CC(OCCCCN3CCN(CC3)C3=C4C=CSC4=CC=C3)=CC=C2C=C1 DB09128 11978813 134716 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/brexpiprazole.html 10152155 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % PO, oral; food; food &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h DRUGBANK 264.0 h 10-12 day DRUGBANK 0.0198 L/h/kg 19.8 ml/h/kg DRUGBANK 0.0204 L/h/kg 0.34 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.56 L/kg 1.56 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.46 L/kg 1.46 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 91.0 h 91 h DRUGBANK 96.0 h 96 h Metabolite; DRUGBANK 54.37 h 54.37 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 25.0 % ~25 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 46.0 % ~46 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 14.0 % ~14 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % DRUGBANK 4.0 mg/day 4 mg/day PO, oral Rexulti brexpiprazole PDR 4.0 mg/day 4 mg/day PO, oral Rexulti brexpiprazole PDR DDPD09129 Chromic chloride 158.35 Cl3Cr [Cl-].[Cl-].[Cl-].[Cr+3] DB09129 6452300 53351 23193 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % lung metabolism; DRUGBANK 4.0 % 4 % Renal metabolism; Liver metabolism; plasma metabolism; spleen metabolism; DRUGBANK 6.0 % 6 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 36.0 h 31-41 h DRUGBANK 14.0 mg/kg 10-18 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD09130 Copper 63.546 Cu [Cu] DB09130 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/pdfs/ATSDR MRLs - May 2021 - H.pdf 23978 28694 22414 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 38.5 % 12-65 % increasing doses; increasing doses &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.01 mg/kg/day 0.01 mg/kg/day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.01 mg/kg/day 0.01 mg/kg/day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 18.0 % 18 % DRUGBANK DDPD09131 Cupric Chloride 134.452 Cl2Cu Cl[Cu]Cl DB09131 24014 49553 22447 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 57.0 % 57(40-70) % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK DDPD09132 Gadoteric acid 558.65 C16H25GdN4O8 [Gd+3].OC(=O)CN1CCN(CC([O-])=O)CCN(CC([O-])=O)CCN(CC([O-])=O)CC1 DB09132 158536 73732 http://www.drugs.com/international/gadoteric-acid.html 139460 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 0.0762 L/h/kg 1.27 ml/min/kg Renal clearance; normal,healthy;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 0.1044 L/h/kg 1.74 ml/min/kg Total clearance; normal,healthy;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 0.084 L/h/kg 1.4 ml/min/kg Renal clearance; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.0984 L/h/kg 1.64 ml/min/kg Total clearance; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.179 L/kg 179.0 ml/kg at steady state; normal,healthy;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 0.211 L/kg 211.0 ml/kg at steady state; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 1.4 h 1.4 h elimination half-life;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2.0 h elimination half-life; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.2 ml/kg/dose 0.2 ml/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Dotarem Injection gadoterate meglumine PDR 0.1 mmol/kg/dose 0.1 mmol/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Dotarem Injection gadoterate meglumine PDR 0.2 ml/kg/dose 0.2 ml/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Dotarem Injection gadoterate meglumine PDR 0.1 mmoL/kg/dose 0.1 mmoL/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Dotarem Injection gadoterate meglumine PDR 0.2 ml/kg/dose 0.2 mL/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Dotarem Injection gadoterate meglumine PDR 0.1 mmol/kg/dose 0.1 mmol/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Dotarem Injection gadoterate meglumine PDR 0.2 ml/kg/dose 0.2 ml/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Dotarem Injection gadoterate meglumine PDR 0.1 mmol/kg/dose 0.1 mmol/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Dotarem Injection gadoterate meglumine PDR 0.2 ml/kg/dose 0.2 ml/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Dotarem Injection gadoterate meglumine PDR 0.1 mmoL/kg/dose 0.1 mmoL/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Dotarem Injection gadoterate meglumine PDR 0.2 ml/kg/dose 0.2 ml/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Dotarem Injection gadoterate meglumine PDR 0.1 mmol/kg/dose 0.1 mmol/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Dotarem Injection gadoterate meglumine PDR DDPD09133 Iothalamic acid 613.916 C11H9I3N2O4 CNC(=O)C1=C(I)C(C(O)=O)=C(I)C(NC(C)=O)=C1I DB09133 3737 31713 https://www.drugs.com/international/iotalamic-acid.html 3606 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.166666666666667 h ~10 min distribution half-life; normal renal function; DRUGBANK 1.5 h ~90 min elimination half-life; normal renal function; DRUGBANK DDPD09134 Ioversol 807.115 C18H24I3N3O9 OCCN(C(=O)CO)C1=C(I)C(C(=O)NCC(O)CO)=C(I)C(C(=O)NCC(O)CO)=C1I DB09134 3741 31717 https://www.drugs.com/mtm/ioversol.html 3610 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h DRUGBANK 95.0 % >95 % DRUGBANK DDPD09135 Ioxilan 791.116 C18H24I3N3O8 CC(=O)N(CC(O)CO)C1=C(I)C(C(=O)NCC(O)CO)=C(I)C(C(=O)NCCO)=C1I DB09135 3743 135884 https://www.drugs.com/international/ioxilan.html 3612 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.724 L/h 95.4±11.1 ml/min Total clearance;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 6.06 L/h 101.0±14.7 ml/min Total clearance; Male, men; DRUGBANK 5.364 L/h 89.4±13.3 ml/min Renal clearance;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 5.694 L/h 94.9±16.6 ml/min Renal clearance; Male, men; DRUGBANK 7.2 L 7.2±1.0 L Apparent volume of distribution;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 10.0 L 10.0±2.4 L Apparent volume of distribution; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.218333333333333 h 13.1±4.2 min distribution half-life;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 0.391666666666667 h 23.5±15.3 min distribution half-life; Male, men; DRUGBANK 1.7 h 102.0±16.9 min elimination half-life;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 2.28333333333333 h 137±35.4 min elimination half-life; Male, men; DRUGBANK 93.7 % 93.7 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; young; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD09136 Isosulfan blue 545.69 C27H33N2O6S2 CCN(CC)C1=CC=C(C=C1)C(=C1C=CC(C=C1)=[N+](CC)CC)C1=CC(=CC=C1S(O)(=O)=O)S(O)(=O)=O DB09136 50108 4533 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 150.0 mg/kg >150 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1.0 % 1 % DRUGBANK DDPD09137 Technetium Tc-99m mebrofenin 486.136 C15H19BrN2O5Tc [99Tc].[H]OC(=O)C([H])([H])N(C([H])([H])C(=O)O[H])C([H])([H])C(=O)N([H])C1=C(C(Br)=C(C([H])=C1C([H])([H])[H])C([H])([H])[H])C([H])([H])[H] DB09137 11431716 https://www.drugs.com/pro/technetium-tc-99m-mebrofenin.html 28476619 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6.02 h 6.02 h physical half-life; DRUGBANK 1.0 % 1 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK DDPD09138 Technetium Tc-99m medronate 305.906 CH6O8P2Tc O.O.[98Tc+4].[O-]P([O-])(=O)CP([O-])([O-])=O DB09138 131704315 32186 https://www.drugs.com/cons/technetium-tc-99m-medronate-intravenous.html 34995234 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6.02 h 6.02 h physical half-life; DRUGBANK DDPD09139 Technetium Tc-99m oxidronate 290.906 CH6O7P2Tc [99Tc].OC(P(O)(O)=O)P(O)(O)=O DB09139 123801 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0583333333333333 h 3.5 min distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 0.45 h 27 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 2.4 h 144 min terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 25.0 % 20-30 % intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK DDPD09140 Oxygen 31.9988 O2 O=O DB09140 977 27140 https://www.drugs.com/pro/oxygen.html 952 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0339555555555556 h ~122.24 second DRUGBANK DDPD09143 Sonidegib 485.507 C26H26F3N3O3 [H][C@]1(C)CN(C[C@@]([H])(C)O1)C1=CC=C(NC(=O)C2=CC=CC(=C2C)C2=CC=C(OC(F)(F)F)C=C2)C=N1 DB09143 24775005 90863 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/sonidegib.html 25027390 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6.5 % 6-7 % PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 9166.0 L 9166.0 L DRUGBANK 672.0 h ~28 day DRUGBANK 70.0 % ~70 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 30.0 % ~30 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 97.0 % >97 % plasma proteins; Plasma Concentration &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Odomzo sonidegib PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Odomzo sonidegib PDR DDPD09144 Uridine triacetate 370.314 C15H18N2O9 CC(=O)OC[C@H]1O[C@H]([C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@@H]1OC(C)=O)N1C=CC(=O)NC1=O DB09144 20058 90914 https://www.drugs.com/mtm/uridine-triacetate.html 18897 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.25 h 2-2.5 h DRUGBANK 120.0 mg/kg/day 120 mg/kg/day PO, oral Xuriden uridine triacetate PDR 8000.0 mg/day 8 g/day PO, oral Xuriden uridine triacetate PDR 6.2 g/m2/dose 6.2 g/m2/dose PO, oral Xuriden uridine triacetate PDR 10000.0 mg/dose 10 g/dose PO, oral Xuriden uridine triacetate PDR 24800.0 mg/m2/day 24.8 g/m2/day PO, oral Xuriden uridine triacetate PDR 40000.0 mg/day 40 g/day PO, oral Xuriden uridine triacetate PDR 8000.0 mg/day 8 g/day PO, oral Xuriden uridine triacetate PDR 40000.0 mg/day 40 g/day PO, oral Xuriden uridine triacetate PDR 120.0 mg/kg/day 120 mg/kg/day PO, oral Xuriden uridine triacetate PDR 8000.0 mg/day 8 g/day PO, oral Xuriden uridine triacetate PDR 6200.0 mg/m2/dose 6.2 g/m2/dose PO, oral Xuriden uridine triacetate PDR 10000.0 mg/dose 10 g/dose PO, oral Xuriden uridine triacetate PDR 24800.0 mg/m2/day 24.8 g/m2/day PO, oral Xuriden uridine triacetate PDR 40000.0 mg/day 40 g/day PO, oral Xuriden uridine triacetate PDR 8000.0 mg/day 8 g/day PO, oral Xuriden uridine triacetate PDR 40000.0 mg/day 40 g/day PO, oral Xuriden uridine triacetate PDR 120.0 mg/kg/day 120 mg/kg/day PO, oral Xuriden uridine triacetate PDR DDPD09145 Water 18.0153 H2O O DB09145 962 15377 http://www.drugs.com/pro/sterile-water-for-injection.html 937 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.5 ml/dose 0.5 ml/dose IM,intramuscular injection Hiberix haemophilus b conjugate vaccine (tetanus toxoid conjugate) PDR 0.5 ml/dose 0.5 ml/dose IM,intramuscular injection Hiberix haemophilus b conjugate vaccine (tetanus toxoid conjugate) PDR 0.5 ml/dose 0.5 mL/dose IM,intramuscular injection Hiberix haemophilus b conjugate vaccine (tetanus toxoid conjugate) PDR 0.5 ml/dose 0.5 ml/dose IM,intramuscular injection Hiberix haemophilus b conjugate vaccine (tetanus toxoid conjugate) PDR 0.0 0 Hiberix haemophilus b conjugate vaccine (tetanus toxoid conjugate) PDR 0.5 ml 0.5 ml IM,intramuscular injection Hiberix haemophilus b conjugate vaccine (tetanus toxoid conjugate) PDR 5.6 mg/kg/day 0.8 mg/kg/week subcutaneous injection, SC Enbrel etanercept PDR 7.14285714 mg/day 50 mg/week subcutaneous injection, SC Enbrel etanercept PDR 7.14285714285714 mg/day 50 mg/week subcutaneous injection, SC Enbrel etanercept PDR 14.2857142857143 mg/day 100 mg/week subcutaneous injection, SC Enbrel etanercept PDR 50.0 mg/dose 50 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC Enbrel etanercept PDR 0.114285714285714 mg/kg/day 0.8 mg/kg/week subcutaneous injection, SC Enbrel etanercept PDR 7.14285714285714 mg/day 50 mg/week subcutaneous injection, SC Enbrel etanercept PDR 7.14285714285714 mg/day 50 mg/week subcutaneous injection, SC Enbrel etanercept PDR 14.2857142857143 mg/day 100 mg/week subcutaneous injection, SC Enbrel etanercept PDR 50.0 mg/dose 50 mg/dose subcutaneous injection, SC Enbrel etanercept PDR DDPD09146 Iron sucrose 866.546 C12H29Fe5Na2O23 O.O.O.[OH-].[O--].[O--].[O--].[O--].[O--].[O--].[O--].[O--].[Na+].[Na+].[Fe+3].[Fe+3].[Fe+3].[Fe+3].[Fe+3].OC[C@H]1O[C@@](CO)(O[C@H]2O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]2O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O DB09146 91663255 32699616 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 30000.0 ng/ml 30 mg/L intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.166666666666667 h 10 min intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.23 L/h 20.5 ml/min Total clearance; DRUGBANK 7.3 L 7.3 L DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6 h DRUGBANK 0.5 mg/kg 0.5 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Velphoro sucroferric oxyhydroxide PDR 100.0 mg/dose 100 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Velphoro sucroferric oxyhydroxide PDR 500.0 mg/dose 500 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Velphoro sucroferric oxyhydroxide PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3000 mg/day PO, oral Velphoro sucroferric oxyhydroxide PDR 0.5 mg/kg 0.5 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV Velphoro sucroferric oxyhydroxide PDR 100.0 mg/dose 100 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Velphoro sucroferric oxyhydroxide PDR 500.0 mg/dose 500 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Velphoro sucroferric oxyhydroxide PDR 3000.0 mg/day 3000 mg/day PO, oral Velphoro sucroferric oxyhydroxide PDR DDPD09148 Florbetaben (18F) 358.444 C21H26FNO3 CNC1=CC=C(\C=C\C2=CC=C(OCCOCCOCC[18F])C=C2)C=C1 DB09148 11501341 79033 9676143 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h DRUGBANK 30.0 % ~30 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 98.5 % 98.5 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD09151 Flutemetamol (18F) 273.32 C14H11FN2OS CNC1=C([18F])C=C(C=C1)C1=NC2=CC=C(O)C=C2S1 DB09151 15950376 76611 https://www.drugs.com/vizamyl.html 13092196 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 37.0 % ~37 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD09153 Sodium chloride 58.443 ClNa [Na+].[Cl-] DB09153 5234 26710 5044 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.64 L/kg 0.64 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.283333333333333 h 17 min DRUGBANK 0.044 mg 44 mcg subcutaneous injection, SC q2d Rebif interferon beta-1a PDR 0.03 mg 30 mcg IM,intramuscular injection qw Rebif interferon beta-1a PDR 0.044 mg 44 mcg subcutaneous injection, SC q2d Rebif interferon beta-1a PDR 0.03 mg 30 mcg IM,intramuscular injection qw Rebif interferon beta-1a PDR 20.0 ml/kg/bolus 20 ml/kg/bolus intravenous injection, IV Sodium Chloride sodium chloride PDR 1000.0 ml/bolus 1000 ml/bolus intravenous injection, IV Sodium Chloride sodium chloride PDR 1.0 mEq/kg/hour 1 mEq/kg/hour intravenous infusion, iv in drop Sodium Chloride sodium chloride PDR 10.0 ml/kg/dose 10 ml/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Sodium Chloride sodium chloride PDR 1000.0 ml/boLus 1000 ml/boLus Sodium Chloride sodium chloride PDR 20.0 ml/kg/bolus 20 mL/kg/bolus intravenous injection, IV Sodium Chloride sodium chloride PDR 1000.0 ml/bolus 1000 mL/bolus intravenous injection, IV Sodium Chloride sodium chloride PDR 1.0 mEq/kg/hour 1 mEq/kg/hour intravenous infusion, iv in drop Sodium Chloride sodium chloride PDR 10.0 ml/kg/dose 10 mL/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Sodium Chloride sodium chloride PDR 1000.0 ml/bolus 1000 ml/bolus Sodium Chloride sodium chloride PDR 20.0 ml/kg/boLus 20 ml/kg/boLus intravenous injection, IV Sodium Chloride sodium chloride PDR 1.0 mEq/kg/h 1 mEq/kg/h intravenous infusion, iv in drop Sodium Chloride sodium chloride PDR 10.0 ml/kg/dose 10 ml/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Sodium Chloride sodium chloride PDR 10.0 ml/kg/dose 10 ml/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Sodium Chloride sodium chloride PDR DDPD09154 Sodium citrate 258.068 C6H5Na3O7 [Na+].[Na+].[Na+].OC(CC([O-])=O)(CC([O-])=O)C([O-])=O DB09154 6224 53258 5989 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.9 h 98-130 min DRUGBANK 42.6 L/h 313-1107 ml/min Total clearance; DRUGBANK 29.0 L 19-39 L DRUGBANK 0.6 h 18-54 min DRUGBANK DDPD09155 Helium 4.0026 He [He] DB09155 23987 33681 https://www.drugs.com/pro/helium.html 22423 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.000222222222222222 h 0.8 second DRUGBANK DDPD09156 Iopromide 791.1119 C18H24I3N3O8 COCC(=O)NC1=C(I)C(C(=O)N(C)CC(O)CO)=C(I)C(C(=O)NCC(O)CO)=C1I DB09156 3736 63578 https://www.drugs.com/cons/iopromide-injection.html 3605 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 6.42 L/h 107.0 ml/min Average clearance; DRUGBANK 6.24 L/h 104.0 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.084 L/h/kg 1.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 16.0 L 16.0 L DRUGBANK 0.22 L/kg 0.22 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.24 h 0.24 h distribution half-life; normal,healthy; young; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; young; DRUGBANK 6.2 h 6.2 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; young; DRUGBANK 2.6 h 2.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 % 1 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 1480.0 ml/kg 1480 ml/kg intra-arterial infusion Ultravist Injection iopromide PDR 900.0 ml/kg 900 ml/kg intravenous injection, IV Ultravist Injection iopromide PDR 86000.0 mg 86 g total systemic Ultravist Injection iopromide PDR 1480.0 ml/kg 1480 ml/kg intra-arterial infusion Ultravist Injection iopromide PDR 900.0 ml/kg 900 ml/kg intravenous injection, IV Ultravist Injection iopromide PDR 86000.0 mg 86 g total systemic Ultravist Injection iopromide PDR DDPD09157 Carbon dioxide 44.0095 CO2 O=C=O DB09157 280 16526 274 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK DDPD09158 Trypan blue free acid 872.87 C34H28N6O14S4 CC1=CC(=CC=C1\N=N\C1=C(C=C2C=C(C=C(N)C2=C1O)S(O)(=O)=O)S(O)(=O)=O)C1=CC(C)=C(C=C1)\N=N\C1=C(O)C2=C(N)C=C(C=C2C=C1S(O)(=O)=O)S(O)(=O)=O DB09158 9562061 78900 14833963 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6200.0 mg/kg 6200.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD09160 Technetium Tc-99m tetrofosmin 898.86 C36H84O10P4Tc O.O.[98Tc].CCOCCP(CCOCC)CCP(CCOCC)CCOCC.CCOCCP(CCOCC)CCP(CCOCC)CCOCC DB09160 131704316 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6.03 h 6.03 h DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD09161 Technetium Tc-99m sestamibi 775.96 C36H66N6O6Tc [Tc+].COC(C)(C)C[N+]#[C-].COC(C)(C)C[N+]#[C-].COC(C)(C)C[N+]#[C-].COC(C)(C)C[N+]#[C-].COC(C)(C)C[N+]#[C-].COC(C)(C)C[N+]#[C-] DB09161 22617237 9423 https://www.drugs.com/pro/technetium-tc-99m-sestamibi.html 58829659 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 6.02 h 6.02 h physical half-life; DRUGBANK 0.0716666666666667 h 4.3 min rest; Components; DRUGBANK 0.0266666666666667 h 1.6 min exercise; Components; DRUGBANK 6.0 h ~6 h elimination half-life; rest; exercise; DRUGBANK 0.5 h ~30 min elimination half-life; rest; exercise; DRUGBANK 27.0 % 27 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 48.0 % ~48 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD09163 Technetium Tc-99m exametazime N.A. N.A. CC(C(=NO)C)NCC(C)(C)CNC(C)C(=NO)C.[Tc] DB09163 139032814 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 40.0 % ~40 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD09164 Technetium Tc-99m disofenin 449.321 C18H26N2O5Tc [99Tc].CC(C)C1=CC=CC(C(C)C)=C1NC(=O)CN(CC(O)=O)CC(O)=O DB09164 11430828 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6.02 h 6.02 h physical half-life; DRUGBANK 0.316666666666667 h 19 min elimination half-life; terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 7.8 mg/kg 7.8 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 9.0 % ~9 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD09165 Technetium Tc-99m pyrophosphate 272.847 O7P2Tc [99Tc+4].[O-]P([O-])(=O)OP([O-])([O-])=O DB09165 6452753 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 40.0 % ~40 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD09167 Dosulepin 295.44 C19H21NS CN(C)CC\C=C1/C2=CC=CC=C2CSC2=CC=CC=C12 DB09167 5284550 36803 4447605 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 37.6 ng/ml 37.6 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.18 h 2.18 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.36 L/h/kg 1.36 l/h/kg Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 45.0 L/kg 45.0 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 20.4 h ~20.4 h elimination half-life; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 31.0 mg/kg 31.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 90.0 mg/kg 90.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Infants; DRUGBANK 4.5 mg/kg 4.5 mg/kg PO, oral; adults;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 55.0 % 50-60 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 27.5 % 15-40 % Faeces excretion; Bile excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD09183 Dasabuvir 493.58 C26H27N3O5S COC1=C(C=C(C=C1C1=CC2=CC=C(NS(C)(=O)=O)C=C2C=C1)N1C=CC(=O)NC1=O)C(C)(C)C DB09183 56640146 85182 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/dasabuvir-ombitasvir-paritaprevir-and-ritonavir.html 29776744 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70 % DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h DRUGBANK 149.0 L 149.0 L DRUGBANK 2.13 L/kg 2.13 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.75 h 5.5-6 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 5.7 h 5.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 94.4 % 94.4 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 2.0 % 2 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 99.5 % >99.5 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD09185 Viloxazine 237.299 C13H19NO3 CCOC1=CC=CC=C1OCC1CNCCO1 DB09185 5666 94405 5464 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1070.0 ng/ml 540-1600 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.43333333333333 h 86 min PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.126 L/h/kg 2.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.73 L/kg 0.73 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.5 h ~3-4 h DRUGBANK 4.1 h 4.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 % ~2 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 13.5 % ~12-15 % Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK DDPD09195 Lorpiprazole 405.469 C21H26F3N5 [H][C@@]12CCC[C@]1([H])C1=NN=C(CCN3CCN(CC3)C3=CC=CC(=C3)C(F)(F)F)N1C2 DB09195 20055414 16736802 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 17.0 h 11-23 h DRUGBANK DDPD09205 Moxisylyte 279.38 C16H25NO3 CC(C)C1=C(OCCN(C)C)C=C(C)C(OC(C)=O)=C1 DB09205 4260 94754 4110 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 152600.0 ng.h/ml 152.6 mg.h/l intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10 % DRUGBANK 352.8 ng/ml 352.8 ng/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.4302 L/h/kg 7.17 ml/kg/min Plasma clearance; dog; DRUGBANK 0.905 L/kg 0.83-0.98 L/kg dog; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h DRUGBANK 69.0 % 69 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 14.0 % 14 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD09209 Pholcodine 398.4953 C23H30N2O4 [H][C@@]12OC3=C(OCCN4CCOCC4)C=CC4=C3[C@@]11CCN(C)[C@]([H])(C4)[C@]1([H])C=C[C@@H]2O DB09209 5311356 53579 4470854 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 88.0 % 88 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1670.0 ng.h/ml 1.67 mg.h/l PO, oral; DRUGBANK 26.3 ng/ml 26.3 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.3 h 1.3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 % 1 % DRUGBANK 7.56 L/h 126.0 ml/min PO, oral; DRUGBANK 265.0 L 265.0 L one-compartment; DRUGBANK 3207.0 L 3207.0 L two-compartment; DRUGBANK 45.0 h 45 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 55.0 h 55 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 45.0 h 45 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 22.0 % 21-23 % DRUGBANK DDPD09210 Piracetam 142.1558 C6H10N2O2 NC(=O)CN1CCCC1=O DB09210 32010 4677 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % DRUGBANK 84000.0 ng/ml 84 ug/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h PO, oral; food; food &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 72.0 h 3 day DRUGBANK 5.1 L/h 80-90 ml/min Total clearance; DRUGBANK 0.6 L/kg ~0.6 L/kg DRUGBANK 5.0 h ~5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5.0 h ~5 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 8.5 h 8.5 h DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~80-100 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK DDPD09212 Loxoprofen 246.3016 C15H18O3 CC(C(O)=O)C1=CC=C(CC2CCCC2=O)C=C1 DB09212 3965 76172 3828 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.16 L/kg 0.16 L/kg DRUGBANK 15.0 h ~15 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 25.0 % 20-30 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % DRUGBANK DDPD09213 Dexibuprofen 206.2808 C13H18O2 CC(C)CC1=CC=C(C=C1)[C@H](C)C(O)=O DB09213 39912 43415 https://www.drugs.com/international/dexibuprofen.html 36498 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.625 h 2.25-5 h Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.45 h 2.2-4.7 h Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 636.0 mg/kg 636.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD09214 Dexketoprofen 254.2806 C16H14O3 [H][C@@](C)(C(O)=O)C1=CC(=CC=C1)C(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB09214 667550 76128 580922 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.25 L/kg <0.25 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.65 h 1.65 h DRUGBANK 75.0 % ~70-80 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD09216 Tolfenamic acid 261.704 C14H12ClNO2 CC1=C(Cl)C=CC=C1NC1=CC=CC=C1C(O)=O DB09216 610479 32243 530683 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 31500.0 ng.h/ml 13-50 mcg.h/ml increasing doses &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 75.0 % 75 % DRUGBANK 11100.0 ng/ml 11.1 mcg/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.49 h 0.94-2.04 h DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % Liver metabolism; Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.1585 L/h/kg 0.142-0.175 L/h/kg DRUGBANK 4.344 L/h/kg 72.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.1422 L/h/kg 2.37 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.495 L/kg 1.79-3.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.33 L/kg 0.33 L/kg Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.16 L/kg 0.16 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.755 h 8.01-13.50 h DRUGBANK 6.1 h 6.1 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 2.15 h 2.15 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 600.0 mg/kg 200-1000 mg/kg DRUGBANK 8.8 % <8.8 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.7 % 99.7 % DRUGBANK DDPD09219 Bisoxatin 333.343 C20H15NO4 OC1=CC=C(C=C1)C1(OC2=CC=CC=C2NC1=O)C1=CC=C(O)C=C1 DB09219 28689 135955 http://www.drugs.com/international/bisoxatin.html 26684 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h DRUGBANK DDPD09220 Nicorandil 211.177 C8H9N3O4 [O-][N+](=O)OCCNC(=O)C1=CC=CN=C1 DB09220 47528 31905 43240 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 75.0 % 75 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 300.0 ng/ml 300 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.5-1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 108.0 h 96-120 h DRUGBANK 108.0 h 96-120 h DRUGBANK 69.0 L/h 1.15 L/min Total clearance; DRUGBANK 0.534 L/h/kg 8.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.2 L/kg ~1-1.4 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.4 L/kg 1.4 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 h ~1 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 3.6 h 3.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 626.0 mg/kg 626.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1220.0 mg/kg 1220.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 62.5 mg/kg 62.5 mg/kg PO, oral; dog; DRUGBANK 60.0 % >60 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % ~1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 25.0 % ~25 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD09225 Zotepine 331.86 C18H18ClNOS CN(C)CCOC1=CC2=CC=CC=C2SC2=CC=C(Cl)C=C12 DB09225 5736 32316 5534 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 13.25 ng/ml 6.9-19.6 ng/ml increasing doses; increasing doses &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h increasing doses; increasing doses &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 4.6 mg/h/kg 4.6 mg/h/kg apparent clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 109.0 L/kg 109.0 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 21.0 h 21 h DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD09236 Lacidipine 455.551 C26H33NO6 CCOC(=O)C1=C(C)NC(C)=C(C1C1=CC=CC=C1\C=C\C(=O)OC(C)(C)C)C(=O)OCC DB09236 5311217 135737 4470736 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 10.0 % <10 % DRUGBANK 3.65 ng/ml 1.6-5.7 ug/L Oral single dose; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 0.5-2.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 16.0 h 13-19 h terminal half-life; at steady state; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/kg 300.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 3200.0 mg/kg 3200.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 980.0 mg/kg 980.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 70.0 % ~70 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 30.0 % ~30 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 95.0 % >95 % DRUGBANK DDPD09237 Levamlodipine 408.88 C20H25ClN2O5 CCOC(=O)C1=C(COCCN)NC(C)=C([C@@H]1C1=CC=CC=C1Cl)C(=O)OC DB09237 9822750 53796 7998499 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 351.0 ng.h/ml 351±72 ng.h/ml PO, oral; Derivative; DRUGBANK 330.0 ng.h/ml 330±88 ng.h/ml PO, oral; Derivative; DRUGBANK 77.0 % 64-90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.13 ng/ml 6.13±1.29 ng/ml PO, oral; Derivative; DRUGBANK 5.07 ng/ml 5.07±1.09 ng/ml PO, oral; Derivative; DRUGBANK 9.0 h 6-12 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 8.4 h 8.4±3.6 h PO, oral; Derivative; DRUGBANK 10.7 h 10.7±3.4 h PO, oral; Derivative; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % Liver metabolism; Inactive metabolite; DRUGBANK 0.414 L/h/kg 6.9±1.6 ml/min/kg PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.438 L/h/kg 7.3±2.1 ml/min/kg PO, oral; DRUGBANK 21.0 L/kg 21.0 L/kg DRUGBANK 40.0 h 30-50 h DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD09238 Manidipine 610.711 C35H38N4O6 COC(=O)C1=C(C)NC(C)=C(C1C1=CC(=CC=C1)N(=O)=O)C(=O)OCCN1CCN(CC1)C(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB09238 4008 135849 3868 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h DRUGBANK 5.5 % 4-7 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 23.0 % 22-24 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 3.94 h 3.94 h DRUGBANK 5.02 h 5.02 h DRUGBANK 7.95 h 7.95 h DRUGBANK 63.0 % 63 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 3.31 % 3.31 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD09241 Methylene blue 319.85 C16H18ClN3S [Cl-].CN(C)C1=CC2=[S+]C3=C(C=CC(=C3)N(C)C)N=C2C=C1 DB09241 6099 6872 5874 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 180.0 L/h 3.0±0.7 L/min DRUGBANK 0.7 mg/kg 10.0 mg/kg DRUGBANK 5.75 h 5-6.5 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1180.0 mg/kg 1180.0 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 75.0 % ~75 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 74.0 % 71-77 % plasma proteins; rabbit; DRUGBANK 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Methylene Blue 1% methylene blue PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Methylene Blue 1% methylene blue PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Methylene Blue 1% methylene blue PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Methylene Blue 1% methylene blue PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Methylene Blue 1% methylene blue PDR 2.0 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Methylene Blue 1% methylene blue PDR DDPD09242 Moxonidine 241.677 C9H12ClN5O COC1=NC(C)=NC(Cl)=C1NC1=NCCN1 DB09242 4810 7009 4645 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % DRUGBANK 88.0 % 88 % DRUGBANK 15.0 % 10-20 % Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 0.66 L/h/kg 11 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.8 L/kg 1.8±0.4 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.8 L/kg 1.8 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.25 h 2.2-2.3 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 2.7 h 2.6-2.8 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 2.2 h 2.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 10.0 % ~10 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD09255 Dextran N.A. N.A. C(C1C(C(C(C(O1)OCC2C(C(C(C(O2)OCC(C(C(C(C=O)O)O)O)O)O)O)O)O)O)O)O DB09255 4125253 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.12 L ~120 mL DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.9 h DRUGBANK 42.0 h 42 h DRUGBANK 10700.0 mg/kg 10700.0 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD09256 Tegafur 200.169 C8H9FN2O3 FC1=CN(C2CCCO2)C(=O)NC1=O DB09256 5386 32188 5193 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h DRUGBANK 0.057 L/h/kg 0.95 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 16.0 L/m2 16.0 L/m2 DRUGBANK 0.62 L/kg 0.62 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 11.0 h ~11 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 8.69 h 8.69 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 930.0 mg/kg 930.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 775.0 mg/kg 775.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 340.0 mg/kg 340.0 mg/kg PO, oral; dog; DRUGBANK 20.0 % <20 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 52.3 % 52.3 % DRUGBANK DDPD09257 Gimeracil 145.54 C5H4ClNO2 OC1=CC(=O)NC=C1Cl DB09257 54679224 31652 3353 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h combination drug use; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h PO, oral; Components; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; Components; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h PO, oral; Components; DRUGBANK 17.0 L/m2 17.0 L/m2 DRUGBANK 9.0 h 6.7-11.3 h DRUGBANK 3.6 h 3.1-4.1 h DRUGBANK 5.65 h 1.8-9.5 h DRUGBANK 32.2 % 32.2 % DRUGBANK DDPD09265 Lixisenatide 4858.56 C215H347N61O65S CC[C@H](C)[C@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CC=CC=C1)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(C)C)NC(=O)[C@H](CCCNC(N)=N)NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@H](C)NC(=O)[C@H](CCC(O)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CCC(O)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CCC(O)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CCSC)NC(=O)[C@H](CCC(N)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CCCCN)NC(=O)[C@H](CO)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(C)C)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(O)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CO)NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CC=CC=C1)NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)CNC(=O)[C@H](CCC(O)=O)NC(=O)CNC(=O)[C@@H](N)CC1=CNC=N1)[C@@H](C)O)[C@@H](C)O)C(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCC(O)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC1=CNC2=C1C=CC=C2)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(N)=O)C(=O)NCC(=O)NCC(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C(=O)N[C@@H](CO)C(=O)N[C@@H](CO)C(=O)NCC(=O)N[C@@H](C)C(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C(=O)N[C@@H](CO)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(N)=O DB09265 131704317 85662 17295846 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.25 h 1-3.5 h subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 35.0 L/h 35.0 L/h DRUGBANK 100.0 L 100.0 L DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h DRUGBANK 55.0 % 55 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 0.02 mg/day 20 mcg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Adlyxin lixisenatide PDR 0.02 mg/day 20 mcg/day subcutaneous injection, SC Adlyxin lixisenatide PDR DDPD09267 Strontium ranelate 513.49 C12H6N2O8SSr2 [Sr++].[Sr++].[O-]C(=O)CN(CC([O-])=O)C1=C(C#N)C(CC([O-])=O)=C(S1)C([O-])=O DB09267 6918182 5293393 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25(19-27) % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 3-5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 336.0 h 2 week DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 0.72 L/h 12.0 ml/min Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.42 L/h 7.0 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 1.0 L/kg 1.0 L/kg DRUGBANK 60.0 h ~60 h effective half-life; DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD09268 Picosulfuric acid 437.44 C18H15NO8S2 OS(=O)(=O)OC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(C1=CC=C(OS(O)(=O)=O)C=C1)C1=CC=CC=N1 DB09268 5243 5053 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.05 ng/ml 0.05 ng/ml Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 7 h DRUGBANK 7.4 h 7.4 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 0.19 % 0.19 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK DDPD09269 Phenylacetic acid 136.1479 C8H8O2 OC(=O)CC1=CC=CC=C1 DB09269 999 30745 10181341 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 19.2 L 19.2±3.3 L DRUGBANK 2250.0 mg/kg 2250.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD09270 Ubidecarenone 863.3435 C59H90O4 COC1=C(OC)C(=O)C(C\C=C(/C)CC\C=C(/C)CC\C=C(/C)CC\C=C(/C)CC\C=C(/C)CC\C=C(/C)CC\C=C(/C)CC\C=C(/C)CC\C=C(/C)CCC=C(C)C)=C(C)C1=O DB09270 5281915 46245 4445197 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 11510.0 ng.h/ml 11.51 mcg.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 320.0 ng/ml 0.32 mcg/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 7.9 h 7.9 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 504.0 h 3 week PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.00118 L/h/kg 1.18 ml/h/kg Total clearance; DRUGBANK 20.4 L/kg 20.4 L/kg DRUGBANK 21.7 h 21.7 h DRUGBANK 60.0 % >60 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 8.3 % 8.3 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 60.0 % >60 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK DDPD09272 Eluxadoline 569.662 C32H35N5O5 COC1=CC=C(CN([C@@H](C)C2=NC(=CN2)C2=CC=CC=C2)C(=O)[C@@H](N)CC2=C(C)C=C(C=C2C)C(N)=O)C=C1C(O)=O DB09272 11250029 85980 http://www.drugs.com/cons/eluxadoline.html 9425062 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.02 % 1.02 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.85 h 3.7-6 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 82.0 % 82 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 81.0 % 81 % DRUGBANK DDPD09274 Artesunate 384.425 C19H28O8 [H][C@@]12CC[C@@H](C)[C@]3([H])CC[C@@]4(C)OO[C@@]13[C@]([H])(O[C@@H](OC(=O)CCC(O)=O)[C@@H]2C)O4 DB09274 6917864 63918 5293084 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 700.0 ng.h/ml 0.7 ug.h/ml DRUGBANK 3500.0 ng.h/ml 3.5 ug.h/ml Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 3300.0 ng/ml 3.3 ug/ml DRUGBANK 3100.0 ng/ml 3.1 ug/ml Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 0.129166666666667 h 0.5-15 min intravenous injection, IV; patients; adults; DRUGBANK 0.708333333333333 h 21-64 min intravenous injection, IV; patients; Children; DRUGBANK 0.166666666666667 h 8-12 min IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 180.0 L/h 180.0 L/h DRUGBANK 64.2 L/h/kg 1070 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 68.5 L 68.5 L DRUGBANK 15.0 L/kg 15 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.3 h 0.3(0.1-1.8) h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 1.3 h 1.3(0.9-2.9) h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 0.8 h 48 min IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 0.683333333333333 h 41 min IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 0.22 h 0.22 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 56.1 % 56.1 % Urinary excretion; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 38.5 % 38.5 % Faeces excretion; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 93.0 % ~93 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD09275 Bismuth subcitrate potassium 780.654 C12H8BiK5O14 [K+].[K+].[K+].[K+].[K+].[Bi+3].[O-]C(=O)CC([O-])(CC([O-])=O)C([O-])=O.[O-]C(=O)CC([O-])(CC([O-])=O)C([O-])=O DB09275 118987133 34989447 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50000.0 ng/ml >50 mg/L DRUGBANK 0.5 h 30 min DRUGBANK 120.0 h ~5 day elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % DRUGBANK DDPD09276 Sodium aurothiomalate 390.07 C4H3AuNa2O4S [Na+].[Na+].[O-]C(=O)CC(S[Au])C([O-])=O DB09276 16760302 35864 20946 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.5 h 3-6 h IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 0.000291666666666667 L/h/kg 7.0 ml/kg/day DRUGBANK 0.26 L/kg 0.26±0.051 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 300.0 h 12.5 day DRUGBANK 35.0 % 35 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 9.4 % 9.4 % Faeces excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 87.5 % ~85-90 % DRUGBANK DDPD09277 Choline C 11 138.62 C5H14ClNO [Cl-].C[N+](C)([11CH3])CCO DB09277 14989482 72321 28514887 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.00084 L/h 0.014 ml/min DRUGBANK 0.34 h 20.4 min DRUGBANK 2.0 % 2 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD09278 Activated charcoal 12.011 C [C] DB09278 297 27594 4575370 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 15400.0 mg/kg 15400.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD09280 Lumacaftor 452.414 C24H18F2N2O5 CC1=CC=C(NC(=O)C2(CC2)C2=CC=C3OC(F)(F)OC3=C2)N=C1C1=CC(=CC=C1)C(O)=O DB09280 16678941 90951 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/ivacaftor-and-lumacaftor.html 17611836 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h PO, oral; high-fat meal; DRUGBANK 2.38 L/h 2.38 L/h apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 86.0 L 86.0 (69.8) L Apparent volume of distribution; PO, oral; Cystic fibrosis; patients; DRUGBANK 26.0 h ~26 h DRUGBANK 51.0 % 51 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD09281 Magnesium trisilicate 260.857 Mg2O8Si3 [Mg++].[Mg++].[O-][Si](=O)O[Si]([O-])([O-])O[Si]([O-])=O DB09281 5311266 4470779 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 18.0 h 16-20 h DRUGBANK 33.0 % 33 % DRUGBANK DDPD09282 Molsidomine 242.235 C9H14N4O4 CCOC(=O)[N-]C1=C[N+](=NO1)N1CCOCC1 DB09282 5353788 92623 4090 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h DRUGBANK 56.0 % 56 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.66 L/h/kg 11 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 98.0 L 98.0 L DRUGBANK 1.4 L/kg 1.4 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.6 h 1.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD09291 Rolapitant 500.485 C25H26F6N2O2 C[C@@H](OC[C@]1(CC[C@]2(CCC(=O)N2)CN1)C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC(=CC(=C1)C(F)(F)F)C(F)(F)F DB09291 10311306 90908 http://www.drugs.com/varubi.html 8486772 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h DRUGBANK 0.96 L/h 0.96 L/h DRUGBANK 0.0228 L/h/kg 0.38 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 460.0 L 460.0 L DRUGBANK 176.0 h 169-183 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 148.5 h 148.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 14.2 % 14.2 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 73.0 % 73 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 99.8 % 99.8 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 180.0 mg/dose 180 mg/dose PO, oral; on day 1 of the chemotherapy regimen Varubi rolapitant PDR 166.5 mg/dose 166.5 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV; on day 1 of the chemotherapy regimen Varubi rolapitant PDR 180.0 mg/dose 180 mg/dose PO, oral; on day 1 of the chemotherapy regimen Varubi rolapitant PDR 166.5 mg/dose 166.5 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV; on day 1 of the chemotherapy regimen Varubi rolapitant PDR DDPD09292 Sacubitril 411.498 C24H29NO5 CCOC(=O)[C@H](C)C[C@@H](CC1=CC=C(C=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1)NC(=O)CCC(O)=O DB09292 9811834 134714 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/sacubitril-and-valsartan.html 7987587 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 60.0 % >60 % DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 103.0 L 103.0 L DRUGBANK 2.35 h 1.1-3.6 h DRUGBANK 10.5 h 9.9-11.1 h Metabolite; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 52-68 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 42.5 % 37-48 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 95.5 % 94-97 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD09293 Iodide I-131 130.9067 I [131I-] DB09293 167195 https://www.drugs.com/pro/sodium-iodide-i-131.html 146281 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 192.96 h 8.04 day physical half-life; DRUGBANK 56.0 % 37-75 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD09296 Ombitasvir 894.127 C50H67N7O8 COC(=O)N[C@@H](C(C)C)C(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C(=O)NC1=CC=C(C=C1)[C@@H]1CC[C@H](N1C1=CC=C(C=C1)C(C)(C)C)C1=CC=C(NC(=O)[C@@H]2CCCN2C(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)OC)C(C)C)C=C1 DB09296 54767916 85183 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/ombitasvir-paritaprevir-and-ritonavir.html 31136214 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 48.0 % 48 % DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5 h DRUGBANK 0.1008 L/h/kg 1.68 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 173.0 L 173.0 L at steady state; DRUGBANK 2.32 L/kg 2.32 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 23.0 h 21-25 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 28.49 h 28.49 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 90.2 % 90.2 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 1.91 % 1.91 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 99.9 % 99.9 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD09297 Paritaprevir 765.89 C40H43N7O7S [H][C@@]12C[C@]1(NC(=O)[C@]1([H])C[C@H](CN1C(=O)[C@H](CCCCC\C=C/2)NC(=O)C1=CN=C(C)C=N1)OC1=NC2=C(C=CC=C2)C2=C1C=CC=C2)C(=O)NS(=O)(=O)C1CC1 DB09297 68498031 85188 https://www.drugs.com/cons/ombitasvir-paritaprevir-ritonavir-and-dasabuvir.html 32700634 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 194.0 ng/ml 194 ng/ml DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4-5 h DRUGBANK 0.3444 L/h/kg 5.74 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 103.0 L ~103 L at steady state; DRUGBANK 1.37 L/kg 1.37 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.5 h 5.5 h DRUGBANK 8.71 h 8.71 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 88.0 % ~88 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 8.8 % 8.8 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.97 % 0.97 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 97.8 % 97-98.6 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD09299 Tenofovir alafenamide 476.474 C21H29N6O5P CC(C)OC(=O)[C@H](C)N[P@](=O)(CO[C@H](C)CN1C=NC2=C(N)N=CN=C12)OC1=CC=CC=C1 DB09299 9574768 90926 http://www.drugs.com/history/genvoya.html 7849225 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 73.0 % 73 % Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 270.0 ng.h/ml 270.0 ng.h/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 16.0 ng/ml 16 ng/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 117.0 L/h 117.0 L/h DRUGBANK 61.7 L/h 61.7 L/h severe renal function; patients; DRUGBANK 100.0 L >100 L DRUGBANK 0.51 h 0.51 h DRUGBANK 47.0 % 47 % Bile excretion; DRUGBANK 36.0 % 36 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~80 % plasma proteins; in vivo; DRUGBANK 25.0 mg/day 25 mg/day PO, oral Vemlidy tenofovir alafenamide PDR 25.0 mg/day 25 mg/day PO, oral Vemlidy tenofovir alafenamide PDR DDPD09300 Butylscopolamine 360.473 C21H30NO4 CCCC[N+]1(C)[C@H]2C[C@@H](C[C@@H]1[C@H]1O[C@@H]21)OC(=O)[C@H](CO)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB09300 6852391 145701 21782131 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.535 % 0.25-0.82 % DRUGBANK 1.125 h 0.25-2 h DRUGBANK 72.0 L/h 1.2 L/min Total clearance; DRUGBANK 128.0 L 128.0 L DRUGBANK 3.0 h 1-5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 69.7 % 69.7 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 4.4 % 4.4 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 2.8 % 2.8 % Bile excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD09301 Chondroitin sulfate N.A. N.A. CC(=O)NC1C(C(C(OC1O)OS(=O)(=O)O)O)OC2C(C(C(C(O2)C(=O)O)O)O)O DB09301 24766 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 15.0 % 10-20 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4600.0 ng/ml 4.6 mcg/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3800.0 ng/ml 3.8 mcg/ml IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 84.0 h 3-4 day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.4 L 0.4 ml/g Apparent volume of distribution; IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 0.44 L 0.44 ml/g Apparent volume of distribution; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 15.0 h 15 h DRUGBANK 15.0 h 15 h Derivative; DRUGBANK 4.58333333333333 h 275 min elimination half-life; human, homo sapiens; IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 5.16666666666667 h 310 min elimination half-life; human, homo sapiens; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 37.0 % ~37 % Urinary excretion; IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 0.23 % 0.23 % DRUGBANK DDPD09313 Ioxaglic acid 1268.886 C24H21I6N5O8 CNC(=O)C1=C(I)C(C(=O)NCC(=O)NC2=C(I)C(C(O)=O)=C(I)C(C(=O)NCCO)=C2I)=C(I)C(N(C)C(C)=O)=C1I DB09313 3742 31718 3611 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2100000.0 ng/ml 2.1(1.8-2.8) mg/ml intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.0333333333333333 h 2(1-3) min intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.245 L/kg 245.0 ml/kg DRUGBANK 1.5 h ~90 min DRUGBANK DDPD09315 Xenon-133 132.9059 Xe [133Xe] DB09315 66376 59751 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 125.88 h 5.245 day DRUGBANK DDPD09316 Thallous Chloride 239.83 ClTl Cl[Tl] DB09316 24642 37117 23044 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.166666666666667 h 10 min intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 6.5 L/kg 3.0-10 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.0833333333333333 h 5 min 91%blood radioactivity; DRUGBANK 40.0 h 40 h 9%blood radioactivity; DRUGBANK 24.0 mg/kg 24.0 mg/kg mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD09320 Procaine benzylpenicillin 570.71 C29H38N4O6S CCN(CC)CCOC(=O)C1=CC=C(N)C=C1.[H][C@]12SC(C)(C)[C@@H](N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)CC1=CC=CC=C1)C(O)=O DB09320 5903 52154 5692 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.5 h 30.0 min elimination half-life; IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 75.0 % ~60-90 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 60.0 % ~60 % DRUGBANK DDPD09321 Zinc oxide 81.408 OZn O=[Zn] DB09321 14806 36560 14122 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7950.0 mg/kg 7950.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD09322 Zinc sulfate 161.472 O4SZn [Zn++].[O-]S([O-])(=O)=O DB09322 24424 35176 22833 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 25.0 % 20-30 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h DRUGBANK 245.0 mg/kg 245.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 781.0 mg/kg 781.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 6.42857142857143 mg/kg/day 45.0 mg/kg/7D PO, oral; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 106.0 mg/kg 106.0 mg/kg human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % DRUGBANK DDPD09324 Sulbactam 233.242 C8H11NO5S [H][C@@]12CC(=O)N1[C@@]([H])(C(O)=O)C(C)(C)S2(=O)=O DB09324 130313 9321 http://www.drugs.com/cdi/ampicillin-sulbactam.html 115306 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 68000.0 ng/ml 48-88 mcg/ml DRUGBANK 15000.0 ng/ml 6-24 mcg/ml DRUGBANK 0.25 h 15 min intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.306 L/h/kg 5.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.32 L/kg 0.32 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 h ~1 h DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 38.0 % ~38 % human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD09325 Sodium fluoride 41.9882 FNa [F-].[Na+] DB09325 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/pdfs/ATSDR MRLs - May 2021 - H.pdf 5235 28741 5045 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1140.0 ng.h/ml 1.14±0.12 ug.h/ml PO, oral; different study; DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 848.0 ng/ml 848±116 ng/ml Liquid; DRUGBANK 0.665 h 0.33-1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.46 h 0.46±0.17 h Liquid; DRUGBANK 4.644 L/h 77.4±11.2 ml/min Renal clearance; Tablet, PO, oral; normal,healthy; young; adults; DRUGBANK 4.734 L/h 78.4 ± 6.9 ml/min Renal clearance; Tablet, PO, oral; normal,healthy; young; adults; DRUGBANK 2.4 L/h 35-45 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 6.5 h 3-10 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 172800.0 h 20 year DRUGBANK 44.0 mg/kg 44.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 31.0 mg/kg 31.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 200.0 mg/kg 200.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 0.05 mg/kg/day 0.05 mg/kg/day PO, oral; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 10.0 % ~10 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD09326 Ammonia N-13 16.03 H3N [13NH3] DB09326 119432 135980 106665 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.8 L 0.8 mL/g DRUGBANK 0.0466666666666667 h 2.8 min DRUGBANK DDPD09327 Tegafur-uracil 312.257 C12H13FN4O5 O=C1NC=CC(=O)N1.FC1=CN(C2CCCO2)C(=O)NC1=O DB09327 104747 94558 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.5-1 h Derivative; DRUGBANK 6.66 L/h 47-175 ml/min DRUGBANK 59.0 L 59.0 L DRUGBANK 474.0 L 474.0 L DRUGBANK 11.0 h 11 h DRUGBANK 0.5 h 20-40 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 52.0 % 52 % DRUGBANK DDPD09330 Osimertinib 499.619 C28H33N7O2 COC1=C(NC2=NC=CC(=N2)C2=CN(C)C3=C2C=CC=C3)C=C(NC(=O)C=C)C(=C1)N(C)CCN(C)C DB09330 71496458 90943 http://www.drugs.com/tagrisso.html 31042598 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6 h DRUGBANK 14.2 L/h 14.2 L/h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 986.0 L 986.0 L Average volume of distribution; at steady state; DRUGBANK 48.0 h 48 h DRUGBANK 68.0 % 68 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 14.0 % 14 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 2.0 % 2 % Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK DDPD09332 Kappadione 422.084 C11H8Na4O8P2 [Na+].[Na+].[Na+].[Na+].CC1=C(OP([O-])([O-])=O)C2=CC=CC=C2C(OP([O-])([O-])=O)=C1 DB09332 8555 8237 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 49.32 L/h 0.822±0.254 L/min Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 30.833 L 30.833±12.835 L rabbit; Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.452833333333333 h 27.17 min elimination half-life; Active metabolite; rabbit; DRUGBANK DDPD09333 Iopodic acid 597.961 C12H13I3N2O2 CN(C)C=NC1=C(I)C=C(I)C(CCC(O)=O)=C1I DB09333 5241 20473670 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 65.0 % 65 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 35.0 % 35 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD09340 Tyropanoic acid 641.026 C15H18I3NO3 CCCC(=O)NC1=C(I)C=C(I)C(CC(CC)C(O)=O)=C1I DB09340 5611 135862 5409 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 720.0 mg/kg 720.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 5.0 % <5 % DRUGBANK DDPD09342 Propoxycaine 294.395 C16H26N2O3 CCCOC1=CC(N)=CC=C1C(=O)OCCN(CC)CC DB09342 6843 8496 6582 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 0.666666666666667 h 40 min PO, oral; DRUGBANK DDPD09343 Tipiracil 242.662 C9H11ClN4O2 ClC1=C(CN2CCCC2=N)NC(=O)NC1=O DB09343 6323266 90879 13243748 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 301.0 ng.h/ml 301.0 ng.h/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 69.0 ng/ml 69 ng/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 109.0 L/h 109.0 L/h tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 333.0 L 333.0 L Drug combination; tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 2.1 h 2.1 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 49.7 % 49.7 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 27.0 % 27 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 21.357 % 21.357 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 23.96 % 23.96 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 8.0 % <8 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD09345 Pramocaine 293.407 C17H27NO3 CCCCOC1=CC=C(OCCCN2CCOCC2)C=C1 DB09345 4886 8357 4717 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/kg 300.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 750.0 mg/kg 750.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD09348 Propiolactone 72.063 C3H4O2 O=C1CCO1 DB09348 2365 49073 2275 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.75 h 225 min DRUGBANK DDPD09350 Piperonyl butoxide 338.4385 C19H30O5 CCCCOCCOCCOCC1=CC2=C(OCO2)C=C1CCC DB09350 5794 32687 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/piperonyl-butoxide-and-pyrethrins-topical.html 5590 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.0 % 2 % skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 32.0 h 32 h DRUGBANK 8685.0 mg/kg 4570-12800 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 4000.0 mg/kg 2700-5300 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK DDPD09351 Levobetaxolol 307.434 C18H29NO3 CC(C)NC[C@H](O)COC1=CC=C(CCOCC2CC2)C=C1 DB09351 60657 59254 54669 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 20.0 h 20 h DRUGBANK DDPD09353 Octasulfur 256.52 S8 S1SSSSSSS1 DB09353 66348 29385 59726 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 null 0 null DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 8437.0 mg/kg >8437 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD09357 Dexpanthenol 205.2515 C9H19NO4 CC(C)(CO)[C@@H](O)C(=O)NCCCO DB09357 131204 https://www.drugs.com/pro/dexpanthenol.html 115991 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 9000.0 mg/kg 9.0 g/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 7000.0 mg/kg 7.0 g/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 15000.0 mg/kg 15.0 g/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 4000.0 mg/kg 4.0 g/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK DDPD09372 Tannic acid 1701.206 C76H52O46 OC1=CC(=CC(O)=C1O)C(=O)OC1=C(O)C(O)=CC(=C1)C(=O)OC[C@H]1OC(OC(=O)C2=CC(OC(=O)C3=CC(O)=C(O)C(O)=C3)=C(O)C(O)=C2)[C@H](OC(=O)C2=CC(OC(=O)C3=CC(O)=C(O)C(O)=C3)=C(O)C(O)=C2)[C@@H](OC(=O)C2=CC(OC(=O)C3=CC(O)=C(O)C(O)=C3)=C(O)C(O)=C2)[C@@H]1OC(=O)C1=CC(OC(=O)C2=CC(O)=C(O)C(O)=C2)=C(O)C(O)=C1 DB09372 75211 17288010 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2260.0 mg/kg 2.26 g/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD09374 Indocyanine green acid form 753.99 C43H49N2O6S2 CC1(C)\C(=C\C=C\C=C\C=C\C2=[N+](CCCCS(O)(=O)=O)C3=C(C4=CC=CC=C4C=C3)C2(C)C)N(CCCCS(O)(=O)=O)C2=C1C1=CC=CC=C1C=C2 DB09374 11967809 31696 https://www.drugs.com/pro/indocyanine-green.html 18109 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0458333333333333 h 150-180 second DRUGBANK 60.0 mg/kg 60.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 87.0 mg/kg 87.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % DRUGBANK DDPD09376 Lapyrium 363.521 C21H35N2O3 CCCCCCCCCCCC(=O)OCCNC(=O)C[N+]1=CC=CC=C1 DB09376 22660 135534 21241 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 18.0 mg/kg 18.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 8200.0 mg/kg 8.2 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD09394 Phosphoric acid 97.9952 H3O4P OP(O)(O)=O DB09394 1004 26078 979 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 8.0 h 5-11 h elimination half-life; normal renal function; Infants; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 5-11 h elimination half-life; normal renal function; Infants; Oral single dose; Rectal Administration; overdose; DRUGBANK 2740.0 mg/kg 2740.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; rabbit; DRUGBANK 1530.0 mg/kg 1530.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 66.7 % ~66.7 % Urinary excretion; adults; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD09395 Sodium acetate 82.0338 C2H3NaO2 [Na+].CC([O-])=O DB09395 517045 32954 29105 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 25956.0 mg/kg 25956.0 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD09397 Technetium Tc-99m sulfur colloid 355.39 S8Tc [99Tc].S1SSSSSSS1 DB09397 76957057 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.5 % 5-10 % spleen metabolism; DRUGBANK 6.02 h 6.02 h physical half-life; DRUGBANK 0.0416666666666667 h 2.5 min elimination half-life; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK DDPD09398 Fluoride ion F-18 18.0015 F [18F-] DB09398 23690531 8373100 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.85 L/h 48-147 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.6 L/kg 0.5-0.7 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.83333333333333 h 110 min DRUGBANK 20.0 % >20 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK DDPD09407 Magnesium chloride 95.211 Cl2Mg [Mg++].[Cl-].[Cl-] DB09407 5360315 6636 22987 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % 40-60 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 25.5 % 15-36 % PO, oral; increasing doses; increasing doses &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 27.7 h 27.7 h elimination half-life; adults; overdose; DRUGBANK 775.0 mg/kg 775.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 7600.0 mg/kg 7600.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 8100.0 mg/kg 8100.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 176.0 mg/kg 176.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30 % DRUGBANK DDPD09409 Magnesium acetate tetrahydrate 214.453 C4H14MgO8 O.O.O.O.[Mg++].CC([O-])=O.CC([O-])=O DB09409 134717 118734 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.3 L/kg 0.2-0.4 L/kg DRUGBANK 27.7 h 27.7 h elimination half-life; adults; overdose; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % Urinary excretion; hypermagnesemia; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30 % DRUGBANK DDPD09413 Monopotassium phosphate 136.0855 H2KO4P [K+].OP(O)([O-])=O DB09413 516951 63036 22914 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.7 h 4.8-10.6 h normal,healthy; Children; overdose; DRUGBANK 17.0 h 17 h renal insufficiency; Children; DRUGBANK 4640.0 mg/kg >4640 mg/kg skin/dermal; rabbit; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 mmol/kg/dose 1 mmol/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV K-Phos Original potassium acid phosphate PDR 8.0 tabLets/day 8 tabLets/day PO, oral K-Phos Original potassium acid phosphate PDR 1.0 mmoL/kg/dose 1 mmoL/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV K-Phos Original potassium acid phosphate PDR 50.0 mmoL/dose 50 mmoL/dose intravenous injection, IV K-Phos Original potassium acid phosphate PDR 1.0 mmol/kg/dose 1 mmol/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV K-Phos Original potassium acid phosphate PDR 8.0 tablets/day 8 tablets/day PO, oral K-Phos Original potassium acid phosphate PDR 1.0 mmol/kg/dose 1 mmol/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV K-Phos Original potassium acid phosphate PDR 50.0 mmol/dose 50 mmol/dose intravenous injection, IV K-Phos Original potassium acid phosphate PDR 1.0 mmoL/kg/dose 1 mmoL/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV K-Phos Original potassium acid phosphate PDR DDPD09414 Dipotassium phosphate 174.1759 HK2O4P [K+].[K+].OP([O-])([O-])=O DB09414 24450 131527 22858 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.7 h 4.8-10.6 h normal,healthy; Children; overdose; DRUGBANK 17.0 h 17 h renal insufficiency; Children; DRUGBANK DDPD09418 Potassium perchlorate 138.549 ClKO4 [K+].[O-][Cl](=O)(=O)=O DB09418 516900 22913 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 7.0 h ~6-8 h human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3621.0 mg/kg 3621.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 95.0 % ~95 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD09419 Xylose 150.1299 C5H10O5 OC[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)C=O DB09419 644160 15936 559198 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 69.4 % ~69.4 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 69.0 % 69 % DRUGBANK 530.0 ng/ml 0.53 mg/L DRUGBANK 1.2 h 72 min DRUGBANK 5.34 L/h 89.0 ml/min Renal clearance; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 10.8 L/h 180.0 ml/min Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 5.46 L/h 91.0 ml/min Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.22 L/kg 0.22 L/kg normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.25 h 75 min elimination half-life; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 23000.0 mg/kg 23000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % Urinary excretion; normal renal function; DRUGBANK DDPD09420 Iodide I-123 122.9061 I [123I-] DB09420 135300 https://www.drugs.com/pro/sodium-iodide-i-123.html 119193 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 13.2 h 13.2 h physical half-life; DRUGBANK DDPD09425 Indium In-111 pentetate 501.23 C14H20InN3O10 [111In+3].OC(=O)CN(CCN(CCN(CC([O-])=O)CC([O-])=O)CC([O-])=O)CC(O)=O DB09425 131704319 https://www.drugs.com/pro/indium-dtpa.html 25048228 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 67.9 h 67.9 h DRUGBANK 65.0 % ~65 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 85 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD09449 Sodium phosphate, monobasic 119.977 H2NaO4P [Na+].OP(O)([O-])=O DB09449 23672064 37585 22626 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.0 h 1-3 h Liquid; DRUGBANK 250.0 mg/kg 250.0 mg/kg IM,intramuscular injection; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 8290.0 mg/kg 8290.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD09460 Sodium carbonate 105.9884 CNa2O3 [Na+].[Na+].[O-]C([O-])=O DB09460 10340 29377 9916 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 714.0 mg/kg 714.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Male, men; DRUGBANK 6600.0 mg/kg 6600.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 2210.0 mg/kg 2210.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 4090.0 mg/kg 4090.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD09462 Glycerin 92.0938 C3H8O3 OCC(O)CO DB09462 753 17754 733 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.625 h 30-45 min DRUGBANK 12600.0 mg/kg 12600.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 4090.0 mg/kg 4090.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1428.0 mg/kg 1428.0 mg/kg PO, oral; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 10.5 % ~7-14 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK DDPD09472 Sodium sulfate 142.042 Na2O4S [Na+].[Na+].[O-]S([O-])(=O)=O DB09472 24436 32149 22844 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 8.5 h 8.5 h DRUGBANK 5989.0 mg/kg 5989.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1220.0 mg/kg 1220.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; rabbit; DRUGBANK DDPD09473 Indium In-111 oxyquinoline 543.364 C27H18InN3O3 [111In+3].[O-]C1=CC=CC2=C1N=CC=C2.[O-]C1=CC=CC2=C1N=CC=C2.[O-]C1=CC=CC2=C1N=CC=C2 DB09473 119117 https://www.drugs.com/pro/indium-oxyquinoline.html 106429 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 67.2 h 67.2 h DRUGBANK 4.15 h 2.8-5.5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 90.0 h 64-116 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD09477 Enalaprilat 348.3936 C18H24N2O5 [H][C@@](C)(N[C@@]([H])(CCC1=CC=CC=C1)C(O)=O)C(=O)N1CCC[C@@]1([H])C(O)=O DB09477 5462501 4786 4575429 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 9.48 L/h 158±47 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.096 L/h/kg 1.6 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.38 L/kg 0.38 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 11.0 h 11 h DRUGBANK 39.0 h 39 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD09479 Rubidium Rb-82 81.9177 Rb [82Rb+] DB09479 71357 8351588 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0211666666666667 h 1.27 min DRUGBANK DDPD09481 Magnesium carbonate 84.314 CMgO3 [Mg++].[O-]C([O-])=O DB09481 11029 31793 10563 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % 40-60 % PO, oral; increasing doses; increasing doses &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 0.3 L/kg 0.2-0.4 L/kg DRUGBANK 27.7 h 27.7 h overdose; adults; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30 % DRUGBANK DDPD09484 Sodium fluorophosphate 143.949 FNa2O3P [Na+].[Na+].[O-]P([O-])(F)=O DB09484 86431 22686 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 570.0 mg/kg 502-638 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD09487 Iotrolan 1626.242 C37H48I6N6O18 CN(C(=O)CC(=O)N(C)C1=C(I)C(C(=O)NC(CO)C(O)CO)=C(I)C(C(=O)NC(CO)C(O)CO)=C1I)C1=C(I)C(C(=O)NC(CO)C(O)CO)=C(I)C(C(=O)NC(CO)C(O)CO)=C1I DB09487 31715 3607 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0894 L/h/kg 1.49 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.23 L/kg 0.23 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.03 h 2.03 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD09488 Acrivastine 348.4382 C22H24N2O2 [H]\C(CN1CCCC1)=C(\C1=CC=C(C)C=C1)C1=CC=CC(=N1)C(\[H])=C(/[H])C(O)=O DB09488 5284514 83168 https://www.drugs.com/ppa/acrivastine-and-pseudoephedrine.html 4447574 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.14 h 1.14±0.23 h Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 0.174 L/h/kg 2.9±0.7 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 0.46 L/kg 0.46±0.05 L/kg DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.9±0.3 h terminal half-life; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5±1.9 h terminal half-life; at steady state; DRUGBANK 3.8 h 3.8±1.4 h Metabolite; DRUGBANK 84.0 % ~84 % Urinary excretion; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 13.0 % ~13 % Faeces excretion; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50±2 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD09490 Indium In-111 chloride 217.26 Cl3In Cl[111In](Cl)Cl DB09490 49800058 4954694 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 67.2 h 2.8 day DRUGBANK DDPD09494 Cetyl alcohol 242.4406 C16H34O CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCO DB09494 2682 16125 2581 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 26.0 % 26 % PO, oral; poultry; DRUGBANK 3200.0 mg/kg 3200.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 2600.0 mg/kg >2600 mg/kg skin/dermal; rabbit; DRUGBANK DDPD09496 Octinoxate 290.3972 C18H26O3 [H]\C(=C(\[H])C1=CC=C(OC)C=C1)C(=O)OCC(CC)CCCC DB09496 5355130 88667 4511170 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.0 ng/ml 7 ng/ml skin/dermal; Male, men; DRUGBANK 16.0 ng/ml 16 ng/ml skin/dermal;  Female, women; DRUGBANK DDPD09498 Strontium chloride Sr-89 159.81 Cl2Sr [Cl-].[Cl-].[89Sr++] DB09498 5362485 36383 64523 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 53.5 L 40-67 L DRUGBANK 1212.0 h 50.5 day DRUGBANK 35.0 % 30-40 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD09499 Thiosulfuric acid 114.144 H2O3S2 OS(O)(=O)=S DB09499 24478 29279 22886 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.1116 L/h/kg 1.86±0.45 ml/min/kg DRUGBANK 0.15 L/kg 150.0 ml/kg DRUGBANK 0.291666666666667 h 15-20 min DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD09502 Fludeoxyglucose (18F) 181.15 C6H11FO5 [H]C(=O)[C@H]([18F])[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H](O)CO DB09502 68614 49136 61878 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.191666666666667 h 10-13 min DRUGBANK DDPD09512 Simethicone 238.461 C6H18O4Si3 O=[Si]=O.CO[Si](C)(C)O[Si](C)(C)C DB09512 4938661 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 4070.0 mg/kg 4070.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 480.0 mg/day 480 mg/day PO, oral Gas-X simethicone PDR 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day PO, oral Gas-X simethicone PDR 500.0 mg/day 500 mg/day PO, oral Gas-X simethicone PDR 480.0 mg/day 480 mg/day PO, oral Gas-X simethicone PDR 500.0 mg/day 500 mg/day PO, oral Gas-X simethicone PDR 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day PO, oral Gas-X simethicone PDR DDPD09513 Urea C-14 62.048 CH4N2O N[14C](N)=O DB09513 11457650 134711 https://www.drugs.com/pro/pytest.html 9632491 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 12.0 h ~12 h Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 960.0 h 40 day elimination half-life; DRUGBANK DDPD09516 Mequinol 124.1372 C7H8O2 COC1=CC=C(O)C=C1 DB09516 9015 69441 8665 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 h 30-90 min elimination half-life; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; melanoma; patients; DRUGBANK DDPD09517 Sodium ferric gluconate complex 2089.309 C66H121Fe2NaO65 [O--].[O--].[O--].[Na+].[Fe+3].[Fe+3].OC[C@@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)C([O-])=O.OC[C@H]1O[C@@](CO)(O[C@H]2O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]2O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O.OC[C@H]1O[C@@](CO)(O[C@H]2O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]2O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O.OC[C@H]1O[C@@](CO)(O[C@H]2O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]2O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O.OC[C@H]1O[C@@](CO)(O[C@H]2O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]2O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O.OC[C@H]1O[C@@](CO)(O[C@H]2O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]2O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O DB09517 76968835 34989638 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 9.92 ng/ml 9.92(4.22-23.62) ng/ml skin/dermal; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2(1-2) h skin/dermal; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 4.185 L/h 3.02-5.35 L/h Total clearance; adults; patients; DRUGBANK 6.3 L 6.0 L DRUGBANK 1.0 h ~1 h elimination half-life; drug bound iron; normal BMI &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 0.825 h >=0.825 h elimination half-life; adults; DRUGBANK 1.45 h <=1.45 h elimination half-life; adults; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h pediatric patients; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h pediatric patients; DRUGBANK DDPD09526 Hydroquinone 110.1106 C6H6O2 OC1=CC=C(O)C=C1 DB09526 785 17594 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/hydroquinone-topical.html 764 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD09534 Ecamsule 562.69 C28H34O8S2 CC1(C)C2CCC1(CS(O)(=O)=O)C(=O)C2=CC1=CC=C(C=C2C3CCC(CS(O)(=O)=O)(C2=O)C3(C)C)C=C1 DB09534 9915879 135830 28534218 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.1 % <0.1 % DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK DDPD09536 Titanium dioxide 79.865 O2Ti O=[Ti]=O DB09536 26042 32234 24256 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3360.0 h 140 day Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 336.0 h 14 day distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 2112.0 h 88 day elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 0.1 mg/kg >100 ug/kg Intratracheal; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD09543 Methyl salicylate 152.1473 C8H8O3 COC(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1O DB09543 4133 31832 https://www.drugs.com/international/methyl-salicylate.html 13848808 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 16.0 % 12-20 % skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 21.25 % 11.8-30.7 % skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h elimination half-life; increasing doses; DRUGBANK 12.0 h ~12 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 22.5 h 15-30 h DRUGBANK 1100.0 mg/kg 1100.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 887.0 mg/kg 887.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1300.0 mg/kg 1300.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 228.0 mg/kg 228.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Children; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 506.0 mg/kg 506.0 mg/kg PO, oral; adults; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD09546 Iobenguane sulfate I-123 640.26 C16H22I2N6O4S OS(O)(=O)=O.NC(=N)NCC1=CC([123I])=CC=C1.NC(=N)NCC1=CC([123I])=CC=C1 DB09546 56840904 32701571 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD09552 Thonzonium 511.818 C32H55N4O CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC[N+](C)(C)CCN(CC1=CC=C(OC)C=C1)C1=NC=CC=N1 DB09552 5456 94514 5257 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD09555 Dexchlorpheniramine maleate 390.86 C20H23ClN2O4 OC(=O)\C=C/C(O)=O.CN(C)CC[C@@H](C1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1)C1=CC=CC=N1 DB09555 5281070 4465 4444527 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 40.5 % 40.5 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 9.8 L/h 9.8 L/h DRUGBANK 321.0 L 321.0 L DRUGBANK 25.0 h 20-30 h DRUGBANK 38.0 % 38 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % DRUGBANK 23.0 % 23 % DRUGBANK DDPD09561 Sodium glycerophosphate 216.036 C3H7Na2O6P [Na+].[Na+].OCC(O)COP([O-])([O-])=O DB09561 22251426 14071 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h DRUGBANK 2.06 h 2.06 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK DDPD09563 Choline C-11 103.173 C5H14NO C[N+](C)([11CH3])CCO DB09563 449688 72322 396147 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.0 % <2 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK DDPD09570 Ixazomib 361.03 C14H19BCl2N2O4 CC(C)C[C@H](NC(=O)CNC(=O)C1=CC(Cl)=CC=C1Cl)B(O)O DB09570 25183872 90942 http://www.drugs.com/ninlaro.html 25027391 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 58.0 % 58 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 42.0 % 42 % DRUGBANK 26.0 % 26 % DRUGBANK 16.0 % 16 % DRUGBANK 6.0 % 6 % DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % DRUGBANK 0.03 L/h/kg 0.5 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 543.0 L 543.0 L Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 3.61 L/kg 3.61 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 228.0 h 9.5 day terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 97.0 h 97 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 62.0 % 62 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 22.0 % 22 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % DRUGBANK 4.0 mg/dose 4 mg/dose PO, oral Ninlaro ixazomib PDR 4.0 mg/dose 4 mg/dose PO, oral Ninlaro ixazomib PDR DDPD09571 Levmetamfetamine 149.237 C10H15N CN[C@H](C)CC1=CC=CC=C1 DB09571 36604 136013 33634 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 14.15 h 13.3-15 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK DDPD11056 Stannous chloride 189.62 Cl2Sn [Cl-].[Cl-].[Sn++] DB11056 78067 22887 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD11060 Polyvinyl alcohol N.A. N.A. C=CO DB11060 11199 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.5 h 90 min intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.12 h 7.2 min ophthalmic administration; ophthalmic administration; DRUGBANK 20000.0 mg/kg 20.0 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 14700.0 mg/kg 14.7 g/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD11062 Octisalate 250.3334 C15H22O3 CCCCC(CC)COC(=O)C1=C(O)C=CC=C1 DB11062 88639 8061 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 null 0 null DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5000 mg/kg skin/dermal; rabbit; DRUGBANK DDPD11064 Homosalate 262.349 C16H22O3 CC1CC(CC(C)(C)C1)OC(=O)C1=C(O)C=CC=C1 DB11064 91642 8059 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 null 0 null DRUGBANK DDPD11068 Selenic acid 144.97 H2O4Se O[Se](O)(=O)=O DB11068 1089 18170 1058 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1665.0 ng/ml 0.79-2.54 mg/L PO, oral; sheep; DRUGBANK 9.5 h 7-12 h PO, oral; sheep; DRUGBANK 313.0 h 313 h elimination half-life; Oral single dose; sheep; DRUGBANK 142.0 h 142 h elimination half-life; Oral single dose; sheep; DRUGBANK 0.5 mg/kg 0.5 mg/kg IM,intramuscular injection; sheep; DRUGBANK DDPD11071 Phenyl salicylate 214.2167 C13H10O3 OC1=CC=CC=C1C(=O)OC1=CC=CC=C1 DB11071 8361 34918 8058 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1 h DRUGBANK 3000.0 mg/kg 3000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD11072 Hydrogen fluoride 20.0063 FH F DB11072 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/pdfs/ATSDR MRLs - May 2021 - H.pdf 14917 29228 14214 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.02 mg/kg 0.02 ppm inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK DDPD11079 Trolamine salicylate 287.312 C13H21NO6 OCCN(CCO)CCO.OC(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1O DB11079 25213 23549 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.024 L 24.0 mL Rattus, Rat; Total volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 1.4 % 1.4 % Urinary excretion; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD11081 Aluminum chloride 133.341 AlCl3 Cl[Al](Cl)Cl DB11081 24012 30114 22445 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 23.5 % 17-30 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.57 % 0.57 % PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 0.00887 L/h/kg 8.87±1.76 ml/h/kg PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0384 L/kg 38.4±6.4 ml/kg Steady state volume of distribution; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5.29 h 5.29±0.47 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3470.0 mg/kg 3470.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2 g/kg skin/dermal; rabbit; DRUGBANK 98.0 % ~98 % plasma proteins; PO, oral; DRUGBANK DDPD11085 Resorcinol 110.1106 C6H6O2 OC1=CC(O)=CC=C1 DB11085 5054 27810 4878 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 14.0 h ~14 h elimination half-life; adults; Male, men; skin/dermal; DRUGBANK DDPD11089 Docusate 422.577 C20H38O7S CCCCC(CC)COC(=O)CC(C(=O)OCC(CC)CCCC)S(O)(=O)=O DB11089 534 https://www.drugs.com/mtm/colace-oral-rectal.html 10862 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1900.0 mg/kg 1900.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Colace Capsules docusate sodium PDR 360.0 mg/day 360 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Colace Capsules docusate sodium PDR 849.0 mg/day 849 mg/day Rectal Administration Colace Capsules docusate sodium PDR 849.0 mg/day 849 mg/day Rectal Administration Colace Capsules docusate sodium PDR 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Colace Capsules docusate sodium PDR 360.0 mg/day 360 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Colace Capsules docusate sodium PDR 849.0 mg/day 849 mg/day Rectal Administration Colace Capsules docusate sodium PDR 849.0 mg/day 849 mg/day Rectal Administration Colace Capsules docusate sodium PDR 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Colace Capsules docusate sodium PDR 360.0 mg/day 360 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Colace Capsules docusate sodium PDR 849.0 mg/day 849 mg/day Rectal Administration Colace Capsules docusate sodium PDR 849.0 mg/day 849 mg/day Rectal Administration Colace Capsules docusate sodium PDR 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Colace Capsules docusate sodium PDR 360.0 mg/day 360 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Colace Capsules docusate sodium PDR 849.0 mg/day 849 mg/day Rectal Administration Colace Capsules docusate sodium PDR 849.0 mg/day 849 mg/day Rectal Administration Colace Capsules docusate sodium PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Colace Capsules docusate sodium PDR 283.0 mg/day 283 mg/day Rectal Administration Colace Capsules docusate sodium PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Colace Capsules docusate sodium PDR DDPD11090 Potassium nitrate 101.1032 KNO3 [K+].[O-][N+]([O-])=O DB11090 24434 63043 22843 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1901.0 mg/kg 1901.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 3750.0 mg/kg 3750.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD11091 Hydrogen peroxide 34.0147 H2O2 OO DB11091 784 16240 763 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg 2000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 4060.0 mg/kg 4060.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg 2000.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; pig; DRUGBANK DDPD11092 Stannous fluoride 156.71 F2Sn F[Sn]F DB11092 24550 135933 https://www.drugs.com/pro/stannous-fluoride-oral-rinse.html 22956 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.216666666666667 h 13 min DRUGBANK 360.0 mg/kg 360.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg skin/dermal; DRUGBANK DDPD11093 Calcium citrate 498.432 C12H10Ca3O14 [Ca++].[Ca++].[Ca++].OC(CC([O-])=O)(CC([O-])=O)C([O-])=O.OC(CC([O-])=O)(CC([O-])=O)C([O-])=O DB11093 13136 12584 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.25 h 3.5-5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 46.4 % ~46.4 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD11096 Meradimate 275.392 C17H25NO2 CC(C)C1CCC(C)CC1OC(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1N DB11096 135974 8312 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 0.0 null 0 null DRUGBANK DDPD11098 Potassium bicarbonate 100.1151 CHKO3 [K+].OC([O-])=O DB11098 516893 81862 55053 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.0 h <7 h DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 10.0 % ~10 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 100.0 mEq/day 100 mEq/day PO, oral Klor-Con/EF potassium bicarbonate effervescent PDR 200.0 mEq/day 200 mEq/day PO, oral Klor-Con/EF potassium bicarbonate effervescent PDR 100.0 mEq/day 100 mEq/day PO, oral Klor-Con/EF potassium bicarbonate effervescent PDR 200.0 mEq/day 200 mEq/day PO, oral Klor-Con/EF potassium bicarbonate effervescent PDR DDPD11100 Allantoin 158.1154 C4H6N4O3 NC(=O)NC1NC(=O)NC1=O DB11100 15676 199 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.38 L/h 123.0 ml/min Renal clearance; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.5 null 1-2 null DRUGBANK DDPD11102 N-acetyltyrosine 223.2252 C11H13NO4 CC(=O)N[C@@H](CC1=CC=C(O)C=C1)C(O)=O DB11102 68310 21563 61606 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.75 h 1-2.5 h horse; sheep; cattle; DRUGBANK DDPD11104 Sulfur hexafluoride 146.05 F6S FS(F)(F)(F)(F)F DB11104 17358 30496 16425 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.025 h 1-2 min intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.025 h 1-2 min intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 88.0 % 88 % lung excretion; DRUGBANK 341.0 L 341.0 L Steady state volume of distribution; Drug combination; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 710.0 L 710.0 L Steady state volume of distribution; Drug combination; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.166666666666667 h ~10 min terminal half-life; DRUGBANK DDPD11110 Magnesium citrate 451.113 C12H10Mg3O14 [Mg++].[Mg++].[Mg++].OC(CC([O-])=O)(CC([O-])=O)C([O-])=O.OC(CC([O-])=O)(CC([O-])=O)C([O-])=O DB11110 6099959 131391 2925651 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD11115 Ensulizole 274.29 C13H10N2O3S OS(=O)(=O)C1=CC2=C(C=C1)N=C(N2)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB11115 33919 135132 31267 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3000.0 mg/kg >3000 mg/kg skin/dermal; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 16000.0 mg/kg >16000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD11117 Undecylenic acid 184.2753 C11H20O2 OC(=O)CCCCCCCCC=C DB11117 35045 10771160 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2500.0 mg/kg 2500.0 mg/kg PO, oral; nasal spray; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 8150.0 mg/kg 8150.0 mg/kg PO, oral; nasal spray; mouse; DRUGBANK 50.0 mg/kg 50.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; nasal spray; guinea pigs; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg 2000.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; nasal spray; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD11118 Ammonia N.A. N.A. N DB11118 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/pdfs/ATSDR MRLs - May 2021 - H.pdf 222 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.000833333333333333 h <3 second normal,healthy; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1.7 mg/kg 1.7 ppm inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 0.1 mg/kg 0.1 ppm inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK DDPD11119 Sodium iodide 149.8942 INa [Na+].[I-] DB11119 5238 33167 5048 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4340.0 mg/kg 4340.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/kg 1000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD11121 Chloroxylenol 156.61 C8H9ClO CC1=CC(O)=CC(C)=C1Cl DB11121 2723 34393 21106017 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 13.76 L/h 13.76 L/h Average clearance; intravenous injection, IV; Single dose; normal,healthy; dog; DRUGBANK 22.45 L 22.45 L dog; Steady state volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; Single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.7 h 1.7 h terminal half-life; normal,healthy; dog; DRUGBANK 10.0 h ~10 h Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 85.2 % 85.2±2.32 % DRUGBANK 89.8 % 89.8±2.99 % human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD11123 Hypochlorite 51.452 ClO [O-]Cl DB11123 61739 29222 55632 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 null 0 null DRUGBANK 5800.0 mg/kg 5800.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD11125 Benzethonium 412.637 C27H42NO2 CC(C)(C)CC(C)(C)C1=CC=C(OCCOCC[N+](C)(C)CC2=CC=CC=C2)C=C1 DB11125 2335 94725 2245 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 295.0 mg/kg 295.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD11126 Calcium gluconate 430.372 C12H22CaO14 [Ca++].[H][C@@](O)(CO)[C@@]([H])(O)[C@]([H])(O)[C@@]([H])(O)C([O-])=O.[H][C@@](O)(CO)[C@@]([H])(O)[C@]([H])(O)[C@@]([H])(O)C([O-])=O DB11126 9290 3309 8932 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 950.0 mg/kg 950.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 143.0 mg/kg 143.0 mg/kg IM,intramuscular injection; Infants; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 45.0 % ~45 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD11127 Selenious acid 128.97 H2O3Se O[Se](O)=O DB11127 1091 26642 1060 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 55.0 % 40-70 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 720.0 h 30 day dog; DRUGBANK DDPD11129 Carbamide peroxide 94.07 CH6N2O3 OO.NC(N)=O DB11129 31294 75178 29034 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD11132 Silicon dioxide 60.0843 O2Si O=[Si]=O DB11132 22644374 30563 22683 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD11134 Cupric oxide 79.545 CuO [O--].[Cu++] DB11134 164827 75955 144499 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD11135 Selenium 78.96 Se [Se] DB11135 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/pdfs/ATSDR MRLs - May 2021 - H.pdf 6326970 27568 4885617 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % PO, oral; Raceme L; DRUGBANK 9.17 h 9.17 h PO, oral; Raceme L; DRUGBANK 40.8 h 1.7 day DRUGBANK 72.0 h 3 day DRUGBANK 266.4 h 11.1 day DRUGBANK 6700.0 mg/kg 6700.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.005 mg/kg/day 0.005 mg/kg/day PO, oral; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK DDPD11136 Chromium 51.9961 Cr [Cr] DB11136 23976 28073 22412 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.25 % 0.5-10 % PO, oral; Drug form; DRUGBANK 28.0 h 15-41 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 155.0 mg/kg 135-175 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 79.5 mg/kg 46-113 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5 g/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3500.0 mg/kg 3.5 g/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 11300.0 mg/kg 11.3 g/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3300.0 mg/kg 3.3 g/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/kg 1.5 g/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % DRUGBANK DDPD11137 Molybdenum 95.94 Mo [Mo] DB11137 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/pdfs/ATSDR MRLs - May 2021 - H.pdf 23932 28685 22374 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2e-06 mg/L 2.0 ug/m3 inhalation, IH; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 0.06 mg/kg/day 0.06 mg/kg/day PO, oral; DRUGBANK DDPD11145 Oxyquinoline 145.158 C9H7NO OC1=CC=CC2=C1N=CC=C2 DB11145 1923 48981 1847 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 23.0 % 23 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 9.0 % 9 % Bile excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD11148 Butamben 193.246 C11H15NO2 CCCCOC(=O)C1=CC=C(N)C=C1 DB11148 2482 3231 2388 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.5 h 90 min effective half-life; DRUGBANK 400.0 h 400 h Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 67.0 mg/kg 67.0 mg/kg DRUGBANK DDPD11150 Barium sulfate 233.39 BaO4S [Ba++].[O-]S([O-])(=O)=O DB11150 24414 133326 22823 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % Rectal Administration; DRUGBANK DDPD11151 Sodium hydroxide 39.9971 HNaO [OH-].[Na+] DB11151 14798 32145 14114 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD11153 Potassium hydroxide 56.1056 HKO [OH-].[K+] DB11153 14797 32035 14113 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.7515 KOH/kg body weight/day 0.273-1.230 KOH/kg body weight/day Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD11155 Triclocarban 315.58 C13H9Cl3N2O ClC1=CC=C(NC(=O)NC2=CC(Cl)=C(Cl)C=C2)C=C1 DB11155 7547 48347 7266 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.6 % 0.6 % DRUGBANK 27.0 % 27 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 10.0 h 10 h DRUGBANK 2100.0 mg/kg 2100.0 mg/kg mouse; DRUGBANK 27.0 % 27 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK DDPD11156 Pyrantel 206.31 C11H14N2S [H]\C(=C(\[H])C1=NCCCN1C)C1=CC=CS1 DB11156 708857 8654 618121 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 1-3 h DRUGBANK 1.75 h 1.75±0.19 h intravenous injection, IV; pig; DRUGBANK 535.0 mg/kg 535.0 mg/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 7.0 % <7 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 11.0 mg/kg/dose 11 mg/kg/dose PO, oral Reese's Pinworm Medicine (pyrantel pamoate) PDR 11.0 mg/kg/dose 11 mg/kg/dose PO, oral Reese's Pinworm Medicine (pyrantel pamoate) PDR 1000.0 mg/dose 1 g/dose PO, oral Reese's Pinworm Medicine (pyrantel pamoate) PDR 11.0 mg/kg/dose 11 mg/kg/dose PO, oral Reese's Pinworm Medicine (pyrantel pamoate) PDR 1000.0 mg/dose 1 g/dose PO, oral Reese's Pinworm Medicine (pyrantel pamoate) PDR 11.0 mg/kg/dose 11 mg/kg/dose PO, oral Reese's Pinworm Medicine (pyrantel pamoate) PDR 1000.0 mg/dose 1 g/dose PO, oral Reese's Pinworm Medicine (pyrantel pamoate) PDR 11.0 mg/kg/dose 11 mg/kg/dose PO, oral Reese's Pinworm Medicine (pyrantel pamoate) PDR 1.0 g/dose 1 g/dose PO, oral Reese's Pinworm Medicine (pyrantel pamoate) PDR 11.0 mg/kg/dose 11 mg/kg/dose PO, oral Reese's Pinworm Medicine (pyrantel pamoate) PDR DDPD11157 Anthralin 226.231 C14H10O3 OC1=CC=CC2=C1C(=O)C1=C(O)C=CC=C1C2 DB11157 2202 37510 2117 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 application/day 1 application/day up to 4 days/week Zithranol-RR anthralin PDR 1.0 appLication/day 1 appLication/day Zithranol-RR anthralin PDR 1.0 appLication/day 1 appLication/day up to 4 days/week Zithranol-RR anthralin PDR 1.0 application/day 1 application/day Zithranol-RR anthralin PDR 1.0 application/day 1 application/day up to 4 days/week Zithranol-RR anthralin PDR 1.0 application/day 1 application/day skin/dermal Zithranol-RR anthralin PDR 1.0 application/day 1 application/day up to 4 days/week Zithranol-RR anthralin PDR DDPD11158 Pectin N.A. N.A. C1(C(C(OC(C1O)O)C(=O)O)O)O DB11158 441476 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 0.0 null 0 null DRUGBANK DDPD11164 Bicisate 324.45 C12H24N2O4S2 CCOC(=O)[C@H](CS)NCCN[C@@H](CS)C(=O)OCC DB11164 72048 65035 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.5 %/h 3.5 %/h DRUGBANK 0.74 L 0.74 L intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 6.02 h 6.02 h DRUGBANK 0.0119444444444444 h 43 second distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 0.825 h 49.5 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 8.88333333333333 h 533 min terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 74.0 % 74 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 12.5 % 12.5 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD11168 Calcium threonate 310.268 C8H14CaO10 [Ca++].OC[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)C([O-])=O.OC[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)C([O-])=O DB11168 13388558 9337769 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 32300.0 ng/ml 32.3 mg/L Oral single dose; normal,healthy; Asian; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h Oral single dose; normal,healthy; Asian; DRUGBANK 14.5 L/h ~14.5 L/h Total clearance; PO, oral; normal,healthy; Asian; adults; DRUGBANK 53.6 L 53.6 L Average volume of distribution; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; Asian; DRUGBANK 2.7 h ~2.7 h elimination half-life; Oral single dose; Asian; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 30.0 % ~30 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 40.0 % ~40 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD11171 Ferric sulfate 489.93 Fe2H10O17S3 O.O.O.O.O.[Fe+3].[Fe+3].[O-]S([O-])(=O)=O.[O-]S([O-])(=O)=O.[O-]S([O-])(=O)=O DB11171 23443659 11640309 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD11180 Tetrofosmin 382.462 C18H40O4P2 CCOCCP(CCOCC)CCP(CCOCC)CCOCC DB11180 4274 135598 4124 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6.03 h 6.03 h DRUGBANK DDPD11181 Homatropine 275.348 C16H21NO3 [H][C@]12CC[C@]([H])(C[C@@H](C1)OC(=O)C(O)C1=CC=CC=C1)N2C DB11181 5747 16498795 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1200.0 mg/kg 1200.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1400.0 mg/kg 1400.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/kg 1000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; guinea pigs; DRUGBANK DDPD11182 Rose bengal 973.673 C20H4Cl4I4O5 OC(=O)C1=C(Cl)C(Cl)=C(Cl)C(Cl)=C1C1=C2C=C(I)C(=O)C(I)=C2OC2=C(I)C(O)=C(I)C=C12 DB11182 87202 23774 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0333333333333333 h 2 min distribution half-life; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1.66666666666667 h 100 min terminal half-life; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 30 min effective half-life; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 30 min effective half-life; rabbit; DRUGBANK DDPD11186 Pentoxyverine 333.472 C20H31NO3 CCN(CC)CCOCCOC(=O)C1(CCCC1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB11186 2562 94484 2464 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.2 h 1.2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.3 h 2.3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 810.0 mg/kg 810.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 230.0 mg/kg 230.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD11191 Cobamamide 1579.5818 C72H100CoN18O17P [C@H]1(C[Co-3]2345[N+]6=C7C(C)=C8N2[C@]([H])([C@H](CC(=O)N)[C@]8(CCC(=O)NC[C@@H](C)OP([O-])(=O)O[C@@H]2[C@@H](CO)O[C@H](N8C=[N+]3C3=CC(C)=C(C)C=C83)[C@@H]2O)C)[C@@]2(C)[C@@](CC(=O)N)([C@H](CCC(=O)N)C(C(C)=C3[N+]4=C(C=C6C([C@@H]7CCC(=O)N)(C)C)[C@@H](CCC(=O)N)[C@@]3(CC(=O)N)C)=[N+]52)C)O[C@@H](N2C3=C(N=C2)C(=NC=N3)N)[C@H](O)[C@@H]1O DB11191 18408 21864853 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg 5000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; guinea pigs; DRUGBANK DDPD11200 Aluminum zirconium octachlorohydrex gly 263.74 C2H8AlClNO4Zr O.O.[Al+3].[Cl-].[Zr+4].NCC([O-])=O DB11200 32698594 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.012 % 0.012 % skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 456.0 mg/kg 162-750 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 572.0 mg/kg 164-980 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD11201 Menthyl salicylate 276.376 C17H24O3 CC(C)[C@@H]1CC[C@@H](C)C[C@H]1OC(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1O DB11201 135976 16736426 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD11206 Bemotrizinol 627.826 C38H49N3O5 CCCCC(CC)COC1=CC(O)=C(C=C1)C1=NC(=NC(=N1)C1=CC=C(OC)C=C1)C1=C(O)C=C(OCC(CC)CCCC)C=C1 DB11206 135857 10645286 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg skin/dermal; rabbit; DRUGBANK DDPD11207 Amiloxate 248.322 C15H20O3 COC1=CC=C(\C=C\C(=O)OCCC(C)C)C=C1 DB11207 1266578 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 9600.0 mg/kg 9600.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD11217 Arbutin 272.2512 C12H16O7 OC[C@H]1O[C@@H](OC2=CC=C(O)C=C2)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O DB11217 440936 18305 389765 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 9804.0 mg/kg 9804.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 8715.0 mg/kg 8715.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 928.0 mg/kg >928 mg/kg skin/dermal; mouse; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD11219 Enzacamene 254.373 C18H22O CC1=CC=C(\C=C2/C3CCC(C)(C2=O)C3(C)C)C=C1 DB11219 7019255 135937 4939160 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 16.0 ng/ml 16 ng/ml skin/dermal; normal,healthy;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 10.0 h 10 h PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 15.0 h ~15 h PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 15.0 h ~15 h Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 10000.0 mg/kg 10000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; skin/dermal; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 7.0 mg/kg 7.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 238.0 mg/kg/day 476.0 mg/kg/2D Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2.0 mg/kg/day 4.0 mg/kg/2D Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD11221 Dioxybenzone 244.246 C14H12O4 COC1=CC(O)=C(C=C1)C(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1O DB11221 34208 8251 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD11226 Ethylhexyl methoxycrylene 391.511 C25H29NO3 CCCCC(CC)COC(=O)C(C#N)=C(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=C(OC)C=C1 DB11226 52085894 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % skin/dermal; DRUGBANK DDPD11228 Methylcellulose N.A. N.A. COCC1C(C(C(C(O1)OC2C(OC(C(C2OC)OC)OC3C(OC(C(C3OC)OC)OC)COC)COC)OC)OC)OC DB11228 44263857 53448 23107149 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.07 h 4.2 min DRUGBANK 275000.0 mg/kg 275000.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD11235 Thonzylamine 286.379 C16H22N4O COC1=CC=C(CN(CCN(C)C)C2=NC=CC=N2)C=C1 DB11235 5457 104017 5258 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD11239 Aluminum sulfate 342.151 Al2O12S3 [Al+3].[Al+3].[O-]S([O-])(=O)=O.[O-]S([O-])(=O)=O.[O-]S([O-])(=O)=O DB11239 24850 74768 23233 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 null 0 null DRUGBANK 9000.0 mg/kg >9000 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 9000.0 mg/kg >9000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2.0 % ~2 % Bile excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD11248 Zinc gluconate 455.67 C12H22O14Zn [Zn++].[H][C@@](O)(CO)[C@@]([H])(O)[C@]([H])(O)[C@@]([H])(O)C([O-])=O.[H][C@@](O)(CO)[C@@]([H])(O)[C@]([H])(O)[C@@]([H])(O)C([O-])=O DB11248 443445 29708 391659 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6720.0 h 280 day DRUGBANK 1290.0 mg/kg 1290.0 mg/kg nasal spray; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD11254 Hexylresorcinol 194.2701 C12H18O2 CCCCCCC1=C(O)C=C(O)C=C1 DB11254 3610 93749 21106121 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2750.0 mg/kg 500-5000 mg/kg PO, oral; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 18.0 % 18 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD11256 Levomefolic acid 459.4558 C20H25N7O6 CN1[C@@H](CNC2=CC=C(C=C2)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCC(O)=O)C(O)=O)CNC2=C1C(=O)N=C(N)N2 DB11256 444412 15641 https://www.drugs.com/international/levomefolic-acid.html 392351 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 18.10255852 ng/ml 39.4 nmol/L Oral single dose;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 3.0 h ~3 h elimination half-life; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 56.0 % ~56 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD11262 Bisoctrizole 658.891 C41H50N6O2 CC(C)(C)CC(C)(C)C1=CC(CC2=C(O)C(=CC(=C2)C(C)(C)CC(C)(C)C)N2N=C3C=CC=CC3=N2)=C(O)C(=C1)N1N=C2C=CC=CC2=N1 DB11262 135865 2808671 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.01 % 0.01 % skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 0.06 % 0.06 % skin/dermal; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; skin/dermal; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD11264 Calcium glycerophosphate 210.135 C3H7CaO6P [Ca++].OCC(CO)OP([O-])([O-])=O DB11264 31336 56554 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD11269 Diethylamino hydroxybenzoyl hexyl benzoate 397.515 C24H31NO4 CCCCCCOC(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1C(=O)C1=CC=C(C=C1O)N(CC)CC DB11269 136006 8286957 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.04 % 0.04±0.05 % skin/dermal; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.04 % 0.04±0.05 % skin/dermal; pig; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD11273 Dihydroergocornine 563.699 C31H41N5O5 [H][C@@]12CCCN1C(=O)[C@H](C(C)C)N1C(=O)[C@](NC(=O)[C@H]3CN(C)[C@]4([H])CC5=CNC6=CC=CC(=C56)[C@@]4([H])C3)(O[C@@]21O)C(C)C DB11273 59909 147720 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.57 ngEq/ml 0.57 ngEq/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.4 h 1.4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 13.0 h 13 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.5 % 2.5 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK DDPD11274 Dihydro-alpha-ergocryptine 577.726 C32H43N5O5 [H][C@@]12CCCN1C(=O)[C@H](CC(C)C)N1C(=O)[C@](NC(=O)[C@H]3CN(C)[C@]4([H])CC5=CNC6=CC=CC(=C56)[C@@]4([H])C3)(O[C@@]21O)C(C)C DB11274 59919 102887 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.0 % <5 % DRUGBANK 2.157 ng/ml 2157 pg/ml Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 1.25 h 0.5-2 h DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 1.129 L/h 1.129 L/h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 25.98 L/h 25.98 L/h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 11.054 L 11.054 L intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 218.63 L 218.63 L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 14.0 h 12-16 h Parkinson; DRUGBANK DDPD11275 Epicriptine 577.726 C32H43N5O5 [H][C@@]12CCCN1C(=O)[C@]([H])([C@H](C)CC)N1C(=O)[C@](NC(=O)[C@H]3CN(C)[C@]4([H])CC5=CNC6=CC=CC(=C56)[C@@]4([H])C3)(O[C@@]21O)C(C)C DB11275 135927 59102 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 13.0 h 13 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 14.0 h 12-16 h Parkinson; DRUGBANK DDPD11278 DL-Methylephedrine 179.263 C11H17NO C[C@@H]([C@H](O)C1=CC=CC=C1)N(C)C DB11278 113556 58315 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.75 L/kg 2.5-3.0 L/kg DRUGBANK 4.5 h 3-6 h DRUGBANK 185.0 mg/kg 185.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 70.0 % ~70 % Urinary excretion; Urine alkaline; Urine alkaline &#8595; ; DRUGBANK DDPD11282 Diethyltoluamide 191.2695 C12H17NO CCN(CC)C(=O)C1=CC(C)=CC=C1 DB11282 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/pdfs/ATSDR MRLs - May 2021 - H.pdf 7071 4133 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 32.5 % 9-56 % skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 12.0 % 10-14 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 2.5 h ~2.5 h DRUGBANK 1.0 mg/kg/day 1.0 mg/kg/day PO, oral; DRUGBANK DDPD11283 DL-dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine 677.945 C36H72NO8P CCCCCCCCCCCCCC(=O)OCC(COP([O-])(=O)OCC[N+](C)(C)C)OC(=O)CCCCCCCCCCCCC DB11283 241349 24408 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD11284 DL-dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol 666.874 C34H67O10P CCCCCCCCCCCCCC(=O)OCC(COP(O)(=O)OCC(O)CO)OC(=O)CCCCCCCCCCCCC DB11284 96926 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Abelcet amphotericin B lipid complex PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Abelcet amphotericin B lipid complex PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Abelcet amphotericin B lipid complex PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Abelcet amphotericin B lipid complex PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Abelcet amphotericin B lipid complex PDR 5.0 mg/kg/day 5 mg/kg/day intravenous injection, IV Abelcet amphotericin B lipid complex PDR 6.5 mg/kg/day 6.5 mg/kg/day rarely Abelcet amphotericin B lipid complex PDR DDPD11304 Phenoxyethanol 138.166 C8H10O2 OCCOC1=CC=CC=C1 DB11304 31236 64275 13848467 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 95.0 % >95 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 2250.0 mg/kg 2250.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; rabbit; DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % Urinary excretion; Male, men; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % Urinary excretion;  Female, women; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2.0 % ~2 % lung excretion;  Female, women; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1.3 % ~1.3 % lung excretion; Male, men; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD11323 Glycol salicylate 182.175 C9H10O4 OCCOC(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1O DB11323 6880 86541 6616 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.266666666666667 h 13-19 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 3.5-4.5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 0.333333333333333 h 20 min DRUGBANK DDPD11326 Boric acid 61.833 BH3O3 OB(O)O DB11326 7628 33118 7346 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 h 0.5-1.5 h Intraperitoneal, IP; DRUGBANK 0.99 L/h 0.99 L/h Total clearance; PO, oral; acute boric acid poisoning; DRUGBANK 0.335 L/kg 0.17-0.5 L/kg human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 18.5 h 13-24 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 2660.0 mg/kg 2660.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1.0 % 1 % Urinary excretion; ointment; DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK DDPD11327 Dipyrithione 252.31 C10H8N2O2S2 [O-][N+]1=CC=CC=C1SSC1=CC=CC=[N+]1[O-] DB11327 136010 2998 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD11328 Tetradecyl hydrogen sulfate (ester) 294.45 C14H30O4S CCCCC(CC)CCC(CC(C)C)OS(O)(=O)=O DB11328 75275 8441 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 mg/kg 90±5 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 72.0 mg/kg 72.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Other correlations; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 108.0 mg/kg 108.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 73.5 % 73.5 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 18.2 % 18.2 % Faeces excretion; intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD11348 Calcium Phosphate 310.177 Ca3O8P2 [Ca++].[Ca++].[Ca++].[O-]P([O-])([O-])=O.[O-]P([O-])([O-])=O DB11348 24456 9679 22864 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD11359 Guaiacol 124.139 C7H8O2 COC1=C(O)C=CC=C1 DB11359 460 28591 447 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.166666666666667 h 10 min PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD11362 Selexipag 496.63 C26H32N4O4S CC(C)N(CCCCOCC(=O)NS(C)(=O)=O)C1=NC(C2=CC=CC=C2)=C(N=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB11362 9913767 90844 http://www.drugs.com/uptravi.html 8089417 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.0 h 1-3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h PO, oral; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 35.7 L/h 35.7±19.6 L/h Average clearance; DRUGBANK 1.65 h 0.8-2.5 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 9.85 h 6.2-13.5 h terminal half-life; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 12.0 % 12 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % ~99 % DRUGBANK 3.2 mg/day 3200 mcg/day PO, oral Uptravi selexipag PDR 3.2 mg/day 3200 mcg/day PO, oral Uptravi selexipag PDR DDPD11363 Alectinib 482.6166 C30H34N4O2 CCC1=CC2=C(C=C1N1CCC(CC1)N1CCOCC1)C(C)(C)C1=C(C3=CC=C(C=C3N1)C#N)C2=O DB11363 49806720 90936 26326738 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 37.0 % 37 % DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h DRUGBANK 81.9 L/h 81.9 L/h apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 217.0 L/h 217.0 L/h apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 0.4614 L/h/kg 7.69 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4016.0 L 4016.0 L DRUGBANK 6.35 L/kg 6.35 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 33.0 h 33 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 31.0 h 31 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 11.7 h 11.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 0.5 % <0.5 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 82.32 % 82.32 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1200.0 mg/day 600 mg/dose PO, oral bid Alecensa alectinib PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral bid Alecensa alectinib PDR 1200.0 mg/dose 600 mg/dose PO, oral bid Alecensa alectinib PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral bid Alecensa alectinib PDR DDPD11386 Chlorobutanol 177.45 C4H7Cl3O CC(C)(O)C(Cl)(Cl)Cl DB11386 5977 134813 13842993 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.696 L/h 11.6±1.0 ml/min PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 233.0 L 233±141 L PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 247.2 h 10.3±1.3 day elimination half-life; normal,healthy; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 510.0 mg/kg 510.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 9.6 % 9.6 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 57.0 % 57±3 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD11387 Chloroform 119.378 CHCl3 ClC(Cl)Cl DB11387 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/pdfs/ATSDR MRLs - May 2021 - H.pdf 35255 5977 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.1 mg/kg 0.1 ppm inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 0.05 mg/kg 0.05 ppm inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 0.02 mg/kg 0.02 ppm inhalation, IH; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 0.3 mg/kg/day 0.3 mg/kg/day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.1 mg/kg/day 0.1 mg/kg/day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.01 mg/kg/day 0.01 mg/kg/day PO, oral; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK DDPD11431 Moxidectin 639.83 C37H53NO8 [H][C@@]12OC\C3=C/C=C/[C@H](C)C\C(C)=C\C[C@]4([H])C[C@@]([H])(C[C@]5(C\C(=N/OC)[C@H](C)[C@H](O5)C(\C)=C\C(C)C)O4)OC(=O)[C@]([H])(C=C(C)[C@H]1O)[C@@]23O DB11431 22901017 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 8726400.0 ng.h/ml 363.6 mcg.day/ml DRUGBANK 70.4 ng/mg 70.4 mg/kg DRUGBANK 8.88 h 0.37 day DRUGBANK 3.5 L/h 3.5 L/h apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 1.2 L/kg 1.2 L/kg DRUGBANK 484.8 h 20.2 day terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 100.5 mg/kg 70-131 mg/kg mouse; DRUGBANK 2.0 % 2 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK DDPD11560 Lesinurad 404.28 C17H14BrN3O2S OC(=O)CSC1=NN=C(Br)N1C1=CC=C(C2CC2)C2=C1C=CC=C2 DB11560 53465279 90929 https://www.drugs.com/mtm/lesinurad.html 28527877 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.5 h 1-4 h PO, oral; food; fasting; DRUGBANK 0.0858 L/h/kg 1.43 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 L 20.0 L Steady state volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.29 L/kg 0.29 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 63.0 % 63 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 32.0 % 32 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 30.0 % ~30 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 98.0 % >98 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD11570 Padimate O 277.408 C17H27NO2 CCCCC(CC)COC(=O)C1=CC=C(C=C1)N(C)C DB11570 30541 135932 28343 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD11573 Aluminum chlorohydrate 192.46 Al2ClH7O6 O.[OH-].[OH-].[OH-].[OH-].[OH-].[Al+3].[Al+3].[Cl-] DB11573 71586946 32699791 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.035 % 0.01-0.06 % skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 0.012 % 0.012 % skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD11574 Elbasvir 882.035 C49H55N9O7 [H][C@]1(CCCN1C(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)OC)C(C)C)C1=NC=C(N1)C1=CC2=C(C=C1)N1[C@@H](OC3=C(C=CC(=C3)C3=CN=C(N3)[C@]3([H])CCCN3C(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)OC)C(C)C)C1=C2)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB11574 71661251 132967 30843797 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 32.0 % 32 % DRUGBANK 4.5 h 3-6 h DRUGBANK 680.0 L 680.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 24.0 h 24 h terminal half-life; HCV-positive; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 99.9 % >99.9 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD11575 Grazoprevir 766.903 C38H50N6O9S COC1=CC2=NC3=C(CCCCC[C@@H]4C[C@H]4OC(=O)N[C@H](C(=O)N4C[C@@H](C[C@H]4C(=O)N[C@@]4(C[C@H]4C=C)C(=O)NS(=O)(=O)C4CC4)O3)C(C)(C)C)N=C2C=C1 DB11575 44603531 132975 https://www.drugs.com/mtm/elbasvir-and-grazoprevir.html 28506694 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 27.0 % 27 % DRUGBANK 2.0 h 0.5-3.5 h DRUGBANK 1250.0 L 1250.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 31.0 h 31 h terminal half-life; HCV-positive; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 98.8 % >98.8 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD11577 Indigotindisulfonic acid 422.389 C16H10N2O8S2 OS(=O)(=O)C1=CC2=C(N\C(C2=O)=C2\NC3=C(C=C(C=C3)S(O)(=O)=O)C2=O)C=C1 DB11577 5282430 90117 4445584 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.075 h 4-5 min DRUGBANK DDPD11581 Venetoclax 868.45 C45H50ClN7O7S CC1(C)CCC(CN2CCN(CC2)C2=CC=C(C(=O)NS(=O)(=O)C3=CC=C(NCC4CCOCC4)C(=C3)[N+]([O-])=O)C(OC3=CN=C4NC=CC4=C3)=C2)=C(C1)C1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1 DB11581 49846579 133021 https://www.drugs.com/venclexta.html 29315017 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 32800.0 ng.h/ml 32.8±16.9 ug.h/ml PO, oral; low fat meal; DRUGBANK 2100.0 ng/ml 2.1±1.1 ug/ml PO, oral; low fat meal; DRUGBANK 6.5 h 5-8 h PO, oral; food; DRUGBANK 288.5 L 256-321 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 22.5 h 19-26 h Single dose; DRUGBANK 2001.0 mg/kg >2001 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 99.9 % >99.9 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.01 % <0.01 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.8 % 20.8 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Venclexta venetoclax PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Venclexta venetoclax PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Venclexta venetoclax PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Venclexta venetoclax PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Venclexta venetoclax PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Venclexta venetoclax PDR DDPD11583 Cetalkonium 360.649 C25H46N CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC[N+](C)(C)CC1=CC=CC=C1 DB11583 31203 135523 28944 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % parenteral administration; DRUGBANK 230.0 mg/kg 60-400 mg/kg DRUGBANK DDPD11584 Pipradrol 267.372 C18H21NO [H]N1CCCCC1C(O)(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB11584 135101 9681 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 180.0 mg/kg 180.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 120.0 mg/kg 120.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 180.0 mg/kg 180.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 3.5 % 3.5 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD11585 Drometrizole trisiloxane 501.849 C24H39N3O3Si3 CC(CC1=C(O)C(=CC(C)=C1)N1N=C2C=CC=CC2=N1)C[Si](C)(O[Si](C)(C)C)O[Si](C)(C)C DB11585 8024601 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % DRUGBANK DDPD11586 Asunaprevir 748.286 C35H46ClN5O9S COC1=CN=C(O[C@@H]2C[C@H](N(C2)C(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)OC(C)(C)C)C(C)(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@]2(C[C@H]2C=C)C(=O)NS(=O)(=O)C2CC2)C2=C1C=CC(Cl)=C2 DB11586 16076883 134723 17235944 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1887.0 ng.h/ml 1887.0 ng.h/ml DRUGBANK 9.3 % 9.3 % DRUGBANK 572.0 ng/ml 572 ng/ml DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h DRUGBANK 396.5 L/h 302-491 L/h Average clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.7068 L/h/kg 11.78 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 194.0 L 194.0 L at steady state; DRUGBANK 2.77 L/kg 2.77 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 17.5 h 15-20 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 20.0 h 20 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.5 % 7.5 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % DRUGBANK DDPD11587 Etafedrine 193.29 C12H19NO CCN(C)[C@@H](C)[C@H](O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB11587 85308 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 100.0 ng/ml 0.10 mg/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.0 L/kg 3.0 L/kg DRUGBANK 4.5 h 3-6 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK DDPD11588 Carbon monoxide 28.01 CO [C-]#[O+] DB11588 281 17245 275 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h DRUGBANK 1.0 h 30-90 min DRUGBANK 0.316666666666667 h 15-23 min DRUGBANK 1807.0 mg/kg 1807.0 ppm Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD11589 Neon 20.1797 Ne [Ne] DB11589 23935 33310 22377 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD11590 Thimerosal 404.81 C9H9HgNaO2S [Na+].CC[Hg]SC1=CC=CC=C1C([O-])=O DB11590 16684434 9546 5697 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.01 % <0.01 % Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 266.0 L 266.0 L DRUGBANK 211.2 h 8.8 day DRUGBANK 256.8 h 10.7 day DRUGBANK 187.2 h 7.8 day DRUGBANK 184.8 h 7.7 day DRUGBANK 1084.8 h 45.2 day DRUGBANK 1200.0 h ~50 day human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 75.0 mg/kg 75.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 91.0 mg/kg 91.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 95-99 % DRUGBANK DDPD11591 Bilastine 463.622 C28H37N3O3 CCOCCN1C(=NC2=CC=CC=C12)C1CCN(CCC2=CC=C(C=C2)C(C)(C)C(O)=O)CC1 DB11591 185460 135954 161234 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 61.0 % 61 % DRUGBANK 1.13 h 1.13 h DRUGBANK 9.2 L/h 9.2 L/h Total clearance; DRUGBANK 8.7 L/h 8.7 L/h Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.1722 L/h/kg 2.87 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.61 L/kg 0.61 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 14.5 h 14.5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 5.16 h 5.16 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 66.5 % 66.5 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 28.3 % 28.3 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 87.0 % 84-90 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD11596 Levoleucovorin 473.4393 C20H23N7O7 NC1=NC(=O)C2=C(NC[C@H](CNC3=CC=C(C=C3)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCC(O)=O)C(O)=O)N2C=O)N1 DB11596 149436 63606 https://www.drugs.com/levoleucovorin.html 131714 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1722.0 ng/ml 1722 ng/ml intravenous injection, IV; Derivative; DRUGBANK 275.0 ng/ml 275 ng/ml intravenous injection, IV; Derivative; DRUGBANK 0.9 h 0.9 h intravenous injection, IV; Derivative; DRUGBANK 0.246 L/h/kg 4.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.27 L/kg 0.27 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.1 h 5.1 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 6.8 h 6.8 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 575.0 mg/kg 575.0 mg/kg adults; mouse; DRUGBANK 378.0 mg/kg 378.0 mg/kg adults; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD11602 Hydroxyethyl cellulose 806.937 C36H70O19 CC(O)COCC1OC(OC2C(COCC(C)O)OC(OCC(C)O)C(OCC(C)O)C2OCC(C)O)C(OCC(C)O)C(OCC(C)O)C1OCC(C)O DB11602 4327536 85249 3532118 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD11610 Oxilofrine 181.235 C10H15NO2 [H][C@@](C)(NC)[C@]([H])(O)C1=CC=C(O)C=C1 DB11610 688009 134822 599505 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD11611 Lifitegrast 615.48 C29H24Cl2N2O7S CS(=O)(=O)C1=CC(C[C@H](NC(=O)C2=C(Cl)C3=C(CN(CC3)C(=O)C3=CC=C4C=COC4=C3)C=C2Cl)C(O)=O)=CC=C1 DB11611 11965427 133023 https://www.drugs.com/xiidra.html 10139520 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.7 ng/ml 1.70 ng/ml DRUGBANK 2.145 ng/ml 0.55-3.74 ng/ml different study; DRUGBANK 0.25 h 15 min DRUGBANK 99.0 % ~99 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 96.5 % 95-98 % human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 41.35 % 31.6-51.1 % human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Xiidra lifitegrast PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Xiidra lifitegrast PDR 2.0 drop/day 2 drop/day ophthalmic administration Xiidra lifitegrast PDR DDPD11613 Velpatasvir 883.019 C49H54N8O8 COC[C@H]1C[C@H](N(C1)C(=O)[C@H](NC(=O)OC)C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=NC=C(N1)C1=CC=C2C(COC3=CC4=C(C=CC5=C4NC(=N5)[C@@H]4CC[C@H](C)N4C(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)OC)C(C)C)C=C23)=C1 DB11613 67683363 133009 https://www.drugs.com/history/epclusa.html 34501056 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 27.5 % 25-30 % DRUGBANK 0.12 L/h/kg 0.12 L/h/kg DRUGBANK 1.5 L/kg 1.4-1.6 L/kg DRUGBANK 15.0 h 15 h DRUGBANK 94.0 % 94 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 0.4 % 0.4 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 99.5 % >99.5 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD11614 Rupatadine 415.97 C26H26ClN3 CC1=CC(CN2CCC(CC2)=C2C3=CC=C(Cl)C=C3CCC3=C2N=CC=C3)=CN=C1 DB11614 133017 135673 117388 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h high-fat meal; high-fat meal &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1556.2 L/h 1556.2 L/h Total clearance; young; adults; DRUGBANK 798.2 L/h 798.2 L/h Total clearance; Geriatric; DRUGBANK 9799.0 L 9799.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 15.9 h 15.9 h Children; DRUGBANK 12.3 h 12.3 h Children; DRUGBANK 5.9 h 5.9 h adults; DRUGBANK 8.7 h 8.7 h Geriatric; DRUGBANK 98.75 % 98.5-99.0 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD11619 Gestrinone 308.4141 C21H24O2 [H][C@@]12CC[C@@](O)(C#C)[C@@]1(CC)C=CC1=C3CCC(=O)C=C3CC[C@@]21[H] DB11619 27812 89642 25877 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30±30 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 67.0 L 67.0 L DRUGBANK 24.0 h 24 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 42.5 % ~40-45 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 32.5 % ~30-35 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD11622 Dehydrocholic acid 402.531 C24H34O5 [H][C@@]1(CC[C@@]2([H])[C@]3([H])C(=O)C[C@]4([H])CC(=O)CC[C@]4(C)[C@@]3([H])CC(=O)[C@]12C)[C@H](C)CCC(O)=O DB11622 6674 31459 6422 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70 % DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10 % DRUGBANK 4000.0 mg/kg 4000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 750.0 mg/kg 750.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/kg 1500.0 mg/kg IM,intramuscular injection; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3100.0 mg/kg 3100.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1620.0 mg/kg 1620.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 1492.0 mg/kg 1492.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD11629 Laropiprant 435.89 C21H19ClFNO4S CS(=O)(=O)C1=C2N(CC3=CC=C(Cl)C=C3)C3=C(CC[C@@H]3CC(O)=O)C2=CC(F)=C1 DB11629 135942 8043333 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0726 L/h/kg 1.21 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.0 L/kg 1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 11.8 h 11.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD11630 Temoporfin 680.764 C44H32N4O4 OC1=CC=CC(=C1)C-1=C2\CCC(=N2)\C(=C2/N\C(\C=C2)=C(/C2=N/C(/C=C2)=C(\C2=CC=C\-1N2)C1=CC(O)=CC=C1)C1=CC(O)=CC=C1)\C1=CC(O)=CC=C1 DB11630 9437 54754 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.004 L/h/kg 3.9-4.1 ml/h/kg DRUGBANK 0.0036 L/h/kg 0.06 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.4 L/kg 0.34-0.46 L/kg DRUGBANK 65.0 h 65 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 30.0 h 30 h distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 68.0 h 68 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 91.5 h 91.5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 86.5 % 85-88 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD11632 Opicapone 413.17 C15H10Cl2N4O6 CC1=C(C2=NOC(=N2)C2=CC(=C(O)C(O)=C2)[N+]([O-])=O)C(Cl)=[N+]([O-])C(C)=C1Cl DB11632 134699 24667564 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.75 h 1.0-2.5 h DRUGBANK 22.0 L/h 22.0 L/h Total clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 30.0 L ~30 L DRUGBANK 3.04 h 1.58-4.50 h DRUGBANK 99.7 % >99.7 % DRUGBANK DDPD11633 Isavuconazole 437.47 C22H17F2N5OS C[C@@H](C1=NC(=CS1)C1=CC=C(C=C1)C#N)[C@](O)(CN1C=NC=N1)C1=C(F)C=CC(F)=C1 DB11633 85979 5293682 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 189462.8 ng.h/ml 189462.8 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 193906.8 ng.h/ml 193906.8 ng.h/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 7499.0 ng/ml 7499 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 20028.0 ng/ml 20028 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 2.5 L/h 2.5±1.6 L/h PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.051 L/h/kg 0.85 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 450.0 L 450.0 L Steady state volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 5.37 L/kg 5.37 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 130.0 h 130 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 130.0 h 130 h elimination half-life; patients; DRUGBANK 110.0 h 110 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 115.0 h 115 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 86.9 h 86.9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 46.1 % 46.1 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 45.5 % ~45.5 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % DRUGBANK DDPD11637 Delamanid 534.492 C25H25F3N4O6 C[C@]1(COC2=CC=C(C=C2)N2CCC(CC2)OC2=CC=C(OC(F)(F)F)C=C2)CN2C=C(N=C2O1)[N+]([O-])=O DB11637 134742 4981055 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 47.5 % 35-60 % PO, oral; mouse; Rattus, Rat; dog; DRUGBANK 36.0 % 25-47 % PO, oral; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 135.0 ng/ml 135 ng/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 288.0 h 10-14 day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2100.0 L 2100.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 34.0 h 30-38 h DRUGBANK 5.0 % <5 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 99.5 % >99.5 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD11640 Amifampridine 109.132 C5H7N3 NC1=CC=NC=C1N DB11640 135948 5705 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 96.5 % 93-100 % DRUGBANK 76.5 ng/ml 16-137 ng/ml Oral single dose; fasting; DRUGBANK 0.95 h 0.6-1.3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.5 h ~2.5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 25.0 mg/kg ~>25 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/kg ~100 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 25.0 mg/kg ~25 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 20.0 mg/kg 20.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 35.0 mg/kg 35.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 24.0 % >24 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 30.0 mg/dose 30 mg/dose PO, oral Ruzurgi amifampridine PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Ruzurgi amifampridine PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Ruzurgi amifampridine PDR 15.0 mg/dose 15 mg/dose PO, oral Ruzurgi amifampridine PDR 20.0 mg/dose 20 mg/dose PO, oral Ruzurgi amifampridine PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Ruzurgi amifampridine PDR 30.0 mg/dose 30 mg/dose PO, oral Ruzurgi amifampridine PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Ruzurgi amifampridine PDR 50.0 mg/day 50 mg/day PO, oral Ruzurgi amifampridine PDR 15.0 mg/dose 15 mg/dose PO, oral Ruzurgi amifampridine PDR 20.0 mg/dose 20 mg/dose PO, oral Ruzurgi amifampridine PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Ruzurgi amifampridine PDR DDPD11641 Vinflunine 816.944 C45H54F2N4O8 CC[C@@]12C=CCN3CC[C@@]4([C@H]13)[C@@H](N(C)C1=CC(OC)=C(C=C41)[C@]1(C[C@@H]3C[C@H](C[N@@](C3)CC3=C1NC1=CC=CC=C31)C(C)(F)F)C(=O)OC)[C@](O)([C@@H]2OC(C)=O)C(=O)OC DB11641 90241 8804619 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 40.0 L/h 40.0 L/h Total clearance; DRUGBANK 2422.0 L 2422±676 L DRUGBANK 40.0 h ~40 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 120.0 h ~120 h Metabolite; DRUGBANK 66.7 % ~66.7 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 33.3 % ~33.3 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 67.2 % 67.2±1.1 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD11642 Pitolisant 295.85 C17H26ClNO ClC1=CC=C(CCCOCCCN2CCCCC2)C=C1 DB11642 134709 8123714 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 812.0 ng.h/ml 812.0 ng.h/ml Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 30.0 ng/ml ~30 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 73.0 ng/ml 73 ng/ml Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 132.0 h 5-6 day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 43.9 L/h 43.9 L/h apparent clearance; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1912.5 L 1000-2825 L Apparent volume of distribution; PO, oral; adults; DRUGBANK 11.0 h 10-12 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 20.0 h ~20 h Single dose; DRUGBANK 25.0 % ~25 % lung excretion; DRUGBANK 3.0 % <3 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 93.5 % ~91-96 % DRUGBANK DDPD11644 Tafamidis 308.116 C14H7Cl2NO3 OC(=O)C1=CC=C2N=C(OC2=C1)C1=CC(Cl)=CC(Cl)=C1 DB11644 11001318 78538 9176510 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 47864.31 ng.h/ml 47864.31 ng.h/ml PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 1430.93 ng/ml 1430.93 ng/ml PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 1.75 h 1.75 h PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 4 h PO, oral; food; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.263 L/h 0.263 L/h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.44 L/h 0.44 L/h apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 18.5 L 18.5 L Apparent volume of distribution; at steady state; DRUGBANK 49.0 h 49 h DRUGBANK 59.0 % ~59 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 22.0 % ~22 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 99.9 % 99.9 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day Vyndaqel, Vyndamax (tafamidis); (tafamidis meglumine) PDR 61.0 mg/day 61 mg/day Vyndaqel, Vyndamax (tafamidis); (tafamidis meglumine) PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day Vyndaqel, Vyndamax (tafamidis); (tafamidis meglumine) PDR 61.0 mg/day 61 mg/day Vyndaqel, Vyndamax (tafamidis); (tafamidis meglumine) PDR DDPD11652 Tucatinib 480.532 C26H24N8O2 CC1=CC(NC2=NC=NC3=CC=C(NC4=NC(C)(C)CO4)C=C23)=CC=C1OC1=CC2=NC=NN2C=C1 DB11652 51039094 34995558 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7120.0 ng.h/ml 7120.0 ng.h/ml different study; DRUGBANK 1120.0 ng/ml 1120 ng/ml different study; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 1-4 h DRUGBANK 2.0 h 1-3 h different study; DRUGBANK 148.0 L/h 148.0 L/h apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 1670.0 L 1670.0 L DRUGBANK 5.38 h ~5.38 h DRUGBANK 8.21 h ~8.21 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 86.0 % ~86 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 4.1 % ~4.1 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 13.76 % 13.76 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 97.0 % ~97 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD11653 Bremelanotide 1025.182 C50H68N14O10 CCCC[C@H](NC(C)=O)C(=O)N[C@H]1CC(=O)NCCCC[C@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CC2=CNC3=CC=CC=C23)NC(=O)[C@H](CCCNC(N)=N)NC(=O)[C@@H](CC2=CC=CC=C2)NC(=O)[C@H](CC2=CN=CN2)NC1=O)C(O)=O DB11653 9941379 8116997 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 276.0 ng.h/ml 276.0 ng.h/ml DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % DRUGBANK 72.8 ng/ml 72.8 ng/ml DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1(0.5-1) h DRUGBANK 6.5 L/h 6.5±1.0 L/h Average clearance; DRUGBANK 25.0 L 25.0±5.8 L Average volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 2.7 h 2.7(1.9-4.0) h DRUGBANK 64.8 % 64.8 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 22.8 % 22.8 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 21.0 % 21 % DRUGBANK DDPD11660 Latanoprostene bunod 507.624 C27H41NO8 O[C@H](CC[C@H]1[C@H](O)C[C@H](O)[C@@H]1C\C=C/CCCC(=O)OCCCCO[N+]([O-])=O)CCC1=CC=CC=C1 DB11660 11156438 9331546 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0591 ng/ml 59.1 pg/ml normal,healthy; Derivative; DRUGBANK 0.0833333333333333 h 5 min normal,healthy; Derivative; DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1.8 h rabbit; DRUGBANK 2.1 h 2.1 h rabbit; DRUGBANK 4.6 h 4.6 h rabbit; DRUGBANK 0.0 0 Vyzulta latanoprostene bunod PDR 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration Vyzulta latanoprostene bunod PDR 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration Vyzulta latanoprostene bunod PDR 0.0 0 Vyzulta latanoprostene bunod PDR 1.0 drop/day 1 drop/day ophthalmic administration Vyzulta latanoprostene bunod PDR 0.0 0 Vyzulta latanoprostene bunod PDR 0.0 0 Vyzulta latanoprostene bunod PDR DDPD11672 Curcumin 368.3799 C21H20O6 COC1=CC(\C=C\C(=O)CC(=O)\C=C\C2=CC(OC)=C(O)C=C2)=CC=C1O DB11672 969516 3962 839564 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5000.0 ng/ml <5 ug/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 75.0 % ~75 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 40.0 % ~40 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 73.0 % 73 % Faeces excretion; Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 11.0 % 11 % Bile excretion; Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK DDPD11678 Treosulfan 278.29 C6H14O8S2 CS(=O)(=O)OC[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)COS(C)(=O)=O DB11678 9882105 82557 8057780 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.294 L/h/kg 4.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.59 L/kg 0.59 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.83 h 1.83 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD11689 Selumetinib 457.68 C17H15BrClFN4O3 CN1C=NC2=C(F)C(NC3=C(Cl)C=C(Br)C=C3)=C(C=C12)C(=O)NOCCO DB11689 10127622 90227 8303141 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 62.0 % 62 % PO, oral; adults; DRUGBANK 1.25 h 1-1.5 h DRUGBANK 8.8 L/h 8.8 L/h pediatric patients; DRUGBANK 15.7 L/h 15.7 L/h normal,healthy; adults; Male, men; DRUGBANK 12.55 L/h 9.2-15.9 L/h Asian; DRUGBANK 124.5 L 78-171 L Apparent volume of distribution; at steady state; pediatric patients; DRUGBANK 146.0 L 146.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; normal,healthy; Male, men; adults; DRUGBANK 110.65 L 73.2-148.1 L Apparent volume of distribution; at steady state; dose; patients; Asian; DRUGBANK 6.2 h 6.2 h elimination half-life; Children; patients; DRUGBANK 9.9 h 9.2-10.6 h Asian; patients; DRUGBANK 13.0 h ~13 h different study; DRUGBANK 59.0 % ~59 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 33.0 % ~33 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 96.0 % 96 % DRUGBANK 35.0 % <35 % DRUGBANK 98.4 % ~98.4 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD11691 Naldemedine 570.646 C32H34N4O6 [H][C@@]12OC3=C4C(C[C@@]5([H])N(CC6CC6)CC[C@@]14[C@@]5(O)CC(C(=O)NC(C)(C)C1=NC(=NO1)C1=CC=CC=C1)=C2O)=CC=C3O DB11691 54732242 28530803 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.75 h DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h PO, oral; high-fat meal; high-fat meal &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 155.0 L 155.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 11.0 h 11 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 57.0 % 57 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 35.0 % 35 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 93.5 % 93-94 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.2 mg/day 0.2 mg/day PO, oral qd Symproic naldemedine PDR 0.2 mg/day 0.2 mg/day PO, oral qd Symproic naldemedine PDR DDPD11699 Tropisetron 284.3529 C17H20N2O2 [H][C@]12CC[C@]([H])(C[C@@]([H])(C1)OC(=O)C1=CNC3=CC=CC=C13)N2C DB11699 656665 32269 16736476 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 95.0 % >95 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 83.33 % 83.33 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 16.67 % 16.67 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 108.0 L/h 1800.0 ml/min DRUGBANK 1.56 L/h/kg 26 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 500.0 L 400-600 L DRUGBANK 9.7 L/kg 9.7 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.7 h 5.7 h DRUGBANK 5.6 h 5.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 265.0 mg/kg 265.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 15.0 % 15 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 8.0 % ~8 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 71.0 % 71 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD11703 Acalabrutinib 465.517 C26H23N7O2 CC#CC(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C1=NC(=C2N1C=CN=C2N)C1=CC=C(C=C1)C(=O)NC1=CC=CC=N1 DB11703 71226662 36764951 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25 % DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.75 h DRUGBANK 159.0 L/h 159.0 L/h apparent clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 34.0 L 34.0 L Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.9 h 0.9(0.6-2.8) h elimination half-life; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 84.0 % 84 % Faeces excretion; Single dose; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.0 % 12 % Urinary excretion; Single dose; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 97.5 % ~97.5 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 93.7 % 93.7 % human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 41.1 % 41.1 % human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD11705 Iomeprol 777.089 C17H22I3N3O8 CN(C(=O)CO)C1=C(I)C(C(=O)NCC(O)CO)=C(I)C(C(=O)NCC(O)CO)=C1I DB11705 3731 31710 3600 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.084 L/h/kg 1.4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.23 L/kg 0.23 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.3 h 2.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD11712 Tezacaftor 520.505 C26H27F3N2O6 CC(C)(CO)C1=CC2=CC(NC(=O)C3(CC3)C3=CC=C4OC(F)(F)OC4=C3)=C(F)C=C2N1C[C@@H](O)CO DB11712 46199646 28637762 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 84500.0 ng.h/ml 84.5 mcg.h/ml combination drug use; DRUGBANK 5950.0 ng/ml 5.95 mcg/ml combination drug use; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 2-6 h combination drug use; DRUGBANK 1.31 L/h 1.31 L/h apparent clearance; food; patients; DRUGBANK 271.0 L 271.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; food; patients; DRUGBANK 57.2 h ~57.2 h DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 72.0 % <72 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD11718 Encorafenib 540.01 C22H27ClFN7O4S COC(=O)N[C@@H](C)CNC1=NC=CC(=N1)C1=CN(N=C1C1=CC(Cl)=CC(NS(C)(=O)=O)=C1F)C(C)C DB11718 50922675 28536139 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 86.0 % >86 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 83.0 % 83 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 16.0 % 16 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 1.0 % 1 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 14.0 L/h 14.0 L/h apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 32.0 L/h 32.0 L/h apparent clearance; at steady state; DRUGBANK 164.0 L 164.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 47.0 % 47 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 47.0 % 47 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 2.0 % 2 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 86.0 % 86 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 450.0 mg/day 450 mg/day PO, oral Braftovi encorafenib PDR 450.0 mg/day 450 mg/day PO, oral Braftovi encorafenib PDR DDPD11730 Ribociclib 434.548 C23H30N8O CN(C)C(=O)C1=CC2=CN=C(NC3=CC=C(C=N3)N3CCNCC3)N=C2N1C1CCCC1 DB11730 44631912 30798107 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.0 h 1-5 h DRUGBANK 192.0 h 8 day DRUGBANK 32.6 h 32.6 h DRUGBANK 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral qd Kisqali ribociclib PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral qd Kisqali ribociclib PDR DDPD11732 Lasmiditan 377.367 C19H18F3N3O2 CN1CCC(CC1)C(=O)C1=CC=CC(NC(=O)C2=C(F)C=C(F)C=C2F)=N1 DB11732 11610526 9785281 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1892.0 ng.h/ml 1892±746.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2251.48 ng.h/ml 2251.48 ng.h/ml PO, oral; high-fat meal; DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 322.8 ng/ml 322.8±122.0 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 393.82 ng/ml 393.82 ng/ml PO, oral; high-fat meal; DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1.8 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.8 h 2.8 h PO, oral; high-fat meal; DRUGBANK 5.7 h 5.7 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 3.0 % 3 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 57.5 % ~55-60 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD11735 Galactose 180.1559 C6H12O6 [H]C(=O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)CO DB11735 3037556 17118 2301265 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 L/h 1.5±0.1 L/min Total clearance; normal renal function; DRUGBANK DDPD11738 Rilmenidine 180.251 C10H16N2O C1CC1C(NC1=NCCO1)C1CC1 DB11738 68712 8862 61963 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.426 L/h/kg 7.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.5 L/kg 4.5 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.3 h 8.3 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD11753 Rifamycin 697.778 C37H47NO12 CO[C@H]1\C=C\O[C@@]2(C)OC3=C(C)C(O)=C4C(O)=C(NC(=O)\C(C)=C/C=C/[C@H](C)[C@H](O)[C@@H](C)[C@@H](O)[C@@H](C)[C@H](OC(C)=O)[C@@H]1C)C=C(O)C4=C3C2=O DB11753 29673 16735998 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 11840.0 ng.h/ml 11.84 mg.h/l PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.1 % <0.1 % PO, oral; patients; DRUGBANK 2.0 ng/ml <2 ng/ml PO, oral; patients; DRUGBANK 36000.0 ng/ml 36 mg/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0833333333333333 h 5 min PO, oral; DRUGBANK 23.3 L/h 23.3 L/h DRUGBANK 101.8 L 101.8 L DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h DRUGBANK 18.0 % 18 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 21.0 % 21 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 87.5 % ~80-95 % DRUGBANK DDPD11757 Istradefylline 384.436 C20H24N4O4 [H]\C(=C(\[H])C1=CC(OC)=C(OC)C=C1)C1=NC2=C(N1C)C(=O)N(CC)C(=O)N2CC DB11757 5311037 134726 4470574 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 11100.0 ng.h/ml 11100.0 ng.h/ml DRUGBANK 610.0 ng.h/ml 610.0 ng.h/ml Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 181.1 ng/ml 181.1 ng/ml DRUGBANK 4.34 ng/ml 4.34 ng/ml Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 12.6 ng/ml 12.6 ng/ml Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5 h Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 5.05 L/h 4.1-6 L/h apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 502.5 L 448-557 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 66.5 h 64-69 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/kg >300 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 17.6 % 17.6 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Male, men; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 68.3 % 68.3 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Male, men; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1.62 % 1.62 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Male, men; Rattus, Rat; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 98.0 % ~98 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD11760 Talazoparib 380.359 C19H14F2N6O CN1N=CN=C1[C@@H]1[C@H](NC2=C3C1=NNC(=O)C3=CC(F)=C2)C1=CC=C(F)C=C1 DB11760 44819241 28637772 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 1-4 h PO, oral; high-fat meal; DRUGBANK 6.45 L/h 6.45 L/h apparent clearance; PO, oral; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 420.0 L 420.0 L Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 90.0 h 90±58 h terminal half-life; Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 64.7 % 64.7 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 19.7 % 19.7 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 35.32 % 35.32 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 2.67 % 2.67 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 74.0 % 74 % plasma proteins; Plasma Concentration &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 1.0 mg 1 mg PO, oral qd Talzenna talazopari PDR 1.0 mg 1 mg PO, oral qd Talzenna talazopari PDR DDPD11761 Tenapanor 1145.04 C50H66Cl4N8O10S2 CN1C[C@@H](C2=CC(=CC=C2)S(=O)(=O)NCCOCCOCCNC(=O)NCCCCNC(=O)NCCOCCOCCNS(=O)(=O)C2=CC(=CC=C2)[C@@H]2CN(C)CC3=C2C=C(Cl)C=C3Cl)C2=C(C1)C(Cl)=CC(Cl)=C2 DB11761 71587953 32056950 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 79.0 % 79 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 9.0 % 9 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 65.0 % ~65 % Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD11791 Capmatinib 412.428 C23H17FN6O CNC(=O)C1=C(F)C=C(C=C1)C1=NN2C(CC3=CC4=C(C=C3)N=CC=C4)=CN=C2N=C1 DB11791 25145656 25069712 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 70.0 % >70 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 24.0 L/h 24.0 L/h apparent clearance; at steady state; DRUGBANK 164.0 L 164.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; at steady state; DRUGBANK 6.5 h 6.5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 78.0 % ~78 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 22.0 % ~22 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 32.76 % ~32.76 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 96.0 % ~96 % plasma proteins; Plasma Concentration &#8594; ; DRUGBANK DDPD11793 Niraparib 320.396 C19H20N4O NC(=O)C1=CC=CC2=CN(N=C12)C1=CC=C(C=C1)[C@@H]1CCCNC1 DB11793 24958200 24531930 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 73.0 % 73 % DRUGBANK 804.0 ng/ml 804±403 ng/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 16.2 L/h 16.2 L/h apparent clearance; tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 1220.0 L 1220±1114 L Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 36.0 h 36 h DRUGBANK 47.5 % 47.5 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 38.8 % 38.8 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 83.0 % 83 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral qd Zejula niraparib PDR 300.0 mg/day 300 mg/day PO, oral qd Zejula niraparib PDR DDPD11799 Bictegravir 449.386 C21H18F3N3O5 OC1=C2N(C[C@H]3O[C@@H]4CC[C@@H](C4)N3C2=O)C=C(C(=O)NCC2=C(F)C=C(F)C=C2F)C1=O DB11799 90311989 44208822 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h DRUGBANK 0.2 L/kg 0.2 L/kg human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 17.3 h 17.3 h DRUGBANK 1.0 % ~1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD11817 Baricitinib 371.42 C16H17N7O2S CCS(=O)(=O)N1CC(CC#N)(C1)N1C=C(C=N1)C1=C2C=CNC2=NC=N1 DB11817 44205240 95341 26373084 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 79.0 % 79 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1(0.5-3) h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h PO, oral; food; food &#8595; ; DRUGBANK 10.0 % <10 % DRUGBANK 9.42 L/h ~9.42 L/h apparent clearance; rheumatoid arthritis; patients; DRUGBANK 76.0 L 76.0 L Average volume of distribution; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 12.5 h ~12.5 h rheumatoid arthritis; patients; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 2.0 mg/day 2 mg/day PO, oral Olumiant baricitinib PDR 2.0 mg/day 2 mg/day PO, oral Olumiant baricitinib PDR DDPD11823 Esketamine 237.73 C13H16ClNO CN[C@@]1(CCCCC1=O)C1=CC=CC=C1Cl DB11823 182137 60799 158414 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 48.0 % 48 % nasal spray; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 20-40 min nasal spray; DRUGBANK 89.0 L/h 89.0 L/h Average clearance; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 709.0 L 709.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 9.5 h 7-12 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 447.0 mg/kg 447.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 78.0 % ≥78 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 2.0 % ≤2 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 44.0 % 43-45 % DRUGBANK 84.0 mg 84 mg intranasal biw Spravato esketamine hydrochloride PDR 84.0 mg 84 mg intranasal biw Spravato esketamine hydrochloride PDR 0.0 0 Spravato esketamine hydrochloride PDR DDPD11827 Ertugliflozin 436.89 C22H25ClO7 CCOC1=CC=C(CC2=CC(=CC=C2Cl)[C@]23OC[C@](CO)(O2)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]3O)C=C1 DB11827 44814423 26340533 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1193.0 ng.h/ml 1193.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 70-90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 268.0 ng/ml 268 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 0.5-1.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 10.722 L/h 178.7 ml/min Plasma clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 11.232 L/h 187.2 ml/min Total clearance; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 215.3 L 215.3 L Apparent volume of distribution; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 85.53 L 85.53 L Steady state volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 14.0 h 11-17 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 50 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 41.0 % 41 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 94-96 % plasma proteins; Plasma Concentration &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Steglatro ertugliflozin PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Steglatro ertugliflozin PDR DDPD11828 Neratinib 557.05 C30H29ClN6O3 CCOC1=C(NC(=O)\C=C\CN(C)C)C=C2C(NC3=CC=C(OCC4=CC=CC=N4)C(Cl)=C3)=C(C=NC2=C1)C#N DB11828 9915743 61397 8091392 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.0 h 2-8 h DRUGBANK 15.0 % 15 % Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 33.0 % 33 % Derivative; DRUGBANK 22.0 % 22 % Components; DRUGBANK 4.0 % 4 % Drug form; DRUGBANK 216.0 L/h 216.0 L/h Total clearance; Multiple dose; DRUGBANK 281.0 L/h 281.0 L/h Total clearance; at steady state; DRUGBANK 6433.0 L 6433.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 7-17 h Single dose; DRUGBANK 14.6 h 14.6 h elimination half-life; Multiple dose; DRUGBANK 21.6 h 21.6 h DRUGBANK 13.8 h 13.8 h DRUGBANK 10.4 h 10.4 h DRUGBANK 97.1 % 97.1 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 1.13 % 1.13 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day PO, oral Nerlynx neratinib PDR 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day PO, oral Nerlynx neratinib PDR DDPD11837 Osilodrostat 227.242 C13H10FN3 FC1=C(C=CC(=C1)C#N)[C@H]1CCC2=CN=CN12 DB11837 44139752 29340911 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % DRUGBANK 51.0 % 51 % DRUGBANK 9.0 % 9 % DRUGBANK 7.0 % 7 % DRUGBANK 17.0 % 17 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 13.0 % 13 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 13.0 % 13 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 100.0 L 100.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 4.0 h ~4 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 90.6 % 90.6 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.58 % 1.58 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5.2 % 5.2 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 40.0 % <40 % plasma proteins; Plasma Concentration &#8594; ; DRUGBANK DDPD11842 Angiotensin II 1046.1786 C50H71N13O12 CC[C@H](C)[C@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CC=C(O)C=C1)NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CCCN=C(N)N)NC(=O)[C@@H](N)CC(O)=O)C(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC1=CN=CN1)C(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C(=O)N[C@@H](CC1=CC=CC=C1)C(O)=O DB11842 172198 58506 150504 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0166666666666667 h <1 min elimination half-life; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.1152 mg/kg/day 80 ng/kg/minut intravenous infusion, iv in drop Giapreza angiotensin II PDR 0.0576 mg/kg/day 40 ng/kg/minut intravenous infusion, iv in drop Giapreza angiotensin II PDR 0.001152 mg/kg/day 80 ng/kg/minut intravenous infusion, iv in drop Giapreza angiotensin II PDR 0.000576 mg/kg/day 40 ng/kg/minut intravenous infusion, iv in drop Giapreza angiotensin II PDR DDPD11855 Revefenacin 597.76 C35H43N5O4 CN(CCN1CCC(CC1)OC(=O)NC1=CC=CC=C1C1=CC=CC=C1)C(=O)C1=CC=C(CN2CCC(CC2)C(N)=O)C=C1 DB11855 11753673 9928376 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.195 ng.h/ml 0.03-0.36 ng.h/ml DRUGBANK 0.085 ng/ml 0.02-0.15 ng/ml DRUGBANK 0.495 h 0.48-0.51 h DRUGBANK 168.0 h 7 day DRUGBANK 218.0 L 218.0 L intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 46.15 h 22.3-70 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 54.0 % 54 % Faeces excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 27.0 % 27 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 71.0 % 71 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 0.175 mg/day 175 mcg/day inhalation, IH Yupelri revefenacin PDR 0.175 mg/day 175 mcg/day inhalation, IH Yupelri revefenacin PDR DDPD11859 Brexanolone 318.4935 C21H34O2 [H][C@@]1(CC[C@@]2([H])[C@]3([H])CC[C@@]4([H])C[C@H](O)CC[C@]4(C)[C@@]3([H])CC[C@]12C)C(C)=O DB11859 92786 50169 83760 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.0 % <5 % PO, oral; adults; DRUGBANK 1.0 L/h/kg ~1 l/h/kg Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 3.0 L/kg ~3 L/kg DRUGBANK 9.0 h ~9 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 0.42 % 0.42 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; Plasma Concentration &#8594; ; DRUGBANK DDPD11901 Apalutamide 477.44 C21H15F4N5O2S CNC(=O)C1=CC=C(C=C1F)N1C(=S)N(C(=O)C11CCC1)C1=CC(=C(N=C1)C#N)C(F)(F)F DB11901 24872560 28424131 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100000.0 ng.h/ml 100.0 mcg.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 124000.0 ng.h/ml 124.0 mcg.h/ml Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 100.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6000.0 ng/ml 6.0 mcg/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5900.0 ng/ml 5.9 mcg/ml Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2(1-5) h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 672.0 h 4 week PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.3 L/h 1.3 L/h apparent clearance; Single dose; extended release formulation &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 2.0 L/h 2.0 L/h apparent clearance; Multiple dose; at steady state; DRUGBANK 276.0 L ~276 L Apparent volume of distribution; at steady state; DRUGBANK 72.0 h ~3 day effective half-life; NM-CRPC; patients; at steady state; DRUGBANK 65.0 % 65 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 24.0 % 24 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 0.78 % 0.78 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.36 % 0.36 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 96.0 % 96 % DRUGBANK 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day PO, oral Erleada apalutamide PDR 240.0 mg/day 240 mg/day PO, oral Erleada apalutamide PDR DDPD11915 Valbenazine 418.578 C24H38N2O4 COC1=C(OC)C=C2[C@H]3C[C@@H](OC(=O)[C@@H](N)C(C)C)[C@H](CC(C)C)CN3CCC2=C1 DB11915 24795069 28536134 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 49.0 % 49 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.5-1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 7.2 L/h 7.2 L/h DRUGBANK 0.1026 L/h/kg 1.71 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 92.0 L 92.0 L DRUGBANK 1.31 L/kg 1.31 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 18.5 h 15-22 h DRUGBANK 18.5 h 15-22 h Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 18.0 h 18 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 60.0 % ~60 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 30.0 % ~30 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Ingrezza valbenazine PDR 80.0 mg/day 80 mg/day PO, oral Ingrezza valbenazine PDR DDPD11921 Deflazacort 441.524 C25H31NO6 [H][C@@]12C[C@@]3([H])[C@]4([H])CCC5=CC(=O)C=C[C@]5(C)[C@@]4([H])[C@@]([H])(O)C[C@]3(C)[C@@]1(N=C(C)O2)C(=O)COC(C)=O DB11921 189821 135720 164861 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 280.0 ng.h/ml 280.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 114.0 L/h 114±27 L/h DRUGBANK 204.0 L 204±84 L DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.1-1.9 h DRUGBANK 5200.0 mg/kg 5200.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 0.12 mg/kg 0.12 mg/kg PO, oral;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 70.0 % ~70 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 30.0 % ~30 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 0.9 mg/kg/day 0.9 mg/kg/dose PO, oral qd Emflaza deflazacort PDR 0.9 mg/kg/day 0.9 mg/kg/dose PO, oral qd Emflaza deflazacort PDR 0.9 mg/kg/dose 0.9 mg/kg/dose PO, oral qd Emflaza deflazacort PDR DDPD11936 Bempedoic acid 344.492 C19H36O5 CC(C)(CCCCCC(O)CCCCCC(C)(C)C(O)=O)C(O)=O DB11936 10472693 8648104 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.672 L/h 11.2 ml/min at steady state; DRUGBANK 18.0 L 18.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 19.5 h 15-24 h DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % Urinary excretion; Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % ~99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD11942 Selinexor 443.313 C17H11F6N7O FC(F)(F)C1=CC(=CC(=C1)C1=NN(\C=C/C(=O)NNC2=NC=CN=C2)C=N1)C(F)(F)F DB11942 71481097 32701989 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5386.0 ng.h/ml 5386.0 ng.h/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 680.0 ng/ml 680 ng/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h different study; DRUGBANK 17.9 L/h 17.9 L/h apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 125.0 L 125.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 2.4 L/kg 1.9-2.9 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; food; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 6-8 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD11943 Delafloxacin 440.76 C18H12ClF3N4O4 NC1=NC(N2C=C(C(O)=O)C(=O)C3=CC(F)=C(N4CC(O)C4)C(Cl)=C23)=C(F)C=C1F DB11943 487101 427049 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 58.8 % 58.8 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.75(0.5-4) h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1(1-1.2) h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1(0.5-6) h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 16.3 L/h 16.3 L/h Average clearance; DRUGBANK 0.1398 L/h/kg 2.33 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 39.0 L 30-48 L Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.35 L/kg 0.35 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.7 h 3.7 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 6.35 h 4.2-8.5 h elimination half-life; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 2.1 h 2.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 28.0 % 28 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 84.0 % 84 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 900.0 mg/day 900 mg/day PO, oral Baxdela delafloxacin PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Baxdela delafloxacin PDR 900.0 mg/day 900 mg/day PO, oral Baxdela delafloxacin PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Baxdela delafloxacin PDR DDPD11951 Lemborexant 410.425 C22H20F2N4O2 CC1=NC=C(OC[C@]2(C[C@H]2C(=O)NC2=NC=C(F)C=C2)C2=CC=CC(F)=C2)C(C)=N1 DB11951 56944144 34500836 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.0 h 1-3 h DRUGBANK 4.0 h 3-5 h PO, oral; high-fat meal; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1970.0 L 1970.0 L DRUGBANK 17.0 h 17 h DRUGBANK 19.0 h 19 h DRUGBANK 57.4 % 57.4 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 29.1 % 29.1 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.91 % <2.91 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 94.0 % ~94 % high protein binding; DRUGBANK DDPD11952 Duvelisib 416.87 C22H17ClN6O C[C@H](NC1=C2N=CNC2=NC=N1)C1=CC2=CC=CC(Cl)=C2C(=O)N1C1=CC=CC=C1 DB11952 50905713 131169 28637766 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 10530.0 ng.h/ml 2001-19059 ng.h/ml DRUGBANK 42.0 % 42 % DRUGBANK 1882.5 ng/ml 471-3294 ng/ml DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h DRUGBANK 7.4 L/h 3.6-11.2 L/h DRUGBANK 64.0 L 26-102 L DRUGBANK 8.05 h 5.2-10.9 h DRUGBANK 79.0 % 79 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 14.0 % 14 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 10.0 % ~10 % Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 98.0 % >98 % DRUGBANK DDPD11963 Dacomitinib 469.939 C24H25ClFN5O2 COC1=C(NC(=O)\C=C\CN2CCCCC2)C=C2C(NC3=CC(Cl)=C(F)C=C3)=NC=NC2=C1 DB11963 11511120 132268 9685914 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2213.0 ng.h/ml 2213.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 104.0 ng/ml 104 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 27.6 L/h 27.6 L/h apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 2415.0 L 2415.0 L DRUGBANK 70.0 h 70 h DRUGBANK 79.0 % 79 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 3.0 % 3 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % DRUGBANK 45.0 mg 45 mg PO, oral qd Vizimpro dacomitinib PDR 45.0 mg 45 mg PO, oral qd Vizimpro dacomitinib PDR DDPD11967 Binimetinib 441.233 C17H15BrF2N4O3 CN1C=NC2=C(F)C(NC3=CC=C(Br)C=C3F)=C(C=C12)C(=O)NOCCO DB11967 10288191 145371 8463660 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % >50 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.6 h 1.6 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 20.2 L/h 20.2 L/h DRUGBANK 92.0 L 92.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 62.0 % 62 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 31.0 % 31 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 19.84 % 19.84 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 2.01 % 2.01 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 90.0 mg/day 90 mg/day PO, oral Mektovi binimetinib PDR 90.0 mg/day 90 mg/day PO, oral Mektovi binimetinib PDR DDPD11978 Glasdegib 374.448 C21H22N6O CN1CC[C@H](C[C@@H]1C1=NC2=CC=CC=C2N1)NC(=O)NC1=CC=C(C=C1)C#N DB11978 25166913 145428 28518072 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 9587.0 ng.h/ml 9587.0 ng.h/ml DRUGBANK 9310.0 ng.h/ml 9310.0 ng.h/ml Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 55.0 % 55 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 321.0 ng/ml 321 ng/ml DRUGBANK 542.0 ng/ml 542 ng/ml Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 5.22 L/h 5.22 L/h DRUGBANK 225.0 L 225.0 L DRUGBANK 17.4 h 17.4 h DRUGBANK 3000.0 mg/kg 3000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 49.0 % 49 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 42.0 % 42 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 8.3 % 8.3 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 8.4 % 8.4 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 91.0 % 91 % DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Daurismo glasdegib PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Daurismo glasdegib PDR DDPD11979 Elagolix 631.6 C32H30F5N3O5 COC1=CC=CC(=C1F)C1=C(C)N(CC2=C(C=CC=C2F)C(F)(F)F)C(=O)N(C[C@H](NCCCC(O)=O)C2=CC=CC=C2)C1=O DB11979 11250647 9425680 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h DRUGBANK 123.0 L/h 123.0 L/h apparent clearance; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 144.0 L/h 144.0 L/h apparent clearance; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 1674.0 L 1674.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; at steady state; DRUGBANK 881.0 L 881.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; Multiple dose; at steady state; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 4-6 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 80.0 % 80 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral; up to 24months Orilissa elagolix PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral; up to 6 months Orilissa elagolix PDR DDPD11986 Entrectinib 560.65 C31H34F2N6O2 CN1CCN(CC1)C1=CC=C(C(=O)NC2=NNC3=CC=C(CC4=CC(F)=CC(F)=C4)C=C23)C(NC2CCOCC2)=C1 DB11986 25141092 24808589 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4-5 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 76.0 % 76 % DRUGBANK 19.6 L/h 19.6 L/h apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 52.4 L/h 52.4 L/h apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 551.0 L 551.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 81.1 L 81.1 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 20.0 h 20 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 40.0 h 40 h Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 83.0 % 83 % Faeces excretion; Single dose; DRUGBANK 3.0 % 3 % Urinary excretion; Single dose; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Rozlytrek entrectinib PDR 500.0 mg/day 500 mg/day PO, oral Rozlytrek entrectinib PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Rozlytrek entrectinib PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral qd Rozlytrek entrectinib PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral Rozlytrek entrectinib PDR 500.0 mg/day 500 mg/day PO, oral Rozlytrek entrectinib PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Rozlytrek entrectinib PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral qd Rozlytrek entrectinib PDR DDPD11989 Benznidazole 260.253 C12H12N4O3 [O-][N+](=O)C1=NC=CN1CC(=O)NCC1=CC=CC=C1 DB11989 31593 133833 29299 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 91.7 % 91.7 % DRUGBANK 2.93 h 2.93 h DRUGBANK 2.04 L/h 2.04 L/h apparent clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 39.19 L 39.19 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 13.27 h 13.27 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 8.0 mg/kgday 8 mg/kgday PO, oral Benznidazole benznidazole PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Benznidazole benznidazole PDR 7.5 mg/kg/day 7.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Benznidazole benznidazole PDR 7.0 mg/kg/day 7 mg/kg/day PO, oral Benznidazole benznidazole PDR 7.0 mg/kg/day 7 mg/kg/day PO, oral Benznidazole benznidazole PDR 7.0 mg/kg/day 7 mg/kg/day PO, oral Benznidazole benznidazole PDR 7.5 mg/kg/day 7.5 mg/kg/day PO, oral Benznidazole benznidazole PDR DDPD11994 Diacerein 368.297 C19H12O8 CC(=O)OC1=CC=CC2=C1C(=O)C1=C(OC(C)=O)C=C(C=C1C2=O)C(O)=O DB11994 26248 94708 24456 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 55.0 % 50-60 % DRUGBANK 1.5 L/h 1.5 L/h Total clearance; DRUGBANK 0.1 L/h 0.1 L/h Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 37.5 L 15-60 L DRUGBANK 7.0 h 4-10 h DRUGBANK 6476.0 mg/kg >6476 mg/kg DRUGBANK 37.0 % 37 % Urinary excretion; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 53.0 % 53 % Urinary excretion; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD11995 Avatrombopag 649.65 C29H34Cl2N6O3S2 OC(=O)C1CCN(CC1)C1=C(Cl)C=C(C=N1)C(=O)NC1=NC(C2=CC(Cl)=CS2)=C(S1)N1CCN(CC1)C1CCCCC1 DB11995 9852519 8028230 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4198.0 ng.h/ml 4198.0 ng.h/ml normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 166.0 ng/ml 166 ng/ml normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 6.5 h 5-8 h PO, oral; Caucasian; Asian; DRUGBANK 6.9 L/h 6.9 L/h Average clearance; DRUGBANK 180.0 L 180.0 L Average volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 19.0 h ~19 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 88.0 % 88 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 6.0 % 6 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 29.92 % 29.92 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 96.0 % >96 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD12001 Abemaciclib 506.606 C27H32F2N8 CCN1CCN(CC2=CC=C(NC3=NC=C(F)C(=N3)C3=CC(F)=C4N=C(C)N(C(C)C)C4=C3)N=C2)CC1 DB12001 46220502 29340700 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 45.0 % 45 % DRUGBANK 158.0 ng/ml 158 ng/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 4-6 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 26.0 L/h 26.0 L/h Average clearance; patients; DRUGBANK 690.3 L 690.3 L Average volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 18.3 h 18.3 h elimination half-life; patients; DRUGBANK 81.0 % 81 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 3.0 % 3 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 96.5 % 95-98 % animals; high protein binding; DRUGBANK 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral bid Verzenio abemaciclib PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral bid Verzenio abemaciclib PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral bid Verzenio abemaciclib PDR 150.0 mg/day 150 mg/day PO, oral bid Verzenio abemaciclib PDR DDPD12010 Fostamatinib 580.4595 C23H26FN6O9P COC1=CC(NC2=NC=C(F)C(NC3=NC4=C(OC(C)(C)C(=O)N4COP(O)(O)=O)C=C3)=N2)=CC(OC)=C1OC DB12010 11671467 9846198 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 55.0 % 55 % DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4.5 h PO, oral; high-fat meal; high-fat meal &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 18.0 L/h ~300 ml/min apparent clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 400.0 L 400.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 15.0 h ~15 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~80 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 98.3 % 98.3 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD12015 Alpelisib 441.47 C19H22F3N5O2S CC1=C(SC(NC(=O)N2CCC[C@H]2C(N)=O)=N1)C1=CC(=NC=C1)C(C)(C)C(F)(F)F DB12015 56649450 93752 28424123 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 11100.0 ng.h/ml 11,100±3770 ng.h/ml DRUGBANK 19203.0 ng.h/ml 19203.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; high-fat meal; high-fat meal &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 19647.0 ng.h/ml 19647.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; low fat meal; low fat meal &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 1320.0 ng/ml 1320±912 ng/ml DRUGBANK 2429.0 ng/ml 2429 ng/ml PO, oral; high-fat meal; high-fat meal &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 2831.0 ng/ml 2831 ng/ml PO, oral; low fat meal; low fat meal &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h DRUGBANK 39.0 L/h 39.0 L/h apparent clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 9.2 L/h 9.2 L/h food; DRUGBANK 114.0 L 114.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 8.5 h 8-9 h DRUGBANK 81.0 % 81 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 14.0 % 14 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 36.0 % 36 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 2.0 % 2 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 89.0 % 89 % DRUGBANK DDPD12020 Tecovirimat 376.335 C19H15F3N2O3 FC(F)(F)C1=CC=C(C=C1)C(=O)NN1C(=O)[C@H]2[C@H]([C@H]3C=C[C@@H]2[C@@H]2C[C@H]32)C1=O DB12020 16124688 17281586 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 144.0 h 6 day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1356.0 L 1356.0 L mouse; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 20.0 h ~20 h DRUGBANK 23.0 % ~23 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~80 % DRUGBANK DDPD12026 Voxilaprevir 868.94 C40H52F4N6O9S CC[C@@H]1[C@@H]2CN([C@@H]1C(=O)N[C@@]1(C[C@H]1C(F)F)C(=O)NS(=O)(=O)C1(C)CC1)C(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)O[C@@H]1C[C@H]1CCCCC(F)(F)C1=C(O2)N=C2C=C(OC)C=CC2=N1)C(C)(C)C DB12026 89921642 https://www.drugs.com/history/vosevi.html 44209500 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 192.0 ng/ml 192 ng/ml combination drug use; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h combination drug use; DRUGBANK 33.0 h 33 h DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD12035 Sarecycline 487.509 C24H29N3O8 [H][C@@]12CC3=C(CN(C)OC)C=CC(O)=C3C(=O)C1=C(O)[C@]1(O)C(=O)C(C(N)=O)=C(O)[C@@H](N(C)C)[C@]1([H])C2 DB12035 54681908 28540486 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.75 h 1.5-2 h DRUGBANK 2.28 h 2.03-2.53 h PO, oral; high-fat meal; high-fat meal &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 15.0 % <15 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 3.0 L/h 3.0 L/h apparent clearance; PO, oral; at steady state; DRUGBANK 94.2 L 91.4-97.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; at steady state; DRUGBANK 21.5 h 21-22 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 42.6 % 42.6 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 44.1 % 44.1 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 6.34 % 6.34 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 10.89 % 10.89 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 68.6 % 62.5-74.7 % high protein binding; DRUGBANK DDPD12070 Letermovir 572.561 C29H28F4N4O4 COC1=CC=CC(=C1)N1CCN(CC1)C1=NC2=C(C=CC=C2F)[C@H](CC(O)=O)N1C1=CC(=CC=C1OC)C(F)(F)F DB12070 26352849 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 94.0 % 94 % DRUGBANK 35.0 % 35 % hematopoietic stem cell transplant; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 85 % Drug combination; hematopoietic stem cell transplant; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 0.75-2.25 h DRUGBANK 228.0 h 9-10 day DRUGBANK 11.25 L/h 11.25 L/h Average clearance; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 45.5 L 45.5 L Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 12.0 h 12 h terminal half-life; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 93.0 % 93 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 2.0 % <2 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; DRUGBANK 480.0 mg/day 480 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Prevymis letermovir PDR 480.0 mg/day 480 mg/day PO, oral;intravenous injection, IV; Prevymis letermovir PDR DDPD12095 Telotristat ethyl 574.99 C27H26ClF3N6O3 CCOC(=O)[C@@H](N)CC1=CC=C(C=C1)C1=NC(N)=NC(O[C@H](C2=CC=C(Cl)C=C2N2C=CC(C)=N2)C(F)(F)F)=C1 DB12095 25025298 28189674 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h DRUGBANK 8.0 h 4-12 h DRUGBANK 250.0 mg 250 mg PO, oral tid Xermelo telotristat ethyl PDR 250.0 mg 250 mg PO, oral tid Xermelo telotristat ethyl PDR DDPD12107 Vaborbactam 297.13 C12H16BNO5S OB1O[C@H](CC(O)=O)CC[C@@H]1NC(=O)CC1=CC=CS1 DB12107 56649692 35035409 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 588000.0 ng.h/ml 588.0 mg.h/l normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 835000.0 ng.h/ml 835.0 mg.h/l patients; adults; DRUGBANK 55600.0 ng/ml 55.6 mg/L normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 71300.0 ng/ml 71.3 mg/L patients; adults; DRUGBANK 8.9 L/h 8.9 L/h Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 2.0 L/h 2.0 L/h Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 10.9 L/h 10.9 L/h intravenous infusion, IV in drop; Multiple dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 7.95 L/h 7.95 L/h intravenous infusion, IV in drop; Multiple dose; patients; DRUGBANK 0.1764 L/h/kg 2.94 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 18.6 L 18.6 L Steady state volume of distribution; at steady state; DRUGBANK 0.29 L/kg 0.29 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.68 h 1.68 h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.25 h 2.25 h DRUGBANK 1.34 h 1.34 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 85.0 % ~75-95 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 33.0 % ~33 % DRUGBANK DDPD12130 Lorlatinib 406.421 C21H19FN6O2 C[C@H]1OC2=C(N)N=CC(=C2)C2=C(C#N)N(C)N=C2CN(C)C(=O)C2=C1C=C(F)C=C2 DB12130 71731823 143117 32813339 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 81.0 % 81 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.2 h 1.2(0.5-4) h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2(0.53-23) h Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 11.0 L/h 11.0 L/h Average clearance; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 18.0 L/h 18.0 L/h Average clearance; at steady state; DRUGBANK 305.0 L 305.0 L Steady state volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; Single dose; DRUGBANK 24.0 h 24 h elimination half-life; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 48.0 % 48 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 41.0 % 41 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 0.48 % <0.48 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 3.69 % ~3.69 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 66.0 % 66 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral qd Lorbrena lorlatinib PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral qd Lorbrena lorlatinib PDR DDPD12141 Gilteritinib 552.724 C29H44N8O3 CCC1=C(NC2CCOCC2)N=C(NC2=CC=C(N3CCC(CC3)N3CCN(C)CC3)C(OC)=C2)C(=N1)C(N)=O DB12141 49803313 145372 32055842 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6943.0 ng.h/ml 6943.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 374.0 ng/ml 374 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 4-6 h PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 6-8 h PO, oral; high-fat meal; high-fat meal &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 360.0 h 15 day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 14.85 L/h 14.85 L/h DRUGBANK 1092.0 L 1092.0 L Total volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 1100.0 L 1100.0 L Total volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 102.0 h ~45-159 h DRUGBANK 64.5 % 64.5 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 94.0 % 94 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Xospata gilteritinib PDR 120.0 mg/day 120 mg/day PO, oral Xospata gilteritinib PDR DDPD12147 Erdafitinib 446.555 C25H30N6O2 COC1=CC(=CC(OC)=C1)N(CCNC(C)C)C1=CC=C2N=CC(=NC2=C1)C1=CN(C)N=C1 DB12147 67462786 35308353 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 29268.0 ng.h/ml 29268.0 ng.h/ml DRUGBANK 1399.0 ng/ml 1399 ng/ml DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h DRUGBANK 336.0 h 2 week DRUGBANK 0.362 L/h 0.362 L/h apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 0.26 L/h 0.26 L/h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 27.5 L 26-29 L Apparent volume of distribution; patients; DRUGBANK 59.0 h 59 h effective half-life; DRUGBANK 55.0 h 50-60 h effective half-life; DRUGBANK 69.0 % 69 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 19.0 % 19 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 13.11 % ~13.11 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 2.47 % 2.47 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.8 % ~99.8 % DRUGBANK 9.0 mg/day 9 mg/day PO, oral qd Balversa erdafitinib PDR 9.0 mg/day 9 mg/day PO, oral qd Balversa erdafitinib PDR DDPD12161 Deutetrabenazine 323.466 C19H27NO3 [2H]C([2H])([2H])OC1=CC2=C(C=C1OC([2H])([2H])[2H])[C@@H]1CC(=O)[C@@H](CC(C)C)CN1CC2 DB12161 73442840 32700662 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 47.0 L/h 47.0 L/h Average clearance; Huntington's disease; DRUGBANK 70.0 L/h 70.0 L/h Average clearance; Huntington's disease; DRUGBANK 500.0 L ~500 L Average volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 730.0 L ~730 L Average volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 9.5 h 9-10 h DRUGBANK 80.5 % ~75-86 % Urinary excretion; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 9.5 % 8-11 % Faeces excretion; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 48.0 mg/day 48 mg/day PO, oral Austedo deutetrabenazine PDR 18.0 mg/dose 18 mg/dose PO, oral Austedo deutetrabenazine PDR 36.0 mg/day 36 mg/day PO, oral Austedo deutetrabenazine PDR 48.0 mg/day 48 mg/day PO, oral Austedo deutetrabenazine PDR 18.0 mg/dose 18 mg/dose PO, oral Austedo deutetrabenazine PDR 36.0 mg/day 36 mg/day PO, oral Austedo deutetrabenazine PDR DDPD12243 Edaravone 174.203 C10H10N2O CC1=NN(C(=O)C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB12243 4021 31530 3881 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 38.0 % 38 % PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 888.0 ng/ml 888 ng/ml intravenous infusion, IV in drop; normal,healthy; Male, men; adults; DRUGBANK 6.0 L/h 0.1 L/min Plasma clearance; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; Single dose; DRUGBANK 0.0852 L/h/kg 1.42 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 18.5 L/kg 18.5 L/kg Average volume of distribution; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 0.23 L/kg 0.23 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.25 h 4.5-6 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 2.4 h 2-2.8 h Metabolite; DRUGBANK 2.36 h 2.36 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1915.0 mg/kg 1915.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.8 % ~0.7-0.9 % Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 92.0 % 92 % high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; Plasma Concentration &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 89-91 % high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Radicava edaravone PDR 60.0 mg/day 60 mg/day intravenous injection, IV Radicava edaravone PDR DDPD12245 Triclabendazole 359.65 C14H9Cl3N2OS CSC1=NC2=C(N1)C=C(Cl)C(OC1=CC=CC(Cl)=C1Cl)=C2 DB12245 50248 94759 45565 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2057.198 ng.h/ml 5.72 umol.h/L Oral single dose; fascioliasis; food; DRUGBANK 138824.9 ng.h/ml 386.0 umol.h/L Oral single dose; fascioliasis; food; Components; DRUGBANK 10969.325 ng.h/ml 30.5 umol.h/L Oral single dose; fascioliasis; food; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 1.16 ng/ml 1.16 umol/L Oral single dose; fascioliasis; food; DRUGBANK 38.6 ng/ml 38.6 umol/L Oral single dose; fascioliasis; food; Components; DRUGBANK 2.29 ng/ml 2.29 umol/L Oral single dose; fascioliasis; food; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h Oral single dose; fascioliasis; food; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h Oral single dose; fascioliasis; food; Components; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h Oral single dose; fascioliasis; food; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 1.0 L/kg 1.0 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; food; patients; DRUGBANK 8.0 h ~8 h DRUGBANK 14.0 h ~14 h Metabolite; DRUGBANK 11.0 h ~11 h Metabolite; DRUGBANK 8000.0 mg/kg >8 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 8000.0 mg/kg >8 g/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % Faeces excretion; animals; DRUGBANK 10.0 % <10 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; animals; DRUGBANK 96.7 % 96.7 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD12267 Brigatinib 584.1 C29H39ClN7O2P COC1=CC(=CC=C1NC1=NC=C(Cl)C(NC2=CC=CC=C2P(C)(C)=O)=N1)N1CCC(CC1)N1CCN(C)CC1 DB12267 68165256 34982928 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 8165.0 ng.h/ml 8165.0 ng.h/ml DRUGBANK 20276.0 ng.h/ml 20276.0 ng.h/ml DRUGBANK 552.0 ng/ml 552 ng/ml DRUGBANK 1452.0 ng/ml 1452 ng/ml DRUGBANK 2.5 h 1-4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 72.4 % 72.4 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 27.6 % 27.6 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 12.7 L/h 12.7 L/h apparent clearance; PO, oral; at steady state; DRUGBANK 153.0 L 153.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; at steady state; DRUGBANK 25.0 h 25 h at steady state; DRUGBANK 65.0 % 65 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 66.0 % 66 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 180.0 mg/day 180 mg/day PO, oral qd Alunbrig brigatinib PDR 180.0 mg/day 180 mg/day PO, oral qd Alunbrig brigatinib PDR DDPD12278 Propiverine 367.4813 C23H29NO3 CCCOC(C(=O)OC1CCN(C)CC1)(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB12278 4942 8493 4773 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 40.5 % 40.5 % Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.3 h 2.3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 22.26 L/h 371(191–870) ml/min Average clearance; Single dose; DRUGBANK 0.1764 L/h/kg 2.94 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2791.0 L 2791(125-4731) L intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.73 L/kg 2.73 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 14.1 h 14.1 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; different study; DRUGBANK 20.1 h 20.1 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; different study; DRUGBANK 22.1 h 22.1 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; different study; DRUGBANK 15.2 h 15.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 21.0 % 21 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK DDPD12293 Nefopam 253.345 C17H19NO CN1CCOC(C2=CC=CC=C2)C2=CC=CC=C2C1 DB12293 4450 88318 4295 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.72 L/h/kg 12 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.6 L/kg 5.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD12301 Doravirine 425.749 C17H11ClF3N5O3 CN1C(=O)NN=C1CN1C=CC(=C(OC2=CC(=CC(Cl)=C2)C#N)C1=O)C(F)(F)F DB12301 58460047 28424197 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 64.0 % 64 % DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h DRUGBANK 6.36 L/h 106.0 ml/min PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.558 L/h 9.3 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 60.5 L 60.5 L Steady state volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 15.0 h 15 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 6.0 % 6 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 76.0 % ~76 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Pifeltro doravirine PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Pifeltro doravirine PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Pifeltro doravirine PDR 200.0 mg/day 200 mg/day PO, oral Pifeltro doravirine PDR DDPD12329 Eravacycline 558.563 C27H31FN4O8 [H][C@@]12CC3=C(F)C=C(NC(=O)CN4CCCC4)C(O)=C3C(=O)C1=C(O)[C@]1(O)C(=O)C(C(N)=O)=C(O)[C@@H](N(C)C)[C@]1([H])C2 DB12329 54726192 28495485 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1069.2 L/h 17.82 L/min DRUGBANK 0.2226 L/h/kg 3.71 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 321.0 L 321.0 L at steady state; DRUGBANK 2.3 L/kg 2.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 h 20 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 47.0 % 47 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 34.0 % ~34 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 17.0 % 17 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 84.5 % 79-90 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD12332 Rucaparib 323.371 C19H18FN3O CNCC1=CC=C(C=C1)C1=C2CCNC(=O)C3=C2C(N1)=CC(F)=C3 DB12332 9931954 134689 8107584 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 16900.0 ng.h/ml 16900.0 ng.h/ml DRUGBANK 1940.0 ng/ml 1940 ng/ml DRUGBANK 1.9 h 1.9 h DRUGBANK 47.25 L/h 15.3-79.2 L/h apparent clearance; Multiple dose; DRUGBANK 16.15 L/h 13.9-18.4 L/h intravenous injection, IV; Single dose; DRUGBANK 0.2586 L/h/kg 4.31 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 187.5 L 113-262 L Steady state volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; Single dose; DRUGBANK 3.28 L/kg 3.28 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 18.0 h 17-19 h terminal half-life; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 16.6 h 16.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 79.0 % ≥79 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral bid Rubraca rucaparib PDR 600.0 mg/day 600 mg/day PO, oral bid Rubraca rucaparib PDR DDPD12343 Temocillin 414.45 C16H18N2O7S2 CO[C@]1(NC(=O)C(C(O)=O)C2=CSC=C2)[C@H]2SC(C)(C)[C@@H](N2C1=O)C(O)=O DB12343 171758 51817 150149 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 36.0 % 36(30-45) % Tablet, PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 0.0204 L/h/kg 0.34 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.11 L/kg 0.11 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.1 h 4.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD12364 Betrixaban 451.91 C23H22ClN5O3 COC1=CC=C(NC(=O)C2=CC=C(C=C2)C(=N)N(C)C)C(=C1)C(=O)NC1=CC=C(Cl)C=N1 DB12364 10275777 140421 18981107 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 34.0 % 34 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3-4 h PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 32.0 L/kg 32.0 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 23.0 h 19-27 h DRUGBANK 85.0 % 85 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 11.0 % 11 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 60.0 % ~60 % DRUGBANK 160.0 mg 160 mg PO, oral Bevyxxa betrixaban PDR 160.0 mg 160 mg PO, oral Bevyxxa betrixaban PDR DDPD12371 Siponimod 516.605 C29H35F3N2O3 CCC1=CC(=CC=C1CN1CC(C1)C(O)=O)C(\C)=N\OCC1=CC=C(C2CCCCC2)C(=C1)C(F)(F)F DB12371 44599207 29315058 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 70.0 % >70 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 84.0 % 84 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4(3-8) h PO, oral; immediate release formulation; DRUGBANK 6.5 h 6-7 h PO, oral; food; food &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 144.0 h 6 day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 79.3 % 79.3 % DRUGBANK 18.5 % 18.5 % DRUGBANK 3.11 L/h 3.11 L/h multiple sclerosis; DRUGBANK 124.0 L 124.0 L Average volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 30.0 h ~30 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 99.9 % >99.9 % normal,healthy; hepatopathy,LD; renal insufficiency; DRUGBANK DDPD12377 Relebactam 348.37 C12H20N4O6S OS(=O)(=O)ON1[C@H]2C[N@]([C@@H](CC2)C(=O)NC2CCNCC2)C1=O DB12377 44129647 31137585 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 8.4 L/h 130-150 ml/min Total clearance; DRUGBANK 19.0 L 19.0 L Single dose; at steady state; DRUGBANK 1.2 h 1.2 h DRUGBANK 1.575 h 1.35-1.8 h different study; DRUGBANK 95.0 % ~90-100 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 22.0 % ~22 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD12404 Remimazolam 439.313 C21H19BrN4O2 COC(=O)CC[C@@H]1N=C(C2=CC=CC=N2)C2=CC(Br)=CC=C2N2C(C)=CN=C12 DB12404 9867812 8043503 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.9012 L/h/kg 15.02 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.44 L/kg 0.44 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.75 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD12455 Omadacycline 556.66 C29H40N4O7 [H][C@@]12CC3=C(C=C(CNCC(C)(C)C)C(O)=C3C(=O)C1=C(O)[C@]1(O)C(=O)C(C(N)=O)=C(O)[C@@H](N(C)C)[C@]1([H])C2)N(C)C DB12455 54697325 20131003 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 34.5 % 34.5 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 11.24 L/h 11.24 L/h Average clearance; DRUGBANK 2.85 L/h 2.4-3.3 L/h Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.1404 L/h/kg 2.34 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 256.0 L 256.0 L Average volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 190.0 L 190.0 L Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 2.7 L/kg 2.7 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 16.2 h 16.2 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 15.0 h 15 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 27.0 % 27 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 14.4 % 14.4 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 81.1 % 81.1 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % Plasma Concentration &#8594; ; DRUGBANK DDPD12457 Rimegepant 534.568 C28H28F2N6O3 N[C@H]1[C@@H](CC[C@@H](OC(=O)N2CCC(CC2)N2C(=O)NC3=NC=CC=C23)C2=C1C=CC=N2)C1=C(F)C(F)=CC=C1 DB12457 51049968 27289072 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 64.0 % 64 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h PO, oral; high-fat meal; high-fat meal &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 120.0 L ~120 L at steady state; DRUGBANK 11.0 h ~11 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 78.0 % 78 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 24.0 % 24 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 32.76 % 32.76 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 12.24 % 12.24 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 96.0 % ~96 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD12466 Favipiravir 157.104 C5H4FN3O2 NC(=O)C1=NC(F)=CN=C1O DB12466 492405 134722 431002 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 91400.0 ng.h/ml 91.4 ug.h/ml Oral single dose; Asian; DRUGBANK 44110.0 ng.h/ml 44.11 ug.h/ml Oral single dose; Caucasian; DRUGBANK 215050.0 ng.h/ml 215.05 ug.h/ml Oral multiple dose; Asian; DRUGBANK 73270.0 ng.h/ml 73.27 ug.h/ml Oral multiple dose; Caucasian; DRUGBANK 97.6 % 97.6 % DRUGBANK 51500.0 ng/ml 51.5 ug/ml DRUGBANK 36240.0 ng/ml 36.24 ug/ml Oral single dose; Asian; DRUGBANK 22010.0 ng/ml 22.01 ug/ml Oral single dose; Caucasian; DRUGBANK 36230.0 ng/ml 36.23 ug/ml Oral multiple dose; Asian; DRUGBANK 23940.0 ng/ml 23.94 ug/ml Oral multiple dose; Caucasian; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h Oral single dose; Asian; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h Oral single dose; Caucasian; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h Oral multiple dose; Asian; DRUGBANK 0.6 h 0.6 h Oral multiple dose; Caucasian; DRUGBANK 2.98 L/h 2.98±0.30 L/h apparent clearance; Single dose; DRUGBANK 6.27 L/h 6.72±1.68 L/h apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 2890.91 L/h 2.890.91 L/h apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 17.5 L 15-20 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 3.75 h 2-5.5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 54.0 % 54 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 35.1 % 35.1 % DRUGBANK 3.51 % 3.51 % DRUGBANK DDPD12483 Copanlisib 480.529 C23H28N8O4 COC1=C(OCCCN2CCOCC2)C=CC2=C1N=C(NC(=O)C1=CN=C(N)N=C1)N1CCN=C21 DB12483 24989044 25069683 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 463.0 ng/ml 463(105-1670) ng/ml DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % DRUGBANK 10.0 % <10 % DRUGBANK 17.9 L/h 17.9 L/h Average clearance; DRUGBANK 0.3852 L/h/kg 6.42 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 871.0 L 871.0 L Average volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 10.34 L/kg 10.34 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 39.1 h 39.1(14.6-82.4) h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 25.2 h 25.2 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 % ~20 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 22.0 % 22 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 30.0 % ~30 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 15.0 % ~15 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 84.2 % 84.2 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 60.0 mg 60 mg intravenous injection, IV ALIQOPA copanlisib PDR 60.0 mg 60 mg intravenous injection, IV ALIQOPA copanlisib PDR DDPD12492 Piritramide 430.5851 C27H34N4O NC(=O)C1(CCN(CCC(C#N)(C2=CC=CC=C2)C2=CC=CC=C2)CC1)N1CCCCC1 DB12492 9331 135699 8967 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.468 L/h/kg 7.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.7 L/kg 4.7 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD12500 Fedratinib 524.678 C27H36N6O3S CC1=CN=C(NC2=CC=C(OCCN3CCCC3)C=C2)N=C1NC1=CC=CC(=C1)S(=O)(=O)NC(C)(C)C DB12500 16722836 91408 17626393 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 26870.0 ng.h/ml 26870.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1804.0 ng/ml 1804 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.375 h 1.75-3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 13.0 L/h 13.0 L/h DRUGBANK 1770.0 L 1770.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 41.0 h 41 h DRUGBANK 114.0 h 114 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 77.0 % 77 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 17.71 % 17.71 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.15 % 0.15 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 92.0 % ≥92 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Inrebic fedratinib PDR 400.0 mg/day 400 mg/day PO, oral Inrebic fedratinib PDR DDPD12523 Mizolastine 432.503 C24H25FN6O CN(C1CCN(CC1)C1=NC2=C(C=CC=C2)N1CC1=CC=C(F)C=C1)C1=NC=CC(=O)N1 DB12523 65906 31857 59315 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0618 L/h/kg 1.03 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.38 L/kg 0.38 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 9.6 h 9.6 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD12529 Nitrite 46.0055 NO2 [O-]N=O DB12529 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/pdfs/ATSDR MRLs - May 2021 - H.pdf 946 16301 921 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.1 mg/kg/day 0.1 mg/kg/day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.1 mg/kg/day 0.1 mg/kg/day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.1 mg/kg/day 0.1 mg/kg/day PO, oral; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK DDPD12532 Oxetacaine 467.654 C28H41N3O3 CN(C(=O)CN(CCO)CC(=O)N(C)C(C)(C)CC1=CC=CC=C1)C(C)(C)CC1=CC=CC=C1 DB12532 4621 31947 4460 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 33.33 % <33.33 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 20.0 ng/ml 20 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 h ~1 h DRUGBANK DDPD12612 Ozanimod 404.47 C23H24N4O3 CC(C)OC1=C(C=C(C=C1)C1=NC(=NO1)C1=C2CC[C@H](NCCO)C2=CC=C1)C#N DB12612 52938427 34979946 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.46 ng.h/ml 4.46 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.244 ng/ml 0.244 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 6-8 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 102.0 h 102 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 73.0 % 73 % DRUGBANK 15.0 % 15 % DRUGBANK 192.0 L/h 192.0 L/h apparent clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 233.0 L/h 233.0 L/h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5590.0 L 5590.0 L Average volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 87.0 L 73-101 L DRUGBANK 19.0 h 17-21 h DRUGBANK 26.0 % ~26 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 37.0 % ~37 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 98.0 % >98 % DRUGBANK DDPD12615 Plazomicin 592.691 C25H48N6O10 CN[C@@H]1[C@@H](O)[C@@H](O[C@H]2[C@@H](C[C@H](N)[C@@H](O[C@H]3OC(CNCCO)=CC[C@H]3N)[C@@H]2O)NC(=O)[C@@H](O)CCN)OC[C@]1(C)O DB12615 42613186 26390008 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 257000.0 ng.h/ml 257±67.0 ug.h/ml intravenous infusion, IV in drop; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 226000.0 ng.h/ml 226±113 ug.h/ml intravenous infusion, IV in drop; complicated urinary tract infections; adults; DRUGBANK 73700.0 ng/ml 73.7±19.7 ug/ml intravenous infusion, IV in drop; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 51000.0 ng/ml 51.0±26.7 ug/ml intravenous infusion, IV in drop; complicated urinary tract infections; adults; DRUGBANK 4.5 L/h 4.5±0.9 L/h Average clearance; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 5.1 L/h 5.1±2.01 L/h Average clearance; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; complicated urinary tract infections; patients; DRUGBANK 0.0684 L/h/kg 1.14 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 17.9 L 17.9±4.8 L Average volume of distribution; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 30.8 L 30.8±12.1 L Average volume of distribution; complicated urinary tract infections; patients; DRUGBANK 0.22 L/kg 0.22 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5±0.5 h normal,healthy; adults; normal renal function; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 3.4 h 3.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 20.0 % ~20 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD12674 Lurbinectedin 784.88 C41H44N4O10S [H][C@@]12[C@@H]3SC[C@]4(NCCC5=C4NC4=CC=C(OC)C=C54)C(=O)OC[C@H](N1[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1CC4=CC(C)=C(OC)C(O)=C4[C@@]2([H])N1C)C1=C2OCOC2=C(C)C(OC(C)=O)=C31 DB12674 57327016 32701856 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 551.0 ng.h/ml 551.0 ug.h/L intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 107.0 ng/ml 107 ug/L intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 11.0 L/h ~11 L/h Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.1656 L/h/kg 2.76 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 504.0 L 504.0 L Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 7.3 L/kg 7.3 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 51.0 h 51 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 50.68 h 50.68 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 89.0 % ~89 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 6.0 % 6 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.178 % ~0.178 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.06 % 0.06 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % ~99 % DRUGBANK DDPD12783 Benserazide 257.246 C10H15N3O5 NC(CO)C(=O)NNCC1=C(O)C(O)=C(O)C=C1 DB12783 2327 64187 2237 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1.5 h DRUGBANK 5300.0 mg/kg 5300.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 88.5 % 86-91 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 58.5 % 53-64 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 30.0 % ~30 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK DDPD12808 Trifarotene 459.586 C29H33NO4 CC(C)(C)C1=CC(=CC=C1N1CCCC1)C1=CC(=CC=C1OCCO)C1=CC=C(C=C1)C(O)=O DB12808 11518241 9693029 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0895 ng.h/ml 75-104 pg.h/ml DRUGBANK 0.005 ng/ml 0-10 pg/ml DRUGBANK 5.5 h 2-9 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 99.9 % 99.9 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD12825 Lefamulin 507.73 C28H45NO5S [H][C@@]12C(=O)CC[C@]11CCC(C)[C@@]2(C)[C@@H](C[C@@](C)(C=C)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1C)OC(=O)CS[C@@H]1CC[C@@H](N)C[C@H]1O DB12825 25185057 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 49200.0 ng.h/ml 49.2 mcg.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25 % Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 37100.0 ng/ml 37.1 mcg/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.76 h 1.76 h Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 16.45 L/h 2.9-30 L/h Total clearance; DRUGBANK 0.2376 L/h/kg 3.96 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 86.1 L 86.1(34.2-153) L Average volume of distribution; Pneumonia, Pneu; patients; DRUGBANK 1.32 L/kg 1.32 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8 h elimination half-life; community-acquired bacterial pneumonia; patients; DRUGBANK 13.2 h 13.2 h normal,healthy; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 6.4 h 6.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 14.0 % ~14 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 77.3 % 77.3 % Faeces excretion; intravenous injection, IV; adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 88.5 % 88.5 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 15.5 % 15.5 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.3 % 5.3 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.135 % 3.24-7.03 % Faeces excretion; intravenous injection, IV; adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 14.425 % 6.9-21.95 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 1.835 % 1.49-2.18 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 95.95 % 94.8-97.1 % plasma proteins; adults; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 83.5 % 80-87 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD12834 Secnidazole 185.183 C7H11N3O3 CC(O)CN1C(C)=NC=C1N(=O)=O DB12834 71815 94433 64839 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1331600.0 ng.h/ml 1331.6 mcg.h/ml PO, oral; normal,healthy;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 45400.0 ng/ml 45.4 mcg/ml PO, oral; normal,healthy;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4(3-4) h PO, oral; normal,healthy;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 1.5 L/h ~25 ml/min Total clearance; DRUGBANK 0.234 L/h ~3.9 ml/min Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 45.5 L ~42-49 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 17.0 h ~17 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 300.0 mg/kg 300.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 3200.0 mg/kg 3200.0 mg/kg PO, oral; rabbit; DRUGBANK 980.0 mg/kg 980.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 15.0 % ~15 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 10.0 % <5-15 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD12839 Pegvaliase 318.414 C15H30N2O5 COCCOCCCCCC(=O)NCCCC[C@H](N)C(O)=O DB12839 86278362 58172730 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 14000.0 ng/ml 14.0±16.3 mg/L DRUGBANK 34380.0 ng/ml 0.26-68.5 mg/L DRUGBANK 16700.0 ng/ml 16.7±19.5 mg/L DRUGBANK 32020.0 ng/ml 0.24-63.8 mg/L DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8 h DRUGBANK 8.0 h 8 h DRUGBANK 0.39 L/h 0.39±0.87 L/h apparent clearance; Multiple dose; at steady state; DRUGBANK 1.25 L/h 1.25±2.46 L/h apparent clearance; Multiple dose; at steady state; DRUGBANK 121.4 L 1.8-241 L Apparent volume of distribution; at steady state; DRUGBANK 26.3 L 3.1-49.5 L Apparent volume of distribution; subcutaneous injection, SC; DRUGBANK 47.0 h 47±42(14-132) h subcutaneous injection, SC; at steady state; DRUGBANK 60.0 h 60±45(14-127) h subcutaneous injection, SC; at steady state; DRUGBANK DDPD12865 Etelcalcetide 1048.26 C38H73N21O10S2 C[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@@H](CCCNC(N)=N)NC(=O)[C@@H](CCCNC(N)=N)NC(=O)[C@@H](CCCNC(N)=N)NC(=O)[C@@H](C)NC(=O)[C@@H](CSSC[C@H](N)C(O)=O)NC(C)=O)C(=O)N[C@H](CCCNC(N)=N)C(N)=O DB12865 71511839 134700 32697932 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 180.0 h 7-8 day intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 7.66 L/h 7.66 L/h DRUGBANK 796.0 L 796.0 L DRUGBANK 84.0 h 3-4 day DRUGBANK 15.0 mg 15 mg intravenous injection, IV tiw Parsabiv etelcalcetide PDR 15.0 mg 15 mg intravenous injection, IV tiw Parsabiv etelcalcetide PDR DDPD12867 Benperidol 381.451 C22H24FN3O2 OC1=NC2=CC=CC=C2N1C1CCN(CCCC(=O)C2=CC=C(F)C=C2)CC1 DB12867 16363 93403 15521 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.498 L/h/kg 8.3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 3.8 L/kg 3.8 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.8 h 5.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD12887 Tazemetostat 572.75 C34H44N4O4 CCN(C1CCOCC1)C1=C(C)C(=CC(=C1)C1=CC=C(CN2CCOCC2)C=C1)C(=O)NCC1=C(C)C=C(C)NC1=O DB12887 66558664 30208713 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3340.0 ng.h/ml 3340.0 ng.h/ml DRUGBANK 33.0 % 33 % DRUGBANK 829.0 ng/ml 829 ng/ml DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h DRUGBANK 274.0 L/h 274.0 L/h Total clearance; DRUGBANK 1230.0 L 1230.0 L DRUGBANK 3.1 h 3.1 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 15.0 % 15 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 79.0 % 79 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 88.0 % 88 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD12911 Nicoboxil 223.272 C12H17NO3 CCCCOCCOC(=O)C1=CN=CC=C1 DB12911 14866 32322 14176 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.25 h <15 min plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD12924 Ozenoxacin 363.417 C21H21N3O3 CNC1=NC=C(C=C1C)C1=CC=C2C(=O)C(=CN(C3CC3)C2=C1C)C(O)=O DB12924 9863827 136050 8039521 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 82.5 % ~80-85 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD12941 Darolutamide 398.85 C19H19ClN6O2 C[C@@H](CN1C=CC(=N1)C1=CC=C(C#N)C(Cl)=C1)NC(=O)C1=NNC(=C1)C(C)O DB12941 67171867 38772320 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 52.82 ng.h/ml 52.82 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30 % PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 67.5 % 60-75 % PO, oral; food; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 3-5 h PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 5.5 h 3-8 h PO, oral; food; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 3-6 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.96 L/h 116.0 ml/min DRUGBANK 119.0 L 119.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 20.0 h ~20 h DRUGBANK 20.0 h ~20 h Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 12.5 h 10-15 h terminal half-life; different study; DRUGBANK 63.4 % 63.4 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 32.4 % 32.4 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.43 % 4.43 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 9.72 % 9.72 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 92.0 % 92 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD12942 Lactitol 344.3124 C12H24O11 OC[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O[C@@H]1O[C@H](CO)[C@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]1O)[C@H](O)CO DB12942 157355 75323 138481 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6019.0 ng.h/ml 6,019±1,771 ng.h/ml PO, oral; normal,healthy; food; DRUGBANK 776.0 ng/ml 776±253 ng/ml PO, oral; normal,healthy; food; DRUGBANK 3.6 h 3.6±1.2 h PO, oral; normal,healthy; food; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % DRUGBANK 2.4 h 2.4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 23000.0 mg/kg 23.0 g/kg mouse; DRUGBANK 30000.0 mg/kg >30 g/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD12965 Silver 107.8682 Ag [Ag] DB12965 23954 9141 22394 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.5 % 1-10 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1200.0 h 50 day elimination half-life; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 636.0 h 1-52 day elimination half-life; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg skin/dermal; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.00516 mg/L >5.16 mg/m3 inhalation, IH; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 34.5 % 24-45 % Bile excretion; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % Faeces excretion; animals; DRUGBANK DDPD12978 Pexidartinib 417.82 C20H15ClF3N5 FC(F)(F)C1=CC=C(CNC2=NC=C(CC3=CNC4=NC=C(Cl)C=C34)C=C2)C=N1 DB12978 25151352 145373 35308322 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 77465.0 ng.h/ml 77465.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 154930.0 ng.h/ml 154930.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; high-fat meal; high-fat meal &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 8625.0 ng/ml 8625 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 17250.0 ng/ml 17250 ng/ml PO, oral; high-fat meal; high-fat meal &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5 h PO, oral; high-fat meal; high-fat meal &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 168.0 h 7 day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 5.1 L/h 5.1 L/h apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 187.0 L 187.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 26.6 h ~26.6 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 65.0 % 65 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 27.0 % 27 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 28.6 % ~28.6 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % ~99 % high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 98.9 % ~98.9 % high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 89.0 % ~89 % high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Turalio pexidartinib PDR 800.0 mg/day 800 mg/day PO, oral Turalio pexidartinib PDR DDPD12982 Silicon 28.085 Si [Si] DB12982 5461123 27573 4574465 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 h 0.5-1.5 h PO, oral; Adult growth hormone deficiency; fasting; DRUGBANK DDPD13074 Macimorelin 474.565 C26H30N6O3 CC(C)(N)C(=O)N[C@H](CC1=CNC2=CC=CC=C12)C(=O)N[C@H](CC1=CNC2=CC=CC=C12)NC=O DB13074 7980698 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2244.66 L/h 37411±4554.6 ml/min Average clearance; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 5733.0 L 5733.4±565.7 L Average volume of distribution; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 4.1 h 4.1 h terminal half-life; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK DDPD13125 Lusutrombopag 591.54 C29H32Cl2N2O5S CCCCCCO[C@@H](C)C1=C(OC)C(=CC=C1)C1=CSC(NC(=O)C2=CC(Cl)=C(\C=C(/C)C(O)=O)C(Cl)=C2)=N1 DB13125 49843517 136051 28529616 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2931.0 ng.h/ml 2931.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 111.0 ng/ml 111 ng/ml PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 7.0 h 6-8 h PO, oral; chronic liver disease; DRUGBANK 120.0 h 5 day Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 18.6 L/h 1.1(36.1) L/h Average clearance; Hepatitis, Hep; patients; DRUGBANK 39.5 L 39.5(23.5) L Apparent volume of distribution; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 27.0 h ~27 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 1.0 % ~1 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 83.0 % ~83 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 13.28 % 13.28 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.9 % >99.9 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD13139 Levosalbutamol 239.3107 C13H21NO3 CC(C)(C)NC[C@H](O)C1=CC(CO)=C(O)C=C1 DB13139 123600 8746 110192 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.65 h 3.3-4 h DRUGBANK 2.0 puffs 2 puffs q4h Xopenex Inhalation Solution Concentrate levalbuterol hydrochloride PDR 1.25 mg/dose 1.25 mg/dose Liquid tid Xopenex Inhalation Solution Concentrate levalbuterol hydrochloride PDR 5.0 mg/dose 5 mg/dose Xopenex Inhalation Solution Concentrate levalbuterol hydrochloride PDR 2.0 puffs 2 puffs q4h Xopenex Inhalation Solution Concentrate levalbuterol hydrochloride PDR 0.63 mg/dose 0.63 mg/dose Liquid tid Xopenex Inhalation Solution Concentrate levalbuterol hydrochloride PDR 0.15 mg/kg/dose 0.15 mg/kg/dose Xopenex Inhalation Solution Concentrate levalbuterol hydrochloride PDR 5.0 mg/dose 5 mg/dose Xopenex Inhalation Solution Concentrate levalbuterol hydrochloride PDR 2.0 puffs 2 puffs q4h Xopenex Inhalation Solution Concentrate levalbuterol hydrochloride PDR 0.15 mg/kg/dose 0.15 mg/kg/dose Xopenex Inhalation Solution Concentrate levalbuterol hydrochloride PDR 5.0 mg/dose 5 mg/dose Xopenex Inhalation Solution Concentrate levalbuterol hydrochloride PDR 2.0 puffs 2 puffs q4h Xopenex Inhalation Solution Concentrate levalbuterol hydrochloride PDR 3.75 mg/day 1.25 mg/dose Liquid tid Xopenex Inhalation Solution Concentrate levalbuterol hydrochloride PDR 2.0 puffs 2 puffs q4h Xopenex Inhalation Solution Concentrate levalbuterol hydrochloride PDR 1.25 mg/dose 1.25 mg/dose Liquid tid Xopenex Inhalation Solution Concentrate levalbuterol hydrochloride PDR 5.0 mg/dose 5 mg/dose Xopenex Inhalation Solution Concentrate levalbuterol hydrochloride PDR 2.0 puffs 2 puffs q4h Xopenex Inhalation Solution Concentrate levalbuterol hydrochloride PDR 3.75 mg/day 1.25 mg/dose Liquid tid Xopenex Inhalation Solution Concentrate levalbuterol hydrochloride PDR DDPD13142 Calcium glubionate anhydrous 592.513 C18H32CaO19 OC[C@@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)C(=O)O[Ca]OC(=O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O[C@@H]1O[C@H](CO)[C@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]1O)[C@H](O)CO DB13142 131704325 58310 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % PO, oral; Infants; DRUGBANK 28.0 % 28 % PO, oral; Children; DRUGBANK 34.0 % 34 % PO, oral; Adolescents; DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25 % PO, oral; adults; DRUGBANK 75.0 % 75 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 22.0 % 22 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 40.0 % ~40 % DRUGBANK DDPD13145 Nedaplatin 303.181 C2H8N2O3Pt [H][N]([H])([H])[Pt]1(OCC(=O)O1)[N]([H])([H])[H] DB13145 9548889 31898 7972206 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.47 L/h 4.47 L/h DRUGBANK 0.243 L/h/kg 4.05 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.0 L 12.0 L DRUGBANK 0.67 L/kg 0.67 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.1 h 2.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 59.6 % 59.6 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 50.0 % ~50 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD13146 Fluciclovine (18F) 132.125 C5H8FNO2 N[C@]1(C[C@H]([18F])C1)C(O)=O DB13146 450601 134703 23313216 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.51 L 0.79-2.23 L DRUGBANK 1.82833333333333 h 109.7 min physical half-life; DRUGBANK 3.0 % 3 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD13154 Parachlorophenol 128.556 C6H5ClO OC1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1 DB13154 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/pdfs/ATSDR MRLs - May 2021 - H.pdf 4684 28078 13875219 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 367.0 mg/kg 367.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/kg 1500.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.01 mg/kg/day 0.01 mg/kg/day PO, oral; DRUGBANK DDPD13155 Esculin 340.284 C15H16O9 OC[C@H]1O[C@@H](OC2=C(O)C=C3OC(=O)C=CC3=C2)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O DB13155 5281417 4853 4444765 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 20.0 h 20 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 1900.0 mg/kg 1900.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD13156 Inosine pranobex 1115.249 C52H78N10O17 C[C@@H](O)CN(C)C.C[C@@H](O)CN(C)C.C[C@@H](O)CN(C)C.CC(=O)NC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(O)=O.CC(=O)NC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(O)=O.CC(=O)NC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(O)=O.OC[C@H]1O[C@H]([C@H](O)[C@@H]1O)N1C=NC2=C1N=CNC2=O DB13156 131704326 58829622 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.833333333333333 h 50 min DRUGBANK 1570.0 mg/kg 1570.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 9410.0 mg/kg 9410.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 2960.0 mg/kg 2960.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD13158 Clobetasone 408.89 C22H26ClFO4 [H][C@]1(C)C[C@@]2([H])[C@]3([H])CCC4=CC(=O)C=C[C@]4(C)[C@@]3(F)C(=O)C[C@]2(C)[C@@]1(O)C(=O)CCl DB13158 71387 64482 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 6000.0 mg/kg >6 g/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 3600.0 mg/kg >3600 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 500.0 mg/kg 500.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 1510.0 mg/kg 1510.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 6000.0 mg/kg >6 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2600.0 mg/kg >2600 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD13163 Terpin hydrate 190.283 C10H22O3 O.CC(C)(O)[C@H]1CC[C@@](C)(O)CC1 DB13163 17141 16736914 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD13167 Alclofenac 226.66 C11H11ClO3 OC(=O)CC1=CC(Cl)=C(OCC=C)C=C1 DB13167 30951 31183 28714 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.5 h 1-4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 1-4 h Rectal Administration; DRUGBANK 2.1 L/h 35.0 ml/min Renal clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.18 L/h 37-69 ml/min Total clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.1 L/kg 0.1 L/kg DRUGBANK 3.5 h 1.5-5.5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 94.5 % 90-99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD13170 Plecanatide 1681.89 C65H104N18O26S4 [H][C@@]12CSSC[C@H](NC(=O)CNC(=O)[C@@]([H])(NC(=O)[C@]([H])(CSSC[C@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CCC(O)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(O)=O)NC(=O)[C@@H](N)CC(N)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCC(O)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C(=O)N1)NC(=O)[C@H](C)NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CC(N)=O)NC(=O)[C@@H](NC2=O)C(C)C)C(C)C)[C@@H](C)O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C(O)=O DB13170 70693500 28530494 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % human, homo sapiens; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.0 0 Trulance plecanatide PDR 3.0 mg/day 3 mg/day PO, oral qd Trulance plecanatide PDR 0.0 0 Trulance plecanatide PDR 3.0 mg/day 3 mg/day PO, oral qd Trulance plecanatide PDR 0.0 0 Trulance plecanatide PDR 0.0 0 Trulance plecanatide PDR DDPD13178 Inositol 180.1559 C6H12O6 O[C@H]1[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@@H]1O DB13178 17268 10239179 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 40500.0 ng 36-45 mcg PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h PO, oral; inositol deficiency; DRUGBANK 0.0679 L/h/kg 0.0679 L/h/kg Prem, premature; DRUGBANK 0.5115 L/kg 0.5115 L/kg Prem, premature; DRUGBANK 5.22 h 5.22 h Prem, premature; DRUGBANK DDPD13179 Troleandomycin 813.9684 C41H67NO15 CO[C@H]1C[C@H](O[C@H]2[C@H](C)[C@@H](O[C@@H]3O[C@H](C)C[C@@H]([C@H]3OC(C)=O)N(C)C)[C@@H](C)C[C@@]3(CO3)C(=O)[C@H](C)[C@@H](OC(C)=O)[C@@H](C)[C@@H](C)OC(=O)[C@@H]2C)O[C@@H](C)[C@@H]1OC(C)=O DB13179 202225 45735 http://www.drugs.com/mtm/troleandomycin.html 16707 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD13209 Bismuth subnitrate 1461.98 Bi5H9N4O22 [OH-].[OH-].[OH-].[OH-].[OH-].[OH-].[OH-].[OH-].[OH-].[O--].[Bi+3].[Bi+3].[Bi+3].[Bi+3].[Bi+3].[O-][N+]([O-])=O.[O-][N+]([O-])=O.[O-][N+]([O-])=O.[O-][N+]([O-])=O DB13209 31293 32699716 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.26 % 0.26 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.5 h ~1-4 h distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 192.0 h 5-11 day elimination half-life; DRUGBANK DDPD13219 Medifoxamine 257.333 C16H19NO2 CN(C)CC(OC1=CC=CC=C1)OC1=CC=CC=C1 DB13219 135061 33212 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.822 L/h/kg 13.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.8 L/kg 2.8 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 4.4 h 4.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD13231 Calcium lactate 218.218 C6H10CaO6 [Ca++].CC(O)C([O-])=O.CC(O)C([O-])=O DB13231 13144 12592 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25(10-40) % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 25.0 % 20-30 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD13235 Perboric acid 59.82 BHO3 OOB=O DB13235 30175 102872 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/kg 1500.0 mg/kg PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg skin/dermal; DRUGBANK DDPD13249 Magnesium silicate 100.387 MgO3Si [O--].[O--].[O--].[Mg++].[Si+4] DB13249 32698785 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 null 0 null DRUGBANK 500.0 mg/kg >500 mg/kg human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD13257 Ferrous sulfate anhydrous 151.908 FeO4S [Fe++].[O-]S([O-])(=O)=O DB13257 62662 75832 22804 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.5 % 5-10 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30 % PO, oral; iron deficient; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % PO, oral; Drug form; DRUGBANK 797.517 ng.h/ml -46.93-5.25 umol.h/L Tablet, PO, oral; Other correlations; normal,healthy; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30 % Tablet, PO, oral; Other correlations; normal,healthy; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ≥90 % DRUGBANK DDPD13259 Ethyl chloride 64.514 C2H5Cl CCCl DB13259 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/pdfs/ATSDR MRLs - May 2021 - H.pdf 6337 47554 6097 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 15.0 mg/kg 15.0 ppm inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK DDPD13268 Acetarsol 275.0903 C8H10AsNO5 CC(=O)NC1=CC(=CC=C1O)[As](O)(O)=O DB13268 135135 1908 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD13269 Dichlorobenzyl alcohol 177.02 C7H6Cl2O OCC1=C(Cl)C=C(Cl)C=C1 DB13269 48220 14918 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0583333333333333 h 3-4 min DRUGBANK 2700.0 mg/kg ~2.7 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % Urinary excretion; skin/dermal; DRUGBANK DDPD13270 Dibekacin 451.521 C18H37N5O8 NC[C@@H]1CC[C@@H](N)[C@@H](O[C@@H]2[C@@H](N)C[C@@H](N)[C@H](O[C@H]3O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H](N)[C@H]3O)[C@H]2O)O1 DB13270 37945 413666 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.048 L/h/kg 0.8 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.13 L/kg 0.13 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.4 h 2.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD13274 Micronomicin 463.576 C20H41N5O7 CNC[C@@H]1CC[C@@H](N)[C@@H](O[C@@H]2[C@@H](N)C[C@@H](N)[C@H](O[C@H]3OC[C@](C)(O)[C@H](NC)[C@H]3O)[C@H]2O)O1 DB13274 81283 2301017 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.066 L/h/kg 1.1 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.15 L/kg 0.15 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.1 h 2.1 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD13295 Atracurium N.A. N.A. C[N+]1(CCC2=CC(=C(C=C2C1CC3=CC(=C(C=C3)OC)OC)OC)OC)CCC(=O)OCCCCCOC(=O)CC[N+]4(CCC5=CC(=C(C=C5C4CC6=CC(=C(C=C6)OC)OC)OC)OC)C DB13295 47319 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.342 L/h/kg 5.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.1 L/kg 0.1 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.31 h 0.31 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD13306 Chlorquinaldol 228.07 C10H7Cl2NO CC1=NC2=C(C=C1)C(Cl)=CC(Cl)=C2O DB13306 74500 6062 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 13.85 % 4.2-23.5 % skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 67.6 % 67.6 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 600.0 mg/kg 600.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD13323 Trichloroethylene 131.388 C2HCl3 ClC=C(Cl)Cl DB13323 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/pdfs/ATSDR MRLs - May 2021 - H.pdf 16602 13837280 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0004 mg/kg 0.0004 ppm inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 0.0004 mg/kg 0.0004 ppm inhalation, IH; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 0.0005 mg/kg/day 0.0005 mg/kg/day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0005 mg/kg/day 0.0005 mg/kg/day PO, oral; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK DDPD13345 Dihydroergocristine 611.743 C35H41N5O5 [H][C@@]12CCCN1C(=O)[C@H](CC1=CC=CC=C1)N1C(=O)[C@](NC(=O)[C@H]3CN(C)[C@]4([H])CC5=CNC6=CC=CC(=C56)[C@@]4([H])C3)(O[C@@]21O)C(C)C DB13345 59912 96884 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 25.0 % 25 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.39 ng.h/ml 0.39 mcg.h/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.28 ng/ml 0.28 mcg/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.46 h 0.46±0.17 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.65 L/h/kg 2.65 L/h/kg Total clearance; DRUGBANK 52.0 L/kg 52.0 L/kg DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 13.0 h 13 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 85.0 % >85 % Bile excretion; DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 68.0 % 68 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 3.0 mg/day 3 mg/day PO, oral Ergoloid Mesylates ergoloid mesylates PDR 9.0 mg/day 9 mg/day PO, oral Ergoloid Mesylates ergoloid mesylates PDR 3.0 mg/day 3 mg/day PO, oral Ergoloid Mesylates ergoloid mesylates PDR 9.0 mg/day 9 mg/day PO, oral Ergoloid Mesylates ergoloid mesylates PDR DDPD13346 Bufexamac 223.272 C12H17NO3 CCCCOC1=CC=C(CC(=O)NO)C=C1 DB13346 2466 31317 2372 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3370.0 mg/kg 3370.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 805.0 mg/kg 805.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5000 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 48.0 % 48 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD13421 Edoxudine 256.258 C11H16N2O5 CCC1=CN([C@H]2C[C@H](O)[C@@H](CO)O2)C(=O)NC1=O DB13421 66377 135051 59752 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 49.0 % 49 % intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 2.4 ng/mg 2.4 mcg/g intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 0.518333333333333 h 31.1 min intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 5.1 L/h 85.0 ml/min Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.0233333333333333 h 1.4 min distribution half-life; intravenous injection, IV; mouse; DRUGBANK 0.401666666666667 h 24.1 min elimination half-life; intravenous injection, IV; mouse; different study; DRUGBANK 7.0 % ~7 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD13444 Ioxitalamic acid 643.942 C12H11I3N2O5 CC(=O)NC1=C(I)C(C(O)=O)=C(I)C(C(=O)NCCO)=C1I DB13444 83517 31782 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 7.2 L/h 120.0 ml/min Total clearance; DRUGBANK 0.194 L/kg 194.0 ml/kg DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 13.5 % 0-27 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD13501 Bendazac 282.299 C16H14N2O3 OC(=O)COC1=NN(CC2=CC=CC=C2)C2=CC=CC=C12 DB13501 31257 2223 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 45000.0 ng/ml 35-55 mg/L PO, oral; normal,healthy; Derivative; DRUGBANK 0.75 h 0.5-1 h PO, oral; normal,healthy; Derivative; DRUGBANK 0.036 L/h/kg 0.018-0.054 L/h/kg Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 0.033 L/h/kg 0.033 L/h/kg Average clearance; DRUGBANK 0.26 L/kg 0.26 L/kg DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5(1.7-5.2) h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 60.0 % ~60 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 15.0 % <15 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD13520 Metergoline 403.526 C25H29N3O2 [H][C@@]12CC3=CN(C)C4=CC=CC(=C34)[C@@]1([H])C[C@@H](CNC(=O)OCC1=CC=CC=C1)CN2C DB13520 28693 64216 26687 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.576 L/h/kg 9.6 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.57 L/kg 0.57 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.93 h 0.93 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD13583 Mephenesin 182.219 C10H14O3 CC1=CC=CC=C1OCC(O)CO DB13583 94398 3919 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK DDPD13595 Almasilate 280.445 Al2H2MgO9Si2 O.[Mg++].[Al+3].[Al+3].[O-][Si]([O-])([O-])[O-].[O-][Si]([O-])([O-])[O-] DB13595 131704329 32700646 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.505 % 0.01-1 % PO, oral; antacids; DRUGBANK 0.346 L/kg 0.250-0.442 L/kg Preg, pregnant;  Female, women; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD13615 Mifamurtide 1277.515 C59H110N6NaO20P O.[Na+].CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC(=O)OC[C@H](COP([O-])(=O)OCCNC(=O)[C@H](C)NC(=O)CC[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@H](C)NC(=O)[C@@H](C)O[C@@H]([C@H](O)[C@H](O)CO)[C@@H](NC(C)=O)C=O)C(N)=O)OC(=O)CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC DB13615 32700228 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 21717.755 ng.h 17.0±4.86 nM.h intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 20.0569855 ng/ml 15.7±3.72 nMol/L intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; adults; DRUGBANK 34.02 L/h 565-569 ml/min Average clearance; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.922 L/h/kg 48.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 126.85 L 225-28.7 L Average volume of distribution; at steady state; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 5.8 L/kg 5.8 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.05 h 2.05±0.40 h normal,healthy; adults; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 2.04 h 2.04±0.456 h psteosarcoma; pediatric patients; adults; patients; DRUGBANK 2.05 h 2.05 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD13620 Potassium gluconate 234.245 C6H11KO7 [K+].[H][C@@](O)(CO)[C@@]([H])(O)[C@]([H])(O)[C@@]([H])(O)C([O-])=O DB13620 16760467 32032 8931 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 94.0 % 94 % PO, oral; Components; DRUGBANK 9100.0 mg/kg 9100.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD13682 Cefpirome 514.577 C22H22N6O5S2 [H][C@]12SCC(C[N+]3=C4CCCC4=CC=C3)=C(N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)C(=N/OC)\C1=CSC(N)=N1)C([O-])=O DB13682 3503 4586396 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.114 L/h/kg 1.9 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.24 L/kg 0.24 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.7 h 1.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD13707 Sodium tartrate 194.05 C4H4Na2O6 [Na+].[Na+].O[C@H]([C@@H](O)C([O-])=O)C([O-])=O DB13707 162637 63017 142788 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4360.0 mg/kg 4360.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD13720 Diphemanil 278.418 C20H24N C[N+]1(C)CCC(CC1)=C(C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB13720 93636 5897 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 20.0 % 15-25 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK DDPD13746 Bioallethrin N.A. N.A. CC1=C(C(=O)CC1OC(=O)C2C(C2(C)C)C=C(C)C)CC=C DB13746 15558638 39118 18923353 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 709.0 mg/kg 709.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Male, men; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1040.0 mg/kg 1040.0 mg/kg PO, oral;  Female, women; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2.51 mg/L 2.51 mg/L inhalation, IH; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3000.0 mg/kg >3000 mg/kg skin/dermal; rabbit; DRUGBANK DDPD13747 Trolamine 149.1882 C6H15NO3 OCCN(CCO)CCO DB13747 7618 28621 13835630 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 23.5 % 19-28 % Neonates; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 60-80 %  Female, women; DRUGBANK 8000.0 mg/kg 8.0 g/kg PO, oral; guinea pigs; DRUGBANK 7725.0 mg/kg 4.19-11.26 g/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 53.0 % 53 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 98.0 % 98 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK DDPD13749 Magnesium gluconate 450.629 C12H26MgO16 O.O.[Mg++].OC[C@@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)C([O-])=O.OC[C@@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)C([O-])=O DB13749 71587201 28295928 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 22.5 % 15-30 % DRUGBANK 9100.0 mg/kg 9100.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 27.5 % ~25-30 % DRUGBANK DDPD13751 Glycyrrhizic acid 822.942 C42H62O16 [H][C@@]12C[C@](C)(CC[C@]1(C)CC[C@]1(C)C2=CC(=O)[C@]2([H])[C@@]3(C)CC[C@H](O[C@H]4O[C@@H]([C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]4O[C@@H]4O[C@@H]([C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]4O)C(O)=O)C(O)=O)C(C)(C)[C@]3([H])CC[C@@]12C)C(O)=O DB13751 15939 14263 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0205 L/h/kg 16-25 ml/h/kg DRUGBANK 0.0505 L/kg 37-64 ml/kg Total volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 0.0785 L/kg 59-98 ml/kg Apparent volume of distribution; at steady state; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5 h elimination half-life; dose; DRUGBANK 6504.0 mg/kg 308-12700 mg/kg DRUGBANK 1.8 % ~1.1-2.5 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 1.8 % ~1.1-2.5 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK DDPD13781 Xamoterol 339.392 C16H25N3O5 OC(CNCCNC(=O)N1CCOCC1)COC1=CC=C(O)C=C1 DB13781 155774 10055 137213 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.18 L/h/kg 3 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.64 L/kg 0.64 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.7 h 7.7 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD13783 Acemetacin 415.83 C21H18ClNO6 COC1=CC2=C(C=C1)N(C(=O)C1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1)C(C)=C2CC(=O)OCC(O)=O DB13783 1981 31162 1904 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 597.5 ng.h/ml 483-712 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 66.0 % 66 % Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 276.8 ng/ml 276.8 ng/ml PO, oral; Elderly; DRUGBANK 187.0 ng/ml 187 ng/ml PO, oral; young; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.2754 L/h/kg 4.59 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.6 L/kg 0.5-0.7 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4.5 h elimination half-life; at steady state; DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 60.0 % 60 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD13800 Calcium levulinate 270.294 C10H14CaO6 [Ca++].CC(=O)CCC([O-])=O.CC(=O)CCC([O-])=O DB13800 81717 11090 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.0 % 4 % DRUGBANK 10.4166666666667 mg/h 250.0 mg/24h DRUGBANK DDPD13813 Iodoform 393.732 CHI3 [H]C(I)(I)I DB13813 6374 37758 6134 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 355.0 mg/kg 355.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1184.0 mg/kg 1184.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD13848 Fluorodopa (18F) 214.183 C9H10FNO4 N[C@@H](CC1=CC(O)=C(O)C=C1[18F])C(O)=O DB13848 49166 50970 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.0 h ~1-3 h elimination half-life; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~80 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD13853 Anethole trithione 240.35 C10H8OS3 COC1=CC=C(C=C1)C1=CC(=S)SS1 DB13853 2194 31221 2109 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.98 ng/ml 0.98±0.49 ng/ml normal,healthy; Asian; DRUGBANK 2.2 h 2.2±1.9 h normal,healthy; Asian; DRUGBANK 113.2 L/h/kg 113.20±52.37 L/h/kg Rattus, Rat; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.78 h ~3.78±2.12 h normal,healthy; Asian; DRUGBANK DDPD13854 Gamolenic acid 278.4296 C18H30O2 CCCCC\C=C/C\C=C/C\C=C/CCCCC(O)=O DB13854 28661 4444436 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 168.0 h 7 day PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 0.130833333333333 mg/kg/day 3.14 mg/kg/24D Male, men; DRUGBANK DDPD13858 Dimazole 293.43 C15H23N3OS CCN(CC)CCOC1=CC2=C(C=C1)N=C(S2)N(C)C DB13858 103934 8384 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % DRUGBANK DDPD13867 Fluticasone 444.51 C22H27F3O4S [H][C@@]12C[C@@H](C)[C@](O)(C(=O)SCF)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1(F)[C@@]2([H])C[C@H](F)C2=CC(=O)C=C[C@]12C DB13867 5134 4470631 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.05 % 0.05 % intranasal; Drug form; DRUGBANK 1.26 % 1.26 % PO, oral; Drug form; DRUGBANK 13.9 % 13.9 % inhalation, IH; Drug form; DRUGBANK 12.35 % 6.3-18.4 % inhalation, IH; Drug form; Male, men; Caucasian; DRUGBANK 2.0 % <2 % intranasal; Drug form; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % PO, oral; Drug form; DRUGBANK 9.0 % 9 % inhalation, IH; Drug form; Male, men; Caucasian; DRUGBANK 57.8 L/h 57.8 L/h DRUGBANK 71.8 L/h 71.8 L/h intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; Caucasian; Male, men; DRUGBANK 65.58 L/h 1093.0 ml/min DRUGBANK 63.9 L/h 63.9 L/h intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; Caucasian; Male, men; DRUGBANK 608.0 L 608.0 L at steady state; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 661.0 L 661.0 L Average volume of distribution; at steady state; DRUGBANK 704.0 L 704.0 L at steady state; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; Caucasian; Male, men; DRUGBANK 4.2 L/kg 4.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 557.0 L 557.0 L at steady state; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; Caucasian; Male, men; DRUGBANK 15.1 h 15.1 h inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 24.0 h 24 h intranasal; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ≥90 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 1.5 % 1-2 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 5.0 % <5 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD13872 Lormetazepam 335.185 C16H12Cl2N2O2 CN1C2=C(C=C(Cl)C=C2)C(=NC(O)C1=O)C1=CC=CC=C1Cl DB13872 13314 52993 12750 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.24 L/h/kg 4 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.6 L/kg 1.6 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 11.0 h 11 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 4.9 h 4.9 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 780.0 mg/kg 780.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 1790.0 mg/kg 1790.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 10000.0 mg/kg 10000.0 mg/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 6250.0 mg/kg 6250.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 10000.0 mg/kg 10000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 10000.0 mg/kg 10000.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD13873 Fenofibric acid 318.75 C17H15ClO4 CC(C)(OC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(=O)C1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1)C(O)=O DB13873 64929 83469 58457 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 82.75 % ~82.75 % Liquid; normal,healthy; food; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5 h Liquid; normal,healthy; food; DRUGBANK 1.2 L/h 1.2 L/h Oral single dose; Elderly; DRUGBANK 1.1 L/h 1.1 L/h Oral single dose; young; adults; DRUGBANK 70.9 L 70.9±27.5 L DRUGBANK 20.0 h ~20 h DRUGBANK 1242.0 mg/kg 1242.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/kg 100.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 500.0 mg/kg 500.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; DRUGBANK 99.0 % ~99 % hyperlipoidemia; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 135.0 mg/day 135 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Fibricor fenofibric acid PDR 105.0 mg/day 105 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Fibricor fenofibric acid PDR 135.0 mg/day 135 mg/day Capsule, PO, Oral Fibricor fenofibric acid PDR 105.0 mg/day 105 mg/day Tablet,PO,oral Fibricor fenofibric acid PDR DDPD13874 Enasidenib 473.383 C19H17F6N7O CC(C)(O)CNC1=NC(=NC(NC2=CC(=NC=C2)C(F)(F)F)=N1)C1=NC(=CC=C1)C(F)(F)F DB13874 89683805 145374 38772329 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 57.0 % 57 % Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1300.0 ng/ml 1.3 mcg/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 696.0 h 29 day Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 11.0 % 11 % DRUGBANK 0.74 L/h 0.74 L/h Average clearance; DRUGBANK 55.8 L 55.8 L Average volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 137.0 h 137 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 89.0 % 89 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 11.0 % 11 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 34.0 % 34 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.4 % 0.4 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 98.5 % 98.5 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Idhifa enasidenib PDR 100.0 mg/day 100 mg/day PO, oral Idhifa enasidenib PDR DDPD13878 Pibrentasvir 1113.201 C57H65F5N10O8 CO[C@H](C)[C@H](NC(=O)OC)C(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C1=NC2=C(N1)C=C(F)C(=C2)[C@H]1CC[C@@H](N1C1=CC(F)=C(N2CCC(CC2)C2=CC=C(F)C=C2)C(F)=C1)C1=CC2=C(NC(=N2)[C@@H]2CCCN2C(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)OC)[C@@H](C)OC)C=C1F DB13878 58031952 35013016 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 110.0 ng/ml 110 ng/ml Hepatitis, Hep; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5 h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 13.0 h ~13 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 96.6 % 96.6 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 99.9 % >99.9 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD13879 Glecaprevir 838.87 C38H46F4N6O9S [H][C@@]12CN(C(=O)[C@@]([H])(NC(=O)O[C@]3([H])CCC[C@@]3([H])OC\C=C\C(F)(F)C3=NC4=C(C=CC=C4)N=C3O1)C(C)(C)C)[C@@]([H])(C2)C(=O)N[C@@]1(C[C@H]1C(F)F)C(=O)NS(=O)(=O)C1(C)CC1 DB13879 66828839 35013015 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 597.0 ng/ml 597 ng/ml Hepatitis, Hep; DRUGBANK 5.0 h 5 h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 6.0 h ~6 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 92.1 % 92.1 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 0.7 % 0.7 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 97.5 % >97.5 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD13882 Methyl nicotinate 137.136 C7H7NO2 COC(=O)C1=CN=CC=C1 DB13882 7151 134761 21111785 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 85.0 % 80-90 % skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 0.108333333333333 h 3-10 min high protein binding; DRUGBANK 1680.0 mg/kg 1.68 g/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg 5.0 g/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 15.0 % ~15 % Urinary excretion; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD13908 Amylmetacresol 178.275 C12H18O CCCCCC1=CC=C(C)C=C1O DB13908 48213 14076 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/kg 1500.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD13909 Bismuth subgallate 394.091 C7H5BiO6 O[Bi]1OC2=CC(=CC(O)=C2O1)C(O)=O DB13909 31292 10607905 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.04 % 0.04 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.35 L/h 50-95 ml/min Average clearance; DRUGBANK 1116.0 h 21-72 day terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 10.0 % ~10 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD13925 Dotatate gallium Ga-68 1500.54 C65H87GaN14O19S2 [68Ga+3].C[C@@H](O)[C@H](NC(=O)[C@@H]1CSSC[C@H](NC(=O)[C@@H](CC2=CC=CC=C2)NC(=O)CN2CCN(CC([O-])=O)CCN(CC([O-])=O)CCN(CC([O-])=O)CC2)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC2=CC=C(O)C=C2)C(=O)N[C@H](CC2=CNC3=C2C=CC=C3)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(=O)N[C@@H]([C@@H](C)O)C(=O)N1)C(O)=O DB13925 58828606 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.00045 L/m3 0.25-0.65 ml/cm3 DRUGBANK 1.13333333333333 h 68 min DRUGBANK 12.0 % ~12 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK DDPD13928 Semaglutide 4113.641 C187H291N45O59 CC[C@H](C)[C@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CC=CC=C1)NC(=O)[C@H](CCC(O)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CCCCNC(=O)COCCOCCNC(=O)COCCOCCNC(=O)CC[C@@H](NC(=O)CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC(O)=O)C(O)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](C)NC(=O)[C@H](C)NC(=O)[C@H](CCC(N)=O)NC(=O)CNC(=O)[C@H](CCC(O)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(C)C)NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CC=C(O)C=C1)NC(=O)[C@H](CO)NC(=O)[C@H](CO)NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CC(O)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CO)NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CC1=CC=CC=C1)NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)CNC(=O)[C@H](CCC(O)=O)NC(=O)C(C)(C)NC(=O)[C@@H](N)CC1=CNC=N1)[C@@H](C)O)[C@@H](C)O)C(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@H](C)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC1=CNC2=C1C=CC=C2)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@H](C(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCNC(N)=N)C(=O)NCC(=O)N[C@@H](CCCNC(N)=N)C(=O)NCC(O)=O DB13928 34985066 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 12848.5462994 ng.h/ml 3123.4 nmol.h/L DRUGBANK 89.0 % 89 % DRUGBANK 44.8386869 ng/ml 10.9 nmol/L DRUGBANK 56.0 h 56 h DRUGBANK 108.0 h 4-5 day Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 7.7 % 7.7 % DRUGBANK 0.039 L/h 0.039 L/h DRUGBANK 0.05 L/h 0.05 L/h type 2 diabetes; patients; DRUGBANK 8.7 L 8-9.4 L DRUGBANK 168.0 h 168 h plasma proteins; DRUGBANK 270.0 mg/kg 270.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 53.0 % 53 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 18.6 % 18.6 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 3.2 % 3.2 % lung excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % DRUGBANK 0.142857142857143 mg/day 1 mg/week subcutaneous injection, SC Ozempic semaglutide PDR 14.0 mg/day 14 mg/day PO, oral Ozempic semaglutide PDR 0.142857142857143 mg/day 1 mg/week subcutaneous injection, SC Ozempic semaglutide PDR 14.0 mg/day 14 mg/day PO, oral Ozempic semaglutide PDR DDPD13931 Netarsudil 453.542 C28H27N3O3 CC1=CC(C)=C(C=C1)C(=O)OCC1=CC=C(C=C1)[C@@H](CN)C(=O)NC1=CC=C2C=NC=CC2=C1 DB13931 34980598 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.91666666666667 h 175 min high protein binding; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 60.0 % ≥60 % DRUGBANK DDPD13943 Testosterone cypionate 412.614 C27H40O3 C[C@]12CC[C@H]3[C@@H](CCC4=CC(=O)CC[C@]34C)[C@@H]1CC[C@@H]2OC(=O)CCC1CCCC1 DB13943 9463 390140 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 112200.0 ng/ml 1122 ng/dl IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 108.0 h 4-5 day IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 1.0 L/kg 1.0 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 192.0 h ~8 day DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % Urinary excretion; IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 6.0 % ~6 % Faeces excretion; IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK DDPD13944 Testosterone enanthate 400.594 C26H40O3 [H][C@@]12CC[C@H](OC(=O)CCCCCC)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)CC[C@]12C DB13944 9464 9045 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 120000.0 ng/ml 1200 ng/dl Multiple dose; DRUGBANK 1.0 L/kg 1.0 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 192.0 h 7-9 day DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % Urinary excretion; IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 6.0 % ~6 % Faeces excretion; IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK DDPD13946 Testosterone undecanoate 456.711 C30H48O3 CCCCCCCCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCC4=CC(=O)CC[C@]4(C)[C@H]3CC[C@]12C DB13946 135741 58664 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 813.6 h 33.9 day IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % Urinary excretion; IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 6.0 % ~6 % Faeces excretion; IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK DDPD13949 Ferric cation 55.845 Fe [Fe+3] DB13949 29034 27815 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0416666666666667 mg/h ~1 mg/day DRUGBANK DDPD13952 Estradiol acetate 314.4186 C20H26O3 [H][C@@]12CC[C@H](O)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@]1([H])C3=CC=C(OC(C)=O)C=C3CC[C@@]21[H] DB13952 9818306 135981 https://www.drugs.com/mtm/estradiol-vaginal.html 7994056 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.129 ng/ml 1129 pg/ml DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1(0.25-1.5) h DRUGBANK DDPD13956 Estradiol valerate 356.4984 C23H32O3 [H][C@@]12CC[C@H](OC(=O)CCCC)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@]1([H])C3=C(CC[C@@]21[H])C=C(O)C=C3 DB13956 13791 31561 13194 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.301 ng.h/ml 1301.0 pg.h/ml DRUGBANK 0.0733 ng/ml 73.3 pg/ml DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6(1.5-12) h DRUGBANK DDPD13960 Bronopol 199.988 C3H6BrNO4 OCC(Br)(CO)[N+]([O-])=O DB13960 31306 2356 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 40.0 % 40 % skin/dermal; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 264.0 h 11 day high protein binding; DRUGBANK 24.0 h 24 h water; DRUGBANK 48.0 h 2 day natural sunlight; DRUGBANK 180.0 mg/kg 180.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 112.0 mg/kg 64-160 mg/kg skin/dermal; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5000 mg/kg inhalation, IH; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 81.0 % ~81 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 6.0 % 6 % lung excretion; PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 74.0 % 74 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 9.0 % 9 % lung excretion; intravenous injection, IV; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD13967 Patent Blue 561.69 C27H33N2O7S2 CCN(CC)C1=CC=C(C=C1)C(=C1C=CC(C=C1)=[N+](CC)CC)C1=C(C=C(C(O)=C1)S(O)(=O)=O)S(O)(=O)=O DB13967 59601 69520 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 36.0 h ~24-48 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK DDPD13971 Vanadium 50.9415 V [V] DB13971 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/pdfs/ATSDR MRLs - May 2021 - H.pdf 27698 22426 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 8e-07 mg/L 0.0008 mg/m3 inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 1e-07 mg/L 0.0001 mg/m3 inhalation, IH; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 0.01 mg/kg/day 0.01 mg/kg/day inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK DDPD13985 Lutetium Lu 177 dotatate 1609.55 C65H87LuN14O19S2 [177Lu+3].C[C@@H](O)[C@H](NC(=O)[C@@H]1CSSC[C@H](NC(=O)[C@@H](CC2=CC=CC=C2)NC(=O)CN2CCN(CC([O-])=O)CCN(CC([O-])=O)CCN(CC([O-])=O)CC2)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC2=CC=C(O)C=C2)C(=O)N[C@H](CC2=CNC3=C2C=CC=C3)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(=O)N[C@@H]([C@@H](C)O)C(=O)N1)C(O)=O DB13985 32699095 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 41.0 ng.h/ml 41.0 ng.h/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 10000000.0 ng/ml 10 mg/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % Liver metabolism; DRUGBANK 4.5 L/h 4.5 L/h Average clearance; DRUGBANK 460.0 L 460.0 L Average volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5±1.4 h effective half-life; DRUGBANK 71.0 h 71±28 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 44.0 % 44 % Urinary excretion; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 58.0 % 58 % Urinary excretion; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 65.0 % 65 % Urinary excretion; intravenous infusion, IV in drop; DRUGBANK 43.0 % 43 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 7.4 GBq 7.4 GBq intravenous injection, IV Lutathera lutetium lu 177 dotatate PDR 200.0 mCi 200 mCi intravenous injection, IV Lutathera lutetium lu 177 dotatate PDR 7.4 GBq 7.4 GBq intravenous injection, IV Lutathera lutetium lu 177 dotatate PDR 200.0 mCi 200 mCi intravenous injection, IV Lutathera lutetium lu 177 dotatate PDR DDPD13987 Strontium chloride 158.52 Cl2Sr [Cl-].[Cl-].[Sr++] DB13987 55440 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 30.0 % 30 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 60.0 % ~60 % Infants; DRUGBANK 35.0 % 30-40 % DRUGBANK DDPD13995 Ferric pyrophosphate citrate 1321.571 C18H24Fe4O42P6 [Fe+3].[Fe+3].[Fe+3].[Fe+3].OP(O)(=O)OP(O)(O)=O.OP(O)(=O)OP(O)(O)=O.OP([O-])(=O)OP([O-])([O-])=O.OC(CC([O-])=O)(CC([O-])=O)C([O-])=O.OC(CC([O-])=O)(CC([O-])=O)C([O-])=O.OC(CC([O-])=O)(CC([O-])=O)C([O-])=O DB13995 34994433 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 12575.0 ng.h/ml 675-1840 mcg.h/dl increasing doses &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 88.5 % 83-94 % DRUGBANK 1870.0 ng/ml 113-261 mcg/dl increasing doses &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4.5 h DRUGBANK 0.481 L/h 0.406-0.556 L/h Average clearance; DRUGBANK 0.812 L 0.765-0.859 L Apparent volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 1.48 h 1.48 h DRUGBANK 1.5 mg/kg/dose 1.5 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Triferic ferric pyrophosphate citrate PDR 125.0 mg/dose 125 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Triferic ferric pyrophosphate citrate PDR 125.0 mg/dose 125 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Triferic ferric pyrophosphate citrate PDR 6.75 mcg/kg 6.75 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Triferic ferric pyrophosphate citrate PDR 1.5 mg/kg/dose 1.5 mg/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Triferic ferric pyrophosphate citrate PDR 125.0 mg/dose 125 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Triferic ferric pyrophosphate citrate PDR 125.0 mg/dose 125 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Triferic ferric pyrophosphate citrate PDR 6.75 mg/dose 6.75 mg/dose intravenous injection, IV Triferic ferric pyrophosphate citrate PDR DDPD13997 Baloxavir marboxil 571.55 C27H23F2N3O7S [H][C@@]12COCCN1C(=O)C1=C(OCOC(=O)OC)C(=O)C=CN1N2[C@H]1C2=CC=C(F)C(F)=C2CSC2=CC=CC=C12 DB13997 59718643 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h DRUGBANK 10.3 L/h 10.3 L/h DRUGBANK 1180.0 L 1180.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 79.1 h 79.1 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 14.7 % 14.7 % Urinary excretion; Single dose; DRUGBANK 80.1 % 80.1 % Faeces excretion; Single dose; DRUGBANK 93.4 % 92.9-93.9 % DRUGBANK 80.0 mg 80 mg PO, oral Xofluza baloxavir marboxil PDR 40.0 mg 40 mg PO, oral Xofluza baloxavir marboxil PDR 80.0 mg 80 mg PO, oral Xofluza baloxavir marboxil PDR 40.0 mg 40 mg PO, oral Xofluza baloxavir marboxil PDR 80.0 mg 80 mg PO, oral Xofluza baloxavir marboxil PDR 40.0 mg 40 mg PO, oral Xofluza baloxavir marboxil PDR 80.0 mg 80 mg PO, oral Xofluza baloxavir marboxil PDR 40.0 mg 40 mg PO, oral Xofluza baloxavir marboxil PDR DDPD14001 alpha-Tocopherol succinate 530.79 C33H54O5 [H][C@@](C)(CCCC(C)C)CCC[C@@]([H])(C)CCC[C@]1(C)CCC2=C(C)C(OC(=O)CCC(O)=O)=C(C)C(C)=C2O1 DB14001 135821 19171 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 65.0 % 50-80 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK DDPD14002 D-alpha-Tocopherol acetate 472.7428 C31H52O3 CC(C)CCC[C@@H](C)CCC[C@@H](C)CCC[C@]1(C)CCC2=C(C)C(OC(C)=O)=C(C)C(C)=C2O1 DB14002 32321 77987 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 65.0 % 50-80 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK DDPD14003 alpha-Tocopherol acetate N.A. N.A. CC1=C(C(=C(C2=C1OC(CC2)(C)CCCC(C)CCCC(C)CCCC(C)C)C)OC(=O)C)C DB14003 86472 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1828.0 ng/ml 1828±48.24 ng/ml Oral single dose; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 1931.0 ng/ml 1931±92.54 ng/ml Oral single dose; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 2188.0 ng/ml 2188±147.61 ng/ml Oral single dose; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.017 L/h 0.017±0.015 L/h Single dose; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.011 L/h 0.011±0.001 L/h Single dose; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.019 L/h 0.019±0.001 L/h Single dose; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.07 L/kg 0.070±0.002 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; Single dose; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.127 L/kg 0.127±0.004 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; Single dose; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 0.232 L/kg 0.232±0.010 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; Single dose; normal,healthy; Male, men; DRUGBANK 48.0 h ~48 h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 48.0 h ~48 h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK DDPD14006 Choline salicylate 241.287 C12H19NO4 C[N+](C)(C)CCO.OC1=CC=CC=C1C([O-])=O DB14006 3668 15385 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.15 L/kg 0.15 L/kg DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 2690.0 mg/kg 2690.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 1000.0 mg/kg 1.0 g/kg subcutaneous injection, SC; mouse; DRUGBANK 85.0 % 80-90 % DRUGBANK DDPD14007 Pentetic acid 393.349 C14H23N3O10 OC(=O)CN(CCN(CC(O)=O)CC(O)=O)CCN(CC(O)=O)CC(O)=O DB14007 35739 2945 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 6.0 L/h 80-120 ml/min normal renal function; patients; DRUGBANK 17.0 L 17.0 L DRUGBANK 0.419166666666667 h 18.5-31.8 min intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK DDPD14018 Bromotheophylline 259.063 C7H7BrN4O2 CN1C2=C(NC(Br)=N2)C(=O)N(C)C1=O DB14018 11315 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 27000.0 ng.h/ml 27.0 mg.h/l Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 2500.0 ng/ml 2.5 mg/L Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 0.78 h 0.78 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 21.35 h 21.35 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK DDPD14019 Fosnetupitant 688.608 C31H35F6N4O5P CN(C(=O)C(C)(C)C1=CC(=CC(=C1)C(F)(F)F)C(F)(F)F)C1=CN=C(C=C1C1=CC=CC=C1C)N1CC[N+](C)(COP(O)([O-])=O)CC1 DB14019 44208829 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 73.5 % 42-105 % PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 58.5 % 34-83 % PO, oral; dog; DRUGBANK 49.5 % 37-62 % PO, oral; monkey; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h intravenous infusion, IV in drop; patients; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h intravenous infusion, IV in drop; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.3 L/h 0.3±9.2 L/h Average clearance; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 124.0 L 124±76 L Average volume of distribution; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 296.0 L 296±535 L Average volume of distribution; patients; DRUGBANK 80.0 h 80±29 h elimination half-life; tumor; patients; DRUGBANK 3.95 % 3.95 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 70.7 % 70.7 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD14020 Benzoin 212.2439 C14H12O2 OC(C(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB14020 17682 8093 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 10000.0 mg/kg 10000.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 8870.0 mg/kg 8870.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; rabbit; DRUGBANK DDPD14033 Acetyl sulfisoxazole 309.34 C13H15N3O4S CC(=O)N(C1=C(C)C(C)=NO1)S(=O)(=O)C1=CC=C(N)C=C1 DB14033 6662 135975 6410 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.95 % 0.95±0.04 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.122 L/h 18.7±3.9 ml/min Total clearance; DRUGBANK 13.92 L/h 232±64 ml/min Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 10.9 L 10.9±2.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 136.0 L 136±36 L Total volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 11.0 h 10-12 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 6800.0 mg/kg 6800.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 85.0 % ~85 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD14048 Sodium zirconium cyclosilicate 365.452 Na2O9Si3Zr [Na+].[Na+].[Zr].[O-][Si]1([O-])O[Si]([O-])([O-])O[Si]([O-])([O-])O1 DB14048 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 30000.0 mg/day 30 g/day PO, oral Lokelma sodium zirconium cyclosilicate PDR 30000.0 mg/day 30 g/day PO, oral Lokelma sodium zirconium cyclosilicate PDR DDPD14151 Phosphorus 30.9738 P [P] DB14151 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/pdfs/ATSDR MRLs - May 2021 - H.pdf 30207 4575369 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2e-05 mg/L 0.02 mg/m3 inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 0.0002 mg/kg/day 0.0002 mg/kg/day PO, oral; DRUGBANK DDPD14183 Geraniol 154.253 C10H18O CC(C)=CCC\C(C)=C\CO DB14183 17447 13849989 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 92.0 % 92.0 % PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 270000.0 ng/ml 270.0 ug/ml PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.5 h 30 min PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 0.2 h ~12 min intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK DDPD14184 Cinnamaldehyde 132.1592 C9H8O O=C\C=C\C1=CC=CC=C1 DB14184 16731 553117 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 52.0 % 52.0 % skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 83.5 % 69-98 % Urinary excretion; Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD14185 Aripiprazole lauroxil 660.72 C36H51Cl2N3O4 CCCCCCCCCCCC(=O)OCN1C(=O)CCC2=CC=C(OCCCCN3CCN(CC3)C3=C(Cl)C(Cl)=CC=C3)C=C12 DB14185 90930 28651973 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.32 L/h/kg 0.32±0.11 L/h/kg Rattus, Rat; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 268.0 L 268.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 769.2 h 29.2-34.9 day elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 60.0 mg >60 mg IM,intramuscular injection; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 750.0 mg/kg 750.0 mg/kg PO, oral;  Female, women; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 965.0 mg/kg 965.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Male, men; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; monkey; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 18.0 % ~18 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % DRUGBANK DDPD14186 Cinnamyl alcohol 134.1751 C9H10O OC\C=C\C1=CC=CC=C1 DB14186 33227 21105870 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 66.0 % 66.0 % skin/dermal; DRUGBANK 76.5 % 76-77 % Urinary excretion; Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Intraperitoneal, IP; mouse; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD14187 Hydroxycitronellal 172.2646 C10H20O2 [H]C(=O)CC(C)CCCC(C)(C)O DB14187 53459 7600 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.3 h 3.3 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK DDPD14189 Ethylenediamine 60.0983 C2H8N2 NCCN DB14189 30347 13835550 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 34.0 % 34.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.133 L/kg 0.133 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.55 h ~0.55 h DRUGBANK DDPD14487 Zinc acetate 183.497 C4H6O4Zn [Zn++].CC([O-])=O.CC([O-])=O DB14487 62984 10719 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 65.0 % 60-70 % Liquid; fasting; DRUGBANK 33.0 % 33.0 % DRUGBANK 0.0378 mg/h 0.63±0.39 ug/min normal,healthy; patients; DRUGBANK 6720.0 h ~280 day human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 65.0 % ~60-70 % DRUGBANK 34.0 mg/day 34 mg/day PO, oral Galzin zinc acetate PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Galzin zinc acetate PDR 23.0 mg/day 23 mg/day PO, oral Galzin zinc acetate PDR 12.0 mg/day 12 mg/day PO, oral Galzin zinc acetate PDR 7.0 mg/day 7 mg/day PO, oral Galzin zinc acetate PDR 40.0 mg/day 40 mg/day PO, oral Galzin zinc acetate PDR DDPD14488 Ferrous gluconate 446.139 C12H22FeO14 [Fe++].[H][C@@](O)(CO)[C@@]([H])(O)[C@]([H])(O)[C@@]([H])(O)C([O-])=O.[H][C@@](O)(CO)[C@@]([H])(O)[C@]([H])(O)[C@@]([H])(O)C([O-])=O DB14488 9291 19953133 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 22.5 % 10-35 % DRUGBANK 95.0 % ≤95 % PO, oral; iron deficient; iron deficient &#8593; ; DRUGBANK DDPD14489 Ferrous succinate 171.917 C4H4FeO4 [Fe++].[O-]C(=O)CCC([O-])=O DB14489 159252 8640173 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 22.5 % 10-35 % DRUGBANK 95.0 % ≤95 % PO, oral; iron deficient; iron deficient &#8593; ; DRUGBANK DDPD14490 Ferrous ascorbate 406.077 C12H14FeO12 [Fe++].[H][C@](O)(CO)[C@@]1([H])OC(=O)C(O)=C1O.[H][C@](O)(CO)[C@@]1([H])OC(=O)C([O-])=C1[O-] DB14490 54710214 21169558 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 22.5 % 10-35 % DRUGBANK 95.0 % ≤95 % PO, oral; iron deficient; iron deficient &#8593; ; DRUGBANK DDPD14491 Ferrous fumarate 169.901 C4H2FeO4 [Fe++].[H]\C(=C(\[H])C([O-])=O)C([O-])=O DB14491 6433164 31607 10607713 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 22.5 % 10-35 % DRUGBANK 95.0 % ≤95 % PO, oral; iron deficient; iron deficient &#8593; ; DRUGBANK DDPD14500 Potassium 39.0983 K [KH] DB14500 32589 16787786 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % ~90 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 94.0 % 94.0 % PO, oral; Drug form; DRUGBANK 100.0 % 100 % DRUGBANK 7.8 h 1.6-14 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 456.0 h 10-28 day elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 2600.0 mg/kg 2600.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD14501 Ferrous glycine sulfate 302.041 C4H10FeN2O8S [Fe++].NCC([O-])=O.NCC([O-])=O.OS(O)(=O)=O DB14501 167159 146251 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 22.5 % 10-35 % DRUGBANK 95.0 % ≤95 % PO, oral; iron deficient; iron deficient &#8593; ; DRUGBANK DDPD14502 Sodium phosphate, dibasic 141.9588 HNa2O4P [Na+].[Na+].OP([O-])([O-])=O DB14502 34683 22625 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.0 h 1-3 h Liquid; DRUGBANK 250.0 mg/kg 250.0 mg/kg IM,intramuscular injection; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 8290.0 mg/kg 8290.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD14505 Sodium borate 201.219 B4Na2O7 [Na+].[Na+].[O-]B1OB2OB([O-])OB(O1)O2 DB14505 8395345 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.5 h 0.5 h Intraperitoneal, IP; DRUGBANK 0.99 L/h 0.99 L/h Total clearance; PO, oral; acute boric acid poisoning; DRUGBANK 0.335 L/kg 0.17-0.5 L/kg human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 18.5 h 13-24 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 4750.0 mg/kg 4500-5000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 10000.0 mg/kg 10000.0 mg/kg intradermal; rabbit; DRUGBANK 1.0 % 1 % Urinary excretion; ointment; DRUGBANK 90.0 % >90 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK DDPD14509 Lithium carbonate 73.89 CLi2O3 [Li+].[Li+].[O-]C([O-])=O DB14509 6504 10654 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 % ~100 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 1.5 L/h 10-40 ml/min normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 0.9 L/h 15.0 ml/min Geriatric; RD, renal impairment, Renal disease,including uremia; DRUGBANK 0.85 L/kg 0.7-1 L/kg Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 27.0 h 18-36 h DRUGBANK 13.5 h 7-20 h different study; DRUGBANK 525.0 mg/kg 525.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1.5 mEq/L 1.5 mEq/L PO, oral Lithium Carbonate Capsules and Tablets, Lithium Oral Solution (lithium); (lithium carbonate) PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1500 mg/day PO, oral Lithium Carbonate Capsules and Tablets, Lithium Oral Solution (lithium); (lithium carbonate) PDR 1200.0 mg/day 1200 mg/day PO, oral Lithium Carbonate Capsules and Tablets, Lithium Oral Solution (lithium); (lithium carbonate) PDR 1800.0 mg/day 1800 mg/day PO, oral Lithium Carbonate Capsules and Tablets, Lithium Oral Solution (lithium); (lithium carbonate) PDR 1.5 mEq/L 1.5 mEq/L PO, oral Lithium Carbonate Capsules and Tablets, Lithium Oral Solution (lithium); (lithium carbonate) PDR 20.0 mg/kg/day 20 mg/kg/day PO, oral Lithium Carbonate Capsules and Tablets, Lithium Oral Solution (lithium); (lithium carbonate) PDR 1.5 mEq/L 1.5 mEq/L PO, oral Lithium Carbonate Capsules and Tablets, Lithium Oral Solution (lithium); (lithium carbonate) PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1500 mg/day PO, oral Lithium Carbonate Capsules and Tablets, Lithium Oral Solution (lithium); (lithium carbonate) PDR 1.5 mEq/L 1.5 mEq/L PO, oral Lithium Carbonate Capsules and Tablets, Lithium Oral Solution (lithium); (lithium carbonate) PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1500 mg/day PO, oral Lithium Carbonate Capsules and Tablets, Lithium Oral Solution (lithium); (lithium carbonate) PDR 1.5 mEq/L 1.5 mEq/L PO, oral Lithium Carbonate Capsules and Tablets, Lithium Oral Solution (lithium); (lithium carbonate) PDR 1500.0 mg/day 1500 mg/day PO, oral Lithium Carbonate Capsules and Tablets, Lithium Oral Solution (lithium); (lithium carbonate) PDR DDPD14512 Mometasone furoate 521.429 C27H30Cl2O6 [H][C@@]12C[C@@H](C)[C@](OC(=O)C3=CC=CO3)(C(=O)CCl)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1(Cl)[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)C=C[C@]12C DB14512 47564 390091 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 11.0 % 11.0 % different study; increasing dosing frequency &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 0.7 % 0.7 % ointment; DRUGBANK 1.75 h 1.0-2.5 h inhalation, IH; DRUGBANK 90.0 L/h ~90 L/h DRUGBANK 0.762 L/h/kg 12.7 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 152.0 L 152.0 L Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 2.2 L/kg 2.2 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 5.0 h ~5 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 5.8 h 5.8 h different study; DRUGBANK 4.4 h 4.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 74.0 % ~74 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 8.0 % ~8 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 98.5 % 98-99 % high protein binding; DRUGBANK 1.0 application/day 1 application/day skin ointment Mometasone Furoate Topical Solution mometasone furoate PDR 0.2 mg/day 200 mcg/day nasal spray Mometasone Furoate Topical Solution mometasone furoate PDR 0.88 mg/day 880 mcg/day inhalation, IH Mometasone Furoate Topical Solution mometasone furoate PDR 0.8 mg/day 800 mcg/day inhalation, IH Mometasone Furoate Topical Solution mometasone furoate PDR 0.4 mg/day 400 mcg/day nasal spray Mometasone Furoate Topical Solution mometasone furoate PDR 0.88 mg/day 880 mcg/day inhalation, IH Mometasone Furoate Topical Solution mometasone furoate PDR 0.8 mg/day 800 mcg/day inhalation, IH Mometasone Furoate Topical Solution mometasone furoate PDR 0.4 mg/day 400 mcg/day nasal spray Mometasone Furoate Topical Solution mometasone furoate PDR 0.88 mg/day 880 mcg/day inhalation, IH Mometasone Furoate Topical Solution mometasone furoate PDR 0.8 mg/day 800 mcg/day inhalation, IH Mometasone Furoate Topical Solution mometasone furoate PDR 1.0 appLication/day 1 appLication/day skin ointment Mometasone Furoate Topical Solution mometasone furoate PDR 0.2 mg/day 200 mcg/day nasal spray Mometasone Furoate Topical Solution mometasone furoate PDR 0.88 mg/day 880 mcg/day inhalation, IH Mometasone Furoate Topical Solution mometasone furoate PDR 0.8 mg/day 800 mcg/day inhalation, IH Mometasone Furoate Topical Solution mometasone furoate PDR 1.0 appLication/day 1 appLication/day skin ointment Mometasone Furoate Topical Solution mometasone furoate PDR 0.1 mg/day 100 mcg/day nasal spray Mometasone Furoate Topical Solution mometasone furoate PDR 0.11 mg/day 110 mcg/day inhalation, IH Mometasone Furoate Topical Solution mometasone furoate PDR 0.2 mg/day 200 mcg/day inhalation, IH Mometasone Furoate Topical Solution mometasone furoate PDR 1.0 appLication/day 1 appLication/day skin ointment Mometasone Furoate Topical Solution mometasone furoate PDR 0.1 mg/day 100 mcg/day nasal spray Mometasone Furoate Topical Solution mometasone furoate PDR 0.11 mg/day 110 mcg/day inhalation, IH Mometasone Furoate Topical Solution mometasone furoate PDR 1.0 appLication/day 1 appLication/day skin ointment Mometasone Furoate Topical Solution mometasone furoate PDR 0.1 mg/day 100 mcg/day nasal spray Mometasone Furoate Topical Solution mometasone furoate PDR DDPD14513 Magnesium 26.321 H2Mg [MgH2] DB14513 16787263 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 50.0 % 24-76 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0 % 0 % DRUGBANK 31.325 L 13.65-49 L eclampsia; patients; DRUGBANK 1008.0 h ~42 day elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 20.0 % 20 % human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 13.0 % 12-14 % human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD14520 Tetraferric tricitrate decahydrate 967.803 C18H32Fe4O31 O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.[Fe+3].[Fe+3].[Fe+3].[Fe+3].[O-]C(=O)CC([O-])(CC([O-])=O)C([O-])=O.[O-]C(=O)CC([O-])(CC([O-])=O)C([O-])=O.[O-]C(=O)CC([O-])(CC([O-])=O)C([O-])=O DB14520 34993203 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 19.0 % 19.0 % Drug form; DRUGBANK 1487.0 mg/kg 1487.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1520.0 mg/kg 1520.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg 2000.0 mg/kg skin/dermal; rabbit; DRUGBANK DDPD14527 Chromic nitrate 238.0108 CrN3O9 [Cr+3].[O-][N+]([O-])=O.[O-][N+]([O-])=O.[O-][N+]([O-])=O DB14527 86204 23000 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.25 % 0.5-10 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 28.0 h 15-41 h DRUGBANK 155.0 mg/kg 135-175 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 79.5 mg/kg 46-113 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5 g/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3500.0 mg/kg 3.5 g/kg DRUGBANK 11300.0 mg/kg 11.3 g/kg DRUGBANK 3300.0 mg/kg 3.3 g/kg DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/kg 1.5 g/kg DRUGBANK 0.8 % 0.8 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % DRUGBANK DDPD14528 Chromium gluconate 637.437 C18H33CrO21 [Cr+3].OC[C@@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)C([O-])=O.OC[C@@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)C([O-])=O.OC[C@@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)C([O-])=O DB14528 32701256 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.25 % 0.5-10 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 28.0 h 15-41 h DRUGBANK 155.0 mg/kg 135-175 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 79.5 mg/kg 46-113 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5 g/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3500.0 mg/kg 3.5 g/kg DRUGBANK 11300.0 mg/kg 11.3 g/kg DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/kg 1.5 g/kg DRUGBANK 0.8 % 0.8 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % DRUGBANK DDPD14529 Chromium nicotinate 418.305 C18H12CrN3O6 [Cr+3].[O-]C(=O)C1=CN=CC=C1.[O-]C(=O)C1=CN=CC=C1.[O-]C(=O)C1=CN=CC=C1 DB14529 50368 8085563 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.25 % 0.5-10 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 28.0 h 15-41 h DRUGBANK 155.0 mg/kg 135-175 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 79.5 mg/kg 46-113 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5 g/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3500.0 mg/kg 3.5 g/kg DRUGBANK 11300.0 mg/kg 11.3 g/kg DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/kg 1.5 g/kg DRUGBANK 0.8 % 0.8 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % DRUGBANK DDPD14530 Chromous sulfate 148.05 CrO4S [Cr++].[O-]S([O-])(=O)=O DB14530 55589 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.25 % 0.5-10 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 28.0 h 15-41 h DRUGBANK 155.0 mg/kg 135-175 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK 79.5 mg/kg 46-113 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 2000.0 mg/kg >2000 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 5000.0 mg/kg >5 g/kg Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 3500.0 mg/kg 3.5 g/kg DRUGBANK 11300.0 mg/kg 11.3 g/kg DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/kg 1.5 g/kg DRUGBANK 0.8 % 0.8 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % DRUGBANK DDPD14533 Zinc chloride 136.315 Cl2Zn [Cl-].[Cl-].[Zn++] DB14533 49976 5525 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 33.0 % ~33 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0378 mg/h 0.63±0.39 ug/min normal,healthy; patients; DRUGBANK 366.0 h 4.5-26 day distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 10380.0 h 387-478 day elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD14539 Hydrocortisone acetate 404.4966 C23H32O6 [H][C@@]12CC[C@](O)(C(=O)COC(C)=O)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)CC[C@]12C DB14539 5744 17609 5542 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.0 h 6-8 h DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % DRUGBANK DDPD14540 Hydrocortisone butyrate 432.557 C25H36O6 [H][C@@]12CC[C@](OC(=O)CCC)(C(=O)CO)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)CC[C@]12C DB14540 31674 24344 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.0 h 6-8 h DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % DRUGBANK DDPD14541 Hydrocortisone cypionate 486.649 C29H42O6 [H][C@@]12CC[C@](O)(C(=O)COC(=O)CCC3CCCC3)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)CC[C@]12C DB14541 5783 193884 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.0 h 6-8 h DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % DRUGBANK DDPD14542 Hydrocortisone phosphate 442.445 C21H31O8P [H][C@@]12CC[C@](O)(C(=O)COP(O)(O)=O)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)CC[C@]12C DB14542 68634 390143 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.0 h 6-8 h DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % DRUGBANK DDPD14543 Hydrocortisone probutate 488.613 C28H40O7 [H][C@@]12CC[C@](OC(=O)CCC)(C(=O)COC(=O)CC)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)CC[C@]12C DB14543 636398 31675 552186 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.0 h 6-8 h DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % DRUGBANK DDPD14544 Hydrocortisone valerate 446.5763 C26H38O6 [H][C@@]12CC[C@](OC(=O)CCCC)(C(=O)CO)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)CC[C@]12C DB14544 5282494 50865 4445635 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 7.0 h 6-8 h DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % DRUGBANK DDPD14554 Dotatate 1435.63 C65H90N14O19S2 C[C@@H](O)[C@H](NC(=O)[C@@H]1CSSC[C@H](NC(=O)[C@@H](CC2=CC=CC=C2)NC(=O)CN2CCN(CC(O)=O)CCN(CC(O)=O)CCN(CC(O)=O)CC2)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC2=CC=C(O)C=C2)C(=O)N[C@H](CC2=CNC3=C2C=CC=C3)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(=O)N[C@@H]([C@@H](C)O)C(=O)N1)C(O)=O DB14554 9345959 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2.0 MBq/kg/dose 2 MBq/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Netspot gallium Ga 68 dotatate PDR 0.054 mCi/kg/dose 0.054 mCi/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Netspot gallium Ga 68 dotatate PDR 200.0 MBq/dose 200 MBq/dose intravenous injection, IV Netspot gallium Ga 68 dotatate PDR 5.4 mCi/dose 5.4 mCi/dose intravenous injection, IV Netspot gallium Ga 68 dotatate PDR 2.0 MBq/kg/dose 2 MBq/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Netspot gallium Ga 68 dotatate PDR 0.054 mCi/kg/dose 0.054 mCi/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Netspot gallium Ga 68 dotatate PDR 200.0 MBq/dose 200 MBq/dose intravenous injection, IV Netspot gallium Ga 68 dotatate PDR 5.4 mCi/dose 5.4 mCi/dose intravenous injection, IV Netspot gallium Ga 68 dotatate PDR 2.0 MBq/kg/dose 2 MBq/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Netspot gallium Ga 68 dotatate PDR 0.054 mCi/kg/dose 0.054 mCi/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Netspot gallium Ga 68 dotatate PDR 200.0 MBq/dose 200 MBq/dose intravenous injection, IV Netspot gallium Ga 68 dotatate PDR 5.4 mCi/dose 5.4 mCi/dose intravenous injection, IV Netspot gallium Ga 68 dotatate PDR 2.0 MBq/kg/dose 2 MBq/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Netspot gallium Ga 68 dotatate PDR 0.054 mCi/kg/dose 0.054 mCi/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Netspot gallium Ga 68 dotatate PDR 200.0 MBq/dose 200 MBq/dose intravenous injection, IV Netspot gallium Ga 68 dotatate PDR 5.4 mCi/dose 5.4 mCi/dose intravenous injection, IV Netspot gallium Ga 68 dotatate PDR 2.0 MBq/kg/dose 2 MBq/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Netspot gallium Ga 68 dotatate PDR 0.054 mCi/kg/dose 0.054 mCi/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Netspot gallium Ga 68 dotatate PDR 2.0 MBq/kg/dose 2 MBq/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Netspot gallium Ga 68 dotatate PDR 0.054 mCi/kg/dose 0.054 mCi/kg/dose intravenous injection, IV Netspot gallium Ga 68 dotatate PDR DDPD14568 Ivosidenib 582.97 C28H22ClF3N6O3 [H][C@@](N(C(=O)[C@]1([H])CCC(=O)N1C1=NC=CC(=C1)C#N)C1=CC(F)=CN=C1)(C(=O)NC1CC(F)(F)C1)C1=C(Cl)C=CC=C1 DB14568 145430 38772333 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 336.0 h 14.0 day Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 8.0 % <8 % DRUGBANK 4.3 L/h 4.3 L/h apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 234.0 L 234.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; at steady state; DRUGBANK 93.0 h 93 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 0.77 % 0.77 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.17 % 0.17 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 94.0 % 92-96 % plasma proteins; high protein binding; DRUGBANK DDPD14569 Tedizolid 370.344 C17H15FN6O3 CN1N=NC(=N1)C1=NC=C(C=C1)C1=C(F)C=C(C=C1)N1C[C@H](CO)OC1=O DB14569 82717 9409096 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 23800.0 ng.h/ml 23.8±6.8 mcg.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 26600.0 ng.h/ml 26.6±5.2 mcg.h/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 91.0 % ~91 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2000.0 ng/ml 2.0±0.7 mcg/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3000.0 ng/ml 3.0±0.7 mcg/ml intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2.5(1.0-8.0) h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.2 h 1.2(0.9-1.5) h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 72.0 h 3.0 day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 72.0 h 3.0 day intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 3.5 h 3.5(1.0-6.0) h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.1 h 1.1(0.9-1.5) h intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 6.9 L/h 6.9±1.7 L/h apparent clearance; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 8.4 L/h 8.4±2.1 L/h apparent clearance; at steady state; DRUGBANK 6.4 L/h 6.4±1.2 L/h Total clearance; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 5.9 L/h 5.9±1.4 L/h Total clearance; at steady state; DRUGBANK 0.0714 L/h/kg 1.19 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 73.5 L 67-80 L intravenous injection, IV; Single dose; DRUGBANK 108.0 L 108 ± 21 L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 113.3 L 113.3 ± 19.3 L Apparent volume of distribution; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 0.91 L/kg 0.91 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 12.0 h ~12 h DRUGBANK 10.16 h 10.16 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 82.0 % ~82 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 18.0 % ~18 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~70-90 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD14574 Cobalt 58.9332 Co [Co] DB14574 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/pdfs/ATSDR MRLs - May 2021 - H.pdf 27638 94547 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1e-07 mg/L 0.0001 mg/m3 inhalation, IH; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 0.01 mg/kg/day 0.01 mg/kg/day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 4.0 mSv 4.0 mSv intradermal; DRUGBANK 1.0 mSv/yr 1.0 mSv/yr intradermal; Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK DDPD14583 Segesterone acetate 370.489 C23H30O4 [H][C@@]12CC(=C)[C@](OC(C)=O)(C(C)=O)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@]1([H])[C@@]3([H])CCC(=O)C=C3CC[C@@]21[H] DB14583 135563 97161 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.147 ng/ml 1147.0 pg/ml Vaginal Administration; different medication cycle; DRUGBANK 0.363 ng/ml 363.0 pg/ml Vaginal Administration; different medication cycle; DRUGBANK 0.294 ng/ml 294.0 pg/ml Vaginal Administration; different medication cycle; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h Vaginal Administration; DRUGBANK 96.0 h 96.0 h Vaginal Administration; DRUGBANK 19.6 L/kg 19.6 L/kg DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4.5 h DRUGBANK 81.4 % ~81.4 % Faeces excretion; subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 7.62 % ~7.62 % Urinary excretion; subcutaneous injection, SC; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 95.0 % ~95 % DRUGBANK DDPD14596 Loteprednol etabonate 466.96 C24H31ClO7 [H][C@@]12CC[C@](OC(=O)OCC)(C(=O)OCCl)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)C=C[C@]12C DB14596 9865442 31784 http://www.drugs.com/international/loteprednol.html 392049 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.00021 L/h/kg 0.21±0.04 ml/h/kg Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 0.00241 L/h/kg 2.41±0.13 ml/h/kg Plasma clearance; DRUGBANK 3.7 L/kg 3.7 L/kg dog; DRUGBANK 2.8 h 2.8 h terminal half-life; dog; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 98.0 % ~98 % DRUGBANK 24.0 drop/day 24 drop/day ophthalmic administration Inveltys loteprednol etabonate PDR 4.0 drop/day 4 drop/day ophthalmic administration Inveltys loteprednol etabonate PDR 4.0 drop/day 4 drop/day ophthalmic administration Inveltys loteprednol etabonate PDR 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day ophthalmic administration Inveltys loteprednol etabonate PDR 24.0 drop/day 24 drop/day ophthalmic administration Inveltys loteprednol etabonate PDR 4.0 drop/day 4 drop/day ophthalmic administration Inveltys loteprednol etabonate PDR 4.0 drop/day 4 drop/day ophthalmic administration Inveltys loteprednol etabonate PDR 3.0 drop/day 3 drop/day ophthalmic administration Inveltys loteprednol etabonate PDR DDPD14598 Edetate calcium disodium anhydrous 374.268 C10H12CaN2Na2O8 [Na+].[Na+].[Ca++].[O-]C(=O)CN(CCN(CC([O-])=O)CC([O-])=O)CC([O-])=O DB14598 6109 4757 5883 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 5.0 % 5.0 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % DRUGBANK 1.89364161849711 L/h/m2 54.6 ml/min/1.73m2 Average clearance; Neonates; DRUGBANK 3.95028901734104 L/h/m2 113.9±24.4 ml/min/1.73m2 Average clearance; Children; Adolescents; DRUGBANK 0.19 L/kg 0.19±0.10 L/kg DRUGBANK 0.666666666666667 h 20-60 min DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 88.32 % 88.32 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 10.3 % 10.3 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 1500.0 mg/m2/day 1500 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Calcium Disodium Versenate edetate calcium disodium PDR 1500.0 mg/m2/day 1500 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Calcium Disodium Versenate edetate calcium disodium PDR 1500.0 mg/m2/day 1500 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Calcium Disodium Versenate edetate calcium disodium PDR 1500.0 mg/m2/day 1500 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Calcium Disodium Versenate edetate calcium disodium PDR 1500.0 mg/m2/day 1500 mg/m2/day intravenous injection, IV;IM,intramuscular injection; Calcium Disodium Versenate edetate calcium disodium PDR DDPD14600 Edetate disodium anhydrous 336.2063 C10H14N2Na2O8 [Na+].[Na+].OC(=O)CN(CCN(CC(O)=O)CC([O-])=O)CC([O-])=O DB14600 8759 64734 8429 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % DRUGBANK 95.0 % 95 % Urinary excretion; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 5.3 % 5.3 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 88.5 % 88.5 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD14631 Prednisolone phosphate 440.429 C21H29O8P [H][C@@]12CC[C@](O)(C(=O)COP(O)(O)=O)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)C=C[C@]12C DB14631 145705 65064 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 2426.1 ng.h/ml 2426.1±360.0 ng.h/ml Liquid; DRUGBANK 2408.1 ng.h/ml 2408.1±361.5 ng.h/ml Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 461.33 ng/ml 461.33±77.94 ng/ml Liquid; DRUGBANK 420.91 ng/ml 420.91±78.28 ng/ml Tablet, PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.46 L/kg 0.22-0.7 L/kg DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h DRUGBANK 80.0 % 70-90 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD14638 Diloxanide furoate 328.147 C14H11Cl2NO4 CN(C(=O)C(Cl)Cl)C1=CC=C(OC(=O)C2=CC=CO2)C=C1 DB14638 4601 18400 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 90.0 % 90.0 % Derivative; DRUGBANK 99.0 % 99 % DRUGBANK 1.0 % 1 % DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h DRUGBANK DDPD14669 Betamethasone phosphate 472.446 C22H30FO8P [H][C@@]12C[C@H](C)[C@](O)(C(=O)COP(O)(O)=O)[C@@]1(C)C[C@H](O)[C@@]1(F)[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)C=C[C@]12C DB14669 68603 96937 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 506.95 ng.h/ml 506.95±125.03 ng.h/ml IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 506.95 ng.h/ml 506.95±125.03 ng.h/ml IM,intramuscular injection; Derivative; DRUGBANK 33.21 ng/ml 33.21±8.71 ng/ml IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 33.21 ng/ml 33.21±8.71 ng/ml IM,intramuscular injection; Derivative; DRUGBANK 1.56 h 1.56±1.32 h IM,intramuscular injection; DRUGBANK 1.56 h 1.56±1.32 h IM,intramuscular injection; Derivative; DRUGBANK 12.62 L/h 12.62±3.45 L/h IM,intramuscular injection; Drug combination; DRUGBANK 226.0 L 226.00±61.64 L IM,intramuscular injection; Drug combination; DRUGBANK 12.47 h 12.47±1.91 h DRUGBANK DDPD14674 Estramustine phosphate 520.38 C23H32Cl2NO6P [H][C@@]12CC[C@H](OP(O)(O)=O)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@]1([H])C3=C(CC[C@@]21[H])C=C(OC(=O)N(CCCl)CCCl)C=C3 DB14674 68643 227633 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0564 L/h/kg 0.94 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.12 L/kg 0.12 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.4 h 2.4 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD14723 Larotrectinib 428.444 C21H22F2N6O2 O[C@H]1CCN(C1)C(=O)NC1=C2N=C(C=CN2N=C1)N1CCC[C@@H]1C1=C(F)C=CC(F)=C1 DB14723 44210503 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4351.0 ng.h/ml 4351.0 ng.h/ml Capsule, PO, Oral; adults; DRUGBANK 34.0 % 34(32-37) % Capsule, PO, Oral; DRUGBANK 788.0 ng/ml 788.0 ng/ml Capsule, PO, Oral; adults; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h Capsule, PO, Oral; adults; DRUGBANK 72.0 h 3.0 day Capsule, PO, Oral; adults; DRUGBANK 98.0 L/h 98.0 L/h Average clearance; DRUGBANK 48.0 L 48.0 L Average volume of distribution; intravenous injection, IV; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 2.9 h 2.9 h DRUGBANK 58.0 % 58 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 39.0 % 39 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 2.9 % 2.9 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 7.8 % 7.8 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 70.0 % ~70 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; Plasma Concentration &#8594; ; DRUGBANK 100.0 mg 100 mg PO, oral bid Vitrakvi larotrectinib PDR 100.0 mg/m2 100 mg/m2 PO, oral bid Vitrakvi larotrectinib PDR 100.0 mg 100 mg PO, oral bid Vitrakvi larotrectinib PDR 100.0 mg 100 mg PO, oral bid Vitrakvi larotrectinib PDR 100.0 mg 100 mg PO, oral bid Vitrakvi larotrectinib PDR 100.0 mg/m2 100 mg/m2 PO, oral q2d Vitrakvi larotrectinib PDR DDPD14754 Solriamfetol 194.234 C10H14N2O2 N[C@@H](COC(N)=O)CC1=CC=CC=C1 DB14754 8305853 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 95.0 % ~95 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2(1.25-3) h PO, oral; fasting; DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3.0 h PO, oral; high-fat meal; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % DRUGBANK 18.2 L/h 18.2 L/h Renal clearance; DRUGBANK 19.5 L/h 19.5 L/h Total clearance; DRUGBANK 18.4 L/h 18.4±4.2 L/h fasting; DRUGBANK 18.4 L/h 18.8±4.2 L/h food; DRUGBANK 199.0 L 199.0 L DRUGBANK 158.2 L 158.2±37.3 L fasting; DRUGBANK 159.8 L 159.8±38.9 L food; DRUGBANK 7.1 h 7.1 h DRUGBANK 6.1 h 6.1±1.2 h fasting; DRUGBANK 5.9 h 5.9±1.2 h food; DRUGBANK 16.35 % 13.3-19.4 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD14761 Remdesivir 602.585 C27H35N6O8P CCC(CC)COC(=O)[C@H](C)N[P@](=O)(OC[C@H]1O[C@](C#N)([C@H](O)[C@@H]1O)C1=CC=C2N1N=CN=C2N)OC1=CC=CC=C1 DB14761 145994 58827832 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.39 h 0.39 h elimination half-life; intravenous injection, IV; non-human primate; DRUGBANK 14.0 h 14 h Metabolite; non-human primate; DRUGBANK 20.0 h ~20 h Metabolite; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 74.0 % 74 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 18.0 % 18 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK DDPD14783 Diroximel fumarate 255.226 C11H13NO6 COC(=O)\C=C\C(=O)OCCN1C(=O)CCC1=O DB14783 57423290 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1466.66666666667 ng.h/ml 88.0 mg.min/L PO, oral; multiple sclerosis; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 2110.0 ng/ml 2.11 mg/L PO, oral; DRUGBANK 2.75 h 2.5-3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1.54 mg/L 1.54 mg/L Average clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 77.5 L 72-83 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 1.0 h 1 h terminal half-life; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 2240.0 mg/kg 2240.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 924.0 mg/day 924 mg/day PO, oral Vumerity diroximel fumarate PDR 924.0 mg/day 924 mg/day PO, oral Vumerity diroximel fumarate PDR DDPD14840 Ripretinib 510.367 C24H21BrFN5O2 CCN1C(=O)C(=CC2=C1C=C(NC)N=C2)C1=C(Br)C=C(F)C(NC(=O)NC2=CC=CC=C2)=C1 DB14840 67886378 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4.0 h 4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 336.0 h 14.0 day PO, oral; DRUGBANK 47.25 L/h 15.3-79.2 L/h apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 307.0 L 307.0 L Average volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 14.8 h 14.8 h DRUGBANK 34.0 % 34 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 0.2 % 0.2 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % DRUGBANK DDPD14879 Cefiderocol 752.21 C30H34ClN7O10S2 [H][C@]12SCC(C[N+]3(CCNC(=O)C4=C(Cl)C(O)=C(O)C=C4)CCCC3)=C(N1C(=O)[C@H]2NC(=O)C(=N/OC(C)(C)C(O)=O)\C1=CSC(N)=N1)C([O-])=O DB14879 52084902 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 386000.0 ng.h/ml 386.0 mg.h/l normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 394700.0 ng.h/ml 394.7 mg.h/l intravenous injection, IV; complicated urinary tract infections; DRUGBANK 89700.0 ng/ml 89.7 mg/L normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 138000.0 ng/ml 138.0 mg/L intravenous injection, IV; complicated urinary tract infections; DRUGBANK 5.18 L/h 5.18 L/h Average clearance; DRUGBANK 18.0 L 18.0 L Average volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 98.6 % 98.6 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 2.8 % 2.8 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 89.3 % 89.3 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 50.0 % 40-60 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD14881 Oliceridine 386.55 C22H30N2O2S COC1=C(CNCC[C@]2(CCOC3(CCCC3)C2)C2=NC=CC=C2)SC=C1 DB14881 30841043 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.4134 L/h/kg 6.89 ml/min/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.78 L/kg 0.78 L/kg intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 1.8 h 1.8 h intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK DDPD14914 Flortaucipir F-18 262.278 C16H10FN3 [18F]C1=CC=C(C=N1)C1=CC=C2C(NC3=C2C=NC=C3)=C1 DB14914 32701063 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0833333333333333 h 5 min intravenous injection, IV; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 0.283333333333333 h 17.0±4.2 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 0.301666666666667 h 18.1±5.8 min Metabolite; distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 0.04 h 2.4±0.5 min Metabolite; elimination half-life; DRUGBANK DDPD14975 Voxelotor 337.379 C19H19N3O3 CC(C)N1N=CC=C1C1=C(COC2=CC=CC(O)=C2C=O)C=CC=N1 DB14975 37999268 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 4950000.0 ug.h/ml 4950.0 ug.h/ml Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 9610000.0 ug.h/ml 9610.0 ug.h/ml Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 4000000.0 ug.h/ml 4000.0 ug.h/ml Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.7 L/h 6.7 L/h apparent clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 338.0 L 338.0 L Total volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 72.2 L 72.2 L Total volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 35.5 h 35.5 h elimination half-life; sickle cell disease; patients; DRUGBANK 1440.0 h 60 day DRUGBANK 50.0 h 50 h elimination half-life; sickle cell disease; patients; different study; DRUGBANK 73.0 h 61-85 h elimination half-life; normal,healthy; patients; different study; DRUGBANK 62.6 % 62.6 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 35.5 % 35.5 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 20.8 % ~20.8 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.03 % ~0.03 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 99.8 % 99.8 % high protein binding; DRUGBANK DDPD15035 Zanubrutinib 471.561 C27H29N5O3 NC(=O)C1=C2NCC[C@@H](C3CCN(CC3)C(=O)C=C)N2N=C1C1=CC=C(OC2=CC=CC=C2)C=C1 DB15035 64835237 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 314.0 ng/ml 314.0 ng/ml Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 543.0 ng/ml 543.0 ng/ml Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 182.0 L/h 182.0 L/h apparent clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 881.0 L 881.0 L Steady state volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 3.0 h ~2-4 h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 87.0 % ~87 % Faeces excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 8.0 % ~8 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.08 % ~0.08 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 94.0 % ~94 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD15091 Upadacitinib 380.375 C17H19F3N6O CC[C@@H]1CN(C[C@@H]1C1=CN=C2C=NC3=C(C=CN3)N12)C(=O)NCC(F)(F)F DB15091 44210449 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.0 h 2-4 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 96.0 h 4.0 day Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 79.0 % 79 % Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 13.0 % 13 % DRUGBANK 53.7 L/h 53.7 L/h apparent clearance; PO, oral; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 224.0 L 224.0 L PO, oral; rheumatoid arthritis; patients; DRUGBANK 294.0 L 294.0 L Steady state volume of distribution; normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 11.0 h 8-14 h elimination half-life; extended release formulation; DRUGBANK 14500.0 mg/kg 14500.0 mg/kg PO, oral; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK 53.0 % ~53 % Faeces excretion; Single dose; DRUGBANK 43.0 % ~43 % Urinary excretion; Single dose; DRUGBANK 20.14 % ~20.14 % Faeces excretion; Single dose; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 10.32 % ~10.32 % Urinary excretion; Single dose; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 52.0 % 52 % plasma proteins; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Rinvoq upadacitinib PDR 15.0 mg/day 15 mg/day PO, oral Rinvoq upadacitinib PDR DDPD15102 Pemigatinib 487.508 C24H27F2N5O4 CCN1C(=O)N(CC2=CN=C3NC(CN4CCOCC4)=CC3=C12)C1=C(F)C(OC)=CC(OC)=C1F DB15102 68007304 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1277270.96 ng.h 2620.0 nM.h Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 115.051888 ng/ml 236.0 nM Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 1.13 h 1.13(0.5-6) h Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 96.0 h 4.0 day Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 10.6 L/h 10.6 L/h apparent clearance; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 235.0 L 235.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 15.4 h 15.4 h elimination half-life; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 82.4 % 82.4 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 12.6 % ~12.6 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 1.15 % ~1.15 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.126 % ~0.126 % Urinary excretion; Oral single dose; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 90.6 % 90.6 % DRUGBANK DDPD15233 Avapritinib 498.57 C26H27FN10 CN1C=C(C=N1)C1=CN2N=CN=C(N3CCN(CC3)C3=NC=C(C=N3)[C@@](C)(N)C3=CC=C(F)C=C3)C2=C1 DB15233 58828673 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 15400.0 ng.h/ml 15400.0 ng.h/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 813.0 ng/ml 813.0 ng/ml PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.05 h 2.0-4.1 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 49.0 % 49 % Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 35.0 % 35 % DRUGBANK 14.0 % 14 % DRUGBANK 19.5 L/h 19.5 L/h apparent clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1200.0 L 1200.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 44.5 h 32-57 h DRUGBANK 70.0 % 70 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 0.23 % 0.23 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 7.7 % 7.7 % Faeces excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 0.04 % 0.04 % Urinary excretion; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 98.8 % 98.8 % DRUGBANK DDPD15305 Risdiplam 401.474 C22H23N7O CC1=CN2N=C(C=C(C)C2=N1)C1=CC(=O)N2C=C(C=CC2=N1)N1CCNC2(CC2)C1 DB15305 67886354 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 3.0 h 3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK DDPD15328 Ubrogepant 549.554 C29H26F3N5O3 C[C@@H]1[C@@H](C[C@H](NC(=O)C2=CN=C3C[C@]4(CC3=C2)C(=O)NC2=NC=CC=C42)C(=O)N1CC(F)(F)F)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB15328 28536135 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1.1 h 0.7-1.5 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 3.1 h 2.7-3.5 h PO, oral; high-fat meal; high-fat meal &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 87.0 L/h ~87 L/h apparent clearance; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 350.0 L 350.0 L Total volume of distribution; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 5-7 h elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 42.0 % ~42 % Faeces excretion; Oral single dose; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 6.0 % ~6 % Urinary excretion; PO, oral; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 87.0 % 87 % high protein binding; DRUGBANK DDPD15444 Elexacaftor 597.66 C26H34F3N7O4S C[C@@H]1CN(C2=NC(=CC=C2C(=O)NS(=O)(=O)C2=CN(C)N=C2C)N2C=CC(OCC(C)(C)C(F)(F)F)=N2)C(C)(C)C1 DB15444 75531299 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 162000.0 ng.h/ml 162.0 mcg.h/ml Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 80.0 % ~80 % PO, oral; DRUGBANK 8700.0 ng/ml 8.7 mcg/ml Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 6.0 h 6 h Oral multiple dose; DRUGBANK 1.18 L/h 1.18 L/h apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 53.7 L 53.7 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 24.7 h ~24.7 h terminal half-life; DRUGBANK 87.3 % ~87.3 % Faeces excretion; DRUGBANK 0.23 % 0.23 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 99.0 % >99 % plasma proteins; DRUGBANK DDPD15465 Benzhydrocodone 403.478 C25H25NO4 [H][C@@]12OC3=C(OC)C=CC4=C3[C@@]11CCN(C)[C@]([H])(C4)[C@]1([H])CC=C2OC(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1 DB15465 34222482 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 125.73 ng.h/ml 125.73 ng.h/ml Oral single dose; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 19.18 ng/ml 19.18 ng/ml Oral single dose; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 1.25 h 1.25 h Oral single dose; Active metabolite; DRUGBANK 64.4 L/h 64.4 L/h apparent clearance; DRUGBANK 714.0 L 714.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; DRUGBANK 4.5 h 4.5 h elimination half-life; Metabolite; DRUGBANK DDPD15494 Edotreotide gallium Ga-68 1486.55 C65H89GaN14O18S2 [68Ga+3].C[C@@H](O)[C@@H](CO)NC(=O)[C@@H]1CSSC[C@H](NC(=O)[C@@H](CC2=CC=CC=C2)NC(=O)CN2CCN(CC([O-])=O)CCN(CC([O-])=O)CCN(CC([O-])=O)CC2)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC2=CC=C(O)C=C2)C(=O)N[C@H](CC2=CNC3=C2C=CC=C3)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(=O)N[C@@H]([C@@H](C)O)C(=O)N1 DB15494 52083916 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 0.0 % ~0 % DRUGBANK 1.13333333333333 h 68 min radioactive half-life; DRUGBANK 0.0333333333333333 h 2.0±0.3 min distribution half-life; DRUGBANK 0.8 h 48±7 min elimination half-life; DRUGBANK 16.0 % 16 % Urinary excretion; DRUGBANK 80.0 % >80 % Urinary excretion; animals; DRUGBANK 1.0 % <1 % Faeces excretion; animals; DRUGBANK DDPD15566 Prednisolone acetate 402.4807 C23H30O6 [H][C@@]12CC[C@](O)(C(=O)COC(C)=O)[C@@]1(C)C[C@]([H])(O)[C@@]1([H])[C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)C=C[C@]12C DB15566 5834 8380 5629 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 1999.4 ng.h/ml 1999.4 ng.h/ml Liquid; DRUGBANK 321.1 ng/hr 321.1 ng/hr Liquid; DRUGBANK 1.5 h 1-2 h Liquid; DRUGBANK 0.46 L/kg 0.22-0.7 L/kg DRUGBANK 2.5 h 2-3 h elimination half-life; PO, oral; DRUGBANK 1680.0 mg/kg 1680.0 mg/kg PO, oral; mouse; DRUGBANK DDPD15594 Brilliant blue G 854.02 C47H48N3NaO7S2 [Na+].CCOC1=CC=C(NC2=CC=C(C=C2)C(=C2\C=C/C(/C=C2C)=[N+](/CC)CC2=CC(=CC=C2)S([O-])(=O)=O)\C2=C(C)C=C(C=C2)N(CC)CC2=CC(=CC=C2)S([O-])(=O)=O)C=C1 DB15594 4884338 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 100.0 mg/kg 100.0 mg/kg Intraperitoneal, IP; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD15598 Ferric maltol 431.154 C18H15FeO9 [Fe+3].CC1=C([O-])C(=O)C=CO1.CC1=C([O-])C(=O)C=CO1.CC1=C([O-])C(=O)C=CO1 DB15598 148265 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 113.5 ng.h/ml 0.022-0.205 ug.h/ml DRUGBANK 20365.0 ng.h/ml 9.83-30.9 ug.h/ml Derivative; DRUGBANK 14.0 % ~14 % DRUGBANK 2.25 h 1.5-3 h PO, oral; DRUGBANK 0.7 h 0.7 h DRUGBANK DDPD15617 Ferric derisomaltose 562.297 C18H34FeO16 [Fe+3].OC[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H](O)CO[C@H]1O[C@H](CO[C@H]2O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]2O)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]1O DB15617 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 17730000.0 ng.h/ml 17730.0 ug.h/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 408000.0 ng/ml 408.0 ug/ml Oral single dose; DRUGBANK 168.0 h 7 day DRUGBANK 3.0 L 3.0 L intravenous injection, IV; adults; DRUGBANK 60.0 h ~1-4 day elimination half-life; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 140.0 mg/kg 140.0 mg/kg intravenous injection, IV; Male, men; Rattus, Rat; DRUGBANK DDPD15685 Selpercatinib 525.613 C29H31N7O3 COC1=NC=C(CN2C3CC2CN(C3)C2=CC=C(C=N2)C2=CC(OCC(C)(C)O)=CN3N=CC(C#N)=C23)C=C1 DB15685 72379991 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 51600.0 null 51600.0 null tumor; DRUGBANK 73.0 % 73(60-82) % tumor; DRUGBANK 2980.0 null 2980.0 null tumor; DRUGBANK 2.0 h 2 h tumor; DRUGBANK 168.0 h 7.0 day tumor; DRUGBANK 6.0 L/h 6.0 L/h apparent clearance; gaining weight &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 191.0 L 191.0 L Apparent volume of distribution; gaining weight &#8593; ; DRUGBANK 32.0 h 32 h normal,healthy; DRUGBANK 69.0 % 69 % Faeces excretion; Single dose; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 24.0 % 24 % Urinary excretion; Single dose; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; DRUGBANK 9.6 % 9.6 % Faeces excretion; Single dose; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 2.88 % 2.88 % Urinary excretion; Single dose; normal,healthy; human, homo sapiens; Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 97.0 % 97 % high protein binding; Plasma Concentration &#8594; ; DRUGBANK DDPD15690 Fluoroestradiol F-18 289.381 C18H23FO2 [H][C@@]12C[C@@H]([18F])[C@H](O)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@]1([H])C3=C(CC[C@@]21[H])C=C(O)C=C3 DB15690 9045262 -2.0 - -2.0 - DRUGBANK 10.0 % 10 % Unchanged drug; DRUGBANK 95.0 % ~95 % plasma proteins; intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK 95.0 % <95 % intravenous injection, IV; DRUGBANK